How to remove mimic wrinkles at home. Recipes of the best masks from wrinkles under the eyes at home. Mask of cottage cheese

22 628 1 When the representatives of the fine floor notice the first wrinkles on their face, they immediately fall into horror and begin to panic. Especially if the changes on the skin occurred at 20 years of age. It would seem that the old age is still very far away, and wrinkles are already there. I have the first 2 wrinkles on the forehead appeared hardly to me turned 17 years old. And the first thing I thought "what will happen next?" In fact, at the age of 20-30 years old under the eyes there are not age, but mimic wrinkles. Let's figure it out, as a result of which they appear and how to deal with them.

Mimic wrinkles under the eyes: Causes of their appearance

In order to try to get rid of mimic wrinkles it is necessary to understand the nature of their occurrence. The skin in the eye area is sufficient and thin. It does not contain many sebaceous glands, which in sufficient quantities moisturize the skin. But at the same time, the skin of the eye is subjected to constant loads (stretched when a person is lying, smiles, etc.). As a result, at an early age, a small grid of wrinkles appears, which are deepening with age and become "goose paws".

Mimic wrinkles - This is the first sign of aging of the skin, with which you need and can be struggling. For an effective struggle, it is necessary to know the causes of this problem and try to exclude all factors that adversely affect the skin and the body as a whole.

  1. Bad habits . Nicotine and alcohol causes irreparable harm to the skin, dehydrating it and linging oxygen. They contribute to the slowdown in the metabolic processes of the organism, slow down the regenerating function of the skin. This leads to the emergence of new wrinkles and deepening old. Pay attention to smoking girls, many of them look much older than their years. Therefore, if you are still smoking, think about how you will look after 10-20 years, when in except for age wrinkles will add deep mimic.
  2. Stress and stress . Everyone knows that in a dream the body is not only resting, but also restored. Duration of durable sleep should be at least 8 hours in an adult. It seemed an elementary and clear rule and tell us about it from school. But for some reason before bedtime, social networks Do not let us go quickly and when we are "trying around" on the clock far over midnight.
  3. Incorrect nutrition, dehydration . In the daily diet must be attended by all the necessary trace elements. The absence of proteins, fats or any vitamin does not allow the body to work correctly, which is primarily reflected on the skin of the face. The abuse of diet can lead to the sickness of the skin and the emergence of new wrinkles. Therefore, be careful and do not abuse diets.
  4. Heredity . Many people have a muscular corset in such a way that with each smile, "races" appear in the corners of the eyes. At an early age, they smooth quickly, but over time, mimic wrinkles are formed. This is what I talked about about myself. I have the whole family as a selection - everything with goose paws, that dad, that I, that grandmother.
  5. Subcase cosmetics . Do not save on decorative cosmetics, because The poor-quality product may cause serious problems. It is recommended to use only certified cosmetics purchased in specialized stores. Also need to follow the shelf life of all means of cosmetics.
  6. No glasses . Noticing impaired vision, you need to immediately contact an ophthalmologist and pick up glasses. Otherwise, you will be pushed, and mimic wrinkles will appear in the eye area. This also applies to sunglasses. With bright sun, do not neglect this accessory.
  7. Wrong posture of sleep . An amateur to sleep on the stomach before others notice the "goose paws" in the eye. If you sleep on your back, then make sure the pillow is too high, because In this position to the head worse, blood and leather recovery processes slow down.
  8. Ultra-violet rays . In sunny weather, use protective cream. The Sun negatively affects the skin, dries it and does not give the cells to recover.

Correction of Mimic Wrinkles in the Beauty Salon

In order to get rid of wrinkles quickly and for a long time you can contact professionals. In the beauty salon, cosmetologists will be offered to undergo rejuvenating procedures that are suitable for your skin type. To date, the most popular and efficient rejuvenating complexes are considered:

  • Laser grinding . Highly efficient method, where the area of \u200b\u200bcheeks and cheeks fall under the influence of the laser. It is impossible to do it on thin and gentle eyes. However, actuating wrinkles in the corners of the eyes disappear. This procedure is carried out in exceptional cases, because It is very injured by the skin.
  • Chemical pilling . It is also applied on the line of cheekbone, not asking the skin around the eyes. But mimic wrinkles smoothed. Having come to the salon, the beautician will pick up the pilling and the power of its impact on the basis of the state of your skin.
  • Photorejuvenation . Such a procedure is carried out using flash outbreaks. They force the skin to resume faster, producing collagen and elastin. After a photore-oil session, the skin has a healthy appearance and a smooth tone.
  • Biorevitalization - This is the rejuvenation of the skin injections of hyaluronic acid. Such a procedure helps the skin to recover, the exchange processes are accelerated, contributes to the development of its own hyaluronic acid. This is a painless and harmless procedure that brings a stunning result.
  • Botox injections - During such a skin procedure, Botox is introduced. He relaxes muscles, after which mimic wrinkles are smoothed. We advise you to read our article:

Salon rejuvenating complexes are quite expensive. But the effect can be seen in a few days. Choosing a cosmetic interior, pay attention to the qualifications of personnel and equipment institution, because the procedures will be carried out on the face.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes at home

With the problem of mimic wrinkles, under the eyes you can fight at home. Each hostess there is a huge amount of ingredients, of which scrubs, masks, compresses, creams and lotions will turn out. Deciding to fight with mimic wrinkles, you need to be patient, not to be lazy and regularly carry out cosmetic procedures using the funds described below.

Cryoissage from mimic wrinkles

The essence of this procedure is as follows. Take herbal decoction or brew green tea and put on the night in the freezer. In the morning Ice cubes, wipe the skin around the eyes clockwise 30-60 seconds. After a week, two minor wrinkles will smash, and the skin will have a beautiful, healthy look.

Herbal compresses against mimic wrinkles

First you need to prepare herbal decoction. In a glass of boiling water, add chamomile and rosemary or mint on a spoon. Boil 10 minutes, and after the decoction cools, moisten your cotton discs and put on closed eyes. After 10-15 minutes, remove the compress and lubricate the skin with the cream.

Aloe Vera juice against mimic wrinkles

Fresh juice, squeezed from the pulp of the plant, the light tapping movements of nameless fingers lubricate the skin around the eyes. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Alo can also be used on aloe-based gels, but preference should be given to funds that have not been subjected to heat treatment, pasteurization and in its composition do not contain dyes and preservatives.

Nourishing wrinkle cream under the eyes

Such a cream nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It should be applied every other day in 1-2 hours before bedtime. For its cooking, it will take cocoa butter, sea buckthorn oil and vitamin E (in oil). All ingredients take equal proportions and mix. Apply with light tapping movements of unnamed fingers on the skin around the eyes and whiskey. After 20 minutes, the remnants of the cream remove the napkin.

Rejuvenating Banana Mask

Pulls the skin and smoothes mimic wrinkles. It will take half a banana that is whipped in a blender or rubbed for a fork. After that, such a cashem is applied to the face. After half an hour, the mask is washed off with warm water. To obtain a better effect, it should be applied 2 times a week.

Olive oil-based mask

Olive oil itself is very favorable on the skin. It can be in its pure form to apply on the skin around the eyes, and you can add vitamin E (per 50 ml of oil 10 ml of vitamin E). The resulting mixture is applied daily on the skin, and in 5 minutes to get a napkin. Wash the remnants of the mask do not need.

Cosmetic agents against mimic wrinkles

On the shelves of specialized stores, you can find a huge number of all kinds of creams, serums that promise to get rid of mimic wrinkles. In such a variety of funds, it is very easy to confuse. Therefore, the lower rating of the most popular and most effective creams is presented.

5th place Anti-aging cream "Black Pearls"

The cream from the Russian manufacturer has a relatively low price, but smoothes wrinkles no worse than expensive foreign analogues. Such cream should be selected individually under your age.

4th place Creme Corrector "Cora" against Mimic Wrinkles

A distinctive feature of this fund is that in addition to the Mimic wrinkles, he smoothes and the first age. It helps to smooth the skin, makes it elastic and elastic. It should be applied in the morning, or in the evening in 45 minutes before sleep. You can use not only in the eye area, but also on the lips, forehead, etc.

3 place Restoring eye cutting cream from the company "Shiseido"

It is actively struggling with wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes, saturating the skin with nutrients and moisturizing it. Suitable for all skin types and does not cause allergic reactions. You can use on the skin around the lips.

2 place "Myokine Vichy" - means of corrective mimic wrinkles

French cosmetic, which is suitable for women aged 25-35 years. Eliminates small age and mimic wrinkles. With regular use, the result is noticeable for the 6th day. It should be applied to the pre-cleaned skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.

1 place anti-aging wrinkle creamRevitalift L'Oreal

This agent has a unique composition, which includes elastin, vitafibrin, pretended - a. All its components contribute to the prevention of age-related changes, improving the condition of the skin, smoothing wrinkles. It is possible to apply it not only under the eyes, but also on other areas of the face.

Correction of mimic wrinkles using massage and charging for the face

Getting rid of mimic wrinkles need to be understood that the actions of some cosmetic creams may not be enough. Therefore, you should learn to do gymnastics for the face. This is sufficiently simple exercises, where only the muscles of the face are involved. Such a training will take no more than 5 minutes, and the result can be seen in a week. This set of exercises should be performed daily by 2 times.

1 Exercise . Relax your face muscles and soft movements. Start to massage them with two fingers clockwise for 1 minute. Such movements you like tighten the skin.

2 Exercise . Start blinking hard, while hardly close and open your eyes within 1 minute. Such an exercise improves eyesight and trains eye muscles.

3 Exercise . Place the index fingers in the middle of the lower eyelid. Slightly push the skin, and now strain the muscles of the century and try to lift your finger.

In the charging complex, it is recommended to make a massage for the eye area. First you need to wash your hands well, and the fingertips are smeared with coconut or olive oil. You can start a massage with light tapping movements with your fingers along the upper and lower century. After that, we have big fingers in the upper eyelid and stroking movements move to the temples. The same movements produce in the lower eyelid. We go to the field of the temples and first push them a little, and then knock your fingers slightly.

Useful videos:

Remove wrinkles around the eyes

Face massage at home - 15 minutes a day

Milic wrinkles are successfully fighting millions of women. Someone uses the services of a professional cosmetologist, buys expensive creams, and someone uses recipes of traditional medicine. Only defeating Mimic wrinkles, you will extend your youth skin and you will always feel young and beautiful.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience, which will help other girls to stay attractive and preserve youth for a long time.

Even the most young beautiful sex representatives with active facial expressions have facial wrinkles. Such defects over time are becoming deeper and noticeable. How to preserve the youth of the face longer and reduce the manifestation of the first mimic wrinkles? Take about it and talk.

The main thing in the article

Causes of the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes

As the people's wisdom says "Knowledge is power." Surprised how this wisdom concerns rejuvenating masks for the face and manifestation of wrinkles? Everything is very simple if the woman is aware of the negative impact of some or other factors on the skin of the face and tries to avoid them, then it will grow old her skin much slower.

Consider what wrinkles "go hand in hand" with a woman in life, and what factors affect their emergence:

  • Surface. They appear in the upper layer, called the epidermis. Not only 2+ women can notice such changes, but also young girls are 18-19 years old. Often the cause of superficial wrinkles that look like a mesh of small deepends, external pathogenic effects are becoming smoking, Sun, Mimic Activity Face, Wrong Care, Difference . Get rid of them perhaps most importantly, so that care was correct. Moisturizing, nutrition, face masks are able to completely relieve the surface changes in skin cover.
  • Mediterranean. They are related to age, as they affect the dermis (the middle layer of the skin). But it should be noted that the correct care for its face pulls out a "acquaintance" with them for a long time and many women notice them only by 38 years. The first such recesses appear in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mimic folds, so the concern for these places can extend the youth.
  • Deep . It is very difficult to deal with such wrinkles, since physiological deformation of the fatty fiber is occurring, which is located under the skin of the face. Reduce the manifestation of such wrinkles is possible through all sorts of procedures that slow down the loss of collagen, nutrients, elasticity.

Anti-aging wrinkle procedures around the eyes

Today, there are many procedures in the salons that promise to return youth to the most popular:

  • Fillera represent fillers that are introduced through injections. The introduced gel pushes deep wrinkles, making them less pronounced.
  • Botinotherapy. Lies in the injections of Botox and other drugs containing botulinum-toxin "A" in the places of cluster of wrinkles.
  • Laser grinding. Such rejuvenation is based on the effects of light radiation on the skin surface. After such a procedure, the top layer of the dermis is updated.
  • It is carried out using trichloroacetic or lactic acid, which are used in low concentrations. Helps remove pigment spots, swelling and dark circles. Wrinkles after the procedure becomes less noticeable.
  • Dermabrasion. Another type of face grinding. It is carried out by using a special instrument having a rotating nozzle.
  • Biorevitalization - The skin introduces drugs containing. This contributes to the conservation of water molecules in the skin, which slows the aging.
  • Blepharoplasty. Surgery, during which parts of the skin and tissues are removed, which are accused near the eyes. After the cosmetic seams are superimposed.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes at home?

It is possible to fight wrinkles around the eyes not only in the cabin, at home to make their manifestation less noticeable is also real. For this you should apply folk recipes. They do not require large financial costs and are prepared from natural products. At home in the kitchen it is quite possible to prepare a scrub, cream or tonic with nothing worse than selling in the store.

Also, you should not forget about your diet and drinking mode, as the lifestyle and the products used are reflected in the state of the top layer of the dermis. Correct skin care around the eyes will help "meet" with facial wrinkles much later.

Recipes of the best wrinkles under the eyes at home

For their readers, our journal collected the best recipes of funds from the people aimed at eliminating mimic wrinkles.

Masks with banana from wrinkles around the eyes

  • Move one ripe banana.
  • Take 1 tablespoons, attach 1 tablespoons of melted butter. Oil is desirable to take natural, rustic good quality.
  • Stir the banana with butter to homogeneity.
  • Apply the composition by driven movements.
  • Banana mask is held 20-25 minutes, after, washed off by the water temperature water.

Masks with an egg from wrinkles around the eyes

Such a mask can be used at any age. For its preparation, we prepare the following ingredients:

  • one egg;
  • 1 ST L of liquid glycerol;
  • 1 st l honey;
  • 1 st l oat flour.

Jolk join with glycerin and honey, mix until uniformity. Pitch oatmeal. Beat the foam to attach to the mass. The mask is applied to the skin cleaned from cosmetics. It is necessary to keep it 20 minutes. Remains with water masks are removed.

Masks with honey from wrinkles around the eyes

Lifting effect has such a product like honey. For cooking, you need to take 1 tablespoons of honey, mix it with the same amount of fresh fatty milk and oatmeal (tolno). The mask is comfortable to apply a brush. It is withstanding 15 minutes and wash off.

You can apply a mask with honey only if you do not have visible manifestations of the capillary mesh.

Aloe juice from wrinkles around the eyes

Aloe juice is a great way to get rid of mimic wrinkles in the eye area. It can be used in different ways. We give three options for using a useful flower.

  1. Cut the aloe sheet, the flower must be at least 3 years. From it squeeze juice. Apply the resulting juice on the skin in the evening before bedtime. Juice can not flush.
  2. From Aloe Sheet, remove spiny parts and cut it longitudinally. Internal part to attach a sheet to the bottom or top of the eyelid. Such compress must be kept for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Ice from aloe juice. To prepare this means, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from this flower. Mix it with mineral water in proportion 1: 1. Pour the resulting substance in ice molds and freeze. In addition to the smoothing action, wiping the ice cube tones the epidermis. Wipe the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower and upper century in the morning and in the evening.

Oil from wrinkles around the eyes

Different oils are actively used in the fight against mimic wrinkles. The highest efficiency should include:

  • Castor oil Excellent assistant. It moisturizes the epidermis, has a rich composition, in which you can find vitamins E, A, all sorts of acids that help make skin surfaces with elastic.
  • Almond oil Due to the content of unique acids, perfectly copes with the problem of rapid cell regeneration. Vitamins B1, and help to smoke the furrows of wrinkles, making them less deep.
  • Coconut oil Contains a plurality of fatty acids that help the subcutaneous tissue remain dense and "do not see." It does not waste the skin, so it can be used for quite a long time.
  • Olive oil Restores fabrics, contributes to aligning the upper layer of the epidermis. It satures moisture cells, which contributes to the slowdown of their aging.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. The record holder in the content of vitamins, it can be found in it vitamins C, B2, B6, K, F. Regular use of sea buckthorn oil helps align the flabby skin.

The best creams from wrinkles around the eyes: Top 5

With the means to help cope with the Mimic Wrinkles of the House, they now met, now make a rating of the best tools that help reduce the manifestation of mimic wrinkles.

  1. Lumene Vitamin C +. It has the effect on all layers of epidermis, despite the fat structure, absorbed instantly. With long use it allows you to cope even with deep wrinkles, eliminates, gives the skin a fresh look.
  2. Cream-gel "Bark" with Shea butter. It has a rejuvenating effect, but this means should not be applied if the skin is sensitive. Perfectly copes with swelling and bruises under the eyes, and also levels shallow wrinkles.
  3. Avene Ystheal - Delicate remedy with retinol is designed for dry skin around the eyes. Corrects wrinkles, aligns, moisturizes, nourishes epidermis, making it a kind of healthy.
  4. Olay Total Effects Eye. Transforms the skin, dishes disadvantages. In addition to the healing effect, a matting tone is present, which visually improves the appearance of the skin around the eyes.
  5. Garnier Moisturizing non-stop 24 hours. Excellent remedy for the famous brand. The action of the cream is aimed at combating the first signs of aging. Moisturizes, protects, nourishes, removes dark circles.

Serum wrinkle around eyes

The best means of wrinkles around the eye based on retinol

Retinol or vitamin A is actively used in cosmetology. On its basis there are plenty of funds to help fight the first signs of aging. It helps reduce the furrows, brightens the skin during pigmentation. Also narrows the pores, tones, makes the skin more elastic.

To the best means with retinol from wrinkles, which appeared around the eyes, include:

  • Retinol 0.3%, Skinceuticals;
  • Gel "Kurizin";
  • Retinic ointment;
  • Lipoceutical Retises Nano;
  • Ointment "Salkoseril";
  • Kinetinol, Martiderm.

Hyaluronic Acid Wrinkles: Preparation Rating

  1. Acido Hialuronico. It has an excellent moisturizing effect, saturates the skin with oxygen, making it velvety.
  2. Liqiuskin. Corrector from wrinkles, the effect of which is already noticeable when applying. In addition, in its composition contains almond oil and avocado.
  3. Blefarogel 1. In the complex with hyaluronic acid "works" Aloe Vera extract. The tool perfectly copes with the task of preventing wrinkles, moisturizing, removing irritation.
  4. Moisturizing Lotion. Fights with dryness, removes peeling, which can even be noticeable. Maximum moisturizing helps to fight manifestations of grooves around the eyes.
  5. Hyaluronic Acid. It has a soft effect, since the extracts of various medicinal plants can be found. After use, the skin looks fresh, rested.

Massage and charging from wrinkles around the eyes

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye there are also muscles, their "pumping" is well affected by the elasticity of the skin.

Massage and charging in the area around the eyes is a direct impact on subcutaneous fabrics, which reduces the manifestation of wrinkles, stops the skin sagging.

Early wrinkles around the eyes: how to deal

Early wrinkles will not make a single representative of the beautiful sex, how to deal with their manifestation? There are three simple rules, the observance of which will help forget about the first wrinkles for a long time.

  1. Watch out for faith. Control the movement of the muscles on your face, do not pure, leaving outside, dress sunglasses. As far as possible, the eyes of their eyes as hand, since such actions contribute to skin stretching.
  2. Proper healthy nutrition. It must be balanced, saturated with all sorts of vitamins. It is especially useful to eat carrots, rich in vitamin A. More than fruits and vegetables, smaller fast food, coffee, alcohol.
  3. Skin care in the eye area. Here the rule is true: the sooner, the better. Start care for delicate skin is needed from 22-25 years. Initially, moisturizing and protective (from ultraviolet) means, gradually moving to the tools for the prevention of the first wrinkles.

Wrinkles around the eyes after 30 years: how to remove?

Wrinkles around the eyes after 40: methods of struggle

All also in force the main rules:

  • stable moisturizing;
  • regular cleansing:
  • maintenance of tone;
  • external power of cells;
  • protection against external pathogenic effects.

The only difference is to apply funds more often. Follow, in order to care for the care of gentle skin around the eyes, it corresponded to its type and age.

Refuse soap and other cleaners that contain alkali. After all, the area around the eyes is the most tender place, so care here must be regular and gentle.

Twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed, it should be applied to the skin around the eyes of special tools, as well as that help in the fight against wrinkles, bruises, swelling, edema.

How to prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes?

Prevent the appearance of the first mimic wrinkles possible, for this you need to follow the following rules.

  1. Minima Mimici.
  2. Sunglasses are not an accessory, but necessity.
  3. Do not give the skin face to sunbathe.
  4. Drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.
  5. Healthy food is a pledge of beautiful skin.
  6. Correct care and moisturizing from the outside.

Aging is a natural process Which has not yet managed to avoid a single beautiful lady, but you need to grow beautifully. Therefore, take "to armared" the above tips, recipes and stay beautiful as long as possible!

Small mimic wrinkles appear sooner, after 25 years. As a result, the question arises, how to remove the mimic wrinkles around the eyes or make them less pronounced? There are many options to slow down the skin aging process. These are salon treatments and cosmetics, homemade masks, massages or special exercises.

They occur as skin aging, and this process begins early (after 20-25 years). Gradually decreases the level of collagen and elastin, which is responsible for the turgor of the skin. Gentle and thin skin around the eyes are particularly susceptible to adverse changes. In this area, there are practically no sebaceous glands that are responsible for moisturizing, so the skin is thin and dry. In addition, it is experiencing constant loads, stretching when a person smiles or pushed. As a result, the mesh of small wrinkles appears at a young age (especially with active facial expressions) and in the future "goose paws" are becoming increasingly pronounced. What reasons contribute to their appearance?

  • harmful habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • active mimic;
  • constant stress and nervous overvoltage;
  • overwork, chronic insomnia;
  • unbalanced or unhealthy nutrition;
  • violation of the water balance (dehydration of the body);
  • hereditary factor (as the cause of early aging);
  • influence of ultraviolet;
  • avitaminosis;
  • incorrect selection of cosmetic facial care products;
  • incorrect pose during sleep (habit of sleeping "face in a pillow").

It is especially worth high on the influence of nicotine and alcohol, which cause the skin irreparable harm. Smoking provokes oxygen starvation of cells, and regular units dehydrated the body, slow down the exchange processes and cell regeneration. As a result, the skin quickly loses its elasticity and more than new wrinkles appear on it every year.

How to remove mimic wrinkles around the eyes with cosmetic procedures?

How to get rid of mimic wrinkles around the eyes quickly and efficiently? This will help salon procedures. Every year all new methods and technologies appear to slow down the aging process and keep the youth and beauty of the skin for a long time. We list popular procedures:

  • Laser grinding. This is a modern and highly efficient method. But it can not be used in the periorubital field, where the skin is particularly gentle and thin. But the effect of laser radiation on cheekbones and cheeks helps to pull the contours of the face and thereby smooth out the "goose paws" in the corners of the eyes.
  • Chemical peeling. Due to the organic acids included in the mixtures for peeling, the upper exposed layer of epidermis cells is removed, the skin is updated, the regeneration processes are accelerated. When applied to the area of \u200b\u200bcheekbones, the same effect is observed as during laser correction, that is, mimic wrinkles in the eye area disappear. This type of therapy will help to remove not only "goose paws", but also deeper mimic nasolabial wrinkles.
  • Photorejuvenation - A painless procedure that is gaining popularity. The essence of the technique is that the rejuvenation of cells occurs when they are influenced by frequent light flashes. As a result, the processes of recovery and regeneration are accelerated, elastin and collagen production processes are launched, the elasticity of the skin is increased. Moreover, this method effectively prevents the further appearance of wrinkles in the problem areas.
  • Biorevitalization (Injections of hyaluronic acid). The procedure contributes to the humidification of the skin from the inside, satures it with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements, contributes to the formation of collagen and elastin fibers responsible for the skin tone.
  • Botox injections. The essence of the procedure is to be administered under the skin of neurotoxin, which blocks the transfer of nerve pulses to the mimic muscles. As a result, the muscles relax, and wrinkles smoothed. The effect is maintained for 6-12 months. In the future, to maintain a strong result, the procedure is regularly repeated.

All cosmetology procedures make it possible to achieve a resistant effect of rejuvenation, but it is worth remembering that it is expensive pleasure. Not every woman can afford regular trips to the salon. Therefore, it is worth considering less expensive rejuvenation options.

How to remove mimic wrinkles around the eyes with creams?

Replace expensive cosmetic procedures capable of high-quality cream from mimic wrinkles around the eyes. Today, on the shelves of pharmacies and specialized stores, a wide range of cosmetic means of popular domestic and foreign brands, designed to combat wrinkles. Similar funds are represented by the following groups:

  1. Crector of wrinkle. Such proofreaders increase the production of elastin and collagen in the skin, which allows it to recover faster. Creams are characterized by a light structure, so that they are quickly absorbed, deeply penetrate the epidermis and are suitable for any type of skin.
  2. Cream for integrated care. Sets consist of a daily or night cream, serum and fluid. Serum effectively smoothes wrinkles, saturating cells by collagen. The cream supports the humidity of the cells, and the fluid fixes the result, preventing the wrinkle reaping.
  3. Serum for skin. As part of such serums there are only natural components, including extracts of therapeutic herbs and vitamin complexes. Due to the action of the serum skin cells updated, the epidermis becomes smooth and gentle, the face acquires a healthy color and radiance.

Well coped with the mimic wrinkles of the cream with the content of retinol. This component acts as a scrub, as a result of which the dead layers of the skin are constantly replaced by new ones.

It also protects the skin from entering it toxins, which leads to a slowdown of aging, slows down the destruction of collagen and manifests antioxidant properties. The use of retinol-containing creams significantly improves the work of the sebaceous glands, the risk of acne is reduced. These creams include:

  • Retinol,
  • Avene Ystheal,
  • Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate -cresery from wrinkles.

The cream with peptides is also in the future contribute to the skin rejuvenation. They penetrate deeply into the epidermis and nourish it from the inside. Such means are well moistened to the skin, make it more elastic and durable, help the cells to recover and update. Similar creams are best suited for dry skin.

Popular representatives:
  • Resist Super Antioxidant Concentrate Serum -night cream and serum of one series;
  • night Line night cream with lipopeptides;
  • Mizon Peptide Ampoule Cream - cream with a large concentration of peptides;
  • Evallar Laura - anti-aging cream with peptides.

The cream with the content of glycolic, salicylic, azelain, hyaluronic or lactic acids absorb the skin, removing dead cells and speeding up the formation of an updated skin. Cosmetics of this series improve collagen and elastin synthesis, which are a frame that supports skin in a tone .. creams that are actively used to reduce wrinkles and skin regeneration:

  • Neutrogena Skin Clearing Foundation,
  • Glyco-A Isis Pharma,
  • Glycolic Acid Reviva Labs,
  • Sebium Serum Bioderma,
  • Skinorn
  • Laura,
  • D'oliva,
  • Lift Activ Retinol Ha Vichy,
  • Skinactiv and Gemene.

High-quality cosmetics from famous brands are expensive. Therefore, before buying a cream from wrinkles, consult a cosmetologist. The specialist will help you choose the option optimally suitable for your skin.


An excellent alternative to expensive creams from famous cosmetic brands are available pharmacy preparations. They coped well with small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, since their composition contains the same biologically active substances that form the basis of high-quality cosmetics. Popular agents from pharmacies:

  1. Gel Lioton. It has a pronounced anti-ethnic effect, it is distinguished by a light and gentle texture, quickly absorbed, without leaving oily shine. The use of gel allows to get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes, smoothes small wrinkles. Another advantage of the gel - it can be applied as the basis for makeup.
  2. Gel Kurizin. Its basis is all known hyaluronic acid, known for its rejuvenating properties. It is enough to mix the gel in equal proportions with any nutritious or moisturizing cream and use this composition for daily face care. Another application option is to apply a small gel volume directly on the problem zone in the eye area at night.
  3. Blefhargel. This medication designed to treat eye diseases can be successfully used to eliminate "goose paws" in the corners of the eyes. The gel contains hyaluronic acid and aloe vera juice, which are powerful tonic substances for fading skin. Hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of collagen and returns the skin for the same elasticity, and aloe extract perfectly moisturizes and regulates the water balance. Blefarogel is produced in capsules, they can be opened and add a drug into a favorite cream or use as part of masks. For example, 5 droplets of Blafarogel mix with fresh cucumber juice (50 ml), to impregnate cotton discs with this composition and attach them to the eyes for 15 minutes.

How to remove mimic wrinkles around the eyes at home?

In addition to creams, there is a large assortment of wrinkle masks. Masks from facial wrinkles around the eyes can be purchased in specialized stores. It is important to pay attention to the composition and expiration date. It should be noted that the basis of high-quality masks should always be natural ingredients - at least 80%. These may be extracts of fruits and plants, natural and essential oils, organic acids, panthenol, collagen, vitamins and trace elements.

In addition, you can make masks from wrinkles yourself, using simple and affordable components for this, which will ensure an effective result compared to the action of expensive cosmetics. Popular home masks:

Mask from cocoa

For the preparation of the mask you need to take a clean cocoa powder. Do not use with the therapeutic goal of cocoa drinks with the addition of sugar and fragrances.

A little olive oil and an ordinary moisturizing cream are added to prepare a mask in cocoa. Must be viscous, thick and homogeneous mass. It is neatly distributed on the face and leave for 30 minutes.

Mask with castor oil

On the ability of castor oil to smooth wrinkles for a long time, it is added to the composition of many rejuvenating homemade tools and masks.

The use of this component gives an answer to the question "How to remove the Mimic wrinkles around the eyes?" To prepare an effective mask, mix castor oil (1 tsp) with an equal amount of milk and pink water. It is impregnated with this mixture and apply the composition on problem areas around the eyes.

Avocado mask

Well will strengthen the skin structure and smoothes "goose paws". The flesh of ripe avocado has an oily texture, which, when applied to the skin, moisturizes well and saturates epidermis with nutrients and vitamins.

Avocado's fruit should be cut in half, choose a spoonful flesh, rub it into a thick, viscous mass and apply to sections with wrinkles. Hold a quarter of an hour and wash off with water.

Honey and milk

Such a mask will not only return the skin elasticity, but also helps to eliminate excessive dryness and prevent further formation of mimic wrinkles. For the procedure you need to take liquid floral honey, mix it with warm homemade milk or cream in a 1: 1 ratio. Finished composition apply on the skin, one third hours, then wash.

A mask with banana and butter will fill the epidermis cells with nutrients, smooth and return the skin a healthy look. Prepared in a 1: 1 ratio. The oil must be pre-melt, in a warm form to mix with a mounted bane pulled and put on the skin around the eyes on a quarter of an hour. Rock up the composition recommend decoction from mint leaves.

A good rejuvenation effect gives special gymnastics for the face, point massage, popular Japanese methods of rejuvenation. Proper and full nutrition, maintaining the water balance of the body, the refusal of bad habits and the correct skin care will help preserve its youth for many years. The result will be even better if before applying our recommendations, you will receive a consultation of an experienced cosmetologist.

There are two main causes of wrinkle: the natural aging, about which we know from the lessons of biology and that, alas, unable to stop, as well as the reduction in facial muscles - the second factor makes sense to consider in more detail, having studied why mimic wrinkles are formed and how to remove them various methods. As it is clear from the name, Mimic - these are related to the movements of the facial wrinkle muscles. These include "goose paws" around the eyes, nasolabial and interbural folds, transverse grooves on the forehead.

As we said, the appearance of wrinkles is associated with two mechanisms. Firstly, the protective function of the skin deteriorate over the years, it becomes vulnerable to ultraviolet, low temperatures and other external influences. Due to the violation of hydration, the epidermis is experiencing a lack of moisture, which leads to dehydration. Muscle tone at this time weakens - fabrics, in accordance with the laws of physics, are lowered down. Wrinkles caused by age-related changes are called static or gravitational.

Another kind is mimic or dynamic wrinkles. Every time our face comes into motion, the skin at certain areas forms folds. In young age, skin covers are distinguished by elasticity, so these folds are unwarked immediately after relaxing the mimic muscles. With the age of the synthesis of collagen and elastin, it is reduced, so the consequences of the permanent "transformations" of the skin becomes noticeable.

The "zone of the Mimic Risk" is usually sites under the eyes, deprived of the sebaceous glands and the layer of subcutaneous fat. At the same time, it is on thin skin near the eye there is a major fabulous load. Then appear folds in the forehead and brine area, and then the wrinkle turn in the area around the mouth and in the corners of the eyes. The first wrinkles can manifest themselves in 15 or in 40 years. Genetic features, the structure of the face, the state of health, lifestyle play a major role.

Factors can aggravate skin problems:

  • Stress, lacking;
  • Bad habits;
  • Stay in the sun;
  • Dry air;
  • Wrong skin care;
  • Unbalanced nutrition;
  • Bad ecology;
  • Rapid weight loss;
  • Metabolic disorders, hormonal background;
  • Diseases of the gasts, liver, kidneys;
  • High mimic activity.

If static wrinkles are practically not amenable to adjustment, the wrinkles are mimic to remove quite real - or at least one can make them less deep.

Modern Arsenal Anti-Mimic Wrinkle Arsenal allows you to eliminate the "mesh" next to the eyes and chances on the skin in other zones. Numerous methods offered by cosmetology, traditional medicine and beauty bloggers can be combined into 4 groups.

Consider each of them, ranging from "light artillery" and ending with "heavy":

  1. Cosmetic formulations for outdoor use;
  2. Exercises (Facebilding) and massage;
  3. Hardware procedures;
  4. Subcutaneous injections.


Diverse anti-aging skin care products include creams, gels, lotions, masks, serums. You can purchase ready-made cosmetics or prepare it at home. In the first case, learn the composition. Beware of hormonal preparations that will delight the result in the short term, but will cause addictive. Do not believe in marketing slogans: Galuronka's mimic wrinkle challenges in the cream does not have any action on the skin, since the acid molecules are much larger in size, which would allow to penetrate the epidermis.

The choice of folk recipes to combat facial wrinkles is impressive even more than the store and pharmacy product range. Popular components are oils, aloe juice, honey, gelatin, vitamins in ampoules.

Here is a simple mask from mimic wrinkles: Add retinol and tocopherol in vegetable oil, the resulting mixture to use as a mask or compress, keep on the face of 20-30 minutes. The external means are not able to create a miracle themselves, forcing the wrinkles to disappear, but are part of the skin care, protecting, eating, and moisturizing it from outside, and also contributing to the purification from ero-digit cells.

Gymnastics and manual plastic

Facebilding and massage are good in that they can begin at any time at home. These methods do not require the cost of time or money, but require self-discipline, because the basis of achieving the desired results is the regularity of application. Every day, classes must be dedicated to 15-20 minutes. Information, how to remove mimic wrinkles using exercises and self-massage, you can easily find on the Internet, where many videos are represented on this topic.

Mimic gymnastics and massage techniques are aimed at normalizing muscle tone. Remember that movements should be smooth. Work with skin delicately, massaging the problem areas with fingertips, use soft patting techniques, in no case stretch the skin, especially under the eyes. It is advisable to use nutrient cream or oil. Another prerequisite is the purity of the hands and face during classes.

Hardware cosmetology

These techniques include:

  • Grinding;
  • Peeling;
  • Fractional thermolysis;
  • Phonophoresis;
  • Ionophoresis;
  • Laser biorevitalization;
  • Ridoliz;
  • Microcurrent therapy;
  • Galvanotherapy;
  • Photolifting;
  • Thermage.

This is not a complete list of methods that aesthetic medicine uses to solve skin problems - including how to prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles and how to remove existing ones. The principle of technology is as follows: With the help of a laser, electric current, compressed gas, ultrasound or radio waves, blood and lymph circulation in all layers of skin are improved, regeneration is accelerated, the operation of fibroblasts - elements of connective tissue synthesizing the extracellular matrix is \u200b\u200bstimulated. As a result, the cells receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and water, the collagen production is enhanced, the operation of the glands is normalized. The skin surface is aligned, the complexion becomes more fresh.

Subcutaneous injections

"Purpose of youth" on functional purpose is divided into several species.


The first is a botulinistic toxin or, as it is called, Botox. This drug does not directly affect the state of our skin, its function is to paralyze the muscles, the reduction of which provokes the formation of the chances. Botulinoxin blocks the transfer of pulses from nerve fibers to muscle receptors. The elimination of musculature voltage ensures the disappearance of shallow mimic wrinkles, prevents new ones.

In other words, Botoks does what we - theoretically could themselves, having learned to control the Mimic expression of emotions and stopped pushing, frown, laugh, wrinkle forehead. But it is impossible, so people resort to injections that do not allow to appear with mimic wrinkles around the eyes, between eyebrows and above them. The advantages of the procedure include its painlessness, the lack of consequences in the form of a hematome under the skin, a rapidly noticeable result. For disadvantages - short action (up to six months), the impression of the "frozen mask", addictive, inefficiency with already formed, deep wrinkles.


The second type of injections is mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, vitamin cocktails and other biologically active substances. Hyaluronic acid has a property to bind water molecules, so the skin is saturated with inside, and the folds are "filled". Vitamins and other trace elements, "delivered" directly in Mesoderm, activate the recovery of cells, improve blood microcirculation, stimulate the production of collagen skin, slow down aging.

Mesotherapy is most often used to smooth out nasolabial folds, wrinkles over the lip and around the eyes, as well as with highly pronounced wrinkles of the skin of the forehead. Ingredients are selected by a doctor taking into account individual characteristics and needs. Crosses of mesotherapy are perceived by the skin is not as easy as Botoks: Redness, edema, either bruises can remain on the face. However, to suffer 15 minutes of pain you can, the effect of mesotherapy allows you to forget about wrinkles for a period of up to a year.

As a rule, to get rid of wrinkles, Botox and mesotherapy are used in the complex, since the first "works" above the muscles, and the second one is above the skin. The main key to the effectiveness and safety of injection is the choice of a competent specialist who will advise how to remove the mimic wrinkles in the eyes, lips or eyebrows, correctly define the necessary composition for injections, its dosage. Preparations for subcutaneous administration have contraindications.


There is another kind of injection from mimic wrinkles, which provides for the introduction of a human plasma under the skin of human plasma. Platmetes accelerate the growth of cellular structures and the process of the formation of the intercellular substance, contribute to reinforced regeneration, stimulate metabolism, strengthen vessels. The procedure can be applied not only for the beauty and preventing age-related occurrences from the skin, but also for the treatment of skin diseases, eliminate echoes and dark circles under the eyes, healing of scars.

It is not necessary at the very first surface wrinkles to start making injections. The choice of means to eliminate wrinkles depends on their depth, age of a person, the state of the body. The success of the event can be guaranteed solely with an integrated approach: not enough external manifestations of mimic wrinkles, it is necessary to work with the causes of their occurrence and promotional factors.

Add to diet products with high content of vitamins A, E, C, Groups in, eat olive oil, spend outdoor hours, do not rub, do not overcome your eyes, drink water, give up alcohol and smoking, sleep 7-8 hours per day, ensure the protection of the skin from the sun rays.

How to remove mimic wrinkles video

In contact with

Mimic wrinkles, especially in the area around the eyes, often appear ahead of time, so preventive care you need to start as early as possible. But what if the goose paws have already appeared? I offer you an overview of the best proven funds, as well as methods that I personally use in the fight against the facial wrinkles around the eyes.

The first wrinkles are usually stress and awareness that time runs faster than we have time to realize. Especially when you also have no thirty. Seeing the first wrinkles in his 26 years in the corners of the eyes, the first thing that came to my mind came, and there was a long time for a long time, there was a thought that I still have no children, but there are wrinkles.

For me, it was the beginning of a period of revising its plans and priorities, more radical life decisions, and, of course, the beginning of the search for the best means from wrinkles.

Why are wrinkles around the eyes appear ahead of time?

That they would not say, the main reason for the appearance of early wrinkles is wrong skin care Persons or its absence. When the skin is still young, it really seems that special care is not needed. She is elastic, smooth and worried except that the acne is thinking about the anti-aging leaving at this time. But even if the prevention of the appearance of mimic wrinkles is prevented, it is also the beginning of the path, because you need to find the means efficient, and which are suitable for skin type.

In addition, there are still other factors that affect the fading of the skin around the eyes:

  • Heredity and muscular structure of the face. Many facial structure is such that every time you smile, characteristic rays appear. At first they smooth quickly, then, with time, the skin loses elasticity, and thin wrinkles remain.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol dehydrates the organism, smoking deprives oxygen cells.
  • Dehydration. Drink enough pure water every day is very important.
  • Lack of sleep and rest. You need to sleep for 8 hours a day, fight stress, regularly relax and pay time to yourself with your beloved.
  • The use of poor-quality decorative cosmetics. Many instead of solving skin problems, just try to hide them with the help of tonal agents. First, you need to give even sometimes to relax and breathe, secondly, choose only high-quality not expired cosmetics.

  • Wrong pose during sleep.If you sleep face in a pillow or on the side, one day you will be wanted and aware that wrinkles are already on the face. They are easier to prevent them, because the struggle with them will be long and not always effective.
  • Ultraviolet.If you like the sun, love and the means of protection against harmful rays that will get skin.

Even mimic wrinkles around the eyes You already have, it's never too late to exclude the reasons for the emergence of new and deepening existing ones.

The best salon procedures for elimination of mimic wrinkles

Sooner or later, wrinkles will be all of us, but modern medicine, and cosmetology every day is inventing more and more innovative ways to extend the youth. Some of these methods are already available. Here is a list of the most effective salon procedures for removing mimic wrinkles, including goose paws around the eyes:

  • Laser grinding. This procedure gives perhaps the best results, only done exactly on the line of cheekbones, it is not done on gentle skin under the eyes, but the skin is updated, and the races around the eyes are smoothed. This method has a lot of minuses, the procedure is very injured by the skin, so consider it only in extreme cases.
  • Chemical peeling. As well as with laser grinding, peeling is applied along the cheekbone, however, wrinkles are smoothed under the eyes. Which one peeling And the depth of exposure recommends a cosmetologist depending on the skin condition.
  • Photorejuvenation. It is an impact on the skin of the face with flashes of pulse light, which causes skin cells to be updated faster, produce collagen and elastin. As a result, wrinkles smoothed, the tone of the face is leveled.
  • Biorevitalization . These are injections with hyaluronic acid. Read more about the advantages of this procedure, read in the article: biographelization by hyaluronic acid.

All these methods have their advantages and cons, but all of them are quite effective and give a visible result for a short time. But the main minus is that it is quite expensive procedures, and you usually need to go through a whole course that it will inevitably affect the personal budget.

Mimic wrinkles around the eyes - Home methods of fighting them

Homemade means to deal with wrinkles are available, effective and natural, but, as a rule, work more slowly, the results will have to wait longer. It is not worth deceiving and wait for a miracle after the first mask if the wrinkles have already appeared, it will get rid of them very difficult.

  • Potato mask. Fresh potatoes are rubbed on a small grater and superimposed. After 1 minutes wash off cool water. For severe skin, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of sour cream or cream.
  • Natural oils: shipovnika, germ wheat or grape. These oils are just a find for any person. Use them in pure form and add to the mask. It quickly absorbs and make the skin more elastic and well-groomed.
  • Vitamins A and E. These fat-soluble vitamins have the basis of anti-aging care for any skin. Read more about the benefits of these facial vitamins Read in the materials Aevit for face and Vitamin E .
  • Masks with sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn to all of us is familiar, but few know how valuable for the skin. From facial wrinkles around the eyes will help masks of sea buckthorn .
  • Masks with clay. Cosmetic clay, which has long been known for its smoothing properties, is good because there is practically no contraindications, and the effects are visible after the first application.

Recipe mask from wrinkle for the age with ascorbic acid :

It will take: 1 spoon of yogurt, half of the teaspoon of brown sugar and a third of a teaspoon of ascorbic powder.

We mix while sugar does not dissolve. We put the mask on the skin under the eyes using cotton disks.

Get rid of goose paws - personal experience

Mimic wrinkles around the eyes appeared at me at 26 years old, almost immediately after my birthday. The fact is that before that moment I have never thought about skin care. Like this. And since these 2 wrinkles in the left eye became part of my life, I do not stop looking for funds to combat them, or hoped at least to prevent the emergence of new ones.

Personal experience in the fight against the facial wrinkles around the eye I will write in the form of a review of funds that I managed to try for 3 years. It so happened that I started with more expensive cosmetics and gradually moved to more efficient and simple tools.

What tried:

  • Estee Lauder Time Zone Eye. Some minuses, no effect and expensive.
  • Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair. The only one of the expensive funds from which I can not refuse. Directly wrinkles does not eliminate since this serum does not have such a goal, but the skin becomes more elastic, smooth, just beautiful.
  • Estee Lauder Advanced Repair Eye. Despite the fact that the serum is very good, the eye version does not deserve attention.
  • Shiseido Benefiance Wrinkle Resist Eye. No effect.
  • Payot Paris Regard serum from wrinkles around the eyes. Expensive and not that inefficient, wrinkles are still deepened.

  • Blefhargel - They say blophiary is hyaluronic acid and helps to eliminate the mimic wrinkles around the eyes, but I personally did not notice any effect.
  • Sisley Wrinkle Mask - Again the money thrown into the wind.
  • Aha peeling from Oriflame. I bought a three-step program that includes peeling, microdmeambrasion and the cream after restoring. It is not so expensive, but I still use the series. Good thing.
  • Glycolic peeling from Beautymed. Peeling for home use. In my opinion gives good results. I nano it neatly on the line of cheekbone. Updates the skin, makes a smoother, natural blush appears. Read more about this facility in the material: Chemical peeling at home.
  • Face cream with retinol. This one of the recent finds. A means that really works and it can be seen. There are many contraindications. Read more wrote in the material: Retinol for face .
  • Rosehip oil. Until I am so pleased with me like this. Absorbed instantly, the skin immediately looks well-groomed. If you put on clean skin in the morning, it will shine in the morning. In addition, my problems solved with dry skin around the nails.
  • Cream and serum with hyaluronic acid. Usually cream with hyaluronic acid is not very expensive, only you need to choose them correctly. Many manufacturers on the package are written in the composition of hyaluronic acid, and if you read the ingredients, you will find no acid there (Hyaluronic ACID), and its salt (Sodium Hyaluronate). This is not the same thing! Before buying, make sure that the means includes it is hyaluronic acid.

What helped? Cream with retinol, rosehip oil, glycolic peeling, hyaluronic acid cream, ADVANCED NIGHT REPAIR serum, preparation Aevit and face massage.