The best ways to overcome jealousy and distrust of your husband or loved one. Jealousy is the eternal companion of love. The psychology of jealousy

Everyone knows that many marriages break up due to female jealousy. And then what to say about such a delicate relationship as a relationship with an "unfree" man, burdened by marital ties? How to preserve and protect your relationship with your loved one from the destructive power of jealousy?

What is jealousy?

Psychologists say that women and men are equally jealous. Jealousy by nature is a feeling of self-doubt. And men and women are also insecure, therefore everyone is jealous: men and women. Another thing is that someone is jealous more, someone less.

The sense of ownership is the same jealousy.

Many women, when asked if you are jealous of your husband, answer that no, not jealous.

"I have a strong sense of ownership, so if he looks in the direction of another woman, then it certainly hurts me."

To which psychologists say that a sense of ownership is a beautiful wrapper for jealousy. This "the same eggs, only in profile", sounds just noble.

Jealousy in a relationship with a married man.

We are talking about such an unusual option as love and intimacy with a man who is with another woman in a family relationship.

Please note that the psychology of relationships with a married man is a very subtle and dangerous game in which there are certain rules of the game.

One of these rules is a rule for your own emotions, desires and feelings. A woman in such a situation cannot demand from a “married man”, for example, a momentary visit to her. She cannot constantly know where her man is now and with whom: with his wife, with a child, at work or with friends in the bathhouse. And then there is no trust.

Jealousy is distrust.

Naturally, when you love a person, you are jealous of him. Even popular wisdom says: "He is jealous, it means he loves." But think about why jealousy arises? Yes, because there is a doubt that the beloved man will resist the temptation and will not change at the first opportunity.

Jealousy is always there where there is no trust. And if you trust a man, then you will not constantly worry about where he is, with whom and whether he is now in the arms of another woman.

Jealousy is a disease.

There are so-called two extremes: the first is complete indifference and indifference, the second is running around with a knife.

Excessive jealousy always leads to destruction.

A situation is unacceptable when you constantly suspect your man, from day to day you constantly call him, follow, sniff, and so on. This is already pathological jealousy that must be treated.

The man really likes that he is the object of jealousy. This exalts him in his own eyes on the podium. But when jealousy already gets into personal space, then such a feeling is insanely annoying and leads to the end of the relationship.

How to deal with jealousy?

Find something to do with yourself and not think about the fact that your beloved is now with another woman.

Constantly going to the cinema in the evenings or gathering friends is certainly not an option, but you need to try different ways and methods to entertain yourself with your beloved.

Get to know his friends, work colleagues.

If you are jealous of a man about his work or his friends, just get to know them. Thus, you will find common ground, and then, perhaps, the question of mistrust or doubt will disappear by itself.

Talk to your man about jealousy.

In any case, two people must solve the problem of jealousy. The thought that the dearest and closest person in bed with another woman eats from the inside.

Jealousy is treated with trust.

Talk about trust with your man. Perhaps he will take some steps towards him.

Be confident in yourself.

Jealousy is synonymous with insecurity. Why make yourself and another person unhappy?

Conclusion: nerve cells, as you know, do not recover. Realize that jealousy is a problem and something needs to be done about it.

Make the right conclusions for yourself, and everything will be fine for you !!

Each person was faced with jealousy: in childhood they were jealous if something happened not in our way; at school - to pets; in adulthood - we are jealous of our second halves. We get nervous, create tantrums, complicate the life of our loved ones, put them in front of an ultimatum. But whoever likes it, it is more likely to cause the breakup and the end of all relationships. So what is jealousy and how to deal with it?

Unfortunately, she is capable of ruining the strongest relationships. Before you get rid of jealousy, you need to find out the exact reasons so that you yourself can eradicate the shares before.

Types and causes of jealousy and ways to solve them

  1. Jealousy of the past... Having learned from acquaintances the juicy details of her lover or seeing heartbreaking photos with him and his ex-girlfriend, the woman panics. It is difficult to look at the happy couple that came before you. You are wondering if it is possible to forgive the betrayal that was long before you.
    Advice: You think they looked better, but you shouldn't think so. Perhaps her figure is more beautiful or her legs are slimmer, but your man is with you, not with her. And this is for quite understandable reasons - he found in you those qualities and zest that he had not met before, he wants to be with you. Do not torment yourself, otherwise you will lower your self-esteem, you will start to have complexes for no reason, and with your nit-picking will irritate your rug - everyone has a point of patience, do not go over it.
  2. Jealousy due to low self-esteem... We nervously check his phones, sniff at shirts for female perfume, check emails, etc. There may not be a reason - but it seems to us that we should be about to find something. It may seem for no reason that we are being deceived, that we are not worthy of such a guy, he is such a golden and not a greedy man, and skimpy-tails and agile ladies will definitely notice this and take him in their hands.
    Advice: work on yourself. Become more interesting, attend courses, learn what can bring you pleasure. When you gain new knowledge, you feel wiser - this is another reason to be proud of yourself. And by respecting yourself, you make others think in the same way, they will treat you as an interesting and erudite girl.
  3. Initially no trust... Remember: build relationships on trust, otherwise the longer you meet, the more difficult it will be to trust each other. Otherwise, you will torment yourself with guesses and theories, for example, why he is often in women's society, but this may be for work.
    Advice: at times like this, remember evidence of his loyalty. Most likely this is not the first test, and you were convinced of his prudence the last time.

  4. Blind faith in treason... More often refers to men. When they are jealous not only of the pole, but of every girlfriend. Arrange interrogations, if in the evening she was delayed at 5, they attribute an affair at work. You need to ask permission or supposedly advice to go to the hairdresser or shop for the most basic things. If you decide to visit your mother or relatives, then he will definitely say that you are going to your lover; any change in appearance, even buying new clothes - you decided to change it with a new man; everything in this spirit. There will be many reasons, and it is useless to come up with hundreds of arguments, since a person absorbed in jealousy will not pay attention to anything. Photo - morbid jealousy

    Advice: Think carefully about the whole situation, do not rush, weigh the pros and cons. You yourself will make a choice, either to leave everything as it is, or you are offended that because of all this you have no acquaintances and friends with whom you can see, you have no right to choose where to go, what to wear, with whom to talk - You are under the watchful eye of a person with obsessions.
    If you have been trying to convince him of your innocence for a long time, for which you reproached you, you are tired of the life of a toy, then think about whether you want to continue to be a puppet without the right to vote? Want to be a lifelong victim? Or are you hoping that something will hit him in the head so that he will change for no reason? People don't change that way. Think about it, since it is almost useless to deal with jealousy in this case. It will be necessary to part with the guy in the right way so as not to hurt him and not have an enemy in his face.
    Many smart women say that if a man is constantly jealous for no reason, then there is a chance that he himself has cheated. And now he is trying to convince himself, shifting the blame on you, that even if he changed, but you are the same.

  5. Relationship addiction... More often refers to housewives whose social circle is minimal. And the man acts as practically the only person with whom you communicate.
    Advice: Do you lack communication and are you afraid of losing your only soul mate? We find a hobby, attend courses where you can communicate with people, develop ourselves!

Video: jealousy and distrust. How to deal with jealousy?

  1. Conversation is the most faithful helper... It is better to discuss everything with each other, express your concerns and you will come to a common solution, which will be much easier than you thought in your head.
  2. Establish norms of behavior... Let everyone express what is acceptable to him and what is not. Maybe kissing a stranger on the cheek of a stranger is just a sign of greeting.
  3. Give each other space... A person needs to be alone sometimes, communication with friends is necessary, everyone should have an affair that gives him pleasure. If you both have it, then you will not be psychologically dependent on each other.
  4. Photo - How to stop being jealous

    Having common interests, hobbies, and maybe even business... Then you will be able to discuss the issues of interest to both of you, to be together.

  5. Take care of yourself... A man will not go away from a beautiful and well-groomed woman. Advice for those who, since the beginning of the relationship, have ceased to take care of themselves, but the man fell in love with the very early you.
  6. Visit a psychologist... It's no shame, if all couples went to the doctor, then there would not be such a large percentage of divorces. Everything is only in your power to return love to a relationship.
  7. Agree not to provoke each other... There is no need to play on our emotions.

Advice is always easier to give than to follow, but I urge you to at least try a few, keep your relationship.

Hello dear blog readers. Not so long ago, a client approached me with a question of jealousy. Her husband does not allow her to breathe freely, constantly checks her, calls a hundred times a day, comes to work. The woman says that she is completely unable to breathe freely. And at such a pace, after all, it can reach a divorce. The topic of today's article: male jealousy, how to deal with it?

What makes jealousy

Jealousy is a rather broad concept. Sometimes light and easy jealousy brings a kind of peppercorn into the relationship, so to speak. Many ladies say that they are pleased if a man shows notes of jealousy. After all, this means that the young man is not indifferent to the girl. I have nothing against such an easy form.

But it happens that this feeling becomes aggressive, kills love, spoils relationships and generally poisons life. Such a case is unhealthy and dangerous. One day a client of mine came in with a terrible black eye. It turned out that her husband hit her in a fit of aggression. I hope you can understand that this behavior is completely unacceptable.

Jealousy is a person's obsession. He constantly expects that he will be betrayed, that the beloved will find someone better, that the wife will leave, that the girl constantly looks at other males and compares them. There is nothing healthy and correct in such thoughts.

This happens in most cases due to a lack of trust and respect between partners. Respect and trust are two fundamental pillars of a healthy and strong family relationship. I definitely advise you to read the article "". Learning to do this is simple and easy. The main thing is to work on yourself and be able to talk with your spouse.

Types of jealousy and their characteristics

A man who is inadequately jealous of his wife for every passer-by has a belief or concept:

  • That he himself is not good enough for his partner to be faithful to him
  • Has his own idea of ​​how family relationships work. For example, there is a strong belief that all spouses are cheating on each other.
  • There is a socially generalizing point of view like: all women are fluffy
  • Worldview beliefs associated with fantasy or fear of betrayal

One of my clients is a very beautiful and successful woman. Her husband is not so successful at work and was not particularly a favorite among the girls. One of the problems in their family is his causeless jealousy. We started to work on the confidence of our spouse, and after a few months the jealousy starts to get weaker. In the end, the spouse becomes self-confident, begins to trust his faithful.

If you notice that your beloved is jealous for no reason, does not allow you to breathe freely, and exercises tight control over your free time, then you should consider going to family therapy together.

Delirium of jealousy. A man makes assumptions that are far from reality. More often it occurs abruptly. A person takes some scraps of phrases, thinks out, comes up with unrealistic details about his partner. They arrange surveillance, interrogations, torture their partner with suspicions. In this case, only drug therapy by a psychiatrist, because delirium does not lend itself to verbal correction.

Overvalued jealousy. Here we are talking about the peculiarities of personality development. A person plunges into experiences of jealousy, becomes obsessed with the idea that his partner is cheating on him. The fact of betrayal, and not the relationship, becomes important, he ceases to worry about what is happening between him and his partner, he is not afraid that the relationship will end. Everything gets stuck on the fact of infidelity or alleged infidelity.

Normal jealousy. Usually it has some reasons and grounds. For example, the behavior of a partner (flirting is noticed or a friend began to behave in an unusual way) or a correspondence with the opposite sex that has surfaced. Jealous people tend to defend themselves psychologically and for a long time may seem to not notice signs that their partner is having an affair.

Each case must be dealt with separately.

In my opinion, it is women who make young people insecure. Therefore, it is in your power to help your spouse get rid of complexes, make him confident and strong. After all, there is a woman behind every strong man.

I think it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the articles "" and "". Remember that you cannot change him without his desire. It is in your power to change the situation, your attitude towards your loved one, to make the circumstances such that the man himself begins to change.

Opportunities for women

Psychologist's advice regarding male jealousy often boils down to the fact that the wife needs to give her husband confidence, establish trusting contact with him and establish a respectful attitude. Believe me, if you manage to do this, you will forget what unreasonable jealousy is.

This can be done much faster with the normal form of jealousy. The partner himself does not like this state and he is directly interested in the speedy resolution of the situation. For a normal jealous person, relationships are in the first place and he seeks to preserve them, tries to resolve the situation.

With overvalued - the partner does not want to do anything, solve the problem, discuss.
What if your spouse has this particular type of jealousy? First of all, I recommend contacting a specialist. Because on your own you will not be able to stay calm and focus on solving the problem.

As I said above, the partner has a specific personality structure and long-term therapy is needed in order to understand the picture of his world. And then develop his idea, change his concepts, develop weaknesses.

How to behave at the moment of a husband's hysterical outburst? Do not under any circumstances respond with aggression. Don't yell at him. Try to calm your inner cry by breathing deeply. Your task is not to succumb to provocation. And when the passions subside, have a specialist solve this issue.

Can jealousy be justified?

Yes, dear women. Jealousy can be justified. This happens in one simple case. When his wife cheated on the faithful and he found out about it. Even if everything worked out, you went through it, continued to live on, the spouse will subconsciously wait for a repetition of such a story. A man will become jealous, even if he has not done it before. After all, now he has an unpleasant experience.

One friend of mine said that she was tired of making excuses to her husband for every second of the time spent without him. But she understands that she herself is to blame for this attitude of her husband. After all, not every man will forgive betrayal, and if he does, he will be jealous, ask many questions, prohibit seeing male friends, and so on.

Not every girl realizes that after a betrayal, the relationship may no longer be the same as it was before. And this must be taken into account if you are going to change. After all, any situation in family life can be solved without betrayal.

Therefore, if you made a similar mistake, but your husband forgave and decided to try to improve the relationship, be prepared for jealousy, mistrust and other problems. I considered the issue of relationships in a similar situation in the article "".

Remember that there is no hopeless situation. That everything is in your hands and you can change anything.
Dear ladies, share your experience. Tell us about your man's jealousy. How do you fight her? What does your husband forbid you? Why is he behaving this way? Your story can be useful to others.

Best wishes to you!

From the point of view of psychology, jealousy is a deep emotional manifestation in relation to the object of affection, associated with love, adoration and sometimes dependence on the object of adoration.

Inherent in absolutely all people, it manifests itself in each individual in a sensory range of unequal strength. Often, it is difficult for someone who is jealous to accept a partner's jealousy: it seems that a loved one just likes to be tormented, reaching a nervous breakdown. In fact, with an exacerbated pathological degree, this is the most destructive, burning feeling that can cause frenzy, push you to reckless, affective actions.

Causes of occurrence

The reasons for jealous behavior, like many other disorders and complexes, lie in the impressions of childhood. Some patients of psychoanalysts competed with a brother or sister for the approval of their mother, others sought the favor of their peers, trying to raise their status in the team, others occupied the lower levels of the school hierarchy for a long time, having matured, they began to intensively compensate for the lack of success.

A jealous character is a consequence of:

  • Low self-esteem(). Expressing doubts about the loyalty of a spouse, a jealous person negatively evaluates his own appearance, qualities, opportunities. Uncontrolled jealous irritation is a reaction to a constant question asking oneself: "Am I worthy of love?" Believe me, a jealous person unequivocally answers "no", hourly expecting betrayal and replacing him with someone better, more beautiful, richer, stronger.
  • The strongest, irresistible craving for the object of love... The fear of being deprived of attention makes the jealous person define himself in the literal sense as an "attachment", the addition of a spouse. Such self-denial is observed by psychologists in patients who witnessed the difficult separation between father and mother. After the divorce, the parent who raised him most likely remained lonely to the end. Fearing a repetition of fate, we begin to panic, as soon as the "soul mate" looks in the direction of a handsome person, inadvertently expresses words of approval to a stranger.
  • Selfishness, possessiveness... Such a person, on the contrary, does not recognize anyone more beautiful, smarter and more worthy of himself, believing that loved ones belong to him, like things not endowed with personal tastes and addictions. From the point of view of the owner, controlled dolls in the world of an egoist have no right to pay attention to anyone. Possessive behavior is the most difficult, practically not subject to correction, moreover, to the control of the jealous person himself.

How jealous are men and women? Simple and delusional mental reactions

Jealousy how to deal with it if you do not know what to do? Gender differences lead to different types of jealousy. Of course, male and female emotions of jealousy are formed and lived individually. Paradoxically, women find it easier to cope, due to their higher sociability compared to men, the opportunity to discuss the problem reduces the severity of pain.

  1. When a wife doubts her loyalty, she sees a problem in her spouse: “He will leave me for another, because all men are the same!”.
  2. A man is inclined to turn criticism on himself: "She will leave because I did not do / did not appreciate / is not attractive enough / rich."

At the same time, representatives of the stronger sex, mostly not ready to discuss emotions with friends, suffer in silence. And when the pain becomes unbearable, they turn with a mountain of accumulated claims to their partner. By that time, the intensity of their experiences reaches the boiling stage, transforming into complex mental experiences.

Mental delusional manifestations are a stream of uncontrollable emotions, suspicions that have no foundation.

The person begins to look for the fact of non-existent betrayal, proceeds to find a reason for nagging ("Where was he? Why did he open the door so slowly? Where did he stay for five minutes?"), Followed by phone checks, counting per second, step-by-step control, domestic violence, interrogations, inquiry , the choice of a detective who would collect incriminating evidence.

And when an investigator points out the innocence of someone under surveillance, the employer will doubt the competence of the investigation rather than the validity of his suspicions. The claims are striking absurdity, but for the one who formulates them in anger, they are serious, they cannot be stopped with laughter, remarks: “Yes, you are crazy (lost)! Sick (sick), probably! ". Only a calm, clear explanation, as humiliating as it is for the victim to prove his case, leads to a short truce.

The origin and stages of transformation of jealous suspicions have fundamental gender differences:

  • Men, with rare exceptions, do not believe in betrayal to the last. They are characterized by psychological denial of the problem, ignorance, refusal to search for evidence. Girls, on the contrary, begin to look for confirmation of what they have long been sure of. Ladies can get evidence of betrayal in any shameful way.
  • They turn their anger not at the rival, but at their woman, believing her to be the cause of the situation. Ladies, on the other hand, feel hatred for their rival and often take out their anger on their rival in conflicts.
  • Male suspicions appear when a partner refuses sexual relations (refusal to have sex gives rise to uncertainty about sexual attractiveness). In a woman, the appearance of the first suspicious thoughts can provoke a failure to receive the usual signs of attention - flowers, gifts, compliments.

Read also: 4 killer beliefs about ex-partners - how to get back to reality and reduce fear?

How to deal with jealousy of your husband?

First of all, trust, avoid impulsive attacks. Discuss your suspicions with your girlfriends, mom, and for your husband to form a thoughtful, calm story about disturbing things. Otherwise, once he sees a frenzied hysteria based, in his opinion, on trifles, the husband will begin to reassess family values: "If she's so scandalous, then I'm still hoo!" or "If she knows how to stir up a scandal out of nothing, then she's crazy."

Ladies, understand that you are first imagining, and then you start looking for evidence of what you are imagining.

For expressing clear claims from the male side, a more real reason is needed than a careless creeping thought and imagination (provided that we are not a maniac).

How to deal with jealousy of a girl, wife? Not to frighten, shaking his fist, barely suspected. Praise outfits and makeup without asking "Who are you dressed up for?"

Even if your wife praises someone else's man in front of you, listing his advantages, this is not a reason for suspicion - girls are much more likely to spontaneously express positive emotions, they can kindly mark someone else's boyfriend just because he really deserves approval.

My boyfriend is pathologically jealous, what are the chances of saving the relationship?

When it comes to relationships with a pathological jealous person, the specialist's answer is unambiguous: this is real self-destruction. Try to soberly assess what is happening, discuss the parting as peacefully as possible.

In difficult cases, harassment, calls, watchdogs, threats are possible. Realizing that the person has not calmed down, forget hopes for the future together - life together will turn into disappointment.

Anxiety, aggression, uncontrollable behavioral disorders characteristic of mania indicate that the patient needs a specialist, but your nerves will not withstand the flow of negativity.

When a partner demonstrates manic seizures, it is worth answering the most important question: are endless scenes necessary, what makes you endure? Think about your own safety - often the gravity of actions is realized after the family is destroyed, and criminal statistics says: every 10 crime is due to jealousy, occurs without significant motives.

Mild forms of jealousy allow you to work on maintaining a couple, it is advisable to follow the instructions of the psychologist together.

Jealousy: how to deal with it?

  1. Raise the self-esteem of the disadvantaged. The partner should tell him about love more often, praise achievements more. It is necessary to overcome certain complexes regarding appearance; today, under the supervision of specialists, it is possible to make any transformation.
  2. Mentally relive the separation. What will change dramatically if your couple break up? Will you become less successful? Lose your credibility? Losing your source of wealth? Love no one else? Cruel, but true: you can overcome anything. Therefore, even if the companion leaves, you will be able to survive the failure. With time.
  3. Don't ignore the claims. Speak, communicate, do not leave him alone with annoying thoughts, understand that he is as uncomfortable with their presence as you are uncomfortable with the role of a suspect.
  4. Respect the right of a loved one to leisure, communication, spending an evening in the company. Only a mechanism that does not possess character, impersonal can be completely subordinated to oneself. Would you be happy with a soulless robot in a relationship?

The universal advice of a psychologist is to establish a dialogue, building mutual respect.

Jealousy destroys relationships; in addition, it can be a signal that it is time to change something in your life. Instead of letting jealousy ruin your relationships with other people, try to use this quality to your advantage. Knowing the "enemy" by sight, it is easier to deal with him. If they are jealous of you, protect yourself by drawing clear boundaries beyond those that cannot be crossed.


Control your jealousy

    Understand this quality. Jealousy can include several emotions at the same time: fear, defeat, envy, sadness, betrayal, inferiority, and humiliation. If you catch yourself thinking that you are jealous, remember that you are experiencing a whole range of emotions at this moment, you just turned your attention to jealousy first of all. Take enough time to reflect on your emotions.

    Fight your emotions. Learn to analyze your feelings of jealousy whenever you experience it. For example, ask yourself, "Is my jealousy dictated by fear or anger? Why am I experiencing these feelings?" As you ponder these questions, you will be able to control your emotions and not be tormented by the negative emotions that usually accompany jealousy.

    Understand the cause of jealousy. It may be difficult for you to acknowledge the fact that you are experiencing negative feelings and emotions. Sometimes in this situation, we tend to blame others for it. Try not to look at this negative quality with compassionate eyes. Learn to objectively assess your emotions by thinking about why you are experiencing them. Think about what emotions are associated with jealousy and what is the reason for them. For example, if you are jealous of your soul mate, consider why you are feeling this way. You may be fearful because you are afraid of losing your partner (you may have had sad experiences in the past). Also, you may feel sad at the thought of losing that person. You may also feel like you have been betrayed because your partner is not giving you enough attention. Finally, you may feel inferior, thinking that you are not worthy of love.

    Learn to trust. Trust the people you love. If you have no evidence that the person is cheating on you, trust him. Do not watch your loved one with suspicion, just learn to trust his words. Jealousy can ruin your relationship if you don't trust your loved one.

    Apologize and explain the reason for your behavior. You can say: "I am sorry that I was jealous of you for your friend. This does not mean that I do not trust you. At such moments I feel my own defenselessness. Thank you for listening to me." These words should be enough to clarify the situation. In this conversation, you must show that you feel insecure and insecure, and that you want to be more open to each other.

    Discuss your feelings with your loved one. Sharing thoughts and feelings well with your friend or partner can help you build a strong relationship. In addition, your loved one will be able to tell you in which relationship you are overstating the requirements for him. While it may not be easy to admit that you are jealous, remember that a relationship built on honesty is much stronger than a relationship built on self-deception.

    • Don't blame the other person. It is not your loved one's fault that you are experiencing negative emotions. Only you are responsible for your feelings and emotions.
    • When discussing a problem, say "I", not "you." You shouldn't say, “You make me jealous ...” Instead of saying, “You shouldn't have done this,” say, “I feel just awful, when we are with you in society, I cannot cope with my feelings. "
    • Note that your partner may perceive the situation in a completely different way. Listen to him, even if you disagree with him.
  1. Get the help you need. If you've done physical harm to your partner, such as yelling or stalking him, take a groove in the relationship and get professional help. Consult with a psychotherapist who will prescribe you either face-to-face counseling or group therapy.

  2. Set the boundaries of what is permitted. If your partner is jealous of you, draw a line that their emotions can't go beyond. Don't answer questions if you don't want to. Don't cancel plans with friends or break off relationships with people close to you.

    • Calmly and firmly say: "I will answer your questions, but I will do it once. I will not discuss the same thing over and over again."
    • "I will listen to you and try to understand how you are feeling at the moment, but I will not isolate myself from the people I love."
    • "If you scream, I'll leave home and spend the night with my parents."
    • "If you will not talk to me, but will only be silent and show your dissatisfaction with all your appearance, I will close the door and leave. I will return only when you call me yourself."
  3. Don't put up with rough treatment. Don't take responsibility for what you didn't do. You may find it easier to apologize and take all the blame when you are accused of something that you are not to blame for. However, you know yourself better. Don't let anyone make you believe you were flirting when you didn't. Do not agree with the person if he or she says that you yourself provoked him to abuse you.

    • Listen to your partner if he is not accusing you, but talking about his feelings. Don't let him rain down a barrage of accusations at you.
    • If your partner physically restricts you, hurts you, or breaks things, leave him alone.
  4. Get help. If you feel threatened by your partner, try to leave if possible. Jealousy is the leading cause of spousal murder. In addition, very often it is because of jealousy that women suffer from beatings.

    • Leave the house if your partner is aggressive towards you. If necessary, call the appropriate service, for example 112.