Guess that under hat. Command game "Catching hat"

Hat theme is very popular for both children's and adult events. For kids, the holidays of hats are arranged, and for adults and high school students - hat parties. This concept allows without special efforts And the costs make the celebration of cheerful and colorful. After all, the main condition is that all participants are in headdresses. Moreover, their choice, as a rule, is not limited to anything. Some comes in hats of fabulous characters, others - in national heads, third - in uniform caps, etc. This diversity is already in itself gives the event with brightness and originality.

But only the hats are not enough. It is necessary to entertain the participants. Moreover, it is desirable that these entertainment be, what is called, in the topic. Suitable as intelligent contests and outdoor games. We bring to your attention a few "hats" entertainment that can be interesting to both children and adults.

1. Quiz about Head Uporans

Can be held among adolescents, high school students and adults.

1. It is a headdress, and a country in America (Panama).
2. This is a headdress, and hiking dishes (pot).
3. This is a headdress, and geometric body (cylinder).
4. This is a part of the head remove, and canopy over the entrance to the building (visor).
5. so called a hat without fields, and dosage form (tablet).
6. This is also by the sea, and in hats (bottom).
7. Murzilki headdress (takes).
8. Headdress Pechekin's postman (hat-tap).
9. Original headdress scattered from the street of the pool (frying pan).
10. The headdress of the Red Army, similar to the helmet of the hero (Budenovka).
11. Alien has a cap and boots, our hat and boots. How are our name? (Santa Claus)
12. Headdress of this fairy-tale character It was made of a striped sock (Pinocchio).
13. Widefield hat from Latin America (Sombrero).
14. Putting the sailor (Beskazyrka).
15. Flat headdress of Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs and other Turkic peoples (Tubetse).
16. Flusted cap, which can be seen on soldiers, pioneers and stewardess (pilot).
17. Previously, this headdress was worn by women and children, and now - only babies (cape or cap).
18. The hat from which the magician gets a rabbit (cylinder).
19. The jester happens to the bubrels, and the doctor - with the Red Cross (Cap).
20. Headdress, sewn or closed to clothing (hood).
21. If on the body of the chain, then on the head ... What? (helmet)
22. Shutter for female faceattached to a hat (veil).
23. Vintage Russian headdress, called due to its similarity with the comb on the head of the chicken (Kokoshnik).
24. Father + Smile \u003d Cossack headdress (dad).
25. European commander in a bioxygen (Napoleon).

2. Whose hat (hat)?

This is another quizzine, but this time - by pictures. Equally interesting and children, and adults (for young children, some pictures need to be excluded, because I will most likely determine the character).

We will need images of hats associated with literary and cinema characteristics. Pictures can be printed, sketched with a pencil or displayed.

You can show the headas of the following heroes:
- Shapoklyak
- Mad Hatter
- D'Artagnian
- Dr. Aibolita
- Jack Sparrow
- Sherlock Holmes.
- Buratino
- Iron Woodcutter (Funnel)
- Robina Guda
- Red hawk
- Lockknow
- Malefisters
- Willie Vonki.

3. Intellectual Competition for Children: Riddles

The riddles are suitable in which the names of the hats (hats, caps) are found.

1. This fabulous hero
With tail, sucker
In his hat he has a pen,
The whole striped itself.
(Puss in Boots)

2. All Antoshka -
Hat yes leg.
Rain will go -
He will grow up.

3. Four brothers
One pushes subside
Under one hat stand.

4. All I am made of iron,
I have no legs or hands.
I'm in a hat in a piece of boards,
And for me, all Tuk and Tuk.

5. Look what flower!
How to dreamed it in a wreath?
In a white cap stands
And you will sit down - fly away.

7. We blinded a snowball.
Hat done on it.
Nose attached, and in
It turned out ...

8. White caps were put at home,
Cold them - came ...

9. Stands of Bella,
On them hats are green.

10. Wears a Baba Snow Hat,
Stone sides are clouded in the clouds.
(High mountain)

4. Guess that under hat

Put on a tray of any subject (new, right) and cover it with a big hat. Participants must guess what is under it.

You can (and preferably) facilitate the task. For example, use an object that, like the word "hat," begins on the letter "sh". This tip should be voiced. Participants in turn call options. Who ultimately guesses the item hidden under the hat, he will come as a prize.

The prize may be, for example, ball pen, chocolate, shampoo, corkscrew, sewing set, spanks, mini checkers, ball-maze, pop (candy), stamps for drawing, set of balloons, chocolate egg, Casket, etc. It all depends on the audience and budget.

Of course, you can make a prize on any other letter. Suppose, to the same, with what the name of the birthday name begins, in honor of whose birthday whose Hat party is arranged.

5. Get into the hat

This is the easiest, but very fascinating competition with a hat. The inverted hat is put on the floor or on the chair. The participant receives a set of objects (including, for example, candy, coin, tennis ball and a playing card). Stop at some distance, the participant alternately throws items, trying to get into the hat. The number of hits is counted and recorded. Next throws the second participant, then the third one. When everyone is discarded, the results are summed up. If several participants turned out to be an equal number of hits, the final competition is carried out between them. The winner gets a prize.

6. Relay "Hat on a stick"

You will need two hats and two gymnastic sticks. Hats should not be high, otherwise it will be easier to hold them on a stick. It is also necessary for the participants to have to try not to drop the subject.

So, the teams are built into two columns. According to the sign of the lead, the first participants make the race, trying to keep the hat on the stick. Having a landmark, they return to their teams and transmit the subject to the second participants. The team that completed the relay earlier is defeated.

7. The relay "Namusoril - Remains"

Participants are divided into two teams, the relay is carried out between them.

Teams are built in two columns. The guide is the hoop on the floor or a circle drawn by chalk. The first participants are kept in the hands of hats or caps, filled various subjects (Their quantity should be the same for both commands).

According to the signal of the lead, the first participants begin the relay. They commended to their landmarks and dump objects from hats (litto). Then returned and give empty hats to second participants. Those run to landmarks and collect scattered "trash" into hats. Returning to the teams, transmit to the baton to third participants, whose task is to compeve again. Competition continues until all team members are participating. If the commands are small, you can make 2 or 3 circles.

8. Team game "Catching Hat"

Participants are divided into teams. Each of them chooses one catcher.

Catcher holding a hat in his hands, stands at a certain distance from his team. Participants take turns throw a cattle for several goals, and he tries to catch their hat. How many times the ball will be in a hat - the team earns so many points. In the end, the results are summed up, the winner team is awarded.

9. Music hat

Participants get up in a circle and to the music passes each other hat. Having a hat from the neighbor on the one hand, it should be put on the head, remove and transfer the neighbor on the other side. Music suddenly subsides. The one who at that moment had a hat should make an elegant bow using a headdress and leave the circle. The game continues to the last remaining player.

10. Hat tweak

Participants try without a stick to pronounce a patter associated with the topic of hats. For example:

  • She sews a cap, yes not in Kolpakovsky. It is necessary to overlapping the cap, to transfate.
  • She sewed Sasha Sashka hat, Sasha with hat bump.

11. Sat Hat

There are several hats (real or miniature paper) on the table. A participant gets up near the opposite edge of the table and rolls a heavy ball over him, trying to knock her hat on the floor. How many hats on the table - the same attempt to run the ball. For each shot of a hat - 1 point. Whoever scores more points - that winner.

12. I woke, first, I want to confuse

This is analog gambling "Thrust". We will need a table, 3 identical hats and little ball.. Pair participate. First, one tries to confuse, and the other is to solve. Then they change places. If both guessed or, on the contrary, did not guess - no one gets anything. If only one guess - he is a prize.

The essence of the game: the ball is placed under one of the hats. The presenter (one who at that moment comes up) quickly changes in places of hats, saying: "I woof, I want to confuse." As soon as the phrase is over - the movement of the hats is stopped. A player (one who is guessing at this moment) must point out the hat under which, in his opinion, is a ball.

13. Game for children "Guess to the touch"

This game can be carried out if the children came to the event in different headlores.

At first, the presenter offers participants to inspect each other's headgear and try to remember them. Then the first volunteer tie the eyes. It is summed alternately to five participants. He is feeling their hats and tries to guess who is in front of him. For the correct answer - 1 point. Then other people will be involved. We scored more points are awarded.

Two or more couples players are involved in the hat in the hat.

For the game in a hat are required:

  • hat itself (a saucepan or bowl);
  • paper with words for hats;
  • clock to settle time.

In the original version of the game in a hat, all participants come up with ten words and write them on paper. It is impossible to show a piece of paper. Only nominal nouns are used in the nominal case and the singular. Words for hats need to try to write as much as possible and picking up.

However, instead of inventing words yourself, you can download the words for the hat for free from our site. This method, in our opinion, have two important advantages:

  1. You will save time.
    Just choose the desired number of words for hats, their complexity ("low" for beginners, "high" for the most experienced players, "normal" for all others) and click "Print" (or "Show" if you do not have a printer, And you want to rewrite words manually). If you did not like any word, then you can replace it with another, simply by clicking on it.
  2. You will save your own nerves.
    As experience shows, players often argue with each other when someone writes the word unknown to another (for example, from their professional field). If you take words for a hat from our site, you will not have such a problem. We manually selected "good" words to play a hat from one of intellular dictionaries Russian language. And even if some word you will not like it in the end, you will scold not each other, but the creators of the site.

When words (written by hand or printed using the site) in a hat, players are randomly divided into teams.

The game

    Before the start of each conka, time flows - usually half a minute. One of the team players takes out a piece of paper and explains the word written on it.

    When explaining it is impossible:

    1. Use single-handed words

    2. Call translations of words in foreign languages

    3. Use gestures (including showing items)

    4. Call directly words similar to the sound (for example, if you explain the word "etude" and decided to explain it as a "musical work similar to" Iron ", then in this case you first need to explain the word" iron ")

    The partner puts forward the version of what word is written on the card. If he guessed the written word, the team takes a piece of paper and the first player takes the next piece of hat. Kon lasts until time is over. As practice shows, in 30 seconds, players usually manage to explain from one to four words. If the time is over, and the word remained unrequited, the paper is placed back into the hat.

    After the end of the horse, the following team takes.

    The game ends when the shell remains in the hat. The winner becomes the team, guessing more words.

Costume Hat Party is an easy way to create a festive special atmosphere. No difficult scenery, long Preparation And detailed thoughtfulness! The topic is suitable for adult celebrations, and for a children's matinee. This is not costly and in every sense easy option thematic evening For the organizer and your guests.


Start by selecting the main shades that will help you create the right atmosphere. For the birthday, the bachelorette party or weddings will suit calm colors with several bright accents, on the new Year - A lot of gold, tinsel and gloss, the baby will reap the rainbow color - the whole range of bright explosive shades. Various decorations In the form of hats should be allocated on a general background, so choose contrasting colors.

Decorate the ceiling by serpentine and miniature garlands paper Hats. Jump hats on balloons And the backs of chairs. If this is a children's hat, put on the headwear on the dolls, on stuffed ToysPut sweets in inverted hats. Just in case, put the hanger at the entrance with a lot of hooks and hanging on them with a variety of hats so that forgetful guests can choose an accessory to your liking.

Hide inside hat-decorations Small surprises, write in the fields of congratulations to the perpetrator of the celebration, decorate the fields with a rain, serpentine spirals, fringe - all this will make scenery more interesting and alive.

Inverted new hat can be filled with fruit or make flower glade - put flowers first in the cropped plastic bottles, then in a hat, and then hide the ugly edges of the bottles under the layer of decorative moss. If you do in the holes of the hole, you will get lamps for table lamps and chandeliers (you just need to choose suitable form and the size of the headdress). For the design of the walls, the stand exhibition (unusual hats and their names), chaotic hanging hats with feathers, ribbons and other fittings. You can cut out of paper "Hat" frames and spend on the walls of photos of friends or celebrities in hats.


Solving what to wear leading and guests, think about the direction of the evening. The easiest option is just hats, without binding to any era or theme. Guests can choose any headdress that will have to taste (closer, summer straw hat, a miniature retro hat with a velute, a triangle, cylinder, sailor pack and a pilot, Panama and a cap). You can start from a certain idea for a hat part of:

  • historical Persons (Napoleon, Kutuzov, Peter I, Pushkin, Churchill);
  • ethnic Topics (National Headwear - Nonla, Pillings, Tubette, Turban, Sombrero, Kokoshnik);
  • characters of books and films (Indiana Jones, Ostap Bender, Musketeers, Jack Sparrow, Van Helsing, Sherlock Holmes);
  • superheroes (female cat, Batman, Hallabo, characters from "People X", superfame). This topic is especially suitable for teenagers who are interested in comics and MARVEL films;
  • some era (retro-direction 20th, 40th, 60th, etc.);
  • mysterification (witch hats and wizards, elves and pixie, horn features and nimba angel, houses);
  • seasons, flowers (more suitable for girls) - Roses, chamomile, bells. Surely girls will like the image of the flower fairies, the queen "Autumn" or princess in a shiny crown;
  • heroes of cartoons (Dunno, cat in boots, Cat Leopold, cat in a hat, characters from "Toy Story", "Emerald City", Mickey and Minnie).

Do not forget to place an invitation to a hat party in your chosen style. Otherwise, guests can get confused, because different hats are infinitely a lot! Specify the direction or make a postcard in the shape of a hat. Or draw a lot different hats, Cut them and take a postcard on both sides. It turns out the applique of a hint that will tell you the same style. It is desirable that the costume echoes the headdress, although it is possible to offer guests to come in loose clothes.

Tooling and menu

One of the advantages of a hat theme is a minimum of restrictions. Arrange a classic buffet, feed your delicious domestic food friends, order sushi or pizza, organize a beer marathon with light snacks and snacks - any format will be appropriate.

To fit into the atmosphere:

  • look for napkins and a tablecloth with a pattern in the topic or a trick along the edge of the fabric hats cut from flap;
  • if this is a haired birthday party, order a huge cake in the form of Sombrero, a kitel, an elegant retro hat, a brutal cowboy hat or sports baseball caps;
  • decorate a few dishes of menu with mastic, salted dough, vegetables and fruits;
  • stick to the tips of the spedes, toothpicks and cocktail tubes Bright paper caps;
  • bake Cupcakes and Cookies in the shape of hats;
  • having hats on bottle necks.


Think out the script with the morals of your company. Especially if you arrange a holiday for children (children's competitions on "Hur" takes an adult audience, but the entertainment for adults is not always appropriate at the children's matinee). Prepare cheerful live music suitable for games, and a calm background - for relaxation at the table, pronunciation of toast, intellectual battles, etc. Several "hat" ideas for your party:

  • racing "Full Hat!" (Two teams, a hat with pieces). On pieces of paper parts - knee, loin, ear, etc. Guests become a snake (two teams are two snakes) and take turns pulling the paper. Each participant must touch the body of a neighbor standing in front of him. When everyone is elongated with papers and take each other, the "Start!" Command sounds. The goal is to reach the finish line, without finding it;
  • handing medals for the most original headdress, biggest, small, funny hat. Do not forget to mention this competition in invitation card. The winner can be chosen by a common vote or provide this honor to the birthday man;
  • hatfant Hat (Paper with tasks in a hat, a hat for the game). Guests dance all together, they have one hat at all. It needs to be quickly removed from himself and put on the head of any neighbor. DJ suddenly turns off the music. He, on whom at this moment the hat must pull out the phanta and fulfill a desire. This game can be adapted for adults by writing erotic phantas, for sports teenagers, resting in nature (I spare 10 times, sit down on the twine, etc.) and for children (tell the verse about the hare, SPIA SONG, GUES THE RIGHT);
  • guess the hero. The presenter shows a drawing or photo of hats, and guests must call the one who wears it. Heroes can be from cartoons (if children's party), books or cinema (if adults walk). According to the photo you can guess the name of the hats or a country in which such hats are worn;
  • dream Catcher (Large night cap, 15 white balls for ping pong, 5 black). Two teams, from each team one catcher. Participants of the team "A" throw balls, a player from the team "B" catches them with a cap. The goal is to catch white (good) dreams and not catch nightmares. Then he throws the team "b", and the participant from the team "A" catches. At the end, it is necessary to calculate the balls, removing so much white as Caught black (for example, the catcher caught 7 white and 2 black, the team receives 5 balls);

  • girls will probably be interested to learn how to make a hat of a cloth, paper and other girlfriend, beautifully decorate it with flowers, ribbons and beads;
  • boys will be happy, competing in the accuracy - throw a coin hat, pushing the headdress further from the participants (or replacing big hats are all smaller and smaller in size);
  • adults will shoot a dance with a cardboard sombreo clamped between bodies (Purpose - as much as possible to grant a hat in a dance) or a small bowler (the goal is not to drop the hat while the music sounds).

Complete the script warm wishes All guests and guests of each other. To do this, prepare two bright hats with pieces. In one - the names of friends, in another - congratulatory quatrains or just colored cards "good and smiles!", "Happiness and achieving dreams!" etc. Guests take turns take two papers - a random name and random, but certainly a hearty and positive wish.

How do you feel about hats? No, I do not mean the deliberate hats of the 30s, I'm talking about simple links like "Fedora", universal soldiers basic Gardeckwhich can be worn in the city and in the resort.

I confess to honestly, hat aesthetics "Rights in Ascot" I am not close, I love simple lines and neutral colors - brooches, veils, flowers and feathers, like hats strange Forms, hats and pin micro-clothes that are attached to lush hairstyle English let me personally do not inspire me. However, I give tribute to this subculture (I will forgive me English ladies for such a term), and with respect I respect traditions, in no case demeaning the advantages of hawk masters, it's just not mine. I love canonical forms, and wear hats quite often - first, it is a great decision for days when the hair behave badly (everyone has days, when all the efforts have devils on the head that) or if there is no time to wash the hair (Yes, we all wake up, late or just lazy). Secondly, a well-chosen hat makes the face more expressive, as it serves as a kind of framing for him. Well, the hat is like a cherry on the cake, it sets the mood to the whole image by adding a boyfriend or fatal tomtivity.

hat: canonical models

Classical models of hats are only five, and among these five, there is exactly the one that you go:

  • "Fedor", or " men's hat"- the most popular urban and vacation version, a small hat with narrow fields, which makes it completely universal - depending on the material, this model can be worn on the beach, and in ordinary city life;
  • "Borsalino" - a model with a little more wide fields and from softer materials, with a longitudinal dent on Tula, which make it more comfortable in the beach sense, but still acceptable in the urban context. The model was called from Borsalino brand, which produces hats different styles, but became famous for this model;
  • "Bell" - heritage of thirties, a hat that is constantly returned. "Bell" is most often done from felt, for this model you need dense fabricwhich will keep the shape therefore such a hat is mostly in the autumn and early spring, although there are summer options;
  • "Cowboy" - a hat with wide fields, wrapped inside and lacing, most often of the skin;
  • "With wide fields" - a large family of hats with wide fields, straight or waves, which are securely protected from the sun in summer, and give chic in the fall and winter.
Photo: Gladys Tamez Millinery.

What a hat suits you? Basic principles of choice:

Hat not only should fit into common style Your wardrobe, but at the same time also serve a worthy framing of the beauty of your face. General recommendations When choosing hats, simple:

  • the hat should sit on the head perfect, be not too cramped (it will lead to the headaches) and not too free (otherwise it will be constantly flying from the head, and it is annoying), the size of the hat is the scope of the head in centimeters (measuring the usual Portnovsky meter ). Marking S sized usually corresponds to 54 cm coverage, M - 57 cm, L - 58 cm, and then already clean male sizes (58 cm +);
  • the hats fields should not be wider than shoulders (unless you want to be like a stabber), an exception is high and slender girlswhich you can all;
  • the hats lining should be comfortable - there is nothing more unpleasant than sweating in a hat with a cheap synthetic lining, without having to remove it (because we all know what will happen if you take off the hat after a few hours of socks).

However, you can try to save yourself from "hat hair" - for this you just need to assemble the upper strands and stick them into a non-bunch (or collect them in the tail, if the hair is short), this bundle will calmly live under the hatch of the hats. They removed the hat, the beam was blocked, the hair shook - ready! Very helps, especially if the hat is worn for a long time.

Classic hats are in any Fast Fashion Brand Collection like Mango or Zara, big choice ASOS has a variety of different hats, but canonical hats of different styles do, of course, Borsalino - these hats you will pass the granddaughters by inheritance. When choosing a hat, your task is to understand what you will wear it (and for what purposes you need it), choose your own style and find the most successful embodiment - you see, everything is simple!

"Fedor" and "Borsalino"

These relatively universal styles are suitable for girls with oval, round, triangular and heart-shaped persons. Square I. rectangular faces horizontal line Narrow fields and tapes will do even more square, so it is better to watch other styles. In the summer, you can wear a hat from the canvas in the summer, and on vacation, take a classic straw, autumn and spring for obvious reasons to the fore, the felt comes out.

Wear with jeans and t-shirts, simple white shirts, dresses and sundresses and any other items. "Fedor" with jeans and heel shoes gives the desired contrast "Men's-Women's", favorite Paris reception.

Also on the topic:

Photo: Death by elocation

Also on the topic:

Hats with wide fields and cowboy hats

Go practically everyone barely fastenersBy adding them the desired width. Do not fit women with very small faces and small devils Persons, I. miniature women Too wide fields are even more "nailed to the ground." Widewater hats from soft transition perfectly shift accents from heavy chin, making more harmonious even gross features Persons. On vacation you can take a hat from the palm tree (what we call " straw hatยป), Or coarse yarn (hemp, linen or mixtures with synthetics), in the city cool summer day you can shrink a hat from light soft felt, and in the fall, in the spring, respectively, from the dark.

Straw Hats B. big city It looks quite comic, but on vacation without them can not do. Especially since the Ministry of Health warns us all the time that best protection from photo-based face skin than good hat Nobody has come up with wide fields.

Photo: Photo: ardw.

Do you wear hats? What kind? And with what? Exchange of views is announced open!