Wedding script without toastmaster: how to do it yourself. Cheerful wedding script for a small company without a toastmaster

A wedding at home is a great option! You are in a comfortable and cozy atmosphere, around you are the closest people, and by the hand you hold a person who is dearer to you than all the riches of the Earth.
A fun scenario with contests that takes into account the specifics of the festive space will come in handy for holding a wedding at home. If the apartment is large enough and has spacious rooms, then the whole action will be concentrated in the main hall. If there are several small rooms, it doesn't matter, choose the format of the celebration - a buffet table. Arrange tables along the walls and prepare seating - sofas, armchairs for everyone. Use the rest of the area for dancing and entertainment.

When choosing a scenario, pay attention to the ratio of dance and table contests: for a wedding at home, fun with the involvement of all guests is better suited, but preferably without getting up.
Connect the hands of the young with a garland of flowers (Flowers can be made of paper)

Witnesses of the newlyweds were chosen as the leaders in this scenario of the wedding at home. The apartment can be decorated with white bows, compositions of white flowers and sheaves of wheat.

Guests are waiting for the young at the entrance of the house with balloons and flowers. When the couple gets out of the car, someone shoots a confetti clapper over their heads, other guests can throw rice and coins. The groom carries his beloved in his arms across the threshold of the house. Parents meet a couple with a wheat loaf. Young treat each other. After, according to tradition, for the strength of the marriage, the newlyweds are tied up with a towel and escorted to the table with the words:

We knit tightly
Fate will not untie.
Take the family path together, yes smoothly,
To walk on it happily and okay!

All sit down at the tables.

The fanfare is loud
In honor of the best couple on earth,
A round dance of beautiful smiles,
We are not afraid of love to get drunk!
Good gentlemen, good guests,
Drink from a glass to the bottom
So that our young, yes, good
Were side by side from now on and always!

Guests raise their glasses of champagne. The newlyweds drink from glasses tied with a white ribbon. The feast begins.

Praise and admire you
We would like to endlessly!
We wish you a life full of miracles!
In the pockets of a ringing gold piece!
The solemn moment has come!
To our entire modest and cozy hall
The words holding together declare

Convince the guests of the firm intentions!

Oath of the bride and groom

Entering family life,
In the face of parents, friends
In the presence of family and everyone
We declare in earnest:

I myself have chosen a wife,
I will cherish it like an apple in my eye.
Loyalty, tenderness and attention,
All the whims of understanding
I want to promise
And I swear to you.
Accepting the post of head of the family,
I will take care of feeding.
I will become a support and a friend,
Your worthy spouse!

I'm going to get married willingly and with joy
And I will turn to my husband with gentleness.
I will look after and delight
And the dinner is delicious to cover.
I will suggest smart thoughts
I will not express my grievances
I promise to praise him
I accept the post of the hostess!

Together: We swear! We swear! We swear!

To be inseparable
A friend without a friend is not complete.
So that the family lives in tune
To be born mischievous.
A jam-packed wallet
Will brighten your every day!
About worries and worries
Let it be unaware of you!
Do not be embarrassed at all,
Let's bark our couple "Bitter!"

Table break


Let everyone be surprised
Your love will be strong!
Parental blessing
Will seal the union for the time being!
We give a simple wish from all guests
And at the same time, both affectionate and lively:
Let time pass, and you look younger,
And warm the young family with warmth,
We send you all the best and health,
We raise a festive toast to you!

Congratulations from parents

Witness: Dear newlyweds, probably, you would also like to congratulate your parents!
Answer word of the groom with the bride.

Lighting up the hearth

Witness: (to a light lyric melody) I ask all guests to form a big circle!

In the center there are parents with newlywed children; in the same place the witness puts a small table on which a single candle decorated with ribbons is located. The parents of the young people light their candles and go up to the couple.

Mother-in-law: A custom leads its history to the beginning of the years,
Newlyweds carry fire as a gift.
To ignite the immortal, symbolic
The hearth of the family - open the heart of love!

Take a hot flame from our hands,
And hide it carefully in your heart.
Let the fire of love burn tirelessly
Like the light in the eyes, let it glow inextinguishable.
Now forever and from now on in your power
Kindle the fire of the family on a small fire.

Both come and pass the light from their candle to the small candles in the hands of the newlyweds. Parents extinguish their candles.

Witness: Our ancestors kept wisdom simple:
Protect the family's sacred hearth,
Not to face trouble.

The bride and groom connect the flame of their candles over the wick of a single candle. After the wedding, it is recommended to store the candle for the time being, and then pass it on to your children.

Witness: The sun has visited you and has given a particle of its light, promising you its protection. Keep this valuable gift throughout your life as a symbol of your birth, the birth of your family. Let's raise our glasses to the hot warmth and constant light of the family hearth (the name of the newlyweds).

Table break.

A wedding dance

Gentle sounds are heard in the distance
The rustle of the dress, the joyful laughter.
I predict the moment will come
An enchanting dance of love!
I invite a wonderful couple to the center of the hall!

Young people come out to the music, begin the first wedding dance. At the end of the waltz, witnesses shower the newlyweds with white rose petals.

As the wise people say: "He knows no troubles, who has a grandmother and a grandfather!" I give the floor to dear grandfathers and grandmothers!

Congratulations from the older generation. Aunts, uncles of a respectable age or other relatives can go out with them or instead of them.

Witness: I propose a toast to wisdom!
After all, for a grandson, a grandmother is a soul, and a grandfather is a mind!
Another 100 years and cheerfulness to the hearts
We sincerely wish you!
What's going on, look!
Silently everyone sits side by side,
And they drink bitter wine!

You just gotta shout it out loud
What is really "Bitter!"

Guests raise their glasses.

Table and dance break

Round dance around the young

A couple stands in the center of the hall, the guests form a ring around them. If there are many guests, form a double or triple ring, then the outer ring will move in a different direction from the inner one. The host starts, and the guests pick up the last phrase.

At (surname of the newlyweds) at the gate
A round dance is twisted, twisted,
A round dance is twisted, twisted,
The people are gathering.

Spring is red with flowers
And the young ones with golden crowns!
A round dance is spinning,
Good for the young!

The sun rises in the sky
Happiness comes to you as a gift!
A round dance is spinning,
Good for the young!

Love has transformed you
Wife do not contradict your husband!
A round dance is spinning,
Good for the young!

To dances, songs, wishes
Let there be no ending!
A round dance is spinning,
Good for the young!

Issuance of comic documents to newlyweds

Worthy of all the highest blessings of the Earth
Union, sealed by the Sun and the Moon,
And they saw that
One hundred thousand kind angels
Friends, girlfriends confirmed
The parents installed the seal.
I invite newlyweds to accept a commendable, honorary diploma!

The presenter unfolds a deed scroll (can be stylized and made of birch bark), tied with a ribbon.

This birch bark letter is presented to the young,
A good fellow, but a beautiful girl.
For devoted love, heart
That will be with you forever
Yes, for mutual and personal wisdom,
Your choice has been made flawlessly!
Live you live, but do not grow old,
And let the works-deeds argue smoothly,
Let the little kids bloom and grow
To the hefty joy of grandfathers and grandmothers,
Let your hearts shine with goodness
You will meet a bird of happiness on your way!
And every year life will certainly be more beautiful,
And let your union be called a full cup!

The great French writer once said: "For lasting family happiness, one must seek and find outstanding qualities in each other, for love will not tolerate family squabbles." Gold words! Friends, let's raise our glasses so that our young people notice only the best sides of each other!

Table and music break. Those who wish come to the dance floor.

Dance game "Dancing Hearts"

Witness: I invite the most beautiful and the smartest to the dance floor! The names of famous couples are written on these hearts, among them you will find Orpheus and Eurydice, Tristan and Isolde, Gray and Assol and many others. Your task is to find your soul mate, and then everyone dances! Whoever performs all the dances becomes an honorary winner! (After everyone finds each other, a potpourri of famous melodies turns on: sirtaki, czardash, seven-forty, gypsy, rock and roll, dance of little ducklings).

The Dancing Hearts Order is solemnly awarded to a couple (names).

Thanksgiving parents


Newlyweds, I invite you to express my gratitude to the most important, most worthy people in your life - your parents!

Showing video greetings to parents. After the young people give lush bouquets to the mother-in-law and mother-in-law and gifts.

Fortune telling with guests

Witness: I invite the groom to the center of the room! We need the lucky hand of the chosen one of Destiny, who managed to put together happiness for himself!

The bridegroom is served with the ritual plant "Money Tree", the branches of which are decorated with small colored ribbons, and fortune-telling notes are attached to the ribbons.

Groom: Who dared come out to us
I'll give you a sign for the future!
For seven guests only
There is news here!

Seven volunteers leave.

Prediction cards:

  • Such a fate awaits you - you will now read a ditty in honor of the young!
  • For you, the answer is: Compose a couple of poems!
  • You are prophesied to play the anecdote not in vain. Everyone knows you are a wonderful actor!
  • The answer comes to you from the branches, You will sing like a nightingale!
  • Such a prediction, listen. You should eat three slices of lemon!
  • Providence sends you advice - Today this guest will make a toast to us!
  • Now you will find out your destiny: You will give us a riddle!

During the rally, the bride is stolen: she is quietly taken to another room.

Bride kidnapping

Now the help of three guests will be needed. They are dressed up for the Serpent Gorynych: they put on a huge shirt on all three, attach a cardboard tail, put a hat on one head, give a pipe to the other, and sunglasses on the third.

As soon as the groom realizes that the bride is missing, the witness calls the kidnapper to come out and announce his terms.

Witness: Eh, Serpent Gorynych, what kind of mess are you doing! There is such a holiday, fun! And you kidnapped the bride!

Zmey Gorynych(heads begin to speak and interrupt each other): I didn't think of anything like that! I'm dying of boredom, you know, I'm longing! In my fairy tales, all the princesses are the same! Mortal boredom! Everyone will get bored! So I found myself a new beauty

Witness: Serpent Gorynych, and if we cheer you up and amuse you well, can you give us a beautiful girl too?

Zmey Gorynych: Uh, you can't do it!

Witness: Well, we'll see that now! Tell me what do you like? What will cheer you up?

Head with a hat:
- I am a connoisseur of ballet!
Head with glasses:
- What a ballet! Cool rap is what will dispel any boredom!
Head with a tube: What are your tastes! There is nothing better than love poetry! It will make me happy!

Witness: This is a mixture of genres! How is the groom ready to save his beloved? Let your friends support you!
For ballet, prepare in advance simple skirts from a white rigid mesh. A rap-stylized melody "Dance of the Little Swans" sounds. For the groom - a cap with a wide nose and a text prepared in advance, or the groom composes a rap on the go. Friends dance, the groom expressively reads a rap.

Zmey Gorynych(dreamily): What a lovely love! Clear rap! The dance is top class! I surrender and surrender! I give your bride!

For a daring groom,
Yes, it's not a mistake for friends
Three-fold "Hurray!"
Yes, a dashing glass for anyone!

Guests raise their glasses.

Guests, guests, gentlemen!
It's time to stretch your sides!
Come out on the dance floor
Dance rock and roll!

Dance break

Throwing a bouquet

Optionally, you can carry out the classic version of throwing a bouquet to unmarried girlfriends. This scenario offers a different idea.

Witness: A beautiful bride is invited to the dance floor! And also all the girlfriends who dream of the prince-groom! Organize a girl's round dance!

The bride is given a crown in her hands, her eyes are blindfolded. Friends lead a round dance to the music. Suddenly the melody breaks off, the bride puts a crown on the head of her friend, who is in front of her.

Cutting a wedding cake

Witness: Dear friends, in a few seconds a real culinary miracle will appear in front of you! Dear newlyweds, cut the first piece for yourself!

The newlyweds together cut a piece for themselves and serve it to each other from a spoon.

Witness: And now the sweet auction begins! Guests can exchange a gift for a coveted piece; poetry, dances and songs are also included in the calculated currency! I ask the youngest guests of the evening to take part first!

The fun cake sale begins.

End of the festival

Dear (names of the newlyweds)!
We call you husband and wife!
So the time has come for the last tradition!
We will quietly remove the veil from the bride,
And despite the silent protests
We will cover our head with a handkerchief.
We give the veil to mom for safety.

The bride's mother accepts the veil, and the mother-in-law ties a scarf on her head.

The candles on the table go out quietly,
The evening ends its run.
You will freely step onto your path.
It is necessary to step on it foot to foot.

And we will support you and help you,
We wish you never lose heart!
To come down from heaven on you
Shining grace!

Witness: Always be close to each other
And in joy, and in happiness, and in trouble.

And to seal the union
Blow out the candles on the table easily!

Wedding props

  • Balloons, flowers, firecrackers;
  • Wedding loaf, towel;
  • 4 small candles and 1 large single;
  • Certificate of honor in the form of a scroll;
  • Contests: paper hearts with the names of couples, comic order "Dancing Hearts", decorated with notes "Money Tree";
  • Video congratulations and gifts to parents;
  • Costume of the Serpent Gorynych, ballet tutus, love rap text, crown.

Home Wedding Videos

Of course, a wedding is a solemn moment for the newlyweds, and it would be unforgivable not to film the entire event.


Before coming up with a script, toastmaster you need to talk to the bride and groom or their parents if they are organizing the holiday. It is important to understand what the heroes of the occasion expect from the feast. Perhaps they want in the traditional old Russian style, observing all the rituals. Or, on the contrary, they are waiting for modern contests such as male striptease. Also toastmaster it does not hurt to find out how many guests and how old are expected at the celebration. This will help to adjust the program to the needs of the main part of the invitees.

It is better to write the main points of a traditional wedding in the script right away. There are several of them. Firstly, before entering the hall or apartment where the feast will take place, young people should taste bread and salt on the doorstep. Mother holds a loaf with a salt shaker on a tray with a towel, and the toastmaster offers to break off pieces of bread. Whoever has the largest piece will be the main one in the family. Then the pieces need to be salted and fed to each other. So for the last time the newlyweds spite each other, now there will be only peace in their life.

When the guests sit down at the table, the toastmaster should give the first word to congratulate the bride and groom. In advance, you need to prepare two new long candles and one small candle-tablet, preferably in a mold in the shape of a heart. The newly-made mother-in-law must light their long candles (the toastmaster helps to light them) and at the same time bring the fire to a small candle held by the young. This is a symbol of the union of two families into one, a very touching moment. After him, the toastmaster is the first toast: to a new family, and when everyone is drinking, he shouts "Bitter". In this case, it is better to search in advance or compose small funny quatrains in which the word "Bitter" will be. For example: Finally, all guests are assembled,
There is little space at the tables,
But the piece does not go down the throat,
Because it became BITTER!

When the guests go to dance, the toastmaster, with the help of witnesses, can organize the kidnapping of the bride. She will be taken away from the dance floor by a bridesmaid. When the song ends and the disappearance becomes obvious, the toastmaster shouts: "Help, the bride was stolen!" Further, a "mafia" appears in the hall (guests wearing dark glasses play the role of mafiamen) and put forward their own conditions. The groom must either pay off or go through trials to get his beloved back. The tests are conducted by the toastmaster: he asks questions about the bride's habits, for example, her favorite books, films, and so on. The parents of the bride check the correctness of the answers.

During the wedding, the toastmaster can alternate congratulations from the guests (first there are relatives, then friends, then colleagues) with games and contests. The most popular wedding entertainment is dressing up. You need to find bright, cheerful costumes in advance and come up with a common theme. For example, pop stars came to congratulate the young. Some of the guests can be dressed up as Alla Pugacheva (red wig, glasses, hat), someone by Verka Serduchka, someone by Boris Moiseev. In turn, they will appear in the center of the hall to the soundtrack and "sing". And the toastmaster represents each guest.

It is better to start contests with a table. They help guests to relax and get to know each other. Toastmaster offers this option: the right and left halves of the table, accompanied by music, begin to transmit kisses on the cheek from neighbor to neighbor. Whose side passed it faster - that one drinks, the rest pass the toast. Of the contests that are held on the dance floor, the "Stash" contest is very popular. Two married couples are called, wives turn away, and husbands hide five hundred-ruble bills in their clothes and on their bodies. Then, to the music, they must find all the stash, who is faster. The toastmaster, of course, comments on all the actions with jokes and applause, turns on guests and does not forget about a new toast after each game.

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The wedding celebration should be remembered for a lifetime not only by the bride and groom, but also by all guests. Therefore, it is important to draw up a wedding script in advance so that the invitees not only eat and drink, but also have fun.

A wedding is a costly event, especially if the bride and groom have big requests. More and more often they began to invite the host-master, as well as a DJ, to such celebrations. The cost of the services provided is quite high. But on the other hand, there is one less problem for the spouses, there is no need to puzzle over how the guests would not get bored during the buffet table.

Save your family budget

To save the family budget, you can do without. You should take the reins into your own hands and organize your wedding "party". For this, it is important to remember the experience of previous weddings, for sure either the bride or the groom have previously attended such an event. The toastmaster plays the role of a "traffic controller", it is he who decides when the guests should speak with words of congratulations, when to start eating delicious salads, when to dance and participate in competitions.

Among the relatives, you can probably find a sociable person who does not hesitate to speak in public and will agree to slightly control the course of the celebration. He should give the floor to the guests so that they congratulate the young people and give them wedding gifts. Between this, you can insert jokes and jokes about family life, anecdotes about mother-in-law and mother-in-law. You can start drinking contests: collect money for an unborn child in sliders, organize a ransom, arrange an auction and put up a wedding cake as a lot.

It is necessary to organize the evening so that during this time the relatives from the side of the bride and groom have time to get to know each other. After all, many of them see each other for the first time.

Creative gift from friends and relatives

In advance, the friends of the bride and groom can be asked to prepare a creative number. It can be a video about the newlyweds, a reworked song, according to a given theme, a scene or about the newlyweds. Such a gift from friends will be appreciated by all guests. By the way, they can also be involved in funny scenes.

If one of the relatives sings or plays a musical instrument perfectly, then this could be one of the numbers of the evening program. The dance of the young to the sounds of live music is very touching and romantic.

Amusing dress-up contests are well received by the guests. Both the bride and groom and guests can participate in them.

Dancing until you drop

It must be remembered that guests should not sit too much at the table. Because laziness awakens in a person when he overeats. From time to time, all guests should be invited to the dance floor so that they have fun to the rhythms of incendiary music. You can replace fast dances with slow compositions so that guests do not get tired immediately.

Modern ones are very interesting, you can choose a variety of scenarios, supplement with exciting numbers and contests. But if the toastmaster did not come, then you should not be upset, the place of the host can always be taken by friends or relatives of a couple in love.

It's not just food and dancing that makes a wedding enjoyable, but also exciting shows. You can invite creative teams that will make the holiday unforgettable. Someone chooses gypsy ensembles, someone likes live music, oriental dances or vocal performers look great. But if such groups are not planned, you can create them from invited guests. This requires costumes and an accurate description of the actions for each character. Come up with some heroes who will come to congratulate the participants of the event. Create costumes for them, and in the midst of the holiday dress up one of the invitees in them.

Come up with different contests for guests in advance. You need to have at least 20 different events in stock. Some of them should be calm, some mobile, and some indicative. At the beginning of the event, the guests still do not want to get up from the table; therefore, verbal charades will come in handy. Then it is worth inviting the first participants so that others will be interested in watching, this part is often started by witnesses, and when the guests have already drunk a little, mass and dance competitions can be organized.

You decided to play a loud wedding, but at the last moment you lost the toastmaster, and there was a ceremony, a script and many other little things? Do not worry, you can spend the holiday on your own.

How to have a wedding without a toastmaster?

I would like the wedding day to be remembered not only by the bride and groom, but also by the guests of this event. Young people always try to diversify the day as much as possible, order decorators, DJs and, of course, the host, or, as he is also called, the master of ceremonies. It is this person who knows what to do, how to entertain the guests. To do this, he most often prepares a wedding script, according to which he conducts the ceremony and the entire evening after it. This kind of celebration gathers a variety of people, not only ordinary students, but also more mature and successful people who have achieved something in life. It is the toastmaster who can unite them, find a common language with everyone and show how good it is to walk and have fun.

But if he is not there, but you want the wedding to take place and take place "without a hitch and a hitch", you can independently draw up a script for its holding. So the guests will be able to get to know each other better and faster, by the middle of the evening you yourself will be surprised how good and fun everyone is. The script should draw each scene in detail so that everyone knows their place and there is no time confusion. There are some moments that are held at every wedding, but the script for them is not known to anyone: this is a wedding, the painting itself, a walk through beautiful places and at the same time a photo session, a banquet. "alt =" (! LANG: data-mce-src =">!}

Before you sit down to develop a script, try to find out the following facts:

  • the exact number of guests who are going to come to the event;
  • age categories;
  • the status of each guest, about which it is possible and what categorically it is impossible to talk to him;
  • what mentality, views, traditions, interests of your guest.

The scenario of a wedding in a narrow circle without a toastmaster

For a small wedding company, you can think of a very good scenario that will help relatives learn more about each other and about the bride and groom. Therefore, if you have a small wedding, it will come in handy. When preparing for the ceremony, first of all, you must understand that this is a great responsibility, which not everyone can cope with, think carefully and plan each step, and the instructions will help you with this:

  • the scenario of a small wedding without a toastmaster presupposes a traditional meeting of young people. To do this, the future mother-in-law brings them bread and salt on a towel, and the mother-in-law, in turn, brings wheat grains. At this moment, solemn music will not be superfluous;
  • the young should bow low to their parents, and break off a piece of loaf, while the mother-in-law sprinkles wheat on the bride and groom. Then the witnesses with the young sit down at the table, and all the other guests do the same;
  • now it's time to say the first words of congratulations. It is best if they are spoken by the parents of the bride, then the groom. Behind them are grandparents and other guests who wish to congratulate the couple;
  • if you already see that the guests have reached a certain condition, start the festive program, it should include a variety of contests, games and competitions. They should go in such an order that no one gets bored and everyone participates. But in no case should we forget about the first dance of the young, after it invite guests and dance all together;
  • try to notice which of the guests is bored, and invite him either to dance, or vice versa, again to the table, thus alternating feasts and dances;
  • closer to the end of the evening, arrange an ordinary disco, it is better to select the music, taking into account the age of all guests, and not just one. So, everyone will be able to feel comfortable and will know that they have not forgotten about him either, you can hold karaoke, let the guests compete in the knowledge of world hits;
  • at the end of the evening, cut the wedding one and treat everyone who is present at your party. Then you can arrange for the young people to say goodbye to their bachelor life, mothers take off the veil from their daughters, the boutonniere from the groom, the bride throws the bouquet, the groom the garter, everyone dances the last dance. But if you want to go out all night long, no one forbids you, leave the DJ and let the music play until the morning, until you, tired, return to your bed.


This is how a wedding for a small company can be. Everything is quite simple, but tasteful, not a single guest will be left without your attention. The script for a small wedding is simple, and much easier to follow, think about it when you invite 100, 150 or more guests.

Wedding options that can surprise everyone

Not all couples prefer ordinary painting, some dream of extreme, drive, or vice versa, absolute peace and unity of soul with soul. Therefore, urgently collect advice from your most creative friends and start discussing all possible options. A wedding without a toastmaster should still have a host, any of the guests can become one, it all depends on the situation, and, as you know, they are different, for example, arrange a ceremony in nature. If you thought about the park next door, then this is not at all the same.

The wedding will be remembered by everyone and everyone, if you decide to make it on the top of the mountain, while using all the climbing paraphernalia. This idea is perfect for those who are rock climbing and are not afraid of difficulties. It is unusual and bold to play a wedding at sea with scuba diving. This is an option for diving enthusiasts, although it is unlikely that you will get a passionate kiss, but believe me, you will never forget the emotions you have experienced.

For extreme lovers, there is also a great option - getting married in the sky, which will be an excellent symbol of your love without boundaries. More precisely, it is not even in the sky, but directly in the air, just jumping with a parachute. And even if you are not athletes and do not constantly do this, it is not necessary to choose a huge height, you can first take a few lessons from professionals.

But if, on the contrary, you simply adore peace, you can arrange a wedding on the shore of the island, where there will be almost no people, only you and a few guests who will come to rejoice for you. A light breeze, seagulls, the sound of waves, music and an unusually beautiful bride will remain in your memory forever. At the same time, the atmosphere of true love will soar in the air.

If your partner is into football, why not have a wedding on the field? The same, by the way, applies to other sports, the main thing is that you have a desire, and everything else will follow. An unusual wedding will most likely have to work hard, but believe me, it's worth it. Memories, photos, videos will be simply amazing, and none of the guests will remain indifferent to what is happening.

So you learned how to celebrate a wedding without a toastmaster. It turns out that this is not so difficult, you just need to think carefully about everything and find among the guests that person who knows or at least has an idea of ​​how to lead your celebration. If you have always thought that a wedding cannot take place without a toastmaster, then, as you can see, any issue can be resolved. The main thing is that there is always mutual understanding and love between you!

This wedding scenario is designed for a small company. Its peculiarity is that everyone knows each other, which means that the very atmosphere of the wedding will be fun and informal. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that all guests are maximally involved in contests and games.

Lead 1:

They say in the hall today
All the people will shout
After all, they were going to the wedding
We've been almost a year!

Lead 2:

After all, today they suddenly decided
Our best friends are
They want to live in the same apartment
And call yourself "FAMILY"!

Lead 1: Dear friends, today we have gathered in this hall on a very interesting occasion. Our beloved and dear ones ________________ and ______________ decided to tie the knot. As the people say, "it's not scary to get married - it's scary to get down to business"!

Lead 2: And so, in order not to get down to business for a particularly long time, right now I propose to raise glasses to our newlyweds, who have probably already overcome all doubts and are ready to have fun at their own wedding!

Lead 1: First toast: For the young! To make life fun, bright and the happiest!

Lead 1: Since our company is small today, we will slightly deviate from the generally accepted standards of wedding management.

Lead 2: But we will, of course, observe one tradition, namely, the first congratulations from our parents!

Lead 1: So, let's start with congratulations to the bride's parents. It is their child who will now be forced to cook, wash, wash and clean up in another family, and of course, in a new family your child will be loved no less than under the roof of his house!

Lead 2: Parents of the bride, you have the floor!

Congratulations from the bride's parents.

Lead 1: For excellent words, no doubt, we will raise our glasses with zeal!

Everyone raises their glasses, drinks, and has a snack.

Lead 2: An answer, or rather, the receiving party prepared its congratulations! Parents of the groom, are you ready to congratulate your children on such a wonderful event? Then you have the floor!

Congratulations from the groom's parents.

Lead 1:
Outside the window, the weather is excellent, which means that our holiday should be in a great mood too! (If the weather is bad, it means that our holiday should be a lot of fun to overshadow the troubles of nature).

Lead 2: It's time to raise the degree of our event! I need three men who believe in themselves. Are there such among us?

Girls are also possible, but the competition is very difficult.

Lead 1: Before you are 20 glasses with a healing drink. Each of them has different drinks. You may come across vodka, and maybe lemonade. As lucky as they say!

Lead 2: Your task is to free the maximum number of glasses! You are ready? Go!

Lead 1: Our participants are real fellows. Let's give them a thunderous applause! The contestants are warmed up, and it's time for us to follow their example.

Lead 2: One parable says that the wife asked her husband: "Dear, which women do you love more - smart or beautiful?" Her husband answered her: "Neither beautiful, nor smart, because I married you, dear!" Our groom's situation is the opposite - our bride is both smart and beautiful. Let's drink to her and to the groom who was able to make such a wonderful choice! For you, friends!

Everyone is drinking and eating.

Lead 1: At the very beginning of the holiday, we promised you to deviate from the accepted canons. It's time to make our promise come true! We will now start a game called Congratulations Series. Each of you will have to get up and introduce yourself, and then say your wishes to the newlyweds. Throughout the wedding, we will be interrupted for competitions and dances, but the series of congratulations will continue!

Lead 2: So, let's start a series of congratulations!

Congratulate 2 people, one after the other.

Lead 1: You just need to raise your glasses for such wonderful words! Friends, let's drink to love!

Everyone is drinking and eating.

Lead 2: A series of congratulations takes a short pause, because it's time for the bride and groom to merge in a dance of love and tenderness! And all guests can also support our couple /

Tanets of the young.

Lead 1: But, dear friends, are we too late? Let's dance a little to our favorite songs.

4-5 dance songs, everyone is dancing.

Lead 2: A wedding is not just a celebration of the newlyweds. It is also an acquaintance of two clans, two families, clans - call it whatever you like! Therefore, men, your task is to invite someone from the family of new relatives to dance right now. We hope your wives understand that this is just a competition. Anyone who does not have enough pair, do not be upset - just dance together to a slow song or relax.

Slow dance of family unity.

Lead 1: I ask everyone to sit down! Our line of congratulations continues. We stopped at ______________________________, and will continue congratulations towards the newlyweds _________________________ (3 people congratulate in a row).

Lead 1: No wonder they wished you so much good. We need to consolidate our success and raise our glasses! For you, newlyweds, for a new family!

Lead 2: Friends, the series of congratulations is not over yet, so the word ______________________________ (congratulations from 2-3 people).

Lead 2: Today we drink to the bottom for excellent words!

Lead 1: And now - it's time to play! We ask three men to come out to us.

Men come out.

Lead 1: Your task is to find yourself a couple of the opposite sex, and also bring her to us.

Lead 2: The essence of the competition is that you are musicians, and your companions are musical instruments that you need to play. All of you are an orchestra, so as soon as the music starts playing, feel free to grab your instruments and start playing! Go!

The wedding day, perhaps, can be called the birthday of a new family. It is associated with the acquisition of a new status by the marriages - the guardians of the family hearth ...

Therefore, the wedding organizers have an important mission - to turn it into a memorable, bright and touching holiday for all those present.

However, this article will focus on a pragmatic and very exciting question for newlyweds: how to have a wedding without a toastmaster? The script for such an action should be developed by people who are not boring, have a sense of humor, and are capable of improvisation. It is created jointly, taking into account the interests of all groups present at this significant event. As a rule, collective “brainstorming” gives good results, it allows you to organize and hold a wedding, on the one hand, fun, and on the other - economically, that is, with the maximum price / quality ratio. The second aspect is also important. The compactness of the wedding really leads to a completely adequate possibility of replacing the paid services of hired mass entertainers with amateur sparkling humor.

Wedding with less cost

If, according to the forecast, up to 30 people are expected at the wedding of the invitees, then exciting creative work on the creation of a unique program of the marriage action is on the agenda. At the same time, various wedding scenarios without a toastmaster for loved ones become relevant. If you have several of them, great! Analyze them and highlight the best in each. However, remember: the final scenario, focused on specific guests, will have to be written to the amateur “organizing committee” of such a wedding. It is about a similar version of the algorithm that will be discussed in this article.

We ask our readers not to judge us harshly for dry terminology ... We are forced to write schematically, although we fully agree that marriages are made in heaven. The point is that the purpose of this article is to show the wedding as a flexible process, subject to the plan of the organizers and consisting of separate expedient and effective blocks.

At the same time, in parallel with the description of each block of the wedding, methods of giving it a unique, memorable, festive features will be shown.

Briefly about the stages of the wedding ceremony

The classic scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster is realized in the process of a wedding ceremony, which, in turn, consists of well-defined blocks:

  • The groom arrives at the bride's house, where her redemption takes place.
  • The solemn registration of marriage is carried out at the registry office. Then the sacrament of the wedding takes place in the church.
  • On the way to the place of the festival, the bride and groom will have a photo session.
  • Young people are solemnly greeted in the banquet hall (bread and salt, towels, parents' blessing, breaking a loaf).
  • Placement of guests at the table (young - in a place of honor, the groom - on the right, the bride - on the left).
  • The first toast is the dance of the newlyweds.
  • The end of the celebration - the newlyweds cut the birthday cake. The bride drops the bouquet to identify the next pair.
  • Organization of the second wedding day (we will consider this block in detail a little later).

Meeting the groom, bride price, registration

The scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster actually begins with an old tradition - to meet the groom at the house of the bride's parents.

After a hearty greeting, the bridegroom's ransom ceremony begins. In this peculiar game, the most actively traded are the groom and the witness with the bridesmaids. The meaning of this block is to assign a cheerful and mischievous tone to all subsequent action. Of course, the girlfriends will come up with "tests" for the groom, voice a certain amount. The groom, on the other hand, should not rush to lay out the money (it is better to hold it until the decisive payment). He shows wit by offering various types of "barter": champagne, candy, inflatable phones, outdated bills with many zeros, funny and ridiculous gifts, accompanying the process with funny comments. A witness actively helps the groom in this action. After bargaining a lot and agreeing with the bridesmaids in the "price", they finally redeem her.

Registration of marriage in the registry office and the wedding of young people in the church, in addition to the wedding towel, on the part of the organizers imply the inclusion of video filming and (or) photography in the script of the wedding without toastmaster. That is, the choice.

Since the criterion of this article is such a wedding scenario without a toastmaster, which provides minimal costs for organizing the celebration, we will choose the option when the video (photography) will be made by one or more guests with the appropriate skills.

Young people arrive at the banquet hall

Traditional and every time repeated and observed elements involve conducting a wedding without a toastmaster. The scenario of the next block is connected with a meeting of young people who have already acquired the status of husband and wife.

The host first prepares the guests at the entrance to the banquet hall (in bad weather - in his lobby) in the form of a living corridor. The parents are in the center. According to folk customs, the mother-in-law meets the young with bread and salt, covered with a beautiful towel, and delivers a welcoming speech. This tradition dates back to ancient times, when the wedding bride went to live in the house of her husband's parents. However, in practice, the speech is first pronounced jointly by the mother-in-law and the father-in-law, and then by the father-in-law and the mother-in-law. Often, mothers' tears prevent them from speaking.

If those present at the wedding profess the Christian faith, then the husband's father (father-in-law) and the bride's mother (mother-in-law) hold wedding icons in their hands, with which they bless the young. The bride's father (father-in-law) brings a tray with two glasses to the young couple, which, after being greeted, will be drunk by the bride and groom, and then broken “for good luck”.

The guests, when the bride and groom pass through the corridor formed by them (the young are the first to enter the banquet hall), sprinkle them with either wheat grains, or flower petals, or coins.

Receiving gifts by young people. How to seat guests

Entering the lobby preceding the banquet hall, the young people settle down in a place convenient for receiving congratulations, gifts and bouquets from invited guests. When all the invitees congratulate the young, they go to their seats in the banquet hall.

When the bride and groom enter the same place and sit down in their places, the action continues.

Let's note an important detail. After the solemn greeting of the bride and groom entering the banquet hall, parents, guests are seated in a special way. The scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster in a narrow circle assumes that the people responsible for this moment prompt those who enter where to sit.

The young should be in a place of honor, with the groom sitting on the right, and the bride on the left. A bridesmaid sits near the groom, and a witness from the groom's side is near the bride. The mother-in-law and father-in-law are seated on the right next to the young, the father-in-law and mother-in-law are seated on the left. Elderly people are offered a place away from audio equipment, young people, on the contrary, are offered a closer place.

First table. First toast

A wedding scenario for a small company without a toastmaster usually involves the first toast from the fathers. At the same time, cold snacks are placed on the tables (which is typical for the first table). Of course, before announcing it, you should inquire whether the glasses are full, make sure that the dishes are conveniently arranged.

It is desirable that the pause after the first toast should take no more than 10 minutes. At this time, the groom and the bride are awarded certificates "husband" and "wife" with a humorous summary of their duties (10-15) points. They read them out and commit to sticking to them. Then a mini-competition is held for young people to decide on the head of the family. To do this, the bride and groom, each from their side, take the wedding loaf and, on the count of three, break it. The title of "main in the family" with the presentation of the corresponding comic diploma (just in case, both options are prepared in advance) goes to the one whose piece is larger. The one who has the smaller piece is awarded the diploma "Head of family finances".

Toast No. 2

The second toast, anticipating the wedding scenario for a small company without a toastmaster, is made by the closest relatives for the parents. It should be touching and remind of care and upbringing. During the pause, the parents are presented with memorable letters "mother-in-law", "father-in-law", "father-in-law", "mother-in-law" (also with a brief and witty description of duties).

After the toast, the "Chamomile" competition is organized. To organize it, a large chamomile is made from cardboard and thick paper. On its petals on the reverse side, everyday wishes are written for the bride and groom: “Washing the dishes is my favorite pastime!”, “My main job in the house is watching TV!”, “I love knocking carpets!”, “I will spend the family budget with great pleasure!" and so on. The bride and groom take turns tearing off the petals and, turning them with their backs to themselves, read these wishes.

Third toast. The first dance of the young

The third toast included in our script for a wedding without a toastmaster with contests is made by other guests closest to the newlyweds: brothers-sisters or grandparents.

They give the newlyweds a commemorative artistic image of a calendar sheet with the date of the wedding, on which everyone present should briefly write their wishes. The sheet in the folder is placed in a place accessible to guests. Then the "Decree on the Creation of a Family" is read out and the first dance of the young is announced, preceding a half-hour dance break.

Second table. Fourth toast

And now the guests find themselves at the table again. On it - the setting of the second table (appetizers with hot dishes). Our script for a wedding without a toastmaster with contests continues with a toast from the witnesses.

In the pause, while the guests are having a snack, the witness and the witness are involved in a competition, the legend of which is their ability to personally help a young family.

The witness is taken out with a hammer, a bar and 5 nails of a decent length. Witness - 5 medium washed potatoes and a handy kitchen knife for peeling them. On the count of three, the witness starts hammering nails into the bar, and the witness starts peeling the potatoes. The winner is the one who completed the task earlier.

Why moms are only trusted with the fifth toast

Only the fifth toast provided to mothers (mother-in-law and mother-in-law) involves a wedding without a toastmaster. The scenario is as follows, because (this is the practice of many weddings) mothers at the beginning of the action just cry and are not able to connect even a couple of words. But by the fifth toast, they are usually more or less calm. Therefore, after the toast, they are included in the contests.

Then a grandmothers competition is held (mother-in-law and mother-in-law participate). His goal is to find out if they have forgotten how the bows are tied. Competition props: two wigs worn by volunteers and 7-10 ribbons for each competitor. On the count of "three" grandmothers start tying bows. The one who coped earlier wins. Diplomas of readiness to raise grandchildren are awarded to both mothers.

The end of the block of obligatory congratulations. Toast No. 6

The sixth toast is made by the invited friends of the bride and groom at the wedding without a toastmaster. The script is composed in such a way that the block of obligatory congratulations ends on this toast.

After its pronouncement, the friends of the young people are divided into two teams and participate in the "fun road" competition. Its essence lies in tying the longest "road" of clothing items provided by representatives of each team (each competitor provides only one thing).

After the sixth toast, a half-hour dance break is announced.

On an arbitrary block of the first wedding day. Stealing the bride. Contests

In the future, the scenario of a merry wedding without a toastmaster takes place in a more free mode. At the same time, impromptu and randomness are encouraged. The tried and tested way to do this is by using the "two hats" algorithm. One contains notes with the names of guests, and the other contains forfeits (that is, comic tasks for them, often involving contests).

It is at this stage, when the guests and the groom relax under the influence of alcohol, fun and communication, that “bride theft” takes place. Returning to his place, the groom discovers that a completely different female person is sitting on the bride's chair, who not only willingly talks about the abduction, but also arms the groom with a map with a route to it, saying that he has only 15 minutes to go.

The bride kidnapping is organized by her witness with her bridesmaids. This action brings to life the scenario of a small wedding without a toastmaster. It is not so easy for the groom to redeem the bride. He has to go through several (usually three) tests. Alternatively, you can offer 3 contests for the groom:

  • Great husband test. Performed on the stairs. Having climbed each step, the groom stops and announces exactly how he will help his wife manage the household and help her parents. Thus, one flight of stairs is overcome.
  • Test "apple of love". The bridesmaids attach an apple to the ribbon and stick it with 12-15 matches. Taking out each match, the groom compliments the bride.
  • The groom and the witness perform the dance of the little swans.

First day ending ritual

However, despite the impromptu stage of the wedding, its first day should still end according to custom. This nuance should be provided for proactive people involved in the development of an algorithm of actions on the topic: "How to hold a wedding without a toastmaster?" The scenario of the first day ends with two events - formal (cutting the wedding cake and giving it to everyone present) and symbolic (depriving the bride and groom of their status and turning them into husband and wife.

When the cake is cut, the mother-in-law removes the veil from the bride, and the mother-in-law removes the boutonniere from the groom. It seems to emphasize the peculiarity and uniqueness of the wedding day. Such is life: a young couple becomes a bride and groom only for one day - their magical first wedding day. And the organizers and guests of the wedding are involved in this magic. But in the hands of the former bride is her last props - a bouquet. She herself must throw it to the gathered unmarried girls. Each of them really wants to take possession of it. After all, according to signs, then the lucky woman will have to marry after her donor, that is, become a bride.

Second wedding day. Meeting with guests

The scenario of the second wedding day without a toastmaster, unlike the first day, not only includes more impromptu, it is itself an impromptu. There are no elements that carry the function of a rite in it, and this contributes to a more relaxed atmosphere.

It is preferable to start the action at lunchtime, because after the first day, guests will need time to rest ...

Arriving guests are greeted by a witness with a witness with greetings and jokes in the lobby and directed to the banquet hall. At the same time, it is advisable to start the scenario of the second wedding day without a toastmaster with jokes, with mummers. A good start can be given by witnesses with a sense of humor, dressed in medical clothes. The witness receives the title of "aibolit doctor", and the witness is called his nurse. If the guest urgently needs to improve his health even before the general toast, he is taken to a separate table, where there are "first aid supplies" - bottles of vodka, wine, but with funny stickers ...

It is possible that the second day after the holiday is spent outdoors. In this case, guests will be transported from a pre-agreed place. For this, gazebos are rented and food is delivered, specially prepared with a surplus on the first day. In addition to them, barbecue (barbecue) and fish soup are prepared, creating an additional entourage.

Today, thanks to the abundance of banquet halls in cities, it is less and less common to organize the entire scenario of a wedding in nature without a toastmaster.

Scene with young couple and impostors

The bride and groom enter the banquet hall when all the guests are already seated. At the same time, it turns out that their place has already been taken by mummers. Those at first claim that they have a wedding. A witness intervenes and threatens to call the police. He "dials" the number, pretends to speak. Another mummer appears - a policeman. In a sloppy uniform, with a cucumber sticking out of a holster. He chases away the "impostors" and announces a toast to the young.

During the pause, there is a competition for the groom and the witness. They practice swaddling the doll. The winner is presented with a prize - a bottle of beer with a nipple on it. The loser is a dummy.

The script for the second day of the wedding without the toastmaster includes a second toast - to mothers: present and future. In form, it should be comic. Perhaps in the form of a parable. Once the sage was asked: "What will he say when he meets an attentive, kind and intelligent woman." He replied: "Hello, mom!"

Further - an arbitrary scenario

In the future, the conduct of the second day of the wedding takes on the appearance of a complete impromptu. Toasts are made according to the principle of decreasing kinship. Contests after toasts are simplified as much as possible and look like a combination of an arbitrary set of provocative questions and, accordingly, an arbitrary set of witty answers. For more interest, the guests sit down, if possible on a “boy / girl” basis, and offer to read the answer to the nearest heterosexual and age-appropriate neighbor. Questions are in one basket (hat), answers are in another. What does it look like? For example, to the question: "Is your heart free today?" a card was pulled out with the answer: "In our time, this is not a sin."


We have given one of the possible options for marriage. If only close relatives are invited (about 10 people), sometimes the wedding is held at home. A script without a toastmaster is also in demand in this case. Of course, it shouldn't be taken as a panacea. In any case, when preparing to hold a wedding in a small company, you should consider in detail the list of all guests, taking into account their gender, age, complexion, degree of relationship and acquaintance.