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The kid is fond of longer not complex expensive toys, but the simplest, household ones. Whether it's a pot lid, computer wires, a phone or a TV remote control.

But parents often forbid playing with some of these items. And sometimes it poses a direct threat to the health, and even the life of the child. Like, for example, a working outlet.

But even she loses all her danger, located on the development stand in an unconnected state. And the kid, without any threat to his own person, will master the skill of using it.

A business board for children can now be bought without any problems. But it is much more fun and enjoyable to make a development board with your own hands.

Also implies the use of a bodyboard. Familiarize yourself with the main systems early learning babies from birth to three years old.

It is easy to manufacture. It will take a little work, imagination and necessary materials and in a few days you will get an inexhaustible source of joy and employment for the child.

All work can be divided into stages.

1. Board selection

Suitable materials are plywood, plastic, laminated chipboard or a regular wooden board about 1 centimeter thick.

If the choice fell on a wooden board, carefully sand all the bumps. So you protect the child from splinters.

2. Choice of toppings

There is a place for parental imagination to roam. Looking for interesting little things the most frugal will go to the balcony or to the garage. The rest I can visit my grandparents or the hardware store.

  • various locks, latches, latches, latches, switches, buttons, sockets, balls. For any boy and girl, this will be a treasure.

With the help of these elements, children will develop fine motor skills and basic household skills in complete safety;

  • sewing accessories: hooks, zippers, buttons, rivets and Velcro.

This group can be focused when creating bodyboards for girls;

  • sound sources: bells, xylophone elements, even an old doorbell;
  • counting equipment.
  • old push-button telephone, handset;
  • light sources: child-friendly flashlights and lights;
  • lacing. It can be fixed on a shoe drawn on a business board;
  • elements with different texture.

It can be pieces of fabric - leather, wool, silk. Or other material - plastic, fur, stone, foam rubber, rubber.

Touching them diversifies tactile sensations for babies.

It is also possible to equip a small niche on the training board, the entrance to which will be closed by a locked door.

When the child copes with it and opens the door, a surprise will be waiting for him in the niche - a small toy, a mirror or a family photo.

This list is almost endless. Each parent can supplement it with something of their own, especially interesting for the child. At the same time, do not forget about the safety of the newly invented part.

3. Board rigging

You need to choose what your development board with locks will include and plan the placement of all the details on the business board.

Empty space can be filled with interesting color drawings and applications.

4. Mount

It is necessary to fix all the elements with self-tapping screws, nails or reliable glue.

Make sure with reverse side boards do not stick out the sharp ends of the fixing material. All protruding must be cut and sanded.

5. Direct play

It remains only to enjoy the children's educational game with the child!

For more detailed training in making a business board, you can refer to the master class on the network. Made by the hands of parents and taking into account the preferences of the child, it will become indispensable in his daily games.

Probably, all parents have noticed that ordinary household items captivate the baby much more than the most beautiful and expensive purchased toys. This is especially true for the smallest toddlers from 9-10 months to about a year and a half - understanding is still not enough, but tiny fingers are still drawn to switches, buttons, sockets. What should adults do? Not every desire of the child should be satisfied, but parents can compromise with their beloved baby and make a wonderful educational toy for him with his own hands - the so-called "control panel".

What is a development board with locks or a “control panel” for children?

This toy is called differently: a board with locks (according to Montessori), a developmental panel, and a game “control panel”. The point is the same - solid foundation various locks, latches, switches, buttons and light bulbs are attached. If desired, this board can be decorated to your liking using colored paper, stickers, and even photographs. The main thing is that the child likes it. And children from such home-made "remote controls" are usually completely delighted! In stores, boards with locks are also sold, but still, nothing can replace a toy made with love by the parents themselves.

Types of developing "control panels"

1. Soft "control panel" . For the smallest children, you can make a soft game panel. This is not quite a "control panel", but rather, a cross between a development mat and big toy. Babies love to grab miscellaneous items, twist the buttons in the handles, pull the multi-colored ribbons. A soft “remote control” will allow the baby to combine pleasant (game) with useful (development of fine motor skills).

To create such a toy, you need a base - an old cushion or a big piece thick fabric type of drape or felt. Plus, the pillows are in its indelibility, and the fabric will have to be fixed on something.

Prepare a thick needle, strong threads and game elements:

  • multi-colored buttons - large and small, flat and with a leg, various forms;
  • applications for clothes or cut out pictures from unnecessary things;
  • Velcro;
  • hooks and loops;
  • fabric pockets (cut off old clothes together with the base fabric or sew it yourself;
  • small toys;
  • ribbons, ropes, ribbons, laces;
  • curtain rings and everything else you think is necessary.

Now all this needs to be securely sewn to the base. To make it interesting for the child, make, for example, fabric doors behind which they will hide bright pictures, buttons or small toys. Doors can be closed with hooks or Velcro. Put toys on ribbons or ribbons in sewn pockets - the baby will love getting them out of there. Make "accounts" from curtain rings and lace and any other game elements that your own imagination will tell you.

2. Traditional hard board with locks . Usually the “control panel” is just a board or a piece of plywood. But hardboard, and a plastic plate, and even thick cardboard can become the basis. The size is up to you: if there is not enough space in the apartment, the “remote control” can be made quite compact, 50x50 cm, you want to give the baby a grandiose toy - please, some make a board with locks up to 1.5-1.7 m wide. About what can be attached to the "control panel" and how to decorate it, we will discuss below.

How to make a development board with locks for a child with your own hands?

Creating such a "control panel" is an exciting activity for the whole family! Mom will be able to show creativity and design abilities (besides, she is the most versed in the preferences of the baby); dad will take over the purchase of the necessary parts and "carpentry" work. It is quite possible that grandparents, uncles or aunts will join in the creation of the “remote”. After all, you won’t find some details for the “remote” in an ordinary store - for example, a spinning telephone dial or a panel from an old radio. But representatives of the older generation could well keep the rotary phone.

So, what else can be attached to a homemade "control panel":

  • various latches, latches, bolts, hecks;
  • switches, buttons (it is better that they turn on something, for example, small light bulbs);
  • hook with eyelet;
  • door chain;
  • toggle switches;
  • battery doorbell;
  • mail locks with keys;
  • plug with socket;
  • a panel with buttons from an unnecessary electrical appliance and much more.

How to put all this on the "remote"? Depends on your imagination. Some people simply screw the locks to the board and leave them as they are. Others make out the "control panel" using colored paper or film, stickers and pictures from magazines. You can make doors out of cardboard or plywood that will be closed with latches, locks and latches. Behind the doors of the baby, their own photos and bright pictures can wait. With the help of a developmental board with locks, you can learn colors, animal names and the basics of counting with your child.

As children become more active and begin to learn the world their curiosity knows no bounds. Often, such a craving for space exploration adds to parents gray hair when a child reaches for sockets in the apartment, switches, scissors, knives and others dangerous items. To satisfy children's curiosity and keep the child busy useful thing, you can make a business board with your own hands, it is also known as a development board. So bright and interesting toy will captivate the baby for a long time, it is completely safe and allows you to develop hand motor skills.

Children's development board with a clock - an owl

This is an educational toy, which is a small wooden, plywood or cardboard base with many small items. For the game, locks, doors, hecks, laces, various buttons, sockets, small puzzles, abacus, switches, buttons with fabric loops, etc. are used. The more objects of various colors and purposes, the more fun it is for the baby to study them. Fumbling with small details is not only a fun process for children, active work develops with fingers fine motor skills hands, in addition, such entertainment is useful for overall development.

Children's development board with various items

A development board bought in a store or made by yourself may differ in material, size, number of parts and color design. For the manufacture of this training subject, it is advised to use materials of different textures. Each of the elements presented on the board will give the baby new ideas about the world around him.

Children's development board with a drawing board

At what age can you play with a touch board

The developmental board begins to interest the baby from about 8 months. By this time, the child already knows how to sit and focus on the process. However, before one year old it is not recommended to use hard boards, at first it is worth playing with soft parts made of fabric and thick felt (when buying felt sheets, you should pay attention to their thickness, it is better to take at least 1.5 or 2 mm). All items are attached to the base with a system of Velcro and buttons.

Children's development board with switches and light bulbs

The types of parts differ depending on the age of the child. So, one year old baby it is more interesting to pull the handles, opening windows and doors with locks, behind which are images of animals, to press buttons, etc. But older children (3-4 years old) will be more interested in looking for numbers and letters, opening locks and solving simple puzzles.

Children's development board with phones

What items to choose

A number of companies involved in the production of educational boards accept orders for the manufacture of such toys according to individual measurements. However, the development board is simple enough to be made by hand.

Children's development board with numbers and a drawing board
Children's development board with houses

The main thing is to decide in advance what needs to be placed on it:

  • buttons with loops;
  • hooks for clothes;
  • doors with locks;
  • small light bulbs;
  • switches;
  • sockets;
  • abacus;
  • toggle switches;
  • buttons or phone dial;
  • remote controller;
  • eyelets with laces to help you learn to tie your shoes;
  • coils, etc.

The choice and quantity depends on the age of the child. The older it is, the more complex in design details can be present on the game panel.

Children's development board with a phone
Children's development board with various interesting items

How to make a business board safe

Even if you do not take your eyes off the child during games, the development board itself (its elements and materials) must be safe.

  1. The finished board must be well fixed so as not to accidentally fall on the baby's head during a particularly intense game.
  2. When choosing the base for the gaming panel, make sure that it is smooth and without nicks. Corners and sharp protrusions must be rounded off on their own or closed with special plugs or soft material.
  3. Each removable part must be tied to the panel with a strong cord so that the baby does not accidentally drag it into his mouth and swallow it.
  4. As soon as you attach all the components to the board, be sure to check if they are securely fixed. Small child should not tear them off, even with the best efforts.
  5. If the toy has luminous parts, they must be powered only by batteries.
  6. A development board, whether purchased or homemade, can be safe. But the number of elements depends only on the age of the children playing and their personal inclinations.

Children's development board with a compass

What is needed for a business board

To make a simple model, you will need:

  • door hinges small size(4 things.);
  • compact door handles (4 pcs.);
  • latches (2 pcs.);
  • constipation with a hook;
  • constipation with a chain;
  • a small colored padlock with lugs (4 pcs.) and keys;
  • chain (1 m);
  • revolving door handle;
  • magnets for doors and windows;
  • switches;
  • socket;
  • a small lamp powered by batteries;
  • battery bell;
  • telephone circle;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal corners for the frame;
  • a sheet of plywood of the required size;
  • remnants of the laminate;
  • wooden boards.

To make the development board last longer, choose metal door handles instead of wooden ones, and to keep the doors with locks even, each of them must be attached to two hinges. So that the ringtone is not too loud, you can additionally wrap it with soft material - felt or foam rubber. For the sake of the safety of the child, the socket must be attached to the base without a plug, otherwise the baby will consider real sockets connected to the power supply to be a toy.

Children's development board with numbers and light bulbs

What tools will be needed

To make a children's business board, in addition to the base and many cognitive elements, you will need:

  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • wire cutters;
  • screwdriver

For the base, it is better to take durable plywood or wooden boards from which you can construct a shallow box.

Children's development board with numbers

Step by step instructions

It can take from one to two days to make a business board, depending on the complexity of the work. We suggest using the assembly instructions for a relatively simple model in the form of a box with doors.

  1. Cut boards for side parts and shelves that will be attached to the inside of the product. Treat all parts with sandpaper, including a sheet of plywood of the right size.
  2. With a pencil, make markings on a sheet of plywood and mark the location of the parts. Carefully draw the places where the largest ones will be located - doors, telephone disk, switches.
  3. Drill holes for hinges.
  4. Using a jigsaw, cut out holes for opening elements (doors and windows), a telephone circle, an outlet and a bell. The edges should be carefully processed so that they become perfectly smooth.
  5. Attach the boards to the plywood sheet using self-tapping screws and metal corners.
  6. To ensure that the hinges are flush with the doors, small laminate strips can be placed under them.
  7. Attach magnets to one side of the door openings. There should be metal plates on the doors in the same place to fix them when closed.
  8. Attach the rest of the fittings (latches, latches, etc.) using self-tapping screws. If they are too long, shorten them with wire cutters.
  9. Hide all the electrical elements of the door lock inside a wooden box, there should be only a button on the game panel.
  10. Glue the lamp to the base.
  11. The back side of the box must be closed, for this, attach the laminate panels to it with self-tapping screws.
  12. At the top of the box, you can make a handle for easy carrying of the toy. If the development board must hang on the wall, you should take care of fasteners, such as eyelets.

Children's development board with sockets
Children's development board with the name of the child

Features of a business board for boys

Of course, the list of details can be exactly the same and not depend on the gender of the baby. However, most often boys and girls have different interests, so the development board should match them. Boys will be more interested in various technical details - buttons, locks, different mechanisms etc. The shape of the board can be made in the form of a pirate ship, space station or car. A business board for a boy is often finished in more rich colors, you can use shades of blue and cyan, red, white, gray, green tones, etc.

Children's development board with latches
Children's development board with a clock and a calculator

Developing board for girls

The set of elements on the business board is almost indistinguishable from the "boy's", however, you can pay more attention to various dials, phone buttons, lace-up details, soft elements, pieces of fabric with buttons, etc. Images of castles, unicorns, fairies, flowers can be used as decor. , princesses, etc. The main palette is most often “soft” - it is pink, lilac, turquoise, light green. However, if the girl is more interested in superheroes and loves other colors, you should not impose princess games on her, take into account the wishes of the child.

Children's development board with a big car

Toy for the little ones

The training panel for babies under 1 year old should be made of soft elements. In fact, it is somewhat reminiscent of a developmental rug, but more voluminous. You can take as a basis soft pillow or just wrap soft cloth wooden frame. For greater softness, you can additionally use a synthetic winterizer or foam rubber.

Children's development board with a call

All elements are sewn from fabric or cut from felt. It can be images of animals, leaves different breeds trees, fruits, vegetables, geometric shapes, lacing rings, ribbons, buttons with loops, etc. Doors and windows with locks are also made of natural fabric or hard felt. The most interesting gizmos can be hidden behind the doors, which must first be opened.

Children's development board with switches
Children's development board with a clock and latches

Development board - useful toy for children of both sexes aged 8 months. up to 3-4 years. It allows you to develop attention, hand motor skills and promotes harmonious development child. Whether purchased from a store or made by yourself, the toy must meet quality and safety standards.

Video: An interesting do-it-yourself educational children's board (business board)

50 photo ideas for creating a development board for a child (business board):

All parents are familiar with the situation when a child is interested not in a lot of modern and new toys, but in mobile phones, pots and TV remotes. That is why quite often home craftsmen make a do-it-yourself board. Such a device will make the baby do something interesting, spending enough time playing. for a long time. The child will return to such an entertaining board repeatedly, as practice shows, the toy develops many skills, as well as motor skills. If a child masters such a board, he will be able to open and close bottle caps without the help of adults, use locks, and also begin to learn time and numbers. If you decide to make a business board with your own hands, you can take not only the smallest family members, but also older sisters and brothers.

Preparatory work

To carry out the manufacturing work, you will need a board, a sealant, fasteners, glue, filler for a business board, as well as your own imagination.

When making a do-it-yourself board, you will need to think about which components are best to use. Experts advise to prepare such a board, which will form the basis of the product. It should have a thickness of 1 cm or more. It is important to stock up on sealant. Its thickness should be equal to the corresponding parameter inherent in the board. As fasteners, you can use nails or screws. You will need a hammer, screwdriver and scissors. Carry out work within short time screwdriver will allow. Take care of the presence of pliers, which can be found in the arsenal of any home craftsman. Making a do-it-yourself business board will be quite simple using construction or hot glue. The filling of the board will depend on the budget and desires, which will be influenced by the future skills of the baby.

Components of the board

An old telephone set, which has a rotary dialer, can be fixed to the surface. Children are quite willing to play by scrolling a dial. Take care of the presence of switches and voltage regulators. Well, if there is a block with numbers on the board, which resembles a counter. The kid will strive to study time, if you add a business board with a clock with arrows, then he will become interested in this new subject for him. The numbers will be stored in memory if the design is provided with a calculator, which must be in working order. You can strengthen the mirror and the old mobile phone. In the process of making a do-it-yourself business board for children, locks with keys are often used, the latter of which are recommended to be fastened to a string in order to prevent loss on the very first day. You need to prepare a latch, bottle necks that are equipped with lids, hooks, a twist lock and an old computer mouse. Experts advise to supplement the board with a block with bright buttons, all kinds of geometric shapes and rubber bands. If there is a cooler with a fan borrowed from an old computer, then this will also appeal to the child. It will be possible to make a small door and a window on your own, which will diversify the baby's games. When making a do-it-yourself board for children, you can add all sorts of interesting details to it, it can be a light bulb that starts working when you press a button, or a belt buckle. If possible, then on the board you can fix the fabric with buttons and slots, which can be used for fastening and unbuttoning. There is not a single kid who would not be interested in plugs, sockets and all kinds of wires. In order to exclude pampering with real objects that run on electricity, you can supply a board with the named components. In every house there will surely be abacus that will also be of interest to the child. Prepare all kinds of gears, laces, taps and door chains. This list is endless.

Before you make a business board with your own hands, you can visit the garage, balcony or places in the house where old things are stored.

Manufacturing technology

The prepared board should be thick enough so that fixing the elements with self-tapping screws and nails does not lead to the fact that the fasteners will be visible from the back side. The edges should be pasted over with a sealant, while if you purchased a blank, then you need to ask to close the edges with branded strips. If the processing has not been done, then the edges must be carefully sanded and varnished. This will eliminate splinters.

Features of the board assembly

If you decide to make a business board with your own hands, the master class presented in the article will help you with this. Before fixing all the components of the board into place completely, it is recommended to arrange them in order to understand how best to use the space. You should try to arrange the elements in a fairly interesting order. For example, windows and doors can become part of the house, while the clock is recommended to be placed on the roof, especially if the mechanism is small enough. Bottle necks can become part of the wheels of a steam locomotive, which, in turn, is made of switches.

Before you make a business board for a child with your own hands, you should evaluate your artistic ability, because if they are available, you can paint the background with acrylic paints. If you do not have certain skills in drawing, then you can use the same paints to draw a contour using a ruler. Pictures and all kinds of patterns can be cut out of magazines, and then glued to the surface with PVA glue.

Board making secrets

When making a do-it-yourself business board for girls, you can glue as many mirrors as possible. Cars can be replaced with dolls or kitchen utensils. After the items are selected, they must be securely fixed. The more components will be screwed with metal fasteners, the better. Some of the elements can be put on glue.


Care should be taken to ensure that those elements that can be removed are also well fixed, this is necessary for safety. This includes a plug that is inserted into an outlet, a chain lock, as well as keys. It is recommended to place something interesting behind the door so that it is entertaining for the baby to use this design. It can be an envelope with a gift or an image of your favorite hero.

When your baby grows, becomes more inquisitive, then you more and more often stop his attempts to play with switches, keys, all kinds of chains and locks, or what is much worse - sockets, wires, gas stove handles. It was in order to protect him from danger and at the same time allow him to press, turn on, close and open what he wants, and development boards for children were developed, which you can easily do with your own hands after reading our article and the photos presented in it the most successful crafts.

Such devices are also called Busyboards, which translates as "boards for classes." They were invented and used for the first time in 1907 by the Italian teacher Maria. She was convinced that adults should not teach the child, but provide him with everything he needs for independent study of the world around him. And in order for such knowledge to be safe, a special developmental module was developed for her. In her opinion, such a “smart” board allows the baby to quickly learn how to handle all kinds of objects in the house and understand the principle of their work. With what more like a child masters such knowledge, the less dangers will lie in wait for him on the path of life.

The benefits of developing boards for children

The name of such devices for kids speaks for itself. But not all adults are aware of what such “development” is. It turns out that, in addition to the child has access to objects, which interested him so much, but were previously banned, his own study of such “smart” toys allows:

  • Develop fine motor skills. A lot of small items are attached to the Busyboard, the principle of operation of which is based on the painstaking work of the baby's fingers. Despite the fact that at first it will be difficult for him to repeat exactly all the actions that are so easily obtained by adults, through trial and error, he will certainly sooner or later master them on his own;
  • Instill perseverance in your child. With a developing panel, on which everything that was previously forbidden to be touched by the baby will be fixed, he will be happy to play much longer than with his favorite toys;
  • Teach your child to distinguish colors. To do this, it is necessary to make the development board colorful, diluting the discreet colors of household items with attached colored ribbons, bright lightning, shiny beads;
  • Help the child to understand the essence of cause and effect relationships. The kid in the process of playing with the Busyboard will definitely note that you must first press the door handle and then turn it or, for example, to move the door latch, you must first lift it;
  • Develop your child's imagination and fantasy. When the baby learns the principle of operation of all the items attached to the development panel, he will begin to look for new uses for them. For example, tie other objects to the laces or choose holes suitable for the key.

In addition, Busyboard improve baby's coordination and also teach him to find a way out of any situation. In addition, unlike toys, he does not take up much space.

What items are better to use to fill the Bodyboard

The developing module should be as interesting as possible for the child, therefore, the more various items on it, the better. Yes, on it can be placed:

  • Toy abacus;
  • Suckers on strings;
  • Lightning from clothes;
  • Bell;
  • door handle;
  • Calculator;
  • Faucet valve;
  • Socket with plug;
  • telephone disk;
  • Light switch;
  • Buttons;
  • Door chains, latches, hecks;
  • Clock hands;
  • A lock and a key to it;
  • measuring tape;
  • Battery doorbell;
  • Small computer keyboard;
  • Compass;
  • Bicycle bell;
  • Faucet valve;
  • Whistle;
  • Wheel from furniture;
  • Small shoe with laces;
  • Doll clothes with rivets, Velcro, buttons;
  • Numbers;
  • Plastic mirror;
  • pimply film;
  • housekeeper;
  • Wallet;
  • Beads;
  • Scraps of different fabrics;
  • colored ribbons;
  • Hanger hooks;
  • Rotating tumblers.

As you have already noticed, finding suitable items for the development board is easy. After all, in almost every house there are things that are broken or left after repair, the details of which can finally come in handy.

The process of making a development board

Knowing what items should be present on the Busyboard, making it yourself is quite easy. First of all, you need to choose suitable basis. Best to use plywood, but if not, then any other available material, such as plastic, hardboard or thick cardboard. The size of the developing module can be any. You need to proceed from where you plan to place it.

Important! If you use a wooden base for the developmental module, its surface must be well sanded so that the child does not get hurt.

When items suitable for placement on the Bizboard are collected, they are placed on it in any order. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is convenient to play with fixed objects, and they do not interfere with the functioning of each other. light details on the developing module can be fixed with glue, heavy- fasten with screws or nail.

At the stage of attaching the selected items, they should decorate beautifully so that the baby understands what to relate to and can draw a logical parallel between them. For example, when placing a telephone disk, draw or cut out the device itself from colored paper, the dial - complement it with colorful clocks and so on with all objects.

Where to place the finished Busyboard? Based on its size. If it turned out to be large and massive - fix it on the wall, compact and lightweight, you can put it on the floor, place it on a high chair or on a specially made convenient stand.

Now you know how to make colorful educational boards for children with your own hands, and our tips and photos will help you arrange them correctly so that they are useful and interesting.