How to restore energy balance? Displacement of the center of gravity to the sides. Low energy level

Surely you have ever slipped or stumbled literally out of the blue and fell to the ground. While this leaves very little time for reflection, there are still steps you can take to help you quickly regain your balance. There are also exercises that can help maintain balance despite negative changes caused by age, illness, or recent injury. Learn to prevent sudden falls in order to avoid the associated pain, possible injury and damage to self-esteem.


Part 1

Correct Action for Loss of Balance
  1. Return your raised leg to the ground. At the beginning of the fall, unless your supporting leg is blown to the side (for example, if you slipped heavily), it is still on the ground. Try to get your other leg back to the ground as soon as possible. It is much easier to maintain your balance when you are on the ground with both feet.

    • This may not be enough to keep you from falling if you are standing on slippery (such as ice), uneven, or sloping surfaces.
    • It is better to place the second foot away from the first (at a distance of at least 30 centimeters). Spread your legs wider to help you regain balance.
    • Place your raised foot on the ground in the direction in which you fall. If your center of gravity is moving forward and you put your other foot back, it will not improve your balance. Typically, when falling sideways, the raised leg is on the same side as the fall.
  2. Sit down. After both of your feet are on the ground, bend your knees and sit down on the ground. This will lower your body's center of gravity, which will help you maintain balance. In addition, your feet will act as a shock absorber and will soften the shock to your joints if you trip or fall.

    • Try to bend at the waist in the opposite direction to the direction of the fall. This will further stabilize your center of gravity. However, do not overdo it so as not to fall in the other direction.
    • This technique is most effective on a level surface where you can squat quickly without fear of injuring your knees.
    • If you tall, you may need to sit down because when you are standing, your body's center of gravity is higher than that of shorter people.
  3. Use your arms to redistribute your body weight. Most people, when they lose their balance, instinctively try to grab onto something with their hands or with their help shift the center of gravity in the direction opposite to the direction of the fall. To quickly shift your center of gravity, swing your arms in the opposite direction from which your body is moving. This will help you regain your lost balance and prevent falling.

    • Please note that if you are holding an object, it can fly out of your hands when you swing it, so try to hold it tight. It also helps you shift your center of gravity and regain your balance. IN emergency situation every opportunity should be taken!
    • At the same time, the person looks awkward - you have probably seen this from the outside. However, it is better than falling to the ground.
  4. Grab onto something stable. As mentioned above, with a sudden loss of balance, a person instinctively tries to grab onto something. Don't resist this instinct. Being able to grab onto something and regain your balance will keep you from falling. However, such a possibility is not always presented.

    • To avoid falling, you can grab a wall, a tree, a railing, a fence, a parked car, even another person. In the latter case, be careful not to pull this person with you.
    • Some objects appear stable, but with a little effort they can tip over. Keep this in mind, although in the event of a sudden loss of balance, you will naturally have little time to assess the stability of an object.
    • Often this is another reason that when a sudden loss of balance, people drop what they had in their hands - they instinctively reach out to a possible support, open their palms and release what they held before.
  5. Get used to uneven surfaces. Unfortunately, we do not always lose our balance on uneven and smooth surfaces. If you are on a staircase, large cobblestone, or other uneven surface, you will need to change your actions a little to gain balance. Here are just a few tips:

    • If possible, lower your raised leg to the ground so that it is approximately level with your supporting leg. In this way, you will avoid the danger of further loss of balance. If this is not possible, bend your knees to reduce the height difference.
    • Sometimes it is better not to remain motionless, but to jump over or run across to a new place. This method works well if you are trying to maintain balance on an unstable surface (for example, on a rocky hillside), or when your body is already in motion.
    • If you have a little time, then assess whether you will get a used aboutincreased stability and will you be safer if you jump to a new location. In this case, you will buy a little time in order to move your center of mass, and you can also land on both feet and take a more or less vertical position. It is also useful if you are near a flat piece of ground when you lose your balance.

    Part 2

    Fall prevention
    1. Wear suitable footwear. Sometimes, falling when you lose your balance can be avoided when you suitable shoes... This is especially true if you slip. If you are doing anything related to increased danger loss of balance, select special shoeswhich will maximize your stability.

      • Of course, you can fall without engaging in risky actions. You should not constantly think about the relatively small danger of losing your balance and, in this regard, change your shoes and lifestyle. Just choose the right footwear for the situation. For example, don't wear sandals when walking on ice.
      • Choose footwear that will reduce the risk of falling. Often loose-fitting shoes (including slippers, sandals, etc.) can fly off your feet in the very inappropriate moment... Do not wear such shoes during sports training and other activities related to increased risk falling.
    2. Be careful. Often people fall because they simply do not look where they step. Look ahead carefully, especially when moving on slippery or poorly lit surfaces. Be careful not only to reduce the risk of falling, but also to restore your balance more easily if you suddenly stumble.

      • IN dark time use a flashlight or, if necessary, headlights for 24 hours. Try to illuminate the road to reduce the risk of falling.
      • If you are going down the stairs, be sure to look at the lower steps. When you look at the next rung, your brain processes the information it receives and signals your legs how to proceed. Do not step by inertia, as the next step may not be in the place where you expect it.
    3. Try not to leave your home when you are sick or weak. Certain medications and substances reduce the ability to maintain balance. If you have been drinking alcohol or taking medications that compromise your balance and reduce your reaction, it is better to move less (especially if you are not accompanied) to reduce the risk of falling.

      • This does not mean at all that you should sit at home all the time after you have drunk a little alcohol. However, try not to walk long distances or do anything that is associated with increased physical activity.
      • Be careful when going down the stairs. This is especially dangerous if your balance and coordination are imbalanced.
    4. Use the railing. Nearly all stairs and many inclined walkways (such as ramps) have handrails and are attached to a wall or other stable structure. Hold on to the railing when going down (or going up) stairs or ramps to keep your balance. Falling on stairs is much more dangerous than falling on level ground, so don't let gravity defeat you!

      • When descending the stairs, do not let go of the railing, but slide your hand over it. This will reduce the risk of falling when shifting your hand.
      • Check if the railing is stable. If the railing is unstable or not properly secured, it will be of little use if it falls. Try using the railing on the other side if necessary. If this is not possible, proceed with great care.

    Part 3

    How to avoid injury from a fall
    1. Protect your face. When falling, protect your face and head first by covering them with your hands. This should be done even if there is a risk of injury to another part of the body. Head injuries are very dangerous and can even lead to lethal outcome, so try not to bump your head on the ground or other hard surfaces and objects.

      • When falling forward, extend your arms in front of your face. This way you can hit the ground in time and protect your face at the same time.
      • When falling back, place your hands behind your head and bend forward. This is the best way to keep your head from hitting the ground, or to soften the blow if it does happen.
    2. Remember your capabilities. In some cases sharp movementsdesigned to prevent falls are no less dangerous than the fall itself. Such movements can cause serious injury, especially in the elderly and those who have not fully recovered from previous injuries. When trying to maintain balance, you can deform the spine, so sometimes it is better not to strive to stay on your feet at all costs, but to fall and get rid of a couple of minor scratches and bruises.

      • With a loss of balance, most movements are performed instinctively, therefore, sometimes it is not possible to avoid sudden involuntary movements.
      • If you really prefer to fall so as not to expose yourself to more serious danger, try to land so as not to affect sensitive areas bodies and previous injuries. For example, if you suffered a ligament tear knee joint and have not yet fully recovered from it, try to turn around when you fall so as not to land on your injured leg or knee.
    3. Use your hands to soften the blow. When falling forward, extend your arms in front of you and bend them slightly as they touch the ground. Imagine that you are bending down to the ground while doing push-ups from the floor. This will help you cushion your fall and prevent hand fractures that could occur on a hard landing.

      • If you fall on your hands, there is a danger of fracturing the bones of your forearm, palm or wrist. However, you should use your hands to secure yourself to avoid more serious injury.
      • The risk of fracture increases if you try to cushion an impact from an uncomfortable angle, such as falling backwards. This is due to the fact that in this position your arms are not designed for high loads, and your joints do not have sufficient flexibility.
      • The stronger the muscles in your upper body, the better you will be able to cushion the impact and prevent injury from a fall.
    4. Roll over. If you fall during heavy forward movement (such as when running or jumping from a great height), it is sometimes safer to roll on the ground rather than try to stop abruptly. When doing this, be sure to cover your head and neck.

      • First touch the ground with your hands and then top back and shoulder blades. Do not bend very much so that your head is not behind your feet, otherwise you may hit the ground with your face after rolling!
      • As you roll forward, bend your back, bend your head to your chest, and bend forward. Try to group yourself so that your body is like a wheel.
      • As you roll to the side, pull your bent arms towards your body, cover your face with your palms, and tilt your head slightly forward. This will protect your face and prevent the back of your head from hitting the ground.

    Part 4

    Exercises to improve balance

    Balance on one leg. First, stand up, spread your legs hip-width apart and put your hands on your waist. Continuing to stand straight, lift one leg off the floor and bend it at the knee, bringing your foot back. Stay in this position for up to 30 seconds, then change legs. Repeat this exercise several times for each leg.

    • To complicate the exercise, try extending your raised leg to the side or in front of you without touching the floor. This way you can shift your body's center of gravity and further strengthen the muscles that help maintain balance.
    • Make the exercise even more difficult: stand on an unstable surface or attach weights to the ankles.
  6. Do bicep curls while standing on one leg. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in one hand. Bend your arm with a dumbbell at the elbow 90 degrees, palm up. After that, lift one leg and remain in this position for up to 30 seconds, then change legs and repeat the exercise.

    • Make the exercise harder and gradually increase the weight of the dumbbell. You can also not hold your hand with a dumbbell motionless, but bend and unbend it. In this case, your muscles will have to constantly adjust to the change in the position of the center of gravity.
    • Vary this exercise. For example, you can lift different legs. The balance is more difficult to maintain if the leg is lifted from the side of the dumbbell. Start with a simple variation and gradually build up the exercise.
  7. Walk in a straight line with your heels touching your toes. If you want to improve your balance, walk in a straight line with your feet close together so that the heel of your front foot is almost touching the toe of your back. At the same time, stretch your arms to the sides and keep them at shoulder level.

    • For better stability, focus your gaze on a distant point ahead. Looking at your feet will make it harder to keep your balance.
    • To make the exercise more difficult, move very slowly or keep your foot on the ground longer with each step.
    • At a certain point, turn 180 degrees, while maintaining your posture, and walk along the same line back.
  • To improve your ability to maintain balance and avoid injury from possible falls, develop dexterity and flexibility. To do this, follow physical exercises, participate in sports games, do yoga and just lead active image life.
  • Take up a hobby that requires balance. This will develop the appropriate muscles. This can be dancing, tightrope walking, ice skating, or rock climbing.
  • Balance exercises are especially useful for those who, for any reason (for example, due to an injury), have insufficiently developed muscles in the lower half of the body. In case of problems with inner ear or neurological disorders you should consult a doctor.


  • If you injure your head in the fall, contact medical help... Even with a mild concussion, you should consult your doctor.
  • If you have recently suffered an injury, do not exercise to develop balance until you get permission from your doctor or physical therapist.

1. MAKE THE ORGANISM WORK. Remember the basic actions - initiative, decision, action, result of actions, reward and rest. Take these steps to keep your stress levels in check. Making decisions quickly will save your nerves and keep your stress response healthy and fulfilling. Remember that your self-esteem and attitude play a big role in how stress affects your health. Don't use your stress response to harm your health.

2. LET YOUR STRESS ANSWERS BE SEPARATED FROM OTHER. You should alternate between rest and stimulation. If your body needs rest, and you only think about what you could or would like to do today, then it is difficult for him (the body) to decide: is it possible for him to rest and gain strength or should he continue to work. When you need to take a break, distract your mind with pleasant thoughts.

3. LEARN TO RELAX. If you find it difficult to distract yourself mentally, remember that you can do it mechanically. There are many relaxation techniques, but the most effective are those that force you to breathe deeply. You can take deep breaths in the bathroom, on the bus, at work; you can do them for 20 seconds, 20 minutes - it's effective and you don't need to come up with any excuses for this.

4. INTERRUPT THE STRESS. Stop the effect of stress on your body yourself, before one day you feel that you overexerted under its influence. Break your stress response into short chunks, allowing yourself a little rest after each. Pay attention to what you need to do today, for example: phone calls, traveling, spending time at the computer, picking up the kids from school, or completing things at work. Every time you hang up the phone, or stand under a traffic light, or end a conversation, or whatever, take the opportunity to take a short break. To do this, it may be enough to take a deep breath or stretch at least a few times. Do not wait until you run out of strength, take at least small steps to maintain your energy at the proper level.

5. TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH. Keep those bodies in good condition - it will not distract you from everyday life, this will be a natural part of it. And at the same time, restoring health, among other things, takes time and effort, so try to immediately set aside time for this. Listen to your body - it is always trying to say something, so learn to read in its language. For example, negative signals from the body tell you that something has happened. It is much easier to find out the cause of the disease on early stage development. Change your habits to healthier ones - this will not only seem stupid and annoying, but it will also make your life richer and more interesting. Trust me, there is nothing more stupid and annoying than illness.

6. ENJOY POSITIVE INCENTIVES. Satisfied, healthy body needs incentives. You need to be prepared to deal with stressful situations, but you also need to have fun. Unfortunately, bad things in life will always happen, so put your efforts to ensure that something good happens in it. Recent research in the United States found that a group of people with depression showed top scores thanks to two short daily walks, unlike the other group that was given antidepressants, so you too could take control of your feelings. Now your goal is to find your own satisfaction line. During this period, the process of achieving the goal will bring you pleasure and at the same time will not drain your strength. We cannot constantly experience joy and delight and get rid of accidents and diseases. They happen anyway, but we want to get control of the situation. Wellness arises from the consciousness that you can control your body, influence your well-being and, if necessary, restore strength.

Your body is a machine for life... Like all machines, it requires maintenance in accordance with the instructions. Living energy When we know how the body generates energy, it is easier for us to understand how fatigue occurs. We often think that energy is something we need to move parts of the body over which we have direct control (such as muscles) and allows the brain to think. While this is true, most of the energy is spent on keeping those systems in the body that you cannot control, such as the heart, kidneys, digestive system... The number of calories your body needs to keep all of these systems working is called RMR, or resting metabolic rate. These are the calories that your body begins to require even before you had time to think about it or do anything about it. On average, a woman, for example, needs about 1,700 calories a day, just to keep her internal organs working.

Consequently, if she consumes about 2500 calories per day, about 2/3 of what she uses goes to providing work that is not directly controlled by her. Maybe now it will become clear to you why your body does not like to go on a low-calorie diet - it is afraid that it will not have enough energy to live. Most of the energy used ensures the maintenance of the body at a certain level. The remaining energy is used for conscious action. If your body is constantly stressed or stressed due to overtime hours at work, fatigue will accumulate. As a result, your body needs more energy to live, and less energy is left for conscious action.

Since most of the energy has been used internal organs, you have less energy left for physical and mental processes, it becomes difficult for you to concentrate, and you feel tired. It can also be the reason why you are constantly in need of stimulants and high-calorie foods, in desperate attempts to increase your energy level - in this case, additional stress will mean that your body will work even harder, which will only increase stress. The main consumer of energy is the brain, so any decrease in energy level will have a huge impact on your mental capacity.

Your brain is the main control center; it monitors your every movement, reflex and other functions. Think about how you feel when you are exhausted and tired. You find it difficult to concentrate, you move more slowly, you are irritable, you commit stupid mistakes and constantly forget about everything. If a lack of energy noticeably affects your performance, then imagine what is happening inside your body. Processes and reactions will be disrupted in exactly the same way. They will gradually slow down, giving you erroneous information about what is happening, or not giving it at all. The systems of the body will be in a depressed state, the renewal of forces will stall, since all the remaining energy will be spent on more urgent and vital work.

The body must energize life support systems before you even think you need it. If you have a consistently low energy level, then the body will have to use all its forces to maintain life. This means that you will have nothing to spend on anything else. We have the ability to store energy, and our body stores it by storing fat - and thus leading many to complete frustration. Most of us have enough energy reserve, and only some - its excess, so why then the energy level constantly fluctuates or remains below normal, if the body is able to store so much energy? The main reason is that it is difficult for your body to convert this supply into available energy, because it does not have the resources it needs, or the processes to renew them.

The unstable economic situation in the world and problems with a partner, lack of work and lack of funds to support a family - in a society, almost all people are exposed to stress. Some individuals skillfully cope with, directing negative energy in a positive direction. Others fall into depression, from which it is rather difficult to get out on their own.

Loss of harmony between mind and body is fraught with global health consequences. To prevent the occurrence of problems and deterioration of well-being, it is important to ask the following questions in time: How to restore mental balance? Is it possible to get rid of an internal imbalance? How to find harmony?

Signs of Chronic Stress and Internal Imbalances

It is of paramount importance to correctly and timely diagnose the presence of a person's mental imbalance.

A similar state in psychology is characterized by a disease with the following behavioral and emotional signs:

  • Unreasonable manifestations of anger and anger.
  • Unreasonable touchiness.
  • Excessive emotionality and fussiness.
  • Lack of motivation and desire for self-improvement.
  • Prolonged depression.
  • Decreased concentration, distraction and inaccuracy.
  • A sharp decrease in performance.
  • Deterioration of memory, perception of new information and brain activity.
  • , dissatisfaction with the way of life.
  • Apathy for communicating with others, isolation and, bursting out from the inside.
  • Frustration and lethargy, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue.
  • Loss of interest in world events.
  • A pessimistic mood and negative thoughts are reasons to think about your chronic stress.
  • Lack of appetite and a decrease in the level of interest in favorite activities.
  • Unreasonable feeling of anxiety and fear, regular.
  • Unreasonable coldness towards a partner, manifested in the loss of sexual desire.
  • Violation of the usual daily routine, accompanied by insomnia.

The human body has the ability to regenerate and restore at the genetic level. Your task is to detect the problem in time, having enlisted the desire to find a way out of this situation.

Effective techniques to restore mental balance

Restoring peace of mind is easy. The main thing is to want to enjoy the pleasures of life again. If you want to get rid of a mental illness, then it is important to be guided in solving the problem by the following rules:

  1. Tune in to change familiar image life. Be patient and learn to perceive events from a positive point of view.

  2. Learn Indian Acquisition Techniques inner harmony... Meditation helps you move away from pressing problems, retiring in your own mind. Popular among lovers of Ayurvedic techniques breathing exercises "Pranayama".
  3. Become aware of the fact that life is made up of "white" and "black" stripes. If you add rationality to the worldview, then it will be easier to perceive the events that are taking place.
    List 3-5 significant actions that you are proud of. Decorate your creation with an exquisite frame and hang it prominently in your bedroom. Remind yourself of past "victories" by stopping daily at a homemade painting.
  4. with a loved one is another topical way to get rid of depression. Tell a friend or spouse about problems that are bothering you. Share your innermost thoughts, open up and accept support, accompanied by parting words.
  5. Learn to stay idle. Sitting by the window, observe the passers-by, talk about their behavior, distracting from me.
  6. Write negative thoughts on paper, freeing your mind from negative energy. Throw away or burn a piece of paper that contains pressing problems, without a bit of regret.
  7. Imagine without limiting your imagination to the framework of decency and morality. Visualize your wildest dreams by imagining the likelihood of such events happening.
  8. Do charity work by helping people and animals in need. You don't need to be a millionaire to do a good deed. Compassion is shown in a bowl of food for a stray dog \u200b\u200bor a warm blanket donated to a newborn shelter.
  9. Don't forget about physical activity, because with the help of sports you can quickly and without harm to health get rid of negative thoughts and negative energy. Sign up to gym or enjoy jogging exploring the landscape sights of the region.

  10. Imagine that you are constantly inside a special protective ball that protects you from negative thoughts and negative energy.
  11. Place your palm on your chest, feel the rhythm of your heart. Life beating inside can take on a completely different image. The main thing is to make an effort for this and want changes.
  12. Try to stay calm and cool in stressful situations... Through decisive action and rational thinking you can quickly and without harm to your own reputation get out of the water "dry". Have you been asked? Prepare universal answers in advance, preventing an awkward moment.
  13. Think about what you can be grateful for. Don't be dramatic by making a list like this. Life, loved ones, warm sweater, roof overhead, hot and hearty food - there are quite a few reasons to say "thank you".
  14. Get rid of bad habits, looking at everyday things from a new angle. The flavor profile of food will change significantly if you quit smoking cigarettes.
  15. Try to rationally evaluate what is happening. Look around, labeling items with characteristic names. Realities are much simpler than they seem at first glance.
  16. Feel free to smile. The manifestation of a sincere positive emotion will not cause disgust or negativity in society, but, on the contrary, will contribute to a positive mood.

  17. View your own problems from the outside. Imagine that a friend or spouse approached you with an identical question. What would you do? Solutions are on the surface.
  18. Do not neglect the services of professional massage therapists and chiropractors. allows you to relax not only physically, but also spiritually.
  19. Learn to say "No" to people if you really don't want to help them. Only show responsiveness in situations where you really cannot do without your help.
  20. Watch your diet. IN daily menu there must be a large amount of water and biologically active substancescontained in useful products nutrition. Consult a dietitian if you want to improve own healthby changing the list of familiar dishes.
  21. Accept your successes and failures as accomplished events. Do not jump above the "head" - it is more painful to fall from there. However, strive for self-improvement, adequately assessing your capabilities and skills.
  22. Read, mesmerizing the mind and awakening the imagination. Literature develops associative thinking and helps to distract from problems.
  23. Go shopping while delighting yourself with shopping. Do not answer phone calls while shopping, focus on purchasing goods.

  24. Forgive people, and anger, destroying your own consciousness.
  25. Meet friends or family to enjoy pleasant memories, moving away from pressing problems.
  26. Listen to soothing music to help you calm down and be in a positive mood.
  27. Realize that for recovery peace of mind you will have to re-enjoy the events of the past and anticipate the adventures ahead.

Answer pressing questions at once, improve your social status, to instantly establish relationships with a loved one and unexpectedly get a position in the company are immediate goals, but not problems that are worth it. It is impossible to change the realities in one day, but it is possible to revise the worldview of the events taking place.

The physical body is the result of action vitality... Violation of her balance leads to disease. Doshas are nothing more than 3 different states (or better to say directions) of this life force. Therefore, the basis for balancing energy is the qualitative improvement of our being with the help of a correct lifestyle.

Low energy level

Most painful conditions, especially chronic, intractable and accompanied by degenerative processes, are caused by reduced level energy. Modern methods treatments, in particular antibiotics, usually reduce vital energy... And generally speaking modern image life, breaking our connection with vitality nature and soul, lowers our energy level.

There are several sources of energy. The first is our innate vitality. It depends on karmic factors and is given to us at birth, so it is difficult to change it.

The second source is energy that we draw from the outside, mainly from food and air. Improper nutrition reduces the amount of energy we receive from food, and is the cause of most diseases. Therefore, the importance of diet therapy is more than obvious. Improper breathing (including shallow and rapid breathing) is also a disease-causing factor. From this it is clear how important pranayama and breath control are.

The third source of energy is associated with the mind. Meditation, silence and peace of mind will increase energy. Distractions, especially idle chatter, anxiety, and excessive thinking, dissipate the energy of the mind.

Deep sleep is essential for renewing the mind. This is our natural form of meditation. Energy is not restored without it. The same factors that distract the mind and negatively affect sattva also disturb deep sleep.

Any of our actions is a form of receiving and transmitting energy. This includes not only eating, breathing and thinking, but also the work of all the senses that supply us with the impressions that feed our mind. If they are beneficial (such as impressions from wildlife), then the mind receives a positive creative energy... Factors such as artificial stimulation feelings and isolation from nature, forcing the mind to generate negative, destructive energy.

Another effective method energy storage - sexual abstinence, especially in combination with meditative practice. It contributes to the maximum optimization of the use of innate vital energy, which over time can allow you to go beyond its limited limits. And vice versa: redundant or perverse sexual activity is almost the main factor in reducing energy, since it depletes our main energy reserve - ojas.

When the ojas level falls below a certain level, it is already very difficult to replenish it, and this leads to chronic diseases... Therefore, the main thing is not to allow the energy level to fall below the critical one. Other factors that reduce energy include the use of drugs and negative behavior such as harming others.

The power of the soul

The most important source of energy is our soul ( jivatman), from which we draw prana (life force) and ojas. When we have no connection with this inner source of energy, we are completely dependent on external sources, which are always limited and to one degree or another have entropy, that is, a tendency to decay. To tune the mind with your soul, you need to try to establish a connection with your inner source of inspiration, follow your spiritual aspirations and your true dharma (destiny).

Increased energy

To increase energy, you must first of all eliminate those factors that reduce it: negative emotions and attitudes, as well as places and situations that empty us or deprive us of vitality. We must eat right, breathe right, sleep long enough and soundly, use our sexual energy... It is also important to maintain mental hygiene and not waste your mental energy, which is determined by the correct perception of external impressions.

If our energy level is constantly low, it means that it is either wasted or not replenished properly. There is nothing mysterious about the lowered energy level, although it is often caused by a combination of subtle factors that defy the influence of simplistic or mechanical methods.

The restoration of energy is facilitated by tonic (replenishing) therapy, in particular, the use of substances that increase ojas: milk, ghee, ashwagandha, bala, etc. Preparations based on ashwagandha and chyavanprash are useful. To replenish psychic energy energizing mantras such as "Om", "Ram" and "Hum" are of great importance. For chronically low energy gemstones, gold-set ruby, garnet, red coral and other warming stones are used to revitalize and circulate energy. Blue sapphire and amethyst are useful for deflecting negative energy, and for increasing internal energy: diamond, zircon, yellow sapphire and yellow topaz.

Energy blocking

There are 2 states of insufficient energy, often interconnected: the first is when the energy level is low, and the second is when the energy is blocked. When energy is blocked, it seems that it is not enough, but in fact, its movement is simply disturbed. This is more common in young people when the innate energy has not yet been wasted. The symptoms of such blockage are feelings of depression, tension, tightness, which from time to time are resolved by “splashes”. Blocking energy ultimately leads to a decrease in energy levels. Such difficult caseswhen both a reduced energy level and its blockage are present at the same time, it is difficult to treat.

An uncomplicated form of energy blockage is treated differently than a low level. To set energy in motion, you need active funds - such as cleansing therapy, including panchakarma. The diet should include spices to improve digestion. Of the herbs, those are used that promote the movement of energy or unclog the channels through which it moves. Usually this spicesthat improve digestion, and herbs that stimulate the circulatory and nervous systems, such as calamus or turmeric. Many aroma oilsin particular camphor or myrrh oils. Exercise and creative mental activity are helpful in clearing blockages.

Changes are often necessary that can destroy the inertia that has developed in our life. This can be a change of job, place of residence, social circle, or some other form of breaking stereotypes.

Excess energy

Diseases can also arise from excess energy. It's about excess energy bad qualityobtained from external sources. This happens when used in a large number meat, alcohol and spices. Excess can also occur on mental level as a result of domination over other people, the desire to control them. This is nothing more than a state of excessive ego. Infections, congestion and acute painful conditions are usually caused by excess energy, which is treated with relief therapies, including the potent methods of panchakarma.


Excessive activity usually indicates dissipation of energy and its low level, because when the energy drops below a certain level, energy cannot concentrate and begins to dissipate, which causes hyperactivity. Dissipation further reduces energy. As a result vicious circle exhaustion sets in. Treatment of these conditions requires a combination of mild tonic and calming (relieving) therapy.

In some people, hyperactivity is congenital or karmic in nature. In younger years, this may not have any special consequences, but in old age it often leads to a decrease in vitality or to chronic diseases... More often than not, hyperactivity is a form of distraction and indicates that there is something in our life that we seek to avoid.


In most diseases, disturbances occur in a person's energy field - his aura. The aura allows you to see any disturbances in our energy balance. This is the field of our positive energy, the light emitted by our essential life force, ojas. The aura turns disease away from us and maintains the organic integrity of both body and mind.

The state of the aura can be judged by the color of the skin, the brightness of the eyes and, to some extent, by the pulse. The energy and integrity of character depends on it, as well as the degree of expression of our creativity. The aura can be intuitively felt or seen with the help of yogic abilities (through strong concentration). Astrology provides the key to it, since the aura is formed by the colors of our planetary rays.

Pranayama is the most beneficial for improving the aura. gems, mantras and meditation. Great importance It has correct image life, because the aura is the sum total of all our daily thoughts and actions.

Dark gems like sapphire blue or amethyst, as it were, "seal" the aura, protecting it; warm: ruby, garnet or red coral - give it energy, and pearls, diamond and yellow sapphire nourish it.

Mantras such as "Om" expand the aura, such as "Ram", protect it, similar to the mantra "Hum" - reflect negative energy from the aura that can disturb it. Peace and silence of the mind increase the energy of the aura and strengthen it.

To renew the aura, you need to create a special place for yourself. This can be a meditation room, an altar, or any other specific place that is sacred to us and where we perform practices or rituals - daily sacred actions that connect us with cosmic Being and our inner “I”. These actions should not be associated with the pursuit of personal achievement or enrichment.

Most of the methods of allopathic medicine - the use of synthetic drugs, medical equipment, hospitalization, etc. - weaken the aura. Any over-excitement or hectic lifestyle damages her. it excessive activity, excess in sex, overload of sensory perceptions, as well as radiation contaminated environment, excessive stay in the field of influence of the media.

Aura is weakened by any situations in which our mind succumbs to external influences, since the aura depends on the strength of our consciousness, which is determined by the introversion of the mind. External influences can be of both physical and mental nature. By giving our mind to another entity, we weaken our aura. This also applies to many forms of spiritualism and mediumship where we allow other entities to enter or act through us.

Balancing Energy and Spiritual Development

Our own human and selfish efforts cannot lead us to comprehend truth and eternity, since these efforts are themselves generated by time, non-wholeness and the movement of desires. But still hidden in nature great power spiritual development (shakti), the energy of Divine Grace. And we can harmonize our body and mind to realize this power. We cannot force it to manifest, but as soon as our nature reaches equilibrium, Divine Grace will manifest itself in it spontaneously. And then shakti will guide us, giving us energy and the ability to spiritual growth and change, since she is the force of the evolution of nature. But shakti cannot act if the vessel is broken, if the vehicle is faulty.

Ayurvedic and yogic modes of life are designed to harmonize our nature so that the shakti has a field of activity. They relate to the external aspects of our nature (nutrition, body, etc.), but as long as there is no harmony in them, we cannot expect the manifestation of the innermost depths of our inner essence. Therefore, we should not neglect these aspects in our deeper inner quest.

Pathological condition in which it is violated normal movement muscles, joints and ligaments, tremors or imbalance appear, called ataxia. It can have many reasons: trauma, neurological, metabolic and rheumatoid diseases that impair the coordination of movements. But the essence is always the same: information coming from muscles, ligaments and joints to the central nervous system and ultimately to the brain, it comes with difficulty, is incomplete.

With ataxia, a person makes awkward movements, feels constant tremors in the muscles, often loses balance and cannot perform those movements that are for healthy people do not present difficulties. Difficulty making turns, stopping quickly or accelerating, hitting the ball, swinging or bending over. All the more insoluble task seems to draw a straight line with a pencil or thread a needle. In severe cases, walking, jumping, and a sense of balance are also impaired.

Under control

The underlying disease should be under the supervision of a physician and maintained with appropriate medications... But therapeutic exercises also play a significant role in recovery from ataxia.

Exercises for precision and accuracy.Movements should be slow at first, and then fast, with sudden, at the command of the instructor or someone from the family, stops, change of direction.

Training like "aiming" is very important - before an accurate injection with a needle, a compass, before a cut with scissors, a knife, before writing, before hitting a ball, a billiard ball, training in hitting forefinger into a stationary and then a moving target.

After the movement succeeded in simple version, it is repeated in "embarrassing" conditions: change the starting position, increase the mass of the object that needs to be manipulated, repeat in the dark. Throwing, pushing, throwing are excellent training. different subjectsas well as imitation of these movements. Changing the ball to a stick, stone, spear, rubber ring, they change the throw range, target size, initial position (lying, sitting, standing, on the move). This is how the accuracy and accuracy of movement is developed in anticipation of the changing flight of an object. Changing the starting position of the thrower restores the right relationship between muscles performing opposite movements, and also increases the range of motion in the joints and muscle strength.

Weighted exercise.When trembling in the fingers, they train with a pencil or fountain pen, weighted several times and tied to the forearm. In the hospital, lead semicircular plates are used, attached to the lower leg and thigh. This method leads to the fact that the muscles "send" amplified signals to the center, while the severity, purely mechanically, prevents excessive amplitude of movement, the so-called off-scale at extreme points.

There are weighting methods for the entire body, they are used to improve statics and walking. The simplest of these is a regular shoulder backpack full of cargo. The backpack located behind the back and shoulders shifts the center of gravity, changes the axes of the shoulder and hip joints, increases vertical pressure on joints and limbs.

Exercises to improve coordination of movements. Sometimes the movements in the joint are not limited, but, on the contrary, are excessive, it seems to "wobble". In such cases, it is recommended to temporarily exclude this joint from movements. It is secured with a short splint. If it is required, for example, to take an object from the floor and put it on a shelf above the level of the head, then the gripping of the object will be carried out by the joints of the hand, and the transfer of the object will be done by the movements of the shoulder joint.

It is also useful to take a more purposeful action in this position. For example, take outstretched hand key, insert it into the hole and open-close the lock. This action can be performed by moving only the shoulder and wrist joints. Then the stiffness of fixation of the joint is gradually reduced so that it gradually and with a greater share of participation is included in the performance of the listed actions.

Exercise to reduce tremors depends on the disease. To combat tremors, exercises with a short ("instantaneous") method of action (hit, jerk, jump, click) are used. These actions prevent the development of tremor, change the habitual rhythm and thereby increase the ability to fight it. In addition, they help to exercise household activitieswhich, due to tremors, were inaccessible to the patient. Pouring water into a glass, turning pages, using a zipper will be much more effective with a "jerk", fast execution.

Walking exercises are most often used for vertigo.The patient is offered, when walking and standing, to increase the area of \u200b\u200bsupport by placing his feet wider or wider than the shoulders, then, on the contrary, put the feet tightly together, use additional support - bars, canes.

Gymnastics on movements of the eyeballs is also useful, it is especially effective for dizziness. It is also recommended to stand, walk with eyes closed or in dark glasses, wearing headphones, in water, in shoes with super thick soles, standing and walking on an uneven plane, moving backward or sideways forward, walking on a stencil (traces, lines, landmarks), standing and walking on "high" platforms.

It is also useful to train in guessing the shape and purpose of the object blindly, using a tight elastic stocking and knee pads, wristbands, elbow pads during exercise: they tightly fit an arm or a leg, pressing the skin to subcutaneous tissue and muscles, and give new information to muscles and nerves.