Why are we so different or a few words about memory. Why are we so different

It would seem that all people are approximately the same built physiologically. Everyone has a head and, accordingly, everything that should be in the head. However, one draws amazing pictures, and the other cannot, without a compass, depict on paper at least something similar to a circle. One multiplies huge numbers in his mind, and the other painfully sits over the multiplication "in a column" of two two-digit numbers. For one, speech flows like water, and the other is not able to connect two words. One "grabs everything on the fly", while the other has to tediously "cram". Why is this happening? And is there any way to make all people "about the same"? Let's try to figure it out.

One of the components of the human brain is the memory system. Memory is one of the fundamental foundations on which the process of human learning and the mental development of a person are based.

In accordance with the ancient Eastern teachings, according to the creative abilities of all people can be divided into two types. The Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov, who studied the functioning of the brain, called these types “thinkers” and “artists”.
The “thinkers” type is most adapted to memorizing logical information, the “artists” type to visual information.
The study of the work of the brain by modern scientists makes it possible to scientifically understand and confirm the phenomena that the teachers of the Ancient East paid attention to.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that each hemisphere of the brain has its own specifics. Functions such as speech, writing, reading, counting and solving logical problems are provided by the left hemisphere. Accordingly, the left hemisphere is responsible for analytical, logical and rational thinking. Scientists have named the left hemisphere "logical". If a person is dominated by verbal-logical memory and the person is “led” by the left hemisphere, then such a person can be classified as a “thinker”.
The right hemisphere provides such functions as figurative, synthetic thinking, a holistic perception of reality, without its fragmentation. From this it was concluded that the right hemisphere is responsible for intuition and spatial-figurative thinking. Accordingly, if a person has a highly developed auditory, visual and figurative memory, then he is “led” by the right hemisphere. This person can be attributed to the type of "artists".

In everyday life, as a rule, the activity of each hemisphere complements the activity of the other hemisphere. The right hemisphere deals with everything unknown, paradoxical, new, unconventional and uncertain. The left hemisphere - seeks to prevent chaos and confusion, systematizes experience.
However, if a person, for example, is dominated by the left hemisphere, then he will easily be given exactly those areas of activity for which the left hemisphere is responsible. Such a person can be taught, for example, to draw well. But he will do it mechanically, just like a memorized work. It is hardly worth expecting great accomplishments in the field of painting from such a person.

Unfortunately, the development of civilization since ancient times has left its mark on the development of the cerebral hemispheres. The predominant development was the left (logical) hemisphere. In this regard, the vast majority of people have lost the ability to control their subconscious, which led to the loss of important sources of information and the ability to fully and manageably use the full potential of the brain. Suffice it to say that only 10% of our brain works at the level of conscious activity, and the remaining 90% is the activity of the uncontrolled subconscious.
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that, without being able to influence the mechanisms of the subconscious, without access to the control of the subconscious, it is unrealistic to cope with the task of significantly improving creative activity and significantly improving the mechanisms of human memory.

The studies of modern scientists have somewhat revealed the secrets of the possibility of controlling the subconscious and using it by a person. On the basis of these studies, a number of techniques have been developed that allow, after special training, to control your subconscious within small limits. But, even this ability to manage within small limits, already gives amazing results.

Our world is made up of men and women. We are similar, but at the same time, we are different. Why is it sometimes so difficult for us to understand each other? Let's talk about it.

The human brain has a unique structure. In many ways, it is the brain that determines the differences between men and women that we encounter in our lives. Let's think about the structure of our brain. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for our logic. The right one is for emotions.

Something about female logic

The brain of a man is different from the brain of a woman, and we know a lot of jokes that young people love so much. Often they hint at the fact that girls are very bad with logic.

“There is nothing more paradoxical than the female mind, in order to learn their dialectics, you need to overturn all the rules of logic in your mind,” wrote the great Russian poet Lermontov. Guys find it hard to understand a girl. Girls have similar claims to guys. Why is this happening?

Who has more brains?

So who has more brains? Guys or girls? Knowing the answer to this question, guys can confidently increase their self-esteem. The mass of the brain in men is greater than that of the brain of women. It is a fact. But I will hurry to restore justice. It is larger due to the fact that there is more ... water in the man's brain! But the gray matter in the brain in women is more on average by 15 - 20%. The fluid in a man's brain protects him from injury and concussion. After all, the life of a man, you see, is more dangerous.

At the same time, the gray matter of a woman is more concentrated in the right hemisphere, and in a man - in the left. Here is the scientific rationale for the fact that girls are more emotional and have a rich intuition. And the guys, on the contrary, are reasonable and pragmatic.

So a girl who is offended that her boyfriend is “soulless and insensitive”, and a guy who is indignant because a girl arranges “tears from scratch”, should remember that we are so arranged by God. We are different so that we can complement each other.

Strong and weak sex

Women are really the weaker sex. They are more likely to be depressed. They are less able to resist bad habits (men, for example, drink alcohol more often, but once a woman starts drinking, she gets drunk much faster). Even girls feel pain more acutely. On 1 square centimeter of skin, they have more pain receptors. If you hit a girl, it will hurt her more than a man.

No wonder God holds a man responsible for a woman.

“So husbands should love their wives as their bodies: he who loves his wife loves himself”- written in the Bible (Ephesians 5:28).

About boxes, keys and communicating vessels

Lovely girls! Have you ever resented your boyfriends because they "are not serious about your relationship"? In fact, if there was a discord between a guy and a girl, then for a girl this is the most important problem in her life. She will think about the quarrel that happened all day (or even night!), Going through all its details in her head. Sitting at lectures, at home and when meeting with a friend, she will not leave these thoughts.

Guys are a completely different matter. Here, just half an hour ago, he was sorting out a relationship with a girlfriend, and now he is already laughing merrily with friends in college or is so passionate about work that he does not remember the problem.

"Heartlessness!" the girls will say. No, this is the structure of the brain.

The brain of a man is like a storage chamber, consisting of numerous drawers. Each box contains one problem. When a man thinks about a particular problem, he can be said to take the key and open one drawer. And there are rules: do not confuse boxes, do not open two boxes at once and do not mix their contents with each other.

The brain of a man is focused on decision making. But he considers each problem separately.

The brain of a woman is, rather, communicating vessels. Everything is connected to everything in them. She thinks with two hemispheres at once, so every problem causes a surge of emotions in her. The “storm in a teacup” that the girl raises will rage in all her “vessels”. And, quite possibly, she will remember the guy all his sins "from the creation of the world."

If a couple quarreled and both went about their business, then the guy in his brain can calmly lock the problem “with a key”, and the girl will worry endlessly until the conflict is resolved.

Talk or be alone?

What does a girl do when she's excited? Calls a friend to tell her all the details that concern her in the smallest detail. Discussing the problem with a guy, sometimes, does not work. After listening to the girl, he gives the only true, according to his logic, advice: “Don’t think about it!” She needs to say everything, to speak everything. That is why women can talk on the phone for a long time, watch films with a lot of monologues that usually tire the male half of the population.

Men deal with stress differently. In the men's cells of the "storage room" there is a zero cell - a box in which nothing lies. And this is the favorite box of many men. Their brains need this release. He must periodically think "about nothing." And pestering him at this time with questions: “Tell me what you think about ...” or being offended by his silence is not the wisest decision. He just needs to be alone.

Well, enriched with knowledge, let's be more lenient towards your friend or girlfriend. It is better to thank God for the fact that we are so different, learn to appreciate in another what we ourselves do not have, and remember that true love is not the one that requires to be understood, but the one that tries to understand the other person.

Natalia Voronina

AUSTRALOID RACE - wide faces with a powerful brow, dark skin, wavy dark hair, a wide nose and thick lips

If we compare people living in remote regions of the planet, it turns out that they are noticeably different in appearance: the structure of the body and face, the color of the skin, hair and eyes, the shape of the nose. For example, the inhabitants of Canada from the coast of the Great Lakes are not at all like the Africans from the equatorial forests. Historically established groups of people who are outwardly similar (eye color, hair color, skull and body shape, etc.) are called races. They began to form 30–40 thousand years ago, when man already lived in many places on the planet. People found themselves in different natural conditions, adapted to them, and the first racial signs arose. The Caucasoid race was formed in Europe, the Mongoloid - in Asia, the Negroid - in Africa, the Americanoid - in America, the Australoid - in Oceania.

If we imagine that there are only 100 people in the world, then, keeping the current proportions, it turns out that 30 of them are white, and 70 are representatives of other races.

How did people adapt?

NEGROID RACE - curly dark hair, dark brown skin, brown eyes, wide nose, thick lips.

It can be assumed that dark skin and curly coarse hair protect Negroids from the scorching sun - these people can stay in the sun for a long time without special protection. Fair-skinned and fair-haired residents of European countries do not tolerate direct sunlight well, they have adapted better to it over the long years of living in a cool and humid climate. In the Asian steppes and deserts, where strong winds and dust storms are frequent, the upper and lower eyelids of the inhabitants of these areas cover their eyes well, and they seem "narrow".

Down with the borders!

Separate races mainly occupy certain continents. Apparently, the vast seas and boundless oceans have long been an insurmountable barrier for peoples, and representatives of individual races did not mix with each other. Only in the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, when Europeans learned about the existence of other continents, did the first settlers appear, and then the first mixed marriages between people belonging to different races, and the first children belonging to two races at the same time. Nowadays, you can get from one continent to another by plane in a few hours, migrants from Asia and Africa willingly move to Europe and America, and there are many mixed marriages.

Our differences in ways of perceiving, reacting and behaving, we used to explain by the action of hormones or upbringing. But science says that the basis of our dissimilarity lies in the peculiarities of the brains of men and women. And here's the evidence.

“We have two intersections left to go, then we turn right and see the town hall building,” says Andrei, carefully studying the tourist map of the city. “Yes, I remember, there was a candy store on the corner,” I easily answer him ... Most of us, of course, are familiar with such situations. Men and women, we often perceive the world around us differently, we think differently, the same situations cause us opposite emotions. Until quite recently, these differences were explained to us solely by the action of sex hormones and the style of raising boys and girls, which “forces” men and women to behave in a certain way. Today, more and more scientists are confident that the gender characteristics of our perception, thinking and even behavior are primarily related to the structure and functioning of our brain. Let's try to figure this out.

congenital dissimilarity

In January 2005, in his public speech, Lawrence Summers, rector of Harvard University (USA), stated that men are more successful in science than women, and this may be due to the anatomical features of their brain. “This remark reopened a scientific discussion that began more than a century ago, when scientists, having discovered that the brain size of men is slightly larger than that of women, they tried to use this fact to justify their intellectual superiority,” says Larry Cahill (Larry Cahill), neuroscientist at the University of California (USA).

Today there is no evidence that our intellectual abilities depend solely on the structure of the brain, but something else is clear: the brain of men and women develops and functions differently. “It differs not only in the structure of various departments, but also in the structure of neural circuits and chemical compounds that carry messages from neuron to neuron,” says Marina Butovskaya, Doctor of Biological Sciences, anthropologist. Moreover, these differences are formed long before our birth: they are laid down genetically. Between 18 and 26 weeks of fetal development, the testicles of an unborn boy begin to produce the sex hormone testosterone, which, interacting with the brain tissue, transforms it*. Ultrasound examination of a woman at 26 weeks of gestation allows you to distinguish the brain of a boy from the brain of a girl.


Comparison of merits

Research by scientists over the past ten years allows us to say that there are two types of brain: male and female. “The most important difference is that our limbic system and the cerebral cortex are developed differently,” explains Sergey Saveliev**, Doctor of Biology. - The cortex (it is responsible for conscious perception, analysis, comparison, choice) of a man contains about 11 billion nerve cells, a woman has about nine. But in the female brain, the limbic system (an older area of ​​the brain that controls physiological, hormonal processes, emotional and instinctive behavior) dominates.”

Most of us, of course, are familiar with situations like this. Men and women, we often perceive the world around us differently, we think differently, the same situations cause

We have opposite emotions. Until quite recently, these differences were explained to us solely by the action of sex hormones and the style of raising boys and girls, which “forces” men and women to behave in a certain way. Today, more and more scientists are confident that the gender characteristics of our perception, thinking and even behavior are primarily related to the structure and functioning of our brain. Let's try to figure this out.

congenital dissimilarity

In January 2005, in his public speech, Lawrence Summers, rector of Harvard University (USA), stated that men are more successful in science than women, and this may be due to the anatomical features of their brain. “This remark reopened a scientific discussion that began more than a century ago, when scientists, having discovered that the brain size of men is slightly larger than that of women, they tried to use this fact to justify their intellectual superiority,” says Larry Cahill (Larry Cahill), neuroscientist at the University of California (USA).

Today there is no evidence that our intellectual abilities depend solely on the structure of the brain, but something else is clear: the brain of men and women develops and functions differently. “It differs not only in the structure of various departments, but also in the structure of neural circuits and chemical compounds that carry messages from neuron to neuron,” says Marina Butovskaya, Doctor of Biological Sciences, anthropologist. Moreover, these differences are formed long before our birth: they are laid down genetically. Between 18 and 26 weeks of fetal development, the testicles of an unborn boy begin to produce the sex hormone testosterone, which, interacting with the brain tissue, transforms it (see box on page 75)*. Ultrasound examination of a woman at 26 weeks of gestation makes it possible to distinguish the brain of a boy from the brain of a girl.


Research by scientists over the past ten years allows us to say that there are two types of brain: male and female. “The most important difference is that our limbic system and the cerebral cortex are developed differently,” explains Sergey Saveliev**, Doctor of Biology. - The cortex (it is responsible for conscious perception, analysis, comparison, choice) of a man contains about 11 billion nerve cells, a woman has about nine. But in the female brain, the limbic system (an older area of ​​the brain that controls physiological, hormonal processes, emotional and instinctive behavior) dominates.”

We speak different languages

Men and women not only perceive the world differently, but also speak about different things and use different words.

It is known that men and women are interested in different topics. Men talk more about politics, cars, sports; women - about children, fashion, relationships. At the same time, everything that the stronger sex talks about is taken seriously, and women's conversations are usually regarded as trivial *. This is how social representations are manifested, according to which what men do and say is significant and important, and what women do is less significant. Women more often use adjectives in their speech, use diminutive suffixes (“baby”, “cute”); in the speech of men there are more verbs and nouns. Usually, the strong half of humanity is allowed much more than the fairer sex: women generally use literary forms, while men more often use colloquial expressions, jargon and abuse.

"Gender and Language". Languages ​​of Slavic Culture, 2005.
Other important gender features of the functioning of the brain are related to the size of its regions. In 2001, neurophysiologists from Harvard Medical School, led by Jill Goldstein, compared 45 areas of the brain and found, for example, that women, on average, have better developed areas of the frontal lobe of the cortex, where the centers responsible for planning actions are located *** . And in men, the areas of the parietal cortex involved in the perception of space. In addition, men have a larger amygdala, a small area of ​​the brain that controls emotions, social and sexual behavior. “Interestingly, in the same situations,” says Larry Cahill, “in men, the right amygdala nucleus is activated, and in women, the left. That is why men, when talking about an event, describe it as a whole, while women concentrate on the details.

At the same time, there are women among us who have a “male” brain, and vice versa. “In about 10% of women, the brain is masculinized to varying degrees,” says Marina Butovskaya. - This is due to the fact that their nervous system even before birth, in the womb, at the age of six to eight weeks, was exposed to an excessive dose of testosterone. The brain is feminized to some extent in 15–20% of men. The reason for this, on the contrary, is the lack of testosterone ... Most often this happens if the mother experienced severe stress during pregnancy.

Inherit and develop

But why did nature and evolution take care to make us so different from each other? Sergei Savelyev believes that our differences are primarily related to the reproductive task - to continue the human race - which means that the influence of upbringing, education and the environment in which we live is limited. “From birth, we are given only one tenth of our neural networks, the rest are formed under the influence of stimuli coming from the outside world,” disagrees neuroscientist Catherine Vidal (Catherine Vidal), chief researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. This means that part of the brain differences is acquired.

“A woman is not born, one is made,” wrote Simone de Beauvoir in The Second Sex (Progress, Aletheia, 1997). It seems that men are not born either. In a word, each sex needs to know its strengths in any case ... in order to be able to laugh at their weaknesses!

Why do you need testosterone?

Its quantity (men have more testosterone) determines the "sex" of the brain, but not only. Men owe testosterone many qualities necessary for hunting and war.

Depends on him: muscle strength, speed of reaction and impatience (92% of drivers buzzing at traffic lights are men!), aggressiveness, competitiveness, dominance instinct (the dominant male ensures the quality of the breed), accuracy, endurance and stamina, wound healing, beard growth and baldness, vigilance (this allows the hunter to notice animals from afar), orientation in space (to return home with prey), craving for adventure, for new experience, willingness to take risks, sexual attraction to a young female (ready for reproduction) and the desire to protect her. In turn, the female hormones estrogens develop in a woman an attraction to a dominant male, strong and experienced, recognized in society (hence, not too young, but able to protect her).