Walking with a baby in winter Komarovsky. It's time to walk: how long does it take to be with a newborn on the street at different times of the year

Many parents perceive the winter season almost with relief: it gets dark early, the weather, as they say, does not whisper. In general, you will not stay on the street for a long time. And children are happy to "hang out" with gadgets. Doctors sound the alarm: hypodynamia slows down motor development, problems with coordination of movements appear, attention decreases, memory deteriorates. In addition, the lack of movement in the life of young children provokes a decrease in the already underdeveloped immune activity of the body against colds, infectious and other diseases.

Walking every day is essential to good health. If the weather permits, the child should spend at least two to three hours playing outdoor games. This also applies to schoolchildren - lessons will wait, but health is not!

At what temperature can you walk?

It depends on many factors, but general guidelines are as follows:

Up to 3 years old - up to minus 15 ° С
3 to 7 years old - up to minus 20 ° С

How to dress for a walk?

An English proverb says: "There is no bad weather, there is bad clothes." This statement is also relevant for our latitudes. How to dress a child so that he is warm, and at the same time he does not overheat? The key rule is to dress in layers. Thermal underwear absorbs moisture, even if the baby gets hot during active play. A fleece or woolen undershirt keeps you warm, while a wind- and waterproof jumpsuit provides protection from wind, snow and cold.

! Replacing thermal underwear with a cotton turtleneck is a bad idea. By switching to "active mode" children often sweat. Cotton is not a functional fabric and does not drain moisture from the body, which means it can contribute to hypothermia.

Clothes should not be too tight: there must be a warming layer of air between the layers.

Be vigilant! Until now, there are grandmothers who are ready to wear half of the children's wardrobe under the winter overalls. In their opinion, a winter jacket with modern insulation looks more frivolous than a Cheburashka fur coat and a downy shawl, in which it was customary to wrap children for a walk thirty years ago. Explain to your grandmother that overheating is no better than hypothermia. Along the way, explain how to know if your child is comfortable walking. To do this, you need to check the temperature of the baby in the neck and throat area: if cold, the child is freezing.

How to protect your child from frost

In winter, it is important for mothers of babies not to forget about a special fat cold cream. Apply it no later than 30-40 minutes before going out into the cold, so that the water contained in it has time to evaporate and not turn into ice! After returning from a walk, do not forget to wash off the cream so that the skin can breathe normally. It is also important to consider that curious kids are not able to walk for a long time just like that. They need a goal, interest! A walk under a gloomy winter sky will become a favorite pastime for a kid if you diversify it with fun games. Where do we start?

A wider step ... Pick any tree in the park and try to guess with your child how many steps it is up to. What about jumping? And what will happen if you take giant broad steps?

How many red cars? Use the walk to teach your toddler how to count. Show him a car in the yard, say, red. And then offer to count how many of the same bright cars you will meet on the way? By analogy, you can count trees, strollers with babies, dogs of a certain breed.

What have I found! Children 2-5 years old love to play "finds". Start a "travel diary" in which you will note what you saw new that day (a husked cone, a variegated feather from the wing of a jay). So, even ordinary walks along boring routes can turn into an amazing adventure full of surprises and new discoveries.

! Go out with your child for a walk not only during the day, but also before bedtime. Evening exercise in the fresh air promotes the assimilation of the information received during the day, improves the emotional state.

Is it possible to walk if a child has ARVI

If the baby is generally cheerful and cheerful, and the temperature is not elevated, then you can walk with ARVI. Doctor Komarovsky, popular in Russia, claims that “There is no illness in which the child can get in the way of fresh air,” and even considers walking for any respiratory infection as a treatment. Fresh air helps to thin mucus and subsequent recovery. Outside, the child will cough effectively by coughing up phlegm. This is good and is not a sign that his condition is worsening.

pediatrician of the Children's Hospital named after BashlyaevaOlga Ivanovna Potyanova:

“Fresh air is very important for children, because it can increase appetite, improve blood circulation and well-being, and has a positive effect on sleep. Walking children in the winter air is especially useful. This is because they breathe clean air. It contains much more oxygen than at any other time of the year. During physical activity during such walks, ventilation of the lungs doubles.

! Scientists have proven that during long walks of children, memory and concentration of attention improve.

An active walk consists of sledding and ice skating, skiing, all this helps to strengthen the bonds, joints, muscles. Winter walks can be called complex health benefits - it is both work for the body and pleasure for the soul.

In any weather and season kids on a walk actively train their eyesight. On the street, there are many more opportunities to look at distant objects. Scientists have found that children who take regular walks have fewer vision problems in early and middle school age. Evening walks train the child's visual acuity. And everything happens without additional effort on your part. No exercise needed. The child just walks, looks around and trains his eyes!

Age and time to walk with your baby

When the first walk takes place depends on what time of year he was born. Winter children are advised to go out into the fresh air no earlier than 14 days after birth.

For the first time, it is enough for a newborn to stay on the balcony for 15-20 minutes, provided that it is clean and safe there. It is recommended to increase the interval every day by 15 minutes. If the balcony is not ventilated, and it is well equipped, you can increase the walking time to two hours, as the frosty air promotes sound and healthy sleep. In calm weather, it is allowed to go out for a short walk in the yard, but there is no great need for this in the first month of life. Every child should be outdoors as much as possible - this is absolutely necessary for his health. Walk more with your children and get as much pleasure as possible from the walks! "

Photo: ShutterStock / Fotodom.ru; Instagram

Walking in the fresh air is very important for building strong immunity and disease resistance. The lack of fresh air and sunlight negatively affects the health of the child: the skin becomes pale, appetite worsens or is completely absent, vitamin D is poorly synthesized, which is so important for the absorption of calcium and the prevention of rickets. But at what temperature can you walk with a baby in winter? Frosty air is 30% richer in oxygen than warm air, therefore, during a winter walk, hemoglobin () increases noticeably, skin cells are renewed and its appearance improves.

Walking with a newborn in summer, autumn and spring can be started the next day after discharge from the hospital. The first walk usually lasts 5-10 minutes, then gradually increase the duration of being outdoors to 15-20 minutes and eventually at least 1-1.5 hours.

If the baby was born in winter, you should not rush to walks, because the child still does not know how to keep warm at all, and the difference in air temperatures at home and outside is significant. At 2 weeks of age, you can gently start sticking your nose out into the street. The air temperature for the first winter walks with a newborn should be at least -5 degrees. However, this rule cannot be applied to all regions of the country. There are settlements where the air temperature in winter does not rise above 15 degrees and winter lasts six months. In such conditions, it is impossible to refuse a child to walk, therefore it is better to split one full walk into 2-3 for 20-30 minutes.

For a month-old baby, the temperature range increases to -10 -15 and the duration of the walk is 1-1.5 hours. If the outside air temperature is below -15 degrees, strong wind, snowstorm, high air humidity, it is better to stay at home or "walk" on the balcony. A slight frost in the absence of wind is not a hindrance to walks. On the contrary, during frost, the air is sterile, microbes die at low temperatures.

With a three-month-6-month-old baby, you can already walk up to -20 ° C, but no longer than 1 hour.

It is worth considering that the baby is in a winter stroller during a walk, which protects him from the wind with the help of a visor and a cape on the legs. A raincoat will come to your aid if the walk is accompanied by wet snow. A mosquito net during a winter walk will protect the child from dry snow, breeze and prying eyes.

With a one-year-old child, you can safely walk at a temperature of minus 20 degrees for an hour, since the child has already grown up enough, and the thermoregulation processes have improved. Walking with a child in winter at 1 year old is a pleasure: the baby is interested in the world around him, picks the snow with a shovel, some children already know how to keep balance and ride a slide.

If for some reason you do not want to go out for a walk, stay at home and send the child to the balcony, but be vigilant and constantly check how the baby is there.

Undoubtedly, the child should be warmly dressed, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the child will sweat, get overcooled and get sick. Pediatricians say that for babies up to a year before a winter walk, you need to wear 1 layer of clothing more than a mother. Layering on the principle of cabbage is very important:

  1. A clean diaper, slip, warm socks, preferably made of wool. A cotton cap or hat does not need to be worn under the main warm hat, thus you will only add unnecessary folds that will annoy the baby.
  2. Jumpsuit or slip made of fleece or terry.
  3. A warm envelope or overalls, preferably on a sheepskin, a warm hat, and a hood can be put on over it.

Be sure to take a warm fleece blanket with you for a walk, which you can put under the baby and cover it on top. Due to the sufficiently voluminous clothing in winter, lying on a flat surface in a stroller, the child's head is below the level of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to put a thin pillow at the head.

When is it forbidden to walk with a child in winter?

  • after being vaccinated. Vaccination is a blow to immunity, so the risk of catching an infection while walking after vaccination is very high;
  • the child has an acute stage of the disease (fever, cough, runny nose). It is especially dangerous to walk if the child's temperature is above 37.5 ° C. The child may experience vasospasm, and the release of heat, which is now so necessary, will lead to overheating of the internal organs;
  • in unfavorable weather conditions (strong wind, high humidity and very low air temperature, or, conversely, in extreme heat).

The article provides general recommendations for walking with children, however, every mother has the right to choose for herself the most optimal temperature regime for walking, taking into account the climatic conditions of the region of residence. Someone will not stick their nose out of the apartment at -15 degrees, and residents of the northern regions find a favorable temperature of -25 degrees. One thing is invariable - daily walks are necessary and important!

For full physical and mental development, you need to be in the fresh air every day. For children under one year old, you need to choose the right clothes so that the walk is comfortable and brings joy and benefit. Adults need to take into account how many days they are allowed to walk, what kind of weather, and many other important points.

You can walk with a newborn child already on the 7-10th day, provided that there is no wind, rain, extreme heat or frost. It largely determines how many days the first walk is allowed, the condition of the baby. The timing may increase if the baby was born earlier than the due time, or there were complications during childbirth.

In summer, you can walk on the 7th day. How long should the first party last? The walk should be no more than 15 minutes a day. 5-10 minutes are gradually added. By the end of the walking week, the time should be one hour. In the fresh air, the baby falls asleep and sleeps from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Do not leave your baby sleeping longer than this time. There is an increased risk of malnutrition or sleep disturbance during the day and night.

How many days after birth is it allowed to walk in winter? In winter, walking with a newborn should be started no earlier than 14 days after birth. If the temperature in winter is below -10 degrees, then the first walk should be postponed. During frosts, you can take the child out to the balcony or open a window, having previously dressed the baby warmly.

What days can you take a newborn for a walk in the fall? In spring and autumn, walks are allowed on the 9th day of life.

What is the benefit of fresh air for a one month old baby? Several important points can be highlighted:

After the sixth month of life, another reason for walking on the street is added - getting new impressions, the development of cognitive activity.

Better to walk between feedings. The child will behave more calmly, sleep better, and in cold weather this will help to get used to the air faster. Be sure to find out the specifics of the weather. This will help you navigate your clothes. Dress your baby so that he has several layers of clothing.

After the adult is dressed, you can dress the child as well. If you change the order of preparation, then the baby under the age of one year will sweat and at the slightest breeze on the street will easily get sick.

A common way to walk is to go out with a stroller. But some children flatly refuse to lie in it. You can try another option - using a kangaroo, slings or a backpack.

To make a walk with your child enjoyable, no matter what time of year outside the window, you need to take the following things with you:

  • bedspread and plaid (light for summer and warm for winter);
  • a diaper or sheet if breastfeeding is planned in the summer;
  • changeable diaper;
  • a pacifier (if the child is used to sucking it);

  • handkerchief;
  • wet wipes;
  • raincoat, mosquito net;
  • rattles.

Walk in different seasons

When collecting a child on the street every day, it must be borne in mind that the thermoregulation system of a baby under one year old is not fully formed. Therefore, you need to dress him according to the weather. When the baby is too hot, his body cools down through the head, feet, palms. Therefore, they become damp and cold.

When the air temperature outside is from 19 to 25 degrees Celsius, it is enough to put on as many clothes on the baby as the adult is wearing. At temperatures less than 18 degrees, one piece of clothing is worn more than an adult. If it is hot outside, more than 25 degrees, then a child under one year old should have one layer of clothing less.

Clothes must be made from natural materials. It is advisable to opt for cotton clothing. The accessories in the stroller should be of the same material: mattress, pillow, blanket. This will allow the skin to breathe and the sweat produced to be absorbed.

In summer, the number and duration of walks each day can be increased. It all depends on the condition of the mother and baby. You cannot walk during the period of high sun activity - from 11 to 15 hours. In the summer there is an opportunity to feed the child without going home. Only mom will need to put on comfortable clothes for this occasion and take a diaper. Do not forget to take some water, especially if the baby is bottle-fed.

In summer, at temperatures above 25 degrees, you can dress your child in light clothes: a dress or T-shirt, romper, a vest, a cap, and cover it with a blanket. At temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees, you need to dress the baby in more warm clothes: a cotton cap, a thin blouse with long sleeves, pants and socks.

If it is hot outside, it is allowed to sunbathe, undressing the child. Only this should be done gradually. First, you can open the legs, then the arms, chest. You need to start with 1-2 minutes a day. There must be a light cap on the head.

If a child is fed with a mixture for up to a year, then it is not necessary to dilute the mixture in advance. In summer, it can quickly turn sour. It is better to pour the required amount of the mixture into the bottle, and dilute with water before feeding on the street.

In winter, in good weather, with a month-old baby, you can walk up to 2 hours a day. It is advisable to divide into several exits for 40 minutes. If the temperature on the thermometer is below 15 degrees, then you cannot walk with a child who is under 3 months old.

In winter, it is best to dress your baby so that he has several layers of clothing: a cotton T-shirt, a wool or flannel jumpsuit, a jumpsuit with natural fur so that the back is closed.

In spring and autumn, you cannot walk in windy and rainy weather. With deceptive warmth and cool air, the risk of colds increases. Up to 4-5 months, the child will sleep in a stroller during walks. After this time, you need to try to take the baby for a walk when he is awake. It was at this time that he began to actively study the world around him.

Walking in the rain with a baby under one year old is undesirable. Wet air is harmful to the respiratory tract, especially in children under 3 months of age. It is not recommended to use a raincoat - a greenhouse effect is created inside the stroller, which is also not reflected in the best way on the baby's body. The raincoat can be used when the rain caught by surprise.

Walk and illness

When a child under one year old fell ill, the question arises before the mother whether it is possible to go out with him and in what weather. You can not walk during the acute stage of an infectious disease, which is accompanied by pain, high fever, cough, severe runny nose.

High body temperature can cause sudden vasoconstriction of the skin when exposed to cold air, which will reduce heat loss. As a result, the temperature of the internal organs rises, and this is very harmful for the child's body up to a year.

You can walk if the body temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees, the child is active and eats well. Fresh air in this case will only speed up recovery, especially if the respiratory system is affected. Before going out, you need to cleanse the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus or crusts. This will allow air to pass through the nose. The air will be warmed, humidified and purified.

The duration of a walk with babies during an illness should not exceed 20 minutes a day. It is advisable not to go far from home. If the baby feels worse, bring him home immediately.

You need to walk with your baby every day, regardless of the season. If after a walk the baby is cheerful, his back is dry, his hands are warm, then the clothes were chosen correctly, and the time spent in the fresh air was beneficial.

Is it useful to walk with a child in winter? Will not get sick, will not catch a cold? Such questions can only be asked by mothers who do not know anything about raising children. Take a walk to your health, and more is the general answer. Now let's talk more specifically about the rules for a winter walk with a child.

From the first weeks of life, regardless of the season, the child needs fresh air. Start the walk at temperatures up to -10 degrees with the baby in the arms of mom / dad and walk for 15-20 minutes. Gradually increase the walking time to 1.5-2 hours. You can go out with your baby 1-2 times a day. A strong minus the air temperature (-20) is not a reason to cancel the walk, but just the need to reduce the time spent on the street to half an hour. You want your son or daughter to grow up hardened, healthy and developed.

In the absence of wind, the smallest ones can be carried on their first walks. A baby from 1 to 3 months in calm weather can walk at temperatures down to -10, from 3 to 6 months: up to -15, over six months: up to -20

1. What clothes do you need for walks in winter

  • lightweight, not restricting movement;
  • warm, but not hot;
  • windproof;
  • consisting of several clothes, so that if necessary, you can take something off, for example, when visiting a store;
  • covering the neck and ears, but not making a packed "mummy" out of the child.

An infant who cannot walk should be dressed more warmly. You must cover him with a blanket in the stroller. As soon as the baby is on his feet, let him stomp in the snow, show interest in this white miracle. Let it fall into the snow, let it be surprised or cry. This is the knowledge of the world.

Walking on their own, children generate more energy, their blood circulation is faster. They are hot. Mommies should carefully monitor the behavior of their child, not to miss the moment when he gets cold. With an active child's behavior, it is better not to overdo it with clothes.

Experienced mothers advise: if a child walks lying in a stroller or sitting on a sled, put on one more layer of clothing on him than on yourself, if he runs and actively moves, then one layer less, if you are going to walk around with your child calmly snowy streets, put on as many layers of clothing as you do on yourself.

Pediatricians warn: until the age of three, a small person does not know how to tremble and chatter from the cold, his body has not yet formed a sufficient fat layer for thermoregulation. It is the mother who must monitor the exchange of heat in her child's body and respond in time to temperature changes.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

2. More or less movement

The child is not an old woman, he should not sit on a bench. Active games, running around, cleaning paths with a shovel, making a snowman are unforgettable moments for the whole future life, especially with the active participation of the mother in joint action. Went out for a walk with your son or daughter, put your mobile phone away and take care of only the child. Everything that you and your child "play" can be photographed.

3. Attention and only attention

Make sure that the child does not overdo it in games. As soon as you see that the child flushed, began to breathe quickly and heavily, swallow cold air with his mouth, dampen his ardor a little. You can distract attention with a flying bird, a beautiful car drove by, a story, a fairy tale, a song.

A baby in a stroller simply cannot tell that he is cold. Mom must see this. Lethargy, sudden sleep, pallor of the skin are signals of a possible freezing of the baby.

4. Go outside full or hungry

Food is fuel for our body. Only a well-fed child will be joyful, cheerful, active. You don’t want your son or daughter to ask you to buy a bun or chips at the sight of every store you come across. We ate, got dressed and went for a walk. This is exactly what the rhythm of your life should be. But a snack in the form of an apple or a cookie, you can take with you. In case the walk takes too long.

5. Things you can't do without

Just taking a walk with a child will not work. Every time he wants to discover the unknown, to get acquainted with the world around him. Mom needs to think about the lesson plan for this day in advance.

  • Snowfall? You can do the cleaning of the tracks. The paddle taken out of the bag by the mother in time will bring joy to the child and allow him to keep him busy for a while.
  • Thaw? We make a snowman or a fortress. You can also play snowballs. Dry mittens, or preferably two pairs, will help keep your child's hands dry and warm.
  • Freezing? Why not go downhill with your child? Together, only together. It is still very small for independent trips. Sleds, brought for a walk, will be in place on the way home. A tired child can be brought up on a sled.
  • In any weather, pack a handkerchief, a thermos of tea, a packet of snacks, and a couple of your favorite toys.

A simple runny nose or child's discomfort should not be an obstacle to walking. In the open air, nasal congestion goes away faster, and the malaise is forgotten. Go for a walk at least for a short time, of course, if the child does not have otitis media or high fever. The common sense of the parent should work here.

Sometimes children don't want to go for a walk. There are many reasons. This is simple laziness, and unwillingness to put on winter street clothes, and a bunch of other reasons. Mom must gently and reasonably convince the son to go for a walk. For example, say that the sun has sent vitamins and you need to pick them up.

Mom, dear, the most important thing that should be present on common walks is love, good mood, attention and the desire to be together. Children will grow up, and the memories will remain with you and the child. Do not forget that everything in a person originates in childhood. How your child will grow up, what his character, life will be, depends on these joint winter walks.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope you find this information useful!

The content of the article:

The answer to the question: "When can you walk with a newborn after the hospital?" worries most young parents. Some people are afraid to take their baby outside immediately after leaving the maternity hospital. These fears are unfounded. Let's take a closer look at the first walk of a newborn, how to prepare for it, how long it should last, how to walk with the baby at different times of the year (summer, autumn, winter and spring), and what air temperature should be at the same time.

The first time you go outside with your newborn depends on several factors, such as:

weather- in the autumn-winter period, the air temperature must be higher than -5 ° C. The weather is calm, not rainy;

body weight of the newborn. The child's weight must be 2500 kg or more. With a lower body weight of the baby, walks are undesirable, you must wait until the time when he gains the desired weight. You can find the table of norms for weight gain in newborns on our website;

health of the newborn. Bathing and walking after vaccination, as well as with any increase in body temperature, is prohibited.

If the weather meets the necessary conditions, the first walk can be done the next day after the mother and child arrive home. It is not necessary to use a stroller, it is enough to take a walk, holding the baby in your arms in a blanket or envelope. You will spend more time getting the stroller out.

First walk with a newborn

Preparing for the newborn's first walk

Before going for a walk, the child must be fed so that he is well-fed and not capricious.

Change diapers or diapers, even if they are practically dry.

You need to know that regardless of the weather conditions, first a thin cap is put on the head of a newborn child, and then a hat (thick in winter, thin in summer).

Mom gets dressed first, then she dresses her baby. If you do the opposite, then the baby will sweat before going out for a walk, and the slightest breeze will provide him with a cold.

To determine exactly how to dress the baby for a walk, you need to focus on how the mother is dressed. Namely, if her personal clothing consists of three layers, then the infant's clothing should be one more layer.

How long does it take to walk with a newborn

In winter, the duration of the first walk is no more than 15 minutes, in summer - 30 minutes. Further, the duration of the child's stay in the air increases every day by 5-10 minutes - up to two hours in the summer, up to one hour in the winter.

With a baby of the second month of life, walks are allowed in winter at a temperature not lower than - 10 ° C, 2 walks for 1 hour, and in summer at least 4 hours in 2 walks.

With a child after 6 months, you can walk at temperatures above -15 ° C in winter 2 times for 1-1.5 hours, in summer without time limit.

Important! Walking with your baby every day helps to strengthen his physical condition and broaden his horizons.

The best place to walk with a newborn

It is necessary to choose places far from highways, since such a walk will not benefit the baby, but harm. It is best to walk in park areas, near water bodies, courtyards with green spaces. That is, choose those places where the air is least polluted.

Advice: in the absence of an opportunity to go outside with the baby, you can arrange a "walk" on the balcony. This is possible if there is no motorway nearby and car exhaust does not pollute the air. In addition, the balcony should not be glazed.

You must first make sure that the child's life is not in danger (a cigarette butt thrown by a neighbor or any fallen thing). The child must be in a stroller or in his arms.
A "walk" on the balcony is possible until the baby begins to roll over on its own (up to 5-6 months). In the future, it is already dangerous, the child may fall out of the stroller.

When walking with a baby in summer, the following rules must be observed:

Do not keep your baby in direct sunlight;

Do not walk in the sun (the best time is from 8 am to 10 am and from 5 pm to 6 pm in the evening);

To avoid the occurrence of retinal burns in the infant, it is required to cover the stroller with a light cape;

Give water to drink from a bottle in very hot weather (is it possible for a newborn to drink water - this is a controversial issue, we tried to answer it in one of our articles);

After an evening walk, you can bathe your newborn for the first time.

The air temperature in winter during the first walk should be above -5 ° C.

The first walk of a newborn in winter lasts no more than 10 minutes, at temperatures below 0 ° C, it is advisable to walk with a stroller, then the time is increased with each new walk by 5-10 minutes and brought to 1 hour.

The child should be well dressed and his face covered.

The best time to walk is during the day when the sun is shining.

If mom freezes, then the walk should be interrupted.

The first walk of a newborn in spring or autumn is determined depending on the weather, if it's warm, then like in summer, if it's cold, then like in winter. There should be no rain or strong wind outside.

Important! We look at the condition of the newborn's skin, it should not turn red or pale, this may indicate overheating or hypothermia. The child must be dressed for the weather, as the thermoregulation of the newborn is not yet perfect. Therefore, dressing up is just as harmful as under dressing.