Wishes with good evening friends are short. Good evening - poems. Good evening wishes short in verse

Have a nice evening and mood -
Under the curtain of the day, leaving the distance.
Fatigue throw your own and tension,
Especially boredom, as well as sadness.
Skill let the evening warm
Let the moon be able to you about happiness,
Stars will bring you peace
Wind - tenderness and fate.

I wish you to relax
To remember what you need.
Dedicate this evening to yourself
The best on this earth!

I wish you to relax
To remember what you need.
Dedicate this evening to yourself
The best on this earth!

Most best time for meeting.
I wish you: - Have a nice evening!
If you want to be alone,
Evening evening and give him honors:
A cup of tea and a plaid offer
Next to my sleep to sleep.

Wish you want a pleasant evening
So that your dreams come true, secretly embraced.
Rest if tired, drink tea cup,
List in silence, aroma breathing.
Let you cover you with happiness and luck,
It will be the evening suddenly beautiful, and not otherwise!

Wishes good evening,
So that wonderful, perfectly passed,
The mood was excellent
And the lucky case came.

Let the evening be filled with warmth
And only a colorful mood!
Every moment is saturated with good
Positive, happiness, luck!

Let this evening bring
You have great pleasure!
Soul sings from joy,
Excellent mood will be!

Throw problems, troubles,
After all, life is beautiful, agree!
Please read these lines,
Everyone is radiant smile!

Pour a cup of hot tea
Forget forget the concern, things.
Running simply not noticing
Dream, smile, remember me.

Just a couple of lines of wishes
You now want to write.
I'm far away, but all the soul with you.
And all thoughts striving to you again.

Let this evening do not be together
I want to wish you from the heart
So that it was uncomfortable he and interesting.
And to be, than to take yourself.

The shadows lengthened in the yard,
And the evening gently walks along the path,
And the sun will tear everything to the ground,
In the sky place the stars yielding.

Do you want now i wish
So that this evening was very good.
I ask the moon to handle
Quietly looked into your window.

Comes evening but we are far
Friend from friend. I miss.
Let everything be fine with you,
I in the soul you kiss, hug.

I wish this evening to hold
Very cozy, positive and warm!
More dare, smile and jealous
Let it be on your soul light!

Catch today only pleasure
Let the joy be poured through the edge!
Let problems and excitement go
May this evening turn into paradise!

I wish this warm evening
Brought you only a lot of positive
Pleasant and joyful meetings
So that the heart beat bewilderly happily!

Let your soul will be full
Emotions of only gentle and beautiful!
After all, every second is so valuable,
Do not waste her, please, in vain!

Long and difficult working day passed. The city calmed down and sat down, there are no traffic jams, calls, running time, and the long-awaited time of rest and ballasts are coming! And I want to wish you, let this evening be pleasant and bring only positive emotions.

Hello Wonderful Week! HELLO MY FRIENDS!
Good evening all!
Let your evening be wonderful, joyful, cheerful ..
Wish you Excellent mood!

Let every house be joy, warm and comfort! Let this evening be affectionate and gentle, kind and clean for you, and will bring good luck and good mood!
Let it be warm, sunny, cute and very native!
Peace to your home and good to you and your loved ones!

A person wants to be loved, it is in love that we know happiness and open amazing things in yourself .. We never thought about the strength of love, its capabilities ..
And only falling in love with this feeling so absorbed by this feeling, we learn every line of love, it is shutting down as a diamond and .. blinds ..
Yes, love blinds ..

She seems to flash! A feeling that does not succumb to logic .. and we are transferred to another world, where there is only the desired man. An insurmountable desire to be nearby, feel and touch, enjoy communication, like a breath of air. And the understanding comes that we love sincerely, strongly, truly ..
Life consists of small moments .. simple and delightful phenomena .. from a variety of random coincidences .. At the intersections of our days and the tracks .. life consists of rare components .. from tiny particles and fragments ..
Unique, fabulous moments ..
From a thousand simple and prophetic phrases ..
Athanasius Fet.

I just have a stay near ..
Silently, without bright beautiful words ..
After all, we no longer need
Know, everything about what is the heat ...

With exhale light, till legs,
closer to you, lean your back ..
MiG this, you know, from those few
What will be a whole life with me ..

Quietly with a smile eye closing,
sadness lulls caressing hands ..
The pulse is unrealistic almost, calm,
As if I froze the whole world around ..

I just have a stay near ..
MIG .. three minutes .. week .. life ..
Even a moment with you in joy.
Even moments.
With you..
In silence ..
For you! And with you! - Only there is happiness in it ..

© Copyright: Marina Avs, 2009
Certificate of Publication No. 109102707570

How does the fate begins, no one knows
Live free and not afraid of change ..
When the Lord picks something, do not miss
What he gives in return ..

Sometimes one word can sound warmer than a lot of words.

Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre"

Let today's quiet evening
You will give bliss, calm and joy,
Let him go strong to you,
And the day is heavy, stormy, will become a reward.
So that you all wanted - it happened
So that everything dream of whether it was certainly happening
So that the soul is filled with your world and peace,
So that the body has enjoyed the rest of the rest!

Good evening! Not much, not enough ...
In this word you will hear only peace.
Where is the message playing a moment,
And the soul acquires peace of unearthly.
Again friends gather with us.
This evening is beautiful, soulful, native!
It's good that there are happiness in the world,
And friends who give me this evening.

Good people - Good evening,
As a gift after the day,
Let be devastated on the shoulders
Wish from me.
Rest, you are tired.
I wish you good,
To stronger body become
And slept until the morning.
So that you do not interfere at night
Days fragmentary dreams,
And so that sweetly slept
You are in the arms of silence.

Let this quiet, wonderful evening
It will take place between us bridge
To speed up our meeting
Under moonlight and glare stars.

Here is a soft tread comes
A sad evening without you.
Let my heart spend my heart
To you, Sogray His loving.

What a pity that in this wonderful evening
Not together we, you are far away.
Your smiles, glances, speech ...
From them on the heart so easy.

Tempered in the evening, help discharge the situation and make the evening even more enjoyable.

Wishes of good evening in your own words and in verses beautiful

I wish you a pleasant and gentle evening! Let it be surprisingly warm and very cozy from the sparkling, affectionate fire of our incredible, multifaceted love, which heats up with its mentality constantly, forcing the eyes to reflect the lights of joy and sparkle exclusive happiness!

Good evening dear,
You are tired after the day.
We wish to relax,
Relax like never.

You leave all worries
Forget about affairs.
Dissolve in the atmosphere
Surrounds what you are here.

Have fun, having fun
Creative gain.
Let the evening transform
In a fairy tale, life will turn out!

Locals on the shoulders of dark veil.
You think about something mysteriously you think.
Let be a pleasant and sweet evening.
You go with the smile stars to meet.

Relax in the arms of a warm blanket.
In dreams fly away far away where you were not.
Let the evening give you silence,
Let me fall in love with your darkness.

Love evening! Quiet calm! When daylight passions, care, problems are played. Twilight thicken and everything around will become a little mysterious and very romantic. Let this evening be unforgettable for you, special, and a little more magical, let them fulfill all your expectations and dreams. Good evening!

A pleasant evening should be
And I wish you from the heart
It is nice to spend
I light up in you hope

Create your own evening,
Will be pleasant even the point
Sake the evening, my God,
All, to the last sip.

Peace wishes of good evening in their own words and in verse

Cute day retreats
It takes the usual swarm,
Behind the shoulders evening hugs,
Brings rest and peace.

Let me today from unrest
Will allow the evening to relax
Listen to the world of dreams,
And forget about the matters.

Let this evening fulfill all
What is it with hope is waiting for
Let the happiness of the heart he fill
And it will be fabulously good.

I sincerely wish you a pleasant, warm, cozy and good evening. Let him give a magnificent rest and a feeling of happiness. Let the body relax, and sow sings. I wish you a complete pleasure, charm of evening beauty and a pleasant rest.

Good evening and mood -
Under the curtain of the day, leaving the distance.
Fatigue throw your own and tension,
Especially boredom, as well as sadness.

Evening good warmth we will relax, comfort,
On the feet will fall on the carpet, the shoulders blanket.
Tea hot, cake, TV, computer -
Let the good one always every evening yours will be!

The light of the burning windows in you will be called warmth,
Ancient ancestors instinct again in each wake up:
The evening - it means heat, it means there is a house, then dinner,
And of course, the one who needs you and need!

You do not have the opportunity to spend the evening with your beloved? You miss each other. There is an excellent reminder method about yourself, as well as raising your mood with your sweet. Wishes good evening Woman beautiful will help you with it. After all, every woman is nice to hear or receive from her dear beautiful words Love and pleasant wishes.

Good Wishes Good Even Woman Beautiful

I wish you a good good, dear,
Rest, rags a little, remember me,
Let him give you more smiles and warmth,
The joy is genuine in the heart to come!
Hour let it be led, friendly,
And in addition to you, one at all is not needed.
Favorite, native, I miss very - very,
Evenings are excellent, good night you.

Let there be a wonderful evening,
Mental, simple, interesting for you,
Behind the book is good, for a cup of tea
I wish him to spend, not bored!

I wish the sunset in full
And in the star paint in the sky fall in love,
Wanted to walk in a month now
To be your mood Beautiful!

I want to wish you
Not to be sad, not bored,
So that the evening was incredible
Interesting and very pleasant.

I wish you to relax
To remember what you need.
Dedicate this evening to yourself
The best on this earth!

Closes the door day
The evening pours gray shadow,
On the road and at home,
Opening sleep secret.

You're your eyes cluster
Enjoy the silence.
And let the evening be clear,
The best and excellent.

Starry sky hugs you
And all about the secret worship knows.
Let it be a good evening, pleasant,
Fabulous, quiet and incredible.

Let him help in dreams to go deep
Quietly relax and forget.
Thoughts gate the distance to let go
Sweet taste of the evening secretly taste.

Let the evening give
Bliss and joy
To good luck will send
Approaches award.

So that everything happened,
Came true, accomplished
And body with soul
Good enjoyed!

I wish you a good, interesting evening.
Let you be very fun.
It is a pity that there are no me.
Sorry i can't hug you
And cuddling the cheek to the cheek.
Sorry that hard circumstances
Do not let me go to you.
So I miss, everyone is with you.
The next evening will be mine!

Day was heavy, I know perfectly
You let go and forget about everything,
Let evening be calm and clear,
So that you just melted in it.
I wish I want a warm evening,
With a cup of cocoa and plaid in the legs,
The evenings of the quiet, the evenings of the good
The book is revealed, and the cat in the hands.

Good evening, sunshine!
The day came up again by the end,
Feelings spit to the bottom,
Forces will come in the morning.

In the plaid, your cozy bite,
With a cup Side milk
And in your thoughts are not destroyed.
All fuss is far away.

Good evening, sunshine,
The evening will bring us again.
Good evening, gold,
The heart will fill love!

The sun is nearing the sunset,
Evening outside the window.
And the day was taken away somewhere
Showing silver.

Capturing a star in an oakha
I will come to hug you
To celebrate the evening sweetly,
Movement wish.

Let this quiet, wonderful evening
It will take place between us bridge
To speed up our meeting
Under the lunar light and glare stars.

Here is a soft tread comes
A sad evening without you.
Let my heart spend my heart
To you, Sogray His loving.

What a pity that in this wonderful evening
Not together we, you are far away.
Your smiles, glances, speech ...
From them on the heart so easy.

Favorite good evening
Let not warm
Clouds outside the window
And the wind sweats everything around
But let him warm you
A slice of happiness in the heart he
And let you be warmer,
And the blizzard will suddenly calm
Remind all around
Our very best kiss,
Happiness, full eyes,
Smile let him illuminate you ...

Good evening my dear!
Let him be kinder than always.
Of course you are not sleeping, I know,
Lonely you sit at the window.
Don't miss, I'll come soon,
Hunting, kiss, and again
Every day will be a mini-victory
Titled "Our Love!"

Good evening,
Let not warm
Clouds outside the window
And the wind sweats everything around
But let him warm you
A slice of happiness in the heart he
And let you be warmer,
And the blizzard will suddenly calm
Remind all around
Our best kiss
Happiness, full eyes,
Smile let him illuminate you ...

Good evening cute.
Daughter's favorite!
Sun beautiful,
My dawn is clear.
Clap cilia
Good pigtails -
Soon I sleep my birth
There will be a happy night.

Good evening, and if not
Smile - and will be light.
I came to tell you before bedtime
You are a magical fairy tale.
We will come up with the plot together,
Where good wins evil.
In our kingdom there is no fear,
Here you can walk without fears.
And you want, I'll get the moon from the sky,
What is like cheese,
Or maybe a hassle of stars,
To make you beads?
Stars, Sky, Moon, Milky Way:
I am ready to give you the whole world
Even if you are minus
I will become a plus today.

Good evening I wish you
i tell you that it is time ...
Relax for a cup of tea
and in the pillow on the sides

The day passed, probably quickly,
the day passed not just so
Relieve all thoughts in the evening
let the ride go

All that was, everything that will be,
will be tomorrow and now
Just the evening is kinda needed
mood at Atas !!!

Let all sadness go,
thought doesn't prescribe
It will be morning, there will be plans,
slept sweetly and so far ...

Stranger, good evening!
You are not alone in sadness:
In this world, in this life,
In unwritten verses.
Often MiG elusive
Suddenly wakes up in the heart line,
Wake up, it rises
And disappear without a trace.
Do not dream about what was
Do not be sad about what will happen.
Days fly, and in every new
Meet joy and sadness.
So the world is huge,
So intended at the beginning:
All eat and get everyone
And at the end of the soul to understand, -
Every world is lonely,
Every path leads stubbornly
On a wretched road
Initially, nowhere.
But always lives
Silly little girl
And invisibly warms the soul.
We will live and dance!

Good evening dear
All day I have not seen with you
At work - so many fuss.
But the Otradi Heart was only you.

I represented as I come in the evening
You are affectionate and gently hoist,
How we will only two
How warm with you will spend

Akmalova Anna

I write to you - "Good evening!"
Long sunset has already fallen asleep.
The wind is knocking on my window,
He looked at the guests.

Again caught fire in the sky month
Flicker stars lights.
The motive of his favorite song
How sorry pass fast days.

Of course you will not write,
But I want to say a lot.
Let not become closer,
But feelings can pass.

How good when each other
Capably mind to understand.
Let sorrow and evil blizzard,
Unable to prevent.

When with an open soul
We are secretly divided by your.
Then sadness passes by side,
Having devotees.

I look out the window and the month shines,
Flashlights are flicken.
I am writing to you - "Good evening!"
Salmon wishes in love!


Good evening, my sweet
I missed crazy without you
Day stretched slowly and long
Without you, I almost overwhelmed the wolf.

I did not have enough of you, my dear.
You are ready to go around the edge.
Earth to get around, the moon all without regard
Without you, sick, as if in the fever.

I will G. Intr.,
For you, love, I live.
You are native and the closest person
Let everything remain in the same time!

Have a good evening, my joy!
I will make a company Loving, I'm ...
Talk about joyful meetings,
About that magic will give the evening
ABOUT eternal problems love and separation
After all, it is in love with cruel flour ...
Here I do not see you only a couple of minutes
And heart feelings are called ...
For a cup of coffee always remember
And most often - sad and miss ...
Here is a good evening turned out exactly
After all, the rhymes fly in the columns, lines ...
You enjoy this moment,
And be your favorite my inspiration!

Good people - Good evening,
As a gift after the day,
Let fall on the shoulders
Wanted from me.

Rest, you are tired.
I wish you good,
So that the body is stronger
And slept until the morning.

So that you do not interfere at night
Days fragmentary dreams,
And so that sweetly slept
You are in the arms of silence.

My dear, I'm waiting with you to meet you!
With you in separation to be so hard for me.
I can only esmess: "Good evening!",
Know that I always remember you!

I wish you a good evening
Under Mysteria, Sun rays!
I really want with you, I will meet
Again on fire, dissolves from the eyes!
I wish you a beautiful weather
Forever, your bright soul,
To, you, accounted for alarm
Your sun, so like me!

Good evening Favorite Mom,
Good evening my native!
You are certainly tired today -
The day was difficult, I know myself.

Rest - Sit you with the world,
Let's chat about women's fate
And heal soul wounds
Your voice like droplets in the spring.

You beautiful mother, I know -
I can't say otherwise,
By your smile I miss,
By native to pain shoulder.

Your heart heats me
Lip tenderness, plants
With you again, the soul flies
In those places where there was once!
Flying to the Temple of a young goddess,
Where to love and breathe, the essence of one,
Where she taught lips shrines,
Precious body, yours!
Good evening my dear
Good evening, the goddess of love
You opened the door to me paradise
Illuminated my way ahead!
Dissolved, my spirit over the universe
And came again to field patterns
I'm a ball of that thread
What is lying on your palm!
Dance shower is a song of nature,
And the sunset is the softness of the rays.
And sing your heavenly vaults
Good evening, my goddess !!!

Princess girl
Fairy unearthly,
In this good evening -
Life is different:
The world subsides soon,
Everyone will rest
About earthly alarms
In silence will forget.
And you princess
Good, good evening!
Let the joy fall
Gently on the shoulders.

Good evening, sunshine!
The day came up again by the end,
Feelings spit to the bottom,
Forces will come in the morning.

In the plaid your pleasant bitten,
With a cup, swor, milk,
And in your thoughts are not afraid,
All fuss is far away.

Good evening, sunshine,
The evening will bring us again,
Good evening, gold,
The heart will fill love!

Let the blizzard belong to the window
Or rings spring drops,
Or autumn blows wind
I tell you - Good evening!

May the morning were crazy
Not so successful day past
After all, the most difficult day is not eternal.
I tell you - Good evening!

Let the soul slightly sadly,
And the mood is false.
I, anticipating the importance of the meeting,
I wish good, a bright evening!

Good evening!
Let them be filled with a wonderful fairy tale
Surround you care and caress!
Care and comfort are waiting for you,
Walk close name!
And friends all invite guests
Vacation Excellent promise!
You relax after a working day,
Put up for tomorrow all things!
Enjoy you happiness and love,
After all, adds forces to health!

Under the lunar shine with a gentle look
Zero is waiting for a meeting.
And the best most in the world award
Simple words: "Good evening."
And dusk languid covered earth
And the shawl of the shoes shoulders.
And in these words, all hope is yours

Simple very wishes good
Sometimes our wounds treats.
Tell each other ordinary words,
Two words of all: "Good evening."

Good evening! Let me crumble.
Nightingale let him hear the voice,
And let the sky be rumbling
This evening only for you!

Good evening let out unexpectedly
Surprises will reveal their surprises
Will be affectionately, pleasant is invisible,
And extinguishes battal conflicts.

The evening good chance will provide
Full breasts freely sigh,
And then we'll quietly leave us
So that we can look at the stars!

Today the day was not in vain,
Finished work,
So good evening you, friends
To rest pulls something!

And the atmosphere is good:
Beautiful summer evening
Let it pass, he does not rush
Heat will present meetings.

Let it relax gently us
Sofa is so comfortable
And tomorrow again, as now,
We say: "Good evening!".