How to make the skin of the face even and smooth? Recipes and a set of exercises to help make your face smooth and clean How to make your face smooth

One of the main causes of uneven skin is acne. By getting rid of acne, you can improve the texture of the skin. This can be achieved with specific skin cleansers and treatments (eg, benzoyl peroxide and alpha hydroxy acid). However, if after a few weeks it seems that there is no effect from the procedures, you may need to contact a dermatologist. The dermatologist will offer treatment options for acne and acne scars to keep your skin smooth and beautiful.


Part 1

Daily cleaning methods

    Wash your face twice a day. Water treatments are the best way to prevent acne. You need to wash your face twice a day (morning and evening), and also at any time when you feel that sweat and dirt have accumulated on your face.

    • For example, you definitely do not hurt to wash after a sports workout or other active physical activity.
    • Wet your face with warm water. You can lean over the sink, take some warm water in your hands and apply it on your face.
  1. Using the pads of your fingers, apply a gentle cleanser to your face. It is best to wash with special foams and cleansers. Squeeze a little cleanser onto your hands and use the pads of your fingers to massage the cleanser into your skin.

    • Be sure to close your eyes so that the cleanser does not get into them.
    • If you prefer to wash your face with wipes, use a soft cotton washcloth to clean your skin. Don't apply too much pressure to avoid irritating your skin.
  2. Wash off with warm water. After you wash your face with a special cleanser, rinse your face with warm water. To completely wash the product off your face, rinse your skin with water several times.

    • You can use a tissue to remove any remaining cleanser from your skin. But don't rub your face. Just dampen a washcloth and gently swipe it over your face to remove any remaining product.
  3. Wet your face. After you wash the rest of the cleanser off your face, pat your face dry with a towel. Do not rub as this will irritate the skin.

  4. Apply a moisturizer to your skin. The skin of the face should always remain moisturized - this will help it maintain health and smoothness. So, always apply moisturizer at the end.

    • You need the right moisturizer for your skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, choose an oil-free moisturizer. If you have dry skin, a cream with a high oil content specifically for dry skin will work for you.

Part 2

Special Treatments
  1. Use a cleansing exfoliator once a day. Exfoliation is beneficial for some skin types. However, this procedure may cause irritation in other skin types. To prevent irritation, it is best to exfoliate once a week.

    • Choose an exfoliator that contains no more than 2% salicylic acid or 10% glycolic acid. If the content of these substances in the exfoliator is exceeded, the risk of skin irritation increases.
    • Do not exfoliate if you have herpes simplex, warts, or molluscum contagiosum on your skin.
    • You should avoid peeling if your skin is prone to dark spots from insect bites and burns. Usually, these problems occur in people with dark skin tones.
  2. Try an acne cleanser. If your skin is prone to breakouts, an over-the-counter acne remedy can be helpful. Find the right product that includes natural ingredients that can help fight acne.

    • For example, products containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or resorcinol may be suitable for you. These cosmetic products are sold without a prescription.
    • Keep in mind that it may take you a month or more to see the results of treatment with these remedies. In addition, for some time the skin will adapt to the new remedy, which may cause peeling and redness.
  3. You need cosmetic products containing alpha hydroxy acid. Such products are especially useful in the treatment of problem skin. Alpha Hydroxy Acid helps remove dead skin cells and unclogs pores for smoother skin. In addition, it serves as a good remedy for the prevention of acne.

    • Look for a cleanser or moisturizer that contains alpha hydroxy acid.
  4. Try tea tree oil gel. 5% tea tree oil is as effective as some over-the-counter acne medications. If you prefer a natural alternative to benzoyl peroxide or another acne medication, tea tree oil may be your best bet.

    • Do not apply oil directly to the skin. Look for a lotion or gel that contains 5% tea tree oil.
    • Keep in mind that side effects (redness and irritation) may occur when using such products.

Part 3

Seek medical attention
  1. Consult a dermatologist. If cosmetics and medicines do not help get rid of acne, consult a doctor. The dermatologist will examine the skin, give recommendations and write a prescription for the necessary drugs.

    • If you don't know how to find a dermatologist, you can ask your GP for a referral.
  2. Learn about prescription acne medications. There are several options for treating acne with specific prescription medications. If the dermatologist considers it necessary to use such products, he will write you a prescription:

    • Retinoids. These acne medications are often recommended by doctors. Retinoid creams, lotions, and gels help prevent clogged pores. Your doctor may recommend using Dapsone along with retinoids to improve the effectiveness of your treatment.
    • Antibiotic creams or pills. Sometimes acne is the result of a serious skin infection. If this is your case, you may need antibiotic cream or tablets.
    • Oral contraceptives. For women, a doctor may recommend the use of oral contraceptives, which will help control hormonal levels and slow down the appearance of acne. However, oral contraceptives can cause some side effects, so be sure to ask your doctor about the risks before using these drugs, and then make a treatment decision.
    • Spironolactone. If oral contraceptives don't work, your doctor may recommend spironolactone (Aldactone).
    • Isotretinoin. This treatment is often not recommended due to the severe side effects that can occur, but this treatment is also considered if other treatments have failed. However, due to the risk of birth defects, women of childbearing potential are advised to take a pregnancy test before using this medicine.
  3. Learn about acne scar treatments. Rough skin can also appear due to acne, and there are several treatments for this too. Here's what to ask a dermatologist:

    • Dermabrasion. Dermabrasion can be an effective way to smooth out rough skin, especially if the roughness is due to acne scars. To smooth the surface of the skin, you may need special rotating brushes. Ask your dermatologist for details on this procedure, especially if you have acne scars on your skin.
    • Soft tissue fillers. Your doctor may recommend special fat injections into your skin to smooth out bumps. However, these results are temporary and you will need to undergo this procedure regularly to achieve the desired effect.
    • Chemical peel. Peeling helps to remove dead skin cells and will help make acne scars less noticeable.
    • Laser resurfacing and light therapy. These treatments use a laser to smooth the surface of the skin and improve its appearance.
    • Surgical method of skin flap. If there are rough scars on the skin, the doctor may recommend a surgical method of treatment by transplanting a skin flap. This procedure provides permanent results, but of all the treatments, it is the most serious.

How to make the face smooth, or rather, how to make the skin of the face smooth and toned, is of interest to all the fair sex without exception. Perhaps they escort us through the mind, but they meet us exactly paying attention to other aspects. Every woman is a goddess, and I want to keep this feeling in myself until the most advanced years. Let's talk about what skin care methods exist that will help us always look great.

When answering the question “How to make your face smooth”, first of all determine what type of skin you have. Peeling and allergic reactions often appear on dry skin; when washing with water, there is a feeling of tightness. Oily skin shows shine, enlarged pores, blackheads and acne. Mixed skin combines the features of the first two descriptions on different parts of the face. Normal skin is almost a myth; only healthy people have smooth and elastic skin. By the way, think about it, maybe you should pay attention to your health, and your skin will automatically return to normal. Once you've decided on your skin type, you can start developing a plan for smoothing your face. The first item on this plan will be cleansing. The daily routine includes care with organic natural products. If you have oily skin, then rubbing your face with an ice cube made from a decoction of chamomile or other natural herbs will help you refresh your skin and narrow your pores. Wash off with cool water. For dry skin, warm water, milk, decoction of chamomile and currant leaves are suitable. Do not rub your skin with a towel after washing! Just get a little wet. Combination skin requires individual care for each area and, accordingly, the use of products for both skin types. Normal skin does not require special care, it is enough to use herbal decoction for washing. As a daily moisturizer after washing for dry skin, olive or coconut oil is perfect, for oily skin, you can use citrus juice. There are also many recipes for making homemade creams from natural products. Daily use of such mixtures is the best way to make your face smooth. Be sure to exfoliate your skin once a week. Natural mixtures are excellent cleansers. Coffee grounds with honey will delight oily skin, sugar with olive oil will moisturize dry skin, and milk with almonds is suitable for combination skin. Gently apply the resulting mass, rubbing it into the skin of the face, along the massage lines for 1-2 minutes. Then rinse with water that suits the temperature of your skin type. After using the scrub, apply a mask to cleansed skin. Owners of dry skin are perfect honey-milk mask. If you add egg yolk to it, the mask will become more nutritious. If you have oily skin: Beat an egg white and add crushed sorrel leaves (or crushed lemon peel) to it. For normal skin, a mixture of fatty cottage cheese and liquid honey is suitable. Remember about massage - this is a great way to make your face smooth. Apply the cream on the face, place the fingertips in the middle of the forehead parallel to the eyebrows and move smoothly towards the temples. Similarly, massage the rest of the massage lines: from the bridge of the nose to the outer part of the ear, from the middle of the nose to the middle of the ear, from the chin along the edge of the face to the earlobe. Around the eyes, massage should be acupressure, the skin should not be stretched in any case! Stay in the area of ​​"crow's feet", make tapping circular motions with your fingertips. Another tip on how to make your face smooth: use only organic cosmetics. There are so many options on the market right now, you can choose the one that suits you best. Be sure to check that the packaging of the product you buy is labeled with EcoCert, BDIH, etc. Buy the product in specialized stores.

One of the most effective ways to make your face smooth is a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, exercise, fresh air and good mood prolong the youth and health of the whole body, respectively, and facial skin.

Many girls dream of smooth and even skin, but the question of how to achieve this often remains open, and each of the representatives of the weaker sex solves it in her own way.

Someone resorts to the help of beauty salons; someone is trying to solve the problem at home, remembering that you can achieve results not only using the services of venerable cosmetologists, but also on your own.

Any girl knows that the health and beauty of the skin depends on three progressive steps: timely, toning and nutrition.

Cleanse the skin should be twice a day, not forgetting that owners of dry skin are unlikely to use a product to care for oily. As, however, and vice versa.

After cleansing, the skin is toned with the help of either cosmetic ice, which can be purchased at any of the pharmacies, or - if you want to be sure of its naturalness - cook it yourself.

After toning, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin, in the selection of which it is important to take into account the seasonal factor: in winter it is better to use creams based on glycerin or fat, in spring and autumn - creams enriched with vitamins. Moisturizing options are more suitable for summer.

But this short set of recommendations, of course, does not exhaust the possibilities for skin care. To make the skin of the body smooth, you also need another procedure loved by many - fragrant masks and scrubs. Now they are so popular that it will not be a problem to buy them in any store or even cook them yourself, following the formula: minimum effort - maximum result.

In particular, many of those who actively use it are well aware that products based on clay, vegetables and fruits, saturated with essential oils, give special smoothness to the skin. Below are some of the recipes.

Skin smoothing masks

Kefir mask for smooth body skin

To smooth the skin and treat acne, a kefir mask is suitable. Her recipe is very simple:

  • mix two large spoons of clay with kefir and bring to a thick consistency;
  • add a few drops of rosemary oil;
  • apply on face and keep for no more than 15 minutes.

Peach mask for smooth body skin

Peach mask not only cleanses the skin, but also makes it look radiant:

  • mix a large spoonful of peach oil with several types of other oils: lavender, clove, cinnamon, and thyme oil;
  • apply to the skin and hold for 5 minutes, then do a light massage;
  • wipe the skin with an alcohol-free tonic.

Masks for moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the body

To moisturize and nourish the skin of the body, a mask of cottage cheese and lemon juice is perfect:

  • Mix 2 jars of cream (500 ml each) with 1 kilogram of cottage cheese (best of all - the most thick, creamy consistency);
  • mix thoroughly and apply on the body in thin layers;
  • wash off after 30 minutes.

Special skin care

To solve other skin problems, there are also special tricks: for example, a cream or body milk with a high fat content will help prevent excessive peeling of the skin in the knee area; the long-awaited deliverance from acne on the back will bring a mask of therapeutic mud; and regular rubbing with lemon and cream will prevent reddening of the elbows and the appearance of roughness on them.

Massage with a brush and further moisturizing the body with oil and cream will relieve the beautiful half of humanity from goose bumps in the thighs. True, to achieve a long-term result, one massage will not be enough - it must be alternated with sports.

In self-care, as in other areas of life, not only consistency and regularity are important, but also a reasonable approach, coupled with measure. Indeed, several equally important factors influence health and external beauty at once: nutrition, the absence or presence of bad habits, the duration and mode of sleep, and, of course, sports. Therefore, detailed attention to one of these points, but complete disregard for all the others, is unlikely to lead someone to the desired goal. First, you should balance your image and rhythm of life, and only then wait for “return” from your body.

Do you have dry skin?

Do you have acne or acne scars?

Would you like your skin to be smoother? It's not that hard to achieve this!

Follow our advice, they are suitable for both girls and boys, and you can find the answer to the question of how to make the skin of the face even and smooth! So, first things first.

Step 1 of 4: Clean Up

1. Be sure to wash every day. The main rule of perfectly smooth facial skin is proper and constant care. Skin needs to be taken care of daily if you want to achieve visible results.

2. Soap must be correct and used correctly. Use a soap suitable for the skin on your face. Ordinary types of soap overdry it. Soap is applied to damp skin and rubbed with fingers in light circular motions.

3. Thoroughly wash off the soap, it should be washed off everything, without residue. It is better not to use a towel, at least do not use the same towel for your face as for other parts of the body, so as not to transfer bacteria and dirt to your face and cause redness.

4. Dry your face. It is better to air dry your face or lightly blot your skin with a clean towel. Try to avoid skin contact with any other objects.

Step 2 of 4: Exfoliate

1. Cooking a face scrub. A facial scrub can be prepared by mixing baking soda with water in a 3:1 ratio. The baking soda will wash away impurities and exfoliate dead skin cells.

  • You can also use a sugar scrub.
  • But in no case do not use salt scrub. It will dry out the skin.

2. Before using the scrub, be sure to wash with warm water. It is best to use the scrub in the shower.

3. Apply the scrub on the face and gently spread it over the skin. We treat problem areas most carefully - cheeks and forehead.

4. Massage the skin. We continue to rub the scrub into the skin in a circular motion with your fingers.

5. Wash off the scrub and dry your face. Let's not forget about hydration.

Step 3 of 4: Moisturize

1. After washing, the skin must be moisturized. In general, you need to moisturize it regularly. Washing dries out the skin, which creates the right conditions for infection and acne.

For oily skin, a non-greasy moisturizer is suitable.

2. For most people, regular moisturizer will be fine for frequent use.

3. A stronger moisturizer can be used occasionally.

Creams containing lanolin improve the condition of the skin for a long time.

Apply a small amount of cream to a damp face immediately after washing with clean hands and spread it evenly.

4. Don't overdo the cream. Don't apply too much, it won't do any good to your skin.

Part 4 of 4: Treating

1. You can cleanse your skin with turmeric. This spice is sold in any grocery store and is an effective traditional medicine. Mix plain yogurt with turmeric in a 1:1 ratio and stir until a paste forms. After washing your face, apply this mixture on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

  • Be careful not to get the mixture in your eyes.
  • For very fair skin, do not use this mask often and reduce the duration of its action, as turmeric can stain the skin a little.
  • Wash off the mask with water without soap. The natural bacteria from yogurt will help keep your face clean.
  • Turmeric can also stain your things.

2. You can also cleanse your skin with apple cider vinegar. Dampen a cotton swab or small cloth with apple cider vinegar. Wipe your face and wash off after 2 minutes.

  • Rinse off the vinegar without soap. Vinegar also helps keep the face clean.
  • The smell of vinegar is unpleasant, but it goes away when it dries.

3. Honey can also cleanse the skin. It must be mixed with pure yogurt until a homogeneous consistency and applied to the face after washing. Wash off after 20 minutes.

4. Get rid of sources of pollution. Redness, pimples and blackheads are caused by various bacteria, dirt, and grease. To protect against them, it is not enough to use even the most effective cleansers. You also need to change your pillowcase as often as possible, stop scratching and rubbing your face, and also take care of disinfecting your glasses.


  • Perform the described procedures in a relaxed state;
  • Never rub your face with a towel, it is better to blot it dry;
  • Every day before going to bed, be sure to carry out the described procedures and in the morning the skin of the face is smooth.


  • Avoid contact of any applied substances with the eyes, so as not to cause irritation and burning.

I hope in the article you have found the answer to the question of how to make the skin of the face smooth and clean.

Watch a video on how to make your skin smooth:

Perfectly even and smooth facial skin is not the privilege of models from the covers of magazines. Every woman can achieve such a result using affordable natural products.

About, how to make skin even and smooth, get rid of sagging, small scars and spots - tell the Secrets of Perfection.

How to make the skin of the face even and smooth? Rules.

Often, the appearance of even young skin is spoiled by various pimples, skin graininess associated with the formation of closed comedones, black dots. These processes are associated with a slow renewal of skin cells, as well as stagnation of fat in the sebaceous glands. To make the skin smooth, it is enough to clean it periodically.

To the question: how to make skin smooth beauticians respond differently. Beauty salons offer several types of services with which you can even out the structure of the skin, rid it of defects (cleaning, polishing). But there is an alternative way - to include natural scrubs in your daily skin care, which act more gently, while nourishing the skin.

When making various peels and masks, be sure to pay attention to nutrition: fatty, smoked, salty and sweet foods, carbonated sweet drinks are harmful to the skin structure. Every day, at least 1.5 liters of clean water should enter the body. Another rule for smooth skin is that as a result, scars and other skin defects may remain. Instead, it is better to use natural ones with a drying effect.

How to make the skin even and smooth: natural recipes.

  • Helps to improve the structure of the skin and make it even and smooth daily contrast wash. Do also contrast massage: moisten 2 wipes with hot and cold water and alternately apply to the skin.
  • To improve the condition of the skin, to make its contour smoother, to get rid of black spots will help honey scrub: combine a spoonful of honey and wheat bran and half as much lemon juice (honey should be sparse), at first they simply apply the product to the skin for 10 minutes, then clean it like a scrub with circular movements along the massage lines. After a couple of minutes, wash your face and lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.
  • Cleans the skin of the face from keratinized particles, makes its surface smooth herculean scrub. Prepare it like this: combine equally crushed oatmeal and sugar and, having applied to the skin, gently clean it in a circular motion. The effect will be noticeable after 2 weeks of regular procedures (it is recommended to do them twice a week).
  • Makes skin texture even mask: wheat germ flour (can be replaced with hercules crushed in a coffee grinder) is diluted with warm milk to make a not very liquid slurry. After that, an egg and honey are added, left on the skin for 20 minutes, after which they smear the face with almond oil.
  • Gives skin smoothness grape berry mask(it is kept on the face for about 15 minutes) or rubbing the skin with its juice. Then rinse off with cool water, gently blot with a terry towel and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.
  • Helps smooth and soften skin banana mask: half a ripe banana is mixed with a tablespoon of butter and a teaspoon of honey. The mixed mask is applied to the face and, lightly patting the skin with your fingers, distribute it over the entire surface. Wait 20 minutes and wash.
  • You can make oily porous skin smooth with the help of cucumber mask: 1 fresh vegetable is peeled and seeds are peeled, chopped in a blender with the addition of egg white and lemon juice. A well-whipped mixture is applied to the face, kept for up to 30 minutes and washed.
  • You can achieve an even structure using the following procedure: beat the egg white, add quite a bit of lemon juice, apply this mask in a thin layer on the face (it is convenient to use a brush). After drying, the mask is washed off with warm water.