New in facial rejuvenation. Modern methods of non-surgical facial rejuvenation. Facial skin rejuvenation methods

Modern cosmetology can hardly be called a separate industry. It is closely related to pharmacy and physiology, so every woman at any age can choose the best way for herself how to rejuvenate her face.

Experts offer techniques for any wallet: you can do a skin massage yourself at home, or use modern and, frankly, more effective procedures to regain your youth and beauty. But don't go to extremes.

Like any other organ, the skin of the face undergoes certain age-related changes. The main task of cosmetology is to suspend this process. However, not all methods are universal. Girls under 30 do not need to rejuvenate their face at all, it is enough to use creams enriched with vitamins, means for removing makeup and washing, tonics, cleansing and moisturizing masks.

After 30 years, special care is required for the skin on the forehead, around the eyes and mouth. It is these areas that are prone to the formation of mimic wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise peels, scrubs, at home it is necessary to regularly do acupressure rejuvenating facial massage. This is a fairly effective technique, which consists in smoothing the skin along the acupuncture lines and affecting active energy points.

A striking example of this technique is facial rejuvenation using the Japanese Shiatsu massage. Recently, Tibetan healing procedures have become especially popular.

In accordance with them, it is impossible to return youth and beauty without gaining inner harmony... The teaching of yoga is based on this statement, with energy flows acupuncture is closely related. Experts confirm that these methods of recovery are quite effective, but after 40 years, facial rejuvenation requires more serious cosmetic interventions. These are peels, resurfacing, mesotherapy and other methods.

Skin after 50 requires special attention. The change hormonal background, lifestyle, metabolic disorders provokes the rapid appearance of signs of aging. At this age, hardware cosmetology is very popular. They do laser resurfacing, deep peels, injections to smooth out the contour of the face. But sometimes a quick result can only be obtained with the help of plastic surgery.


it injection method subcutaneous administration of certain drugs directly to problem areas. As a rule, collagen, elastin and their mixtures (cocktails) with vitamins and minerals necessary for the skin are used for this purpose. Injections are given using syringes with a very thin needle (the injection depth usually does not exceed 6 mm). Sometimes a special mesoinjector device is used for the procedure, which is characterized by a high dosage accuracy of the drug, which is used to rejuvenate the face.

In recent years, non-injection mesotherapy has become widespread. This method is safer, since the introduction of active ingredients into the deep layers of the skin is carried out using special devices that emit magnetic waves that expand the pores, which ensures the rapid penetration of drugs into problem areas. Sometimes, instead of magnetic waves, an oxygen flow is used, with the help of which the active substances of drugs penetrate deep into the epidermis. This method is called oxygen mesotherapy.

A gentle method of rejuvenation is considered to be microinjection of biologically active components into problem areas, observing a certain interval. This method is called fractional mesotherapy... As a result of mesotherapy, blood flow and metabolism in the cells of the epidermis is activated, the tone and elasticity of the skin increases. But the effectiveness of this technique depends on the depth of the wrinkles. With the changes that have just begun, cosmetologists guarantee a quick result. But with pronounced violations of the contour of the face, the effect of the procedure will not be so noticeable. On average, facial rejuvenation using the method of mesotherapy consists of 7-10 visits to the beautician with a break of 4-6 days.


In terms of technique, biorevitalization is similar to mesotherapy. This is a very effective non-surgical method for restoring the face contour and eliminating wrinkles using injections. hyaluronic acid... This compound is synthesized in the body and at a young age it is present in sufficient quantities in the cells of the epidermis, but over time its concentration gradually decreases, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

Injection of hyaluronic acid promotes the production of collagen and elastin. An alternative to using the medication is laser exposure on the skin, as a result, the compound is absorbed from the surface layers of the epidermis. The advantage of the procedure is a wide range of effectiveness. V early age biorevitalization prevents the formation of wrinkles, eliminates scars, age spots and other skin imperfections.


Facial rejuvenation with this method consists in the injection of plasma enriched with platelet mass. For the "preparation" of the drug, they use their own venous blood, which eliminates the risk of injections and allergic reactions. In addition, during processing, the plasma is saturated with vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

Therefore, after the introduction of the drug, an active process of regeneration of epidermal cells begins, the condition of the vessels improves. As a result of the procedure, the oval of the face is tightened, fine and deep wrinkles are smoothed out. Unlike mesotherapy to achieve desired effect only 2-3 procedures are enough.

3D mesothreads

For the first time such facial rejuvenation was proposed in cosmetic clinics in South Korea, and only relatively recently did this technique appear in Russia. For the procedure, synthetic 3D mesothreads coated with polyglycogenic acid are used. Using an ultra-thin elastic needle, they are inserted under the skin of the face in accordance with the previously applied markings. The needle is pulled out, and the thread remains in the underlying layers of the epidermis.

After a while, it dissolves, but the effect of the procedure lasts for 4.5-5 years. Facial rejuvenation using this method is combined with other skin care treatments. In one session, you can completely correct the contour of the face, and there are no traces of injections left. However, the cost of this fight against age-related changes ranges from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Contour plastic

The essence of this technique is to "fill" age folds on the face and wrinkles with special preparations (they are called fillers) based on hyaluronic acid. As a result of the procedure, the relief of the facial skin is smoothed, various defects are eliminated, and elasticity is restored.

Contouring is carried out using blunt needles that push the tissue apart without damaging them. Preparations for the procedure are selected individually. Some are used exclusively in reconstructive cosmetology to recover from injuries, burns, or other injuries. To the disadvantages contour plastics include a short-lived result. The session must be repeated after 4-5 months.

Laser resurfacing

Facial rejuvenation is carried out using a laser beam on the upper layers of the skin. As a result, they, roughly speaking, evaporate and are replaced by young new cells.

Blood flow and saturation of the epidermis with nutrients are activated. But after laser resurfacing they are smoothed fine wrinkles but this method is suitable for removing scars and scars.

Previously, a CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser was used for this procedure, but erbium and fraxel lasers are considered more modern, therefore, before making an appointment with a cosmetologist, you should clarify which equipment is installed in the clinic.


Light impulses penetrate deep into tissues by several millimeters. Thus, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated in the cells of the skin of the face, bacteria are destroyed - the main cause of acne and pustular rash, age-related pigmentation passes, capillary stars disappear.

Facial rejuvenation using this method can be performed in various ways:

  • using a neodymium laser;
  • IPL using beams of light with a predetermined intensity;
  • Elos, the essence of technology consists in a combination of photo and electrical effects;
  • collagen, which consists in a targeted stimulating effect on the synthesis of collagen fibers.

The procedure is safe and painless, but a long rehabilitation period is required after it. It is necessary to avoid contact with direct sunlight, give up smoking, alcohol consumption and the use of decorative cosmetics for 6-7 days. Only the products recommended by the beautician are applied to the skin.

Radio wave lifting

Radio wave, as well as ultrasonic lifting, are referred to as non-invasive methods of facial skin rejuvenation. Before starting the procedure, a special gel is applied, which facilitates the conduction of radio wave pulses.

As a result of the activation of metabolic processes, fine wrinkles, the thickness of fat deposits on the face decreases, the skin color improves.

Radio wave lifting is the best option for rejuvenation at a relatively young age (up to 40 years) when the first signs of aging appear. Women after 50 years of age will need about 8 sessions to achieve the result.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is in a safe way active saturation of epidermal cells with oxygen. As a result of this effect, the metabolic rate increases, the water balance of the skin is restored, toxic metabolic products are removed, the regeneration of damaged tissues is activated, and the work of cellular immunity improves. For facial rejuvenation, subcutaneous injections of ozone-containing preparations are made.

LPG massage

This effect consists in a combination of roller and vacuum massage. This combination provides a drainage effect, accelerates lymph flow, helps to smooth wrinkles and overall health of the facial skin. The procedure is carried out in a beauty parlor using a special apparatus. LPG massage absolutely safe, but less effective compared to mesotherapy and other methods of rejuvenation.

Pharmacy products for facial rejuvenation: a list of the most effective drugs

To delay the appearance of wrinkles as much as possible possible term, for face care they use drugs that are sold in every pharmacy. Moreover, their cost will be much lower than the advertised cosmetics. It is necessary to select drugs taking into account the type of skin and the expected result.

To stimulate microcirculation in the capillaries and improve blood supply, the following medicines are suitable:

  • Heparin ointment. The main component of the remedy is the strongest anticoagulant heparin. It restores the rheological properties of blood, accelerates its movement through the vessels of the subcutaneous tissue. As a result, edema disappears very quickly, capillary stars disappear.
  • Solcoseryl gel. The main indication for the use of the drug is the acceleration of reparative processes in the skin. Due to the stimulation of blood flow, the use of this agent has a pronounced anti-aging effect.
  • Lyoton. Usually the gel is indicated for varicose veins. But with regular use as a mask or makeup base, it helps to smooth wrinkles and form the correct face contour.

To saturate the skin with nutrients such pharmacy products for facial rejuvenation:

  • Retinoic ointment. Contains a synthetic analogue of vitamin A, which is quickly and fully absorbed by skin cells, providing anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.
  • Retinol acetate. This is the same vitamin A, but comes in capsules. The inside of the gelatinous shell contains an oily liquid. The shell is pierced and simply squeezed out and applied to the face.
  • We see, a complete analogue of retinoic ointment, is used in the same way.
  • Retinol palmitate. The composition completely coincides with retinol acetate in capsules, but is produced in liquid form... The annotation recommends taking the product orally, but cosmetologists use it either to add it to creams for daily care or in pure form for application to the skin.
  • Fish oil is the main source of ω-3 unsaturated fatty acids. You can buy Vitamin E-supplemented fish oil capsules or use an oil solution to treat your skin. Moreover, the price of such funds is much lower than nourishing creams - from 50 to 70 rubles.
  • Tocopherol acetate. It is vitamin E, which accelerates metabolic processes, improves tissue regeneration, and strengthens the capillary walls. For external use, it is more convenient not capsules, but an oil solution.
  • Vietnamese balm "Zvezdochka". Contains a whole complex of plant components (menthol, essential oil of eucalyptus, cloves, mint, cinnamon, camphor, rosehip extract). The combination of these ingredients is a powerful vitamin cocktail for epidermal cells. But the ointment cannot be applied to the area of ​​the eyes and mucous membranes, in addition, it is categorically contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

To moisturize the skin, any pharmacy facial rejuvenation products with vitamin F are suitable.

This is Libriderm cream oily or semi-oily, ointment 911. In addition, all of the listed oil solutions with vitamins A and E restore the lipid layer and prevent moisture loss.

To prevent premature aging of the skin, it is very important to have an adequate supply of oxygen to the cells of the epidermis.

Without it, the course of metabolic processes, maintenance of turgor and water balance is impossible. Residents of megacities are especially susceptible to hypoxia.

Therefore, the so-called oxygen cosmetics, which contain components that ensure its rapid delivery to cells, have become widespread. These are aquaftem, perfodecalin, coenzymes and other substances.

In Russia, the term oxygen cosmetics is associated with the Faberlic company, but now all companies specializing in the production of skin care products produce similar products.

And it can be not only creams and serums. A quick rejuvenating effect is provided by the use of ampoules with solutions that saturate the skin with oxygen. They are not used constantly, but in courses several times a year.

You can pick up means for rejuvenating the skin of the face, contributing to a noticeable smoothing of wrinkles, these are:

  • Blepharogel, which contains hyaluronic acid, aloe juice and glycerin. Contrary to the instructions for use, it can be applied not only on the eyelids, but also on the entire face, especially on the area of ​​formation of mimic wrinkles.
  • Eye drops Taufon and an analogue of the drug - Taurine. They contain the substance taurine, which stimulates regenerative, energetic and metabolic processes in cells, normalizes the functioning of cell membranes, and restores electrolyte balance. It is simple to use the drug: the required amount of solution is squeezed out of the bottle and rubbed onto the skin of the face.
  • Panthenol. The drug accelerates the repair processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to moisturize the skin and smooth wrinkles.
  • Relief ointment. This product contains shark oil, which has a complex effect on the cells of the epidermis. It saturates them with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients, stimulates active tissue regeneration, which helps to remove wrinkles and restore youthfulness and beauty to the skin.
  • Curiosin. Contains hyaluronic acid, which is actively used for biorevitalization and other salon rejuvenating procedures.

Despite the fact that all these drugs are used only externally, you should pay attention to possible contraindications... If you have doubts about the safety of a medicine, you should consult a doctor before using pharmacy products for facial rejuvenation. Apply them twice a day to previously cleansed skin and leave until completely absorbed. Excess drug can be blotted with a paper towel.

Lactic acid, which is sold in veterinary pharmacies, can replace salon peels. Instead of it, drops of Hilak Forte are suitable, they are added to hypoallergenic cream at the rate of 10 drops per 30 ml. The result of the procedure is noticeable immediately. Age spots fade, wrinkles are smoothed, complexion improves.

Facial rejuvenation at home: massage techniques, recipes for masks and scrubs

Facial massage and gymnastics using Japanese technology has a magical effect. To carry out the procedure, it is not necessary to visit the salon, you can do it yourself at home. Enough 10-15 minutes several times a week to smooth out wrinkles, smooth out the contours of the oval of the face.

The massage is carried out with light pressing movements along the acupuncture lines. Knead the area of ​​the forehead, eyelids, cheeks, chin, nasolabial folds. The procedure improves blood flow in the cells of the skin of the face, removes fat deposits in the cheeks and chin, smoothes mimic wrinkles, combats age-related changes in the contours of the lips, nose and cheeks.

At the same time, the massage is combined with all cosmetics for cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. The result is improved if these techniques are combined with gymnastics for the face. Integral part comprehensive care is peeling. Prepare composition for deep cleansing then you can at home.

To do this, use the following recipes:

  • Peel the cucumber and grate it, transfer the resulting mass to cheesecloth and squeeze the juice. Then grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender. Mix a teaspoon of oatmeal and sea ​​salt finely ground, add cucumber juice until a creamy mass is obtained.
  • Take ground coffee in equal proportions (brand and shelf life, and even more so the price does not matter) and rice flour. Dilute with 1% kefir or heavy cream (for skin prone to dryness).
  • Take a handful of cranberries, crush and mix with a few milliliters almond oil and powdered oatmeal. Add a few spoons just before peeling granulated sugar... You can enhance the effectiveness of the product using mandarin or orange essential oil.
  • Grind dried peels of orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit. Mix with kefir, sour cream, yogurt or cream, observing the rule: the drier the skin, the fatter the peeling base.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to steam the skin in a water bath. To do this, use a decoction of chamomile, sage or mint.

To nourish the skin, improve its color and give it healthy look rejuvenation of the face at home with masks is suitable. You can smooth out wrinkles using such drugs.

Dimexide is diluted with chilled boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. Then a cotton pad is moistened in this mixture and wiped on the face. Then Solcoseryl gel is applied to the skin and left for about an hour, and the product is washed off. For express rejuvenation, 10 procedures are recommended, one every three days.

Dimexide and Solcoseryl should not be used under the eyes and on the skin above the upper lip to avoid irritation.

A mask based on essential oils and flowers has an excellent result. Take dried chrysanthemum petals, grind them and mix with mashed boiled beans. This product is based on a combination of flaxseed oil and a few drops of geranium essential oil. Stir 1 yolk, a tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of buckwheat flour. Add viburnum juice to this mixture. Such a mask has a rejuvenating effect.

Steam the carrots until half cooked, then grate them on a fine grater. Add olive oil, honey, lemon juice and oat flour until a homogeneous creamy consistency is obtained. These products, which carry out facial rejuvenation at home, are recommended to be used once a week. The mixture is left on the skin for 10-15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream is applied.

For the return of youth and beauty, you can use the advice of aromatherapists. Experts recommend enriching everyday creams and tonics for skin care with essential oils, adding them to facial moisturizing sprays, and water for washing. Good result has a wiping effect on the skin aromatic ice(mix a few drops of oil with water and freeze in special molds). Masks are also prepared with the addition of essential oils.

As a basis, use:

  • Fruit and vegetable purees.
  • Macadamia and jojoba oil.
  • Egg yolk.
  • Dairy products.

The following oils are added to a teaspoon of the base:

  • vetiver - 3 drops;
  • ylang-ylang - 3 drops;
  • cypress - 2 drops;
  • myrrh - 2 drops;
  • mint - 3 drops;
  • neroli - 2 drops;
  • sandalwood - 2 drops;
  • roses - 2 drops.

Essential oils cannot be used in their pure form, as this can cause skin burns.

Facial Rejuvenation Products: Herbs and Vitamins

To restore the blooming appearance of aging skin, smooth out wrinkles and correct the oval of the face, you do not have to go to the pharmacy or apply expensive creams, serums and masks.

You can use healing power medicinal plants. Sage, aloe juice, basil, black currant leaves stimulate the processes of tissue regeneration. Saturate epidermal cells and have a moisturizing effect with mint and linden blossom.

Birch leaves and calendula flowers can remove wrinkles and relieve inflammation. Rowan, Rhodiola rosea, parsley, hop cones tone up aging skin.

Compresses with a decoction of these plants, steam procedures are used as a means for rejuvenating the skin of the face. You can just mix butter with chopped medicinal herbs. Masks are also prepared. In equal proportions, take mint and dandelion leaves, grind and mix with honey and a beaten egg.

Instead of a tonic for wiping the skin, a decoction of rose hips is recommended (a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water). To improve the effectiveness of the product for rejuvenating the skin of the face will help vitamin complexes... You can use preparations with a carefully selected composition, for example, Merz dragees, preparations from the Doppelherz series or Ladys Formula.

When choosing a medicine, you must ensure that they include:

  • B vitamins.
  • Retinol.
  • Tocopherol acetate.
  • Biotin.
  • Vitamin D.
  • Niacin.
  • Vitamin K.

Such drugs are taken in courses of 1-2 months several times a year. Such support is especially needed in early spring and late autumn, when the body is prone to vitamin deficiency and frequent viral diseases.

But no means for skin rejuvenation will help without dietary changes. There must be fresh vegetables and fruits on the table; for dressing salads it is better to use olive, sesame or linseed oil... It is necessary to consume fish and other foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

A prerequisite is compliance drinking regimen(minimum 1.5 l pure water per day), limiting coffee and quitting smoking. Healthy and active image life, nutrition and the correct selection of skin care products will eliminate the need to search the Internet for clinics that perform plastic surgery.

It was previously believed that aging is a process that cannot be slowed down. Accordingly, the skin of the face fully betrayed the age of the person. Modern cosmetology is so developed that external aging can not only slow down, but also hide the true age. There are effective cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation. These include the most commonly used:

  • Oxygen therapy;
  • Peeling.

The effectiveness of this technique lies in the possibility of introducing active drugs into the deep layers of the skin due to the partial pressure of oxygen. A simultaneous increase in pressure and an increase in oxygen concentration leads to a more intense oxygen exchange in the tissues.

Oxygen therapy is indicated for:

  • Elimination of mimic wrinkles;
  • Acne treatment;
  • Rejuvenation of dry and aging skin;
  • Eliminate dark circles around the eyes.

This method has shown itself to be quite effective for any type of skin, regardless of the age and gender of the patient.

The advantages of this procedure are that it does not use needles, therefore, the skin is not injured, and there is no pain. In addition, there are no side effects, contraindications and complications.

Practically the most effective method in dealing with internal and outward manifestations aging is considered mesotherapy. This is a facial rejuvenation procedure in which individually selected preparations and cocktails are injected under the skin. A mesotherapy session consists of numerous injections performed on the treated area using the finest needles. In one procedure, a small amount of the drug, therefore, to achieve the desired result, a complex course of 4 - 10 procedures is required.

A well-chosen course makes it possible to eliminate a wide range of cosmetic skin imperfections:

  • Scars and scars;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Dryness;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Withering of the skin.

In addition, mesotherapy provides a noticeable tightening and has a pronounced anti-stress, healing effect. In addition to the fact that the skin of the face is outwardly rejuvenated, the metabolism is normalized, it is done better emotional background and headaches are eliminated, insomnia disappears.

Mesotherapy collects the very best reviews.

In total, more than 100 items are used for this procedure. Moreover, both cocktails and mono-remedies can be used. Hyaluronic acid, vitamin complexes, extracts different plants and organic elements are the most commonly used and effective blend.

Carrying out the procedure

Only a certified cosmetologist can successfully conduct sessions. First of all, he will examine the problem areas of the skin, determine the duration of the course and the optimal types of drugs. This rejuvenation procedure is almost painless, but if the skin is sensitive, an anesthetic cream can be used.

Injections are made to a depth of 0.6 mm. They are done either with the help of injections or by means of automatic injectors. After the procedure, you should adhere to certain rules for skin care. Positive changes can be observed after 2-3 sessions. It is required to carry out at least 4 sessions, the interval between them is a week. The effect lasts for about six months. Then either supportive rejuvenation procedures or a second course are carried out.

There is also non-injection mesotherapy. It is also quite effective, however, you will have to go through more sessions. This option is suitable for those who do not like injections and cannot afford a couple of days of rehabilitation.


Peeling is a procedure that involves the elimination of several layers of the epidermis from problem area... As a result, the process of cellular renewal begins in the patient's body. This skin rejuvenation procedure is quite popular, as evidenced by numerous reviews about it.

Facial peeling results:

  • Small irregularities and wrinkles are removed;
  • The surface becomes smoother;
  • The skin becomes firm.

Varieties of peels

Depending on what type of exposure is used, it happens:

  • Chemical peeling- the effect is achieved as a result of treatment with an acidic composition;
  • Laser resurfacing- is used to minimize significant skin defects, the effect is on the connective tissue;
  • Laser peeling- as a result, the upper skin layers are destroyed when exposed to laser energy, the main distinguishing feature of this method is that it is possible to calculate penetration with an accuracy of 1 micron;
  • Microdermabrasion- a mechanical process carried out by microcrystals, this is an impeccable option for skin that is affected by the first signs of aging.

Some types can be carried out at home, others - only by professional cosmetologists.

Also, peels are classified according to the depth of impact:

  • Deep;
  • Median;
  • Surface.

The peeling option is chosen by a specialist based on the current state of the skin and contraindications.

Cosmetic procedures for rejuvenating the skin of the face include biorevitalization. This is one of the most effective methods to eliminate wilting and prevention. It helps to remove wrinkles, reduce dryness, and give the skin elasticity.

This term translates as "return to life." At first, biorevitalization consisted of injections with hyaluronic acid, which contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the skin layers. Then other methods began to enter into it, giving the same effect. The biorevitalization procedure for the face is also effective for other parts of the body.

There are certain indications for facial skin rejuvenation through biorevitalization:

  • Dry skin;
  • Premature wilting due to toxic effects;
  • Aging of the integument due to the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Decreased turgor.

The effect of the facial skin rejuvenation procedure appears rather quickly and builds up over several weeks. As a result, the skin retains its youthful appearance for 4 to 8 months.

The best option is to conduct a course consisting of 3 - 5 sessions. Then it is recommended to carry out supporting procedures (2 - 3 sessions) in 4 months 1 time.

Biorevitalization is using:

  • Hyaluronic acid - this is the most common option, it is best used when the first signs of wilting of the facial skin are forming;
  • Laser - laser phoresis is used here, among the advantages of which it is worth noting the non-injection method and a quick recovery period.

The technique of eliminating wrinkles and correcting the contours with the help of injections is called contour plastics... During the procedure, the subcutaneous cavity is filled with fillers.

A significant rejuvenating effect is what is inherent primarily in contour plastics. In addition, its advantages are a simple and quick process of carrying out, the absence of anesthesia and recovery period as well as an affordable price.

The main component of fillers is usually hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance for human skin. This guarantees the absence of allergic manifestations and various side effects.

It is worth remembering that the main task of contouring is to achieve an aesthetic, that is, external effect.

With its help, you can achieve:

  • Elimination of almost all types of folds and wrinkles;
  • Formation of the volume of any front part;
  • Eliminate the asymmetry of features.

Preparations for contour plastics differ from each other in 2 main characteristics:

  • Speed ​​to biodegradation;
  • Density of the gel.

The choice is made based on what changes are expected to be made.

Thus, there are several effective facial rejuvenation techniques. But in any case, you need to contact professionals who will select optimal method and drugs, as well as eliminate side effects.

Beauty and Eternal youthcherished dream any normal woman... But, alas, sooner or later time takes its toll and forces us to take decisive measures. So, let's see if there is facial rejuvenation without surgery and how effective is it?

Signs of the need for rejuvenation

At first, wrinkles. As a rule, the first unwanted guests are crow's feet at the corners of the eyes. Further more. Stripes of different severity "decorate" the forehead, eyelids, chin. The nasolabial folds are aggravated.

Secondly, loss of skin elasticity, pastiness. Both women and men can literally lose their attractiveness in a matter of hours due to a tendency to puffiness.

Thirdly, a change in the configuration of the oval of the face, especially in the area of ​​the cheeks, chin, neck. This type of skin aging is characterized by the appearance of pronounced folds in these places. Often, in such cases, people resort to threads.

And finally fourth sign- these are various combinations of the previous ones.

Since the problem of aging was and remains relevant for all mankind, the development of methods to combat a seemingly inevitable process is constantly being improved. And if internal processes in the body it is almost impossible to overcome, then with external manifestations everything is much easier.

As is known, cardinal method eliminate signs of aging long time remained plastic surgery. Many women who, in pursuit of youth, sacrificed huge amounts of money, time and their own health, alas, in the end, received results that were not at all expected. The World Wide Web is literally replete with "funny pictures" from a series of "photos before and after plastic surgery." Fortunately, now there is enough alternative methods of rejuvenation, reviews about which are more encouraging. Of course, different ways differ in cost, efficiency, application time, results, but there is still plenty to choose from.

Rejuvenation using folk methods

By themselves, folk methods are not a panacea in the fight against the signs of aging, for example, one cryomassage procedure for the face (and it is not particularly important what to use nitrogen or ice), gives more pronounced effect in a much shorter period of time. But, with a lack of funds and the inability to visit salons and clinics, self-prepared and regularly used means - the best way... In addition, both modern cosmetologists and healers of ancient times, in medical treatises that have come down to us, say that water is the first enemy of aging. Even people prone to swelling are advised to consume at least 5-6 glasses of liquid daily.

Lotions from cucumber, mint, parsley, as well as masks based on potatoes, quince, herbs and milk, help to rejuvenate the neck and face at home without surgery.

Quite a popular recipe cucumber lotion looks like this: 2 cucumbers, after washing, you need to grate without peeling the peel. The resulting mass, together with the juice, is poured into a glass of vodka, or better than moonshine, infused in the sun for two weeks. Oily or combination skin you need to wipe with this lotion daily. It is better for owners of dry skin to refrain from using it. Thus, you can make self-rejuvenation at home, without spending large sums and time.
Video: methods of facial rejuvenation without the use of operations

Salon methods of rejuvenation

For those who do not spare time and money for the sake of beauty, of course, it is better to choose a set of procedures for themselves in a beauty salon or clinic. The options with a laser have proven themselves well: face resurfacing or peeling.

Depending on the condition of the skin and the presence of contraindications, the specialist can offer the following methods of facial rejuvenation without surgery:

  • correct shallow wrinkles with an injection;
  • thread facelift (the most new procedure, lifting is performed using a thread that is pulled under the skin);
  • mesotherapy (biostimulation);
  • "Beauty injections" for problem areas;
  • chemical or ultrasonic peeling.

Additionally, on the spot, you can clarify how to get rid of age spots, which most often appear after childbirth and cover a year or two by biological age.

Deciding on salon procedures, you need to remember that their main drawback is fragility and high prices such skin rejuvenation. For example, injections Botox, Dysport or hylauronic acid, the cost of each of which is from $ 150 and more (this is taking into account relatively small cities: Voronezh, Tver, Omsk), should be done about twice a year. Peeling, which gives the skin an unusually well-groomed, literally blooming look, is recommended to be repeated once a season, except in summer. It turns out that you will have to visit the master at least three times a year. By the way, it is believed that for rejuvenation is best suited chemical peeling, the cost of which in Kazan, or in Kaliningrad is an order of magnitude lower.

More and more popular recently deserve special attention laser treatments rejuvenation Palomar and lifting Titan. Most of those who have ever experienced their effects on themselves express utter delight. Palomar is unique technique which is used to treat facial wrinkles.

Pros of laser resurfacing: painlessness, no side effects, excellent result, suggesting not only a sharp rejuvenation of the skin, but also the removal spider veins, small scars, age spots.

But, alas, there are also disadvantages. First, the effects of laser action on the body are not fully understood. Secondly, the procedure is quite expensive and requires multiple use. Thirdly, the appearance of redness on the face is possible for some time. However, compared to the consequences of plastic surgery, these are trifles.

A small overview of the cost of procedures by city:

  • in Moscow, the rejuvenation procedure will cost a tidy sum from 5,000 to 40,000 rubles, and this is not the limit;
  • the price of the issue in St. Petersburg is slightly less - from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles, but still, it is quite noticeable, and this is the cost for only one procedure, so even discounts will not really save the situation;
  • Yaroslavl and Chelyabinsk are less proud, and beauty is somewhat more accessible here: from 3,000 to 25,000 rubles;
  • in Ryazan, you can get younger without surgery for 25,000 rubles;
  • in Ufa, such procedures are almost the most affordable, so sentence from 3000 r. up to 20,000 rubles

Rejuvenation cosmetics

In the arsenal of every woman who is not indifferent to her appearance, the fair sex should be present: gel for washing, milk for removing makeup, scrub, lotion or tonic, night and day creams for face, cosmetic peels and masks. If it is not possible to buy all this, then you can, as an option, consider recipes for home cosmetics.

The main conditions in their application are not to harm or overdo it.

Cosmetologists recommend using daily lotion and appropriate creams. Remove makeup, especially mascara, only with specially formulated milk. Twice a week, cleanse your face with a scrub, and use an anti-aging mask at least once. Peeling should be especially carefully applied. Usually, famous manufacturers pay special attention in the instructions to questions of frequency and method of application.

Fortunately, most ladies are not at all burdened, but on the contrary, enjoy the variety and the possibility of using these funds.

Facial rejuvenation using self-massage and exercises

This method is quite popular, since it does not require absolutely any financial investments and is available to everyone. Physical exercises useful at any age, to everyone who wishes to preserve beauty and health. it is urgently necessary to start doing exercises in the morning and, preferably, jogging in the evenings.

Facial gymnastics allows you to:

  1. correct the muscle contour;
  2. remove the expression of fatigue;
  3. get rid of fine wrinkles around the eyes;
  4. improve skin color.

The best time for the procedure is morning and evening, after washing. The main set of exercises is aimed at the area around the eyes, lips and chin strengthening. Let's consider a few of the simplest options.

So, for example, to strengthen the neck muscles, get rid of a double chin, you need to rub your neck with a towel soaked in cold water, pat outside palms on the lower part of the chin, taking a pencil or pen in your teeth, draw numbers or letters in the air.

To strengthen the muscles around the eyes, apply following exercises: eye rotation, mental representation of emotions, with "putting on" the corresponding mask, gentle slaps and presses with fingertips.

In order to get rid of wrinkles in the area of ​​the lips, it is recommended to try to pronounce the letter "O" at first slightly opening, and then opening wide your mouth. The second exercise is stretching the smile with your fingers, while the lips should be tightly compressed.

At first glance, everything seems to be simple and rather unpretentious, but many, having tried for the first time, complain that after completing the entire set of exercises, a feeling of fatigue and muscle sensitivity appears. , maybe this is exactly what you have been looking for for a long time?

Summing up, one cannot fail to notice that any described facial rejuvenation without surgery will give a much more effective result if it is accompanied by a healthy lifestyle and good mood. We hope our article was useful, be beautiful and healthy!

Useful materials for review:

LPG massage technology was originally intended for the correction of a woman's figure. Having seen successful results in the fight against cellulite, the creators of the technology decided to develop a similar device that will act on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Now the device has three methods of action: "Cosmechanics", "Liftmassage" and "Endermolift". Each of the methods affects its own area of ​​the face and neck.

How is the procedure performed: A special massage stimulates skin cells to destroy old collagen and synthesize new one. The technology is based on the principles of plastic massage, which is traditionally done by hand. The skin on our face is quite thin and delicate, and wrinkles, on the contrary, require deep work. At manual massage it is difficult not to injure the skin and at the same time to act on it effectively and deeply. And LPG massage can achieve such a "golden mean". The massage attachment is a small chamber where the skin fold is tightened under the action of a vacuum. The skin is exposed inside the chamber. To achieve more tangible results, it is necessary to carry out 10-20 sessions, the result of which will be visible within six months.

Indications for the procedure: This massage will be useful for any woman over 25 years old.

  • Loose and sagging skin
  • "Double chin" and subcutaneous fat in the face
  • Acne, scars and enlarged pores

Results: Tightening and acquiring a clearer face contour, reducing the volume of fat deposits on the face, reducing mimic wrinkles, regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands, treating hematomas (bruises) and infiltrates, reducing edema.

Recovery process: After the end of the procedure, you can observe slight swelling and hyperemia (redness) - this is a normal body reaction to LPG massage. Symptoms disappear on the same day, sometimes in 1-2 days.

Price: 8000-15000 tg.

RF lifting

Radiolifting is another hardware method skin rejuvenation without surgical involvement.

How is the procedure performed: The essence of the method is that radio waves penetrate the skin with the help of a special apparatus. First, the face is applied special cream which causes numbness nerve endings, and then the doctor treats those areas of the skin with a radio frequency instrument appearance which need to be improved. The radio waves emitted by the instrument pass through the outer layers of the skin and deliver thermal energy to muscles and soft tissues... The heat causes these layers to contract, which promotes more collagen production.

Indications for the procedure: Lifting can be performed from the age of 25, but the procedure is ideal for an average age group, 35-55 years old. Radio lifting can be done in any season. This method of skin rejuvenation is suitable not only for women, but also for men.

  • Withering skin
  • Descent of facial tissues
  • Sagging areas of the skin and hypodermis (subcutaneous fat), changing the outline of the face oval
  • Wrinkles around the eyes, crow's feet
  • Deep mimic wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, on the forehead
  • Acne scars

Results: The lifting creates an even contour of the face, improves its color and removes expression lines. Among the main advantages of this method are harmlessness to the body, painlessness, absence of inflammation.

Recovery process: Light redness is acceptable on the skin, which disappears within 15 minutes after the procedure.

Price: 8000-15000 tg.


Biorevitalization involves the elimination of skin imperfections by saturating its deep layers with hyaluronic acid.

How is the procedure performed: Hyaluronic acid is a panacea for maximum skin hydration. Before injections, the skin is cleansed of makeup residues, dust and sebum. Injection biorevitalization does not take more than an hour and is carried out using a fine needle or a special injector. The drug is injected intradermally until a small papule is formed.Despite the small diameter of the needle, the procedure can cause discomfort, therefore, with increased sensitivity or with a low pain threshold, the area of ​​influence is pre-lubricated with a cream with lidocaine, which provides local anesthesia.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Dehydrated skin
  • Aging skin
  • Decreased skin tone and elasticity
  • Wrinkles
  • Photoaging of the skin, prevention of premature aging
  • Preparing for chemical peels and laser resurfacing
  • Rehabilitation after chemical peels, laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion and plastic surgeries
  • Correction of scars and stretch marks

Results: The biorevitalization procedure provides hydration at a deeper level. After full course of these procedures, the effect lasts for six months, and sometimes more. The procedure can be carried out both by injection using needles and using low-intensity laser radiation. The first procedure is more effective, the second is more comfortable. But definitely both procedures have a magical effect on the skin.

Recovery process: The rehabilitation period takes on average 3 days, after the procedure, white papules are observed, there may be minor hematomas.

Price: 20,000-50,000 tenge


Bio-reinforcement of the face is another of the techniques aimed at lifting the face, improving the oval of the face.

How is the procedure performed:The skin is reinforced with stabilized acid gels along the vector lines under local anesthesia... This procedure is performed every 2-3 weeks 3 or 4 times. As a result, a face lifting is formed by reducing the elasticity of the skin, saturation and hydration of the skin due to the effect of hyaluronic acid on it, the face "straightens out" and becomes fresh, the quality of the skin improves.

Indications for the procedure:Since the bio-reinforcement of the face presupposes the fight against age-related changes in the skin, experts recommend contacting women who are 35 years old, but not yet 50. Within this age range, this procedure will have maximum effectiveness.

  • Dropped corners of the mouth or eyes, eyebrows
  • Saggy skin folds
  • Deep nasolabial folds
  • Vague contours of the chin and lower jaw

Results: Active lifting; To wrinkle correction (elimination of small and smoothing deep folds); NSEffective face contour modeling.

Recovery period: Usually, after the session, the patient quickly enters the usual rhythm of life: slight edema, redness of the skin and edema disappear in 5-7 days.

Price: 50,000-70000 tg.


Microdermabrasion is a peeling that combines the removal of dead skin cells with laser cut diamond crystals with a vacuum massage to cleanse and stimulate skin renewal.

How is the procedure performed:We use diamond-coated nozzles of various calibers and degrees of dusting.The attachments are selected depending on the type of skin - dry, oily, combination - and the treated area: forehead, eyelids, neck, décolleté. M microdermabrasion is performed on a special apparatus using a vacuum and unique diamond-coated nozzles, with the help of which, in the most delicate way, the lungs massage movements the superficial keratinized layers of the skin are removed, stimulating the growth of new young cells, while improving blood circulation and triggering the mechanism of intensive production of collagen and elastin.

Indications for the procedure:Microdermabrasion is performed to remove minor defects in the surface layer of the skin.

  • Dim, withered skin
  • Oily skin with enlarged pores
  • Scars and stretch marks on the body
  • Acne disease
  • Acne scars and scars
  • Fine wrinkles, age-related changes

Results: The texture, tone of the face is evened out. Promotes activation of the synthesis of elastin and collagen, increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Recovery period:Typically, the period after microderabrasion takes an average of 5 to 8 days. The renewed skin is reddish or pink color which lasts for 6-12 weeks. Gradually, the skin of the face turns pale.

Price: 7000-10000 tg.

Keratoregulating peeling

it superficial peeling for problem skin.

How is the procedure performed: The peeling contains glycolic and salicylic acids, plant extracts and vitamins. Keratoregulating peeling is carried out in several stages: first, the skin of the face is cleansed, disinfected and degreased with a special gel, which is washed off with plain water. Further n and a hydrogel containing salicylic acid is applied to the skin. This has an additional nny antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation, soothes tissues before the procedure. It takes no more than two minutes to absorb the hydrogel. Then the main peeling composition is applied to the face in an even layer. The holding time of the product is 10 minutes. After that, the base is washed off cold water, the face is thoroughly dried. After aggressive impact a mask is applied according to the type of skin. The main purpose of the masksoothe the tissues, prepare the face for an early recovery. To complete the session, a specialized cream is applied, selected taking into account individual characteristics the patient's epidermis.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Clogged pores greasy plugs, black and white dots
  • Seborrheic skin
  • Acne breakouts
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Inflammation and suppuration of hair follicles on the face

Results: Narrowing pores, evening out complexion, improving skin structure, cellular respiration skin, getting rid of unpleasant flaking, softening the skin.

Recovery process: The specialist who performed the procedure is obliged to select a comprehensive and complete face care, based on the characteristics of the epidermis, the severity of the problem. Recovery time depends on how well the beautician's recommendations are followed. The drugs are most often prescribed from the same line that was used for the procedure. Rehabilitation cosmetics should not contain essential oils and aloe juice.

Price: 10000-15000 tg.


Photorejuvenation, or IPL therapy, is one of the most famous and popular techniques in hardware cosmetology, an effective method for correcting the signs of photoaging: a network of fine wrinkles, pigmentation, spider veins.

How is the procedure performed: The healing effect is provided by a broad spectrum light transmitted through a small, smooth, transparent tip that is gently placed on the skin. Light penetrates tissues and is absorbed by hemoglobin in the treatment of vascular lesions or melanin in the treatment of pigmented lesions, coagulating them. Damaged tissues are removed by natural processes of the body and the skin returns to a more uniform and youthful appearance.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Removal of pigmentation
  • Deleting vascular network, skin redness
  • Improving complexion
  • Removal of fine wrinkles
  • Narrowing of enlarged pores
  • Freckles

Results: Allows you to quickly, effectively and safely eliminate outward signs skin aging, pigmentation disorders, capillary mesh and wrinkles.

Recovery process: After the procedure, a slight pinkness will appear on the treated area, which will disappear in a few hours. The procedure does not require adherence to a home regime - you can immediately return to your normal lifestyle.

Price: from 10,000 to 20,000 tenge

Cosmetological methods of facial rejuvenation without surgery and plastic

Facial rejuvenation before 40 and after - there is a difference

If up to forty years old, with healthy way life, you can maintain a youthful face with masks and home procedures, then after forty, these salon and home procedures are not enough. Collagen, which forms the basis of all layers of the skin and allows it to maintain its elasticity, breaks down over time. It is due to the destruction of collagen that the face loses signs of youth: its surface becomes sluggish, wrinkles appear.

Modern methods of facial rejuvenation without surgery

All cosmetic non-surgical methods of facial rejuvenation are aimed at restoring collagen, that is, restoring the natural processes that occur in youth. We can say that with the restoration of collagen, the mechanism of returning youth to the face is triggered. There are several such non-surgical methods of facial rejuvenation, each has its own positive and negative features, let's dwell on the most modern ones:

1. Laser facial rejuvenation

Method laser rejuvenation face is based on the ability of laser radiation to remove the aged surface layers of the skin. As a result of these processes, the collagen base of the face is strengthened, its relief is leveled, the face looks and becomes younger, wrinkles are smoothed out.

The benefits of laser facial rejuvenation include:

  • With the help of laser rejuvenation, you can return youth not only to the face, but also to the neck, arms, and décolleté
  • The increase in the effect of rejuvenation with each procedure, moreover, rejuvenation, and quite significant occurs after the first session

No disadvantages were identified.

2. Mesotherapy

The essence of this very effective method of rejuvenation is the introduction of special substances into the skin of the face in the form of microinjections. Usually, these are derivatives of hyaluronic acid, fibroblasts, which contribute to the restoration of collagen, thereby starting, natural process rejuvenation of the face.

The advantages of this method include:

  • Creation of a long-term rejuvenation effect (one and a half to two years)
  • This method of rejuvenation is especially effective in eliminating a double chin and restoring a clear oval of the face.


  • There may be allergic reactions on injected drugs, expressed in vasodilation and redness of the skin,
  • This method of rejuvenation is not possible with poor blood clotting, during pregnancy and menstruation.

3. Biorevitalization

This method of facial rejuvenation is very often confused with mesotherapy, since its action is also based on subcutaneous injections of hyaluronic acid. The main difference between biorevitalization and mesotherapy is that when using this method, the rejuvenating effect occurs quickly (the result is noticeable already on the second or third day), but the duration of the effect is shorter than with mesotherapy (no more than one year). And mesotherapy gives a persistent and longer-lasting effect of rejuvenation.

4. Method of facial rejuvenation with ozone

The healing effect of ozone on the entire human body has been known for a long time. When carrying out rejuvenating procedures with ozone, the face is rejuvenated by stimulating metabolic processes in subcutaneous soybeans, as a result of which the upper keratinous surface of the face is renewed and wrinkles are smoothed.

The advantages of this method of rejuvenation include:

  • Ozone rejuvenation is possible not only on the face, but in the neck, décolleté,
  • Ozone rejuvenation, in addition to restoring youthfulness of the skin, smoothes scars and scars on the face.

No disadvantages were identified.

5. Thermage

Thermage, as a method of facial rejuvenation, is based on radio frequency radiation. This radiation affects the internal subcutaneous tissues, heats them up, which leads to the formation of collagen and elaston. That is, thermage triggers the mechanism of skin rejuvenation with the help of newly formed components that are initially present in the skin in youth.

Advantages: this method of rejuvenation is absolutely painless, even somewhat pleasant,
No disadvantages were identified.

6. Photorejuvenation

Exposure of the skin to high-intensity light long-wave pulses with a selective effect - this is photorejuvenation. After sessions of photorejuvenation, fine wrinkles, age spots disappear, the skin becomes elastic, the complexion becomes healthy.


  • Absolute painlessness, non-trauma, no side effects,
  • Very short sessions (15-20 minutes),
  • The possibility of rejuvenation not only on the face, but also on other skin integuments of the body.


  • Photorejuvenation is contraindicated for people with dark complexions, circulatory disorders, skin, oncological diseases, during pregnancy.

7. Elos rejuvenation

This modern method of rejuvenation is based on the combined effects of light energy and radio frequency radiation, that is, it includes the actions of both previous methods. With its help, the skin gets rid of age spots, small defects on the face, wrinkles are smoothed, acne disappears.

The advantages and disadvantages are the same

like the two previous methods, except for one of its own minuses - a slight reddening of the skin after the procedure, however, not long in time.

8. Peeling

One of the most effective ways to rejuvenate your face is peeling. The effectiveness of this method of rejuvenation is due to the fact that during the peeling procedure, the upper stratum corneum and calloused layer of the skin is removed. After peeling, the skin of the face is not only renewed, but also the process of natural healing of the skin takes place, new young cells grow. Depending on the method of this procedure and the depth of exposure to the skin, a distinction is made between superficial, middle and deep peeling. By means of carrying out peeling is subdivided into mechanical, chemical and laser.

Cosmetology today is developing rapidly (probably because it is in great demand) and offers more and more new methods and ways of rejuvenation. And the usual peeling has not escaped innovation either. Now cosmetology offers two new types of peels that are less painful, but safer and more effective, these are ferul nanopilling and gas-liquid. These two new types have several advantages over traditional peels, for example, no side effects, contactlessness, but most importantly, it can be carried out at any time of the year, while spring and summer are excluded for regular peeling.

The disadvantages of such a rejuvenation procedure as peeling are mainly reduced to contraindications. Peeling should not be carried out in case of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the skin of the face, pregnancy, a predisposition to scarring, as well as in the summer and spring time of the year. And then these contraindications apply only to the middle deep peeling... Superficial and new types of peeling do not have these contraindications.

9. Dysport and Botox injections

Dysport injections, as a method of rejuvenation, are mainly aimed at smoothing wrinkles. The drug is injected into the junction of the muscles with the nerves, as a result, the muscles relax and wrinkles disappear. The duration of the effect is 4 months.

Advantages of the method:

  • there is almost no pain, due to the use of very thin needles and the professionalism of the master,
  • lack of rehabilitation after the procedure,

The only problem This method of rejuvenation is that the rejuvenating result appears only after a fairly long time, after 2 weeks.

Botox injections are very similar to dysport injections, since the main active ingredient in their composition is the same - botulinum toxin. The main differences between these two similar methods of facial rejuvenation are that the rejuvenating effect after Botox injections is visible almost immediately, after dysport injections - after 2 weeks; dysport dissolves in facial tissues after 4 months, the effect of botox is twice as long.

For some diseases and conditions, for example, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, injections of dysport and botax are contraindicated, therefore, before passing this procedure, you need to consult a specialist. In addition, after these anti-aging procedures, side effects may occur such as, headache, skin redness, nausea, fever and others. But, like any side effects, they, depending on the human body, may not occur.

10. Mesothreads

Mesothreads are one of the most modern methods of facial rejuvenation. It was developed relatively recently by Korean cosmetologists and differs significantly from the thread lifting, which has been used in Russia for a longer time.

The method of using mesothreads, like thread lifting, consists in pulling very thin threads with a very thin, flexible needle through the muscles of the face. The threads, consisting of the main active substance dioxane, covered with a layer of polyglycolic acid, after a long period of time completely split, turning into carbon dioxide and water, and give a rejuvenating effect. This effect lasts for 2 years.

The main difference between the mesothread method and thread lifting is the number of threads used. A mesothread session requires 5-6 times more threads than a regular one thread lifting... And the price for a session of mesothreads is taken not for the size of the processed area of ​​the face, but for the number of applied mesothreads. In short, this procedure is much more expensive.

Contraindications and complications:

  • Like many anti-aging procedures, the mesothread and thread lifting method has a number of contraindications, these procedures cannot be performed for certain diseases and conditions, for example, for colds, cancer. The list of diseases for which these methods cannot be used is quite large, a doctor's recommendation is required.
  • The complications that may arise after using these methods are mainly due to the fault of the cosmetologist. These procedures require very high qualifications and extensive experience in these procedures from the doctor. An error in introducing and pulling the thread, even a few millimeters, threatens with consequences, in the form of uneven skin, which will be visible for a long time. And even when the mesothread dissolves in the muscles, this place of the skin will still be uneven.

11. Rejuvenation with stem cells

The last word of medicine in the system of rejuvenation, moreover, not only of the face, but of the whole organism, is rejuvenation with the help of stem cells. This is the most expensive and the most effective method rejuvenation. With the help of the introduced stem cells, the whole body is renewed, a person gets a second youth.

Latent danger

It would seem that everything is fine, albeit expensive, but isn't youth worth it. But the mechanism of action of foreign stem cells in the body has not yet been sufficiently studied, scientists have just begun to work in this direction, therefore the consequences of the introduction of stem cells into the human body are unpredictable. Such facts are already known that along with rejuvenation and general recovery, the body can begin to develop cancer cells that causes cancer.

12. Plastic surgery is the most radical way to rejuvenate

Plastic surgery seems to be the most reliable way to rejuvenate. After the operation, you get a face without wrinkles, swelling, sagging skin, in a word, all defects are eliminated, and, if you want, not only on the face. The duration of the result of plastic surgery (6-7 years) is also one of the advantages of this method.

But there are at least two significant disadvantages of plastic surgery:

  • Surgical intervention in the body, and with it the consequences of the use of anesthesia (in plastic surgery - general anesthesia), the consequences of the use of antibiotics. All this does not add health. In addition, the fact that there is a likelihood of an unsuccessful plastic surgery cannot be ruled out.
  • The use of plastics does not improve the health of the body as a whole, does not rejuvenate the face, the essence of plastic surgery is in tightening, eliminating excess, smoothing.

These are several methods of facial rejuvenation after 40 years, the most modern today. Perhaps, in the near future, new, more advanced methods and methods of rejuvenation will appear - medicine does not stand still, research is constantly being carried out in this area.