I have a very stupid husband. Stupid husband. Communication with smart people

What do you think Alla Mikheeva from the "Evening Urganta" is to feel that for fool, or horror, what a fool? In other words, she plays, or really such infantile?

on the letter W, which is ready to earn on any image, a bet on an amoe developed place, for intelligence))

I have no idea who is. All sorts of says, do not look and you do not advise you.

Are you kidding me? Of course, it plays, this is an actress.

I think about it too when I look at it.
Most likely it is not so *** what it looks, but still this image is close to her.

Plays fool, under Danan Borisov mowers, that at the beginning of a career such an image was

It seems to me that this Mikheeva from "Nastyok".

She was well done, found her niche. Does the fact that others cannot.

This is an image, but very annoying to honestly. I don't know what's funny.

now Borisov Alkashka, and at the beginning of a career she behaved some kind of transmission about the soldiers (I do not remember the name), one in her Mikheeva copies, the place was released, in the party you need a new silly cute cord-fool

Borisova - Alkashka. And from this place in more detail. What with her?

She is witty tupit. A specially selected person is far from everyone can.

Alla Mikheeva: Who is she?

No beauty, but charisma is excavated. Cutie. Hooker is awesome. Source of sincerity, immediacy, charm and positive. I always look with pleasure. Beautiful, sick and smart - contraindicated, dilutes the smart brain.

The fool she! Understand and not witty. How she can like someone at all! I think it simply clogs the ether and spoils good gear.

Look funny in the circus, and witty - in KVN, the assessionator you are our ethereal :)

all who are offended by Alla! Stupid rams! I Love You Alla! 🙂

Compared to Zavorotnyuk - Alla is just a genius, clever, etc.

This style is called "Engineal" and she - well done

Alla, really live and interesting, natural! Yes, very clown! But it is interesting to watch it, she is very cheerful and cheerful people.)))

I adore her! Charm! Very sincere behaves.

When you understand that this is a game to look boring.

Alla is just super no fig you do not understand.

I'm in love with her

Alla Mikheev is a beauty and talent. Look at it - a pleasure.

It also replaces her role engine. It can be seen that everything is harvested, rehearsed, even facial expressions and gestures. Neither originality, nor humor.

Not an image, but an amplua. Not fool, but engineer.
At first glance at her in the image of the brain turns off from the convulsions of pleasure

Yes, you drive! Why compare someone with someone, writing, that it is a bad gear, Borisov spared, etc. Alla generally cool, cosmic humor.

There are a lot of beautiful fool, but it is so filigious to play the text that the authors give her, may not everyone. Therefore, long holds on the channel. It has excellent acting qualities and memory. A person, at least with good memory, can not be stupid.

I think it is just an image of a blonde, because Alla is an actress.
I like her - a nice, kind girl. Mys even sometimes it seems that she has drawn his current image looking at the early Danan Borisov)))

Alla, you are not too lazy here all this to write about yourself? O_O.
books are better to read.

There is such a theatrical role - engineering. Read. This is her theatrical image of the resulting image.
If you first googled, before you hate, I lacked your brains)

alla is just a buzz.

if there is no participation of Alla, I do not watch the transfer of Urgant's hitch.

Sorry of course, but it does not mow under fool, she really is this ..

In fact, it is a miracle 🙂

Here someone wrote "at first glance at her in the image of the brain turns off. ". I confirm really. There is something hypnotic, fascinating in its image. I want to hug, press to the chest and not to let go, straight is some kind of obstinate!

ugly the rigorous stupid. The point she will catch with their heading by switching the canal

***** - *****. And no this is a game. Full absence of brains. Yesterday in the glaciers finally made sure.
Yes, and the Urgant is lying away from her phrases

i think that and Dana also did not mow, but was so.

She actress and finished in St. Petersburg theater school playing in the theater. Of course this is an image and which organizers offered to her

It is terribly annoying. Where did you see the beauty and cleverness there, it is not clear. Just good someone gives, so they took it on TV.

normal girl, found himself at the right time in the right place. But in general there are many. She is ordinary, young and daring.

Look at easier. Alla You see only on the transmission of the evening Urgant, what reports do you expect from the Steba program?
Alla just gorgeously plays the role of "Blondi" "dolls without brains" and its reports are just a parody of journalists in general. To be honest - the way her group is finely "stem" over boggigim and politicians can only applaud. Whether in the place of Alla, a man - the rollers would have problems right away. But it is given - exhaust theatrical gestures, and too blond phrases. At the same time, do not forget, she actresses with a real diploma. Life game :) Sad one - the role of a girl of the dandelion of Balamut. It will not perceive it on the roles in the theater, but for this show jokes and steba.

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A source:
Alla Mikheeva: Who is she?
What do you think Alla Mikheeva from the "Evening Urganta" is to feel that for fool, or horror, what a fool? In other words, she plays, or really such infantile?

My husband is stupid

Put the ears on the top,
And read carefully.
Cheerful Chastushki -
How joke perceive!

The guy swore that was in love,
What dreamed of being together.
But in fact it was preserved
Preparations of the test.

We walk in Moscow
Here is full of people.
A lot of cars from cars,
Little oxygen!

In our squares and courtyards
Everywhere bunch red.
Know the owners of dogs -
People are all shameless.

In our park youth
Mat is expressed
And in the heat around the ponds -
Drunk lying on.

Three maidens by the window
Forgiven strong sleep.
And woke up - in negligee,
And not a girl already.

Three girls at the window
Miscered from Bokun.
Drank beer, relaxed
Over passersby laughed.

Three girls under the cheat
Have fun with drugs,
And under Ulan-Bator -
With a dildo.

Girls go to night,
Glue in the parks of the grooms.
And then sobs very
"There are no reliable men!"

The wind walks around the courtyard,
Skirts girls dies.
Feet girls are good
We laugh from the soul.

Past idle house
I go with respect,
Then a hundred bucks give her
Then respect to depict.

Everyone bakes about the people
How, they say, the crisis overcome.
So do not produce anything
Only trading the day and night.

All collective farms are infused
We will sell all cities,
And stay with the manure
- He is enough for forever.

From the hammer went lakes
Rivers, land and ponds.
Without water, we will soon
Neither there and neither here.

Powers' trouble - not with threats
From Western partners,
And from the pest reforms
His ranks.

Although Russia and rich,
Tired everyone to endure.
After all, they are coming once
Those who want to have.

Oligarchs, oligarchs,
Chrysanthemmer you in your mouth!
To what, scumbags,
Zadolbali you people!

I do not know how you have
And in our capital,
All women and men
Steel evils.

Other Ishaki were conducted
On shawarma and kebabs,
And even young vision
Overcame overweight.

People in the park city
Mate expressed.
By Alley, you will pass -
Ears bend.

Cattle, drong and assholes -
Fry in the parks kebabs.
Could only manage the enemy
Above the capital so mock!

Talk about NATO plans
Unacceptable without mat.
So that NATO is packed
It must be worn!

NATO stupid dreamed,
That Russia has become weak.
It was gathered, played,
Yes, and with Figuyu remains.

Only empty head
Tell at home-2.
For such, for onanism,
It is necessary to put 200 enema.

I go grimly clouds,
Foggy head.
Oh. I am too surpassed
This porridge manna.

In our park city
There are cycles.
Girls fall into the bushes,
Load legs.

Small rain drizzles,
Zero visibility.
At stall, a man lies -
Russian real estate.

Rubble volatility
People are concerned.
Brains are broken,
Oh, how are you lying!

Resting in "Tretyakovka"
As always, without pouring.
There always grabs me
Quarters are quite.

Slesh was breeding Natasha,
That she is all the girls beautiful
And how the mirror took -
From the annoyance dymer.

Natasha in the head
Trachanov herd,
With her sick head -
You need to drink smaller!

That neither face is a patch,
That neither the body is a pig.
That in life is neither the plot,
- Fuck a chastushka.

If you voluntarily and unwittingly,
All maidens love in a row
- the heart will become restless,
And the soul will be angry with hell.

All men - like men,
In the dark caress the wives,
Only unfortunate policeman
At the post should be due.

If you notice in the crowd
Snickers compressed in a fist,
Know, such a mad fetish
- Says about the "standing".

Men do not know how to live
Without noodles and pies.
Without love of beautiful women,
And ravine horns.

On the table there is a bottle,
And snack - ate!
I will not drink with you
See you in bed!

He drank Kohl three hundred gram,
Pulled on the novel,
Became acquainted with his wife
And brought her home.

I am friends with my motherhood
I go to the pancakes.
Come, people, visit,
And for you there will be bones.

Eh, my mother-in-law,
Give one thing!
Your daughter under me
- Poor moving!

Sinking native aims,
I do not want,
So reacted me
- The mouth does not open.

Where to take such a song,
To listen to all the people?
So that the mother-in-law silence
So that the wife closed his mouth.

Little girl bubble
Carnish pulled
- tell about the wonders,
What is cute in shorts.

Baba argued on the roof
Whose man is stronger and above
Gondo pallulated alone:
- I am at the elephant!

In Moscow lawns kit
Although no one asks for that.
Triggers, goats,
On the grass as if evil.

Moscow power, for business,
All scold here and there
Her rudeness is tired
And financial disadvantages.

In near Moscow Ogorks
Very weeds,
And on the streets of Moscow
Even more assholes.

On the lawn near the Kremlin
Sprouted radish -
There will be a paradise for Muscovites,
Happiness is already close!

Baba argued in the sort
What is more important in the world?
Mudro Molva One:
- Be away from shit!

I wrap all socks,
Snatch cod cod,
And go water in the sands
- Water muddy longing!

If it seems a chastushka
Too vulgar - not trouble.
The main thing is not to fall in spirit,
So nowhere and never!

From ambiguous chastushk
The roof goes well
And fall from your ears
Pasta and noodles.

Rooster sings at the dawn,
In the evening - frogs.
And people across the country
- Vulgar Chastushki.

When you look in Portorton,
Where instead of money a bunch of dust,
With Thanks: Was!

Happens, wake up like a bird
Winged spring on a platoon
And I want to live and work.
But for breakfast it passes.

Morning melted in the fog,
Shelesting the roots.
Graceful as Lani,
They walked along the field of the alkashi.

If you are pregnant -
Know that it is temporary.
Well, if you are a ballad,
That is - forever.

How did I make a mistake brutally
Mike my eye,
- Sorry Yuzh said
When I got out from the cactus.

Hedgehog out of fog,
Drank vodka half a cup,
Bored bread and sausage
- Good in my native forest!

A source:
My husband is stupid
Put the ears on the top, and read carefully. Cheerful chastushki - as a joke perceive! The guy swore, which is in love with what dreamed of being together. But in fact, the tests were elected.

My husband is stupid

Adjective, high-quality, type of declination by classification A. Zaliznyaka - 1B / C '. Comparative - stupid? e, stupid? th, poop? e, poop?.

  1. unable to cut or prick, uncontaminated? Stupid knife. ? Tupay razor.
  2. watching or not taped at the end? Boots S. stupid socks.
  3. about the edge of the cutting, stitching tool located opposite to the sharp edge? Tupay side of the blade. ? Stupid End of the needle.
  4. geometer. About the corner, corners - occupying an intermediate position between direct and expanded, numbering from 90 ° to 180 °? Stupid angle.
  5. intrusted not sharply, not sharply; muted? Tupay pain.
  6. . Oh mind, sense organs weakened, devoid of subtleties, sharpness of perception? Stupid Mighty for old age is not evidence. Stupid Ear, rumor, deafness. In greyhound the flair stupid , Hound sharp. At lower animals, all feelings are extremely stupid . The quote is taken from the intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language V. I. Dalya
  7. run. Glupy, bad forming? Amazing not how much advertising herself how much amazing the number stupid Radiated children.
  8. . Same as non-planny? Even if it was a joke, then tupay Joke, cruel.
  9. nevertheless. Research, meaningless? He stared in the wall stupid Look, something deeply thinking. ? Stupid facial expression.
  10. intrusted. Due to something unpleasant, fragile, passive, indifferent? People walked S. stupid humble.
  11. . About the sound is deaf, low, not sharp, not ringing? Stupid Punches of the wood ax sounded muffled.
  12. disposable, having a pass-through pass? Behind the door was short stupid corridor.
  13. honey. About the wound, injury caused by an uncontrolled subject, not penetrating? In addition to knife cuts on the face and hands, detected tupay Abdominal injury. ? Stupid Wounds of the scalp usually strongly bleed.
  • nouns: Stupil, Stupidity
  • adjectives: Tupogol, Bunk
  • glages: Shipy, fool, fool, fool
  • adcharations: Stupid
  • surnames: Pupuses
  • nouns: Emission, Switchlessness, Blit, Bunk, Switching, Blank, Effusion, Extracting, Outpretation, Redevelopment, Employment, Employment, Retroofing, Dumpness, Dump, Punkness, Dullness, Tupac, Tipap, Stupidity, Dumb, Stupid, Stupull, dead end, deadlock, stupid, impasse, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupidity, stupid, stupidity, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupidity, tupolistry, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, stupid, stupidity, stupidity, stupid, stupidity, stupumok, stupidity, stupidity, stupid, stupid, dumb, stupid, stupid
  • adjectives: Swipe, blunt, blunt, exhausted, nailed, puffed, fragile, stubborn, dug, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid stupid, stupid dullness
  • verbs: to fuck, pull, touch, not blunt, blunt, to fool, bunk, blurt out, to pull out, to espite, exhaust, to buy, it is imputing, to buy, bump, worry, bump, deploy, externally Thrust, break, pour, pour, pour, pour, picked up, piste, piste, pour, buy, get off, bought, bought, pull down, dull, brute, stuff, dull, dull, protruding, protruding, protruding, sweep, step , stick up, steep, dig, stupid, shy, stupid, stupid
  • adcharations: Having worn, NATU, dull, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid

Comes from Praslav. * TOP, from the cat. Among other things happened: Dr.-Russk. Stupid, Russian. Dumb, Ukr., Belor. Tupi? Y, Serbsk.-Church. T? PL (DR. Greek. ?????), Bulge. TP, serboorv. TU? P, TU? PA g., TU? ON, TU? PI, Slovensk. Top, Tora, Czech., Slovak. Tupy, Polish. TERE, V.-LUZH., N.-LUZH. Tura. Praslav. * TOP approach with Dr.-Isl. ? Ambr "Fat, bloated", lit. Tampyti, TaMrau "pull", Tem? Pti, Tempiu is the same, lat. Tempus "Time; Temple ", then compared with Greek. ????? "Current", St.-Slav. TN?, t? TI (see Tych). With others. Parties include * Top to Dr.-V.-him., Sr.-V.-it. STUMPF "Osurowned, stupid", Dr.-V.-it. Stumbal "hardware, trim", assuming options * (S) Tomp :, * Stomb-. Data data M. Fasmer is used. See References.

Fairy Tale

Comments Psychologist Margarita Voytykhovskaya

Cartoon from the series "for adults and about adults." I saw well-manifested verge of male and female nature. I do not agree that the director, screenwriter, artist or author of the idea of \u200b\u200ba cartoon or who else spoke about some kind of personalities there. All people are different, unique and unique with their life experience, a set of qualities of character, a collection of impressions, victories and defeats, values, goals, priorities and philosophy. But there is a man's nature and nature female and everything is coming out of here. And there are harmonious unions and disharmonious. In my opinion, the cartoon displays relationships in a pair.

What I drew my attention

A) A man sometimes seeks to distance, needs it, and getting it, always returns.

B) His fool is always better because she is their own, native, beloved. There were a lot of women and all wonderful, but only one can only love to love with one and truly.

C) a man always draws attention to other women, always attracted by feminine beauty, regardless of the type of figure, temperament and talents. A woman in itself is a source of beauty, love and joy.

D) A man always wants to be right. Wisely agreeing with him, a woman can raise him with love. For such a woman, a man wants to change. Very bright situations when the wife serves her husband, taking care of him and showing full obedience. Yes, this risk, because a man can behave irresponsibly and make stupidity.

However, keeping confidence in her husband, love and a good share of sanity, applying a mixture you can put a man in place, include intelligence and awareness in it, transfer responsibility. At first, at the request of her husband wakes him on fishing, he ignores and continue to sleep. The wife does not bother with him, as with a child, she is not a mother for an adult man, not he has under guardianship, but she has under a constitution. Therefore, in a good way, the husband's wife should not wake up, but to be ready for his awakening with breakfast - already her duty, if, of course, there were no other agreements between spouses. The husband does not get up and is responsible for the fact that she has helped and the plans broke his own, the day turned out to be unproductive and he himself is ineffective. In the offense at himself, he disappears on his wife. It is unfair, but men often have bad education. The wise wife understood that she was not at all offended and continued to be loving, fed. The husband still reproached her in stupidity (to blame for her - he did not fulfill his duties of the getter, and she fulfilled her duties about it). A wise woman did not succumb to the emotions of her husband and retained affectionate behavior. Then he decided to play his dude from idleness, so faded and so played that the woman was inspired and went into the dance. The husband was angry. Why did she danced? She was good. And her beloved man showed her talent and also enjoyed the process. What angry him? It is possible that what he did, for him was a complete nonsense, and not a reason for admiration. It is possible that the wife can be glad and satisfied regardless of the mood of her husband and his success. It is possible that he is still angry with himself, that he was badly told with his wife before, he also understands everything, even if he does not recognize. Wife provokes his love and softness with his love and softness in the wise approach and imposes responsibility for him for his actions or inaction. Remember, the husband wished the wife to fail through the earth? What was the reaction of his wife? She fulfilled. Remember? Neatty-legged with a tickle cellar. What was the husband's reaction? He was annoyed, rummed! Wife won him! She does not blame and does not judge him. She accepts him as it is, conquers his will. Testing defeat and anger, he runs out of the house, having overwhelmed his wife a fool. There was a moment of manipulations and shifting guilt from the side of her husband - you are a fool, and therefore I'm leaving you. What did he count on? He made accents that he still leaves. The wife did not oppose his surprise, did not hold, did not return, did not persuade. I called a difference and how: "Eagle ..."! She did not humiliate him with retaliatory reproaches and insults and was at the height! And he gone. Understanding the nature of the man, that this is a standard form of his behavior in the sense of guilt - it attacks and dishes, the main task for a woman in these moments, able to survive this, retaining its dignity and ... not offended (t. E. Do not take everything on your own Personal account, because these are men's heads, and not there is a problem), otherwise it will provoke his anger in their direction instead of sending him to himself and felt his involvement and responsibility for what is happening. The husband is responsible for his wife, he understands it or not. The wife is important to remain the winner not only at the moment some situation, but after it, otherwise the whole point of learning her husband disappears with decent behavior. She remains true and is predicted after her husband's care from the house, allowing him to be ventured and comprehended by his behavior and attitude towards her. Her loyalty is expressed in the belief that her husband is a good person and preserving a benevolent attitude towards him. This is not blind fanaticism, not the role of the victim or naivety, low self-esteem or humiliation of a woman. It is not humiliated by the one who was humiliated, but the one who was put in place. Wisdom Wisdom puts her husband once again talking to his photo. Remember the husband's reaction? Initially, he overshadowed and thought it was to come into something, because the very still in the gun, however ... again the bummer. What was the amazement, the surprise of her husband and only after that he admitted that the fool himself. And now the real life of spouses begins. Now we can talk about respect, responsibility, manifestation of love and other joys of relationships. Now the husband is ready for change. The wife, notice, remained the same: loving, caring, gentle, affectionate, good, only the attitude of her husband changed to everything. The female psyche is static, it is difficult for it to change (this is shown both with others with women and with his wife), and the male psyche plastic, it is born to search for truth and self-improvement. A wise wife is capable of being patient and inspire her husband to the changes that are welcome. Belief in the best qualities of a man with his worst behavior is a female feat.

E) a man appreciates cardiac warmth in a woman. None in any woman, besides his wife, this was not, although at first a man was looking for some kind of diversity and, perhaps, the manifestation of the character in a woman. As a result, all models of behavior with female dominance through the power of a man led to the fleet of a man without a chance of return and suppressed his ability to show their nature. And the one that seemed to be inactive and showed actually strength of female character. It seems that the fool is too soft, and you will look - the inflexible, inside it is a steel rod, it's still its own line of neut, and through tenderness, against which there is no strength from a man, he is defeated, he surrendered. And remains. And changing. For her. Loving and still beloved. And now the same rhetorical question: it is better to be right or beloved?
E) And more "Moore-Mur-Moore ..." (remember in the cartoon?) - This is not a love yet and not even love ... How did the husband speak? You will not fought this. And we are talking not only about eroticism and fighting, but also about the depth of relationships and saturation. A man is attracted to the sexual energy of a woman, however ... for some reason, it turns out to be not able to appreciate his gift (he brought her cherry in a cap), in opposition to his wife, who was happy even from his simple presence nearby. Why is that? Maybe, because it was happy in itself, and in order to love her do not need someone else, she is holing in itself, regardless of whether a man or not. Love is not anywhere disappears with the departure of a loved one and does not appear with his arrival. A close person simply gives the opportunity to show love, because it is a verb, it is a verb, it is actions, and not just some kind of condition. To be loved and love - things are different. Sometimes "Loving" man behaves like a tyrant and does not ask whether the subject of lust feels beloved. What is the point of your love if you can't awaken warmly in the heart of another person? On role-playing models it was the element of water, the state of the mistress. This is only one face of a woman who is responsible for the pleasure. A serious woman, a businesswit, strict, demanding is also very attractive. This is the element of fire, the state of the queen. But this role-playing model is appropriate in relations with a man in limited quantities. And, of course, the one that is all about work, the least has the chance of being happy in the family, whatever smart and well-read it. This, which is completely clear and under control - the mistress, the element of the Earth. The organization of life and finance control is perfect and necessary, nevertheless, it should be remembered about the sphere of their powers, know the male and female responsibilities into the family, do not take extra on themselves and not be dry and exhausted. That that a stupid woman is a state of a girl, an element air. The most desirable and attractive behavior for a man, which allows him to feel happy. He can behave anything and first not to be caring, courteous, careful to the woman, but still hesitates everything in the mind and all the love of a woman goes inside his coarse and hard heart and will be copied there, it will be copied ... and then ... Then he will begin to return to the woman, even in a larger amount than he received from her. Do you think a man has become his wife to respect as a result? His recognition is that he is even more stupid than she is his public recognition of defeat, his awareness that he is on the step below to develop his wife. What do you think his wife was nice? What do you think the wife began to love him less after that or treat worse? What do you think he wants to be better, will listen to his wife? This is only possible in a relationship with a woman who behaves with dignity and respectful. The wife behaved like a girl, naively, directly, cute, and her husband was still liked, only he didn't understand this at first and therefore did not appreciate. Other faces are also present in it, but to less and manifest themselves only where it is appropriate: she is moderately storkened (as husband said, so I will do it - it was a tricky move, Shah and Mat, royally), economic (breakfast On time is ready, the house is Pribran), and Laskov (gentle words a pleasant voice sound constantly). But most often she is playing, light, air, like a child, girl.

Is it stupid to recognize yourself stupid in a relationship with a man? As experience shows - this is a smart decision, if we are talking about family happiness. And for love you need to fight, and, it happens, with those who love. Only the rules need to know, behave with a man in female, but at the same time in his language, taking into account its nature, otherwise the result will not please.

I wish you all to go and be happy by yourself and from an excess of love in your heart to desire to divide your happiness with someone else!

Husband stupid what to do

Why stupid men annoy

A man a priori must be smarter than women. In stressful situations, it is he who must quickly take himself in hand and take the right decision. Male's mind is his trump card, even an extremely ugly man due to the mind seems to us more attractive than a handsome, not burdened by intelligence. With the help of the mind, a man seeks success in his career, surrounds herself with the right people and conquers women. A stupid man does not automatically call anything but irritation. After all, if a stupid woman should work on his appearance, then a stupid man can no longer do anything, because beautiful appearance in a man does not attract without having a mind and charisma. Why do we need a man who can not take the right decision in a difficult situation, does not have logic and cannot teach us anything?

Husband stupid what to do

Since you chose yourself in my husband, a smart copy, we will work with what is. Of course, your husband will not be a great scientist, but you can try to tighten his mental abilities a little. In the end, do not give up from a good man just because you are smarter than him. Do not think that it is useless to take attempts to teach her husband to something new and increase its intellect. Surely he has abilities and its potential is not lost yet! What should I do first in order to make a husband smarter?

Books will save the world

Unfortunately, now a man practically will not make you read. If he did not set the love of books since childhood, he most likely will oppose the book in his hands. You need to find something really fascinating so that the man read the book without breaking down. Look for something easy, but at the same time interesting. It can be fantastic stories or detectives - men in the soul of a book of such a plan. Books develop imagination and replenish vocabulary. If a man categorically refuses to read, look at the scientific channel with him. Pay attention to the films that look together with your husband. Smaller stupid comedies, more films over which you need to think!

Second education

Surely your husband bought a diploma or still not graduated from the university. You can try to persuade him get an education. Promise that you will help him do test work and write a diploma. Most likely, the prospect of doing some kind of work for him does not inspire you, but you have to help you become smarter. It remains to justify her husband, why he needs to receive education. Tell me that the Higher Education will come in handy for a career and in general that only a real man can get a diploma. You can choose the specialty that it is interesting for him to receive not only knowledge, but also the pleasure of learning. If the husband categorically refuses to go to the institute, you can find courses that will last a few months.

Communication with smart people

Communicating with people whose intelligence level exceeds yours involuntarily becoming smarter. Communicate with my husband with smart couples, bring it to people who can discuss interesting things and argue. In the company of smart people, the husband will first feel embarrassed, but over time he will join the company and most likely improve his knowledge to also shine in society.

What do not need to do

Do not show a man that you are smarter than him. Let you know better geography and you can, unlike him, it is easy to fold three-digit numbers in your mind, you should not throw and be proud of it. A man will feel infallible next to the girl who is developed and more consistent. Especially if it is might and main to show its superiority. In every possible way, praise the man and his mind and provide evidence of its logic and skill. Let him believe in his strength and sees that you develop with him.
Let you do not have a question: "The husband is stupid, what to do?" Perhaps you just do not understand his course of thoughts and logic. Still, women and men, it is so different that we can accept non-standard thinking for lacking mind. And yet: Initially choose a smart man. It is better to bet in advance on his mind, than then try to make a genius from him.

What is the most attractive part of the body in a man? No, a darling, this is brains, and not what you thought. Although it also attracts, only a little later, if a man with brains are all right.

And what to do, if not in order? And if it happened that you fell in love with a candy boy, and the content does not match the bright candy, and your man is stupid as a plug? Do you try to re-educate him? Late, dear, though ...

Signs of a stupid man

You can find out a lot about a person, without even talking to him and not knowing it personally. For example, you can get in the social network to the page of a cute guy and stagnate it "wall". The general picture can clearly show what this man lives, that he is interested in and what he laughs.

But here you can also make a mistake. The page is open to everyone, is there anyone who goes there? Maybe the younger brother of this guy is having fun in this way, putting "huskies" for all sorts of nonsense. Therefore, without direct communication, it is still difficult to understand, stupid is actually this guy or only pretending.

So, if you just got acquainted and began communication with the "beautiful candy", then pay attention to some nuances.

What is his humor

The sense of humor speaks a lot about the intellect and development of a man. The fact that he laughs over jokes is not yet that he has a sense of development. The main thing - on what and how he laughs:

    It is mixed by base jokes calculated on the school of primary classes. In you, such nonsense will not even call a smile, only bewilderment, and he rzhet to colic in his stomach.

    Favorite humor for him - rough and vulgar. There are anecdotes with a subtle hint of vulgarity, but it is not for him. Than "deeper into the panties" with a mat-displacement, the better.

    These stupid jokes, he gladly tells even in an unfamiliar company. When the listeners are launched at their shoulders, he thinks that people do not catch up with "and begins to explain in detail where humor.

    He laughs loudly along with a sinking laughter in Sitcoma. He is not uncommon that this is just stimulation of laughter in indispensable situations, and there is a tiny tolkin's real jokes. But he also wants to appear by the senor of humor.

    But truly subtle humor is incomprehensible to him. He should literally "chew" - retell the joke, dropping it to its plinth level. And then he can "do not catch up."

    A joke that went well, he will repeat many times. That is, if someone, by a strange coincidence, his joke seemed witty, and the company laughed from the soul, he repeats it again. And even if she had already nailed Oskomin, this deadlock will be inserted it with every opportunity and stammer alone.

What a narrator and listener

The intonation of speech and a long thinking of the words of the interlocutor do not have much importance for male intelligence. This may be a feature of his psychotype: for example, phlegptic need more time for the "processing" of information, and the melancholic voice often "nudit." It may be annoyed, but a man even with these punctacies can be a smart man.

But there are such obvious signs when a man is really stupid:

    He constantly brags and at the same time it is clearly lying. This is due to its underestimated self-esteem. In the soul, he understands that somewhere displaces, so thus rehabilitates himself. He will not notice that everything is laughing at him because of this.

    He blows off the topic and carries nonsense. Even the same sharpness he can shove into the conversation where it is not necessary. Yes, and he does not know how to store secrets - and this is not because of evil intent, but from the near-mind. Dangerous, by the way, a sign - this guy would not cost anything to trust.

    With him bored in conversation. Because of the scorement with him it is difficult to talk to different topics. Arguing and analyzing - not for him. It can give dry only that information that fit in his head. As a presentation.

    He loves to interrupt, not delight even in the story of the source. It seems that he does not hear him at all and is "on his wave." In the end, the interlocutor himself annoyed to communicate with him.

In general, the stupidity is visible and heard immediately, with almost the first minutes of dating, it is even intuitively felt. And since intuition is most developed in wise women, then most often it is acquainted and ends - in the same first minutes.

Why an adult man's intelligence teenager

Not such a terrible trouble when the young guy does not shine with the mind - grow up, life will be learned and lives his lessons teach. But when an adult man is an intelligence of a teenager, then this is an almost incurable diagnosis.

Why this happens:

    Education and society. He was nowhing to draw erudition and gain a mind. Himself grew up as in the field of frustration, there was no stimulus to develop, study and even to self-education. To the majority, he is Doros to three things: seeds, idlers and pivasu. And his boyfriend is also the same.

    Fanaticism to sport. No, it is indisputable that sport is life. But when the guy has nothing in my head, the stern of the rocking chair and a treadmill, then this is a catastrophe. And if endless doping and steroids are required in sports, then this is the diagnosis of Vitaly Klitschko.

    Disorder of intelligence. Well, it is already, of course, not funny. The man is sick, and it seems from the first minutes it is clear that he is a fool, but it is not clear why there is no external signs. And only after the reason it turns out, such a man is sorry.

But the biggest percentage among stupid men is because of the upbringing and society. But it is not even about the guys from the village depths. Let them not end up universities, and humor with erudition is often not at the height, but they are stronger than the rustier of the faded mamenician sons, and on a piece of bread can always earn physical labor, dealing with the technique.

But just the spoiled son of wealthy parents much more often "shrinks" with their stupidity and low IQ. It remains a small child for them for a long time: he says goodbye to him and bought, even evaluations at school and diploma of education. Interestingly only, what do parents count, thinking about the future of their offspring? On wife-nurse?

So what to do

Never mind! If you feel much smarter than him, but already fell in love with his appearance, then come across it. If you think that you are holding it on museums, theaters and exhibitions, and it will begin to develop, then you are deeply mistaken. Most likely, he will begin to be nervous, frankly yawning and wait for this torture.

A stupid man absolutely does not take criticism in his address. If you say that he is stupid brains, he will defend his honor with aggression and sometimes even with fists, despite the fact that you are a girl. After all, he is not friends with either humor, nor with halanery. Ackless brainless crazy, such as Patrick from a cartoon about Sponge Bob.

Although you enrages the fact that the hard stupidity of your beloved is hidden in the beautiful "candy", but even in this you can find some advantages:

    It is nice to see him like a picture. Well, as wealthy men find "pink fools". They are more important than the body and appearance than the soul and intelligence.

    In the event of a breaking of relations, such a guy does not have enough mind to deceive you in something and spoke, as cunning alfons do.

Unfortunately, the advantages are less than minuses. After all, if you tie your life with such a stupid guy, you will always need to take up all the problems for yourself, as fools - extremely irresponsible men. And then it will be boring, and you will have to constantly blush for him among people, if he dares to open his mouth.

But what to do if you constantly come across stupid men, no matter how much did you change them? Or maybe they are just normal, and the problem is in you, with your too high intelligence? Read, - there is a chapter about girls-geniuses. Maybe you should not be such a demanding to people?

But amazing things happen, although it is extremely rare. The man himself asks his wise beloved to direct him in the right direction, if he "does not catch up." He is pleased to take care and self-education, trying to reach her level. But such a guy is clearly slightly, because the fool will never tell me that he is a fool.

There is an opinion that not interesting people are interesting for their not interesting. I'm not sure that the same can be said about stupid people. And, moreover, about stupid men. In my life there was a couple of relations in which I was smarter than my partner. In the first case, in the literal sense of the word, in the second - everything was difficult.

As it turned out, my categorization, and priorities in the assessment of men were a bit erroneous. It so happened that I appreciate in partners, first of all, three things: the ability to be responsible for their actions, generosity and sense of humor. High-level intelligence in this list, as you see, no. And in vain. And my experience taught me this.

The first relations about which will be discussed, began when I studied for Persian graduate school. I am a future candidate of science, my boyfriend - at one time a student is far from the best university of the country. But I was noting for it. Therefore, I did not pay attention to this at all. After all, the main thing is that the person is good.

In addition, I had fun with him. Until that moment, until he ended in history from his life and I stopped listening to me about work. And we could not talk to neutral topics about literature and art. Painfully our levels of knowledge were different.

But I calmed myself by the fact that it is unlikely that someone from my friends can be proud of intellectual conversations. And also by the fact that they are sitting in an embrace and read F. Nitsche, and then discuss their ideas and considerations. But the turning point occurred when I introduced my young man with my sister.

After the evening spent at the table in the cafe, she told me a sad tone: "My dear, look at him. And more precisely listen. You understand that you will be ashamed to go somewhere in people "... and then I asked me. But really, almost through every word mat. It turned out that the words in the proposal without obscene vocabulary cannot be addressed in general. Then I started to really listen, as what he talks about. One day she could not stand and even asked a question: whether he knows the meanings of the word "inflation". After all, it seemed that he was talking about anything, but not about her. After that, I heard not the answer to my question, but a cry and discontent about what I consider it stupid.

The fact that he wrote was no better than what he spoke. I remember how I began to realize that a person writes the word "it" with a mistake. Namely, in this way: "ETO". The first, second, for the third time it noticed and was surprised. I thought it was a typo. But it turned out that he did believed that this word was singing.

I also remember the moments when I talked with the supervisor on the phone on the topic of my thesis, he listened and very informed, it was obvious that I did not understand anything. But at the same time, even arranged scandals that I communicate with him a little on the topic of my work. After that, I started checking the tasks on it who prepared children to school lessons. What was to understand that a person with a general question and tasks for the smelter practically did not cope. And of course, these inspections ended with his next cry.

To be honest, I even treated it calmly. After all, there were secondary benefits - I was not alone, and I had good sex. So what, when I read a book, he looks football (he just watched him). Well, and that, that we are not talking about to practically except the discussion of routine affairs. After all, if I want to talk about "high", then for this I have colleagues and friends. But excuses have dried up. And then my young man, in his 23 years he bought himself a toy "Yo-Yo". Yes, yes, in which schoolchildren are played in the norm.

Not only that he was then played with her, so he also commented on his progress. Just he, every time he took her in his hands, told me:

"It turns out you were a botan and boring in childhood, since you did not have such a toy. I do not understand how this can be. " To which I once did not withstand answered: "Just when you played her I read" War and Peace ". After that, there was silence.

I clearly remember this moment of insight when he stood with this toy, and I myself asked myself the question: "Well, look at him! Who do you spend time on? Really sex and fear of loneliness are worth it. " The answer was ambiguous, but the relationship on the soil of different levels of intelligence began to spill rapidly quickly. And it all ended with a gap, which was accompanied by a bunch of Mata in my direction.

The second relationship, we have developed in three years after the end of those about which it was above. Everything was different here. The man was 5 years older than me, a candidate of science and a practicing dentist. And the problem was not in mat and grammatical errors, but in his life stupidity.

A person could not solve anything and do it alone and qualitatively. He did not know how to use the Internet normally. That is, shops where you can buy something or sites for downloading films I found him.

To agree on renting an apartment or plan a trip somewhere for the weekend, he also could not. And the question was not in constraint. And in the inability to plan, communicate with people and negotiate something. Not to mention that he could not even pay the credit card in the store in the store.

And the most offensive thing is that this stupidity bordered with the overseasness and it imposed a comfacing for all our joint pastime, including a joint holiday. Maximum it was a kebab in the country, the standard is weekend on the sofa near the TV. This is despite the fact that at the time of our relationship, I have already visited 13 countries and samped in one TV program. And I needed, like air, to see new places, find out something new. And he was enough to be afraid of fish and paint the fence. Therefore, our discussion of leisure becomes the main reason for the quarrel. As a result, we began to see less often, until the relationship has come to no.