Fabrics: artificial natural. Action of chemicals and temperatures on textile materials

Acetate (fabric) is in great demand among consumers. It has a wonderful shiny surface, it is enough for her just to care. What caused such popularity of the above material among the population? Let's try to figure it out.

Description of material

Acetate is a fabric, the photo of which is presented in the article, is quite popular and refers to artificial. It is produced from acetylcellulose by the method special processing Raw materials, necessarily natural. They differ from synthetic materialswhich are manufactured by the method of chemical synthesis.

Very often it is artificial silk called acetate. The fabric has similar properties with this material: it has the same shiny surface. But silk, in contrast to acetate canvase, does not dissolve in acetone.

Blakeut fabric: composition of acetate material, its properties and care

The above material consists of:

  • 15% acetate;
  • 85% polyester.

Blakeut fabric is a three-layer light-tight matter, which is made of polyester and acetate fiber, double-in external signs This material is practically no different from drapery. But Blackight products have a very important unique ability. They do not miss light at all.

Therefore, the main area of \u200b\u200bapplication of Blacut fabric is the production of a porter for bedrooms. Using a curtain this material You can achieve a complete dimming.

In addition, the fabric has sufficient density, so it retains warmth well in the bedroom. Also reliably protects the room from drafts, because it acts as a kind of barrier. In the summer, on the contrary, Blakeut fabric prevents the heating of the room from the Sun. Therefore, the curtains from this material are capable of maintaining coolness in the hot place in the room.

Due to the fact that the above fabric is quite dense, the products from it are distinguished by high wear resistance. Curtains do not fade into the sun, since the above material is processed by the manufacturer with special substances. They also prevent the burnout of other items that are in the room.

Care for not of great difficulty. Photocurtains are recommended to wash in a typewriter with gentle mode (" delicate wash") Or manually.

Main advantages

The main advantages of the above material:

  • appearance natural silk;
  • perfectly holds the form, not stretching and not crushed;
  • wonderful elasticity;
  • pumps up dirt and badly absorbs moisture.

Also, the predominant properties of acetate material include the fact that this tissue has a good draper. This is, of course, due to the fact that this matter is perfectly bent and has a wonderful volume.

It should be noted that acetate fabric is highly resistant to light. Therefore, products from this material do not fade.

As for mold, the acetate fabric is very resistant to its impact. Insects cannot bring harm to her fibers.

Issues of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on technology

2011-2012 academic year

8-9 Class

The total time of work is 120 minutes.

For a fully completed task is given 2 points; If one error is allowed in the task with a choice of several correct answers - 1 point; More than one error - 0 points.

Practical work - 5 points.

The maximum number of points is 59 points.


A) Hand wash with soap;

B) Check the power of the cord before turning on the electrical appliance;


2 . At home and poultry belong:

A) ostrich;

B) spleen;

C) rooster;

D) turkey;

D) partridge.

B) Clear Cups;

C) cut the abdomen;

D) rinse;

E) delete insides;

Answer: 1 ___, 2___, 3___, 4___, 5___, 6___.

A) call an ambulance;

C) rinse the stomach;

D) to eat;

Answer: 1 ___, 2___, 3___.

5 . Definition. Introduction is _____________________________



6. Is it worth offering home slippers? _______________________

7 . What will affect the method of serving the table? ________________________

Materials Science.

8 Wailed cotton. It: 1 .____________________________________________





A) artificial silk;

B) cotton;

C) wool;

D) Natural Silk;

E) linen;

E) synthetic silk.

Answer: 1.___, 2 .___, 3 .___, 4 .___, 5 .___, 6 .___.

10 . Canya from what fiber cannot be cleaned with acetone? ____________________

A) 130 o;

B) 200 o;

C) 110 o.

Machine studies.

12. List the types of drives: 1._____________________________________



A) the lower thread is weakened;

B) the upper thread is weakened;




A) directly proportionally;

B) fracture;

B) does not depend.

16 . Transfer which dimensions of the figures must be performed to build the drawing of the base night shirt with one-piece sleeves


A) wavy;

B) zigzag;

C) solid main;

D) solid thin;

D) suitable;

E) barchpunctive.



1. Clean

2. Crane

3. Start

4. Developed

5. Outwear

Answer: 1.___, 2 .___, 3 .___, 4 .___, 5 .___.

19. Molding technology does not include the following operations:

A) outline the outlet;

B) sweeping;

C) stack;

D) remove manual stitches;

E) perform fittings;

E) resting;

G) to prevent;

And) fought.

20 . Draw the linen double seam ________________________________________________________

21. Let the definition of the term:

Satisfied - this is _________________________________________________

A) the direction of the base of the base;

B) fabric color;

C) pattern features;

E) thickness of the fabric;

E) Fabric vices.

A) waist;

B) shoulder;

C) breast.

Electrical engineering.

A) tree;

B) rubber;

C) iron.

A) "Man" - _____________________________________________________

B) "Man" - _____________________________________________________

C) "man" - _____________________________________________________

D) "man" - _____________________________________________________

E) "Man" - _____________________________________________________

Care of plants.

26. Can indoor plants water boiled water? ____________

Clothing care.

27. Draw a clothing care sign, denoting "whitening" -____

Practical work.

Answers to the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on technology

("Culture of the house and decorative and applied creativity ")

2011-2012 academic year

8-9 Class


Check the + correct answer (maybe one or more correct answers)

1 . Transfer safety regulations:

A) Hand wash with soap;

b) Check the maintenance of the cord before turning on the electrical appliance;

C) Before starting work, put on overalls;

D) Include and turn off the electrical appliances dry hands;

e) get a hot lid from myself using the patter.


2 . At home and poultry belong:

A) spleen;

B) cock;

C) turkey;

D) partridge.

3 . Install fish cutting sequence:

A) cut off the head, fins, tail;

B) Clear Cups;

C) cut the abdomen;

D) rinse;

E) delete insides;

E) Plastic or cut into portion pieces.

Answer: 1-b, 2-B, 3-d, 4-A, 5-g, 6th.

4 . First of the first aid for food poisoning:

A) call an ambulance;

B) to see the transfer "Great Live";

C) rinse the stomach;

D) to eat;

E) drink activated coal.

Answer: 1-A, 2-B, 3-d.

5 . Definition.Allowance - it's cooking in a small amount of liquid.


6. Should I offer home slippers?not

7 . What will affect the table serving the table?menu

Materials Science.

8 Wailed cotton. It: 1. Short

2. Slightly convoluted

3. Thin

4. Light

5. white color or color.

9. The hygroscopicity is the ability of the tissue to absorb moisture. List fabrics as this property decreases:

A) artificial silk;

B) cotton;

C) wool;

D) Natural Silk;

E) linen;

E) synthetic silk.

Answer: 1.- B, 2.-D, 3.-B, 4.-G, 5.-A, 6.-Y.

10 . Canya from what fiber cannot be cleaned with acetone?

Artificial fiber-acetate.

11 . Clean cloth iron at temperatures:

A) 130 o;

b) 200 o;

C) 110 o.

Machine studies.

12. List the types of drives: 1. manual

2. Scooter

3. Electric.

13 . Note the reasons for the loop of the machine line from above:

a) the lower thread is weakened;

B) the upper thread is weakened;

C) The foot is poorly pressed fabric.


14. Give examples of manual embroidery made in the "smooth" technique (at least 3):

Vladimir "White On White", Vladimirskaya red threads, "Golden Sewish", Chinese smooth.


15 . When calculating the radius of the conical skirt apply the coefficient. How the coefficient depends on the magnitude of the interaction:

A) directly proportionally;

b) fracture;

B) does not depend.

16 . Transfer which dimensions of the shapes must be performed to build a drawing of the basics of night shirts with one-piece sleeves:

SS, SG 2, OP, DST, DI.

17. Drawing lines used when designing:

A) wavy;

B) zigzag;

c) solid main;

D) solid thin;

D) suitable;

E) barchpunctive.


18 . Install the correspondence between the term and definition:


1. Clean

a) connect the two parts by machine line so that after pulling the cuts were inside the stuffed materials

2. Crane

b) decompose the seam allowances in different sides and consolidate iron

3. Start

c) give the product a freight

4. Developed

d) fasten a fitted slice or edge of the part manual stitches temporary destination

5. Outwear

e) lay a machine finishing line

Answer: 1. -G, 2.-A, 3.-D, 4.-B, 5.-V.

19. The technology of processing of the tissue on the fabric does not include the following operations:

A) outline the outlet;

B) sweeping;

C) stack;

D) remove manual stitches;

e) perform fittings;

E) resting;

g) to prevent;

H) essential fabric at the end of the molding;

And) fought.

20 . Draw a linen double seam

21. Let the definition of the term:

Sat up - it is to remove Las.

22. When laying patterns, the fabric is taken into account:

A) the direction of the base of the base;

B) fabric color;

c) pattern features;

d) the magnitude of the storage spaces;

E) thickness of the fabric;

E) Fabric vices.

23 . What group of products include a bathrobe, top, blouse:

A) waist;

b) shoulder;

C) breast.

Electrical engineering.

24 . The subject of which material it is necessary to drag off the hired wire from the affected:

a) tree;

B) rubber;

C) iron.

Professional self-determination.

25 . List the types of professions:

a) "Man" - "man"

B) "Man" - "Nature"

C) "man" - "Sign System"

D) "man" - "Artistic image"

E) "Man" - "Technique".

Care of plants.

26. Is it possible to water indoor plants with boiled water?not

Clothing care.

27. Draw a clothing care sign, denoting "whitening" -

Practical work.

1. Draw a transverse section of a portable belt connection area with an upper slice of a tight fabric skirt.

On the fibers of the cotton and flax, weak solutions alkalis even with boiling noticeable harmful effects do not. Fabrics can be boiled in diluted soda solutions, potash, ash liquor, etc. Catering alkali destroy cotton and linen fabrics, Therefore, when washing, the use of caustic soda should be avoided.

♦ on fabric fibers vegetable origin And on their coloring there are destroyably bleaching agents (chlorine lime, hydrogen peroxide, etc.). Therefore, it should be remembered that only weak solutions of bleaching substances can be used for whitening tissues at low temperatures (20 - 30 ° C).

♦ Fat solvents are not allowed on tissue: gasoline, alcohol, acetone, turbine, chloroform, sulfur, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, and more.

♦ Fabrics of vegetable origin strong mineral acids even with low temperatures Fit, destroy.

♦ Products out cotton fabric It is impossible to handle with strong mineral acids (sulfur, hydrochloric, nitric acid), and after processing dilute mineral acids (no more than 0.25% fortress) should be thoroughly rinsed with water; Otherwise, tissue dries, and acid, concentrating, destroy it.

♦ on fibers of vegetable origin from organic acids oxalic acid act is most strongly, to a lesser extent - wine-eyed, then lemon these acids at high temperatures Fabric destroys, and at low temperatures noticeable action do not provide.

♦ On fiber plant origin, acetic acid does not act even when heated.

♦ Tissue must be thoroughly rinsed with water after treatment with organic acids (before drying).

♦ Fibers of animal origin (wool and natural silk) from the action of diluted (up to 5%) mineral acids (sulfur, salt) are practically not changed even when heated. From long action Strong mineral acids fiber wool are destroyed.

♦ Woolen fibers are not destroyed from the action of strong organic acids (oxalous, ant, vi-name, lemon, acetic). With long-term exposure, some weakening is noticed.

♦ For the processing of woolen tissues, acetic acid is used with a strength of about 10-15%.

♦ For washing woolen and silk products with great caution, weak solutions of soda can be used (up to 0.2%) and at a temperature of no more than 40 - 45 degrees.

♦ We act on the wool weakly alkaline salts at low temperatures and in dilute solutions, however it is done with tight, fragile, loses shine. Therefore, after processing in soy-soda solution woolen fabrics It should be thoroughly rinsed with water, adding a small amount of acetic acid during the last rinsing.

♦ From the action of caustic alkalis, even in weak solutions (caustic nat, caustic potassium, caustic lime), wool fabrics are completely destroyed. Alkaline salts (soda, potash) in strong solutions and especially when heated also destroy wool and silk.

♦ Sweet solutions for wool destructively affect ammona alcohol at high temperatures. Weak solutions do not act on wool, so weak ammonia alcohol is recommended in cases where it is necessary to apply weak alkali.

♦ Natural silk is destroyed, dissolves from the action of strong mineral acids (salt, sulfur).

♦ Natural silk from the action of weak mineral acids (up to 1 - 5%) does not experience a noticeable change even when heated.

♦ Natural silk is destroyed from the action of the cream of caustic alkalis, even at low temperatures.

♦ On natural silk, weak solutions of alkaline salts (soda, potash, etc.) are harmful.

♦ Silk Fortress can weaken idiot laundry soapSince the soap is often contained free alkali. When washing, it is necessary to apply the soap of the best variety or neutral detergents (soap root, mustard).

♦ Fibers of artificial silk, depending on the method of obtaining, worn different names (acetate, viscose silk, etc.). Artificial silk differs from the natural considerable thickness of the fibers and often stronger glitter, with the exception of matted silk, in which the brilliance decreases by adding special chemical materials to silk. Fiber mineral acids are destroyed. Even weak mineral acids are not recommended.

♦ The fibers of artificial silk are harmful to strong organic acids (oxal, lemon, ant, acetic). For silk processing, it is possible to use only strongly diluted (up to 0.5%) acids: acetic and ant.

♦ On fiber artificial silk, strong alkalis act destructively. Very weak alkaline salts solutions are used for treatment: soda, potash, trinitium phosphag, etc.

♦ Acetate silk from acetone is dissolved, so the fabric is not recommended to be cleaned with acetone.

♦ Fabrics made of artificial silk do not withstand strong heating, so silk should be washed at a temperature of about 40 ° C (not higher). They stroke them with an iron heated less than for cotton fabrics (+ 80-100 ° C).

♦ Products made of synthetic fibers (nylon, kapron) are resistant to the action of acids and alkalis, but with strong heating (ironing heated iron) melted.

♦ To remove stains from clothing, you first need to try the easiest tool - warm soap solution. A cloth or a toothbrush, moistened with this solution, wipe the contaminated place, first cleaning it from dust, then washed clean water, dried and stroke. Such cleaning is often sufficient to remove stains from adhesive paints, candies, sugar, etc.

If a stain does not disappear with such a cleaning, other, more effective means. It is necessary to comply with a number of rules:

- First of all, the brush is carefully removed dust, otherwise there may be spots after cleaning on the fabric. When cleaning, it is necessary to put a small plate with a clean white cloth into a few layers, or a swab out of a cotton with a clear white cloth. The lining for this can be pouring and skid (or tampon) insert between the lining and fabric of the vertex;

- Delete stains follows whenever possible in daylight, when it is easier to judge the results of cleaning;

- The fresh spots, the easier to withdraw them. Old stains are more difficult to display, because they penetrate deeper into the fabric and covered with dust and mud.

♦ Spots on woolen things We are treated with wood alcohol or denatured alcohol in half with acetic acid, after which they are well washed with water.

♦ When cleaning various woolen and silk things, they first celebrate spots on them. If there are a lot of them and the whole thing is dusty, it should be wrapped in a warm soap foam.

♦ Bright woolen things when washing should be wiped with a brush, laying them on the table. Wipe the brush all the details of things and lining of jackets, jackets, coats. After washing, things are rolled 2 times in warm water, then - in the cold. With the last rinse in the water add acetic Essence Before the weakness of taste.

Before applying any method, you should try it on a small stain. If the results are good, you can process other stains.

Fabrics made of acetate fiber firmly entered modern man And deservedly enjoy great popularity. Beautiful and varied, with excellent performance, pleasant to the touch, they are beneficial to many other materials with their low cost.

What is acetate fabric

Acetate fiber refers to the discharge of artificial materials, as it is made of cellulose by special processing of chemical reagents. In contrast to the synthetics obtained by the synthesis chemical substancesBased on acetate fibers Lies genuine wood.

The name "acetate" occurred from the Latin acetum, that is, "vinegar". Indeed, to obtain acetylcellulose, from which acetate will be produced in the future, it is necessary to effect the salts of acetic acid on cellulose.

For the first time acetate was obtained in the UK in early XIX. Century Brothers Henry and Camillem Dreifusi, who used their discovery not only for the production of household goods, but also to fulfill military orders. After 1920, the chemists of the Dreyfus company have improved the technology and began to obtain acetate fiber in the form of brilliant threads resembling.

At first, the production of clothes from acetate fiber was hampered by the fact that there was no suitable dye. After its development, acetate became widely used as an independent material, and as an additional component in compounds.

Advantages and disadvantages of acetate silk

Like any other tissue, acetate has its advantages and disadvantages due to its properties and operational characteristics. Positive traits The material is as follows:

  • Due to elasticity, which is much higher than that of the viscose, the products from acetate are perfectly kept form.
  • Low thermal conductivity of the material allows you to save heat.
  • Acetate does not miss water, dries quickly, not exposed to mold and insects.
  • The smooth surface of acetate fabric prevents the rapid pollution of clothing. Things from acetate fiber are easily erased and almost do not require ironing.
  • Lightweight and thin material allows you to create beautiful drapery.
  • Acetate fiber is easy to paint, which represents an extensive field of activity for designers.

Of the negative characteristics inherent in acetate fibers, the following qualities can be distinguished:

  • First of all, it is necessary to note the low strength and resistance to abrasion, as a result of which artificial silk clothing with frequent washers And ironing quickly flashes.
  • Acetate products accumulate electrical charge.
  • Acetate fabric Poorly absorbs sweat, so it's not entirely comfortable in it in hot weather.
  • The material is destroyed by contact with acids and alkalis, dissolves in acetone. Working with similar substances in acetate clothing, it is necessary to be especially careful.
  • Dyes, with which the pattern is applied to the fabric, unstable and fade in prolonged exposure to ultraviolet.
  • Acetate fiber when washing can "sit down", although in lately Many fabrics at the stages of manufacture are processed against shrinkage.

Very often these negative qualities Material is repelled from the purchase of products from acetate. In addition, some people with increased sensitivity to artificial materials An allergic reaction may occur.

Application area

Pleasant to the touch acetate is first used for sewing light clothes. Dresses, sundresses, T-shirts of all sorts of shades look in summer colorfully and elegant. In addition, it creates spectacular and practical underwearwhich perfectly holds the shape, is well erased.

Fine one acetate silk Perfectly drapes and collected in Falda. It is often used for the manufacture of elegant sets bed linen, curtains, drapery furniture, creating stage costumes.

Due to its low thermal conductivity, acetate is widely used as a lining material when sewing the outerwear.

The materials from acetylcellulose well repel water and dry quickly. Thanks to these properties, they are indispensable for the production of umbrellas, curtains in bathrooms, bathing suits.

If adding acetany fiber add lycra, it turns out elastic fabricwhich is used in models fitting the figure. Acetate fiber is customary to add to silk, cotton, acrylic. From this property mixed fabric Not much worsen, but the price becomes much lower. Yarn, which contains wool and acetate threads, does not sit down and does not roll. By adding acetate to, you can increase the hygroscopicity of the material.

Care rules

To preserve the products from acetate fiber initial Viewshould be observed non-case rules Washing, drying and ironing.

Washing acetate silk

Acetate products are erased by hand in water having a temperature not higher than 30 s or in washing machine for delicate mode. Clothing from this material should not be very stray. Its enough to gently draw in water with a powder and squeeze a little.


Acetate silk dries very quickly. In order for the product to not lose its form, in no case can you use the machine drying. To dry out things from acetate, laying out on a flat surface or hanging on the "shoulders". In addition, it is necessary to avoid exposure to sunlight.


Acetate fiber products almost do not require ironing. If you still need to straighten the material, iron should be carefully, with invented side, Better through additional fabric. Acetate - thermoplastic fiber and at temperatures above 170 ° C melts and sticks to the surface of the iron.

With gentle handling of products from acetate, they will serve long years, remaining bright and beautiful.

On the production of acetate fibers in the USSR:

In the course of operation, the Schweiks are often found on the tissues and finished products stains that are randomly formed in the process sewing production. Below are the methods and most frequently used compositions for cleaning tissues and products.
The most simple I. fast way It is cleaning woolen and less often cotton fabrics with a brush when polluting their dust, down, mud.
Pollution not removed by a brush is made by chemical cleaning. Chemical cleaning It is carried out using solvents: gasoline, turpentine, kiccot, ethers, etc. Care should be taken in working with them: many of them are flammable and poisonous. Cleaning needs to be carried out in a well-ventilated room or outdoors. It is better to use a mixture of gasoline with soap or powder "News". After working with gasoline, you need to wash with toilet soap and smear glycerin.
Gasoline You can remove stains from fats, oils, paints, resinous substances, paraffin, wax, cosmetic creams.
White Spirit Used to remove stains from resin, varnish, oil paint, tar, fat, oil. White spirit (heavy gasoline) does not damage the color of the tissues, does not destroy the majority of synthetic fibers, films, artificial skin, accessories, acetate silk, etc.
Turpentine Used to remove stains from resin, varnish, oil paint, tar, fat, oil, etc. Cleaning turpentine is most convenient; It is the least flammable and smalladow. Skipidar less waste, it is often used to clean thin tissues. Skipidar is also recommended to be used in a mixture with other solvents (wine and ammonic alcohol).
Acetone It is a good solvent of many organic substances. It is used to remove stains from resins, fats, oils, nitroles. Light flammability of acetone and its ability to dissolve tissue from acetate and chlorine fibers should be taken into account.
Lemon Acid Remove stains from rust, paints, berries, red wine, coffee, tea.
Acetic acid Remove stains from fruits; It cannot be cleaned with acetate silk fabrics.
Manganese-acid Kalia Remove ink spots With unpainted fabrics and whites of fabrics from fibers of animal origin.
Perchlorethylene Easily remove fat substances, oils, resins, tar, paraffin. This substance is neo-oxide.
Ethyl (wine) alcohol Remove stains from essential oils, perfume, iodine, varnishes, resins, ink.
Summer alcohol Remove old oil paint, varnish, blood, spots from oil, fats, resins, milk, coffee, mold and traces of flies. If, when using the ammonic alcohol, the fabrics change color, they should be rolled immediately in vinegar solution.
Hydrogen peroxide (perhydro) Can be used to remove stains from iron traces with cotton and luna white tissues.
Depending on the nature of the pollution, the removal of stains are used with subsequent washing or without it.
To successfully remove stains, it is important to determine their origin and composition, as well as fresh stain or old. Before removing the spots, it is necessary to make sure that the intended method of cleaning does not damage the fabric and will not affect its coloring. The sample is carried out on pieces of similar fabrics, with an inside or to the least responsible areas of the product.
If the reason for the formation of the stain is impossible, it is recommended to start using it from the use of the most simple means. First try to remove a stain with a brush or a blunt metal object, wash off it with water or soapy solution.
To remove stains with solvents under the output spot, put a plate, covered with filter paper, clean cloth or cotton; On a stain with a cotton or a clean cloth, a stainifer is applied until the stain will disappear; Then the stainover is careful not to damage the color of the tissue, wipe.
The products of cotton and linen fabrics are erased with soap-soda solution (1 kg of linen take 10 liters of water, 5 - 8 g of soda and 3 - 5 g of 60% soap).
From wool products erase skirts, blouses, which are relatively easy to give fit form. It is better to use special for washing washing powders or liquid. Often, when washing woolen products, a dining room mustard is used, which warns a large shrinkage and retains the color well. The temperature of the washing solution should be 40 - 45 "C.
Products made of natural silk erase as well as woolen.
Artificial thread products are erased using saponin (a substance obtained from some plants - horse chestnut, drema, primroses, etc.), the "news" powder, the "Universal" liquid; The temperature of the solution 34 - 40 "S.
Products from Cappon erase in soft, warm soapy water, without friction.
Non-woven materials when washing can not be exposed mechanical influences.
Cleaning artificial leather, cloak, dubbed, film and adhesive non-woven materials, as well as artificial adhesive and knitted furs, it is recommended to be carried out without the use of solvents, because gluing substances and polymer coatings can be dissolved. For example, Bologna's fabric is unstable to the action of White spirit, perchlorethylene, etc. To clean these materials, it is recommended to use synthetic detergents intended for synthetics, such as "news", "lotus", etc.
Faux fur It can be cleaned by a special preparation "mechochemical", followed by a coating of silicon-organic emulsion for fur protection, electrification, contamination, and also to improve the gloss. It is available complete with the preparation "Mehochichika".