Components of work activity in preschool age. The development of the preschooler's labor activity

Creation of conditions for independent labor activity of preschoolers

The issues of labor education of preschoolers have always occupied and continue to occupy a leading place in the work of a kindergarten teacher. Particular importance is attached to this work within the framework of the introduction of FGT, where much attention is paid to the formation of the skills of hard work in children, which can be manifested in different types of activity. The programs now have a section "Labor", which brings to the fore the task of fostering the need to work. The types and content of labor do not change. This problem is solved in such types of work as self-service, work in nature, duty, etc.
The labor activity of preschoolers is peculiar:
1. Child's work is closely related to play. While completing a labor task, kids often switch to play. Older children also often use play during work. Sometimes, while playing, children have a need for an object. Then, to make the game more interesting, the guys make it themselves. In games, preschoolers love to reflect the work of adults and their relationships.
2. The labor activity of children is constantly evolving. The formation of each of its constituent components (skills, goal setting, motivation, work planning, achievement of the result and its assessment) has its own characteristics.
The formation of work skills also depends on age. At an early age, the child develops only the prerequisites for mastering tool operations. The mastery of the simplest tools of labor occurs at a younger preschool age.
Goal setting reflects the specifics of preschool age. Young children do not yet know how to set a goal in work. This ability in babies develops gradually in the process of self-care. First, the goal is set by the teacher. Older preschoolers set goals themselves by performing daily duties, but they do this only in familiar situations. When conditions change, they should be told what to do. The ability of children to set goals on their own develops most successfully in those types of work where the result is a material result.
The goal of teachers' work on the formation of independent skills in work in children is the manifestation of a value attitude towards their own work, the work of other people and its result.
For the organization of work, conditions and means were allocated:
individual approach to the child;
labor traditions of the region;
implementation of projects;
artistic means, nature;
children's own activities;
positive example of work
No child will work if he does not know how to perform these actions. Therefore, the priority was given to teaching children labor skills, which are clearly defined in the program. Our kindergarten works according to the "Kindergarten Education and Training Program" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva. In this program and in the updated version of the program "From birth to school" in the section "labor education" the tasks and directions of work on the formation of labor skills in children in different types of work are defined.
Working in these areas, we also include regional conditions. Khakassia has long been famous for its labor traditions, working professions. A diverse people lived in Khakassia, someone led a nomadic lifestyle, someone was sedentary, and, accordingly, work was associated with a way of life. Introducing children to traditional crafts and crafts, we form such concepts as hard work, respect for working people, a desire to work for the benefit of the kindergarten, our family, and ultimately for the benefit of the Motherland. When teaching children about hard work, you can use the following tricks:
a story about trades;
explaining to children that such crafts can be obtained if you apply diligence and skill;
making crafts with children;
teaching children to carry out even the simplest assignments to the end: remove the toy, wipe the dust;
example, we work with children;
drawing attention during walks to how the people around them work;
reading books to children about working people.
The formation of independent skills in work in children is facilitated by the creation of conditions for work. For this, the groups must be formed with the corners of work.
The material should be colorful, bright, safe and attractive to children.
To stimulate work activity, you can use the following methods:
1.Stimulating interest in the labor process:
creating a situation of interest;
cognitive games;
educational discussions.
2.Stimulating responsibility and responsibilities:
clarification of the purpose of work;
requirements for the organization of labor activity;
encouragement and punishment in labor.
To stimulate interest in activities, you can use:
Personal example of a teacher and parents. You can invite parents to kindergarten and clean the site with them, make a craft, organize a conversation where parents can tell where and how they work. Older children can compose stories about their parents' work.
Schemes and algorithms of labor activity: for the work of attendants, for caring for plants, for dressing, washing, etc. Algorithms allow children to use them both as teaching models (younger preschool age) and as a means of monitoring their activities (older preschool age).
Play situations: children help doll Katya dress for a walk, wash dirty and naughty kittens.
Social motives: to help the junior teacher to put things in order in the group, to help the kids get dressed, to seal the torn books for the kids.
Troubled Situations: Clutter in the Game Cabinet - What to Do? Katya's doll has dirty clothes - what to do?
Reading literary works, which shows the importance and value of work.
In kindergarten, children see how the adults around them (teachers and their parents) work, understand that it is work that brings real results, and understand that the most important component of work is getting a certain product. In labor activity, there is the awakening and development of the creative, intellectual, artistic, moral and volitional forces of the pupils, their desire for self-realization, interaction.

Unlike the work of adults, the labor activity of a preschooler does not create an objectively significant product, but is of great importance for his mental development. This is primarily due to the fact that the preparation of the child for future work activities begins long before her participation in socially useful work. The mental qualities of a person necessary for this activity are formed under the influence of living conditions and upbringing.

Labor activity is aimed at creating socially useful products - material and spiritual values ​​necessary for mankind.

The forms of labor activity of a preschooler are varied: self-service, fulfilling the duties of a duty officer, assigning adults, caring for indoor plants and animals, working at the kindergarten site, making products from paper, cardboard, wood, fabric, etc.

In preschool age, labor activity is just beginning to take shape, so adults play an especially important role in its organization and orientation. They should interest the child in this activity, explain its significance, direct and correct actions, and evaluate the results optimistically. It is important for the educator to organize joint work of the group, to find a place in it for the implementation of the efforts of each child, to help master rational methods of interaction, to form in oneself the ability to work for the common good, the ability to complete and carry out the assigned work as best as possible.

Due to insufficient attention of an adult in the process of labor activity of a preschooler, motivation may change, and he will work not in the interests of the collective, but for the pleasure of the labor process, its results, for example, from a toy made for himself. This means that the labor process in itself does not yet ensure the preservation of a social motive, it must be supported by an assessment of the child's achievements, focusing her attention on the importance of a common cause, and the like. Without this, the labor activity of a preschooler, especially at the initial stages of its formation, will not differ in any way from his usual productive activity.

During preschool childhood, the initial forms of labor activity form the preconditions for the development of various types of children's activity (primarily productive and play), the arbitrariness of his behavior, the purposefulness of actions, the introduction of planning elements, mastering labor skills. Thanks to this, the formation of labor activity itself takes place, the introduction of social motives in it.

Formation of psychological prerequisites for the preschooler's labor activity

At preschool age, it is necessary to form the psychological prerequisites for future work activity. These prerequisites are:

a) the ability to act expediently, in accordance with the circumstances and requirements of other people;

b) the development of voluntary hand movements, consistent with some of the physical and functional features of the objects used;

c) the ability to present the results of their actions earlier, plan the sequence of their implementation;

d) various motor skills.

Already in the first year of life, an intensive formation of arbitrary hand movements takes place, the foundations of the coordinated work of the hand and eye are laid, and effective actions appear. The child's mastery of speech creates the preconditions for verbal regulation of her actions, for the development of her ability to subordinate her behavior to the requirements of those around him.

By the beginning of preschool age, children master relatively developed actions that are effective in nature. Then comes the transition from productive to productive actions. The kid is already trying not only to use the finished object, but also to transform it, he develops the ability to imagine the results of his actions, plan their sequence, the desire to achieve a specific result.

Labor activity presupposes the presence of certain practical skills (for example, the ability to use the simplest tools), familiarization with the properties of materials. It requires the development of intellectual qualities (the ability to plan one's actions and foresee their results), a certain level of development of freedom (a steady desire to achieve a goal, to obtain a conceived product, the ability to subordinate behavior to set goals).

In productive types of activity (visual, constructive), there is a general development of voluntary actions, the formation of various motor skills. Self-service, visual activity, making products from a variety of materials require certain skills associated with the appropriate use of household items and the simplest tools. Thanks to this, according to P. Galperin, there is the formation of "gun operations" - specifically human skills, which consist in the ability to subordinate hand movements to the logic of the "tool" movement. Mastering them is extremely important for preparing a child for future work activities.

A special role in the development of labor activity belongs to the game, in which the motives of future socially useful activity are formed and manifested. Enriching the child with impressions, encouraging her to play, adults orient him to socially useful work, contribute to the development of a positive attitude towards her. In play, the child reflects the working life of adults, learns to build relationships, learns some labor operations. Given the specific features of the work of preschoolers it. Boulogne noted that at this age it is difficult to distinguish between it and play, the child does not see a big difference between them, because the highest form of labor (creative work), like play, also includes an element of enjoyment of the process of activity. "Therefore, by playing, the child prepares to creative work.

Observation of the role-playing games on everyday, production topics gives grounds for conclusions about the attitude of children to work, about what they consider to be the main thing in it, what relationships they reflect. Play as the leading activity of a preschooler helps to form a positive attitude towards work, its social motivation, moral relations. In games, the child learns the features of relationships, the motives of work, the qualities of people, if all this is a natural element of the game, and is not imposed from outside.

For example, a positive attitude towards self-service work, as observed by Y. Nevzerovich, overcomes the following stages:

1) the child's understanding of the meaning of the work offered to her for the team, with a simultaneous inability to start and finish the job. she needs systematic control of the educator and the children's collective. Under the influence of reminders, praise, condemnation, the child begins to assimilate the proper system of behavior;

2) implementation of self-service without external control. This occurs only during shifts and within the immediate responsibilities of the child;

3) self-initiative of performing work that the child previously performed only during shifts, efforts to help others. At this stage, an internal need for activity arises;

4) organization of activities based on the awareness of their duties as a duty officer, without external control. The child no longer needs to be constantly reminded of her duty, to reinforce her efforts with praise or condemnation;

b) the transfer of the child's experience of attitudes towards people and responsibilities to other conditions, other areas of activity (activities, games). In the new conditions, she also brings the matter to the end, helps others, is rooting for the high-quality implementation of the common cause. So, the experience formed in one kind of activity becomes the basis of the child's behavior in another kind of activity.

Not every child in the development of self-service labor necessarily and at the same speed overcomes all stages. In this area, there are significant individual differences that depend on the child's attitude to work responsibilities.

Labor activity human aimed at change, transformation of the surrounding world, to create a socially useful product . The purpose of labor is not in himself, but in his product. Motives labor have public character... This activity is carried out using special items - tools of labor... Therefore, the success of labor activity depends on how much a person owns actions with tools, has practical skills and abilities. Efficiency labor is provided setting his goal, planning a sequence of actions.

In early childhood manifests itself the child's desire to live a common life with an adult, to act like a big one. The child wants to perform labor actions, they are for him interesting and attractive .First labor skills the baby is formed due to the emergence of a stable interest in the world of objects and the desire to act with them. Tool ability is the main characteristic of labor. In the second half of the third year of life there is an important change in the child's self-awareness. Starts to take shape neoplasm, named by M.I. Lisina "Pride in their own achievements." Now the baby highlights the result of his actions and seeks to get a positive assessment from an adult. Exactly at orientation of their own actions and their result to another person located prerequisite for the formation of social motives of labor.

Towards the end of early childhood baby begins to realize the effectiveness of labor actions. Establishing a connection between an action and its result allows suggest future outcome ... Prerequisites appear planning and control... The development of speech is of great importance in the development of instrumental actions. The prerequisites for labor activity are formed in the child's objective activity and are associated with the development of self-awareness and personality.

Expanding interaction a preschooler with others, an increase in his physical and mental capabilities leads to expanding the scope of labor actions and the emergence of new types of labor. The very first of these is self-service work, then household work. two types of orientation of this type of labor. At first, focus on organizing their own household activities. Secondly, focus on facilitating the work of another person. Child labor in nature. Manual labor requires complex tool actions, preschoolers master it from about five years old - productive nature. It can be concluded that at the heart of the preschooler's mastering of different types of labor lie two interrelated trends caused by the complication of its components. The first connected with increasing independence of the child within the limits of the skills he has formed. At the same time preschooler more and more joins in a joint life with an adult while doing normal day-to-day duties with him.

Complicating manifestations of independence connected with the complication of the forms of organization of labor activity:joint work with an adult .Assignment, obligation, work on one's own initiative .

The work activity of a preschooler does not lead to receiving objectively significant product, but is of great importance for the mental development of the child himself. The specifics of the preschooler's work is that he closely related to the game... In labor activity, the child establishes a more direct, direct connection with an adult life than a game.

In labor activity preschoolers emphasize use of tools, performance of labor operations, indicate objective purpose of labor, its socially useful orientation. Play is viewed by children as activity for pleasure and labor as important work... According to a study conducted by A.N. Belous, a senior preschooler names from 4 to 15 professions.

Child comprehends the meaning of professional activity, understands the need for each profession, develops a respectful attitude towards the work of adults.

Labor activity of a preschooler develops in several directions.

At first is happening complication of its components.

Secondly, this complication leads to development of new types and forms of labor.

Throughout the preschool age get complicated learned by children labor actions. Gradually they become more accurate, fast and coordinated. In preschool age, joint work with peers develops. Choosing partners for joint work carried out not only on the basis of sympathy, but also with taking into account the availability of labor skills and abilities of the peer. "The joy of labor is a powerful educational force",- wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Hard work, formed by a preschooler, the most important personality trait .Let's point out the features in the development of the preschooler's labor activity:

Social motives of labor are formed;

Labor skills and abilities are expanding and becoming more complex;

Goal setting, planning and self-control are formed;

The child's independence in work is expanding, which makes it possible to complicate the forms of labor activity;

Joint work with peers is taking shape;

There is a need to work and the habit of regular work, which characterize hard work;

An idea of ​​the work of adults is being formed.

In our time, a generalized image of a person who meets the requirements of the twenty-first century has already emerged in the public consciousness. He is a physically healthy, educated creative person, capable of purposeful social work, building his own life, a sphere of living and communication, in accordance with the fundamental moral principles. Therefore, the problem of fostering independence in kindergarten at the present stage of the life of society acquires special relevance and significance.

The first manifestations of independence in children's activities are seen even in preschool age. Every healthy child strives, within the limits of his still small possibilities, for some independence from adults in everyday practical life. The foundation of independence is laid at the border of early and preschool age, the further development of independence as a personal quality during preschool childhood is associated with the development of the main types of activity: play, household work, design, artistic and educational activities. Each type of children's activity has a peculiar influence on the development of activity and initiative, the search for adequate ways of self-expression in activity, the development of methods of self-control, on the upbringing of the volitional aspect of independence, etc.

In the practice of preschool education, a special place is given to the problem of independence of the preschooler in everyday work. Self-reliance is brought up when children fulfill their obligations to serve themselves and loved ones; the level of independence is associated with the development of social experience of labor activity, the possibility of the child's manifestation of the subject position in labor. The independence of children unfolds from independence of a reproductive nature to independence with elements of creativity, with a steady increase in the role of children's consciousness, self-control and self-esteem in the implementation of activities.

1. Features of labor activity in preschool age.

The main task of labor education of preschoolers is the formation of a correct attitude to work. It can be successfully solved only on the basis of taking into account the peculiarities of this activity in comparison with play, activities, based on taking into account the age characteristics of the child.

Forming industriousness in children, it is necessary to teach them to set goals, find ways to achieve it, and get a result corresponding to the goal.

The goal for the child is first set by the teacher. In the upbringing of children of younger preschool age, the teacher usually encounters procedural actions characteristic of this age, in some cases they can also take place in children of 4-5 years old.

The child's desire to do something on his own is an important factor in the formation of his personality.

The goal set for the child by the teacher must be calculated for the possibility of its implementation. Therefore, when shaping the purposeful activities of children, work that is beyond their strength should be avoided.

In the work of young children, there must also be more distant goals. You should not follow the path of attracting to work only those children who already know how to work, it is necessary to involve in work those children who do not yet know how to work, they need to be taught what they do not yet know how to do.

In the formation of purposeful activity in the development of skills and desire to work, it is important motives, determining the labor activity of children, their desire to achieve a high result of work.

In the child's labor activity, his own creative activity is of great importance: thinking over the upcoming activity, selecting the necessary materials and tools, overcoming certain difficulties in achieving the intended result.

Preliminary work planning is most often carried out by the teacher. It should be borne in mind that it should not take more time than the labor process itself.

Elementary planning can be done by children 5 - 7 years old. The ability to plan work is most successfully formed in the work process. In the classroom, the plan is most often proposed by the teacher, since here the main task is to teach the child what he does not yet know how to do.

In order to teach a child to plan their activities, you need to give him an example. It is important to train your child in preliminary thinking about their activities. Children are asked questions: “Think about how you will do, where will you start? What tool will you work with first? How much material do you need? "

Children should be put in the conditions of the need to preliminarily think about the process of activity.

Summing up the results at the end of the work has a certain effect on children. “Look, children, how we cleanly washed the toys, worked together, together, quickly did everything,” says the teacher.

The ability to correctly assess the result of work, to compare their achievements with the achievements of others, develops in children in the course of accumulating experience in comparing and analyzing the results of activities.

When fostering an interest in work in children, it is very important to remember that it is necessary to achieve a high quality result from children gradually, in accordance with the strengths and skills they develop.

2. Forms of organization of labor of children.

The work of preschool children in kindergarten is organized in three main forms: in the form of assignments, shifts, and collective labor activity.

Assignments- these are tasks that the teacher periodically gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual capabilities, experience, and educational tasks.

Assignments can be short-term or long-term, individual or general, simple (containing one not complex concrete action) or more complex, including a whole chain of sequential actions.

The fulfillment of labor assignments contributes to the formation of children's interest in work, a sense of responsibility for the task entrusted to them. The child must concentrate attention, show a strong-willed effort to bring the matter to the end and inform the teacher about the fulfillment of the assignment.

In younger groups, assignments are individual, specific and simple, contain one or two actions (lay spoons on the table, bring a watering can, remove dresses from the doll for washing, etc.). Such elementary tasks include children in activities aimed at the benefit of the collective, in conditions when they still cannot organize work on their own motivation.

In the middle group, the teacher instructs the children to independently wash doll clothes, wash toys, sweep paths, shovel sand into a heap. These tasks are more difficult, because they contain not only several actions, but also elements of self-organization (prepare a place for work, determine its sequence, etc.).

In the older group, individual assignments are organized in those types of work in which children have insufficiently developed skills, or when they are taught new skills. Individual assignments are also given to children in need of additional education or especially careful control (when the child is inattentive, often distracted), i.e. if necessary, individualize the methods of exposure.

In the preparatory group for school, when performing general assignments, children must show the necessary skills of self-organization, and therefore the teacher is more demanding of them, moves from explanation to control, reminder.

Duty roster- a form of organization of the work of children, which presupposes the obligatory performance by the child of work aimed at serving the collective. Children are alternately involved in different types of shifts, which ensures their regular participation in work. The appointment and change of attendants takes place daily. Shifts are of great educational value. They put the child in the conditions of the obligatory fulfillment of certain tasks necessary for the team. This allows children to develop responsibility to the team, caring, as well as an understanding of the need for their work for everyone.

In the younger group, in the process of completing assignments, the children acquired the skills necessary for setting the table, and became more independent when performing work. This makes it possible for the middle group to introduce canteen duty at the beginning of the year. There is one person on duty at each table every day. In the second half of the year, preparation shifts are introduced. In the older groups, duty in a corner of nature is introduced. The attendants change daily, each of the children systematically participates in all types of shifts.

The most difficult form of organizing the work of children is collective labor... It is widely used in the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten, when skills become more sustainable, and the results of labor have practical and social significance. Children already have sufficient experience of participating in various types of duties, in carrying out various assignments. The increased opportunities allow the teacher to solve more complex problems of labor education: he teaches children to negotiate the upcoming work, work at the right pace, and complete the task at a certain time. In the older group, the educator uses such a form of uniting children as common work, when children receive a common task for all and when a general result is summed up at the end of the work.

Labor activity in preschool age is in its infancy and manifests itself, first of all, as a productive imitative activity. The emergence of labor activity often occurs in connection with the game or its process.

When we talk about the work of children, we recognize some of its conditionality in comparison with the work of adults. The value of child labor is in its educational value.

Timely involvement of a preschool child in feasible work is necessary for his versatile development. Labor requires and develops intelligence, observation, attention, thinking, memory in a preschooler. Work is especially important for the moral education of a child. In work, independence is brought up, initiative, responsibility, and diligence are developed. It also has considerable opportunities for the manifestation of the individuality of the child, his "self".

The formation of each component of labor activity (goal, motives, planning, process of activity, result) has its own characteristics.

The labor activity of preschoolers is prompted by various motives. The same process of work and the resulting product may have different psychological meanings, depending on whether the child does it for his own pleasure or in order to achieve a result useful to other people.

Younger preschoolers have a more pronounced interest in the external side of labor (attractive actions, tools and material, result). For older preschoolers, motives of a social nature are becoming increasingly important. They manifest themselves as a desire to do something useful to loved ones: parents, kindergarten staff, friends, kids. Motives can be: the child's desire to receive an approving assessment of an adult, the consciousness of his own skills and the ability to independently achieve the result of work, interest in joint activities with children and adults, cognitive interest, personal practical or play interest.

There is a close connection between motivation and the behavior of children at work. So, if children are encouraged to work only by submission to the requirements of an adult, then the work is done well to the end only with constant supervision. If a child works for the praise of an adult, then he does well only what he was entrusted with, and is always waiting for an assessment.

Depending on the motive, children's relationships change in the labor process. In the presence of a social motive, children tend to help each other, show goodwill, interest in the result, in a common cause.

The task of moral and labor education is that it is not selfish motives of personal success or only personal benefit, not so much the motives of the external, procedural attractiveness of activity, as motives of a social nature that are prompted to work.

In the process of work, adults and children act together, directing efforts to achieve a common result. This does not mean that the teacher from the beginning to the end does the work together with the pupils. It is important for children to see the adult's interest in achieving a common goal.

In work, the leading ones are subject-tool actions, with the help of which the result is achieved. The mastery of the simplest tools of labor, tool actions occurs already at an early and preschool age.

Younger preschoolers are not yet able to independently assess the result of their work. This is done by the educator after the end of the labor process.

In older preschoolers, work begins to change. They develop assessment criteria, overcome its categorical nature and lack of motivation. The interaction of the educator with the children, his pedagogical assessment, personal example largely contribute to this.

All the work of preschool educators in introducing children to work is based on the following principles:

Conformity to nature and individualization - involves taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children in work;

Humanization - manifests itself in the orientation of the teacher to the personality of the child, taking into account his needs, interests and opportunities, presenting reasonable and feasible requirements; children in work, giving them freedom in choosing the content of work;

Cooperation with the families of pupils is also shown to help parents in the labor education of the child: determining the content of the child's work at home, the joint work of parents and children, disclosing the importance of communication between adults and children in joint work, showing parents how to manage the work of children.