The script for the solemn day of a medical worker. "medical" scenarios for the holiday of doctors. Competition "Agile and faster turned out ..."

On the third Sunday in June (2019 - June 16), we will celebrate the Day of the Medical Worker. Conferences, seminars, lectures, exhibitions of medical equipment, preventive examinations are timed to this holiday.

The management rewards the best specialists, colleagues and friends congratulate doctors and nurses on the holiday. Employees of the collectives of medical institutions get together to hold a corporate event on the Day of the Medical Worker.

Scenario of a corporate party for the Day of a medical worker

A holiday on the occasion of the Day of a health worker can include reading poetry, singing songs in honor of representatives of this profession. At the corporate party for the Day of the Medical Worker, you can also organize interesting contests and games.

And the celebration will end with a festive feast, which will feature original toasts in honor of the Day of the Medical Worker.

When composing a script for a corporate holiday "Day of a Medical Worker", do not forget to provide the necessary requisite. You will need, in particular, first-aid kits, overalls, medical masks, multicolored felt-tip pens and markers for the participants of the competition program.

Game contests will help create a relaxed atmosphere at the holiday.

Contests and games for the Day of the Medical Worker

Participants in the first competition will need to provide the "sick" with first aid for fractures, burns, frostbite, signs of flu, a foreign body in the ear or nose, injury with bleeding, etc.

In the “Guess” competition, participants are divided into pairs. One of them should depict a scene of an appointment with a doctor using pantomime means, and the other should determine what the patient is sick with and what specialization the doctor is treating. The audience will award a prize to the best couple participating in the competition.

Each blindfolded pair must put on the things that are in the bag: two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. The victory is the pair of surgeons who are the first to prepare for the operation and shout: "Scalpel!"

Participants are given a grapefruit, a plastic knife and a pair of medical gloves. “Surgeons” will need to cut the grapefruit in 1-2 minutes so that they get several slices of equal size. Assistants can advise doctors.

Then the competitors are given medical masks, on which mouths need to be drawn in a few minutes. After that, the doctors put on masks, and the audience chooses the most original one.

And at the end of the holiday, during a collective feast, beautiful toasts will be performed in honor of medical workers in verse and prose.

Toast for Medical Worker's Day

For doctors, for their work and dedication! I drink to the bottom for the health of each of you and wish prosperity to our dear medicine! I would like to wish that she did not stand still, but moved rapidly forward. Happy Medic Day, friends!

Dear doctors and nurses, paramedics and obstetricians, laboratory assistants and orderlies, we sincerely and heartily congratulate you on the Day of the Medical Worker! Please accept my thanks for your high professionalism, patience, kindness and generosity! I wish you good health, excellent mood and success in all your endeavors!

For your life credo -
"Come to the aid of all people!" -
I raise this glass
And I want to make a toast.
A snake and a glass - an ancient symbol
Medicine for centuries.

About your medical assistance
Glory is great among the people!
I wish the wisdom of the serpent,
From the cup greedily drink happiness,
And let the path of life be long
To heal all the sick!

Ambulance in any weather
Quickly rush up, saving lives.
Happiness, health for many years
We wish all doctors this holiday!

Take off your white robes
Spend a portion of your salary
And have fun until you drop:
You need a drink for life today,
For the joy of beating hearts
For medicine, finally.

For nurses and doctors -
For all earthly, native gods,
For those who are in the day, for those who are in the night,
For those who will say to death: "Get out!"
Doctor on duty - he can't ...
Happy Medic Day! For you, friends!

Banquet scenario Day of the medic.

I feast.

An invitation to the table.
Dear friends!
I hope from the bottom of my heart -
Let's have fun!
We start our feast honest -
We ask everyone to sit down!

Hello! Who else does not know, my name is ________________! And today, for the 5th time, I was entrusted to lead your festive banquet. I am glad to welcome at this festive table representatives of the most humane profession - medical workers.
Where do we start?
With boring phrases and congratulations?
Oh no! .. And there is no doubt about it
To spite the enemies, the fate of the villainess
I want to say - pour it!
To the fullest!
Therefore, I ask the gentlemen to take care of the charming ladies, fill them and themselves with glasses, and thus prepare for the first toast!
All of you know from your own experience that people in white coats have to work very, very hard. But let us remember one wise saying, known since ancient times: "He who has a good rest works well."
Therefore, I urge you, dear friends, to sit down at the festive table more conveniently and forget about all your daily worries and difficulties. Let's rest!

1. Congratulations to Ch. doctor
Dear friends! Word for the first toast, traditionally provided (Full name of the chief doctor).

Toast 1.

And I am pleased to congratulate you on the long-awaited minutes codenamed "Stomach Joy"
2. A little about the evening
Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, signors and signoritas, bon appetit and good mood! And while you are having your snack, I want to briefly introduce you to how our evening will pass.
For the next 30 -40 minutes, we will listen to congratulations,
drink and eat.
Then I will announce a small smoking and dancing intermission for 30 minutes. During which music will play. Whoever wants to can dance, smoke, communicate in the fresh air. Later we will sit down at the table again for 30-40 minutes. Again, we will congratulate, participate in competitions, play advanced games, be surprised by surprises, eat and drink. Then again there will be a smoking and dancing intermission for thirty minutes. So the feast will constantly alternate with dancing, and at the very end, after many hours, when you are already tired of food, toasts, games and me, you will have a long dance marathon until you drop.

Whoever wants to eat - have enough!
Who wants to smoke - get high!
Who wants to say - say enough! Who wants to dance - dance!
Who wants to play games - will play enough!
Who wants to get drunk - get drunk!
Those who want to relax will have a great rest!
Whoever wants what will get it!

2. Congratulations to the VIP guest
Dear friends! You all know that good mood and good appetite are in direct proportion.
"A cheerful look makes food a holiday." The caring ones are already whispering to me from my place: "Between the 1st and 2nd gap is small!"
With a deep sense of respect,
I traditionally give the second word of our evening to the honorary, important guest, the head of administration (FULL NAME.).

Congratulations from the mayor of the city.
Toast 2.

3. For health.
To make life more fun in the world, we will drink now on the 3rd. Well, why are we sitting, missing, pouring more actively.

The great philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer argued that "happiness lies primarily in health." I propose to drink a glass to you, who are guardians of human health and, consequently, human happiness! For your health!

3rd toast "To health".

4. For women.

“A popular proverb says:
"No gravy and cabbage dries," so now is the time for another toast and gravy. In this regard, I would like to ask the gentlemen again, while I am delivering the next toast, to look after the ladies and fill their glasses.
The luminaries of medicine are most often men. Honor and praise to them! But ask them, could they have achieved such heights, if not for the active help of fellow assistants, if not for the skillful and gentle hands of sisters, nurses? And if you pay attention to all the medical staff, it becomes obvious that “we cannot live without women, no” ... We should give them their due and thank all women working and practically living in the kingdom of Hippocrates. I propose a toast to their health!

4th Toast "For Women".

An acquaintance game. (Music - mounted clappers).
And now, attention, guests!
Before we continue our evening, let's get to know each other.
At the table big beautiful
Gathered at this hour
I propose to all of you together
Meet now.

I am without flattery and passion
I will introduce all the guests here
Well, what is required of you is support and applause.
1. We look forward to hearing from you a standing ovation for the city administration headed by (Full name of the head of administration).

2. What a holiday without friends
important dear guests -
Rise together
and show yourself to all the guests.
Don't miss the moment
give them a big round of applause.
3. Let me tell you simply, without fuss:
Meet sponsors soon!
I ask you to stand up, do not be lazy and show yourself to the people!
4. Where do we have doctors here?
It's time to greet them!
Wonderful doctors of the city ... - hip-hip ... Hurray!

5. We ask all nurses, experienced and young, to stand up. We applaud in their honor!

6. We welcome the people on whom your material well-being depends - economists and accountants!

7. Salute of applause to representatives of households. service.

8. Let's clap our hands
For all guests! For you good ones!

What a friendly company we have with you today.
I suggest a drink to this.
Let's raise our glasses to our friendly honest company.

Toast 5 "For a friendly company."

6. Best congratulations.
Your professional holiday is the holiday of the smartest, kindest and most wonderful people in the world.
I am sure that a person who knows how to heal is able, like no one else, to understand, compassion and support other people.
We continue the baton of holiday congratulations and I invite you to participate in the competition for the best congratulations and wishes to your colleagues.

Congratulations from 2 to 3 people.
And now I invite everyone present to appreciate the eloquence of each of the speakers with applause.
(The winner is the one who receives the louder applause and the prize is awarded.)
I propose to accept the winner's congratulations and wishes as a toast.

6th toast.
For what was said to come true and rise to a degree.

7. Check for singing.
The holiday of medical workers is celebrated in summer, when it is warm and sunny, and the peak of work is in winter, when it is cold, slippery and flu-like. These two seasons are very important for us. And not only for us. There is not a single poet who has not written poems about winter or summer. And poetry with a melody is already a song.
And now, dear physicians, I propose to conduct a professional test for "singing".
We set the theme "summer", "winter".
You need to remember and sing in turn a verse or at least a few lines from songs that mention these seasons or their signs.
For example: "Winter":
Blizzard sweeps down the street
Sometime in the summer at dawn
"Winter": Oh, frost, frost
And the dawn is already more noticeable
So please be kind
Don't forget these summer ones too
Moscow Nights! Etc.

The winner is the team that can sing along to the theme when the rivals run out of steam.
We sang great, friends! It seems to me that there are no winners or losers in this competition. Indeed, despite the fact that you were focused on certain seasons, all the songs sounded speak mainly of love that lives at all times. Let's raise our glasses to the singers of love, that is, to you, and to love!

6th Toast "To Love".

So that the guests do not sit
to infinity,
We offer everyone
Knead your limbs.
Everyone dances!
Hey DJ, rock it!

1. Dance break.
Contests, games:
1. Find a pair
And now you are invited to find your partner for dancing, using a hint of fate (you and I know how important this lady's role is in our life).
In 2 hats there are halves of the cards: in one - those on which the beginnings of famous proverbs are written, in the other - their continuation. The participants in the game draw out one half at a time (men from one hat, women from another) and they are looking for someone who will have a card with the beginning or end of this proverb. This is how they find partners for the next slow dance. (but don't insist that unwilling ones dance)... The number of players must be even.

List of proverbs:

1. He who is forewarned is armed.
2. All that glitters is not gold.
3. God takes care of the cherished one.
4. The hat is on fire on the thief.
5. He who knows a little of everything, knows nothing.
6. They don't go to someone else's monastery with their own charter.
7. Still waters run deep.
8. A tit in the hands is better than a crane in the sky.
9. Water does not flow under the lying stone.
10. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
11. Where it is thin, there it is torn.
12. Brevity is the sister of talent.
13. Judged not by words, but by deeds.
14. At night all cats are gray.
15. What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.
16. Better to see once than hear a hundred times.
17. The miser pays twice.
18. In love and in war, all means are good.
19. What goes around comes around.
20. Not knowing the ford, do not poke your nose into the water.

Ved. So, the halves of the proverbs have finally come together and it's time to declare a slow dance.
A slow dance
2. My friends!
I want to please you. Everyone who came to our holiday, literally everyone, bought a ticket for the trip. Imagine how great it is! Applause. Look, I didn't even expect everyone to love freebies so much. Well, let's go for a ride for free? Everybody loves freebies.
Locomotive horn (effect)
1. Lined up with a locomotive!
And after (name) we go on a journey. Music
We put our hands on the shoulders of the neighbor. Now hands on the neighbor's ears, neck, hips. Here the freebie arrived in time. Men, the hips are just a little lower. We wave our right hand together. We decided to make the first stop and brought you all to the Caucasus!
We dance "Lezginka"
Where are our hot horsemen?
We ask two wonderful doctors in the center of the circle - ___________________! Here they are hot Caucasian guys! And let's go! Music.
Here are almost Caucasian hot women. Now the horsemen get down on one knee, the ladies take it by one finger and go around. And now in the other direction. Ay, well done! How many hot people among you!
2. Following (name) we cling to the carriages of the locomotive. This time we put our hands on the waist (knees, heels).
Look at your colleagues! So they will go home today.
Hands on your chest! It's just below the chin, above the waist!
(What are you men, I was joking).
We make one more stop.
And you and I arrived in a country about which they say that it has absolutely everything!
Of course, this is Greece. And we dance the favorite dance of the Greeks "Sirtaki".
We stand in a circle, put our hands on the shoulders of a neighbor. For the last time we cling to the locomotive trailer.
A pleasant surprise awaits our guests - we are going to the carnival!
(Hats and other props to prepare)
Ladies and gentlemen, you were brought to sunny Brazil, just at this time of the year you and I got there for the carnival. But where to get the costumes? A bag from Zaitsev, or maybe from Dmitry Medvedev, comes in handy. Now I will dress you all up!
Having gathered in one big circle, we dance in Brazilian style to cheerful music. Who does not know how to dance in Brazilian, raises his hands higher and vigorously wags his butt ... th.
Hands up. On the count of three, only the girls are screaming. Men answer them on the count of 3 (who has won?)... And the loudest applause to everyone who was active and cheerful!
Many thanks to all those who rode with us.
To remember later
This moment in the biography
I propose to urgently take a photo for all of you.


Game "Magic Hands".

Just a moment of attention! Now I suggest you play a sleight of hand game, because it is known that the skillful hands of doctors work wonders.
There are 4-5 people in the game (double newspaper sheets)... Players in a line, hold an unfolded newspaper in a hand outstretched at shoulder level by the very corner. On command, the players try, without lowering their hands and without resorting to the help of another, to completely crumple the newspaper, gathering it into a fist. When finished, raise your hand with a newspaper above your head. While the participants of the game manipulate the newspapers, the audience counts the seconds in chorus. The winner will receive an award - a diploma "Masters of Magic Hands" and a prize.

2 feast.

At the festive table
We invite you again!
We celebrate all together
We must continue.
1. For obedient patients
Once in a restaurant, a doctor saw his patient, who enthusiastically absorbed alcoholic glass after glass. The doctor could not resist and went up to him: "Listen, I gave you permission to drink no more than two glasses a day!" To which the patient kindly replied: “Of course, doctor. But I am being treated ... not only by you! "
Friends! I propose a toast for all doctors to come across obedient patients with whom it would be pleasant to work and for whose successful cure one can raise their glasses!

1st toast "To obedient patients."

2. For a calling.

Doctors can rightfully be called pioneers, sea captains. After all, no matter how many identical diagnoses, the people who have to be treated are unique. And with each patient, the doctor makes a new journey into the unknown.
Let's sing in connection with this
"Song of Aesculapius"
to the tune "Song of the Captain"
1. There lived a brave Aesculapius,
He healed everyone in a row,
And he saved people from death more than once.
The infection caught fifteen,
I did not spare my last strength
But never even
leave did not ask.
And in trouble and in labor
He sang this song everywhere:

After all, a smile heals hearts.

2. But one day Aesculapius
The maiden was saved from the death of the paws.
And fell in love with the patient crazy.
Fifteen times he blushed
Stuttered and turned pale,
But he never dared to smile.
He was gloomy, he was losing weight,
But no one sang for him in a friendly way:
"Aesculapius, Aesculapius, smile,
After all, a smile heals hearts.
Aesculapius, Aesculapius, pull yourself up,
Only fate smiles on the cheerful! "
Doctors, doctors, smile
After all, a smile heals hearts.
Doctors, doctors, pull up
Only fate smiles on the cheerful!
I propose to raise your glasses to your life choice, to your calling! (Music plays.)

2nd toast "To the vocation".

3. Skeleton.

A doctor I knew told me this story: “There was a knock on the doctor’s apartment. He opens the door - no one. Then he goes out onto the landing and sees a skeleton leaning against the door! “This is always the case! - the doctor grumbles.
- They pull to the last, and then crawl to the doctor! "
Let's raise our glasses so that people remember doctors in time and appreciate their selfless work. Happy professional holiday!

3rd toast "To appreciate the work of a physician."

4. For a friendly team.

It's no secret that a good doctor needs more than his own talent, knowledge and sensitivity. For success in this difficult field, support and understanding from colleagues is very important. That is what is called teamwork. Friends, let's remember what words can be called such work and the components of success. So who was the first to remember? (cooperation, friendship, union, unity, unanimity, like-mindedness, harmony, partnership, community, interaction, mutual assistance, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, solidarity, cohesion, teamwork, singularity)
Let's drink it all now
For a friendly team, for you!

Toast 4 "For a friendly team."

5. The game "Fishermen".

Dear friends! To introduce you to the course of what will happen next, I will tell you one anecdote.
Fishermen are resting and talking. First: "I somehow pulled a catfish by 103 kilograms!" Second: "And I pulled three hooks at once on one hook!" Third: “And I just sat there, biting nothing. When suddenly the float goes sharply under the water, I pull, and there is a silver candelabrum in three candles and all the candles are burning ... "Then the first one again takes the floor and says:" I will probably reduce my catfish by a hundred kilos, but you put out the candles. "
But in our next game called "Fishermen" there will be prizes better than a silver candelabrum. Prizes will be special, fishing. Therefore, in order to participate in the next game, I need two gentlemen who love fishing. Please, fishermen, do not hesitate! "
Dear fishermen! Introduce youreself. You can give your name, or you can give a fishing nickname, for example, the unsurpassed whale and shark striker and tamer, Sharp Harpoon. "
So, there are two fishing aces in all water bodies of the world, including fountains and baths, just Sergey and Vovka Strong Hand! Your applause! Dear participants, it’s not for me to tell you that when fishing a fisherman needs a good reaction and dexterity. And now we will test your agility and sleight of hand on an ancient and simple device.
2 coils (each 5-8 m), in the middle of which a hook is tied (clip).
Your task is to unwind the line to its full length and pull it slightly.
(Hang an opaque bag on the hook in the middle of the line).
Exactly between you I have hung a gorgeous prize, winning which you will receive a few more additional prizes. But there is one condition: the prize that hangs must be tested. At my command, you will start quickly, each on his part, winding the line onto the reel. Whoever reels his part of the line first and reaches the prize hanging between you on the hook will receive this prize. Then the winner tests it and receives additional gifts. Are the rules clear?
(Merry music)
"Agile and faster turned out ..."
Your applause to the participants of the competition and especially to the winner! " the winner takes out large family panties from the bag.
Experienced people say that polka-dot underpants are better than polka-dot underpants! And I remind you that these fishing pants need to be tested, put on your health!
Dear friends! While the winner is trying on a secret fishing outfit, I want to ask you a riddle. It sounds like this: "One hundred clothes and all without fasteners." What is it?"
And what is there to guess - these are 50 underpants and 50 socks.
Honorable Mention (voblu) to the loser
To the winner: And this roach and a reel of fishing line are extra for you! " Ladies and Gentlemen! And now, with your permission, I announce the fisherman's dance! "
Let me remind you that the winner cannot refuse to dance.
Fisherman's dance. Moose. Rock'n'roll

Thank you, you have amused us a lot. To the very best Rock and Roll Fisherman Dancer, your applause!
And the last one is anecdote. “Once in winter a guy got together for a fishing trip. He came, began to hammer the ice, suddenly a voice said: "There are no fish here!" The man did not understand, he went to another place, began to hammer, again the voice: "There is no fish here !!" The man goes over, and he again: "There is no fish here !!!" The man got offended and angrily asks: "Who are you?" The voice replies: "Director of the ice rink!"

Toast. Let's drink to cheerful people who know how to support the company.

Dance break 2.

Now I invite you to test in practice your ability to act together, as a team, and for a start, I propose to choose captains and give them the task of recruiting teams.
We invite all of you, dear friends, to participate in team games. So, the captains are in place, but where are the teams?
(Leaving the table is performed to the accompaniment of bravura music.)

Team games.
2 teams are organized.

Ved. We stand opposite each other.
Team attention! Which one of you is the best? (Shouting).
Who is louder?
The team (surname or name of the captain)- try to shout down!
We'll have to arrange a competition, which will take place in several stages. The one who wins will be the best.
So, whose team ...
1. will be the tallest we'll see right now, because you have to build the pyramid without using chairs.
2. And whose team will make the circle wider in the free part of the hall - (wide - circle).
3. And whose team is the closest? - (small circle).
4. Well, in that case, whose team is the smallest?
5. Which team will be the longest hand-held chain and stretched from wall to wall?
6. And who stomps your feet louder?
7. In that case, who claps their hands louder?
8. the most jumping
9. In this case, the last one is whose team ...
the most danceable?

Moose. “Everything will be fine” (Serduchka) - everyone is dancing.
It's time to take stock.

But how are we going to choose the best team if you and I are all mixed up, and we no longer have teams, we got one big friendly team.
And this means that friendship has won! It is on this optimistic note that we announce a dance for all who consider themselves young and successful.

A slow dance.
3rd feast.

To continue the fun
We need to pour again.
1. Blitz wishes.
Dear friends, I bow before your noble cause.
You all deserve the warmest words and best wishes not only from patients, but also from each other. Treat yourself without skimping on words. Remember how they say: "A kind word and the cat is pleased."
So blitzwishes!
Briefly, in a word, we started!

Toast 1."For people in white coats"
Let's drink to people
Dressed in white robes.
For nurses and doctors,
Who is on duty not for a salary.
Let's wish them
Health, happiness and good luck.
Let the sky be blue
And all the tasks are solved.

And also raise our glasses,
For the rest of the people,
So that there are more healthy ones,
And you had less adversity!

2. "Aesculapius".
Joke - Awards Ceremony
Today we are attending the ceremony of presenting the "Esculap" awards, awarded by the Medical Academy and dedicated to the hedgehog at the All-Russian holiday - the day of the medical worker.
For a whole year, members of the Medical Academy discussed the merits of the nominees, washed their bones, put them on the shelves, saw through and endowed them with all sorts of epithets. And today we present the result of this painstaking work to your attention. We thought for a long time and decided which of you should be nominated in which nomination and came to the conclusion that everything and everyone. But from an organizational point of view, this is quite difficult ... so we will resort to a tried and tested method.
I think the time has come to meet the contenders for victory in various nominations.
They are talented, successful, educated doctors. All of them, of course, are different, but they have one thing in common - the ability to achieve results in their favorite business.
So, in the 1st nomination "Hot Pepper" are presented:

The nominees will now be asked questions to which they must answer and demonstrate their wit, resourcefulness and non-standard thinking.
Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that in the fight for the title of Hot Pepper, all the answers are good, but the brighter the answer, the greater your chances of winning in this nomination. The audience will choose the winner.
1. What professional qualities do you need in your work?
2. Describe your life with a line from a song.
3. Spell the word DOCTOR.
4. Why do patients love you?
5. Your motto in dealing with patients.
6. What do you value most in your colleagues?

2. Nomination "In love with the profession".

(Full name of 3 nominees-doctors)

What distinguishes a real physician in love from a simple medical worker? (question to men).
Of course Serenade !!! So, in the fight for the title of in love with the medical profession, our nominees will perform a serenade for the ladies. (props: guitar)
This is a very serious and responsible nomination, so an impromptu is inappropriate here. We will give the nominees time and space to prepare.
And while our nominees are preparing to perform the serenade, dear medical professionals, and especially men, we will check how you know your female colleagues!
Dear male doctors, congratulatory telegrams have been received from your female colleagues. But they were all in such a hurry that they forgot to subscribe. Your task is to identify the sender.
The shooter on trousers and fashionable clothes carefully wishes you (name) +
Wide shoulders and a slim waist wish you (name) +
Three-story houses, friends without flaw and wishes magnificent holidays (name) +
Healthy liver, let the iron will not bend, signed (name) +

3. Nomination "Faster than the ambulance".

Rally competition.

You have a driver's license, i.e. rights? And the nurse you know? Then call or can you handle it yourself?
For those who did not finish playing in childhood. It is necessary to provide help with the help of a bandage, which is attached to the car, so first you wind the rope around a pencil to the music, whoever winds up faster and does not get entangled will win
First round, and only then bandage, my dears, but quickly.

4. Nominated exclusively for surgery and traumatology. "I blinded him from what was."

(Full name of 3 nominees-doctors).

Competition "Statue of Love".

You are Sculptors. Now your task is to invite a couple of M and F - from which you will sculpt a statue to the best of your imagination. You, as sculptors, put the participants in a pose that personifies Love and take the 3rd place in the statue.
Discussion, medal and prizes.

Ved. Ladies faint, the curtain closes.
The washing of awards begins.
And once again, applause to all the winners and participants.
To glorious medical workers hip-hip ... Hurray !!!
It's high time for everyone to drink!

Toast 2.

3. Super prize drawing.

game under the code. name "THREE"
(raise the super prize over your head)
Dear friends! now we will play a game for beautiful ladies!
And this one (prize name)- this is the main prize! Please, lovely ladies, do not hesitate, the prize can be yours, the number of participants is not limited. "
Stunning ladies! To participate in the final of this competition, I need only four participants.
These four finalists will play a very different game and all will receive prizes, the first of which is this wonderful prize! Now I'm going to screen out through the qualifying game.
I blow the whistle once and simultaneously raise my right hand once upwards. (fistula and raise) and you lift. If I fistula twice and raise my hand (fistula twice and raise my hand once), then you do not need to raise your hand - so I will deceive. Whoever does not raise his hand to a single whistle and raises to a double one is eliminated. If at the same time two or more participants are mistaken, then I reserve the right to choose one of them for elimination. And my choice will be impartial.
We do several trainings before the qualifying round. Several times in a row, at intervals of 4-5 seconds, I fistula and raise my hand up with each whistle. Participants, like me, raise their hand up. Then I fistula twice and raise my hand (an error will be the basis for elimination from the qualifying game)... Applause to the losers! Four finalists remain. The qualifying game is accompanied by the words “Rexon is working! (When you raise your hand.)
Vi-i-ira! Who votes for? (Instead of whistling.) Either once, or two, - the toastmaster deceived!
They raised their hand in time, -
ended up in the final! "
Each outgoing member is encouraged, for example:
She fought, but failed, support her with applause!
It is not victory that is important, but participation - your applause!
Applause for her perseverance, she leaves this game to rest and win the next one - the competition!
She didn't win, but she didn't give up, which means she deserves your applause! "
Final: “Dear friends! Now, in the final, these beautiful and stubborn ladies will all receive prizes, as well as a super-prize.
Let's applaud the finalists! " I ask the four finalists to stand in two pairs facing each other. Moreover, one pair is located on my right hand, the other on my left so that each of the participants freely reaches with her outstretched hand to the bear, which I hold in front of me in my hand. Now we will check the level of harshness of our finalists' reactions. We will find out how they drank to the health of their colleagues and we will choose "Miss Motor Coordination"! "
The rules of the game are simple:
When you hear the number 3, immediately put your palm on the head of this one ... Just do not give him a concussion and do not clap each other with sharp claws. Whose hand will be lower after I pronounced the coveted number, she will receive a prize by taking first place. Let's start:
Once we caught a pike.
Gutted, but inside
(significant pause)
the word "inside" contains the required number,
but it is not in its pure form.

Once we caught a pike,
Gutted, but inside
We saw a lot of fish.
Yes, not one, but whole ...

The reflexes are good, but, unfortunately, I have not yet had time to pronounce the coveted number. With your permission, I continue:
A hardened guy dreams. Become an Olympic champion. At the start, it's better not to be cunning.
Listen to the command: One! Two! .. March!
When you want to learn poems, do not teach them until late at night,
Better yet, repeat it in the morning
Once, twice, or maybe ... seven!
Be careful, the coveted figure can sound at any second. "
One night at the train station
I'm three o'clock
had to wait!
Raise the hand of the winner of the final up. (When giving her the prize, ask her name)... Let's redeem (name) in applause! Now let's
Let's applaud all the wonderful participants in the final! (all prizes)

4. The game "Shifters".

Dear friends! Now I want to play one ancient aristocratic game. Some of you may have played it before, but my version of this game is fun and unusual. It is so because of the use of unusual and original words in the game. To get you up to speed, prepare you for the game, and create a special mood, I want to do a little warm-up using such unusual words. I will ask you questions, and you need to answer from the spot. Let's start? " The guests nod, and I begin to warm up: "Who is a barbarian?" - this is a cook at two rates! "
What is smoked meat?
- unkempt policeman! "
watchdog - the director of the bar;
attack - lipstick;
arsenic is a miracle of selection;
boy - killer;
compatriot - deceased;
mordovorot - a goalkeeper from Mordovia;
glucose - goat - drug addict;
tomahawk - wife Tamara meets a drunken husband;
suitor - a lover of fish soup

5. Drinking songs.

6. Final toast.

"From Moses to Einstein"
Prophet Moses
King Solomon
Jesus Christ
Philosopher Karl Marx
Psychoanalyst Freud
Physicist Albert Einstein

Prizes; super prize;
Cardboard medals, ribbons for them:
Hot Pepper, In love with the profession, Faster than the ambulance;
Diploma: Master of Magic Hands;
Bandages 3 pcs.;
Rope machines, 3 pencils;
Fishing line on 2 reels, a hook, cool pants for a fisherman, a mosquito hat, fishing boots.
Newspaper sheets double 5 pcs.

The script of the festive concert dedicated to the day of the medical worker - 2009

Before the start of the event, songs of a medical theme are played.

The beginning of the event sounds _________ song ____"People in white coats"

Speech by the Director of the Health Department - Svetlana Viktorovna Vasilkova ____________________________________________

Music sounds for the exit of Tamara Vasilievna Minkina _____________

Awards ceremony ____________________________________________

Speech by Svetlana Viktorovna

Awards ceremony __________________________________________

Music sounds on the presenter's exit ________________________________

Veda - Good afternoon, dear, dear heroes of the occasion! Happy Holidays! Happy medical worker's day!

Today, our pupils and teachers of the State Drama Theater have a very exciting and responsible performance, because each participant in the concert has been in your skillful and kind hands. We would like to thank you people who give and extend the most precious thing a person has - life!

And if tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow not work, or at home you will have one more smile, if, returning home today, you remember some song or joke heard at the concert, we will be very pleased. It means that we did our best not in vain. Accept congratulations from the city House of Children's Art.

Room ______________ "Apple tree", "Crescendo" ____________

Sounds ____________________ "Turn on the exit" _____________________

1 - Everything is in order there is no tail!

All - We cut off the tails!

2 - Let's start then!

3 - Agents, settle in order!

3 - agent X

4 - Agent xx

5 - Agent 3 x

6 - Agent xy

3 - Where is the intern?

All - Trainee ?!

Trainee - Trainee Yamek!

1 - Take off your hat!

2 - Take off your hat!

Together - Take off your hat!

3 - We have arrived to complete a mission

Together - Harm!

3 - Why are you shouting, you can hear everything here, quiet, necessary, quiet….

Igrek - And for the doctors, everything is, on the contrary, for them - do no harm!

Andrey - From the very birth a person falls into the hands of these people in white coats! So what?

Everything, that?!

Andrey - And what they start to do ... these are like theirs, the language does not dare to say ....

All - Vaccinations!

Andrey - They are the most ... And we, as you know, are against vaccination, there is no need to inject people with all sorts of nonsense!

Gamer - Commander, what have you got ?!

Andrey - Yes, so, the dog has bitten! What's wrong?

Everything - Nothing!

1 - Is everything all right with your health? Temperatures, by any chance?

2 - Does the cramp bother you?

3 - Do you not notice the mesh in front of your eyes?

Andrey - What are you doing ?!

5 - Why are you spitting so suspiciously ?!

1 - Maybe you can drink some water ?!

Andrey - No!

Igrek - Everything is clear, we need an anti-rabies vaccine!

Andrey - I don't need any vaccine, you want to fail the task ?!

2- Are you fatal ?!

Andrey - I have never flown, and you will not force me to!

2 - Agents, commander, in my opinion he does not understand ?! Let's explain!

All - We'll have to!

2 - Well, in general, soon you will discard your hooves ....

4 - Glue the fins!

5 - Move the horses!

Andrey - What?

1 - What is what, khan to you, that's what!

Andrey - How is this khan, I just started living, bought a hat, sewn a cool raincoat to order, gathered you agents, and that's it, life is over !?

2 - It turns out so!

Andrey - what to do?

3 - We told you, the rabies vaccine is urgently needed!

Andrey - Is that again injections ?!

All - if you don't want it, don't!

Andrey - Did you tell the truth about the volatile outcome ?!

4 - Firstly, not volatile, but lethal ...

5 - And secondly, they didn’t know, they didn’t say!

Andrey - And what do you suggest ?!

1 - Remove ambition, and present some surprise as an excuse!

Andrey - Will the dessert go ?!

2 - Well, it's not for us to judge!

Andrey - And to whom?

Together - to the Spectator!

Andrey - So, today we are going to cook an amazing dish!

Together - "Medical dessert!"

Anya - For this we need to take 2 kg of youth and activity, the leader of the leader, the deputy of the Shakhty City Duma Andrei Anatolyevich Ryabov

Olya - 2 tablespoons of the vast experience of the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, surgeon Nikolai Ivanovich Kopytko,

Alina - A glass of responsibility, seriousness and new ideas of Galina Ivanovna Chuvashova.

Vika - Add the charm and excellent leadership of Natalia Semyonovna Pansurkina.

Andrey - At the tip of the knife of youth, prospects, responsibility to everything Igor Alekseevich Legkov,

Denis - A handful of beginnings of Inna Viktorovna Shevchenko.

Anya - Mix everything with the intelligence and commitment of Georgy Grigorievich Golubnichy,

Olya - And thanks from the women and children of Olga Alexandrovna Shevchenko

Alina - As a surprise, put the efficiency and activity of Galina Eduardovna Belinskaya.

Vika - Warm up on the success of Tatyana Anatolyevna Bunk

Andrey - Bake in the diligence and reliability of Vladimir Mikhailovich Attacks.

Denis - And in successful leadership, advanced technologies and forms of work of Sergei Vladimirovich Khlynin

Olya - To decorate all this with the sense of humor and calmness of Anatoly Pavlovich Litvinenko and the excellent organizational skills, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Valery Petrovich Zhinkin.

Anya - Sprinkle with kindness, responsiveness, responsibility, and love for the children of the chief pediatrician of the city, Nina Andreevna Shilina!

Alina - Serve with many years of organizational experience, persistence, reliability and loyalty of Mikhail Leonidovich Gorlovetsky ……………

Anya - With decency, diligence, and love of the children of your region, Lyubov Ivanovna Turichenko!

Andrey - Oh, and yummy turned out!

Alina - Of course, because only the cream of medicine works in our city

Glory, glory

Together - to the doctors,
Nurses, paramedics,
To all nurses, ophthalmologists,
Obstetricians, prosthetists,
Dentists and ENTs.

We all sing glory in chorus.
Even if someone is healthy
After all, he began his life with doctors!

Their caring hands
Eased mothers' torments;
So that we can be born.

God forbid we catch a cold
Catching bronchitis or flu -
We will immediately remember them!

Everyone will tell you about them,
How skillful and courageous;

How they will be shrouded in attention
To improve your condition;

How, fighting for the lives of people,
Forget about their own.

They took the Hippocratic oath,
They are faithful to her in her work.

Glory, glory to the doctors!
We bow low to you.

Together - Happy Holidays!

Number_ Dance "classical" _______ "Chinese" ________________

Sounds ________________________________________________________

Veda - Birth and death is a great and trembling mystery, the cover of which no one has yet dared to break. Each person comes to life as a guest, grows, creates, becomes the master of fate, but old age comes imperceptibly, the result of a life lived. They say: "that old, that small" - both are defenseless, they are often sick, bored, offended, more than we need joy, they yearn for an affectionate word, and the directors of Nursing Homes know this like no one else: Anatoly Borisovich Boguslavsky, Kilina Galina Gennadievna, Sinyavtseva Inna Aleksandrovna. The most difficult task of caring for elderly people fell on their shoulders. They do not skimp on spiritual generosity, mercy and compassion. Optimism and faith in the future allows them to cope with any tasks. I wish you strong health, family well-being and warmth!

Congratulations _______________________________________________________

Number_ Song ______ "Chimney sweep" _______________________________

Ved - There are five specialized regional dispensaries in our city, which work in close contact with municipal medical institutions on the provision of medical care to the population. And you always find mutual understanding and support among yourself. It is these specialists that I would like to see in the structure of municipal medical institutions. And on this friendly note, we continue our festive concert.

Number _______ Dance ____ "Pa + Pa" ______________________________

Ved - the Shakhty branch of ROFOMS and the Department of Health - the employees of these institutions confidently keep their finger on the pulse - funding. Excellent organizers, quickly, clearly, harmoniously solve all the tasks assigned to them, of course, under the strict guidance of beautiful women Svetlana Viktorovna Vasilkova and Elena Nikolaevna Lopatkina. Isn't it happiness when you are understood and supported! We wish you to continue walking hand in hand, maintaining a warm relationship. Happy holiday, dear friends, by right - with your holiday, the day of the medical worker!

And I invite Svetlana Viktorovna Vasilkova, Director of the Healthcare Department, to the stage for the awards ceremony

Sounds _________________________ Exit ________________________

Sounds ___ Awards ceremony _________________________________

Presenter - And again, accept congratulations from the City House of Children's Art

Number ______________ "Classic" __________________________________

Vedas - Let me, from the staff of the State Duma, congratulate you once again on the holiday. I see a lot of women in the hall and I think men will not be offended if I start congratulating the beautiful half of humanity:

What does a woman want? We all seem to know

And yet, friends, we sincerely wish:

Good luck in job! Pleasant weather!

Love - pure, tender and repeated!

Children of different sexes! Fit coat!

Male compliments

Silky hair! White teeth!

Wealthy and very gentle husbands!

Scorching love, like in the TV series.

Five TV shows on each channel.

Perfume from Dior. Flowers daily

Desires fulfilled instantly!

Wealthy husbands (as they say,

If you really want it, it's not a sin to repeat yourself!)

Trips - not to the garden, but to the sea.

Delicious pastries, but no calories.

Exhausting passions! The difficulties are short!

There are no less than forty carats of diamonds!

And so that in the morning you will not be woken up by an alarm clock

And coffee or tea and your favorite protector!

We wish men on this day:

Successful career, good figure

And just wonderful muscles!

Foreign cars, but the steering wheel is to the left.

Salon from leather and redwood!

Resort novels. Gusts of insane.

But everything that would have been - prudent!

Scientific papers, dissertations without pain.

Of course, great masculine willpower!

Quiet, beautiful and very family wives!

Hot and daily dinners!

Different intentions, but better than serious ones.

Five-room and five-star dwellings!

The salary is good, well, just great

To proudly say: "It's not proper to speak!"

And it seems ... something else we forgot ...

Oh ok! Love! And dust-free sideboards!

However, we haven’t said one thing yet.

More luck, less sadness!

And so that patients do not grieve

And only "Healthy!" you have always been answered!

Happy Holidays!

Number ________ "Semyon" ________________________________________

Screenplay by E.Yu. Sergeev.

June 2009

Lyubov Serdyukova
Scenario of the Day of the Medical Worker "Doctor is an eternal profession"

Medical Worker Day Scenario

« Doctor is an eternal profession»

Fanfare. Music.

There is a calling in the world to be - a doctor,

Heal people, save their lives.

And do not feel sorry for yourself, neither night nor day,

To take away all the chances of the disease.

The curtain opens. Screensaver. Light. Music. Leading exit.

Ved. Good afternoon, dear friends, hello dear guests. I greet people of the most respected and ancient profession workers health care Buturlinovsky district. Day medical worker Is one of the most significant and revered professional holidays in our country. It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work doctors, paramedics, workers middle and junior medical staff who fight daily for the health and lives of sick people.

Today, on the eve of a professional holiday, you can be proud that thousands of people in our region are grateful to you for maintaining their health, returning to work and a fulfilling life. Please accept my sincere gratitude for your hard work, high professionalism, skillful hands and kind hearts.

Let's remember a wise saying known from the ancients times: "Good that one works who has a good rest "... Therefore, I urge you to forget about all your daily worries and difficulties at least for today. Let's rest!

Your colleagues, multiple winners of Regional and regional competitions among vocal groups, the choir open the holiday and greet you medical workers of the BCRH, leader L. Maslenikov, accompanied by V. Chernykh, Y. Radchenko, F. Kuzminsky

1. "Flowers of Russia"

Leading: Dear healthcare workers! In his video message, you are congratulated on your professional holiday by the Head of the Buturlinovsky Municipal District Administration - Yuri Ivanovich Matuzov.

2."Nightingale on a Branch"- chorus health workers of the Central District Hospital

Today the Deputy Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma, a deputy of the Regional Duma from the party, congratulates you on your professional holiday "United Russia", Irina Veniaminovna Trankova and to your applause I invite you to the scene. (presentation of certificates)

Accept our musical gift, for stage - n... NS. a. "Cinderella" 3."Spring in Ukraine"

And again I invite you to the scene deputy of the regional Duma from the party "United Russia" Irina Veniaminovna Trankova and the deputy head of the Buturlinovsky municipal district administration Evdokia Yegorovna Bondarenko. Greet. (presentation of certificates)


4.R.N.P. "Let's go, mlada for water" Sings for you - ml. group n. v. a. Russian song "Slavyanochka", hands. O. Makarevich

The head of the Buturlinovsky municipal district, Lidia Vasilievna Gracheva, congratulates you on the holiday. (presentation of certificates)

5.R.N.P. "The Cossack went to a foreign land far away"- on stage male composition n... v. a. Russian song "Slavyanochka", hands. A. Luchnikov.

On behalf of all patients in our area, I congratulate you on your professional holiday, Day medical worker Chief Physician Buturlinovskaya CRH Alexander Vasilyevich Goryachykh and his permanent assistants, deputies Vera Ivanovna Gulidova deputy. ch. medical doctor... service to the population, Natalya Evgenievna Kazenina deputy. ch. medical doctor, Bugaeva Galina Ivanovna - deputy. the main doctor in economics, G.E. Okhrimenko - deputy. ch. doctor on Outpatient - polyclinic service, N. G. Gaivoronsky - deputy. ch. doctor by Clinical Expert work... Thank you very much. And I invite you to scene of the Chief Physician Alexander Vasilyevich Goryachykh Buturlinovskaya Central Regional Hospital, and I give him the floor. (Rewarding.)

6."Serpentine"- D. Borovikov, Laureate, Diploma-recipient of regional, regional, Regional and All-Russian competitions, student of the Children's Art School, teacher N. Subocheva.

Dear friends! Dean of Buturlinovsky and Bobrovsky districts, rector of the Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral, archpriest Alexander Belyaev congratulates you on the holiday. Thanks a lot.

(phono push)

At all times, they respected and deservedly appreciated those heroes who, as a matter of their lives, chose to care for the health of people. Day Medical worker is a holiday, thanks to which we have the opportunity to express our deep appreciation, respect and gratitude doctors - veterans of the medical service: Snopova Raisa Fyodorovna, Siukhina Svetlana Demyanovna, Pozhidaeva Faina Anatolyevna, Chuprakova Alexandra Andreevna, Svetlichnaya Lyudmila Yakovlevna, Shtanko Nina Ivanovna, Korobova Valentina Danilovna, Bugaenko Raisa Romanovna, Bezruchko Lidia Dmitrievna, Dmitriyevna Kamalievna Golovyevna Golovyevna Golovyevna Olga Vasilievna Alexandra Aleksevna, Kirnos Nina Ivanovna, Knysh Natalia Polikarpovna, Rogacheva Valentina Andrianovna, Solyanikova Nina Nikolaevna, Polyakova Maria Illarionovna, Oleinik Lidia Mefodievna, Kalinovskaya Lyudmila Grigorievna, Ivanenko Evgeny Leonidovich, Terskikh Valery Borisovich. Thank you for your kind hearts, for your invaluable experience which you pass on to the young generation honey workers... I wish you and your families health. Happy Holidays! On stage - Students of BSHI, piano - Irina Skorodumova, button accordion - Vladislav Pepa, cello - Igor Shokin.

7."Waltz"- from the film "Watch out for the car" .

Man is born. And who meets him in the first moments of his life? Yes, our caring, kind, attentive professionals in their field doctors - gynecologists, midwives and nurses of the obstetric and gynecological department. And the life and health of the mother and baby directly depends on them. Of all medical professionals this department, headed by the head. department Tersky Aleksandr Valerievich, the medical staff of the antenatal clinic, headed by the head Galina Alekseevna Glushchenko, heartily congratulate you on your professional holiday. The great philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer argued that "Happiness lies, first of all, in health"... We wish you the most important thing in life, health, family happiness, well-being, grateful patients and, of course, a festive mood. On stage a dancing group "Pulse" BMT.

8. "Light"

Years go by. The little man grows up, his mother brings him to an appointment at the children's clinic, where he has one of the first documents - a medical history, and one of the family members becomes a district pediatrician and a visiting nurse. And if the baby is sick, then honey will always come to the rescue workers children's and infectious diseases departments, headed by the head. Natalya Vasilievna Ponomareva and, of course, our kind children's doctors - Zoya Sergeevna Tkacheva, Irina Mitrofanovna. We sincerely thank all the pediatricians, nurses, nurses of the children's clinic and the children's department and congratulate them on the upcoming holiday

9."It's raining today"- sings Olya Gulidova, soloist of the O-P children's vocal ensemble "7 plus", participant of the 4th Regional Creative Olympiad, hands. N. Subocheva.

Together with the acquisition of life experience, a person acquires various diseases. And he goes with them to the building of the district clinic.

And now I will ask you -

How does the theater begin? Everyone knows that from the wardrobe,

And clinics do not happen, Without a registrar at the entrance.

He will direct and prompt, He will show the patient the right path,

He will give a coupon, put a stamp, And at the reception to will send to the doctor.

It becomes much easier for a sick person if he is met at the registration window by a kind and sympathetic honey face. registrar. I want to congratulate all honey on the upcoming holiday. registrar sisters, and especially the young generation: Tatiana Romantsova, Anna Belyaeva, Galina Konovalova and wish everyone employees registries of patience, attention, kindness, love and endurance, like those of sailors.

For you sings - A. Burkova, Laureate, Diploma-recipient of regional, regional, Regional and All-Russian pop song contests, hands. N. Subocheva

10."Hey sailor"

Leading: One of the favorite folk sayings - "It would be healthy"... Alas, only a few are happy with the presence of this wealth, and even the rich cry for its absence. So we can't do without doctors. I am sure that a person who knows how to heal is able, like no one else, to understand, compassion and support other people. Of all doctors in our polyclinics: Therapists, neuropathologists, urologist, surgeon, dermatologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologists, Endocrinologist, oncologist, narcologist, adolescent doctor, cardiologist, honey. workers departments of rehabilitation treatment - physiotherapy rooms, exercise therapy, laser therapy, treatment rooms, specialists in biochemical and clinical laboratories, honey. the staff of the X-ray room and the office of fluorography, as well as all honey. We sincerely congratulate the sisters and nurses on the upcoming professional holiday.

You give health to so many, -

After all, few people have never been sick,

And you, doctors, for us as if the gods,

And, fortunately, not in heaven - on earth,

Thank you for saving us,

You work without rest and sleep,

Let your enthusiasm not fade away

And may spring always bloom in your soul!

And again you are congratulated on the holiday. colleagues:

11.« Eternal spring» - chorus health workers of the Central District Hospital

Healing from time immemorial it was considered one of the most revered and responsible professions. Everyday care for the health of the population, the return of patients to a full life - all this gives a special status medical professionals... Rare professions can compare in importance with profession medic... Giving people life and health is a high and noble mission. Today we thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts health workers neurological department headed by the head. M.N. Goryachikh and physician - neurologist A... S. Korovin, everyone doctors surgeons of the surgical department in Ch. with the head N.I. Glushchenko, doctors and honey... the staff of the intensive care unit and intensive care unit, headed by the head. Dyblya Valery Vladimirovich, all doctors and honey... the staff of the therapeutic department, headed by the head. N.R. Ryzhova, honey. workers infectious diseases department - head. Tarasova Olga Vladimirovna. Happy holiday to you! Accept our muses a gift. On stage, Laureates, Diplomas of regional, regional, Regional and All-Russian competitions of choreographic art, N. Kh. A. Kalinka BKTs hands. AND. Luchnikova:

12."Inspiration"- pop dance

Selflessness and disinterestedness, love for people and the desire to help them are the inherent qualities of modern doctor... Throughout his life he must carry the words of an oath Hippocrates: "Whichever house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the patient." Congratulations on the upcoming professional holiday medical professionals ambulance BCRH headed by the head. Alexander Alexandrovich Petukhov. We wish you patience, endurance, health, which are so necessary for work in your field and with all my heart a happy holiday for you! He sends you his musical gift - T. Mukhortova:

13."I congratulate you"

Luminaries medicine most often men become. Honor and praise to them! But ask them, could they have achieved such heights, if not for the active help of fellow assistants, if not for the skillful and gentle hands of sisters, nurses? And if you pay attention to all the medical staff, it becomes obvious that "You can't live without women, no"... Give them their due and thank all the women working and practically living in the kingdom of Hippocrates. And I would especially like to mention the young generation of honey. workers: Irina Makukhina, Valentina Alekumova, Irina Sycheva, Anastasia Solomatina, Lyudmila Komendantova, Marina Volkova (neurology) Kashirskikh Natalia, Vorobieva Inna, Zavyalova Olga, Kolesnikova Olya, Drokina Elena (patronage nurse of the Red FAP) Kashirskaya Natalya, Galushka Tatyan and wish you career and professional growth with all my heart, keep it up girls. Happy Holidays!

14. "Who doesn't believe in guardian angels?"- reads a student. BMT I. Peskareva

More than a dozen people in white coats are serving in rural hospitals, outpatient clinics and FAP - Kozlovskaya uch. hospital - head. Gordenin Alexander Lazarevich, Vasilievskaya medical outpatient clinic - head... Shkel Maria Vladimirovna, Klepovskaya uch. b-tsa - head. Tula Viktor Anatolyevich, V-Arch. medical outpatient clinic - head... Konovalov Nikolay Nikolaevich, N-Kislyai uch. hospital head. Evgeny Valentinovich Irkhin. Of all workers of rural medical institutions - doctors, paramedics, honey. We congratulate sisters, nurses of FAPs on their professional holiday.

Winter or summer, spring or fall

Diseases come, they won't ask us

On the guard of health, always on the alert,

They always stand at the post,

From everyone who has been in hospital wards,

Thank you people in white coats.

15. Laureate, Diploma-recipient of regional, regional, Regional and All-Russian pop song contests R. Netesov, hands. N. Subocheva

- "Stay with me"

16."Button accordion"- L. Serdyukova

I am 100% sure that every person on earth at least once in his life had the pleasure of being in the hands of this magician called a dentist. We sincerely congratulate everyone workers our dental clinic and express our deep gratitude - doctors- Dentists - Olga Evgenievna Tinkova, Tatyana Vladimirovna Boyko, Vera Alekseevna Kovaleva, Oksana Petrovna Pakhomova, Oksana Petrovna Pakhomova, surgeons - Oleg Mitrofanovich Grishchenko, Alexander Mikhailovich Gaivoronsky, orthopedists - Tatiana Semyonovna Blagaya, Andrey Bogoyanov, technician, Viktor Morgunovych, Viktor Morgunovych, Technician , all honey. nurses and nurses in one word to all honey. to the stomat staff. polyclinics headed by the head. Dimitrenko Sergey Grigorievich. On the eve of your professional holiday, we wish you, of course, first of all, health, happiness, decent wages, family well-being, and your patients less pain and more beautiful, snow-white smiles. Happy Holidays!

On stage - n... v. a. Russian song "Slavyanochka".

17. p. n. the settlement of the Voronezh region - "Like our Katya"

Day medical worker celebrate not only doctors and nurses, but also all those, without whose help would not have done medical science but also those workers who would seem to have nothing to do with medicine does not have... Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts laundress workers, kitchen, garage, as well as those who works in the main building of the hospital it is workers without service, can not do not one paramedic, no matter how capable and talented he was. You guessed who I am talking about? Yes this workers administrative building and of course your dear accounting department! We sincerely congratulate all employees of the administration of the Central District Hospital, we wish hospital accountants to contact doctors as rarely as possible, a health workers meet them as often as possible! I wish you happiness, health, festive mood, n. NS. a. "Cinderella" you are all invited to a bright Russian holiday:

18. "To the fair".

We trust our doctors with our lives,

We come to them with hope.

And today we congratulate you:

Everyone who is white is wearing clothes.

We are infinitely grateful to you,

Medical Science Luminaries,

On this holiday we sincerely wish

So that you yourself have health.

On the stage of the choir of medical workers of the BCRH

19. "I love you life"

I invite all participants in the festive concert to the scene: Our dear healthcare workers! We say thank you very much, continue to carry on with the noble mission - to stand guard to preserve the health and life of patients. Once again, congratulations on your professional holiday, Day medical worker! We wish you a clear sky above your head, calm everyday life, not burdened with pain of losses, children's laughter in your homes and prosperity in your families.

Be happy! Take care of your family and friends!

Compiled by a methodologist

MKUK RDK "October": / Serdyukova L. I. /

An invitation to the table.
Dear friends!
I hope from the bottom of my heart -
Let's have fun!
We start our feast honest -
We ask everyone to sit down!

Hello! Who else does not know, my name is ________________! And today, for the 5th time, I was entrusted to lead your festive banquet. I am glad to welcome at this festive table representatives of the most humane profession - medical workers.

Where do we start?
With boring phrases and congratulations?
Oh no! .. And there is no doubt about it
To spite the enemies, the villainous fate
I want to say - pour it!
To the fullest!

Therefore, I ask the gentlemen to take care of the charming ladies, fill them and themselves with glasses, and thus prepare for the first toast!

All of you know from your own experience that people in white coats have to work very, very hard. But let us remember one wise saying, known since ancient times: "He who has a good rest works well."

Therefore, I urge you, dear friends, to sit down at the festive table more conveniently and forget about all your daily worries and difficulties. Let's rest!

1 part of the Medic's Day. Congratulations from the head physician

Dear friends! The word for the first toast is traditionally provided ( FULL NAME. ch. doctor).

Congratulations on the day of the paramedic

Toast 1

And I am pleased to congratulate you on the long-awaited minutes codenamed "Stomach Joy"

Part 2 of the Medic's Day. A little about the evening

Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, signors and senoritas, bon appetit and good mood! And while you are having your snack, I want to briefly introduce you to how our evening will pass.

For the next 30-40 minutes, we will listen to congratulations, drink and eat.

Then I will announce a small smoking and dancing intermission for 30 minutes. During which music will play. Whoever wants to can dance, smoke, communicate in the fresh air. Later we will sit down at the table again for 30-40 minutes. Again, we will congratulate, participate in competitions, play advanced games, be surprised by surprises, eat and drink. Then again there will be a smoking and dancing intermission for thirty minutes. So the feast will constantly alternate with dancing, and at the very end, after many hours, when you are already tired of food, toasts, games and me, you will have a long dance marathon until you drop.

Whoever wants to eat - have enough!
Who wants to smoke - get high!
Who wants to say - say enough! Who wants to dance - dance!
Who wants to play games - will play enough!
Who wants to get drunk - get drunk!
Those who want to relax will have a great rest!
Whoever wants what will get it!

Part 3 of the Medic's Day. Congratulations to the VIP guest

Dear friends! You all know that good mood and good appetite are in direct proportion.

"A cheerful look makes food a holiday." The caring ones are already whispering to me from my place: "Between the 1st and 2nd gap is small!"

With a sense of deep respect, I traditionally give the second word of our evening to the honorary, important guest, the head of administration ( FULL NAME.).

Congratulations from the mayor of the city

Toast 2

Part 4 of the Medic's Day. For health.

To make life more fun in the world, we will drink now on the 3rd.
Well, why are we sitting, missing, pouring more actively.

The great philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer argued that "happiness lies primarily in health." I propose to drink a glass to you, who are guardians of human health and, consequently, human happiness! For your health!

3rd toast "To health"

Part 5 of the Medic's Day. For women

“A popular proverb says:

"Without gravy and cabbage dries," so now is the time for the next toast and gravy-infusion. In this regard, I would like to ask the gentlemen again, while I am delivering the next toast, to look after the ladies and fill their glasses.

The luminaries of medicine are most often men. Honor and praise to them! But ask them, could they have achieved such heights, if not for the active help of fellow assistants, if not for the skillful and gentle hands of sisters, nurses? And if you pay attention to all the medical staff, it becomes obvious that “we cannot live without women, no” ... We should give them their due and thank all women working and practically living in the kingdom of Hippocrates. I propose a toast to their health!

4th Toast "For Women".

An acquaintance game. (Music - mounted clappers).

And now, attention, guests!

Before we continue our evening, let's get to know each other.

At the table big beautiful
Gathered at this hour
I propose to all of you together
Meet now.
I am without flattery and passion
I will introduce all the guests here
Well, what is required of you is support and applause.

1. We are waiting for a standing ovation for the city administration headed by ( FULL NAME. heads of administration).

2. What a holiday without friends,
important dear guests -
Rise together
and show yourself to all the guests.
Don't miss the moment
give them a big round of applause.

3. Let me tell you simply, without fuss:
Meet sponsors soon!
I ask you to stand up, do not be lazy and show yourself to the people!

4. Where do we have doctors here?
It's time to greet them!
Wonderful doctors of the city ... - hip-hip ... Hurray!

5. We ask all nurses, experienced and young, to stand up. We applaud in their honor!

6. We welcome the people on whom your material well-being depends - economists and accountants!

7. Salute of applause to representatives of the business service.

8. Let's clap our hands
For all guests! For you good ones!
What a friendly company we have with you today.
I suggest a drink to this.

Let's raise our glasses to our friendly honest company.

Toast 5 "For a friendly company."

7 part of the Day of the Medic. Best congratulations competition.

Your professional holiday is the holiday of the smartest, kindest and most wonderful people in the world.

I am sure that a person who knows how to heal is able, like no one else, to understand, compassion and support other people.

We continue the baton of holiday congratulations and I invite you to participate in the competition for the best congratulations and wishes to your colleagues.

Congratulations from 2-3 people.

And now I invite everyone present to appreciate the eloquence of each of the speakers with applause.

(The winner is the one who receives the louder applause and the prize is awarded.)

I propose to accept the winner's congratulations and wishes as a toast.

6th toast. For what was said to come true and rise to a degree.

Part 8 of the Medic's Day. Check for singing

The holiday of medical workers is celebrated in summer, when it is warm and sunny, and the peak of work is in winter, when it is cold, slippery and flu-like. These two seasons are very important for us. And not only for us. There is not a single poet who has not written poems about winter or summer. And poetry with a melody is already a song.

And now, dear physicians, I propose to conduct a professional test for "singing".

We set the theme "summer", "winter".

You need to remember and sing in turn a verse or at least a few lines from songs that mention these seasons or their signs.

For example:


Blizzard sweeps down the street


Sometime in the summer at dawn

Winter: Oh, frost, frost


And the dawn is already more noticeable
So please be kind
Don't forget these summer ones too
Moscow Nights! Etc.

The winner is the team that can sing along to the theme when the rivals run out of steam.

We sang great, friends! It seems to me that there are no winners or losers in this competition. Indeed, despite the fact that you were focused on certain seasons, all the songs sounded speak mainly of love that lives at all times. Let's raise our glasses to the singers of love, that is, to you, and to love!

6th Toast "To Love"

So that the guests do not sit
to infinity,
We offer everyone
Knead your limbs.
Everyone dances!
Hey DJ, rock it!

Dance break.

Find a Pair

And now you are invited to find your partner for dancing, using a hint of fate (we both know how important this lady's role is in our life).

In 2 hats there are halves of the cards: in one - those on which the beginnings of famous proverbs are written, in the other - their continuation. The participants in the game draw out one half at a time (men from one hat, women from another) and look for someone who will have a card with the beginning or end of this proverb. So they find themselves partners for the next slow dance (but do not insist that unwilling ones dance). The number of players must be even.

List of proverbs for the game:

1. He who is forewarned is armed.

2. All that glitters is not gold.

3. God takes care of the cherished one.

4. The hat is on fire on the thief.

5. He who knows a little of everything, knows nothing.

6. They don't go to someone else's monastery with their own charter.

7. Still waters run deep.

8. A tit in the hands is better than a crane in the sky.

9. Water does not flow under the lying stone.

10. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

11. Where it is thin, there it is torn.

12. Brevity is the sister of talent.

13. Judged not by words, but by deeds.

14. At night all cats are gray.

15. What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.

16. Better to see once than hear a hundred times.

17. The miser pays twice.

18. In love and in war, all means are good.

19. What goes around comes around.

20. Not knowing the ford, do not poke your nose into the water.

Leading: So, the halves of the proverbs have finally come together and it's time to declare a slow dance.

A slow dance

Leading: My friends! I want to please you. Everyone who came to our holiday, literally everyone, bought a ticket for the trip. Imagine how great it is! Applause. Look, I didn't even expect everyone to love freebies so much. Well, let's go for a ride for free? Everybody loves freebies.

Locomotive whistle ( the effect)

1. Lined up with a locomotive!

And after ( name) we go on a journey. Music

We put our hands on the shoulders of the neighbor. Now hands on the neighbor's ears, neck, hips. Here the freebie arrived in time. Men, the hips are just a little lower. We wave our right hand together. We decided to make the first stop and brought you all to the Caucasus!

We dance "Lezginka"

Where are our hot horsemen?

We ask two wonderful doctors in the center of the circle - ___________________! Here they are hot Caucasian guys! And let's go! Music.

Here are almost Caucasian hot women. Now the horsemen get down on one knee, the ladies take it by one finger and go around. And now in the other direction. Ay, well done! How many hot people among you!

Following (name), we cling to the carriages of the steam locomotive. This time we put our hands on the waist (knees, heels).

Look at your colleagues! So they will go home today.

Hands on your chest! It's just below the chin, above the waist!

(What are you, men, I was joking).

We make one more stop.

And you and I arrived in a country about which they say that it has absolutely everything!

Of course, this is Greece. And we dance the favorite dance of the Greeks "Sirtaki".

We stand in a circle, put our hands on the shoulders of a neighbor. For the last time we cling to the locomotive trailer.

A pleasant surprise awaits our guests - we are going to the carnival!

(Hats and other props to cook)

Ladies and gentlemen, you were brought to sunny Brazil, just at this time of the year you and I got there for the carnival. But where to get the costumes? A bag from Zaitsev, or maybe from Dmitry Medvedev, comes in handy. Now I will dress you all up!

Having gathered in one big circle, we dance in Brazilian style to cheerful music. Who does not know how to dance in Brazilian, raises his hands higher and vigorously wags his butt ... th.

Hands up. On the count of three, only the girls are screaming. Men answer them on the count of 3 (who won?). And the loudest applause to everyone who was active and cheerful!

Many thanks to all those who rode with us.

To remember later
This moment in the biography
I propose to urgently take a photo for all of you.


Game "Magic Hands"

Just a moment of attention! Now I suggest you play a sleight of hand game, because it is known that the skillful hands of doctors work wonders.

There are 4-5 people in the game (double newspaper sheets). Players in a line, hold an unfolded newspaper in a hand outstretched at shoulder level by the very corner. On command, the players try, without lowering their hands and without resorting to the help of another, to completely crumple the newspaper, gathering it into a fist. When finished, raise your hand with a newspaper above your head. While the participants of the game manipulate the newspapers, the audience counts the seconds in chorus. The winner will receive an award - a diploma "Masters of Magic Hands" and a prize.

2nd feast on the Day of the Medic

At the festive table
We invite you again!
We celebrate all together
We must continue.

Toast to obedient patients

Once in a restaurant, a doctor saw his patient, who enthusiastically absorbed alcoholic glass after glass. The doctor could not resist and went up to him: "Listen, I gave you permission to drink no more than two glasses a day!" To which the patient kindly replied: “Of course, doctor. But I am being treated ... not only by you! "

Friends! I propose a toast for all doctors to come across obedient patients with whom it would be pleasant to work and for whose successful cure one can raise their glasses!

1st toast "To obedient patients."

2. Toast to the calling

Doctors can rightfully be called pioneers, sea captains. After all, no matter how many identical diagnoses, the people who have to be treated are unique. And with each patient, the doctor makes a new journey into the unknown.

Let's sing in connection with this

"Song of Aesculapius" to the tune "Song of the Captain"

1. There lived a brave Aesculapius,
He healed everyone in a row,
And he saved people from death more than once.
The infection caught fifteen,
I did not spare my last strength
But never even
leave did not ask.
And in trouble and in labor
He sang this song everywhere:


After all, a smile heals hearts.

2. Toast But once Aesculapius

The maiden was saved from the death of the paws.
And fell in love with the patient crazy.
Fifteen times he blushed
Stuttered and turned pale,
But he never dared to smile.

He was gloomy, he was losing weight,
But no one sang for him in a friendly way:
"Aesculapius, Aesculapius, smile,
After all, a smile heals hearts.

Aesculapius, Aesculapius, pull yourself up,
Only fate smiles on the cheerful! "
Doctors, doctors, smile
After all, a smile heals hearts.

Doctors, doctors, pull up
Only fate smiles on the cheerful!
I propose to raise your glasses to your life choice, to your calling! ( Music sounds.)

2nd toast "To the vocation".

3. Toast Skeleton.

A doctor I knew told me this story: “There was a knock on the doctor’s apartment. He opens the door - no one. Then he goes out onto the landing and sees a skeleton leaning against the door! “This is always the case! - the doctor grumbles. - They pull to the last, and then crawl to the doctor! " Let's raise our glasses so that people remember doctors in time and appreciate their selfless work. Happy professional holiday!

3rd toast "To appreciate the work of a physician."

4. Toast to the friendly team.

It's no secret that a good doctor needs more than his own talent, knowledge and sensitivity. For success in this difficult field, support and understanding from colleagues is very important. That is what is called teamwork. Friends, let's remember what words can be called such work and the components of success. So who was the first to remember? (cooperation, friendship, union, unity, unanimity, like-mindedness, harmony, partnership, community, interaction, mutual assistance, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, solidarity, coherence, teamwork, singularity)

Let's drink it all now
For a friendly team, for you!

Toast 4 "For a friendly team."

5. The game "Fishermen".

Dear friends! To introduce you to the course of what will happen next, I will tell you one anecdote.

Fishermen are resting and talking. First: "I somehow pulled out a catfish by 103 kilograms!" Second: "And I pulled three hooks at once on one hook!" Third: “And I just sat there, biting nothing. When suddenly the float goes sharply under the water, I pull, and there is a silver candelabrum in three candles and all the candles are burning ... "Then the first one again takes the floor and says:" I will probably reduce my catfish by a hundred kilos, but you put out the candles. "

But in our next game called "Fishermen" there will be prizes better than a silver candelabrum. Prizes will be special, fishing. Therefore, in order to participate in the next game, I need two gentlemen who love fishing. Please, fishermen, do not hesitate! "

Dear fishermen! Introduce youreself. You can give your name, or you can give a fishing nickname, for example, the unsurpassed whale and shark striker and tamer, Sharp Harpoon. "

So, there are two fishing aces in all water bodies of the world, including fountains and baths, just Sergey and Vovka Strong Hand! Your applause! Dear participants, it’s not for me to tell you that when fishing a fisherman needs a good reaction and dexterity. And now we will test your agility and sleight of hand on an ancient and simple device.

2 spools (each 5-8 m), in the middle of which a hook (paper clip) is attached.

Your task is to unwind the line to its full length and pull it slightly.

(Hang an opaque bag on the hook in the middle of the line).

Exactly between you I have hung a gorgeous prize, winning which you will receive a few more additional prizes. But there is one condition: the prize that hangs must be tested. At my command, you will start quickly, each on his part, winding the line onto the reel. Whoever reels his part of the line first and reaches the prize hanging between you on the hook will receive this prize. Then the winner tests it and receives additional gifts. Are the rules clear?

(Cheerful music)

Competition "Agile and faster turned out ..."

Your applause to the participants of the competition and especially to the winner! " the winner takes out large family panties from the bag.

Experienced people say that polka-dot underpants are better than polka-dot underpants! And I remind you that these fishing pants need to be tested, put on your health!

Dear friends! While the winner is trying on a secret fishing outfit, I want to ask you a riddle. It sounds like this: "One hundred clothes and all without fasteners." What is it?"

And what is there to guess - these are 50 underpants and 50 socks.

Honorable Mention ( roach) to the loser

To the winner: And this roach and a reel of fishing line are extra for you! " Ladies and Gentlemen! And now, with your permission, I announce the fisherman's dance! "

Let me remind you that the winner cannot refuse to dance.

Fisherman's dance. Moose. Rock'n'roll

Thank you, you have amused us a lot. To the very best Rock and Roll Fisherman Dancer, your applause!

And the last one is anecdote. “Once in winter a guy got together for a fishing trip. He came, began to hammer the ice, suddenly a voice said: "There are no fish here!" The man did not understand, he went to another place, began to hammer, again the voice: "There is no fish here !!" The man goes over, and he again: "There is no fish here !!!" The man got offended and angrily asks: "Who are you?" The voice replies: "Director of the ice rink!"

Toast... Let's drink to cheerful people who know how to support the company.

Dance break 2.

Now I invite you to test in practice your ability to act together, as a team, and for a start, I propose to choose captains and give them the task of recruiting teams.

We invite all of you, dear friends, to participate in team games. So, the captains are in place, but where are the teams?

(Leaving the table is accompanied by bravura music..)

Team games.

2 teams are organized.

Leading: Teams, we stand opposite each other.

Team attention! Which one of you is the best? (Shouting).

Who is louder?

Team ( surname or name of the captain) - try to shout down!

We'll have to arrange a competition, which will take place in several stages. The one who wins will be the best.

So, whose team ...

1. will be the tallest we'll see right now, because you have to build the pyramid without using chairs.

2. And whose team will make a wider circle in the free part of the hall - (wide - a circle).

3. Whose team is the closest? - (small circle).

4. Well, in that case, whose team is the smallest?

5. Which team will be the longest chain in hand and stretched from wall to wall?

6. And who stomps your feet louder?

7. In that case, who claps their hands louder?

9. In that case, the last one - whose team is ... the most danceable?

Music "Everything will be fine" (Serduchka) - everyone is dancing.

It's time to take stock.

But how are we going to choose the best team if you and I are all mixed up, and we no longer have teams, we got one big friendly team.

And this means that friendship has won! It is on this optimistic note that we announce a dance for all who consider themselves young and successful.

A slow dance.


3rd feast on the Day of the Medic.

To continue the fun

We need to pour again.

1. Blitz wishes.

Dear friends, I bow before your noble cause.

You all deserve the warmest words and best wishes not only from patients, but also from each other. Treat yourself without skimping on words. Remember how they say: "A kind word and the cat is pleased."

So, blitz wishes!

Briefly, in a word, we started!

Toast 1. "For people in white coats"

Let's drink to people

Dressed in white robes.
For nurses and doctors,
Who is on duty not for a salary.
Let's wish them
Health, happiness and good luck.

Let the sky be blue
And all the tasks are solved.
And also raise our glasses,
For the rest of the people,
So that there are more healthy ones,
And you had less adversity!

2. "Aesculapius".

Joke - Awards Ceremony

Today we are attending the ceremony of presenting the "Esculap" awards, awarded by the Medical Academy and dedicated to the hedgehog at the All-Russian holiday - the day of the medical worker.

For a whole year, members of the Medical Academy discussed the merits of the nominees, washed their bones, put them on the shelves, saw through and endowed them with all sorts of epithets. And today we present the result of this painstaking work to your attention. We thought for a long time and decided which of you should be nominated in which nomination and came to the conclusion that everything and everyone. But from an organizational point of view, this is quite difficult ... so we will resort to a tried and tested method.

I think the time has come to meet the contenders for victory in various nominations.

They are talented, successful, educated doctors. All of them, of course, are different, but they have one thing in common - the ability to achieve results in their favorite business.

So, in the 1st nomination "Hot Pepper" are presented: (full name of 3 nominees-doctors)

The nominees will now be asked questions to which they must answer and demonstrate their wit, resourcefulness and non-standard thinking.

Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that in the fight for the title of Hot Pepper, all the answers are good, but the brighter the answer, the greater your chances of winning in this nomination. The audience will choose the winner.

1. What professional qualities do you need in your work?

2. Describe your life with a line from a song.

3. Spell the word DOCTOR.

4. Why do patients love you?

5. Your motto in relations with patients.

6. What do you value most in your colleagues?

2. Nomination "In love with the profession".


What distinguishes a real physician in love from a simple medical worker? (question to men).

Of course Serenade !!! So, in the fight for the title of in love with the medical profession, our nominees will perform a serenade for the ladies. ( props: guitar)

This is a very serious and responsible nomination, so an impromptu is inappropriate here. We will give the nominees time and space to prepare.

And while our nominees are preparing to perform the serenade, dear medical professionals, and especially men, we will check how you know your female colleagues!

Dear male doctors, congratulatory telegrams have been received from your female colleagues. But they were all in such a hurry that they forgot to subscribe. Your task is to identify the sender.

The shooter on trousers and fashionable clothes carefully wishes you ( name) +

Width at the shoulders and slender waist wishes you ( name) +

Three-story houses, friends without a flaw and wishes magnificent holidays ( name) +

A healthy liver, let the iron will not bend, signed ( name) +

3. Nomination "Faster than the ambulance".

(FULL NAME. 3 nominees-doctors).

Rally competition.

You have a driver's license, i.e. rights? And the nurse you know? Then call or can you handle it yourself?

For those who did not finish playing in childhood. It is necessary to provide help with the help of a bandage, which is attached to the car, so first you wind the rope around a pencil to the music, whoever winds up faster and does not get entangled will win

First round, and only then bandage, my dears, but quickly.

4. Nominated exclusively for surgery and traumatology. "I blinded him from what was."

(FULL NAME. 3 nominees-doctors).

Competition "Statue of Love".

You are Sculptors. Now your task is to invite a couple of M and F - from which you will sculpt a statue to the best of your imagination. You, as sculptors, put the participants in a pose that personifies Love and take the 3rd place in the statue.

Discussion, medal and prizes.

Leading: Ladies faint, the curtain is closing.

The washing of awards begins.

And once again, applause to all the winners and participants.

To glorious medical workers hip-hip ... Hurray !!!

It's high time for everyone to drink!

Toast 2.

3. Super prize drawing. Game under the code. name "THREE" (raise the super prize above your head)

Dear friends! now we will play a game for beautiful ladies!

And this (name of the prize) is the main prize! Please, lovely ladies, do not hesitate, the prize can be yours, the number of participants is not limited. "

Stunning ladies! To participate in the final of this competition, I need only four participants.

These four finalists will play a very different game and all will receive prizes, the first of which is this wonderful prize! Now I'm going to screen out through the qualifying game.

I blow the whistle once and simultaneously raise my right hand once upward (fistula and raise), and you raise. If I fistula twice and raise my hand (I fistula twice and raise my hand once), then you don’t need to raise your hand - this is how I will deceive. Whoever does not raise his hand to a single whistle and raises to a double one is eliminated. If at the same time two or more participants are mistaken, then I reserve the right to choose one of them for elimination. And my choice will be impartial.

We do several trainings before the qualifying round. Several times in a row, at intervals of 4-5 seconds, I fistula and raise my hand up with each whistle. Participants, like me, raise their hand up. Then I fistula twice and raise my hand (a mistake will be the basis for elimination from the qualifying game). Applause to the losers! Four finalists remain. The qualifying game is accompanied by the words “Rexon is working! (When you raise your hand.)

They raised their hand in time, -
ended up in the final! "

Each outgoing member is encouraged, for example:

  • She fought, but failed, support her with applause!
  • It is not victory that is important, but participation - your applause!
  • Applause for her perseverance, she leaves this game to rest and win the next one - the competition!
  • She didn't win, but she didn't give up, which means she deserves your applause! "

Final: “Dear friends! Now, in the final, these beautiful and stubborn ladies will all receive prizes, as well as a super-prize.

Let's applaud the finalists! " I ask the four finalists to stand in two pairs facing each other. Moreover, one pair is located on my right hand, the other on my left so that each of the participants freely reaches with her outstretched hand to the bear, which I hold in front of me in my hand. Now we will check the level of harshness of our finalists' reactions. We will find out how they drank to the health of their colleagues and we will choose "Miss Motor Coordination"! "

The rules of the game are simple:

When you hear the number 3, immediately put your palm on the head of this one ... Just do not give him a concussion and do not clap each other with sharp claws. Whose hand will be lower after I pronounced the coveted number, she will receive a prize by taking first place. Let's start:

Once we caught a pike.
Gutted, but inside

(significant pause)…

the word "inside" contains the required number,
but it is not in its pure form.

Once we caught a pike,
Gutted, but inside
We saw a lot of fish.
Yes, not one, but whole ...

The reflexes are good, but, unfortunately, I have not yet had time to pronounce the coveted number. With your permission, I continue:

A hardened guy dreams. Become an Olympic champion. At the start, it's better not to be cunning.

Listen to the command: One! Two! .. March!

When you want to learn poetry,
Don't teach them until late at night
Better yet, repeat it in the morning
Once, twice, or maybe ... seven!

Be careful, the coveted figure can sound at any second. "

One night at the train station
I had to wait three hours!

Raise the hand of the winner of the final up. (When giving her the prize, ask her name). Let's redeem (name) in applause! Now let's give a round of applause to all the great finals! (all prizes)

4. The game "Shifters".

Dear friends! Now I want to play one ancient aristocratic game. Some of you may have played it before, but my version of this game is fun and unusual. It is so because of the use of unusual and original words in the game. To get you up to speed, prepare you for the game, and create a special mood, I want to do a little warm-up using such unusual words. I will ask you questions, and you need to answer from the spot. Let's start? " The guests nod, and I begin to warm up: "Who is a barbarian?" - this is a cook at two rates! "


  • piggy is an untidy policeman! "
  • watchdog - the director of the bar;
  • attack - lipstick;
  • arsenic is a miracle of selection;
  • boy - killer;
  • compatriot - deceased;
  • mordovorot - a goalkeeper from Mordovia;
  • glucose - goat - drug addict;
  • tomahawk - wife Tamara meets a drunken husband;
  • suitor - a lover of fish soup

5. Drinking songs.

6. Final toast. "From Moses to Einstein"

  • Prophet Moses
  • King Solomon
  • Jesus Christ
  • Philosopher Karl Marx
  • Psychoanalyst Freud
  • Physicist Albert Einstein

To cook:

  • Prizes; super prize;
  • Cardboard medals, ribbons for them:
  • Hot Pepper, In love with the profession, Faster than the ambulance;
  • Diploma: Master of Magic Hands;
  • Bandages 3 pcs.;
  • Rope machines, 3 pencils;
  • Fishing line on 2 reels, a hook, cool pants for a fisherman, a mosquito hat, fishing boots.
  • Newspaper sheets double 5 pcs.