File for natural nails how much. Glass nail file. Which nail file is better and how much does it cost

The entire market and trade is based on one rule: for every demand there will be supply. The more demand, the more offers and the more diverse they are. The same rule applies to the beauty industry. A variety of cosmetics and various products for the care of our body, there is a myriad of them, their number is only growing: something new is invented or the old is "modernized", so much so that it seems new to us.

The same can be said about simple nail files, of which there are unreasonably many. Previously, simple iron files were much more popular. Even now, their popularity, especially in Russia, is still in the lead. They are inexpensive, sold everywhere, even in stalls selling periodicals like Rospechat, and such a file can also serve for a long time. We drank - I don’t want to! A fairy tale, and nothing more. But over time, the market began to expand and new proposals appeared, which, according to the manufacturers, should have been better. Is it so? Check it out!

1. 2.

Types of nail files

Iron nail files

My very first file was iron, knife-shaped with a plastic red handle. Now such files can often be found in a set of 5 or more items, among which, in addition to it, there will be other tools for manicure. Manicure kits are easy to use and generally come well packaged in a compact case. I threw such a case into my purse and forgot for the time being. But everyone's nails are different and the files in universal sets are not suitable for everyone. For someone who already has very soft and thin nails, the file from the set can only aggravate the situation, which happened to my nails: they began to exfoliate. A delaminated nail is easy to damage, cracks appear on it faster, breaks and the nail breaks. It is often so unfortunate that you want to howl, not so much out of annoyance as from a sharp pain. A harder and denser nail may not be grabbed by the iron file from the set, and the nail file washed down will turn into long-term anguish.
Thus, although iron files turned out to be more "practical", they almost completely failed the most important function - nail care.

Iron nail files are very rough, and in order to understand why nails deteriorate after them, you need to remember the structure of the nail plate.

Any lady who loves a beautiful manicure, which is why the most important "platform" for manicure art sometimes suffers - the nail plate, the building material of which is formed due to a special protein - keratin. Together with the molecular compound of sulfur - cysteine, a hard nail bed is formed. The more cysteine ​​in the body, the denser the nail plate. Not many people know that our nails are fast absorbency. Someone simply does not think that after you wash the dishes or take a shower, the nails instantly swell and become softer. This happens due to the fact that thin layers of fat and water are located between the layers of the keratin sheet, which make our nails elastic and shiny. In other words, the nail plate consists of the smallest particles that fit tightly to each other. That is why never process your nails when they swell from moisture. Wow, especially don't start filing your nail.

If you start to cut your nails randomly and during their swelling, then in the end we will get sloppy, torn edges of the nail, which then begin to exfoliate. Dirt quickly gets into the stratified canvas, which can lead to various fungal diseases, and the nail itself is deformed and tubercles and irregularities appear. As a result, we get a lot of troubles and inconveniences.

The iron file initially leaves behind sloppy edges that can hardly be called processed. It's like just chewing on a fingernail and leaving it that way. Since iron is a very dense and coarse material, the nail plates are damaged. The healing process will be different for each person. For someone, the previously flat surface of the nail will be rough, ribbed with rough grooves, and for someone, the nail plate will constantly exfoliate, preventing the nail from growing normally, because in the places of detachment, the nail will chip and break.

I hope that after such an introduction, no one will have any questions about iron files and why it is better not to use them.

Glass and ceramic nail files

Glass nail files are much more convenient to work with than those we talked about earlier. They look very attractive, colorful and bright. As a rule, they are made in a small, compact size, so they do not take up much space in any woman's cosmetic bag.

It is a pleasant experience to file a nail with such a nail file, because the processed edges are always smooth and neat, without "serifs". Soft, gentle processing of the nail is carried out due to the abrasive layer of the file, which does not damage the structure of the nail, making it smooth.

Perhaps, the glass nail file receives the best feedback, since many have already been able to make sure that for a relatively inexpensive price we get an excellent assistant in the struggle for the beauty of our nails. Personally, I really like my glass nail files, the image of which is located just below.
It is easy and convenient to work with them, they are not heavy, small (only 9 cm long) and most importantly, after filing the nail, the edge remains even and smooth. When working with natural nails, you do not need to press hard on the file, the movements are smooth and confident, and the result is always the same. The only drawback is that they can be broken, they crack from impact on a hard surface. But if the file does not break, then it will serve faithfully for a very long time!

Ceramic nail files, just like glass files, do an excellent job with their task, but their work is even more gentle, delicate and delicate. No wonder their second nickname is "healing" files. During the filing with this file, the scales of the nail are smoothed so that the processed edge is, as it were, sealed and compressed. In this way, further delamination of the nail is prevented. Also, these files work during exfoliation of keratinized cells around the nail, when the master cuts off the periungual skin in order to give the fingers a more well-groomed and neat look.

It is not for nothing that we have combined these files, since when processing a natural nail, this blow will be in perfect harmony with each other. First, we correct the nail with a glass nail file, giving the desired shape, and then finish the work by processing the edges with a ceramic nail file.

Emery files with paper backing

There are a huge mass of types of such files. They differ in form, in the type of purpose, they can be one-sided, two-sided, etc. In the arsenal of any master is full of all kinds of such files, even the most bizarre shapes and sizes.

Abrasiveness of nail files and types of abrasive materials

For simplicity and ease of use, some nail files are marked with numbers. These numbers (grit) mean the "quality" of the abrasive layer, the amount of abrasive particles per 1 cm 2. Determine the abrasiveness of the file, that is, it can be grit by touch. The softer the file, the more its abrasiveness, that is, the higher the grit. In other words, a file marked with 100 grit will be more rigid than a file marked with 180 grit.

More often, one-sided or double-sided files are found: one side is softer, the other is more rigid.

Nail files have different abrasiveness and each of the files is suitable for working with a certain type of nails. For simplicity, we have placed a convenient sign, thanks to which it will be possible to choose the right file for all occasions.

abrasiveness / grit what kind of work
below 100 or from 100 to 180 very hard, suitable for working with artificial nails and materials: tips, acrylic, gel
from 180 to 250 hard or medium, suitable for working with natural nails during shape adjustments
from 250 to 400 medium to soft, suitable for sanding, finishing nail filing
from 400 to 900 soft, to prepare the nail for polishing
from 900 to 1200 and above very soft, for a high-gloss finish

Unfortunately, not all paper-based nail files are durable.

Of course, everything largely depends on the manufacturer and the base on which the sandpaper was applied. Some files quickly begin to delaminate (this is a typical problem for multi-sided files), some bend, which makes them already unusable, and some “rub” over time, as they say, to holes (the abrasive layer becomes thinner over time and the sandpaper breaks). But this disadvantage is more than offset by their price. They are generally inexpensive. Slightly more expensive are files with greater abrasiveness, intended for polishing nails.

But that's not all!

Files are also classified according to the type of abrasive material:

- garnet abrasive, which is usually sprayed on top of a wooden base, with which there is a much better "adhesion". These files are not cheap at all, and the pomegranate crystals are less sharp. The average sharpness of the crystalline garnet layer allows the file to serve its owner for a rather long service.

- Silicon carbide is another type of abrasive surface that is used in the manufacture of durable nail files. It is very easy to shape nails with such files, because the black and blue crystals have sharp and hard edges that quickly cope with their work literally without much effort. The nail is instantly grinded down to the desired size and is easy to shape.

- silicon carbide with zinc coating, has a "repelling" effect. If in the previous version, during the cutting of the nail near the abrasive cavities, they are clogged with dust, then this will not happen with zinc spraying. This makes the files smoother.

- aluminum oxide, which is applied to the base of the future file in the form of spraying with less sharp crystals than silicon carbide. There is also a compressed form. It is a saw-stone, a very hard and rigid file, made as if from a stone.

How to mitigate the harmful effects of iron files or how to properly handle nails?

Of course, situations are different and sometimes you have to use what comes to hand: a nail broke and a friend gave her an iron file. From one application, nothing terrible will happen. The only scary thing is the constant, repeated use of coarse nail files, which contribute to the delamination of the nail plate.

But with proper use, even such a nail file can mitigate its rough effect. It is important to learn how to file your nails correctly.

The first rule that you should always adhere to is to cut in one direction only. Chaotic filing of the nail in different directions leads to the same effect as after using an iron file. You need to cut in one direction. When forming the shape of the nail, the free edge is filed from corner to center, the file is kept at an angle. At the same time, we visually divide the nail into two halves, aligning the edges so as to get the shape we need. When processing a nail, sawdust should be done very carefully so as not to "grind off" your nail or damage the delicate skin around the nail.

The second rule is to file your nails no more than 1 time in 7 days. This time is just enough for the nail to recover and grow a little.

Third rule. A polishing block or polishing files will help to level the surface of the nail plate. However, it is worth using this method of nail treatment no more than once a month, so that the nail plate does not become much thinner, otherwise you will have to become a “lifelong” client of the nail service for nail extension.

Fourth rule. Use a hardening salt bath for your nails. They are made simply, for one glass of warm water, a tablespoon of sea salt is taken, on which a few drops of some essential oil have previously been dropped. For such purposes, I give preference, which is great not only for nails, but also for hair. We dip our hands into the resulting solution for 15 - 20 minutes so that the nails are completely immersed in salt water. After that, we wipe our hands with a napkin and smear with an emollient cream. This bath nourishes and strengthens the nails, making them denser and healthier.

Finally, we summarize all of the above so that once again there are no questions about how to choose a nail file:

1. For natural nails, choose nail files with abrasiveness ranging from 180 to 250 grit.

2. If you want your nails to be always strong, even and neat, use 2 types of nail files when adjusting the shape: glass and ceramic at the final stage.

3. Do not file your nails more than once a week.

4. It is impossible to polish nails more often 1-2 times a month.

5. Do not process your nails when they are wet and swollen with moisture.

6. Use oils or creams to soften the periungual skin (cuticle). Essential oils soften the skin well. Similar prophylaxis will allow you to forget about burrs forever.

In today's article, I decided to turn to a popular and visual format for presenting the material - infographics. It is dedicated to nail files - a tool that I'm sure every girl has. I already had a blog with a detailed description and advice on choosing nail files and using them correctly, so here I just tried to describe in a concise and accessible form what you need to know about nail files: their types, shapes, rigidity and abrasiveness.

If suddenly someone's picture does not load, here is its content.

Abrasiveness Is the stiffness of the file, which is measured in special units - grits. The less abrasive, the harder the file is. The more abrasive, the softer the file.

The materials from which the files are made:

  • Glass... Works well on natural nails but breaks frequently.
  • Metallic... Durable and practical. Not recommended for use, because lead to delamination of nails.
  • With emery crumbs... The files are handy and suitable for all nails. It's hard to break them.

Hardness of nail files

80 grit - hard... For giving length and shape to artificial nails.
150 grit - medium... For the final treatment of artificial nails.
240 grit - soft... To give length and shape to natural nails
400 grit - grinder... Removing gloss and removing irregularities from the surface of nails
900 grit - polisher... To add a mirror-like shine to your nails

Nail file shapes

Oval- to correct the shape of a natural or artificial nail.
Boomerang- for rounded nails and filing artificial nails near the cuticle.
Rectangular- for shaping and shaping artificial nails.
Diamond-shaped- are considered the most convenient for creating the shape of extended nails.
Dome- to correct the shape of artificial nails along the entire length.
Polisher (grinder)- can be of any shape and have up to 6 degrees of rigidity.

A nail file is a must-have tool in your purse. A small file helps out in any problem situations related to nails, especially in the most classic of them, when the edge of the nail breaks off. many. They differ in size, shape, material from which they are made, as well as in terms of abrasiveness.

What is the abrasiveness of nail files?

Abrasiveness is the most important criterion for choosing a file for a manicure. The higher the abrasiveness index, the smaller the size of the dust particles on the file, and, consequently, the more gentle it has on the nail. Abrasiveness is measured in units such as grits. The recommended amount of grit for natural nail care ranges from one hundred and eighty grit to two hundred and forty grit. Artificial nails can be processed with "harder" files with an abrasiveness of one hundred to one hundred and eighty grit. For grinding and polishing, types of nail files with abrasiveness indicators from five hundred to one thousand grit are used. It is advisable to care for weakened and brittle nails with files with an abrasiveness of four hundred or more grit. The degree of abrasiveness is a factor that determines the quality of work with a manicure file, the safety of its impact, as well as how much effort and time will need to be spent to get the desired shape of the nails, to give them the desired smoothness or shine.

Types of nail files

According to the material of manufacture, there are nail files of the following types:

  • Cardboard or plastic with a cardboard base for the abrasive;
  • Ceramic;
  • Glass;
  • Metallic.

All types of these nail files come in different shapes, colors, sizes and abrasiveness. Let's take a closer look at each species.

  • Cardboard files are made of a dense cardboard layer, on which an abrasive is applied on both sides and a plastic or rubber base. They are inexpensive and are most often disposable. It is good to carry them with you in your purse, so that at any time it is easy to correct the defect that has appeared on the marigold. This type of tool is not suitable for short marigolds.
  • Ceramic files are ideal for loose, brittle nails. They are made from ceramics of the same type as attachments for cutters for hardware manicure. These natural nail files are gentle on the nail plate and are not capable of damaging it.
  • Glass files are considered the least traumatic for nails. Even high abrasiveness and high working speed do not harm the condition of the nail and do not lead to delamination and brittleness. The only drawback of these tools is that there is a possibility of breaking or breaking a glass nail file. In addition, such files for short natural nails are not very convenient to use due to their thickness.
  • Metal files are used for artificial nails. Their abrasiveness and rigidity can lead to delamination of the natural nail plate, especially if used to process wet nails. These files for artificial nails, even when working with artificial nails, should be used with the utmost care. Their advantage is strength and durability, as well as low cost.
  • Files for grinding and polishing nails. Nail files are used to give the nail plate of natural or artificial marigold perfect evenness and smoothness. They, like tools for shaping the nail, that is, ordinary files, differ in the degree of abrasiveness. Files for polishing nails with the highest possible abrasiveness make the nail as smooth as silk and shiny. To grind the modeled (artificial) nails, you can use a file for extended nails or a grinder with less grit, since the texture of artificial nails is coarser than natural ones. One of the most popular polishing tools is a buff or polishing block (polisher). This nail file is a parallelepiped block. Each facet has its own degree of abrasiveness, from the coarser to the softest, designed for easy polishing of the smooth and even surface of the nail. The edges of the buff allow you to eliminate irregularities and defects of the nail plate, grind the surface of the nail, and also polish it until it acquires a light shine.

Shape of nail files

The shape of these manicure tools is very diverse, but the most popular types are:

  • Straight. Such nail files can be glass, metal, ceramic, paper. This form of the tool is also used for manicure.
  • Boomerang or banana. Tools of this form are used for the so-called home manicure.
  • Curly. Intricate shapes and bright colors are most often chosen by teenage girls, so this category of tools is aimed at the youngest young ladies.

How to choose a nail file?

It is quite difficult to unequivocally determine which nail file is better, since much in the operation of the tool depends on the individual characteristics of the nails, as well as the working conditions with the file. Nevertheless, there are some selection criteria, guided by which you can choose files for polishing nails and correcting their length or shape.

  1. Condition of nails. If the nails are weakened, exfoliate and break, they need a soft nail file with a lot of grit, that is, with a fine dusting.
  2. Material. His choice depends on how long you plan to use the tool and for what purposes you buy (work in a salon or home nail care).
  3. Abrasiveness. According to this indicator, files are divided into: a hard file, which is suitable for correcting and extending nails, a medium-hard nail file used to shape the nail plate, and a soft nail file used for and correcting the length of natural nails. Softer tools are used for filing natural marigolds.

In this article, you will learn:

  • When was the first nail file invented?
  • What groups are all nail files divided into
  • What are nail files in shape and material?
  • What is abrasiveness and how does it affect the choice of a nail file
  • How to use your chosen nail file correctly

A nail file is an important and integral part of a manicure set. With its help, you can trim the nail and give it the desired shape. It is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of the tool, since a poor-quality product will only damage the nails. In this regard, most women wonder which nail file is better. This article will help you understand this issue. Files can be made from a variety of materials, have varying degrees of rigidity, and prices vary widely. The main selection criteria and practical advice are described below.

The history of the first nail file

The fair sex can now purchase a nail file made of glass, metal, crystal, diamond and other materials. In the past, such an assortment could only be dreamed of.

Marie Antoinette is considered the creator of this manicure tool. This French queen used a regular pumice stone to shape her nails.

However, it should be said that various tools for caring for marigolds have been previously used. But it was Marie Antoinette who popularized the nail file and made it an indispensable item in a woman's cosmetic bag. Following the queen, all the ladies of the world began to shape their nails.

After a couple of decades, pumice stone began to be made in the form of a pencil, which made it easier to use when processing nails. Saw blades began to be produced in large quantities. In the twentieth century, metal tools began to be made, which quickly became very popular. By the end of the 20th century, cosmetologists talked about the fact that metal is harmful to nails, in this regard, tools made of glass and crystal replaced such files.

The first metal saws were produced in 1900. After processing the nails with such tools, they were polished with special brushes with camel hair. But, alas, the nail plate after such an impact shone only for one day. Unfortunately, in those days, women did not know other methods of nail care, and therefore such procedures were very popular.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Manicure Products company appeared in the USA. This company was engaged in the manufacture of metal files. In addition, the company proposed a new tool - "emery" abrasive, the basis for the manufacture of which was a pomegranate tree.

Depending on the purpose, all nail files can be divided into the following groups:

  1. For processing artificial nails (giving them the desired shape).
  2. For processing natural nail plates.
  3. For sealing the edge of the nail.
  4. Blocks and files for grinding.

The files used for the care of natural and artificial nails differ from each other in the degree of hardness.

Which nail file is better in terms of material

Glass nail file

  • A glass file is considered the most reliable, easy to use, gentle. The price of such a tool is quite low, which allows absolutely all the fair sex to buy it.
  • Glass files are produced in a variety of ways. Products may vary in length, thickness and degree of rigidity. A glass file is more gentle and better than products made of many other materials, it files and seals the free edge of the nail plate.
  • With daily use, the file will last about a year. Over time, the deposition on the instrument becomes thinner, and then it must be replaced.
  • The glass file is a versatile tool that can be used to process fingernails, toenails and artificial materials. You can also grind the surface of the nail with a glass file.
  • To say that this nail file is better than others is impossible in everything. The glass file has one significant drawback - fragility. If you drop it to the floor or squeeze it unsuccessfully, the glass may break. The best way to store the glass file is in the special hard case, which is usually sold with the tool.

Ceramic nail file

  • Such a tool is considered to be of high quality due to the ceramic coating. The degree of rigidity of such a file is optimal, and therefore it is advisable to use it when processing thinned and weakened nails. As a rule, nails are severely damaged after building up and removing shellac.
  • The ceramic file is considered a professional grade tool. Also, cutters for manicure are made from ceramics. The ceramic file not only gently files the nail, but also effectively seals the edge.
  • The cost of the file is quite high, but the tool is quite strong and durable. With proper operation, the file can serve for more than a year.
  • Some of the ceramic nail files are intended for cuticle removal. But without certain skills, this procedure must be carried out very carefully. Buying such a nail file, you get a multifunctional manicure tool for a reasonable price.

Diamond nail file

  • Manicurists gave diamond files another name - laser. They appeared on the market quite recently and made a splash.
  • Answering the question: "Which nail files are better?", - many masters call it diamond. Indeed, with their help, you can process the nail in all directions. Saws made from other materials cannot boast of this ability.
  • Thanks to the peculiar texture and diamond dusting, the tool gently processes each nail and seals its edge. With regular use, after two weeks, the cessation of delamination of the nail plate is noted.
  • The laser file is considered a professional grade tool and is suitable for processing both natural and artificial nails.
  • The only drawback of a diamond nail file is its high cost. The price of one such instrument is 10 times higher than the cost of a paper equivalent.

Metal nail file

  • Answering the question, which file for natural nails is better, we can say for sure - not metal. Metal files are not recommended for processing natural nails due to their traumatic effect. These tools are best used when working with plastics.
  • If you still try to file a natural nail plate with a metal file, then the very next day you will notice its delamination and cracks on the surface. Even when working with artificial nails, care must be taken.
  • The main advantages of metal tools are low cost and durability. Also, thanks to the thin base of such files, it will be possible to process the edge of the plate even on very brittle nails.
  • Metal files can vary in shape and size. It is best to purchase two oval files, one fine and the other coarse. The first is necessary to file the edge of the nail, and the second to give it the desired shape.

Paper nail file

  • Also, such nail files are called cardboard files due to the fact that their base is made of rigid cardboard, on which a working coating is applied. Paper tools are considered disposable, and this can be judged by their low price.
  • The working coat is applied to both sides of the tool, so if one of the sections is no longer performing its function properly, the other can be used.
  • These nail files perform an aesthetic function better than others, their design is usually bright and original. In addition, the price of the tool is very low.
  • It is not difficult to buy cardboard files, they are sold everywhere. Another plus of such a tool is that you can take it with you on a trip without fear of forgetting or losing it somewhere.
  • The main disadvantage is the fragility of the tool, the file will last for a maximum of 3-4 uses. Also, a paper file is extremely inconvenient to use on short nail plates due to the thickness of the tool.

Plastic nail file

  • It has a base made of plastic, which, in turn, can be flat or foamed. In the first case, it is better to file nails with a tool, in the second it acts as a grinder.
  • These files can vary in shape, length and thickness. The price of the product is quite low.
  • Also, the plastic tool can be rigid or bendable. It is best used to treat loose and thinned nails.
  • The advantages of plastic files are considered to be their long service life, wide assortment, reasonable price and the ability to disinfect and sterilize them.

Which nail file is better in terms of abrasiveness?

Abrasiveness- one of the main criteria according to which a manicure tool is chosen. The greater the degree of hardness, the finer particles are applied to the base of the file, which means that the tool will have the most gentle effect on the nail plate. The unit of measurement for abrasiveness is grit. For natural nails, it is best to use tools whose abrasiveness ranges from 180 to 240 grit. For processing artificial surfaces, more rigid tools are also suitable, but not less than 100 grit.

50-80 grit

The hardest tool, it is best to use it when you need to shorten the artificial nail. It is contraindicated for processing natural plates.

90-140 grit

This file is also best used exclusively on artificial nails. With its help, you can effectively correct the shape of the plates.

150-230 grit

Medium level of hardness. In rare cases, these files are used to shape the desired shape on long natural nails. But it is better to use the tool to adjust the shape of the artificial plates.

240-420 grit

Answering the question which file is better for natural nails, we can say that it is already advisable to use a file of this degree of abrasiveness for processing natural nails and giving them the desired shape.

450-850 grit

With such a stiffness of the file, it is most convenient for it to align the nail and remove roughness on its surface. Thus, the nail plates are prepared for subsequent polishing.

900-1300 grit

The softest files and buffs. Such tools polish the surface of the nails for a shine. They are used on both natural and artificial nail plates.

Which nail file is the best in shape

  1. Straight file.

This option is considered traditional, but can we say that it is better to cut nails with such a file? It is impossible to answer unequivocally, such a file is ideal for manicure and pedicure at home. When buying, it is also important to pay attention to its material and the degree of abrasiveness.

  1. The file is in the form of a block.

This file is also called a buffer. It looks like a parallelepiped, each surface of which has its own degree of rigidity. Thanks to this, it is possible to process, grind and polish the nail in stages.

  1. A file in the shape of a banana.

Due to their characteristic shape, such files are also called boomerangs. Experts give preference to just such products and believe that they are better than others at sawing the free edges of the marigolds. Thanks to the original frame, the tool allows the master to hold it in a comfortable position without twisting his hands during work.

  1. Figurine files.

Such files, as a rule, are acquired by adolescent girls and women who want to stand out from the gray mass. The assortment of curly files is packed to capacity with tools in the shape of butterflies, hearts, telephones, stars, Coca-Cola bottles, etc.

Companies engaged in the production of professional-grade tools offer nail files of new shapes and designs for sale every year. Files can be square and cone-shaped, in the form of a rhombus or dome. Thanks to a variety of shapes and a large selection, craftsmen can choose a tool for their hand and perform the work as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Deciding which nail files are better and choosing a quality tool is not difficult if you know what abrasiveness is, have an idea of ​​the existing shapes of files and the characteristics of the materials from which they are made. It is best to give preference to glass, ceramic and diamond products.

Tools made on the basis of metal, cardboard or plastic will be cheaper, but the quality of processing will be significantly reduced. The grain size of the coating must be selected individually, in accordance with the structure of the nail.

Which nail file is better and how much does it cost

Estimated cost for tools will help you decide which nail files are the best and right for you.

  • Glass nail file QVS. This tool is made of tempered glass, the working surface has a rough fine-grained structure. This file is best suited for processing weakened and fragile marigolds. The tool is distinguished by its durability and rather high strength. As a rule, a case is sold with it. Its price is about 300 rubles.
  • Bohemia crystal nail file. Such a file effectively seals the edge of the nail plate and does not heat it up during processing, so that the nails remain healthy and beautiful. The file is strong and durable, its surface does not grind, it is not afraid of chemical disinfection, heat and moisture. You can buy such a tool for about 200 rubles.
  • Ceramic nail file Credo. The end of the tool is slightly rounded, so that the nail plate can be quickly and easily shaped. The price of the instrument varies from 600 to 950 rubles.
  • Garnet Board Orly pomegranate nail file. The degree of abrasiveness of such a file is 120 grit, and its cost is only thirty-six rubles. This tool is best used when working with artificial nails to round their shape.
  • Electric nail file Nail trimmer. The tool comes with several attachments, changing which you can quickly and efficiently process nails. Its price is about 500 rubles.
  • File polisher Brilliance. The tool can be used to work on any nail plate, both natural and artificial. The main task of the file is polishing. The tool copes with it perfectly, giving the nails a mirror shine. It should be noted that the structure of the nail plate is not damaged in this case. The tool costs about 280 rubles.
  • Laser nail file Messer & Nagel MN-1503. The tool is characterized by a comfortable shape and prevents delamination of the nail plate. It is best used for unedged manicure, as it is ideal for processing the plate and cuticle. The file is distinguished by its long service life and elasticity. It is convenient for her to handle nails at any angle.

When deciding which nail files are best, it is important to think carefully about your choice and not rush into the purchase. It may be worth buying several different tools and trying them in practice, using them at different stages of processing. When purchasing a file, it is important to remember the concept and degree of rigidity, the purpose of each specific tool.

How to work with a nail file

How to hold the nail file correctly

When you have decided which nail file is the best and purchased it, you need to learn how to properly hold it in your hands. The thumb of the hand is located on the bottom edge of the tool, the rest remain on top. The muscles of the arm should be in moderate tension. Excessive tension will make your movements abrupt, and the manicure will be sloppy. Processing should be done from the little finger to the thumb. It is important to control the symmetry of the nail plate by checking it after several movements with a file.

Choosing the shape of the nail

Before starting treatment, you must decide for yourself what shape of nails you want to see as a result. Owners of graceful fingers will suit absolutely any length and shape of marigolds. Girls with short and full fingers were less fortunate. Long nails work best for them. If your nails are brittle and thin, it is better to give them a round or square shape.

The most common and easiest to break are long, pointed nails.

It is important to ensure that all the nails are of the same length and the same shape, otherwise, no matter how carefully the nails are processed, the manicure will look untidy. It is optimal if the edge of the nail plate protrudes by 5-6 millimeters.

How to file nails correctly

Square nail shape: better for owners of fingers, the nail bed of which is characterized by a rectangular shape. The middle of the marigold is filed first, it must be made straight. After that, the nail is processed on the sides; the edges do not need to be rounded.

Square shape with rounded corners: this shape looks best on short nails or medium-length nails. The procedure is the same as in the previous version. The only difference is that at the end of the treatment, the edges of the nail plate are rounded off.

Oval nails: suits absolutely everyone. In addition, this shape visually lengthens the nails. Initially, the corners of the nail plate are processed and rounded. In this case, the file should only move in one direction, from the edge to the middle of the nail. At the end of the work, the corners are smoothed with a soft nail file. This is necessary to obtain perfect symmetry.

Acute nail shape: looks attractive exclusively on long nails. Initially, they are made oval and only then the edges are sharpened. For this purpose, a file is made up and down the sides of the nail plate.

General Tips:

  1. To avoid cracking nails, they must be filed with gentle movements directed to one side, preferably from the edge of the nail plate to its center, at a slight angle. Sharp and strong impacts are not allowed.
  2. An important point in nail polishing is edge polishing. Thanks to polishing, the nail plate is sealed, which prevents its delamination and the appearance of chips. However, polishing thinned and weakened nails can be counterproductive and may delaminate.
  3. Remember the important rule of ten moves. If you file your nail longer, you can easily damage it.
  4. Files should be filed once a week; more frequent procedures are impractical and harmful.
  5. Do not process the nail plate right at its base. This is fraught with infection and inflammation.
  6. File your nails only after thoroughly cleaning them from varnish and other coatings, otherwise you can seriously harm them.
  7. Before starting the procedure, it is important to thoroughly wash your hands and remove all dirt from under the nails.
  8. Be sure to use a personal tool, do not lend it to your family or friends, in order to nullify the possibility of infection.
  9. Do not file wet nails immediately after taking a bath, wait until they dry and proceed with the procedure.

Polishing and sanding the nail

After you have given the desired shape to the nails with a file, you need to polish them.

To do this, use a special two-way buff. One of its sides is soft, with its help you can polish the entire surface of the nail. The edges of the nail plate are processed with the second side of the tool.

Frequent polishing of nails leads to their weakening and thinning, therefore it is recommended to perform this procedure no more than once a month.

To polish your nails correctly and as harmlessly as possible, it is important to know the basic rules. You can run the buff over the nail no more than ten times, both along the main part of the nail plate and along its edges.

Which files are better, you have already decided for yourself, and what procedures should be carried out with their help in order to improve the condition of the nails? Sawing and polishing with oils are considered the most useful. Otherwise, this procedure is referred to as sealing the nail plate with essential oils. For this purpose, one drop of ylang-ylang oil or any other specialized oil is applied to each nail, after which the nails are polished with the softest buffs. This procedure can be carried out more often than regular grinding, but no more than once a week.

Finally, a firming coating is applied to the nails. Silk fibers and a vitamin-mineral complex in the composition of such varnish prevent the delamination of marigolds, the appearance of chips and cracks.

In no case should you forget about nail care. After all, healthy and strong nails are the key to the beauty of women's hands.

Manicure files for correcting the length of nails and the shapes of the nail plate are different in their appearance, degree of abrasiveness and materials from which they are made. The range of tools is huge, so you can definitely decide which nail files are best and choose the option in accordance with your goals, whether it is natural nail care, artificial nail plate treatment or polishing.

It is worth recalling once again that a rather popular metal file should in no case be used when processing natural nails, since it significantly violates their structure. It is best used to give the desired shape to artificial nail plates.

If you are sorely short of time to take care of your nails, but you still need to do a manicure, it is better to get an electric file. Currently, a popular and well-proven option is the Scholl file. Together with such a file, the kit includes various attachments designed for polishing and grinding, as well as for shaping. Such an electric stove can replace a device for a hardware pedicure if you purchase special attachments for treating feet and heels for it.

When purchasing a nail file, be sure to pay attention to the degree of its rigidity. If you use it to process your natural nails, then the abrasiveness of the tool should be from 190 to 300 grit. If artificial nail plates will be processed, then it is better to choose a nail file with a lower degree of abrasiveness.

Where to buy quality and professional nail files

Among the huge number of online stores offering manicure supplies, we invite you to our "PILO WORLD"! You should choose our services because:

  • "WORLD OF PILOK" - own production of files.
  • MIR PILOK is the main supplier!
  • The showroom of the MIR PILOK company is located in Moscow.
  • Delivery throughout our vast homeland!

Why is “WORLD PILOK” for you the best option for purchasing a product?

  • Our store is built on our own production of saws. Thanks to this, you get: the minimized cost of the service, checked and confirmed product quality, fast production, attractive conditions for distributors.
  • Our nail file is made only from materials that have repeatedly confirmed their quality (South Korea).
  • A wide variety of products. So, a manicurist with any level of professionalism will be able to satisfy his interests.
  • You can decide for yourself which file is right for you. We carry out individual orders.
  • Another advantage is the application of your brand logo on the working plane of the files.

A nail file is considered the key to a beautiful manicure and well-groomed hands, while it does not matter at all whether artificial or natural nails. There is not always time for a regular visit to the master, and having a nail file at hand, you can not worry that in the evening there is a meeting and you do not have time for a manicure. The choice of a nail file is of great importance, because today you can find many different types in professional stores.

File abrasiveness

The most important aspect that you must pay attention to when choosing a nail file is abrasiveness, that is, rigidity. It is strictly forbidden to file thin, weak and brittle nails with coarse nail files, as this will only worsen their condition. A file that is too soft will not cope with hard nails.

The abrasiveness of the files is determined in the grits, while the more their number, the softer the file itself. The most common options are:

  • 80–100 is the toughest nail file, so you need to use it when working with artificial nails. With its help, the nails are given the desired shape, their surface is also leveled during the extension procedure.
  • 120–180 - a tool with a high stiffness. As a rule, it is used during the final processing of artificial marigolds, as well as when polishing them. Can also be used to shape natural and hard nails.
  • 240 - medium hardness. Recommended for use when adjusting and shaping natural nails, but not suitable for very soft and weakened nail plate.
  • 400 is a soft nail file recommended for very thin and weak nails. Suitable for sanding the surface of natural and artificial nails.
  • 900-1200 is a very soft nail file. It can be used during the polishing procedure for natural or extended marigolds. It helps to give the nail surface an almost mirror-like shine, which makes it one of the most sought after. As a rule, this type of nail files is used at the final stage of creating a manicure.

To give the nails the desired shape, as well as for polishing the surface, experienced craftsmen recommend using several files at the same time, which should be of different abrasiveness.

Nail file shapes

The shape of the file is of no less importance. Since a fairly wide range is presented today, it can be difficult to make the right choice. The most important thing is to choose the tool that will be convenient to work with.

You can use nail files to create manicure and pedicure, while almost any material can be used for the base of the tool. As a rule, paper, metal, ceramic and glass files are straight.

Buffs or blocks have been specially developed for polishing and grinding the marigolds, which can be thin or very thick. Almost all models of buffs have 6 working surfaces at once, with each having a different abrasiveness.

Banana, or boomerang, is considered one of the most comfortable and easy-to-use forms of nail files, which are usually used for home manicure. Thanks to the curved frame, this tool is comfortable to hold in the hand.

You can also find curly nail files in stores, which have a very interesting shape. Such a tool, in almost all cases, is used by adolescents or for filing marigolds for children.

Types of nail files

Today there is a really large number of a wide variety of nail files. The most important thing is not to be greedy and buy a quality tool that will help not only get the perfect manicure, but also maintain the health of your nails.

Metal nail file

This type of nail file almost always has a coarse-grained surface, and is recommended for use only for artificial nails (acrylic). You should not use this tool for natural nails, as it can cause serious damage to the structure of the nail plate, which, in turn, provokes the onset of delamination.

If you like to use only metal files, or for some reason you cannot get a different look, then stop the choice on a semicircular instrument with a fine-grained surface. Such a nail file will cause minimal harm.

Diamond nail file

Perfect for polishing the nail plate. Moreover, it is recommended for both artificial and natural marigolds. The high quality coating helps to achieve the perfect shape of the nails, and give their surface an almost mirror shine.

The advantages of diamond files include a long service life. This tool is recommended for filing strong, unbreakable, hard nails.

Corundum nail file

These nail files are quite expensive. They are characterized by their durability, unlike artificial emery tools. Suitable for all types of nails.

Ceramic nail file

Typically, this type of nail file is used to give the desired shape to the nails. This file can also be used during the treatment of hardened skin around the nail plate. Ceramic nail files are just perfect for weakened, brittle and very thin nails, as they do not injure them or provoke delamination.

Nail file with wood base

This nail file is one of the most durable, since it does not vibrate or spring, and is not very flexible during operation. Therefore, for comfort during use, it is given a semicircular shape. It is not very easy to care for it - it is not recommended to wash it with water, but it should be stored in a special case, which will extend its service life.

Polishing nail file

It helps to give beautiful shine to the nails and is used at the final stage of manicure. As a rule, 4-in-1 files are presented, with each side having a different degree of abrasiveness.

Very carefully you need to use a file with a coarse dusting. It is strictly forbidden to use it more than 2 times a year. If you neglect this advice, there is a risk that the nail will completely change, a strong thinning of the plate occurs.

Emery nail file

This type of nail files has become one of the most popular. They are among the sparing ones, unable to harm even weakened and thinned marigolds. However, it must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to wash this tool, and you can use a toothbrush for cleaning, but only completely dry, otherwise the moisture will ruin the tool.

Glass nail file

More recently, glass nail files have become available and are used by professional nail artists. This is one of the best files, as it has a long service life, can undergo any disinfection and sterilization. In addition, it is not capable of harming the health of the nails.

This type of nail file can be coarse-grained or fine-grained. The second option is recommended to be used while polishing the marigolds, to level their surface and give the desired shape to weak and thin nails. However, it is not recommended to grind the nail plate too often, as this can lead to its severe thinning.

The glass nail file is an ideal tool that can be used for both natural and artificial nails. Even with its regular use, the nail plate does not begin to exfoliate, does not become brittle.

If a glass nail file will be used directly for filing artificial nails, it is recommended to periodically moisten it with clean water during operation.

When using this type of nail file at home, it will be enough just to rinse it with plenty of water and wipe it dry with a napkin. You can also carry out a boiling or sterilization procedure. The glass surface does not wear out, thanks to which such a tool will last for several years.

Crystal nail file

This nail file has a rather high cost (about 400 rubles), which directly depends on the manufacturer and the size of the tool.

A high-quality crystal nail file is completely safe for human health. It can be used not only for shaping nails, but also for polishing and treating the hardened skin of the fingers. It is perfect for working with artificial nails, but during filing you will need to periodically moisten it with water.

Video on how to choose the right nail file: