New Year's message in other countries. New Year's Eve in Japan is celebrated for almost a month. Thailand: Fabulous Songkran

Meeting New Year in different countries is associated with traditions that have been preserved since ancient times. Even among the ancient peoples, a belief was born - as you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. To this day, in different countries resort to various tricks to "lure" good luck, prosperity and well-being.

Meeting the New Year in different countries is associated with traditions that have been preserved since ancient times. Even among the ancient peoples, a belief was born - as you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. To this day, in different countries resort to various tricks to "lure" good luck, prosperity and well-being.

Yes, in Austria It is believed that on New Year's Eve, to be happy, you need to eat a piece of a pig's head or a pig's snout.

V Hungary in the first second of the New Year they prefer to whistle in children's pipes, horns, whistles. It is believed that it is they who drive away evil spirits from the dwelling and call for joy and prosperity. Preparing for the holiday, Hungarians do not forget about the magical power of New Year's dishes: beans and peas preserve strength of mind and body, apples preserve beauty and love, nuts can protect from trouble, garlic from diseases, and honey sweeten life.

V Germany people of all ages, as soon as the clock begins to strike midnight, climb onto chairs, tables, armchairs, and with the last blow together, with joyful greetings, "jump" into the New Year. And in the villages, the medieval tradition of the bleiglessen ceremony has been preserved: a lead bullet is found, which "contains the secrets of the future." The bullet is melted to a boil and poured into a glass drop by drop. Lead solidifies again. The resulting figure will tell you about what awaits next year.

V Romania unmarried women usually go to the well, light a candle and look down. The image of the flame will draw the face of her future husband in the dark depths of the water. Those who do not risk wandering the streets at night take a branch of the basil and place it under the pillow: a dream will show the betrothed.

V Greece New Year is the day of St. Basil, who became famous for his extraordinary kindness. The children leave their shoes near the fireplace, hoping that the saint will fill them with gifts.

V Italy it is customary to throw out broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture from apartments at the very last minute of the old year. They are followed by crackers, confetti, sparklers. It is believed that if you throw away an old thing on New Year's Eve, then in the coming year you will buy a new one. And all the children are waiting for the sorceress Befana, who arrives at night on a broomstick and enters the house through the chimney. She fills with gifts children's shoes, specially hung by the fireplace.

V Spain There is a tradition to eat grapes on New Year's Eve. By the sound of the clock, you need to have time to eat 12 grapes, one for each of the twelve coming months.

V Scotland The New Year is celebrated with a kind of torchlight procession: barrels of tar are set on fire and rolled through the streets. Thus, the Scots "burn" the old year and light the way for the new. The well-being of the owners depends on who enters the house first on the morning of the new year. It is believed that a dark-haired man who comes with a gift will bring happiness.

v England according to the old custom, when the clock begins to strike 12, the back doors of the house are opened to let out the old year, and with the last blow, the front doors are opened, letting in the new year.

V Scandinavia in the first seconds of the New Year, it is customary to grunt under the table in order to drive away evil spirits, illnesses and failures from the family.

V Ancient China on New Year's Day, the only festival of the year for the poor was announced, when anyone could enter the house and take what they need, and if you refuse, the neighbors will turn away with contempt. V modern China New Year is the festival of lanterns. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the New Year according to the lunar calendar. On New Year's Eve, countless small lanterns are lit in the streets and squares, believing that the sparks from them will drive away evil spirits. The New Year itself comes in January-February, so it is associated with the end of winter and the beginning of spring. For many centuries, the inhabitants of China, seeing off cold and bad weather with the light of lanterns, meet the awakening of nature. The lanterns are given a different shape, decorated with bright patterns, intricate ornaments. The Chinese are especially fond of placing lanterns in the form of 12 animals on the streets, symbolizing each year of the 12-year cycle of the lunar calendar.

In Vietnam The new year according to the lunisolar calendar is called Tet. This is a family holiday, during which all quarrels are forgotten, insults are forgiven. The Vietnamese decorate their homes with miniature tangerine trees with tiny fruits. Every Vietnamese home has an ancestral altar, and paying tribute to their memory is an important part of New Year's celebrations. Celebrated in Vietnam New Year and January 1, it is called "holiday of the young."

V Mongolia with the advent of the first day of the New Year, a truly nationwide festivities begin in the country. The official New Year in the country is January 1, and the New Year according to the lunisolar calendar is called "Tsagaan Sar". According to tradition, in kaTA, the family sees off the old year, the farewell is called "bituun". At this moment, you can not quarrel, argue, swear and deceive, this is considered a great sin.

new year in Japan is one of the most popular holidays in the country. Japanese children celebrate the New Year in new clothes, believing that this will bring good luck and health. On New Year's Eve, children put a drawing depicting their dreams under the pillow, then the wish should come true. In floral arrangements, pine dominates, symbolizing longevity and endurance. And in the morning, when the New Year is already coming into its own, the Japanese go out to meet the sunrise, with the first rays they congratulate each other and present gifts. Bunches of straw are hung on the facades of houses to protect the house from evil spirits. And the most important thing for the Japanese is to laugh at the first second of the New Year - then happiness will accompany them all year.

The main New Year's accessory is a rake (kumade), with which the Japanese will be able to rake in happiness in the new year. They are made from 10 cm to 1.5 m in size and are decorated with rich paintings. To appease the Deity of the Year, which brings good luck to the family, the Japanese build kadomatsu in front of the house - a small gate made of three bamboo sticks, to which pine branches are tied. Also in Japan, exactly at midnight, a bell begins to ring, which beats 108 beats. According to an old belief, each ringing "kills" one of the human vices. According to the Japanese, there are only 6 of them - greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision, envy, but each has 18 shades.

V India as many as eight dates that are celebrated as the New Year, as many cultures intersect in the country. On one of these days - Gudi Padva - you need to eat the leaves of the neem tree, which taste very bitter and unpleasant. But according to the old belief, they protect a person from diseases and troubles and provide, oddly enough, a sweet life.

V Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria and Tanzania meet Muharram - the first month of the year of the Muslim lunar calendar. A few weeks before this date, Muslims put grains of wheat or barley in a dish of water so that they germinate. By the beginning of the new year, sprouts appear, which symbolize the beginning of a new life.

Due to different time zones, the time of the new year may differ from ours by as much as 25 hours. From this article you will find out when the New Year comes in different countries of the world and what are the features of the celebration in some countries

We have already talked in detail about the history of the New Year and traditions. Now let's talk about when this day comes in different countries of the world. The very first to celebrate the New Year are the inhabitants of the island of Kiritimati, which is part of the Christmas Islands, as well as the inhabitants of the city of Nukualofa (the capital of the Kingdom of Tonga). These islands are located in Oceania

+0.15 - Chatham Island (New Zealand), located at some distance from the main islands of New Zealand, celebrates the New Year for the second time. It has a special time zone

+1.00 - Then the New Year comes in New Zealand. At the same time, polar explorers from the South Pole in Antarctica also meet him.

+2.00 - The next to celebrate are the inhabitants of extreme eastern Russia (Anadyr, Kamchatka), the Fiji Islands and some other Pacific islands (Nauru, Tuvalu, etc.)

+2.30 - Norfolk Island (Australia)

+3.00 - Part of eastern Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra) and some Pacific Islands (Vanuatu, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, etc.)

Australia is worth talking about separately. There is always a grand celebration in Sydney. On New Year's Eve, the city looks like a brightly decorated Christmas tree, with branches bending from decorations. Numerous fireworks are scattered in the sky over Sydney, which are visible from a distance of 16-20 kilometers from the city. Pay attention to the gorgeous fireworks against the backdrop of the famous Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House

After a festive night, Australians often go somewhere in nature, as the climate always allows it.

+3.30 - South Australia (Adelaide)

+4.00 - State of Queensland in Australia (Brisbane), part of Russia (Vladivostok) and some islands (Papua New Guinea, Mariana Islands)

+4.30 - Northern Territories of Australia (Darwin)

+5.00 - Japan and Korea

In Japan, the New Year is celebrated on January 1st. Mandatory is the custom of seeing off the Old Year, with lavish receptions and visits to restaurants. At the beginning of the new year, the Japanese begin to laugh. They believe that laughter brings them good luck in the new year. On the first New Year's Eve, it is customary to visit the temple, where 108 bells are beaten. With each blow, all the bad things go away, and will not be repeated in the New Year. Among New Year's accessories, amulets for happiness - miniature rakes - are popular. Every Japanese necessarily acquires them, so that on New Year's Eve there is something to rake in happiness. Bamboo rakes - kumade are made in sizes from 10 cm to 1.5 meters and are decorated with rich paintings. In houses, rice cakes and tangerines are placed in a conspicuous place, symbolizing happiness, health and longevity.

+6.00 - China, part of Southeast Asia and the rest of Australia

Chinese New Year is celebrated between January 17 and February 19, during the new moon. Street processions are the most exciting part of the holiday. Thousands of lanterns are lit to light the way for the New Year. The Chinese believe that the new year is surrounded by evil spirits. Therefore, they scare them away with firecrackers and firecrackers. New Year in China is a strictly family holiday, so everyone wants to spend it with their relatives. In the evening, each family gathers in the living room for a gala dinner. During this dinner, which was held under the sign of the unity of the clan, and above all the unity of its living and deceased members, its participants eat dishes that are first offered to the spirits of their ancestors. At the same time, family members forgive each other old grievances

+7.00 - Indonesia and the rest of Southeast Asia

+7.30 - Myanmar

+8.00 - Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Part of Russia (Novosibirsk, Omsk)

+8.15 - Nepal

+8.30 – India

In India, the New Year is celebrated in different ways. In one part of the country, the holiday is considered open when a kite is struck by a burning arrow. In northern India, the inhabitants adorn themselves with flowers in shades of pink, red, purple, or white. The mothers of South India place sweets, flowers and small gifts on a special tray, and on New Year's Day the children are brought to the tray with their eyes closed.

+9.00 - Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and part of Russia (Yekaterinburg, Ufa).

+9.30 - Afghanistan

+10.00 - Armenia, Azerbaijan, part of Russia (Samara), some islands in the Indian Ocean.

+10.30 - Iran

+11.00 - Part of East Asia, part of Africa, part of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg)

+12.00 - Eastern Europe (Romania, Greece, Ukraine, etc.), Turkey, Israel, Finland, part of Africa.

In Finland, families gather at a New Year's table full of various dishes. The kids expect from Joulupukki, that's the name of the Finnish Santa Claus, a huge basket of gifts. On New Year's Eve, Finns often guess, trying to find out their future. If you decide to visit this country for the New Year - there is nothing better than a trip to Finland on comfortable buses from

In Greece, New Year's Day is Saint Basil's Day. Saint Basil was known for his kindness, and Greek children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the hope that Saint Basil will fill the shoes with gifts. It is also customary to launch fireworks into the sky. In the photo New Year's fireworks over the Acropolis

+13.00 - Western and Central Europe (Belgium, Italy, France, Hungary, Sweden, etc.), part of Africa.

As soon as the New Year has begun, Italians are in a hurry to get rid of things that have already "served their time", sometimes throwing them right out of the window or burning them. In Italy, the custom has been preserved to bring clean water from a spring on the first morning of the new year, as it is believed that water brings happiness.

The French, even before Christmas, hang a mistletoe branch over the door of their houses, believing that it will bring good luck next year. They decorate the whole house with flowers and always put them on the table. In each house they try to place a model depicting the scene of the birth of Christ. According to tradition, a good owner-winemaker on New Year's Eve should clink glasses with a barrel of wine, congratulate her on the holiday and drink for the future harvest. In the photo, New Year's fireworks against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower

+14.00 - Prime meridian (Greenwich), UK, Portugal, part of Africa

Let's move on to the UK. The ringing of the bell broadcasts about the New Year in England, the British have a tradition to let the old year out of the house, they open the back doors of the houses before the bell rings, and then open the entrance doors to let in the New Year. New Year's gifts in the family circle of the British are distributed according to the old tradition - by lot. In the photo, New Year's fireworks against the backdrop of the famous London Eye

+15.00 - Azores

+16.00 – Brazil

On New Year's Eve, the inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro go to the ocean and bring gifts to the Goddess of the Sea Yemanzha. Traditionally, Brazilians dress up in white clothes, which symbolizes a plea for peace addressed to the goddess of the Sea. Believers bring all kinds of gifts to the goddess: flowers, perfumes, mirrors, jewelry. Gifts are placed in small boats and sent to the sea as a token of gratitude for the past year and as a request for protection in the coming year. Pay attention to how many people gathered on the beach of Rio to watch the fireworks

+17.00 - Argentina and part of eastern South America

+17.30 - Newfoundland Island (Canada)

+18.00 - Eastern Canada, many Caribbean islands, part of South America

+19.00 - Eastern parts of Canada (Ottawa) and USA (Washington, New York), western part of South America.

USA. In New York, in Times Square, the traditional solemn descent of the famous Ball, sparkling with thousands of neon lights, takes place.

+20.00 - Central parts of Canada and the USA (Chicago, Houston), Mexico and most countries in Latin America.

+21.00 - Part of Canada (Edmonton, Calgary) and USA (Denver, Phoenix, Salt Lake City)

+22.00 - Western parts of Canada (Vancouver, and USA (Los Angeles, San Francisco)

+23.00 - State of Alaska (USA)

+23.30 - Marquesas Islands as part of French Polynesia

+24.00 - Hawaiian Islands (USA), Tahiti and the Cook Islands

+25.00 - Residents of the state of Samoa are the last to celebrate the New Year

This is how the New Year is celebrated around the world on a grand scale, in different countries in different ways, but everywhere there is a common feature - you need to celebrate it cheerfully, and on a grand scale.

Luzin Artem Valerievich

I wanted to know how the New Year is celebrated in different countries, to find out where the tradition of celebrating the New Year came from and why this holiday is celebrated at different times of the year. I was curious to know if the Russian traditions of celebrating the New Year are similar to the traditions of other nations, and I described the most interesting ones in my work.

The traditions of the New Year holiday are different for all peoples. But for everyone - this is fun, jokes, fireworks, Santa Claus, gifts, this is a cleansing from everything bad and the expectation of well-being, happiness. In my opinion, not only the feeling of the New Year's holiday, but also the preservation of New Year's traditions bring happiness and peace to people in every home. People pass on New Year traditions from generation to generation, and we must know them, observe them and, when we grow up, pass them on to others.



How is New Year celebrated in different countries?

From cognitive literature, I learned that the custom of celebrating the New Year's holiday originated in the 4th millennium BC. on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. In the famous state of Babylon, a cuneiform tablet was found, which tells about this. And then the New Year began to be celebrated in other countries. I was curious to know if the Russian traditions of celebrating the New Year are similar to the traditions of other peoples, and I described the most interesting ones in my work.

Australia . Australians celebrate the New Year on January 1st. .. on the beaches, at this time there is a 30-degree heat, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts in bathing suits. The main festive events are fireworks, the first illuminates the sky at 9 pm, and the second at midnight.

America. In America, Santa Claus brings gifts to children on Christmas night, December 25th. The whole country participates in the New Year celebration. There are noisy, colorful street balls and processions. At midnight, people congratulate each other, hug, kiss, car drivers honk. Rattles, whistles, horns are heard everywhere. In New York, in the last 10 seconds of the outgoing year, a huge illuminated apple is lowered down the spire. At this time, crowds of people begin to congratulate each other.

New Year's table is very rich. Mandatory dishes are peas, beans with black spots - they bring good luck and wealth, Hoppin John rice dish and a large birthday cake.

Africa. They learned about the tradition of celebrating the New Year's Eve from Europeans. African Santa Claus lives on the highest mountain of the mainland, Kilimanjaro, where the snow lies. When the holiday time comes, the kind old man dresses up in his red fur coat, picks up a huge bag of gifts and goes down the mountain to the people.

The Bavenda tribe lives in South Africa. They consider the python to be the guardian of the tribe. On New Year's Eve, girls of 13 years old dedicate a dance to him. They line up in a chain, hold each other by the elbows and wriggle, imitating the movements of a snake, dance to the sound of tympanums.

Brazil. The coming year is celebrated with cannon shots. At this moment, people begin to kiss, they believe that if you have time to kiss a person, the year will be happy. The streets of the cities are festively decorated, small bells and flowers are hung on poles. And in Rio de Janeiro at midnight, thousands of people dressed all in white head to the sea: candles are placed in the sand, flowers are thrown into the sea, since the bay in which the city lies is opened by the Portuguese on New Year's Eve.

Germany. The custom of decorating the Christmas tree was born in Germany. In the last week of November, Christmas markets open in almost all cities. Christmas decorations, gingerbread, roasted chestnuts are on sale. They bake houses from ginger dough and populate them with little animals made from prunes and raisins. As soon as the clock begins to strike midnight, people jump on chairs, tables, armchairs, and with the last blows together, with joyful greetings, jump into the New Year.

Italy. In Italy, gifts are not given on New Year's Eve: all gifts were given at Christmas. But they also have their own traditions. There must be 2 dishes on the festive table - lentils and boiled sausage. It is also mandatory to eat dried grapes in bunches at the New Year's table - a symbol of health and longevity. In Italy, on New Year's Eve, it is allowed to shout loudly to celebrate the New Year with an open heart. Not so long ago in Italy there was a tradition before the New Year to throw unnecessary things out of the windows, even furniture. But now it is not observed, because people have become thrifty, they do not buy a lot of things for the future. Yes, and it is dangerous to throw out the window, because there are people, cars.

Italian Santa Claus is good-natured, cheerful, ruddy, with a luxurious white beard. And soon after him comes the "grandmother Morozikh" - Befana with gifts that she leaves in a stocking. For naughty children, she leaves a coal, a pinch of ash or a rod. It's a shame, but they deserve it!

Israel. The Jewish New Year is celebrated in autumn and is called Rosh Hashanah. Everyone wants to enter the New Year with pure thoughts and a soul free from sins. To do this, believers come to the seashore with the words of the prayer “You will plunge all our sins into the abyss of the sea” and carefully shake out their pockets so that there are no crumbs.

Usually acquaintances and strangers greet each other with the words “May this year be kind and sweet!”. Traditional dishes of the New Year's table are apples, honey, round challah. But the main treat is a fish head, so that each person is a head, not a tail.

China. The Chinese celebrate the New Year twice. One is on January 1, the other is on the day of the Chinese lunar calendar. This is the day between January 23rd and February 19th. For the holiday, it is customary to give amulets and talismans, for example, a rake, with which you can "rake" a lot of happiness.

In the family, everything begins with the expulsion of spirits - the cleansing of the house. All furniture is moved, garbage is thrown out the door. On the night of December 24, it is the time of the god of the hearth, a farewell dinner of sweet dishes is arranged for him, after which he rises to heaven and tells sweet speeches about the household to the highest deity.

Before the New Year, much attention is paid to the front door. They install a special screen so that evil spirits cannot enter the house.

The New Year is not complete without deafening firecrackers, rockets, explosions. Everyone jokes, sings, but watch their speech. Not a single word about misfortune should not be uttered so as not to call it into the house.

On the first day of the New Home, everyone is at home, especially the hostess does not go anywhere, otherwise happiness can slip out after her.

Turkey. In Muslim countries, the New Year - Navruz (Nevruz) falls on March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox and literally means "New Day".

This holiday is not celebrated at night, but on a bright day. At a solemn moment, all family members should be at home, sitting at a table set according to tradition. The rum of dishes must contain seven items starting with the letter “s”: greens of sprouted grains (saben), rue (sepand), apples (sib), garlic (syr), vinegar (serke), wild olive (sinjid), thyme ( satar).

In the countryside, on the first day of Nevruz, a solemn ceremony of laying the first furrow is performed, after which sowing begins.

Japan. In Japanese, the New Year is called "Segatsu" - "true month, the first month of the year.

It has long been customary to decorate a home with specially grown dwarf plants (bonsai). Purple-leaved cabbage heads are often found among New Year's decorations. They are also included in bouquets in combination with plum branches. Preparing for the New Year, the Japanese make kites, bright lanterns, paint them with hieroglyphs of wishes.

Until now, decorations play a special role - amulets from dark and impure forces - shimekazari. This is a straw bundle, to which strips of paper, tangerines, coals, and dried fish are hung.

In the evening the whole family gathers for dinner. This evening they serve thin noodles made from buckwheat flour - soba. The longer the soba, the longer the prosperity in that house will last.

On this special day, the Japanese dress up in kimono and have elaborate hairdos, even the men. On New Year's Eve, the bronze bells of Buddhist temples beat off 108 strokes, believing that they expel 108 worries that darken a person's life. Also, before the celebration of the New Year, the Japanese buy pictures depicting a sailboat with gods on board. On New Year's Eve, everyone dreams of seeing the desired dream - the seven gods of happiness on this ship.

The celebration of the New Year is accompanied by games and entertainment. Traditional dishes are prepared for the New Year's table: rice cookies - a symbol of abundance, a dish of peas for health, carp, a symbol of strength, candied slices of seaweed - wishes of happiness, caviar - wishes for having many children.

The exchange of gifts takes place in the evening. They give a rake decorated with cranes, coins for luck, a fan, tea, dried fish wrapped in a colorful wrapper. Parents give their children a coin in a special envelope as a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Celebrate the New Year in Japan for 7 days. At the end of the celebration, colorful parades of fire brigades are held in the cities, and then all New Year's decorations are burned.


I was very interested in the research topic, but it is difficult to tell about many countries in one work, so I described, in my opinion, the most interesting New Year traditions and made a coloring book with New Year pictures according to the traditions of different countries.

I learned that the tradition of celebrating the New Year came to us from Babylon in the 4th millennium BC, and then the holiday began to be celebrated in other countries. I realized that initially the holidays arose as agricultural rites that helped the peasants turn to nature with a prayer for protection and help. After the end of the holiday, the earthly world seemed to them renewed, and the person himself - purified, wise.

For every nation, the New Year did not always begin in winter, but also in spring, autumn, which is associated with the awakening of nature.

The traditions of the New Year holiday are different for all peoples. But for everyone - this is fun, jokes, fireworks, Santa Claus, gifts, this is a cleansing from everything bad and the expectation of well-being, happiness. In my opinion, not only the feeling of the New Year's holiday, but also the preservation of New Year's traditions bring happiness and peace to people in every home. People pass on New Year traditions from generation to generation, and we must know them, observe them and, when we grow up, pass them on to others.


1. Big book of holidays of the peoples of the world. M., Eksmo, 2008

2. Children's encyclopedia. No. 12, 2005.

3. Kreten N. Holidays. M., Astrel, 2002.

4. Lokalova S., A holiday as a gift. Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2002.

5.Lavrent'eva L.S., Smirnov Yu.I. culture of the Russian people. Customs. Rites. Folklore. S-P, Laritet, 2005.

6. Russian traditions and holidays. L. Mikheeva, M. Korotkova, M., Bustard Plus, 2007.

7. Christmas. New Year: customs, rituals, superstitions, fairy tales. Comp. L.O. Voznesenskaya. Institute of Practical Psychology. 1997.

8. Change, No. 1-2006.

9. I want to know everything. Holidays. Children's enc./E. Chekulaev. M., Astrel, 2001.

Very soon, under the chiming clock, we will open champagne, raise our glasses and make a wish. The smell of tangerines, fireworks in the street, sparklers, the president's speech - these are the typical attributes of the Russian New Year.

And let's take a trip to other countries of the world and get to know the local traditions of the most beloved holiday of Russians, find out how the New Year is celebrated in different countries of the world
So let's go.

How to celebrate the new year in Australia

New Year in Australia comes early. Australians are among the first in the world to welcome the onset of the New Year.

At this time, hot summer rages here, because December and January are the summer months. All sorts of free shows and concerts are organized here. In Sydney at midnight, one of the largest fireworks in the world is launched in Sydney Harbor.

And exactly at midnight, all parties are interrupted and people are buzzing, whistling, ringing bells. So welcome to the New Year.

How is New Year's Eve celebrated in England?

In England, it is customary to order gifts from Father Christmas (literally, the Father of Christmas). In order for the letter to reach, it must be burned in the fireplace, it is the smoke that will deliver all the wishes to their destination.

This is the magical side of the issue, but let's not forget that the British are very scrupulous and balanced people, so real gifts are chosen with great care. As a rule, lots are drawn in the family - who will give what and to whom. The cost of presentations should be approximately the same.

Despite the fact that people around the world have begun to write letters on paper much less, nevertheless, in England there is still a wonderful tradition of congratulating all friends and acquaintances with Christmas and New Year cards that are sent by mail.

How to celebrate the new year in Burma (Myanmar)

Between April 12 and 17, on the hottest days of the year, the New Year begins in this state.
The celebration lasts three days, and the start date is announced by the government in a New Year's message.
We believe in Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, and the Burmese in the gods of rain. To attract the attention of the gods, the inhabitants of the country arrange competitions, and women and children try to make as much noise as possible.

In another way, this holiday is called the holiday of water. All residents take to the streets and pour water on each other.

How is the New Year celebrated in Bulgaria?

Often this holiday is called St. Basil's Day, he received his name in honor of St. Basil. The New Year does not seem to be as significant as Christmas and is not celebrated as magnificently and cheerfully. Nevertheless, the New Year's table should be bursting with dishes so that the coming year will be richer.

After the New Year's feast, children, teenagers and young people make "survachki". These are such dogwood sticks, decorated with a red thread, heads of garlic, nuts, coins. They should be knocked on the backs of family members in order to have health and well-being in the coming year.

Also on New Year's Eve, firecrackers are blown up and fireworks are launched.

How is the New Year celebrated in Brazil?

New Year's Eve in Brazil is a summer holiday. At this time, the weather is hot and the sun is shining brightly.
If we are used to the fact that the New Year is a family holiday, then in Brazil everything is exactly the opposite. It is customary to celebrate the New Year in noisy companies in clubs, bars, on the beach.

Gifts are usually given purely symbolic, because. the time of large and significant gifts falls on Christmas. And our traditional chiming clock has been replaced by a countdown of the seconds left until the new year, after which there is a general rejoicing.

African pagan traditions are also found in Brazilian culture, for example, it is customary to launch white flowers and candles on the water, make wishes.

How to celebrate New Year in Vietnam

Instead of a Christmas tree, tangerine trees, apricot and peach branches are decorated here. It is at this time that most fruit trees bloom, so many people associate the holiday with flowers and fragrance.
Traditionally, the new year falls on floating dates between January 20 and the end of February, when the flowering is in full swing. Streets and houses are decorated with flowering branches.

New Year is considered a family holiday, and is always celebrated in the family circle. Children are the first to congratulate the older generation, and parents, in turn, give money to children in bags. Banknotes and coins must be new.

Before the new year, it is customary to collect rich gifts for the Buddha and bring them to the temple. Various entertainment events take place on the streets for three days, which end with a bright, magnificent dragon procession at night.

How is New Year celebrated in India?

There are many dates for celebrating the new year in India. It all depends on the region. But there is an official date, it is March 22. Traditionally, the Indian New Year is a family holiday, which gathers all family members, all distant relatives.

However, Western influence is making itself felt. And more and more young people go out into the streets, singing cheerful songs and drinking alcohol. By the way, the new year is the official day of the year, on which even the police are allowed to drink a little alcohol.

Instead of spruce, Indians dress up a mango tree, and decorate houses with palm branches and garlands.

How New Year's Eve is Celebrated in the USA

In America, the main attention is paid not to the gift itself, but to its packaging - boxes and boxes, a pile of multi-colored paper and various cases. After all, the pleasure lies precisely in unwrapping the gift. By the way, then most of the presents are happily returned to the store, so it is customary to give gifts with a check.

The New Year is celebrated much calmer than Christmas, most often in the family circle.

How New Year's Eve is Celebrated in Japan

The Japanese used to celebrate the New Year according to the Chinese lunar calendar. But since the 19th century, they began to celebrate according to the generally accepted Gregorian chronology.

Preparations for the holiday are long and thorough.

In modern Japan, the first place is occupied by the team, so corporate parties are very popular among the Japanese. Celebrating the New Year with colleagues is everyone's responsibility.

Also in Japan there is a tradition of "greeting card". Such congratulations must be sent to all friends and acquaintances. At the same time, if a Japanese has ever written a postcard, he is obliged to do it every year. As early as elementary school, Japanese children are taught the craft of signing postcards. Wishes are written 2-3 weeks before the New Year, but they are always dated January 1. Postmen try to deliver the postcard on the 1st.

Back in the late 80s, the Chinese custom came to us to associate the arrival of the New Year with one of the animals of the Eastern calendar. A little later, traditional European figurines of Santa Claus and deer appeared, Russians began to decorate their houses with Christmas wreaths, and since the beginning of the 21st century, it has become customary to launch fireworks.

I won’t be surprised if in the near future we start thrashing each other with “survaks” or pouring water on each other.

Meeting the New Year in different countries of the world is associated with traditions that have been preserved since ancient times. Even among the ancient peoples, a belief was born - as you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. Therefore, to this day, people resort to various tricks to "lure" good luck for the next year.

Yes, in Algiers , v Bahrain , v Jordan , v Lebanon , v Morocco , v Oman , v Pakistan , v Sudan , v Syria and in Tanzania meet Muharram - the first month of the year of the Muslim lunar calendar. A few weeks before this date, Muslims put grains of wheat or barley in a dish of water so that they germinate. By the beginning of the new year, sprouts appear, which symbolize the beginning of a new life.

V England according to the old custom, when the clock begins to strike 12, the back doors of the house are opened to let out the old year, and with the last blow, the front doors are opened, letting in the new year.

V Austria It is believed that on New Year's Eve, to be happy, you need to eat a piece of a pig's head or a pig's snout.

Bulgarians , having gathered for the New Year's celebration, the lights are turned off for a few minutes. These minutes are called the minutes of New Year's kisses, the secret of which is kept by darkness.

V Brazil New Year's Eve is called Iemanja. The beaches fill with people and religious chanting praises Iemanja. Even those who live far from the water try to come to the coast to make offerings to the sea: most often these are flowers on small ships made of wood. Participants in the ceremony dress in costumes of a certain color - depending on the saint who "will reign" during the new year.

V Hungary in the first second of the New Year they prefer to whistle in children's pipes, horns, whistles. It is believed that it is they who drive away evil spirits from the dwelling and call for joy and prosperity. Preparing for the holiday, Hungarians do not forget about the magical power of New Year's dishes: beans and peas preserve strength of mind and body, apples - beauty and love, nuts can protect from trouble, garlic - from diseases, and honey - sweeten life.

New Year's Eve in Venezuela is a special event. All the relatives get together and prepare la hallaca, one of the very hearty and spicy meals that the entire household eats during New Year's Eve. Everyone wishes each other happiness in the new year and forget all past grievances.

In Vietnam The new year according to the lunisolar calendar is called Tet. This is a family holiday, during which all quarrels are forgotten, insults are forgiven. The Vietnamese decorate their homes with miniature tangerine trees with tiny fruits. Every Vietnamese home has an ancestral altar, and paying tribute to their memory is an important part of New Year's celebrations. Celebrated in Vietnam New Year and January 1, it is called "holiday of the young." With the onset of dusk, the Vietnamese make bonfires, on which they cook special delicacies from rice. On New Year's Eve, it is customary to release live carps into rivers and ponds. According to legend, a god floats on the back of a carp, who goes to heaven on New Year's Eve to tell there how people live on Earth.

V Germany people of all ages, as soon as the clock begins to strike midnight, climb onto chairs, tables, armchairs, and with the last blow together, with joyful greetings, "jump" into the New Year. And in the villages, the medieval tradition of the bleiglessen ceremony has been preserved: a lead bullet is found, which "contains the secrets of the future." The bullet is melted to a boil and poured into a glass drop by drop. Lead solidifies again. The resulting figure will tell you about what awaits next year.

V Greece New Year is the day of St. Basil, who became famous for his extraordinary kindness. The children leave their shoes near the fireplace, hoping that the saint will fill them with gifts. Residents of Greece, going on a visit to celebrate the New Year, take with them a stone that they throw at the threshold of a hospitable house. If the stone is heavy, they say: "Let the wealth of the owner be heavy, like this stone." And if the stone is small, then they wish: "Let the thorn in the owner's eye be as small as this stone."

Jewish The New Year - Rosh Hashanah - is not so much a memory of any historical event from which the countdown of years begins, but rather the day of the Supreme Judgment. It is believed that on this day the Almighty judges people, and on the basis of their deeds, decides what fate awaits them in the coming year. Therefore, the main thing at such a time is the repentance of each person. This day is filled with prayer and restrained joy. On the table are festive candles, a round challah with apples dipped in honey to make the year sweet.

V India as many as eight dates that are celebrated as the New Year, as many cultures intersect in the country. On one of these days - Gudi Padva - it is necessary to eat the leaves of the neem tree, which taste very bitter and unpleasant. But according to the old belief, they protect a person from diseases and troubles and provide, oddly enough, a sweet life. The inhabitants of northern India adorn themselves with white, pink, red and purple flowers. In central India, buildings are decorated with colorful, mostly orange flags. In western India, small lights are lit on rooftops. On the eve of the holiday, mothers lay out gifts, sweets, flowers on large trays for their children. On the first morning of the New Year, children are led with their eyes closed to a tray from which they choose a gift for themselves.

V Spain There is a tradition to eat grapes on New Year's Eve. By the sound of the clock, you need to have time to eat 12 grapes, one for each of the twelve coming months.

V Italy it is customary to throw out broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture from apartments at the very last minute of the old year. They are followed by crackers, confetti, sparklers. It is believed that if you throw away an old thing on New Year's Eve, then in the coming year you will buy a new one. And all the children are waiting for the sorceress Befana, who arrives at night on a broomstick and enters the house through the chimney. She fills with gifts children's shoes, specially hung by the fireplace.

In Ancient China The New Year was the feast of the poor, when anyone could enter the house and take what they need, and if you refuse, the neighbors will turn away with contempt. In modern China, the New Year is a festival of lanterns. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the New Year according to the lunar calendar. On New Year's Eve, countless small lanterns are lit in the streets and squares, believing that the sparks from them will drive away evil spirits. The New Year itself comes in January-February, so it is associated with the end of winter and the beginning of spring. For many centuries, the inhabitants of China, seeing off cold and bad weather with the light of lanterns, meet the awakening of nature. The lanterns are given a different shape, decorated with bright patterns, intricate ornaments. The Chinese are especially fond of placing lanterns in the form of 12 animals on the streets, symbolizing each year of the 12-year cycle of the lunar calendar.

V Colombia "Old Year" walks in the crowd on high stilts. "Papa Pasquale" - Colombian Santa Claus arranges fireworks. At this time, parades take place on the streets of Bogota: dozens of puppet clowns, witches and other fairy-tale characters attached to the roofs of cars drive through the streets of Candelaria, the most ancient district of the Colombian capital, saying goodbye to the inhabitants of the city.

On the Cuba on New Year's Eve, they fill all the dishes that are in the house with water, and at midnight they begin to pour liquid from the windows. Thus, all the inhabitants of the island of Freedom wish the New Year a bright and clean, like water, path. And on the New Year itself, the clock strikes only 11 times. Since the 12th strike falls on New Year's Eve, the clock is given a rest and calmly celebrate the holiday with everyone.

V Mongolia with the advent of the first day of the New Year, a truly nationwide festivities begin in the country. The official New Year in the country is January 1, and the New Year is called "Tsagaan Sar" according to the lunisolar calendar. Seeing off the old year they call "bituun". At this moment, you can not quarrel, argue, swear and deceive, this is considered a great sin.

V Nepal The New Year is celebrated at sunrise. At night, when the moon is full, the Nepalese light huge bonfires and throw unnecessary things into the fire. The next day, the Festival of Colors begins, and then the whole country turns into a huge rainbow. People paint their faces, hands, chests with an unusual pattern, and then they dance and sing songs in the streets.

V Panama at midnight, when the New Year is just beginning, all the bells ring, sirens howl, cars honk. The Panamanians themselves - both children and adults - at this time shout loudly and knock on everything that falls under their hands. All this noise is necessary in order to "appease" the coming year.

V Romania unmarried women usually go to the well, light a candle and look down. The image of the flame will draw the face of her future husband in the dark depths of the water. Those who do not risk wandering the streets at night take a branch of the basil and place it under the pillow: a dream will show the betrothed. And in Romania, it is customary to bake small surprises in New Year's pies - coins, porcelain figurines, rings, hot pepper pods. The ring found in the cake means that the New Year will bring a lot of happiness. And a pod of pepper will cheer everyone around.

V Scandinavia in the first seconds of the New Year, it is customary to grunt under the table in order to drive away evil spirits, illnesses and failures from the family.

new year in USA - This, of course, is New York, Times Square. A huge crowd roars, accompanying the traditional solemn descent of the famous Ball, sparkling with thousands of neon lights. You should definitely take part in this!

In France on New Year's Eve baked in a gingerbread bob. Starting from the 12th century, a tradition appeared in France on Christmas Eve to make a Christmas log - Bouches de Noel - from fresh wood (usually cherry wood) with the whole family in the courtyard of the house from fresh wood (usually cherry wood). With certain ceremonies, he was solemnly brought into the house. The head of the family poured oil and warmed wine over it, and the whole family said prayers. The little girls would set fire to the log using wood chips left over from the previous year's log (according to legend, the ash and wood chips left over from burning the Christmas log kept the house from lightning and the tricks of the devil for a year; therefore, they were carefully collected and stored). It was considered important that everyone involved in the process of lighting a new log had clean hands. Gradually, the tradition of burning the Bouches de Noel died out, although today it is still adhered to in houses with fireplaces. But most French people decorate their table with a small mock-up of the Bouches de Noel, and decorate some of the dishes in the form of a Christmas log.

V Sweden On New Year's Eve, it is customary to break dishes at the neighbors' doors.

V Scotland The New Year is celebrated with a kind of torchlight procession: barrels of tar are set on fire and rolled through the streets. Thus, the Scots "burn" the old year and light the way for the new. The well-being of the owners depends on who enters the house first on the morning of the new year. It is believed that a dark-haired man who comes with a gift will bring happiness.

new year in Japan - one of the most popular holidays in the country. Japanese children celebrate the New Year in new clothes, believing that this will bring good luck and health. On New Year's Eve, children put a drawing depicting their dreams under the pillow, then the wish should come true. In floral arrangements, pine dominates, symbolizing longevity and endurance. And in the morning, when the New Year is already coming into its own, the Japanese go out to meet the sunrise, with the first rays they congratulate each other and present gifts. Bunches of straw are hung on the facades of houses to protect the house from evil spirits. And the most important thing for the Japanese is to laugh at the first second of the New Year - then happiness will accompany them all year. The main New Year's accessory is a rake (kumade), with the help of which the Japanese will be able to rake in happiness in the new year. They are made from 10 cm to 1.5 m in size and are decorated with rich paintings. To appease the Deity of the year, which brings good luck to the family, the Japanese build kadomatsu in front of the house - a small gate made of three bamboo sticks, to which pine branches are tied. Also in Japan, exactly at midnight, a bell begins to ring, which beats 108 beats. According to an old belief, each ringing "kills" one of the human vices. According to the Japanese, there are only 6 of them - greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision, envy, but each has 18 shades.