How to raise a boy as a real man: tips. Raising a boy up to three years Psychology of a 3 year old boy

How to properly raise boys is a difficult process, a psychology that should be treated with responsibility. To raise boys, to grow real men out of them, you need to make a lot of effort, be patient, and forget about love.

After the baby is born, all parents want and try to protect the child from the possible dangers that await him in an unfamiliar, so unusual environment. Time goes by, the baby grows up. He starts walking on his own. And it is during such a period that parents should realize (especially mother) that their baby is a personality, the baby develops an individual character, hobbies, desires and personal needs arise, the baby cannot always be with them.

Without a doubt, the boy will need his mother's care, attention and support for quite a long time, but gradually he will begin to move away from his mother, spend more time with friends, and engage in his favorite hobby. The peculiarities of raising boys are mainly not to put pressure on the baby with strong guardianship (whether he is 4 years old, 5 or 7 years old), following this path, you risk raising a classic "sissy".

It is difficult for a child to decide who he loves more: mommy or daddy. For a baby, this is an impossible choice! Both parents are the most important people in the world for him. While the boy is small, he is more often with his mother than with his father. Dad is at work, and the boy sees him mostly before bed and on weekends.

But over time, the baby grows up and strives more for dad. This cannot be prevented in any way. Psychologists give different advice on raising boys, and the main one is to allow dad and son to spend most of their time together (especially if the baby is 5-7 years old), so that they have their own male secrets, and they can do exclusively male work.

Believe me, such a pastime with dad will be of great benefit in the development of the boy's personality. At this age, he gradually realizes who he is, and what role he will have to play in the future - these are all the features of raising boys.

From this article you will learn

Born to be a man

A win-win option to show your joy at raising a true man is to call the baby a real man's name. That is why it is better not to take the dual names that women also wear. But the accepted attributes for boys in the form of blue clothes and blue strollers are not very important in the formation of a courageous character. It is rather a signal of parents that their man is growing up.

A strong and reliable defender - and the language doesn’t really turn around to say this about a crumb who hasn’t even learned to speak yet, but grabs his parents by the hair with small grasping fingers.

However, you can look at it differently, clenched hands are a real fist, the requirement to constantly suck is the makings of a healthy appetite, and loud screams are the commands of a young commander.

Annual autonomy

Boys a year are very fond of scandal. They find a reason in any situation to show their character, achieve their goal and force others to obey. Raising a one-year-old baby is the main stage in the formation of personality. In a year, in addition to character, other qualities are established in a baby: perseverance, determination and self-confidence.

Treat such a phenomenon with calmness and patience, do not even try to “remake” his character, be patient and show indulgence. Do not be afraid to once again show your love for him. During this period, boys need it no less than girls. Parental care, warmth and hugs will not bring him any harm.

How to raise a boy? The question parents ask all the time. It's important not to overdo it. The kid needs the so-called self-actualization, self-affirmation. Therefore, one should not treat his requests, opinions as something stupid and unnecessary.

strong unit

At the age of three, the baby begins to separate his personality from his parents. Now he has formed psychological independence, and he is looking for a model of behavior that suits him. Children during this period study the relationship between people of the same and different sexes, they learn what is good and bad, how to do it and how not to do it.

At this age, the boys have a growing desire to work with men, to be brave in different situations, cautious with ladies, to devote themselves to work, in general, to be the same as his dad, grandfather, brother. The kid is looking for himself and takes his place in society, even if he is in the family and peer group for now.

How to raise a boy at 3 years old? This is the most opportune moment to lay the right life directions, to demonstrate the behavior patterns characteristic of men. The main and first example in this should certainly be dad. In addition, the boy pays attention not only to advice on the behavior of men, but also to how dad treats the rest of the family.

non-male occupation

If you see your five-year-old son in his dress and his lips are made up, then most likely you will be horrified. But you don't need to panic right away. It's probably just a game, a way to get to know the world around him. But if you notice that your son at the age of 5-7 is more and more attracted to women's things or his behavior makes you suspicious, do not be lazy and contact a psychologist.

As a rule, such behavior is provoked by the usual problems in the family and incorrect educational methods. Boys sometimes have the same violations, where a woman has a strong, superior role, and a man decides practically nothing or no one is interested in his opinion. Raising a boy of 5 years old should in no case make mistakes.

It happens that a passion for girly clothes in boys manifests itself when their younger sister grows up. And most often this happens if parents cannot give their attention in equal shares. So that a boy at four or five years old can “come to his senses”, praise him more, say out loud that he is a beloved son, a good boy. Show it in action.

You need to be careful! If your baby avoids boys, prefers female roles in mother-daughter games, this indicates that he is afraid to be in the role of a boy !!!

Boys are much more sensitive than girls. They are more afraid of the dark time of the day, quarrels, screams and tears of their mother. Boys are much more likely to develop stuttering, enuresis (urinary incontinence) and fear of being alone. They are much more closed in themselves, hold back emotions and are more silent. Traces of such experiences can be found on the toy: You need to be concerned if it is very worn in some places.

Boys don't grow up to be men because they were born in a man's body. They feel strong and begin to adopt male behavior only when they are brought up and have the opportunity to observe the behavior of their father, brothers, whom they trust. Otherwise, the boys will be drawn to their mother, and in the future this will lead to conflict: the body of a man, and the character of a woman. The baby should be protected from complexes. And you, thus, will be calm for your son.

To know how to raise a 5-year-old boy, you need to read books on the psychology of children, attend several lectures by child psychologists.

What is needed for the proper upbringing of boys

  • Read fairy tales about knights, rescuers in the title role;
  • Play football, basketball, karate, fencing with your son more often;
  • Get him toys for both boys and girls. There will be nothing wrong if the boy plays gardener or cook. This will not affect him in any way, but he will learn to worry and take care of loved ones;
  • Dad should bring friends so that the baby can observe the relationship of adult men at home;
  • Visit grandfather more, talk about relatives in a good tone;
  • Mom is obliged to tell good words about dad (even if he does not live with his family). Each of us has qualities that can be praised;
  • Emphasizing the courageous deeds of the son and ignoring his weaknesses - after all, this happens to everyone.

How not to make a "mama's boy" out of a son

  • Do not let the boy sleep in the parent's bed after a year (especially bad if the boy sleeps with mom and dad after 5-7 years);
  • Do not blunt the initiative of the child;
  • Do not buy your son toys that you really like;
  • Allow him to be friends with children of different character;
  • Do not demand unquestioning obedience from him;
  • If someone took away a toy from a baby, do not try to scold the offender yourself and take the toy, the baby must return it to himself;
  • Throwing everything, to take the side of the son in conflict situations with peers. Give him the opportunity to solve the problem on his own;
  • One should not feel sorry for him too much, make allowances when another relative asks for diligent behavior from him.

Do children need punishment?

The answer is yes. But physical punishment may not act as punishment. It will be enough just to deprive the kid of watching his adored cartoon or to ban sweets, maybe to postpone visiting the zoo or circus. It all depends on the degree of the "crime" done.

It is especially difficult to raise a child of 5 years. If you begin to notice that the boy is behaving more aggressively, he starts to fight first, takes out other children - these signals should not be ignored. A 5-year-old child is still modeling his behavior. Everyone should throw out their bad emotions, but you will have to teach the baby to do it differently. Your goal is to channel the energy of the crumbs into a peaceful direction.

Enroll the boy in some section or arrange at home, for example, pillow fights, and it would be even better to combine everything. You will notice how your child will become calmer, his physical and mental health will improve, and therefore health will be stronger.

Raising a boy of 4 years is no more difficult when he is 7. You just need to give him enough attention.

In the upbringing of boys, the issue of appearance plays an important role. After all, a real man can not be a sloppy look. But even this does not mean making a clean boy out of a boy who will be afraid to go play football because his uniform will get dirty.

Try not to blame or yell at the child, especially in front of strangers. So you will form an inferiority complex in him. And under no circumstances should you try to realize your personal childhood dreams in your son.

Do not forget that your baby is a person, he has his own dreams and needs. And, one way or another, you need to get used to the idea that your baby will choose his own path in life, different from yours. Do not keep the boy always near - you can make both him and yourself unhappy.

The main thing is to love your son, listen to him and believe that it is the Real Man that is growing up with you.

One way or another, the upbringing of boys is still based on the general age characteristics of the child. So let's start by talking about a two-year-old baby.

Why do we start talking about how to raise a boy exactly at 2 years old? Because, despite the obvious differences in the behavior of boys and girls - babies, up to 1.5 years there is practically no difference in educational influences. The most important thing that children (both boys and girls) need at this age is to feel the connection and care, tenderness and love of their parents. This means that you need to treat boys the same way as girls: kiss and hug them, carry them in your arms, breastfeed, talk, play. Physical displays of love are even more important for boys than for girls; this is the case when "you can't spoil porridge with butter."

And it is in the region of the age of 2 years that the child begins to understand that he is either a girl or a boy, and designates himself accordingly “I (Misha) is a boy!” or "I'm (Katya) a girl."

The first thing in raising a two-year-old boy - more positive communication. “If in the first year or two of a son's life, the mother is in the deepest depression and is closed to communication with the child, an aspect of sadness appears in his mind. If a mother gets angry, hits, or hurts her son, he begins to doubt that he is loved.” (Steve Biddulff) And these are the first signs of a basic distrust of the world.

The second is "how to raise a boy of 2 years." Do not beat or punish the child with harshness or indifference. The one who hits shows weakness. Your strength now will turn into your weakness in the future, or the weakness of your child's character. Strength in a boy is brought up by other methods!

The third point is "how to raise a boy of 2 years." By the age of one, the child is learning to walk. By the age of 1.5, the child becomes physically more resilient. Boys not only improve walking, but also develop the ability to run, they learn to bounce, throw the ball, improve their sense of balance. Do not forbid the boy to develop physically! And let yourself get a couple of bruises and bumps. Otherwise, the child will not understand what pain is and how to endure it. Sorry, but don't make a tragedy out of it! Come up with some powerful spell! We have this “the bunny has pain, the bear has pain, Dani has no pain” - it still works))

Fourth "how to raise a boy 2 years old". In relation to work, children of this age develop a desire to “help” adults: carry a bag with mom or try to “sweep” the floor, etc. Therefore, encourage and encourage such behavior! If you "beat off the hunt" now, do not interrogate in the future!

“How to raise a boy of 2 years”, fifthly. At this age, there is the first need to form rules and prohibitions. Although the word “impossible”, according to psychologists, the child begins to understand from about 3 years old, restrictions and punishments (in the sense of non-physical, of course) must still be introduced. But not in an orderly manner, but as a reasonable law “You can’t take a knife - you will cut yourself” instead of “Don’t touch! Hands off! Cut off your finger!" But constant prohibitions and total control are your personal hell.

The sixth rule "how to raise a boy 2 years old"- do not patronize the child and do not put pressure on him with your super-expectations. “A child at 2 years old does not speak?” Don't worry, it's not a reason not to sleep at night. Boys start talking later than girls. The main thing is that the boy has developed cognitive interest and motor activity. “Your boy doesn’t exercise / doesn’t read / doesn’t draw… like that girl?” - also not a reason for frustration. All children are different and develop differently! And with your expectations, and subsequent discontent, you express dislike to the child!

And seventhly, “how to raise a boy of 2 years old”- in Game. The game at this age is in the nature of manipulation with objects. But it is through such a game that the child learns the world around him, objects, people. In the game, teach discipline and order (clean up toys), rules (“let's go for a walk” - that means we need to get together and dress consistently), hygiene and elementary labor skills (wash, sweep the floor), play with toys (how to handle toys, compare objects) . About education through the game is also described in our book "ANTINANYA, or How to raise a happy, healthy and self-confident child, saving time for personal life and career."

And finally, it is necessary to address the son in accordance with his gender. It is better not to use such tendernesses as "baby", "bunny", "honey", etc. Forming a verbal formula of attitude towards yourself, it is better to address your son and use the words “son”, “boy”, “my favorite protector”.

For those interested in the problem of “how to raise a boy properly”, the following books can be recommended:
✔ Igor Semyonovich Kon "The boy is the father of a man"
✔ Ian Grant “My son is growing up! How to raise a real man
✔ Elium Don, Elium Joan "Raising a Son"
✔ Steve Biddalff "Raising boys... how?".

Good afternoon, dear readers! I get a lot of questions about raising kids. I constantly emphasize that until the age of 5, the baby should face prohibitions as little as possible. Many begin to resent, believing that I am introducing complete permissiveness ...

I am not at all worried about my youngest son, who will be two years old in a few months. I don’t worry that he will not learn the word “no” until the age of 18, and will not be able to perceive prohibitions until retirement. But I hear how many mothers worry about their children ... Therefore, I write on this topic again and again. Today we will talk more about boundaries, and how to raise a child at 2 years old.

So, the child always has prohibitions and boundaries. And in 2 years, and in a year, and even in several months. Another question is how we designate these boundaries. Do we shout menacingly “no” or show prohibitions as gently as possible?

And again I emphasize: everything I will write about here applies only to babies under 5 years old. At the age of 5-7 there is a significant leap in the development of the child. And after this age, the attitude towards prohibitions should change (on the part of parents). If parents don’t change anything until the age of 18, and talk to a teenager like a one-year-old toddler ... Then big problems really begin. But we are talking about the little ones. It is very important!

This terrible permissiveness

How tired I am of responding to indignant comments on my posts that threaten my children with a terrible future because of our “permissiveness”! I'm tired, because for almost every post on social networks about my attitude to oil spilled by a one-year-old or about harmless pranks, there is someone “not indifferent”. And every time you have to write the same thing. Sometimes you already want to just ignore the comment ... But then I understand that it is important to repeat it. Repeat many times. For one of the mothers to break the old stereotypes.

So, the good news is that permissiveness does not threaten your child. It is simply impossible to organize it. Impossible. If you are a normal mother, you will not let your baby play with fire, climb out of the window, run on the road, etc. So your child's behavior will have some limits anyway. And he will begin to master them from birth.

From birth, a child is faced with the fact that life is not always the way we would like it to be. Even if you practice, give the breast at the first squeak and carry the child around the clock. From the first months, the child is already something impossible.

For example, babies should not roll over at the edge of the sofa. If he rolls over like that, he will fall. However, no normal mother will try to convey this to a three-month-old baby.

Imagine a mother threateningly waving her finger in front of such a baby and saying: “You can’t!!” And then, when the child still fell, saying: “Why don’t you obey?! How naughty you are! Now you will know! I see that you understand everything! Your eyes are already smart, and you pronounce “aha” perfectly! You understand everything, but you don't listen! Who will grow out of you?!”

Approximately the same thing happens even when the child is one year old. I wrote about this in the article "". This situation continues at 2 years. And even longer. Although at 2-3 years old the baby is already responding to many prohibitions. And it seems that he is already so smart... He reacts to many of your words and prohibitions, but... Not to all.

What's wrong with bans?

Up to 5-7 years old, the child's brain is not yet mature enough for an adequate perception of prohibitions. This does not mean that until the age of 5 you will not pronounce the word “no” at all. Unfortunately this is not possible. But it is necessary to pronounce this word as little as possible.

Our oldest daughter is now almost 4 years old. And she already knows "no" well. And even - about a miracle! She listens well most of the time. But even now, at 4 years old, any prohibitions are difficult for her. And if I start saying “no” often, whims, tantrums and all signs of overexcitation begin. This is at 4 years old! What can we say about a two-year-old baby?

In fact, at 1-3 years old, prohibitions are not so terrible - the child easily ignores them. At this age, the correct strategy is: "You can not scold or scold the baby for not obeying."

Children under the age of 5 should not be scolded at all. At this age, the baby will never understand that you "love him very much, but are angry at his bad behavior." And the only thing you will achieve is that the child will feel bad and unloved.

How to set boundaries

The parenting strategy is very simple. Extremely simple. If a three-month-old baby lies near the edge of the sofa - what do you do? That's right, take it and take it to a safe place. And in general, try not to put the baby on the sofa. About the same way we react to the behavior of a 2-3 year old baby.

Of course, it is much more difficult to carry a two-year-old from the edge. But the essence remains the same. And gradually, as it grows, the little one learns to perceive these boundaries.

If the baby grabs something forbidden and dangerous, we select it. It climbs onto something too high or fragile - we remove it. He behaves inappropriately - we take him to another place.

Ideally, distract the little one with something more interesting. This is the best thing you can do. Does not work? At least just be sorry. Yes, the one-year-old will yell, kick and express his protest in every possible way. But you still calmly and lovingly take him from a dangerous place...

What is important to pay attention to?

  • There should be as few restrictions as possible! Try to remove everything forbidden and dangerous where the baby cannot reach.
  • When the baby approaches the forbidden, you can gently say “no need to take it” or something like that. Shake your head. But gently, without threat or aggression.
  • Did the kid climb on the forbidden closet anyway? Feel free to take it out of there. And help him experience the full range of emotions. Help with your sympathy, love and patience.
  • Gradually, the child will get used to them. Especially if he is already two years old. Gradually, a connection will form in the baby’s head: if you climb in, they will still be filmed. So there is no point in going there. But this connection will not have an admixture of fear!
  • However, from time to time, children again "check the boundaries." And your task is to respond to this calmly and lovingly again.
  • If the child still broke something, soiled it, broke it ... It's not his fault. You didn't follow this. This is your responsibility, not his. Therefore, do not scold the child, but yourself.
  • And if no one was hurt, don't scold yourself. And just wipe the puddle, wash the closet or collect the pieces from the floor. Small annoyances are not worth worrying about.

The older the child, the more likely they are to respond to your verbal warning. And at the age of 3, many children are ready to obey their parents. No shouting or threats! But... Not always. And this also needs to be understood. When a baby at 3-4 years old really wants something, he will ignore your requests. And again, your task is not to scold or demand obedience.

How to communicate with a 3-4 year old baby if he does not want to go home, wash his hands or take off his boots at home -. Here we can try to reach an agreement. But at 2 years old it still doesn't make sense.

Therefore, if our youngest son starts pouring water from the bath onto the floor, I just pull him out of the bath. Throwing food out of a plate? I take a plate. Throwing sand at kids in the playground? I take it out of the sandbox. All this can be done calmly, without threats. And the boundaries were respected, and my mother remained loving.

Subscribe to new blog articles and repost on social networks. I wish you happiness. See you soon!

Good afternoon, dear readers! When a child is born, we take care of him on our own. Whether he likes it or not, we wear the clothes that we think fit, we choose the toys ourselves. And we don’t even think that the moment will soon come when the baby will want to decide for himself. You don't have to wait until adulthood. Only a couple of years separate us from this moment.

Yes, my dears, at the age of 3, a child has his first! Have you noticed changes in your baby's behavior? And the change is most likely not for the better. Yes? Then let's talk today about what it's like raising children 3 4 years old.

And in order to better understand, I will talk about the features of the development of the crumbs at this age, the advice of specialists and the role of the family and society.

Hmmm ... at one fine moment, the little one begins to understand that he is a separate person. It awakens the desire to solve some problems on their own. It's just that the child doesn't always hit the mark.

For example, when dressing outside, you cannot convince him to put on a warmer hat, because the other little one liked the appliqué. Some parents cannot stand this behavior and break down. But, understand, the baby is also not easy in this situation! With all his attempts, he shows that he, too, must be reckoned with! Not otherwise. And here a lot depends on us. How we treat a small personality, such development will be in the future.

Try to provide options for choice, show 2 hats that will suit you in terms of practicality, with an offer to make an independent choice between them. You will not lose anything, and the little ones will be satisfied that it was he who decided what wardrobe to wear.

And yet, at this tender age, it is difficult for a toddler to quickly switch from one activity to another. Therefore, when the game is in full swing, and you insist on urgently brushing your teeth and sleeping, do not expect anything but a storm of protest. It is useless to rush and make noise.

I read somewhere that if during this period you are indignant and demand that the miner do something quickly, he will grow up slow. So one careless action and it will be difficult for the baby to adapt to this life in the future.

At the age of 3-4, a fidget develops independence. And this is the best time to develop the skills of cleaning up after yourself, folding clothes neatly into a drawer. If you are not patient and do it for your heir, you risk ending up with an indecisive creature.

Causes of Bad Behavior

I would like to start this subtitle with a quote from the famous pediatrician E. Komarovsky: "100% of adults know how to make children, but 99.9% do not know what to do with them later." If you think about it, it really is. It is not enough to show the little one how to handle a spoon, it is important to help develop character. And everyone goes through it.

So what are the causes of the problem? Maybe it's all about psychology?

  1. Trite, but the baby lacks attention. Adults are often engrossed in their own important affairs. And there is no time left to play with your favorite baby. After all, he can already take the constructor himself and assemble it, what else is needed? By nature, a person wants understanding of relatives and attention. Don't adults sometimes want to talk to someone, but just be silent, but together with someone! So are the kids. Offer to read together when he's not expecting it. Do not push the little man with his desires. If parents postpone the construction of a toy house for later, this can cause the wrath of the minnows.
  2. Revenge. Yes, from such a tiny creature. Unconsciously, of course. For example, after a long stay with the mother, the baby was sent to kindergarten. And there are other people and the schedule is also not satisfied. And the little ones just take out their bad mood on others.
  3. Personal self-assertion. This is how this stage is marked. The child is a personality, and if someone is against it, he will get a teapot!
  4. Formation of low self-esteem. And this is from our, my dear, feed. Too strong or, conversely, insufficient guardianship leads to this. The peanut becomes insecure until he realizes that he is being broken. This is where negativity comes into play. In the future, it will become an insecure person seeking mom's advice.

Family upbringing

Few would disagree, but the basis of character is tempered in the family. So how to treat whims correctly, and what tasks do we need to solve?

The main goal is to direct the baby in the right direction, without punishment. After all, on the basis of hysteria you will not achieve anything. Komarovsky on this topic says that when a period of hysterical-tearful behavior sets in, it is better to boycott the child. Do not fulfill whims. You need to negotiate with him after the onset of calm. The calm behavior of the parent in this situation will make the child overcome the attack of anger as soon as possible.

Sometimes it is also difficult for us to persuade our son to work out. After all, he gives homework. Although I try to do it in a playful way, Dominic sometimes lacks patience. Then we find a compromise: first we will blow bubbles, then we will work out and take away the toys. Whenever possible, I offer options. It's easier with Ivona, she's still small.

Use the desire of the little one to do everything on your own in the right direction. Ask to water the flowers, so you will develop a respect for nature. You can also make the bed, clumsily, of course, but this is a learning period! Will learn over time. If labor education starts at the age of 5, it will take even longer to accustom to order.

At 3 years old, a child likes to repeat after adults. Buy a cleaning kit, a miniature ironing board. Do not force it, but when you start cleaning, you will hear the demanding: “And I want too!”. Fake daddy's tools are suitable for boys.

Walking on the street, solve the problem of environmental education. Talk about plants as living characters. One of my friends compared the branches of a tree with fingers, and said that it was bad to tear them.

But this period coincides with the baby's driving to kindergarten. How is the problem of developing a correct attitude to what is happening in the crumbs solved?

The role of the kindergarten

Firstly, this is already a collective of creatures similar to a baby. And the educators conditionally divide this crowd of children by gender. Education takes place with games, girls are attracted by household items, dishes, etc., boys are attracted by cars and the like. But there are also joint activities. It is necessary. And here the tasks of such a plan are solved.

  1. A large role is given to patriotic aspects. The vocabulary of the miner is already more than 1.5 thousand words. He is able to memorize and reason logically. Love for the Motherland is born from love for family and loved ones.
  2. Moral. To instill in a small creature compassion for others, forgiveness of insults, kindness is very important at an early stage.
  3. Sensory. The preschool child must know the meaning of objects by touch: hard - soft, hot - cold. An interesting exercise is mixing colors with each other. In addition to the fact that this is the study of colors, the child is amazed to learn that in this way you can get a completely new color. Such orientation in space helps to train logic and thinking.
  4. The development of physical activity teaches the correct behavior in the team. Yes, it improves health! Charging is obligatory in every garden before breakfast. All kids love to wave their arms and legs. This will cause only positive emotions.
  5. Respect for nature. I have already spoken about this. In preschool institutions, this is also given great attention. Teaching frugality and accuracy is inextricably linked with patriotism, kindness, and love for loved ones.

In general, educators should hold meetings about this. Communicate to parents how to properly direct the baby in the right direction. But unfortunately, in most gardens, meetings are held only for the reason "to raise money"! But, of course, this does not mean that they do not work with your child there. A four-year-old toddler, if anything, will report himself what they are doing there in their group and what they are playing. Fortunately, quick wits and a set of words are already enough!


And here are some popular publications that will be useful in communicating with children.

  1. Martha and Williams Sears "Your child from birth to 10 years". The popular manual is useful not only for preschool children, but also for those who have already crossed the threshold of the school.
  2. Natalya Ilyina, Diana Khorsand Raise a child... How?". The book is based on personal experience. The authors tell about sons and daughters from infancy.
  3. K. Quals " How to raise children without punishment". Ways out of conflict situations are described. It will be useful to arm yourself with such information!

Of course, these are general tips. Each child is individual. Temperament is given by nature, and character is developed in the family and the team. Help without harm.

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All the best, dear readers! Do not forget to use the opportunity to subscribe to blog updates, and leave a comment on the topic. Perhaps your experience will help someone else.

I almost forgot, please add a list of literature that, in your opinion, can help in raising our children. Many thanks to all who responded!

Raising a child is a rather complicated process. Moreover, very often the results obtained do not at all coincide with our expectations. And this does not mean that our child is “bad”, he is special and does not at all have to be the way we want him to be. Children are already born with certain and. These features must be understood and supported. If we try to "remake" a child, we will go against him and nature itself.

Yes, of course, adults should guide and correct the behavior of the child, but this must be done with love, tact and caution, making sure that the child does not face an impossible task or does not experience fear of his parents. Moreover, it is necessary to look for an approach specifically to your child, taking into account the features and. So, for example, an optimistic child with a strong nervous system will survive your “pressures” without much loss and will only become stronger and more resilient from this. For those who by nature have heightened sensitivity, excessive severity can be an unbearable burden. A very active, without proper control can become unmanageable.

It is useful for parents to remember that the achieved result of upbringing does not always depend on the efforts expended: a lot consists of innate, the correspondence of parental requests to the capabilities of the baby, the harmony of parents and the family as a whole. Therefore, for example, a single mother who works from morning to evening can grow up a cheerful and balanced child, and in a family where mom and dad devoted a lot of time to purposeful upbringing, a suspicious and conflicted son grows up.