Move pores by folk remedies. Cosmetic clay for pore narrowing. For narrowing pores with tea tree oil

Most women, and girls, too, are interested in such a problem, how to narrow the pores on the face. Pores strongly affect the beauty of the face, so today we need to discuss this topical topic. The most important thing is to be cleaned with high quality and quickly.

Many girls are looking for various ways that make it possible to get rid of the pores on the face. Happy of them those who succeeded. Let's hope that you, dear blog reader, will be lucky to spectacularly clean the face.

That's just not to think that if once managed to clean and narrow out other cosmetic products and narrow the pores, you can relax. The human skin, especially the face, needs constant care.

Statistics inexorably indicate that they suffer from the expanded pores of the holder of combined or oily skin. Let's start everything in order to develop the topic of purification of the face from the pores.

Extended Pores - Causes

The reason for the development of this ailment is abuse. First of all, it is insufficient attention to the procedure for cleansing the skin, incorrect skin care or absence. Let's say right: without personal hygiene of healthy skin does not happen.

Other reasons: The use of base decorative cosmetics, violation of the mode of day, rational nutrition, frequent stress, harmful habits (smoking, alcoholism).

When you find on your face enhanced pores and decide to narrow them and clean them, you can contact a specialist-cosmetologist. You will be offered there a wide range of modern cosmetic preparations for face cleaning. But today we will focus on how to quickly narrow the pores at home.

How to clean the pores on the face

It is necessary to immediately note that we will narrow the pores only clean, but not filled with skin bass and dust. That is why first it is recommended to clean the pores and only then narrow them.

Such an order of action is obligatory, otherwise you will not achieve anything. We remind you to narrow it with clean pores. Clean the pores we can various means and methods. First of all, it is scrubs.

In the conditions of the house, for example, a person can be cleaned using food soda. This is a wonderful effective agent tested. Soda qualitatively cleanses the pores and helps to remove the electrical layer of cells on the skin of the face.

The scraper procedure is beginning with the dissolution of soda with water. The resulting cleaner should be applied to the face, while performing circular movements. Special attention is paid to places where the pores are viewed. Most often it is chin, nose, forehead.

With oily skin, it is desirable to dissolve in hydrogen peroxide until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Clean the pores you can by sprinkling the skin of the face above the pan with a hot decoction of therapeutic herbs. At the same time you need to squeeze the black dots with your hands. After the procedure, treat the skin with a pharmacy tincture.

The specified method of cleansing is quite effective, however, to prevent skin inflammation, it is necessary to disinfect handbrushes.

There is another other, no less effective method for cleaning pores using activated carbon and gelatin. This mask will help to clean the pores. Many of our readers have a positively responded about it.

To prepare a mask, we take one spoon of milk and gelatin, one tablet of activated carbon. We dissolve the gelatin milk, add a steady coal tablet to the activated one.

Then heat the mixture in the microwave no more than ten seconds. Mix and again put in the microwave for three seconds. There should be a thick mixture that we will apply on problem areas where there are extended pores.

Mask withstand 15 minutes. A thin film is formed, which will need to be removed, uplooking it with the edge of the nail. The result is beautiful - make sure about it.

How to narrow the pores on the face at home fast

Of course, the extended pores of Niskolachko do not adorn the skin, opposite they make it a buggy, not embossed. The skin of the face as it is subject to unnecessary rash.

Success is achieved with proper skin care, it is from here to begin. You will need tonic and milk, we will pick them depending on the type of skin. Funds are different: for dry, oily, for combined skin. Cleaning the skin will be engaged in the mornings and evenings.

Then we appline the nutrient cream chosen in strict accordance with the type of your skin. Complex care includes milk, night and day cream, tonic, serum.

These herbs will help to narrow the pores.

It is very useful to wash the face of herbs champs or wipe the skin with a cotton disk, moistened in a decoction or infusion of medicinal herbs. The procedure is recommended to do every day several times.

Anti-inflammatory, healing and cleansing properties have calendula medicine yarrow ordinary, parsley Garden and other herbs.

Prepare the infusion of herbs is very easy. A teaspoon of dry raw materials pour a glass of boiling water, insist twenty minutes after strain. These herbs can be treated.

Mask of clay

Clay masks have long been used to narrow the pores on the face. Typically take for this blue clay. Such masks are effectively narrowing the pores, refresh the face, after several procedures, the skin becomes smooth and smooth.

The girls who used these masks were satisfied, especially since the tool is not only effective, but also affordable.

How to cook a mask? Dissolve the blue clay in the water so that a homogeneous mass is. Apply to the face. Instead of water to dilute clay, you can take boiled cooled milk. Hold a mask for 20 minutes, then wash warm water.

Holders of oily leather We recommend adding a couple of droplets of cypress essential oil, lemon, peppermints, mint, grapefruit, tea tree, etc. For oily skin, you can also add alcoholic tincture of calendula, juice lyme. or lemon.

Fruit and Vegetable Masks

The narrowing of the pores and lighten the skin of the face is useful in fresh cabbage, lemon, carrot or cucumber juice. To do this, it follows several times a day to wipe the face with juice.

Mix fresh grated cucumber with lemon juice. For halves of the medium cucumber, there will be somewhat teaspoples of lemon juice. Apply a mask on the face for ten minutes. After flush with warm water.

Lemon for the narrowing

Mix in equal high fatty cream ratios and lemon juice. Apply for 20 minutes on the face purified from the pore, then rinse with water.

Mask with parsley for the narrowing

Pumpshi-based masks are well brightening the skin of the face and narrow the extended pores. Grind the greenery of garden parsley, mix it with lemon juice, yogurt or kefir. Ingredients to take in the ratio of 1: 1.

You can also prepare a water of parsley and wipe the skin of the face. It is even better - to prepare cosmetic ice from the infusion or decoction of parsley and handle the problem areas of the face with advanced pores.

Oils of plants for narrowing

Oils are selected taking into account fat and combined skin. Oil almonds, grape seeds, jojoba are suitable. All ingredients take equally (at least on a tablespoon), add one drop of rosemary essential oil, lemon, grapefruit, melissa, cedar or mint.

A finished mixture of oils to apply on the face, keep 10 minutes, then washed off thoroughly with water. Procedures do daily seven days in a row.

If there is no grape seed oil, it is possible to replace it with almond oil - it has a careful skin care and eliminates irritating action. Almond oil (1C.L.) is mixed with tea tree essential oil (1 drop) and apply to the purified face for 10 minutes, after washed.

How to narrow pores applying ice

For the narrowing of pores, cosmetic ice is widely used - a very effective means. Possessing the lifting effect, the ice contributes to the reduction of skin saber, tones the skin of the face.

Take yourself as a rule: in the morning, wipe the face with ice cube. Prepare ice from grapefruit juice, parsley, lemon juice, cucumber juice or viburnum juice. Fresh juice should be diluted with pure boiled water (1: 3), mix and pour into the containers for ice cubes.

The ice is also prepared from the infusion or bravery of herbs: yarrow, linden, plantain, sage, souls, coltsfoots, mint, chamomile, melissa And others. To prepare the infusion of therapeutic herbs, pour a spoon of raw materials with a glass of steep boiling water, leave for a couple of minutes to appease, then fill in molding for ice.

Every morning it is necessary to wipe the face with ice cube. This is done by gentle sliding movements, without stopping for a long time in one place. Skin drying the natural method without the use of napkins. After applying a suitable day cream suitable for your skin.

The narrowing of pores by protein, honey, lemon

Lemon juice

Dilute with boiled winding water 1: 3, apply for rubbing face. The procedure is repeated several times a day.

Mask with honey and lemon juice

Lemon and honey cosmetologists consider the most effective means for making masks. One spoon of lemon juice is mixed with a spoonful of flower honey and apply for 15 minutes on the skin of the face.

Mask with chicken eggs

Mask based on and lemon is also recognized as an effective means for the narrowing of pores. You need to beat the protein of one egg in a foam, add a spoon of lemon juice. The mask will help you narrow the pores on the skin of the face.

Here, perhaps, all recipes. They are available, effective, help you quickly narrow the pores on your face at home. Leave the comment below, how do you like these tools? Or maybe you have other, no less effective?

According to cosmetologists, people with fatty skin skin are real lucky. This is due to the fact that wrinkles appear later. However, oily skin has a number of problems, the main of which is related to the extended pores. Moreover, they can deliver not only minor troubles, but also real torments. After all, they are quickly clogged, as a result, the reason for the appearance of pimples, acne, inflammation, as well as various skin diseases. In addition, they are the reason for the formation of black dots, which looks completely unattractive. On how to reduce pores on the face, and will go further.

Since such a problem is very common, modern cosmetology offers many decisions aimed at combating it. So, beauty salons today offer a lot of professional methods that give an excellent result. Therefore, if you wonder how to reduce, experts recommend contacting certified cosmetologists. However, one should not ignore and home treatments to help maintain the skin in a healthy and attractive condition. We offer several ways able to help on the face.


This procedure aimed at reducing pores on the face is offered in most cosmetology salons. However, it is possible to perform it at home. To do this, the mineral water or decoction of herbs and cubes of such ice must be frozen in the morning and evening and evening.


To perform this procedure, you can choose a scrub designed to dissolve the contents of the pores, as well as for their narrowing. Using a similar cosmetics on a regular basis, you will soon notice how your skin is transformed.

Cosmetic clay

Another option to answer the question "how to reduce pores on the face" is the recommendation on the use of this material not only cleans and disinfects the skin, but also perfectly absorbs fat. Experts consider the most efficient white clay, but it is also possible to use pink and red.

Freshwater sponge Badyaga

This remedy is sold in stores in the form of powder or gel. However, keep in mind that it is necessary to use it only if you do not plan to leave the house, as it causes temporary redness of the skin.

With masks

This tool is perhaps the most popular for use at home. So, today there is a huge number of diverse masks, the result of which should be the narrowing of the pores on the face. You can make them yourself. Next, we offer several options to your court.

Mask from Kaolina and Fennel

This tool will help in a short time to reduce the pores on the face. Mix a tablespoon of kaolin with glycerol, ethereal oil of fennel (two drops) and mineral water to the consistency of sour cream. This mask must be applied to the face, and a quarter of an hour, it is neatly washed away using warm water.

After this procedure, it is possible to use an aromatic mixture that will help extend the effect of narrowing pores. To do this, it is necessary to mix on one droplet of the essential oils of mint and lemon with five milliliters of nut oil or jojoba. Mass must be given in at least an hour, after which we apply it to the face. After 15 minutes, the surplus is removed with a paper napkin.

Binding mask with linden flowers

If your skin refers to the fatty type, and you are constantly wondering how to reduce pores, then we recommend trying this method. To prepare such a mask, you need to pour pre-crushed linden flowers (1 tablespoon) with 100 milliliters of hot water. The mixture is heated on slow heat before thickening. After that, the mass in warm form is applied to the face. After 20-25 minutes, it is necessary to clean the skin with a cotton disk. After that, it is necessary to wash cool water.

Orange mask

This agent can be used not only for fat, but also for skin of other types. Finely chopped orange slices are warm up with a wooden spoon or tolfish. The resulting casual mass is applied to the skin and covered with gauze napkins. After 15 minutes, the mask must be washed off with boiled water and apply nutrient cream on face. You can also add to the mass whipped

How to reduce pores on the nose using a mask

For this purpose, the following is the following composition: Half of the cranberry juice tea facility and one egg whites. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the resulting mass in two or three layers after 4-5 minutes. Wash this mask is recommended with fresh green tea or herbal decoction.

Mask for fading porous skin

For its preparation use egg protein, zest and lemon juice, as well as oatmeal. Zedra and flakes are crushed in a coffee grinder. Then the lemon juice and whipped egg squirrel is added to them. The mixture is applied to the face and we are waiting for 15-20 minutes. Wash the mask is needed by a napkin dipped in warm boiled water. After that, it is also desirable to wash cold water.

Indian mask

For the preparation of such a cosmetic agent, the following components are used: honey, warm milk, salt and all ingredients are mixed before the formation of a homogeneous mass and in several layers are applied to the skin for 25 minutes. Then the mask is washed with warm, and after and cold water. The skin after this procedure becomes brighter and smooth.

Tomato mask

Cosmetic procedures based on this vegetable helps not only fight pores, but also prevent the formation of wrinkles. The simplest option is the imposition of tomato-chopped tomatoes on the face. They need to cover marks from above, hold for about 20 minutes, then apply nutrient cream on the skin.

In addition, you can use a mask of tomatoes with starch. To prepare, the pulp of vegetable rubbed on the grater, mixed with potato starch, add a few droplets of vegetable oil and apply to a quarter of an hour on the face. Then the mass must be washed with boiled water.

Most often with a variety of skin problems, the owners of oily skin type are encountered. Silent skin can spoil even the most attractive and blooming appearance: pimples, acne, inflammation. Consider how to narrow the pores on the face of various means at home.

Persigue care rules

Forever get rid of the pores on the face will not work, even attending beauty salons and making expensive procedures for cleaning. The fact is that natural processes are constantly occurred on the face, and they are not fundamentally changed. But if you regularly take care of the skin and fulfill all the prescriptions, you can visually significantly reduce the aesthetic problems.

For productive results, you need to follow the rules.:

  1. Always clean the skin from cosmetics by foam, milk and other means;
  2. Wash twice a day: before bedtime and after;
  3. After using tonic tonic, micellar water or herbs champs;
  4. Clean the skin scrub 1-2 times a week, in addition to the treatment with folk methods;
  5. It is necessary to use cosmetics for its type of skin, which dries the surface and helps remove the fat shine;
  6. If possible, visit the cosmetologist and the dermatologist (just once every two months) or make masks at home.

In more detail about how and with the help of what funds need to be careed after the faces, you can view our video.

Video: creams and masks, narrowing pores

Sushing means for fatty and normal skin

To narrow the pores on the face, astringent masks for problem skin are widely used. In this case, you can remove excess fat from the surface and clean the dermis from the solar particles. So, for example, it creates miracles, removably removing the top burner layer.

# 1: Mask of blue, white or black clay.
Literally after half an hour, the skin will become markedly lighter, and the pores are less noticeable. It is very important not to leave clay to complete drying, especially girls with sensitive skin. It is necessary to wash away immediately after the first rapid sensations. Some girls helps for a long time.

# 2: Align and lighten the expanded pores of the face will help lemon-protein mass.
Lemon bleed damaged pills, and the protein has an astringent action. Proportions: 1 teaspoon of juice will need 1 whipped protein foam.

# 3: Sparking face with almond peeling.
Almond has wonderful healing properties and effectively purifies rigorous pores. But this method is absolutely contraindicated by young ladies with inflammation on the face.

# 4: Berry whitening masks for normal skin.
Most often, the water or herbal base is changed to the milk, and this chief of fruits is rubbing in the face of the sponge. Fruits with knitting properties:

  • Strawberry;
  • Apricot;
  • Raspberries;
  • Grapes;
  • Currant.

# 5: Kaolin.
A tablespoon of fennel oil is mixed with a teaspoon of kaolin, add glycerol and mineral water to the form of a thick dense mixture. The solution is applied on particularly noticeable pores of the face and leave for 10 minutes (on sensitive skin) or 20 (to reduce the fatty skin of the combined type).

# 6: Lime decoction.
On the floor of liter boiling - 2-3 spoons of grass. Insist about half an hour. It is necessary to wash several times a day, it is desirable to continue the procedure for a long time. So you can not only narrow the pores, but also get rid of black dots.

# 7: effectively narrows face pores mixture of lemon oils, mint and forest walnut.
It is recommended to use before bedtime instead of a night cream. Oil nut can be changed on a tea tree. On the cleansed skin in the T-zone we apply this solution and leave for an hour. This is very important, because In the evening, regenerating processes begin. After time, we do not wash off, but we wash with paper towels.

# 8: Supporting agent of elder beam.
These berries in the people were often used for wound disinfection and skin lightening. Chamomile, lime color and bezen flowers to cook on a slow fire, after boiling after three minutes to remove. Proportions: on the floor of the liter boiling water to take on the spoon of each herb. Warm solution mix with floral heated honey (not hot, but nice warm) and oatmeal. Add at discretion, the mass should not be very steep or thick. Put on fire and slaughter again. Cool and apply multiple layers on the skin. Hold on the dermis 20 minutes.

# 9: Actively narrows the wide pores of the face of the zesto orange.
On the grater we rub the fresh skin of the fruit and mix with his pulp. This porridge is neatly applied to problem areas. You can use the method for cleansing and whitening the pores on the body. Twenty minutes later wash off. Many cosmetics manufacturers began the production of tonal creams based on an orange extract, this is a very good decorative medical agent.

# 10: Famous mask with starch.
To prepare an old starch, we need two spoons of potato powder, some floral honey, heated to a pleasant heat and a pair of spoons of warm milk. All ingredients mix and put the mass on the dermis. Keep no more than half an hour.

# 11: cryoissage ice cubes.
Very good tool - led on the skin pieces of ice. Especially efficient after breaking and cleaning the pores. You can do the morning and in the evening, or in the morning to give the face with cold water.

# 12: Mask, narrowing pores on the nose.
Disadvantages are more noticeable in this part of the body. You need to prepare two spoons of oatmeal, one whipped squirrel, a small lemon juice spoon. We mix and gently apply this cashey mass. We leave literally for 15 minutes. Flakes are pre-grinding thoroughly in a coffee grinder or mortar.

# 13: Strips from black dots from a napkin with whipped squirrel.
We whipitate the part of the egg in the foam and we are applied to problem areas, but not on the whole face (otherwise it will hurt to dug). We tear pieces of napkins and stick to the same problem areas. Again, we appline the whipped mass already on the napkin and we are waiting for about 15 minutes until everything is dry. After sharp movements, we break off the napkins from the face. The procedure may be a bit painful if you have sensitive skin. We recommend first to apply on a small area.

# 14: Potatoes in the finished form.
Extended pores are easily removed from the wheat flour of the highest grade, whipped protein and potato mashed potatoes. The same method will help to clean the mature skin, give it elasticity and relocate from pigment spots with regular use.

# 15: Tomato mask.
Fresh vegetable cut slices and impose on the face. Tomatoes help not only narrow very noticeable pores of the face, but also from old cells and remove toxins.

Support the pores on dry skin

Thin skin with insufficient selection of subcutaneous bass is quite difficult to treat. Most traditional funds annoy it and increase sensitivity. Like the pores on the face, if you have dry skin, you can apply blue clay. Just before applying the mineral base, you need to treat the surface of the dermis with a nutrient cream.

# 16: On mature dry leather, the pores of the tinnistant tincture is well narrowed.
A few drops of an essence mixed with two tablespoons of the beard of these berries. On the face to apply in the form of a compression and keep at least 10 minutes. Apply 2 times a week.

# 17: Broth root root and nettle leaves.
On floor liter boiling water proportions in tablespoons 1: 1. It was insisted one day in a dark place with room temperature, and several times a day wipe the face with this liquid. If there are extended pores and acne on the back, you can take baths with this decoction, water should be yellowish, but not very concentrated.

The phased process of narrowing pores on the cheeks:

  1. Disparate the face, make inhalation over essential oils;
  2. Clean the skin with a tonic or chamomile decoction;
  3. Apply a mask;
  4. Save the skin with cream;
  5. Several times a day, wipe the pores on the face of a tampon, moistened with herbal decoction or fruit juices.

Moreover, the integrated approach implies a special diet. Every day you need to drink a minimum of two glasses of special herbal tea. His recipe: Lavender, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, donel, rosemary, Badyan mixed in the same amount, and poured with hot water (not boiling water!). There is a day in a dark cool place. The resulting welding is diluted with warm water to the usual concentration of tea and drink. With a strong desire to narrow on the face of the pores, you can add a little sage and chagelter.

Pores are the swings of the sebaceous glands, which take the secret to the surface of the skin, protecting it from external factors. Performing a protective function, they can lead to some cosmetic defects: black points, acne and redness. Expanded pores - the spectacle is very unaesthetic, besides, harmful to the health of the skin, because it stops breathing in the literal sense.

  • changes in hormonal background during puberty, during pregnancy, when receiving some drugs;
  • disorders of the sebaceous glands;
  • incorrect or insufficient care;
  • the use of decorative cosmetics;
  • eating large quantity of sweet and oily food;
  • the effect of solar radiation;
  • hereditary factor;
  • age changes.

You can not use thoroughbating drugs if the pores are contaminated. Cleaning is necessary to carry out better in the conditions of a cosmetic salon. But to use various piglery masks at home.

Home care

Homemade care involves mandatory purification in the morning and in the evening. At the same time, cosmetics need to be selected according to the type of skin: they should slightly dry, removes the excess of the sludge, eliminating the oily shine. Care should be thorough, consistent and regular:

  1. Once a week, cleaning with a scrub or light peeling, which not just smooth the relief, but also improve blood circulation.
  2. The toning lotion after removal of makeup will slightly calm and narrow the pores.
  3. You can wipe ice cube once or two per week - a kind of homemade cryotherapy.
  4. And, of course, masks that can be purchased in the store, but much more economical to make them yourself - it is not so difficult, and in the composition you can be confident.

Video: Verified method of getting rid of black dots and extended pores.

Methods narrowing POR.

Not only the owner of oily skin are trying to narrow the pores, they suffer from this problem and people with dry, even normal skin type. It's all about improper care and insufficient purification. If it is possible, you can go through the procedures in a cosmetology office, where laser grinding or chemical peeling is offered using fruit acids, ultrasound cleaning, mechanical or vacuum pores. All listed procedures have a number of contraindications, so the expert consultation is required.

Most women prefer to use independently prepared agents, more natural and economical. Folk cosmetology offers many ways to achieve the narrowing of the pores on the face.

Lotions, tonic, compresses.

Homemade lotions are ordinary brazers and herbs, very effective in treatment. They are not only washed, make compresses, but also use tea as tea. Cleansing the body, they act on the skin, making it smoother and healthy.

The most productive means are compresses. They do not just narrow the pores, but also feed the skin, make it healthy outwardly. The principle of appressing the compress is the same for all types: Moisten in a solution with a soft cloth or gauze, folded in several layers, slightly squeeze and impose on the face. The top is superimposed with a heat towel.

Broth rosehip for dry mature skin with advanced pores.

Two tablespoons of dried berries of rose hips pour a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Wash the resulting decoction in the morning and in the evening, once a week you can make a compress. From the residues prepare ice cubes for homemade cryotherapy for the narrowing of the pores.

Decoration from chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, lavender, nettle, vocabulary.

Herbs are effective both in a mixture taken in equal proportions and separately. Poured hot water (not boiling), the day insists in a dark place. After that, you can cook tonic, compresses, freeze ice cubes, add when cooking masks. Removal of trees with warm water, drink at least two glasses per day.

Lemon compress for any skin type.

Lemon juice has an anti-inflammatory, whitening effect, dries, lightening black dots and narrowing the pores. In addition, it is an excellent vitamin skin cocktail. Dissolve ¼ cup of fresh lemon juice in ½ cup of warm water. Compress keep for about 15 minutes.

Masks for cleaning pores.

Masks are the most effective means to narrow the pores on the skin of the face. You can wash off a mask not just water, but a cooked herbal decoction, wipe with tonic - purchased or self-cooked. After using the mask for the narrowing of the pores, it is recommended to wipe the face of a cube of ice from a decoction of herbs. This will help consolidate the result and lead the skin into the tone, increasing its elasticity.

White clay mask.

Clay to dissolve warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream, apply to pre-cleaned skin. For oily skin, you can add 5 drops of lemon juice. Mask wash off warm water in 20 minutes. Clay perfectly cleans, tightens the pores; Lemon acts as an antiseptic, while bleaching the skin.

Video: Recipe Masks for the face of a frying pore with the use of cosmetic clay.

Tomatoes mask using contrast washness.

Cut the tomato of a small size to thin mugs and decompose in the face to completely close it. Keep 20 minutes, after which wash your face first warm, then cool water.

Egg masks.

Another effective means for cleansing and narrowing the pores - eggs, which are used separately or in the composition with other ingredients, only protein or in conjunction with a yolk. During drying, such masks are strongly tightened by the face, which is the norm and should not disturb.

Mask for oily skin with small wrinkles.

Removes the fat shine, cleanses and narrows the pores, smoothes small wrinkles.

Teas spoon squeezed lemon juice.
Self-like egg.

Beat the protein before the formation of a light foam, add lemon juice. Apply a mass on the face with a thin layer, after drying, apply another layer. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. After applying the last layer, leave the mask on the face for 10-15 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Apple-shy mask.

Improves blood microcirculation, deeply feeds, cleanses, dry the skin and tightens the pores.

Apple - 1 pc.
Ground horseradish - on the tip of the knife.
Self-like egg.

Grate the apple on a large grater, mixed with the prepared horseradish, add a protein pre-whipped to light foam, mix everything thoroughly. The mixture is immediately applied to the face, hold 15 minutes. Wash warm water.

Stren as part of a mask can cause burning and itching. If these sensations are strong enough, the face should be spilled immediately. It is not recommended to people with vascular meshes on the face, contraindicated with pronounced cooperose.

Mask from starch.

An excellent means for tightening pores, has anti-inflammatory and bleaching effect.

Potato starch - 1 tbsp. l.
Black currant juice - ¼ cup.

Starch dilute with currant juice to a porridge state, apply on face to dry. The remains of the mask werehed with warm water.

Mask from honey (Indian).

Honey is the best natural antioxidant and antiseptic, it perfectly dries the skin and narrows the pores of the face.

Natural honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt small - on the tip of the knife.
Starch - 1 tsp.
Warm milk - ¼ cup.

Mix the components so that it turns out a thick mixture. Too thick mask can still be diluted with milk, liquid - starch. Mix everything thoroughly, apply a thick layer on the face and wash off after half an hour.

The question of how to narrow pores on the face requires not so much time and strength, it suffices to comply with some recommendations in care:

  1. You should not take hot baths, visit saunas, wash hot water. Warm water or herbal infusion is quite capable of cleaning the pores.
  2. It is impossible to carry out mechanical cleaning yourself (that is, simply squeeze acne).
  3. Oily skin often suffers from dehydration, so wipes it with alcohol-containing solutions is unacceptable: they are visually narrowing the pores, but the epidermis is strongly dried.
  4. It is impossible to use soap, as it contributes to the loss of moisture, give preference better to soft foam and gels.
  5. Cream for leather should not clog the pores, contain talc and all sorts of fad. It is better to choose a deeply moisturizing matting gel with sunscreen filters.


(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The reasons for extended pores on the face are lumpy both in the skin type and in the ways of care. Bold shine and acne during the ripening period - a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the body. A mixture of fat and dust pores stretches and are not always returned to the previous state, if the procedures for clearing the epidermis are not carried out.

It is possible to narrow the pores at home with certain procedures. The excess of the selection of the skin secret is characterized by the period of hormonal rearrangements at any age, and not only in adolescence.

Procedures for the narrowing of pores are carried out in the case when the ducts are free of contamination.

The skin is prepared with masks and sprinkling herbs champs or with a warm towel.

Cosmetics for the narrowing

People with a fatty skin type need special cosmetics for the narrowing of pores.
Extended pores not only spoil the appearance of the face, but also can cause the reproduction of bacteria and, as a result, the emergence of infection. Pump clogging is the main reason for the appearance of acne, acne, inflammation and numerous skin diseases.


Lotion is applied to clean after washing the skin without further removal. In the presence of a zinc tool, you can get rid of black points, oily shine, extended pores and purulent inflammation.

After a time after the procedure, the skin looks like a professional chemical peeling in the cabin. The face looks relaxed, fresh, and the skin becomes smooth, gentle and clean from the first application.


Cosmetologists recommend paying attention to the fact that no professional cosmetic or homemade pores narrowed for a long time, even tonic.

A short-term narrowing of pores definitely benefits. It lies in the fact that after using a tonic surplus the creams to be absorbed into the skin will not, therefore, the pores will not roll, and the consumption of cream will decrease. In addition to the narrowing of the pore, the tonic is able to reduce and dry the rashes.


The function of the sebaceous glands is normalized after the systematic use of a special cream. It contributes to healing and narrowing the pores on the face. With complex care at home, the effect is preserved as long as possible.


Compresses help not only with pain in the joints, as well as when giving the skin of health and beauty. Species of compresses in cosmetology is a huge set: dry, wet, oily. The method of application for all species is the same - a fabric moistened in solution, cotton disk or march fit on the face.

The main positive properties are toning and recovery. In addition to beauty, an important indication for the use of compresses is health. Excessively fat and dry skin face - deviation from the norm.

Properly chosen therapeutic herbs can fix the situation forever. In the first case, it is preferable to choose thousands of birch kidneys, and in the second - rosehip, chamomile and sage.

Pharmacy drugs

To finished pharmacy cosmetic drugs, dermatologists include:

  • cosmetic clay, depending on the problem and type of skin;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • zinc;
  • bodhaga.

In the problem with advanced pores, the advantage among cosmetic clay is given to white, which is simply mixed with water and does not lose useful properties. Adjusting the color and structure of the person contributes to the use of acetylsalicylic acid, stabilizing the functions of the sebaceous glands.

Zinc is used as part of many lotions and creams, but also separately. Carefully cleans and does not dry, normalizes the work of the glands. Beodhag is known in the fight against the protruding veins and bruises, but also she like aloe pulls the dirt and fat, whitens and takes off the swelling.

The listed drugs eliminate the bold gloss, dry acne and inflammation, narrow pores. We must not forget about the precautionary measures, because the regular use of these drugs can strongly cut the skin. In order to avoid problems, it is necessary to know the measure and additionally use moisturizing means.

Ice Cubes Procedures

I need to wipe the face with ice cubes only on massage lines, only the blood is as soon as possible to the surface of the face and leads the vessels into the tone. It is important not to stop for a long time in one place, otherwise the skin will spread and acne will appear.

Such a procedure should be carried out twice a day during washing. With caution should be a woman with a dry skin type and use cosmetic ice exclusively in the area around the eyes.

Scientists have proven that under the influence of low temperatures, the surface vessels are narrowed, and the blood sticks the blood due to the expansion of deeper vessels. This is the narrowing of the pores and the reduction of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

What herbs narrow pores

At home, it is possible to narrow the pores on the face with the help of cosmetics and preparations, as well as medicinal herbs. The advantages of the latter in a low price, natural composition, sustainable and long-lasting result. The use of grasses from herbs is suitable for women prone to allergies, and the owners of problem skin.

To herbs that are best suited for narrowing the pores of the skin, dermatologists include the following:

  • chamomile;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • lavender;
  • thyme;
  • nettle.



Fitotherapy makes an invaluable contribution to cosmetology, and the chamomile is capable of improving the appearance of the skin, lighten the freckles, cure many diseases. It is not difficult to cook the decoction, it is enough to pour the flowers of the plant with boiling water, let it be and strain.

There are several ways to use:

  1. use instead of tonic, wipe the face of fresh decoction and activating all the processes in the cells.
  2. wash the cool decoction in the morning.

The systematic application of the chamomile decoction in the skin care will give it fresh, healthy and beautiful view. This is an excellent matting tonic, enriched with organic acids, vitamins and microelements.


The use of bravery of colts-and-stepmother on a deep cellular level cleans the swings of the sebaceous glands, removes toxins and soothes the skin after negative impacts. If we experiment a little about the composition of the brave of coltsfoot, you can create a unique tool for daily washing or removing makeup.

As an ordinary home tonic you can boil 1 tbsp. l. Herbs and wipe the skin daily. It is capable of treating acne and acne, and improve microcirculation, clean and calm the skin. Since the tool is obtained by drugs in its properties, it is able to strengthen the skin immunity and prepare for sharp temperature differences.


Anti-inflammatory properties of lavender ensure the removal of irritation and peeling of the face. The decoction of lavender flowers is used in caring for sensitive and problem skin. Accelerates the recovery of cells, which allows the process of healing the acne painless and without a trace.

The decoction of lavender cleans the skin, activates the blood circulation and the enrichment of oxygen cells. It is prepared in cosmetology of its weakly concentrated (on 1 tbsp. Water 1 tsp. Colors). It should be applied 1-2 times a day as replacing tonic. British scientists during the experiment revealed that half of the tests of women under the regular use of funds with lavender were smoothed fine wrinkles.


A decoction made from fresh chasty leaves is considered a real antioxidant. You can cook it in 15 minutes. To do this, part of the grass is boiled with water on medium heat for 10 minutes and filter. Liquid can be placed in a special container with the dispenser and store in the refrigerator.

Regular rubbing of the face helps to reassure irritation on the skin, dry inflammation, remove edema, restore blood circulation on the intracellular level. An alternative to freshly placed leaves are dried herbs purchased in a pharmacy.


The nettle can provide the daily rate of many vitamins and trace elements. Its composition exceeds the norm of the useful substances of other products and grasses more than 10 times. The decoction is preparing out of five fresh crushed leaves, which are boiled on medium fire for 5 minutes and focusing.

For use, you will need both broth for wiping and leaves for a disposable mask. Home cosmetics, cooked from nettle, eliminates acne, skin diseases, acne and inflammation.

Overall skin will cure with the help of bravery and infusions, which remove excess fat, at the same time moisturizing. A small scratching and skin damage with the plantain and skin damage.

Broth rose hips for dry skin

Dry leather needs constant moisture and protection against heating. An indispensable helper for the skin in this situation is a rosehip. The decoction of which carefully cleans and at the same time holds moisture in the skin. The result is soft, fresh and meal.

Prepare and immediately use this decoction can not. To do this, you need a handful of dry berry to pour 0.5 liters. Water and boil 10 minutes. Then the liquid is left left to the warm place for 6-8 hours. The decoction is used instead of tonic and serves to wip clean skin.

Homemade masks

From clay

Cosmetic clay Cosmetologists are used on their sessions for deep cleansing and drying the top layer of the skin. Clay - absorbent, so absorbs the excess of the salted salvation and sweat glands. Depending on the type of clay removes redness, drying the skin, cleans.

Masks with it are suitable for any type of skin.

In addition, the recipe is simple - 1-2 h. Clay is divorced by water to the state of thick sour cream and applied to face to complete drying. The mask should turn out without a lump, to enhance the properties of clay, a pair of droplets of the essential oil of a tea tree is added.

It is worth remembering that there should be no mass on the zones around the eyes and lips - stretching and drying of the skin. In pharmacy masks, the clay is added to enhance the bactericidal action of auxiliary substances.

From vegetables and fruits

Fructose and acids contained in vegetables and fruits allow you to "erase" from the woman's faces of freckles, pigment stains and even wrinkles. Vegetables and fruits in masks are an excellent way to improve cells and saturate their useful trace elements, vitamins and glucose.

You can use a mono-mask consisting of one product, or a mixture of different. In a small deep plate in porridge, soft fruits (vegetables) are warm and are distributed over the face. Solid fruits (vegetables) are rubbed on the grater and mix with thick mass (sour cream, oil). Flush the mask should be warm water.

From Stachmala

The course of the starch mask in 30 procedures reduces the existing mimic wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new, the tone becomes even and homogeneous. Such signs of dry skin, like peeling, depths and dryness, will disappear.

To avoid a sense of depression after removing a mask from a face, it is desirable to first add 1 tsp. Any basic oil (jojoba, peach, apricot) to starch and slightly dilute the mixture with boiled water to a sour cream-like consistency. Starch formulations, unlike others, do not need to keep long, will be enough 5-10 minutes.

Starch is a catalyst and enhances the positive properties of additional substances in the composition of the mask, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis. Women with oily skin after the course of the procedures in the mirror observe smooth and soft skin without greens and wide pores.

From honey

The effect of narrow pores and face suspenders at home is achieved by applying any honey mask. Depending on the desired result, certain components are added to the mask.

This product does not suit many as a mask, since frequent allergic reactions are noted. Proper use implies heating of honey to a temperature of 40-45 degrees and a thin layer is distributed over the skin of the face for half an hour. Get off such a mask recommended by cold water.

Honey is a product that easily keeps moisture in skin cells. Scientists have proven that the first cause of skin aging is dehydration. Difference and lethargy of the skin, the formation of wrinkles, dryness - its signs. Sugar consisting of honey contains elements binding fluid. Due to this, honey masks prevent skin drying.

From black bread

Rich with useful substances The composition of black bread is considered an excellent basis for making face cosmetic masks. They are, on the one hand, budget, and, on the other, profitable.

With minimal cost, a mask is created, capable of feeding, cleaning and tightening the skin of the face. It is easy to use: the cubes cut into cubes is swollen in warm water and is distributed evenly on the skin, after half an hour it is washed off.

From linden flowers

Slised, flabby leather needs to increase elasticity and elasticity. This contributes masks from linden colors. The handful of colors is brought to a boil on slow fire and focusing. The resulting mucus serves as a nutritional product and is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and neck for 20 minutes. Remove with dry cotton swabs after time.

The composition includes hormones similar in structure with gender female hormones (estrogen). So linden masks can give a rejuvenating effect. The leading gynecologists-endocrinologists of the world recommend after 30 years old women take linden decoctions. Lime masks for the face remove swelling, fatigue and give the elasticity of the skin.

Egg masks

A whole egg is rarely used in the preparation of home egg mask, in classic recipes it is divided into protein and yolk. In dermatology and cosmetology, this approach is considered the most correct. Protein and yolk separately solve the problem better than together, because their composition is different, then they solve the skin of the skin different.

The protein has a tightening property and is applied to care for oily skin. It is whipped in a foam and a cotton disc is applied to a clean surface as soon as the layer dries - the next one, and so until all the mass is on the face. Then wash in warm water.

And in the yolk there are more fat components that fully nourish dry skin. The principle is the same as with protein. The yolk is applied on the layer behind the layer and washed off with warm water after drying the mask.

From the plantain

Applying masks from the plantain at home has a tonic effect for both the upper layers of the skin of the face and internal. The unique composition of the mask allows the means to tighten the wounds, ground pores, restore damage to the skin at the cellular level.

Each type of leather is suitable porridge from crumbs on a meat grinder of plantain leaves. The regular rubbing of the liquid mask narrows the pores and delays small damage, heals the traces of acne. In addition, the addition of the plantain juice will provide youth and cleansing the skin, and also accelerate the healing of boils and inflammation after insect bites.

Oil masks

In oil medicine, used for the regeneration of mucous membranes or skin cover, and in cosmetology - for nutrition and humidification of the skin. The easiest and most effective option is to apply the oil evenly with a thin layer and leave for 30-60 minutes, then flush the remnants with a napkin. There are recipes in which the oil remains on the skin all night.

But they should not stick, because at night, the sebaceous glands are activated and the oil prevents the enrichment of the dermis with oxygen and, as a result, silent tubes and acne are formed. It should be noted that oils feed more than moisturizing. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve the latter with their help.

Steam baths

The perfect universal means for cleansing and restoring the water balance of the skin at home is steam baths.

Steam baths will help to narrow pores on the face. Read more How to carry out the procedure at home below

A small saucepan is poured 3/4 of hot water. The face leans at the level of 40 cm. And is covered with a towel or blanket for 5-20 minutes depending on the type of skin. Fat requires more time for breaking and cleansing, dry is less. Before you start, you need to lubricate the area around the eye with a fat cream. Essential oils of chamomile, lavender or eucalyptus are added to the water.

Hot steam contributes to the expansion of the sebaceous glands and eliminating slags, providing the subsequent narrowing of the pores. After this procedure at home, the skin's skin is ready to absorb nutrients such as masks and creams.

Skin care after procedures

According to the recommendations of the leading cosmetologists, it is necessary to wash in the morning only with melt or mineral water. After numerous studies, it was revealed that this method of washing forms the acidic medium on the skin, providing protection against bacteria after purification.

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