The best time for physical education in detachments. Forms of physical education in the children's camp. Sports and health work in


The health of children, even relating to the few most prosperous I group of health deteriorates that it is manifested in reducing the adaptive capabilities and reserves of the child's body, in reducing the resistance of various kinds of infections, physical endurance and tolerance to training loads. The summer period provides an opportunity to use unique multifaceted exposure to natural wellness factors, for which it is necessary to create sometimes minimal additional conditions, first of all, an organizational nature. The conditions of the children's health camp create a favorable environment for wide deployment of physical culture and sports work among pupils. In the summer, during the holidays, the guys have unlimited opportunities for collective and individual exercises in the fresh air. These are games, sports, tourism, various kinds of exercise. Its appropriate combination with solid regime and hardening can give significant results. All educational and recreational work in the camp should be carried out in accordance with the age of children, their healthy interests and requests. At the same time, the organizers of the summer recreation of children should not forget that the main task of the camp - to provide a healthy vacation to children, so in no case cannot be allowed to overload children with various mass events to the detriment of their rest and health. All work should be carried out in accordance with the planned plan, the center of this work is a detachment. The training manual includes the basics of theoretical knowledge to the organization and conduct of physical recovery activities, taking into account the age characteristics of children and adolescents, methodical principles of training sports events, complexes of morning hygienic gymnastics, mobile games, sports holidays, competitions.

Physical and recreational work in the summer camp

Organization of physical recovery activities in the children's camp

In modern society, physical culture acts as a necessary part of the lifestyle of the younger generation, as it is an integral component of universal culture, the area of \u200b\u200bsatisfaction of the vital needs for motor activity solves the problem of physical improvement, permits the problems of rational use of free time. Permanent mental overloads at school require not only diligence, but also good health, sufficient psychophysical preparedness and full-fledged holidays on vacation. Currently, no one has doubts for the expediency and need to occupy various sports in childhood, as well as the improvement and hardening of the growing body. Summer time, resting time in a summer wellness camp, and it must be fully used for physical culture and sports. The main role in this belongs to the instructor of physical culture, which can attract comrades from holidaymakers and organize sports and recreation work. In the conditions of a children's health camp, great opportunities are provided for hardening children even in a short shift. In any case, you can lay a good foundation for the continuation of the case. First of all, it is necessary to understand that not one procedures can be hardened by children. Hardening should be a significant part of the physical education of the guys. It should spread to physical education, for labor processes, games, walks and sleep. Therefore, leading all the time with the guys, you need to take the most active part in hardening. Depends on the counselors, whether their wards will continue at home started in the hardening camp, which will in turn contribute to the creation of a solid foundation of health. We are talking about the role of the caregiver, bearing in mind that the hardening of children is held in the recreation camp under the guidance of medical personnel and the control of the head of the camp. But even in the absence of a common targeted leadership, which, unfortunately, it is often possible to observe, a leader should not be able to organize the hardening of the guys (in a reasonable framework), given that the individual approach is extremely difficult. Hardening procedures and events are in themselves and danger, if approaching them is incorrect, for example, a long stay in the first days under the sunny rays or bathing at the water temperature below +18 ° C. But excessive insurance often deprives the guys of the necessary procedures. In the process of hardening, in no case should you forget about the basic rules. The first condition is to pay attention to hardening not from occasion to the case, but systematically: otherwise there will be no meaning from the events taken. The second condition is a gradual increase in bathing duration or other hardware procedures. It follows, besides, considering that not all children are equally prepared for hardening, so you need to focus on weaker guys. The main equipment of hardening includes: air baths, sunbathing, water procedures. Air baths. Charging is carried out in any weather, and clothes, as we have said, there must be shorts, a shirt and sneakers (boys without magicians). And even if the morning is not very warm, there is nothing cold to fear: after all, charging passes relatively quickly and in motion. In such a suit, other physical education and competition should be carried out. For receiving air baths, you can use walks and games. For example, while walking in cloudy weather, it is suited to remove shirts and take a walk in thus for 10-15 minutes. For tomorrow, this "dose" can be increased by 3-5 minutes. Depending on the strength of wind and temperature.

But in no case cannot bring children to chills, and therefore it is necessary to remember that various physical exercises and jog will help to avoid this condition. First, not only muscles, internal organs, but also skin vessels receive training. They react to changes in the external environment: temperature, humidity, increases stability to drafts. Secondly, a significant part of gas exchange occurs through the skin. It means that the body provides an additional opportunity to "breathe". So that night sleep contributes hardening, the air in the bedroom must be constantly fresh. The counselor is always present when the guys fall to bed, and checks the condition of the room. Sunbath. "Which rarely peers the sun, a doctor often comes there," the old proverb says. Solar baths enhance growth, improve the metabolism, blood composition, protective properties of the skin. Under the influence of solar exposure increases performance, the mood is improved. But it must be remembered that the abuse of solar rays contributes to overheating the body, the appearance of lethargy, headaches, loss of appetite and sleep. And so that the Sun brought only the benefit, the leader with the detachment must comply with certain conditions. Sunbaths are held in a wellness camp under the guidance of medical personnel and instructor in physical culture. The counselors are directly involved. The detachment must have a permanent place where sun baths are usually held. During sunbathing, all children must have lightweight headgear from light fabrics. Time dispensing is easily controlled. In the first days, the duration of sunbathing should not exceed 4-6 minutes, and by the end of the shift can be increased to 35-40 minutes. In the middle of the shift, when the guys have already managed to tan, fears to receive burns and overheating decrease. And in the first days of shift, the sensitivity of the skin in relation to the sun rays is relatively high. At this time, various outdoor activities are needed in the shaded places. It is known that the health effects of solar radiation appear already with such doses that do not cause sunburn. Therefore, for hardening there is no need to achieve a strong tan. But if, as a result of ineptful "use" by sunlight, the child received burns, a thermal or sunshine (the first signs of thermal or solar strike - headache, lethargy, the increase in breathing and pulse), it is necessary to translate it immediately into a cool place and provide medical care.

Water procedures. Water procedures are the strongest and pleasant hardening agent to which the body reacts vigorously. As a result of a sharp narrowing of the vessels of the skin due to their blood to the internal organs, a person has a few moments feeling a feeling of cold, after which there is a pleasant feeling of warmth due to the extension of the vessels - this is a kind of vascular gymnastics. Too long cooling causes repeated chills. It should appear to be a signal to what perculpets may pass. So, it is necessary to stop the water procedure and make several energetic movements. The main thing at hardening with water is not a duration, but the temperature. All this guys do not know. The task of the prison is to tell them about the benefits of systematic reception of various water procedures for hardening and the dangers of the strongest procedures without gradually transition to them. At the same time, a personal example is of great importance. Here are some types of hardening water procedures that a detachment can apply at different times:

* in the morning - wiping the body with a wet towel, pouring, morning bathing;

* day - swimming, shower;

* In the evening - washing the feet of cool and cold water.

One of the strengths of hardware - morning swimming. It can be carried out in those camps, which are located near the reservoir or pool. First, children are only dipped, and in a few days (depending on the water and air temperature) bathe for 1-2 minutes. With the subsequent rubbing of the body with a towel. After bathing, a number of exercises for warming or jogging are done. When carrying out the morning bathing, you need to take into account age, physical training of guys, local and weather conditions. Together with the doctor, it is necessary to decide how to conduct this procedure. For example, it is impossible to recommend it to children under 11 years and weakened older guys. However, such an exception in southern regions can not be done. And, on the contrary, in rivers with a rapid flow where water is badly warming up, only bathing should be allowed in lakes with many keys. In a wellness camp, where there is no possibility to organize bathing due to lack of water bodies, you need to arrange shower installations in sufficient quantities so that all children can take a water procedure or organize dialing. It should be noted that water in these cases will be colder than in the river or lake, therefore the dosage should be small. Like swimming, children are organized by detachments, having a towel to rub the body. No need to warm up the water to wash the legs in the evening. Then this procedure may pursue not only hygienic goals, but also to be a hardware.

Physical education of children in a summer wellness camp.

The human development is a process of physical, mental and social maturation and covers all quantitative and qualitative changes in congenital and acquired funds occurring under the influence of the surrounding reality.

Physical education of children in camps is a very complicated and multifaceted question. One of the main activities of children's camps is an active rest using exercise, games, competitions.
According to the materials of a number of studies, physical culture and sports are in the first place among other activities of schoolchildren in the camp.
Conditions of recreation camp can provide the right motor regime for children during the holidays, which is a powerful wellness tool.

The main forms of work on the physical education of children in recreation camps are: Daily gymnastics with a mandatory running of 800 m; correctional gymnastics; Harding procedures: pouring feet with cold water, compatibility, solar and air baths; swimming; Sports and outdoor games, walks, excursions and hiking with terrain games, entertainment on the playground; Specialized sports holidays: "Day of Styer", "Sprinter Day", "Day of the thrower", "Jumper Day", "fun starts", etc. It should be noted that all the children should take part in these holidays and when summarizing Award is held, which is a kind of stimulus to attract children to physical culture. It is very important that all children in the camp are involved in them so that these events meet the requests and interests of children, their desire for curiosity, heroism, romantics.

The main methods of physical education in the camp are the gaming and competitive method.

The role of physical education in the health of the teenager

The place of physical education in the general system of upbringing, taking into account modern requirements.

Work on physical development permeates the entire organization of the life of children in the family and preschool institution, the organization of the subject and social environment, all types of children's activities, taking into account age and individual characteristics of preschoolers. In the preschool institution, the child's day regime provides for physical education classes, games and air entertainment, individual hardening procedures, during which regional and climatic conditions are taken into account.

The main form of teaching children was recognized by classes conducted by an instructor in physical culture (or as an educator). At the same time, a significant place in the physical education system is occupied by mobile games that are widely used in the class teacher, in other classes (music, rhythmics, theatrical activity), as well as during walks held by the educator.

Physical education classes decide both general and corrective tasks. In classes, exercise are included, aimed at the development of all major movements (throwing, walking, running, climbing, crawling, jumping). A wide variety of educational affairs of the physical culture direction allows you to solve the problem of moral, mental, aesthetic and labor education in the complex.

2.Rol physical education in children's development

The human development is a process of physical, mental and social maturation and covers all quantitative and qualitative changes in congenital and acquired funds occurring under the influence of the surrounding reality.

Physical development is associated with changes in growth, weight, an increase in muscle strength, improving the senses, coordination of movements, etc. In the process of mental development, significant changes occur in cognitive, volitional, emotional processes, in the formation of mental qualities and personalities. The social development of the child is carried out in the process of its inclusion in society, manifests itself in changing his behavior, attitudes towards others, in the peculiarities of participation in the business of the collective, etc.

In the first years of life, physical education is the basis of the comprehensive development of the child. As a child, the health foundation is laid and some important features are formed. Success in any activity is largely determined by the physical condition of the child. The children's body sharply responds to minor deviations from the norm in the environment, which is associated with its development and insufficient functional maturity of individual organs and systems. Communications between somatic and mental processes are closer than adults. Therefore, the solution of many pedagogical tasks should be carried out with compulsory accounting of the physical capabilities and condition of the child.

3. Forms of physical education in a children's camp

The experience of a long-life organization of children's holiday camps has emerged a certain system in organizing physical education.

1. Physical events in the day. They are called so because they enter the daily routine of the day and in one way or another are mandatory for all guys. These include morning gymnastics, sun and air baths, swimming.

2. Required physical culture work. This includes links and detachment of physical education, fees of detachments with physical culture themes, walks, excursions, hiking, terrain games.

3. Mass sports work. This includes sports games of the "Start of Hope" (sports competitions, competitions in various sports, mobile and sports games), competitions in all-around, table tennis tournaments, badminton, towns, chess, checkers, friendly meetings, Olympics.

4. Training classes of circles (sections), teams in different sports. During the summer holidays, children engaged in Schools and school sections often need to temporarily interrupt classes. Under the guidance of an instructor on physical culture, the counselors for them are organized by teams, circles in which, of undoubtedly, and physically trained guys can enter.

5. Publicly useful forms of labor. Most camps leave annually at the same place. Over the years, such camps have the opportunity to prepare a complex of sports fields, structures, sports equipment. Many have to do schoolchildren themselves. And in the fact that they take part in the construction and marking of sites, to repair inventory, there is an indisputable benefit.

6. Agitational propaganda work. Children are useful to know: the benefits of systematic exercise practices, the benefits of morning gymnastics, about the best athletes, about the Olympic Games, about sports events in the camp, country and the world, about new records, about sports, etc.

Conversations, quizzes, meetings with masters of sports, posters, well-decorated results of competitions - here are some types of propaganda and agitation.

But the best agitation-systematic classes, well-planned and excellent organized sporting events.

Thus, the skillful use of all listed forms is played with a large role for solving the objectives of the Fur Education in the pioneer camp.

Working with children in summer wellness camps should be constructed as a solution to the tasks that ensure the occurrence of new children's and adolescent communities, united only with sympathies of each other, but also with meaningful interests (in this case, interest in sports activities), which are preserved after " Summer season. Achieving this effect is possible through the creation of sustainable groups of children, not only beginners to play sports in summer wellness camps, but able to save this interest and continue occupations in winter in sections and circles of children and youth sports clubs and schools.

Physical education in the recreation camp has specific features due to a relatively short period of stay in the camp, a variety of contingent children by age, health state, level of physical development and physical fitness. These features should be taken into account when organizing physical education and wellness and sports events.

Physical education in the camp presents one of the most important participants in working with children and the direction to solve the following tasks:

health promotion, promoting physical development and hardening children;
improving children of skills and skills in natural types of movements;
increasing interest and habits for physical culture and sports.

Work on physical education in the wellness camp should contribute to the formation of moral and volitional qualities, feelings of patriotism, also awareness of the need for a healthy lifestyle, which is currently more important than the immediate wellness effect of all the events of the camp shift.

4. Methods of organizing physical education in a children's camp
Physical exercises
- a specific means of physical education used for solving wellness, educational and educational tasks. Very often in the camps of children are divided into 3 groups, in accordance with the level of their physical health for exercise:

1. Correction and wellness mode

- For children with violations of health status, low levels of physical fitness.

2. Developing mode

- For children with an average level of physical health and preparedness.

3. Sports regime

- for the most physically developed and enginefully trained children.

For children with a level of physical health, below average, it is better to develop a special program of physical education with a correctional and recreational orientation.

Dance exercises accompanied by music contribute to the formation of the skills of proper posture, the development of physical qualities (dexterity, speed, eye meter, etc.), as well as rhythm, smoothness, ease, expressiveness, cause positive emotions.

Movements in various activities have a positive effect on the child's body, if the correct posture is observed, as well as the dosage of physical exertion.

Classes of children in physical exercises are built in such a way that they are interconnected with the common day of the day, with other wellness activities and occupied up to 1.5-2 hours per day. They included various means and methods of physical culture, unconventional methods of recovery, training the basics of a healthy lifestyle, allowing to flexibly regulate the focus, volume and intensity of physical exertion, taking into account the characteristics of children during the day, weeks, shifts. One of the exercise, from those who are held in the camp is the morning charging.
Morning work-out

Facilitates the transition from sleep to wakefulness, allows the body to quickly engage in work. For it, such exercises that affect different muscle groups are preferable. Usually charging is carried out in the fresh air. Or in the gym with rhythmic music.]

Exercise in children's camps can be inventing a wide variety. The main thing is that they are interesting to the guys and instilled themselves for sports.
Game method

(Especially movable) is a very popular method of physical education. They are diverse in their scenario. In the system of physical education, the game is used to solve educational, wellness and educational tasks.

The essence of the game method lies in the fact that the motor activity is organized on the basis of the content, conditions and rules of the game

The main methodological features of the game methodare:

1) The game method provides comprehensive, complex development of physical qualities and improving motor skills and skills, since in the game they are manifested not isolated, but in close cooperation; In the case of pedagogical necessity, using the gaming method, you can selectively develop certain physical qualities (selecting the appropriate games);

2) the presence of rivalry elements in the game requires significant physical efforts, which makes it an effective method of educating physical abilities;

3) a wide selection of various ways to achieve the goal, the improvisational nature of actions in the game contribute to the formation of independence, initiatives, creativity, purposefulness and other valuable personal qualities;

4) Compliance with the conditions and rules of the game in confrontation provides the ability to practice to purposefully form in engaged in moral qualities: a sense of mutual assistance and cooperation, conscious discipline, will, collectivism, etc.;

5) The factor of pleasure, emotionality and attractiveness inherent in the gaming method contributes to the formation of a sustainable positive interest and an active motive for physical culture

Movable games primarily a means of physical education of children. They give the opportunity to develop and improve their movements, exercises in running, jumps, climbing, rushing, fishing, etc. A variety of movements require the active activity of large and small muscles, contribute to the best exchange of substances, blood circulation, breathing, i.e. Enhance the vital activity of the body.

The source of moving games with the rules is the folk games for which the brightness of the plan, meaningability, simplicity and enormity are characteristic.

The rules in the movable game perform the organizing role: they determine its course, the sequence of actions, the relationship of playing, the behavior of each child. Rules obliges obey the goals and meaning of the game; Children should be able to use them in different conditions.

In younger groups, the leader explains the content and rules along the game, in the elders - before the start. After children donate the game, they can conduct it on their own. The management of moving games with the rules is as follows. Selecting the mobile game, the leader takes into account the compliance of its desired motor activity, the availability of game rules and the content of children of this age. It ensures that all children participate in the game, performing all the required gaming movements, but not allowing excessive motor activity, which can cause their re-excitation and fatigue. Senior preschoolers need to be trained to play mobile games on their own. To do this, you need to develop interest in these games, to provide an opportunity to organize them on a walk, in the watch, on holidays, etc.

Moving games are divided byelementary
and sophisticated .
Elementary in turn divide on
and unmuck
fun games, rides
Scene games
have a ready-made plot and firmly recorded rules. The plot reflects the phenomena of the surrounding life (labor actions of people, traffic, movement and habits of animals, birds, etc.), game actions are associated with the development of the plot and with the role that the child performs. The rules determine the beginning and termination of movement, determine the behavior and relationships of players, clarify the course of the game. Submission to the rules is required for all.
Unmuck outdoor games
types of fishing, fuses ("Fathers", "Rubber") do not have the plot, images, but are similar to the plot, the rules, roles, interdependence of the gaming actions of all participants. These games are associated with the implementation of a specific motor task and require children of great independence, speed, dexterity, orientation in space. A moving games with elements of competition (individual and group) are also used in recreation camps, for example: "Whose link will be gathered soon," "Who is the first through the hoop to the checkbox" and other these games are held with the separation of teams (games-relay), That child seeks to task to improve the command result.

Games using items (Kegli, Siro, Kolzebarros, grandmother, "School of the ball", etc. are also included.In fun games, rides Motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions and often include the competition element, while several children perform motor tasks (running in bags, etc.), the rest of the children are spectators. Fun games, attractions deliver the audience a lot of joy.
To complex games
sports games (towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey.

Thus, the games are expanding the circle of representations, develop observation, intelligence, the ability to analyze, compare and summarize visible, based on what to draw conclusions from the observed phenomena in the environment. In rolling games, the ability to correctly evaluate spatial and temporary relations, quickly and properly react to the current situation in a frequently changing game setting. Movable games conducted on the terrain in summer and winter conditions are greatly educational importance: in pioneer camps, at the recreation bases, in hikes and excursions. Games on the area contribute to the education of the skills necessary for the tourist, intelligence, tracker.

Competitive method
- This is a way of performing exercises in the form of competitions. The essence of the method is to use competitions as a means of increasing the level of preparedness involved. The prerequisite for the competitive method is the preparedness of the exercises in which they must compete

Stimulate the maximum manifestation of motor abilities and identify the level of their development;

Identify and evaluate the quality of owning motor actions;

Provide maximum physical activity;

Promote the upbringing of volitional qualities.

For example, you can spend the Olympic Games in the summer camp to combine game and sports games. Olympic games are very often held in the camps. Each detachment in this shift represents the national team of the country chosen to them. The guys chose, for example, Ukraine, Spain, Moldova, Greece, Israel, Brazil and Russia. The team of counselors and camp staff also acts on the games a separate team - the United Arab Emirates. The detachment corner is issued by the Olympic symbolism, a funny sports motto, notes about past and upcoming competitions. When planning the "Ungers of Olympic Games", you can smash the traditional 24-day camp for 4 cycles (six-day weeks):

pre-air week
(during this time, children get acquainted with the sports fields of the camp, create their own teams, choose the country whose honor they will defend on games are preparing for the opening ceremony of the Games);

athletics week.
This is the most popular, affordable and favorite sport sport. For this week, children compete in running, jumping and throwing. Separate competitions can be distinguished as "Jumper Day", "Sprinter Day", "Marathon Day", "Day of the thrower", "Day of the relay", "Day of the Multipoint", etc.;

week gaming sports.
Tournaments on various mobile and sports games can be carried out throughout the entire camp of the Olympics (depending on the number of participating groups of detachments), and the finals are scheduled for a certain day. Keeping the foregoing principle, it will be the so-called "pioneerball days", mini-football, volleyball, basketball, strokebol, table tennis. You can also conduct competitions for these sports and in one day (if the number of teams is small);

week of intelligent sports.
It includes competitions, where not physical training is coming to the fore, and the ability to competently and quickly think. This is sports orientation, a checkered tournament, as well as a chess, which is usually held on July 20, on International Chess Day; On the same day, the Olympic Quiz is held.

Be sure to include in the plan of competitions on rolling games "Cheerful starts". Do not forget that most competitions are carried out in the fresh air, and in the case of rarely weather, the organizers of the Games should always have a backup option. Therefore, changes in the program are always possible.

Thus, the councils come up with different types of competitions. The essence is not in this, but to develop volitional qualities from the guys, to improve the relationship between the guys. As well as attract them to passion sports.


To date, in our country, under the influence of numerous factors of socio-economic and environmental nature, there is a decrease in the level of physical development, physical fitness and health in children of school age. Negative affects the health of children. Reducing motor activity, hypodynamine, hypocinezia due to the intensification of modern school education, insufficiently independent physical culture activities, violation of the norms of a healthy lifestyle., therefore, to compensate for the insufficient health efficiency of the school system of physical education, are intended to one or another children's health camps. The main activity of which is active recreation using exercise, games, competitions.

In our opinion, physical education as an organized impact process, including exercise, hygienic measures and the use of natural nature forces to ensure the necessary level of physical development, physical fitness, is intended to take a leading place in the activities of institutions organized during the school holidays.
List of used literature

1. APANASENKO G.L. Physical development of children and adolescents. - Kiev: Health, 1985. - 188 p.

2. Balsevich V.K. Physical culture for everyone and for everyone. - M.: Fis, 1988. - 208 p.

3. Weinbaum Ya.S. and other hygiene of physical education and sports. M.: Publishing Center "Academy" 2002. - 240c.

4. Sports / Ed. I.A. Solnev. - M.: Pedagogy, 2000. - 214 p.

5. Zueva I.A., TOSK V.A. Organization of physical culture and recreational and educational work in the summer camp. - M.: Phoenix., 1995. - 128 p.

6. Zheleznyak Yu.d., Petrov P.K. Basics of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture and sports. M.: Publishing Center "Academy" 2000 -264c.

7. World of childhood: Teen / Ed. A.G. Hoard. - M.: Pedagogy, 1996. - 432 p.

8. Serov N.B.Intensification of the health reserve of students of junior classes by means of physical culture. - M.: Knowledge, 2000. - 214 p.

9. Tikhvinsky S.B. Rol Physical Education in the Health of the Teenager. - L.: Pedagogy, 1987. - 138 p.

10. Colds M.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methods of physical education and sports. M.: Publishing Center "Academy" 2000 -480s.

11.Fanasyev S.P. Comorin S.V. What to do with children in a country camp, M. 1998

12. Corrod Summer Camp. / Sost S.I. Lobacheva, V.A. GREAT - M.: Vako, 2006

13.Titov S.V. Hello summer! Volgograd, Teacher, 2001

14.Shmakov S.A. Joke games, minute games. M., 1993.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Vladimir State University

named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Council

Department of Physical Education

by discipline: "Physical culture"

on the topic: "Physical education of children in summer holiday camps"


student c. SP-113.

Voronina Irina


associate Professor Kalintseva I.G.

Vladimir, 2014.


3.1 Morning charging

3.2 Game Method

3.3 Competitive Method




Physical education of children in camps is a very complicated and multifaceted question. One of the main activities of children's camps is an active rest using exercise, games, competitions. Physical culture and sports are in the first place among other activities of schoolchildren in the camp. Conditions of recreation camp can provide the right motor regime for children during the holidays, which is a powerful wellness tool.

The problem of recreation, recovery and employment of children and adolescents in the vacation period has always been and remains the focus of not only the heads of educational institutions, but also institutions of additional education of children, staff of regional and municipal authorities. Compensate the insufficient health efficiency of the school system of physical education, are intended to one or another children's health camps. The main activity of which is active vacation using exercise, games, competitions.

1. General characteristics of children's summer camps

There are various forms of children's rest: organized and unorganized, collective and individual, with parents and relatives, and without them, wellness, sanatorium and profile, and rest in the context of the city and country rest, rest abroad and within the country, etc.

Children's camp - kind of children's holiday, which is consistently popular. For children of any age, a ticket to a children's camp is a chance to show your independence, become an adult. Traditionally, all over the world, children's camps were organized in nature, in a wooded area. Recreation in them guys made hiking, alloys on rivers on kayaks or roofs, and in the evenings were going around the fire.

Currently, the popularity of such classical camps has decreased: "Reducing the birth rate, an increase in competition in the market of educational programs entailed a sharp increase in the recreation programs offered by children's camps." Today, children are offered musical and artistic camps, tennis and football, with horse riding or camp with foreign languages \u200b\u200bor programming, with in-depth study of mathematics or with a special program to reduce weight or camp for teenagers with leadership training.

Baby camps are designed for different ages: from preschoolers to 18-19-year-old girls and boys. The main goal of most camps - educational or cultural development. Under the conditions of complete safety and a favorable environment, the guys may feel like an adult and independent than at home.

Summer camp is a controlled program for children and / or adolescents held during the summer months in some countries. Children and adolescents who visit the summer camp are known as tourists (trappers) and pioneers (children under 15). This is the most common way to organize a children's rest during the summer holidays, both in Russia and in the West.

Summer camp is, on the one hand, the form of organizing the free time of children of different ages, gender and level of development, on the other, the space for the improvement, the development of the artistic, technical, social creativity of the child. These include country camps, daily stay camp, profile and defense and sports camps, tent camps, etc.

The camp is located, as a rule, outside the city, it is organized on a stationary base, as well as in the premises of boarding houses, bases and holiday homes, sanatoriums-profilators, tourist institutions, schools, other adapted premises. The camp can be organized in tents, on river and sea ships.

Taking into account the age and interests of children in the camp, detachments, groups and other associations are created. The number of children in groups aged 6-9 years is 20-25 people, 10-14 - 25-30, 15-18 - 25 people.

The orientation of the child's interests is today one of the important features of the children's camp. Children's camp creates favorable conditions for self-improvement and self-realization. Respect for the identity of the child, to his inner world, recognition of his right to be himself, creating conditions for the development of his abilities, satisfying individual needs and needs, self-realization - all this characterizes the children's camp. Such a camp provides the choice of directions and the pace of development to each adolescent and ways to satisfy his new updating needs.

The easiest view of leisure is rest. It is intended to restore the strength spent during operation and is divided into active and passive. Passive rest is characterized by the state of rest, which removes fatigue and restores the strength. Rest of this kind does not set up far-reaching goals, he is passive, individual, contains only the primitives of positive leisure. And, nevertheless, such a rest is an integral element of human life. It serves as a preparatory degree for more complex and creative activities.

Active recreation, on the contrary reproduces human strength with exceeding the initial level. It gives work muscles and mental functions that have not found applications in labor. Man "enjoys the movement, quick change of emotional influences, communication with friends. Active holidays in contrast to passive, requires some minimum of fresh strength, volitional efforts and preparation. " It includes physical education, sports, physical and mental exercises, tourism, games, movie view, visiting exhibitions, theaters, museums, listening to music, reading, friendly communication.

Active recreation is associated with the activation of spiritual interests that encourage young people to active search in culture. These searches stimulate the cognitive activity of the person, consisting in systematic reading of serious literature, visiting museums, exhibitions. If the entertainment serves mainly emotional discharge, then knowledge contributes to the expansion of the cultural outlook, to raise the feelings, and the manifestation of intellectual activity. This type of leisure is a focused, systematic character, this is mastering the world of cultural values, which spreads the borders of the spiritual world of a young personality.

Conditions of recreation camp can provide the right motor regime for children during the holidays, which is a powerful wellness tool.

The main forms of working with children in recreation camps are:

daily gymnastics with a mandatory running of 800 m;

correctional gymnastics;

harding procedures: pouring feet with cold water, compatibility, solar and air baths; swimming;

sports and outdoor games, walks, excursions and hiking with terrain games, entertainment on the playground;

specialized Sports Holidays: "Stayer Day", "Sprinter Day", "Day of the thrower", "Jumper Day", "Fun Starts", etc.

It should be noted that all children should take part in these holidays and when summarizing the results should be awarded, which is a peculiar incentive to attract children to work together. It is very important that all children in the camp are involved in them, so that these events meet the demands and interests of children, their desire for curious, heroism, romance.

Leisure activities in the working conditions of summer wellness camps are distinguished by absolute voluntariness. It is impossible to force children to engage in leisure. It relies on the principle of pleasure, the sensual basis of pleasant sensations, experiences, thoughts, satisfies the personal interests and attractions of children. Law of leisure activities sublimation, i.e., the process of transformation and switching the energy of effective (mental, passionate, emotional) deposits, excitement on social activities and cultural creativity.

3. Methods of organizing active recreation in the children's camp

Exercise is a specific means of physical education used for solving wellness, educational and educational tasks. Very often in the camps of children are divided into 3 groups, in accordance with the level of their physical health for exercise:

Correctional and wellness regime - for children with health status impairment, low level of physical fitness.

Developing mode - for children with an average level of physical health and preparedness.

Sports regime - for the most physically developed and enginefully trained children.

For children with a level of physical health, below average, it is better to develop a special program of physical education with a correctional and recreational orientation.

Dance exercises accompanied by music contribute to the formation of the skills of proper posture, the development of physical qualities (dexterity, speed, eye meter, etc.), as well as rhythm, smoothness, ease, expressiveness, cause positive emotions.

Movements in various activities have a positive effect on the child's body, if the correct posture is observed, as well as the dosage of physical exertion.

Classes of children in physical exercises are built in such a way that they are interconnected with the common day of the day, with other wellness activities and occupied up to 1.5-2 hours per day. They included various means and methods of physical culture, unconventional methods of recovery, training the basics of a healthy lifestyle, allowing to flexibly regulate the focus, volume and intensity of physical exertion, taking into account the characteristics of children during the day, weeks, shifts. One of the exercise, from those being held in the camp, is the morning charging.

Morning charging facilitates the transition from sleep to wakefulness, allows the body to quickly engage in work. For it, such exercises that affect different muscle groups are preferable. Usually charging is carried out in the fresh air. Or in the gym with rhythmic music.

After morning charging, water procedures should be held - a shower or pouring, after which it is vigorously in a towel to a feeling of pleasant warmth. It is necessary to rub the body in the course of blood vessels: from the hand of hands to the shoulder, from the back to the hip, and the stomach and chest - the circular movements on the right left. Children after each physical workout need to take a comfortable shower. Gradually, the temperature reduce: from 30 to 20-15 at the end. This is a good hardening procedure.

3.1 Morning charging

Facilitates the transition from sleep to wakefulness, allows the body to quickly engage in work. For it, such exercises that affect different muscle groups are preferable. Usually charging is carried out in the fresh air. Or in the gym with rhythmic music.

An example of the morning gymnastics:

Source position (IP) - standing straight, hands raised up. Bend forward, trying to touch the floor palms. Exhale. Straighten up, hands up. Inhales Legs in the knees do not bend. Repeat 8-10 times.

I.P. - Standing straight, legs on the width of the shoulders, the hands are divorced to the palms upstairs. Turn the torso to the left - exhale. Return to I.P. - inhale. Turn to the right - exhale. Repeat 5 times in each direction.

I.P. - Standing straight, legs on the width of the shoulders, left hand on the belt, right - palm inside over your head. Tilting the body to the left, simultaneously retard the left leg. Return to I.P. Repeat 5 times in each direction.

I.P. - Sitting squatting, hands rest in the floor. Perform spring squats, trying not to tear off the feet of the floor. Repeat 8-10 times.

I.P. - Sitting or standing. Perform rotation head to the right, then - left, 3 times in each direction. Then the slopes to the right and left - on 5 to each side.

I.P. - Standing straight, palms on the buttocks. Boot back, leaning palms about the buttocks. Repeat 8-10 times.

I.P. - Standing straight, hands omit freely along the body, rose the right hand forward, at the same time dropping down-back left and spring spring. The same, changing hands. Repeat 10 times.

I.P. - Standing straight, hands omit freely along the body. Drinks on the spot, gently landing on the socks.

After morning charging, water procedures should be held - a shower or pouring, after which it is vigorously in a towel to a feeling of pleasant warmth. It is necessary to rub the body in the course of blood vessels: from the hand of hands to the shoulder, from the back to the hip, and the stomach and chest - the circular movements on the right left.

Children after each physical workout need to take a comfortable shower. Gradually, the temperature reduce: from 30 to 20-15 at the end. This is a good hardening procedure.

Exercise in children's camps can be inventing a wide variety. The main thing is that they are interesting to the guys and instilled themselves for sports.

3.2 Game Method

Games (especially mobile) is a very popular method of physical education. They are diverse in their scenario. In the system of physical education, the game is used to solve educational, wellness and educational tasks.

The essence of the game method lies in the fact that the motor activity is organized on the basis of the content, conditions and rules of the game physical education camp gaming

The main methodological features of the game method are:

) The game method provides comprehensive, integrated development of physical qualities and improving motor skills and skills, since in the game they are not manifested in the game, but in close cooperation; In the case of pedagogical necessity, using the gaming method, you can selectively develop certain physical qualities (selecting the appropriate games);

) The presence of rivalry elements in the game requires significant physical efforts, which makes it an effective method of educating physical abilities;

) A wide selection of various ways to achieve the goal, the improvisational nature of actions in the game contribute to the formation of independence, initiatives, creativity, purposefulness and other valuable personal qualities;

) Compliance with the conditions and rules of the game in confrontation allows teacher to purposefully form in engaged in moral qualities: a sense of mutual assistance and cooperation, conscious discipline, will, collectivism, etc.;

) The factor of pleasure, emotionality and attractiveness inherent in the game method contributes to the formation of a sustainable positive interest and an active motive for physical education.

A mobile game with rules is a conscious, active child activity characterized by accurate and timely fulfillment of tasks related to mandatory for all playing rules. By definition of P.F.Lesgafta, a mobile game is an exercise by which the child is preparing for life. Fascinating content, the emotional saturation of the game encourages the child to certain mental and physical efforts. The specifics of the rolling game consists in a lightning, instantaneous response of the child to the signal "Catch!", "Run!", "Stop!" et al. Movable game is an indispensable means of replenishing the child's knowledge and ideas about the world around the world, the development of thinking, smelling, dexterity, skill, valuable moral and volitional qualities. In pedagogical science, mobile games are considered as an essential means of comprehensive child development.

Movable games primarily a means of physical education of children. They give the opportunity to develop and improve their movements, exercises in running, jumps, climbing, rushing, fishing, etc. A variety of movements require the active activity of large and small muscles, contribute to the best exchange of substances, blood circulation, breathing, i.e. Enhance the vital activity of the body.

The source of moving games with the rules is the folk games for which the brightness of the plan, meaningability, simplicity and enormity are characteristic.

The rules in the movable game perform the organizing role: they determine its course, the sequence of actions, the relationship of playing, the behavior of each child. Rules obliges obey the goals and meaning of the game; Children should be able to use them in different conditions.

In younger groups, the leader explains the content and rules along the game, in the elders - before the start. After children donate the game, they can conduct it on their own. The management of moving games with the rules is as follows. Selecting the mobile game, the leader takes into account the compliance of its desired motor activity, the availability of game rules and the content of children of this age. It ensures that all children participate in the game, performing all the required gaming movements, but not allowing excessive motor activity, which can cause their re-excitation and fatigue. Senior preschoolers need to be trained to play mobile games on their own. To do this, you need to develop interest in these games, to provide an opportunity to organize them on a walk, in the hours of leisure, on holidays, etc.

Moving games are divided into elementary and complex. Elementary in turn are divided into plot and unmavable, fun games, attractions.

Scene games have a ready-made plot and recorded rules. The plot reflects the phenomena of the surrounding life (labor actions of people, traffic, movement and habits of animals, birds, etc.), game actions are associated with the development of the plot and with the role that the child performs. The rules determine the beginning and termination of movement, determine the behavior and relationships of players, clarify the course of the game. Submission to the rules is required for all.

Unmantively moving games like fishing, runs ("catchers", "rations") do not have the plot, images, but are similar to the plot availability of rules, roles, interdependence of the gaming actions of all participants. These games are associated with the implementation of a specific motor task and require children of great independence, speed, dexterity, orientation in space. A moving games with elements of competition (individual and group) are also used in recreation camps, for example: "Whose link will be gathered soon," "Who is the first through the hoop to the checkbox" and other these games are held with the separation of teams (games-relay), That child seeks to task to improve the command result.

Games using items (Kegli, Siro, Kolzebarros, grandmother, "School of the ball", etc. are also included.

In fun games, attractions Motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions and often include the competition element, while several children perform motor tasks (running in bags, etc.), the rest of the children are spectators. Fun games, attractions deliver the audience a lot of joy.

Skip games include sports games (towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey.

Thus, the games are expanding the circle of representations, develop observation, intelligence, the ability to analyze, compare and summarize visible, based on what to draw conclusions from the observed phenomena in the environment. In rolling games, the ability to correctly evaluate spatial and temporary relations, quickly and properly react to the current situation in a frequently changing game setting. Movable games conducted on the terrain in summer and winter conditions are greatly educational importance: in pioneer camps, at the recreation bases, in hikes and excursions. Games on the area contribute to the education of the skills necessary for the tourist, intelligence, tracker.

3.3 Competitive Method

The competitive method is a way to perform exercises in the form of competitions. The essence of the method is to use competitions as a means of increasing the level of preparedness involved. The prerequisite for the competitive method is the preparedness of the exercises in which they should compete.

stimulate the maximum manifestation of motor abilities and identify the level of their development;

identify and evaluate the quality of owning motor actions;

provide maximum physical activity;

promote the upbringing of volitional qualities.

For example, you can spend the Olympic Games in the summer camp to combine game and sports games. Olympic games are very often held in the camps. Each detachment in this shift represents the national team of the country chosen to them. The guys chose, for example, Ukraine, Spain, Moldova, Greece, Israel, Brazil and Russia. The team of counselors and camp staff also acts on the games a separate team - the United Arab Emirates. The detachment corner is issued by the Olympic symbolism, a funny sports motto, notes about past and upcoming competitions. When planning the "Ungers of Olympic Games", you can smash the traditional 24-day camp for 4 cycles (six-day weeks):

pre-Fial (during this time, children get acquainted with the camp sports fields, create their teams, choose the country whose honor they will defend on games are preparing for the opening ceremony of the Games);

athletics week. This is the most popular, affordable and favorite sport sport. For this week, children compete in running, jumping and throwing. Separate competitions can be distinguished as "Jumper Day", "Sprinter Day", "Marathon Day", "Day of the thrower", "Day of the relay", "Day of the Multipoint", etc.;

week gaming sports. Tournaments on various mobile and sports games can be carried out throughout the entire camp of the Olympics (depending on the number of participating groups of detachments), and the finals are scheduled for a certain day. Keeping the foregoing principle, it will be the so-called "pioneerball days", mini-football, volleyball, basketball, strokebol, table tennis. You can also conduct competitions for these sports and in one day (if the number of teams is small);

week of intelligent sports. It includes competitions, where not physical training is coming to the fore, and the ability to competently and quickly think. This is sports orientation, a checkered tournament, as well as a chess, which is usually held on July 20, on International Chess Day; On the same day, the Olympic Quiz is held.

Be sure to include in the plan of competitions on rolling games "Cheerful starts". Do not forget that most competitions are carried out in the fresh air, and in the case of rarely weather, the organizers of the Games should always have a backup option. Therefore, changes in the program are always possible.

Thus, the councils come up with different types of competitions. The essence is not in this, but to develop volitional qualities from the guys, to improve the relationship between the guys. And also to attract them to passion sports.

3.4 Swimming in the children's camp

Especially magnificent enveloping strengthening effect on the children's body has a swimming. Swimming classes strengthen the child's musculoskeletal system, they also develop physical qualities as endurance, strength, speed, mobility in joints, coordination of movements; They also form a "muscular corset" in a timely manner, contributes to the development of good posture, warning the curvature of the spine, eliminate excitability and irritability. Children who are regularly engaged in swimming, differ markedly from peers that are not engaged in sports: they are higher than growth, have higher rates, flexibility, strength, are less susceptible to colds.

Planning classes follows warm days, since with a higher water and air temperature, young swimmers can be in the water for a long time and quickly master the swimming techniques. Children only allowed to resolve the doctor.

The duration of staying in water at first occupations should not exceed 5-10 minutes. In the future, as water heats up in the reservoir and hardening the body, the duration of the "water" part of the lesson gradually increases.

In summer camps, swimming, teaching children swimming, as well as improving technology is recommended daily, from 10 to 12 and from 17 to 19.

The camp necessarily checks the swimming preparedness of children. At the same time, no more than two people are in the water (NO belt or on the chest) at the same time, which float along the coast. According to the results of the inspection, training groups are completed depending on the age and preparedness of the guys.

Children who do not know how to swim (10 people) are credited to the first group and able to keep on the surface of the water (no more than 15 people). The group consistently examines the preparatory exercises for development with water and sports methods of the crown on the chest and on the back.

The second group combines children who managed to sail from 10 to 25 m in any way. They learn sports methods to a chest and back.

At the first lesson, the instructor should tell about the goals, objectives and order of classes, on the hygiene of the swimmer and the rules of hardening, as well as measures for preventing injuries and accidents on the water before the start of classes in the water branch consists of a schedule of movement of detachments for classes and back, as well as a schedule Classes on land and in water which is hanging on the bulletin board of the camp.

The main form of organization and conducting training sessions for swimming is the group YPOC, it is divided into three parts: preparatory; Basic and final. The preparatory and final parts are carried out on land, the main thing is in the water.

The preparatory part of the lesson (duration of 5-10 minutes) includes the construction of the group, calculation, roll call, the explanation of the tasks and the procedure for conducting the lesson, the implementation of a complex of overall and special exercise, a brief repetition of the material with the analysis of errors and familiarization with new, exercises.

The main part of the lesson (30-45 minutes) is aimed at solving the main tasks: development with water, studying the equipment of swimming, starts, turns, jumping into water

The final part of the lesson (5-10 minutes) is constructed, so as to gradually reduce the physical exertion and increase the emotionality of the classes. Therefore, it includes games, relay, entertainment on water, as well as summing up the classes. After leaving the water, children must carefully wipe away with a towel. Thus, when teaching swimming in a summer wellness camp, the following main tasks are solved:

strengthening health, hardening the human body, grafting persistent hygienic skills;

study of swimming technology and mastering vital swimming skills;

comprehensive physical development and improvement of such physical qualities as power, flexibility, endurance, speed, dexterity;

acquaintance with water safety rules.

3.5 Hardening (sun, air and water - our best friends)

Hardening system of various activities aimed at increasing the sustainability of the body to the adverse effects of such natural factors as cold, heat, solar radiation. In wellness camps, there are extremely favorable circumstances to harde children with the help of the natural forces of nature. At the same time, the hardening becomes an effective means of physical education of children contributing to the development of the body's stability to colds, the acquisition of hygienic skills.

The hardware procedure system is based on the following principles:

graduality (the intensity of hardifying procedures should increase gradually)

individuality (follow the portability of various procedures by each individual child)

systematics (training the effect of hardifying procedures arises only under the condition of regular and long-term classes)

the combination of various types of hardening (it produces the ability of the body to adapt to various factors of the external environment)

Hardening sun

It is better to harden the sun to start at t in the shade not lower than 10 degrees. The best time to receive sunbathing from 10 to 12 hours is best sunbathing in motion.

Hardening air

Water hardening

Wipe. It is recommended to spend daily in the morning after charging. Wasten to produce a sponge, wet towel or hand dipped in water. First wipe the top of the body: brushes, forearm, neck, chest, back, then, bottom. After that, the whole body is triturated with a dry towel. Duration does not exceed 30 seconds. In the future, up to 2-3 minutes.

Pouring. This is a more efficient type of hardening. Pouring is carried out with water T 25-30. After pouring, the body is vigorously triturated with a towel.

Bathing. Swimming is not only the strongest and useful tempering procedure, but also the most pleasant. The colder water, the shorter the procedure should be. During hardening, it is impossible to allow the child to feel unpleasant chills to appear "goose skin". If such sensations occur, instead of the expected hardening effect, sharp and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, kidneys, joints can develop.

A good, hardening effect is hygienic procedures, wash it cold water to a belt and washing the feet with cold water.


Children's camp - kind of children's holiday, which is consistently popular. For children of any age, a ticket to a children's camp is a chance to show your independence, become an adult. Traditionally, all over the world, children's camps were organized in nature, in a wooded area. Summer camp is a controlled program for children and / or adolescents held during the summer months in some countries.

Conditions of recreation camp can provide the right motor regime for children during the holidays, which is a powerful wellness tool. Leisure activities in the working conditions of summer wellness camps are distinguished by absolute voluntariness. It is impossible to force children to engage in leisure. It relies on the principle of pleasure, the sensual basis of pleasant sensations, experiences, thoughts, satisfies the personal interests and attractions of children.

Active vacation in the health camp has specific features due to a relatively short period of stay in the camp, a variety of contingent children by age, health state, level of physical development and physical fitness. These features should be taken into account when organizing physical education and wellness and sports events.

Classes of children in physical exercises are built in such a way that they are interconnected with the common day of the day, with other wellness activities and occupied up to 1.5-2 hours per day. Morning charging facilitates the transition from sleep to wakefulness, allows the body to quickly engage in work. Games (especially mobile) is a very popular activity method. They are diverse in their scenario. In the system of physical education, the game is used to solve educational, wellness and educational tasks.


APANASENKO, G. L. Physical development of children and adolescents: Textbook / G. L. Apanesenko. - Kiev: Health, 2005. - 188 p.

Balsevich, V. K. Physical culture for everyone and for everyone: studies. Allowance / V. K. Balsevich. - M.: FIS, 2008. - 208 p.

Solntseva, I. A. The value of sports: Textbook / I. A. Soltseva. - M.: Pedagogy, 2010. - 214 p.

Zueva, I. A. Organization of physical education and educational work in the summer camp: Tutorial / I. A. Zueva, V. A. TOSK. - Rostov-on-d.: Phoenix, 2005. - 128 p.

Sysoeva, O. E.: Organization of summer holiday children: studies. Manual / O. E. Sysoeva. - M.: Vlados, 2009. - 176 p.

Tikhvinsky, S. B. The role of physical education in the Health of the Teenager: Textbook / S. B. Tikhvinsky. - SPb.: Pedagogy, 2007. - 138 p.

Colds, M. K. Theory and methods of physical education and sports: Textbook / M. K. Kholodov, V. S. Kuznetsov. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 480 p.

Zheleznyak, Yu.D. Basics of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture and sports: studies. Handbook /U.D Zheleznyak. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 264 p.


The health of children, even relating to the few most prosperous I group of health deteriorates that it is manifested in reducing the adaptive capabilities and reserves of the child's body, in reducing the resistance of various kinds of infections, physical endurance and tolerance to training loads. The summer period provides an opportunity to use unique multifaceted exposure to natural wellness factors, for which it is necessary to create sometimes minimal additional conditions, first of all, an organizational nature. The conditions of the children's health camp create a favorable environment for wide deployment of physical culture and sports work among pupils. In the summer, during the holidays, the guys have unlimited opportunities for collective and individual exercises in the fresh air. These are games, sports, tourism, various kinds of exercise. Its appropriate combination with solid regime and hardening can give significant results. All educational and recreational work in the camp should be carried out in accordance with the age of children, their healthy interests and requests. At the same time, the organizers of the summer recreation of children should not forget that the main task of the camp - to provide a healthy vacation to children, so in no case cannot be allowed to overload children with various mass events to the detriment of their rest and health. All work should be carried out in accordance with the planned plan, the center of this work is a detachment. The training manual includes the basics of theoretical knowledge to the organization and conduct of physical recovery activities, taking into account the age characteristics of children and adolescents, methodical principles of training sports events, complexes of morning hygienic gymnastics, mobile games, sports holidays, competitions.

Chapter 1 Physical and Improvement Work in the Summer Camp

1.1 Organization of physical recovery activities in the children's camp

In modern society, physical culture acts as a necessary part of the lifestyle of the younger generation, as it is an integral component of universal culture, the area of \u200b\u200bsatisfaction of the vital needs for motor activity solves the problem of physical improvement, permits the problems of rational use of free time. Permanent mental overloads at school require not only diligence, but also good health, sufficient psychophysical preparedness and full-fledged holidays on vacation. Currently, no one has doubts for the expediency and need to occupy various sports in childhood, as well as the improvement and hardening of the growing body. Summer time, resting time in a summer wellness camp, and it must be fully used for physical culture and sports. The main role in this belongs to the instructor of physical culture, which can attract comrades from holidaymakers and organize sports and recreation work. In the conditions of a children's health camp, great opportunities are provided for hardening children even in a short shift. In any case, you can lay a good foundation for the continuation of the case. First of all, it is necessary to understand that not one procedures can be hardened by children. Hardening should be a significant part of the physical education of the guys. It should spread to physical education, for labor processes, games, walks and sleep. Therefore, leading all the time with the guys, you need to take the most active part in hardening. Depends on the counselors, whether their wards will continue at home started in the hardening camp, which will in turn contribute to the creation of a solid foundation of health. We are talking about the role of the caregiver, bearing in mind that the hardening of children is held in the recreation camp under the guidance of medical personnel and the control of the head of the camp. But even in the absence of a common targeted leadership, which, unfortunately, it is often possible to observe, a leader should not be able to organize the hardening of the guys (in a reasonable framework), given that the individual approach is extremely difficult. Hardening procedures and events are in themselves and danger, if approaching them is incorrect, for example, a long stay in the first days under the sunny rays or bathing at the water temperature below +18 ° C. But excessive insurance often deprives the guys of the necessary procedures. In the process of hardening, in no case should you forget about the basic rules. The first condition is to pay attention to hardening not from occasion to the case, but systematically: otherwise there will be no meaning from the events taken. The second condition is a gradual increase in bathing duration or other hardware procedures. It follows, besides, considering that not all children are equally prepared for hardening, so you need to focus on weaker guys. The main equipment of hardening includes: air baths, sunbathing, water procedures. Air baths. Charging is carried out in any weather, and clothes, as we have said, there must be shorts, a shirt and sneakers (boys without magicians). And even if the morning is not very warm, there is nothing cold to fear: after all, charging passes relatively quickly and in motion. In such a suit, other physical education and competition should be carried out. For receiving air baths, you can use walks and games. For example, while walking in cloudy weather, it is suited to remove shirts and take a walk in thus for 10-15 minutes. For tomorrow, this "dose" can be increased by 3-5 minutes. Depending on the strength of wind and temperature.

But in no case cannot bring children to chills, and therefore it is necessary to remember that various physical exercises and jog will help to avoid this condition. First, not only muscles, internal organs, but also skin vessels receive training. They react to changes in the external environment: temperature, humidity, increases stability to drafts. Secondly, a significant part of gas exchange occurs through the skin. It means that the body provides an additional opportunity to "breathe". So that night sleep contributes hardening, the air in the bedroom must be constantly fresh. The counselor is always present when the guys fall to bed, and checks the condition of the room. Sunbath. "Which rarely peers the sun, a doctor often comes there," the old proverb says. Solar baths enhance growth, improve the metabolism, blood composition, protective properties of the skin. Under the influence of solar exposure increases performance, the mood is improved. But it must be remembered that the abuse of solar rays contributes to overheating the body, the appearance of lethargy, headaches, loss of appetite and sleep. And so that the Sun brought only the benefit, the leader with the detachment must comply with certain conditions. Sunbaths are held in a wellness camp under the guidance of medical personnel and instructor in physical culture. The counselors are directly involved. The detachment must have a permanent place where sun baths are usually held. During sunbathing, all children must have lightweight headgear from light fabrics. Time dispensing is easily controlled. In the first days, the duration of sunbathing should not exceed 4-6 minutes, and by the end of the shift can be increased to 35-40 minutes. In the middle of the shift, when the guys have already managed to tan, fears to receive burns and overheating decrease. And in the first days of shift, the sensitivity of the skin in relation to the sun rays is relatively high. At this time, various outdoor activities are needed in the shaded places. It is known that the health effects of solar radiation appear already with such doses that do not cause sunburn. Therefore, for hardening there is no need to achieve a strong tan. But if, as a result of ineptful "use" by sunlight, the child received burns, a thermal or sunshine (the first signs of thermal or solar strike - headache, lethargy, the increase in breathing and pulse), it is necessary to translate it immediately into a cool place and provide medical care.

Water procedures. Water procedures are the strongest and pleasant hardening agent to which the body reacts vigorously. As a result of a sharp narrowing of the vessels of the skin due to their blood to the internal organs, a person has a few moments feeling a feeling of cold, after which there is a pleasant feeling of warmth due to the extension of the vessels - this is a kind of vascular gymnastics. Too long cooling causes repeated chills. It should appear to be a signal to what perculpets may pass. So, it is necessary to stop the water procedure and make several energetic movements. The main thing at hardening with water is not a duration, but the temperature. All this guys do not know. The task of the prison is to tell them about the benefits of systematic reception of various water procedures for hardening and the dangers of the strongest procedures without gradually transition to them. At the same time, a personal example is of great importance. Here are some types of hardening water procedures that a detachment can apply at different times:

in the morning - wiping the trunk with a wet towel, pouring, morning swimming;

day - bathing, shower;

in the evening - washing feet with cool and cold water.

One of the strengths of hardware - morning swimming. It can be carried out in those camps, which are located near the reservoir or pool. First, children are only dipped, and in a few days (depending on the water and air temperature) bathe for 1-2 minutes. With the subsequent rubbing of the body with a towel. After bathing, a number of exercises for warming or jogging are done. When carrying out the morning bathing, you need to take into account age, physical training of guys, local and weather conditions. Together with the doctor, it is necessary to decide how to conduct this procedure. For example, it is impossible to recommend it to children under 11 years and weakened older guys. However, such an exception in southern regions can not be done. And, on the contrary, in rivers with a rapid flow where water is badly warming up, only bathing should be allowed in lakes with many keys. In a wellness camp, where there is no possibility to organize bathing due to lack of water bodies, you need to arrange shower installations in sufficient quantities so that all children can take a water procedure or organize dialing. It should be noted that water in these cases will be colder than in the river or lake, therefore the dosage should be small. Like swimming, children are organized by detachments, having a towel to rub the body. No need to warm up the water to wash the legs in the evening. Then this procedure may pursue not only hygienic goals, but also to be a hardware.

Morning hygienic gymnastics (charging). It is difficult to find a child who would not try to do the charge at home. But, unfortunately, few are able to force themselves to include daily morning gymnastics in his routine of the day as an indispensable condition, like washing, cleaning teeth, reception. A lot of good words are said about Morning Gymnastics. It has been scientifically proven that it raises the vital qualities necessary for a person, improves the activities of all organs, is a preventive agent against colds and other diseases. One of the tasks of daily morning gymnastics in a health camp - to instill with the guys sustainable interest and the habit of continuing its fulfillment of the house. Being a disciplining agent, charging should contribute to the organized beginning of the day. And so that it solve such important tasks, such as health promotion, hardening the body, raising will, etc., leaders need knowledge and experience in its conduct. Morning gymnastics will not give the result without performing proper requirements: a quick exit, a clear construction, the correct execution of each exercise. Moreover, ignoring these requirements can lead to reverse results: deterioration of discipline, breaking. The guys who came to Charging first, waiting for the rest to be frozen and can even catch a cold. We need a number of activities so that charging has fulfilled its purpose: learning complexes at the detachment classes or fees, holding competitions for the best performance of morning gymnastics, everyday campaign and explanatory work. Children at an early age are unlikely to be able to understand the benefit of the morning gymnastics. Better agitation is a personal example of the warfare, the head. That is why the leader must be, first, a hot supporter of the morning gymnastics; secondly, relentlessly demanding to the guys and to itself in the performance of charging; Thirdly, a personal example of infecting guys. And then charging will not be coercion, but a conscious need. The counselor must take care of the choice of place to charge in advance. On the first day, it should be specifically to build a detachment on the place where he will have to do gymnastics in the morning. The place must be even, without bumps and holes, without foreign objects, in size to fits all the detachment in opening strictly. Distance and interval (the distance between the guys in the depth and width) - 1.5-2 steps! Build a detachment better, without breaking the links, but so that children of smaller growth be ahead. To get up on such a distance (preferably on the elevation) to see all the guys and that they all could see the head. In order to challenge the body in any weather for charging, boys should be published in shorts, girls in shorts and t-shirts, to build quickly, without additional commands. After lifting, the guys need to be provided 5-7 minutes. In order to put on slippers and sports costumes. Building to charging - on the second whistle or radio signal. Upon this signal, all the guys are in the soest time must be built in its place. Conducting morning gymnastics with two and more detachments more difficult. By virtue of the composition of the composition, many tasks will not be able to increase the time for the construction of the construction: hardening, proper study of the muscles, the impulse of instructing skills to the guys. The unification of the detachments of different ages should be excluded at all. It should not be canceled to carry out morning gymnastics in rainy weather, and you only need to transfer it to another place (under a canopy, room). It is necessary to conduct it in any conditions daily at the same time. The main methodological rules for compiling and carrying out complexes of morning gymnastics. It is important to remember that the whole complex (10-15 exercises) should evenly affect all major muscle groups, on the entire body and internal organs. It is necessary to make it in a certain sequence, which is not difficult to establish, if you guide the following principles:

a) The first exercises should be toned the body, contribute to the transition from sleep to wakefulness, straighten the spine. Therefore, it is recommended to start charging from walking, with a light jogging ("coward") and exercises in sipping;

b) subsequent exercises should gradually include leg muscles, torso, hands;

c) Exercises for power, speed and distance must be included in the middle of the complex or closer to the end. Some of the last exercises are jumping or running with a subsequent transition to gradually slow down walking with deep breathing. Completed the complex is needed by the exercise that promotes restoration to the normal activity of respiratory and blood circulation bodies;

d) improving the activities of the whole body causes a strengthened breathing. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the respiratory rhythm corresponds to the movement tempo. Almost every exercise has moments when the movement of hands, feet and torso contribute to the reinforced breath and exhale. For example, rising hands, their breeding to the side contribute to the stretching of the chest muscles, thereby easier to breathe. And vice versa, the slope of the housing ahead, squatting, make the diaphragm in the foot of the foot forward, which makes it easier. Thus, choosing exercises, it is necessary to set the moments that contribute to inhale and exhale. If it is difficult to establish such a moment (marching, running, etc.), it should be reminding that it is impossible to delay the breath that it is necessary to breathe freely and rhythmically, emphasize a strong exhalation that involuntarily causes a deep breath;

e) the number of repetitions should be gradually increased as the training increases;

e) To increase interest and load, complicate the complex can be complicated, including additional exercises, connecting two or more movements (hands and body, hands, legs, etc.), changing the starting position, speeding up the movement pace, reducing the pause between the exercises using sports inventory ( sticks, hoops, etc.);

g) Quality is one of the main criteria when performing any exercises, including morning gymnastics. Therefore, the head must follow the right body position in various movements, for performing exercises with a wide amplitude;

Complexes of exercises for children of 7-9 years are composed of gaming forms of imitating character who willingly accepted by the kids. With its movements, they must portray the actions of cars, people, plants, animals. The very name of the exercise already gives the concept of his essence. Reproduction of motor noise, forests, etc. allows you to correctly put your breath during exercise. The same exercises can be subsequently carried out at the expense. For children, 9 years, such exercises can no longer have the same effect, so with them you can use a set of exercises for children 10-12 years old with some relief. After the morning gymnastics, as a rule, water procedures should be done. It is well known what an important role they play as a hygienic agent. An even greater value of water treatments are like a means of hardening the body. In combination with airbags during the gymnastics, it is possible to ensure that the guys will become less susceptible to colds. In any camp, there is a device of shower or other simple installations for water procedures. It is necessary to provide in advance for the conditions under which boys and girls could daily after gymnastics under the guidance of the charge or the teacher to wipe, pour cold water or dip in the river. From how the morning gymnastics is carried out depends on its execution. If the manager knows the exercises well, they can show them, loudly and properly file the team, then the whole detachment will be clearly and coordinated to carry out charging. A number of methodological techniques for the morning gymnastics. After the show and a brief explanation, to require the initial position of the command: "The initial position is to accept!". Often, the show and explanation turn into a long procedure. And in the morning coolness, to stand without moving, children are not very nice. And in order to effectively use the time, experienced leaders simultaneously with the explanation and show at a slow pace offer one or two times to repeat the exercise for themselves, after which the team followed it: "Exercise to the left (right) start!". To end the exercise instead of the last (fourth or eighth) account, command: "Detachment, stand!". Having done exercises with the detachment for a long time, but you only need to follow the correctness of the execution and rhythmically count if the exercise is not under the music. In order for the guys to do not get confused and coordinated the exercises, the head will certainly need to learn together with them to carry out the exercises "Mirror" in relation to children. For example, to give the group to start the tilt to the left, but to start the slope to the right. Sports system. Building receptions in physical education classes are necessary for the rapid organization of the collective on the site, in the hall, in the open air, the general collection of the camp during sports holidays. With proper execution of the teams, the emotional state of children increases. Building exercises also contribute to the formation of proper posture. It is not by chance that they enter the school curriculum on the subject of "physical culture" in all classes. However, the negative attitude towards the ranks, especially recently, has become almost the norm. And the reason for this is the behavior of adults. Digestious days a day mostly incorrect commands submitted not in command form make their job. However, without reasonable construction preparation can not do. We need to teach adolescents the basics of building (collective actions). However, not repeating the previous mistakes when this "science" turned into a tedious, mandatory subject. And that means - to learn, playing and only to that, without which it is really not to do. And remember that this game has its own laws. Here is some of them:

do not give the team without need;

do not give them often, if you submit, then it is necessary in the volitional imperative tonality;

just that the team be performed by all and correctly, think over the feasibility of building a detachment (links). Main building concepts.

Stroy is the established placement of joint action.

Flang - right and left tip of building. When turning, the installation names are not changed.

The front is the side of the system to which those engaged in facing.

Shergo - a system in which the engaged placed one near the other on the same line.

The interval is the distance on the front between engaged in (in Shero).

Column - a building in which they are engaged in the back of each other. In the column, the depth is larger than the width or equal to it.

Distance - the distance between engaged in the depths (in the column).

Guide - going to the column first.

Camping - going in the column last.

Command language. Teams must be served clearly, loud, powerfully. They are divided into two parts - preliminary and executive, for example, "Step Marsh!", "Narre-in!" (The executive part of the team is highlighted in large font). Commands can only be executive, for example, "Smirno!", "Become!". The preliminary team is pronounced distinctly, loud and long. At the same time, the student takes the position of "Smirno", and in motion the foot puts the harder. The executive team is submitted after a pause, loud, passibly, vigorously. The executive team produces a clear execution. Submitting system teams, the head is obliged to adopt the main rack. The "Smirno" stand itself draws students attention to the fact that a team or order must follow, and they fulfill them more organized, faster, copy a leader's rack.

On the concepts of "left" and "left": the team "Left!" - This is a movement at the specified side with a simultaneous turn, for example, "left for two steps of one-book!". According to this team, students should turn left and looking back over his shoulder, open the distance of two steps.

On the team "Left with the next steps for two steps of one-book!" Blurring is performed without turning left. The procedure for submitting the team during rebuilding in motion: to name the system, the direction of movement, the way of movement. For example, when rebuilding the column one in the column, three turns in the movement serves the command "to the column three to left (right) march!".

Building receptions, construction and rebuilding. "Detachment (link), in one rank (in two ranks) becoming!". After submitting the team, the head becomes Smirno, and the detachment is built to the left of it so that the intervals (distances on the front between the elbows) were equal to the width of the palm. In this case, everyone should have socks on one straight line. Everyone take the rack rack, i.e. "Smirno": heels together, socks apart on the width of the feet, the shoulders are deployed, the hands are omitted, the brushes are pressed against the thighs, the nail phalanxes are bent, head straight, watch directly in front of them. The rack is accepted after each preliminary part of any command, if before that was the "free!" Team. To show where to build a detachment (link), the head raises the left hand aside. With the beginning of the construction, the manager fails, becomes a face to him and follows the building of the detachment. If it is necessary to align the system, for example, after performing any rebuildings, turns, the command "Occasion" is served. On this team, all those who stand in the ranks, except for the right-hand, turn their head to the right and align so that everyone saw the fourth breast. Then the "Smirno!" Team is served, according to which everything quickly turn your head straight. But unnecessarily serve the team "Take!" Whenever before the team "Smirno!" On the team "Volto!" You can get up freely, weaken one leg, but you can not go from the scene and talk. The team "Stop!" Submitted when canceling the execution of the system reception. For this team, children take the situation previous. Alignment. The construction of the detachment is made according to the links, the links become on the right flank of their link. For the construction of growth (which is often necessary during physical education), a team "Detach, in one side of the growth becomes!". For the work of the calculation, the "Detachment - in order (or three, four, four, or first and second) will be charged!". The calculation begins with the right flank. When calculating the detachment in the links to the first and second links are not included in the calculation. Building to a column. After submitting the team "The detachment (link), in the column one by one (two) becomes!", The head becomes the "coming" face towards movement and raises the right hand up. Everyone is becoming behind him in the head of each other, at the distance of one step. Turns on the spot. Turns on the spot are performed on the teams "Nar-in!", "Nalea-Way!", Cro-Gom! "," Paul-turn of aforement-in! "," Paulwork of Nalea-Va! ". Rebuilding in place. Rebuilding on the spot from one rank in two is produced by the team "Detachment, in two ranks Stream!". According to the executive team, the second numbers at the first account make a step left back, to the second account - a step right to get up in the head of the first number, on the third account put left leg. For rebuilding back in one rank, the team "Detach, in one rank stroke!". The second numbers at the first account make a step left left, on the second - step right ahead, on the third account, making the left foot, become on the line of the first. Rebuilding in place from one rank three - detachment is calculated three. On the team "In three ranks Stream!" The second numbers are on the spot, the first numbers make a step right back, undistinguishing the leg, step left aside and, attaching the right, become in the middle of the second numbers; At the same time, the third numbers on three accounts make a step left forward, step right to side, put the left, becoming ahead of the second numbers. Rebuilding from the ranks in the column with the end of the shoulder. After the preliminary calculation of three (four, five, etc.), the command "in the column of three (four, five, etc.) is served left (right) shoulder ahead of the march!". When the detachment goes to the required direction, the "squad, stand!" Command is served, and to move in a new direction, the "Straight!" Command is served. Blurring and closure. Blurring on the spot is made by the team "right (left) once-book!" or "right (left) on so many steps of one-book!". Everything, with the exception of the one from which they swallow, make a turn to the specified side and the rapid step go ahead, depending on the coming from behind, and, after it stops, make the specified number of steps, stop and make a turn towards the front. If the interval is not specified, then open one step. The closure is made in the reverse order of the team "right (left) som-book!". Overlooking with insertion steps. The team "Left (to the right, from the middle) on so many steps with the next steps of a brisk!". Start opening standing with the edge, then the rest are sequentially every two accounts. For closure, the team "Left (to the right, to the middle) of the Popular Steps of the Som-Knar!". Overlooking one side of the ledge produced in three or four ranks. For opening in three ranks, the team "Six, three in place will calculate!" Or "Four, two in place will calculate!", And for opening in four ranks - "Nine, six, three in place will calculate!" or "six, four, two in place will count! " After the calculation, the command "By calculating the equation to the right of the march step!". From the ranks come out according to the calculation or in place. The closure is made by the team "In its place a step march!". The advanced forward turns around, returned to its original position and are independently rotated around. Turns in motion. For turning to the right and left moving detachment, the teams "Nar-Way!", "Nalea-Way!". The executive team is submitted simultaneously with the formulation of the name of the turn of the foot. According to this team, you need to take a step by another foot, turn on the socks, simultaneously with the turn to take forward the one's one-name foot and continue moving in a new direction.

Rotate the circle is performed by the team "Circle March!". The executive team is given under the right foot, then a step of his left foot is made, then right ahead and somewhat left, sharply turn on socks to the left around, transmitting the severity of the body to the right leg, to continue the movement in the new direction from the left leg. Turns in motion running are performed according to the same commands as when moving step. Change direction. To change the direction, the team "Detach, right (left) shoulder forward march!". The guide comes to the left (right) to the "right!" Command. The rest followed him. At the courts, in the halls before the "March!" Team You can add the command "Bypass!". Movement. Bypass. The team "left (right) bypassing a march step!". Control. The team "The opposite to the left (right) march!". Movement "Snake" - somewhat contraves in a row. The magnitude of the "snake" is determined by the first opposite. Teams "Angoing to the left (right) step march!", "Snake" march! ". Movement diagonally. The team "diagonally march!" Served when the guide comes to the corner of the hall.

Rebuildings. The rebuilding of the squad from the column one in the column of three (four) is made by the team "Detach, in the column of three (four) march steps!" (On the go - "March!"). According to this team, the first link indicates a step in place, the rest of the links, coming to the left of the first line, also indicate a step in place, form a hiking column of three (four). After that, the command "Straight!" or "squad, stand!" The reverse rebuilding of the detachment from the three column (four) is made by the team "Detach, in a column one step march!" (On the go - "March!"). According to this team, the first link goes straight, the rest denote the step in place and as the links output from the column alternately on the team of their links "straight!" Start moving in a complete step, following the population in front of the running link. Rebuilding in motion from the column one by one to the column two (three, four, etc.) by turning. The team "In the column of two (three, four, etc.) to the left (right) march!". After turning the first group, the following groups make a turn in the same place as the first one by the team of its closing. If necessary, this rebuild can be given an indication of the interval and distance. For reverse rebuilding, the team "in the column in one right (left) bypassing a march step!". Reduction of the column one by one in the column two, four, eight crushing and information. The team "Through the Center Marsh!" Is usually served in the middle of the upper or lower boundary of the hall. The team "right and left bypass in columns on one march!" Served on the opposite middle. Actions: The first numbers go to the right, the second - to the left bypass. The team "In the column of two through the center of the march!" Served when meeting columns in the middle of the hall, where the rebuilding began. Continuing crushing and mixing, you can build four, eight columns. Reverse rebuilding is called separation and merger.

sports wellness sectional teenager

2.1 Organization of sectional work in the healing camp

In the system of physical education and recreation work in the face of the health camp, the form of health and sports sectional work is part of the physical education system and should not be and forever proposed and adopted. They are modified depending on the development of the educational system of camp of pedagogical problems in the field of physical education and their cultivation in the field of physical education and their demand. And also complemented by modern technologies of general physical training (OFP) and recovery. Children love to engage in sports sections. In the children's health camp, the instructor in physical culture and sports creates conditions for conducting sectional work, namely: the optimal mode of the day for sports and sports multifunctional base and attracts additional trained personnel. Recording to health and sports sections It is necessary to lead to the functional state, physical development and physical fitness of pupils. To facilitate the health of pupils of the camp, sections in sections must be carried out using special sports equipment, which must comply with all the necessary sanitary and hygienic requirements. Assessment of the effectiveness of the activities involved in both the qualitative (degree of ownership of physical education and wellness activities) and quantitative indicators (shifts in physical fitness). Instructor in physical culture of a children's health camp, a leading recreational or sports section, must lead:

accounting of attendance in the study documentation (journal of visiting or account of accounting), where the list of group, age, detachment, the signature of the pupil about the passage of safety instruction is indicated;

protocols for testing the physical and technical and tactical preparedness of pupils in the section;

attestation sheets of passing standards (if necessary). Physical education in the wellness camp is carried out through a system of classes in wellness and sports sections. Classes must have a clear target orientation, specific and clear pedagogical tasks that determine the content of classes, the choice of methods and means of training and education, methods of organizing the organization. At each lesson, the sports instructor solves a complex of interrelated tasks: educational, wellness and educational. Wellness and educational challenges pass through the entire process of physical education and are solved at each lesson. The tasks of physical education in section classes in the children's health camp can be the following: promoting the harmonious physical development of the child, fixing the skills of proper posture and stability to adverse environmental conditions; Education of value orientation on a healthy lifestyle; the formation of knowledge of personal hygiene, the influence of physical exercises on the main systems of the body, ideas about the receptions of self-control; Formation of rules of behavior and safety of safety during classes, the provision of first medical care during injuries; expanding leisure children and the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and skills in classes in the selected sport (exercise system); an in-depth idea of \u200b\u200bthe selected sport, competitions, best athletes, inventory; Development of personality qualities: volitional, moral, ethical, disciplined, etc. Development of coordination qualities (orientation in space, speed and accuracy of response to signals, coordination of movements, rhythm, balance, accuracy of reproduction of the main motion parameters); Development of conditioning abilities (speed-power, high-speed, endurance, strength and flexibility); Education of the habit of independent classes on the election view of the sport (system of exercises) in his free time.

Instructor in physical culture independently determines the content of educational material, methods and means of training, recovery and education, ways to organize classes in accordance:

with tasks of classes in wellness and sports sections;

the age characteristics of the contingent involved;

differentiation involved in medical groups;

material and organizational conditions for holding classes. Training pupils of motor skills on selected species should be based on skilled skills. The high quality of this process is provided by the skillful use of supply and preparatory exercises, separate and holistic learning methods, intensive methods of learning and developing motor abilities, which is very important for short-term stay of children in the camp. But the instructor must take into account the fact that the camp is primarily a health facility, and the intensification of methods should be justified from a medical point of view.

2.2 Organization and conduct of sporting events in a health camp

In the first three days of staying children in the health camp, the instructor of physical culture and sports together with the counterators and educators of the detachments determines what sports interests have pupils, how physically they are prepared, what kind of sports and mobile games they know. To this end, in each detachment there is a sports activity, which includes exercises in short distances, jumping in length, throwing a small ball in target and one or two games with large and small balls. In accordance with physical fitness and age, the guys clarify the programs of physical education and the plan of camp competitions. The competition plan is compiled depending on the time of stay of children in the camp. The most interesting competitions are included in the program of the physical cultural general agent holiday held in the last days of the stay of children in the camp. At this holiday it is recommended to hold: Competitions in the relay run, competitions of the best throwers and jumpers of detachments, meetings of the best detachment teams in sports games. Competitions are different in the nature of the activity, the scale, purpose of specially organized activities, whose participants during non-antagonistic rivalry in strictly regulated conditions are struggling for the championship, achieving a certain result, compare their level of preparedness in any form of sports, sports discipline. The means of organizational and pedagogical regulation of sports competitions are: a single calendar plan for physical education and wellness and sporting events, the provision of sports competition, the rules of sports competitions, scenarios, etc. The results of the competition can be presented in a pivot table.

2.3 Methodical principles of training and conducting sports events

For any sporting event in advance, a number of moments are thought out in advance, which can be positioned by paragraphs in series according to a specific logical system. Such a document is called the Regulation. Of course, not for all events it is written. But the preparation of the simplest event should be conducted at all of its items, the clarification of which helps the organizer to hold it at the proper level. And, on the contrary, with a frivolous, unbelonging attitude to such a preparation, the event may be broken, the goal will not be achieved. Large events require that the situation is drawn up in advance and reported by the detachment leader and pioneer asset.

Goals and objectives. First of all, it is necessary to understand, for what purpose the event is being conducted, what tasks are put in front of him, for example: summing up, identifying the strongest athletes and teams, the acquisition of participation skills in competitions and others.

Place and time. It is precisely determined where and when the event is carried out. The time must match the time specified in the calendar.

Guide. The question of who organizes an event in the detachment is resolved in advance. The preparation and direct carrying out of sports events in the detachments are carried out by countertility, and in the scale of the camp - an instructor in physical culture. Instructor in physical culture is obliged to provide disposal assistance in organizing events, control their conduct. Just make sure that the counselor with his asset is fully prepared, allow them to conduct an event.

Participants. Who participates in competitions? Does the guys or commands from each link? It is necessary to take into account age and gender. Admission to the competitions is agreed with the doctor.

Program. Before carrying out a particular event, it is necessary to carefully consider exercises, the length of the distance, etc., the list of other requirements that the organizers are going to include. The results will depend on the goals and objectives of this event. For example, it will be important at what time of shift it is carried out: at the beginning or closer to its completion, when the guys have already received proper training to participate in more complex and difficult competitions. It makes no sense to carry out friendly meetings until the forces of the participants are clarified, the teams are not compliant.

Conditions of credit and determination of the winners. This is one of the main partitions of the situation. It is required to specify all moments with limiting clear clear, allowing to identify winners and subsequent places in personal and team championships. Depending on the program and the nature of the competition, the conditions of the credit are determined. By the nature of the test, sports competitions are personal, team and personally-team. Personal competitions are those in which the personal results of participants are detected and employed places are determined. For example:

Only places of teams and teams are detected in team competitions. For example, each link, the camp, or their teams, the place is displayed:

a) by the amount of points received by the credential number of participants (by

table of results assessment);

b) by the sum of the results shown by the circular participants;

c) over the amount of places of the credential number of participants;

d) by the sum of the results or points of the participants who took certain places.

When organizing such competitions is negotiated in advance, how many results from each link (detachment, camp) goes to the offset. Command Competitions include typical team sports and mobile games: volleyball, manual ball, football, basketball, pioneerball, etc. However, the competition in any kind can be carried out as a team. Personally, command competitions include those in which are detected as personal places, i.e. Each participant (and, accordingly, their results are displayed), and the teams, where the corresponding places of the links (detachments, camps) are derived from the amount of points (results, places). The law of competition is to create the same conditions for all participants. Speaking about standing conditions, it should be remembered about it. For example, in the 1st link, eldest guys gathered in the age, and, of course, the results in any sports competition are obviously predetermined in favor of this link. Or in the links, the unequal number of boys and girls. It is clear that the advantage will be at the link, where more boys. And in general aged scale, when sporting events are held between the detachments or teams of detachments, such moments of the difference in age and gender, and therefore the differences in physical development are constantly found. In all cases, it is necessary to consider the offset so that personal and team results are estimated objectively. In sporting events, it is desirable to share children for the following age groups: 1) 8-9 years; 2) 10-11 years; 3) 12-13 years; 4) 14-16 years old. The detachments and groups are created by the age principle, sometimes not coinciding with the specified one. For example, in one detachment, children are 11-12 years old, in another - children are 13-14 years old. This circumstance cannot be an obstacle to summarizing team outcomes in detachment events. In general-steer-round (community) events, especially in teams, consideration of the results of children is made according to the established age groups.

Award. Every victory should not be ignored, having in mind that in the conditions of the camp there are a large number of competitions in the links, detachments and between the detachments. Summing up and rewarding is an important raising moment. It is necessary to think out in detail who and how to reward, in what place and who rewards. In addition, when the award is produced in a short time, the integrity of a particular event is lost, and sometimes the meaning, since other events will be standing on the agenda. That is why, by considering the course of the competition, you need to give great importance and maintaining protocols.

A good organization of accounting and processing the results of the competition makes timely summarizing, bring them to the attention of participants and viewers. The position of the sporting event is obliged to know each of his participant. Such requirements are presented to the participants of the competition: to know the basic rules, perform in tidy sportswear, abide by the discipline, be polite. The controversial issues that may arise during the preparation and the contestants themselves are permitted by councils, representatives, captains of teams. Friendly meetings and other competitions begin and end and end (in the Olympics, the championship of the camp, the detachment) should, with the observance of the established traditional ritual. Employees of children's holiday camps must use competitions for education in children of perseverance in the fight against difficulties, will to victory, excerpt, perseverance, the ability to own themselves with a defeat and do not brag about their victories. They are obliged to educate and strengthen the feeling of collectivism in children, a sense of responsibility for a sports honoring link, a detachment. But we should not forget about the need for a friendly attitude towards the enemy, respect for the judges. In no case cannot "warm up" the excitement in the match meetings, and in other competitions called "Victory at any price" or seek the causes of defeat in the "unfair" judging. Remember that every meeting should be truly friendly and friendly. The counselor and other managers are personally responsible for disputes with the judges, for non-fulfillment of their orders. This will flock the honor of the team. One of the main provisions of the World Olympic Movement - "The main thing is not a victory in the competition, but participation in it" - should become a slogan when carrying out any competition in a health camp.


Currently, no one has doubts for the expediency and need to occupy various sports in childhood, as well as the improvement and hardening of the growing body. Summer time, resting time in a summer wellness camp, and it must be fully used for physical culture and sports. The main role in this belongs to the instructor of physical culture, which can attract comrades from holidaymakers and organize sports and recreation work. In the children's health camp, the instructor in physical culture and sports creates conditions for conducting sectional work, namely: the optimal mode of the day for sports and sports multifunctional base and attracts additional trained personnel. Recording to health and sports sections It is necessary to lead to the functional state, physical development and physical fitness of pupils. To facilitate the health of pupils of the camp, sections in sections must be carried out using special sports equipment, which must comply with all the necessary sanitary and hygienic requirements. Assessment of the effectiveness of the activities involved in both the qualitative (degree of ownership of physical education and wellness activities) and quantitative indicators (shifts in physical fitness). For any sporting event in advance, a number of moments are thought out in advance, which can be positioned by paragraphs in series according to a specific logical system. Such a document is called the Regulation. Of course, not for all events it is written. But the preparation of the simplest event should be conducted at all of its items, the clarification of which helps the organizer to hold it at the proper level.

And, on the contrary, with a frivolous, unbelonging attitude to such a preparation, the event may be broken, the goal will not be achieved. Large events require that the situation is drawn up in advance and reported by the detachment leader and pioneer asset.

List of used literature

1. Afanasyev S. What to do with children in the countryside camp / S. Afanasyev, S. Komorin. - M., 1994.

Baikov V. P. In the children's healing camp / V. P. Baikov // FC in school. - 1995. - № 3.

Kraiman M.I. Tourist hiking, excursions, regional studies in the camp with daily stay / M. I. Kryman. - M., 1990.

Code E. N. Tourist Competitions. Pedestrian tourism / E. N. Codes5Sh. M, 1990.

Levanova E. A. Workshop of therapy. Guide for beginners and experienced / E. A. Levanova. - M.: Russian Pedagogical Society, 2003. - 176 p.

Martynova L. V. Games and entertainment on water / L. V. Martynova, T. N. Popkov. - M.: Russian Pedagogical Society, 2006. - 96 p.

Nymnova E. Physical culture. Teaching technique, sports games / E. Nymnova. - Rostov n / d. : Phoenix, 2003. - 256 p.

Sports and wellness work is aimed at solving the following tasks:

· Strengthening health;

· Hardening of the body;

· Strengthening the protective forces of the body;

· Improving the level of mental and motor efficiency;

· Education in children of convictions need to regularly engage in physical education and sports;

· Organization of outdoor activities and leisure;

· Possibilities to children of the rules of a healthy lifestyle;

· Collapse of the team;

· Teaching the collective interaction of children and adults.

There is a wide variety of work forms:

· Morning work-out;

· Moving air games;

· Command games on the playground (sniper, etc.);

· Daily jogging;

· In-depth classes in sports circles and sections;

· Camping in crossed terrain;

· Swimming in the camp pool;

· Lazagne on simulators and trees;

· Militarized games with their unchanged running for "spies";

· Jumping through a rope or game in "Classics".

Children without mobile activity can not do. Sports for children not only pleasure, but also a good chance for manifesting their abilities. As well as sport is the need of a growing organism.

The counselor must organize a daily active motor vehicle.

Morning gymnastics - daily execution immediately after awakening (after 5 - 7 minutes) of a complex of specially selected (7 - 10 exercises) within 10 - 15 minutes.

One of the tasks of the morning gymnastics in the camp, where it is considered mandatory and is an integral element of the day's regime, - to instill sustained interest and habit to continue to do at home.

As a disciplining means, charging should contribute to the organized beginning of the day.

And so that it solve such important tasks, such as health promotion, hardening the body, etc., the supervisor needs certain knowledge and experience of it. It is important to remember that the entire set of exercises should evenly affect all major muscle groups, on the entire body and internal organs. It should be in a certain sequence, guided by the following provisions:

· The first exercises should be toned the body, contribute to the transition from sleep to wakefulness. It is recommended to start with walking and a small jog.

· Subsequent exercises are gradually involved in the work of the muscles of the hands, torso, legs.

· Exercises for strength, speed, stretching include in the middle or closer to the end of the complex.

· Complete the complex jumping exercises or running with the subsequent transition to walking with deep breathing.

· The number of repetitions should be gradually increased as the training is raised.

· In the selection of exercises, age features should be taken into account.

Planningit is carried out like this:

1. Drawing up a calendar plan of sports events of the detachment for shift.

2. Drawing up a Regulation on the Spartakiad of the detachment.

3. Drawing up a plan for rainy weather.

Physical and wellness worklies in the following:

1. Conduct morning gymnastics.

2. Holding health events (solar and air baths, swimming).

3. Organization of walks, excursions, campaigns.

4. Holding games on the area in the detachments and general aged game.

5. Conducting an attraction evening.

Sports - Mass work lies in the following:

1. Conduct sports games detachment (football, sniper, etc.).

2. Organization in the detachments of competitions on mobile and

sports games ("funny starts", "fivebole").

3. Conduct friendly meetings with teams from other detachments (in coordination with the courtesy of other detachments).

4. Conducting Spartakad in the detachments and camp.

It became popular to carry out the following competitive sports programs: "funny starts", "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family", various physical education holidays, physical culture leisure activities. Sports and entertaining competitive programs are competitions for recreation, and they are entertaining - wellness. At the same time, they suggest a significant physical activity with a sedentary lifestyle.

In the younger school age, the muscles in children are still poorly developed, they are quickly tired. The relays teach children to agreed actions, bring up a sense of team. Of particular interest is the relay, where you can exercise speed and agility, coordination and accuracy. Children have a weakly developed visual receptor, attention is scattered, therefore, a colorful inventory, light and comfortable, are necessary.

Sports and recreational work has a number of the following tasks:

· Formation of a healthy lifestyle ("Nepotuna Day", "Sun, Air and Water - our faithful friends");

· Rail a persistent interest in physical education and sports, to personal achievements, to the sporting events of our country, around the world ("Olympians among us", "Journey to Sportland");

· Show sports achievements ("cycling racing", "Festival of Mermaids");

· Rail interest in folk traditions (holidays are held in accordance with the Christian calendar)

Along with physical culture holidays, physical education should be widely used organized form of outdoor activities. Physical leisure does not require special training, it is built on familiar children of relay, games. Various in content and organization of formation of physical culture leisure is possible:

1) Physical leisure is being built on moving games and exercises familiar to children.

2) Physical leisure may consist of some sports games: basketball, football, hockey, etc .. For children, individually - differentiated approach. Children with good physical fitness are offered more complex elements of sports games with sufficiently high exercise.

3) Physical leisure can be built on sports exercises: running, jumping, throwing, climbing, riding on a scooter, bicycle.

4) Physical leisure leisure "Cheerful starts" is based mainly on games - relay familiar children.