The crisis of the age of three in a child psychology. Child psychologists call the three-year-old crisis the "I myself" crisis. Corrective games: helping to overcome the crisis

It’s nice when the kid is ahead of his peers in some way, but you still shouldn’t be too zealous and adjust development.

For example, a skill such as sitting is often tried to instill in a child early. Basically, these attempts are inspired by conversations with relatives or acquaintances, stories about the successes of other children who supposedly know how to “sit in pillows” at a very early age. But, firstly, sitting in pillows and on a hard surface is far from the same thing, both the position of the body and the load on the spine are different. Secondly, your child and the neighbor's have different developmental conditions, and you should not compare them.

Why You Shouldn't Teach Your Child To Sit Too Early

Parents are advised not to rush to sit down the child in any case, but some still embark on experiments. These actions are at least irresponsible: the baby's muscular and skeletal system must be properly prepared and strengthened.

It is very important that the baby try to sit down on his own, and not obey the perseverance of the parents. The child's skeleton, not strong enough for such loads, may not withstand them.

Early sitting leads to the formation of disorders of the joints of the spine - at school age, problems are possible, the appearance of lordosis, scoliosis.

The most useful thing parents can do is gently, without coercion, prepare the child for the transition to a sitting position. Performing simple exercises helps to strengthen the muscles and prepare for sitting.

1. An adult holds out his hands to the baby, prompting him to grab them. When this happens, the hands should be gently pulled towards you.
2. Carefully perform tilts with the child.
3. Carrying out regular massage sessions.

How many months can a boy be seated

Most pediatricians are of the opinion that it is possible to sit on a hard surface for the first time at different ages. Girls are recommended to be planted no earlier than seven to eight months, but boys can be seated starting from the age of five months. Like all norms, the advice of doctors is rather conditional. Healthy children, whose development occurs without any deviations, can sit down on their own at about six months of age.

But each baby develops according to its own “norms”. When he starts to try to sit down, this is evidence that the spine can cope with such loads.

If the child is not strong enough to sit down, then with any attempts to bend on his own in the belt, he will simply fall on his side.

If he is 5-6 months old, he is already able to keep his back straight for a while. Now you can start it not only in pillows, but also on a flat surface. The duration of sitting will gradually increase, and very soon the child will move on to the next stage of development - crawling.

With the advent of a baby in the house, parents, due to lack of proper experience, begin to be tormented by dozens of questions, one of which is: when can I start to sit down a baby? According to experienced pediatricians, this process should not be rushed in any case. The child must be physiologically ready for the new position of the body. Of course, it is possible to teach a child to sit down early, but will this not harm a body that has not yet grown stronger?


A physically healthy child begins independent attempts to sit down at about 6 months. This is a normal physiological age for a baby, when the need for a sitting position is caused by the desire to see the world around us in a new way.

Nature is so conceived that a newborn is born with a straight spine, respectively, the “lying” position is natural for him. By 2-3 months, he has a need, lying on his tummy, to raise his head. From this period, the formation of the cervical bend begins. The next stage is the first attempts to sit down, usually this happens at 4-6 months. In this case, a bend is formed in the thoracic region. By 6-8 months, the child makes the first attempts to stand on its feet. This process forms curves in the spine.

All these preparatory steps create the future posture. And it will be formed correctly, provided that the child gradually masters everything himself, without outside interference. Accordingly, the gradual formation of a healthy spine is as follows: independent coups from the tummy to the back and back, an attempt to kneel, crawling, an attempt to sit down, stand up and go. Thanks to such timeliness of actions, the muscles are noticeably strengthened, forming a corset, and, gradually, the muscular and skeletal systems will be completely ready for the child to sit down and walk.

If the little one is on his own, this means that the muscles of the chest, along the spine and in the abdominal area are sufficiently formed so that the child can sit up straight without additional support. Thus, the age of a 6-month-old baby is the most optimal time to start sitting down.

In some cases, parents seek to seat the child as quickly as possible and begin the learning process from almost 4 months. Such attempts can lead to serious problems in adolescence, such as scoliosis and other types of curvature of the spine. For girls, early sitting down threatens with a curvature of the pelvic bones, which can cause difficulties during the birth process.

There are times when, for some reason, the baby by the due date does not make attempts to sit down on his own. If the child is healthy, he does not have signs of rickets, diseases of the nervous system and other factors affecting this process, then parents should pay more attention to the physical data of the baby. Excess weight and loose mass can be an objective reason for the unwillingness and inability to sit down on your own. Therefore, parents need to contact a specialist who will conduct a massage course or show parents how to properly perform physiotherapy exercises.

During classes, it will be possible to seat the child on a hard surface, performing this exercise by lifting the handles through the side, allowing the child to sit on his own, without support, for several seconds. Gradually, the interval should be increased, controlling the situation so that the child does not fall, but not helping much either.

Don't force things. It is necessary to wait for the right age and at the same time pay attention to the readiness of the baby himself to sit down.

There is still debate about when you can sit down the baby. The opinion of some is that until the child sits down on his own, he cannot be seated. But there is another position that claims that there is no harm in sitting down early. Let's try to figure it out.

Why not?

Pediatricians who have more than one year of medical practice behind them adhere to the first opinion. And they believe that it is not worth rushing nature. Let the baby sit down by herself when the due date comes.

The muscles that hold the human body in a horizontal position are underdeveloped in babies. And just not able to keep the back of the child straight. Sitting still physically unprepared for this position of the baby, the entire load is automatically transferred to the spine of the crumbs. This causes not only discomfort, but also fraught with spinal injuries.

Another disadvantage of early sitting down- psychological discomfort. Being in an unusual position, the baby experiences a feeling of fear.

When is it possible?

The desire to change the usual posture and see the world from a different position occurs most often in six-month-old children. At this age, the abdominal muscles and those surrounding the spine are already strong. The child is able to independently keep his back straight, without needing additional support. Six months is exactly the age after which pediatricians give permission to disembark the baby.

How to do it right?

There are some useful tips regarding the correct sitting down of a girl:

  • In no case should pillows or rollers be used as a support for the back of the child. The child should immediately get used to keeping his back straight, without relying on additional devices.
  • Sitting down is best to start with your knees.
  • After the usual daily gymnastics, you can do another simple exercise. It is necessary to give the child your index fingers, and when the baby clings tightly, you need to help her sit down. Be sure to secure the child, but you do not need to hold it with your hands. When the baby gets tired, she will return to her usual position. As a rule, several such workouts are enough for the girl to be able to sit down without the help of her mother.
  • Six months is an arbitrary date. It all depends on the development of the girl, her physical form. And the mother should not worry at all if the baby is not yet sitting on her own or, on the contrary, she sat down herself much earlier.

The delay can occur for many reasons, but the main one is the lack of physical development. Daily exercises will help to correct the situation. Excess weight can also prevent a child from sitting down. In this case, the pediatrician will help adjust the baby's menu.

The horizontal position of the body of a newborn during the first months of his life is considered the most favorable for the proper development of organs.

Many mothers are interested in the question: how many months can boys sit on the ass and how to do it correctly.

Over time, the child tries to sit up by himself, grabbing the back of the crib, but caring parents stop such attempts.

We will figure out at what age it is necessary to start putting babies on the ass, in walkers or jumpers, and also find out what Dr. Komarovsky thinks about this.

The age period of the first sitting down of the baby depends on the correct formation of the line of the spine.

During each stage of development of the spine, the baby learns to independently hold his head, sit down and stand with the help of his mother.

Early sitting down entails negative consequences, therefore, in order to protect the baby from pathologies, we will figure out at what age it is allowed to sit boys on the ass.


  1. He spends the first 2-3 months of a baby’s life in a supine position on his back: this is how the spine remains in a certain state and is formed according to age.
  2. At 3-4 months, the baby already holds his head in a supine position. This stage is marked by the formation of a physiological curvature of the cervical vertebrae.
  3. From 6 months, the baby begins to sit on the ass on his own, which is his favorite position. It is from this age that it is recommended to start seating the baby.

To determine the physiological ability of the baby to a new skill, by the indicated age, he must have crawling skills, hold his head well, and raise the upper chest.

Also, the baby should be able to grab onto the fingers of the mother and try to sit on the ass on their own.

Jumpers or walkers, kangaroos: video, what to pick up for sitting down a boy

After the baby has learned to sit up on his own, try to sit him down in special devices. For this, kangaroos, walkers, jumpers are suitable.

How to do it right, the training video will tell, and below are tips for sitting down in different devices:

  1. Walkers. It is recommended to use this device only from 6 months.

    At the same time, doctors say that daily stay in a walker should not exceed 10-30 minutes.

    There are also prohibitions on the use of walkers for boys. They provide compression of the perineum, which affects the health of the child's reproductive system.

  2. Jumpers. There are 2 types of devices: with armpit support and without it.

    Support is a priority - it provides a reduction in pressure on the spine. It is allowed to put babies in such jumpers from 6 months.

    The second type of product - without support, is allowed to be used only after 1 year of life.

  3. Kangaroo. This device is used by parents for free movement around the city.

    This is very convenient: the child is always in sight. However, the baby such a device provides stiffness of movement.

    When choosing a kangaroo, make sure that the child can sit there freely. For long walks it is better to use a stroller.

Doctors say that putting a boy on pillows at six months is highly discouraged. In this position, the baby's spine takes on an irregular shape.

Let's turn to Dr. Komarovsky

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky has his own opinion about the sitting down of boys. He talks in detail about the features of the first sitting down, as well as the consequences of early learning this skill.

Note! When babies do not want to sit on their own, you do not need to force them.

The body of each child is individual, so you should not chase the children of experienced friends who have babies from an early age.

To properly develop the spine, the doctor recommends first learning the semi-sitting position.

Usually this skill comes at 5 months, which allows parents to start sitting down a boy from six months.

The birth of a child is always a great joy in the family. He is surrounded by care, love and attention. At first, he is completely dependent on his parents. But the child's body grows and develops very quickly. His muscles are getting stronger, and he is already beginning to show independence in some small things, for example, he begins to try to sit up on his own.

And at this moment, the baby's parents begin to wonder, how should the child sit down correctly, when should this happen, and is it possible to help him with this, so as not to harm?

It used to be that this process is the next stage in the natural development of the baby, but recently many doctors are sure that parents can help and help their child in such a way that it will only benefit him.

Baby's developmental stages during the first 12 months

In the first months of life, the human spine is not yet strong enough, and it is just beginning to form. Every day it changes, the necessary curves and muscles begin to appear, which should strengthen the vertebrae of the baby.

  1. For the first three months, the baby is still too weak, so he is constantly lying down and does not even try to roll over, let alone sit down. At this time, there is no need to try to change it somehow.
  2. After the third month, the neck muscles are already strong enough for the child to try to hold the head on its own.
  3. Already at the sixth month, the child makes attempts to sit up on his own. The thoracic region by this time already has time to form and strengthen.
  4. At the ninth month, the child's body may already be strong enough so that he can begin to take his first independent steps.
  5. However, these stages summarize the statistics, the development of each baby individually, so you should carefully monitor all the movements of the baby.

Each boy sits individually

Many parents ask the question of what month to start planting boys, but there is no specific answer. The child himself will give the first signs when he is ready for this, and you will understand from what period he needs it.

Why is it dangerous to plant a boy too early?

Many during the game try to put or sit down the baby when he is not ready for this yet. But doctors urge parents not to do this, urging them to be more careful and careful in this matter, no matter how much effort it costs them.

Until the child himself begins to give the first signs that he is already bored just lying down, and he wants to start looking at the world around him from a different angle and in a completely different position, it is by no means impossible to force him to sit down. Many mothers make some kind of insurance in the form of pillows that they put under the boy's back, but this should not be done either. So far, such a pose is unnatural for the baby and may well lead to improper muscle and bone development of the boy. His vertebrae are still too fragile to support his body in a sitting position. And because of the underdevelopment of the chest, breathing problems arise, and air does not enter in sufficient quantities when they start sitting down too early.

Boys should be placed in walkers after 6 months.

Also, do not put the child in high chairs, car seats or sliders in the first 5-6 months.

Signs that the boy is ready to sit down

Each child develops differently, so it is impossible to predict exactly how many months it is worth trying to plant a baby. It largely depends on the weight of the baby. Children with a large weight can be planted later than those with a lower weight. This is due to the fact that a large mass will put too much pressure on the child's vertebra, which means it can lead to further abnormal development.

Initially, the child needs support.

There are several factors by which it can be understood that the boy is already ready to sit down on his own and can already be seated:

  • He easily and without assistance turns over from his stomach to his back and vice versa.
  • He moves his arms and legs quite actively and even stretches his arms, trying to get something.
  • He is already holding his head on weight without any problems and is making attempts to help himself with his hands to take a more stable position.

What to look out for when a boy starts to sit up

When parents see that the child is ready to sit down, they should consider several important factors.

A sharp change in position from vertical to horizontal is a big burden on the body of a child who is only a few months old. Therefore, do not sit down the baby for too long. The transition must be gradual.

The seat circle will not allow the child to roll over

It is best to sit down a boy, you can start on his mother's knees. In this case, the back will be fixed. Mom will be able to fix the position of the child for a few seconds, and then gently return it back to the prone position. How much time will it take? At first, only seconds, but each time it can be slightly increased.

At the very beginning, you need to make sure that the legs of the baby are not too bent, and the baby himself should, as it were, reclining.

To help the child, you should massage the child for the first few months. This will strengthen his muscular corsage and help him to sit down quite easily and in due time.

Many babies crawl first and then sit down.

Some boys first begin to crawl, and only then sit on their own. Let him crawl as much as he wants, and his muscles will be strengthened for further development. This is also normal, so don't worry.

At what time should you start to worry if the child does not want to sit down

Many babies do not want to sit down even at 5 and 6 months, and begin to act up and cry, trying to lie down on their back again. You should not try to change this and forcibly plant a child, no matter how old he is.

Cases when a child does not try to sit down, although it is high time, are not so rare. But if this happens, then you need to contact the pediatrician. He examines and finds out if there is any disease that prevents normal development.

If the boy does not sit up to 10 months, you should contact the pediatrician

If the medical examination reveals that the child is healthy, the reason may be that the child is given too little attention. In the first few months of life, parents should especially monitor the baby. Almost everyone plays a huge role in this matter. The child needs proper and regular nutrition. It is desirable, of course, that it be mother's milk.

The boy needs to do special gymnastics, massage. It is better if all this happens in a playful way.

To do everything right, you should consult a doctor who will show you all the necessary set of exercises and how much they need to be practiced. And then the baby itself will be ready to be gradually seated.

From how many months can you put a boy in a kangaroo or walker

Every parent dreams of a few minutes of relaxation. Yes, and it’s quite hard to walk constantly with a child in your arms, and your hands hurt, and you are constantly busy, you don’t go to the store, and there’s no way to do anything. In such cases, they resort to saving objects for themselves.

Kangaroo for babies should be used after 4 months

Walkers are one such miracle tool. And for the child entertainment, and for parents a few minutes of relaxation. Usually the kids are delighted when they are put in this strange structure, and they begin to run around the house in them with great pleasure, as long as they are allowed. But it’s worth putting him in a walker only when the boy is already confidently starting to sit.

In addition, it is not necessary at first to allow the child to run in a walker for too long. The first few times can be limited to 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time slightly. Also, do not forget that walkers can squeeze the perineum in boys, which can lead to disturbances in the development of the reproductive system.

The kangaroo has become a kind of lifesaver for parents. This allows them to move freely and the child is constantly with them, and even securely fastened.

Boys sit up and start walking later than girls

But it’s still better not to leave the boy in them for a long time, and if a long enough walk is planned, then it’s better to use a stroller.

You can plant a baby starting from 3-4 months, but not earlier. By then, he should be able to hold his head on his own. You need to choose such a backpack based on weight and height. He should be comfortable there, and also not press anywhere.

The long-awaited event happened, and a small heir and future man appeared in the family. A tiny child only lies for the first months and learns the world from a horizontal position, but after a few months he will get stronger and will already make quite conscious movements. All parents want their baby to quickly gain relative independence, and therefore many of them are concerned about the question - how many months can boys sit down and what conditions must always be observed in order not to harm his health.

In order to fully reveal this issue, it is necessary to know the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system of a little man and carefully observe his general development.

Stages of development of the baby

All babies are born with a spine designed only for a horizontal position. In the spinal column of a newborn child, there are no natural curves as in an adult. Kyphosis and lordosis are formed gradually, and they are responsible for normal posture while a person walks or sits. The baby's spine is not stable and there is no necessary muscular frame, so sitting down earlier is fraught with a curvature of the spinal column. Under the influence of this process and the child's own weight, not only the entire motor system, bones and muscles, but also the main internal organs will suffer, and this will negatively affect their functioning.

When it is possible to seat boys, it is necessary to decide after its general development is noticeable. Strengthening the muscles and spine depends on when the baby begins to roll over, raise his head, actively move his arms and legs. All these actions, insignificant for an adult, for a crumb are very important and lead to a gradual and necessary strengthening of the whole organism. It is believed that the necessary anatomical formation of the musculoskeletal apparatus is achieved by about half a year of life, and until that time it is not worth trying to plant the boy.

At what age should a child sit down (video)?

How to determine that the boy's body is ready to sit

Not indifferent parents record any changes in the behavior of the crumbs every day and compare its development with generally accepted norms.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Some babies are naturally phlegmatic, reluctant to roll over, resent when they are turned over on their tummy. This means that their muscular system and the bones of the spine do not receive an active load and are strengthened more slowly. Such crumbs should not be planted earlier six months.

Other babies, on the contrary, are mobile from birth, begin to roll over on their own, turn their heads in all directions, wave their arms and legs, and under the influence of these movements, the spine is also strengthened, such babies can be carefully and for a few minutes already seated closer to 5 months.

In general, an experienced pediatrician will tell you the time when you can plant boys after a thorough examination.

You can make your own decision to sit down in the following cases:

  • The child is active and effortless back and forth.
  • The kid confidently lifts it from a horizontal position.
  • The baby stands confidently, holding on to your hands.
  • The kid makes attempts to rise on his own, and holding on to his fingers, he can take a vertical position.

From how many months to plant a son, you need to decide and paying attention to his physique. Dense babies with a lot of weight are recommended to sit down as late as possible - their body weight negatively affects the fragile spine. Slender boys tolerate sitting on their hands well at five months. Pediatricians advise planting a child for a long time after he has already begun to crawl well - standing on all fours, the baby contributes to the correct formation of the spinal column.

Sit down on time and correctly (video)

What to consider when seating a boy

It must be borne in mind that a sharp transition from a horizontal position to independent sitting is not allowed. That is, you can’t immediately put a child in pillows and leave him in this position for half an hour or an hour, the load on the motor system and ligaments should be gradual.

Recommendations of pediatricians (correct sitting down)
  • You can sit down in the arms of the baby with three to four months. In this case, the position of the child's body should be half-sitting, and the legs should not be strongly bent.
  • The first attempts to sit down are limited to a few minutes.
  • If the baby does not make active attempts to roll over, does not hold well in an upright position on legs, does not want to crawl, then sitting down in pillows or on a high chair should be postponed.
  • All the first months of life, you need to help strengthen the muscular frame. To fulfill this condition, a light massage, daily gymnastics, laying the baby on the tummy, stimulating turning over and raising the head are suitable.
  • The first attempts to sit down are recommended to be done on mother's knees. In this position, the back of the baby is fixed, and the coccyx does not rest against a rigid base, so it is much safer to sit this way. You can start kneeling from five months to a few seconds.

Some babies absolutely do not want to sit on chairs or on the couch at either five or seven months. If the baby cries, tries to lie down, then you should not plant him - the child himself will want to see the world from a different angle at a certain time. Many babies first

Today we will discuss another interesting topic that interests many young parents, about how much boys and girls can be imprisoned so as not to harm, what is the opinion of experts on this matter? The development of infants occurs in different ways, so, despite the fact that parents would like to quickly teach their child to sit, in no way should this process be rushed. To the question of how many months you can plant a child (girls and boys), there is a very specific answer - official medicine believes that this can be done starting from six months. And this applies to both boys and girls.

Immediately after birth, the main occupation of the newborn is sleep and feeding.

The very first skills of the baby are the ability to:

  1. Take toys;
  2. Roll over from back to tummy and back;
  3. Hold your head.

But there are still many actions ahead that need to be perfectly mastered by a small person. One of the most important criteria for the successful formation of a child's body is the ability to sit. Moms and dads should not artificially push the baby to this, but if he tries to sit down on his own, it is worth putting this desire under control.

Some babies show this desire quite early - at four months. This may indicate that the child is physically ready for this. Since this happened, it is also not necessary to stop the child, but it is necessary to double the observation of him. In most children, the back muscles gain strength only by six months, but there are always exceptions.

Planting a child prematurely, just because someone has him sitting at 4-5 months, is not recommended categorically. This can disrupt the normal formation of the spine and cause it to curve. In addition, the fact that the baby begins to master this skill only at 6 months is not considered a pathology.

What time can girls and boys be planted is a very interesting question, because there is a concept that girls should not do this before boys. However, the belief that too early landing will cause the child to develop abnormally and even bend the uterus is not confirmed in life. True, another misfortune can happen - the curvature of the pelvic skeleton and, as a result, disruption of the genitourinary system in the future. And the average terms are the same for all children - from six months to 7-8 months.

In fact, the development of boys is the same pace as that of girls. Now, if landing does not happen up to eight months of age and later, the child must be shown to the doctor. Since such a delay may be due to disorders of the nervous system, only a neurologist will be able to recognize the causes of the delay.

Reasons for late boarding

Infants begin to roll over, raise their heads, including sitting down, each at its own time. But sometimes the child is far behind his peers. What could be the reason for the delay?

Various factors can influence the formation of a child's body:

  • It turns out that identical twins, as well as twins, always develop a little later than other babies. Their muscle tissue remains weak for a long time and gets stronger only closer to seven months.
  • Pediatricians often repeat to newly-made mothers that they do not feed the child - this negatively affects the rate of development. Overweight babies start sitting up much later.
  • Premature babies born at 6 and 8 months also develop more slowly, contrary to popular belief that they quickly catch up and overtake nine-month-old babies.
  • The more parents pay attention to regular exercises and physical exercises with the baby, the earlier he begins to sit down, as his muscle tissue strengthens faster.

From how many months you can plant a child (girls and boys) is a purely individual question. But the opinion of doctors regarding children who are rushed by their parents to grow up and perform actions for which they are not yet physiologically ready is unanimous - premature interference in the natural development process cannot end in something good. But the baby already in childhood, and sometimes in adulthood, may face many problems and disorders in the field of the reproductive, reproductive and musculoskeletal systems.

What time can girls and boys be planted

If you do not anticipate events, then the child himself will try to sit down as soon as his spinal muscles are fully strengthened, and the body will, in general, be ready for such changes.

This will take some time and will take place in stages:

  1. First, the baby tries to find support for the handles and thus learns to stretch;
  2. The process includes shoulders that help the baby sit down;
  3. The landing is successful and the baby remains in this position for 3-4 seconds, sometimes a little more, after which the child falls on the side;
  4. Gradually, the time increases when the baby manages to stay in a sitting position;
  5. As a result, the baby sits steadily and the back is straightened.

When the muscles are properly developed and strong enough, the baby's back will be even, and he will be able to sit confidently. That is why it is not recommended to customize the development of the skill - a little earlier or later the skill will appear in accordance with the features laid down by nature.

The policy of non-intervention is not the only thing that remains for parents who are worried about their child. They will have to help their son or daughter at every stage of this difficult path for the child:

  • To protect the child from injury when falling on his side - for this you can lay a mattress or a thick blanket on the floor;
  • For a month, sit down the child every day, supporting the back for several minutes;
  • Constantly monitor the baby, and if necessary, come to his aid.

What can not be done is to support the baby's spine with rollers and pillows, so he will not be able to train his body and strengthen the bone muscles. At first, one hour is enough for such classes. A longer training time can negatively affect the condition of his spinal column.

It is believed that excessive guardianship in this matter can even slow down the physical and emotional development of a son or daughter. If you constantly support the back of the child, he will never be able to maintain balance on his own.

Knowing what time girls and boys can be planted, and understanding the risk of early boarding, parents will no longer make such a mistake. However, they can do everything to ensure that their beloved child is as well prepared as possible for new achievements.

How to prepare your child for boarding

Many parents are interested in what ways will help strengthen the muscles of a small child in order to best prepare him for such a crucial moment as a sitting position.

Doctors recommend special gymnastic exercises and massage, which can be done directly on the changing table or on the floor covered with an orthopedic mattress or blanket. A fitball using a special ball is also considered extremely useful. In addition, for the development of muscle tissue, water exercises with a circle are prescribed.

1. Massage sessions can be carried out by a specialist, and subsequently by parents, if they quickly master this technique.

Order and basic techniques:

  • Massage should be the area of ​​​​the back and buttocks of the child;
  • The procedure begins with light stroking movements from the bottom up and from the spine;
  • Further, the same movements are made with a little pressure;
  • At the end, a soothing stroking with the fingertips follows again.

2. Strengthening exercises are aimed not only at the development of the back, but also the tummy, baby's arms.

The exercises are very simple:

  • In order for the child to learn to stretch, you should put him on his tummy, and place cubes or other interesting objects at some distance;
  • They put their fingers in the arms of the child lying on the back, and carefully pull them towards him as soon as he begins to hold on to them;
  • Rattles can be hung over the baby's crib, pursuing a similar goal - pulling his arms to the toys.

Regular exercise will make the baby strong and ready for new challenges.

3. Classes with a fitball it is better to spend in the first half of the day, an hour and a half after feeding. At this time, the baby is full, satisfied and in a good mood. The baby will need to undress, and cover the ball with a sterile diaper.

  • The baby should alternately be placed on the ball with its back and tummy, while holding it for safety. In this position, the ball should swing slightly.
  • Putting the baby on the tummy and holding its legs, the fitball must be moved back and forth.
  • You can press the ball so that it springs, the child at this time is on the tummy, and after a while, on the back.

If the child began to cry and act up, it is better to stop classes and continue them the next day.

4. Swimming lessons are conducted by special, children's instructors, but they can also be practiced in your own bath using a baby circle. True, only children older than one month are allowed to do this, after their navel heals.

From how many months you can plant a child (girls and boys), the pediatrician will help determine the leading child. Despite the fact that babies of different sexes have approximately the same developmental periods, doctors recommend planting boys no later than six, and girls after seven months.

You should always remember the dangers of early seating, which threatens to cause irreparable injury to the child. Parents do not have the right to interfere in such an important process, but can only take care of strengthening the health of the baby and his physical capabilities for the further successful formation of the body.

From how many months can girls and boys be planted: video

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