Child from 3 to 7. Patience and strong immunity! The basis of education is in the sequence of actions

© Surkova L., 2015

© LLC AST Publishing House, 2015

Surkova Larisa is a mother of 4 children, as well as a candidate of psychological sciences and a practicing psychologist, who maintains her Instagram profile @larangsovet. She specializes in child and family psychology.

The cure for childhood jealousy is one and absolutely universal - the love of parents

Physical punishment is the weakness of an adult when he cannot find arguments other than the use of force.

Create the most positive environment for the child, control your own emotions as much as possible

The basis of education is in the sequence of actions

Love and respect the child as a person


Hello dear readers! I'm glad we had new meeting and you again hold my book in your hands. Who am I? Just Larisa Surkova, mother of four wonderful children, and at the same time a candidate of psychological sciences. Why in that order? Because children are the best thing that happened to me in life. It was their appearance that helped me advance professionally, discover new facets in myself, take a fresh look at such a science as psychology. After all, psychology is a complex, largely theoretical discipline, and it was my mother's experience that helped me see where the truth is hidden, how this wonderful science can be useful.

This book is about children at the wonderful age of 3 to 7. It is at this time that many interesting events in their lives. They become older, learn a lot and overcome two big stages - preschooler and schoolchild. I love this age (although I think I write this in every book), they are so interesting! Children have a sense of humor, thinking develops by leaps and bounds, they are able to create original logical chains in their minds. I wish you to enjoy communicating with your children and develop with them!

And according to a good book tradition, I want to say thanks to my beloved husband Peter Pavel (yes, he has a double name, and this surprises everyone). To my wonderful children Maria, Glafira, Stepan and Evdokia. Readers of my blogs in social networks who inspire me every day and motivate me to move forward. To everyone who attends my trainings, groups and individual sessions. And, of course, my patient editor and friend Olga for helping me prepare this book!

Happy reading!

Your child is 3 to 7 years old

What are they, children from 3 to 7

How not to go crazy during a crisis of 3 years

How to survive a crisis 7 years

Taboo for parents, or want happy child? Do not do that!

How to make the baby get sick less, or This mysterious psychosomatics

How to raise a real man

How to raise a girl: Princess or Cinderella

What role does proper daily routine play in a child's life?

How to motivate your child to do housework

How to make a motivation board for kids

What are they, children from 3 to 7

Of course, main feature this age is a smooth flow from one crisis to another. Usually it is this time period that parents call the most difficult and difficult for them. Children become stubborn, stubborn, and at the same time they are still terrible pessimists. And no matter how they are called: “stubborn three-year-olds”, “little old men”, “five-year-old whiners” - you read and are horrified.

But in fact, during this period, parents make the main and almost the only mistake -

But kids don't think so! They like to stay and "mom, I'm on my own, and don't kiss me anymore", and "oh, mommy, have pity on me soon, I'm a baby."

So, what I want to remind the parents of children in this age group.

Children aged 3-4 years

Or, as they like to call it in psychology, the younger preschool age is characterized by a high intensity of physical and mental development. From 3 to 4 years there are changes in the nature, characteristics and content of the child's activities, in relations with adults and peers. The intellectual sphere is intensively developing: the child learns standard forms, colors, sizes, phenomena surrounding reality and thinks about himself. Visual-figurative becomes the predominant form of thinking. On this age stage children master grammatical structure speech, actively experiment with words. The vocabulary increases significantly, children begin to use complex sentences in speech.

At this age, the need for movement is very high, and development gross motor skills comes to the fore. Younger preschoolers master the basic movements. Begin to develop physical qualities: speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, endurance.

There is also such a feature: for the first time, children begin to understand what “I” is, to realize their place in society, as well as their belonging to one or another gender. To a greater extent, interest is shown in games and toys related to their gender group.

Parents during this period of the baby's life can be given the following recommendations: play, run and jump with your child! Or at least let him do it himself! The kid needs to move a lot!

Teach your child to take care of themselves - comb their hair, brush their teeth, go to the shower. Do everything so that the child plays more: role-playing and group games, constructors - everything is fine at this age.

Use the age of the "why-why" to your advantage: museums, parks, books - all where you can find answers to questions that have not even been asked yet.

Communicate with people more often different ages, gender, in different life situations.

Spend time alone with your child. This is very important for him too!

Do not try to seat the child for reading, educational games and any other activities if this is presented in the form of lessons and classes at the desk.

Children aged 4-5

This is the period intensive growth and development of the child's body. Children change significantly in appearance, the features of an adult begin to appear more and more. Toddlers take over different ways interactions with other people, better orientated in human relations. They have ideas about the specifics of behavior and communication with other people, about individual female and male qualities. During play, children develop cognitive interest, observation develops, basic movements are improved.

The cognitive motive becomes the leading one, which manifests itself in numerous questions, the desire to obtain new information from adults (the age of “why?”). Characterized by high mental activity and curiosity. At this age, the child already pronounces all the sounds of his native language. The process of inventing new words and expressions continues. Children can retell small literary works, talk about a toy, a picture, about some events from life.

Keep running, jumping and playing! It is still very important for the development of the child.

In this article, we offer 12 original games that will make your leisure time with your child not only exciting, but also very useful.

Why is it necessary to play with a child?

Why exactly do you need to play with your child? It is not easy to buy mountains of toys in the hope that the baby will somehow occupy himself and will not pester you for an hour or two. And to break away on a day off for this very hour from your affairs in order to tinker on the carpet, cut out figures from colored paper, chat about all sorts of nonsense, read.

Communication with you gives the child much more than any mechanical "developing" toy. Spending time with parents, loved ones, grandparents, the baby grows up happy, emotionally healthy and intelligent.

Don't know what to play?

Are you bored of collecting a pyramid of cubes from time to time, and the child is no longer interested in this? We have collected ideas for you that will help you unlock your child's physical potential and develop new skills. 12 active games for development general motor skills, creative pursuits, tasks to improve coordination and balance.

Through the gameplay, you will help the child improve his speech, prepare him for successful start education in kindergarten and school. Develop the art of communication, lay in the character of the baby leadership skills, increase his self-esteem, focus on success.

It is in the format of play and fantasy that it is easiest for a child to reveal himself, express his feelings, dreams and desires, get rid of fears. In addition, for example, acting out scenes and episodes from familiar fairy tales teaches the basic principles polite communication: share, wait your turn, help a friend in a difficult situation.

Creating a stimulating environment for the child educational environment You are helping him to reach his full potential.

Let's play!

But, let's move from words to deeds! Below we provide descriptions of 12 different games for children from 3 to 7 years old. Read them, choose the ones you will play today and which ones you will leave for tomorrow or for next week. Prepare everything you need for the gameplay. You take convenient time and invite your child to spend time with you. Try not to get distracted during the process. phone calls or TV. Take half an hour to an hour of quality communication with your child. This is not much at all, but such communication cannot be overestimated. Today you are laying the foundation for your friendship with your child, rehabilitating for working week, create a favorable, learning environment and ... just relax! We wish you a pleasant weekend.

animal parts

You will need:

  • Pictures of animals cut out of magazines or drawn on
  • Scissors
  • Heavy paper sheet

Have your child pick up the heads and tails of different animals. You can add fun to the game by creating miracle animals at the discretion of the baby.

1. Cut out images of various animals in advance.

2. Cut the images in half by dividing into head part and tail.

3. Put the halves of all the pictures interspersed in front of the child, ask them to match the corresponding tail to the head.

4. Let the child stick the whole animal on a piece of paper.

Variant of the game: invite the child to specifically mix up the heads and tails to make new unseen animals!

Safety: Use glue stick and scissors with rounded ends.


Think of an object from your environment. If you give your child enough clues, he can immediately guess what you mean. It will also be right to let the baby guess the riddle for you!

Where to play: at home, on a walk, at a party or in a store.

1. Choose an interesting and familiar subject for the child.

2. Say that you thought of an object from what surrounds you. Give one clue, such as color, shape, size, or the first letter that the word begins with.

3. Let the baby using leading questions will try to guess what kind of subject you have in mind.

4. Switch roles and try to guess what your baby has guessed.

rhythm rhyme

Following the rhythm of a sounding song is not so easy. This game requires coordination, contributes to the development of the baby's hearing, sense of rhyme and rhythm. The game will be appropriate, for example, in the car. She will occupy and distract the child on the road.

Would need:

  • Music

1. Suggest a word, such as "day".

2. Say the word to the rhythm of the playing music: "Day-day-day-day-day."

3. Ask the child to continue the musical rhythm with a new word that would rhyme with the previous one: "Day-day-day-stump-day-day-day."

4. Think of words in turn until the game gets boring.

Define by touch

Teach your child to use touch to explore environment. Let him create mental images things that he can touch with his eyes closed.

What will be required:

  • Multiple Items small size: soft toy, cup, cookie, ball, washcloth, spoon, comb and others
  • Large bag or basket
  • Blindfold

1. Pick up items for the game and put them in a bag or basket.

2. Sit with the child on the floor in front of each other, explain the essence of the game.

3. Blindfold your baby.

4. Place items from the basket in the child's hands one at a time.

5. Ask to carefully feel and guess what he is holding.

6. Give hints if the child is not doing well.

Safety: Make sure you tell your child that you are going to blindfold him. If he doesn't like the bandage, you can just play with your eyes closed. And, of course, all items must be safe.

book about me

Make a special book with your child - where he himself will be the main character!

What will be required:

  • Heavy paper
  • Picture magazines
  • Photos of your child and other family members
  • Child's drawings
  • Scissors
  • stapler
  • A pen

1. Gather visuals that are meaningful to your child, including their drawings, photos of them and friends, pets, crafts, family photos.

2. Assemble an album from sheets of paper, placing a collage of pictures, clippings and comments of the baby.

3. Fasten the sheets together.

4. Attach a cover: "All about me!"

5. When the book is completed, read it together.

Such a project can be extended in time for more than one day. Return to work when you and your child are in the mood.

Believe me, after a year, two and even 10 years, this book will be very popular! You yourself will already forget that there was once such a story, or that the baby did not pronounce the letter “r”, but how funny he joked when he was only 3 years old!

So many memories collected together will eventually become a real treasure, and then, perhaps, great gift like for a wedding :)

Find a watch!

Just a few minutes to find the ticking clock! How exciting and exciting! Where can they be? You need to listen very carefully, and think and move quickly.

What will be required:

A kitchen timer or alarm that ticks loud enough.

1. Set a timer for 3-5 minutes and hide it in a room or outside.

2. Ask the child to listen.

3. Tell your child they have 3 minutes to find the timer! And for a successful search, you need to be very careful!)

4. If the baby is having difficulty, give hints.

5. Play again, reducing the search time.

Game variation: You can help in the search by saying "hot" or "cold" when the child approaches or moves away from the clock.

Falling tower

Remember, we started with the fact that the construction of "turrets" of cubes tired you? Play the other way around, don't build, but destroy! Toddlers sometimes like to destroy something rather than create. It's not scary, it's just a game!

You can build towers of cubes with your baby indefinitely. And every time the process of the fall of the building will cause him a storm of emotions. Still, the tower was so high and now it falls to the floor with a roar! The spirit is captivating!

What will be required:

  • Cubes, sticks, sticks or other items that can be used to build a tower.

1. It is most convenient to play on the floor.

2. Take turns stacking items on top of each other to make a tall tower.

Variant of the game: you can stack two towers in parallel - which one will be higher? Multi-tiered buildings are also very popular with kids.

Intimate talk

Sometimes a lot more interesting conversation develops over the phone than face to face. Make a homemade apparatus out of two paper cups and a rope threaded between them.

1. Make the device and decorate each of your "tube" with stickers or drawings.

2. Move to different ends of the room or sit on both sides of the sofa.

3. Start a conversation, as usual: "Hi, it's mom!"

4. Talk about what happened to each of you today.

Dance hand!

How to dance if you have only one part of your body at your disposal? Shall we try?

What will be required:

  • Music

1. Use any dance music. Ask your child to listen to the rhythm.

2. Arrange a dance battle. Take turns telling each other which part of the body will now dance.

Show what you feel

Sometimes it is difficult for children to express their emotions correctly. This game will help the child to better understand own feelings and correctly perceive others.

What will be required:

  • Illustrations or pictures that depict human emotions

1. Pick up pictures with different emotions: fun, joy, sadness, fear, grief, fright, tenderness, love, indifference and others.

2. Discuss with your child how the people in the pictures feel and how they express those feelings.

3. Stack the pictures face down.

4. Turn the pictures over one at a time and ask the child to depict the reflected emotion without resorting to words.

5. You must guess what emotion is shown in the picture by the way the baby shows it.

guess the end

Teach your child to predict the end of a story. In the future, he will be able to apply this skill in performing any cognitive tasks.

What will be required:

  • A book with a wonderful ending

1. Find a cozy place to read.

2. Read to the child part of a fairy tale or story and stop before reaching the end.

3. Ask him what he thinks will happen next.

4. Have him come up with some options development of events.

5. Read the book to the end to find out how it ended.

Follow the stickers!

This game is a treasure hunt variant that will teach your child to carefully follow the tracks. And where and what they will lead him to is up to you.

What will be required:

  • colored stickers
  • Treasure Reward
  • Place to play

1. Think of a route that the child treasure hunter will have to follow.

2. Place the stickers in plain sight along the way.

3. Place a reward at the end of the path.

4. Explain to the child how to conduct the search and what awaits him at the end.

5. Be sure to celebrate the successful outcome of the event together.


A few stimulating ideas, some creative materials, and time are all you need to create a unique environment in the form of a learning game for a child.

Do not forget:

1. A child learns especially productively only if you are an active participant in the process.

2. You are the best teacher for your baby, and in your power to make the learning process fun.

3. Enjoy the time you spend together! Then you will get such a return that you did not even dream of.

The period before school is the most auspicious time for play in the life of the baby. You will get great pleasure watching how he becomes more dexterous, how he grows. vocabulary how from an egocentric toddler he turns into a socially adapted child.

Description 12 games for children are taken from the book "150 educational games for children from three to six years old" by Alpina Non-Fiction

Development of a preschool child from 3 to 7 years. Every day you notice how your child is getting older. A three-year-old man already knows how to do a lot himself: he dresses, puts away his toys. He bombards adults with endless "why", he is very impressionable and mobile. Sometimes it seems that he is mobile even beyond measure. But you should not limit the child's need for movement with phrases: "do not run", "do not jump", "sit still", etc. Try to direct the child's mobility in the right direction: to form the necessary skills, to improve health, for education.

If up to 3 years of life the child is accustomed to correct regimen, to hardening, then you need to continue what you started. But in case you missed something, don't despair, everything can be fixed. The main thing is not to put it off indefinitely, because with every lost day, damage is done to the health and upbringing of the child. Your son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter needs no less care, knowledge and diligence than in the first years of life.

At preschool age, habits, character traits begin to form, are acquired and consolidated necessary skills laying the foundation for health and physical development child.

Children from 3 to 7 years old grow rapidly, lose their roundness and become, as it were, thinner than in early age. They have a lack of body stability, and motor capabilities are somewhat limited.


Preschool children learn life skills through play. When playing, they, first of all, enter into complex relationships with their peers, learn to help, to yield. The game manifests the child's abilities: ingenuity, courage and dexterity. Therefore, children's games should not be treated as something frivolous. Outdoor games should be alternated with calm ones. A child of 4 years and older can already master elementary sports skills: swim, skate, ski. There is an opinion that small children are only preparing for real life. But this is not true. Small man lives richly, with full dedication of his strength. To keep him bright unforgettable experience childhood, do not deprive him of the joy of experiences that physical education gives.

The development of the preschool child. Nervous system:

At preschool age, the maturation of nerve cells in the child's brain ends, and at 5-6 summer age his brain by weight and appearance approaching the adult brain. However, the nervous system of children is still easily excitable, and requires a careful attitude. From prolonged and unbearable loads, the child develops excessive fatigue.

The life experience of the child expands, he is more deeply interested in others, asks questions more often and willingly listens to the explanations of adults. The vocabulary increases and the child's speech improves. And although children aged 3-7 are very susceptible, the acquired skills are not immediately fixed and are easily violated. At preschool age, the processes of excitation nervous system prevail over the processes of inhibition - this must be taken into account.

The development of the preschool child. Musculoskeletal system:

The development of the musculoskeletal system in this age period happens unevenly.

  • In children aged 3-4 years, the weight per year increases by an average of 1.5-2 kg, and height by 4-6 cm.
  • At the age of 5, weight increases by 1-1.5 kg, and growth by 2-4 cm, the body becomes stronger.
  • During the 6th year of life, the child adds weight by 3 kg, and height - by 6-8 cm. The proportions of the body change markedly, the endurance of the body increases.

The average data of height, weight, circumference are given chest:


3 years old - height - 92.7 cm, weight - 14.6 kg, chest circumference - 52.6 cm.

4 years old - height - 99.3 cm, weight - 16.1 kg, chest circumference - 53.9 cm.

5 years old - height - 106.5 cm, weight - 18.1 kg, chest circumference - 55.5 cm.

6 years old - height - 112.8 cm, weight - 20.2 kg, chest circumference - 57.6 cm.


3 years old - height - 91.6 cm, weight - 14.1 kg, chest circumference - 52.0 cm.

4 years old - height - 98.4 cm, weight - 15.8 kg, chest circumference - 53.2 cm.

5 years old - height - 105.4 cm, weight - 17.7 kg, chest circumference - 54.7 cm.

6 years old - height - 112.5 cm, weight - 19.9 kg, chest circumference - 56.6 cm.

Despite the fact that in children under 7 years of age the blood supply to the bones is better than in adults, the bone-forming process is incomplete in most bones. The development of the skeleton in preschoolers has not yet been completed, the bones are soft and pliable, cartilage tissue predominates in them, which contributes to further growth.

By 6-7 years horizontal position the ribs are gradually smoothed out, which at a young age limited the excursion of the chest.

Ossification of the limbs in children under 7 years of age is very intensive, and only from 5-6 years of age does the fusion of the pelvic bones begin.

Muscle tissue grows due to the thickening of muscle fibers - this is facilitated by physical exercise. First of all, the muscles of the legs and pelvis develop, and from the age of 6-7, the muscles of the arms. But we must remember that due to the weakness of the musculoskeletal system and fatigue muscles, children under 7 years of age are not capable of prolonged muscle tension.

The development of the preschool child. Cordially- vascular system:

The cardiovascular system of preschool children meets the requirements of their growing organism well. Unlike adults, in children, the blood vessels are much wider, the blood circulates freely through them, the speed of blood circulation is higher, which makes it easy to satisfy the increased need for tissue blood supply. child's body. In children aged 3 to 7 years, the average arterial pressure is 73-76 mmHg. The pulse depends on the age of the child: than less age, the higher the heart rate. At 3-4 years old, the pulse is 100-110 beats per minute, at 5-6 years old - 90-100 beats per minute. At physical activity the heart muscle of the child quickly gets tired and the rhythm of its contractions is easily disturbed, but when the activity changes, the heart quickly calms down.

The development of the preschool child. Respiratory system:

In children preschool age respiratory organs have physiological features. Until the age of 7, the lung tissue is not yet fully developed. The pulmonary and nasal passages are narrow and this makes it difficult for air to enter the lungs. The diaphragm (abdominal muscular barrier) stands high and during breathing it limits the fluctuations of the chest. The child has shallower and faster breathing than adults. Due to the frequency of breathing, a high need for oxygen is satisfied. Younger preschoolers have 26-28 breaths per minute, older preschoolers have 23-25 ​​breaths per minute. Shallow breathing impairs the ventilation of the lungs in children and causes a slight stagnation of air in them. That's why, exercise it is very important to focus on fresh air and teach the child correct breathing. While running and jumping, breathing should be deep.

The development of the preschool child. Metabolism:

The developing organism of preschool children requires continuous replenishment energy costs and admission plastic substances for building organs and tissues. Assimilation processes nutrients in children, the processes of their combustion and decay are exceeded. Most of the energy in a child is spent on growth and deposition of substances, and not on the work of muscles, as in adults.

The development of the preschool child. The development of movements in children:

At 3-4 years old, the movements of children are significantly different from the movements at 5-6 years old. When walking and running, younger preschoolers do not have clear movements, they lose their balance and often fall, the pace of movements is uneven, while running - a small mincing step. Many children use their entire foot when running and have a hard time pushing off the ground. Such children cannot yet jump high over obstacles, even 5-10 cm from the floor, and cannot jump on one leg.

Children of primary preschool age play with the ball willingly, but their eye is poorly developed, the movements are not coordinated enough, so it is difficult for them to hit the target with the ball, catch the ball and throw it far.

From monotonous movements younger preschoolers quickly get tired, distracted, their attention is unstable.

By the age of 4.5-5 years, movements become more coordinated - jumps are available to them, they jump over small obstacles, throw and catch the ball better. But it is still difficult for them to throw the ball at a distance and hit the target, because. the eye and muscles are underdeveloped.

At 6 years old, children run easily and rhythmically, jump in length and height, on one leg.

Further development of movements in a preschool child occurs with systematic exercises.

Whatever the achievements of modern preventive medicine, unfortunately, our preschoolers still get sick, and get sick often.

Among the diseases in this age group prevail.

And, as you know, the best remedy prevention colds is hardening .

Candidate of Biological Sciences Anokhina Irina Anatolyevna, who in her dissertation raises the issues of hardening children of preschool age, notes the following benefits and effect of hardening :

  • improves thermoregulatory reactions of the body;
  • hardening is manifested in the improvement of skin-vascular reactions;
  • hardening effects are manifested in acceleration motor development, improvement of autonomic regulatory mechanisms of respiratory and cardiac function;
  • reduced susceptibility to colds.

Tempering mode for children over the age of 3 years

You can start hardening at any age. If you decide to improve the health of the child after three years, we suggest that you follow this morning routine :

  1. within 10-20 minutes, light gymnastics will enhance the effect.
  2. Washing and wiping with cool water (starting from a temperature of 22 degrees and gradually lowering to 15) to the waist.
  3. Gargling with water (temperature 35 degrees, lower daily by 1 degree, bring to 17 degrees). If the ENT organs in a child - weakness, reduce the temperature more slowly - by 1 degree every 5-7 days.
  4. (walk on the street from 8 to 11 hours for at least 30 minutes).

Wiping can be replaced by dousing the legs. We start with a water temperature of 30 degrees and every 3-5 days we lower it by 1 degree, bring it to 16 degrees.

Temperature fluctuations are best tolerated by children in the first half of the day . Therefore, do not delay the procedures and do not postpone them for a while before going to bed.

Hardening by the method of a short-term cold stimulus is more effective in the prevention of acute respiratory infections compared to other methods.

Irina Anokhina also focuses on the fact that hardening by the method of a short-term cold stimulus is more effective in the prevention of acute respiratory infections compared to other methods. The total number of diseases and, in particular, SARS is decreasing. But extreme hardening methods cannot be considered effective. because their exposure is inadequate for the health status of most children and causes them to increase the number of colds and chronic diseases.

What else do parents need to know?

There are several hardening rules children. If you follow them, then the procedures will not cause discomfort and will only benefit the child's body.

  1. It is necessary to start hardening in the warm season.
  2. Remember that gradualness and regularity are important.
  3. Consider the capabilities of the child, the load should not be excessive.
  4. Keep track of your child's health. If the baby is sick, take a step back. With light hardening does not stop, but switches to a more gentle mode (slightly more warm water, exclude rinsing). If the disease is serious, skip the procedures.

Contraindications for hardening procedures:

The maximum effect of hardening is observed after 2-3 months, but disappears in 1-2 weeks. Therefore, hardening should become permanent and mandatory procedure in child mode.

In this matter, adhere to the proverb: you go quieter - you will continue.

Patience and strong immunity!