Scenes for the autumn festival in elementary school. The script of the holiday in elementary school "Autumn Festival". contest. "Who will pick the leaf faster"

Decor: exhibition of bouquets; posters; garlands of autumn leaves; exhibition of drawings "Paints scattered across autumn fairy tale»; crafts from natural material"They were made by nature itself"; musical records.


Come visit us, Autumn!

Bring rowan bunches,

Honey sweet, thick,

A bunch of golden onions

Ripe and ruddy apples

Zucchini and eggplant.

Gather fruits from the fields

Do not spare them for us.

We love your gifts!

There is no generous time in the year!

T. Shorygina

1st presenter. As from a wonderful fairy tale, Queen Autumn has come to us. She hung bright beads on all the trees, stamped her crimson boot, shook her golden curls, and gold fell from the trees. Take care of him, forest dwellers! Autumn covered the earth, our nurse, with a yakhont carpet.

The wind blew, brocade dresses rustled in autumn. Not up to her outfits. Not all the crops have yet been harvested from the fields, not all the birds have yet flown to warmer climes, not all forest dwellers have prepared for the long winter. Autumn has a lot of worries and troubles.

A recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky's play "Autumn" sounds.

2nd host. The beginning of autumn is called Indian summer, because it seems to combine two seasons. Young Indian summer begins on August 28 and lasts until September 11. Old Indian summer pleases us with warm weather from 14 to 21 September. They also call it a cobweb, because myriads of the finest threads of cobwebs sparkle in the air. And modern calendar autumn starts on September 1st.


How beautiful autumn

In a colorful sundress!

IN clear skies- ask,

Maple burns like a flame.

Above the water - birch

golden candle,

And the leaves float

Down the quiet river.

T. Shorygina

A girl dressed as Autumn comes out.

Autumn. Hello my dear children! Hello my golden suns! How glad I am to see you! Glad for your wonderful laugh! Glad for your beautiful smiles! Do you know who I am? (Children's answers.)

Yes, I am Autumn. Do you know what my months are called? (September October November.)

Do you know what these months were called in the old days? Now they will tell you everything.

The months are coming out.

September. The old calendars and saints called me ruyin - from the yellowness of autumn foliage, howler - because of the roar of the wind, frowning - because of rain and bad weather. The hot harvest has departed, and with it - street festivities and round dances. It remains to harvest vegetables.

Autumn(takes a basket in his hand). This basket is not simple, but magical. It contains answers to my riddles.

Guesses riddles, for the correct answer he gives a “guess” from the basket.

1. Grew up.

Came out of the bush

It rolled down my arms,

It felt on the teeth.

2. There are crumbs in the earth, cakes from the earth.

3. The lady sat down in the garden,

Dressed in noisy silks.

We are preparing tubs for her

And half a bag of coarse salt.


4. Unsightly, knobby,

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

"Well, crumbly, delicious!"


6. Summer in the garden

fresh, green,

And in winter in a barrel -

Strong, salty.

5. For a curly tuft

Dragged a fox from a mink.

Feels very smooth to the touch.

It tastes like sugar, sweet.


7. Green branches grow in the garden,

And on them - red children.


8. Grass above the ground,

Under the ground - a scarlet head.

9. Throw a crumb-flea into the ground,

She will lie down a little,

And look - already growing

Root samovar.

10. Small, bitter, onion brother. (Garlic.)

1st leader. October showers golden and crimson leaves on the ground. A leafy cover of marvelous beauty spreads over withered grasses...

October. People call me a leaf-faller, a wedding man. Short clear days will stand, delighting with farewell warmth and the last cold-loving flowers.


When the ardor of autumn swirling

Bread will turn yellow

Meadow star - earth aster

Hello to the heavenly stars.

She looks with open eyelashes,

To the dark blue sky

Where are her bright sisters

They lead a cheerful round dance.

S. Krasikov

2nd host. Asters are the last smile of the outgoing summer. They are beautiful and unpretentious. According to legend, the aster grew from a speck of dust that fell from a star. But now they fade, and they are replaced by chrysanthemums.


IN blue field cold shadows,

White frost in the garden at dawn...

Chrysanthemums bloom, chrysanthemums,

Autumn day stands in the yard.

S. Krasikov

1st presenter. More than ten varieties of chrysanthemums exist in the world. Archaeologists find images of chrysanthemums on fragments of marble and pottery. Chrysanthemums appear with the first frosts and therefore are cold and attractive in autumn. What other autumn flowers do you know? (Dahlias.)


Clusters of rowan are poured,

Cranes trumpet parting.

Dahlias bloom in the palisade.

Like the last leaves, they burn.

S. Krasikov

2nd host. By ancient legend, dahlias appeared on the site of the last red fire at the onset of the ice age, as a sign that glaciation is not eternal, that life and joy on Earth will always be.

Autumn. I wove my front wreath from autumn flowers and leaves.

Conducts the game "Pass the autumn wreath in a circle." All players stand in a circle and pass a wreath to each other to the music. The one on whom the music stops goes out. And so on until the last player, who becomes the winner.

November. And I am the third autumn month - November. I am September's grandson, October's son, in winter - my own father. People call me chest. In November, cranes, wagtails, starlings, swallows, swifts, orioles, herons, nightingales, finches, rooks fly south to avoid freezing from the winter cold.

1st presenter. In November, “winter and autumn are fighting”, days are decreasing, nights are added, dark, starry. Cold matinees come into force, frosts are getting stronger.

The people in their calendar gave names not only to months, but to almost every day. The signs collected in it show careful attitude to nature. This calendar helped to sow seeds in the ground in time, to properly care for the sprouts that appeared, to receive good harvest take care of your health and the well-being of your loved ones.

2nd host. According to an ancient Russian tradition, fun fairs were always held in autumn.

Thomas. Hey honest people

Do not stop at the wagons!

Young you are al old;

Choose a product!

Yerema. The product is excellent.

Here is a copper samovar -

He himself smokes smoke,

Drinking tea myself!

Thomas. Here are the cups

For millet porridge!

And here are the saucers!

Never fight!

Yerema. Here are some toys for kids!

They look at you:

Bear growls!

Sparrow - squeaks!

Scenario for primary school students "Autumn in Prostokvashino"

Goals: development of aesthetic taste, creativity, oral speech, memory and thinking; expanding the horizons of children; education for love fiction, native nature.

Equipment: hero costumes; decoration elements; audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky - album "Seasons. Autumn"; exhibition "Gifts of Autumn".

Event progress

Student 1.

Dropped daisies

White shirts.

true omen,

That summer is leaving.

Apparently they don't want to

Clever daisies,

For autumn rain

Wet shirts.

Student 2.

Leaf fall wanders in the grove

Through bushes and maples,

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

Student 3.

Leaves flutter in the air

The whole earth is in yellow leaves.

We are sitting at the window

And we look outside.

Leaves whisper: "Let's fly away!"

And dive into the puddle.

Student 4.

We will collect a fan from the leaves,

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves

Light and playful.

Student 5.

And obey the wind

The leaves are flying away.

So summer is no more

Autumn is coming.

Dance of the leaves to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Teacher. Hello dear guys! And, of course, parents! You are invited to the autumn festival. One of the most generous times of the year. Autumn is the most wonderful time of the year! Nature is getting ready for bed. Only three months and winter will come. And autumn will surrender its rights. But now she's in full swing. And not only here, but also in Prostokvashino.

Student 1.

Under the quiet rustle of leaf fall,

Under the cry of sad cranes

With a basket of apples, pears and grapes

Autumn is walking light step his.

Residents of Prostokvashino run in one by one, sit down at the table for tea.

Grab. Kar-r!.. Hello, dear guys!

Ball. Fun and joy to you! Bow-wow.

Matroskin. We have been waiting for you for a long time, waiting, the holiday does not start without you. Moore!

Pechkin. We have a place and a word for everyone!

Khvatayka. We have in store amusements for every taste: for someone - the truth, for someone - a fairy tale, for someone - a song.

Ball. Woof! I wonder, did you guess who we are?

Matroskin. Moore! Yes, that's right, we are farmers from Prostokvashino. I am the cat Matroskin, this is the dog Sharik, this is the little jackdaw Khvatayka.

Khvatayka. And this is our friend - the postman Pechkin.

They pour tea and drink.

Pechkin. I recently visited a farmer here. They drank tea with honey, talked about this and that, they live nicely, although they have a lot of worries.

Matroskin. Moore! And it's true! That we are all alone, yes alone. There is no one to even exchange a word with. Let's call someone as a neighbor. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that “the nearest neighbor is better distant relatives". Let's write an ad, they say, we have good regions and a lot of different open spaces. Come live and work.

Ball. Woof! Aha! How they will come! Prostokvashino is not rubber. Woof!

Matroskin. And we will accept them competitive basis: "Whoever reads more, he knows more." To get a good harvest, the farmer must be literate.

Khvatayka. Karr! What are you, Sharik! What exam?! Have you forgotten that we have a holiday today? Let's play games, guess riddles. Kar-r!..

Pechkin. Well done boys! Fun is not a hindrance!

Matroskin. Moore! .. And here are the first guests.

Music sounds. Enter Autumn with a basket.


Through fields, gardens and villages,

Across the country from end to end

Tanned and cheerful

There is a new harvest.

He wants a full bowl

Our life was with you.

To be brighter, to be more beautiful

Our Motherland flourished!

(Puts the basket on the table where the gifts of autumn lie)

I am golden autumn!

I came to visit you

basket, full of wonders brought to you.

It has golden leaves.

It has pears in it.

It has a golden haystack,

To have fragrant bread.

And now attention!

One two three four five -

I'm doing miracles again!

Autumn waves her handkerchief. Children in costumes of vegetables look out from behind the table and say: “Ku-ku!” The song "Harvest" is performed (music by I. Dunaevsky, lyrics by M. Isakovsky).


Our harvest is good

Born densely

Both carrots and potatoes

white cabbage,

blue eggplant,

Red tomato...

Dramatization of Y. Tuwim's poem "Vegetables".


The hostess once came from the market,

The hostess brought home from the market: Potatoes,



And beets.

hostess. Oh!


Here the vegetables started an argument,

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth.

Vegetables come out.


Which of us, from vegetables,

And tastier, and more necessary?

Who in all diseases

Will it be better for everyone?


I'm so pretty

green boy,

If I only want

I will treat everyone with peas!


Let me say a word

Listen first.

Need beets for borscht

And for the vinaigrette.

Eat and treat yourself -

There is no better beetroot!


You beet, shut up!

Shchi is cooked from cabbage

And how delicious

Cabbage pies!


I am a ruddy radish

I bow low to you.

Why praise yourself?

I am known to everyone!


You will be very pleased

Eating a lightly salted cucumber.

And a fresh cucumber

Everyone will love it, of course!


A short story about me:

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice

And gnaw carrots -

Will you then, my friend,

Strong, strong, dexterous!


Don't talk, carrot, nonsense,

Shut up a little.

The most delicious and pleasant

And, of course, tomato juice.

I am the spice in every dish

And always helpful to people.

Guessed? I am your friend,

I am simple green onion!


I am a potato, so modest -

Didn't say a word...

But the potatoes are so necessary

Both big and small!


eggplant caviar

So healthy, so delicious.

Autumn. It's time to end the argument!

Vegetables(in chorus). It's useless to argue.

There is a knock on the door.

Vegetables. Someone seems to be knocking...

A boy dressed as Dr. Aibolit enters.

All(in chorus). This is Dr. Aibolit!


Well, of course it's me!

What are you arguing about, friends?


Which of us, from vegetables,

All the more important and all the tastier?

Who in all diseases

Will it be better for everyone?


To be healthy and strong

Gotta love vegetables

All without exception.

There is no doubt about it!

In each there is a benefit and a taste,

And I can't decide

Which one of you is tastier

Which one of you is more important!

All(in chorus).

We are very happy guys

What got to school to you!

play, have fun

We want to be with you too!

This is how we grew up!

It's time to gather us

The game starts!

You take baskets Fruits, put vegetables!

"Sharing the Harvest" Contest

Teacher. Vegetables have appeared before you, but you know that autumn gives us both berries and fruits. Now we will cook borscht and compote. For borscht you will need ...

Children. Vegetables!

Teacher. And for compote?

Children. Fruits!

Teacher. So, game. Two people participate. In the common basket are vegetables and fruits, and the players choose what they need.

Matroskin. Well, that turned out to be a vegetable set for cabbage soup.

Ball. Yes, don't forget to put the bone in there.

Matroskin. And more sour cream. Moore-r...


Great and immense

All Russian land.

Rich in crops

Our fields and fields!

Competition "Speak beautifully"

Teacher. Now try your hand at the miniature essay competition. But your story must be decorated with figurative words.

Sample texts

1. It has come ... (what?) time - ... (what?) autumn. Slow fall... (what?) leaves. All paths are covered with ... (what?) Carpet.

2. This is for real ... (what?) Palace, palace ... (what?) of the Autumn Queen!

3. We enter the forest. Until then ... (how?) around. Here stands ... (what?) birch, and next to it ... (what?) maple. Aspen trembles with its ... (what?) leaves. It looks like a tower in which he lives ... (who?).

At this time, Autumn makes riddles.


The young lady sat down in the garden,

Dressed in noisy silks

We are preparing tubs for her

And half a bag of coarse salt. (Cabbage)

He never and no one

Didn't offend in the world.

Why are they crying from him

Both adults and children? (Onion)

Unsightly, bumpy...

And she will come to the table

The guys will say cheerfully:

"Well, crumbly, delicious!" (Potato)

He sits in the ground, his tail looks up,

Sugar can be obtained from it,

And you can cook delicious borscht! (Beet)

For a green tuft "Fox" from a mink was dragged.

Feels very smooth to the touch

Tastes like sugar, sweet! (Carrot)

A bush is tied to a peg,

On the bushes - balls.

Boca, substituting the sun,

They blush from the heat. (Tomatoes)

It grows in the ground

Removed for the winter.

The head looks like an onion.

If you only chew

Even a small slice

It will smell for a very long time. (Garlic)

Competition "Behave politely"

Teacher. Imagine we are in a forest. Look, some old man is sitting right on the grass. Yes, this is the old Lesovichok!

Lesovichok. Hello guys! Before entering the forest, you must choose the rule of courtesy. How to do it right?

1. Do not break branches, do not cripple trees, do not tear a blade of grass or a leaf in vain.

2. You can play in the forest: throw leaves, weave wreaths, pick bouquets. Just think, a lot of greenery - more will grow!

3. Finally, you can make some noise, shout, and most importantly - you don’t bother anyone in the forest.

4. Try not to make noise, otherwise the forest will get scared, hide, and you will not learn a single secret.

5. A bug-eyed frog, a creeping hedgehog, a clumsy toad, nasty caterpillars can be driven away, but it would be better if they didn’t exist at all!

6. All kinds of animals are important, all kinds of animals are needed. Each of them does their own thing.

That's right, guys, the forest is useful to man. He clothes us, warms us, feeds us.

Ball. Woof! Let the guests come, but the goodies will not be forgotten. And then all milk, yes milk. Brrr!.. Better we treat them with milk. All the same, there is nowhere to put it - in buckets, and in a washstand, and in a basin!

Khvatayka. And when they bring everything, you need to grab as much as possible, hide it in the corners (takes a basket, puts vegetables, hides).

Ball. Woof! You are like a new Russian. You like to "grab" everything.

Competition "Read poetry"

Autumn. Isn't it time for us to move on to a new competition? Who knows poems about me?

Children read poems about autumn.

Competition "Continue proverbs"

Teacher. Guys, you see the beginning of the proverb on the board. And you suggest the ending. After the correct answer, the second part of the proverb opens.

Sample proverbs

1. Summer is rich in flowers, ... (and autumn in fruits).

2. Autumn stores, ... (and winter eats).

3. Autumn rewarded everyone, ... (autumn killed everyone).

4. What you sow ... (so you reap).

5. The forest is not a school... (but teaches everyone).

6. The enemy of nature is the one ... (who does not protect the forest).

Competition "Cooking a salad"

Teacher. And now we will see what kind of helpers you are to your parents. You will need to make a salad.

Children rub an apple and a carrot, after tying a scarf on their heads and putting on an apron.

Competition "Find a rhyme"

Teacher. By quickly saying the lines of the poem, you guys will help the harvest.

I suddenly wanted to cry

Made me shed tears ... (bow).

Found at last

We are green ... (cucumber).

Who guys are unfamiliar

With white-toothed ... (garlic).

Dig a little under the bush

Look out into the light ... (potatoes).

Is the garden empty?

If there sits ... (cabbage)?

It grows on our melon.

As you cut it, the juice flows.

It tastes fresh and sweet

It's called ... (watermelon).

Competition "Guess the Taste"

Grab. The next competition for agronomists. Who with eyes closed determine which fruit or vegetable was given to him.

Children are given vegetables and fruits cut into identical thin slices, the children guess what they were given.

Competition "Eating at speed"

Teacher. And now the task for parents - "I'll eat faster." Bite off an apple and say: "I'll eat faster." Started!

Competition "Play with an apple"

The apple is passed around. Music sounds. Whoever has an apple after the music stops, he completes the task (phantom).

Competition "Set the table"

On the table - dishes, cutlery, fruits, vegetables. Task: set the table.

At this time, a competition for parents: to portray how the birds are going to fly away.

Teacher. Autumn gives us vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries, but the most valuable, most expensive gift is ... (bread). After all, they say that...

Bread is the head of everything;

Bread on the table, and the table is a throne; not a piece of bread, and the table is a board.

Lunch is bad if there is no bread.

It is not easy to grow bread, but what joy when the harvest is harvested!

Children read poetry.

Reader 1.

Fragrant bread,

With a crisp twisted crust;

warm, golden

Like sun-filled.

Reader 2.

In every house, on every table

He complained - he came.

In it is our health, strength,

It has wonderful warmth;

How many hands raised him

Protected, protected.

In it - the earth's native juice,

The sun's light is cheerful in it ...

Gobble up both cheeks -

Grow rich.

S. Pogorelovskiy

Parents come out with a loaf of bread, treat the children.

Teacher. And so our holiday came to an end.


It's time for me to leave guys.

But it's not Autumn's fault,

Winter follows me

AND New Year leads with him.

And I will come to you again, friends,

But only next year!

The song sounds.

Early autumn is a bright time, inspiring poets to penetrating lines. But after gentle September comes slushy October and dank November. Nature is getting ready for rest: the days are getting shorter, and the sky is overcast with gray clouds. The students sit at their desks, sadly remembering sunny days summer. It's time to spend interesting event entitled " Autumn Ball" or "Autumn Symphony", which can be decorated with school scenes about autumn.

"Yeralash" to help

If the school does not have a drama club, skits can be taken in ready-made- from the children's "Yeralash" for example. Most children do not have acting talent, but they can imitate wonderfully. This is not bad: to become a master, you must first master the craft. The audience will be doubly interested: they will be able to enjoy not only a fun plot, but also the reincarnation of their classmates. In many editions children's magazine excellent showing of the beginning school year and autumn chores. You can use early stories that have not been shown on television for a long time.

Autumn is the time for hiking and picking mushrooms. Do the guys know how to collect them? "Mushrooms" - a scene about autumn. they will play it with pleasure by roles, and the audience, represented by parents and classmates, will laugh at the unlucky hero.


A boy in the forest picks mushrooms with exclamations: “Well, wow!”, “Here is a whole family!”. In a few minutes, the basket is completely filled with the gifts of the forest. Tired, he walks, leaning on a stick, towards the stop. There are two girls his age waiting for the bus. Looking at each other slyly, they talk among themselves.

First girl: Wow! Picked up some bad guys.

Second girl: And why do they need him?

Boy (thinks and asks with interest): Are you local? Do you understand mushrooms?

Both girls (almost in chorus): Certainly! We are from this village, we can help.

The boy hands them a basket, and the girls, one by one, throw all the mushrooms on the ground with the words: “Oh, toadstool!”, “And one more!”. The bus is coming. The boy pours the remaining mushrooms onto the ground and jumps on the bandwagon with an empty container. The bus is leaving. The girls pull out the baskets from the bushes and start picking up the scattered mushrooms.

First girl: Wow! How lucky!

Second girl: Aha! Another naive one!

The scene about autumn is funny if the guys manage to convey the intrigue after the heroes of Yeralash.

Fairy tales

The amazing role of a fairy tale. Why?

  • This is the easiest way to know life.
  • Through the relationship of heroes, children learn what friendship, deceit, meanness, love are.
  • There are no halftones in fairy tales: the hero is either positive or negative, which is easier to understand.
  • The total victory of good instills confidence in children.
  • Faith in the good becomes the main life principle.
  • Through fairy tales, children learn the wisdom of the ages.

Therefore, it is very cool if a fairy tale is a scene about autumn. Primary school is the period when it is through allegory that it is easier to convey educational moments to children. For autumn event a traditional piece can be reworked to add extra interest.



We open the curtain.

Once. And two. And three!

New about turnip

Look at the story.

Someday on a spring day

Our grandfather has not forgotten

And in the garden

I planted a turnip.

Autumn has come.

harvest shoot

All your household

I started calling my grandfather.

Grandfather (grandmother):

dear wife,

Come out and help.

The turnip was born

It's like inside.


What are you, grandpa?

Did it fall from the oak tree?

I'm digging in the ground

Manicure interfered!

I am also now

I'm in a hurry for a massage.

Granddaughter - on the Internet.

I'm leaving!


Grandpa bravely

Calling granddaughter.

And in response he hears ...


The number won't work!

I have more lessons

Do two hours.

Sadness has come

Stripe in life!

Well, Bug will have to

Call instead of you.


Why do I need a turnip?

It's time for me to walk!

Well, Murka is left

Just ask.


And I want to sleep

How could you forget?

Concerts at night

I love to give.

And now I need

An hour or two to lie!


And one left

Our grandfather is sad.

Even about the mouse

Sadly, he forgot.

And that rodent is small

I took it and ran.


What happened, grandpa?

Did I hear, wretch?

We are great with you

Let's deal with both.

The song "Hey, let's go!"

We'll sleep now.

(They pulled out a turnip and found a bag).



What is this nonsense?

Gold, look, a bag!

This is a miracle garden!

A scene for schoolchildren about autumn will be interesting for children of any age if it has an unexpected ending. The proposed ending is:

We are now, my little mouse,

Let's live together with you!

(Everyone runs after grandfather).

All in unison:

Forgive us, grandpa

This is the last time.

Life to start again

Let's spend to help!


Grandpa forgave

Yes, only he

Brought all the money...

To the orphanage!

The scene about autumn is dedicated to the theme of the harvest, so it will be relevant at any autumn event.

For middle management

Autumn is the beginning of the school year. The guys met with classmates after the holidays, so it is very important to talk about friendship at the holiday. In the proposed scene "In autumn forest» absolutely unexpected ending. For younger teenagers, costume performances are interesting, so the mini-performance is based on an allegory, where dressing is required. The costumes should not be a complete match with the image, only a hint is needed, which will make the viewing more interesting. At first glance, the scene about autumn does not look funny, but rather philosophical. Here right mood will create a game of actors in which there is no tragedy. Some pathos in the voice and detachment will cause positive emotions and smile. And the final scene will do the rest.

For a mini-show you need three actors: a leader and two wolves - a wise old man and a young leader. In the mass scene, several participants act as a flock.

"In the autumn forest"

Leading: Old wolf - leader of the pack, slushy autumn morning did not feel the strength to lead others to hunt. He put forward a young leader, remaining in a dense thicket in anticipation of prey.

Young leader: Do not be sad, we will return in the morning not with empty paws.

Leading: Morning came, and the elder saw a flock descending from the hillock. The wolves were with prey, but with bloody muzzles and paws.

Elder: What's happened? You are all covered in blood!

Young leader: We met seven hunters, entered into a fight with them and won, wisest one.

Elder: Well... now you can replace me in everything. Tomorrow you will lead the pack again.

Leading: In the evening, the pack again went hunting, and the old man was waiting for the wolves in the forest. The next morning, he saw a young leader descending from a hillock without prey. His entire muzzle was covered in blood.

Elder: What happened, where is the flock?

Young leader: There are no more flocks, oh wise one! We ran into people again!

Elder: And how many were there?

Young leader: Three!

Elder: How so? Yesterday there were seven hunters, but you managed to defeat them. And today only three, but the whole flock died! Were they armed with a cannon?

Young leader: No, they didn't have any weapons. Three schoolchildren collected a herbarium. But they turned out to be… friends!

This is a very unpredictable scene about autumn. The funny ending does not detract from the important content that it carries.

For high school

School years are a wonderful time. This is not only a time of success and failure in school, but also the experience of disagreements with teachers, making friends and falling in love for the first time. Textbooks and notebooks, lessons and breaks, homework and school holidays, is the fabric from which it is woven school life. In the senior classes, educational and professional activities come first, but students are especially anxious about events that allow them to reveal their other talents and prove themselves to the opposite sex. Autumn ball is one of the most beautiful holidays, where the queen of the ball is chosen, the guys show their ability to dance. Therefore, a scene about autumn would be appropriate, switching participants to the musical part of the holiday.

If you have creative high school students, you can write the script yourself. The main thing is to have a team of those who will feel confident on stage and be able to dilute the excitement of the participants in various competitions by adding positive mood. An example would be a scenario called "Autumn Syndrome". This is a universal scene that can be shown to both parents and younger children.

Sketches about autumn for high school students: "Autumn Syndrome"

Participants: two doctors and a patient - a high school student.

First doctor: How are you?

Second doctor: A schoolboy came here alone, the diagnosis was “Autumn Syndrome”. I can't deal with it...

First: I understand ... The body aches?

Second: No ... this blues.

First: I quickly cured one of these. I turned on Malakhov's transmission right in the ward, after the second one he began to ask to go home. He says: autumn slush is better than a brain explosion.

Second: The method is not bad, but my patient, I suspect, will not even look at the screen.

First: Well then universal remedy- castor oil ...

Second: Tried. Helps, but not for long.

First: What about candy?

Second: Fed with chocolate.

First: Well, where is he? ( The orderlies take out the patient, who mumbles poems about autumn ...) Listen, maybe he needs Rastishki?

(The scene about autumn will be funny if the patient manages to play apathy).

Second: Unless you put some mustard in there.

Patient: And I don’t care: with mustard or without ...

First: Did he give you toys?

Patient: I haven't played since 10th grade...

Second: Maybe try Rammstein? Strong remedy. (Music sounds. The patient is frightened and hides behind a chair).

First: ABOUT! At least he reacts. He needs music. Just have fun. ( Fun music sounds. Everyone starts dancing.)

Second: This is the medicine he should be prescribed. On every day!

If you need a short scene about autumn

There are situations when you need a very small miniature on the theme of autumn (KVN, an evening of humor). It should be fun and original, so the ideas that can make you want to improvise are more important than the content. You can suggest:

  • The creative process of writing an autumn poem ... A. S. Pushkin.
  • An unexpected meeting in the autumn forest with talking leaves, animals, trees.
  • A meeting with an alien who needs to be explained what autumn is.
  • Writing from nature.
  • School scenes in September days.

The roll call in the classroom, where half the students are missing, is a scene about autumn. The funny situation is based on the fact that high school students do not get involved in the educational process.

Teacher: Ivanov?

Answer from class: And he was exempted from exams, why should he go to school?

Teacher: Petrov?

Answer from class: And his head hurts, he went to the first-aid post. And Sidorov, Popov, Gorokhov, Nikolaev and Vertushkin took him there.

Events are very important, and funny scenes will help overcome that slight blues that everyone experiences on cloudy days.

Ukhtinskaya Elena Gennadievna, teacher primary school MOU "Zykovskaya average comprehensive school» Saransk, Republic of Moldova

The material for the holiday is taken from various Internet sites and invented by the teacher.

Equipment: drawings, posters on autumn theme, crafts made from natural material, for scenes (paper crowns depicting cabbage, cucumber, tomato, beetroot, carrot, sunflower, currant, garlic), fresh vegetables are the same, a basket for Autumn, animal masks: bear, bunny, hedgehog, squirrel; yellow leaves, a costume for the Scarecrow, thanks and sweet prizes for children.

Leading. The sultry summer has passed away, and now, like a magician, autumn touched the leaves, the forests flared up with golden paint, the fields turned yellow, and crimson and yellow leaves fly, lay under their feet. Autumn comes to us imperceptibly, furtively. The first sign of it is a yellow leaf. This means that summer has passed, it's time for autumn.

1. Summer flew by quickly,
The wind rustled.
Autumn looks out the window to us,
Frequent rain knocks.

2. The doors were opened by the wind,
The fan unfolded the leaves,
Gathered birds on the road
She brought us guests.

3. Leaf fall wanders in the grove,
Through the bushes, through the maples,
Soon he will look into the garden
Golden ringing.

4. Let's collect a fan from the leaves ‚
Bright and beautiful.
The wind will run through the leaves
Lightweight and playful.

5. And obediently follow the wind

The leaves are flying away.

So summer is no more

Autumn is coming.

Song "Autumn"

Autumn knocked on us with a golden rain,

And, alas, not a gentle sunbeam.

Dragged the sad song of the fall,

And the garden falls asleep to this song.

And rowan is a berry, like a light,

Warms, pleases a cloudy day,

In puddles, like boats, the leaves are circling

Gray, cold, clouds hurry into the distance.

Birds no longer sing songs

They gather in flocks and fly south,

Quiet evenings the rain drizzles,

Lullaby song, knocking on the glass.

6. Cranes fly south,

Hello, hello autumn!

Come to the holiday with us

Very, very please.

7. Here we are a joyful holiday,

We meet merrily

Come, we are waiting for you

Autumn is golden!

Enter Autumn.

Hello my friends!
I'm glad to see you all.
whole year we didn't see each other
And today we met.
Brought you a treat -
Not candy, not cookies.
Fruits, vegetables, rowan -
They have a lot of vitamins.
And now I ask you children
How did you work during the summer?
Maybe help adults?
Or just relaxing?
Now I will wave the leaves
And I will return time to the past.

Cheerful music sounds. A girl dressed as a Scarecrow runs onto the stage.

Scarecrow. Hello friends! Here I am! My name is Scarecrow, and my last name is Ogorodnoye.
I am on public service I guard the garden.
And what only I don’t have in my garden! No bananas, no oranges.
But there are all sorts of vegetables, though they argue all the time “Which of us is tastier, which of us is more important?”. And what do you think?

Children dressed as vegetables come out and perform ditties.

Vegetables all together:

In the summer you came to us
And now we have come to you.
What you grew in the summer
We brought you today.

I am a dungeon girl.
Here is the green braid.
I can always fit
I give you vitamin A!
And Currant, guys,
Rich in vitamin C.
If you make friends with me,
The flu is not terrible!
Boys and girls
Very fond of seeds.
I follow the sun
I contain vitamin E.


My main vegetable is a carrot!

In the mouth I jump deftly!

I contain vitamin

Much needed carotene


Do not brag about carotene

I'm from flu and sore throats,

From a cold, various ailments,

Eat me - there will be no pain!


I'm a beetroot - just a miracle

So blush and pretty!

You will eat beets

All blood will be cleansed!


What? Do you need a cucumber?

Without it, what's dinner?

And in the pickle, and in the salad

Everyone is happy with a cucumber!


I am a cabbage, thicker than all!

Without me there will be no cabbage soup

Borscht, salad and vinaigrette

They love to eat for lunch


We love beets, we love carrots

And cabbage too

Because vitamins

In vegetables and fruits!

8. Harvest fruits in autumn,

A lot of people joy after all the work.

We welcome autumn

With a rich harvest!

SONG "Harvest"

1. We carry baskets,
Let's sing a song in chorus.
And stock up for the winter!
Chorus: Oh yes, collect
And stock up for the winter!

2. We are well done guys,
Picking up cucumbers
Both beans and peas
Our harvest is good!
Chorus: Oh yes, and peas,
Our harvest is good!

3. You, pot-bellied zucchini,
I lay down a barrel,
Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And climb into the basket!
Chorus: Oh, don't yawn
And climb into the basket!

4. We are going, we are going home
By truck.
Open the gate
The harvest is coming from the field!
Chorus. Oh yes, open up
The harvest is coming from the field!

Leading. In autumn, bread is baked from the wheat of the new crop - our main wealth.

And who knows what path bread makes before it gets to our table? (Answers of children).

9. Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

Here it is, fragrant bread,

With a crisp twisted crust,

Here it is warm, golden,

Like sun-filled!

10. But not immediately did the grains become,

The bread that is on the table!

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground!

(He treats guests with bread).

Autumn with an umbrella!

I see: on the horizon

A cloud flies across the sky

Hurry up and open the umbrella

It will protect from the rain.

I'll hide everyone, everyone under an umbrella,

How could it be otherwise?

Dance with Umbrellas to the song of V. Leontiev "Fly away, cloud"

Leading. Autumn is a busy time for animals too. They are getting ready for the winter.

Autumn. And now I want to know which of you is the most observant.

· Who picks apples with his back? (Hedgehog)

What forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)

· Who changes his gray coat in winter to white? (Hare)

Autumn. Right.

Vedas. And here is the squirrel, and the bunny,

Prickly hedgehog, brown bear!

Now we will ask them to say

How do they welcome autumn?

(animals come out)

Bunny. It's time for me, bunny, to molt,

It's time for me to change my coat.

I can't be gray in winter

Senya will be noticed in the snow.

You, Autumn, will you find a fur coat for me?

Autumn. I will find, I will find, then you will come!

Squirrel. And I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry

I dry mushrooms on knots,

I make a stock of nuts ...

Autumn. Well, try, good luck!

Bear. I will soon go to bed in the lair,

After autumn - winter again.

Let me dream of honey!

Wake up when spring comes!

Autumn. What do you want, hedgehog?

Hedgehog. I will also sleep like a Bear!

I hunted for the summer

Looked for mushrooms, caught mice,

I need to rest for this

I'm tired, exhausted.

Autumn. Well, everything is sensible to you,

Ready for cold days!

Song: Postman Hedgehog

1. Writes summer, writes autumn,

Leaves - the hedgehog carries letters.

And to the mole, and to the mouse in the mink,

And a raccoon on the hill.

He gives letters to everyone,

This hedgehog is a postman.

CHORUS: And the maple letter,

And an alder letter.

AND pine cone -

Sign up, honey!

2. Writes summer, writes autumn,

Leaves - the hedgehog carries letters,

Squirrel, hare, raccoon,

He loves his work.

He gives letters to everyone,

This hedgehog is a postman.

3. And in winter the snow is spinning

And white - white around.

And the animals dream of a hedgehog,

This hedgehog is a postman.

He comes with a big bag

He brings letters to the house.


Leading: We are talking about autumn. But they didn't say anything about birds. What happens to them in autumn? (Answers of children).

That's right, kids. It got colder in autumn, the insects hid, the grass withered and withered, and the birds had nothing to eat. Therefore, they gather in flocks and fly away to warmer climes. It's hard to survive cold winter and those birds that stay with us for the winter. And how can we help them? (Answers of children).

Birds flew away game

The host reads poetry, the children listen to him carefully and, if they hear an "extra" word, they begin to clap their hands.

The birds have flown
Pigeons, martens.

The birds have flown
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts.

The birds have flown
Pigeons, tits,
Chibis, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Mosquitoes, cuckoos.

The birds have flown
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts
Chibis, hedgehogs.

The birds have flown
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Chibis, siskins,
storks, cuckoos,
swans and ducks
And thanks for the joke.

The song "Autumn has come"

Autumn, autumn has come
The leaves are falling off.
There is no sun and it's getting dark
The rain starts.

Cap-cap on the tracks,
Cap-cap on the palms.
Rain water the earth
Play with us.

Spiders, bugs and midges
Hiding, hiding
And on a long journey
The birds are gathering.

Cap-cap on the tracks,
Cap-cap on the palms.
Rain water the earth
Play with us.

11. It suddenly became twice as light.

Yard as in the sun.

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

12. At viburnum and rowan

Thrushes fly in flocks,

Under the dahlia window

Be proud of your beauty.

13. In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly.

Dance with leaves to the song: “Leaf, leaf, leaf fall”

A ray of sun reflected in the clear reflection of the water.

The autumn leaf swirled over the expanses of the earth.

Golden leaf fall, scattering in height

A yellow leaf fell on my palm towards me.

Leaf, leaf, leaf fall, who is to blame for this?

Raindrops sparkle and sparkle on the water

The autumn leaf floats away like a boat on a river.

I'll make three wishes, I'll whisper softly to the wind

A yellow leaf, like a bird, I will let go of my palm.

Maybe the mischievous wind decided to play with the foliage.

Leaf, leaf, leaf fall, yellow leaves fly

Dances are circling above me, dragging me along.

Leaf leafaaaaaad 6

leaf fall 3

Leaf, leaf, leaf fall, who is to blame?

Maybe the mischievous wind decided to play with foliage?

Leaf, leaf, leaf fall yellow leaves fly

Dances are circling above me, dragging me along.

(2) Leaf leafaaaaaad 6

leaf fall 3

Children throw leaves that were in their hands.

14. Gossamer webs fly

With spiders in the middle

And high from the ground

Cranes are flying.

Everything flies! It must be

Our summer is flying!

Song: Leaves are falling...

Words by N. Evensen Muz. M. Kraseva

1. Falling, falling leaves -

Leaf fall in our garden.

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, they fly.

2. Birds fly south

Geese, rooks, cranes…

Here is the last flock

Wings flapping in the distance.

3. We will take a basket in our hands,

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms.

Stumps and paths smell

Delicious autumn mushroom

Leading: Now guys, let's play!

Game yes or no. Give the correct answer."

The children answer the questions in unison.

Do flowers bloom in autumn?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn?

Clouds cover the sun?

Is the prickly wind coming?

Do fogs float in autumn?

Well, do birds make nests?

Do the bugs come?

Animals mink close?

Is everyone harvesting?

Are the birds flying away?

Does it rain often?

Do we get boots?

Is the sun very hot?

Can children sunbathe?

Well, what should be done -

Jackets, hats to wear?

Leading. And what else in the forest in autumn can be found among the fallen leaves? (Mushrooms).


And now I'm for you guys

I want to do riddles.

Riddles are not easy.

And about forest mushrooms.

You look, don't yawn

Chorus, answer together!

Chunky, in a new hat

The mushroom in the forest grows like a pine tree.

Happy grandmother and grandfather:

There will be a festive dinner!

Oh, they grabbed the squirrels in an instant

This white ... (boletus).

There are no mushrooms friendlier than these,

Adults and children know.

They grow on a stump in the forest,

Like freckles on your nose.

What are these guys?

What are the mushrooms called? .. (Agaric mushrooms.)

He grows up in a red cap

Among aspen roots.

You can see him from a mile away

It's called ... (boletus).

I do not argue - not white,

I, brothers, are simpler.

I usually grow

In a birch grove (boletus)

Pink is a nice color

And the rings are a bright trace.

Girlfriends are so worried

These are mushrooms ... (waves).

They wear red berets

Autumn is brought to the forest in summer.

Very friendly sisters

Golden ... (chanterelles).

Along forest paths

Lots of white legs

In colorful hats

Noticeable from afar.

Collect, do not hesitate!

This is ... (russula)

She stands pale

She has an edible look.

Bring it home - trouble

That food is poison.

Know that this mushroom is a snag,

Our enemy is pale ... (toadstool).

Guess it, kids

Who else is in a hurry to get here.

Near the forest, on the edge,

Decorating the dark forest,

He grew up motley, all in peas,

Poisonous ... (fly agaric).

Autumn. Well done, all the riddles have been guessed,

all my mushrooms recognized.

Well, it's time for me to pack up

Return to the autumn forest.

'Cause winter is coming soon

There are still a lot of my things:

Need to kill the bear

Send the birds south.

I had a lot of fun!

I loved all the guys

But it's time to say goodbye...

What to do? Waiting for business!

Student. Thank you, Autumn, for coming to us,

She brought us a lot of interesting things,

Thank you for a rich harvest

Come visit us, don't forget!

Autumn distributes apples to everyone present, which she brought with her in a basket.

Children in chorus: Thank you Autumn! Come visit us next year!

After the solemn-concert part, competitions and tea drinking.

Leading: Do you like to compete? (children's answers).

And now we will divide into 2 teams and hold competitions for everyone.

In order to determine the winners, we will select a jury from your parents present here.

1 contest: "Help the squirrel stock up cones for the winter"

Each team is given 10 cones and a bucket. Each participant makes 5 throws, trying to hit the bucket. Throws are summed up by the number of hits.

The team with the most bucket hits wins.

2 competition. "Who will pick the leaf faster"

Leaves are laid out in a circle on the floor (their number is one less than the number of players). Children run around in circles while the music plays. When the music stops, everyone should grab a leaf. Who does not have time, he is eliminated from the game with one sheet. The player who grabs the very last leaf wins.

3 competition. “Guess what vegetable?”

Toothpicks are strung with small pieces of vegetables and fruits. Blindfolded children take turns trying what they have chosen (by touch) and say what they have eaten.

Which team will correctly determine the names more correctly will win this competition.

4 competition for girls. "Skillful hostess".

1 girl from the team peels potatoes. The jury determines the winner of this competition.

5 competition for boys. "Harvest."

Blindfolded boys collect potatoes scattered on the floor in a bucket. Which team has more potatoes in the bucket, that team wins.

6 competition. "Guess whose sheet"

Leaves scattered across the floor different trees five pieces from each tree. (Total 9 types of leaflets, according to the number of children). Each team member needs to collect sheets of one tree. The jury first evaluates the speed: which team collected five leaflets faster. Then the children should name: the leaves of which tree they have in their hands. Only correct answers count.

7 competition. "Who will eat the apple faster"

The apple is tied on a string, one team member, without touching it with his hands, must eat a quarter of an apple. Who is faster.

8th competition: "Nut relay race".

The same number of nuts are poured into the hoop, small children's buckets are placed at some distance. Teams line up and, on a signal, begin to take turns dragging nuts into buckets. Each participant can only carry one nut at a time. Which team quickly drags all the nuts from their hoop into the bucket, she wins.

9 competition for parents of students. "Miss Long Peel"

Parents will peel potatoes. Which mother will have the longest peel during the cleaning process, points are counted for the team of the child of this mother.

10 competition for parents. "Pantonyms".

Parents pull out a piece of paper with a task and read to themselves with their eyes. Nobody says anything out loud. Children must guess what the parents depicted.

(depict with facial expressions: 1. An unhappy tree in the pouring rain.

2. an unfortunate tree during a snowfall).

The jury sums up the results of the competitions. The winning team is awarded with certificates, both teams are awarded with fruits.

After competitive program tea drinking.

autumn festival

Matinee in primary school

Goals: Cultivate love and respect for nature, develop Creative skills students.

Preparatory work:
- excursions to the autumn park, forest;
- learning poems, songs, skits;
- decor assembly hall (autumn leaves, balls);
- preparation of items for competitions (cubes, acorns, vegetables, fruits, tablets with proverbs, caps with autumn leaves);

The content of the matinee

The rowan brushes are already burning with fire,
And the birch leaves turned yellow,
And the singing of birds is no longer heard at all,
And quietly, autumn comes to us ...

1 student:
Autumn! Nice time!
The kids love autumn.
Plums, pears, grapes -
Everything is ripe for the guys.

2 student:
And seeing an important watermelon,
The children will come to life -
And everyone will happily say:
"Hello autumn time!"

3 student:
Cranes fly south.
Hello, hello autumn!
Come to the holiday with us
Very, very please.

4 student:
Here we are a joyful holiday
We meet merrily
Come to the holiday with us
Autumn is golden!

Children sing a song.

Presenter: It's autumn's turn to draw. For her work, she took the most bright colors and went with them into the forest. Birches and maples she covered with lemon yellowness. The aspen leaves were reddened like ripe apples. And the mighty hundred-year-old oak-hero dressed in forged copper armor.

1 student:
Leaf fall wanders in the grove
Through bushes and maples,
Soon he will look into the garden
Golden ringing.

2 student:
We will collect a fan from the leaves,
Bright and beautiful.
The wind will run through the leaves
Light and playful.

3 student:
And obey the wind
The leaves are flying away.
So summer is no more
Autumn is coming.

Children sing a song.

And now we will check how you can guess riddles about autumn. (The one who guesses goes on stage to further participate in the competition)

1. She awarded everyone,
Lost everything. ( autumn )

2. Our school garden is empty.
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us?(September )

3. All the darker face of nature -
The gardens darkened
The forests are bare
Silent bird voices
The bear fell into hibernation -
What month has come to us?(October )

4. The field has become black and white,
It's raining, it's snowing,
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
Freezing in the field of winter rye,
What month, please? (november )

5. Walked lanky,
Got stuck in the cheese. (rain)

6. Fall off a branch
Gold coins. (autumn leaves )

7. Over the river and over the valley
A white canvas hung. (fog )

8. Flies, growls,
breaks branches,
The dust rises.
You hear it, but you don't see it. (wind)

Autumn is harvest time when people have to work hard. Therefore, now we will remember the proverbs about labor.

1. Who does not work ... (he doesn't eat.)
2. The earth is painted by the sun, and ... (
man - work.)
3. Where there is work, there is ... (
4. It's time, but ... (fun hour).
don't procrastinate .)
you won't pick up the fungus .)
7. Without difficulty ... (

8. Labor feeds, but ... (laziness spoils .)

1 student:
Is in the autumn of the original
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

2 student:
Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere,
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

3 student:
The air is empty, the birds are no longer visible,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
On the resting field…

4 student:
The autumn is clear
Ripe apples in the garden
They hang on apple trees
Ruddy and sweet.

5 student:
They shine in the sun
Transparent thin skin.
So many fruits
That the branches are leaning to the bottom.

6 student:
We are ruddy apples
We remove from the branches carefully,
I put it in the grass under the apple tree,
Fragrant and fresh.

Children sing a song.

Game "Who is faster"

(3 couples rise to the stage, those who managed to name apple dishes) Two participants take an apple on a string at the same time and start eating it, holding the thread with both hands. The pair that eats the apple the fastest wins.

Autumn is also the season for mushroom picking. Let's check how well you know mushrooms. (The one who guessed the riddle rises to the stage)

1. Both on the hill and under the hill
Under the birch and under the tree
Round dances and hardly
Are the good fellows in hats? (mushrooms)

2. I grow up in a red cap
Among aspen roots
You will recognize me from a mile away
I'm called...(boletus )

3. On the stump, exactly unlikely
Well done in hats.(honey agaric)

4. There are yellow sisters
And they are all called...(chanterelles).

5. With a white skirt on the leg
In a red hat, all in earrings.
But do not believe his beauty
This mushroom is terrible, believe me. (fly agaric)

6. He is big, handsome, stately,
With a neat white leg
Growing in the forest
Autumn is delicious in soup. (boletus)

Game "Collect mushrooms"

2 participants are blindfolded. Cubes are scattered across the floor. To the music, they collect cubes (mushrooms) in baskets. Who is faster?

1 student:
The pensive forest is covered with blue haze,
Each leaf is silvered with a thin cobweb.
Maple leaves are falling quietly in a motley flock.
From the quiet river breathes a light coolness.

2 student:
Silent paths
In the distance go blue
They fly over the forests
Flocks of cranes.

3 student:
In a dress of yellow cotton,
Rowan beads on the chest,
In the ears - earrings - hairpins
Expensive - nice to see.

4 student:
Autumn girl walks
Kicking off the dew with a foot
He collects gifts in a bag,
The leaves are woven into a braid.

5 student:
Can please the sun
Can treat the rain
Can be covered in snow
And cover with silver.

6 student:
All good and nice
Gold, jasper can not be counted.
Apples, cones, nuts -
Everything is in her chest.

Children sing a song.

It was this chest of Autumn that you used quite recently when you participated in the school competition "Nature and Fantasy". In your works you used the leaves and fruits of different trees and shrubs. Now I will tell you riddles about these plants. (who guesses, rises to the stage)

1. In the middle of the dark forest
The red girl is standing.(Rowan)

2. Wonderful tree!
Both winter and summer are green,
sticking high,
Looks far.(fur tree, pine tree)

3. In the forest in a clearing
Worth curly Vanya,
The rich man is small
And give nuts. (hazel)

4. In the clearing of the girl
In white shirts
In green coats. (birches)

Game "Caps"

2 participants perform dance movements to the music and at the same time try to remember which leaves are glued to the cap of their opponent. And to prevent the opponent from remembering the leaves of his cap.

Game "Pick up an acorn"

Put the acorn on the floor
Show yourself in dance.
The music will stop playing
Quickly take the acorn.

1 student:
The day will warm - near the house,
Smells like late grass
Spring dry straw
And potato tops.

2 student :
And though the earth is weary,
Still kind, warm,
Flax spread out aftermath
Raised at the edges.

3 student:
And fresh, frosty, delicious,
The cabbage leaf creaked.
And behind the crane's cry
Finishing the bread year.
Cars are being repaired
In ruts breaking the ice.

Children sing a song.

Scene "Dispute of vegetables"
Harvest fruits in autumn
Lots of joy for people
After all the hard work.

Our harvest is good
Born densely:
Both carrots and potatoes
White cabbage.
blue eggplant,
red tomato
They start a long and serious argument.
Which of them, from vegetables
And tastier, and more necessary?
Who in all diseases
Will it be better for everyone?
Popped peas -
Well, braggart!

Polka dots:
I'm so pretty
Green boy!
If I only want
I will treat everyone with peas!

Blushing from resentment, the beets grumbled ...

Let me say a word
Listen first
Beets are needed for borscht
And for the vinaigrette
Eat and treat yourself
There is no better beetroot!

You beet, shut up!
Shchi is cooked from cabbage
And what delicious cabbage pies!
Rogue bunnies love stalks.
I will treat the guys with a sweet stalk.

You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber.
And a fresh cucumber
Everyone will love it, of course!

Radish :
I am a ruddy radish
I bow low to you.
Why praise me?
I am known to everyone!

The story about me is not long.
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice
And gnaw carrots -
Will you then, my friend,
Strong, strong, dexterous.

A tomato puffed up
And he said sternly...
Don't talk, carrot, nonsense,
Shut up a little.
The most delicious and pleasant
And, of course, tomato juice.

Place a box by the window.
Water more often
And then, as a true friend,
Green onions will come to you.

I am the spice in every dish
And always helpful to people.
Guessed? I am your friend,
I am a simple green onion!

I am a potato, so modest -
Didn't say a word...
But the potatoes are so necessary
Both big and small!

Eggplant caviar is so tasty, healthy ...

It's time to end the dispute
It's useless to litter!
Someone seems to be knocking...

(all in unison) This is Dr. Aibolit!
Who from all, from vegetables
All the tastier and all the more important?
Who in all diseases
Will it be better for everyone?

To be healthy and strong
Gotta love vegetables.
All without exception.
There is no doubt about it!
Each one has a benefit and a taste.
And I'm not going to decide
Which one of you is tastier
Which one of you is more important!

Game "Give me a word"
(to determine the next participants of the competition)

1. He is mustachioed and creeping,
I hid the nucleoli in a pod -
Saber fist.
You can't figure it out if it's dry
It's called...(peas)

2. In the garden, he leaned on a barrel
Solid tough…(zucchini)

3. The tail is green, the head is red,
This is a sharp-nosed ... (carrot)

4. It is round and red,
Like the eye of a traffic light
There is no juicier among vegetables ...(tomato)

5. From frequent watering
Almost got wet
Shaggy dark green…(beet)

Competition "Determine by taste"

The players are blindfolded and allowed to taste pieces of fruits and vegetables. The one who correctly names the fruit or vegetable receives the whole fruit as a reward.

1. Summer flew by quickly,
Ran through the flowers.
Over the mountains wanders somewhere
And misses us there.

2. Autumn maples are already blushing,
And the spruce forest is green and shady
Aspen yellow is sounding the alarm,
A leaf fell off a birch,
And, like a carpet, covered the road.

3. The sun is tired,
You are warming up
Yellow, yes scarlet
Sheets are spinning.

4. In the rustle, but in the rustle
Our autumn garden
Heaps on the paths
The motley ones lie down.

5. Autumn is knocking at our door,
And after autumn, winter.
We do not wait for her, we do not ask,
And she goes by herself.

Children sing a song.

Presenter: Well done! You sang and played
And riddles were guessed, and poems were read to me.
Thank you for your attention! See you soon! Goodbye!

Quiz "Finish the proverb"

1. Who does not work ... (he doesn't eat.)
2. The earth is painted by the sun, and ... (
man - work.)
3. Where there is work, there is ... (
4. It's time, but ... (fun hour).
5. Postpone idleness, yes ... (don't procrastinate .)
6. Not bowing to the ground and ... (
you won't pick up the fungus .)
7. Without difficulty ... (
you can't even pull the fish out of the pond.)
8. Labor feeds, but ... (laziness spoils .)