How to maintain good relationships with friends. How to maintain good relationships with your best friend forever

Most girls are wondering, "How to establish relationships with your friends"? And this is really a problem, because the guy has to "break" between his beloved and friends.

It often happens that the girl sets up a guy against his friends, or friends set up a guy against his girl. And in that and in another case there is a personal interest that moves people.

Basically, such intrigues do not lead to anything good. In this article we will give advice by listening to which you will pay a relationship with your friends, making them your friends too.

If you frankly hate his friends, then you will have harder, since hatred prevents reason to make the right actions. Immediately warn that before building relationships with his friends, you need to throw out all the insults and negative from our heads, which has accumulated to them, otherwise, nothing will happen.

Do not repel, and attract

Most girls make a big mistake, forbidding their beloved to communicate with friends, under the pretext that "those are badly influenced." Maybe, but you do not solve the ban on the ban, but on the contrary, provoke a lie and deception, to which you have to go to your beloved, so as not to lose you or friends. Be higher than this.

Do not forbid him to see friends, go to the meeting with him. Believe me that for a man is something more than for a girlfriend. A good friend, it's like a brother, so do not try to destroy such friendship.

Go with your guy together, and even better, invite his friends to your home. Print a lot of tastes, fit beautifully, let them play in the prefix or watch football, and at this time are engaged in women's affairs: disassemble the wardrobe, prepare cookies or make a manicure.

Friends will be amazed what you are beautiful, kind and caring and here are two options for the development of events: if these are good friends, then they will tell you the guy that he is very lucky that you have a cool girl, and if friends, to put it mildly, not Very, they will begin to "glue" to you, which is definitely not like your guy.

In the first case, you will become the subject of their admiration, in the second, the guy will simply stop communicating with them, as the proprietary instinct will turn on. Remember, in this situation, good and femininity is the most powerful weapon.

To enjoy his friends, you need to treat them as to your brothers: respect, congratulate the day of birth, be hospitable when the guy invites them, etc. Do not roll scandals if they come suddenly. The scandal will only lead to the fact that your favorite will go with friends, slamming the door. And you do not want to remain crying alone?!

In no case do not rine and do not talk about his friends bad, otherwise he will begin to defend them, with the result that you will remain bad. Speak which kind of good, fun and interesting. It will help to establish relationships, and even cause the jealousy of your guy. In any case, the guy wants to be with you even stronger, because you are so kind, beautiful and good, and also because he is jealous of you to his friends. Perhaps he wants to spend more time with you, and not with them.

Praise, respect and listen to your man, then friends will begin to respect you.

Thanks for attention. I wish good luck, happiness, mutual understanding and a lot of love ...


Friends are always supported in difficult moments. They are encouraged when it seems that everything is lost, and will be happy with you when your life presents a pleasant surprise. How to establish relationships with friends if a black cat suddenly run between you? So that friends do not leave you, you need to constantly feed your relationship.

How to establish a relationship with friends

Make the first step to a friend towards. There is no point in walking with a head down, because everyone forgot about you. Perhaps the essence of the problem is that you can not show the initiative.

Analyze your relationship with friends who usually calls the first and organizes meetings. To establish relationships with friends, do not wait for a friend of you somewhere to go or talk, such a moment may not come. The smaller you show the initiative, the greater the likelihood of deterioration of relationships with a friend.

Agree on some traditional meetings. Suppose, in student times you had a funny company, and now she broke up. You can assign a traditional date when you can meet.

For example, it may be the last Saturday of the month or the first day in the season. It all depends on your desire and opportunities.

Another true way how to establish relationships with friends, start friendly by families. The most common reason for which friends are moving is the new family life of each of them. Work, marriage, children - all this, naturally, changes the attitude towards himself and to friends.

Call your girlfriend or to a friend and invite to leave somewhere with families. With a subsequent meeting, you will have a great reason for discussions. After some time, you will even forget how it was possible to spend your free weekends in a different way.

Consider the financial position of your friends. No need to call them in a fashionable and expensive restaurant if you know exactly that friends have financial difficulties. It can upset them and cause unpleasant emotions. They will start less rarely with you, and then completely disappear from your life.

If you see that the reason for your separation was serious, do not copy the whole negative and do not delay for tomorrow. Understand what exactly you expect from a newly acquired relationship that you could give to re-establish relationships with friends, and what should understand your friend.

Always remember - the shallowness does not lead to anything good. Remembering conflicts, reconciliation will not happen. If you are expensive for you, we sincerely show your friends that they really need them. Chat "souls" with a better friend or girlfriend, tell me that you really lack the former friendship.

How to strengthen friendship

How often can I hear: "He is my friend!" Friend. Sometimes there is no closer than this person. Relationship with him is friendship. She, like friends, is different. Friendship begins by chance, but can last a lifetime if you know how to strengthen friendship.

Friendship does not tolerate insincerity. Be sincere with those with whom are friends. Try to never talk about what you do not think. And if they already said or promised, then keep your word. If you can't do something, then tell about it honestly and straight.

Find a time for friends. Find a minute to strengthen friendship: call and ask how you are, ask about health. Write a letter if someone is far away. You are interested in their lives, the life of their loved ones. Do not forget to congratulate on the holidays. Let me understand that they and their friendship is important for you.

Do not betray! If you really trust you, then let all information remain confidential. If you are talking about your problems, it means you trust you, your opinion appreciate. Losing trust once it is no longer possible to return it back.

Be careful! Head to support, encourage your friends. Be close to the difficult moments for them. Only so you can strengthen friendship. Remember, a friend is known in trouble. And if not you, then who is then?

Head to respect the choice of those people who call friends. Even if in some situations you disagree with them, you can give advice, but the choice remains, alas, not for you. You can not understand, but to take obliged.

Do not forget to praise and do not envy! A friend knows not only in trouble!

Learn to recognize your guilt and ask for forgiveness. There are different situations. A bad mood, an incomprehensible look, misunderstanding a joke ... Acknowledged in your mistakes is not at all ashamed. But you can strengthen friendship and get the support of your friends at the right time.

Learn to forgive! Having hurt, crushed, did it hurt? But if they sound the words apologize, then it is worth forgive. Just to forgive and be friends further. After all, friendship may interrupt because of the trifle.

Tips How to strengthen the friendship is completely simple, but at the same time complex. But the quality of friendship, in essence, depends on the person himself, his essence. What a person is his love and friendship! How to strengthen friendship? Just friends!

A person simply needs a person who understood and supported in difficult moments. There are no ideal among people, there are no invulnerable. We are all wounds, weak to one degree or another. Therefore, concern is so necessary. Verify those who value you. Friends are not a lot!

How to strengthen friendship

If you have knowledge of five love languages, you will be easier to strengthen friendship, because you will know how to support and calm your friend, what way to behave with him. Read the story of one friendship, maybe she will help you to realize how to strengthen friendship.

Sorrow Bet

Friendship develops and strengthened when you speak with each other in your understandable Love language. Trycia and Beth were familiar with the eighth grade. In school, they were both fond of chirilding, not missing a single match. Girls in their colorful costumes made up tens of rides on sports buses.

In the graduation class both met with the players' guys. Tricks with Ranley, Defender, and Beth - with Joe, rear-running. The year has passed very fun and actively, but ended, unfortunately, tragic.

Before the release of Joe, being in a state of alcohol intoxication, died in a car catastrophe. Beth needed to prepare for final exams, but her heart burst into pain.

That summer Trysia and Beth spent a lot of time together. Trycia accompanied the girlfriend to church rehabilitation classes. She listened to her stories about relationships with Joe and noticed that Beth became easier and easier.

Once Beth remembered how she asked Joe to leave to drink. "If he only listened to me," the girl sobbed. Trycia sympathetically listened to the girlfriend, from time to time asking her questions (she knew that thus the pain of loss would pass faster).

When tears came up in front of Beth, Trysia hugged her and they broke together. That summer they often talked and cried.

Before that, Beth was going to flow into college, but now he felt emotionally not ready for study. Therefore, she got a job in his hometown, saying goodbye to the trini.

The latter was terribly not wanted to leave his girlfriend, but she understood that life was going on and nothing would be done with it. For her, this meant arrival in college. Perhaps, she chose the psychology of human relations as a facultative subject.

Revelation of Tritia

In these classes, she met the concept of five languages \u200b\u200bof love and immediately realized that Beth's main language was undivided, and the second most important is physical contact. This meant that, herself was not aware of, she expressed his love all summer in her native languages.

It was very pleased. She also received an answer to his prayer question: "How to help Bet overcome the crisis?" Now Tricks knew exactly what her girlfriend really needs. She firmly decided that the weekend would always be returned home and spend as much time with it.

A few weeks later she suggested Beth to come to her in the student town on Saturday and Sunday. The whole semester was devoted to the healing of the girlfriend, and by January, Beth also entered the college. She was ready to go further in life. Her heart overwhelmed the gratitude of Tricia.

Years of student life passed. Trycia married Randy, and Beth - for the guy with whom she met in the university. The girls were driving in different cities and began to equip their family life. Once in three or four months, the pollows were called, sharing the news.

Time was flying unnoticed, but at least once a year Beth and Tricks tried to spend the day off together in their hometown. Everything went wonderful until once in the summer, during his next meeting with the girlfriend. Trycia did not admit to Beth, which suspects her husband in treason. Her fears were justified - after half a year, Randy threw his wife. Tricia was desperate.

But Beth did not forget how once a girlfriend helped her overcome the sorrow, and decided to help Tricia, he had previously asked the Council with her husband. Beth knew that the main language of the love of trusses is help. They spoke many times on this topic.

In addition, Trycia often complained that Randy did not help her by farm. Beth and her husband offered trusses to move to them to the city, promising to find accommodation for her, work and help her cope with the pain of rejection. Trycia reacted positively.

Beth and Seth surrounded by a woman with love and care, until her sincere equilibrium was completely restored. Real friends will definitely come to help in a difficult moment. And if they have studied five languages \u200b\u200bof love, they can help even more efficiently.

Friends you have at home.

For some people, their own parents remain friends, even when children are already large enough. Of course, in this, first of all, the merit of the parents themselves, who have enough patience for regular listening to the description of the events in the life of children. Even if it is just shopping stories in stores, a discussion of telecast and relationships with other people.

Remember that your parents have their own interests, hobbies, and life is full of events that have nothing to do with you. Try to be attentive to them, learning to listen to them in turn.

Meetings with friends for personal communication.

Probably, you like to meet friends in the warm season, when you can safely sit and chat in a cafe or just stroll, enjoying warmth and communication.

And if there is snow outside the window, or that way, rain? Would you like an extra once to leave the house to meet with friends. It can be just bad weather and will help more frankly conversation with a friend or girlfriend, immersing you into a slight depression. In any case, a cafe with hot chocolate and coffee work at all times.

Most purchases are best done on their own. This will help keep quite large sums as a result, simply without buying the same thing that your companions are bought. However, there are some things for which it is better to go with friends.

These include clothing for important events (for example, for the first date), sportswear and swimsuits. It is the purchase of a swimsuit that requires a frank opinion of a person who treats you friendly and can express your opinion as a swimsuit on you, whether the color, shape and drawing. In addition, such purchases are becoming useful for your friends, i.e. real actions demonstrate good attitude towards you

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Relationships with friends is an integral part of a person's life that makes our days brighter, warmer and more interesting. Friends can be closer and relative than the blood relatives. But, it often happens that in life, people lose touch with friends for various reasons. Moving to another city can provoke a weakening of friendly connections. Quarrels, discrepancy in views, employment, and much more, can destroy friendship. What to do in this case? No need to despair - if it did not work out or restore good relationships with old friends, you can try to establish a connection with new ones. How to do it? Read below 10 tips that will help build healthy and strong friendly relationships.

1. Be sincere.

If you met people, and you want to get close to them and make friends, you need to take a rule - always be sincere. Open and sincere people attract the surrounding, attract and bribe the lack of delicacy, simplicity and ease of communication. From such a person never and no one will wait for a trick, so those surrounding are not afraid to open in front of him. Sincerity will help not only build friendship, but also to understand better people, because seeing our openness, people will open in response.

2. Be initiative.

In one wise book, called the "Bible", is written simple, but actual to this day phrase. "Who wants to have friends, he must be friendly." If you want people to easily go to contact, start managing the initiative. Make the first steps, and do not expect someone to suit and speak first, or will invite to a party. Showing the initiative, you get more chances to find faithful and fun friends than if you were waiting for when the first steps they would do.

3. Do not be obsessive.

The initiative in building friendly relations is very important, but it is very important at the same time to keep the balance and try not to be too intrusive. At the stage of acquaintance and rapprochement, many may not be ready for the rapid development of relationships, and frequent calls and invitations may seem obsessive people. Be vigilant, and you can feel when it is better not to remind yourself once again, and when you can go on rapprochement.

4. Be open to communication.

In building new friendly connections, it is important to be initiative, but it often happens that people chosen by us are responsible for reciprocity and also do not mind, it is more common to meet and spend time together. In this case, you need to try to be as open as possible. If each attempt to invite to cinema, coffee or a picnic will end up with refusal, albeit for good reasons, a person will simply lose interest and will not increase efforts to establish a friendly communication.

5. Show participation.

Friends are not only partners in a pleasant time. This is a reliable support and support for each other. With friends, we can share the sorrows and joys, discuss exciting questions, ask for advice from them. Sometimes friends can need our help, and as it is possible to help. Friendship is such relationships in which partners can at least partially count on each other's help. Therefore, if you want to strengthen your friendship or build new connections, you need to be prepared for the fact that at times you need to be separable to the problems and difficulties of surrounding people. Show participation, encourage, help the Council, and it may bring you closer much stronger than a hundred watches in a cafe for a cup of tea. No wonder the ancient saying it says that friends find out in trouble.

6. Find time.

The modern pace of life is so high-speed that people often do not have time to pay a lot of time to maintain friendly relations. From here and the epidemic of loneliness, which especially touched the inhabitants of large cities. But, as a fire is supported, throwing on firepries and friendly relationships need to be invested in their time. Learn to distribute your time so that no sphere of your life suffers from the lack of time. If you wisely approach the organization of time, everything can be time.

7. Do not hurry.

Everything is your time, and if you enable the relationship to develop naturally, without speeding up events, they will be much stronger and healthier. It often happens that people get together too quickly, set themselves common goals, spend a lot of time together, and then burn out one moment. Well, if such an early relationship simply breaks down, and over time, pain and disappointment will be held. But practice shows that such connections are more often ending with explosive conflicts.

8. Do not leave development.

Meetings with friends, communication, mutual assistance and simply joint entertainment - this is all needed to feel the completeness of life, feel happy and filled with impressions. But it is not necessary to do all this to the detriment of its own development. Life does not stand still, and your friends are the same, and to always be able to support the conversation, you need to develop in different directions.

9. Find points of contact.

Despite the fact that close friends often have similar beliefs, they still remain different personalities, with their own characteristics. To build friendly relations for one year, you need to learn how to look for what you have the same or similar looks, and avoid those moments in which you have discrepancies. It bonds relationships and brings people.

10. Be patient.

Appreciate and respect your friend is important. Often, patience comes to help in this case. After all, each of us has its own characteristics that may not like or seem unacceptable to other people. But when we are tolerant treaty to the disadvantages or features of other people, they correspond to us by reciprocity. If you can constantly criticize or express your estimated judgment, you can confuse all friends.

Each of us wants to love and be loved, but not everyone succeeds. What is the problem? The psychologists who have mastered the list of rules that must be followed by the list of rules that must be respected in order to preserve and improve relations with people close to you.

1. It seems to know what your second half is thinking about your relationship. You do not want to fall in love with one who is not going to be frank with you?

2. Do not confuse love and sex. Often, at the beginning of relations, sex and passion is mistaken for love.

3. If you need to know what you want from relationships, and tend to talk about it with your partner. Many men and women fear openly talk about their desires and try to hide them. As a result, a feeling of disappointment appears, because you do not get what you want. Relationship is not a game of guesses. Proximity is not possible without honesty.

4. You should be one command. Possessing various skills, data and capabilities, you should strive for one goal.

5. Going away to respect your partner along with all its differences from you. There are no identical people. And life is concluding that we are all different.

6. Do not need to put up with the lack of partner. The ideal people do not exist, and because we will treat the disadvantages of others: to put up with them, trying to correct them, much depends. If something does not suit you, then openly talk about it. Let your partner explain why he does it. Only then can you come to consent.

7.Rece all problems as soon as they appear. If you postpone the solution to problems in a long box, they will turn into an avalanche that will not leave your relationship and trace.

8. go to negotiate. Times when the bride was chosen by parents, passed. Now the culture of relations between a man and a woman plays a much smaller role than before. It all depends on you.

9. In order to listen to your partner. Then he will have a feeling of support.

10. Work on the fact that you have a feeling of proximity. Proximity never appears. When it is not, people become uninteresting each other.

11. Self with each other plans for the future. Do not regard wedding as an agreement, thanks to which you will spend the rest of your life together.

12.Good for personal hygiene. It is impossible to underestimate the role she plays in your relationship.

13. Do not forget about sex. This is one of the important items of your relationship. Conversations under one blanket after good sex create a feeling of intimacy.

14.Name do not go to bed if you are experiencing negative feelings. Try to get rid of them before sleep.

15. Do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness. Each of us makes mistakes, and the sooner you manage to fix them, the better.

16. You should depend on each other, but this dependence should not be in everything. Full dependence on their partner makes unhappy both.

17.Ship self-esteem and self-esteem. Your second half will be easier to love you if you love yourself.

18. Create your relationship with new interests. Try to do any kind of sport that none of you have done before.

19.Creak with each other. Share the duties. The more honest will be your cooperation, the more closestly your relationship will be.

20.Sero treat health. Good health is the key to the success of any relationship.

According to Psychology Today

Prepared Alexander Timoshik