Happy birthday greetings on the Eastern calendar. Eastern birthday greetings to the man. Eastern toasts. Eastern toast in your own words

Oriental tales always attract with their mystery and wisdom. Girls are captivated by the beauty of princesses, boys - by the wit and cunning of the heroes. We can also recall bright moments from the tales of Hajj Nasruddin, Aladdin, Sindbad the sailor, Scheherazade and other eastern princesses. To make a Birthday in an oriental style means to plunge into the mysterious world of love, wealth and joy.


To begin with, let's recall the main attributes of an oriental holiday. Color combinations: red, purple, yellow, gold, turquoise - bright warm colors. From the fabric we will choose brocade, velvet, silk. We will decorate the room with silk ribbons, scarlet and gold fabrics, large beads, colorful pillows, arrange lanterns-lamps in the Moroccan style and wide trays with fruits and oriental sweets.

But let's start with the basics - the table. The table, of course, should be low. The absolutely correct option is a picnic table - a simple tablecloth on the floor. If you can put a table top without legs under the tablecloth, it will be even better. The fabric for the tablecloth should be bright. It can be solid or variegated, but not pale.

The more fabric accessories are present in the design, the better. It can be shawls, bedspreads, and simply pieces of fabric that can be used to drape walls, sofas, floors. A required attribute is decorative pillows. Place everything in the house around the table. You can even ask guests to bring them along. There won't be many pillows on this holiday.

We put decorative elements on the festive table - figurines of camels or small elephants, painted with gold paint, large earrings, beads, gold sequins. You can add homemade Moroccan style lamps. Making them is simple - you need glass jars, colored and gold acrylic paint (or gold outline for glass). Do them like this: take a jar, draw an oriental pattern on it with a pencil and paint over with gold paint. From the inside, cover the jar with colored acrylic paint diluted in water. After drying, place the candle inside. It's simple. The main thing is the recognizable pattern on the jar.


For the entertainment of guests, you can stock up on several themed games. They should be associated either with fairy tales (for example, with Scheherazade's tales), or with a general oriental mood (for example, with an oriental bazaar). To get into the mood, all guests can come up with oriental names, make oriental riddles at the entrance, prepare oriental sweets for a treat.

"Oriental Bazaar" for Elizabeth's birthday. Author Maria Goremychkina.

A costume is required for an oriental setting. For girls, this can be an organza loincloth, a small diadem, a flower on the arm, a hip scarf, a long skirt, or harem pants. Pants should be at the bottom with an elastic band. If there are none, then you can wear any of the lightweight fabric, and sew in an elastic band from the bottom or tie it with a ribbon. For the bodice, you can use the top from a swimsuit and decorate it with rhinestones or metal coins. Rhinestones can be used to decorate the face, as well as hair and temples.
For boys, we will make a turban out of fabric and secure it with a large brooch.

During the birthday celebration, oriental beauties can be invited to guess the aromas. Hidden items can include pieces of fruit, flower buds, or spicy herbs. For a joke, you can put laundry soap or a rubber ball. The same game can be played blindfold with guessing the taste. Fruits will come in handy again, as well as vegetables and spices - garlic, onions.
Oriental beauties love patterns. To do this, you can prepare material for oriental tutuage: draw a flower, patterns, bring your eyes beautifully. If there are oriental beauties at the birthday party, they can make bolder drawings.

And, of course, dancing on the eastern birthday is indispensable. Let it be the most incendiary dances. Just remember to prepare your music ahead of time.

As treats, you can put dried fruits, nuts and puff pastry sweets with honey and nuts, baklava, Turkish delight, halva on beautiful plates.

For a hearty lunch, you can make couscous, bake eggplants, and make mint tea.
Eastern Birthday is a holiday that is in no hurry. In it, you need to devote time and entertainment, and pleasant conversations, and dreams and secrets. Therefore, at some point it is worth leaving the guests alone for a pleasant oriental holiday.

Let this birthday in oriental style become a wisely fabulous island in the midst of hectic everyday life!

An eagle with an eagle and little eagles lived in Visoko in the mountains of Kakheti. Once, returning from a hunt, the reshil eagle will test its eagle, test how brave she is, how she protects the nest, eagles from strangers ... rushed at him. Wah, how she pecked him, beat him with her wings, and tore with her claws !!! And not even letting her come to her senses dropped to the very bottom of the deepest gorge.
So let's drink to the fact that in whatever form the husband comes home, his wife would always recognize him!


It was in one tropical country. The daughter complained to her mother that her husband was cheating on her. And the mother said: "This is fixable. Bring me two hairs from a tiger's mustache." - "What are you, mom", the daughter was frightened. - "And you try, you are a woman, you should be able to do everything."
The daughter thought. Then she slaughtered a ram and went into the forest with a piece of meat. Sat in an ambush - waiting. A tiger appeared and, furious, rushed to her. She dropped the meat and ran away. The next day she again came with a piece of meat, and when the tiger rushed at her, she threw the meat, but did not run away, but began to watch him eat. On the third day, the tiger was waiting for her, and when she again appeared with meat, he happily beat his tail. And the woman began to feed him directly from her hand. On the fourth day, the tiger happily ran up to her, and after eating a piece of meat, put his head on the girl's lap and dozed off. And at that moment she pulled out two hairs and brought them home to her mother. “Well,” said the mother, “you have tamed a predatory beast such as a tiger. Now go tame your husband either by cunning or by affection. Remember, every man has a tiger: ..
So let's drink to the women who tame the tigers in us.


Two roses wandered through the desert for a long time and, exhausted from the heat, finally reached an oasis with shady coolness and a silvery stream.
- Oh, brook! Let us get drunk! - the roses whispered.
“Well, well,” said the brook. “The one of you who will allow me to enjoy her body will bathe in my waters as much as she wishes!
The first rose rejected the offer of the brook and withered under the scorching rays of the sun. And the second rose did not tempt fate and gave herself up to the stream. Having drunk, she blossomed and became even more beautiful ...
So let's drink to those who drink, give and flourish!


Once a man was traveling from one aul to another. The road ran through the mountains, twisted between rocks, along cliffs and abysses. Suddenly the donkey stopped - and did not move. The owner began to jerk him, urge him on. The donkey stands rooted to the spot. The owner began to scold him with bad words, call him names, lash him with a whip. But the donkey just stood there and remained standing. Then he went himself. And then the man saw a huge stone around the bend, he had just fallen, and if his donkey had not stopped, then ... The owner hugged the animal and thanked him.
So let's drink so that we always listen to the opinion of another person in a dispute, even if he is a donkey!


What's the difference between true and false? - asked the sage.
- Yes, such as between the ears and eyes, - he replied.
- What we see with our own eyes is true, but what we hear with our ears is far from always true.
Let us drink to what we hear and see.


At a driving school in Georgia, a driver's license applicant takes an exam. The inspector explains the traffic situation:
- You're driving on a narrow road. On the left is a high-high mountain. On the right is a harsh, harsh abry. Suddenly on the road - a beautiful girl. And next to her is a terrible-dreadful old woman. Whom are you going to crush?
- Of course, the old woman!
- Fool! .. You need to press the brake!
So let's drink so that in a difficult situation we do not forget to press the brake!

Eastern toasts

In ancient times, an ancient frigate crashed in the ocean. Only one person was able to escape - he grabbed a floating long plank and remained on the surface of the water. Half an hour later, the second victim emerged from nowhere and grabbed the other end of this board. The first one began to cry.
The second asked:
- Why are you crying?
The first one said:
-Wah! There is nothing to treat such a guest with!
So let's drink to our dear hosts, who will always find something to treat even uninvited guests.


In ancient times, in the beautiful country of India, there lived a padishah who had three wives. The padishah also had an astrologer who predicted his fate. And then one day he summons an astrologer to him and says:
- You lived with me for a long time, but you never predicted anything bad for me. And that's why I wanted to reward you. Choose any of my wives.
And then the astrologer approaches the first wife and asks:
- Tell me, woman, how much is twice two?
“Three,” she says.
What an economical wife, the astrologer thought.
The second answered him: -Four.
What a smart wife, the astrologer thought.
The third answered him: - Five.
And this is a generous wife, the astrologer thought.
Which wife do you think he chose? He chose the most beautiful!
So let's drink, friends, to our beautiful ladies sitting at this table.


A basketball hoop stood high, high in the mountains. One proud horseman decided to throw a ball at him from above. He ran, jumped high high, straight to the sun, and got burned, so negros and ... basketball appeared.


The ancient sages said that the birth of good is good. Therefore, I want to drink to the birth and many years of our friendship!

The American Indians have a legend that tells of how one night a coyote was called to place the stars in the sky. Sleepy, the coyote could not see where he was going and fell! The stars flew in different directions and formed the sparkling patterns that we see every night. Let's drink to the fact that any, even the most unreasonable act of our birthday boy brings the same wonderful results.

An eagle is sitting on a mountain peak.
Looks around, reflects:
- You will look to the right - the mountains. Boring! Left
look - mountains. Boring! And you peck at the tail - it hurts!
Likewise, many people, from the fact that the environment is boring, begin to peck at themselves, i.e. are engaged in self-criticism! I mean our birthday girl. My advice to you is to look in the mirror more often: everything is fine with you, everything is fine! .. One person is asked: why don't you ever smile? "I'm sad," he replies. "More fun than sadness!" - advise him. This is what I want to advise you!

In ancient times, an ancient frigate crashed in the ocean. Only one person was able to escape - he grabbed a floating long plank and remained on the surface of the water. Half an hour later, the second victim emerged from nowhere and grabbed the other end of this board. The first one began to cry. The second asked:
- Why are you crying?
The first one said:
-Wah! Such a guest, but there is nothing to treat!
So let's drink to our dear hosts, who will always find something to treat even uninvited guests!

Chinese wisdom says:
"When you were born, you cried, and everyone around was happy. Make it so that when you leave, everyone cries, and you alone smiles."
For what was said!

"A person has two main directions in life," one sage remarked, "he either rolls or climbs." Which is easier? It seems the first. But do not rush to a conclusion. The rolling ones very quickly lose their "life" and prematurely leave the stage. It is difficult to imagine a person who would roll, say, to 70 years! And you can climb! Here is our birthday boy from the category of climbers. And let him climb to 100 years old. My toast: to the healthiest sport - mountaineering!

The ancient Chinese have a legend that tells how a dragon once swallowed the sun. People hit the drums and screamed to scare the dragon. And it looks like it worked - the sun has returned. I want to drink so that solar eclipses never happen in the life of our birthday boy, and if this happens, so that there are always people nearby who can hit the drums.

One sage said: "The most amazing thing in a person is not that he often grieves about a lost state, but that his life passes, he is not upset." Let's raise a toast so that every day of our life will pass brightly and profitably.

One of the Eastern sages said: "It is easy to make people know you, but it is difficult to truly know yourself."
I want to wish my son to know himself. This will help him achieve the noble goal that he has set for himself. Happy birthday son!

How is a wise person different from a smart one? A wise person will never get into a situation from which a smart one will come out with honor. So let's raise our glasses so that our birthday boy has the patience to be smart, the mind - to become wise and wisdom - to remain ourselves!

One ancient legend says that once upon a time a man of extraordinary wisdom lived in an old eastern city. Crowds of people flocked to him for advice, since the doors of his house were always open. But not everyone liked it. The sage also had envious people. And then one day one of them decided to disgrace the sage by asking him a question that he could not answer. He went to the meadow and caught the most beautiful butterfly there. Placing it in the palm of his hand, he decided: “I will ask the sage what kind of butterfly I have in my hands - alive or dead. If he says - alive, I will close my palms, and she will die, if he says - dead, I will open my palms and she will fly away. Then everyone will be convinced that this sage does not know everything. " Coming to the sage, the envious person asked: "O wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead?" The sage, without thinking twice, replied: "Everything is in your hands ..." So let's drink to the fact that our birthday man never envies anyone and always understands that everything is in his hands!

The people of the Caucasus are very friendly and strong. Mutual assistance and devotion, patriotism and loyalty are indispensable components by which this nationality is recognized. I propose a toast: let us be as strong as this people and nothing will move us out of the way!

Littleone 2009-2012> Boltology> About everything else> I am looking for congratulations, wishes in oriental style

Let's start with the opening toast popular in the East: "God, give us your blessings."

I wrote about this above:
I don’t need that. Congratulations at work, and the girl is like a boss, so this does not roll, and even more so from my lips.
what do you want ass licking or funny or all together or it does not matter? I can compose what you like

eternal love as a desert Christians may not understand :))

It seems that in Turkey, the traditional birthday greetings look something like this: "Thank you very much to your mother for giving birth to you."
Very good and correct, but short ((((

Well, not so ardent Christians, then. After all, stylization, not for real.
just an allegory about the desert we usually associate with loneliness: 073:

well, really, in the context it's funny
What's the idea? To retell 1001 nights or recite Khayyam? You can still have a golden cockerel!

your breasts are like melons
and the butt is more pleasant 3x tanga

- What is the difference between true and false? - asked the sage.
- Yes, such as between the ears and eyes, - he replied.
- What we see with our own eyes is true, but what we hear with our ears is far from always true.
Let's drink to hear and see.

Here is, but this is from a selection of love SMS in Turkish:
At first, you were melted into snow, became a stream, you were a bud, you became a flower, you were a tear in my eyes, you became a smile, you grew up for another year. It's good that you were born!

your breasts are like melons
and the butt is more pleasant 3x tanga
your mouth, diva, is sweeter than the milk of a donkey
I won’t give a webcam for you, but I don’t mind the bird

which is the east? Turkic, Arabic or Chinese?
if based on Arab fairy tales, then the first thing that came to mind

your breasts are like melons
and the butt is more pleasant 3x tanga
your mouth, diva, is sweeter than the milk of a donkey
I won’t give a webcam for you, but I don’t mind the bird
I greet a husband as rich as a sultan, as wise as Omar Khayyam, and Khoja Nasreddin who makes him a horned donkey.

Let's drink to the wisdom of Caucasian people, to the beauty of Caucasian women, to the strength of Caucasian men, to love for old people and children. This glorious people has existed for a long time, and will exist even longer, because time favors the strong, and life favors the brave!

oh moon-faced, your face is like the moon on the fourteenth night :))
beautiful peri, only my full-flowing irrigation ditch is worthy for your peaches

you are the most beautiful camel in my herd

VC. dragged away, maybe my friend had dr and she was of oriental appearance
Black hair wave
There is an oriental secret in the look,
Mysterious and tender
Like the heroine of a novel.

In the year of the Goat you were born
Only - not a goat at all:
Above the crowd rose
You are dashing with your beauty!
So smart and so pretty
Like a fairy tale princess;
The soul flies to heaven
If you look into your eyes!
You will not instruct the horns
You will tell the truth without flattery.
Be loved dear
And live another two hundred years.

Friends gathered for you
on the holiday of heart and soul!
You are not a Monkey at all:
Eyes, pens are good,
Stylishly, expensively dressed,
The house and the limo are cool.
Do you meet in the jungle somewhere
Such beauty are you ?!
We wish you with a gentleman
Leave a mark for centuries:
Children to be an example in everything
To live in happiness for another hundred years.

View Full Version: Greetings in oriental style

In the Caucasus, there is such a proverb: "Only in a heart born, a word, a path finds a way to the heart of another." So let's drink to the fact that all our words are heard and carry only good intentions!

Such a thing as need is our sixth sense, which can overshadow all others. So that we are always completely satisfied with only five other senses!

Contrasts in your life -
This is the essence of your destiny!
You were born in the year of the Snake.
On a day like this - not to fall asleep:
We know you are kind
Eyes shine with happiness:
Do not compare you with a cobra!
Not a python, not a gyurza.
So beautiful and wise
And live, please everyone
So that every morning
Success was knocking on the door.

Born in the year of the Horse
Let's sing an ode today!
We gather people from the square:
Drinking for you is not water.
Cunning, smart,
Selfish too
But he is also his own teacher
For men and boys.
Hardworking, full of mind,
Good, and this means:
No whip is waiting for you, no crazy
A - carriage with gold.

You were born in the year of the Rat,
Practical, absurd let
But you are sweeter than a kitty
The soul is full of feelings!
Nobody saw kinder:
Hooray for you on your day! -
You haven't offended a fly
Not like a mosquito.
We round off this speech,
To "upload" your toast:
Be happy, respect,
Healthy, smart and simple.

You are not defeated by anyone
You shine with wisdom and strength:
After all, in the year of the Buffalo was born
Our man is the sweetest!
Patient in contemplation:
Everything around is light and simple,
And pouring wine into a glass,
You can't drink without a toast.
A toast today is for you (How can we not pour the blame for that ?!):
To live, loving you,
Near the miracle Buffalo.

Congratulations, dear Tiger,
Happy birthday, anniversary!
Forgotten the time of games
But we do not regret about him:
Carried away by the hunt again,
Reckless. Very angry
If convicted of treason,
Your sweet Tigress.
Let your eyes burn with fire
Carbines are firing past
And a lot of Tigers
They give you kindness and affection.

My greetings
Accept this day, please!
You were born in the year of the Snake
And don't complain about fate.
Don't you dare be terrible
And pay attention:
One Green Serpent
"Ball rules" the whole company!
Catch a moment of happiness
On the beach, on football.
And Health and love,
Yes, in the life of years - more.

Accept a sea of ​​wishes
Let there be work for joy
Brings you success

Happy birthday
We want to wish
From the bottom of your heart
For many years
So that these years are good. We wish you many luck

What is a "husband without rank"? This is a misunderstanding. To meet many days and years
The main thing is not to go astray,
Happiness, creative victories!

I wish you a birthday
Don't just catch a dumb buzz - More happiness, pleasure,
You be crazy and in love
You will earn your love for yourself! 27

Happy birthday man!
We are glad to congratulate you on your day
May happiness be near
Love, all the best in your native home,
Let's give you a captivating look!

Births for a man
Not an easy day
And there are reasons for that,
Quite simply - a migraine!

Congratulations to a man should always be selected in accordance with his age. It is better to wish young representatives of the strong half of humanity a sense of purpose in life, career growth.

Words can in a light ironic form contain parting words about personal relationships, starting a family or replenishing a family. For middle-aged men, it is better to choose poems with a more serious meaning, containing wishes for more significant values ​​- stability, prosperity, success.

Oriental Poems - Oriental Poetry - Unknown Author

Caucasian Wish for Birthday

Somehow the venerable Georgian prince sneezed

Somehow the venerable Georgian prince sneezed, and the servant says hastily:
- Thousand years of health!
- Hell! - shouted the master, - Why do you wish me the impossible?
- Then live one hundred and twenty years.
- Hell! - the prince got angry again.
- Then at least a hundred!
- I didn’t please again!
- Eighty?
- All wrong!

The servant got out of patience and said:
- Yes, if it were my will, so die now!

I propose to raise our glasses so that we live as long as we ourselves wish!

Caucasian birthday greetings

Let's raise our glasses, friends, so that we never become rams.

The mountain peoples of the Caucasus have one good proverb

Old oriental wisdom noticed

Many men dream of having a harem

And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way in powerlessness.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, good!

I wish you confessions and a tender look,
Let music in your heart sound like a reward!
May joy sparkle in your eyes with a wondrous light,
And the sun shines in winter, like in summer!

May joy be with you endlessly
And let your happiness know no bounds.
Let these moments last forever.
You are worthy of the honors of empresses!

Today is the birthday of the most beautiful woman.
And even if fate did not promise you an easy way,
On the road of life you are not discouraged.
Inaccessible to someone, but to someone dear.

And I want to wish you sincerely now,
May joy come to your house exactly so many times
How many smiles you gave to your family and friends.
Let them share everything in life with you in half.

Today is your special day
Around smiles, joy and fun.
I wish it was always like this
So that every day is like a birthday!
Darling, you are like the sun for us,
You warm us with light every day.
May happiness and good luck in one hour
Your whole life will be painted with a bright color!

Happy Birthday to You!
Listen to my rhyme,
I love you very much!
In life, let everything be smooth -
Home, work and family.
So that everyone sat down at the table together
And congratulated you!
So that there are a lot of gifts
And flowers

A young man approaches the river, pushes one bush, another, a third, and so twenty bushes
And there, behind the latter, there is a beautiful woman waiting for him. He took off one dress, the second
So let's drink to our prospects.

A basketball hoop stood high, high in the mountains. One proud horseman decided to throw a ball at him from above. He ran up, jumped high high, straight to the sun, and was burned, so the blacks appeared and

Today is your birthday, God bless you good and strong health. Let peace live in your family, warmed by happiness, joy, love. And I also want to wish you more joy than worries, more rest than work, more sun than bad weather and great happiness.

We wish you a lot of good luck
So that joy always helps you,
So that on your life track,
There was always enough happiness and warmth.
And also we wish you success,
Sincere warmth and beauty,

May the new day bring good luck
And luck will become a faithful companion,
Let only joy await ahead!
Love! Good luck! Happiness! Happy Birthday!

We wish you to be always healthy
Sorrows, sorrows do not know
Always be kind and cheerful
And do not notice your age.
So that the life of whiskey does not silver,
Wrinkles so as not to touch your eyes
And happiness, so that there are many, many
And joy, so that there is no end!

I wish you joy always
And cheerful mood,
Never know sorrow
And all the best in life.
Never lose heart
Do not see the chagrin
And start the days with a smile,
Like this birthday!

Today, on a glorious birthday,
Please accept congratulations from us
And wishes for glorious years
And thanks for the lunch!
That, despite the bad weather,
You are also glad to have guests!

I wish you to be healthy, energetic,
A little proud, pretty
Hardworking, disinterested,
Like the sun is warm radiant.
So that the outgoing heat
Friends have always been attracted to You.

My greetings
Accept this day, please!
You were born in the year of the Snake
And don't complain about fate.

Like a rose with dewdrops
May happiness be tender
Like a turquoise sky
Endless and endless!
And life will be full of warmth
Smiles, admiration,
Adorable, joyful, light
Always like a birthday!

How much energy this woman has!
How much care is simple, humane,
How much love and desire to love -
People who recognize her - do not forget!
So we wish her eternal youth,
Great happiness and friendship of the heart,
Decorate the family hearth with kindness,
Continue through life with a smile!

May everyone be happy for the minutes
Full of tender words and smiles
Life gives beautiful emotions
And the aroma of novelty will captivate!
Complements, flowers, admiration,
Fulfillment of dreams, new meetings,
Find inspiration in every day
And cherish the warmth in your heart!

I wish your eyes
Like a hundred candles burned
And like nightingales in May
Soul and heart sang.
Coziness, warmth and kindness
They moved to your house,
And so that all your dreams
Turned into reality!

We wish you many, many happiness
More joy, kindness,
Light smiles on the day of bad weather,
Always good health. You can't count the wishes
They have everything intimate!

And most importantly - so that spring and love,
Always excited by the feeling and blood!
To be with your dullness
Didn't overshadow your every day,
It was only sunny!

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One oriental sage who lived in antiquity said: “In love they know each other, because they love each other. In friendship, they love each other because they know. "
So let's drink to those who know each other so well - to us!

A certain king was crooked. He had a skilled painter with him.
For some reason, the monarch disliked him and was looking for a reason to find fault.
- Write my portrait, but such that it was exactly like me, - he once ordered the artist.
- So my end has come, - thought the artist contritely. - If I draw it crooked, he will execute me. If I portray him as sighted, he will say:
“It doesn’t look like it!” - and he will also cut off his head. ”
An acute situation gives rise to resourcefulness. The painter painted a deer, and next to the king with a gun in his hands, one eye, blind, covered, as if the king was aiming. In this form, he presented the portrait to the sovereign.
He could not find fault with the painter, and his life was saved.
This toast is for the talented and resourceful.

In ancient times, in the beautiful country of India, there lived a padishah who had three wives. The padishah also had an astrologer who predicted his fate. And then one day he summons an astrologer to him and says:
- You lived with me for a long time, but you never predicted anything bad for me. And that's why I wanted to reward you. Choose any of my wives.
And then the astrologer approaches the first wife and asks:
- Tell me, woman, how much will it be twice two?
“Three,” she says.
What an economical wife, the astrologer thought.
The second answered him: -Four.
What a smart wife, the astrologer thought.
The third answered him: - Five.
And this is a generous wife, the astrologer thought.
Which wife do you think he chose? He chose the most beautiful!
So let's drink, friends, to our beautiful ladies sitting at this table!

The Eastern ruler once visited a prison in which twenty prisoners were serving their sentences.
- What are you sitting for? Vladyka asked.
Nineteen out of twenty immediately swore that they were innocent, solely due to a miscarriage of justice. And only the twentieth admitted that he was imprisoned for theft.
- Immediately release him, - ordered the lord, - he can have a bad influence on all the other honest people who are here.
So let's drink to people whose honesty helps them to be free!

Two disputants came to the sage with a request to judge them. The latter listened attentively at first to the plaintiff and, when he finished speaking, told him: “Yes, you are right! "
Then the defendant began to make excuses. The sage listened to him very attentively. And then he said: “You are absolutely right! "
The sage's wife intervened. "How can it be that both disputants are right?" she asked quietly her husband. The sage thoughtfully remained silent, thought and said to her: “You know what, you're right too! "
This toast is for those who are always right!

In one mountainous Georgian valley, a man was driven out for a misdemeanor for 3 days. drove into the mountains and without clothes. The man went to the mountains, but he could not light a fire, because he had no matches ...
On the first day a spark flew in .. he caught it, lit a fire, ate and warmed up ...
On the second and third days, sparks also flew in and it was the same.
Here came a man from the mountains, and there he was told:
On the first day, your friend burned all his food to keep you warm ..
On the second day, he burned down his house to warm you ...
On the third day, he burned himself to warm himself ...
So let's drink to FRIENDS

One monarch ordered his food minister:
- Get me a dish sweeter than which is not in the world!
The minister went to the bazaar and bought a language.
The sovereign was delighted with the skillfully prepared dish.
And a day or two later, a new order came from him:
- Get me such a dish, which is worse in the world.
The minister went to the market again and bought the language again.
- I demanded a bitter one, you brought the tongue again. How so?
And the minister explained:
- Sovereign, there is nothing more pleasant in the world than clever words and there is nothing more bitter than bad words. It all depends on the language ...
My toast is to skillfully use your tongue.

- What is the difference between true and false? - asked the sage.
- Yes, such as between the ears and eyes, - he replied.
- What we see with our own eyes is true, but what we hear with our ears is far from always true.
Let's drink to hear and see.

A young man comes up to the river, pushes one bush, another, a third, and so twenty bushes ... And there, behind the last, a beautiful woman is standing and waiting for him. He took off one dress, the second ...
So let's drink to our prospects !!!

Once Suren was asked: - What zodiac sign were you born under? “Under the sign of the Old Goat,” Suren replied. “Look, there is no such sign in the astronomical tables. Suren replied: - When I was a child, my mother determined my fate by the stars and she was told - Capricorn. - Yes, but this word does not mean a goat, but a kid. - Oh, you fools, - objected Suren. - I myself know this, but since then, as they determined my fate by the stars, exactly one hundred years have passed. And didn't the kid turn into a goat during this time? So let's drink to the old-timers.

A certain prince invited a musician to entertain him. The musician began to play.
- Eh, bless your hand! - the prince praised him. - I give you a silver azarpema. The musician thanked him and sat down to play further.
- I will not regret my horse for you! - the prince dispersed.
The musician tries even harder.
- Pity you the cow, - the owner generously.
The next day, the musician appears for the promised gifts.
- What kind of excitement, what kind of horse? - answered the sober prince. “Yesterday you pleased me with your game, and I pleased you with my promises. The same thing that remains today from your game is left to you from my gifts.
Let's fill our glasses and drink to ensure that we always and under any circumstances know how to keep our word.

An ancient Indian treatise says: “the needs of the soul give rise to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, the needs of the body - desire. All three needs give birth to true love. "
Let's drink so that these needs always live with us, and we would love and be loved!

Three hunters learned that a wolf was hiding near the village. They decided to catch and kill him. There are many different rumors among the people about how they caught him. I remember this story from childhood:
The wolf, fleeing from the hunters, climbed into the cave. There was only one entrance to it, and that one was very narrow - the head would go through, but the shoulders would not. The hunters hid behind a stone, aimed their rifles at the entrance and waited for the wolf to come out of the cave. But the wolf was, apparently, not a fool - he sat quietly. This means that the one who gets tired of sitting and waiting first should have lost.
One hunter got tired of it. He decided to somehow squeeze into the cave and drive the wolf out of there. He walked over to the hole and stuck his head into it. The hunters watched their comrade for a long time and wondered why he was not trying to crawl forward or at least pull his head back.
Finally, they got tired of waiting too. They stirred the hunter and made sure he had no head.
They began to wonder: did the hunter have a head before he climbed into the cave? One says that it seemed to be, the other - that it was not. The headless body was brought to the aul, and they told about what had happened. One old man said: judging by the fact that the hunter climbed into the cave to the wolf, he had not had a head for a long time, perhaps since his birth. Let's go to find out to the hunter's widowed wife.
- How do I know if my husband had a head? I only remember that every year I ordered myself a new hat.
So let's drink to the fact that men do not lose their heads under any circumstances!

A basketball hoop stood high, high in the mountains. One proud horseman decided to throw a ball at him from above. He ran, jumped high high, straight to the sun, and was burned, so negros and ... basketball appeared.

It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are today. A naked Ashot stood by the rock, on his head was a hat. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered the lower abdomen with his hat. The woman first removed one hand of Ashot, then the other. The hat continued to cover the lower abdomen. So let's drink to the strength that held the hat!

For one king, horses were his only joy. And the old groom bought them for him. One day the groom brought a man and said:
- I'll die soon. This is my replacement.
The king agreed, but said:
- Just let's try it first, let him choose the most beautiful horse in the herd.
The man chose a horse, led him to the king, and he gasped:
- What is this bay? He's brown!
But the old man stood up for his successor.
- Do not be angry, sir, he really does not understand the horse suit yet, but he really chose a gold horse - he has no value. So take this man into your service. He sees the essence.
Let's drink to judge a person not by their appearance, but by their inner qualities!

One Georgian tells a friend:
- Understand! I was at the doctor, and he says to me: “You can't drink! No smoking! With women you can’t! "
- Poor fellow! - sympathizes with a friend.
- What kind of poor fellow am I? I gave him money ... and he allowed me everything!
Let's drink to rich people!

The ancient Indian treatise "Peach Branches" says: the needs of the soul give rise to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, the needs of the body - desire. All three needs give birth to true love
Let's drink so that these needs always live with us, and we would love and be loved.