How to get away from breastfeeding. Hormonal agents to stop lactation. How to avoid hurting your breasts

So, you are very close to seriously considering how to stop breastfeeding. Then it will be useful for you to know several ways how to do this.

Before talking about the methods, it is worth saying that this process of its extinction also has a natural physiology, like the beginning of breastfeeding, the appearance of milk. It is imperative to know the biological foundations of these processes at least in order not to mess up the sets that will be quite difficult.

The breast of a woman in lactation goes through several stages, each of which differs from the other and makes its own adjustments, changes in the structure of the breast, in the composition of milk. Most breast changes occur during pregnancy. For a long 40 weeks, she completely rebuilds in a new way, prepares for the upcoming motherhood.

The first lactation is the first latching of the baby to the breast. Colostrum first. After that, colostrum is replaced by milk. Mature lactation can be called after 3 weeks. Now Mom can completely regulate the amount of milk. She does not experience sudden flushes to the breast, and milk is produced exactly as much as is necessary for one feeding of the baby.

Knowing this simple arithmetic, you can derive the ideal formula so that it will not be problematic for mom. Namely, the less she feeds the baby, the less her body will produce milk.

But not everything is as easy as it might seem at first glance. Stopping breastfeeding is very difficult for the baby himself. After all, the baby for all the time got used to mother's breast, to her smell and warmth. Breast refusal is very often accompanied by a serious protest from the child. The child, if he was wrongly and unwisely weaned from the breast, in all possible and impossible ways will demand a return to his usual diet.

How to stop breastfeeding so that the baby goes through this process less painfully? There are several ways. For example, the older generation advises the mother to leave the baby for a grandmother or one father for a period of 1 week or more. Mom at this time can go to rest and recuperate. One week is enough for the baby to get out of the habit of breastfeeding and rebuild in a new way. This method of how to stop breastfeeding, on the one hand, really works, but on the other hand, not every modern woman can afford extraordinary rest. And it is unlikely that a mother will be able to be separated from her offspring for a long time.

The second method is based on observation. As soon as the baby for the whole night never requires latching to the breast and sleeps quietly until the morning, then during the next day there is no need to remind him of such a beloved mother's body part. Gradually, he will get used to it and unlearn from periodic breastfeeding without any problems.

It happens that mommy urgently needs to stop lactation. When thinking about how to stop breastfeeding, one should not forget about the methods of traditional medicine. By the way, they are very effective and will not harm either mother or child. Basically, traditional medicine suggests drinking herbal infusions, which reduce lactation and reduce it to "no". For example, sage infusion will stop lactation on the third day if a woman regularly drinks at least 4 glasses a day. This herb is easy to brew. For 2 teaspoons of sage, 400 ml of water is required. The herb is poured with boiling water and infused for at least 2 hours. It is necessary to drink sage before meals, 100 ml in one go.

Another recipe for a lactation-stopping sage leaf drink is popular. Sage will need 2 teaspoons. To it are added more (2 teaspoons) and walnut leaves (1 teaspoon). All of these components are mixed. Further, to prepare a tea that stops lactation, pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and insist for 1 hour. A woman needs to take this drink daily and several times a day in a glass at a time until lactation stops completely.

Lingonberries, basil, parsley, horsetail, belladonna, jasmine will also help to stop or reduce lactation.

Speaking of ways to stop breastfeeding, it is worth warning all mothers who, listening to the advice of experienced ones, tighten their breasts or start drinking hormonal drugs in packs that stop lactation processes. Doing this is not only not recommended by doctors, but also prohibited. Firstly, neither constriction nor medications will stop lactation if its natural stop has not yet come. Secondly, all these methods can lead to serious problems associated with diseases, or disrupt the balance of hormones in the female body.

Summing up, I would like to emphasize that any physiological process has its beginning and natural end. Any intervention will definitely leave a mark and an imprint. Therefore, before thinking about how to stop breastfeeding, it is still appropriate to talk to a specialist consultant.

It is necessary to slow down lactation when:

  • diseases of the mother's internal organs;
  • abnormal structure of the mammary glands and nipples;
  • the child's categorical refusal to breastfeed and the forced transition to artificial feeding (about the reasons for the refusal -).

Stop lactating naturallynecessary when:

  1. Karapuz is over 2.5 years old. By this time, almost nothing of value remains in breast milk and in composition it resembles colostrum.
  2. Sucking reflex. The longer the baby suckles at the breast, the slower the nervous system develops. By the age of three, sucking should be replaced by a swallowing reflex.
  3. Extinction of the need to latch on to the breast. The physiological need for sucking is gradually disappearing, and walking comes to replace it. The less often the baby sucks, the less milk is released and it disappears.
  4. Mom's emotional fatigue. When feeding causes irritation, and the desire to get rid of the baby hanging on the chest.

When is the best time to start

If we are not talking about emergency weaning, there are several signs that it is time to stop breastfeeding:

  • the child has reached 1.5 years of age and his main milk teeth have grown;
  • the baby chews solid food and eats regular food 3 times a day;
  • he is not indignant when they refuse to give him a breast and is easily distracted if instead of offering him a toy, a book, an interesting new object;
  • the child is applied to the breast 3-4 times a day;
  • he can fall asleep without a breast if he sings a song or tells a fairy tale.

If all points are completed, you can safely stop lactation and begin weaning.

Ways to end lactation

There are several ways to stop lactation:

  • physiological (naturally);
  • medication, with the use of drugs that inhibit milk production;
  • folk methods.

Each has its own advantages and characteristics.

Physiological methods

An affordable, natural and gentle method of completing breastfeeding for both mom and baby. By gradually decreasing the frequency of feeding, less milk will be produced and over time it will disappear. First, remove daytime feedings. Instead of breast milk, the baby is offered regular food according to age.

The final step will be a complete rejection of night feedings. It will not be possible to quickly stop lactation by a physiological method. Its essence is a slow and painless weaning. This often takes about 2-3 months. Mom is patient and pays maximum attention to the baby. It is impossible to refuse lactation after childbirth in this way. The kid should be able to chew and digest food from the children's table.

Drugs for the termination of lactation

You can suppress lactation using drugs. With their help, the production of breast milk completely stops.

  1. Dostinex. A popular drug that acts on the hypothalamus. It activates substances that stop the synthesis of prolactin. This remedy causes minimal harm to the body and is considered effective even in small doses. Dostinex contraindicated in diseases of the heart, liver and gastrointestinal tract... It is not prescribed for hypertension and mental disorders.
  2. Bromocriptine or Parlodel. Able to stop lactation in the same way as Dostinex. But the course of treatment with these means is longer, and the dosage is higher. Side effects include dizziness, nausea, and increased blood pressure. Bromocriptine has a positive effect on an interrupted or disturbed menstrual cycle.
  3. Microfollin. A hormonal drug that is well absorbed by the intestines. It is used not only to repay lactation, but also for furunculosis, diseases of the prostate gland. Side effects include a headache, a violation of metabolic calcium processes.
  4. Bromcamphor. Non-hormonal medication containing bromine. Has a sedative effect. Contraindicated in diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart. The drug slowly stops lactation, so it has mild side effects.

Taking pills that stop lactation include the following recommendations:

  • the safest are drugs based on gestagen. They cause fewer side effects;
  • you can not prescribe medication for yourself. Only a doctor after consultation can determine the drug, dosage and course of treatment;
  • often taking hormones is accompanied by side effects. If it manifests itself actively, it is necessary to consult a doctor and change the dosage;
  • taking pills that inhibit lactation, you need to pump, so that mastitis does not form or;
  • until breast milk is completely gone, you need to wear bras without underwire;
  • after taking the first pill of the child, breastfeeding is strictly prohibited;
  • after completion of treatment, lactation may be restored. It is necessary to drink tablets for another week to avoid undesirable consequences;
  • if mom has changed her mind and wants to continue feeding, the discontinued lactation process can be resumed after the drug has been removed from the body. Milk is expressed () and only then is offered to the baby.

Stopping lactation with medication is a dangerous and responsible step. Treatment should be professional, competent, taking into account the personal characteristics and general condition of the mother. Hormonal drugs exacerbate all existing diseases and are not always effective. If the reason for completing breastfeeding is not urgent - stillbirth, osteoporosis, pituitary adenoma, purulent mastitis in the mother, it is better to try to extinguish lactation without pills.

Folk ways

You can stop lactation with folk remedies using diuretic decoctions and herbal infusions. They are not difficult to make at home. By removing fluid from the body, they will significantly reduce milk production.

  1. Herbal infusion is prepared from parsley, nettle, yarrow, basil, lingonberry leaves, chicory. 2 tbsp herbs are placed in a thermos and poured with 2 cups of boiling water. After 2 hours, the strained infusion can be drunk instead of tea or water. The maximum amount of infusion consumed per day should not exceed 6 glasses. After 3-4 days, milk flow will decrease, and the breast will stop swelling.
  2. Belladonna, elecampane, horsetail, bearberry leaves help to remove excess water from the body. They are brewed and taken strictly according to the instructions on the package.
  3. A sedative that stops lactation - peppermint. Chopped leaves 3 tbsp. l. fall asleep in a mug or thermos and pour 0.5 l. boiling water. After an hour, the strained drink can be drunk, dividing it into 3 doses.
  4. You can reduce and later stop lactation with sage. It will strengthen the woman's immune genitourinary system. The broth is prepared according to the instructions and drunk half a glass three times a day. The effect is noticeable already 3-4 days after the start of the course. ...

All broths are stored in the refrigerator with the lid closed for no longer than 2 days.

Mom should drink less fluids to help reduce hot flashes. It is not advisable to eat smoked, salted and meat products. These foods make you thirsty. Apples, persimmons, pears, cranberries, viburnum, gooseberries remove liquid well. You can make a diuretic cocktail. A glass of viburnum juice, mixed with a glass of mountain ash juice, 0.5 cups of fresh lemon juice and 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Any diuretic herb can be added. Take a drink three times a day, a field of food for 1 glass.

Compresses are often used from folk remedies:

  1. The mammary glands are lubricated with camphor or sage oil every 4 hours, avoiding contact with the nipples. The chest is wrapped in a scarf or woolen shawl. Pain reliever (Paracetamol or Nurofen) should be taken for distension, tingling and tingling.
  2. Cabbage leaves soften the swollen breasts, helping to burn out the milk. The leaves are cooled in the refrigerator, softened with a rolling pin and applied to the chest for an hour. One compress a day is enough. After a week, the result will be obvious and lactation will decrease.
  3. Cool compress. The tissue soaked in cold water is applied to the chest for 20 minutes.

How much breast milk burns out

Using the physiological method or using folk methods, breast milk burns out gradually. The body cannot be ordered to turn off milk production. Lactation will decrease significantly after a week, but milk will be released from the breast for another 5-6 months, especially when drinking hot tea or in a warm bath. This is a natural phenomenon called the "oxytocin reflex". Milk drops can appear throughout the year, and sometimes for a lifetime. The gradual extinction of lactation will be painless. Mom will avoid discomfort, painful breast engorgement and milk stagnation. Taking medications quickly inhibits the work of the mammary glands. For the complete repayment of lactation, it is enough to undergo a short course of treatment.

How not to extinguish lactation

Many mothers do not know how best to stop lactation, and succumbing to the harmful advice of grandmothers, they use methods that are dangerous to health. Pulling the breast is considered an instant method that solves the problem of a screaming baby and suffering from a mother's bursting breast. In addition to temperature, edema, lactostasis and pain, this will not lead to anything. Milk is secreted by hormones, not by the mammary glands. A tightly pulled breast does not affect the processes inside the body.

What is the termination of breastfeeding, sooner or later it becomes known to every nursing mother. The question arises before everyone: how to stop feeding the child correctly, so as not to harm him or herself? The world organization "La Leche Liga" argues that you need to stop breastfeeding gradually, without taking radical action. If all the rules are followed, the process becomes natural and not so difficult.

Experts believe that completing breastfeeding can be gentle and comfortable for mom and baby.

Optimal time to complete lactation

When should you think about ending breastfeeding (more in the article :)? The World Health Organization gives information that the most suitable age for this is 2 years. Although by this time the quality and benefits of breast milk have not been lost, very often changes occur in life that are incompatible with HS (for example, the need for a mother to go to work or a baby to go to kindergarten).

Unfortunately, you have to adapt to many circumstances. Let's see what are the features of the termination of lactation at different ages:

  1. 6 months. In the first six months, weaning a baby from the breast is permissible only for medical reasons. Mother's milk is a complete nutrition that has no artificial analogues (100% of nutrients). To complete lactation and deprive a child of this most valuable product, very good reasons are needed. Of course, mother's fatigue is not among them.
  2. 12 months. The American Pediatric Association publishes data according to which in the first year the baby receives up to 75% of the valuable substances during breastfeeding. Although complementary foods are gradually introduced at six months, it is only a supplement, and not a replacement for the main food.
  3. 18 months. The same American Association of Pediatrics claims that breastfeeding is also beneficial at this age, but if the mother needs it, it is already possible to stop lactation gradually. The main thing is to act competently.
  4. 24 months and older. According to another organization (WHO), lactation ends naturally at about 4 years of age. The most suitable age for completion is 2.5 years, which many mothers have successfully confirmed in practice.

Having figured out the time, now let's see how to end breastfeeding. Knowing what the necessary and unwanted actions are as important as setting a timeline.

What shouldn't you do?

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Before we learn how to stop breastfeeding, let's talk about what not to do and why. There are so-called extreme methods of weaning a baby; in the recent past, many women have boldly used them. Despite some of their effectiveness, think about the negative aspects of such actions. Is children's stress or harm to health worth the quick results you get? Everyone makes their own choice, but still, first, study the useful information. So, what actions are very, very undesirable:

  1. Separation from the child for several days. This method is known to everyone and is considered the most common. Of course, the baby is left with his beloved grandmother or aunt, but at this age his connection with his mother is still very strong, and no one can replace the dearest person. In addition to the fact that the baby will receive stress from the abrupt change in nutrition and partially lose the spiritual closeness with the mother, which is provided by breastfeeding, for several days he will completely lose her presence.
  2. Lubrication of the nipples with mustard, horseradish, brilliant green or other deterrent agents. Yes, the baby will refuse, but this will also be quite stressful for him. In addition, such burning agents can easily leave a burn on the delicate skin of the nipples - then you will have to come to your senses from stress, not to mention additional treatment.
  3. Replacing mother's milk with other drinks during night feedings. Often at night, the child is given juice, compote, water with sugar, or something else. Sugar drinks lead to further development of tooth decay, so they should not be used. The later the baby gets to know sugar, the better.
  4. Instant weaning using other methods can also be stressful for the baby and health problems for the mom.

As you can see, all of the above methods are quite unhelpful and inhumane. You can perfectly finish lactation without them.

How not to harm your breasts?

When breastfeeding is abruptly stopped, it is not only the baby that is stressed and harmed.

The main risk for a mother who decided to quit breastfeeding early is problems with the mammary glands. According to statistics, among such women there is a very large percentage of the disease and the risk of breast cancer is 4% higher.

How to quit breastfeeding correctly without compromising your health? A specialist consultation will not be superfluous. The following information will come in handy:

  1. Refuse to drag. Tight dressings interfere with blood circulation and block the milk flow. All this leads to the formation of mastitis. You need to wear a tight bra that will simply support your breasts.
  2. ... At first, you will have to do this often, as soon as the breasts are full. Gradually, the number of pumping needs to be reduced, and in the end, stop altogether. Milk can be stored in the mammary glands for up to 3 months, so do not be alarmed if you feel it for a while.
  3. Use herbs. Ordinary cabbage leaves help to relieve swelling, and discomfort disappears thanks to infusions of chamomile, sage and mint (we recommend reading :). These same herbs slightly reduce milk production. Compresses are acceptable, but only cold.
  4. Do not be independent in the choice of medicines. They are bad for the general condition and have many side effects. The use of sedatives and especially hormonal drugs is justified in extremely rare situations, so only a doctor can prescribe them.

Milk will have to be expressed first, gradually decreasing the frequency and volume of the procedure.

In addition, easy and constant monitoring of the condition of the breasts will be helpful. If you or you feel lumps, contact your gynecologist, mammologist or breastfeeding specialist immediately.

If you see a slight release of fluid when you apply pressure to the areola, this is normal. When this situation is observed within 3 months after completing breastfeeding, there is a reason for consultation.

Stopping feeding for up to a year

Natalia Gerbeda-Wilson, an expert from the La Leche Liga organization, is of the categorical opinion that the end of breastfeeding in the first 12 months is unacceptable. Even if the mother has to go to work, the milk needs to be expressed and the baby is bottle fed.

How to stop breastfeeding if it is still necessary and there is no other option? Try to end lactation gradually. The following tips will help you with this:

  1. Ask for help from loved ones. It is better if the child associates bottle feeding not with his mother, but with his father, grandmother or someone else.
  2. Reduce the number of feedings gradually. Cut down on daytime, then nighttime, and lastly before bed.
  3. Pay more attention to your baby as attachments to the breast decrease. To minimize stress, communicate more with him, hold him in your arms, talk. Give him a sense of protection and confidence.
  4. If the baby strongly disagrees, give up the idea of ​​stopping lactation. Most likely, your decision is too premature. Please try again after a while.

To make it easier for the baby to survive separation from the breast, you can temporarily shift the responsibility of feeding to dad or grandmother

There are also situations where weaning is prohibited. Among them:

  1. Baby's illness. Switching to a new diet can make you feel worse.
  2. The period of mastering a new skill or overexcitement. This requires an even emotional state.
  3. Temporary breastfeeding. This is not a reason to stop breastfeeding altogether. This can happen when you decide to stop feeding at night, overuse pacifiers, or too rarely latch on to your baby. Eliminate these factors and continue lactation.

Often mothers stop breastfeeding early because of severe mental and physical fatigue. Instead, try to rethink your daily routine: get plenty of rest and walk in the fresh air, eat well, get enough sleep, and interact with your baby. By providing yourself with such simple things, you will understand why it is too early to complete lactation at this time.

We complete lactation after a year

How to stop feeding a baby with breast milk after reaching one year of age (we recommend reading :)? This will be much easier. Although milk continues to retain its beneficial qualities, after 1.5-2 years, stopping feeding is already more painless. We recommend the following actions:

  1. Feed your baby as many times as he wants. If he asks - give a breast, if he played too much and forgot - forget too.
  2. Change the environment in which your baby is used to eating. Eliminating associations with breastfeeding will be of great help to you.
  3. Replace the breast with a bottle or sippy during the day. This is not necessary at night, as you put yourself at risk of developing tooth decay.
  4. Spend more time in a new environment. The child will transfer his attention to other children, animals, objects and everything unfamiliar. This move will help distract him from frequent breastfeeding.

As you can see, after a year, the termination of lactation is already more timely (see also:). It happens more easily and does not have such a negative impact on either health or emotional state.

New impressions and active walks will switch the child's attention and help the mother to carry out her plans.

Stopping lactation naturally

How to stop breastfeeding your baby naturally and what does it mean? Experts say that by the age of 3 years the involution of lactation (termination) naturally occurs (we recommend reading.

Mother's milk contains the necessary balance of useful components. By feeding on breast milk, the baby receives all the necessary components for proper growth and development. Mother's milk contains a large amount of minerals, vitamins, proteins and fatty acids. Not many women realize how ideal breast milk is.

How to properly complete the GW

Science is progressing well now, but still, experts cannot repeat the composition of natural feeding in a mixture. Together with the mother's milk, a huge amount of necessary elements enters the body of the crumbs. Milk is guaranteed free of preservatives and impurities. When a baby is breastfed, he usually does not have problems with the intestines and stomach. Natural feeding gives the baby all the necessary elements that protect the child's body from the penetration of infections and bacteria. A woman who is breastfeeding does not always know how to end breastfeeding correctly. After all, in this case, you need not to harm the baby.

How to end breastfeeding for mom? For the mother herself, breastfeeding should end harmlessly ... To make everything go safely, you must follow the basic rules. The decision made must be carefully analyzed. And also the mother should consult a specialist. If a decision is made to wean the baby, then in no case should he be given a breast. Even if he throws a tantrum. After the completion of feeding, it is difficult not only for the baby, but also for the woman herself. Feeding should not be stopped if the child is sick. Together with milk, the necessary elements enter the child's body, which help him in the fight against the disease.

Thanks to this, it becomes easier for the baby to fight the disease. Milk prevents gastrointestinal disorders. When a woman stops breastfeeding, the baby is in a bad mood. Experts advise:

Because of this, he may experience malfunctioning of the intestines or stomach. You cannot immediately stop feeding your baby. If important things are planned, then excommunication should be postponed. Such cases can be: change of place of residence or going to work. These events become stressful for the child. The kid should be in a comfortable environment when weaned.

What are the requirements for stopping breastfeeding

When weaning crumbs from the breast, it is necessary to follow all the rules and recommendations given by the attending physician. Each woman and child has individual characteristics of the body. It is imperative to take into account that weaning occurs in a spontaneous or phased system. When weaning, it is imperative to take into account the age and body weight of the baby. Mom herself will not be able to perform the necessary manipulations on her own without the help of a breastfeeding specialist.

How to abruptly wean a baby

This method was practiced in the Soviet Union. For this, the woman left her home, and the child was left to relatives or close people. This period lasted from 3 to 5 days... This method proved to be stressful for both the child and his mother. Experts currently offer milder weaning methods.

  1. Abrupt weaning has the advantage of being weaned almost immediately.
  2. The mother's breast is no longer of interest to him. The reasons for the termination of lactation are not taken into account.
  3. Still, the abrupt method of completing breastfeeding has many disadvantages. The adaptation of the child takes place in a very short period of time.
  4. Very often the baby does not understand why he can no longer drink his mother's milk. Stopping breastfeeding abruptly, the child receives a very strong blow to the fragile psyche.
  5. The crumb finds itself in extreme conditions. As psychologists say, abrupt weaning is similar to teaching a person to swim by pushing him into water.
  6. Such a method will cause psychological trauma to the little man and will have a negative impact on further communication with loved ones.

If you stop breastfeeding abruptly, then it will be difficult for the baby to adapt to the new team. For the mother, an abrupt stop Breastfeeding leads to a lot of guilt that comes with a decision. Experts say that a sudden stop in feeding subsequently has negative sides when communicating between mother and baby. If there was an abrupt stop in breastfeeding, then mom's chest often hurts.

This is the reason for the fading lactation. In addition, there is a sharp rise in temperature. Breastfeeding specialists do not recommend this method, because often a woman then develops mastitis or mastopathy. How to stop breastfeeding? This question is asked by many women who have decided to wean a baby.

There are hormonal pills in the pharmacy now. They help a woman to painlessly stop lactation. These tablets are potent and are therefore not recommended for use. Experts recommend dispensing with hormonal pills. If, as a result of taking medications, a failure occurs in the hormonal system of a woman, that she may experience a complication in the form of mastitis. Most Acceptable Method stopping breastfeeding consists in fading suction.

How to use sub-suction

If a woman notices that her breasts are full of milk, then the excess residues need to be expressed. It is necessary for a woman to feel comfortable. After expressing, the chest pain should go away.

When mommy makes a decision to stop breastfeeding, it is imperative that you consult with your doctor.

If a woman decides to stop feeding with a gentle method, then this will lead to minimizing the negative impact on the baby. A soft stop of breastfeeding is indicated not only for the baby, but also for the woman. First stage of soft stop breastfeeding is to eliminate the intermediate stages of feeding. This means that the baby only takes a nipple in his mouth for a few seconds.

The woman should distract the baby from the breast and put an interesting toy in her hands. In addition, mom and baby should spend more time outdoors. At this point, the baby should learn a lot of interesting things on the street in order to get distracted from breast milk. If possible, it is recommended to spend time with another baby who is the same age as the baby weaned. Communication will take place between them, thus, the child will be better distracted.

If your baby often sees naked breasts, then it will provoke him "to milk". That is why it is not recommended for a woman to change clothes in front of a baby. In order for the child to be more often distracted, the woman should not be in a certain place. Thus, the baby will not get hung up on mom.

During the game, the baby gets very tired. When the baby falls asleep, it is very important that mom is not around. Thus, the child learns to be independent. But there are children who are even more excited by active play. It can be very difficult to put such children to bed after active games. In this case, the baby needs to be reassured. by playing quietly or in other ways that Mom knows.

For example, a child can read an interesting book, watch a cartoon with him or listen to soothing and relaxing music. Mom with all her might must show her child that she also wants to sleep. To do this, a woman should lie down next to the child in bed and hug him gently. By performing such simple actions, the child calms down very quickly.

How to end breastfeeding correctly

Some psychologists recommend when the weaning period begins so that mom is less time at home. It is necessary that the mother appears at home when the baby is already asleep. In this case, the baby shows great independence. This method helps the baby to learn to sleep without the presence of the mother. The last stage of weaning involves following all of the above rules. A woman is not recommended to retreat from them..

  1. If in the middle of the night the baby begins to demand breast milk, then it is necessary to calm him without breast. In this case, the child should be given more water.
  2. Psychologists recommend that if a child wakes up at night and requires milk, then dad should approach him.
  3. Because the dad has no breast and the baby is not provoked by the sight of the breast.

Benefits of gentle weaning from breastfeeding

Completing a GW with a soft method has many advantages. The main advantages are as follows: the crumbs are not injured in their psyche. He remains confident in himself. In a woman, a decrease in lactation occurs gradually. Thus, the chest hurts a little. The atmosphere of the house is emotionally stable and calm. But besides the pros, the gentle method of weaning has its drawbacks. They are as follows: this process can be delayed for a long time.

Usually, many women wean their babies gently from 4 to 7 months... When there is a mild feeding stop, the mother may experience discomfort and mental overload. When a woman decides to stop breastfeeding, it must be firm. If a decision is once made to stop the guards, then it should be strictly followed. The child must be closely monitored. The baby should be comfortable without breasts. It is necessary to ensure that the crumb does not have an extra emotional load.

Breastfeeding is more than just feeding your baby. This is a complex process of interaction, communication between the baby and the mother, the exchange of emotions, warmth and information. This is probably why many women find it so difficult to stop breastfeeding, and they try to breastfeed their baby for as long as possible. But there is another extreme: when a woman tries to stop feeding as soon as possible in order to maintain her figure, save time, etc. All this creates a lot of rumors and myths about how to properly stop breastfeeding. In such a confusion of opinions, not everyone succeeds in isolating the rationale and completing breastfeeding correctly and / or on time.

Women, especially young mothers, tend to be emotional about solving problems. As a result, some people feel so sorry to wean the child from the breast, that breastfeeding in their family lasts much longer than a year, or even two years. In some cases, you can find children who suckle at the breast even at the age of five. This extreme indicates that the woman did not think about how to properly stop breastfeeding. And in vain: after all, even the most useful should be in moderation. Where is this measure in breastfeeding and how long to breastfeed? Let's figure it out together.

Breast-feeding. Correct duration of breastfeeding
The benefits and even the need for breastfeeding of newborn babies are undeniable and proven many times over. Most prudent women try to breastfeed their babies and introduce complementary foods only when needed. Both colostrum and milk in terms of composition optimally meet the needs of the child's body for growth and maintenance of immunity. Moreover, as it grows up, it changes slightly, adjusting to them. But over time, even super-healthy and nutritious breast milk cannot remain the only food in the diet. And regarding this time, there are very specific recommendations of the World Health Organization:

  • In the first months of life, not just breastfeeding is shown, but so-called on-demand feeding. Feeding on demand assumes that the number of breastfeeding, that is, meals of the infant is not limited and can be as frequent and as long as he wants (asks).
  • Breastfeeding may be the only source of nutrition for a child under six months of age. Children 6 months of age should be introduced complementary foods, and the number of breast milk feedings should be gradually reduced, transferring breastfeeding from the category of the main food to the additional one.
  • On average, experts agree that breastfeeding is desirable for up to two years. Of course, during this time, the diet should change and become more varied as the child grows up.
Thus, the timing of weaning seems to be indicated, but very vague. On the delicate topic of mother-infant interaction, doctors often take a diplomatically neutral position, giving the woman the opportunity to determine when to stop breastfeeding. But the fact is that the duration of lactation depends on how long you breastfeed, and will not stop by itself. At the same time, there is no need to rely on the baby's independent refusal to breastfeed: out of habit, he can ask for a breast at two, three, and four years. You will still have to stop breastfeeding on a planned basis.

How long should I breastfeed my baby? When to stop breastfeeding?
In anticipation of the birth of their first child, many women claim that they have decided in advance how long they will breastfeed. But after childbirth, the maternal instinct completely changes the attitude towards this issue, the opinions of friends, neighbors, the experience of older relatives add doubts. As a result, the woman continues breastfeeding after the baby is one year old, but deep down she fears that she has dragged on and breastfeeding such a large baby is no longer correct. Here are the main arguments for and against breastfeeding after a year:

  1. Breastfeeding advocates argue that weaning at the request of the mother, not the baby, is very harmful and therefore highly undesirable. An example is the animal kingdom, where mammals feed their young with milk until they have permanent teeth. For a person, this age is 6-7 years, but only a few decide to breastfeed a child until the first grade, and, as a rule, in villages or small towns.
  2. The extinction of lactation begins at different times in different women, but on average it can be noticed about 19-20 months after childbirth. The milk produced at this time is still very useful, first of all, for the formation of children's immunity. Doctors advise feeding the baby with this milk for at least a month, that is, breastfeeding can be finished at about the age of two.
  3. Breast fullness helps determine your personal breastfeeding time. In the first time after childbirth, milk is formed quickly, in large quantities. Many mothers are forced to express it when their breasts are full. When it's time to wean your baby, you will notice that you can go all day without pumping and feeding. That means that milk is already less, and your, and therefore, the child's body, is ready to do without it.
  4. General recommendations are not entirely applicable to children during illness and recovery, with nervous system problems and those born after artificial stimulation or by caesarean section. For them, the duration of breastfeeding is usually prolonged, because the sucking process has a beneficial effect on the recovery processes, development and the entire child's body as a whole.
  5. From the point of view of physiology, the child is ready to do without breast milk for one and a half years, or even earlier. Most of the objections to this are based more on psychological motives. Moreover, it is precisely on the part of the parents, because professional child psychologists even insist on weaning after one and a half to two years in order to develop independence and independence in the little man.
For a newborn baby, the mother and her breasts replace the whole world, and he does not need anything else. But with age, new interests and activities appear in his life. It was noticed that children who were detained breastfeeding for more than 2.5 years pronounce sounds worse, talk less than their peers, and experience difficulties in communication. Therefore, breastfeeding should end approximately when the child's socialization begins.

Weaning: Completing Breastfeeding Correctly
If we reduce all this information to some common rational grain, it turns out that weaning is an inevitable and natural stage, regardless of whether it comes earlier or later. But once you decide it's time to stop breastfeeding, try to stop breastfeeding properly. This will make the weaning process easier for you and your baby:
Some parents manage to stop breastfeeding easily by distracting their babies with toys and / or fairy tales. If your child is just as flexible, we can sincerely congratulate you. And we advise everyone else to find an individual way to correctly stop breastfeeding, suitable for your unique baby. Mother's milk is good for children of any age, it cannot be harmful. But the baby needs to grow up, and you need to live your life without adjusting it to regular feedings. Therefore, it will be correct to stop breastfeeding and teach the baby to enjoy other manifestations of life and the big, beautiful world around him.