Sexual life after childbirth. Features of sexual activity after childbirth: when and how best to start

Behind the most difficult period - the birth of a child. Gradually mom and dad get used to the new way of life, rejoicing in the baby "sniffing" in the crib. The woman recovers her physical and psychological strength. Gradually, the question of intimate relationships becomes. After all, a man has been abstaining for a long time and a woman has her own physiological needs. Sex after childbirth, when it is possible, how it will change, what partners will feel and many more issues that worry young parents will be discussed in this article.

Why can't you have sex for at least 40 days after giving birth?

Sexual intercourse is not only a means of obtaining pleasure, but also a physiological process during which, in 99.9% of cases, microflora is introduced into the genital tract from the outside. That is why experts oppose the early resumption of intimate life. The fact is that the woman's mucous membrane, which protects the pelvic organs, has not yet been restored, and the organs at the stage of reconstruction are similar to an open wound. "Foreign" microflora brought in during sex can adversely affect a woman's health and cause bleeding, inflammation of the uterus after childbirth, endometritis.

The figure of 40 days appeared in ancient times, when midwives forbade men to touch their wives. It worked, psychologically men perceived this figure as mystical (40 saints, on the 40th day they commemorate the dead). Today it remains relevant from a medical point of view. Gynecologists strongly recommend maintaining the period of abstinence from sex after childbirth for at least 6 weeks, since after the normal passage of the labor process, which took place without complications, the uterus is restored and reaches its previous size by the end of 6 weeks, and they just coincide with a period of 40 days ...

If, nevertheless, it happened and you could not stand this time (the husband could not restrain himself) and you have the following symptoms, then immediately contact your gynecologist.


  • unusual discharge (unlike suckers);
  • unnatural smell;
  • temperature increase;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • the general condition will worsen.

Arriving at the hospital on time, you will avoid possible complications, since this condition was called "birth fever" in the past, and often women died from it.

Sex after childbirth, when can you try it?

The gynecologist, when discharging from the hospital after giving birth, giving advice, be sure to focus on the resumption of intimate life. If the birth process went well without complications, then a figure of 6-8 weeks will be named. But why should you stop having sex after childbirth? There are quite objective reasons for this. Firstly, a woman needs time to fully recreate the uterus, heal the birth canal along which the child walked, and cleanse the uterus from the remnants of bloody discharge (suckers).

Secondly, in severe labor with ruptures or caesarean section, the recovery time increases and can be 8 weeks or more. And as already mentioned earlier, sex after childbirth is undesirable because various infections can get into the organs of the urogenital system of a woman.

Each organism is unique, it should be noted that the suckers in many mothers stop after a month. This is facilitated by the correct organization of breastfeeding, since with the active sucking movements of the baby, the uterus contracts, pushing the suckers out. Recently, in medical practice, it is not uncommon for a woman to start menstruating at 6 weeks after childbirth (it is often confused with bleeding). This indicates that all organs involved in the birth process have recovered and sex can definitely be given the green light.

If you see suckers even after 8 weeks, then you urgently need to consult a gynecologist to exclude the possibility of uterine inflammation after childbirth. Such a delay in "cleansing" is often due to the fact that a woman does not breastfeed her baby, and the muscles of the uterus are so weakened that they cannot cope with pushing out the remnants after labor. At the reception you can and find out if you can start an intimate relationship.

Why do women try to postpone sexual intercourse?

In addition to the prohibition of doctors, the woman herself comes up with ways and reasons to postpone sex for later. What prompts her to do this and how to cope with the problem?

"It would hurt me"

Naturally, a woman feels aching pain in the genitals after childbirth for a long time. And she is afraid of having sex, because, in her opinion, there is a large open wound inside her. The husband should help his wife. It is he who, with his caresses of her body, must bring her to a state where she herself wants intimacy. Of course, it can take more than one evening, but it's worth it.

"I'm big"

A very common excuse. Indeed, the vaginal muscles are still stretched and the penis may well "sink". But if you choose a position so that the female legs are brought together and the penis does not enter the vagina entirely, but only its edge, then the stretch will not even be felt. The only unpleasant moment can be popping sounds due to the fact that the walls of the vagina are not in good shape, the main thing is not to show surprise or some other reaction to them.

"I'm not beautiful"

A saggy belly that has not yet drawn in, a full breast from which milk is dripping, red eyes from lack of sleep, at best a ponytail on the head (which has had time). Who wants one? This is what many think. But through the eyes of a man who has not had sex for at least 2-3 months, you are the most beautiful and desirable. Yes, in the future you will have to go to the tricks and put on underwear to warm up your husband, but the first weeks when you say it is possible, the "hungry" man will still be on your stomach and dripping milk.

"I'm tired and I have no time for this"

Of course, life changed dramatically with the birth of a child, and a lot of new worries fell on my mother's shoulders. But this is not a reason to alienate your partner. Just ask him to help you with the baby (change the pampers, put to bed) or around the house (cook dinner, wash the floor). Such insignificant help will ease mom's fate, but the saved time can be spent together when the baby falls asleep.

Problems arising during the first intimacy after childbirth

Of course, it is impossible to call the first sex after childbirth ideal, but it is quite possible to try to make it that way. Let's talk about the most common problems that young parents may face during their first intimacy.

Painful sensations during the process in a woman

In this case, it is better to postpone sex or consult a doctor to find out the reason. You can also choose a position in which there will be no pressure on the painful area.

Unnatural clapping sounds

This is due to the fact that the walls of the vagina are stretched and collected in folds. When the penis moves, the air trapped in the folds comes out, making this sound. The main thing is not to attach any importance to this and try not to pay attention.


Due to the lack of the hormone estrogen (its decrease is observed after the birth process), the young mother has dryness in the vagina. This brings some inconvenience to having sex. You can fix this state of affairs with lubricants. You need to purchase them at the pharmacy and be sure to pay attention to their composition.


To prevent this from happening, ask your husband to wash the penis before intercourse (everywhere, pushing the edges of the flesh aside). Also, keep your hands and nails hygienic.

Lack of enjoyment

This is mainly due to the stretching of the vagina after childbirth. For this man, you need to think about how you can please your partner. These can be activities that will lead to clitoral orgasm. Over time, the vaginal muscles will tone up and the vaginal orgasm will return.

Postpartum depression

This is a common reason a young mother avoids sex or adopts a "log" position in bed. To eliminate the depressive state, it is necessary to find out the cause of the appearance and try to eliminate it. Resuming sexual relations after childbirth should be started very slowly. Initially, engage in intimate caresses, excluding intimacy with penetration. The partner needs to relax as much as possible and try to gently penetrate inside using "gentle" postures that will be most comfortable for her. It is preferable to use the position of "woman on top" or sex lying on your side.

Every young mother decides for herself when to have sex after childbirth. The body gives her signals that it is ready to restore sexual relations and she will definitely feel them. But do not forget that the first sexual intercourse requires increased attention of partners to each other (especially from the male side), in addition to intercourse itself, foreplay and intimate affection are necessary, do not forget about warm words. Shallow penetration positions, non-traumatic movements will help make the first sex after childbirth pleasant for both partners. After it, the woman will be 100% sure that she is ready for the return of normal sex life or that she should wait a little longer. Many women, having given birth to a child, discover sex in a new way, it will acquire more colors and shades of sensations.

Most importantly, no matter how difficult it may be at first to "join" a new life, in which the main task is caring for the baby. Take time for yourself and your husband and do not deprive yourself of such pleasant worldly pleasures as sex after childbirth. Only mutual understanding and the ability to make concessions can make your family stronger.

Author of the publication: Valeria Samoilova

After the birth of a child in women, the question arises about the resumption of sexual life. Some start live an intimate life immediately, as soon as they move slightly away from the resolution, but most of them collide. They can last from three months to six months. Let's figure out the issue when can you start an intimate life after childbirth and is it worth 2 weeks after already do not deny yourself anything.

From a physiological point of view, a woman's body is ready to resume sexual activity after her genitals are fully restored. For each it takes a different time, which determines the period during which you can not have sex after childbirth... The uterus and vaginal muscles need to return to their normal size. volumes very soon, within three to four weeks. But the vagina needs about 6-8 weeks, and sometimes up to six months.

It should be taken into account that first time after childbirth can turn into a serious infection. This scenario is likely if the wound left over from the placenta has not completely healed. Complete healing occurs within the third to sixth week. Moreover, if a woman has experienced a cesarean, then it takes about the same time for the uterus to heal. This is the main reason why not have sex after permissions.

Term, when can i sleep with my husband, is determined by the success of the restoration of the body after resolution. The ban on sex is likely to be two or even three months.

The timing of abstinence is defined in different ways. Some recommend it as the optimal time, when can i have sex after permits - 42 days, others - 8 weeks. The minimum is 4 weeks (about a month). Here, each is determined individually. The signal that you can start having sex is the cessation of secretions of lochia. But before you stop sexual rest after childbirth you need to be examined by your doctor and make sure that everything is fine.

There are those who resume sexual activity. two weeks after the birth of the child... But don't rush to renew sex immediately after childbirth, it is better to have a little patience than to put your health at risk. Even using a condom does not guarantee complete safety of intercourse.


We figured it out how long can you have sex after giving birth... But internal barriers can hinder love joys. The very first fear that a woman has when she decides to have sex or not is the fear of pain. Pain causes:

  • dryness of the vagina, due to a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen;
  • sprains, tears and cuts, as a result of which there have been changes in the structure of muscle tissue and mucous membranes;
  • inflammation, infections, due to which the structure of the mucous membrane also changes.

The problem with the production of natural lubrication occurs in almost all new mothers. Therefore, so that the discomfort does not spoil the moment, it is recommended to use water-based artificial lubricants. Read the ingredients carefully and avoid oil-based lubricants as they can cause irritation.

How long will it last? The previous surgery also causes pain, but if the stitches are small, then with a careful approach it will quickly pass. If the seams take up most of the body, you should refrain from intimacy. The time it takes for the stitches to heal determines how many days it takes to make love after childbirth.

The tissues from which the reproductive system is built are very sensitive and delicate, which is why pain occurs. Most often it does not carry any danger, but it will take up to 6 months for a full recovery. In the most advanced cases, plastic is likely to be required. But if pain during intimacy occurs in the abdomen, back or lower back, an immediate visit to the doctor is required, since this is a symptom of the development of the inflammatory process.

Carefully and carefully choose a position that partners used before pregnancy may be uncomfortable

Due to the strongly stretched vaginal muscles during lovemaking, pain occurs, so it is important that the lady takes a comfortable body position for herself.


Allocations accompany the young lady, after which they stop. But there are situations when they start again. In this case, you should immediately make an appointment with a qualified technician. In a situation where a couple started have a sex life too early, . There are several reasons for this:

  • mechanical damage to blood vessels at the seams;
  • resumption of discharge of lochia.

If the discharge of lochia resumed, despite the fact that they should have ended long ago, this is not the norm. The source of secretions will be the uterus or its cervix.

Then it follows:

  • Interrupt intimacy for a short time. If the secretion occurs in small volumes, then, perhaps, the woman's body is simply not ready for sexual activity.
  • If the secretion is abundant, continuous, then urgently seek medical help.


Changes in hormonal levels can cause a lack of desire and affect time, when can I resume mutual affection. The body is built in such a way that after the baby is born, the hormones necessary for lactation and uterine contraction suppress attraction, strengthening maternal instincts, as a result of which the lady begins to take more care of her child and completely loses interest in intimacy.

But this phenomenon is temporary. It is difficult to say how soon this feeling will go away on its own, but the process itself will help get rid of the lack of attraction. It's worth starting, even if you don't really want to.

Often the reason for the lack of desire is that the woman feels completely belonging to her baby. In this case, the pleasure of intercourse is replaced by a sense of guilt towards the child. Mutual understanding and support during this period will unite the family, help to survive this difficult period of the beginning of motherhood.

Psychological barriers

Often they are faced with a situation where a girl is repulsed by lovemaking. There are a lot of reasons for this, one of the main ones lies in the psychological mood. Moreover, it sometimes happens that the husband has blocking installations. There is a fear of hurting, because sex after childbirth very similar to the first time. In such a situation, sincerity of feelings towards your soul mate plays a very important role. Simple kisses, gentle words, hugs, mutual help will build trust in each other and strengthen relationships and positively affect how long it will take to bounce back.

In addition, there are several more psychological blockages:

  • lack of communication;
  • that he does not pay enough attention to his family;
  • rejection of one's own body;
  • fear of a new pregnancy;
  • fast fatiguability.

These blocks are easy to get around, the main thing is the right attitude. Remember that your family's happiness depends on your own happiness. To find peace of mind, it is recommended:

  • communicate in social networks with the same young mothers;
  • visit fitness centers, various circles, enroll in foreign language courses;
  • walk more in the fresh air, communicate with people live.

Do not hesitate to seek help from a family psychologist. He will help mend family relationships. Yes, it will not be easy, but you need to fight for a happy family life. The main thing is not to close in yourself, your complexes, to develop physically and spiritually.

Rejection of your own body

The next factor influencing the fact when can I start practicing"Amenities". Pregnancy leaves its mark on the figure. Excess weight, stretch marks cause self-doubt, in their attractiveness and cause the emergence of new complexes. If a lady has experienced surgery, she will probably begin to feel ashamed of her scar. Plus there is a new fear that.

After resolving in a natural way, the mother will have a feeling of constraint caused by the loss of elasticity of the genital muscles. Yes, the uterine muscle really loses its tone, but this situation is very easily recovered by doing simple exercises.

Here are some simple tips to help you quickly resolve your overweight problem and build your confidence:

  1. During pregnancy, you should not double the portion. It will be enough to add only one quarter of the usual volume. This is enough for the fetus to receive all the trace elements necessary for its development. In addition, overeating increases the burden on the digestive system, which will contribute to the future. Include vegetables and fruits in your diet, give up fried, salty and peppercorns.
  2. Kegel exercises. They strengthen the muscles of the uterus, so they are useful not only for those who have already become a mother, but also for all women, regardless of age. Tighten your vaginal muscles as if you want to delay urination. Hold this position for a few seconds and relax. Increase the exercise time and the number of sets over time. In addition, this complex will help.
  3. Love yourself. Love and respect for oneself is manifested in such things as caring and caring for oneself, attention to one's feelings. Love and understanding in a family begins with love, first of all, for oneself.
  4. Nice lingerie. Corsages and peignoirs will give you confidence.

Take time every day to do physical activity, get yourself in order, get a beautiful hairstyle, face mask, and manicure.

We figured it out is it possible to have sex after childbirth... Here are some more tips on how to improve the quality of sex:

  • Before proceeding with love joys again, be sure to visit a gynecologist and consult with him about this. The gynecologist will determine how ready your body is for the process.
  • Treat the stitches with special anti-scar gels or ointments to speed up the regeneration and make the scar itself less visible.
  • Insufficient production of natural lubrication is resolved with water-based lubricants. In addition, long foreplay and special lubricants will help. But make sure that the lubricant does not contain hormones, especially if you are breastfeeding.

Indulge in pleasures and watch your feelings closely. Correctly resume intimate life after permission is possible. Taking the time to improve yourself is very important if you want to build a strong and close-knit family.

Very rarely, a woman who is expecting a baby and meeting with him can think about how the intimate side of her relationship with her husband can change after giving birth. But when the time comes to think about it, many women can postpone this moment in the way that with the birth of a child there was no longer enough energy and time for it. But this is wrong. After all, after the appearance of a little man in your life, sex can have many more facets and give much more pleasure. And not only physically, but also morally.

Of course, you still have to wait a little with sex. Indeed, immediately after childbirth, doctors insist to abstain. And this should continue for about 4-6 weeks. During this time, the uterus will recover and heal a little, and the risk of infection will be significantly reduced. If during childbirth there are some complications, for example, ruptures, then the period without sex should be increased even more, up to two months.

Also, the reason is that the organs that were directly involved in the birth of the child should heal at least a little as they become very sensitive to various infections. But still, a woman in the postpartum period really needs the support and affection of her husband. Therefore, this is the best period to show your love and understanding. Also, a man should not forget that when a baby is born, there are much more worries. And accordingly, it takes much more effort and time. Of course, it is very difficult for a man to understand this, so if a woman wants daddy to feel what caring for a child is, then he should at least partially take part in this. For example, you can bathe the baby together, change diapers in turn, and get up to the baby at least once a night when he is crying.

Another reason why women do not want to have sex after childbirth is painful sensations. In most cases, they are caused by the fact that the vagina remains dry for some time after childbirth, and in such situations, you can safely use lubricants. Also, pain can occur due to stitches or scars. But this problem is also quickly eliminated. Now there are many special ointments that can very quickly not only relieve pain, but also promote faster healing.

But the most difficult to perceive is the problem that is associated with the tone of the vagina and almost all women face it. It is very difficult to avoid it, but you can correct the situation very simply and relatively quickly by performing Kegel exercises. It would be very good if the practice of these exercises began at the stage of pregnancy. This will help not only to give birth less painfully, but also after the birth of the baby, the muscles quickly return to their previous shape.

When after childbirth you can live an intimate life

When it comes to the first sex after childbirth, it is worth paying attention to the psychological state of the woman. At first, a woman spends a lot of her emotions on a child. And there is nothing you can do about it, because it was so intended by nature. Still, you should not take all the care of your child on yourself. If daddy helps the mother, it will only strengthen the relationship.

Also, do not rush a woman too much with the onset of sexual activity. After all, she will definitely feel when her body will be ready for such a relationship again.

During the first sex, you should be very careful, because you need to check the body for readiness for sex. And of course, do not forget about the kind words and caresses that a woman needs at such a moment most of all. And it is also worth remembering that sex after childbirth becomes much brighter, because you already have a beloved treasure, which should only strengthen your love even more.

Sex issues concern men and women throughout their lives, but especially after childbirth. A change in the usual daily routine, fatigue, psychological problems, discomfort in a young mother due to stitches and individual characteristics of the body can lead to serious disagreements in the family. However, sometimes representatives of the stronger sex do not want intimacy: the status of a father also imposes certain obligations and can provoke a temporary loss of libido. How to deal with problems?

How long is the period of abstinence

The standard period of temporary abstinence after childbirth (both first and second) is 6-8 weeks. But in the ideal case, when there are no ruptures, episiotomy and other complications, and also if the mother herself wants sex, doctors are allowed to return to sexual activity after 4 weeks, subject to the cessation of postpartum discharge.

Please note: 4 weeks is the minimum time allowed to return to the world of great sex!

One and a half to two months after childbirth - the period of forced abstinence from sex

After a premature birth (miscarriage), doctors recommend waiting for your next menstrual period before returning to your normal sex life. An unfortunate event due to cleansing injures the uterus, which takes time to heal. On average, married couples need to wait about 30 days, and then adhere to the rules: avoid too deep penetration, use lubricant, reduce the frequency of sex to 1-2 times a week for 2-3 months after the incident.

After a cesarean section, the period of abstinence is the same as after a natural birth: 6-8 weeks. If you have waited for the allotted time, the stitches heal well and the discharge no longer bothers, light the candles and enjoy each other!

As for masturbation

If you get a release from a clitoral orgasm, experiments are permissible (including oral sex) within a week or two after childbirth. Masturbation with vibrators, dildos and other sex toys is subject to the same abstinence period as for regular sex: 6–8 weeks.

The prohibition applies only to sex or masturbation, in which there is penetration into the vagina. Oral and clitoral caresses will help you to enjoy without harm to the body.

Why the female body is not ready for sex in the first 1-2 months after childbirth

The time of sexual rest is necessary for the uterus to cleanse itself of blood, placenta residues and return to its previous state. Early experimentation is not only unpleasant for a woman, but also dangerous. After childbirth, the inner surface of the genital organ is, in fact, an open wound and is highly susceptible to infections. Sex during abstinence is likely to lead to inflammation of the uterus, suppuration of the stitches, high fever and a course of antibiotics, due to which you will have to stop breastfeeding. In some cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital.
It is advisable to visit a gynecologist before resuming intercourse to make sure that sex will not cause problems

In addition to discomfort, discharge, pain, the mental state of a woman plays an important role. Her body has changed, its former shape has been lost, stretch marks and scars have appeared, and a baby is hanging on her chest. Hormonal surges also do not add stability to the state of a young mother. Postpartum depression may begin. If anxiety, tearfulness, mood swings, fatigue and appetite disturbances persist within 1-2 months after childbirth, the help of a psychologist is needed.

Intimate life problems: how to deal with them

The reasons for not wanting sex after childbirth are different.

  1. Fatigue due to constant childcare. Solution: a woman should rest as much as she needs, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Remember, a happy and well-rested mom is much more important than having the floors cleaned on time or a five-course dinner.
  2. Unpleasant sensations due to dryness in the vagina. Lack of estrogen in the body prevents the lubricant from being produced in sufficient quantities. Solution: Use lubricants (gels to moisturize and ease friction).
  3. Changes in the anatomy of the vagina. After giving birth, it expands, there is no former narrowness that men like. Tears and episiotomy lead to the formation of scars, which also affect the condition of the mucous membrane (especially with the unscrupulous work of the doctor). Solution: wait for recovery. Kegel exercises help.
  4. Decreased libido. The hormone oxytocin is released into the bloodstream during breastfeeding and is designed to form a lasting bond with your baby. Unwillingness for sex is a natural mechanism that is necessary for a young mother to rest and not get pregnant again too quickly. If the baby is bottle-fed, the return to normal sex life is much faster.

Lack of sex after childbirth can be a big problem for new parents

How to bring sex back to the life of new parents

Childbirth is stressful for both parents, and you need to get out of a difficult psychological state gently and gradually. For some married couples, the return to sex occurs absolutely naturally, by mutual consent. Others start scandals. Both are a variant of the norm.

  • from the birth of a child to 1 month - sex is virtually excluded;
  • up to six months - breastfeeding leaves an imprint on intimate life. One of the most sexual and erogenous zones of a woman is responsible for feeding the baby, milk is released at the most inopportune moment, which cannot but affect the quality of sex;
  • from six months to a year - the time of grinding parents to a new status. Sex is gradually becoming more stable, even;
  • the second year of parenthood will bring new sensory sensations to your bed, the spouses are already drawn in and can enjoy each other to the fullest;
  • libido is usually fully restored two years after childbirth.

To return sex to the life of young parents, you must:

  • wait until the end of the lochies;
  • if there are stitches, get confirmation from the gynecologist that everything is in order;
  • choose a traditional (missionary) pose for the first time;
  • do not forget about lubricant.

Reviews from women: how to want sex

I had a cesarean, and it was then very good. hurt. The husband was worried that because of him. Then we went to the doctor together. We did several examinations. It turned out that once a month my ovary enlarged for several days, as in the usual menstrual cycle (although my periods went only a year and a month after giving birth). As we later calculated, all our attempts fell on those days. And we were also advised a banal lubrication and more authentic foreplay, so that I was properly aroused. It helped us 100%.

After the first birth, my desire disappeared, not immediately, of course, but after a while, fatigue may have affected, maybe breastfeeding, but I did not say anything to my husband. I just tried to tune myself up, suggest that I really want to, and so on. I understood that it was on an emotional level, and the problem was in my head, and somehow then everything went away, and after the second birth it became even better in the sexual sphere, and the desire did not disappear anywhere, so go for it !! As for the seams, I told my husband what positions were uncomfortable for me when I pulled the seams, and we chose those from which I felt comfortable.

Decreased libido in men

There is a situation when, after the appearance of a baby in the family, a young dad flatly refuses to have sex. He can name a variety of reasons: “the child is asleep, I'm afraid to wake up”, “I'm tired today, let's go tomorrow”, “an interesting film, I want to watch it” and even “what are you, you are now a Mother, can you really?”. The origins of this most often lie in psychology. Doubtful, anxious men are afraid to harm a woman, considering her a fragile creature in need of care and protection. The process of breastfeeding only adds stones to the wall growing between the spouses, the husband still looks at his wife with adoration, but at the same time he sees before him not a sexual object, but the Madonna and Child. From here it is difficult to return to the old relationship, but it is quite possible.
Sometimes after childbirth, libido disappears not from the wife, but from the husband

Do not rush your husband, let him get used to your new role in the family. Do not in any way talk about a problem with libido. On the contrary, praise him, give compliments "below the belt", make dirty comments (if this is the case in your family) and help rekindle the fire of passion. If there is no positive progress within 3-4 months, you should think about visiting a psychologist or sexologist.

Physiological reasons are associated with a change in the quality of sex (the vagina has become larger, there is no former elasticity, lubrication is poorly produced). To solve them, it takes time to restore the female body after childbirth, as well as aids (for example, lubricants).

Features of sex after childbirth and cesarean section

Childbirth is a natural process, but sometimes after it, changes occur in the female body that directly affect the quality of sex.

Bladder prolapse sex

During pregnancy and childbirth, the ligaments and muscles in the vaginal area stretch and lose elasticity. As a result, a prolapse of the bladder (cystocele) develops, which can even fall out of the genitals to the outside.
A prolapse of the bladder usually occurs after a complicated delivery, but with a caesarean section, this problem is extremely rare.


  • urinary incontinence when coughing, laughing, nervous shocks;
  • pain in the lumbar region, including during sex;
  • lack of relief even after using the toilet;
  • constant heaviness in the genital area.

Any of these signs is a reason to see a doctor. For the period of treatment, sex, as well as physical activity, must be abandoned.

Sex during a goofy

Lochia - postpartum discharge (after natural childbirth, cesarean section), which consists of dead endometrium, placenta remnants, blood and other traces of the fetus in the female body. They go out until the uterus is completely restored.

Lochia stops within 6–8 weeks after delivery. It is also considered the norm if they ended earlier, at 4-5 weeks, or lasted until the 9th. All the time while a woman has postpartum discharge, you cannot have sex! An active sex life slows down the recovery of the female body and can provoke an infection of the uterus.

Feelings during intimacy

Many women say that the first sex after childbirth is comparable to the loss of virginity, the first orgasm after a cesarean can be very painful, after an episiotomy, cramps and pains in the lower abdomen are felt, after a premature birth, sexual intercourse provokes guilt. According to Western experts (in particular, obstetrician-gynecologist Rebecca Booth from the USA thinks so), the reason for this is not only anatomical changes, but also hormonal changes in the woman's body.

First sex after childbirth can be surprising. For example, a woman often thinks that her husband's penis has become smaller and thinner. The fact is that the vagina is stretched under the influence of hormones, as well as during the passage of the baby through the birth canal, so the sensations change.

Mothers often note that sex is unpleasant only after the first birth. With the birth of the second and subsequent children, sensations go to a new level. Someone gets the first vaginal orgasm in their life, someone brags about multiple orgasms, and someone thinks that "what we previously thought was an orgasm turned out to be asthma."

Reviews about sex after childbirth

Apparently someone like that, before giving birth, sex was hard labor for me, for example, I didn't really experience an orgasm, after childbirth everything changed for me! On the contrary, I began to get excited and feel often! I asked my husband if there are changes, he said that nothing had changed there (in general, the bucket does not fly with a whistle)))))))) So good luck to you)

a guest

My incisions were stitched up. My husband says there is no difference, although I asked to tell the truth! She said that I would do the operation, if it is widespread. After giving birth, I experienced an orgasm in sex for the first time! But it’s not about physiology. but in the head. Before I could not relax, I kept thinking how I looked, whether I was doing the right thing. It was a shame, for example, to help myself with my hand. That is, I helped, but there was shame in my head! And I could not "allow" myself to finish. And after pregnancy and childbirth, when I had to spread my legs a hundred times in front of different people ... I was watched and felt by both men and women-doctors. Somehow, after such a relationship, the shame with her husband disappeared. I became liberated!


After giving birth, my feelings changed for the better. The orgasm has become brighter, apparently, as they say, the G-spot has become more sensitive. I began to want more often. I finished so that milk was already splashing from the breast from orgasm. Fed 1 year 2 months The husband says that everything is still inside. After giving birth, from a young skinny chicken, I turned into a sensual woman. Before childbirth, orgasms were, but not that.

a guest

I gave birth 2 months ago to a girl))) And I noticed that only after the second birth I became more sensitive, and every time with my husband like the first time))))

Guardian Angel

After the first birth, the sensations became brighter. After the second, it's even brighter.

Kegel exercises

If sex has lost its magic, the husband's penis seems too thin, and the man, in turn, complains about the stretching of the vagina, you should think about training. Kegel exercises will help you. Gymnastics not only contributes to a quick return to normal sex life, but also allows you to experience new sensations from intimacy.

Kegel exercises were developed by the American gynecologist Arnold Kegel in the middle of the 20th century. The complex is designed to train the muscles of the perineum in order to prevent and treat inflammation of the genital organs, hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence, venous stasis, as well as to improve sexual functionality.

Execution technique

Insert your finger into your vagina and try to squeeze it (you can use more pleasant things as a workout, for example, sex toys or your husband's penis). Happened? This muscle needs to be trained. Couldn't find it? Then try another method: every time you go to the toilet "small", stop and resume urinating with the help of internal muscles.

Directly for training, tighten the muscles, as you did when urinating, hold for 3-4 seconds, relax. Repeat 10 times. Gradually increase the time up to 20 seconds. Another way: lie on your back, pull in the pelvic floor muscles (for this, tighten your buttocks, lift your legs up and in), hold for 5 seconds, relax. Repeat 10 times.

The amount of exercise and how often you should do it should be discussed with your gynecologist.

For quick results, do the exercises 3-4 times a day. They can be done anytime, anywhere: at work, in line at a store, at a public transport stop, etc.
Kegel exercises can be done even at the workplace - a kind of warm-up is invisible to outsiders, but very useful for you

Video: exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor

Intimate plastic

If, despite all your actions, the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor have not returned to normal, it may be worth contacting a plastic surgeon.

What does plastic solve?

  1. Will return the dropped uterus to the right place.
  2. Removes scars after stitches.
  3. Reduces the volume of the vagina.
  4. Will return pleasant sensations during sex to both partners.
  5. Cope with urinary incontinence (prolapse of the bladder).
  6. Restores the prenatal appearance to the perineum and labia.
  7. Fixes unsuccessful suturing.

Intimate plastic allows you to return an attractive appearance to the genitals and eliminate problems that have arisen after childbirth

Intimate plastic surgery is indicated if the woman no longer plans to become pregnant or agrees to give birth by caesarean section. Approximate prices (Moscow): labia reduction - from 25 thousand rubles, laser rejuvenation of the vagina - from 20 thousand rubles, clitoral plastic - from 20 thousand rubles, vaginal plastic - from 25 thousand rubles. The final cost depends on the complexity and volume of work.

Abnormalities during and after sex

You should be alerted to any unpleasant consequences after sex. In the first place among them is bleeding. Most often, the appearance of blood indicates that you are in a hurry to return to active sex life. Be sure to visit a gynecologist to make sure everything is in order with your health.

Discharge of an incomprehensible color (yellow-green, greenish, similar to snot) is a bad sign that can indicate both endometritis, cervical erosion, and an inflammatory process with the release of pus, and also be a sign of gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. It is very bad if an unpleasant smell appears. Be sure to visit a gynecologist!

If 4–6 months have passed after giving birth, but the woman is still very painful during sex, this is also an alarming sign. Pain is caused by infections of the vagina and genitourinary system, inflammation, birth trauma, changes in hormonal levels and other reasons. The diagnosis and therapy is determined by the doctor.

Effective methods of contraception

Of course, the safest and most effective method of protection is the complete absence of sexual intercourse. But if you are not ready to give up sex (and you don’t need it), find a method of contraception that suits you and your partner.

After a cesarean section, you must carefully protect yourself, pregnancy is possible only after two years (this is how long the scar on the uterus heals).

If you are confident that you no longer want children, it may make sense to consider sterilization, which is male and female. In men, the vas deferens are ligated, in women - the fallopian tubes. The so-called natural methods (counting safe days, interrupted intercourse) are not highly effective; in addition, it is recommended to use more reliable means of protection.

Photo gallery: postpartum contraceptive methods

Lactation does not guarantee against pregnancy Condoms are the most popular method of contraception Mini-pili contraceptive pills contain a minimum of active substances and are safe for breastfeeding The method of barrier contraception is considered the most affordable and one of the most effective The spiral can be placed immediately after childbirth

Even if some issues are preventing you from quickly returning to normal sex, don't worry! Having a baby and having a small child does not mean at all that you can no longer enjoy each other. Gradually, you will adjust to the new environment and, perhaps, even find positive aspects in this. Take care of your health and well-being, rest more and sometimes leave the baby with your grandmother to spend time at your own pleasure.

After giving birth, a woman must follow the doctor's recommendations so that the body is fully restored. Therefore, you will have to endure restrictions, which, among other things, relate to intimacy. You can not have sex for the first time after childbirth. This prohibition is due to a whole range of reasons.

Why is sex immediately after childbirth dangerous?

Sex in the early days after childbirth is fraught with irreparable harm to women's health. This is due to the fact that the uterus is still very vulnerable: it contracts intensively in order to push out the remnants of amniotic tissue and blood that were formed during the period of gestation. This process is called lochia. They usually last about 2 months, but they can end earlier, although this is still not a reason to resume sex life.

Sex can cause sutures to rupture, which are often placed on the perineum or cervix for women in labor, which can lead to complications and an increased risk of infection. Against this background, an inflammatory process can develop. Usually it is eliminated by trick. This will stress the baby and can negatively affect his or her health.

Even if some time has passed after giving birth, sex can still provoke painful sensations. Because of this, both partners remain dissatisfied, which can result in conflicts in the family. So during the recovery period after childbirth, abstinence is in the interests of both. A man should show respect for the mother of his child and realize the vulnerability of her current situation. It is worth succumbing to a momentary weakness - and a woman's health can be seriously affected.

How long should you abstain?

There is no universal answer to the question of how long after the birth of a baby you can start having sex. It depends on the state of health of the young mother and on how difficult the birth was.

After a cesarean section, recovery is longer. A woman cannot lift weights, do physical exercises. Sexual relations are also prohibited.

The optimal abstinence time is 2 months, if there are no complications. During this period, lochia is usually completed, all sutures dissolve, physical well-being is normalized. In principle, a young mother herself will understand when her body will recover and will be ready for intercourse. Still, it is better to go to an appointment with a gynecologist, pass the necessary tests and undergo an ultrasound scan to make sure there are no inflammations and other problems.

What if pain appears?

Women who have recently given birth sometimes experience pain during intercourse. This is normal. The first sex after childbirth is equated to the very first in a woman's life. This moment is exciting for both partners, so experts advise to prepare for it and take time for foreplay.

If, in addition to painful sensations, a woman notices bloody discharge, the intimacy needs to be interrupted. Then you should go to the gynecologist to find out the cause of this phenomenon. Bloody discharge may indicate that unhealed genitals have been damaged. Then you should try to have sex again later.

The postpartum period is characterized by dryness in the vaginal area. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. A woman should not be intimidated by this process. It's just that during intercourse it is worth using lubricants that are designed just for such cases. It is better to choose products that do not contain hormonal additives, artificial colors and flavors.

Signs of problems

Complications after childbirth can appear in any woman. After all, the birth of a baby is a serious load on the body, which increases its susceptibility to various diseases. Sexual relationships after childbirth can sometimes be quite risky. A woman should be alerted to the following symptoms after intercourse:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

  • itching and burning;
  • yellow or green vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • unpleasant odor from the genitals.

Having noticed these signs, it is imperative to go for an examination at the antenatal clinic. Most often, atypical discharge and discomfort in the vagina indicate the penetration of infection into open wounds. if left untreated, it could even threaten the life of a young mother. So in the postpartum period you need to be especially attentive to your health.

The nuances of intimacy after childbirth

It is important not only to comply with the recommended abstinence period after childbirth, but also to have sex correctly at first. This should be done very carefully. Recommended positions are missionary and lying on your side (positions where penetration is shallower). Movements should not be fast and rough, since the first intercourse after childbirth can be traumatic.

Sometimes women are worried about the volume of the vagina, because after labor it remains strongly stretched for some time. This provokes various fears and complexes. Nevertheless, gradually the muscles of the vagina return to normal, and Kegel exercises help to speed up the process. To complete them, you will need vaginal balls or other devices. The essence of the exercises is the rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the vagina. Yoga has a good effect - it also helps to restore muscle tone.

Subject to all the rules and precautions, sex after childbirth does not pose a danger to women's health. The first closeness after the birth of a baby becomes a kind of indicator. If everything goes well, then a regular intimate life can be resumed. The further emotional state of the young mother and the ability to avoid many crises in the relationship depend on how successful sexual adaptation is.

At first, intimacy may not be as enjoyable for a woman as it was before childbirth. This is quite natural. The main thing is to remember that libido will recover over time. Until that happens, set yourself up to be positive.

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Everyone knows that after the birth of a child for young parents, sex is far from the most important thing in life. But you can return the former sensuality!

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Sex after childbirth! Frankly!

In this video I will talk about intimate relationships after childbirth. I warn you, frankly in places, be prepared!)) My feelings, my story. And about the myth that the woman giving birth is not the same as before the birth! Happy viewing!

Intimate life after childbirth and contraception

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope you find this information useful!