Smart children are born at later timing. Star children who were born ahead of the term & NBSP. Modern achievements of medicine

Such children can give their parents a lot. These children are under the auspices of the Sun. They are strong and active, all understand everything quickly and assimilate. They are very inquisitive and possess an inquisitive mind. They have a different way of thoughts different from other children. They have desire Try everything and do not want someone to hold back.

Born in these numbers are more experienced due to doubt in the authority of the parent or teacher, rather than due to the need to obey the rules. Many adults feel that they are posed in a difficult position. smart questionswhich they put children born 1, 10, 19 and the 28th of any month. They always know about their inner power And enjoy the fact that they are allocated from the crowd.

They often make others surprise and laugh. However, they must be collected from frank egoism, especially for children born on the 19th and on the 28th of any month. So children need careful and caring appeal. The task of parents is to help them reveal their feeling own dignity. It is very important that parents encourage their views on life. The willpower of such children - their positive quality. For them, it is important that adults and teachers put new in front of them complex tasks And they gave them opportunities for research. These kids need to be listened to. The space is important for them to experience their ideas in practice. At the same time, they need a public, which is ready to perceive their unexpected observations.

SAMI a big problem For children born 1, 10.19 and the 28th day of any month - it is to learn to live in society and understand that they are not always right. To help them form their own unique person and avoid indifference to others, it is best to let them behave as an adult. This is the trust, for which these children will thank you. They sometimes show self-confidence that adults simply do not pay attention to their need for support. Parents need to be attentive to such children, tenderness and patience to overcome their attempts to get down and even climb into themselves.

These children are often very happy in moments of privacy. They just need to communicate with people with intuition. Such children can give their parents a lot. They will have to learn to be patient with their parents, and parents of such children should not be afraid to offer their kids various options Use of free time. If the mother or father of such a child is strong personalities, that is, the chance that he will respect his parents and will go to them. Everyone will only benefit from it and will be happy.

At home, all relatives are an angel at the time of their acquaintance and are slightly disappointed when they see something similar to the frog - the same small and helpless. If we talk about the form in the first seconds of life, it is not at all like a child from pictures and many moms, especially if it is the first birth, fear and light bewilderment, as they think that something is wrong with their chal. In order to initially prepare moms, there is a school of young mothers, where a physicist will tell about this and many other things, and psychologically configures on an adequate reaction at the sight of a native child.

Ugliness or norm?

Appearing for this light, the baby has a big head, a small body and it is normal until some time. He has a head egg-shaped formSuch it becomes during passing through the birthway, it is explained by the fact that the skull bones are very soft, and they will acquire a normal form a few days later. The vegetation on the head may be the most diverse - can be seen as complete absence hair and long tech... The eye color is about all the same, resembling a sea wave, throughout the first year of life it will become clear, whose color of the eyes borrowed a heir or heir. It happens that in the presence of generic edema, the kid cannot completely open his eyes. It should not be alarming in advance, already on the 5-10 day of life, the baby will delight his parents with his big eyes. Especially acute parents react to the squint of children. The thing is that the muscles of the eyes are strengthened with time, and by half a year this symptom will disappear.

More often kids are born with a flush throughout the body and generic lubricant, similar to white cream. With the help of this lubricant, the baby was much easier to move along the generic paths, the cannon is also intended for some protection of gentle skin and with time it will imperceptibly disappear. The red skin says that the subcutaneous fat layer is quite thin and simply noticeable all the vascular cings are very noticeable. Already on the second day after birth, after several techniques maternal milk, skin color is forever changed in pale pink.

Because of the hypertonus muscles of the baby Many mothers in the first days and even the clock beat the alarm - why is the kid all so coarsened, hands are compressed in a cam, legs bent under the tummy? This fact should not worry adults about 3-4 months of child's life, because it is the norm and does not bear any threat to the health of the newborn.

Mom always falls in love with her baby at first sight, she does not push his appearance, by no means. Even on the contrary, she thinks - what are you small, defenseless and most beautiful! This promotes change hormonal background immediately after childbirth, maternal instinct Begins his eternal restless work.

Every year in Belarus about four and a half thousand children are born ahead of time. At the same time, more than 250 of them are extremely low mass Body - up to 1000 grams. Fresh pregnancy - on a period of 37 to 42 weeks. Children who appeared earlier are considered premature. Doctors are keen, and the kids are gaining weight in special capsules - Cruise. For example, now in the RNPC "Mother and Child" for a month and a half you have a child who was born weighing 480 grams.

In children who were born ahead of time, above risks of damage to organs. But this is not a sentence. Thanks to the doctors with age, children can avoid many diseases and develop in the same way as the peers born.

But in the case of early born children, rehabilitation is important. Since May this year, the public association of parents officially began working in Belarus premature children EARLY. They already advise more than 500 families. And many say that it was here that they found psychological support and the necessary information on the rehabilitation of kids.

Moms of born early children told TUT.BY, with which they had to face and how they do not lose faith in the best.

"This is my daughter, and I am proud of it"

Sofia Born on a period of 30 weeks weighing 1480 grams. Her mom AnneMade an emergency cesarean section. She says that the diagnosis indicates: premature birth happened due to intrauterine infection.

Began to go water, I turned to female consultationWe immediately sent us to the hospital, they did the test and confirmed that these were water. We decided not to preserve, fearing risks, and made Cesarean, "she says. - When everything happened, it was very scary. It is now ... And then, probably, if I begin to deepen, I remember. And it is very hard. The resulting has become a good check for the family. Because you are all on the nerves, at home another child, my husband ... But we passed this check, and I realized that I had successfully married, because my husband always substituted his shoulder and supported.

Anna Kanderyluk, together with the daughters of Sofia, 3.5 years old, and Nastya, 5 years.

Immediately after birth, Sofia did not breathe.

But quickly quickly removed from the device artificial ventilation Lungs, because on the sixth day I have already done attempts to breathe yourself. Then the intestine could not resist food extension, and we had peritonitis. In 17 days she made an operation, the stomach was brought down (hole where the intestine is displayed on the front abdominal wall. - approx. Tut.BY). This is done specifically to unload the intestines. I remember when my husband and I came to intensive care, saw that she was real purple color. Just violet. The platelet level fell strongly, and hemorrhage began. We were told: everything, get ready. We went to church.

With Sofia, everything was always waves: it seems to be better and everything is fine, and then sharply bad. And when its condition became more or less stable, problems with vision were arising: diagnosed with retinopathy (damage to the mesh shell of the eyeball. - Note. The girl was transported to the RNPC "Mother and Child" and there was a vision.

Made a miracle. Yes, we carry glasses, we have a small minus on sight, but she sees herself, "says her mother.

Sofia in Kuveza. Here she is one month and a few days. Photo: Provided by Anna Conder

Anna tells openly about everything and says that this is part of their lives. She recalls that when the girl was lying in the goosez and they were keen, the heel of Sofia was less than her mother's motherhood.

Total Sofia made seven operations, after the last she stopped talking. Parents are now actively engaged with it to bring back skills.

Against the background of hemorrhage was high risk Palsy. But we did a lot. Brest has a center of rehabilitation "Tonus", and we go there regularly. We have no cerebral palsy, but on the left side she has a slightly broken coordination. She enjoys both with his left hand, but if you look at, then a little cory, it also sees it slightly.

Now Sofia is 3.5 years old, and this year she went to the usual kindergarten.

I realized that this is my daughter, and I am proud of it, I love her very much, it is strong, cool. And now I do not think that she has some difference from other children. Simply, as one mother says from our organization (union early. - approx., we had an enchanting appearance.

"Arishka developed faster and pulled his brother for himself"

W. Marina Konovalova in new Year's Eve For 30 weeks of pregnancy, twins were born: Yaroslav Weight 1290 grams, Arina - 1300 grams.

Marina Konovalova with the son of Yaroslav and the daughter of Arina, which will be 5 years old on New Year's Eve

We lay on keeping in the hospital, and my placenta detachance began, made an emergency Cesarean. There was a shock. Until the latter did not believe that now everything will happen and children will cause. I understood that 30 weeks are, of course, very early. When they were born, no one had given good forecasts. As for Yaroslav, they said that if three days live and the state stabilizes, then he will be able to pick up the Mother and Child in the RHPC. Arishka was stronger. Her back was translated in the morning after giving birth, Yaroslav was taken away in the evening.

Arina. She was born weighing 1300 grams. Photo: iz personal archive families

Marina says that Yaroslav 30 days was on the apparatus of artificial ventilation of the lungs, he had hemorrhage to the brain of the third degree, while the last degree in children is the fourth. Also, doctors diagnosed retinopathy premature, and he made two eyes on the eyes.

Yaroslav. He was born weighing 1290 grams. Photo: From the personal family archive

Arina began to breathe herself on the eighth day, she had the same diagnoses that a brother, but in an easy degree.

Arishka developed faster and pulled his brother behind him. Now children are playing ballet, go to an ordinary kindergarten. Yaroslav loves to sing, ride a bike. Highly good boyAnd Aryshka is also very good, "says Marina.

"The pregnancy passed well, there were no pathologies"

Alina Born by 26 week and weighed 990 grams. Now the girl is 1 year and 4 months. Her mother, Yana Borodina, It says that the day when the girl was born, they were with her son, and she began to fight.

Jan Borodina with her daughter Alina, which is now 1 year and 4 months

I called an ambulance, we were taken to the RNPC "Mother and Child", the birth was emergency there. The child was taken to intensive care, where we spent 2.5 months on the device of artificial ventilation of the lungs, then transferred to the department of premature children, there we still spent three weeks. We had hemorrhage, pneumonia, both eyes operations. But now Alina thanks to doctors - full and good child, "says Yana.

She notes that the day when everything happened, especially and I don't want to remember.

Pregnancy passed well, there were no pathologies and a child. But when it all happened, was strong stress. They said that it is not known whether a child would live and how further everything will develop. It was darkness, and there was no light at the end of the tunnel. But when you understand that the child is harder than you, and no one can help him as a mother, you collect the strength and will in the fist, pray and try to do something every day. I am very grateful to the doctors who went out by my Alina.

Now, according to Mom, Alina, together with his brother, constantly play the catch-up, and especially she likes to hooligan: throw toys and pull socks.

"I only learned on the third day that she was alive"

W. Lyudmila Larina Four children. Of these, one girl and boy were born ahead of time. Ulyana appeared on the light on the 27th week and weighed 520 grams, and Dima - At the 34th week with a weight of 1400 grams.

Lyudmila Larina with a daughter Ulyana, which is 2 years and 5 months old, and the son of Dima, which is 1 year and 5 months

Naturally, it was scary when Ulyana was born. Nobody gave us guarantees. I only learned on the third day that she was alive. At the 24th week of pregnancy, I did an ultrasound, and everything was in order, at the 27th week I went again on the ultrasound, and my gynecologist began to doubt, sent to the ultrasound in the hospital. It turned out that the bloodstream was broken and the child could suffocate. I made Cesarean. Little girl in the maternity hospital number 2, from there they were discharged. She lay down two months in intensive care, discharged another month with a weighing of 2,200 grams. Today we have everything in order. The only thing that was one operation due to the obstruction of food in the stomach. But they operated on - and everything is fine.

Ulyana here are three days. Photo: From the personal family archive

Dima, Brother Ulyana, also born ahead of time, and also due to blood flow. But in this case, Lyudmila was already lying on the preservation, to be more pregnancy. In resuscitation, Dima spent two days and immediately breathed.

I am proud of my children and infinitely grateful to the doctors that everything ended well, "she says.

"We are only two months old, as we go, practically do not speak, but do not lose optimism"

Yeremy Voronten Born at the 30th week, weighed 1480 grams, he had 39 cm growth.

In 27 weeks of pregnancy, I went to the water, lay for three weeks on the preservation, tried to keep as long as possible. They were growing up to 1480 grams - and I had to urgently do Cesarean, "his mother says Elena.

Elena Spares with her husband, daughter and son of Eremem. Now the boy is 2 years and 10 months, he was born at the 30th week of pregnancy weighing 1480 grams

In Yeremy, the shunting hydrocephalus (the disease, when a lot of cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the ventricular brain system. - Note. Tut.BY) and the shunt is worth. His mother says that he loves to play with his sister and imitate in her whole. And when I learned to walk, go home all day.

We had hemorrhage, hematoma, the child himself did not breathe. And when he became a little better, they discovered hydrocephalus, and then problems with eyes. Operation was made on the eyes - and we see. I knew that he would recover. We baptized him in resuscitation in the RNPC "Mother and Child", and after that he went on amendment.

Now I do not make it for the future. We are only two months old, as we go, we practically do not speak, but learn, we go to specialized kindergarten and optimism do not lose. We believe and know that he will go to an ordinary school and will not differ from other children. We think that the shunt will remove with time. There is a percentage of children who do not need shunts with time. We hope for it.

Just born, the child looks far from the same as those cute karapuses that we diploma on the covers of magazines. Young mothers are often surprised, for the first time seeing their treasure, similar, rather, on the young alien, rather than on a pinkish angel. Disproportionate big head - About one fourth part of the whole body, the body is much longer than the limbs, legs and handles are bent and tightened, like a frog, which is strongly thrown forward by the belly, apparent inflated, - this is how the man looks like, just who came to this world.

But let's look at the kid again more thoroughly with a neonatologist who will tell us that in his appearance naturally and naturally, and what should alert mom. Make a reservation only that this material We are talking about healthy docking babies.

Head of the newborn asymmetric, may be compressed or elongated formWhat is caused by the displacement of the bones of the skull when passing through the generic channel. For a few days, the deformation passes, and the head takes round shape. It will be less pronounced by the children who walked through the legovers to the legs, and the deformation may not be at the children who appeared on the light during the cesarean section.

Skull By the time of birth, the cartilage layers are divided, between which there are "soft" areas - seams and springs. They allow the bones of the skull to go to each other to give in strong compression Muscles in battles during childbirth and protect the brain from damage. In addition, the cranial box will have to be kept behind the volume of the brain, which in the first year of life will double - in nature everything is provided. The newborn has two springs - one is located on top in the center of the skull, the second is located in the center closer to the rear (closer to the neck). Although these places are protected by a connective tissue, you need to handle them carefully. The rear (small) spring closes aged 5 to 8 months, the top (large) is delayed to 1.5-2 years.

Leather babies Practically does not have perfectly clean. It can be red or bluish spots that look like bruises. In fact, their appearance is caused by the restructuring of blood vessels to work outside the parent organism, changes in the skin pigment. They are completely harmless and soon disappear. The first weeks two skin can be dry, scaly, with cracks, especially on palms and feet. But these are not signs of eczema, it is a natural dying of the top layer. skin cover. W. large babies The skin looks smooth, well-filled, pink or reddish, the little ones it fit freely, as if "on the grow out." But if the child lacked nutrition in intrauterine period, then the skin at birth is almost always smashed. Some it can be so thin that heaves blood vessels. By the end of the first month of life, the baby's skin is usually cleaned and smoothed, becomes a pleasant gentle color.
If you find that your tiny creation of hairy, do not be afraid. This is a cannon hair (Lanuga), which is covered with fruit during pregnancy, and it usually disappears still inside the mother. But if your baby "decided to still paint," then it is not every way - the hairs will be abolished in one or two weeks.

Eyes The only thing that appeared is usually red, swollen, eyelids hang, which is explained by the greatest pressure, which he experienced during childbirth.
Eveny takes place a few days later. Also parents worth knowing that all newborn eyes are blue or gray: There is no pigment in the rainbow sheath. It will be formed in a few weeks, and only a year or two, the child's eye will become permanent. In the first lives of Karapuz's eyes move unynchronously, they can mow. The baby will "configure" its focus for a month or two. But if the child did not stop mowing at three months, it is worth consulting with the doctor. The first month of his life crumb is crying without tears, the first tears will appear only in 4-5 weeks after birth. Why? The fact is that the tear ducts are clogged or narrowed, therefore tears can not flow, and white highlights are formed in the corners of the eye, which should be gently flushed with a napkin.

Nose Kunnos. Maybe a little ... zampi. It happens if the baby sewed him inside the mother or if he "got" during childbirth. In the latter case, the spout looks shifted on the side or depressed, but do not worry, for the first two or three weeks everything will get better. Very often on the nose of the newborn, pimples or gunnocks appear in the form of small white dots, this is due to blockage song glandwhich normalizes its work in a few days, and they will pass.

Mouth kidrelatively small, but the language fills almost all purph cavity. For breastfeeding first time on delicate skin upper Lip. And blisterings can appear in the oral cavity - "milk corn" that pass by themselves.

ChestAs in the girls and boys, there may be a swollen, and milk fluid can be released from the nipples. The swelling is caused by the hormones of the mother who are still in the Baby Blood. A few days later they "go" and swelling, and the allocation of milk is terminated by themselves. But if during the first month the swelling did not decrease, then you need to show the child to the doctor, you may need consultation of the endocrinologist.

Umbilical cord Cuts off almost immediately after the birth of crumbs at a distance of ten centimeters from the child's abdomen and dragged with a clip or thread. Its residue dries and disappears itself within 14 days. Before full healing upholstery wound It is necessary to carefully care for it.
One of congenital defects Development is umbilical hernia. You can read this in more detail in Nyan No. 3/2006.

Sender organs All newborns look disproportionately. Vulva in girls and scrotum in boys often swell and can have reddish tint. This is explained by the presence of mother hormones in blood system Child. In girls, these hormones can even cause light bloody or whitish selections, but after 5-7 days such a reaction should stop. The boys may have a molding shells of the testicles, which is why the scrotum seems bloated. This fluid accumulation takes place slightly longer, somewhere within a month.

Hemangioma - Pink or red spots that we call our relatives are actually a consequence of an increase in blood vessels and refer to the category benign tumor. Such stains on the face or neck of a newborn, tight over time, often pass by themselves. But if the stain is convex and causes the inconvenience to the child, being, for example, on the lip, or increases as the baby grows, then the surgeon is needed, perhaps it will have to be deleted.

First in life assessment

In the first minutes, the appearance of the child is assessed on the apgar scale. This system developed by the American doctor Virginia Apgar in 1952 helps doctors to quickly navigate and determine the initial state of the health of the newborn.
Heart beating are estimated, breathing frequency, skin painting, muscular tone and the activity of the reaction to irritation. The status assessment is carried out twice - in the first minute after birth and five minutes later. For each character, it is raised from 0 to 2 points, then they are summed up and recorded in the form of a fraction, for example, 7/8, where the first figure is the condition on the first minute, and the second is on the fifth.
The amount of 10 points occurs quite rarely, especially on the first minute of outtitic life. Since the newborn takes time to adjust your little life outside mom.

Apgar scores- this is not an indicator mental abilities Child or its further development. They only help the nurses faster determine which child needs this moment Big attention. For example, the kid, which received 5-6 points on the first minute and 7-9 on the fifth, will be attributed to the category, not causing anxiety. And he will be enough normal care. If the baby received 5 points on the first and fifth minutes, it means that he needs the closer attention until all systems start working steadily.
Those whose result is less than 4 points, assistance is required to rescue their lives. Those who scored 5-6 points are in a satisfactory condition, and they may need some resuscitation procedures. The state of children who are gaining 7-10 points is considered good.

Estimates of the condition of the child on the scale of apgar

0 1 2
Frequency of heartbeat not Less than 100 per minute Over 100 per minute
Breath not Weak
Color of the skin General
or paleness
Pink torso
Cinema limbs
Muscular tone Sloggy Moderate,
limbs are bend
not completely
Actively moves
handles and legs
on irritation
(for example suction
Mouth and Nose Content)
not Curved
face (grimace)
Loud crying
Cough, sneezing
With the newborn you!

Text: Ekaterina Eliseeva

Strange question setting, you will say. Children are needed to love them. But in addition to this obvious reason, there are still the mass of others that make women pregnant and give birth.

Run from loneliness and gain a new meaning of life

"To be honest, I was ready to go to the Red Square with a sign:" Hello, I am light from Perm, an artist. I want a baby! - Svetlana Permyakov recognized. - Three years old I told myself: this question with marriage can be postponed to infinity, but the child is time to give birth. " And there are a lot of such women. IN such cases Often, the child is investing so much that he becomes the meaning of mom's life. The only danger that lifters the children who gave birth to "for themselves", lies in the fact that few moms are able to then cut the psychological umbilical umbilical cord and release the child in free swimming. And there before blackmail - "I did everything for you," "I was pulling you" with an unspoken out loud "ungrateful daughter" or "I have full right to control your life" - not far.

Earn money

Children are capital (not only the maternal), with a proper approach, they may well bring profit. Do not believe? Look more closely on the mother of the Kardashian family - Chris Jenner. The former secular lioness was retrained to the family brand managers and receives 10% of total income. "Who knew that it would be so profitable? I had to have more children! " - open text Chris said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter (approx. Website: She does not see, when he says that this is a profitable lesson. A couple of years ago, the annual income of the Kardashian family, in which, by the word, six children, was estimated at 65 million dollars).

Implement your own ambitions

It is enough to look at the young participants of the children's beauty contests to understand that the girls turn into a means by which their mothers are trying to achieve what they dreamed of themselves, but did not work out. Or at least, to prove that they took place at least as a mother (since it was not very possible to realize in all other spheres).

The daughters of such moms and look like small "adults" -, taut exchanger and mom in a set, which cannot and does not want to separate the interests of the child from their own. Whose life live young beauties - His mother or mother? This question remains open ...

Show envious that family is in perfect order

"Do not wait!" - Sometimes such a wordless message is broadcast by the surrounding women whose family life is of interest to wide and narrow circles public. "Do you think we are all bad? No, we are fine, just wonderful! " Judge for a minimum twice after the spicy rumors about the infidelity of David Beckham his wife Vika turned out to be in interesting position. So the Cruise appeared on the world (in 2004, the media was rejected by the details of the unproved oratum of David with their assistant Rebecca Lus, then Vika urgently flew to Madrid to save the family, and the third child was born in February 2005), and Harper Seven (new, And in the summer of 2011 in the star couple).

Get rid of a sense of inferiority

"All (decent, held, happy married - need to emphasize) women have children. In general, everyone normal people have children. A woman can take place as a woman, only give birth to a child, "- girls who mother and grandmothers brought up under this slogan, not easy adult life. Those who wish to be "like all" despite a lot, and this is understandable. Belonging to any big social group It facilitates life in society (you don't need to invent anything, for you for a long time all came up with that a woman should be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen, and a universal excuse "she also" is available). But after the birth of a child, it's not so difficult to get into the following psychological travelers called "I bad mother»...

Hold a man

A very dangerous and ineffective way that works, according to statistics, in every 10th case, but women continue to use them (approx. Website: Fortunately, only who took part in a survey on the ways to combat his mistress, resorted to him). True, boys and girls whose parents exist together on one territory exclusively "for the sake of children," do not become happier. Rather, on the contrary - very sharply worried about the current situation and then a very long time can feel guilty that parents constantly quarrel.

Extend (repeat) youth

While you have small childIt seems that old age is somewhere far away, and there is no relation to you personally. . Is it self-deception? Not at all. Gynecological obstetricists argue that many 50-year-old women today biological age For 10-15 years less real, so they are completely able to enter children. Studies have shown that those who are between pregnancy and careers choose a career, and pregnancy postpones "for later", more rich, formed, and, as a result, are healthy physically than their average peers. "They are very young - these 50-year-olds," says Richard Paulson, a fertility expert from the University of Southern California.