What date is the day of the summer solstice in. The sun reaches its highest point in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the beginning of northern summer, and its lowest point in the Southern Hemisphere, marking the start of southern winter. The night before the summer solstice is a magical time

The period of one of the most powerful magical and energetic days of the year has come.
An ideal time to introduce new vibrations into the daily life of everyone who accepts them. At the summer solstice, a global rewriting of intentions takes place, at this time you should "make wishes" with which you want to change your life. Take a moment to re-create yourself in a new, beautiful, renewed body, in a new life of abundance.

Summer solstice and the full moon.

June 20-21 summer solstice (Lita, Kupalo, Rodonitsa, Khors, etc. - there are many traditions, the essence of this day is the same: the unity of the female and the male, the unity of the elements - water and fire, air and earth.

This is one of the most magical periods of time. Desires are made, the future is corrected - through direct contact of a person with the elemental forces of the Earth. Now this interaction is the most accessible, light and strongly tangible, the border of the worlds is blurred. Dreaming prophetic dreams, insights, realizations come ... These are the days of magic and wizardry.

There is a green week - herbs are collected, after June 19 they are gaining maximum magic power and healing properties.
Do not forget to ask for blessings and permission to collect herbs from Mother Earth and the Spirit of the area, as well as bring gifts. If you need herbs for rituals, then we collect them with a knife at dawn and ask them - just magical power.

The dew on June 19-20-21 is just magical ... living water! if possible ... in the morning at dawn walk on the grass with dew, ideally in a field outside the city to swim in the dew)
Rite of passage "Bathing in the dew"
We are looking for a secluded place, far from roads, buildings and preferably away from the city ... yes, this requires a lot of effort, but believe me it's worth it)
And so ... we are looking for a place ... a clearing or a lawn, we get to know the Spirit of the area, we ask for his blessing and permission to hold a ceremony here. We take off our clothes and shoes (it is possible in a shirt, but it is more effective naked) and turn to Mother Earth:

Please, mother Earth, fill me with your strength, grant me beauty / sexuality / fertility / health, may I be beautiful, like a flower meadow / desirable, like ripe and liquid apples and berries / fertile like a wheat field / healthy and strong, like an oak grove. May it be so.

And we roll on the grass ... swim in the dew / wash ourselves with it)

also these days you can carry out all kinds of rituals for desires, shaping the future, editing space, creating amulets and charms and much more ...

Rite of the Meeting of the Sun for well-being:
At dawn, we turn to the Sun with the appearance of its first rays:

Looking at the dawn, we remember everything that you want to bring into your life - finding yourself / love / position in society / children / wealth / happiness / success / power, etc.

Father Sun, you are the one who is invisibly present in my every day and moment, who feeds the fire of my Spirit and allows me to desire, act and overcome. I ask you, Fire Faced God, grant me love / position in society / children / wealth / happiness / success / power. Great Sun God, fill me with your light and power, so that I can keep your gifts and use them worthily for your glory.
(You can say any words that come from the heart ...)

Magic ... magic and magic again these days)

Today, at the women's sabbath in Kuskovo park, we wove magic wreaths / Ekibans for the ceremony on June 20-21)

More about traditions:

The Kupalo holiday has been the most cordial holiday since ancient times! Named after the sun Kupalo, about which you can read in the book "What the Gods Know", the date itself is determined by the astronomical calendar - June 20, 2016 will come the summer solstice and full moon, which makes this time especially strong for magic: the Great Kupalo. In the meantime, let's remember the traditions and signs ...

Into the sun, into the wind, into the open space
Take your love away!
So that your joyful gaze does not see
Every passer-by is a judge.
Run free, into the valleys, into the fields,
Dance lightly on the grass
And drink like frisky children of a rascal,
From large mugs milk.
Oh, you, for the first time embarrassedly in love,
Trust the vicissitudes of dreams!
Run free with her, under the willows, under the maple,
Under the young green of birches;
Graze on the pink slopes of the herd
Pay attention to the murmur of the streams;
And friend, minx, you're here without shame
V beautiful lips kiss!
Who will whisper a reproach to young happiness?
Who will say: "It's time!" forgetting?
- To the sun, to the wind, to free space
Take your love away! Marina Tsvetaeva

Fire and Water - Man and Woman ...
The word "kupalo" has an interesting combination - kupa (bowl, female; dome, font; there are other meanings that are easy to find in dictionaries) and pala (club, male), the fusion of male and female is inherent in the very essence, therefore this The holiday is especially powerful in love rituals and family magic:

fertile time for conception - Great Kupalo (combination with a full moon); perform a ceremony to fill the lakes, sew shirts for yourself and your husband with symbols of fertility, clan (sown rhombs, frog, walnut, for example), you can only do with belts (like magic items), perform a rite of hope and inform the Gods about the desire to accept a descendant in your kind; and after the round dance and jumping over the fire, the woman needs to retire and make a special protective doll"pregnancy" at dawn, and keep it a secret even from her husband

there is a sign - when the spouses mutually talk about their future baby at the Kupala fire, and at the same time the spark flies off, this is a sign that the soul is near and the long-awaited event will soon come

a young woman can be advised to create lovebirds dressed in red, which will serve as a talisman for hot feelings

a family where happiness reigns and children grow up, you can collect some coals from a festive fire in a pot and bring it into the house - this is a talisman of the family harmony, when someone gets sick or disagreements arise, throw a small coal into the stove in order to maintain the strength of the hearth with the purity and strength of the Kupala flame; even the usual storage of such coals in an apartment will protect your hearth

If a serious discord came out in a pair, then be sure to talk frankly on the eve of the holiday, write down everything that has boiled on paper and burn it, and then if the heart burns to the person mutually - jump three times through the flame and renew your union, make gifts to each other - hoops or belts (it is the donation of hoops that implies betrothal, walking hand in hand, in the old days jointly jumping over the fire in public meant that the couple had taken place, but this is a very brief explanation) ... and if you feel that it is more accurate to let each other go, so and be ... but don't grieve! Ask the Native Gods for happiness, and live according to Conscience!

Also, herbs are collected these days, morning dew harvested and revered as strong as Epiphany water; and conduct fortune-telling. They fill the heart and body with warmth and joy.
And what a holiday without gifts ?! Present your chosen one or chosen one with an ocarina - a song of the heart; candle - perfect for a gift to family and friends; even in our shop there is a fern flower symbol (amulets, clothes with this symbol).

It is better to celebrate Kupalo on 06/20/2016 (Astrological Solstice at 22:34) on June 21, i.e. Kupala night on June 20-21 ...
-then it is better for men and women to get to know each other and converge ...
but the main celebration should be according to tradition - the choice of a place, what to do there, etc. that was previously known and organized by the leaders, the same Magi (priests of the old faith) and it was harmonious, etc. inscribed in nature, there was a resonance with light forces and creatures, the whole World ... in particular, there through verified ritualism, at the peak of everything and everything, it was often determined whether they fit together, where even at first glance are simple games, - let's say "jumping a couple over a fire", holding hands, sometimes clearly showed their compatibility - so if the palms of a couple joined each other in a jump even more, it happened to become like a glove, when you were delighted and excited internally, and you had a desire to follow with this person and further, to the end, tremblingly love him with all your being on a par with the HIGHEST, when you have already united with him in flight, how could you then not be together ..? In a moment of flight, danger, flying over the Most High Light, manifested in a special way on this night in Fire, before his gaze, you and everyone realized whether that was true ... The other half of the World, its second initial Basis-strength, Mistress ..- manifested in a special way, the opposite of Water, manifested itself, for its part, also showing-showing whether the union is ideal when one let (gave herself) - a wreath of her life, in the form of a circle-hole, and the other caught it .. - sometimes racing into a pond behind the wreaths like sperm in a race to the egg, when millions of them had to die, because only one or a few could survive dissolving in the "egg" for the sake of the continuation, development of Life ... even here is hidden Cosmogony, the Sacrament ... when the greater manifested in small, ritual, - showed and determined ... How much we have lost ...! this is so that we have to create again so much, and perhaps in a new way - new traditions, peoples with their destinies, heroes, self-sacrifice and love, filling life with new beautiful feelings-states-realizations-power. ..

About Lita holiday:

Lita- this is the highest point of manifestation of the Forces of the Sun and Nature, this is the day of Fire. This is the union of God and Goddess, Water and Fire, Earth and Heaven, Man and Woman, Life and Death, Beginning and End, Peak and Decline.

The energy of this holiday is best suited for rites of thanksgiving, love, conception, wealth, success, protection and health. In different cultures, this holiday has different names: Lita, Kupalo, Midsummer, Holly Festival and so on, and yet its essence remains unchanged. By the way, about the Slavic name of this holiday: the word "Kupalo" does not mean that "you need to swim", but that the Sun is at its peak, at the highest point, ie. in the dome.

Symbols this holiday is very varied. Starting with fire and solar symbols - candles, bonfires, the sun wheel, red and yellow ribbons, ending with the symbols of earth and water - wreaths, flowers and herbs, green and blue ribbons, a river.

  • Rite decoration.(This concerns festive dinner and ritual magic.) Fill your holiday as much as possible with the symbols and energies of this time. You can depict the symbols of what you want on candles, lay out flowers or fruits in the form of your goal. For example, if the ceremony is for love, draw a heart on a red candle and put apples or strawberries in the shape of a heart. If the ceremony is for protection or harmonization, the symbol of a circle or sun, etc. will do.

  • Lots of light. As much fire as possible should be on this day and this night. So you observe the principle of similarity - the Sun is at the peak of its power and, as much as possible, its manifestation in your magic circle.
    I hope that you understand that if night falls and the Sun is not visible, this does not mean at all that its influence has weakened. The sun, like the moon, is invisibly present always and everywhere, if you learn to feel it, great opportunities will open up for the perfection of personality and practice.

  • Celebrating with the Gods refraction of food. The sun loves splendor, luxury, fun and abundance, so your thanks to him for everything that you have received and will receive this year should be as abundant, luxurious and solemn as possible. Decorate the altar with ribbons and flowers, decorate the festive table. The variety of dishes and the availability of warm, fun company like-minded people are welcome. And, of course, it is important to honor the Sun and the Forces of Nature by inviting them to share a meal.

  • Connecting opposites in the name of life and creation. This principle reflects the essence of the holiday, using it in the ritual will enhance the desired effect. For example, a burning wheel and water, a knife and a bowl, a man and a woman, etc.

  • Time and place. It is advisable to get out into nature near the water, so that both the Sun and Water are nearby. Ideally, you should spend at least a day there in order to observe and feel the energy of the sun in different periods day and night, sunrise and sunset. In addition, there are many rituals that need to be done exactly in a certain period summer solstice.

Feast "Rodonitsa"
This day is the day of veneration of the Ancestors and the Family in general - it is customary to remember the Ancestors, Churov and Family Gods - to call them to visit the earth, bringing treasures-memorial gifts to the fire. On these days, you need to go to the graves of Pradkov, devote to communication with their Souls, bring sacrificial Trebs. It is advisable to visit the Ancestral Land, where Rod lived and flourished for a long time.

The night before the Feast of Rodonitsa, next to the Temple, a table is set for ancestors and spirits: bread is cut into pieces, cheese, cottage cheese, cookies, and other products obtained by human labor are placed.

The next day, having come to the Temple, they watched how the Spirits ate their meals. The remnants of their meal were given to the surrounding nature, then the table was laid for the living and the spirits of the ancestors were invited to join the feast (in order to have a meal at the same table with the Ancestors).

Also, the night before the holiday, the Rite of the Family can be performed at the Temple, for one of the motives of the upcoming festival is the glorification of the Great God of the Family, and the rite these days gains special power.
For the ceremony, a large fortune-telling cake was baked ahead of time, so that a piece would be enough for everyone. Before the cake is baked, small gifts (coins, a ring, a small wooden human figure) are laid in different parts of it. Subsequently, when cutting such a pie at a common feast, it is determined: who should expect wealth, who will get married (marriage), and who will have an increase in the family.

So the Slavs do not carry the common sacrificial bread to Rodonitsa, the priest goes and collects individual small bread requirements from everyone, which each participant in the holiday must prepare himself. The Slav devotes this demand to his Light Ancestors, whom he will call from Iria. If he did not have time to prepare such a demand, then the priest should give it to him.
Each participant of the holiday invests in such a demand wishes to his Ancestors-Patrons - to come to a feast in their honor, for example. Then, when the demands from all are collected, they are transferred through the conspired fire to Iriy. Treba rises, and together with the smoke of the fire and calls to the Grandfathers to manifest. Along with the glorifications of the Ancestors, the priests are sure to recruit and glorify the Family, for this Spirit permeates the entire Tremir region, the boundaries of which are very thin at this time of the year.

Then, over the Sacred Fire on the Temple, the fortune-telling cake is cleansed and illuminated, the Grandfathers (ancestors) are called to be witnesses of this lot. Thus, in the future, this lot, as it were, manifests in Reality the wishes of our Gods. The will of our Grandfathers and the Light Gods, that the one who pulled out the coin was rich, the one who pulled out the ring - married, and whoever pulls the little man - it's time to think about children! The main thing is not to swallow God's lot.

After the ceremony at the Temple, but even before the Feast (Tryzna), everyone goes to the water. When people come to quiet down, and for a while they stand, silently looking at the surface of the water. Then a prophetic person from among them pronounces Glorification of Veles, then glorifies Wodan and the mermen.
Then the grain is brought to the Water. By the way the grain lay on the Water, in what bizarre patterns it was formed by water currents, people sometimes see prophetic events, either past or present. After that, everyone should stand silently on the shore for a while, looking at the water. And if any of the standing sees something in this grain (for example, a deceased relative), it is worth telling the sorcerer or elder about it. Well, if this sign is understandable even without interpretation and senior wisdom, then you can hide what you have seen.
In the evening, they celebrated a funeral feast, and the soldiers gathered on the mountain to show their martial arts... By midnight, on the same mountain where the battles took place, a large fire is laid out.

God Horse Day
God Khors is the Patron of good weather, giving the farmers a rich Harvest, the Guardian of the Earth of Khors, which is now called Mercury. In some clans, he was considered the patron saint of trade and exchange.
In ancient times, the Cult of the worship of God Khors was not only in the lands of eastern and western Russenia, but also in other countries that were inhabited by the Slavic-Aryan tribes.

Different peoples called God Khors in different ways:

Horse (Hars, Khur (Osset.), Kirt (German), Horse (Italic.), Hers, (Serb.), Horus (Czech.), X (G) Or (Egyptian) - The Sun God is considered to be in charge of the circular movement of the luminary (hence the round dance), he is also the patron saint of cattle (especially horses). Falcon-like Khors, is also the master of devils and wolves. Khors is the deity of light, brother of Kolyada, Ovsenya and Yar. In the "Lay of Igor's Host" where it is said about prince Vseslav it is written that the prince roamed like a wolf at night, running from Kiev to Tmutarakan before Khors.
Horse is a heavenly eye: omniscient, omniscient, all-good. It is believed that the name Khors is of Aryan origin and goes back to the word "horo", "koro" - a circle. Khors - round spring white light... From the root "khoro" the words came: a round dance, a mansion (temple) - originally it was a circular building for the performance of religious rituals, as well as: brace, rotation, about, a bun, etc. Khors were depicted either as a sparkling white horse running across the sky, or sunny dog... However, Khors often appeared in the form of a wise old man, surrounded by white dogs or wolves.

Some scholars believe that the name of the ancient city of Korsun (Khorsun), or Tauric Chersonesos (present-day Sevastopol), dates back to the Khors' cult. The same applies to the name of Khorezm ("solar city" in Persian) on the banks of the Amu Darya in Central Asia, the sunny island of Khortitsa on the Dnieper, etc.
A very big holiday is dedicated to God Khors - this is the Day of the Summer Solstice in June, on this day a lighted wheel, a sign of the sun, was necessarily rolled down from the mountain to the river.

Legends dedicated to Horse

Once the father of light-sky Svarog gathered all the Gods and proclaimed: - They bring me complaints from Svyatobor, the God of the forests, and his wife Zevana, the Goddess of the hunt. It turns out that in recent years, when the red-haired wolf Chubars became a free leader, his subordinates left obedience to the Gods. Wolves kill animals immensely and in vain, slaughter livestock recklessly, all in a crowd began to rush at people. Thus, the eternal law of the balance of wild forces is violated. Unable to cope with the troublemakers, Svyatobor and Zevana appeal to me, Svarog. About Gods and Goddesses, remind, which of you can transform into a wolf?

Here Khors, the god of moonlight, stepped forward. - O our father Svarog, - said Khors, - I can turn to the White Wolf. “If so, I will instruct you to restore divine order among the wolves before midnight. Goodbye! ... Chubars, a red-haired wolf, surrounded by many fierce brothers, Khors found during a feast in a clearing flooded with moonlight. The wolves devoured the slaughtered animals. Appearing before Chubars, White Wolf said:
- On behalf of the God of the Gods Svarog, I ask you, leader: why are you destroying the beast in vain and beyond measure? For what needs do you recklessly cut cattle? For what needs do you even attack people?
“And then, that we, wolves and she-wolves, should become the kings of nature and establish our own customs everywhere,” Chubars growled, eating a fat bite of venison. - And everyone who dares to stand in our way, we will gnaw. Always gnaw, gnaw, gnaw!

And then the White Wolf was again transformed into the God of the moonlight. He said:
- May it be so. Your desire will come true. From now on, you will gnaw forever - but not living flesh, but the lifeless moon. With a wave of Khors' hand, a narrow white path stretched from the moon to the ground. Horse lightly hit the red-haired wolf Chubars with his magic wand with eight stars. He cringed like a mangy dog, whined mournfully and stepped onto the moonlit path. She began to shorten, taking the troublemaker into the heavenly heights. Horse immediately appointed a new leader to the wolves - the gray Putyata, and soon the eternal order in the forests prevailed. But since then, on bright nights, wolves sometimes howl at the moon. They see on her the red-haired wolf Chubars, expelled from the earth, eternally gnawing at moonstones and always howling with melancholy. And they themselves answer him with a sad howl, longing for those times when they kept the whole world in fear.
Khors is considered one of the ancestral Gods of the Cossacks, their base island Khortitsa is named after him, the founder of the Cossacks Mamai prayed to him, the Cossacks who accompany him call the Cossacks "Khorts", and the most skillful Cossacks - kharaterniks could turn to Khorts.
This is stated in the tale published by Y. Mirolyubov (written off, like "Velesova Kniga" from beech tablets). It directly points to the divine pedigree of the Cossacks:
“When that, in hoary antiquity, the heavenly daddy Kolyada (son of Tarkh-Dazhdbog and Zlatogorka, grandson of God Perun) gave birth to mother Dazh-earth in the hour of the night thunderstorm, Cossack people, she gave them land from north to south, from sea to sea, from sunrise to sunset from the Danube to the Don. She commanded not to go from that land anywhere and not to give it to anyone, and gave his brother Khors to the watchman of the Cossacks that characteristic, so that they would take care of that land day and night.
And so that they could be spoken and squeezed, then dropping all the skills and skills of their Cossacks from heaven, so that through the Cossack circle they would receive his blessing and know what their Cossack strength is. And they would have been the guardians of the world from their Old Man, and when they saw the black hatred, boundless and untruth, they would not have allowed it with their minds among their comrades, but they would be fierce to the gate. And from the mother of the earth, thunderous love unrestrained for the people of their land would have, - such a red, already crimson, like a heavenly flare. "

Afterword ...
On June 21-22 we experience the longest (16 hours!) Day and the shortest and lightest night of the year. And beyond the Arctic Circle, the sun does not set at all. Summer solstice! Naturally, such an amazing day could not go unnoticed by our Ancestors. The greatest significance is the summer and winter solstice, spring and summer equinox lent by the druids.
According to experts, the summer solstice has a very strong effect on all living things. As an illustration, they cite the world of flora: until that day, most plants try to reach their maximum growth, and then only use the accumulated forces. If you sow the seeds after June 21, the plants will not sprout, or the seedlings will turn out to be weak, frail, the plants will not bloom and bear fruit, even if they are transferred to a warm enclosed space and artificially lengthen the daylight hours. But green friends cannot be fooled; they know that the time of winter sleep is approaching, and after September 23rd, the day of the autumnal equinox, dark time days will prevail over the light ...

On the fact that already on June 22 the day will be several seconds shorter and the night longer, many theories have been built that on the night of the summer solstice, evil spirits acquire special power, and one must be extremely vigilant so as not to fall into its clutches. Therefore, even in ancient times, they were wary of June 22. It was believed that on this day, the strength of the Skipper-Snake begins to manifest itself, which fights against the light of Khors, and in the era of the night of Svarog, it sometimes wins victories (and indeed, on June 22, 1812, Napoleon sent an appeal to the troops, in which he accused Russia of violating the Tilsit Agreement and declared war on her. June 22, 1941 - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War).
But nevertheless, the summer solstice saturates the space with powerful, solar energy, and on this day it is quite possible to feel like a magician. June 21 and 22 is suitable for programming the future - for the positive, for the realization of your wildest dreams.

Each year brings us many significant days - these are secular and religious holidays, days of important astronomical events (eclipses, equinoxes, solstices).

And yet, in each month there are special, esoterically key days, which should be paid special attention to.

June is the most important day in this sense - by far, summer solstice day.

In 2016, the summer solstice itself will occur on June 20 at 22h 34m. GMT, and Moscow time - June 21 at 1h. 34m.

Astronomically, the summer solstice occurs at the moment when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation in the direction from the Sun takes its lowest value.

Depending on this, the summer solstice occurs on June 20th or 21st. This moment is brief, but the summer solstice itself falls on the longest day of the year, which is why this day is called "the summer solstice."

The summer solstice is getting stronger solar energy and the potential for magic, ritual, and meditation increases dramatically.

It's a very good time to have rite of gratitude... It can be done at sunrise, noon, or sunset. Since this day is associated with the cult of the sun, fire is an important element in the ritual of gratitude.

This can be a bonfire if you are in nature, or a candle flame if the ceremony is at home. In a ritual of gratitude, the number of candles does not matter. You can light one, you can - at least twelve, according to your desire.

Standing facing the fire, offer your gratitude to everyone - the Universe, the Creator, the guardian angel, your saint, the guardian of your kind, ancestors and even descendants. In a word, thank everyone you remember at this moment. Gratitude should be pronounced not abruptly, not sharply, but in a chant! And your gratitude, expressed at the peak of the year, will go into the Universe, and will return to you as good energy.

The winter solstice is the time of poor food and at the same time the rise of spiritual energies, and the summer solstice is the peak of the energies of growth and fertility. Therefore, on the day of the summer solstice, have a feast for yourself.

Take a pleasant swim in the pond, or in the bathroom - using your loved ones aromatic oils, bath foam. Wear light-colored, light-colored clothing - white, or otherwise light colors... If you spend the day of the solstice in the country, in country house, or just on a picnic in nature, take off your shoes to feel the summer, warm and gentle feet of the earth and grass.

Cover up chic summer table, using for its decoration a tablecloth, napkins and dishes of bright, joyful colors, beautiful glass or crystal wine glasses, colored, or decorated with gold. Be sure to decorate the table with birch branches, wild or forest flowers and herbs. This should not be just a delicious summer meal - during it, again, offer thanks to everything and everyone - from the forces of nature and gods to ancestors and family.

Since the energies of this period are extremely strong, after gratitude, be sure to ask the Higher Forces of the Universe for well-being, health, and happiness. Say your wishes also chantingly. Send into the Universe all positive impulses that come from the soul: you can generally arrange pleasant and beautiful chants, lead round dances around the fire, using the cleansing and creative power of fire.

To cleanse and recharge the positive energy of this period, prepare dead and living water .

This polar water should be created at dawn. The fact is that in right-handers, the right hand carries a positive charge, while the left hand carries a negative charge. Therefore, negatively charged water is called dead water, it extinguishes sharp negative processes in the body, evens out the energy, soothes the biofield.

Living water charges positive energies, includes creative processes, harmonizes the aura.

Prepare dead water first. If you are right-handed, put a glass of water on right hand(if left-handed - on the left), cover with the palm of your left hand and count to seven, and at this time lay down the cleansing program, ask the water to cleanse your body and align the energy of the cells. After drinking dead water, you will extinguish all negative processes in your body.

Next, prepare live water. If you are right-handed, put a glass of water on left hand, charging positively, cover it with the right and count to seven (for left-handers, respectively, the opposite is true). Drink water with pleasure in small sips, charging yourself with light and love. After drinking living water, you will fill yourself with positive energies.

Living water should be drunk after dead water - first you calm the body, then you strengthen it. All rituals performed during this period should be done from the heart, with a joyful and positive attitude.

Varvara Preobrazhenskaya

In 2016, the winter solstice falls on December 21, 10:44 UTC, according to http://pressa.today.

Winter solstice at Slavic tradition- one of the main holidays called Solntsevort or Kolyada. The solstice is celebrated to this day from December 21 to 25.

The astronomical meaning of the Solstice

There are only two Equinoxes in a year - autumn and spring. There are also two Solstices - winter and summer. In our northern hemisphere, the winter solstice falls almost every time on December 21, but due to the fact that the calendar has leap year, this date is sometimes shifted by one day. In 2015, for example, the Solstice was on December 22nd.

On December 21, 2016, the earth will pass a special point in its orbit, when the southern hemisphere will be exposed to the Sun, and the northern hemisphere will be increasingly deprived of solar "attention". This point is called the beginning of the astronomical winter. In fact, the winter of December 21 is coming to its climax, just the higher we are to north pole, the more pronounced and prolonged winter. In theory, from December 21, it should be getting warmer and warmer, but in reality it will be cold for at least another two or one and a half months.

The winter solstice is the beginning of the astronomical winter. With day winter solstice many signs and beliefs are associated, this day is considered special in astrology and magic. In the cultures and traditions of many peoples of the world, ceremonies associated with the Sun were performed on the winter solstice.

The winter solstice in the Slavic tradition is one of the main holidays called Solstice or Kolyada. The solstice is celebrated to this day from December 21 to 25.

The Slavs considered this holiday a time renewal and birth of the Sun, and with it all living things, a time of spiritual transformation, a time conducive to both good material changes and spiritual ones. The night that precedes the day of the winter solstice is considered the patroness of all nights, because it is on this night that a young solar baby is born to the Goddess - Dazhdbog, symbolizing the birth of life from death, order from chaos.

During the winter solstice, the Slavs celebrated the pagan New Year, who was personified with the deity Kolyada. The main subject of the celebration was a large bonfire, calling and depicting the Sun, which, after one of the longest nights of the year, was supposed to rise higher and higher into the heavenly heights. They also baked ritual New Year's pies of a rounded shape, reminiscent of a heavenly body.

On the day of the winter solstice, they conduct various magical rituals, read conspiracies aimed at attracting love, wealth, health. For carrying out magical rituals on the winter solstice, the energies of the four main elements are used - Fire, Air, Water and Earth.

The winter solstice is magic time to use to attract positive energies into your life.

To do this, it is enough to think about the good, to dream, to fantasize even about what, in your opinion, cannot be realized in reality - all thoughts on the day of the winter solstice materialize. However, on this day you cannot think about bad things - in no case do not argue with anyone, do not conflict, and if this happened for any reason, ask for forgiveness right away. The fact is that on the winter solstice, which the ancient Slavs equated with our New Year, we lay the foundation for the entire next year; if on this day you are happy, enjoy communicating with loved ones and loved ones, be sure - a year of joy and fun awaits you. However, if you harbor anger, resentment in your heart, think about unresolved problems, rush work at work, etc., then you risk spending the whole next year in a state of tension and stress.

On December 21, 2016, the Sun leaves the sign of Sagittarius and passes into the sign of Capricorn. The Sun in Capricorn is a symbol of practicality, discipline, self-control and caution.

The winter solstice is the beginning of a new life cycle for all life on Earth. This is the time when there is a need to rethink your actions and deeds over the past year, to take stock and draw the right conclusions.

The days of solstices and equinoxes are marked in all ancient and modern calendars the world. And it's no coincidence! These are special points when the axis about which our planet rotates, in the direction from the Sun, takes special positions. The winter solstice is associated with the maximum tilt angle of the Earth's axis in relation to the Sun is 23 ° 26 ′. In our Northern Hemisphere, this corresponds to maximum duration night and the shortest day.

The magic of the winter solstice

The winter solstice in 2016 falls on December 21. Winter solstice begins on December 21, 2016 at 10:45 am UTC or 1:45 pm Moscow time when the Sun enters 0 ° zodiac sign Capricorn.

This is the shortest day and the most long night a year. The winter solstice is one of the main solar points of the year in astrology, along with the days of the spring and autumn equinox, the summer solstice.

Winter solstice traditions

Traditionally, in the old days, the revival of the Sun was celebrated on the winter solstice, it was celebrated at night, before the sunrise.

The holidays Kolyada among the Slavs and Yule among the Germanic peoples are associated with this day. To give strength to the Sun, which, according to beliefs, should be reborn on this day, there was a custom to kindle a ritual fire.

Often the logs for the fire were oak, because oak was considered to be a space tree. Sometimes they took a pine tree, which symbolized the dying sun god. The logs were decorated with carvings and corresponding symbols.

To perform the ritual of reviving the Sun, they took 13 red and green candles with the Sun and other magical symbols carved on them.

Old pagan customs of the winter solstice included the tradition of placing bread or cakes on the branches of old trees, pouring sweet drinks on the trees as a gift to the forest gods. This was done in the hope that in gratitude the people would be given a good harvest in the coming seasons.

With the advent of Christianity, the ancient holiday of the winter solstice was timed to coincide with Christmas and the beginning of winter Christmastide. According to custom, on the longest night of the year, they would carol and divine for the future.

Winter solstice magic rituals
This is a great day to do a meditation to celebrate new beginnings and projects. If you are thinking about something new, take some time on this day, because meditations on the winter solstice are especially powerful.

The winter solstice is a good day for those who are engaged in spiritual self-development, it inspires to open spiritual spaces and reveals past lives.

The day is suitable for rituals to fulfill wishes. If you have a cherished wish, make it on the day of the revival of the Sun.

They carry out rituals of healing, prosperity, gaining strength and wisdom.

Fortune-telling of the winter solstice gives accurate results, fortune-telling of the Tarot Three Cards, fortune-telling on the Tarot for love and the Oracle are well suited.

The room where the ritual or meditation is performed is decorated with dry leaves, nuts and fruits. 13 candles decorated with the symbols of the Sun are placed in the center of the ritual altar. It is good to use oils of juniper, cedar, pine and rosemary to flavor the air.

Winter Solstice Herbs, Rocks, and Metals

Use the herbs, stones, and metals appropriate for the day to aid in rituals and meditations:

Herbs: anise, elderberry, verbena, cloves, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, jasmine, lavender, laurel, juniper, lemon balm, moss, rosemary, rue, blackthorn, thistle.

Stones: aventurine, turquoise, Moonstone, ruby, sapphire, Tiger's Eye, black tourmaline.

Metals: gold, silver, brass, steel.

As treats for festive table on the day of the winter solstice, you can offer: pork and lamb dishes, pies, fruits (apples, pears, bananas, etc.), nuts, juices, ginger tea.

The next important solar point of the year is Day vernal equinox March 20, 2017


Different cultures interpreted this event in different ways, but most peoples perceived the winter solstice as a rebirth that sets the beginning of a new one. At this time, they organized festivals, holidays, meetings, carried out appropriate rituals, organized mass celebrations with songs and dances.

The Solstice was a special moment in the annual cycle even during the New Stone Age (Neolithic). Thanks to astronomical events, from the earliest times, managing the crops of grain crops, the preparation of food until the next harvest, the periods of mating of animals, it is possible to trace how various traditions and myths arose.

The layout of the oldest monuments of the Late New Stone and Bronze Age can be considered as evidence of this. Such as Stonehenge (Great Britain) and Newgrange (Ireland), the main axes of which were carefully aligned and indicated the sunrise in Newgrange and the sunset in Stonehenge on the winter solstice.

It is noteworthy that the Great Trilith (the construction of the "letter P" of the three largest stones) at Stonehenge is turned outward relative to the center of the monument in such a way that its front flat part turns out to be facing the Sun by the middle of winter.

How the ancient Slavs celebrated the winter solstice

Some of the most significant holidays, revered by our ancestors, were the days of the Solstice and Equinox. Brace, solstice, solstice, equinox - they personify the four hypostases of the ancient Slavic god of the Sun Dazhdbog, the giver of light and warmth. His name sounds in a short prayer that has survived to our time: "God grant!" According to legends, Dazhdbog unlocks the summer and closes the fierce winter.

The Slavs considered this holiday a time of renewal and birth of the Sun, and with it of all living things, a time of spiritual transformation, a time conducive to both good material changes and spiritual ones. The night that precedes the day of the winter solstice is considered the patroness of all nights, because it is on this night that a young solar baby is born to the Goddess - Dazhdbog, symbolizing the birth of life from death, order from chaos.

During the winter solstice, the Slavs celebrated the pagan New Year, which was personified with the deity Kolyada. The main subject of the celebration was a large bonfire, calling and depicting the Sun, which, after one of the longest nights of the year, was supposed to rise higher and higher into the heavenly heights.

They also baked ritual New Year's pies of a rounded shape, reminiscent of a heavenly body.

Winter solstice festival among other nations

These days, in Europe, pagan festivals will mark the beginning of a 12-day cycle of lavish festivities that marked the beginning of the renewal of nature and the beginning of a new life.

In Scotland there was a tradition to launch a burning wheel, symbolizing the solstice. The barrel was abundantly coated with resin, set on fire and launched down a hill, resembling a fiery luminary in rotating movements.

In China, earlier than all other seasons (and in chinese calendar 24), the winter solstice was determined. The Chinese believed that it was from the beginning of this period that the male strength nature and gives rise to a new cycle.

The winter solstice was a worthy celebration as it was considered a happy, fortunate day. Everyone, from a commoner to an emperor, rested and had fun that day, showered each other with gifts, went to visit, laid large tables filled with various dishes.

An important role on this special day was assigned to sacrifices to the ancestors and the God of Heaven, appropriate ceremonies and rituals were carried out in order to protect oneself from diseases and evil spirits. The winter solstice is still one of the traditional Chinese holidays.

Hindus the day of the winter solstice is called Sankranti. The holiday was celebrated in both Sikh and Hindu communities, where at night, on the eve of the festival, bonfires were lit, the flame of which resembled the rays of the Sun, which warm the earth after a cold winter.


V Human Design the position of the Sun on the Wheel of Life (I-Ching) corresponds to the 10th hexagram or 10th gate of the Center of Identity of a person. These gates are associated with our roles and characterize the potential of our Self's Behavior. In the Chinese I-Ching, they are called Walking - "Stepping on the tail of a tiger, you need to know how to behave!"

It is this gate and the corresponding DNA codon of our genetic structure that guarantees the perfection of our form and its survival, as well as the beliefs that guide it. Since these gates enter the Incarnation Cross of the Vessel of Love, they first characterize the Love of Life itself and what it means to be alive in human form. Many human characteristics are concentrated in these gates: instinctive awareness, reinforced by the sacred power of Life, and the manifestation of a person in the present moment "I Am", his ability to awaken. Awakening is impossible without fixed behavior. The only way to get there is to surrender to the privilege of exploring Life in a self-conscious form!

Awakening is the oldest of our three mystical possibilities.The first and foremost initiation is to recognize who we are. This is perfectly illustrated by the inscription above the Delphic Oracle "Know thyself"

Awakening is not a commitment to become someone; it is a commitment to BECOME YOURSELF. It is impossible to cognize what is not yet completed. The mystical love of this gate of the Vessel of Love is love for SELF as it is in the Present. This is Awakening.

From Complete Rave Yi Ching Ra Uru Hu

Winter solstice. - On the calendar end of November, and this means that until the day of the Winter Solstice remains less than a month... For those who are not in the subject, I will say that on the day of the Winter Solstice there will be a change in annual energies according to the theory of Bazi and Qi Men. This year this day falls on December 21, 2016... At 13:50 Moscow time Fire Monkey gives up its place of honor Fire Rooster! Who is lucky in the Rooster, and who will be mercilessly pecked at the very sore spot, interesting to know?

I'll start with a pleasant one - with luck: 1. Rats, Monkeys and Dragons will be lucky in romantic and love relationship... The rooster for these people is the "flower of romance", so in 2017 these people will be unusually lucky on the love front. They will be noticeable to the opposite sex and incredibly attractive. 2. If you were born in the year (day) of the Snake or the Ox, in 2017 you will also be lucky, especially if the element of Metal is favorable for you. 3. If you were born in the year (day) of the Monkey or Dragon, and the element of Metal is favorable for you, then you will also be successful in the coming year. 4. If you were born in the Yin Metal year (day), then the Year of the Rooster is your "Reward Star". Career success awaits you in the coming year. Especially if you already have your own business or in your plans for 2017 to start such a business. 5. If you were born on a Yang Fire / Yin Fire year or day, then the coming year Fire Rooster for you is the year of the Noble person. This means that for a whole year in the heavenly office you will be heard, helped and supported as much as possible! 6. If you were born in the year (day) Fire Yin / Earth Yin, then the Rooster for you is the "symbolic star" of the Academician. This means that you will be successful in the field of education for a whole year. If your plans for 2017 include the item “get additional education"- be sure to take advantage of this good fortune from heaven. Whom does the Rooster dislike in 2017 and who can he attack? First of all - 1. Rooster does not like Rabbits (year or birthday). These people will be uncomfortable in 2017, especially if the elements of Metal or Fire are harmful to them. In second place is the Dog. People born on the year or day of this animal during 2017 will feel discomfort. 3. Tigers and Oxen in the year of the Rooster are not particularly lucky, but if the element of Fire is favorable for you, then the Rooster will not prevent you from achieving success in 2017. 4. If you were born in the year of the Pig or the Goat, and the element of Fire is favorable for you, the year of the Rooster will be very comfortable for you, especially if you decide start a family this year.

In the Bazi map of the upcoming 2017, active, bright, active

Metal is constantly in conflict with the element of the year, the weak Yin Fire. Fire naturally melts, subjugates Metal (money), but since There is a lot of metal, and it is active, the elements of Fire are very difficult to control and subjugate. That's why money matters come to the fore in 2017. Everything related to business and money will be difficult to control for a whole year. Well, you need to understand that the forecast I voiced is very general, and therefore for you personally it may be wrong. Each person's card has its own nuances that can radically change the picture. Full information can only give an individual forecast calculated on your map. I will tell you about such a forecast in the next mailing list.

Northern Hemisphere Solstice and Equinox 2016 - 2020 ... - Spring and autumn equinox 2016 is an astronomical phenomenon in which the day equals the night, marking the changing seasons like the summer and winter solstices. We know that the vernal and autumnal equinoxes occur exactly at the moment when our Sun, in its annual movement across the sky, crosses the celestial equator. These points, respectively, are in the constellations of Pisces and Virgo.

About days are equalvestments and solstices.- Summer and winter solstices are celebrated with the most great distance Suns from the celestial equator. Accordingly, these points are at this moment in the constellations Taurus and Sagittarius. The point of the summer solstice, according to astronomical calculations, moved to the constellation Taurus quite recently, only in 1988. Prior to this, the point of summer opposition was in the constellation Gemini. A rather slow displacement of the equinox and solstice points occurs mainly as a result of precession, which means that the directions of the earth's axis are gradually changing, occurring under the influence of the attraction of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. Talking about the dates of spring and autumn equinox, it is necessary to distinguish the date according to universal time (Greenwich Mean Time), as well as the date of the time zone of the area where you live. If, for example, the spring or autumn equinox came before 24:00 GMT, in countries located west of the prime meridian, this day has not yet arrived, it means that according to local time, the onset of the equinox will be considered 1 day earlier. If the equinox came later than 24:00 GMT, then in those states that are located east of the zero meridian, the next day will already come, which means that the date of the equinox will be 1 day longer. Below, in the table given by us, you can see exact dates the spring and autumn equinoxes, just like the winter and summer solstices for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Times below are given in Greenwich Mean Time.

Equinox and Solstice 2016

Equinox and Solstice 2017

Equinox and Solstice 2018

Equinox and Solstice 2019

Equinox and Solstice 2020

There are things in our world that are immutable and determined. These include: the spring and autumn equinox, winter and summer solstice. The winter solstice is a kind of astronomical event, the moment the center of the Sun passes through the ecliptic points farthest from the equator of the celestial sphere and are called solstice points. 21 andDecember 22 - the most short days a year. December 21-22 is the longest night. The sun will descend as much as possible in the southern hemisphere of the sky, that is, moving along the ecliptic, will reach its lowest declination - and an astronomical winter will come. During the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, the sun is least above the horizon. In astrology, it is believed that this date is the real beginning of winter. According to many customs, this is also the real beginning of the New Year: and this is logical, before that the sun was decreasing, the length of the day was decreasing, and now the day is starting to increase, the sun is getting bigger - real birthSun, and with it the New Year! Living in close contact with nature, subordinating their lives to cosmic rhythms, peoples used this time as a starting point to improve the quality of their lives. The ancient Russian calendar was built according to the phenomena of four seasonal hypostases of the Sun: Kolyada - Yarilo - Kupaila - Svetovit, tied to four astronomical solar events of the year:

  1. weak winter sun-baby Kolyada - is born renewed in the morning after the Night of the Winter Solstice,
  2. on the Day of the Spring Equinox, the youthful Yarilo turns into a strengthened sun,
  3. on the Day of the Summer Solstice, Kupaila's husband turns into the mighty sun,
  4. on the Day of the Autumnal Equinox, it turns into an aging and weakening wise autumn sun-old man Svetovit, dying at sunset before the Night of the Winter Solstice, in order to be reborn in the morning by the renewed baby sun Kolyada, again gaining its solar strength.

And were our ancestors at a low level of culture (as, in particular, DK Zelenin believed), celebrating Russian holidays? In their ritual complexes, was not that great knowledge of the laws of the cosmos that our wise ancestors wanted to convey to us, their descendants, was preserved and preserved? Scientists today fully assume that in rituals Winter Christmas, Maslenitsa and Trinity-Kupalsky cycle, those are fixed, as they are called by physicists, "phase transitions" through which the primary structure passes The universe- the cosmic ocean in its creative, creative process. Winter Christmastide- this is a stable, immovable, potentially bearing in itself all the possibilities of the form of a crystal. It is ruled by masculinity -Father Frost, about which A.S. Famintsyn in his book "The Deities of the Ancient Slavs" wrote: in this case should be understood as the supreme heavenly God. " Shrovetide or Krasnaya Gorka, which in ancient times ended always on the day of the vernal equinox. This is the movement of melted snow and ice, the transition from a crystalline potential form to an active, liquid one, which is ruled by a creative feminine- Mother-in-law. And finally, Green Christmastide or Semik and Trinity. Here is another transformation of the gradual transformation of water into steam, plasma, and then into the Light. Let's remember biology. After all, it is the Light that gives birth to living life - to a green leaf and grass. And this whole "phase complex" is completed by the Kupala Night, when the process of reincarnation of those who are to return to our world as newborn children, that is, people, starts.

Everything is very logical: Crystal - Water - Ionized steam- Light - Green leaf (tree, herbs) - Human. And in this case, the starting point is precisely the crystal. After all, this term itself means literally "frozen light". This means that a Man who has attained a "frozen light", who has acquired a "light body", i.e. "Saint" - Rishi (or Rasha) is: The sage who has comprehended Main Meaning The universe is an eternal and endless cycle of life! There are things in our world that are immutable and determined. These include: the spring and autumn equinox, winter and summer solstice.

WINTER SOLSTICE. December 22. - On the day of the winter solstice, the light embodied in the Sun begins to rise from the very depths, highlighting the axis on which all the layers of being are strung. The turn that takes place in the very center of the night of the year has a special power, joining which, all living things will begin their ascent to manifestation. By witnessing this event, we give ourselves the opportunity to participate in the most deep rhythms of our life, to keep up with the times from the very beginning, and not wake up in the middle of the old act of life's drama, with the question - "What is happening here at all?"

The main thing on this day is to feel this turn, to reproduce it as some kind of inner movement.

If you set yourself such a goal - then how to do it, options will come. Let your creativity, the solar principle manifest here, this is important. The day should not pass "as usual", put a little more of your energy into it, manifest yourself in it a little brighter than yesterday. Do something in it that your hands have never been able to reach before. But this business should not be cumbersome, it should not take a lot of energy out of you. Just to feel that there are a little more of them, and try to get joy out of it.

The days around the winter solstice are the most better days in a year when you can really change your destiny. That is, to be reborn in the same way as the Sun, to discard all unnecessary and give rise to a new one.

Three days before December 21 and three after - this is an energetically charged time. Strong streams of energy descend on the Earth, therefore, in the days preceding the winter solstice, it is favorable to get rid of everything unnecessary. This can be done mentally, but it is better to write on paper everything that you want to get rid of and burn it. It is also beneficial before this day to cleanse your home, yourself, find time to cleanse your thoughts. Wish your loved ones, relatives, friends happiness - this is the easiest thing to do these days. After that, it is very favorable to make plans for the whole year (preferably to write in a notebook), make wishes, use intention, conduct meditations for yourself and for the whole Earth. On this day, you definitely need to find time in order to touch the depths of your life. Move away from the superficial everyday bustle and pay attention to what is happening inside you, in life. And starting from this foundation, find what your ideas are waiting to be born, implemented, what is ready to become a plan for the future. Plans, compiled on this day and for the whole year, have a special power - after all, you fill them with the power of the growing Sun. It is advisable to write down and save these plans. During the Solstice, it is auspicious to make wishes, use intention, and meditate for yourself and for the entire Earth. All this will have special strength due to the natural rhythms of nature. And on December 22 in the morning, try to meet the sunrise and congratulate him on his birth, thank him for everything that it gives us.

Point designation. - The points of the winter and summer solstices are indicated by the symbols of the zodiac corresponding to the constellations in which they were at the time of Hipparchus (as a result of the anticipation of the equinoxes, these points shifted and are now, respectively, in the constellations of Sagittarius and Taurus, and the point of the summer solstice has moved to the constellation of Taurus from relatively recently - in the fall of 1988): the winter solstice - the sign of Capricorn (), the summer solstice - the sign of Cancer ().

Solstice(solstice) is the old Russian name for the solstice. Corresponded to the moment of the "turn" of the Sun to profit or decrease of the day. In Russia and in many European countries, the winter solstice was celebrated as a holiday of the birth of the sun.

1. Sun (Kolovorot).
2. All that universe, which lives according to the law of the given time (Solstice turned to the East) and space (Solstice, that is, Nature).
3. Cult Sign of the Slovenian Family (song "Wolf Solstice").
4. Medical symbol, it encodes the movement of biological time, the process of growth and aging. The circle of metabolism of the circulatory system, respiratory cycle and activity lymphatic system etc.
5. A holiday among the ancient Slavs, dividing the year into a period of life and a period of death.
Summer solstice- the Mid-Summer holiday, the shortest night of the year, the celebration of the Great Light. On the night of June 20-21 (21-22), dreams and reality mix with each other. This is one of the most important and widespread solar holidays.
The night before the Summer Solstice is "there is a time for great Magic and great Power." On this day are going healing herbs... Plants - a combination of mistletoe with oak, St. John's wort, rose, fern. Celtic holiday Oak. June 20-23 - the most short nights a year. These nights are full of energy and magic. June 21 - is considered an important turning point on the Wheel of the Year. Reality and dreams are intermingled, the boundaries between the worlds become thinner. This day symbolizes the highest point, maximum peak, rise, takeoff, ecstasy, both in nature and in human life. The holiday embodies fertility, abundance, glory, triumph, generosity, fullness of life, happiness. Cheerfulness, cheerfulness, fun reign in this shortest of earthly nights. From a mystical point of view, this holiday combines all four elements at once - fire, water, earth, air. Therefore, the Spirits of these elements rejoice and have fun with people. In ancient times, people celebrated this night in order to gain their strength and energy through rituals and ceremonies of worshiping the Elements. For example, it was believed that the land gives solid foundation in life, self-confidence, fertility. However, the main essence of this holiday is for people to learn to enjoy life, love it, enjoy it. It helps to open up the heart and feel happiness. On this holiday, it is customary to go to nature, closer to the water. Until dawn, bonfires are blazing, laughter is heard, funny songs are ringing. Ritual bathing, flower wreaths, dancing around the fire - all these are elements without which we cannot imagine a holiday. Also, Mid-Summer - good time for the initiation of youth, for the first stage of initiation - initiation into the magic circle. This night is good for love, but not for special fertility rituals, but simply to make love for your pleasure. Run naked at dawn on the grass wet with dew and spill it over the fields, through the woods. sexual energygood remedy from infertility and the guarantee of strong, healthy offspring in the future. On this holiday, a sacrificial effigy is created and burned. It could be Wicker Man, as the Celts do, i.e. a wicker man, inside which sacrifices are laid. Such a scarecrow is burned with the first rays of the sun. It can be a straw (or from last year's hay) stuffed animal on a cross. This is installed in the center of the fire, which is lit at the beginning of the night. In any case, it is a sacrifice to the Gods of Fertility, so that the harvest is plentiful and neither prolonged rains nor hail will spoil it.

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Russia enchanted word

Here is the search result for the next version of the word RUS. The scientist cat responded, meowed about deep antiquity. His words were heard and made out. To begin with, I will quote a phrase from ...