Is it possible a nursing mother mineral gashed water. Can mineral water with breastfeeding, useful and harmful properties. Lactation amenorrhea. With milk, but without menstruation

During the lactation period, the woman must follow his diet, because everything that falls into the maternal organism - comes and the baby.

It is not surprising that in nursing there are many questions in this regard, and the question remains one of the popular: is it possible to breastfeeding? We will answer it in detail in our article, because a nursing mother is obliged to know how harmful can be thrust for alcoholic beverages during lactation.

Is it possible to nursing mom wine

Any woman knows well that during pregnancy and breastfeeding drinking wine strictly-setting is prohibited. And despite this, many mothers are often asked if it is possible to drink a glass of wine with breastfeeding? The answer is obvious and quite unequivocal - no.

Any alcohol (whether wine with high degrees or low-alcohol beer) can not be drunk.

Why is that? The fact is that alcohol is absorbed by the organism of a nursing mother pretty quickly. The peak of its concentration occurs 30-60 minutes after consumption, and, sometimes, and faster, but it is displayed slowly. As a rule, it takes about 3 hours to alcohol "gone" from the body.

Although the above figure is quite approximate. The exact time will depend on the dose from the dose (the more you drink, the longer it will be output) and the weight of the nursing (the less weight, the longer the alcohol will "leave" from the body).

From the dose of alcohol, 10% hits the baby through breast milk. And if you consider that the liver and the organism of the crumbs are not able to recycle alcoholic beverage, then inxication, a stomach disorder can occur in a baby, and colic or allergies may also occur. In rare cases (if the mother drank a lot) there is a fatal outcome.

Alcohol is toxic, it contains harmful to health (especially childish) ethanol, besides, wine drinks are often filled with preservatives and harmful additives. It is absolutely obvious that the assimilation of the infant in practice of half of the elements of the Mendeleev table is fraught with undesirable consequences.

Wine with breastfeeding: restrictions and prohibitions

While the child will not be 6 months old, the question is: can it be possible when feeding the breasts to drink wine - you should not have anyone at all.

After six months, if you are still breastfeeding, it is also not worth drinking wine. But by this age, the baby is introduced first lore and many mothers gradually begin to teach crumb from the chest.

In this regard, some have thoughts about returning to the usual diet, and the temptation to drink some wine can also appear. If you decide that the wine glass does not hurt you and the child, then use, at least, precautionary measures:

  • While you are breastfeeding, more than 1 glass of dry wine can not drink, and that, only if your crumble turned 6 months.
  • You need to drink drink only natural, with minimal sugar concentration and low fortress. There should be no preservatives, dyes and flavors in an alcoholic beverage. It concerns both purchased wines and homely.
  • If you drank a little wine with GW during a feast, then do not forget to eat it well. Do not overeat, use only letters with breastfeeding, but remember that it is necessary to eat every drank sip.

  • Then the drink will not be so actively absorbed into the blood. After all, if there is a wine from an adult organism about three hours, then the baby has 2 times longer in the infant.
  • Do not try to make breast milk to reduce the concentration of alcohol in it - this does not give anything. While ethanol himself does not bring out of the body - the milk will not be cleaned.
  • If you are planning to drink wine with breastfeeding, then try to feed the baby in advance so that the required amount of time passed after the feast to the next breastfeeding.

You can pre-write clean milk so that it is enough for several feedings, then you can be calm that alcohol will not fall into the defenseless body of the baby.

If you still doubted whether it is possible with breastfeeding wine, now you can answer this question. Any doctor, whether the usual pediatrician of the city clinic or the Komarovsky children's doctor known for everyone, will not be a doubt that you are extremely dangerous for the baby.

Even if you decide to drink homemade wine, and not bought in the store, - I still give up the time of feeding from this idea, because the health of the child is more valuable for any pleasure.

A balanced and healthy nutrition is doubly important for a nursing mother, as it provides all the necessary substances at once two organisms. Food must contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. At the same time, with breastfeeding, many products that can have a negative impact on the kid are often recommended. The list of such products is along with potentially hazardous sometimes, and quite harmless, which in some cases provoked various reactions in children and thus were ranked unreliable. So what is really exactly impossible and what can be nursing mom?

Products prohibited with breastfeeding

Having received a list of allowed products from the doctor after discharge from the hospital, moms sometimes come to despair, as there are no many familiar goodies in it, and it is more like a list for patients with digestive system diseases. In the same way as in nature there are no clear transitions, for example, from one color to another, there is also no clear boundary between potentially dangerous and useful foods in nutrition of a nursing mother, and similar lists are compiled with a large share of reinsurance. In essence, there are no prohibited products, because there are no products that, when using mothers, it would always affect the condition and health of each child.

Important! Products that, when using mothers, always affect the state and health of each child does not exist. The only exception to this rule is only alcohol, which, penetrating into the milk, enters the child's body and may even cause intoxication in large quantities.

Myths about prohibited products

  1. It is impossible to eat products that can cause increased gas formation. Such products include bean, zucchini, cabbage, grapes, carbonated drinks, pears. In part, this myth is obliged to their occurrence of frequent problems with the tummy in the first months of life, the reason for which is not a mother's diet, but the adaptation of the child to the new food for him and the population of the gastrointestinal tract with useful microflora. However, if these products cause meteorism at the woman itself, then, most likely, they will affect the composition of milk and as a result will cause similar symptoms in a child.
  2. Meteorism and foamy green chair is the result of an eaten forbidden product. The most common cause of the green chair is the non-eaten forbidden product, but the problems with digestion in a child caused by a violation of the balance of the front and rear milk. There is such an imbalance again, not because of the nutrition of the mother, but because of a short feeding, when the child sucks only the front milk. The chest is not completely empty, and the child does not receive the so-called rear milk rich with fat. Breast milk lactose without a sufficient amount of fat is not absorbed, which causes problems with digestion. Therefore, the priority actions in such a situation will not be assigned analyzes and a rigid daiet mom, but the correct establishment of breastfeeding.
  3. With breastfeeding it is impossible to eat sweet. The emergence of such a ban is due to the lack of a clear idea, about the effect of different types of sweets on the body. After all, no one denies the benefit of dried fruits, honey (in the absence of allergies), jams, which, in addition to natural sugars, contain vitamins and other useful components that are necessary for the body. Another thing is, if we are talking about confectionery products, which in addition to excess sucrose, food additives, contain in its composition cocoa oil substitutes or other modified fats, rich in fatty acids, whose harm is scientifically proven. In addition, excess of sugars can lead the baby to fermentation in the tummy. Therefore, natural products rich in natural sugars (mainly glucose, fructose and a small amount of sucrose) can be and necessary, since sugars are spent in the process of milk synthesis.
  4. You can not eat onions, garlic, radish, and other spicy and sharp foods, as they negatively affect the smell and taste of breast milk, and the child can refuse him. Such precautions are excessive, as research is proved that such food not only does not cause a child to refuse her mother's milk, but sometimes even on the contrary excites the child's appetite. After all, the taste of milk as well as its composition is not a permanent and infant child difficult to "surprise" a change in taste or smell of natural food for it. So, if your body requires such products, do not refuse, but, as in everything, know the measure.
  5. Mom Vegetarianian need to abandon his diet with breastfeeding.It is not necessary to refuse if a sufficient amount of proteins of plant origin will be present in the diet, due to the consumption of whole cereals and legumes. Daily food of vegetarian mom must necessarily contain non-refined vegetable oils, such as sunflower and olive, rich in unsaturated fatty acids necessary for full-fledged crumbs. If, in addition to meat, a woman still does not eat dairy products, it is important to replenish calcium reserves by taking complexes of vitamins and minerals containing calcium, which is necessary for teeth and baby bones. As for vitamins, almost all of them are present in vegetable food, with the exception of vitamin B12, the source of which is animal food (meat, offal, chicken egg yolk, cheese). Take care of the consumption of this vitamin it follows and because if its lack is not visible at Mom, this does not mean that the child is all right. B12 accumulates in the liver, and its lack can be discovered even a few years after a vegetarian diet. The disadvantage of this vitamin causes muscle atrophy, reduced hemoglobin levels. Flowing the lack of all substances that are missing in plant food, the Vegetarian Mom will even win compared to ordinary mothers, as its milk will be more environmentally friendly. After all, most pollutants are in fat, the content of which in plants is not as large as in animal products.

List of potentially dangerous products

Why is it more appropriate to talk about potentially dangerous products? The fact is that in advance to identify whether the product is really harmful to the kid is impossible for several reasons:

  • no one knows how one or another component of food in the body of the mother will be transformed;
  • it is not known in detail in what form, concentrations and which components will circulate in the blood of the mother;
  • whether these components will be able to penetrate into milk through the hematomaic barrier, and how much there will be there;
  • whether the reaction to the components that penetrate breast milk, from the body side of the child.

Potentially dangerous are several groups of products.

Rules for the use of potentially dangerous products

From the first days of breastfeeding, it is potentially dangerous products from the first days of breastfeeding. Between the blood and milk, there is a previously mentioned hematomaic barrier presented by lactocytes - cells linked by the breast alveoli from the inside. In the first days after childbirth between them, there are gaps that allow more freely, but after a few days they begin to close, and substances freely penetrating into the milk becomes less. It is better not to use potentially dangerous foods in the first three months of the child's life.

Important! It is better not to use potentially dangerous foods in the first three months of the child's life.

Even if the food allergens and will be from time to time to get along with milk into the child's body, their number will be insignificant, which will help gradually get used to them and in the future significantly reduce the risk of allergic reactions or reduce their manifestations. Agree that it resembles a peculiar vaccination from allergies for the baby.

Important! The product that may cause an allergic reaction should be excluded from the diet and observe the baby's response. It is not recommended to completely remove such a product from the nursing mom. Minor quantities of food allergens in breast milk helps to adapt to the child to them and in the future significantly reduce the risk of allergic reactions or reduce their manifestations.

In any case, if an allergic reaction has manifested itself, mom must be tried to remember which of potentially dangerous products she ate. For these purposes, it is convenient to keep the food diary to painfully not remember what you ate. The product that may cause an allergic reaction should be excluded from the diet and observe the baby's response. It is not recommended to completely remove such a product from the nursing mom's menu, on the contrary, in a month you need to try to enter it again. So through breast milk, the child will be easier to adapt to the allergen. Often the cause of rashes is not some product, but other allergens present around the child (cosmetics, washing powder, dust, wool). In addition, many of the children of three weekly age often arises acne newborn hormonal character, manifested by rash on the face. From the mother's diets, they are completely independent and pass to one and a half months. It is important to remember whether the nearest relatives are allergic to any products, and try to avoid their significant use. If there are no allergic reactions to the family in the family, it is possible to eat everything, but not at the same time and randomly, but gradually, in the event of an advent of an individual reaction, its source is understood.

Important! Take off wary of the products causing allergies from someone from your family members.

Products allowed with breastfeeding

In the light of the fact that as such prohibited products, with the exception of alcohol does not exist, and more appropriate to talk about potentially dangerous products, the whole point of all lists of permitted products is lost. After all, it turns out, you can have everything, observing only caution with potentially dangerous products. However, not all products are equally useful for growing crumbs, and it's all, we must adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition. What to consider healthy diet? Healthy food is a balanced and diverse food with products closest to the Mother of the Child. Also important frequency of food intakes and method of cooking. Therefore, it is necessary to eat at least three times a day with two snacks and try to eat food cooked for a couple, boiled and baked. Thanks to this processing, the products will retain the maximum of the beneficial substances and it is better to dwell, but if you simply turns, for example, from boiled or pair fish, it is better to eat it in the form in which you are used to. It does not interfere sometimes and listen to the desires of your body, since only he knows exactly that it is necessary for a crumb for the moment.

Useful in breastfeeding products

  1. Rice, corn, buckwheat, like all the cereals, are the basis of a healthy diet, as they contain slow carbohydrates that are useful to the body and create a feeling of satiety for a long time. But in the case of grain crops (wheat, rye, barley), caution should be taken, as they relate to potentially dangerous products due to the danger of allergy to gluten.
  2. Non-fat dairy products without nutritional supplements - kefir, ryazhenka, cottage cheese, prostromasche should be present daily in the diet, as they contain calcium in an easily-friendly form. Freshly, not discouraged milk is not recommended due to the danger of allergies.
  3. Vegetables and fruits contribute to the normal functioning of the intestine at the expense of fiber, contain easily digestible sugars (glucose and fructose), vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. But only those vegetables and fruits, which grow there, can only be considered useful and safely. Exotic carries increased rice allergic reactions. Carefully need to treat vegetables and fruits of red, as they refer to the list of potentially dangerous products.
  4. Of all kinds of meat, a bird and fish will be most useful. But if you or the child have allergic reactions to these products, you can use other non-fat meat. Special attention should be paid to sea fish, as it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that are absent in other food products.

List of products with different allergic activity for nursing mothers

To navigate in food rather than their danger to the baby in terms of allergic reactions below are three groups of products.

High-caliper products

  • icra (red and black), many varieties of fish, seafood;
  • cow's milk, all-milk products, cheeses, cheese products;
  • eggs;
  • smoked, canned, marinades;
  • sharp, spicy, salted products;
  • poultry meat (an exception is chicken and turkey meat);
  • red and orange vegetables (tomato, pumpkin, beets, bell pepper, carrots), white cabbage quashen, sorrel, eggplants, celery;
  • sharp vegetables (horseradish, radish, radish);
  • berries of red and orange color (raspberry, strawberry, cherry, sea buckthorn), fruit (grenade, persimmon), as well as pineapple, grapes, melon, citrus fruits;
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • confectionery and snob;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • foods with food additives and dyes;
  • mushrooms;
  • honey, chocolate;
  • coffee, cocoa;
  • exotic products.

Medium activity products

  • cereals (wheat, rye);
  • meat (pork, horse, lamb);
  • berries (cranberries, black and red currant, watermelons, lingonberries), fruits (bananas, peaches, apricots);
  • vegetables (bean, green bell pepper).

Low-allergenic products

  • fermented milk products (sour cream, rippy, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt without additives);
  • boiled, baked, stew, steam beef and chicken;
  • sea fish of some varieties (heck, sea bass, cod);
  • sub-products (kidneys, language, liver);
  • white and green vegetables and greens (spinach, lettuce leaves, parsley, white cabbage, color, brussels, peking, broccoli, dill, turnip, cucumbers, zucchini, patissons, potatoes);
  • cereals (rice, pearbre, oatmeal);
  • sunflower oil, olive, creamy;
  • white and green berries, fruits (gooseberries, currant, pears, apples, sweet cherry);
  • not carbonated mineral water and fastening tea.

In contact with

Loving mom always takes care of his child's health. And what is the most important for the newborn? One of the important items is to solve the problem - which can be eating with breastfeeding nursing mom, because together with milk it will pass the baby as the useful components of its diet, and not very.

Download list of products (what you can eat and what can not be)

What can and can not eat with breastfeeding

First of all, it should be prepared - the first month of breastfeeding you will not help, even the strictest diet - the baby adapts to the outside world, to the reception through the stomach, and not an umbilical cord, so sometimes it can have gases, intestinal colic or diarrhea. It should not be frightened - the kid will not quickly get used to new conditions, and then new products can be gradually introduced into the diet.

To keep track of the reaction of your child to any product, you can conduct a food diary. Every day, write down the dishes that you ate and the behavior of your child.

Brief list of allowed products

  1. Vegetables. Mandatory in thermal processing, at first, refrain from consuming them in the raw form. Bake, boil, stew. Freshly squeezed juices after one month. After three - enter fresh vegetables in the menu. \u003e\u003e\u003e
  2. Fruits. Refrain from grapes, citrus, mango, papaya, avocado, strawberries and raspberries. Apples are only baked, try to clean them from the peel. You can easily eat bananas. Freshly squeezed juices after one month. After three - you can enter one new fruit in two days, follow the kid's reaction. \u003e\u003e\u003e
  3. You can use almost all porridgeThey contribute to digestion, besides, they are satisfied and contain many nutrient elements. In addition to fast cooking.
  4. A variety of soups on vegetable broth.
  5. Meat We eat separately from all products and only lean.
  6. Cheese.
  7. Poultry meat.
  8. Dairy products You can enter a week later - kefir, ryazhenka (it is better to use it, it is softer kefir), cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt.
  9. Fish (marine, river) botherBake with vegetables. ()
  10. Eggs You can also eat, however, remember that this is an allergen.
  11. Bread You can eat in small quantities with additives - for example, with bran.
  12. Sweet to get involvedHowever, dried fruit, galley, biscuits, bagels can be used.
  13. Butter cream and vegetable.
  14. Dry cracker, cookies, marmalade, pasteil, marshmallow (without chocolate).
  15. Lucky green and black teas, fastening coffee, fruit, compote, herbal teas with mint, chamber and scenarfish, mineral non-carbonated water.
  16. After a month you can gradually enter in the menu borsch, Sour, Nuts, Morse, Jam.

After half a year you can eat honey, various herbal seasonings, legumes, seafood. Also during this period you can eat macaroni, Cheese, Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables (This is important, only for the season!).

Mama on a notic!

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In addition, it is necessary to know about stop-products, the use of which is categorically prohibited by all nursing mothers. First of all, it is:

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Chocolate, some sweet products - baking, especially with the addition of various dyes and substitutes.
  3. Coffee and tea, refrain from this at least for the first six months. Subsequently, you can use them, but only high-quality, coffee - well cooked, tea - boiled, not in bags. ATTENTION! The exception is special tea, the so-called, which includes fhenhel, cumin, melissa, anise - such teas of breast milk.
  4. From semi-finished products, from products with artificial preservatives and dyes, it is necessary to refrain, you can use only high-quality and fresh products.
  5. From the carbonated drinks should also be abandoned - neither baby nor mom will bring any benefit.
  6. Garlic, onions and other sharp products.
  7. From smoked meat, sausages, fish.
  8. From oily meat and sala.
  9. From legumes and black bread.
  10. From sauerkraut, radish, radish, fermented cheeses (Suluguni, Brynza, Adygei), sausages, ham.
  11. From exotic fruits.

The birth of the kid is probably one of the happiest events in the life of a woman. And every mother wants to give her crumb all the best. And of course, trying to carry out almost all tips and recommendations for the care and especially feeding of crumbs. However, it is important to understand which of them are really useful, and what harm can cause.

For example, often young moms face such recommendations as: "Cut the child in terms of regime, no more than three hours, do not overflow!", "Replace part of a water feeding!," Look, your baby scored too much or too little! ". Where did this kind of concern come from, are they justified if it is possible to reconcile the child on breastfeeding? Let's try to figure out.

In recent years, the World Health Organization according to which healthy children on solely breastfeeding can add in the first months of life from 500g to 2000g per month. Thus, the increase and 500g and 2 kg is absolutely normal. In addition, breastfeeding is a factor that reduces the risk of developing obesity and other endocrinological diseases in adulthood.

Why do we often have a possible repaint? Again, apparently, it went from the "bottle" feeding.

A child, a breastplate, cannot adjust the power flow rate in it. After all, it is enough to press it on a bottle nipple, or even just lower it with a hole down so that the liquid is poured. A small child is simply physically unable to control the flow rate when feeding from a bottle. And, in addition, given the greater flow rate, it does not have time to understand what was satisfied, and, as a rule, eats more than he needed.

When breastfeeding, a child can vary the pace of sucking and thereby adjust the rate of milk flow. With a longer measured feeding from the chest, the nerve impulses from the stomach walls have time to walk to the brain zones responsible for the feeling of hunger and saturation, the child feels in a timely manner, which was found, and either stop sucking, or changes the pace of sucking, for example, in order to fall asleep.

In contrast to feeding with artificial mixtures, with breastfeeding there is no need to withstand any intervals between applying to the chest. After all, maternal milk is the most natural nutrition for the baby, it does not overload the baby gastrointestinal tract, contains enzymes and probiotic bacteria that contribute to digestion and assimilate themselves.

Remember that breastfeeding is a natural process, and nature has conceived it pleasant and useful for both the baby and mom. Trust your intuition, feel the baby and enjoy the maternity now, the kids grow so rapidly!

Bondzheva Galina, doctor, consultant for guv

In Soviet times, the rules for breastfeeding established medicine. Young mothers were taught in advance that before feeding it is necessary to wash the chest, preferably boiled water, after feeding it is necessary to grind milk to the empty breast. Fed the baby was supposed to be strictly at certain hours, not paying attention to what the child was crying or sleeping. All these moments turned the care of a baby in flour. Now these rules are revised.

Previously, young mommies advised to feed children strictly in time, even if the baby did not fit such a schedule

The World Health Organization (WHO) only at the beginning of this century made a statement that only mother milk is absolutely harmless for the child. This thesis is very relevant, despite the development of medicine. Breast milk forms a child's immunity, contributes to the development of the brain and the nervous system.

Thanks to WHO, the medical staff in the maternity hospital was changed. Doctors, consultants and nurses began to train breastfeeding techniques. The child began to give mothers in the first half an hour after childbirth, plus, mother and baby in the maternity hospital lie in the same ward. After childbirth, a woman can appeal for information to the staff, but some tips of mothers should be read in advance.

When breastfeeding is assumed, experts give advice to a nursing mother for all the issues exciting. The most important advice is to stop worrying. There are women who have a lot of milk, there are some of them. In the second case, it is necessary to apply methods for increasing the amount of milk produced. How to do it will be described below. Laptopes and cracks on nipples appear far from always. If they still appeared, they should be just cured.

Even if the milk is not enough, you should not hurry with the discount - it is almost always possible to increase lactation

Even during pregnancy, it is necessary to tune in to breastfeeding, enjoying these thoughts. Imagine how a baby lies with your hands, touches you with small handles, takes into the mouth of the nipple. Talk to other mothers who are breastfeeding. Read the special literature. Look at the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky. Remember that only 3% of women cannot fade in the baby. The rest you just want to want, and everything will be fine. No reasons are unfavorable heredity, the anatomical features of the breast structure, the disease are not the reason for the failure of feeding.

How to increase the amount of breast milk?

This article tells about typical ways to solve your questions, but every case is unique! If you want to learn from me how to solve exactly your problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

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The first moment is the choice of the maternity hospital. It is necessary to choose such an institution in which mommies are immediately put on the belly and the baby's chest.

The body of a woman during contact with the newborn launches the lactation mechanism. While a woman is not produced by milk, and colostrum is very useful for the baby product. It transmits immunity from mother to baby, contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Woman after childbirth is experiencing nervous tension. She is worried about the child, thinks that the colostrum is too little to feed the crumb. This is not true. The substances contained in the colostrum are quite enough to satisfy baby requests in all useful substances. In no case begin to request a newborn dairy mixture, otherwise it will get used to easily get food from the nipple and refuses to suck the chest. Milk will come in 2-3 days. Do not torfer events.

One of the effective ways to improve lactation is the use of natural composition preparations based on uterine milk bees. For example, the drug Apilak Grindex, which contains 10 mg of natural uterine milk, will provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and macro- and microelements to maintain life tone and integrated body assistance. It contains the same valuables as in breast milk: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a group of vitamins (A, C, B1, B2 B3, B5 B6, B12, E, K, folic acid), macro and microelements (calcium , iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium).
The drug Apilak Grindex clinically proved its effectiveness in the treatment of hypoglactics, gently stimulating the secretion of milk in women suffering from this problem.

What rules to observe?

Old views on the sterility of the maternal nipple are currently revised. Moreover, modern doctors believe that wash breasts with soap or gel can not be. Nipples are very gentle and can crack from soap, which dries the skin. Think about the smell - the baby learns mom by smell, and if it will smell the same soap that the rest, he will not recognize her, worries and can give up his chest. The breast makes sense to wash no more than 2 times a day with warm water without soap.

The use of greencraft and other disinfectants for nipple lubrication can lead to cutting skin and cracks on the nipples. Nipples are covered with natural lubricant protecting them from external influences. Do not wash it off with soap solution.

If you fed the child, and he cried in 1-2 hours, let him chest again. Perhaps he was not fully founded last time. It is necessary to feed the baby on his first requirement, and not to withstand the schedule. The kid, of course, can cry and for another reason is a wet diaper, a tummy hurts or something else, but hunger is the most common cause of crying.

Do not interrupt the familiar and familiar baby Fragrance Mamina Breast with a sharp smell of soap or shower gel

How often feed kid?

Baby sucking breasts in different ways, depending on force and character. There are children who suck actively and quickly eat. Other sucking the chest slowly, periodically resting. The first days woman feeds the baby very often. Gradually produces mode - food intake every 1.5-2 hours. To such regime, the mother and child should come themselves, without a violent restriction of the number of feedings.

No need to tear the baby from the chest, when it seems to you that he is fed. At first, the kids are very often sucking mom also because feeding is a way to communicate with the closest person. During the sucking of the chest, it calms down and can fall asleep.

No need to teach a newborn to a pacifier. It is convenient to give him a pacifier on the street to not go home and do not breastfeed. This habit, however, does not contribute to the strengthening of lactation, in contrast to the sucking of the chest. The more baby sucks breasts with nursing, the more lactation is stimulated. When part of the feedings is replaced with a dummy, the milk has a gradually disappearing. The psychological connection between the baby and the mother is also present only during breastfeeding. The dummy of such a connection does not install.

Dummy is rather an emergency measure than a panacea, so it is necessary to use it extremely rare

When is it necessary to plumb?

If the mother observes the above rules, it is not necessary to grind breasts. Previously, when mom fed a baby by a clock, the chest was overwhelmed with unclaimed milk. He had to push it. When the newborn gets the chest on the first requirement, the excess of milk does not remain. The baby, as it were, makes an order for a certain amount of milk - how much it will eat this time, the same will arrive in the next one. When impropering after feeding, the next time the milk will come more than the crumb to eat. This can lead to lactation.

Charming leads to another trouble. The chest removes thick milk, which contains lactase. This enzyme breaks sugar, which is present in the Mother's liquid milk. When feeding, the baby will receive a liquid part of milk with a large amount of sugar. This sugar will fall into the intestine, from which a chair can upset. When there is a need to join:

  1. Mother gets out of the house for a long time, feed the newborn to another relative with a bottle milk (we recommend reading :). For this, the mother in advance is breast milk.
  2. A woman has too much milk and a breast hardens. There is a danger of mastitis.
  3. Lactation is reduced, mother is unable to provide a child with milk. This happens when the kid feels bad and he has little effort to actively suck mom.
  4. Due to the disease of the woman, treatment was required for the toddler drugs. In this case, it is frozen to keep the lactation before mom's recovery.

Pies for feeding

How often do you need to change the chest with breastfeeding? It must be done no more than 1 time at 2 o'clock. Only with such tactics, the baby will receive both types of milk - liquid and thick.

In order for milk to be found, it is necessary to change the position of the child during feeding. Practice says that the baby's chin is resting, and milk comes from there. Changing poses - excellent prevention of mastitis.

When applying to the chest, pay attention to the scope of the nipple by the baby. He must take in his mouth not only the nipple itself, but also the area around him - AREOLU. His sponges will be turned out to be turned out - with such a seizure, feeding will be successfully. If you did not follow the seizure of the nipple, the baby is increasingly loaded and the tummy grinds.

The problem of the proper seizure of the nipple can affect the baby's set - it will absorb less milk, and its weight will mark up from the age norm. At the doctor in the clinic sometimes there is no time or desire to think about the right seizure of the nipple, it will write to you with a milk mixture with you, and this will lead to a decrease in lactation.

Take the baby in your arms and bring it to the chest. Insert the nipple deep to him in the mouth, firmly press the child. In this position, the baby does not heat up the air, he will be comfortable.

There are many poses for feeding, but in each of them the child must capture the area of \u200b\u200bthe Area completely

Is the baby fuss?

How to find out if milk baby grabs? It will help the method of wet diapers. In the first days after birth, the baby writes 5-6 times a day. Gradually, this number increases to 20-25 per day. If your child pisses less than 6 times a day, it lacks fluid. In this case, you need to turn to the district pediatrician to avoid dehydration of the body of a small little man.

Give water crumb?

Do I need to dope the baby? If the child is on breastfeeding, it does not need to be disappeared. Milk consists of 80% water. It is inhomogeneously in its structure. At the beginning of the sucking of the chest, the kid drinks a liquid part of milk driving. Then the milk is more dense, which serves as food. These 2 types of milk fully satisfy the needs of the kid in food and drink. If you want a baby with water, it will take a certain amount in his stomach, it will suck the mother less, the lactation will decrease.

Do you feed at night?

At night, you need to breastfeed. It was at this time that the day during feeding in large quantities is produced by prolactin - a very important hormone. Prolactin not only contributes to lactation, but still stimulates the immune system, anesthetics, sticks to ovulation during breastfeeding period. Mom may not worry that it becomes pregnant when the first kid is still too small (we recommend reading :).

To make my mother, it is difficult to get up, take a child out of bed and so on, it is better to lay the baby to sleep with you. When he faded, his mother remains only to give him her chest and sleep further. In one bed with parents, the baby feels protected and quickly calms down. If you sleep with the baby you are inconvenient, put his bed so that it is close to you. Remove the partition from it between you and the child. Then mom will be able to take a child in his bed only for feeding.

When to enter the lure?

Do not hurry with the introduction of dust. Until six months, the baby may well do her milk milk. After 6 months, the lore can be introduced so that the child gets familiar with different flavors of food. It should not replace breast feeding. Mamino Milk is much more useful than any vegetable puree. In the early addition of feeding in children's vegetable puree, maternal milk is gradually displaced by other, less useful products.

What should mom have during lactation?

Healthy Balanced Nutrition Mom is very important for active lactation.

Food Women must be thought out in advance (we recommend reading :). Many substances from food and drugs fall into mother milk and can damage the child. Some food causes allergies, and drugs bring tangible harm. You do not need to prescribe yourself treatment - this should make the therapist, taking into account your situation.

Mothers must be eliminated from the nutrition allergenic products. You can not eat red and orange vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to exclude smoked meat, pickles, sharp and oily food from the diet. Do not eat seafood, nuts, honey, chocolate.

It is necessary to limit the content in the diet of the materials of products causing fermentation. Mom, they will not harm, and the kid will get a tummy. Such products include cabbage, grapes, radishes, radish, chocolate candies and other sweets.

  • fermented milk products;
  • rice, buckwheat, oat groats;
  • yellow and green vegetables and fruits;
  • vegetable soups;
  • lean meat;
  • bread from solid wheat varieties.

Efficiency products are excellent fit nursing mom

How much baby feed?

How old to feed the child? Many women believe that it is enough to feed up to 1 year. It is incorrect - you can feed up to 2 or up to 3 years. In a year, the kid receives many other products, but it does not hurry from the chest. Sucking my mother's chest soothes him. Forcibly stopping feeding, you are traumating the child psychologically, and this will affect the health of your mammary glands. Wait until the kid himself refuses breast milk.

Some women are breastfeeding longer than the generally accepted duration, but doctors are actively supported by

Did you leave the breast during the Mother's Illness?

When my mother got sick, you do not need to overcome the baby from the chest. Consult your doctor, what drugs you can take without stopping feeding. If the mother fell ill with a seasonal cold, only breastfeeding will save the baby from infection. Together with the maternal milk, he will receive antibodies that will deal with infection. In the case of infection, the kid takes the cold much easier.