"Scenario of the solemn line" September 1- Hello, school

MBOU "Sherkinskaya School"

Kursk region

Music number.

Lead 1: Very hot was this summer

I hope all you have rested well.

Vintage acquaintances, hello to you!

Hello you have those who came for the first time.

Lead 2: Let this year be happy for everyone:

For teachers, for parents, children.

And let the formation of the Niva flowers

And in the rapidation there will be many ideas.


Leading: Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents! Good - not only because of clear weather, and above all because of the good that it carries us. Today is the public holiday - the day of knowledge, the day of the first school bell in the new school year, the day of new meetings with a huge world of knowledge, which is ready to open up the teacher. Good mood to you and those who came here for the first time, and those who lived as many interesting and useful years in our school.

Lead 1: Everything in this world is indisputable,

Everything is compensated in the world, without a doubt.

In June, everyone says goodbye to school issues

And in September again take the replenishment.

Lead 2: From gentle mother's palms in their own hands

Teachers of preschoolers take

And in the wonderful world of discoveries and science

Leisurely, wisely them lead them.

Lead 1:

And every year with a special wave

We invite them to the line.

For them, this holiday is invented, without a doubt,

For first-graders and graduation classes.

Leading: Today ___ first-graders will first pass the threshold of ourschools like her new small owners - students.

They will behave in the amazing country of knowledge talented, smart, good teachers

But the eleventh graders will do it today for the last time. After all, they will never be on September first at school. Today they met and took up their hands: those who start the school journey, and those who approached his end. Meet. Our first-graders and graduates!
1 class class teacher ...............
and 11 class class teacher ...... ...

(First-graders go to the music with eleventh graders hand.)

Lead 1: School, attention! Under the removal of the banner to stand younger. Banner make.

(Sounds the anthem of Russia)

Takeense banner

Solemn ruler dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, allow you to consider open!

Leading: Our school has a lot of glorious pages: she was always proud of their graduates, the skill of their teachers, their ability to train. We are proud and our director, skillfully governing school.

P about tradition The word for congratulations is provided.school Director ... ..

(Speech by the School Director)
-In this holiday for the whole of our country I want to wish you hardworking, health and success in school.

Today, the school takes on his family a new squad of first-graders;

i wish, thanks to the efforts of teachers and high school students, the school has become for all the second home.

It is necessary to learn with interest and only then in front of you will open roads in life, those that you dreamed about. To bring this dream closer to work! Work to all school teams and teachers, and students.

I wish all the guys success in mastering knowledge, parents of the most close relationships with the school, and teachers - burning, good, interesting, inquisitive students. I wish you success!

Leading: Our school has many friends, like-minded people, whom we are always glad to see. And today, September 1, they are with us to congratulate us with the beginning of the school year. The word is provided _____________________________________

Lead : Knowledge Day Traditional holiday in every school. And our school is no exception. But ... .. Before moving to the main perpetrators of the celebration - first-graders, today we add another remarkable tradition. You drew attention to the new forms of our high school students.

Dear guests! Today you are witnessing an important event for our school - the birthday of the Cadet classes.

In this school year, our school opens profile cadet classes.

Today ______ Girls and boys from 10 and 11 classes will be awarded the honorary title "Cadet."

But studying grade 9, which also put the cadet form, will become cadets next year, if with dignity will withstand a trial period.

Lead 1. Indeed, at all times, the Cadet Corps prepared real citizens of their country, brought up in the spirit of nobility, military honor, good partnership, strong discipline and selfless love and devotion to their homeland.

Lead 2. The form is a lifestyle. It obliges to a lot. Owing the form, you take responsibility for your actions, according to which the surrounding judge about you, your loved ones, your school.

Leading. The sacred ritual for each Defender of the Fatherland of all generations is an oath, an oath in devotion to the homeland.

Each young man and a girl, uttering the solemn and exciting words of the oath, sacredly believes that he is signed by all his heart under each spoken word, responsible for every act.

For the giving oath, students are invited to the Cadets 10, 11 classes.

Cadets to the music (march) are built on the scene.

Lecturer- Organizer Obzh:Class! Smirno, the equation is ....... (Apply a hand to the head fault, fits a raised step to the school director, stops from it in two or three steps and reports) Comrade Director. The cadet class for holding a ceremony of the "solemn oath of Kadet" was built.

The director comes to the middle of the system: "Hello, Comrades Cadets"

Response greeting pupils: "To the health of the school, I wish comrade school director"

Director : To the adoption of the ceremonous oath of Cadet to proceed

Lecturer- Organizer Obzh :: - Class, please, feel comfortable !!! The adoption of the oath will prepare.

In the center of the hall is worth the table. The guys are suitable for it on calling the commander and, unfolding to the rank, loudly read the oath.

Lecturer- Organizer Obzh :: - -Class, equalsy-smo! Namri! Comrade Director! The adoption of the solemn oath is over.

Director: - Congratulations to the personnel of the cadet class students with the solemn adoption of the oath (the cadets are responsible for a triple: "Hurray!", "Hurray!", "Hurray!")

Oath Kadet EMERCOM of Russia

I, (FULL NAME), Young Citizen of Russia, entering into the ranks of Cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, taking this promise, solemnly swear:

- Love your homeland, your people and be devoted to our Fatherland;

- to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, respect human rights and freedoms;

- persistently and conscientiously study;

- to know the history of the Russian state, remember and perform the covenants of fathers and grandfathers;

- apply your knowledge and skills to serve your people;

- to be honest, hardworking, responsible for their actions, to go on a partnership and friendship;

- comply with the traditions of officers and rescuers;

- with honor and dignity to carry the title of Cadert EMERCOM of Russia and be faithful to this word

Leading: For each of us, the day of knowledge is a continuation of a long path called "School Years Wonderful". But there are among us and those for whom this day, September 1 - the finish line. He will never happen again in life. This is eleventh graders.

On this holiday, your class teacher ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lead Today, leading kids for the hand, our eleven graders probably remember how 10 years ago came to their first ruler. Since then, they have grown up, have grown and acquired the experience of school life, which will now share with everyone, and especially with first-graders.

Speech by eleventh school

Graduates: Everywhere bright flowers,
Today is a special day.
Finally dreams come true!

All: Ahead - Study!

We want to contact first-graders!

  1. To know you a lot,

Life does not reverse strive, but ahead.

past the school no road

no path leads.

  1. School will show you everything else,

you will open many roads.

There will be failures and good luck.

This is the way of discoveries and alarms.

  1. To you, going to grade 1, we will give such a fence:

on the call to get up,

at school on time fled,

so that from the road you did not get down

and they did not get lost anywhere.

  1. And another advice:

Our school Beregte

And teachers love

And not, I will also go - mig ears nadet.

  1. Tell everyone about school,

honor school values.

Content is always in order

Books, recipes, notebooks!

  1. We wish everyone from the soul

Sweet teaching.

To mark good

Were like jam

Lead : Today the title of "high school students" receive our nine-graders. This year they are also graduates of the main school. I ask you to go to the microphone.

Speech of 9-ticks

Nine-graders read on line

Grade 9 - Almost graduates!
School days pass through fast.
And suddenly be off
We want to wish today.

In their studies of different success
More joy and laughter.
Exams to pass everything without any problems.
So that in your life there was all on "five".


1: Class doors are noisy open,
Slisten the awakened call,
Summer Sun Face smile
And the first our lesson will begin.

2: Every day meets the school us,
How to go home in a familiar class
My friends are waiting for me at school
And, of course, teachers!

3: Dear teachers
We respect you for experience,
For the fact that the school is true
For the fact that you have a young soul,
For the fact that you are always next to us.

4: Dear teachers!
Take as a sign of gratitude flowers from your students.


Leading 1. We also congratulate on the holiday all the technical staff of the school.

Music number ...

Theatrical sketch.

AT pedi is important goes by Kuzya

Kuzya: See. See. Here they are standing. They came, you understand whether they ask for school, they want to learn. (Persheet past first-graders) elegant, with flowers. And pleased - then! But I do not have fun. I thought I would leave grade 11, it will become. People will die. Class will free. Others live, Philipples or Vaughn Nafany, live themselves in apartments with all the amenities, silence. And I, and I ....

Leading: Kuzma Ivanovich, nice, calm down. You are not a simple house, you are a school house. You can say the owner of the school.
And first-graders are very good. You will meet with them.
Make friends! You will teach them my mind, and they will grow and delight you.

Kuzya: Okay. Everything. I'll go stand.
(With an important type refers to children.)
Kuzma Ivanich- House,
I am this school - the house is native,
I look here in order
For each trifle after watching
Chalk stock me for you
I go with check in each class,
In the kitchen I try lunch,
Deep at night
Director I come
And at the computer I sit ...

Music number from domain.

Leading: Dear Kuzma Ivanovich, the guys are very much want to study in our school. Take them. They ask you. They also prepared a speech

(Music) First-graders are suitable for the microphone.

Speech of first graders

1.Mnnet at home is not sitting
do not want to play
I want to learn soon
And first of becoming

2. Fuck and I'm scrapping,
I was afraid to be late.
Barely briefcase
Mom managed to give

3. Stay, dolls, houses,
I'm leaving for school,
There is no time to play
I will read books!

4. I will be bought,
Everything will be time to go
I want to learn
Read, write, count

5. Now then life is different
Come on me
Oh, Mom dear!
What an adult I am!

6.Nash the first most
Mostly links, call!
Home Go Moms!
We are soon on the lesson!

Lead 1: Dear first graders! From today and over the years with you will be your faithful friends - Teachers! They will teach you to competently write, with an expression read and count without errors. They will also protect you from any trouble and bring up you good, honest people

Kuzya. I give you today, friends
The cherished key from our school.
Well, teachers,
In the world of knowledge the path will indicate.
Today older friends
Gifts are handed you.
And therefore in school family
They take you.

Leading. Eleventh graders prepared gifts to our first graders. They are adopted in the ranks of our school students.
(Music. Grade 11 Hands gifts to first-graders, and accompany them on their place in general strictly.)

Leading: Come to school kids
They still know so little
Particle of their soul
The teacher leaves each.

Leading: The word is provided to the 1st Klass teacher ... (calls the name, first name, patronymic of the teacher).

(Teacher's welcoming word.)

Leading 2. On our solemn ruler there is a 4th grade

Leading 1. For our expensive fourth graders, a very responsible year is to have a very responsible year. Ahead of them expects release from elementary school, and they will go to learn the main link. Let's greet our fourth-graders and their class teacher.

Leading: Our ruler contains schoolchildren who are also waiting for a new and unexplored: a new cool leader, many new and unfamiliar teachers. These are our fifth-graders.

Lead 1: Yesterday in elementary school

With teacher first his

You have suffered wise sciences

And older than becoming striking as soon as possible.

Lead 2: Now the concerns will probably add:

Lessons are more, the material is more difficult.

But together you need to cope with them -

We in difficulties are becoming friendly.

Let's greet our fifth graders and their class teacher

Leading: And now another solemn moment. We congratulate the school students in 2011 - 2012 of the school year. And for congratulations we invite deputy director of the school on educational and educational work -

and director of the school -

Presentation of literacy.

Music number.

Lead 1: Here the call rings is poured,

Guys now begins

Life new strip

Lead 2: Summer flew quickly

Now it's time for us!

Night speed, call,

Call everyone on the lesson!

Lead 1: The right to give the first call is provided by learning ___ 11 class ____________ and first grade_ _ _________________

Rings first bell

Leading: Today we have a joyful holiday - the first school day after the holidays. The call rang, inviting everyone to lesson. We congratulate on the holiday - the Day of Knowledge - all students of our school, their parents, grandparents. We congratulate the teachers!

First graders and eleventh graders are departed from our line on the lesson of knowledge.

1 and 11 class go to school to music and call

Lead : Attention, school! Under the removal of the banner to stand comfortably!
Anthem. Remove banners.

Lead 1:
Knowledge Day is the holiday of the whole country!
When all school schools open,
And everywhere luck happy defers
And cocks in red in schools meet everyone

Lead 2:
We congratulate each of us.
With an excellent holiday autumn and wish,
To become an excellent start in life class,
In which the fall of learning is starting

Leading: The solemn ruler dedicated to the first call holiday is declared closed. Students are invited to first knowledge lesson in 2012-2013 academic year.

On September 1, a solemn event was held in the Stavropol Presidential Cadet School, dedicated toDay of Knowledge and the 5th anniversary of the opening of the School.

Stavropol Presidential Cadet School is the only educational institution in the region of a similar type. On September 1, 2011, the first call was given to SCC, who announced the beginning of the new era of cadet education in Stavropol. During its existence, the Stavropol PKU became the leader in the field of education not only among schools of the Stavropol Territory, but also among the pre-welcoming educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. "We try to always keep up with the times, and sometimes even ahead of your colleagues for dozens of years ahead. Especially in the system of military-patriotic education and education, - notes the head of the Stavropol PKU, Major General Leonid Grigorievich Kuts.. - All this is due to the coordinated and cohesive work of the team, the introduction of innovations in the system of interaction between study, upbringing, physical activity and additional education. "

Presidential Cadets are the successors of the glorious traditions of Suvorov and Cadet Education. For five years, the cadets have become a sample of the elite of military education not only in the region, but also at the federal level. Pupils of the SCC are the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian and All-Armenian Olympiads, these are champions of the KVN junior games and the best rules of the GTU in the North Caucasus. Presidential Cadets are those who, without fear, can ask the leading program to "lead" Ernest Mackevichus, to support a dialogue with a famous politician and writer Alexander Prokhanov, sing on stage along with the People's Artist of the USSR Vasily Lanov, go on ice along with the legend Domestic Hockey Vyacheslav Fetisov.

This year, the Stavropol Presidential Cadet School opened its doors for 120 fifth graders from the Stavropol Territory and other regions of Russia. Yesterday they were simple boys who played with friends in the courtyard, and today they are the future of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. "I believe that in children patriotism and love for the Motherland needs to be brought up from an early age. It is better and better than education than in the Stavropol Presidential Cadet School it is impossible to submit. Here our sons will be taught to be real men, ready to defend their homeland. After all, this is the debt of everyone and teach it from the earliest childhood " - thinks mom fifth grader Alla Nikolaevna Koztyretskaya.

To congratulate on the holiday of the Cadet, not only relatives and relatives came, but also honored guests:

  • headquarters Chief, First Deputy Commander of the 49th Commercial Army of the Southern Military District, Major General Mikhail Yakovlevich Noseversv;
  • chairman of the All-Russian Movement in support of the Army, Military Industry and Military Science, Lieutenant-General Viktor Ivanovich Sobolev;
  • inspector of the Southern Military District, Major General Aviation, Honored Military Pilot of the Russian Federation, Member of the Board of Trustees SPKA Boris Arsenievich Averin.

After the report to the head of the SPKA on the readiness of the school to the solemn ceremony, the removal of the banner of the Russian Federation and the banner of the School and the execution of the State Anthem, the Deputy Head of the School of Educational Work, ColonelVadim Aleksandrovich Romanov read congratulations Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Kuzhugetovich Shoigu:

Dear leaders, teachers, employees, listeners and cadets of military schools, pupils and pupils of presidential Cadet, Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval and cadet buildings, students of secondary schools!

Dear veterans!

On September 1, we celebrate the day of knowledge. As in all educational institutions of the country, classes begin in educational organizations of the Ministry of Defense. This year, their list was replenished with Tula Suvorov Military School, which decades later opened its doors for hundreds of boys.

The beginning of the school year is always the time of hopes, plans for the future and the desire to achieve the goals.

The Ministry of Defense takes active steps to improve the system of military education. Promising teaching techniques are being introduced, including using electronic textbooks and textbooks. In the interests of the Armed Forces, a single electronic library of scientific organizations and educational institutions is created. Updating the educational and material base of military universities.

Today, it is safe to say that the existing military education system allows you to prepare highly qualified specialists who can solve the most difficult tasks to ensure the security of the country and strengthen its defense capability.

Congratulations to all with the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the school year! I sincerely wish good health, success in school, service and work!

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
army General

S. Shoigu

On behalf of the commander of the 49th Commercial Army and Commander of the Southern Military District, Major General Mikhail Yakovlevich Noseversv Camera School congratulated the beginning of the school year and read the appeal of the commander of the Southern Military District Commander to Stavropol, Krasnodar, Sevastopol Presidential Cadet Schools on Knowledge Day September 1, 2016:

Dear friends!

I congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year. Studying in the Presidential Cadet School, thanks to solid preparation, opens the widest horizons and opportunities. Those human values \u200b\u200band landmarks, knowledge, skills and skills that you get in the learning process under the care of your teachers and educators will forever remain your guide star, will help become worthy citizens of our society. I am sure that the future of Russia is among you, its officers and generals, state and public figures are the right defense, hope and support of the Great Russia. But only from you themselves, from your perseverance, purposefulness and perseverance in school depends whether you can achieve the goal. You have to be in good faith to learn, showing the scenery and effort. I wish you with all the responsibility to study, in everything to help your mentors, strive to be, to learn to be purposeful, to appreciate the time, every lesson, the school day is used as efficiently as possible.

Those who first crossed the threshold of the Cadet School, became part of a big and friendly family - let this day be the beginning of a good, interesting and happy way for you. In the walls of the school you will acquire real friends, get the best education and upbringing. I am confident that your senior comrades will provide you with comprehensive assistance and support in a difficult teaching, share your

experience and knowledge.

Teachers and mentors, I wish to work with soul and inspiration, because only you are able to light in students to study, only you can develop the ability to think, analyze, feel, empathize, which is so important in the modern world.

Cadets, I wish you success in the new academic year. Proudly carry the title

cadet, you are the future of Russia, you are the prestige of the homeland and its armed forces.

Commander of the troops

Southern Military District


A. Kanitanov

From myself personally, Mikhail Yakovlevich added that his relatives and loved ones should be proud that their children are studying in such a prestigious school. "It will be hope and a support not only for parents, but for the whole of our state", - noted the head of the headquarters.

On behalf of the Executive Committee of the All-Russian Movement in support of the army, defense industry and military science, Lieutenant-General congratulated Lieutenant-General Viktor Ivanovich Sobolev:

- Comrades Cadets! I want to congratulate you on the big holiday - the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the new school year. You, as we received only in this academic year, and those who are already learning, will be worthy of the honor of the school, the honor of the soldier, the honor of our great Russia! I am sure you will become worthy of the glory of our ancestors, and together with you we will definitely polish our homeland from any adversity and misfortunes and bring it to the path of new development!

On behalf of all parents of newly accepted pupils congratulating the parents of the Parent Committee Sergey Viktorovich Yasinsky:"I want to wish again arrived pupils with honor to carry through all my life the proud title of" Cadet ", which you are now called. You entered the most decent institution that brings up real men! "

With a response from the training course of the 5th grades addressed the pupil5 "A" class Andrei Vintsitev:

- Dear colleagues, parents and cadets! We are proud that we have passed heavy trials and enrolled in the ranks of the pupils of the Stavropol Presidential Cadet School. We promise to diligently learn, honor the traditions of the school and the laws of the Cadet Brotherhood!

The ceremony dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and the 5th anniversary of the opening of the Stavropol Presidential Cadet School ended in the solemn passage of pupils of the SCC. Especially exciting this moment was for five places, because for the first time in their lives passed by the parade building before the gate of the school, senior comrades, relatives and loved ones.

Then five-graders, together with their mentors, set off the apple seedlings. The tradition to plant an apple tree, a symbol of knowledge, appeared in 2011, when the cadets of the first set landed several trees, giving the origin of the garden on the territory of the school. This idea has taken rooted, like seedlings, and now every year new pupils of the NGC replenish the apple orchard with new trees.

Further students of the presidential school waited for their first classes. By tradition, the academic year in the school opens with class hours. This year, the classroom was devoted to the topic: "My future profession is to protect your homeland!". "A couple of months ago I released my first presidential class. When we said goodbye, the guys took the word from me that I would devote the first lesson in the new school year., - tells the class teacher 6 "e" class Natalia Alexandrovna Samoilenko. - I kept the word. And today, I told the newly accepted pupils of SCC about the Cadet years of the first graduates of the School. After all, most of them were produced here with a future profession and calling to serve the Fatherland. Such graduates, as Alexander Rynen and the Roman of Chernokozov, should serve as an example for five-graders who still have to choose their way in life. "

After graduating from a festive event Mikhail Yakovlevich Noseversv and Viktor Ivanovich Sobolev I got acquainted with the Material Base of SCC. Swimming pool, Ice Palace, Complementary Education Complex and Modern Equipped Cabinets made a big impression. Both guests noted that all conditions for successful education and development were created in the school. In memory of the visit to the Stavropol Presidential Cadet School, Mikhail Yakovlevich and Viktor Ivanovich, planted on the Alley of Glory SPKA Saplings of the Crimean Pine. Cadets 7 "B" Class, which also participated in this promotion, promised to generals that will be care for trees.

musical Screensaver (Song about School)

Vedas: School! Attention! We begin the solemn ruler dedicated to the first call holiday!

Vedas Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents!

Vedas Good morning to everyone who came here for the first time, and those who lived a few interesting and useful years in this school.

Vedas Good mood to all those present, participants and guests of the solemn rule.

Vedas Today we have an unusual day. Not just a ruler dedicated to the beginning of the school year, but a festive - for the first time in our city the Cadet class opens. And today on the line we welcome the first Cadets of the school number 1. We hope that this is the beginning of a new stage in the history of our beloved school. Cadets in the first school be!

Vedas: Attention, school! The solemn ruler dedicated to the holiday "First Call!", We declare open!

Sounds the anthem of the Russian Federation.

1 student rejected summer hot heat,
Behind the happiest days
And again, as before, we are with you
In the morning of early autumn came

2 student and again will begin all over
In school from call and before the call.
Again from the September pier
River will suffer us

3 student with stray wave we meet
The first native September!
The school year starts counting again,
And fanfare in honor of him sound!

Vedas: Study, Hello! School, hello!
We go for the marriage.
It is a holiday today! School holiday!
We celebrate the school year!

Vedas Today is a special day,
And know everything in the world
That on this day, without being late, just on time
Native school first will give a call!

Vedas This morning a lot of smiles and light
Special dawn shines.
Hello, happy childhood holiday,

Vedas Today is the day of knowledge
So - in full collecting the whole school family! And as usual, every year, our family is replenished with new disciples! These are kids first-graders.

Vedas All you know that first-graders are the inexhaustible wealth of our school and its constant achievement.

Vedas Dear first graders, this holiday is dedicated to you. The school is a small country, traveling on which you will learn: how many years the sun gives us your light, why spring flowers, and in winter the fields are empty. The edge of the relatives will learn yours, peaceful, strong and big.

Vedas We congratulate you all
Excellent success in learning Wish!
We wish to find new friends at school
And here to spend many joyful days!

Vedas Be friends with school and teachers
And will soon become graduates.

Vedas Everyone went to the first class,
Your turn now.
Year after year flashes
And from the school threshold
The road will open!

Vedas The word is provided
Chapter of the Beloyarsky District Sergey Petrovich Mannenkov

Vedas - The word is provided to the director of the school of Pakulev Evgeny Anatolyevich.

Vedas The word is provided

Vedas The word is provided
Abbot of the temple of Seraphim Sorovsky Father Georgia

Vedas: A new academic year begins. My discoveries will bring you! New items, new friends, in classes are waiting for the favorite teachers.
Vedas: for all guys, for all guests,
For lovely and native teachers, a gift to the song.

Vedas: So you became a first grader! The form of a new one put on. Pow for all it will be a holiday, this first school day.

Vedas: the word is provided to our first-graders
Music Screensaver "First Classic"
(first graders come out)

We welcome all of you! Look at us. - We stood, waited a long time and thought about it. The word Dali
Straight, the mountain fell off his shoulders.

Kindergarten stayed in the past
To school, in the first class go
Together in it will learn
With mom, with dad, all threesome!

To the knowledge of the road,
Pedagogues respect
And learn their lessons -
We will help Mama!

Now - then life is another standby for me, my mother is dear! What an adult I am!

At home, the pen does not forget the notebook, and the pencil. And forgot - to roar, I will be the whole class, on the whole floor.

In the lessons promise to make noise and not chat. If I do not know the answer, I will raise my hand.

7. Let the director of our school
Publishes such an order:
Who will receive 100 fives
He will give us a premium.
8. I will not sleep lessons, I will be diligent. And the boss will become a big one.
9. School is cool! School is fashionable!
We walk to school fun and proudly!
We enter the first class, everything will turn out from us!
Vedas And you know today after all the holiday is not only among first graders. This is a holiday of all the defers. It is especially important for our eleventh graders - this is their last "first call" in the walls of the native school.

Vedas 10 years ago and we stood like that
Embusing, flowers and briefcases kept,
For us with a call, that it is about to
The final year will begin.
Last School Year!
Now they hurry you to congratulate you
And tell you about school you want

exit graduates

You are happier everyone! You are accepted in grade 1, and the call for you is silent for the first time, the school door will open for the first time, you will become more adulger and more serious now! Waiting for you a lot of bright and joyful days,
Many bright events and faithful friends, everything will tell the teacher caring yours,
And parents will be proud of you! You will be able to learn letters and numbers soon, and you will learn to quickly read and read! Be diligently and with pleasure learn, everything is most prigidious day from the day, so that it is easy and confident about the knows to go, so that success, success helped on the way !

We appeal to you, our little friends. Listen carefully, remember diligently.

In the morning, wake up early, wash it well, so that in school it is not to zeeping the desk not to peck.

Dress carefully, to watch it was nice, the shape of the sore, check, you are big now.

Access yourself to order, do not play with things in hide and seek, keep the briefcase.

In the lessons do not gigchi, the chair there is not moving. And the neighbor does not interfere.

Do not tease, do not compete with a school to help everyone who is not fright, be bold you will find yourself friends.

That's all our advice, their wise and easier not. You are, my friend, do not forget them. Well, happily in a good way!
Vedas: Who became the cadet - he took courage, to others left the carefree laughter, overlooking the childhood immediately into maturity, he will smoke earlier than all. Heading into the world of other worries - always hard and sometimes harsh -cob .
Vedas: The word is provided to the students of the cadet class. (Go marches cadets)

Cadet performance
First student.
Firmly typing a step, strictly in the form of dressed, keep the equal to flagbeloyary cadets.
Second student.
Motherland, faith, and honor -VOT three cherished words. So it was, there will be, no for the cadence of others.
Third student.
Be straightforward and dare, kindly nice things. Honestly serve - our lot! We chose it yourself.
Fourth student
People Friendship, World, Wealth - What is the meaning of the meaning and purpose of the Brotherhood! Russia is faithful sons, we are born for the powers!

Fifth student.
For us, friends, it's time to come forward, Cadets, Hooray! Hu Hurray! Hurrah Hurrah!!

Running balls

Vedas: Dear guys and adults! The holiday ends. That's all, it's time to come, waiting for you to school road in the morning, you will now call on the lesson, the young and ringing - school bell!
Veda: Let the very first call be back, and we will begin with the long-awaited lesson. You will save these moments in my hearts, and joy from them through the year jam!
Vedas: a minute - a magic bell will sing, the very first lesson will begin for you. Strong school years long in many years, carry, friends, his ringing, his light!
Vedas: And now comes a solemn moment. Attention! Zamri, student! Now he will hear, your first call. And you will be invited to the first lesson!
Vedas The right to give the first call is provided first-grader
Graduate _______________________________________________
(Words on the background of the call)
Solemn and light moment will now come.
He takes a heart to meet him.
And let the lighter will be brighter.
Wake up, call, sounds, call, link!
Ved.1: link, call! Link, call! Cheerful, sad, daring!
Vedas 2: It is waiting for you another lesson in my life, a quiet childhood goes! .. Ved.1: ZVNV, call! Links, call, opening lessons! Veda.2: We go to the knowledge ahead, not knowing fatigue!
Vedas: the right to enter the class, the lesson in his life is provided:
Vedas: 1 and class, cool leader
1 Host: Step very cool!
Beautiful, funny!
Not moderately inquisitive! The computer has pleasses.
2 master
We invite 1B class! Classroom teacher

1 Host: Young, Bold,
Lucky, skillful!
Already easily read
And everyone knows everything!

2 designed
We meet 1B class! Classroom teacher
1 Host: They are on "You" with rhetoric,
Artists and historians.
In gyms and pools
You will be met by sure!

Invite everyone else in turn.


Development of Kochetkova L.V.

2013 - 2014 academic year.

Reader. Cadet 1. Very hot was this summer I hope all you have rested well. Old familiar, hello to you! Hello you have those who came for the first time. Reader. Cadet.2. Let it be this year for everyone happy! For teachers, for parents of children. And let the formation of the Niva and the rapidness of many ideas.
Leading. Good morning, dear guests, teachers, educators, dear parents! Good - not only because of clear weather, and above all because of the good it carries. Today is the state festival, the day of knowledge, the day of the first school bell in the new school year, the day of new meetings with a huge world of knowledge, which is ready to open the house of the teacher. Good mood to you and those who came here for the first time, and those who lived as many interesting and useful years in our school.
Reader. Cadet 1. Everything in this world is reimbursed, everything is compensated in the world, no doubt! In June, everyone is forgiven with graduates of school, and in September again take replenishment.
Reader. Cadet.2. And every year with a special excitement we invite them to the lineup them for them, this holiday is invented, without a doubt for the fifth-graders and graduation classes.
Leading. Today, 50 fifth-graders will overcome the threshold of our school. They will behave in an amazing country of knowledge talented, kind teachers and educators. Now we meet those who are just starting the school journey in the walls of the Cadet School, and those who approached his end. We meet. Our fifth graders: 51 educational sodges. Hands: Tvetla Svetlana Alekseevavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavsubsidiaries: _____________________ Educator: _________________________________________________
52 training sodge. Hands: Kochetkova Larisa VyacheslavovavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavAlbertovich Savenko: Davletgar Reef Nazifovich
And our future graduates 111 educational invoices. Hands: Buchanova O.V. V.Vostatuner: _________________________________________________
(Under the music and applause in 3 ranks 5 grades and graduates are published) Military leader. Smirno School. Banners. Anthem.
Leading. The word is provided to the director of the school Vadim Vyacheslavovich Bogdanov. The word is provided by the Deputy Director for the Training Part of the Kochergin Raisa Anatolyevna
Leading. Our school has many friends, like-minded people, whom we are always glad to see. And today they are with us. The word is provided by the Deputy Director for Educational Work Sergey Alexandrovich Zhurgin. (Guest announcement)
Reader. Cadet 1. Knowledge Day is the holiday of the whole country! When all school schools open, and everywhere lucky laughter. And marsh in red in schools are met.
Jurin S.A.
Reader. Cadet 2. We congratulate each of you with a wonderful holiday of autumn and wish, to become an excellent start in life in life, in which the autumn, learning is starting.
Jurin S.A. The word is provided by the guest _________________________________________________________________________
Leading. Yesterday in elementary school with the teacher, the first of his first of his wise sciences and older becoming striking.
Let's greet our fifth graders. You are the word our future cadets.
5.1. (Kravtsov Denis) We proudly went on the autumn streets today. Only look at us - I will immediately float.
5.2. (Danila quacks) sighs dad: "Not ready!" Mom drinks Valokardin - as if they are in the fifth grade today to go to school.
5.3. (Bogdanov Igor) Books will be fat - I will read Prettish - I will know everything that adults know.
5.4. (Ponkrats Vladislav) We promise not to be lazy, without delays to come, diligently learn and love the school family!
The word is provided by the guest ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Leading. At the line among the cadets of our school, very adults are visible - these are those who last come on September 1 to the walls of their native school, who last will hear the school bell trill. Pride of our school is our 11 graders. You have the word guys.
      Seven years ago, we, like you now, came to our school, such a congratulations were taken, they were afraid, worried. Today we give you this symbolic key of knowledge. Let him help you open all the wealth accumulated by humanity.
11.1. Take care of our school as your home, please her with your success, excellent studies and your affairs to glorify it! (Hand 5 class key) 11.2. Our dear school, we thank you, for love and for the care of everyone "thanks" speak.
(Song "Teacher")
Reader. Cadet 1. And now comes a solemn moment. A minute of attention! Zanri, student! Now he will hear your first call. You will be invited to the first lesson! Leading. The right to file the first call of the new 2013/2014 academic year is provided with a graduate of grade 11 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Reader. Cadet 2. See how our country is huge, how many courage, strength and faith in Russia! We are part of her, we are her beauty! A, together, the country, we are all - our Russia! Jurin S.A. Announces the closure of the line.
Military leader. Smirno School. Takeense banner. Anthem.

GBOU "Ikshurminskaya Cadet School - boarding school named after Baikiyev K.S."


solemn ruler dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.

Performed: Teacher-organizer Muhametzyanova R.Kh.

2017 year


solemn ruler in gB.OU " Ikshi "Dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.

Fanfares to the beginning of the line.

Music (on her background)

Lead 1:


Open the line!


Lead 2.: Study, Hello! School. Hi!

We go for the knowledge of the campaign!

It is a holiday today! School holiday!

We celebrate the school year!

Leading1: Hello, dear teachers, veterans, disciples, parents and guests of our holiday! We are happy to see today youin our native Ikshurminskaya Cadet School named after Baikiyev Kavi Salimovich .

1. On the unacces of the Great Country,
In bright light of malicious domes,
We are cadets - Russia's Sons,
We are the heirs of Fathers Glory!

2. The legendary heroes of the case,
And we are in the heart of victory,
So that the depreciation live and bloose
We will give your work and talent !!

3. Here we believed suddenly
And appreciate learned friends.
Here we knew the secrets of science,
Secrets of the sky, land and seas.

4. We are Cadets, Cadets, Cadets!
This is our unity and power.
For you, we, depreciation, in response,
Our bright pride - Russia

5. Fatherland, honor - to anyone!
Nobility and valor of the order.
We carry through the centuries on the banners of victories
Proud name - Russian Cadet.

Leading: In all schools of our immense country, the academic year begins on this day. And everything is repeated: lessons, changes, control. But all the concerns will begin tomorrow, and today is a holiday! Holiday meeting with classmates, teachers and educators after a long summer separation. On this day, all roads lead to school. Elegant disciples, excited parents and teachers.

Lead 2: We together again! And the school for the school year is ready!

Today, everyone has become an adult and older,

Here the dads and moms worry our.

And the school meets the happy people

Today the training begins a year!

Lead 1:

Everyone gathered, Sun coats,

Only first classes there is no something ...

Lead 2:

No, the first classes here and are looking forward to

When they are brought to the line, because they are today

The most important feas of the holiday!

Lead 1:

It is for them today will sound

The first school bell in their life.

Welcome to our first-graders!

(Fanfare, music, first-graders' output)

Lead 1: Grade 1 students. On the way of Knowledge, they will lead to the class teacher of Arslanova Gulsum Failovna

Lead 2: His first, most important, book, "ABC", they will study with it.

Lead 1: Wands - hooks, noliki - mugs with them will write, too, she ..
2 Host: Hello, our little friends! We are very glad to welcome you in our school. Today you have the first school line.

1 leading :

School is always magnificent

Looks at the world from a height.

Here your song is the beginning

Dreams bloom here ...

The school opens page

Large life book.

Teach you to seek

And harden the soul.

1 master: Dear friends ! In this academic year, new guys are poured into our team. From today they are the pupils of the Ikshurminsky Cadet School named after Baikiyev Kavi Salimovich

2 Host: Taking this honorary title you will be required:

    hot to love your homeland; ( 1 leading:)

    live according to the laws of the Cadet Brotherhood; ( 2 Host:)

    always come on conscience: do not lie, do not squander, do not offend younger, respect the elders; ( 1 leading:)

    learn only on well and excellent; ( 2 Host:)

    lead a healthy lifestyle: hardening, playing sports; ( 1 leading: )

    live according to the motto: "Motherland! Debt! Honour!" ( 2 Host:)

Lead 1: Guys!

Each of you will now meet your wonderful class.
There you will learn, you will find friends there.
There you will be proud of my school valve.

1 leading: Now the whole school family together and we can start a solemn ruler dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.

leading: The solemn ruler dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open.

Officer-tutor: "Take it! Younger! "

(Sounds "Anthem of the Russian Federation" and the anthem of Tatarstan)

An officer:Oily!

2 designed: In our line there are dear guests -

1. Gasimov Ravil Mubarakovich -Unukoditel executive committee of the Sabinsky district


2. Zakirov Fanis Farithovich Military Commissar of Sabinsky and Tulachinsky districts


4. - Nurmukhametov Nyaz - Head of our rural settlement

5 Mukhametshin Zufar Zinnatovich - Head of the farm farming "Narat"

6. Hamatle Rafic Hazret Ishakov.

7.Will teachers, educators, veterans and guests

1 leading: With a welcoming speech to you, director of the GBOU "Ikshurminskaya Cadet School-boarding school named after Baikiyeva K.S. - Galijahmetov Robert Rashitovich.

(Speech by School Director.)

(Guest speaking)

1. The word is provided Gasimov Ravil Mubarakovich

2. The word is provided(representative of ROO)

3. The word is provided Zakirov Fanis Faritovich

4. Slovo is provided by Muhametshina Zinnatovich Zinnatar

5. SZNxөrmәtle Rafik Hazret Ishakovka BirәBez.

Lead 2: Dear first graders! Today you first came to our Ikshurminskaya Cadet boarding school. The word is provided to you!

There are flowers in their hands…
White shirts,
Suit on them, bows -
It is first grades!
Dear kids.
We know, you are preparing!
Tell your poems
Have you already set up?

2 leading: Guys! You approached the doors of the fabulous magic country of knowledge. But the doors are closed with an unusual, and the mysterious castle. To open it, you need a magic key, which is in the hands of the studies of the 11th grade. Let's ask them this key.

1 class. We promise today,
To all be in all
Graduate, we know exactly
We will not let you down.

Class grade.

Dear our little friends! Today we convey to you a symbolic key from the country of knowledge. Let him help you open in this magic The country is all the wealth accumulated humanity. And these wealth are knowledge.

We wish to take care of school, grow up to grow, and with your excellent studies and other success to glorify it.

Lead 1.: Applause to our first-graders! We see that a worthy shift will be with us. Graduates, remember, after all, quite recently, and you stood so before all at the first call festival. How long ago it was! And now the words of the faceting of our first-graders will say the guys from grade 11.

1st graduate:

Last School Autumn -
How sad it is to realize.
And therefore we especially want
All health, happiness to wish!

2nd graduate:
The day will come - we will say with the school
Our graduation will end year.
And hence the trail is unfamiliar
Forever our childhood will leave!

3rd graduate:

Today let me turn
To those who are just starting to learn.
You, first-graders, we congratulate
Excellent success in schools wish!

4th graduate
We wish to find new friends at school
And here spend a lot of joyful days.
Be friends with school and teachers
And soon you will become graduates!


As a small school planet,
We launch the balloon ball.
Fly, fly in the depths of the Mirozdan!
Today is our holiday - the day of knowledge!


Strive, guys, in the science of good.
Let's hit the road! Good luck,
In the nice way, the defortion!

Lead 2. : Comes the most solemn and exciting minute

First school bell
Again calls for a lesson -
So, the noisy summer ended.
On the first day of September
Children joy giving.
Every time it repeats it.

1 leading:

Let now be silent the very first bell,
And we will begin with the long-awaited lesson.
You save these moments in my hearts,
And joy from them through the year carry!

2 designed

Friends, here he is a holiday in the school yard!

Let the first call be silent in September!

Friends, again a holiday, we have a knowledge day!

Zarn, call, in good way, in good time!

1 Presenter: And now the most responsible moment has come, for which we have gathered today. It's time to give the first call in this school year.

2 leading: Honorary Right to give the first call is provided to students of the 11th grade

and grade 1 student

(Music-Yrәtәlәr MәTәPlәrdә)

1 leading: It all starts with a school bell!

In the distant way, partitions are separated.

There, in front of the abroad will be starts

And more serious, will

It all starts with a school bell.

2 leading: Chakira Nightless Chakira

Kyңgyrau Sollarga.

Bүgennәn - Belem Kөnennәn


Hәerle Yul Spert!

(Melody sounds.) LEADING:

It all starts with a school bell:
Dream, science, friendship - what you want!
Road to stars! Mystery of the ocean!
All this will be late or early
Everything is ahead guys, ahead.

Host: Guys, now you will go to classes, and the sacrament of knowledge of science, peace, life will begin. Let you accompany the luck!

1 leading: On this, our solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge ended. We invite to school .. Markets ...... (2 Class, Grade 3 ........ and TD)