Lecture notes for modeling in the early age group. Modeling lessons in the first and second junior groups on different topics

Rosenblum Alla
Summary of a modeling lesson in the nursery group "Rain"

Abstract "Rain" (modeling, nursery group).

Target: To create images of "rain" from plasticine - pinch off pieces, apply to the background, attach, press, apply, with your fingers.

Task. Arouse interest in depicting rain with the educator and other children. To teach to observe the teacher's design work. Develop a sense of form, hand motor skills, perception. To foster interest in natural phenomena, curiosity, independence, interest in joint creativity with a teacher and other children.

Demonstration and handout material: a picture with the image of a rainbow with clouds, 1/2 sheet of colored cardboard with the image of "clouds", plasticine of different colors (white, red, blue yellow) for each child, a plasticine knife, a board for working with plasticine.

Course of the lesson:

educator- Guys, why do we stay in the group so often and don't go out?

children- Because of the rain.

educator- Do you know why the clouds are crying and it is raining?

children- No.

educator- because the clouds quarreled with the rainbow (I show a photo of the rainbow and the clouds together). Look what beautiful light clouds were when they were friends with the rainbow. And what a beautiful multi-colored rainbow. What are the colors of the rainbow in this picture?

children- Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet.

educator- Do you know why they had a fight?

children- Do not know

educator- You see, they did not share the sky, as sometimes you cannot share toys among yourself. But there is a solution, it is necessary to reconcile the rainbow and the clouds again, then the rains will probably stop and we will be able to walk on our site.

To do this, today we will make a multi-colored rain from plasticine.

educator- Look, I have prepared pictures of clouds on multi-colored cardboard boxes and multi-colored plasticine for you.

Tell me the colors of the plasticine that lie in front of you.

children- white, red, blue, yellow.

educator- well done! from this plasticine we will make a multi-colored rain. Watch carefully how I will make the droplets for the rain.

First, I cut off a small piece of yellow plasticine with a special plasticine knife, roll a ball out of it, put it on a cardboard under the cloud pattern and press it with my finger, like this.

Now I do the same with red plasticine (showing).

Do you understand how we will make a multi-colored rain?

children- Yes.

The teacher distributes the blanks to the children and helps in working with the plasticine.

educator- How wonderful you did it! And now we will hang our works on the wonderful tree in the dressing room opposite the window so that the clouds look into it, admire your works and no longer cry, but rather make peace with the rainbow as soon as possible!

Related publications:

Purpose: to continue acquaintance of children with plasticine, with its properties, to teach children to transfer the characteristic features of a turtle in modeling, to share.

The author is the educator of the junior group MBDOU number 10 Petrova Oksana Vladimirovna Integration of areas: Artistic - aesthetic development, speech.

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MAOU "Progymnasium of Blagoveshchensk"
Summary of a modeling lesson in the nursery group "It is snowing".
Educator: Kramarchuk Zhanna Mikhailovna
Time: 12/23/2016
Purpose: To teach children to press with the index finger on the plasticine ball, attaching it to the base, to place the plasticine balls at an equal distance from each other. To form a sense of color, interest in working with plasticine. Develop fine motor skills. To bring up accuracy, respect for their work.
Modeling technique: pressing the balls with your finger from above (snow).
Materials: sheets of cardboard in black and purple according to the number of children
white plasticine, rolled into small balls with a diameter of 6 mm (8 balls for each child), a ready-made sample of the work, a toy-zebra
Course of the lesson
Surprise moment: Zebra Anfisa from Africa came to visit.
Appeal to children:
- Guys, look who came to us? Who is this? (zebra)
- Guys, the zebra came to us from Africa, her name is Anfisa. It's always hot there, summer all year round. And she came to us to see the real winter.
- Let's tell, what kind of winter we have? (cold, long)
- What crunches under your feet when you go to kindergarten? (snow)
- Snowflakes whirl in the air and fall to the ground.
- Tell the zebra, is the snow cold or warm? (cold)
Finger game "Let's warm our fingers".
We collected the snow with our hands, Our fingers are tired. We will rub them, We will warm them. To make it hotter, (Vigorously knead Vigorously squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands. Vigorously rub palm on palm. (2 times)) - Anfisa asks what color is the snow? (White)
Zebra: - Thank you guys, you are interested, told in detail about the snow, but I'm afraid that when I go home, I will forget everything.
Appeal to children:
- Guys, let's make a snowball for the zebra and her friends on a winter night?
- Our snow will fall on a warm night.
- This is how we will have a dark night (I demonstrate the purple cardboard), and this is such a snowball (I show the prepared balls).
- I take a snowball in my hand and put it on cardboard, and this is how I lay out all the snowballs. And then, as I put all the snowballs on the cardboard, I press them with my finger.
- Look how it snowed. First one snowflake, then another, another and another. ... ...
- What a beautiful snowy winter night!
- And now you try to mold your own beautiful, snowy, winter night, and the zebra will watch you and learn to show your friends at home how you can make a snowball.
I lay out a sheet of purple cardboard and prepared balls for each child.
In the process of work, I draw the attention of children to the fact that it is necessary to sculpt carefully, not to stain the table. Do not drop plasticine on the floor, do not put it in your mouth.
If the child does not succeed, help him.
Appeal to children:
- These are great fellows! Everyone got a beautiful, snowy, winter night.
I appeal to the zebra: - Anfisa, look how our kids have tried.
After the children show the zebra their work, I propose to dance for her, as snowflakes dance on the street - to spin. Dance of snowflakes. Music: Gelsyat Shaydulova Farewell to the Zebra.
Appeal to children:
- It's time for the Zebra to go home, to her in Africa.
- Thank you guys for showing me real snow. Goodbye!

This material will be useful for educators working with children in a nursery group (1st junior).

Modeling classes with young children can be carried out both individually (for the best result), and combined in groups of 2-5 people (depending on the abilities of each baby). Initial classes are held for 4-8 minutes with each subgroup, and it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each child.

To conduct a modeling lesson, it is necessary to prepare the following materials: mass for modeling (clay, plasticine, dough), having previously prepared it; plaques and additional materials at the discretion of the teacher (by age).

First, you need to acquaint children with the properties of clay or plasticine (elastic, soft), then teach them carefully, handle the material used, and also bring to the understanding of children that anything can be molded from plasticine (clay).

The teacher sits down at the table with the children and explains all the necessary actions with plasticine, shows and explains in advance what he is doing, while observing the slow pace of speech, clear and consistent instructions for conducting the lesson. Step-by-step explanations are necessary for kids in each lesson, and only at the age of three years they will be able to independently use some skills in their activities. In addition to the lesson on the assignment, the teacher offers children sculpting according to the plan, where they can consolidate the acquired knowledge, combine the received forms at their own request.

The lesson should be carried out in an interesting and playful way, which should please the children and become a fun activity in the future. In no case should a child be forced to do modeling if he does not want to. You can avoid the child's negative attitude to modeling by easy manipulations with plasticine. For example, if a teacher, during independent games, takes plasticine and sculpts, gradually involving children in this activity. ("Do you want to do the same?") You can also invite the child to examine the box with plasticine, touch it, wrinkle it, or not forcibly offer to transfer the pieces of plasticine to another box, as if focusing the child's attention on this material.

In the process of work, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that it is necessary to sculpt carefully, not to dirty the table, not to drop plasticine on the floor, not to take it in your mouth, and wash your hands after sculpting. If from the first days of modeling lessons with children, these basic rules of work are fixed, then in the future there will be no problems, and the children will carefully use the working material. As the children become familiar with the material, learn how to use it, you can move on to frontal activities with the whole group. Teaching techniques are visual and effective in nature. At first, the children imitate the actions of the teacher, repeating the shaping movements.

It is important that the children note the relationship between the nature of the actions and the resulting form, and therefore the teacher not only shows, but also explains.

It is not necessary for everyone to finish the lesson together; children can turn off from the lesson at will, having previously shown their work to the teacher.

In no case should you destroy their work in front of the kids, as this can lead to stressful and negative moments.

In order to better and more efficiently consolidate the skills and abilities of children in sculpting, you should carry out and involve them in this activity as often as possible.

In the twentieth century, much attention was paid to the development of fine motor skills in children. Researchers have established a link between the frequent and regular activities of children with small objects and various materials and the development of thinking abilities. The child draws with finger paints, crumples plasticine with his hands, studies various surfaces of objects - receptors at the fingertips are activated, nerve endings transmit signals to the cerebral cortex, information enters the visual, thinking, and speech centers. Therefore, it is so important to study art for preschoolers - drawing, applique, modeling.

Teaching modeling in the younger groups of kindergarten: goals, objectives, techniques

Modeling is one of the oldest types of fine art. Working with soft, plastic material, the child learns to create images of the world around him. He gets acquainted with the concepts of color, shape, space. Unlike drawing, modeling allows you to make a three-dimensional image, for young children it is easier for conventional images in a drawing and applique.

Pupils master the rolling technique

In order for modeling lessons to bring results, it is important not to overload the pupils with work, to give tasks that are feasible for their age characteristics. Then the sculpting process will bring satisfaction, interest in creativity will not fade away and the desire to improve will grow.

Let us consider in the form of a table what educational goals and objectives are set for the pupils of the first and younger groups and what modeling techniques are available for mastering in these age categories.

Age group Age features Sculpting goals Tasks Techniques
First youngest (2-3 years old) the predominance of visual-active thinking;
development of objective activity;
improvement of visual and auditory orientations;
development of independence
achieving an understanding of the figurative nature of modeling to arouse pupils' interest in visual activity (modeling);
to acquaint with plastic material and its properties;
education of accuracy, perseverance
rolling out;
pinching off;
creation of the simplest forms (ball, cylinder, disk);
arrangement of figures based on
Second youngest (3-4 years old) the main activity is the game;
the need to communicate with peers increases;
the formation of interest in collective activities;
the simultaneous work of both hands is coordinated;
the need for cognitive communication with adults increases
developing interest in visualization teach the distinction of shape, size, number of objects;
encourage creative activity;
generate interest in collective action
improvement of previously mastered techniques;
attempts to create a composition;
working with tools (pointed stick, stacks);
the use of a variety of materials for decoration (including waste and natural)

The difference between modeling and plasticine and plasticine mosaics

Modeling is the creation of an object by shaping a plastic material (plasticine, clay, dough). When preschoolers master the basic techniques of modeling, they will be able to master more complex types of fine art, combining various techniques for creating object images. The pupils will work with plasticine all the time, in the middle and senior groups they will get acquainted with plasticine painting and will make a mosaic from plasticine.

An example of a finished work performed in a sculpting lesson

Plasticine - the creation of an image by applying plasticine to the base, in other words, the creation of a "plasticine picture".

Work performed in the technique of plasticinography

Plasticine mosaic - creating a visual image by attaching plasticine elements to the base, on which the contour of the image is applied. The pupil will begin to mosaic creativity when the skills of creating an applique are mastered.

Mosaic and plasticinography are the upcoming stages of work in the middle, senior and preparatory groups of a kindergarten. Remember, the child should be given a feasible task! Stress at work, unsatisfactory results due to fatigue are stressful situations that should be avoided.

Varieties of modeling in younger groups

  1. Object modeling is the creation of a three-dimensional object from the surrounding reality. During the lesson, pupils learn new techniques for sculpting an object. It can be a carrot, a cube, a chair, a snowman, a nesting doll, a cup, etc.
  2. Subject modeling - sculpting individual objects and creating a composition from them on a horizontal basis. This type of sculpting is suitable for group activities in younger groups. The finished work is an image of a small plot: birds peck grains, a bunny treats itself to a carrot, a kitten rolls a ball, etc.
  3. Decorative molding - creating dishes, decorating blanks in the style of folk art. For example, decorating a plate with a Gzhel pattern, sculpting a whistle, toys, decorating the base with plasticine elements (pattern on mittens, dress, etc.).
  4. Modeling on a plane - attaching plasticine elements to the base. This type of sculpting is suitable for the themes: "It's Raining", "The Sun", "Rowan Branch", "Ladder", etc.
  5. Collective modeling is the creation of a common work from plasticine. Each pupil makes separate elements or objects, which are then attached to the base in accordance with the compositional concept. It is used in the classroom: "Centipede", "Our city", "Mushroom meadow", "Treat for a doll", etc.

Materials used in modeling lessons in younger groups

Material Peculiarities Availability
Plasticine Soft, pliable, easy to clean from the work surface and skin of the hands. The most suitable material for modeling in younger groups. To create a composition on paper or cardboard surfaces, you should choose non-greasy plasticine to avoid oil stains.
Made from environmentally friendly materials, safe to work with the smallest children. Salted dough must be prepared in advance for the lesson:

Recipe number 1.
- one and a half glasses of flour
- a glass of table salt
- half a glass of cold water
Mix all the ingredients by pouring in water gradually.

Recipe number 2.
- a glass of table salt
- a glass of flour
- 5 tablespoons of sunflower oil
- some water at room temperature
Mix flour with salt. Add oil and water to the resulting mixture. Mix. To color the finished dough, you can use carrot or beet juice (the color disappears in a day or two), gouache or diluted food colors (as for coloring Easter eggs).

Recipe number 3.
- two glasses of flour
- a glass of table salt
- half a glass of water at room temperature
- a tablespoon of hand cream or a little sunflower oil
Knead the dough from flour, salt and water. To give the resulting mass elasticity, add cream or oil, stir until smooth.

Natural material, familiarity with which expands the pupils' knowledge of the world around them. Difficult material for work in modeling lessons for preschoolers. Requires mastery of basic modeling techniques and great care. The finished clay product requires a long drying time. It is allowed to conduct an introductory lesson in the second junior group.
Ready-made plastics Very lightweight and flexible material. Dries quickly, which allows the product to be used in games. Expensive material. You should choose plastics without the addition of strong flavors to avoid allergic reactions.

Sculpting materials

Ideal for modeling in younger groups Ready-made mass for modeling Options for coloring the material with food dyes Material for an introductory lesson in the second younger group
Ready-made plastic mass Bright, light, quick-drying material for modeling

Sculpting as a topic for the self-education of the educator

Self-education is an important part of the pedagogical process and professional growth of the educator. In the work of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to constantly introduce innovative technologies and the latest methods, but it must be implemented meaningfully.

Self-education memo:

  • take into account the age characteristics of each age category of preschoolers, highlight behavioral, cognitive, and creative features for a specific group of pupils;
  • acquaintance with the novelties of methodological literature;
  • monitoring of pedagogical portals and periodical literature, to evaluate the experience and results of the use of innovative methods of education by other teachers;
  • application of the knowledge gained in practice (use of new techniques in work, attraction of ICT, etc.);
  • raising the level of pedagogical skills;
  • mandatory registration of the results of the work: holding a round table, a thematic seminar or master class, an open lesson.

Options for wording topics for self-development:

  • The use of interactive teaching methods in the classroom of fine arts (modeling).
  • Sculpting in kindergarten: the use of modern methods of early development.
  • Integrated classes in the younger groups of the kindergarten.
  • Productive activity of preschoolers and its development in modeling lessons.

Modeling classes

Modeling lesson is a form of organizing the educational process to transfer knowledge, skills, and abilities to pupils. The lesson is clearly time-bound. In the first younger group, the duration of the modeling lesson is 10 minutes, in the second younger group - no more than 15 minutes. The first introductory modeling lessons, if possible, should be carried out in subgroups of 5-6 people.

Sculpting project is a joint activity of all pupils, aimed at achieving a common goal. The methods and techniques used are coordinated to achieve the best result. The sculpting project involves a large time span. For example, the preparatory stage of the project is September, the main stage is October, and the final stage is November. The theme of the project must be relevant. It is recommended to plan the project activities so that the end of the work is associated with any event in the life of the kindergarten (Autumn Festival, New Year's party, May 1, Victory Day, Mother's Day, etc.). Topics for long-term projects: "Kolobok", "Cooks", "Migratory birds", "Hello winter winter!", "Mushroom meadow".

Short term project for modeling covers a shorter period of time, as a rule, several weeks. Here, it is often assumed that the pupils and their parents work together (a family project). Examples of short-term projects: "My house", "My room", "Our street", "Our city", "Christmas tree toy", "At the samovar".

Modeling in the first junior group

At the age of 2-3 years, preschoolers get acquainted with plastic materials - plasticine and salt dough. The main teaching technique in modeling lessons in the first junior group is to show actions. The teacher shows how to roll a ball, flatten it into a disk or roll a sausage out of it, and the children repeat. Pupils work with plasticine with one hand, they master the creation of simple shapes. The teacher reveals to the children the pictorial nature of modeling: he shows how to create a three-dimensional image of objects from figures.

Classroom topics

Generalized topic
"Vegetables and fruits" "Carrot", "Cucumbers", "Tomato", "Orange", "Berries" "Bunny Carrot", "Fruit Basket", "Berry Jam"
"Pets" "Cat", "Pig" "Balls for a kitten", "Chickens on the lawn"
"Treat" "Gingerbread", "Drying", "Bagels", "Sweets" "Gingerbread for a bear", "Nuts for a squirrel", "Bake pancakes"
"Birds" "Migratory birds", "Kernels for a chicken", "Worms for a chicken"
"Nature" "Twigs", "Grass", "Sun", "Cloud", "Sunflower", "Bump" "Twigs for a goat", "Cones for a squirrel", "A bouquet of sunflowers"
"The buildings" "Ladder", "Bridge", "Fence", "Sticks for the roof" "Fence for a goat", "Log cabin"
"Simple forms" "Peas", "Vitamins" "Let's treat the mouse with peas", "Crumbs for ducklings"
"Winter" "Snowman", "Snowflakes are Falling" "New Year's ball", "Decorating the Christmas tree"
"Toys" "Pipe", "Colored balls" "Tumblers"

Technological maps for sculpting in the first junior group.

Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Instructions for sculpting Instructions for sculpting Instructions for sculpting Instructions for sculpting Instructions for sculpting

Examples of work on object sculpting

Reception of rolling, joining of parts, decoration by design Reception of rolling Reception of rolling Reception of rolling, rolling, flattening, joining Techniques of flattening and rolling

Examples of sculpting on a plane.

Example of work Supplementing the workpiece with rays and a face Supplementing the workpiece Supplementing the drawing based on plasticine elements (pods), supplementing them with natural material (dried peas) Applying plasticine elements to the base Applying plasticine elements to the curly base Example of a short-term project Applying two types of plasticine elements to the base in accordance with a plan

Time plan for modeling in the first junior group

  1. Demonstration by the teacher of the fulfillment of the techniques 1 minute.
  2. Independent implementation of the practical task by the pupils for 4 minutes.
  3. Demonstration and discussion of works 1 minute.
  4. Summing up 1 minute.

Examples of using introductory material

Lesson topic Using introductory material
"Vegetables for a hedgehog" Game "Collect vegetables"
The teacher pre-arranged plastic vegetables in the room (on the table, under the table, behind the curtain, on the shelf of the closet, etc.). He offers to collect these vegetables in a bucket while the melody sounds (turns on on the audio player).
When the vegetables are collected, the pupils sit on the chairs, the teacher takes vegetables from the bucket in turn and conducts a conversation with the children: what color is the vegetable, what shape, what is the feel.

Game "Know by touch"
The teacher instructs the children to close their eyes and stretch their arms forward. He puts a plastic vegetable in the palm of each person, having studied the surface and shape of which, the pupils must name it.
The teacher accompanies each answer with the reading of a poem:

As in our garden
Tomato rose
Juicy and large
Look, here he is.

Mom will make a salad
And feed all the guys.
It's long and green
Sometimes fresh, sometimes salty
It grows in the garden
We are loved by all the people
That's what a fine fellow he is,
And it's called a cucumber.

"Snowing" Surprise situation.
At the beginning of the lesson, a knock is unexpectedly heard at the door (a previously prepared junior teacher, dressed up as a monkey, knocks).
The teacher welcomes the obligatory - a guest from distant Africa. Asks the children what they know about Africa (what kind of weather prevails there, what trees and fruits grow, what animals live). Then he asks the monkey if she knows what winter and snow are (of course not). He asks the guys to take turns to tell about this southern guest.
The monkey says goodbye to the guys, thanks for the interesting conversation and says that he will miss the snow. Then the teacher invites the children to mold plasticine snowflakes to the monkey as a gift so that she can take them with her to Africa, because the plasticine snow will not melt.
"Berries for birds" Game situation.
A titmouse bird arrives to visit the guys (a toy, possibly chirping; it’s great if it’s a toy for your hand). She tells the children how good and satisfying it was in the summer, and now (in the fall) it is difficult to find food. The bird asks if the boy has any treats. The teacher invites the children to mold plasticine berries for the bird.
But the bird is tired of the journey, so the teacher invites her to send a nursery rhyme with the children:
Kolya is riding on a stick,
Sasha is in the cart,
Nut clicks. -

and see how children can play fun.

The game "Chiki, chiki".
An audio recording of the Russian folk song "Chiki, Chiki, Chikalochki" is played.
Two children run in a circle ("riding in a cart"), the rest of the children wave their hands after them. After that, two other children are selected and so on, until all the pupils "ride".

An example of a modeling lesson program in the first junior group

Author: Rozanova Elena Viktorovna, educator of GBDOU D / s No. 1, Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg.

Topic of the lesson: "Gingerbread".

  1. Software content:
    1. The development of possession of the method of rolling plasticine.
    2. Learning a new technique - flattening.
    3. Education of accuracy, perseverance, polite communication with peers.
  2. Materials used:
    Doll, gingerbread, plasticine, sculpting boards.

    Course of the lesson:

    In the group, a doll table is set, around which the teacher gathers the children. The children are informed that other toys will come to visit the doll for tea, she set the table, but there is no treat. The teacher conducts a conversation with the children: he asks if they drink tea at home with the mothers, what they treat themselves to. He invites the pupils to help the doll, gives the task - to prepare a treat from plasticine.
    Pupils sit at their desks, the teacher shows them a gingerbread, describes its shape. The teacher demonstrates how to work with plasticine: rolls into a ball, flattens it between the palms. Then he asks the pupils to show with their hands in the air what actions they will take with plasticine in order to mold the gingerbread.

    Physical education:

    I bake, bake, bake
    Children all on a pie
    And for dear mommy
    I'll bake two gingerbread cookies.
    Eat, eat mommy
    Delicious two gingerbread
    I'll call the guys
    I'll treat you to pies.
    (The pupils accompany the words of the song with movements of their hands.)

  3. Modeling from plasticine.
    Pupils independently work with plasticine. For those children who have difficulties with completing the assignment, the teacher must individually once again show the techniques of rolling and flattening.
  4. Composition design.
    The teacher invites each pupil to put a plasticine gingerbread on the table for tea drinking.

    Completion of the game plot.
    The guys are seating toys at the doll table (guests have come), pouring tea, handing out gingerbread to the guests. The tea party was successful!

Video: Open lesson on modeling in the first junior group on the topic "Grains for a bird"

Modeling in the second junior group

Pupils of the second junior group are prepared for modeling lessons. They are familiar with the properties of plasticine and salt dough, they know what forms can be molded from plastic materials and with what methods. There is a perception of the size of different objects, their color, quantity and position in the composition. The connection between hand movements and shape creation becomes clearer for the child. The coordinated work of both hands is formed.

The main form of activity in children of 3-4 years old is a game, the elements of which the teacher must use in the water material of the classes. With children of this age, you can often engage in story modeling and collective modeling.

Card file of topics for modeling lessons in the second junior group

Generalized topic Theme options for an individual form of work Theme options for team and project activities
"Pretzels", "Gingerbread", "Cookies", "Bagels", "Bagels" "Treat for a doll", "Gift for a kitten", "Bones for a puppy", "Plates for three bears"
"Fruits and vegetables" Banana, Apple, Pear, Radish "Canning Fruit", "Wheelbarrow with the Harvest", "Bucket with Carrots"
"Pets" "Cat", "Chicken", "Puppy" "Chickens on a perch"
"Plate", "Cup", "Cup and saucer", "Spoon", "Knife" "Happy Tea Party", "Bowls for Kittens"
"Furniture" "Chair", "Table", "Stool" "My room", "Our living room"
"Clothes and footwear" "Button", "Mitten", "Scarf", "Slippers", "Hat" "Let's decorate mittens", "Shoes for the mouse"
"Insects" "Caterpillar", "Ladybug", "Bee", "Butterfly"
"Nature" "Raindrops", "Snail", "Grass", "Fluffy Clouds", "Fish", "Fly agaric", "Rainbow", "Flower", "Tree" "Mushroom Glade", "Forest Edge", "Migratory Birds"
"Wild and exotic animals" "Fox", "Wolf", "Bunny", "Hedgehog", "Snake", "Boa constrictor", "Seahorse" "In the winter forest", "Round dance of bunnies", "At the bottom of the sea"

Technological cards for sculpting in the second junior group

This work is suitable for work in a subgroup Instructions for object sculpting Instructions for object sculpting using a pointed stick Instructions for object sculpting Instructions for object sculpting Instructions for object sculpting (rolling, rolling, flattening, stretching, joining) - complex work, suitable for working in subgroup Instructions on object sculpting Instructions on object sculpting Instructions on object sculpting Instructions on sculpting (the stage of decoration is difficult for children 3-4 years old) Instructions for sculpting treats

Examples of finished works of pupils of the second junior group

An example of subject modeling Subject modeling Examples of works Example of modeling on a plane Examples of works Example of subject modeling A sculpting project Examples of works Examples of works from salt dough Examples of works Examples of subject modeling Examples of subject modeling using additional material Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork Subject modeling Example of works from salt test Examples of work Folk theme in a modeling lesson Modeling a person in a younger group

Time plan for modeling in the second junior group

    1. Organizational moment 1 minute.

      Introduction to the topic of the lesson, use of motivating material 2-3 minutes.

      The teacher's oral instructions on the stages of the work, the answer to the questions is 2-3 minutes.

      Independent implementation of a practical task by pupils for 5–6 minutes.

      Demonstration and discussion of works for 1-2 minutes.

      Summing up 1 minute.

Examples of the use of introductory material in modeling lessons in the second junior group

Lesson topic Use of motivational material
"Candy for Mom" Role-playing game.
The doll table is set for tea drinking. The mother doll is waiting for the daughter doll from school. When she comes, they sit down at the table, the guys pour tea into cups. Mom treats her daughter to sweets. The teacher develops the game situation in such a way that the daughter-doll wants to treat her mother with sweets in return, but they are already over.
The teacher, with the help of questions and tips, leads the pupils to the idea of ​​making candies from plasticine, which the girl doll can shave to her mother.
"Snail - Long Horns" Physical education on the poem:

A snail crawls along the trail
He carries his house on his back,
Creeps quietly, in no hurry
Always looking around.
Well, when you get very tired
And she wants to rest
It can quickly curl up
And turn a round ball.

Listening to the song "From a smile will brighten everyone." You can ask those who know the lyrics of the song to sing along to the sounding recording. Singing in chorus is possible if the guys already know this song.

An example of a summary of a modeling lesson in the second junior group

Topic of the lesson: "Buttons for a dress."

    - development of finger sculpting skills;
    - to teach the coordinated work of hands and eyes;
    - teach the use of stacks to decorate clay objects.
    - education of accuracy, teamwork.

    Preliminary work... Games with dolls (including silhouette ones). To draw the attention of pupils to how clothes are fastened (zippers, hooks, Velcro, ties, buttons, buttons). This must be done not only during actions with doll clothes, but also in ordinary regime moments: when the guys are going for a walk, when they roll up their sleeves before washing their hands, when they change clothes before a quiet hour, when they tie aprons before drawing with paints, etc. ...

    Material for the lesson... Silhouettes of clothes (dresses, shirts, shirts). Buttons as a demonstration material (you should choose buttons of various shapes and sizes - oval, round, square, heart). Clay, plastic stacks. Silhouette doll.

    Course of the lesson.
    The teacher shows the children various types of clothing with buttons. Asks to describe what buttons they see: small / large, wooden / plastic / metal, of various shapes, etc. The teacher asks each child to get one button at random from a prepared box. The pupils take turns describing which buttons they got.
    The teacher says that she has prepared a lot of clothes for the silhouette doll with which they will play, but there are not enough buttons. How to be? Through questions and answers, the guys come to the conclusion that they can mold buttons for silhouette clothes from clay.

    Demonstration of working methods.
    The teacher shows how to mold a button from a piece of clay.

    Physical education.
    Here I will put on a fur coat, and here I will put on a skirt.
    The head will put on a hat, and the leg will put on a sneaker.
    No, I'd rather take off my fur coat, and now I'll straighten my skirt,
    Ugh, how hot, shall we take off our hat? Where is the slipper?
    I'm not going anywhere, but I'll start all over again.
    (Pupils accompany with movements each action described in the poem)

    Button molding.
    Pupils work independently with clay. For those of them who are unable to sculpt the desired object, the teacher conducts an individual demonstration of working methods.

    The children leave the clay buttons to dry, so that they can then be used in the game with doll clothes.

Open lesson in modeling in the second junior group on the topic "The birthday of the mouse"

Analysis of a modeling lesson in the first and second junior groups

To understand how effective the methods and techniques of work used by the teacher are, one should analyze the lessons conducted. The open classes are assessed by the methodologist. But each lesson conducted should be subject to introspection by the educator. Then it will be easier to outline the ways of correction in educational work, the attraction of other material or the use of technical means.

Lesson analysis checklist:

  • Does the lesson correspond to the content of the program of this age group and the characteristics of a specific children's audience?
  • Whether the connection has been maintained with previous activities.
  • Did the pupils learn something new in the lesson (cognitive facts, new words, practical skills).
  • Did the lesson contain a creative component, was it boring?
  • At what level was the preparation for the lesson carried out (development of a synopsis, attraction of visual materials, technical means).
  • Whether explanations and / or demonstrations of the caregiver's actions were available.
  • Whether the lesson ended on time. Were there any delays, what were the reasons, if there were, how to avoid them in the future.
  • How the pupils behaved in the lesson: interest, emotional state, attentiveness.
  • Analysis of children's work: whether the task was completed, what worked and what did not. We draw conclusions, what sculpting techniques need to be fixed.

Sculpting teaching method in the second junior group presupposes the development of independence, therefore, it is not worth starting every lesson with a demonstration of techniques that the pupils already know. If, during the analysis of the work, shortcomings in the implementation of any elements are revealed, it is worth paying attention to specific techniques in the next lessons. It is best to involve the children themselves in explaining and demonstrating the actions with plasticine: “Who knows how to get a ball shape out of a piece?”, “Katya, please show me how to roll a sausage out of plasticine,” etc.

A common reason for delays in sculpting lessons is the discrepancy between the task and the age group of the pupils. When it is impossible to perform some action or perform it as shown in the sample, the child quickly gets tired, loses interest in further work, distracts others. Be careful in choosing tasks, because sculpting is a fun and enjoyable process that brings joy to every child when he sees the result of the work of his hands.

One of the oldest forms of creativity, modeling still attracts children and even adults in modern life. Preschool educators around the world are developing new teaching methods for working with plastic materials. Researchers have noted a higher level of intelligence development in children who were engaged in sculpting from an early age. They talk about the psychotherapeutic effect on a child while working with plasticine: modeling is a great way to take out aggression or resentment. Sculpting is just fun and enjoyable.

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Arzu Abieva
Summary of lessons in a nursery group on modeling

Theme: "PRETZEL".

Target: we lay out the cylindrical sticks, make a ring out of the stick, connecting the ends of the stick.


1. interest in the story, understand the content, foster a caring attitude towards people;

2. develop fine brush movements, a sense of rhythm;

3. to consolidate interest in sculpting.

Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".

Form of activity: joint activity of an adult and children.

Form of conducting: integrated class.

Methodical techniques: explanation, indication, explanation, questions, game technique, encouragement.

Material and equipment: an album with family photos, plasticine, boards, napkins.

The course of the educational situation.

Introductory part:

The teacher with the children examines the album brought by the child, says that Sasha has a large a family: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather and sister. They all live together, helping each other.

Teacher's conversation with children:

Reads the story of L. Slavina "Tanya and brother".

Once upon a time there was a girl named Tanya. She had a little brother, a little boy. Mom gave the kids something to eat, and she left. Tanya ate and began to play, but the little brother himself cannot eat, he began to cry. Tanya took a spoon and fed her brother, and then they began to play together.


What was the girl's name?

Why was the brother crying?

What did Tanya do?

Practical part:

The teacher praises the girl, offers to mold pretzels for Tanya and her brother. Children roll out cylindrical sticks, make rings from sticks, connecting the ends of the sticks. They put them on plates, and the teacher takes them to Tanya and the little brother.

Physical education:

Children playing finger game "Ladushki"... Clap their hands (in front of you, above your head, behind your back).

Final part:

Ready-made pretzels are laid out at an exhibition of crafts. In the evening, they give it to mom to admire.

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