Synopsis of a lesson on patriotic education in the second junior group "this is what it is, my big family." Lesson outline (younger group) on the topic: Open lesson on moral and patriotic education in the second younger group

Target: to develop moral and patriotic education in children of primary preschool age.


1. To generalize the knowledge of children about the flora and fauna of their native land

2. Fix the name "Russia"

3. Consolidate knowledge about the flag.

4. Develop dialogical speech, memory, thinking.

5. Develop fine motor skills of hands.

GCD move:

Guys, there are many different countries on earth. What is the name of the country in which we live?

I suggest you go on a journey across Russia, around our Motherland by train. Do you love to travel?

Children's answers.

(Children sit on chairs standing one behind the other.)

Let's go. Have a good trip!

The locomotive shouts: "Doo-doo!"

I go, I go, I go.

"Well, well, well, well, well, well"

We stopped. Our station is called Lesnaya. What trees grow in the forests of our Motherland? (the teacher shows pictures of trees)

Children's answers.

What birds live in Russia? (pictures of birds)

Children's answers.

What animals live in the forests of our Motherland? (pictures of animals)

Children's answers.

The locomotive shouts: "Doo-doo!"

I go, I go, I go.

And the carriages knock, and the carriages say:

"Well, well, well, well, well, well"

We stop. The station is called "Fabulous". Name Russian folk tales (illustrations for the fairy tales "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Ryaba Chicken", "Geese-Swans").

Children's answers.

The locomotive shouts: "Doo-doo!"

I go, I go, I go.

And the carriages knock, and the carriages say:

"Well, well, well, well, well, well"

The next station is "Main". Guys, we know that our homeland is Russia. And there is also such a word: "small homeland". What is it? This is a small piece of our huge country, this is a city, a street, a house and our kindergarten you go to. Name the main city of our small homeland.

Guys, every country has its own flag. Let's remember what colors our flag has.

Children's answers.

Now we will have a little rest with you, and everyone will make their own flag. There are colored stripes on the table, and we will glue them in the right order on the paper.

Physical education.

Well done boys. Our journey across our homeland has ended.

What did we talk about today?

Children's answers.

At the end of our journey, Albina will recite the poem "Our Motherland"

Great land

Beloved land

Where we were born and live

We are a bright homeland,

We are sweet homeland,

We call our homeland.

Synopsis on moral and patriotic education in the second junior group on the topic: "Kindergarten is our second home"

Educator of Novosvetsky preschool educational institution OT "Berezka" of Starobeshevsky district: Tkachenko Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Target: show that kindergarten is like a family; like in the family, there is

adults, they take care of children.


    to generalize the knowledge of children about the professions of kindergarten staff (educators, nanny, cook, nurse);

    continue to develop a positive attitude towards kindergarten;

    learn to understand the meaning of the riddle and find a solution;

    distinguish between emotional states (cheerful, angry);

    to foster love for kindergarten, respect for the work of adults, a kind attitude towards each other (calling each other affectionately, tenderly, fun);

    develop positive emotions in children, general and fine motor skills.

Preliminary work:

thematic excursions in kindergarten (acquaintance with the work of a nurse, laundress, cook); viewing illustrations; reading fiction: "The hippopotamus, who was afraid of vaccinations", "Children about the professions"; role-playing games: "Cooking a delicious lunch", "Hospital", "Family", "Kindergarten"; didactic game: "Who needs what for work", split loto: "Professions".

Materials and equipment: multimedia installation; presentation "Our favorite kindergarten"

(Children stand in a circle on the carpet).


"All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we will smile at each other. "

Educator: "Look, guys,

Animals came to visit us! "

Guys, who came to visit us today? (Mishutka, Bunny)

Hello guys! How many of you are in kindergarten! Bunny and I really want to get to know you, so we invite you to play a game with us.

Game: "Let's get to know each other!"

(Children stand in a circle, pass Mishka to the right, and Bunny to the left, taking turns calling their name affectionately "Lerochka", "Sasha", etc.).

Educator: Well, so we met, only, Misha, Bunny, why are you so sad? What are you upset about?

“We just sit on the shelves,

We look at children's games

We want to be like the guys

Kindergarten, they are animals for us ”.

Educator: It turns out that the guys are sad animals, because they do not have a kindergarten, and they so want to be together, like you. They don't even know what kindergarten is. Mishutka, Bunny, don't be sad, our guys will now tell you about what a kindergarten really is.

Let's invite Bunny and Mishutka to look at the photos with us, but first, guess the riddle:

“Everything in this house is for us -

Fairy tales, song and story

Noisy dance and quiet hour,

Everything in this house is for us!

What a nice house!

We grow in it every day,

And when we grow up,

Let's all go to school together. (Kindergarten).

slide number 1 - kindergarten building


Well done, you guessed it. Of course, this is our own kindergarten.

But what we do in kindergarten, we will now show you.

Game "How are you?"

(Children imitate movements): How do you exercise in the morning? How are you dancing? How do you draw? How do you wash? How do you expect lunch? How do you wave after?)


These are great fellows, you don't get bored in kindergarten. So what are you doing here? (We play, read books, walk, go to music classes, etc.) Do you like going to kindergarten? (Yes). But, after all, a kindergarten is not only a home, but also adults who take care of the kids, about you, so that you feel good and have fun here. Look, here are the help photos.

Slide number 2 - photos of employees

I will make riddles, and you will watch and guess who I am talking about, just listen carefully.

First riddle:

"Who will teach you to draw,

Sculpt, build and play

Having seated the guys in a circle,

Read them a rhyme?

Who will figure it out right now

Why is Maxim fighting?

Loves all the guys very much,

Who is this? ... ”(Educators).

Well done, what are your teachers' names? (Lyudmila Vladimirovna and Karina Olegovna). After the children answer, the photos of the educators are highlighted on the slide with the help of animation and moved to the "Group" picture.

Next riddle:

"Who will set the table for us,

Sweep, vacuum?

Will it clean windows, walls, floors?

Dust the table?

Will make sure that here and there

Everything was in place? ... ”(Nanny).

That's right, this is our nanny. What is her name? (Anna Vasilievna ). After the children answer, the picture of the nanny is highlighted on the slide with the help of animation and moved to the "Group" picture.

Educator: What, guys, you are great! Look, the animals brought something with them.

We brought you this envelope from our forest friends. Let's see what's in it.

(They open the envelope, take out two pictures, which depict a cook and a doctor). Since we do not go to kindergarten, we cannot figure out who is drawn in these pictures. Can you guys help us? (Yes).


Guys, look closely, who is drawn in the picture on the left? (Cook).

How did you guess? (He cooks, cuts vegetables, he has a white cap ...)

That's right, well done.

"There is a chef in a cap

With a ladle in hand.

He prepares us lunch

Porridge, borscht and vinaigrette ”.

And what are the names of our chefs, who here in kindergarten prepare delicious food for us every day? (Elena Viktorovna and Vera Mikhailovna ). After the children answer, the photographs of the chefs are highlighted on the slide with the help of animation and moved to the "Kitchen" picture.

Guys, who is in the picture on the right? (Doctor). And in our kindergarten, who helps us so that we do not get sick and grow healthy? (Nurse). Well done!

"For the health of children

The nurse is watching.

Heals without pills

Angina and bronchitis. "

What is her name? (Lyubov Ivanovna). And what is Lyubov Ivanovna doing? (Weighs, measures the temperature, smears green paint on the wounds ... A picture of a nurse moves to a picture of a medical office.


Well, Bunny and Mishutka, now you understand who is drawn here and what they do in kindergarten? (Yes). (Children sit on chairs in a semicircle).


Oh, guys, look, Bunny and Mishutka brought this beautiful box as well. Animals, and what is in it?

This box is unusual. It contains items that are so necessary for a cook and a nurse. We took them to your kindergarten to give to you. But we were in such a hurry to visit you that Mishutka, who was carrying the box, fell, and all the objects scattered and messed up. Now we need your help to figure out who needs what item to work. Can you guys help us? (Yes).


I will put pictures of a chef and a doctor on two tables, and you

you will select the necessary items and put them to the desired picture. Didactic game "Magic box". (Children take objects out of the box, name them, explain their purpose). Each item is put to the one who needs it - the cook: a stove, a saucepan, a frying pan; nurse: syringe, thermometer, vitamins).

Well done! You did everything right, so Bunny and I are giving you these toys.


Thank you, friends, and we also want to tell you that in order for everyone to be happy and happy, you need to live in harmony. Right guys? Let's show how we play.

Finger game "Friendship".

“Girls and boys are friends in our group -

(fingers of both hands are connected in a lock)

We will make friends with little fingers -

(rhythmic touch of the fingers of both hands)

One, two, three, four, five -

(alternate bending of the fingers on the right hand)

One, two, three, four, five -

(alternate bending of the fingers on the left hand)

That's how friendly we are. The main thing is that in our kindergarten there is always peace, friendship, smiles.


It happens that we quarrel, and then the mood deteriorates, it becomes sad, and when we make up, then everyone immediately becomes cheerful, and we smile. (Pictograms).

What kind of face is this? How did you guess? And this is what? Why did you decide so? Show me what kind of facial expression is when we are angry? (Children show). Now show a cheerful expression. (Children show

Attention game "Angry, cheerful".

(Children stomp their feet when they see a picture with an angry expression and clap their hands when they see a "cheerful" face). Guys, let's draw funny smiles on these faces and place them in kindergarten. May there always be kindness and cheerful smiles in our common home. (The pictures show the eyes and nose.) Children draw a smile on them with cotton swabs. Well done, that's what a friendly kindergarten and our children are. Love kindergarten - your second home!

Children live in the kindergarten

They play and sing here

They find friends here,

They go for a walk with them.

They argue and dream together

Grow up imperceptibly.

Kindergarten is your second home,

How warm, cozy it is!

You love him children

The kindest house in the world! "

Here, Bunny, you see how much we learned today from the guys: what a kindergarten really is, what they do there, how fun and beautiful it is. Let's go back to the forest, to our mothers, and tell them about it. Let them also arrange for us, animals, a forest kindergarten. And then we will invite the guys to visit us. Goodbye guys, thank you for such an interesting story.

(The animals leave).


Guys, do you think Mishutka and Bunny liked our story?

What was especially interesting for you to talk about? (Answers of children). Well done, you all tried very hard today, and now let's play with the toys that our friends gave us.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

child development center - kindergarten number 1 "Berezka"

settlement of Mostovsky municipal formation

Mostovsky district

Lesson summary for

morally patriotic education of children of the 2nd junior group

"My family"

Educator MADOUTSRR -

d / s No. 1 "Berezka"

Kosyan Lyudmila Evgenievna.


Form an idea of ​​the family as people who live together;

Foster a desire to take care of loved ones, develop a sense of pride in your family;

Activate children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their family.

Preliminary work:

Children's drawings "My mother" (grandmother, sister);

Parents' drawings "My baby";

Children and parents make family “islands” at home (photos, their compositions) for a large wall carpet;

Design of the album "Funny stories of my family" with the help of parents;

"Let's reveal the secret of proverbs" - a joint discussion of the meaning of proverbs about mom, family;

Subject - role-playing games: "Family chores", "Daughters - mothers".

Conversation: "Me and my home", "If I had a magic wand."

Reading - L. Kvitko "Grandmother's Hands", A. Yakovlev "Mom", Dora Gabe "My Family", L. Voronkova "What Would Mother Say".

Organizational moment.

“All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tight

And let's smile at each other. "

I will look at your faces, who would I be friends with here? I am Lyudmila Evgenievna, and who are you? Tell me what your affectionate name is (Dasha, Seryozhenka ...).

Hello dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world. Here are such good-looking, I invite you to play.


Show what expression dad and mom have when they are happy, when they are in a good mood.

And if they get angry, scold you, frown?

Message of the topic of the lesson.

Guys, today we have a photo exhibition "My Family" in our group. Who wants to talk about their family?

(children, at will, approach the photo of their family, tell who is depicted).

The development of coherent speech.

Listen to the poem and guess who it is about ...

“Damp, gloomy outside the window, drizzling rain.

Low gray sky hangs over the roofs.

And the house is clean and comfortable.

We have our own weather here.

Smiles ... clearly and warmly.

The sun has already risen in the room. "

Of course, you guessed who this is about, it's mom.

Say the best words about your mother, what is she like? (caring, hardworking, gentle, affectionate ...) Children's answers.

Etude "Affectionate child" - children give their love to their mother.

What do you usually call your mom? (mommy, mommy)

What do you call your dad? (daddy, daddy)

What is your mother, grandmother and grandfather called? (Helen, daughter)

What are the names of your grandparents?

What do your parents call them? (mother and father)

And if your loved ones get sick, how will you feel sorry for them?

Game: "Call affectionately by name (mom, dad, sister, grandmother, grandfather, brother)» .

Communication of new knowledge.

The teacher offers children illustrations from children's books, which depict families of animals and birds (rooster, hen, chickens; cat with kittens, bird with chicks in the nest).

Do you think you can say that these pictures depict a family.

How does a cat feel next to its kittens?

How do chickens feel next to a rooster and a hen?

That's right, both animals and birds experience a sense of joy when they are surrounded by their families, because children delight their parents with the fact that they grow up, get stronger, learn everything new in life. And the cubs are happy that their parents warm them, protect them, take care of them.

Now let's play with our fingers.

Finger game "Friendly family"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

Together - a friendly family!

It's so good that you all have a family! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other, they all live happily and amicably together. Families are large and small. The main thing is that the family always has peace, friendship, respect, love for each other.

The family has been revered since ancient times, the people have added many proverbs.

"It is warm in the sun, good in the mother."

"There is no dearer friend than dear mother."

"Gold and silver do not age, father and mother, have no price."

What proverbs do you know about family?

Game: "What would you like to wish your family?"

(wishes of children to their family)

Now let's, each of you draw a portrait of your family. After class, the children draw their family.

Nomination: patriotic education in dhow 2 junior group.

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about their native village, its sights;



- to develop moral qualities: love for the Motherland, respect for nature, respect for the memory of the dead soldiers .

- develop communication skills, team building;

To develop the cognitive activity of children.


- to consolidate knowledge about the sights of the village.


- to foster love for the native village, a sense of pride in it.

Complementarity of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Cultural practices: play, communicative, cognitive research, perception of fiction, musical, motional.

Methodical techniques: surprise moment, artistic word, show, conversation, task, explanation, consideration, consolidation, encouragement, result.

Preliminary work:

- viewing photographs "My small homeland-Gerasimovka",

Victory Day a year ago;

- a cycle of thematic conversations:

"Attractions of our village",

"Monument to the Soldier-Liberator";

- reading poems about the Motherland;

- excursion to the monument to the soldier-liberator.


- photos of the village of Gerasimovka;

- phonogram of the song "Where the Motherland Begins";

- Whatman paper

- details for decorating a postcard;

Cube with numbers 1,2,3,4.

Organizing time ... (Children stand in a semicircle).

Educator: Children, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello!

Educator: Dear guests, we are very pleased to welcome you to our land. Now we will introduce you to the sights of our village. Children, remind me and all the guests - what is the name of our village?

Children: The village of Gerasimovka.

Educator: That's right, our village is called Gerasimovka. Listen to the poems about our native land:

In Valuysky district

There is such a village

Where lush willows grow.

There are birches here,

Autumn thunderstorms are here often

Noise here and there.

Apple, cherry and poppy trees grow in the garden.

Tell me, what is the name of the village?

Of course, this is the village of Gerasimovka.

Poets did not write about this village,

But I'll write about him.

Like rain on the windows

He plays songs for us

How is our village

It thrives every day

About the fact that there is only one thing in the world,

Favorite heart, native village!

Educator : Children, did you like the poem?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Do you like our village?

Children : Yes!

Educator: And what do we have interesting in Gerasimovka?

Main part.

Children: Playgrounds, fountain, club, beautiful houses.

Educator : Let us tell our guests more about Gerasimovka, and this cube will help us with this. Look at him, he is not easy, there are some signs on him. Children, what are these signs?

Children: These are the numbers: 1,2,3,4.

Educator : That's right, these are numbers and they will tell us what sights there are in our village. (The child rolls the die and the number 3 appears on it). Children, what is this number ?

Children: This is number 3.

Educator : Now find in our group a photo with the number 3.

Educator : What is the name of this building?

Children : This is a club.

Educator : Yes, this is a club or a house of culture. And what can you do in the club?

Children : My sister goes to rehearsals, she dances. My dad sings in the choir. There is a library there, there are many books for both children and adults. My sister at the club sews an elephant.

(The child rolls a die and the number 1 appears on it).

Educator : Children, what is this number?

Children: This is number 1.

Educator : And where do we have a photo with such a number?

(The children find this photo, the teacher walks up to them).

Educator : What do you see in the photo?

Children : In the photo there is a kindergarten.

Educator : What is a kindergarten for? Children: For children to play, study, eat, wait for their parents from work.

(The child rolls a die and the number 2 appears on it).

Educator : Children, what is this number?

Children: This is number 2.

Educator : Show the photo with that number.

(Children find a photo with a school, the teacher approaches them).

Educator : Well done, guys, we found it right.

What is the name of this building?

Children : This is school.

Educator: Tell us what you know about the school?

Children: Pupils go to school, they learn different lessons there, read books, exercise in the gym, there is a museum with old things. My brother Vadik goes to school. My sister Varya also goes to school.

Educator: There is one more number left on our cube, who can tell me which one?

Children: Number 4.

Educator : Right, please find the picture at number 4. What is depicted on it?

(Show photos)

Children: Monument to the Liberator Soldier.

Educator: Why is it called that?

Children: Because once upon a time there was a war with the fascists, they wanted to destroy our country, but our Russian soldiers drove them away, and some soldiers died and buried them here.

Educator: You said everything correctly. Soon, on May 9, all the inhabitants of our village, guests, will gather near this monument to lay flowers and wreaths at the grave of the liberation soldiers, to remember all the soldiers who died defending our country from enemies. Let's make a beautiful, big holiday card together with you.

Productive type of activity.

Educator: There is already something on the postcard, look - what do you see?

Children : These are numbers and letters.

Educator: Yes, this is the number 9 and the word MAY, which means the holiday of May 9 - Victory Day. Fireworks sound in Moscow on this day. Let's decorate our postcard with fireworks. Choose any stars for yourself and attach them at the top, above the numbers and letters.

Abstract of the GCD for moral and patriotic education

in the second younger group

On the topic: "Kindergarten is our second home"

Educator: Merezhko

Tatyana Vladimirovna

Target: show that kindergarten is like a family; like in the family, there is

adults, they take care of children.


  • to summarize the knowledge of children about the professions of kindergarten staff (educators, nanny, cook, nurse);
  • continue to develop a positive attitude towards kindergarten;
  • learn to understand the meaning of the riddle and find a solution;
  • distinguish between emotional states (cheerful, angry);
  • to foster love for kindergarten, respect for the work of adults, a kind attitude towards each other (calling each other affectionately, tenderly, fun);
  • develop positive emotions in children, general and fine motor skills.

Preliminary work:

Thematic excursions in kindergarten (acquaintance with the work of a nurse, laundress, cook); viewing illustrations; reading fiction: "The hippopotamus, who was afraid of vaccinations", "Children about the professions"; role-playing games: "Cooking a delicious lunch", "Hospital", "Family", "Kindergarten"; didactic game: "Who needs what for work", split loto: "Professions".

Materials and equipment: multimedia installation; presentation "Our favorite kindergarten"


(Children stand in a circle on the carpet).


"All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we will smile at each other. "

Educator: "Look, guys,

Animals came to visit us! "

Guys, who came to visit us today? (Mishutka, Bunny)


Hello guys! How many of you are in kindergarten! Bunny and I really want to get to know you, so we invite you to play a game with us.

Game: "Let's get to know each other!"

(Children stand in a circle, pass Mishka to the right, and Bunny to the left, taking turns calling their name affectionately "Lerochka", "Sasha", etc.).

Educator: Well, so we met, only, Misha, Bunny, why are you so sad? What are you upset about?


“We just sit on the shelves,

We look at children's games

We want to be like the guys

Kindergarten, they are animals for us ”.

Educator: It turns out that the guys are sad animals, because they do not have a kindergarten, and they so want to be together, like you. They don't even know what kindergarten is. Mishutka, Bunny, don't be sad, our guys will now tell you about what a kindergarten really is.

Let's invite Bunny and Mishutka to look at the photos with us, but first, guess the riddle:

“Everything in this house is for us -

Fairy tales, song and story

Noisy dance and quiet hour,

Everything in this house is for us!

What a nice house!

We grow in it every day,

And when we grow up,

Let's all go to school together. (Kindergarten).

slide number 1 - kindergarten building


Well done, you guessed it. Of course, this is our own kindergarten.

But what we do in kindergarten, we will now show you.

Game "How are you?"

(Children imitate movements): How do you exercise in the morning? How are you dancing? How do you draw? How do you wash? How do you expect lunch? How do you wave after?)


These are great fellows, you don't get bored in kindergarten. So what are you doing here? (We play, read books, walk, go to music classes, etc.) Do you like going to kindergarten? (Yes). But, after all, a kindergarten is not only a home, but also adults who take care of the kids, about you, so that you feel good and have fun here. Look, here are the help photos.

Slide number 2 - photos of employees

I will make riddles, and you will watch and guess who I am talking about, just listen carefully.

First riddle:

"Who will teach you to draw,

Sculpt, build and play

Having seated the guys in a circle,

Read them a rhyme?

Who will figure it out right now

Why is Maxim fighting?

Loves all the guys very much,

Who is this? ... ”(Educators).

Well done, what are your teachers' names? (Tatyana Vladimirovna and Svetlana Alexandrovna).After the children answer, the photos of the educators are highlighted on the slide with the help of animation and moved to the "Group" picture.

Next riddle:

"Who will set the table for us,

Sweep, vacuum?

Will it clean windows, walls, floors?

Dust the table?

Will make sure that here and there

Was everything in place? ... ”(Nanny).

That's right, this is our nanny. What is her name? (Anna Vasilievna). After the children answer, the picture of the nanny is highlighted on the slide with the help of animation and moved to the "Group" picture.

Educator: What, guys, you are great! Look, the animals brought something with them.


We brought you this envelope from our forest friends. Let's see what's in it.

(They open the envelope, take out two pictures, which depict a cook and a doctor). Since we do not go to kindergarten, we cannot figure out who is drawn in these pictures. Can you guys help us? (Yes).


Guys, look closely, who is drawn in the picture on the left? (Cook).

How did you guess? (He cooks, cuts vegetables, he has a white cap ...)

That's right, well done.

"There is a chef in a cap

With a ladle in hand.

He prepares us lunch

Porridge, borscht and vinaigrette ”.

And what are the names of our chefs, who here in kindergarten prepare delicious food for us every day? (Tamara Alekseevna and Vera Fedorovna). After the children answer, the photographs of the chefs are highlighted on the slide with the help of animation and moved to the "Kitchen" picture.

Guys, who is in the picture on the right? (Doctor). And in our kindergarten, who helps us so that we do not get sick and grow healthy? (Nurse). Well done!

"For the health of children

The nurse is watching.

Heals without pills

Angina and bronchitis. "

What is her name? (Svetlana Vasilievna). And what is Svetlana Vasilievna doing? (Weighs, measures the temperature, smears green paint on the wounds... A picture of a nurse moves to a picture of a medical office.


Well, Bunny and Mishutka, now you understand who is drawn here and what they do in kindergarten? (Yes). (Children sit on chairs in a semicircle).


Oh, guys, look, Bunny and Mishutka brought this beautiful box as well. Animals, and what is in it?



This box is unusual. It contains items that are so necessary for a cook and a nurse. We took them to your kindergarten to give to you. But we were in such a hurry to visit you that Mishutka, who was carrying the box, fell, and all the objects scattered and messed up. Now we need your help to figure out who needs what item to work. Can you guys help us? (Yes).


I will put pictures of a chef and a doctor on two tables, and you

you will select the necessary items and put them to the desired picture. Didactic game "Magic box". (Children take objects out of the box, name them, explain their purpose). Each item is put to the one who needs it - the cook: a stove, a saucepan, a frying pan; nurse: syringe, thermometer, vitamins).


Well done! You did everything right, so Bunny and I are giving you these toys.


Thank you, friends, and we also want to tell you that in order for everyone to be happy and happy, you need to live in harmony. Right guys? Let's show how we play.

Finger game "Friendship".

“Girls and boys are friends in our group -

(fingers of both hands are connected in a lock)

We will make friends with little fingers -

(rhythmic touch of the fingers of both hands)

One, two, three, four, five -

(alternate bending of the fingers on the right hand)

One, two, three, four, five -

(alternate bending of the fingers on the left hand)

That's how friendly we are. The main thing is that in our kindergarten there is always peace, friendship, smiles.


It happens that we quarrel, and then the mood deteriorates, it becomes sad, and when we make up, then everyone immediately becomes cheerful, and we smile. (Pictograms).

What kind of face is this? How did you guess? And this is what? Why did you decide so? Show me what kind of facial expression is when we are angry? (Children show). Now show a cheerful expression. (Children show

Attention game "Angry, cheerful".

(Children stomp their feet when they see a picture with an angry expression and clap their hands when they see a "cheerful" face). Guys, let's draw funny smiles on these faces and place them in kindergarten. May there always be kindness and cheerful smiles in our common home. (The pictures show the eyes and nose.) Children draw a smile on them with cotton swabs. Well done, that's what a friendly kindergarten and our children are. Love kindergarten - your second home!

Children live in the kindergarten

They play and sing here

They find friends here,

They go for a walk with them.

They argue and dream together

Grow up imperceptibly.

Kindergarten is your second home,

How warm, cozy it is!

You love him children

The kindest house in the world! "


Here, Bunny, you see how much we learned today from the guys: what a kindergarten really is, what they do there, how fun and beautiful it is. Let's go back to the forest, to our mothers, and tell them about it. Let them also arrange for us, animals, a forest kindergarten. And then we will invite the guys to visit us. Goodbye guys, thank you for such an interesting story.

(The animals leave).


Guys, do you think Mishutka and Bunny liked our story?

What was especially interesting for you to talk about? (Answers of children). Well done, you all tried very hard today, and now let's play with the toys that our friends gave us.