The development of fine motor skills of children's hands through circle activities “Soft toy. The development of fine motor skills in the process of doing manual labor

“Speech at the regional workshop “Artistic creativity as a means of developing fine motor skills of hands in preschool children” ...”

Municipal state educational institution

"Kireevsky Education Center No. 1" of the municipality

Kireevsky district

(MKOU "Kireevsky Education Center No. 1")

(preschool education)


at the district workshop

Artistic creativity as a means

development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children



Zarovskaya E.V.

2015-2016 academic year

Artistic creativity is a unique means for development

fine motor skills and speech. The ability to control fingers and hands is necessary for a person throughout his life. For this important purpose, it is necessary to stimulate the work of the child's fingers, starting from an early age.

Having started working as an educator in the 2nd junior group (3-4 years old) and observing the children, I noted that the children do not hold the pencil correctly, they do not hold the spoon well, they had difficulty doing the first work on the application, modeling, drawing. Of course, the children were still small, some children only attended kindergarten for the first year, and in the educational process there are many activities that require the action of the work of the hands. Therefore, I chose the topic: "Artistic creativity as a means of developing fine motor skills of hands in preschool children"

An outstanding teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky noted “The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow, which feed the source of creative thought. These are not just beautiful words: they contain explanations of how the baby develops. After all, a huge number of nerve endings are located in the hand and on the tongue.

From here, information is constantly transmitted to the child's brain, where it is compared with the data of visual, auditory and olfactory receptors.

Many experts argue that the development of intellectual and thought processes must begin with the development of the movement of the hands, fingers. It has been proven that this is due to the fact that the development of the hand plays an important role in the formation of the brain, its cognitive abilities, and the formation of speech. This means that in order for a child and his brain to develop, it is necessary to train his hands. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the rest of the child's life will require the use of precise, coordinated hand and finger movements, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform a variety of household and educational activities. That is, throughout life, the child needs to use precise and coordinated movements of the hands and fingers.

The relevance of my work lies in the fact that targeted and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, speech activity, and most importantly, the preservation of the mental and physical development of the child. In addition, the level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically: he has sufficiently developed memory and attention, coherent speech.

My goal is the development of fine motor skills in preschool children in various types of artistic activities.


Activate the movements of the fingers, show an emotional attitude to the result of their activities, form a positive attitude in the classroom. Develop hand-eye coordination and finger dexterity.

Develop memory, attention, creative imagination, speech, cognitive processes, fantasy.

To teach dexterity in handling various materials, to train the muscles of the hands in children.

To cultivate perseverance, accuracy, goodwill, the ability to work in a team and individually.

For the development of fine motor skills of hands in children of primary preschool age, we use different types of artistic creativity: drawing, modeling, appliqué, working with natural material, with different types of cereals.

The main significance of productive types of labor lies in the fact that in the process of activity the skill of the hands develops in the child, the strength of the hands is strengthened, the movements of both hands become more coordinated, and the movements of the fingers are differentiated. In the process of artistic activity, the realization of knowledge, impressions, and the emotional state of children takes place.

Artistic means for the development of fine motor skills: plasticine, salt dough, cereals, natural material, paper, napkins, beads, buttons, cotton wool, threads, waste material.

In modeling, plasticineography, we work out a variety of techniques:

rolling with straight and circular movements between the palms, flattening, pulling, learning to connect parts by smoothing.

We went out for a walk, take a closer look, and how many interesting things there are: sticks, cones, leaves, pebbles, plant seeds, dandelion fluff and more.

Unusual materials and original techniques attract children because the word “no” is not present here, you can draw whatever you want and how you want, and you can even come up with your own unusual technique. Children feel unforgettable positive emotions, and emotions can be used to judge the mood of the child, about what pleases him and what upsets him.

We pay a lot of attention to non-traditional drawing and appliqué.

Non-traditional drawing and applique - the art of depicting without being based on tradition. Drawing in non-traditional ways is a fascinating, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights children. How many unnecessary interesting things are at home: a toothbrush, combs, foam rubber, corks, foam plastic, a spool of thread, candles, etc. In the younger group with children, they drew not only with a brush, but also with fingers, a sponge, cotton swabs, and seals. An activity loved by all children and very useful. And it is not necessary to draw only with a pencil or brush on paper or cardboard.

You can draw on the snow, on the croup.

We apply in practice non-traditional types of applications:

application from cotton pads, threads, cotton wool, fabric, application from colored salt, colored rice.

Educational value of non-traditional application:

* Sensory (at the level of sensations, the child learns the texture, density, color of paper);

* Mental (to give knowledge about the color, size, shape, number of objects and their spatial arrangement, as well as knowledge about nature and man);

* Speech (expansion of the active and passive vocabulary of children, the ability to communicate, negotiate among themselves);

* Moral (to develop accuracy and perseverance, independence);

*Physical (the eye develops, coordination of hand movements).

The most fascinating appliqué is torn and mosaic appliqué, napkin appliqué.

Tearing off a sheet of paper perfectly exercises children in alternating tension of the small muscles of the hand and relaxation. The tearing off of a sheet of paper shows the commonwealth of both hands at work. For the development of hands, it is desirable to give children not only an arbitrary break, but also a break along the contour.

A napkin application also has a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands. By crushing pieces of tissue paper with their fingertips, lumps are obtained, which children use to fill in the outline of the drawing, sticking these lumps in certain places. Working with children of three years of age, they gradually introduced short sessions of napkin application at regime moments.

Napkin technique has its advantages: it is easy to perform, it looks spectacular. Paper napkins are, on the one hand, very simple, and on the other hand, an unusual material for children's creativity.

First, the napkin is much softer than plain or colored paper, which means that it can easily take the form that a child gives it.

Secondly, in the work you can use not only the method of crushing pieces of napkin into lumps and filling the contour with them, but also the method of twisting (for example, into thin flagella), and the method of tearing off.

And thirdly, a variety of colors and textures of paper and napkins allows the child to create, invent and realize their ideas.

Non-traditional types of applications make it possible to create images that are interesting in content with accessible, simple means:

Develops self-confidence, encourages creative searches and solutions;

Its potentialities and the first manifestations of creativity are realized.

Napkin application can also be used in direct educational activities. If, for example, the lexical topic is “fruits and berries”, then you can make such plates together with the children.

Using the main colors of napkins. This will serve the development of color perception, the development of fine motor skills, and, accordingly, speech, will consolidate the lexical theme “fruits, berries”.

Organized work:

part of the integrated direct education

as activities,

During the joint activities of the educator with the children (in the morning and in the evening,

In free independent activity.

The success of work on the development of fine motor skills depends on the systematic and regularity. It is important not to allow boredom and overwork, to build work in such a way that such activities bring joy to children.

Many parents begin to show interest in children's creativity when they see children's work at the exhibition. Some parents are surprised and delighted, others begin to criticize their child, with such parents one has to conduct individual conversations and consultations.

Interaction with parents:

Involvement in the creation of a cognitive and developing environment in the group.

Replenishment of the corner of creativity with visual materials, waste material.

Counseling for the development of fine motor skills of hands

Master classes, seminars - workshops, conversation with elements of the workshop.

Design of the stand "Our creativity".

Purposeful, systematic and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age gave a positive result: children are more and more confident working in familiar techniques; make movements with fingers more accurately; children became more focused, attentive, independent. Work began to acquire a conscious, meaningful and purposeful character.

All kinds of activities for the development of fine motor skills attract children. They are intrigued by the motivation of the task, interested in the process of work and pleased with the result. By developing fine motor skills, we enrich and expand the work by introducing children to various types of artistic activities.

Crafts made in non-traditional techniques for children are not only a great way to spend time, but also an opportunity to develop, creating amazing works and gifts with your own hands.

A Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget; show me and I will remember; let me try and I will understand.” Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time when the child hears, sees and does it himself.

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Development of creative abilities

and fine motor skills of children's hands in the process of artistic work

Ulyanova S.V.,

educator of the speech therapy group MBDOU No. 9 "Cheburashka", Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia

Annotation. The article deals with the development of children's creativity and fine motor skills of hands through different types of artistic work.

The formation of a creative personality is one of the most important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. The person of the future must be a creator with a developed sense of beauty and active creativity. Children are naturally endowed with bright abilities. However, unfortunately, we do not always pay enough attention to the development of abilities in our children. In connection with this, the problem of mastering the creative activity of children arose. Childhood is almost the only segment of human life where creativity becomes a universal and natural way of human existence. An indicator of children's creativity is an independent solution of their own capabilities in mastering the world. This is a complex process associated with the character, interests, abilities of the individual.

The specificity of human existence is such that self-development is the basis of its development, self-education is the basis of education, self-consciousness is the basis of consciousness. And all these "itself", of course, are inconceivable without creative activity, which develop the feelings of children. Carrying out the process of creativity, the child experiences a whole range of positive emotions, both from the process of activity and from the result obtained.

Artistic work is the creative work of a child with various materials, during which he creates useful and aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate everyday life. Such work is a decorative, artistic and applied activity of the child, since when creating beautiful objects, he takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials based on existing ideas, knowledge, and practical experience. Properly organized artistic activity in kindergarten gives children an idea of ​​the quality and capabilities of various materials, and helps to consolidate positive emotions. Artistic work contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills - the coordination of the work of the eyes and hands, the improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making crafts, a system of special skills and abilities is formed. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow, which feed the source of creative thought.

The process of child development is, to a large extent, a process of movement development. With manual labor, every movement of the child gives a clear, tangible result, immediately evaluated. The very process of work puts the worker in a position from which he must find a way out. Thus, gradually and consistently, the ability to navigate, to choose the most convenient and least demanding path is developed.

In the process of artistic work, children master elementary techniques for working with various materials and tools. Making handicrafts requires deft movements from the child, and in the process of systematic work, the hand acquires confidence, accuracy, and the fingers become flexible. At the same time, the will of the child develops.

Mastery of hands is the material embodiment of a curious mind, ingenuity, creative imagination. It is very important that in childhood every child carries out his plan with his hands. Whatever work we organize with children, the main goal is to interest children, to show the feasibility of its implementation, the gradualness of actions, the aesthetic and practical value of a hand-made thing; should form a sense of responsibility for the quality of their work and a desire to please others with it (for example, give someone a product).

Forming diligence in children, the ability to set a goal, find ways to achieve it, get a result corresponding to the goal, while taking into account the peculiarities of the work activity of preschoolers, the child’s desire to do something on his own, personality traits such as activity, independence, purposefulness, initiative develop . In the process of work, the attention of children is directed to a logical sequence of actions that leads to the best result.

Working in this direction, I set myself the following tasks:

1. development of creative and constructive abilities, taking into account the individual capabilities of the child;

2. development of the ability to create patterns according to the model, verbal instructions, development of thinking, attention, visual perception, imagination of children,

3.development of fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements;

4. education of perseverance, independence, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

6. Expanding the knowledge of children and parents about different types of manual labor

7. Activation of parental interest in creativity, involvement in joint activities with children by manual labor, participation in exhibitions and competitions.

Using the thematic principle of building the work process allows you to vary it depending on the skills of children, to achieve a more significant result. Such cycles are very mobile and easy to use. Thematic cycles make it possible to create common compositions with children from different materials, allowing them to be used in the design of a group, a preschool institution, and it makes it possible to combine children into groups for teamwork. The collective form of work helps to create interesting multifaceted and colorful compositions, has a positive effect on the moral and aesthetic development of the child, contributes to the ability to coordinate one's desires with the desires of other children, and help each other in difficult situations. Various forms of association are used: in pairs, small groups, the whole group, each separately for connection into a common composition.

The number of topics included in any of the thematic cycles cannot be clearly fixed; it largely depends on whether the work is done by the whole group or is done by children of the same age group. The use of thematic blocks allows you to transfer work from one topic to another, replace one task with another, without changing the main goal - the development of children's artistic and creative abilities while working with various materials.

For several years I have been focusing on manual labor, using waste material, thread, cereals, dough, natural materials and papier-mâché.

In order for children's work to be interesting, of high quality, to have an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to stimulate the creative activity of children, to ensure

the child maximum independence in activities, not to give direct instructions, to create conditions for the manifestation of his own imagination.

The organization of the developing object-spatial environment in the preschool educational institution, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards, is built in such a way as to make it possible to most effectively develop the individuality of each child, his inclinations, interests, level of activity. It is necessary to enrich the environment with elements that stimulate the cognitive, emotional, motor activity of children. It is important to have a large number of "improvised" materials in the group: ropes, boxes, wire, wheels, ribbons, which are creatively used to solve various game problems. The developing object-spatial environment is organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love. This system of work provides for the presence in the developing environment of the group of a place for manual labor, the creation of an exhibition stand to demonstrate the results of children's activities, the use of made toys and crafts in theatrical and gaming activities.

Thus, in the process of artistic work, the child is armed with skills and abilities, develops intellectual and creative activity, learns to plan his activities, implement his plans, design crafts, make changes to the manufacturing process, technology. Children develop the ability to compare, analyze, discover something new, draw original conclusions, and there is a desire to transform the world around them according to the laws of beauty.

So, artistic work is an effective means of developing the creative potential of preschoolers, which is fully confirmed by practical activities and the words of the sculptor Rodin (1840-1917) that do not lose their relevance: “... The world will be happy only when everyone finds joy in his work."


Andreeva V. Problems of updating the system of preschool education at the present stage / V. Andreeva, R. Sterkina // Preschool education. -2001 - p.34.

Komarova T.S. Children's artistic creativity. Methodical manual for educators and teachers. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005;

Kutsakova L.V. We create and craft. Manual labor in kindergarten and at home. A guide for teachers and parents. For classes with children 4-7 years old. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008;

Sukhomlinsky V.A. I give my heart to children / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - M.: Enlightenment, 1972.

Khalezova N.B. Folk plastic and decorative modeling in kindergarten: A guide for the educator. M.: Enlightenment, 1984

municipal state educational institution

"Pokrovskaya basic comprehensive school"


« Artistic creativity as a means of developing fine motor skills of hands »

preschool teacher

group "Rainbow"

Tesakova Elena Viktorovna,

suitability for the position

Cover, 2018.

1. Explanatory note

Fine motor skills of the hands are a variety of movements with fingers and palms.

It has long been no secret to anyone that the development of fine motor skills (flexibility and accuracy of finger movements) and tactile sensitivity is a powerful stimulus for the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking and speech in children. Children who have better developed hand movements have a more developed brain, especially those parts of it that are responsible for speech. The fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the human central nervous system. Therefore, it is very important to develop fine motor skills in a child from a very early age.

This topic is relevant because in the modern world there are many children with deviations in speech and psycho-physical development. This is due to the fact that preschool children spend a lot of time watching TV, computer games and other modern gadgets.

Therefore, purposeful and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities and speech activity of the child.

Target : the development of fine motor skills in preschool children in various types of artistic activities.

Tasks :

To teach dexterity in handling different materials, to train the muscles of the hands, by means of activating the movement of the fingers;

To form visual-motor coordination and dexterity of fingers;

Develop memory, attention, creative imagination, speech, cognitive processes, fantasy;

To cultivate perseverance, accuracy, goodwill, the ability to work in a team and individually.

Planned results .

Children will learn:

Interaction in the group;

Work individually and in a team;

reason logically;

Build oral connected statements.

They will have the opportunity to learn:

Train the muscles of the hands;

Perseverance, accuracy, goodwill.

The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for learning at school. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory and attention, coherent speech. The teacher, organizing a variety of activities for children with objects, toys and natural objects, it is important to activate the sensory foundations of cognition in children, to teach kids to use different senses to obtain information about the world around them: sight, hearing, smell, tactile sensations.

2. The content of the work on the development of fine motor skills

In my work on the development of fine motor skills, I have identified several areas:

1st direction. The development of fine motor skills with the help of fasteners, fasteners, laces.

Organized in this areaJobwith children with the use of didactic games for the development of fine motor skills such as "Lace", "Zip-Unzip", "Tie-Untie", which pursue a specific and specific goal, depending on the name.

Purpose of direction: development of sensorimotor coordination, fine motor skills of hands; spatial orientation, contributing to the understanding of the concepts of "above", "below", "right", "left";

Direction tasks:

Develop lacing skills (lacing, tying a lace into a bow);

Promote the development of speech;

Develop creative abilities.

In this direction, I created a subject-developing Wednesday:

Demonstrative aids: "Lacing", "Set of buttons", "Set of fasteners and fasteners";

Didactic games: "Lacing", "Zip and unbutton", "Tie-untie", "Skillful hands";

When working with fasteners, fasteners and lacing, we learn to coordinate the movements of the small muscles of the fingers and hands, develop the thinking and sensory abilities of children.

The result of our work is the ability to fasten buttons on clothes, lace up your shoes, tie knots and bows.

2nd direction. Development of fine motor skills with the help of threads.

I am using the systemwork on the development of fine motor skills of hands through work with a thread,both in educational activities and in regime moments, individualworking with children, self-guided and play activities, the thread is widely used in experimental activities.

Purpose of direction: creating conditions for the development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements.

Direction tasks:

Develop the ability to make precise finger movements;

Develop the ability to coordinate the work of hands with visual perception.

Develop creative activity, spatial thinking, fantasy;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards one's own and other people's work.

In this direction, I created a subject – developing environment:

Albums were created: "Collection of threads", "Collection of fabrics";

The didactic games "Magic strings", "Colorful pigtails", "Collect according to the scheme" were selected; "Decorate the princess dress"

Experiments are being carried out todevelopthe ability to determine the essential features and properties of threads(structure, softness, do not sink, light, etc.).Experiments are being carried out on the manufacture of threads from cotton wool, sheep wool"Make your own thread", dyeing threads in different colors"Colorful strings" and etc.

When working with threads, we learn to determine the signs and properties of the thread, wind it on coils, into balls, weave ropes and pigtails. The result of our work is the manufacture of crafts from threads.

3rd direction. The development of fine motor skills with the help of natural material.

Working with natural material, the child joins the world of beauty: he learns to be a diligent owner of his nativenature, to protect plants from senseless destruction.

The material is always available, does not require large financial costs, helps to relieve emotional stress inchildren. Games with natural material contribute to the development of fine motor skills, formation and developmentspatial and quantitative relationships, familiarity with the propertiesnatural materials, memory development, thinking and speech.

Purpose of direction: development of fine motor skillscoordination of hand movementspreschool children through games and exercises using natural material.

Tasks directions:

Rdevelopcoordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm;

Rdevelop fine motor skills of fingers, hands;

Strengthen general motor activity;

Contribute to the normalization of speech function;

- develop imagination, logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity;

Create an emotionally comfortable environment in communication with peers and adults.

To achieve what I want use following forms of work:

Joint activities of the educator with children;

Individual work with children;

Independent activities themselveschildren.

development environment:

Hand trainers fromnatural material: walnuts, bones from peaches, cones, chestnuts;

A set of cereals, seeds, dry berries, seeds, pebbles;


Games with cereals and seeds: "Cinderella", "Cook dinner and feed", "Find pirate treasures at the bottom of the ocean."

When working with natural material, we learned to identify and recognize natural material by touch, coordinate movements and accuracy of hands and eyes when performing actions.

The result of our work is the manufacture of crafts from natural materials.

4th direction. Develop fine motor skills with paper.

Dealing with paper, children developimagination and creativity, constructive thinking, expand the gaming experience, enrich the vocabulary and most importantly, the child's hands become more dexterous, which also affects hisdevelopment. This activity is available to children from a young age.

These activities bring joy to our children, create a positive emotional mood that contributes todevelopment of creativity.

Purpose of direction: development of artistic and creative abilities in children, education in children of patience, perseverance and imagination.

Tasks directions :

Develop fine motor skills of fingers;

Sensory perception, eye gauge, logical imagination, volitional qualities (perseverance, patience, ability to complete work, etc.), artistic abilities and aesthetic taste;

Build independence, self-confidence, self-esteem.

In this direction, I created a subject - development environment:

Collection of types of paper;

Didactic games: "Sun", "Snowballs", "Magic Paper", "Paper Lotto";


When working with natural material, we have learned to recognize the types of paper, color, shape, size; work in pairs and groups, evaluate the result of their work. The result of our work is the manufacture of paper crafts: torn paper mosaics, appliqués, trimming, voluminous crafts.

The topics of the classes are built taking into account the interests of the pupils and their ability to express themselves. In the course of mastering the content of the preschool program by children, the pace of development of special skills and abilities, the level of independence, and the ability to work in a team are taken into account. The preschool program allows you to individualize complex work: older children will be interested in a complex design, the younger ones can be offered simple compositions.

In the process of work, children constantly combine and combine into one whole all the components of a paper image: material, visual and color scheme, manufacturing technology.The purpose of the classes - comprehensive intellectual, labor and aesthetic development of children. All this is necessary for a modern person in order to realize himself as a harmoniously developed personality.

3. Organization of work on the development of fine motor skills

Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands is included in all educational areas.

Education is aimed at activating the figurative component of thinking and performs an important psychological function. The ability for creative activity, which develops in the course of education, increases the adaptive capabilities of the child, his resistance to stress.

In the process of activity, the sensitivity of the hand, visual-motor coordination develops, which is also necessary to prepare the child for writing.

By creating products, children learn to follow oral and visual instructions, read and draw diagrams of products, improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.

If you engage in this activity occasionally, it will not be able to give a positive effect. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to do work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements on a regular basis, using different forms of work:

Frontal and subgroup classes,

In individual work

In the free independent activity of the children themselves.

Diagnostics fine motor skills development

Based on the methods carried out with preschool children (3-6 years old), I noticed thatthat with deficiencies in the development of fine motor skills of the hands, children:

It is difficult to draw a straight line (vertical, horizontal);

They experience difficulty in forming the correct trajectory of movements when performing a graphic element (numbers, geometric shapes);

There is no desire to draw, sculpt, do manual labor.

For three years (2014-2017) I carried out diagnostics in order to identify the level of development of fine motor skills through artistic creativity.

In doing so, I used the following methods.

With a group of children 3-4 years old:

- "Perform according to the visual pattern";

- "Performance according to a tactile pattern with the inclusion of a visual analyzer";

- "Transfer of posture with the inclusion of a visual analyzer."

Result evaluation:

With a group of 5 years exercises were carried out:

1 block. Exercises for repeating figures from the fingers;

2 block. Exercises "Draw";

3 block. Work with paper;

4 block. Movement coordination exercises.

Result evaluation:

0 points - the child did not cope with the task.

0.5 points - the child coped with the help of an adult.

1 point - the child coped with the task.

For children 6 years old methods were used:

Method "Draw a simple pattern";

Methodology "Difficult turns";

Methodology "Letter developing the eye."

Result evaluation:

0 points - the child did not cope with the task.

0.5 points - the child coped with the help of an adult.

1 point - the child coped with the task.

Observations were carried out at the beginning and at the end of the academic year (September, May).

Since my group is of different ages, I can generalize the results of observation using the example of children who are now in grade 1.

In 2014-2015 academic year , I carried out diagnostics among children 3-4 years old(Attachment 1.)

According to the results of the diagnostics with children, the following results were obtained:

3-4 years




1 task






3 task



- in September 2014-2015 academic year (at the beginning of the year) When completing tasks, the children found it difficult to find a set of movements (they touched with their fingers, helped with the other hand, made mistakes). They incorrectly positioned the pose in space, could not reproduce the pose in a mirror image, had difficulty switching to a new pose, repeating the previous movements. Could not reproduce the given pose on the other hand.

- in May 2014-2015 academic year, the results improved, the children coped with the first task 100%, they coped with the second and third tasks on their own, making minor mistakes.

IN 2015-2016 academic year, exercises and tasks were carried out with pupils of the 5-year-old group.(Annex 2)

5 years




1 task






3 task



4 task



Output :

- in September 2015-2016 academic year the children coped with the task by 36%. The movements were constrained, there were violations of the movements of the hands. Children experienced difficulties in performing work with scissors, they did not know how to hold a pencil correctly, the lines were broken when drawing. Children found it difficult to repeat movements, in performing actions according to the model.

- May 2015-2016 academic year The results showed that the children's general and fine motor skills are well developed. But children still experience difficulties when working with scissors, designing from paper.

At the final stage of diagnosis2016-2017 academic year tasks and exercises were carried out with children of 6 years old.(Annex 3)

6 years




1 task






3 task



Output :

- in September 2016-2017 academic year, The diagnostics carried out showed average results. Not all children can draw simple patterns, draw clear lines, not everyone was able to copy the styles of letters.

- in May 2016-2017 school year The diagnostics showed that the children coped better with copying patterns and writing letters. Two out of three children wrote a word into a sentence and read it.

The diagnostic work carried out showed the following results:




academic year


academic year


academic year







3-4 years



5 years



6 years



Output: Children suffer from the development of fine motor skills, but not everyone is the same. Many children are not able to actively switch attention, while others, on the contrary, have relatively high stability and concentration. At the formative stage, I used specially selected exercises and techniques for the development of fine motor skills in children.

The main objective of the training exercises was to make accessible and easy to do all the tasks for different ages associated with the need to use fine motor skills of the hands. This can be achieved only through the gradual development of fine motor skills, achieved as a result of the transition from simple to more complex tasks.

Comparing the results of these observations, I saw that they were becoming more focused, independent, and attentive. Their activities acquired a conscious, meaningful and purposeful character.

results work on the development of fine motor skills

An indicator of the work I did with the pupils of the group of 3-6 years old was the participation of children in various creative competitions: “Easter Egg-2016”, “The Road through the Eyes of Children”, “Burning Bush”, “Gift for Mom”, “Miracles of the Witch of Winter”, “ Symbol of the New Year”, “Let's Save the Living Spruce” and many others.

As well as the involvement of parents in the creative process.

Based on all this, we can conclude that the work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands should be carried out in close contact with the parents. This will ensure continuity of control over the formation of the correct motor skill and help achieve the desired results.

Attachment 1

Diagnosis of children 3-4 years old.

Task number 1

"Performance according to a visual pattern."
- Connect 1 and 2 fingers in a ring - "O- key».
- Fingers clenched into a fist, fingers 2 and 3 extended - "bunny"
- 2nd and 3rd fingers - "goat-dereza"
The same with the left hand.

Task number 2

"Performance according to a tactile pattern with the visual analyzer turned off."
- With your eyes closed, ask with your hand "bunny" and "goat".
- Open your eyes - repeat movements.

Task number 3

"Transfer of posture with the visual analyzer turned off."
An adult makes a pose on the left hand, the child repeats on the right and vice versa ("bunny" and "goat").

Annex 2

Diagnostics for children 5 years old.

1 block. Exercises for repeating figures from fingers

- "Cockerel» (palm up, index finger rests on the thumb, the remaining fingers are spread out and raised up);

Bunny "(pull up the middle and index fingers, while pressing the ring finger and little finger with the thumb to the palm);

Checkbox (fourfingers - index, middle, ring and little fingers - together, and the thumb is down, the back of the hand is towards you);

Fork"(pull up three fingers - index, middle and ring fingers - spaced apart, the thumb holds the little finger in the palm of your hand).

All exercises are performed after the show. When performing complex figures, you can help. the child to take the correct position of the fingers. Further, the child acts independently.

2 block. Drawing exercises.

Draw a straight line;

Draw a wavy line;

Draw a broken line (fence).

When performing these exercises, at the beginning of the year, attention is drawn to how the child holds a pencil, in which hand, how he continues the line with a pencil: with or without pressure, the line is thin, broken, wide.

3 block. Paper handling

Cutting with scissors (we reveal how the coordination of hand movements is formed in the child);

Folding a sheet of paper in half (we reveal the commonwealth of both hands in work).

4 block. Movement coordination exercises.

- “Palm, fist, rib” - first we show the children how to do this exercise with us. When the child remembers the sequence, he performs the exercise counting 1, 2, 3;

- "Salt the cabbage." “Let's salt the soup” (the child, as it were, rubs a lump of salt);

Ball rolling.

Annex 3

Diagnosis of children 6 years old.

Technique "Draw a simple pattern"

For this technique, we need a white sheet of paper and a simple pencil. It is necessary to show the children a pre-drawn pattern, invite them to carefully examine it.

Ask the children how to lay the sheet of paper so that the whole pattern fits on the sheet. Next, you should ask where it is better to start drawing a pattern. Recall the requirements for the work to be done. In the process of making the pattern by the children, it should be observed that the children are not in a hurry, look at the pattern more, compare one part with another. If an error is noticed, it should be pointed out. At the end of the work, offer to evaluate your work, compare with the sample.

Method "Difficult turns"

For the Difficult Turns technique, children are given sheets with pictures on which cars and winding roads are drawn. When the children sit down at the table, explain that the car can drive along a straight road and along a winding one. First, ask each child to run a finger along the roads, then pick up pens and once again run along the roads, to the houses, trying to repeat all the bends of the roads. In the process of completing the task, you should monitor the children so that they are not in a hurry and do not interfere with each other.

Methodology "Writing that develops the eye"

For this technique, we use workbooks. Consider the inscription of the word "SOUP", copy it into your notebook. Offer to find this word in the sentence "MOM COOKED SOUP" and try to read it.

Used Books:

1. Belaya A. Ya., Miryasova V. I. Finger games (for the development of speech of preschoolers). A guide for parents and teachers. Moscow, 2005.

2. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasil'eva M.A. From birth to school. Approximate general educational program of preschool education. - M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2014.

3. Ruzina M. S., Afonkin S. Yu. The country of finger games. St. Petersburg, 2008.

4. Tsvyntary V.V. We play with fingers and develop speech. St. Petersburg, 2009.

5. Lykova I.A. Fine art in kindergarten M., 2010.

6. Demina I.P. “Gifts from natural materials”, Smolensk “Rusich”, 2001;

7. Koshelev V.M. “Artistic and manual labor in kindergarten”, M: “Prosveshchenie”, 2002;

8. Korchinova O.V. “Decorative and applied creativity in preschool institutions”, Series “The world of your child”. Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2002. - 320 p.12.

9. Kutsakova L.V. “Design and manual labor in kindergarten”, M: “Prosveshchenie”, 2007;

10. Darvish O.B. "age-related psychology"

11. Kholmovskaya V.V. "Education and education of children of five, six years"

12. Fomina L.F. "Educating children with the correct pronunciation"

13. Dubrovina I.V. "School Readiness, Developmental Programs"

14. Strogonova I.A. "Preschool education, the development of fine motor skills of the child's hand"

15. Internet resources.

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You need to start working on the development of fine motor skills from an early age. Already an infant, you can massage your fingers (finger gymnastics), thereby affecting the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. At early and younger preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises accompanied by a poetic text, do not forget about the development of elementary self-service skills: fasten and unfasten buttons, tie shoelaces, etc.

And, of course, at preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of preparing for school, in particular, for writing. If you do not want problems with writing in a first grader, or speech delays in an older preschooler, you need to start the appropriate developmental classes as early as possible. It is necessary to conduct such classes regularly, in a system, without pressure and coercion.

Why is it important for children to develop fine motor skills? The fact is that in the human brain, the centers responsible for speech and finger movements are located very close. By stimulating fine motor skills and thus activating the corresponding parts of the brain, we also activate neighboring areas responsible for speech.

In my work, I use various games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands:

  1. Modeling from clay and plasticine. This is very useful and has a great effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands, and you can sculpt not only from plasticine, clay and salt dough. If it's winter in the yard - what could be better than a snowman or snowball fights. And in the summer you can build a fabulous castle out of sand or small stones, twigs or cones.
  2. Drawing or coloring pictures is a favorite activity for preschoolers and a good exercise for developing fine motor skills. An important role of the teacher is to pay attention to the diversity of children's drawings and the drawing techniques used.
  3. Making paper crafts. For example, cutting out geometric shapes with scissors, drawing up patterns, making applications. The child needs to be able to use scissors and glue. Based on the results of such work, one can assess how developed fine motor skills of the hands and finger movements of a preschooler are.
  4. Making crafts from natural materials: cones, acorns, straw, seeds and other available materials. In addition to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, these activities also develop the imagination and fantasy of the child.
  5. Design. Imaginative thinking, fantasy, fine motor skills of hands develop.
  6. Fastening and unfastening buttons, buttons, hooks. A good workout for the fingers, dexterity improves and fine motor skills of the hands develop.
  7. Tying and untying ribbons, laces, knots on a rope. Each such movement has a huge impact on the development of fine motor skills of the baby's hands.
  8. Twisting and unscrewing the lids of jars, vials, screws, nuts, etc. also improves the development of fine motor skills and dexterity of the child's fingers.
  9. Suction and extrusion of water with a pipette, foam, tubes, rags, etc. develops fine finger movements and improves general hand motility.
  10. Stringing beads and buttons. In the summer, you can make beads from mountain ash, nuts, pumpkin and cucumber seeds, small fruits, etc. An interesting activity for developing imagination, fantasy and fine motor skills of hands.
  11. Weaving of braids from threads, wreaths of flowers, etc.
  12. All kinds of handicrafts: knitting, embroidery, embossing, etc.
  13. Bulkhead of cereals, buttons, beads, etc. For example, pour peas, buckwheat and rice into a small saucer and ask the child to sort it out. The development of touch, small movements of the fingers.
  14. Ball games, with cubes, mosaic, constructor.

One of the close and accessible types of work with children on the formation of fine motor skills is a visual, artistic and productive activity. Art activities bring a lot of joy and are inherent in children at the genetic level. But, as a rule, classes in a preschool institution are more often reduced to a standard set of materials and traditional ways of transmitting the information received.

The visual activity of preschoolers as a type of artistic activity should be emotional, creative. And the teacher must create all the conditions for this: first of all, to provide an emotional-figurative perception of reality, to form aesthetic feelings and ideas, to develop imaginative thinking and imagination, to teach children how to create images by means of their expressive solution. A small child has a special acuteness of perception. What is emotionally perceived in childhood is remembered for a lifetime.

Probably, everyone could give examples of the bright talents of young children that delighted and amazed adults. At preschool and even primary school age, the creative manifestations of children are quite noticeable and interesting. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the child's experience at preschool age in order to create a solid foundation for his creativity.

The creativity of a preschooler is inextricably linked with the work of the imagination, cognitive and practical activities. The freedom of creative expression of a preschooler is determined not only by figurative representations and the desire to convey them in his work, but also by how he owns the means of image.

Assimilation by children in the process of learning various options for the image, techniques will contribute to their creative development.

The motivation for success when using non-traditional art techniques is preserved due to the peculiarities of their use: the speed and relative ease of obtaining silhouettes or details of the desired shape, their proximity to real-life shapes and textures, and, finally, the novelty of the method as a factor in retaining attention.

As an example, I present a presentation for the lesson “Pasta Fantasy”, in which the children chose pasta as the material for the application. Alternatively, various materials can be used for the same work: natural materials, seeds, small buttons, sequins, beads, cereals, sawdust, etc.

"Development of fine motor skills of hands and creative abilities of preschool children by means of visual activity through the use of various materials"

(from work experience)

“Hands give a man a head,

then the wiser head teaches the hands,

and skillful hands again

promote brain development.

Currently, a negative trend is increasingly observed, which shows an increase in the number of children with speech disorders. This is due, first of all, to the fact that in the age of computerization and the Internet, people have practically stopped reading, talking, writing letters. And as a result, these much-needed skills are not taught to children either.

Sukhomlinsky also said: "The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers." The fact is that on the hands there are points and zones that are associated with different areas of the human brain. The nerve impulses from the fingers going to the cerebral cortex “disturb” the neighboring speech zones, stimulating their vigorous activity. Therefore, by developing fine motor skills, we develop the child's speech.

During the year when the children attended the junior group (2013-2014 academic year), I watched the children, their games, communication with peers and adults. In the course of observation, I found that many children have insufficiently developed speech: some still use facilitated words in speech, use the replacement of words, the vocabulary of these children is poor. At the same time, two children in the group do not speak in sentences at all. Having identified the problem for myself, I began to read a lot on this topic, to seek explanations from famous physiologists, psychologists and teachers. Having studied a large amount of information, I saw that most scientists associate this problem with the underdevelopment of fine motor skills of the hand of a preschooler.

Based on this, I again turned to the children. I began to observe their work with their hands, their manual skill. In the course of my observations, I became convinced that children with problems in speech development really do not have developed hand motor skills: they hardly roll a ball of plasticine, often put a spoon into the brush incorrectly during meals, when performing finger gymnastics, the movements of the fingers are primitive.

Having identified for myself the problem that was present in my pupils, I began to look for ways to solve it. Visual activity is the most accessible for preschool children, because through drawing, modeling, and application they learn about the world around them. Therefore, I decided that it was visual activity that would help me develop fine motor skills of the hands in an interesting playful way using various materials for children's creativity.

Novelty experience is to develop a system of work on the development of fine motor skills and creative abilities of preschool children by means of visual activity through the use of various materials, which will contribute to the development of children's speech; in the selection of methods, techniques and means: finger games and gymnastics; exercises with cereals, legumes, seeds (application, laying out on plasticine, drawing on semolina); games with buttons (button - unbutton, lay out an ornament, string, etc.); classes with counting sticks, matches (performing tasks according to the scheme and without it); work with paper (application, crumpling and alignment of paper lumps, winding threads on them, working with stencils); work with finely chopped thread, cotton wool, sawdust (application); nitkography and in the development of summaries of these events.

Target work: development of fine motor skills of children's hands, enrichment of the sensory experience of children through work with different materials and the ability to fix it in speech by means of visual activity.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks:

To improve the subject-developing environment of the group for the development of fine motor skills.

Train the fine movements of the fingers and hands of children.

Form coordination of movements.

Contribute to the development of creative abilities.

To successfully solve these problems and achieve the goal, I selected and studied the methodological literature on this topic: "We develop fine motor skills in babies"; "Finger games for the development of fine motor skills", as well as the monthly magazine "Preschool Education". Learned and used electronic resources. The study of literature and other materials confirmed the relevance of the chosen direction in that visual activity is the most "powerful" stimulus for the development of motor skills of the hands and creative abilities in preschool children. I designed a card index of finger games, most of which we perform to music (“Lezginka”, “Ducklings”, “Rain”, “Hares - cowards”, etc.). In this file cabinet there are also games with massage balls, which are accompanied by comic rhymes and nursery rhymes. For example, Ball, you are our helper

Now let's get a massage!

put it on the table

And cover the ball with your palm.

Let's start rolling it fast

Let's have fun playing!

(Right hand roll the ball)

Let's speed up more!

(Moving faster)

Back forward! Back forward!

And then the cycle.

(Circular movements of the palm)

If suddenly the hand is tired,

Let's start the massage from the beginning

But with the other hand

(Ride the ball with your left hand)

If you want a song sing:

Back - forward, Back - forward.

Let's speed up again.

Back - forward, Back - forward

And again the cycle!

(Rotational movements of the palm)

Ball, you're not pretending

Quickly jump into my palm.

(Put the massage ball in your right hand)

Let's start squeezing the ball.

One, two, three, four, five,

We are interested in playing

(Squeeze the massage ball, speeding up the movements)

Well, even faster, faster.

Don't spare your strength!

We will drive away boredom now.

(We shift the massage ball to the left hand and squeeze with acceleration)

Let's quickly change hands

And again, again, again

We keep pressing!

We stretch our fingers

(Fingers first of one hand, then of the other, alternately press on the spike needles)

This ball will help us

Because all the needles

He doesn't have pegs at all!

Somehow we don't believe him.

Check the needles with your finger

Don't yawn, don't yawn...

Click on the pins!

We continue the game

I'll rub the ball now.

(Roll a massage ball between the palms)

Everything is fine, good.

Well, more, more, more...

Well done, you ride well.

Hush, hush stop.

Press the needleball lightly

(Hands pressed to yourself)

And whisper to him: bye!

Here the game is over

See you tomorrow morning!

The most successful forms of organizing children's drawing and appliqué activities have become forms using non-traditional forms. Some children are afraid that they will not be able to complete the traditional task. In contrast, non-traditional activities are of great interest.

In different types of children's activities (joint, independent, GCD), I offer children various materials for creativity (threads, cotton wool, paper of different textures, sawdust, wool, cereals, pasta, plasticine, pebbles, shells, etc.). Using these materials, the child creates his own masterpiece, while the work of his fingers is activated and the development of the child's creativity, his imagination takes place.

One of the ways to improve finger motor skills, which is very captivating for children, is the nitkography method. Nitkography - laying out contour images of various objects with a thick thread, that is, "drawing with a thread." "Drawings" are voluminous and lively. In addition, working with soft and fluffy thread soothes children.

Children are attracted by the opportunity to make paper crafts that can be crumpled, torn into pieces of different sizes (for applique), folded (to create origami figures), and the resulting crafts can be used in games and dramatizations.

The ability to hold a brush in your hands is a great way to develop fine motor skills. I often suggest that children draw with their fingers, palms. Children love to sculpt from clay, dough and plasticine. Creating 3D pictures from plasticine causes a lot of positive emotions in a child, at the same time it has a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills and his creativity.

When working with paper, scissors, glue, I taught children how to use materials and tools correctly, tried to instill practical skills and abilities.

A special role in the development of manual skills is played by the ability to confidently use scissors. Constant exercises: cutting out, applique from paper and fabric, as well as cutting out various figures from old postcards, pictures - a useful and exciting activity for future schoolchildren.

To achieve the set goal and objectives, taking into account the characteristics and needs of the pupils of my group this academic year, I organized the work of the Magic Paper circle, where children, acting with paper of different textures and sizes, performed various exercises and made applications, crafts (balls for clown, sweets for guests, fat tummies of Cheburashka and bears, autumn leaves, in a forest clearing, etc.). Most of the work done by children in the classroom became participants and winners of children's art competitions at various levels. In addition, I often use children's work to decorate the interior of the group, which causes children to be proud of their success.

When working with a child, one inevitably encounters the parents of children, and, as practice has shown, the closer the relationship between the teacher and parents, the more successful the child becomes. I try to use every opportunity to communicate with my parents, one of the first tasks is to establish a trusting relationship with them. Each success of the child in creativity and in personal terms is brought to the attention of the parents, thus the child has the opportunity to receive praise from the parents, which is very important for him.

In order for parents to be aware of the topic, she conducted consultations for them, joint classes and seminars for parents and children, as well as master classes and various competitions - exhibitions that help develop fine motor skills and creative abilities of preschool children in collaboration with parents .

The results of the work carried out are quite high. By the end of the year, children who did not speak began to speak, gradually replenishing their vocabulary. The level of manual skills has become quite high: the children have become more independent in self-service, the children's work began to have an average and high level of performance (from the technical side). However, work in this direction does not end, because the child needs constant development and creativity. At older preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of preparing for school, in particular, for writing.

Therefore, for myself, I define tasks for the future :

Continue to look for new methodological techniques that will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of hands, general motor skills, independence, which will form interest in various activities;

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