How to make a man fall in love with magic. Attention! A man in love! Tips for girls. Two bottomless oceans of eyes. How to make a guy fall in love with your eyes

(You assume all the consequences after reading the article. The material is for information only.)

V in this article I want to tell you how to make normal homemade "HUNTING MATCHES"! At the beginning, I did not attach much importance to "these matches", but thinking, as an extra source of fire during the "apocalypse", more OGO-GO, how useful ...! Yes, and on the hunt, on travel, on field trips, THEY may be needed. Correctly done "HUNTING MATCHES": flashes instantly, has a high temperature flame, burns in strong winds, heavy rain, even under water, moisture resistant. Having a sealed container, matches can be stored for a long time without changing their properties.

I have reviewed many videos and articles on making these matches. Someone made from cotton wool soaking with paraffin (which burn a little and go out at the slightest breath), someone made from ammonium nitrate (over time, self-oxidation destroys the mixture itself - they burn very badly). They even melted a mixture of sugar and potassium nitrate ("caramel") and poured it into a cocktail tube through a reusable syringe - it's all problematic ..! I do not impose "mine" on anyone, but I will offer a more convenient way. The only thing is that your hands will be dirty, even if you put on gloves (after a while you will take them off ...)!

What do we need?

1) We need ordinary matches (you can take matches of different lengths, the burning time will depend on this, for example, matches for the "Fireplace" or for "BBQ" - long matches). For long matches, a container of a suitable length is needed, where matches will be stored in the future.

2) We need a "Incendiary Blend". There are a lot of them and they all burn in different ways. If you have your own proven mixture, use it!

Black powder compositions:

KNO 3 - 76%; S - 13%; C - 11% burns well, quickly, with a uniform flame ...

KNO 3 - 78%; S - 10%; C - 12% burns well, quickly, evenly ..

KNO 3 - 75%; S - 10%; C - 15% burns very well, fast, be careful ..! Burning particles may be scattered!

KNO 3 - 80%; C - 20% without sulfur ... burns so-so

Compositions with aluminum powder give a higher temperature flame:

KNO 3 - 50%; Al - 30%; S - 20% burns very well, fast, bright flame. Be careful! Burning particles may be scattered!

KNO 3 - 50%; Al - 25%; S - 25% burns very well, fast, bright flame. Be careful! Burning particles may be scattered! Made with this "Incendiary Blend".

KNO 3 - 50%; Al - 35%; S - 15% will burn out quickly. Burning particles may be scattered!

Sulfur Free Formulations:

KNO 3 - 50%; Al - 50% well crushed and mixed can burn very quickly. Spreads burning particles. Be careful, take care of your hands and eyes!

KNO 3 - 60%; Al - 40% less. Spreads burning particles. Be careful, take care of your hands and eyes!

KMnO 4 - 40%; Al - 60% well crushed and mixed can burn instantly. Sensitive to mechanical stress. Spreads burning particles. Be careful, take care of your hands and eyes!

KNO 3 - 50%; Sugar - grind 50% and mix with nitro varnish, scatters burning particles. Be careful, take care of your hands and eyes!

Termite compositions:

MnO 2 - 50%; Al - 50% - - (if it ignites poorly, add a little more aluminum and a little sulfur, or make a transitional composition). Spreads burning particles. Be careful, take care of your hands and eyes!

3) We need "Nitrocellulose varnish".

There are different NTs-218; NTs-222; NTs-243. Anyone will do.


The varnish should not be diluted with anything! First, let's prepare a "mushy mass" from our incendiary mixture and nitrocellulose varnish. I must say right away, add a little more varnish so that our "porridge" is not loose. You should get something in between "porridge" and "sour cream". If in the future it will be bad to stick to the match, add a little more varnish.

And so, we take the match and dip it together with the “head” into nitro lacquer, then quickly cover the match with the cooked “porridge”.


1) The varnish stinks very strongly, and some people may get sick and dizzy (strong solvents)!

2) If you have prepared too liquid "porridge", then apply in small portions on a match, while twirling, the varnish dries quickly and hardens (complete drying - 24 hours)!

3) Half cover the "head" of the match with an incendiary mixture or transition compound!

4) So that the "porridge" does not stick to your fingers, when the burning layer forms on the matches, put a glass of water where you will dip your fingers (do not worry, the water will not soak the previously made "porridge" from nitro lacquer and incendiary mixture).!

5) As it dries, the porridge will look like plasticine, after which you can give a more beautiful shape to the burning layer on the match. Roll it out on some glossy, hard surface slightly dampened with water (old table, piece of plastic). I had a piece of metallized PCB for radio circuits!

6) On the VIDEO, you will see that when a match is ignited, the sulfur of the match lights up first, and the incendiary composition takes time to ignite. Yes, this is a big minus! But if you sit longer, then this can be corrected: a transitional composition is needed (for example, grind the sulfur from matches and mix with an incendiary composition). They will be kindled immediately. Everyone can show their SMART. I made matches for a quick hand. And whoever doesn't like it can run to the store. And who truly loves fire will think of a lot of things himself!

After drying, YOU will get special matches for kindling a fire in any conditions. ATTENTION. BEFORE LIGHTING THE MATCH ON THE BLANK, THE "HEAD" OF THE MATCH SHOULD BE SILENTLY GRINDED ON A STONE, A CONCRETE WALL, A KNIFE TO REMOVE A THIN LAYER OF NITROLAC !!! Matches will serve you for a long time if you store them in Special Waterproof Container. And do not forget about CHIRKALO, which you can take from the boxes, put in a plastic bag and store in the same airtight container. The strikers can be glued to thick cardboard or a piece of wooden ruler, so it will be convenient to strike ..!

Today I want to tell you how to learn to speak the language of love. No matter how strong, independent and self-sufficient people are now, in our modern age, they still continue to seek love. There are people who do not even admit this to themselves - having suffered several setbacks, they give up on their personal lives and try to go headlong into a career or self-improvement.

But still, when they see happy couples in love, their hearts shrink and the thought comes that there is love after all. As you want in Valentine's Day give someone a card with a heart, and how you want to get such a card.

But days go by, and the ideal partner does not meet in any way, no one wants to understand and accept us as we are. There have been many different studies on the topic of love, what is it, why do people fall in love, what happens at such moments with our brain and with our emotions? The answers have been found. Today I will share this information with you.

To me in the heading "Question to the psychologist" many letters come with the question: "How to fall in love with a man, please give me some psychological techniques!" Yes, there are such techniques, but you need to work, first of all, on yourself and on your ability to communicate with people and win them over (today our conversation will be about this). Yes, you can learn NLP methods and start manipulating the will and consciousness of other people, but this will not lead to anything good, since such actions are punishable. Who, think for yourself - for some it is God, for others - Karma or Fate, for others - Life or the Universe, but you can be sure that the bestowal will come. In addition, manipulating other people requires colossal energy costs! So isn't it better to spend your life energy on your development and self-improvement?

How to fall in love with a man

If you are a man and are reading this article, then I ask you not to be offended that I am referring only to women, after all, they are the main and regular readers of the magazine.. Read on too, as the information I will give below will be of interest to both women and men. The conversation will be about how to win over people of the opposite sex. And by the way, and not only the opposite! Thus, you can learn to establish contact and win over any people.

Now we will not talk about increasing sexual energy, various rituals and techniques. You, my wonderful, magnificent readers, can read this in articles and

By the way, if you want to learn how to increase your energy potential and direct your energy in the right direction, I strongly advise you to take free courses (at least) by Lisa Piterkina. She teaches well how to increase your energy potential with the help of Taoist practices and gives a lot of useful and interesting information. All information about her free webinars and gifts can be found here .

Stage one. How to make the right first impression

It doesn't matter where and how you met a man - on the street, on the bus, on the Internet. Although the difficulty of dating online is that your first date will be almost blind. After all, the photo does not convey energy, voice and smell. But still, back to the main point. The man you like. asked you on a first date.

How to dress properly and how to behave, you can read . And now we will talk about the power of the gaze. Let me tell you one big secret - strong eye contact creates a strong, unconscious feeling of affection. Look at couples in love, they do not take their eyes off each other, they look at each other constantly. Close eye contact can ignite the fire of love.

And the thing is that when you look closely eye to eye, a person experiences excitement or fear. In doing so, the body begins to produce chemicals similar to phenylethylamine (PEA) that make you feel in love. Why psychologists often advise to conduct the first meetings and dates in unusual places where people can experience strong excitement and emotions. It is precisely because of this very PEA, with excitement and strong emotions, these substances begin to be intensively produced, adrenaline rises .... and a man falls in love! Not everyone can look you in the eye, natural modesty and shyness prevent you from doing this, but you need to overcome yourself and learn to look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor. Not on the bridge of the nose, but in the eyes!

In his work “Measuring Romantic Love,” Zeke Rabin concluded that people who are deeply in love look at each other much more when they talk and avert their eyes more slowly when someone invades their world. He confirmed this with a clever experiment. He asked the meeting couples a large number of questions in order to begin by assessing how much the couples love each other. Then the couples, regardless of the results of the assessment, were placed in a waiting room, where they were told: "The experimenter will soon come up to start the experiment."

They had no idea that this was an experiment. Hidden cameras recorded how much time the couples spent staring into each other's eyes. The higher the couple scored on the first test, the more time they spent looking at each other. The less love they felt for each other, the less time their eye contact lasted. So during the conversation, look into the eyes of your interlocutor as much as possible. Your gaze should be warm and gentle, then the man will fall in love with you much faster.

In many women's training or courses, it is advised to look a man in the eye for at least seven seconds, while saying: "I am gorgeous, you are gorgeous, love is gorgeous!" Or something in the same spirit, you can replace the word "love" with the word "sex", it already depends on your desires and preferences. It is important to learn to speak with your eyes, you can even practice in front of a mirror. Of course, I'm not talking about the fact that you should stare into the eyes of a man and not look away, this will rather scare him. Views are different, and we will now put them on the shelves.

So the look can be:

- deep and intent

- seductive

- "sticky"

- "visual journey"

Well, are we starting to learn? Rehearse each look in front of the mirror, learn to make it a rule to look at men like that, and soon you will seduce men unconsciously and out of habit. You will have many admirers, and the woman around whom the men curl is always interesting for all the same men.

As for the deep and intent gaze, I think there is no need to explain. The words speak for themselves, namely "deep" and precisely "intent"! But I repeat once again, not the look of a maniac or a schizophrenic, but a warm, loving and soulful! Eyes to eyes!

What makes the look ? The father of science who became known as pupillometrics, Dr. Eckhard Hess, demonstrated that larger pupils are more attractive by showing two photographs of a woman's face to a group of men.

The photographs were identical, except that in one of them, Hess retouched the woman's pupils to make them larger. The reaction of men to Miss Big Pupils was twice as strong as to the same woman with small pupils.

There are two ways to enlarge your pupils:

Method one- you should look at what you like most in the interlocutor and avoid looking at what you do not like. When we look at what we like, our pupils enlarge. If you like his lips or dimples on his cheeks, then look at them more often, but try not to look at an ugly mole or a gap between the teeth, otherwise your pupils will sharply narrow and your gaze will become cold.

Method two much nicer and more effective than the first one. In addition to dilating your pupils, it creates an energy field of sexuality around you. When talking to a man, looking into his eyes, begin to squeeze and unclench the muscles of the perineum. Your eyes will shine, your pupils will dilate, and your cheeks will turn pink! Just do not strain too much, do everything easily, naturally and not noticeably!

Now let's move on to the sticky look. For the most part, when talking, people look away after the end of the sentence and during pauses. But, according to the observations of scientists, couples in love do not do that! They look at each other almost always. Imagine that you are literally bogged down in this man, and even when you need to look away, do it slowly and as if reluctantly. A delay in looking at a person, even during a pause, awakens in him exciting, primitive sensations and the development of those very PEA.

Visual Journey is also one of the most exhilarating and arousing views out there. You can't keep staring at your interlocutor all the time, so alternate gaze with visual travel. Slowly slide your gaze over his face, then you can go down below, but do not forget to constantly return to the eyes of the interlocutor!

It often happens that outwardly beautiful people have the look of a dead fish or even worse. It is the eyes that are the mirror of your soul, so do so that your eyes shine and radiate tenderness and love, and your man will surely feel the same feelings in return.

Train in front of the mirror constantly and make your look expressive! In the next article we will move on to the second stage, which is called "synchronization". Read about this method in the article

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  • The question is interesting, and even a little strange. Indeed, why artificially create any attachments? Let everything flow by itself. But, everything is not so simple here. Indeed, quite often, it happens, and so, they are not at all those who would like to see next to each other and make appointments, and not those to whom they would like to run on a date. And I really want happiness! So what? Sit and wait with folded arms? Of course not. We must forge our own destiny on our own.

    How to make a guy fall in love with you at first sight? But how, the main thing is to learn some secrets and skillfully use them. Let's now begin to reveal these very secrets. So, bolder, go ahead ...

    Falling in love with a guy - secrets and tips

    Before you embark on the process of gaining the attention of a guy, you need to know some of the psychological characteristics of this gender. Firstly, most often men do not understand hints, even the most frank ones. So you shouldn't try to talk to them with allegories. Secondly, men do not notice any little things. They are the masters of life, and they always think globally and thoroughly.

    Among other things, they trust their eyes one hundred percent, and if the guy doesn't like something about the girl's appearance, then he won't give her his precious attention. He will not keep his eyes on the "blue stocking" or on the "gray mouse", on something nondescript, without a twist, without a hitch.

    In order for a young man to pay attention to a girl, there should be something distinctive, extraordinary in her appearance, although she should not be too frank and defiant either. Too open and bright extravagance will attract attention, but leave a negative impression, and here you will not have to talk about falling in love at all.

    The girl's behavior should be confident but restrained. And only after the acquaintance procedure, you need to try to draw the guy's attention to your intellect, making him interested in a conversation on a topic that is understandable and close to him.

    If you managed to talk, it means that the first step to success has already been taken. The second step to be taken on the way to victory is to remain a girl for him - a mystery, at least half. You should not open your soul to him in the first hour of acquaintance. You need to make some effort and create intrigue around yourself. Information about yourself can be given out in small portions and without endings ... There is no need to "rattle" incessantly about your hobbies, hobbies and addictions. It is better for a start to find out carefully about his attitude to this or that occupation, satin stitching or violin lessons. Suddenly he doesn't like the girls doing this. Therefore, it is worth remembering that intelligence in this matter is an important step towards complete and unconditional victory. And frankness and complete trust in your feelings will come much later, or will not come at all.

    Move on. After the second stage, the third is sure to come. In the third step, one has to step over the word “want” and give power to the word “must”. When a young man starts asking for a second date, the girl, no matter how much she wants, should immediately refuse him. You need to refer immediately to your busyness and absolutely urgent matters. It is impossible to allow thoughts of your idleness and idleness into his head. You can leave him your phone number: a man should call a girl and ask her when she will be able to devote her precious time to him. Waiting for a meeting will only have a positive effect on his attitude, stir up interest, and he will think about the upcoming date more and more longingly. When some time has passed, you can make an appointment.

    During the second date, we proceed to the fourth step. It will consist in very carefully, with all the wisdom, to find out about his interests and hobbies. You can delve into the topic only if the girl understands these issues, at least by eighty - ninety percent. Otherwise, be silent and wait. And being at home, do not waste time in vain, but "dig up" the necessary thematic information and try to fill the gap in your knowledge. This is to expand the range of topics for your next date. Believe me, this step can be considered almost the main one in solving the task. Any man will appreciate a woman who tries to share his interests with him.

    There is a somewhat blurry line between the fifth step. You can't share a guy's hobbies so much as to become his friend, and not his girlfriend. In order to prevent this, you must definitely have your own hobbies and hobbies, understand them thoroughly and seriously. You can lift the veil into this world of yours and show it to a guy, first from afar, and then let him in there, but only with "one foot." Remember the riddle! She should stay in the girl almost always.

    We constantly surprise and fall in love with a guy In a young man, you need to "prescribe" a piece of uncertainty that only he is an object of love. Therefore, you should not show him your feelings to the fullest. And from time to time you need to postpone or cancel dates, referring to the same employment and affairs. At this moment, you need to include female intuition, so as not to "go too far" and not push away the hard-won heart from yourself. Everything is good in moderation.

    A girl should try to do everything so that every meeting with a young man is different from the previous one and is unforgettable. The attention paid to him should not be intrusive. Her whims should be childishly naive and touching, and there should be no complaints at all, so as not to make a slave out of him and not to kill her own lofty feelings. After all, when a person is in bondage, he loses all dignity. Any servility disfigures a person.

    Perhaps these are all the basic steps that should be followed when you are faced with the task: to fall in love with a guy. Of course, this will not happen in one hour, or even a day. We'll have to work hard and be patient. Today, there is an opinion among the girlish part of the population that in order to fall in love with a guy, it is enough to look sexy and relaxed, immediately start having sex, and that's it, the young man's heart is in her pocket. In fact, this is one of the greatest delusions of our time.

    Of course, in very rare cases, this trick works. But this is far from a rule, it is rather an exception. And by all the rules, it is female inaccessibility that is more effective in matters of love. Chastity and modesty are what always benefits any female representative.
    We looked at the general features of how you can fall in love with a guy in one day. Now let's look further, and try to identify the more subtle sides of this issue.

    Special tricks and techniques for quickly winning a guy's heart

    One of the main and fundamental principles of a high feeling of love is falling in love with a certain image of a person, and not with himself. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to represent oneself from the ideal side, and no one has yet succeeded in this during the entire existence of mankind. It will be enough to find out and identify which image of the ideal is difficult in the youth's imagination, and just try to correspond to it.

    Before embarking on actions that solve the problem of a guy falling in love with yourself, you need to answer the question: am I really in love with him, or is it just that, a desire to amuse my pride and prove to the whole world my supernatural abilities? If all the fuss is due to female pride, then one should beware of the revenge of fate. In this case, you will surely become the same victim after a while. This is the law of the spirit of life!

    How to know for certain whether you are in love or not?

    Everything is simple here. To define love, you just need to observe yourself. During the period of falling in love, you can always feel some sweet excitement during the appearance of an object to which the feeling is directed, while the heartbeat also increases, a slight blush appears, and some begin to experience real heat and terrible embarrassment. During insomnia, all thoughts and dreams are dedicated only to him, the subject of sighing. He appears in all dreams.

    So, if such signs and symptoms are clearly manifested, then you can safely get down to business and fall in love with a guy. If not, you should abandon such an undertaking.

    In your actions to solve the problem of falling in love, you need to act very confidently. To do this, you need to find something extraordinary in yourself. Of course, you don't need to add something supernatural to your appearance, do not go too far. Just learn to think independently, without social stereotypes, and talk about topics that are interesting to you and your partner. It doesn't matter if your reasoning turns out to be slightly tinged with naivety. It will even add some charm. The main thing is that this is an internal and honest reasoning. Then it will be interesting to listen to and discuss.

    So, the stage of acquaintance and mutual interest has passed. What's next? How to make a guy fall in love even more on his first real date?

    First of all, you need to be able to imagine yourself free and independent, having the right to choose and successfully using this right. Yes, this is exactly what is needed so that he does not think of himself as the one and only, as the one on whom "the white light has come together like a wedge." It is necessary to create in him a sense of fear of losing that precious that he has just acquired. You can let him know that besides him there are many other interesting and attractive guys who are also able to interest, and on whom your choice may fall.

    Next, you need to make sure that all his thoughts are about you. How? Very simple. You just need to choose a perfume with a rare but delicate scent, and make every effort to keep this smell on his clothes, folder, wallet, phone and other gizmos. It is the smell that is able to constantly remind the young man of the one to whom this fragrance belongs.

    To increase your attractiveness, you need to get out of your head thoughts about your shortcomings. You need to learn to emphasize your merits. On a subconscious level, if you are tuned in to the right positive wave, the guy will also begin to notice only worthy features in you. Be confident, but not self-congratulatory. Be positive about everything, less criticism. Be active, laziness does not adorn a girl. Be energetic, lethargy and childishness lead to boredom, and guys don't like that.

    We must not forget about the constant movement upward intellectually. Any person must constantly develop. A one-sided personality is not interesting to the opposite sex. So do constantly evolve. During conversations with a young man, you need to give him more opportunity to speak, and listen to herself. Do not try to copy the manners and habits of socialites. Try to find your own personal style. This will create a more positive effect in the process, and it will remember you faster than a copy of a star.

    A girl should always monitor her gait and posture. Lightness, airiness should always be seen in the gait, and elasticity and straightness in posture.

    How to achieve the goal - to please the young man?

    You need to carefully, without pressure, move towards your goal. Consistency will draw special attention to you. Whole and strong natures always leave a spectacular impression and attract attention. Reading is what will help any girl to attract the attention of a young man. But, reading a lot, you shouldn't be smart. Endless quotes from the lips of a lady, with or without reason, can create an aura of strangeness and a bit of stupidity around you. As you read, learn to think and draw your own conclusions.

    Clothing should be sexy, but not vulgar. The same goes for makeup. You can change clothes and makeup, but not radically, but slightly. When meeting, you can slightly try on someone's role, but do not overplay. It is best to play a little and find your own image. Then your mystery and zest will forever remain in his impressions.

    A smile is a sign of kindness and openness. You should always smile. But starting and constantly talking about yourself is not worth it. Give him the opportunity to ask questions, and only then answer them.

    Praise the young man more, men "fall" on such a hook. Sitting in a cafe or restaurant, during a conversation, you should always look into the eyes of the interlocutor. Answers to questions or compliments should be sincere. Deliberate flattery always evokes rejection and rejection.

    Develop your sense of humor and don't be afraid to talk about yourself with irony. Don't look in the mirror every five minutes, it creates the impression of insecurity and fixation on your own appearance. Be natural.

    In no case should you talk about other people with ridicule and criticism. Moreover, you should not allow your partner to do this either. This can generate deep respect for yourself.

    You can openly show your love. When a woman loves children, animals, treats other people with kindness, it is pleasant for a man. Such women are respected and loved. Positive emotions can be expressed openly and sincerely. But all arrogance and lies must immediately be thrown away from oneself. These qualities do not color anyone. Rather than lying, it's better to keep quiet.

    Honestly, the goal: to fall in love with a guy is not very high. Therefore, when meeting, it is better to start chasing another, for example, just make friends. Trying to forcibly win a person's heart will constrain and restrict behavior and manners. It will be difficult to behave naturally. And it takes much less effort to make friends. And this does not mean at all that he will not perceive you as a girl. No. Just a little bit of coquetry, a little display of weakness, along with talking about cars and football, a little topic about a beautiful dress ... And if friendship has struck up, you can be sure, in his heart the young man reached out to the girl, and not at all in a friendly way, his heart was already kindled spark of love.

    You know, the process of falling in love with life cannot be determined by any actions. This often happens unexpectedly and without special human intervention. Not always, strictly and clearly following all the advice, you can win any heart of the opposite sex. Everything we talked about above has its own internal content: just to master the skills of behavior with the opposite sex, so that communication and acquaintance are easier, without the embarrassment and constraint that so often interfere with each other. By improving all these skills, you can learn to win the hearts of more and more young people around you.

    Remember, you must always think right about yourself, learn to compliment young men, study male psychology, and support their initiative in conversations. Then you can easily transfer your communication to a higher level. And then, you will no longer need advice on how to fall in love with a guy in one day.

    How to make a guy fall in love with me at first sight. How to make a person fall in love with your eyes


    Notice how the couples look at each other. They are easy to spot on the street in a hurrying crowd or in a noisy company. Despite the fact that there are many people around, their gazes are fixed on each other, they follow every movement of their beloved. If a friend calls out to one of the lovers, he will reluctantly turn away, trying to keep his eyes on his beloved to the last. Look at your loved one in the same way: for a long time, adoringly, not noticing anyone around. When you turn away, first turn your head, and only then look away.

    If you are a girl, you probably know how to add expressiveness to your look with the help of makeup. Select the upper eyelid - this will visually enlarge the eyes. Apply the same color to the inner corner of the eye, then paint on the eyelashes. At the same time, choose colors that are not too bright so that the makeup looks natural.

    It is customary to say about a man in love that he has sparks in his eyes. Smile at the object of your feelings with a sincere childish smile, remember all the wonderful moments that you had. The smile will disappear, but the light in the eyes will remain. And your beloved will certainly reach for this warm glow.

    From passion, the pupils of lovers dilate, and their eyes darken. This subconscious reaction will tell your partner how excited you are by his presence, and will certainly flatter him. These are the eyes that poets like to compare with the darkened night sky.

    Let your gaze glide relaxed over your lover. Admire his face, curling strands of hair, collarbones, hands. You can move on to more piquant body parts. Do not feel ashamed or embarrassed, just enjoy the fact that you can admire the person dear to you. If the object of your adoration has similar feelings towards you, he will gladly respond to your mute call.

    How to make a guy fall in love at first sight and forever?

    There are 5 aspects of behavior with men that should be adhered to in order to get the best result in winning his heart. If you adhere to all these aspects, you can fool any type, status or age of the guy (man).

    So, the aspects themselves:
    - the first of them consists of the fact that before falling in love, a man in his head creates a certain image of a girl with whom he communicates. You must make this image perfect, regardless of whether you are. If you hook him in this way, neither he nor you will care who and what says about you.
    - the second aspect is secrecy. That is, there should always be a secret in a girl, which she can easily interest a man and make him try to recognize her. For example, if you've watched a show, you don't want to watch it again. Mystery in a woman should be in moderation, if you overdo it, a man may think that you do not want to communicate with him and do not trust him.
    - the third is to prohibit sexual relations until you yourself are sure of the sincerity of his feelings. The main thing is not to miss this moment, otherwise the consequences can be dire.
    - the fourth aspect is the disinterestedness of the relationship. If you have a superficial relationship, you should not demand great returns from him - if he loves you, he will give you an extra minute, give you a gift, flowers.
    - the fifth aspect is the secrecy of their feelings. That is, you do not need to show him that you are in love, you just cannot live without him. A man should think that you have not yet decided, and will in every way try to conquer you completely.

    How to fall in love with a young man. How to make a guy fall in love with yourself?

    To begin with, in order for the event to conquer a man to end with 100% success, you need to correctly assess the situation in your life. Cases are different, and each of them will require a specific solution.

    What are your chances?

    If your beloved is in the circle of your acquaintances, you see and communicate with him every day, psychologists say that it will not be difficult to fall in love with a man. It will be much more difficult for those whose object of sighing lives in another city or is generally a star on the TV screen. Consider also the moment that a free man will make contact much easier than one who already has a girlfriend, and even more so - a wife and children.

    Your social roles

    Not sure how to keep a man? Assess what social positions you occupy with him. The further apart, the harder it will be. All psychologists will tell you that it is much more difficult for a director to descend to a relationship with a simple worker than a technical one - to rise to his master. Although in such cases there are exceptions.

    His personality

    Before you start acting, try to find out as much useful information about him as possible: how he lives, what interests he has. Now it is not uncommon for a woman to achieve the first kiss from a man she likes for years, and as a result, he simply turns out to be of the wrong orientation.

    A correct, sober, objective assessment of the situation already gives 50% of the success of the event, excluding annoying blunders and mistakes. If there is no chance, it is better to abandon the idea and find a more worthy object for your attention. Know how to set only a real goal for yourself.

    How to fall in love with a man from a distance. How to fall in love with a guy from a distance


    If you want to charm a young man with whom you crossed paths in the vastness of the worldwide network, by all means pay a lot of attention to appearance. You will not have the advantages of communication in real life, where it is easier to fall in love with yourself, since you have the opportunity to use all your charm. Therefore, in fact, the only thing that will allow the guy's imagination to work is your photos. In order to make him think positively of you, do not skimp on high-quality pictures that you will post to your profile on social networks or send to your favorite young man by e-mail. Let these photos showcase the virtues of your adorable appearance.

    Do not overdo it in this matter - your photos should not be in any way vulgar or frank. Such pictures will silently scream only about your thirst for a frivolous relationship. If you want to win a guy's heart, this kind of photography will be a hindrance to you. In addition, do not expose those pictures that show you in an unfavorable light, for example, from a corporate party, where you too much alcohol and indulge in too hectic fun. This will be evidence of your frivolity.

    Consult with the guy you like about everything he knows about. It is important for men to feel in demand, significant - especially for interesting girls. Even if you are no less competent in any topic than him, do not advertise or flaunt it. Do not try to show that you are smarter than this young man (even if you seem to be). Males, as a rule, do not feel much sympathy for those who openly compete and compete with them.

    Praise him often, not too much, however, praising him. Compliment subtly, delicately, and most importantly - sincerely. For example, when one of his messages contains a good joke, in response to this message, be sure to note this fact: they say, where can you learn such a great sense of humor?

    Support the topics that he raises in virtual communication. If your knowledge of these subjects is not too deep, try to expand them - by reading the relevant literature, etc. However, remember that you absolutely need such information not in order to amaze a young man with your own boundless erudition (too smart ladies even scare many away), but solely to maintain conversations on this topic.

    Do not be an open book for the guy you like - try to keep the intrigue in something. The girl, who has ceased to be a little mysterious, will hardly be of interest. Therefore, do not strive to ensure that he knows literally all the details of your life. Until your acquaintance has developed into a really serious real (not virtual) relationship, such openness is absolutely unnecessary. Also, stay positive and upbeat - guys tend to prefer cheerful girls.


    Try not to dwell solely on this young man and his interests. Until he announced serious views on you and openly - not only in virtual - announced you as his girlfriend (or even fiancee), you have every right to communicate with other men. In general, do not give up your own life, important events and hobbies. Find joy not only in communication with your virtual friend. Remember: he is fascinated by you because you are an amazing person with a variety of interests.

    Helpful advice

    Do not become intrusive and do not turn into a "vest" for the young man. A lady to whom a male representative is used to complaining a lot about failures is hardly ever the main woman in his life.

    How to fall in love with a man at a glance. Gaze manipulation

    Stand in front of the mirror and try to express with your eyes all the feelings and experiences you know. How can you make a man fall in love with your eyes if you don't know how your facial expression changes with a particular emotion? Perhaps it does not suit you or you need to radically change the principle of its manifestation.

    To find the best angles and the degree of expressiveness, you will have to spend not a single day in front of the mirror. But after that you will know exactly how you look when you show emotions on your face and in which cases you should restrain yourself, and in which you can once again emphasize your superiority.

    Falling in love with a man with a primitive eye shooting is problematic. Whatever he thinks, you want him and openly hint at it. People in love look at each other during a conversation twice as long as during a dialogue with an ordinary person.

    If you want to fall in love with a guy, it is recommended to catch his eye more often. I'll tell you, look him in the eye more often. Do not take your eyes off him during a conversation. There is no need to wave your arms to show your emotions, one spectacular wave of eyelashes can do much more.

    How to make a guy fall in love with a look? Do not take your eyes off him. In a friendly company, at an exam, at work, constantly look into his eyes. If attention in the group shifts to another person, look away slowly and romantically, and then return to the chosen one again.

    A glance can hint that you are not averse to retirement, that you are upset or positive. You may not approach the guy closer than 20 meters and interest him. When a young man catches on himself the ambiguous glances of a pretty girl, he simply cannot remain indifferent or at least not interested.

    How to make a guy fall in love with you 14 easy ways

    1. Let your chosen one act as a protector. Every man dreams about this. So be fragile and vulnerable in his presence. And don't forget to thank the man for taking care of you.
    2. Ask a man to help you with something. Even a small request will help your boyfriend feel strong and noble.
    3. Ask for his opinion. For any question, ask your boyfriend for advice. So he will understand that you value his opinion, and therefore value his mental abilities.
    4. Wear feminine clothing. Light, romantic dresses will create in his eyes the image of a gentle and fragile girl.
    5. Do not encroach on a man's personal space. Even after the wedding, a man seeks to maintain some freedom. If you want to keep the relationship alive, give him some personal space.
    6. Sometimes disappear without warning. If you are constantly around, then the man relaxes and may even stop noticing you. Therefore, sometimes you can go somewhere without warning. Believe me, next time a man wants to go with you.
    7. Change from time to time. It can be absolutely any change: makeup, hairstyle, clothing style. The main thing is that your boyfriend understands that you can be different, and therefore interesting and unpredictable.
    8. You shouldn't get into his privacy. Don't rummage through his notebooks, phone, and papers. Sooner or later, this will definitely become apparent.
    9. Build your man's self-esteem. After all, all men in their hearts are not as confident in themselves as they seem at first glance. Therefore, if you respect and appreciate your boyfriend, he will definitely want to continue communicating with you.
    10. Give a man positive. Even if it's not easy for you, joke and cheer up a man in stressful situations.
    11. Show your sociability. A man will have reason to be proud if you can have an interesting conversation with his family and friends.
    12. Cooking together. This is very close, because this way you will become associated with the guy with the role of the future wife.
    13. Keep your home cozy. If the boy is comfortable in your home, then over time he will cease to be afraid of the consequences of your relationship.
    14. Support your chosen one in his hobbies. Try to join his hobbies - this will create common topics of conversation for you.

    Video 36 questions to fall in love with at first sight

  • To the question of how to make you fall in love with your eyes? given by the author Tanita * the best answer is It would be great if everyone we like falls in love with us at first sight. But that's not how it works in real life. Weeks, months, years may pass while we live in constant thoughts about a man, but this man does not pay attention to us at all. How can this situation be corrected? There are proven ways.
    Always be with him, but disappear from time to time. The more we communicate with someone, the more they like us. Psychological research shows that when we periodically communicate with our partner, he begins to like us more, this is already a good chance to fall in love with a man. At the beginning of a relationship, forget about being on the sidelines, instead, find an excuse to spend more time together.
    When it seems to you that you have won the heart of a man, move away a little, try to meet less often, until you stop seeing each other at all. People usually want what is difficult for them, show the man that you are not easy to get!
    Do not court your man, but let him court you. When we do good to a man, give a gift, on the one hand, we are touched by ourselves, what a clever person I am that I gave him such a good gift, and on the other hand, we receive affection and warmth from a man in the form of gratitude. To justify the effort to find a gift, we usually idealize our partner. And, as a result, we start to like it more and more.
    Psychologists have found that people in love look at each other over 70% of their conversation. Ordinary people look at each other for about 38% of the conversation. This can be usefully used to make a man fall in love with you: look intently, adoringly at your partner. His brain remembers that when he was also looked at, he was in love and the body begins to produce phenylethalamine, a chemical analogue of amphetamines, released the moment we begin to fall in love.
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    Psychologists have discovered another pattern that is useful to us: lovers do not take their eyes off each other longer, even if someone else enters into a conversation. If you take this into account when communicating with someone who is not yet in love with you, his brain will again begin to produce phenylethalamine. Just keep your eyes on the man you like even when he is silent. When you do look away, do it as slowly as possible. If you are modest and shy, in order to look a man in the eyes for a long time, periodically look away at other interlocutors, but every time someone finishes a phrase, return your gaze to the one you like. Thus, you let the man know that his opinion is the most interesting and authoritative for you.

    Answer from Slip through[guru]
    that there was no strength left for other actions?

    Answer from Neuropathologist[guru]
    Fall in love with deed.

    Answer from The villain[guru]
    gee ... this is.. . there is a video in YouTube)))

    Answer from Ѐzhulya[guru]
    Emit LOVE with your eyes,

    Answer from Have a dream[guru]
    they do not fall in love with a look, but simply beckon to themselves ((you need to fall in love with your sincerity, pure and bright soul, and not with a look

    Answer from Laila ***[newbie]
    Sweetheart, you first need to achieve 100% wisdom, the second option, or 100% bitchiness. In the third case, they need to be born like that.

    Answer from Ўriy[guru]
    Why such difficulties?
    Be confident in yourself (yes, like that, without any problems with self-criticism, excessive modesty and stupidity like - oh, I'm fat or oh, I have legs like Budyonny's!) And men will be interested in you.

    We can say a lot with our eyes. And smile, and express anger and indignation, and "drill", and pour cold over. And even to fall in love with a look is quite capable of us. Not a single real one can do without playing with glances, without this silent, but very significant dialogue. Today we will talk about the technique of the gaze and how to make it mirror-like and radiant. About how to smile with your eyes and what a strong effect it has on men (and not only on them, by the way).

    I already wrote about the power of the gaze in the article. It also said that for a better connection, a certain "connection" is important, when the interlocutor takes you for his person. Do you want a man to feel a kindred spirit in you? Then each of your dates should be held under the motto "You are me, I am you." Think of yourself with his head, feel with his feelings.

    And of course, at eye level, emit invisible but tangible light. They talk about this glow when they describe a person who is attractive to the opposite sex. These people know how to smile, "shine" their eyes as little children do. Remember how children first begin to smile with their eyes, and begin to glow from the inside, and then they smile with their lips. With age, we stop smiling like that, and we do it purely mechanically, stretching our lips in a smile, while leaving our eyes motionless. People who smile with their eyes are very attractive. Surely, you also met such people. With bright, luminous, lively eyes.

    It's time for you to re-learn this miracle and with just one glance.

    How to conquer a man. Eye Smile Technique

    1. Close your eyes and mentally embrace the whole world in love. And then smile to yourself, repeating to yourself many times: "Light and love."

    2. Imagine the sun shining in your face, warming up and filling your eyes. This warm and clear light will add sparkle and radiance to your look.

    3. Now open your eyes and smiling internally, repeating "light and love" to yourself and feeling the sunlight in your eyes, go to the mirror and look at yourself. You will see how warm and lively your gaze has become. For best results, pair this technique with someone you trust. Look at the person first with your normal gaze, do the technique and look again. Ask what has changed.

    This gaze technique is simple, but the result is amazing. Do not be afraid to look men in the eyes, smiling and beaming with them. Additionally, you can apply the Mirror Gaze technique. It can also be called "A Look into the Heart", because after such a look, a warm feeling for you appears in a man's heart. But, I want to warn you that with shining eyes you can look at everyone and everyone. But with a mirror look you need to look only at the man you love and want to build a long and serious relationship with him!

    I learned about this technique from Lisa Piterkina, who gives quite a few such techniques and practices. And she warned that this technique should only be applied to the man you really need and with whom you want to start a family. You can learn about Liza and her free and paid webinars. And she can teach a lot, her energy practices have already helped many women radically change their lives for the better.

    How to conquer a man. Technique "Look into the Heart"

    When you are sitting and chatting with a man, look into his right eye and try to see your reflection there. Just do not strain and be extremely relaxed so that your face does not turn into a frozen grimace. You should enjoy this technique. As soon as you feel tension, interrupt eye contact. During the conversation, you can look into the man's right eye several times, holding your gaze for 5-7 seconds and peering into your reflection.

    It is at this moment of "peering" that your gaze becomes motionless and does not let go. Thoughts stop jumping from one to the other, the pupils dilate. The look becomes truly mesmerizing, and your eyes will look like a quiet pool, in which a lot of interesting things are found.

    You should not look into his pupil during the entire conversation, do it from time to time. Soon you will be able to enter into such contact with him as if you are one whole and no one else exists except you two.

    You can also look into the right eye during intimacy, entering into a strong resonance with a man. At this time, you can start thinking with his head and instill in him all sorts of different thoughts on the topic of his feelings for you. Thoughts should be his, not yours. That is, not "You will be happy with me!", But "How happy I am with her, how good I am with her!" In her courses, Lisa talks about all this, and we may not go that far yet. It is enough to do the mirror look technique just in ordinary communication with your beloved man.

    Another very popular and effective practice from Lisa is the bowing technique. You can read about it in the article

    Be loved and happy!

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