How to return cooled old feelings and relationships. Negative emotions don't last forever. Love or Habit: Renewing Family Relationships

Sometimes spouses come to us for consultation, who are in the most cruel, with a lot of resentment and anger at each other. But later it turns out that this is only one part of their relationship. The other is ... is love, tenderness, affection, care and a sense of the worth of the other spouse. But it is much more difficult for them to talk about these feelings. And when the spouses stop talking about their love, the meaning of living together is lost.

Attention is a manifestation of love

To improve relationships, it is important to find that secluded corner where your love is hidden. It needs to be carefully and carefully raised and shown to your partner. As you begin to express love, your partner over time responds and becomes more loving as well. However, love is not demanded, it is given. There is no need to "force" your spouse to talk about love, there are various ways of expressing it without the help of words.

The first way is touching. How long have you tenderly touched each other? Do you want this? For touch to become a manifestation of love, it must be pleasant to the partner, express care and attention. You don't need to be zealous and strangle each other in your arms. Sometimes we hug our partner when we ourselves want to be in the hug. Be careful! If he (she) leaves the touch, if he does not want it now, there is no need to insist and be offended. Maybe you need to wait for the right time, choose the right place, ask what kind of touch is pleasant to your spouse.

The second way is gifts. For gifts to be a manifestation of love, they should not be made for the sake of a tick, should not be a payment for something or a purchase of something. When giving a gift, you don't have to wait for anything in return. Such gifts should be made when you want to please your spouse, and they are pleasant rather than useful. If you took the time to prepare a gift, organized a special presentation ceremony, hand it over in person, such a gift will be appreciated higher. It will be more pleasant for a woman to receive flowers as a gift, rather than a food processor; for a man, a football ticket, not a shaving kit. A particularly valuable gift is the realization of erotic fantasies. For the husband, a gift can be new attractive clothes on his wife, for the wife - the husband's organization of a romantic dinner.

The third way is help. For help to be a manifestation of love, it must be voluntary and selfless. Try not to confuse it with an ultimatum or a mutual exchange agreement. A husband can help his wife with household chores, to do that part of them that he was not asked about. A wife can help her husband realize his ideas: find the phone he needs on the Internet, support him with her faith in it.

The fourth way is words of encouragement. Over time, the good things that spouses do in the family are taken for granted. A tradition is being created to perceive the fulfillment of your wishes as a norm that does not deserve attention. But the blunders are criticized and inflated to unimaginable proportions. This is typical for most of our families. Sometimes a husband or wife tries to do something in a new way, but they often meet with criticism from the other spouse. This brings into the relationship a special bitterness, resentment, a desire for revenge, hopelessness and a feeling of loss of love. The desire to please the partner disappears. So a thin thread of hope is gradually reeling into a ball of mutual resentment and anger.

If you take a close look at each other, you will surely find what you like about your partner. Think about what you can thank each other for. For example, the husband provides for the family, plays with the children, and the wife brings up the children and does the housework. Perhaps your partner has taken on a part of the collaboration that you particularly dislike. Recognize your partner's contribution to family life, praise him for what you like about him and his actions. Don't ignore your partner's efforts that you enjoy. Say words of gratitude when you receive a gift, accept help with gratitude, say when you are pleased with his touch. The more sincere your words, the more love your partner will feel. Words of approval won't ruin it, but will make both of you happier.

The most surprising thing is that it can be quite difficult to accept positive reviews as well. Listen to yourself - which is easier for you to perceive: praise or censure? It so happens that compliments and approvals can be embarrassing, anxiety and anxiety. This is explained by the fact that many in childhood are accustomed to receiving jabs and cuffs, and what is familiar is safe, therefore more comfortable.

The fifth way is time for communication. When you make time for each other, you feel important and loved. Spending time with a person means paying attention to him, being in dialogue with him. If you begin to notice that you are listening to your spouse or spouse "like a radio", then think about what you are missing to be absorbed in conversation with each other. Are you listening poorly or distracted by other issues? In order for the partner to understand that he is being heard, you need to look at him when he speaks, not do anything else at this time, be attentive to his feelings and not interrupt. If you do not understand what the husband or wife is talking about, ask questions, show a sincere interest in what the spouse is saying. It is very useful to speak only in the first person in such a dialogue. For example: "I'm so hungry that I can't figure it out," instead of "Well, how long can you wait for dinner ?!"

In addition to talking, you can do something that you both enjoy, such as cooking a holiday dinner or ... skydiving.

Answer these questions for yourself. Do you often stay with your husband / wife together, only together? When was the last time you talked not about children and affairs, but about your relationship? Do you want to be alone? If you want, then the opportunity will certainly appear. There will be grandmothers, grandfathers, nannies, kindergarten or something else. If you feel even a drop of doubt and reluctance, ask yourself: "What can happen if you suddenly remain alone and start talking to each other?" If the answer to this question turns out to be the absence of a topic for conversation, then here is a hint for you to start discussing your relationship.

Speak "Marriage Contract"

There is an unspoken "contract" in every relationship. It may contain points regarding what common goals you have, what each of you is responsible for in the family, how it is customary to communicate with each other, how to show love, what distance in a relationship is acceptable to you, etc. Tacit agreements are rarely voiced, negotiated, and negotiated. Both spouses evolve, change, and the original contract may not meet the spouses' needs today. And then the contract needs to be revised. Think about your contract, write together its points. Discuss them. Are each of you happy with them? Are the requirements of the situation appropriate? For example, initially you had an unspoken contract about a shared wallet. But this agreement was adopted long ago, when there was little money in the family. Perhaps now each of you has a need to share finances, but you are silent about it, and you do not even know that your half wants the same thing as you. Remember the parable about how two elderly spouses on a gold wedding discovered the mistake of a lifetime. The husband thought: "All my life, taking care of my wife, I gave her a crust of bread, which I love so much, today I can finally eat it myself." The wife thought the same about the bread crumb. After that, they found out that the wife liked the crumb all her life, and the husband liked the crust.

Check your guesses about your partner, clarify the relationship

Sometimes communication with a spouse leaves a bitter residue of resentment or disappointment, anger or fear. In this case, you can try not to avoid further interaction, but to clarify what happened. At the same time, it is important to talk about yourself and your experiences and listen carefully to your partner. Describe your feelings and your partner's actions that triggered these feelings.

Let's say you hug your husband while he is playing on the computer. He says irritably, "Get out." You can be offended and stop talking, pout and wait for your husband to feel guilty and pay attention to you. And you may even decide that your husband has completely stopped loving you. Or you can wait until he comes out from behind the computer and ask about his feelings and attitude towards you, i.e. test your fantasies. Perhaps you will find out that your husband loves you very much, and now he is just tired and is resting like that.

And remember that if your spouse is angry and yells at you, this does not mean that he does not love or accept you at all. In each person, different, sometimes directly opposite feelings coexist, even for the closest people. We can hate our partner and love him passionately, sometimes feel tenderness for him, and sometimes be afraid of rejection.

Pause in conflict

In a conflict of interest, when the feelings of the partners are very strong, each of the spouses wants to insist on their own and win. The loser is forced to sacrifice his own interests. However, the family is needed for this, in order to satisfy the needs of all its members as fully as possible. When just one loses, the whole family loses. When emotions overwhelm you and you start insulting each other, pause the conversation. Explain to your partner that you need a break to calm down and think. Listen to yourself. What prevents you from understanding your partner now? Think about what you want. What do you feel? Think about your partner, what does he want, what feelings does he have? Try to understand his positive intentions. It is unlikely that he lives with you to spoil your life. And when you calm down, tell your partner what you understand. Talk about your feelings, your desires. Ask him if you understand him correctly. Then, when making decisions, you will be able to take into account both your interests and the interests of your partner.

Explore the give-receive balance

Respect each other's needs. Try to apply to your family the idea that each of you can have the most pleasure without having to suffer. Explore together the balance of your give-receive relationship. Partners are especially happy with each other when both feel that they are getting a little more in the relationship than they are giving. In order not to find yourself in a situation where only pleasure will be on the side of one of you, and only responsibilities on the side of the other, each of you needs to defend your desires. This can lead to the fact that the spouse will be angry that you are selfish and do not want to think or care about him at all. Do not be afraid of this anger, it does not mean the loss of love, but your willingness to fight for love and happiness.

We hope that you will not only use these recommendations, but also come up with your own ways to grow and maintain warm feelings for each other.

Yulia Dunaeva
Olga Vasilieva


The article is like a breath of fresh air. While reading, it calms and allows you to put all thoughts in your head on the shelves where they should be. Reminds you of why it all began. Many points are well-known and understandable, but in the daily bustle of all feelings and thoughts are mixed. In this case, it is difficult for a person to understand what he wants from himself and those around him. It's a good idea to write down the points of this article in your head and periodically look into them. Then you can rethink your behavior, desires and feelings, and realize your mistakes. I will gladly show the article to my wife, so that she also does not forget who we are to each other.
Thanks to the author.

11/23/2008 02:03:32 AM, Eugene

A brief retelling of the book "5 languages ​​of love" :) Not, it is useful, of course, but only if both want.

Everything is of course well written. Interestingly, I tried all the methods. But ... it turned out to be a one-sided game. He took the path of least resistance - he left.

05/15/2008 11:21:10 PM, went to the light

One most important detail is not taken into account: when there are both changes, then you can look for ways. Usually, one person wants to keep the marriage, while the other doesn't. Such articles, apparently, are written by students :) And as you know, the best narcologist is a cured alcoholic ...

05/15/2008 11:04:49 am, Something like this

Comment on the article "How to return love?"

Maybe they've been together for too long and that's why the old feelings have faded away ... Girls, how to get it back I don’t want to lose my husband, he is a very good person - kind, lacquer, but the old ones My husband and I were also in very friendly and calm relations for two years, without quarrels , no sex.


Most likely he has been banging someone for a long time. And of course he loves you, but since he does not get what he needs with you, he probably takes it from another. Well, or it will happen soon.

09/29/2018 10:25:26 PM, uuu22

My husband and I have been friends and parents for many years, without marital relations. Complete harmony, he doesn't want to, but I don't need to :)) I'm not worried, a reliable person, an excellent father.

09/27/2018 07:00:11, there are no ideals

How to improve family relationships? " I was able to get my husband back. By virtue of my kind of employment, I spend a lot of time in communication Section: What to do? (how to bring a husband back to life in a crisis). I look bad (no, well, I'll make up for work - like nothing, but in the morning I get scared) ...


I'm a little older than you. I share my own, very recent experience. I was covered in the same way this fall, although my work is my favorite (apparently, professional burnout), and the children are golden, and everything is calm in family life.

I decided to act like this: I have been working with my head all my life, now I will work with my hands for a change. I remembered that 30 years ago my grandmother taught me to knit, took the book "Housekeeping" left over from my grandmother and refreshed her knowledge. I found a model of a blouse and began to devote literally every free minute to knitting.

At first it was very difficult, I several times dismissed the already tied ranks, but, oddly enough, it was this struggle with difficulties that distracted me from heavy thoughts. And when it started to work out, it gave me strength: I can create a beautiful thing. I bought more knitting books and improved my work in such a way that now it would be nice to have a look.

Little by little, I decided to aim for more: the blouse began to turn into a dress. And the hands were already moving mechanically, and it became boring for me to knit looking only at the knitting needles. I began to download various films that are considered masterpieces of world cinema, but which I somehow had no time to watch before, and knitted, looking at the screen with one eye. I got a lot of emotions from watching a really great movie.

Long sitting behind the knitting needles began to strain my back, and I drove myself into the pool, where I began to walk with pleasure and lose weight. In the meantime, the state of health was getting better and better - both psychological and physical. The whole family respected me in a new way for the dress, which will be ready soon. And I was so carried away by working with wool that I enrolled in art felting courses and am going to make jewelry and clothes for myself. And if my products ever manage to monetize! ..

This is just one of the possible recipes, but in my case it really worked. I wish you to find yours too!

Get involved in community service. Do not want? Well, okay, live on as you want.

Restoring relationships after infidelity. Treason. Family relationships. Betrayal for me is when a person puts his soul into a relationship on the side, when a mistress How to return love? Do you often stay with your husband / wife together, only together?

Lost feelings for his wife. Wife and husband. Family relationships. Discussion of family issues: love and jealousy, marriage and infidelity, divorce and alimony, relations between relatives.


Trouble ...
For you, you can already create a separate section in the conference :)) And you will be there to compose your sentimental stories :)))
At least it will be possible to filter your topics :)

AAA. IT comes back ... :-)))))))
Tyapnitsa, it’s mother ...

I'm sure feelings are generated by needs, sometimes unconscious. You did not need this person, and this was expressed in a feeling that, as it were, was impossible to cope with. It so happened that they did not live with my husband for 9 months. How to get your husband back?


"Two months of separation greatly turned my life upside down, at first stress ..... then I began to take care of myself, go on a visit. Suddenly, abruptly, I am with my husband again, ..... I am scared." These are keywords. Admit to yourself that without him you can even breathe easier. Now you have a chance to change your life for the better. With or without him.

And why should a husband feel guilty? Unclear.

Sexual relationships: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family. Everything seems to be good in the family. But after the birth of my second child, I just can’t return to those sensations and lightness that I had before.


In a similar case. The cardinal remedy helped, the change of the partner. But! .. Thanks to my Husband, I was smart enough to forgive, but I stayed. We lived on the verge of divorce for about a year, until everything settled in my head, everything went away. But now, as good as new, such a charge of new sensations! Although it is worth the game of candles, it is better not like that.

05/07/2006 21:34:21, Anonimo

Girls, share, how can anyone, how to bring novelty to the relationship with her husband? Married soon for 8 years, I am sitting at home with a child 2.5 years old, he works a lot, I know for sure that he doesn’t change, but when every day everything is the same, anyone can go crazy. How do you add variety ...


Hello everyone and thank you for your understanding. Indeed, when a woman is not busy with anything except a child and at home, and before that she was an ardent, active person, it is very difficult not to find a reason that can upset. Stockings and drugs are simply unacceptable for me, it's just stupid somehow. After all, family life is not only about sex. Anyway, for me. Yes, and we have no grandmothers in Moscow, there is no one to leave the child with, while, as some suggested, you can hide in the bushes with your husband in the forest. The childishness does not go away anymore. We are adults, wealthy people who have everything, but who have simply lost their taste for life and for each other. Previously, they worked together with my husband, there were no spills, two pair of boots, and after my birth, he began to pull the cart himself, but this very cart is not enough for me :)). Artificially inventing entertainment for myself is not for me - shopping trips, salons, etc. I got used to just living in such a way that everything cool and interesting comes by itself, but now, it turns out, everything needs to be invented in order to entertain myself, my beloved ... Ugh, how disgusting. I don’t want to hand over the child to the nannies, and before the garden we will have to sit at home for 2-3 months. I can't tear myself away from him. I took a wonderful nanny for a test, but psychologically I could not cope with it. While they were walking, I sat at home, shedding tears. That's it. Everything is different.

09/28/2005 16:56:33, Marina-Marina 12/18/2004 18:12:31, Mr

Conference "Family Relations" "Family Relations". Section: (It so happened that we happened to have an abyss in our relationship, through my fault. Can you talk frankly, explain what happened then, your feelings, emotions, then ...


A counter question (to men) - what should be done to NOT lose this love ??????????

02/29/2000 11:13:32 AM, VIKA

How long has your cooling off with your husband been?
If everything happened recently, then you should not pester your husband with kisses and hugs, these expressions of love will make him remember once again about your alleged infidelity with a friend. Give him time to come to his senses.
Let him pour out his love on his daughter while he is pouring out, do not interfere with him. Gradually begin to take part in joint fuss with the child, play, walk, three of us, but so that it works out naturally. Over time, the husband will get used to the fact that the family is three :)) Then kisses will be perceived normally ..
If everything happened a long time ago, and your husband's reaction to you does not change ... then it is very difficult, just sexual tricks and cunning are indispensable. It may happen that you will live like neighbors .. for the sake of the child .. although for some reason it seems to me. what do you have, the first option .. and the problem is a month or two ..
Good luck Elena

02/29/2000 01:37:07, Hel

How to get love back in a relationship? How to maintain feelings for a person for a long time and not lose them? And how to return tenderness, passion and other important qualities to your relationship. This is what we'll talk about. After all, in fact, falling in love is easier than keeping your love.

First you need to understand what love is.

Love is strong good feelings for a person that make you stronger and for his sake you are ready to do almost anything. Love is like a bonfire. And in order for a fire to burn, you need to throw firewood there from time to time. It is by forgetting about this that we begin to ask this question: how to return the old love?

In fact, love can be returned to a relationship. Right now we will look at the methods of how to do this:

  • Respect for your significant other - Start treating each other with respect.

After all, respect is that feeling and quality that you must lay in the foundation of building your love. After all, respect really evokes pleasant feelings. It's nice when you are respected. Start with yourself. Try to start respecting yourself. This will help you. And by raising it, you will raise your soulmate's interest in yourself.

  • Start admiring your partner - in fact, over time in life we ​​lack affection, tenderness, and even an elementary kind word.

Again, start with yourself. Start noticing good qualities in your loved one. And also read praise him for those very good deeds. By doing so, you will inspire him to new deeds. And in return you will receive new and sometimes even unexpected pleasant surprises. And this will also bring interest to your relationship. And love will come for interest.

  • Returning romance to a relationship - after all, it's hard to imagine love without romance.

You need to remember from time to time about the candy bouquet period. And do something unexpected and gentle to your soul mate. Don't be intrusive and annoying. Give each other small gifts. Give your partner flowers, candy, and other nice gifts. From time to time, take your beloved half and go out to people. It will actually bring a lot of positive emotions.

  • Compliment - people not only love good deeds, but also good words.

If you are a woman, then do it. If you are a man, make him handsome. Praise each other for at least the fact that you have each other.

  • Good memories - sit together and watch a shared video or photo.

After all, the light of love actually always burns in you. But over time, if you do not follow him, he begins to fade. The same actions will help you to see this light and ignite it.

In order to return past love, tenderness and passion in a relationship, I advise you to use the above methods. This will help restore the love that you had. But in fact, she did not go anywhere. It's just that over time, in everyday problems, you stopped noticing it. So notice it, inflame it in your hearts and keep it.

Love, like life, is beautiful. We are happy when we are in love, and it seems to us that this is forever. Tell the man in love now that after 3 years his feelings will disappear without a trace and he will think how to return love - he will not believe. And how to believe, because at this moment it seems that there is no power on earth that can put an end to the fabulous euphoria, easy soaring a centimeter from the ground.

It is impossible to imagine that after 3 years the beauty of love will take on the ugly forms of mutual claims, irritation and resentment. Love will be replaced by a series of agonizing everyday life alone with a completely stranger. And now yesterday's lovers, without noticing it themselves, come up with excuses and tricks, just not to be together. Is it possible to save marriage and return love to a relationship when feelings have completely died out?

How to return love and avoid a breakup, we will tell you with the help of the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Script Love

There is a statement that violent feelings live on average for 3 years. But is this love? Of course not. These are more superficial, albeit more intense experiences. They can be called love, passion. They are involved in natural attraction and are governed by nature.

Vivid feelings at the beginning of a relationship are given to us so that we can create a natural couple, be attracted at the physical level and get maximum pleasure from each other, which, in fact, we do, but not for long. But nature is intended to be forever.

This was conceived, but not ensured, and after a very short period of time, the bright flame of passion begins to fade slowly until it completely disappears. It is then that our eyes seem to "open," and the person who aroused admiration yesterday for some reason begins to annoy. We don't even want to know how to return love, because we don't want to be with him for a second.

It's amazing, because outwardly nothing has changed: he always got ready slowly and because of him you were always late to see your friends. Or, on the contrary, all his life he jumps from one object to another, fussing all the time from scratch. And instead of cleaning, he shoves things in hard-to-reach corners. And now? All the same! But if earlier it was possible to put up with the cute awkwardness of a loved one, now it all enrages.

Nature is slowly releasing the control panel, as if making it clear: these are the keys to your love, now you have grown up enough and can build relationships in your own way. And now we have complete freedom of choice in our hands. And we don't know what to do with it. We just do not know how and which doors to open with these keys, so we all live in the old fashioned way and trample, helpless, before the cherished door under the winds of parting, resentment, family bad weather and troubles. We want to return love, but we do not know how. Many humble themselves, thinking that everyone lives like this ... But this is a mistake, because not everyone lives like this.

Your own director

Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology is a training in using our metaphorical keys to happiness.

Even for a situation where love has already passed and needs to be returned, there is a system solution:
obligatory creation of close emotional ties between partners. The leader in this rite is always a woman. It is she who reveals her soul to her partner and shares her experiences, she leads him through the secret nooks of her soul, creates the most invisible, but the strongest of the bonds between people - emotional.

Slowly opening up to her partner, she helps him to open up as well. The woman treats his hardships with trepidation and tenderness as her own. In a conversation, she mentally experiences, together with her man, all his aspirations, dreams and failures, starting from childhood. Without noticing it, her partner receives serious psychological relief and deep satisfaction from the relationship with this particular woman. After all, only she truly understands and accepts. In this case, the woman also gets great pleasure.

At some point, they can already talk about everything, without being ashamed of their innermost desires. It is with this kinship of souls that people get the greatest pleasure from life together. This is true love.

During the training, we study the individual characteristics of people, their properties and desires. We learn a lot about our chosen one and about the manifestations of his inner nature, which means that we begin to feel feelings of love and tenderness for him. After all, we learn all the secrets of the subconscious of our chosen one, help him open up and thus develop our relationship.

And then life no longer follows the standard scenario: a surge, euphoria, fading.
And over time, love only gains momentum. And you don't need to think about how to return love, it just won't go away.

People who have undergone training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan confirm this with their results. Check out the reviews, they speak for themselves:

A happy ending happens not only in cinema, but also in life. To return love is possible, for this you need to become a system-thinking director-scriptwriter of your life. You can master this unique profession at free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

Register using the link and change your life for the better.

The article was written using materials from online trainings on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

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No person can be truly happy if they are haunted by failure in love. Fortunately, even the most difficult situation can be remedied. There is an effective way to return past love or reawaken cooled feelings.

An effective way to return love

At all times, in the most difficult situations, people turned to the help of talismans and amulets, because they knew how much energy flows can influence our lives. In ancient times, they realized that the cause of love problems can be not only disagreements within a couple, but also negative energetic influences. Talismans and charms firmly entered the life of a young family right from the moment of the wedding and subsequently protected the family happiness of the couple. But everyone knows how strong families used to be.

Talismans have not lost their effectiveness to this day, but people have lost faith in them. Marilyn Kerro, the finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" and the strongest witch who has demonstrated her abilities throughout the country, is convinced that this is in vain. She herself uses talismans and therefore is confident in their power. Many viewers of the "Battle of Psychics" could notice that Marilyn advised many participants who came with serious difficulties special talismans. And for those who have problems in love, cannot receive reciprocity from a loved one, suffer from constant family conflicts and disagreements, Marilyn, using an ancient ritual, created an amulet of absolute love. Initially, she made it for herself, and, as the witch herself admitted, it was largely thanks to him that she reached the final of the "Battle" three times and built a strong relationship with Alexander Sheps. Then Marilyn decided to help other people who, like herself once, are going through a difficult stage of personal problems, loneliness, or suffer from non-reciprocal love.

Each person is worthy of strong mutual love, but it is necessary to help her find you. The amulet will attract true feelings and personal happiness to you. We wish you love, harmony and good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and

How to get love back in a relationship? This question, after all, is asked by so many couples. It happens that love leaves the relationship, and one of the couple decides to end it. Parting is painful, but you can fix it. Remember how easy it was for you to communicate at the beginning of the relationship, how you wanted to fulfill any request of your half. Love reveals only the best qualities in us. We become kinder, more fun, more honest and want to smile constantly. Therefore, if bad qualities suddenly began to appear in a relationship, this means that love is slowly leaving. Of course, this takes more than one day, but it's worth starting to change everything as soon as you notice that the relationship has begun to deteriorate. It's much easier not to make a relationship worse than to restore it.

So what needs to be done to get love back?

First, ask yourself the question, "Do I really still love him, or am I just afraid of being alone?" Admit to yourself what your desires really are. Chances of returning are only if you are disinterested and sincerely want to be with this person. Understand that love is not a thing to be fooled. Of course, you can make the person live with you, but at the same time he will not love you. If your desire to love is pure and sincere, then the feeling will definitely return, perhaps in the person of another person.

Second, you need to let the person go completely and honestly. Make a decision to start a new life. After all, you cannot enter the same river twice, realize that this is the past, and it is impossible to return it. But it is always possible to create a new relationship, and with this person too! Just give him freedom, let him feel that you have changed and are ready to start the relationship from scratch. Let him, too, want it of his own free will. Remember all the good and apologize for all the bad, make sure that there is no negativity left.

Third, don't be afraid to start a new life. You gained experience, began to understand and realize a lot in a completely different way. This will help you in the future to better understand people, not to make such mistakes and make the right decisions. It is a gift of life and an experience that cannot be bought. Yes, there is a price to pay for every valuable experience. It takes time to understand your mistakes. We may not always immediately realize why we were given this or that lesson in life, but over time, understanding comes, and everything falls into place.

Fourth, let go of all the negative emotions that you have accumulated over the period of the relationship. Try to remember each fight and analyze it, and then forgive both him and yourself. It's hard to do this, but carrying such a load in oneself is even worse. Bad memories can worsen your love life in the future, so part with negativity once and for all.

If you do all this, you will immediately feel much easier. You will give yourself a chance to love and be loved, and this is great happiness! Of course, it is very difficult to let go of a loved one, but if you see that there is no more hope, this must be done. The main thing is not just to read, but to apply all this in practice, and then you will feel how you become completely different, renewed. Try not to think anymore how to return love to a relationship, but just start loving again.