Card index of didactic games in the first junior group card index (junior group) on the topic. Card file of didactic games. Wonderful bag Didactic game 2 junior group wonderful bag

Nadezhda Usacheva
Lesson-game "Wonderful bag" for the second younger group

Didactic game « Wonderful pouch» .

Target: Reinforce the ability to correctly name vegetables and objects lying in pouch, describe their color, shape. Teach children to pronounce words clearly.

Material. Dish with vegetables (dummies): carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, beets.

The course of the lesson.

The teacher and children examine the dish with vegetables, then give their descriptions.

What is it (cucumber).What colour is he (green).What is it in shape (oblong)... Yes, the cucumber is green, oblong.

Tomatoes, carrots, onions, beets are also considered.

What one word can we say about what we have on the dish (vegetables).

The teacher puts vegetables in pouch, proposes: Let's play with you « Wonderful pouch» ... The one I call will take out one of the vegetables and say which vegetable he took, and then pull his hand out of a bag with a vegetable... And you have to say whether he named the vegetable correctly or not.

Physical education.

Guys, how many of you remember the tale "Turnip"? What words does the tale begin with? Children pronounce: "Grandfather planted a turnip, a big turnip has grown, a great one ..." Imagine that you are a small grain of a turnip. You are lying in the ground. The sun has warmed, a warm rain has passed. A sprout stretched up from the ground. Leaves appeared, and a turnip began to grow in the ground ...

Children imitate the movements of a rising sprout.

The teacher gathers the children around the table.

Guys, in mathematics, you got acquainted with geometric shapes. Name them. (circle, oval, triangle, square)... Name the vegetables that remind you of these geometric shapes (carrots are like a triangle, cucumber is like an oval, tomato, onion and beets are like a circle).

Well done, guys, you did a good job today, you named the vegetables correctly.

Literature: Classes on the development of speech in kindergarten. Book for kindergarten teachers / O.S. Ushakova, A. G. Arushanova, A. I. Maksakov, E. M. Strunina, T. M. Yurtaykina. M .: Publishing house "Perfection", 1999.- 384 p.

T. I. Petrova, E. S. Petrova. Games and classes on the development of speech of preschoolers. Book. 1. Junior and middle groups... - M .: Shkolnaya Pressa, 2008. - 128 p.

Card file for didactic games

In the first junior group.

Target: to form in children the ability to distinguish between the main colors: red, yellow, green and blue, to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Participants: children 2-3 years old (6 people), educator.

Game progress:

The teacher reads a poem:

Soon, soon New Year -

The holiday will come to us with you.

Guests are already in a hurry to visit us,

To please the guys.

Someone from the forest is in a hurry

It's already rustling outside the window. (Listen)

All fluffy, in needles,

And they call that guest. (Christmas tree.)

(The teacher shows the preparation of the Christmas tree)

What a beautiful Christmas tree has come to us!

Guys, while the Christmas tree was coming to visit us, she lost her needles. Let's make her new needles. What can we make needles for her? (Kids options)

(The teacher takes out buckets with green, yellow, red and blue clothespins).

What's in my buckets? (Clothespins)

Let's make her needles out of clothespins.

What color is our Christmas tree? (Green)

And what color will we make the needles? (Green)

(Children choose a bucket with green clothespins, if they are wrong, the teacher corrects them, then they attach the clothespins to the Christmas tree)

Target: to form in children the ability to distinguish between the main colors: red, yellow, green and blue,

Material: Christmas trees, clothespins in green, yellow, red and blue.

Game progress:

A beautiful cock without a tail is placed in front of the children with a magnetic board. Nearby on the table are tail feathers in four primary colors: red, yellow, green, blue.

The teacher shows the children an image of a rooster with a bright bushy tail. Explains that the first cockerel also wants to have a beautiful tail and asks the kids to give him feathers: red, green, blue, yellow (shows).

"First, I will give a feather, - says the teacher. - Cock, what feather should I give you?"

"Red" - the cockerel answers.

The teacher finds a red feather.

“Let Olya give me a green feather,” asks the cockerel.

If the child is mistaken, the cockerel crows: "Ku-ka-re-ku! I want another feather. I want a green feather!" (this continues until the end of the game)

In conclusion, the children admire the beautiful rooster's tail. "I have a beautiful tail!" - the cock rejoices. "Very, very handsome!" - the children and the educator confirm.

“The cockerel is happy,” says the teacher, “listen to a poem about him:

"We have a loud cockerel,

In the morning he shouts: "Hello!"

His boots are on his feet,

Earrings hang on my ears

There is a comb on the head,

That's what he is, cockerel! "

(G. Boyko. "Rooster")

Target: to consolidate knowledge of colors (yellow, blue, green, red), to develop fine motor skills of hands and a friendly attitude towards animals.

Material: hedgehogs in four colors (red, green, blue and yellow), clothespins of the same colors.

Game progress:

The teacher reads to the children the fairy tale “I don’t want to wear thorns!” And shows them the hedgehogs.

"I don't want to wear thorns!"

Everyone knows that a hedgehog is a thorny animal. Many do not like it, but what to do: he was so ugly. As he put on his prickly caftan, he walks in it in winter and summer, he never takes off. And all would be fine, but living with thorns is not always pleasant. For example, a hedgehog plays catch-up with friends, and thorns suddenly - once! - how the squirrel will be pricked, and the friend is already offended. But the hedgehog is not to blame for anything!

Or he runs through the forest, and the leaves cling to the fur coat all the time - and then there is no way to throw them off. So you have to go all autumn in a multi-colored suit. But you never know what else ... That is why once this story happened: the hedgehog got tired of carrying thorns on itself.

- I don't want to be prickly! - said the kid. He threw off his caftan, hid it in the farthest corner of the mink - and went for a walk without needles.

A hedgehog walks along the path, rejoices: how good it is to walk without thorns. The blades of grass stroke him on the back, gently tickle him, and no leaves strive to catch on. Suddenly he sees a hedgehog - the fungus is growing. He wanted to rip it off, as before, and put it on his back, but nothing came of it. Previously, the fungus held on to the needles, but now - splash! - and falls to the ground all the time.

- Well, nothing, - the hedgehog thought, - I'll run after the mushroom later.

For a long time he ran through the forest and still could not get enough of it: how great is his life now! Only suddenly it seemed to the hedgehog that a red tail flashed behind the trees.

- Fox! - the kid was frightened and immediately curled up into a ball. - Let him now try to approach - I instantly thorns her ...

And then he remembered that the clothes of his house remained, and there was no one now to protect the little animal from the insidious and evil fox.

- Oh no no no! What have I done? - the hedgehog cried and ran quickly to his house to hide. He ran and trembled with fear, and when he found himself in a burrow, he put on his prickly caftan - and immediately calmed down.

- Well, no, I'd rather be prickly, - thought the kid. - And my friends will not be offended by me - they are friends!

So the hedgehog realized that he loves his thorns very much and no longer wants to part with them.

The naughty animals have mixed up their needles and now they cannot figure out which needles for which hedgehog. Let's help the hedgehogs choose needles for them according to the color of their legs.

Target: contribute to the formation of kids' ability to correctly assemble a whole image from separate pieces, to determine the different colors of objects. hello_html_m5c0145ad.jpg

Material: pictures of toys cut in half and whole (samples)

Participants: children 2-3 years old, educator.

Game progress:

The teacher in front of the child lays out the cut images of toys.

Guys, the doll Masha brought us pictures of toys today. But on the way with the pictures, trouble happened. A boy named Kolya took pictures from Masha's doll and cut them into two halves. The doll Masha cries very much and asks you to help her.

Can we help her?

Let's put together the pictures.

(Children collect pictures, compare them with a sample. Then they name the toys shown in the pictures and name the primary colors)

Target: reinforce the ability of children to name vegetables and their color; develop visual memory, attention.

Material: "magic bag", vegetables (cucumber, tomato, cabbage, green and yellow peppers)

Participants: children 2-3 years old (whole group), educator.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to take turns taking a vegetable from the "magic bag", name it and its color. The teacher can offer, without looking into the bag, to find what he has to say. All the children take turns playing.

Target: consolidate knowledge of colors (yellow, blue, green, red), develop fine motor skills

Material: image of a meadow with flowers (red, blue, green and yellow), butterflies (red, blue, green and yellow)

Participants: children 2-3 years old (4 people), educator.

Game progress:

Each child has a butterfly.

The teacher asks the children to hide the butterflies, and explains how to do this (you need to plant the butterfly on a flower of the same color). The teacher asks the kids: "Where did you put the butterfly?" (On a red flower);

Then the teacher asks to plant butterflies under the flowers. A red butterfly under a red flower, a blue butterfly under a blue flower, etc. "Where did you plant the yellow butterfly?" (under a yellow flower)

If the child does not answer the questions, the teacher says the answer for him.


Material: buckets in four colors (red, green, blue and yellow), red apple.

Participants: children 2-3 years old (4 people), educator.

Game progress:

What buckets are on the table? (red, green, blue and yellow)

Now you close your eyes, and I will remove one bucket. You have to guess which bucket is gone.

The answer should be: "The red bucket is gone" (repeat the exercise 4-5 times).

The teacher hides a red apple in one bucket. You should look carefully and notice in which bucket I will hide the red apple. It should be told about it like this: “the participant hid the red apple in the green bucket. Then another participant hides the apples in different buckets. Children make up proposals for his actions.

Target: reinforce the knowledge of red, teach to put one cube on another. hello_html_26678b7a.jpg

Material: red cubes.

Participants: children 2-3 years old, educator.

The teacher enters, holds a beautiful box with cubes in his hands and offers to guess what is in it (Child's Assumptions). Ask a riddle:

I have a box

My friends live in it

They are very different,

Yellow, red,

Green and blue

All are friendly and strong.

They love to get together

And turn into buildings. (Cubes)

It is suggested to see what is in the box: (Cubes)

Look at how beautiful the cubes are.

What color are they? (Red)

Which of them can you build? (Child's assumptions).

Let's play an interesting game called build a turret.

Children build turrets, then they say who has the neater turret.

(A variant of such a game is to take cubes of a certain color to each construction lesson so that children gradually memorize all the basic colors).

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of colors (yellow, blue, green, red), to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Material: dolls of four colors (red, green, blue and yellow), mugs of the same colors.

Participants: children 2-3 years old (4 people), educator.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the dolls and says that the dolls have mixed up the cups. Therefore, they ask the children to help them. To do this, each child chooses a doll for himself and, by choosing a mug from the four suggested colors, selects the desired mug to match the color of the doll's dress.

Children complete the task, the teacher addresses each child individually

What is your doll's dress? (red)

What kind of mug do you need to take for a doll? (red)

And your doll, what dress?

So what kind of mug are you going to take? etc

And so with each child, it takes no more than 2 minutes to answer such questions during the game, so the teacher must constantly conduct a dialogue.

Target: introduce children to the four primary colors, exercise in the ability to correlate color cards with the color of an object

Materials: cards with different colors, cards with images of objects.

Participants: children 2-3 years old (4 people), educator

The course of the game.

Children take one color card, each child must choose an image of the object that matches its color from the offered pictures.



Card file for didactic games

In the first junior group

Card number 1 Didactic game "Yolochka"

Target: to form in children the ability to distinguish between the main colors: red, yellow, green and blue, to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Participants: children 2-3 years old (6 people), educator.

Game progress:

The teacher reads a poem:

Soon, soon New Year -

The holiday will come to us with you.

Guests are already in a hurry to visit us,

To please the guys.

Someone from the forest is in a hurry

It's already rustling outside the window. (Listen)

All fluffy, in needles,

And they call that guest. (Christmas tree.)

(The teacher shows the preparation of the Christmas tree)

What a beautiful Christmas tree has come to us!

Guys, while the Christmas tree was coming to visit us, she lost her needles. Let's make her new needles. What can we make needles for her? (Kids options)

(The teacher takes out buckets with green, yellow, red and blue clothespins).

What's in my buckets? (Clothespins)

Let's make her needles out of clothespins.

What color is our Christmas tree? (Green)

And what color will we make the needles? (Green)

(Children choose a bucket with green clothespins, if they are wrong, the teacher corrects them, then they attach the clothespins to the Christmas tree)

Card number 2 Didactic game "Pick a feather for a cockerel"

Target: to form in children the ability to distinguish between the main colors: red, yellow, green and blue,

Material: Christmas trees, clothespins in green, yellow, red and blue.

Game progress:

A beautiful cock without a tail is placed in front of the children with a magnetic board. Nearby on the table are tail feathers in four primary colors: red, yellow, green, blue.

The teacher shows the children an image of a rooster with a bright bushy tail. Explains that the first rooster also wants to have a beautiful tail and asks the kids to give him feathers: red, green, blue, yellow (shows).

"First, I will give a feather, - says the teacher. - Cock, what feather should I give you?"

"Red" - the cockerel answers.

The teacher finds a red feather.

"Let Olya give me a green feather," asks the cockerel.

If the child is mistaken, the cockerel crows: "Ku-ka-re-ku! I want another feather. I want a green feather!" (this continues until the end of the game)

In conclusion, the children admire the beautiful rooster's tail. "I have a beautiful tail!" - the cock rejoices. "Very, very handsome!" - the children and the educator confirm.

“The cockerel is happy,” says the teacher, “listen to a poem about him:

"We have a loud cockerel,

In the morning he shouts: "Hello!"

His boots are on his feet,

Earrings hang on my ears

There is a comb on the head,

That's what he is, cockerel! "

(G. Boyko. "Rooster")

Card №3 Didactic game "Hedgehogs"

Target: to consolidate knowledge of colors (yellow, blue, green, red), to develop fine motor skills of hands and a friendly attitude towards animals.

Material: hedgehogs in four colors (red, green, blue and yellow), clothespins of the same colors.

Game progress:

The teacher reads to the children the fairy tale “I don’t want to wear thorns!” And shows them the hedgehogs.

"I don't want to wear thorns!"

Everyone knows that a hedgehog is a thorny animal. Many do not like it, but what to do: he was so ugly. As he put on his prickly caftan, he walks in it in winter and summer, he never takes off. And all would be fine, but living with thorns is not always pleasant. For example, a hedgehog plays catch-up with friends, and thorns suddenly - once! - how the squirrel will be pricked, and the friend is already offended. But the hedgehog is not to blame for anything!

Or he runs through the forest, and the leaves cling to the fur coat all the time - and then there is no way to throw them off. So you have to go all autumn in a multi-colored suit. But you never know what else ... That is why once this story happened: the hedgehog got tired of carrying thorns on itself.

- I don't want to be prickly! - said the kid. He threw off his caftan, hid it in the farthest corner of the mink - and went for a walk without needles.

A hedgehog walks along the path, rejoices: how good it is to walk without thorns. The blades of grass stroke him on the back, gently tickle him, and no leaves strive to catch on. Suddenly he sees a hedgehog - the fungus is growing. He wanted to rip it off, as before, and put it on his back, but nothing came of it. Previously, the fungus held on to the needles, but now - splash! - and falls to the ground all the time.

- Well, nothing, - the hedgehog thought, - I'll run after the mushroom later.

For a long time he ran through the forest and still could not get enough of it: how great is his life now! Only suddenly it seemed to the hedgehog that a red tail flashed behind the trees.

- Fox! - the kid was frightened and immediately curled up into a ball. - Let him now try to approach - I instantly thorns her ...

And then he remembered that the clothes of his house remained, and there was no one now to protect the little animal from the insidious and evil fox.

- Oh no no no! What have I done? - the hedgehog cried and ran quickly to his house to hide. He ran and trembled with fear, and when he found himself in a burrow, he put on his prickly caftan - and immediately calmed down.

- Well, no, I'd rather be prickly, - thought the kid. - And my friends will not be offended by me - they are friends!

So the hedgehog realized that he loves his thorns very much and no longer wants to part with them.

The naughty animals have mixed up their needles and now they cannot figure out which needles for which hedgehog. Let's help the hedgehogs choose needles for them according to the color of their legs.

Card №4 Didactic game "Assemble a toy"

Target: contribute to the formation of kids' ability to correctly assemble a whole image from separate pieces, to determine the different colors of objects. hello_html_m5c0145ad.jpg

Material: pictures of toys cut in half and whole (samples)

Participants: children 2-3 years old, educator.

Game progress:

The teacher in front of the child lays out the cut images of toys.

Guys, the doll Masha brought us pictures of toys today. But on the way with the pictures, trouble happened. A boy named Kolya took pictures from Masha's doll and cut them into two halves. The doll Masha cries very much and asks you to help her.

Can we help her?

Let's put together the pictures.

(Children collect pictures, compare them with a sample. Then they name the toys shown in the pictures and name the primary colors)

Card number 5 Didactic game "Magic Bag"

Target: reinforce the ability of children to name vegetables and their color; develop visual memory, attention.

Material: "magic bag", vegetables (cucumber, tomato, cabbage, green and yellow peppers)

Participants: children 2-3 years old (whole group), educator.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to take turns taking a vegetable from the “magic bag”, name it and its color. The teacher can offer, without looking into the bag, to find what he has to say. All the children take turns playing.

Card number 6 Didactic game "Butterflies"

Target: consolidate knowledge of colors (yellow, blue, green, red), develop fine motor skills

Material: image of a meadow with flowers (red, blue, green and yellow), butterflies (red, blue, green and yellow)

Participants: children 2-3 years old (4 people), educator.

Game progress:

Each child has a butterfly.

The teacher asks the children to hide the butterflies, and explains how to do this (you need to plant the butterfly on a flower of the same color). The teacher asks the kids: "Where did you put the butterfly?" (On a red flower);

Then the teacher asks to plant butterflies under the flowers. A red butterfly under a red flower, a blue butterfly under a blue flower, etc. "Where did you plant the yellow butterfly?" (under a yellow flower)

If the child does not answer the questions, the teacher says the answer for him.

Card number 7 Didactic game "Colorful buckets"


Material: buckets in four colors (red, green, blue and yellow), red apple.

Participants: children 2-3 years old (4 people), educator.

Game progress:

What buckets are on the table? (red, green, blue and yellow)

Now you close your eyes, and I will remove one bucket. You have to guess which bucket is gone.

The answer should be: "The red bucket is gone" (repeat the exercise 4-5 times).

The teacher hides a red apple in one bucket. You should look carefully and notice in which bucket I will hide the red apple. It should be told about it like this: “the participant hid the red apple in the green bucket. Then another participant hides the apples in different buckets. Children make up proposals for his actions.

Card number 8 Didactic game "Building a turret"

Target: reinforce the knowledge of red, teach to put one cube on another. hello_html_26678b7a.jpg

Material: red cubes.

Participants: children 2-3 years old, educator.

Game progress

The teacher enters, holds a beautiful box with cubes in his hands and offers to guess what is in it (Child's Assumptions). Ask a riddle:

I have a box

My friends live in it

They are very different,

Yellow, red,

Green and blue

All are friendly and strong.

They love to get together

And turn into buildings. (Cubes)

It is suggested to see what is in the box: (Cubes)

Look at how beautiful the cubes are.

What color are they? (Red)

Which of them can you build? (Child's assumptions).

Let's play an interesting game called build a turret.

Children build turrets, then they say who has the neater turret.

(A variant of such a game is to take cubes of a certain color to each construction lesson so that children gradually memorize all the basic colors).

Card number 9 Didactic game "Pick a cup for the doll"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of colors (yellow, blue, green, red), to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Material: dolls of four colors (red, green, blue and yellow), mugs of the same colors.

Participants: children 2-3 years old (4 people), educator.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the dolls and says that the dolls have mixed up the cups. Therefore, they ask the children to help them. To do this, each child chooses a doll for himself and, by choosing a mug from the four suggested colors, selects the desired mug to match the color of the doll's dress.

Children complete the task, the teacher addresses each child individually

What is your doll's dress? (red)

What kind of mug do you need to take for a doll? (red)

And your doll, what dress?

So what kind of mug are you going to take? etc

And so with each child, it takes no more than 2 minutes to answer such questions during the game, so the teacher must constantly conduct a dialogue.

Card number 10 Didactic game "Match the color to the subject"

Target: introduce children to the four primary colors, exercise in the ability to correlate color cards with the color of an object

Materials: cards with different colors, cards with images of objects.

Participants: children 2-3 years old (4 people), educator

The course of the game.

Children take one color card, each child must choose from the proposed pictures the image of the object that matches its color.

Purpose: to teach children to name the quality and attributes of objects (size, color). Correctly answer questions, compose a short descriptive story about a toy with the help of an adult. Develop an articulatory apparatus. To cultivate perseverance, love and respect for toys.

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"Summary of the GCD didactic game" Magic bag "2nd junior group."


Didactic game "Magic Bag".

Purpose: to teach children to name the quality and attributes of objects (size, color). Answer the questions correctly, compose a short descriptive story about the toy with the help of an adult. Develop an articulatory apparatus. To cultivate perseverance, love and respect for toys.

Vocabulary work: Polar bear.

Individual work: to activate Lena, Olesya, Vadim in the lesson.


    Bear (adult).

    Magic bag.

Toys: matryoshka, pyramid, car, horse, ball.

Children sit in front of the teacher

Gymnastics for the tongue.

A knock on the door. Polar Bear enters (he has a bag in his hands)

Bear: Hello guys!

Children: Hello.

Educator: Guys, a Polar Bear came to us today. Look, the bear brought us a magic bag. How handsome he is.

What's in your bag?

Bear: I brought toys for the children.

The teacher offers to look at the toys. Children take turns taking toys out of the bag, examining and answering questions, and placing them on the table.

Educator: What is Vova?

Vova: Matryoshka.

Educator: How beautiful and smart she is. Do you like her?

Educator: What's inside the matryoshka?

Vova: Another matryoshka.

Educator: This is a matryoshka ... and this ...

Educator: Now Olesya will get a toy.

Olesya: Pyramid.

Educator: Show where the yellow ring of the pyramid is. What can you do with a pyramid?

Olesya: Disassemble, assemble.

Educator: Lena, look, what else is in the bag?

Lena: Machine

Educator: Lena, what color is the body of the car?

Lena: Blue.

Educator: What color is the cabin of the car?

Lena: Yellow.

Educator: What else did the bear bring us? Who is this?

Children: Horse.

Educator: Vadim, show the horse's tail, legs, mane.

The teacher takes a ball out of the bear. What is it?

Children: Ball.

Educator: What color is the ball?

Children: Blue.

Educator: What can you do with the ball?

Children: Roll, throw.

Educator: What toys did the bear bring?

Children: Matryoshka, pyramid, car, horse, ball.

Physical education.

The clubfoot bear walks through the group.

He collects toys,

And puts it in a bag.

Suddenly a bear stumbled

Yes, how it will roar.

The teacher says that the Bear has prepared an interesting game for the children and wants to play with you. The bear will hide the toys, and the children should tell them which toys are missing. All toys remain on the table.

    I remove the pyramid. Educator: What toy is gone?

    I clean the matryoshka. Educator: What toy is gone? Etc.

I put all toys away. What's gone?

Children: toys.

Educator: Which ones?

Children: Matryoshka dolls, pyramids, cars, horses, ball.

Educator: Who brought us toys?

Children: Polar bear.

Educator: Let's thank Mishka for an interesting game and for the toys he brought us.

Children: Thank you.

Bear: Goodbye guys.

The teacher recalls what they did in class. Guys, what a great job you are!

Benefit "Wonderful bag"

Murygina Maria Trofimovna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 34", Ivanovo

Material description: this manual will be of interest to kindergarten teachers, as well as parents of preschoolers.

The purpose of working with the "Wonderful Sack": improving tactile sensations and perception; the formation of the ability to recognize and name objects; development of speech.

In kindergartens, the "Wonderful Bag" is often used in the classroom. It is usually made of fabric and looks like a pouch with ties or elastic, some use a small basin and towel.

Here is such a "Wonderful bag" I got from a fabric and a large plastic water bottle:

As a result of the use of the didactic manual "miraculous bag" in children, the ability to determine what kind of object is formed by its characteristic external features, that is, by its shape. Also, the "wonderful bag" can be used to develop speech and imagination.

There are two kinds of wonder bag games:
1) children of younger preschool age can be asked to name an object by first pulling it out of the bag.
2) the child needs, with his hand in the bag, to grope for an object and name it, not seeing what it is specifically; so that children do not get confused, at first you can put 1 object, and then, when they understand how to play, already several.

The players, in addition to the main task, can be given additional:
- describe the object (color, size, taste, material) or animal (what it does, where it lives);
- tell which fairy tale this object or hero is from;
- describe the object so that other children can guess it.

For very young children, you can offer in this way to choose a toy with which he will then play. To do this, they are first shown the objects that are put in the bag, and then each one in turn takes out his own.
This game is suitable for children from the age of 3, when they can already speak and name an object at least one word.

Examples of games with a "miracle bag":

"Baby animals"
Purpose: to consolidate the names of baby animals
Children age: 3-4 years
Small toys are put into the bag: a fox cub, a piglet, a chicken, a duckling, a calf, a hare, a kitten, a bear cub, a lion cub. The teacher, holding the bag, comes up to the children, offers to take out one toy from there, show it to everyone and name it loudly. The teacher makes sure that the children correctly and clearly pronounce the names of the baby animal: fox cub, piglet, chicken, duckling, calf, hare, kitten, bear cub, lion cub. If someone finds it difficult to name a toy, the teacher helps him.

"Vegetables fruits"
Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about fruits and vegetables.
Children age: 3-4 years
Various vegetables and fruits are put into the bag. Place 2 baskets on the table (one for vegetables, the other for fruits).
The child chooses one object in the "wonderful bag" and takes it out, the teacher asks: "What is this?", The child answers. If the vegetable or fruit was named correctly, the teacher asks: "In which basket will you put it." If the child is mistaken, the teacher asks other children.


  • Develop observation, auditory attention, be able to move in accordance with the words of the educator.
  • Learn to recognize the subject using one of the analyzers.
  • Develop the ability to analyze, consolidate the ability to distinguish and name wild animals, expand vocabulary.
  • To cultivate curiosity, resourcefulness, love for animals.
  • To activate the speech of children.
  • Learn to use the scheme when drawing up a proposal.

Equipment: a bag with cubes, toy animals (fox, hare, bear), a diagram depicting a forest, a bridge and a kindergarten.

Game progress

Organizing time:

The teacher tells the children that she has lost a wonderful bag, which contains a surprise for the children, invites the children to look for it in the group.

Plot development:

The children look for and find the pouch. Give it to the teacher. The teacher offers to touch the bag, asks the children what could be there?

Children can guess the cubes in the bag by touch. The teacher says that the cubes are not simple, but they depict different characters of the riddles that she will now ask them.

Guessing the first riddle:

The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden,
He lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village.

Children guess. The teacher shows a cube with a fox.

The teacher tells the children that the fox has come running to our d / garden today, and offers to look for it. The children find a toy fox hidden in the group.

The teacher invites the children to describe the fox (what is she like? - red, fluffy, cunning; what can she do? - run, steal chickens, etc.)

Guessing the second riddle:

Small, white,
Jump-jump along the forest
On a snowball pumpkin.

Children guess. The teacher shows a cube with a picture of a hare.

The teacher tells the children that the hare also came running to our d / kindergarten today, invites the children to look for him. Children find a toy bunny hidden in the group.

The teacher invites the children to describe the hare (what is he like? - little white, fluffy, cowardly; what can he do? - run, jump, etc.)

Guessing the third riddle:

In the summer he walks without a road
Near pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den,
He hides his nose from the frost.

Children guess. The teacher shows a cube with a picture of a bear.

The teacher tells the children that the bear has come running to our d / garden, invites the children to look for him. The children find a toy bear hidden in the group.

The teacher invites the children to describe the bear (what is he like? - shaggy, big, clumsy; what can he do? - growl, suck his paw, climb trees).

At the end of the game, the teacher offers to leave the animals in the kindergarten, as they really liked in the kindergarten. Children arrange toys on shelves.

Results of the game.

Let's remember what we did with you? (looking for a wonderful bag in the group). What was in the wonderful bag? (cubes). Who were the riddles about? (about a fox, a hare, a bear). What kind of animals are they? (wild) Where do wild animals live? (in the forest). Do you think the animals liked in our kindergarten? (liked).