How to keep love for years to come? How to keep a man's love and not get bored with him over time

This article is for women. You can at least endlessly talk about family values ​​and spirituality in relationships, but the surest way to fight for feelings and not fading love is to avoid boredom, diversify, decorate relationships and in general.

The prince and the only cute next to him is the cherished dream of most women. Adventure, harem and variety are the main male fantasy. On the one hand, they are polygamous hunters, on the other hand, charming creatures are confident that with a good man they can keep love.

Many women are well aware of the nature of men, their weaknesses and inclinations, but either they hope for their decency, or that their partner will take the initiative in decorating and, after all, he is a man.

Namely, a woman first of all needs to think about it, a man will not puzzle himself for a long time with this, rather he will just go "to the left".

And so how to keep a man's love

If you want to be the only one for him, become a harem. If you want to remain desirable, seduce, play and provoke. Learn to be different, if you need to "add fuel to the fire." Know how to be an angel and a depraved slut, forget about the conventions and your norms, then it may happen - "we will die together and one day happy."

Most intimate problems, women in marriage - from wrong views, illusions and laziness. Did someone say that years together, stability and children strengthen the family?

Do you love your children and want to give them joy? Then give more joy to yourself that would be something to share with others. And in the article "", you will learn a lot about what a man expects from a woman.

And we have Vacation time, usually it starts like this, one works the other rests, or is engaged in the household. Can you ever spit on it all? And this must be done, and from the highest bell tower.

Or, for you, the most important is brand new wallpaper on the wall, a beautiful bathroom and tiles in the kitchen. Or maybe you are dreaming - well, finally, I will go alone and take a break from everyone and everything. Or even cooler - even though I won't see this goat for a couple of weeks, let him plow and earn money.

Sometimes it’s better not to see each other for a while, and sometimes you need to devote time only for each other.

Vacation, if you are a real couple, then you need to spend together, use this time to the fullest for your own relationship, without any repairs and similar worries. Do you really live only to create comfort, raise children, build a veranda and proudly demonstrate to everyone your wonderful, successful household.

But what about you yourself, where is the joint, only your personal happiness for two? And how can it be if you don't even think about it.

And so we set goals and go on vacation. Together, to the dacha or, if money allows, to the sea or the mountains, to a quiet house, somewhere far from the eyes of strangers.

Your goals and action plan. One goal will be to have a great vacation, the other to come alive, to play with your husband. Or if a man's wife started it.

This is the opportunity when you can shake up your whole family life, intimate relationships and give foam to the bottom of boredom. In a family, in everyday life, this is not real enough and the effect is still not the same.

Aside, all your modesty, complexes and various moral norms, or something else, in the form of principles, and you will have more than enough pleasure and unforgettable sensations.

It would seem easy to say, but difficult to do. In fact, everything is simpler. Play yourself a real game. The game, without any serious intentions and careful preparation. The plot is very simple: you are lovers who have grasped, through all the problems, to each other. No one around you knows, life is short, beautiful, and tomorrow happens, the end of the world will come. Everything is possible, almost everywhere and without looking back.

Ugliness and moderate lawlessness on summer vacations, this and only so. It is important for a woman to remember, men are dreamers, when necessary. And libertines who love novelty, in whose soul there is a macho. And your man with some pretty girl, would get up to such things that you shouldn't continue ...

Forget about decency, show him what kind of tigress you can be, how wrong and somewhere even perverted. If you competently provoke a man, you can open up such potential, both in him and in yourself, that you will even be surprised yourself.

But in general, of course, these are your family affairs, it is up to you to decide what is more important for you, and how easy it is to be lazy.

You just need to know that the more you have something to remember, bright, exciting and unforgettable in your relationship, the stronger they will be. How to keep love forever- everyone decides for himself.

  1. Do everything to kindle the flame of love further, and not extinguish it.
  2. Express your feelings and present with love! Do not compare her with the phrase "I love you more than you love me."
  3. Don't be in eternal submission. A man will quickly get tired and call you a bore or a rag.
  4. Create coziness, convenience and warmth for a dear person. Let him bathe in these three words.
  5. Give your loved one tenderness, give it away, showing that you are not at all sorry to give it away.
  6. Minimize scandals and conflicts. Look for possible compromises!
  7. Do not in any way offend or humiliate a dear person, especially if the reason is not worth a damn. Resentment, insults and humiliation are all hostile to love.
  8. Repeat words of love, do not be lazy. Repeat them more often, as if you want them to be deeply absorbed by his memory.
  9. Don't make the man angry! Any love, whatever it was at the very beginning, disappears from anger.
  10. Don't tell him about his mistakes and shortcomings. He knows about them better than others.
  11. Do not impose your opinions and interests on your loved one. It is impossible to be similar in everything!
  12. Don't make a man jealous! You will play it out to the point that he will not stand it. Jealousy is a terrible thing.
  13. Show that when your man is around, you are happy every second.
  14. Watch yourself every moment, bringing yourself to perfection. For the eternal safety of love, keep your beauty and charm!
  15. Don't forget about cleanliness. Even if you don't feel well, the apartment should shine clean.
  16. Respect all the interests and habits of your loved one. Of course, if they do not harm your relationships, health and society.
  17. Do not talk badly about his family and friends, even if they are not very nice to you.
  18. Sex is important in relationships. Be the most unique in it.
  19. Don't go against your loved one. If you disagree with something, discuss it without quarrels and tantrums in order to find a middle ground that suits both of you.
  20. Don't limit his freedom. Let him plan his time as before. Control instills fear in the stronger sex.
  21. If you want to keep love for a long time, do not raise your voice. Raising the volume negatively affects relationships.
  22. Don't bankrupt your loved one. A man is not a plastic card for you, and he should not spread rumors that you only need his finances.
  23. Call your loved one by name. He is definitely pleased! Better than a kiss can only be the sound of the name from the lips of your beloved lady.
  24. Don't complain! Whining infuriates all those men who know their worth.

I think it is possible, albeit difficult. How to do it? I haven't thought about it yet. I don’t want to think about such philosophical things yet. I wish to live and enjoy life in all its manifestations. And I do it, so far it is successful. The path will be what will be!

Olga (Kirovsk).

It depends on what kind of love! It is quite small and cannot last long. Faithful and strong love will last for several thousand lives! I have a "second" type of love. I firmly believe in her. When you meet love, take care of it as much as possible.

Olga (Krichev).

I had a dream. In it, my great-grandmother spoke about the fact that there is no eternity in anything. Love can go out at any moment, and you need to be ready for this, so as not to earn a state of shock.

Zoryana (Kiev).

There is no trace of love! I don’t believe, I don’t believe in anything! Yesterday I was completely disappointed in everything. I do not want to be a pessimist, but I think that the same state awaits any girl who sincerely loves and gives all of herself to a man. From personal experience, this has happened twice.

Khristina (Poltava).

If a man truly loves, not for the sake of sex, then it is possible that his love for this woman will be eternal. Forget polygamy! Sometimes feelings block her. I agree that it is difficult to believe in it. But try! All men should not be slandered. And women on the path of life come across different! Perhaps there are some among your girlfriends or acquaintances.

Veronica (Moscow).

Someone falls into long-lasting love, someone does not. You can argue and talk about luck for a long time, but, alas, arguments and reflections do not change anything. It’s strange: he who is lucky does not value his luck.

Angelina (Arkhangelsk).

Maybe there is eternal love. But it is extremely rare. My mother said that her eternal love is the first, even though she married her father. But what's the point in such long-term love? Mom loves memories ... Suffers from such love. It’s hard, I don’t want to experience this. And so there is enough negativity in life! And without something like that.

Tamara (Fanipol)

My love is already twenty years old. Mutual love! It does not go out and remains at the same level. Every day I receive a lot of confessions from my husband. He made an oath that it would always be that way. And I take vows seriously. And I promised that I would never leave him. This is true, the purest! I love this man very much, and so that I have never thought of anyone else. Because he is the best!

Irina (Sevastopol).

The love of a man can be saved forever! You just need to try and really want to preserve it. If we want, then we can handle everything. And men are the same. The difference is simply that we are more hardworking. If it doesn't work out, we do not retreat, but we fight. Men are not like that. Many would rather believe that love cannot be preserved than make an “unnecessary” attempt to rehabilitate it. But we cannot do without our soul mates! So let's put our hand to the process of eternal love preservation! It's in our interests! Doesn't that motivate you? Love is the most beautiful thing in this world. But men cannot keep eternal love for us without our help.

Nina (Grodno region).

Take care to preserve yourself and your own interests. Go about your business, you must have your friends, your hobbies, do not hang on it. Grow spiritually, work on yourself, constantly develop. First of all, you will do it for yourself, but your man cannot but like it.

You must understand that you cannot see your chosen one in a rosy light all the time, each person has periods of some cooling towards their partner. There is no need to panic and throw tantrums, remember the best times and know that they will return, you just need to wait quietly.

Try to communicate more often, but also make this communication better. Joint travel, nature trips, going to the cinema and restaurants. A change of scenery is all that allows you to revive feelings and once again feel for your man that he made the right choice.

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It is very important for a woman to constantly feel the care of her beloved man. And if he wants his wife to always feel needed and loved, one should not forget about it. Unfortunately, not all men know what to do to keep the love of their woman.


Showing affection for your beloved woman is a completely natural phenomenon. Therefore, there is no need to be ashamed of it. Therefore, the more often you show tenderness, the better, the happier your woman will be from this.

For love and its preservation, it also has great importance mutual respect. Try to be more restrained and stay calm, especially when you are fighting. Indeed, on emotions, people often say such words that they later regret. Often right after they have been spoken. After all, in fact, a person does not think so. However, when the words have already been spoken and hurt a loved one painfully, you need to make a lot of efforts so that your partner will forget the grievances. In addition, a woman is able to remember hurtful words for a long time. Resentment will begin to accumulate, she may not even talk about it. As a result, your relationship will deteriorate greatly. Therefore, in order to prevent this, try to keep yourself in control and not speak as you really do not think.

How to keep love? Have you thought about this question at the very beginning of the relationship, when every moment, every second you strove to be closer to each other, when every thought was only about him or her? How to keep love in a relationship, and is it worth thinking about it at all? It is this topic that our article is devoted to.

Love seems to be eternal at the very beginning. You do everything, trying to be closer to each other, strive to get married as soon as possible, so that you wake up together every morning. However, over time, mistrust appears, openness disappears, romance disappears ... And once it was thought that the most important obstacles were already behind, and with the wedding everything would fall into place. But in fact, it almost always turns out that the tests begin after. The birth of a child, sleepless nights, mistrust, the first betrayal ... All this, in fact, is a test of the strength of love. And very often it turns out that friends become closer than a loved one. Therefore, if you are not yet that far from each other, start fighting for your love.

The very first mistake that leads to the thought of how to preserve love, and indeed to this problem in general, is that people relax after the wedding, believing that romance will remain in a relationship on its own. In fact, the question of how to keep a man's love and keep it becomes relevant two or three years after the wedding.

Have you seen a happy family that is already ten years old? Do not rush to be jealous, because they have passed many tests, including those that your family goes through. But some of them, and maybe both partners, managed to understand in time that love needs to be protected, they learned how to preserve love in a relationship. The family, in fact, is a daily work that requires care and effort.

How to keep a man's love, how to make sure that he does not start looking for someone on the side? Remember the beginning of your relationship, when you were infinitely close, gave him your tenderness, affection and care. Didn't you get the same thing in return then? And they did not think about how to preserve love, everything turned out by itself. After all, then you read each other's thoughts, shared the most intimate thoughts. And then, due to lack of time, due to children or everyday worries, a woman stops paying attention to her husband. Try to find time to call in the afternoon and ask how he is doing. Or make him coffee in bed, he will definitely be pleased. Naturally, the relationship will never be the same as before, but if a man feels that he is still dear to you, then the question of how to keep love will lose its relevance.

Try to implement For example, watch a movie in the evening, cuddling on the couch, in the morning have breakfast and coffee together, relax on weekends together. However, remember that sometimes you need to take a break from each other. The most important thing in how to preserve love is that the spouses, at least sometimes, find time only for themselves. Try to meet with friends at least once a week, spend the night with your parents, go shopping, etc. This advice especially applies to women, because often, striving for everything to be perfect at home, they stop working, give themselves only to the family and eventually lose their "I". And a person who does not develop, no matter how much he is loved, becomes boring and uninteresting. Therefore, try to make sure that your husband's interest in you does not disappear. Play sports, don't sacrifice yourself for your family, return to work. Live a little for yourself!

Support try to give attention, affection and love. Instead of spending time in front of the TV, talk to each other about how you spent your day. Try to solve even the smallest everyday problems together. Try to keep romance so you don't become a family where spouses just put up with each other's existence. Good luck in this difficult task and patience!

Build and develop relationships we begin with the arrival of a feeling of love, when we want to throw the whole world at the feet of a loved one and not be separated from him for a minute. Over time, the heat of feelings cools down and people begin to move away from each other .. Less and less often they have a desire to spend their free time only together, but even worse when conversations mainly begin to consist of mutual reproaches, and even accusations. How to keep a man's love and not get bored with each other is the main question of this article.

Relationship between man and woman it is impossible to imagine without the expression of feelings, emotions, thoughts, desires - the so-called acts of communication. At first, everyone automatically seeks to show themselves from their best side, tries to guess the desires of their beloved, and at such a time the partners are still very far from some fine line, after stepping over which parting, quarrels and loss of interest become inevitable. It seems to them that it will always be so good, but the line beyond which indifference in relationships begins exists, and if you do not knowingly avoid it, it will inevitably come to you on its own. But what is this line?

It is clear that over time you will get to know your partner better and better, and there always comes a moment when it seems that we know so much about him that nothing can surprise us. This is the problem, the realization of which gives the method of its solution.

Sooner or later, in any relationship, there is satiety for everyone.

  • Discussion of events.

But sooner or later in the conversation there will come a moment when your partner fully satisfies this desire, and all your subsequent words will only be met with a polite nod of his head, and in the worst case, he will say: "Okay, I'm going to sleep." After this moment comes, you no longer only cease to be interesting companion and become annoying. After all, he received and heard everything he needed, which means that all the other words are superfluous.

  • A manifestation of tenderness.

Perceptible and sometimes unacceptable mistakes in this type of communication are made by both the strong and the weaker sex. But, the fact remains that women often allow themselves to cross the line in manifestations of tenderness, when they are told in plain text - "That's it, stop it." And this inevitably leads to the fact that the man's need to in one way or another to achieve manifestations of feelings of a beloved... The woman thus deprives him of the possibility of realizing the instinct of the conqueror.

  • Attempts to prove your case.

As practice shows, all that you can achieve by such actions is a collision with a barrier, or a sharp disagreement from a partner, who may even have tried to listen to you politely for a while. Simple inability to stop in explaining their position, often for couples in love, it ends, at least, with two-way silence for a while, and it is clear that it becomes, in principle, more difficult to maintain a serious relationship. Here it is very difficult not to cross the line beyond which the voice of your interlocutor will rise.

  • Mutual accusations and quarrels.

Even such processes have the right to exist. They can, like everyone else, benefit the relationship (this is how we build and control the framework for the other), but if, again, do not step over a certain line. Usually each of the partners guided solely by their feelings and does not even try to look at the situation from the other side. And this is fundamentally important! When expressing your dissatisfaction, remember that the other person, in fact, did not mean anything bad there. He "just happened."

How to keep a man's love and build relationships without overstepping something, after which interest in each other is lost? Who should take responsibility for buildingeffective relationships? I believe that this is primarily a woman's task.

You only need to start doing one thing - to stop in time in everything!

Only a woman with her usual softness can imperceptibly guide all v necessary bed, not allowing not only yourself, but also your partner to cross the line. Knowing how to satisfy a man and always remain the only one for him is generally an art.

Therefore, once again, when you catch yourself that you are overly carried away by some story, argument, or simply run the risk of fully revealing yourself - stop and switch to something else... Let your loved one be accompanied by the feeling that he did not receive something from you for complete happiness.

Remember, pleasure cancels desire!

To remain always desired, you just need in time stay, leave an atmosphere of incompleteness and understatement. Only in this way will you continuously give the man the opportunity to constantly conquer himself, and only this, in fact, never bothers him.

Be happy, Alla Jansons.