Pregnancy benefits. Video interview about getting vitamins for pregnant women for free. Benefits for pregnant women: for fathers

Pregnancy is a special state, a time of changes - physical and moral, which radically change the life of almost every woman. During this period, the health of the representative of the beautiful half of humanity is very vulnerable. Any accident, the slightest stress, overwork - all this can harm the unborn baby. Unfortunately, not everyone is so respectful of a person within whom a new life is developing. Every young mother should know what is supposed to be pregnant for free.

Pregnant woman and labor

When a girl finds out that she will soon become a mother, her soul is overwhelmed with positive emotions. She begins to imagine how the baby develops in the stomach, what it will be, what name it will give. To fully enjoy the new state for her prevents her - work! The expectant mother should continue to work until exactly the 30th week. Here it is important to know what pregnant women are supposed to do for free:

  • An employee of any enterprise who is in an interesting position needs to go through doctors and take tests. The employer is obliged to provide her with paid hours for this.
  • If, before the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother performed hard, harmful and dangerous work, then she must be transferred to favorable conditions without a reduction in wages.
  • Such an employee has no right to be sent on business trips, detained at work and called to work on weekends.
  • An employee must be released on maternity leave upon reaching the 30th week of pregnancy.

Some organizations have a wider list of what is legally required for pregnant women for free. In addition, they receive preferential meals. According to the law, the interesting position of a woman is not a reason for her dismissal or non-employment. If the future employer says: “You are a good specialist, but it makes no sense for us to hire you, since you will soon go on maternity leave, and we will have to pay for it,” then you can safely sue him.

Registration and medical services

What is free for pregnant women? Of course, the help of medical specialists. As soon as she begins to guess about a possible conception, she immediately comes to an appointment with a gynecologist at the place of registration. He will register the expectant mother and will observe her for all 9 months. The list of medical services includes: patient consultation, appointment of necessary tests, measurement of pressure, abdominal volume and body weight. In the first trimester, it is mandatory to visit doctors of a narrow specialization: a dentist, a general practitioner, an ophthalmologist. They will assess the woman's health and determine if something is preventing the full development of the fetus and natural childbirth.

The list of services also includes:

  • Ultrasound at 19, 30 and 36 weeks;
  • examination of blood, feces and urine;
  • diagnostics for the detection of pathologies in the fetus;
  • cardiogram with interpretation.

Some clinics offer to take an analysis to identify bacteria and microorganisms - for a fee. This is a direct failure to comply with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 62. In order not to fall for the trick of scammers, every expectant mother should know about what is legally required for pregnant women for free.

Validity of a birth certificate

The list of what is due to pregnant women free of charge by law includes a birth certificate. It is valid from the 30th week of fetal development until the child reaches the age of 12 months. With such a document, the patient can:

  • use budgetary medical services;
  • give birth to a child in any perinatal center in your city and receive supervision of him until the age of 1 year.

In fact, this document has already programmed certain payments that specialists will receive for the services provided.


Getting sick in 2017 is expensive. And starting a family is even more expensive. The body of a woman who wants to bear a healthy child must be filled with useful minerals and substances. Therefore, it is very important to get advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist or therapist in a timely manner about which vitamins are supposed to be given to pregnant women for free. This list includes:

  • Folic acid. It is necessary for the regulation of metabolism, the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, the full growth of all cells and tissues. Compensates for the lack of vitamin B9, which is involved in DNA synthesis. It is recommended to take it 3 months before the expected date of conception and the entire period of pregnancy. Vitamin E. Its deficiency is manifested by anemia, weakness, convulsions.
  • Iron. It is prescribed if during pregnancy a woman's hemoglobin level in the blood has decreased.
  • Potassium iodide. Doctors recommend taking Iodomarin for the entire period of bearing a baby and lactation. This component is very important for the expectant mother, its deficiency can lead to spontaneous abortion, miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Multivitamins. Support the functioning of all organs of the patient.

In some polyclinics, employees do not issue referrals for free medicines. To such unscrupulous workers, the patient must show an order that clearly states which vitamins are supposed to be given to pregnant women for free.


From the moment of conception to the end of labor, a woman's body is subjected to a double burden. Accordingly, the immune system weakens and becomes susceptible to diseases, infections and bacteria.The authorities adopted an order to support the health of the expectant mother. The list of medicines provided to pregnant women for free in 2017 consists of 60 items. It includes such medicines as: "Vitrum", "Gexavit", "Zitrum", "Multi-tabs", "Supradin", "Ferrovit", "Elevit", "Megadin", "Maltofer", "Teravit" and many others.

If the expectant mother suffers from chronic diseases, then she is entitled to budget food.

When visiting a pharmacy, many are unpleasantly surprised by the high prices for pharmaceutical products. Beforespend your own, it is advisable to look at the list of which medicines are supposed to be given to pregnant women for free.You need to make a purchase at your own expense only if there is no specific name in it.

How to get a budget medicine?

If a woman finds that she has been prescribed medicines or vitamins prescribed for pregnant women for free, then she must do the following:

  1. Come to any budgetary medical institution that provides the services of specialists who monitor the process of carrying a baby or taking birth.
  2. Present the insurance policy and demand to prescribe the necessary drug.
  3. The doctor must examine the patient and determine whether such treatment is really suitable for her. He will correct it if necessary.
  4. Further, the specialist draws up a prescription on a form in accordance with the norms, where he indicates the list of drugs and the code of the preferential category.
  5. With this document, the patient can come to any social pharmacy and get the necessary drugs.

Every doctor should know if pregnant women are entitled to free medicines and, if necessary, offer the woman to write a prescription for them. If for some reason he does not do this, then it is worth reminding him of the law “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation”.

Lump sum cash benefits

What is due to pregnant women for free yet? Of course, cash payments. At the first stages of the development of the baby, the young mother will not have the opportunity to work, respectively, during this period she should be on state support.

First of all, she is paid sick leave. It is calculated on the 140th day (70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery). The exceptions are difficult births, multiple pregnancies or pregnancies with complications. This amount is charged at a time. Its size depends on the length of service and the average salary.If she did not work, then this amount is calculated based on the minimum wage.

If the patient is registered before the 12th week of pregnancy, then she has the right to an additional payment - 581.73 rubles.

Another one-time allowance from the state is provided for the birth of a child. This is a fixed amount. For 2017, its size is 15512.65 rubles.

Some regions also provide gubernatorial benefits. Their size in all areas is different and ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that any of the above benefits is issued at the place of registration. Only one parent can count on him. That is, if the mother draws it up, then the father must provide a certificate stating that these benefits were not paid to him.

Long term benefits

In the list of what is supposed to be pregnant for free,includes long-term cash payments that can be issued at a state institution for social issues, at the place of registration or work. Namely:

  • Benefits paid for child care for children under 1.5 years old.
  • Child benefits up to 14 years. Designed for those families whose income is below the minimum subsistence level in the region.
  • If the child did not get into kindergarten, then an additional payment in the amount of 709 rubles is assigned.
  • Many mothers prefer natural feeding. They are entitled to additional benefits for this. They are charged until the child reaches 5 months. To obtain them, you must take that the newborn is breastfed.

All these benefits, as well as parental leave, are assigned to only one parent.

In terms of morality

We are all humans. Therefore, we must treat each other with understanding. If a person sees a woman in an interesting position in transport, then he must definitely give her his seat. It should be understood that public transport can adversely affect the health of the unborn baby: other passengers can accidentally push her, she cannot reach out to grab the handrail, and there is also a fairly significant load on her back.

From the point of view of morality, pregnant women should be allowed to go to the checkout in the store without a queue, give way to all public transport. Seeing a lady carrying a baby, you should not talk to her in a raised tone and insult her. At this stage, she is quite susceptible to everything due to the unstable production of hormones.

If you see a pregnant woman with a large and heavy bag, then do not hesitate to offer her help. If it is hard for her to go down the stairs, then offer a hand. If it's hard to stand, give up your seat. Carrying a baby is a very complex and lengthy process. It is worth respecting those who increase the size of our nation!

Benefits for Moscow and Moscow Region

Separately, it is worth talking about what is supposed to be free for pregnant women in Moscow.

Certain categories of citizens are provided with free meals. We are talking about future mothers suffering from chronic diseases, namely, diabetes or hypertension. In the Moscow region, any woman can apply for such a benefit. To do this, she needs to provide a certificate of pregnancy and an extract from the house book. The nutrition list includes: dairy products, natural juice and vegetable puree.

Also, for people living in the Moscow region, additional payments are intended.

Benefits for St. Petersburg

Additional privileges have been established regarding what is due to pregnant women for free in St. Petersburg. They also include additional meals. You can get it throughout the entire period of pregnancy and within 6 months after childbirth, provided that the baby is breastfed. It is worth noting that such a benefit is provided only if the woman is registered before the 12th week. The volume of products is calculated in proportion to the gestational age. For the first trimester - 1.5 kg per month, for the second - 1 kg per month, for the third 0.75 kg per month.

You can arrange additional nutrition for expectant mothers suffering from underweight, anemia, osteoporosis, diabetes, lactase deficiency and other diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Help for foreign citizens

Often, foreign citizens are employed in the territory of the Russian Federation. What to do if such a person becomes pregnant and plans to go on maternity leave? What payments are made to her?

If it was officially arranged, then sick leave and up to 1.5 years must be paid without fail. Is she entitled to free medical care? Yes. But only if she has a temporary registration, a mandatory health insurance policy and SNILS.

Child allowance for a newborn will be provided only if he has Russian citizenship. For example, if his mother is a foreigner and his father is Russian, or vice versa, then this status is assigned automatically. He will be considered Russian even if he was born on the territory of this country, and his parents abandoned him. In other cases, his citizenship will be the same as that of his parents. There may be 2 citizenships if the father and mother are natives of different countries.


In order to avoid unnecessary expenses, every expectant mother should know about what is supposed to be pregnant for free. Why are these incentives created? A similar project was developed by the authorities in order for our nation to become bigger, stronger and stronger. Raising a child today and starting a family is expensive. State benefits allow you to slightly mitigate these costs. Summing up, it is worth saying that the budget list necessarily includes: cash payments, medical care, food, medicines and vitamins. You can apply for these privileges strictly at the place of registration if you have a certificate of pregnancy.

Expecting a baby is the most touching and exciting process. Thanks to the care of the state, we can feel safe!

So, you found out that you are expecting a baby. Naturally, this event in your life will be accompanied not only by joy, but also by fuss. So, the expectant mother needs to pass all the necessary tests, register with a gynecologist and visit him regularly. Also, an important need is the collection of documents for receiving benefits from the state. Maternity capital, maternity leave and much more. Now we will talk in detail about what payments in the Russian Federation are due to pregnant women from the state as of 2015, so that you know what you can rely on.

So, in connection with pregnancy and upcoming childbirth, you can count on such compensations as:

  1. maternity allowance for expectant mothers - full-time students or workers;
  2. allowance for individual entrepreneurs;
  3. maternity allowance for pregnant unemployed.

Please note that from the beginning of the year before last, accruals and due payments to pregnant women began to be accrued according to the new scheme, and became more significant than those that were accrued before. So, according to the new rules, the calculation of due payments determined by the average salary, which the expectant mother received at work over the past two years.

Conditions for accruals and payments for pregnancy

To qualify for social benefits during pregnancy, you must meet the following conditions:

Determination of the amount of the lump-sum benefit in connection with pregnancy

The period of maternity leave in Russia is one hundred and forty days. Of this number, 70 days before the birth of the child, the remaining days are calculated after the birth of the child and may vary due to certain circumstances. Therefore, the total amount of payments depends on the duration of the maternity leave of a young mother.

The amount of maternity compensation ranges from the minimum wage to the maximum. He is equal one hundred percent of a woman's average earnings expecting a baby, while work experience is not important. Also, if your insurance period is less than six months, the amount of payments received will not exceed the minimum wage.

To understand what benefits are due to a pregnant woman on maternity leave, you need to calculate her average income level over the past two years. Thus, the total payments will be calculated taking into account the income for each working day. Then the average daily income will be multiplied by the number of days of maternity leave.

The approximate amounts due to women in childbirth as benefits will be as follows:

  1. with a singleton uncomplicated pregnancy, the period of the decree will be 140 days, and the amount of the benefit is about 189 thousand rubles;
  2. if the pregnancy is singleton, but complicated, then the term of the decree will be 156 days, and the sum is more than 200 thousand rubles;
  3. and in case of multiple pregnancy, the decree is calculated based on 194 days, and a payment in the amount of about 260 thousand rubles.

The minimum amount of maternity payments should not be less than the minimum wage of 4611 rubles.

So, the amount of the benefit that you will receive can be calculated using the following formula. Take the standard decree period of 140 days, then 730 calendar days over two years. Multiply your monthly salary by 24, and divide the resulting number by 730, and multiply what happens by 140 days. This is the approximate amount of your payments that you are entitled to.

Unlike the previous procedure for accruing the due funds, the calculations are based on earnings for the last 2 years. Previously, only one previous year was taken into account.

Payments to pregnant women: due dates for receiving benefits

Payments to pregnant women rely on early dates. So, you are already entitled to benefits even at 12 weeks pregnant subject to registration in the antenatal clinic at the place of residence or in a private antenatal clinic.

Your doctor must provide, upon request, a certificate stating that you were registered early. This will make it possible to receive a payment in the amount of 515 rubles. The amount, although small, will not be superfluous either.

To receive this payment, you need to write an application. All you need is a certificate from the antenatal clinic and a disability certificate due to pregnancy, you provide them to the accounting department at the place of work or study and expect the payment due to you.

After 28-30 weeks of pregnancy, you need to request a sick leave at the consultation and provide it at the place of work for the appointment of compensation, which you should receive 10 days after the submission of the documents.

List of documents for receiving payments during pregnancy

List of required documents Next:

The procedure for obtaining maternity benefits for individual entrepreneurs

If the expectant mother is not an employee and not unemployed, but is herself a legal entity - an individual entrepreneur, then the procedure for assigning maternity benefits will be somewhat different.

An individual entrepreneur can count on receiving maternity benefits in the event that if she has paid insurance premiums within the last year before vacation, in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. The amount of the benefit in this case is calculated depending on the size of the minimum wage.

To receive maternity benefits, a person - an individual entrepreneur must provide the following documents:

  1. Sick leave from the place of registration for pregnancy;
  2. Application of a legal entity-entrepreneur to the FSS with a request to assign benefits in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.

If a woman entrepreneur also works on the basis of an employment contract and pays over the past two years, contributions to the FSS, then in the same place she has the right to receive pregnancy benefits, as well as from the employer who has concluded an employment contract with her.

The procedure for providing payments and benefits for unemployed expectant mothers

The amount of payment for an unemployed expectant mother differs in each case and is equal in the minimum amount of accrued maternity payments. Responsibility for the accrual and payment of benefits for the unemployed due to pregnancy is assumed by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

In some cases, the unemployed may not qualify for maternity benefits. This happens in cases where the expectant mother at the time of pregnancy was not officially employed anywhere or quit during pregnancy.

An exception is the case of dismissal of a pregnant woman in connection with the liquidation of the company where she worked, also if the woman is a full-time student of an educational institution. In the latter case, the amount of maternity payments equals scholarship amount and the educational institution is responsible for receiving this allowance.

In addition, the unemployed are not eligible for benefits provided they are registered early in pregnancy. However, in different regions of the country, payments may differ from those generally accepted at the federal level.

If an unemployed woman lives in Moscow, then, provided that she is registered in connection with a pregnancy for up to twenty weeks, she is entitled to one-time assistance, regardless of her work activity.

Leave due to pregnancy and childbirth: terms and features

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 255-FZ, which is devoted to the appointment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, the terms of the vacation can be changed if the birth occurs earlier than the scheduled date. In such cases, the days that were calculated by law for prenatal leave are transferred to postpartum. We have already talked about the duration of prenatal and postnatal leave. In a normal singleton pregnancy, is 70 days before the birth of the child and the same after.

Also, this law provides for the preservation of the workplace for a woman who goes on maternity leave. She also receives the allowance in connection with the decree at the place of work, if she does not officially work, then the social service is responsible for receiving the allowance.

Sometimes going on maternity leave and receiving payments in connection with it can be accompanied by unpleasant surprises from the accounting department at the place of work. In particular, the accounting department may tell you that you can receive the due payments only when they are transferred from the FSS, and this procedure takes several months.

But this is wrong. Remember that the costs of maternity leave to the employer will still be reimbursed, and a woman going on maternity leave has full entitlement to payment within no more than ten days after you have submitted all the necessary documents to the accounting department to receive the payment.

Remember that it is your legal right to receive your due maternity benefits on time. And, in case of refusal to pay benefits on time, you have every right to sue the employer company that refuses to pay benefits on time.

Preparing for childbirth is hard work. Bed, clothes, toys cost a lot of money. The baby requires care, attention and the constant presence of a loved one. The expectant mother cannot work in the later stages of pregnancy, as well as at the birth of a child. In many families, the father works, but there are also single mothers who do not have their own income. State support in such a situation is simply necessary for them.

The allowance for pregnancy and childbirth in Russia is paid to women, regardless of status and type of activity. Only the payouts differ.

Benefits are lump-sum (which are paid once) and monthly (which are paid monthly until a certain age of the baby).

Let us consider in more detail what payments are due to pregnant women in our country.

Lump-sum allowance for pregnant women registered early

The very first payment to pregnant women is made if the woman went to the antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy.

The allowance is paid at the place of work, if a woman studies - study. Observation of pregnant women in state polyclinics and antenatal clinics is free of charge.

It is better to take care of the health of the baby in the early stages of pregnancy. The allowance for 2014 is 515.33 rubles. Most often, it is paid at the same time as a one-time maternity benefit. To receive this payment, pregnant women need a certificate from the clinic on registration and an application of the appropriate form.

Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth

The allowance depends on whether the woman works or not. It is paid as a lump sum and is due to the following pregnant women:

1. Students in an educational institution on a full-time basis.

2. Insured women.

3. Dismissed women due to the liquidation of the organization.

4. Working under employment contracts and insured in the FSS of the Russian Federation.

5. As well as those women who serve under a contract (service in legally defined institutions and bodies is taken into account).

Insured women include individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, etc. (the full list is defined by regulations).

If a woman is employed, the amount of the cash benefit directly depends on:

  • the wages she receives;
  • taxable payments.

The calculation period is the last 2 years. The amount of payments is 100% of the average earnings of a pregnant woman.

If during the period of maternity leave the organization was liquidated, then the woman will have to apply to the employment center for registration within a year. In this case, the social protection authorities pay benefits to pregnant women in the amount of 515 rubles. Payments are made in one amount for full maternity leave.

If a woman works at several jobs at the same time, then the allowance is accrued from each employer.

If she is a full-time student, then it is paid at the place of study, but if the pregnant woman does military service in the army, at the place of service.

In addition, the allowance at the place of work is paid even in case of dismissal, if the maternity leave came within 1 month after the entry into the labor force. Reasons for dismissal should be as follows:

Moving to another city or region for a good reason;

Illness of close relatives requiring care;

In case of disability of the 1st group of one of the family members;

A woman's illness that makes her unable to work.

The allowance is paid at the employment center if the woman is recognized as unemployed. The reasons for leaving a job should be as follows:

In case of liquidation of the enterprise;

Suspension of IP activity;

Suspension of any other activity that is associated with mandatory state registration.

The following documents are required to receive payments:

1. Application form.

2. Passport.

3. Certified extract from the work book.

4. Help from the employment center.

The question often arises as to what payments are due to pregnant women who are studying or doing military service.

Payments to female students

For women who study at educational institutions, the pregnancy allowance is the amount of the scholarship.

The period of maternity leave for all categories of women is calculated depending on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy (in the case of a normal pregnancy and childbirth - 140 days, in case of complications - 156, 194 days - in case of multiple pregnancy).

Calculation of benefits for pregnant women occurs regardless of the number of days worked before childbirth. If a woman works on maternity leave, the amount of the benefit remains unchanged.

The question of what payments are due to pregnant women flows into the following: “When should the transfers be transferred?”

The law establishes the period for accrual and payment of benefits: ten days after the filing of a disability certificate and an application in the form. A sick leave certificate is issued at a polyclinic or antenatal clinic. Payment is made on the next payday.

Payments to pregnant wives of military personnel

Additional payments are due to the wives of servicemen. These include one-time and monthly allowance.

In the case of a husband being called up for military service, lump sum payments to pregnant women in 2014 amount to 27,761.88 rubles. The gestational age must be at least 180 calendar days. The exceptions are the wives of cadets, who are not entitled to benefits.

Required documents for payment:

An application in a certain form for the appointment of benefits;

Certificate of registration of a pregnant woman;

Marriage certificate (copy);

A certificate from a military unit (if the husband of a pregnant woman is serving in the army), if the service is over, it is provided by the military commissariat.

The monthly allowance is 9326 rubles and is paid for each child.

Childbirth allowance (one-time)

It is paid either to one of the parents or the guardian. The allowance for the birth of several children must be accrued for each child.

The following individuals are eligible for these benefits:



Full-time students;

Citizens who are doing military service (under contract or equivalent).

If working persons receive funds from social insurance funds, then non-working people and students receive funds from the federal budget.

These payments to pregnant women in 2014 amount to 13,741.99 rubles and are paid no later than 6 months after childbirth. The benefit is indexed each year but is paid in a fixed amount at the time of birth.

Child allowance monthly up to one and a half years

The allowance is paid only up to the age of 1.5 years of the child on a monthly basis. In 2014, a monthly allowance was established in the amount of 40 percent of a woman's average earnings (at least 2576.63 for the first child, and for subsequent children - at least 5153.24).

Insurance premiums are calculated on average earnings. The billing period is the previous two years. In the current 2014, this period of time is 2012 and 2013.

The amount of money depends on the region and area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence (each has its own).

In order to receive child support, you must:

Child's birth certificate (copy).

A certificate from the other parent that he or she is not receiving this benefit and is not taking maternity leave. Help is provided from the work of the other parent. If it does not work, then a certificate is issued by the social security authorities.

The list of documents also depends on the region and may be added by new documents.

Child benefit monthly up to 3 years

Maternity leave for child care is 3 years (the basis is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 256). A year and a half later, mothers are forced to go to work and send their children to kindergartens.

The State Duma introduced a bill to increase maternity leave to 3 years. The project does not operate on the entire territory of Russia. Since 2014 covers the following subjects:

Republics: Altai, Tuva, Buryatia, Adygea, Mari El, Chechen, Chuvash, Udmurtia, Kalmykia, Komi, Karachay-Cherkessia, Karelia, North Ossetia-Alania, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Mordovia, Sakha.

Regions: Amur, Astrakhan, Voronezh, Orenburg, Belgorod, Sverdlovsk, Tula, Bryansk, Vladimir, Tambov, Tver, Vologda, Kaluga, Kursk, Murmansk, Kostroma, Chelyabinsk, Kirov, Ryazan, Smolensk, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Magadan, Kemerovo, Novgorod, Samara, Orel, Penza, Pskov, Tyumen, Rostov, Saratov, Sakhalin, Ivanovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Arkhangelsk, Volgograd, Irkutsk, Kurgan, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk and Jewish Autonomous Regions.

The city of Moscow and the city of St. Petersburg.

Khanty-Mansiysk, Chukotka and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.

Perm, Altai, Krasnodar, Primorsky, Khabarovsk, Kamchatka, Trans-Baikal, Stavropol and Krasnoyarsk Territories.

The above bill remained only a draft and has not yet been adopted.

Parents under 3 years old are paid monetary compensation (size - 50 rubles). This amount depends on the district coefficient of wages and is paid in the presence of an employment contract.

The following persons can receive compensation: guardian, adoptive parent, grandmother, grandfather, father, mother and other persons caring for the child.

Regional payments to women

All women in Russia receive federal benefits.

The subjects of our country can also pay the parents of a child a certain amount of money, the so-called regional payments. Each entity has its own payments. Residents of Moscow at the birth of their first child are paid 5,000 rubles; at the birth of subsequent children - 14,500. In addition, Luzhkov's payments are provided for parents who have not reached 30 years old - 34,500 rubles. If three or more babies were born, an amount of 50,000 is paid at the same time.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the governor pays 25,000 rubles for the birth of more than 2 (inclusive) children. In the event of the birth of several children at the same time, 3,000 are paid for each child. Payments are made by social authorities upon submission of a package of documents (birth certificate and its copy; certificate from the other parent on non-receipt of benefits; birth certificate; application).

Material payments from the enterprise

The collective agreement provides for material assistance to pregnant women from the organization in which they work. Assistance is provided on the basis of a written application addressed to the director. The amount of assistance is appointed by the head and prescribed in the labor or collective agreement. Both parents of a child can receive assistance only if they work in different enterprises.

These payments to pregnant women are not mandatory. Financial assistance may not be provided for in the internal documents of the organization. The law does not regulate material payments, but the trade union of the organization has the right to influence this situation in a positive direction. In addition, the authority of the employee in the eyes of the director of the enterprise also contributes to the decision in favor of the employee. Only unscrupulous employers (individual entrepreneurs, small private companies) can refuse financial assistance to their employee.

Cash payments for food

Payments to pregnant women for food are made on the basis of a government decree if the subsistence level of the family is less than 50% of the subsistence minimum. This allowance is prescribed in the presence of the following documents:

information about pregnancy;

Family income statements and other documents as needed;

Applicant's passport;

Form statements.

The amount of payments depends on family income and is approximately 300 rubles per month. The allowance is accrued from the moment when the mother was registered, and ends with a month of childbirth or termination of pregnancy.

Families with many children are provided with pension benefits, as well as benefits for food and transportation. In addition, parents are provided with in-kind assistance in the form of allocation of land plots.

Maternal capital

Both parents of a child can receive a state payment if more than 2 (inclusive) children were born in the family. In 2014, the capital is the amount of 429.408 rubles. The amount of capital is indexed every year. Payment is made by bank transfer and is provided in the form of a certificate.

Registration of the right to maternity capital is carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The right to it is confirmed by the Certificate, which has been issued since 2007. To receive maternity capital, four documents are required: a passport of the father and mother, an application in the form, a birth certificate of the child.

The period of application is unlimited. Money is redistributed on the basis of the application.

You can spend this capital only:

  • for the education of the child;
  • for the formation of the funded part of the mother's labor pension ;
  • to improve living conditions.

The certificate may be used in installments. The balance of funds is indexed annually.

Payments to women who do not work

Consider the question of what payments are due to non-working pregnant women.

For women who do not work, only two benefits are paid: the first is a one-time allowance for the birth of a child; the second is a monthly care allowance. To receive payments, you must provide:

Sick leave.


Certificate from the employment center.

Labor book.

A woman is not entitled to other types of benefits.


I would like to note that maternity leave is characterized by temporary disability and is paid through social insurance funds, therefore it is included in the length of service.

State support for pregnant women in our country is manifested in cash payments, which were discussed in this article. It becomes clear what payments are due to pregnant women if they work or are at home. The amount of payments is indexed every year. There is hope that in the near future she will become a worthy support for caring parents. Financial security will help you enjoy the joy of motherhood with peace of mind.

Currently, without the support of a spouse, it is difficult to exist on a monthly allowance. Since clothes are per child, infant formula and medicines are expensive. It is sometimes not possible to buy what is necessary for a child. No matter how much you want to, but you have to learn how to save money. Experts advise in order not to become depressed from a lack of finances, to distribute money only for necessary purposes. Clothes can be borrowed from relatives or friends. Try to breastfeed longer so as not to spend money on expensive baby food.

What is free?

The legislative framework:

1) Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 "On Benefits for Citizens with Children" - lump-sum payments at the birth of a child and monthly payments for child care.

2) Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2006 N 662 "On the standards of medical care during normal pregnancy" - here is a list of free medical services and medicines for pregnant women.

3) Labor benefits and restrictions applied to pregnant women in the Labor Code of Russia (ch. 41).

4) Post-e Provision of the Russian Federation dated 11/28/14 No. 1273

5) Post-e Provision of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1994 No. 890 "On state support and improving the provision of medicines to the population"

6) Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 28, 2005 No. 701 "On the birth certificate".

7) Article 52 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323 "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens" refers to providing additional food through special points.

8) Order of the Department of Health Moscow dated 04/06/16 No. 292 on the issuance of milk and juice to pregnant women.

10) Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 N 624n

Which specialists for pregnant women are free?

1) obstetrician-gynecologist
2) ophthalmologist
3) otorhinolaryngologist
4) dentist

What tests are required for pregnant women for free?

1) general and specific
2) cardiogram and transcript
3) ultrasound
4) prenatal screening in each trimester

Free manipulations and physiotherapy

1) intramuscular and intravenous injections;
2) physiotherapy

What vitamins are free?

1) group A, B, C, D, E, etc.
2) iron, calcium, magnesium, etc.

What medicines and preparations are free of charge?

1) diseases: gastrointestinal tract
2) blood
3) diabetes
4) endocrine diseases
5) osteochondrosis, etc.

You can check with the doctor for a list of medicines at a price of 50% of the cost.

A birth certificate is issued to all pregnant women for a period of seven months, it is used in any medical state institution.

1) supervision of the health of a pregnant woman before childbirth - 3 thousand rubles
2) assistance with childbirth, newborn care - 6 thousand rubles
3) medical examination and observation of an infant up to one year old - 2 thousand rubles


At the 4th month of pregnancy, a woman receives a medical report from a gynecologist on the issuance of good nutrition from the state to her. Then you should apply with a statement to the head physician of the clinic, who will write a prescription for healthy products.

To do this, you need to collect documents:

1) passport
2) policy
3) certificate of pregnancy

dairy cuisine

In this institution, pregnant women receive only a proven range of dairy products. The norm of milk for a pregnant woman per month is 6-8 liters.

What products are given to a pregnant woman for free

At points of issue, you can get dry mixes from milk, vegetable or fruit purees and juices. The norm of issue is 6-7 liters of juice.


What can a pregnant woman expect according to the laws of the Russian Federation?

1) employment without experience. term
2) annual leave before going on maternity leave, regardless of length of service and vacation schedule
3) freedom from business trips, overtime work and work at night, on weekends and holidays
4) reduced quota, transfer to light work without harm to health
5) receiving average earnings during medical examination.

How many hours should a pregnant woman work?

By agreement with the employer, a pregnant woman can be provided with a part-time job, which is less than usual from 2 to 4 hours (Article 93 of the Labor Code of Russia).

In this case, the conditions of the TD do not change, and payroll is calculated according to the time spent directly at work.

Working conditions and restrictions

A pregnant woman should not be engaged in heavy physical labor, especially in an enterprise that is harmful to health.

In order to switch to light work, an application should be submitted with a request to be transferred to another position or to another premises, accompanied by a certificate from a doctor demanding that the pregnant woman be provided with conditions suitable for her situation.

Transfer to another place of work will not entail changes in the TD and will not affect the salary.

When is a pregnant woman given leave?

Vacation (annual) must be granted before leaving on maternity leave, no matter what.

What payments are due to a pregnant woman?

A woman has the right to go on maternity leave after 30 weeks of pregnancy and start receiving benefits.

If various complications in the health of a woman or her child are detected during pregnancy and childbirth, 156 days are provided. holidays. If a woman gave birth to twins or triplets, then the leave is increased to 194 days.

Women with a permanent job or those who have quit (lost their jobs due to the liquidation of the institution) no more than 1 year ago have the right to receive benefits.

How are maternity benefits calculated?

1) Wed. salary for 2 years before maternity leave
2) minimum wage,
a) if the work experience is less than 1/2 year
b) if there were no payroll
c) if the salary was less than the minimum wage.

ATTENTION! When calculating maternity benefits, earnings are taken into account:

a) other employers
b) at the previous place of work.

Provide the accountant with a certificate of average. earnings for 2 years.

On what basis is the allowance for pregnant women calculated?

The allowance is calculated according to the disability certificate (Pr-z of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 N 624n)

1) One-time maternity allowance - 100% of cf. salary for the last 2 years of work. Minimum wage from 01/01/2018 set at 9489 rubles.
2) Benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old - 40% of the salary.

What benefits are due to non-working pregnant women?

1) Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 81 - allowance for registration in women's. consultations up to 12 weeks - from 500 rubles.
2) Article 11 of the Federal Law No. 81 - when submitting documents within tech. 6 months after the date of birth of the child, 16,350 rubles are paid.
3) Article 13 of the Federal Law No. 81 - once a month allowance up to 1.5 years for the 1st child - 3065 rubles, for the second and subsequent - 6130 rubles.

What documents are needed to receive benefits

1) passports and SNILS of both parents
2) marriage certificate
3) birth certificate of children
4) birth certificate from the registry office
5) a certificate from the CZN stating that the center did not pay benefits
6) in case of separation of the child's parents - a certificate stating that the payment was not previously assigned
7) extract from work. books
8) statement
9) account number

Monthly payments to families up to 1.5 years after the birth of children by Putin's decree:

The amount of the allowance in Moscow at the birth of the 1st or 2nd child is the children's living wage.

Only needy families with an income of no more than 1.5 living wages for able-bodied people for each family member will be able to receive the allowance.

The state supports families with children and pregnant women, so free medicines for pregnant women are provided. To receive drugs, you must be registered in the antenatal clinic.

Who is entitled to free medicines during pregnancy

Free medicines in 2019 can be received by all women in the position, subject to registration in the antenatal clinic. Yu.

Vitamins and medicines are prescribed to women after the 30th week of pregnancy (if the pregnancy is multiple - after 28 weeks). For payment, the funds included in the birth certificate are used, which will be issued to the future woman in labor at the antenatal clinic.

If the cost of drugs does not exceed 990 rubles, then they are provided free of charge. If the price is higher - with a 50% discount.

Attention! The drugs are prescribed once by the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Most social support measures are targeted. This means that especially needy citizens can receive them. But medicines rely on all pregnant women without exception, as well as small children.

Important! Benefits are given with the aim that the expectant mother could improve her health, and in the future, the health of the baby.

Legislative framework

Not all women know that free prenatal vitamins and medications are relied upon. Lists of medicines do not always hang in polyclinics and women's clinics.

The Moscow Department of Health has clarified that the list of medicines should be in all hospitals (letter No. 48-12-2932 dated August 2008).

2 legal acts on the provision of medicines:

  • Government Decree No. 987;
  • Order No. 748 dated 06.10.2008.

In our country, there is a project "Health". According to this project, expectant mothers receive birth certificates. Thus, a bet is made on improving the service in medical institutions.

Attention! The basis for receiving medicines is a certificate from an obstetrician.

Here are excerpts from the approved list:

  1. Vitamin E
  2. Vitrum Prenatal,
  3. Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose,
  4. Ferrous fumarate with folic acid,
  5. intensive,
  6. Multi-tabs Classic,
  7. Multi-tabs Perinatal,
  8. Complex,
  9. ferretab complex,
  10. Ferrovit,
  11. Ferrovit forte,
  12. Elevit Prenatal.

It is important to remember your rights and apply for a benefit, because raising and giving birth to children will require a lot of money.

Nuance! There are drugs for which you have to pay. These include Hyper-roy SD, Fraxiparine. The order was adopted by the Metropolitan Department of Health.

Paid services exist in hospitals along with free services. However, paid services cannot replace what is supposed to be free by law.

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What medicines are prescribed for pregnant women for free

To preserve the health of the expectant mother and baby, preparations are prescribed that contain iron, iodine, calcium and vitamins.

Local authorities are adjusting the list of drugs. This is due to the fact that each Russian region has its own characteristic diseases. For example, residents of the Tver region are deficient in iodine. Pregnant women in Moscow are often given fetal hypoxia.

Most of the list of medicines is occupied by vitamins. After all, they are necessary for maintaining women's health and the birth of healthy offspring.

List of medicines in 2019:

In addition to medicines, expectant mothers are entitled to other free assistance:

  • service from a gynecologist;
  • appointment with other doctors in the direction of a gynecologist;
  • medical procedures and physiotherapy.
Attention! The expectant mother will not have to pay not only for the examination. There is also no charge for consumables.

How to Stock Up on Free Medicines During Pregnancy

There is a certain procedure for obtaining benefits:

  1. It is necessary to register in the consultation no later than three months of pregnancy.
  2. Wait until the registration office issues a medical card.
  3. Go to the doctor's office and get a prescription. Make sure that all columns of the form are filled in correctly.
  4. You can get medicines at the institution with which the clinic has signed an agreement on servicing beneficiaries.
It's important to know! If there are no drugs in the pharmacy, then the pharmacist should offer an analogue. If this option does not suit the expectant mother, delayed maintenance is done, i.e. you can go to the pharmacy in two weeks.

A prescription for vitamins and medicines can be obtained from both a public hospital and a private clinic.

What to do if your doctor refuses to write a prescription for free drugs

No wonder they say: forewarned is forearmed. Some future mothers receive a doctor's appointment and go to the pharmacy to buy vitamins at their own expense. Actually, you don't need to do this.