Literary works in the direction of friendship and enmity. Friendship and enmity: is enmity always harmful? Friendship is a tragedy

From the 2014-2015 academic year, the final graduation essay is included in the program of state final certification of schoolchildren. This format differs significantly from the classic exam. The work is of a non-subject nature, relying on the knowledge of the graduate in the field of literature. The essay aims to reveal the ability of the examinee to reason on a given topic and argue his point of view. Mainly, the final essay allows you to assess the level of the graduate's speech culture. For the examination work, five topics from a closed list are proposed.

  1. Introduction
  2. Main part - thesis and arguments
  3. Conclusion - conclusion

The final essay 2016 assumes a volume of 350 words or more.

The time allotted for the examination work is 3 hours 55 minutes.

Final essay topics

The questions proposed for consideration are usually addressed to the inner world of a person, personal relationships, psychological characteristics and concepts of universal human morality. So, the topics of the final essay for the 2016-2017 academic year include the following areas:

  1. "Friendship and enmity"

Here are the concepts that the examinee will have to reveal in the process of reasoning, referring to examples from the world of literature. In the final essay 2016, the graduate must identify the relationship between these categories based on analysis, building logical relationships and applying knowledge of literary works.

One of these topics is "Friendship and Enmity".

As a rule, works from the school curriculum in literature are a large gallery of different images and characters that can be used to write a final essay on the topic "Friendship and Enmity".

  • Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"
  • The story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"
  • Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
  • M. Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Don"
  • V.L. Kondratyev's story "Sashka"
  • The story of V.G.Korolenko "Children of the Underground"

Arguments for this topic

Arguments for the final essay on friendship 2016:

  1. "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy

The friendship between Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov is an example of a real, sincere and wonderful friendship, which was based not on profit, but on the similarity of the spiritual ideals of the heroes. Both Andrei and Pierre are alien to society, since they have higher thoughts and moral values \u200b\u200bthan their environment. Bolkonsky was initially confident in his own destiny and special place in the world. Pierre needed to be convinced of this on his own experience, largely thanks to Andrei, who supported him.

  1. "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin

Can the enemy become a friend?

The story of the relationship between the protagonist - a young officer Pyotr Grinev and the impostor Pugachev - is the story of two enemies who could have become friends if they hadn't been on opposite sides of the barricades. The first meeting between them takes place when Grinev was heading to the Belogorsk fortress and got lost due to a strong blizzard. He met a robber on the way, who prompted Grinev the way, for which he received a sheepskin coat from the master's shoulder as a gift. The next meeting of the heroes could be fatal for Pyotr Grinev - during the siege of the fortress, Pugachev ordered everyone to be hanged for disobedience, but, remembering the good of the officer, pardoned him.

  1. "Sashka" V.L. Kondratievand

An example of true male friendship can be found in the work of VL Kondratyev "Sashka". The main character, Sashka, is a young guy who caught the Great Patriotic War. He was wounded in the arm after two months on the front lines and sent to the rear. On the way, the hero meets the guy Volodya, with whom they will continue their journey and subsequently go through a lot together, getting used to each other.

In the future, more than once between Sasha and Volodya situations will arise that confirm their friendship. For example, when they had to stay overnight in the village, the hospitable hostess invited Sasha to stay and gain strength, but he did not abandon his friend and continued on his way with him.

When the friends got to the hospital, Volodya was surprised at the unfairness in the distribution of food for the sick and in one situation, in anger, he threw a plate of dinner in the presence of the major. Sashka, being a private, understood that there was little demand from him, and Lieutenant Volodya could have been put under a tribunal, so he took the blame.

Example composition

Man is a social being who constantly lives in the world of relationships with other people. It's amazing how different they can be - from true friendship to true hatred. Psychological qualities, life experience and conditions directly affect the formation of the personality and the relationship of a person with others. So how exactly is friendship born, and is it possible to change the pole of relations and turn enmity into friendly communication?

To see what real friendship is, one should turn to the works of the classics of Russian literature. Leo Tolstoy's work "War and Peace" offers us an example of true sincere friendship between the heroes - Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov.

Both characters are highly developed spiritually individuals who understand that they have no place in a secular immoral society. But at the same time they are completely different characters - strong-willed Andrei and insecure, judicious Pierre. Their relationship is based on similar views on life and high spiritual ideals. Bolkonsky immediately realizes his alienation to this society, and Pierre needs time for this, while his friend constantly morally supports him.

Relationships between people are a rather complex part of our life, and not always they can be unambiguously explained. So, in the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", a complex chain of relations is built between Pyotr Grinev and the impostor Pugachev. They are real enemies, between whom friendly relations could arise.

The first meeting between them takes place when Grinev was heading to the Belogorsk fortress and got lost due to a strong blizzard. He met a robber on the way, who prompted Grinev the way, for which he received a sheepskin coat from the master's shoulder as a gift. The next meeting of the heroes could be fatal for Pyotr Grinev - during the siege of the fortress, Pugachev ordered everyone to be hanged for disobedience, but, remembering the good of the officer, pardoned him.

When the heroes met again, Pugachev offered help to Grinev. But the officer had mixed feelings - after all, his position depended on his attitude towards a recent enemy. In this situation, the heroes reveal their souls to each other in a frank conversation.

Both heroes are strong-willed and fearless men, which makes them alike, giving rise to a possible friendship.

Thus, it is worth saying that the sphere of human relations is the soil where both sincere true friendship and enmity can be born due to circumstances and conditions.

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What is friendship? Perhaps it is not easy to answer this question, because this is an amazing and not yet fully explained phenomenon. No one knows exactly how and why friends appear. This happens unpredictably and spontaneously. But what is known for sure is that a person cannot exist without friends. Without them, he is like a tree without leaves. Everyone needs friends. They support in difficult times, give strength when, it seems, they are gone. A friend shares with you both joy and sorrow. It helps to stay afloat in the stormy sea of \u200b\u200blife. Without friendship, existence would be meaningless. She brings bright colors to life.

Friendship is a unity of souls and views. It is very important to find someone who shares your interests and understands you perfectly. But some views may not coincide, so respect is very important in friendship.

You cannot impose your ideas on another. Friends don't have to be alike. Completely different people can converge, and this is the most amazing thing. A true friend is happy for you, even if he himself lost. This is a very important quality. It is always necessary to be able to hide sadness from defeat and too strong joy from victory for the sake of someone important to you at the right time. Friendship is based on support and mutual assistance. Without this, it cannot exist. To be friends means to be ready to come to the rescue at any moment, no matter what.

What is enmity? This is evil and destruction. People who are mired in it do not get anything good from it. Enmity can grow from scratch, and then stretch out for such a long period that even the reason for its beginning is forgotten. Such relationships destroyed not only the lives of those who started them, but also their descendants. The enmity can continue through centuries and generations. There is no time for her. And this is the most dangerous thing. A carelessly thrown word, an accidentally crushed leg can lead to a war for many years, and maybe even centuries. Of course, there are serious reasons for enmity. It does not always arise because of the little things. But even in such cases, enmity still turns into mortal stupidity, because no one wants to end it in time. This is perhaps the saddest thing about this kind of relationship.

But what are the most dangerous enemies? Perhaps these are former friends. If a person who knows everything about you, who understands you as himself, suddenly turns away, if you find yourself on opposite sides of the barricades, this may end badly. Such an enemy can easily take advantage of your weaknesses. As much as he was a loyal and honest friend, he will also be a formidable opponent. This can bring misery and suffering to many. When former friends are at odds, it is not known how this will turn out in the end. Having once quarreled strongly, it is difficult to return to peace. It would seem that an eternal friendship can suddenly break down due to stupidity, and this will bring a lot of misfortune and disappointment.

In Russian literature, there are many books about friendship and enmity. Many great authors have written about this. The topic of human relationships is very important and multifaceted. Friendship and enmity have been thought of at all times. This topic has always been very interesting and close to people.

In A.S. Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky", attention is paid to the relationship between the two landowners. Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov and Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky were very good friends. Amazing harmony and understanding reigned between them. But suddenly everything changed. Troekurov's servant insulted Dubrovsky during a visit to the kennel. Andrei Gavrilovich was a proud man and could not erase the insult. He left the estate of Troyekurov and demanded a friend to give the servant to him for trial. Kirilla Petrovich was also a wayward person and considered it an insult. Their relationship deteriorated. Troekurov created a false accusation against Dubrovsky and received his estate for himself. This broke Andrei Gavrilovich. When Troekurov, tormented by his conscience, decides to apologize and comes to Dubrovsky, he dies. This work shows how, because of stupid pride, a strong friendship can fall apart and what sad consequences this can lead to.

Much attention is paid to friendship in the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Lensky and Onegin had a kind of friendly relationship. They spent a lot of time together. Despite their different views on life, they found a common language. Everything in their relationship changed the ball to Tatyana's name day. Eugene danced all evening with Lensky's bride Olga. This made friends quarrel. Lensky, not wanting to listen to anything, forgetting about the relationship connecting him with Eugene, challenges Onegin to a duel. Due to a little misunderstanding, they became enemies. Onegin kills Lensky in a duel, and his life becomes eternal pangs of conscience. This work conveys the idea of \u200b\u200bhow necessary between friends the ability to listen to the other, no matter what happens, and how tragic it can be if this ability is not there.

So friendship is very important. It is impossible to live without it. You need to take care of your friends. You cannot quarrel over little things, because this can result in sad events. There is no need to start enmity: after all, it does not bring anything good. Indian wisdom says: "It is not difficult to unearth the ax of war - it is more difficult to light the pipe of peace." Why make life more confusing than it is, wasting energy on meaningless confrontation, if you can just keep the value that you already have and be happy?

Among the eternal values, friendship has always occupied one of the very first places. But everyone understands friendship in their own way. Someone is looking for benefits in friends, some additional privileges in obtaining material benefits. But such friends before the first problem, before the trouble. It is no coincidence that the proverb says: "friends are known in trouble." But the French philosopher M. Montaigne argued: "In friendship there are no other calculations and considerations, except for itself." And only such friendship is real.

In Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, an example of such friendship is the relationship between Raskolnikov and Razumikhin. Both law students, both living in poverty, both seeking additional earnings. But at one fine moment, infected with the idea of \u200b\u200ba superman, Raskolnikov drops everything and prepares for "business." Six months of constant self-examination, searching for ways to cheat fate knock Raskolnikov out of the usual rhythm of life. He does not take translations, does not give lessons, does not go to classes, in general, does nothing. And yet, in difficult times, his heart leads him to a friend. Razumikhin is the complete opposite of Raskolnikov. He works, spins all the time, earning a penny, but these cents are enough for him to live and even have fun. Raskolnikov seemed to be looking for an opportunity to get off the "path" he had taken, because "Razumikhin was still remarkable because no setbacks ever embarrassed him and no bad circumstances, it seemed, could pin him down." And Raskolnikov is crushed, driven to an extreme degree of despair. And Razumikhin, realizing that a friend (although Dostoevsky insistently writes "friend") in trouble no longer leaves him until the very trial. And at the trial he acts as a defender of Rodion and cites evidence of his spiritual generosity, nobility, testifying that "when he was at the university, from his last means he helped one of his poor and consumptive university friend and almost supported him for six months." The term for double murder was cut by almost half. Thus, Dostoevsky proves to us the idea of \u200b\u200bGod's providence, that people are saved by people. And let someone say that Razumikhin was not a loser by getting a beautiful wife, a friend's sister, but did he think about his own benefit? No, he was completely absorbed in caring for a person.

In IA Goncharov's novel Oblomov, Andrei Shtolts is no less generous and caring, who has been trying all his life to pull his friend Oblomov out of the swamp of his existence. He alone is capable of lifting Ilya Ilyich off the couch, giving movement to his monotonous philistine life. Even when Oblomov finally settles with Pshchenitsyna, Andrei makes several more attempts to lift him off the couch. Learning that Tarantiev and the manager of Oblomovka actually robbed a friend, he takes matters into his own hands and puts things in order. Although this does not save Oblomov. But Schtolz honestly fulfilled his duty to a friend, and after the death of an unlucky childhood comrade, he takes his son for upbringing, not wanting to leave the child in an environment that is literally covered by the slime of idleness, philistinism.

In friendship, there are no other calculations and considerations, except for itself.

Only this kind of friendship is real. If a person who calls himself a friend suddenly starts asking for help, currying favor, or for the service rendered, he starts settling scores, they say, I helped you, but what did I do for me, give up such a friend! You will not lose anything except an envious look, an unfriendly word.

I suggest selected for discussionmy materials to the fifth direction of the final essay - "Friendship and enmity".

“The direction aims at reasoning about the value of human friendship, about ways to achieve mutual understanding between individuals, their communities and even entire nations, as well as about the origins and consequences of enmity between them.

The content of many literary works is associated with the warmth of human relations or the hostility of people, with the development of friendship into enmity, or vice versa, with the image of a person who is or is not able to value friendship, who knows how to overcome conflicts or sows enmity. "

I tried to present this direction from different angles. So far I have got five of them. I picked up quotes in accordance with them (sayings of the greats, proverbs). I think that some of them can be presented as the titles of the themes of the compositions, some can be taken as an epigraph.

Friendship is a great strength

  • The tree is kept by the roots, and the man is his friends. (Proverb)
  • A man without friends is like a falcon without wings. (Proverb)
  • To drag out my days without a friend is the worst of troubles.
    The soul is worthy of pity, which has no friend.
    Nizami (Persian poet)

And you need to be able to be friends

  • "You can't shake hands with clenched fists." Indira Gandhi
  • “One should know the measure in everything, everywhere. It is necessary to know the measure in friendship and enmity. " Saadi
  • "Abuse of friendship is discord with wisdom." Shota Rustaveli
  • "Friendship ends where mistrust begins." Seneca

A friend is known in misfortune

  • "A good friend should appear for fun when called, and when a friend is in distress, he must come without a call." Democritus (ancient Greek philosopher)
  • "Do not avoid a friend in distress." Menander (ancient Greek playwright, comedian)
  • "At the height of greatness, do not forget that your friend is in trouble." Friedrich Schiller (German poet)
  • I knew my friend in joy, do not leave me in sorrow (proverb).

Sometimes there is only a step between friendship and enmity ...

  • AND e ruses are ours, and enemies are our own creations.
  • "Our disposition and enmity always depend on ourselves." Bhasa (one of the first ancient Indian playwrights, III-IV centuries)
  • "Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends." Lyon Feuchtwanger (German writer)
  • There are no stronger friends than former enemies, there are no worse enemies than former friends (folk wisdom)
  • "Of all enemies, the most dangerous is the enemy who pretends to be a friend." Shota Rustaveli (12th century Georgian poet)
  • What is sweeter than halva? Friendship after enmity. (Arabic proverb)
  • "Enemies can be defeated by making them friends." Salvador Dali (Spanish painter)
  • "The best way to recognize and destroy an enemy is to become his friend." Paulo Coelho
  • It is not difficult to unearth the ax of war - it is more difficult to light the pipe of peace (Indian wisdom).
  • "Who became friends with you to gain benefits, is not your reliable friend, but your most terrible enemy." Abu Shukur (10th century Persian-Tajik poet)
  • "I could not understand those people who darken the wonderful life on earth, which is given to everyone for a short time, with unnecessary hostility, with vain anger." Rasul Gamzatov
  • "A cowardly friend is more terrible than an enemy, for you fear the enemy, but you rely on a friend." L.N. Tolstoy.
  • Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy. (Russian proverb)
  • A frowning friend is better than a smiling enemy. ( English proverb)

"Lessons" of enemies

  • “If I had not had enemies, I would not have become what I have become. But, thank God, there were enough enemies. " Salvador Dali
  • "I love smart enemies." Salvador Dali
  • "An adversary who reveals your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them." Leonardo da Vinci
  • "Everyone in the world is my allies, and I open my arms to my enemies, so that they strengthen me and elevate me." A. de Saint-Exupery. "Citadel".

    The first thing that naturally comes to mind is "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy is a novel, as they say, for all occasions.

    "The Little Prince" A. de Saint-Exupery.

    « A conversation about a friend "A. de Saint-Exupery.

    "The Avenger" by V. Soloukhin.

    "The Tale of Friendship and Dislike" by the Strugatskys ...


    Know, my friend, the price of enmity and friendship
    And do not sin in a hasty judgment.
    Anger at a friend, maybe instant,
    Pour out as long as you do not rush.

    Maybe your friend hurried himself
    And he offended you by chance.
    A friend was guilty and obeyed -
    Do not remember him a sin.

    People, we are aging and decaying
    And over the course of our years and days
    It's easier for us to lose our friends
    Finding them is much more difficult.

    If a faithful horse, injuring his leg,
    Suddenly stumbled, and then again,
    Don't blame him - blame the road
    And do not rush to change the horse.

    People, I ask you, for God's sake,
    Do not be shy about your kindness.
    There are not so many friends on earth:
    Be wary of losing your friends.

    I adhered to some rules,
    Seeing evil in weakness.
    How many friends have I left in my life,
    How many friends have left me.

    After that there was a lot of things.
    And it used to be on steep paths
    How I repented, how I lacked
    To me my lost friends!

    And now I yearn to see you all,
    Who once loved me
    I have not forgiven once
    Or who have not forgiven me.

    Rasul Gamzatov

    I am rich in enemies and friends,
    Therefore, enmity is not a problem,
    But the trouble is that it is strong and loud,
    And the fighting feud was swept away.
    And naive friendship is ready
    I wish both money and fame,
    But she is timid, ticklish and loves
    Silently compassionate me, sigh.
    And I really don't know which is better -
    Is this friendship or this enmity?
    Involuntarily, jealous of the strength,
    I am proud of enemies sometimes.

    Yakov Polonsky

    Friendship has its own laws ...

    Friendship has its own laws

    And enmity has its own law, -

    The enemy can become a friend

    And a friend is an enemy.

    Such is the eternal circle of life,

    There is no more evil enemy than a former friend.

    Genrikh Akulov


    My boy, hurting
    what do the enemies care about?
    So that you do not crawl out unfinished,
    running into their fists.

How difficult it is to define such a simple concept as friendship. Even in early childhood, we make friends, they somehow spontaneously appear at school. But sometimes the opposite is true: former friends suddenly become enemies, and the whole world exudes hostility. In the dictionary, friendship is a personal unselfish relationship between people based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. And enmity, according to linguists, is relations and actions imbued with hostility and hatred. How does the complex process of transition from love and sincerity to dislike, hatred and enmity take place? And to whom is there love in friendship? To friend? Or to yourself?

In Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov's novel A Hero of Our Time, Pechorin, reflecting on friendship, claims that one person is always the slave of another, although no one admits this to himself. The hero of the novel believes that he is not capable of friendship. But Werner shows the most sincere feelings towards Pechorin. And Pechorin gives Werner the most positive assessment. It seems, what else is needed for friendship? They understand each other so well. Starting an intrigue with Grushnitsky and Mary, Pechorin gets the most reliable ally in the person of Dr. Werner. But at the most crucial moment, Werner refuses to understand Pechorin. It seems natural to him to prevent the tragedy (on the eve he predicted that Grushnitsky would become Pechorin's new victim), but he does not stop the duel and allows the death of one of the duelists. Indeed, he obeys Pechorin, falling under the influence of his strong nature. But then he writes a note:

There is no evidence against you, and you can sleep well ... if you can ... Goodbye.

In this "if you can" one can hear a refusal of responsibility, he considers himself entitled to reproach his "friend" for such a misdeed. But she no longer wants to know him: "Goodbye" - sounds irrevocably. Yes, a real friend would have acted differently, he would have shared responsibility and would not have allowed tragedy not only in thoughts, but in deeds. So friendship (although Pechorin does not think so) turns into dislike.

Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov come to the Kirsanovs' family estate to rest. This is how the story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" begins. What made them buddies? Common interests? Common cause? Mutual love and respect? But both of them are nihilists and do not take feelings for truth. Maybe Bazarov goes to Kirsanov only because it is convenient for him to travel half of the way at the expense of a friend on his way home? .. In his relationship with Bazarov, Arkady every day discovers some new character traits in his friend. His ignorance of poetry, misunderstanding of music, self-confidence, boundless pride, especially when he claims that "no gods burn pots", referring to Kukshina and Sitnikov. Then love for Anna Sergeevna, with which his "friend-god" does not want to be reconciled in any way. Self-esteem does not allow Bazarov to admit his feelings. He would rather give up friends, love, than admit himself defeated. Saying goodbye to Arkady, he throws:

You are a nice guy; but still a little liberal barich ...

And although there is no hatred in these words, the dislike is felt.

Friendship, true, real, a rare phenomenon. The desire to be friends, mutual sympathy, common interests are only prerequisites for friendship. And whether it will develop to become time-tested depends only on patience and the ability to abandon oneself, on self-love, in the first place. Loving a friend means thinking about his interests, and not about how you will look in the eyes of others, whether it will offend your self-esteem. And the ability to get out of the conflict is worthy, respecting the opinion of a friend, but not compromising one's own principles, so that friendship does not grow into hostility.