Vaseline application in medicine. Where is technical petroleum jelly used? Side effects of Vaseline

Petroleum jelly, a petroleum-based gel product, has many uses. Despite the fact that there is an opinion about the uselessness and even harm of this product, the best way to refute or, on the contrary, confirm this opinion is to personally check its effectiveness. If you want to know how to properly use petroleum jelly in your daily life, read this article.


Using petroleum jelly as a beauty product

    Use petroleum jelly to soften rough skin. Although petroleum jelly is not moisturizing, it can be used to soften skin. You can use petroleum jelly as a cream for dry skin, especially during winter. It helps to protect the skin from the effects of adverse weather conditions.

    Use petroleum jelly to care for the skin around your eyes. You can use pure petroleum jelly or in tandem with cosmetics. Petroleum jelly is a widely used, inexpensive product that can help enhance the natural beauty of your eyes. However, be careful not to get the Vaseline in your eyes.

    Use Vaseline on your nails. Rub petroleum jelly into the cuticle several times a day to soften and improve its appearance. Petroleum jelly is often used during manicure to soften the cuticle. It is a great way to take care of your nails.

    • Give your week-old nail polish a new look - rub some petroleum jelly over the top and your nails will be shiny and beautiful again.
  1. Use petroleum jelly as a lip care product. In cold or dry weather, apply a small coat of Vaseline to chapped lips. Thanks to this, you will prevent your lips from drying out, they will be well hydrated. Some people use petroleum jelly before exfoliating with a toothbrush. Thanks to the use of petroleum jelly, the lips will be soft and smooth.

    Apply petroleum jelly to your teeth. While this may sound strange, it is a very effective method that is popular with artists who have to smile a lot. Apply petroleum jelly to your teeth before using lipstick. This will prevent the lipstick from sticking to your teeth.

    • Be careful to use a small amount of Vaseline in this case.
  2. Use petroleum jelly for your hair. A small amount of petroleum jelly can be effective in minimizing dry scalp. However, use very little Vaseline as it is very difficult to rinse off your hair. This is a very effective remedy in some cases.

    • Use petroleum jelly to reduce dandruff and relieve itching associated with it. Rub the petroleum jelly into your scalp before washing your hair.
    • Use Vaseline as a mask along the hairline when coloring. It can protect hair from harm associated with hair coloring, perms, and straightening chemicals.
    • As a last resort, use petroleum jelly as a styling gel. Apply some petroleum jelly to your hands and rub into your hair for a messy look.
  3. Use petroleum jelly to prevent chafing. One of the most common and effective uses for petroleum jelly is to prevent chafing and associated rashes or irritation caused by clothing. Runners and cyclists often apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the thigh line to avoid rubbing with clothing for extended periods of time during a race or ride. If you encounter similar problems, use petroleum jelly in this case.

    Using petroleum jelly for coughs

    Use of petroleum jelly in the household

    1. Use Vaseline to remove the stuck ring. Vaseline is an effective remedy that will help remove a wedding ring or any other ring from your finger. Apply some petroleum jelly to your finger and remove the ring. You can do this very quickly.

      • Lubricate your earlobes with Vaseline. You will insert the earring easily and painlessly.
    2. Vaseline will return shine and softness to your shoes and bags. Using a small amount of Vaseline can restore the shine and texture of shoes, wallets, and other surfaces. This is an easy and cheap way to update old things.

      Use petroleum jelly when making food counterfeits. Whenever you need to do something creative with potatoes, pumpkin, and other vegetables and fruits, you can extend the life of these ingredients by applying a small amount of Vaseline around the edges. If you're carving a pumpkin for Halloween, brush the edges of the trimmed flesh with Vaseline to keep it from rotting and drying out. Of course, the pumpkin will dry out eventually, but you can slow it down by using petroleum jelly.

      • Do not use Vaseline when dealing with wooden items.
    3. Use petroleum jelly as a lubricant. Lubricate door hinges, zippers, moving parts of mechanical toys. Thanks to this tool, everything will work as expected. Lubricate the hinge pins with Vaseline. Their creak will no longer disturb your hearing. Keep this valuable product close at hand in your workshop.

      • Lubricate the neck of the varnish bottle with Vaseline, the brush cap will not dry on the neck, and you can easily open the bottle when you need to use its contents.
    4. Use petroleum jelly as a pet care product. However, be sure to check with your veterinarian before using this remedy on your pet.

      • Use petroleum jelly to help flush fur out of your stomach. Cats love the taste of Vaseline. Place a small amount on a spoon and let the kitten lick it.
      • Spread petroleum jelly on your dog's paw pads to soften the skin. In winter, the paw pads tend to be very dry, especially if the dogs are running on concrete floors. Rub a small amount of Vaseline into the pads gently. Make sure your dog does not lick the petroleum jelly from its paws.
    5. Use petroleum jelly to avoid corrosion of the terminals. Unfortunately, batteries are prone to corrosion. A layer of Vaseline applied to the battery terminals will help prevent corrosion.

    When you shouldn't use petroleum jelly

      Do not use petroleum jelly on burns. It is a common misconception that petroleum jelly should be used as a pain reliever or antiseptic, but in fact, petroleum jelly does not have the properties that make it an effective treatment for burns. This is not the best treatment for burns, cuts, and abrasions.

Vaseline is a homogeneous greasy mass that is odorless. The ointment is yellow and white. In the world, the use of Vaseline is practiced in various fields - from mechanical engineering to cosmetology. In medicine, the mass is used externally to soften the skin, and is also the basis for various medicines and cosmetic preparations. Also, medical Vaseline locally protects the skin from negative external influences.

The active ingredient of Vaseline is white soft paraffin.

The drug is available in cans and tubes of various materials.

Pharmacological action of Vaseline

Petroleum jelly is a mixture of refined soft and hard carbohydrates. The ointment is obtained from oil using special technologies. The drug softens the top layer of the skin, restores water-oil lubrication and removes flaking and cracks in the skin.

The use of the drug helps to retain moisture in the skin cells, which improves metabolism, increases elasticity and firmness. Petroleum jelly does not have a general effect on the body, does not penetrate into deep tissues and bloodstream.

Indications for the use of Vaseline

Vaseline is used for the following purposes:

  • softening of the skin;
  • lubrication of chapped lips and hands due to chapping, as well as hardened knees, feet, elbows due to mechanical stress or vitamin deficiency;
  • as a protective agent before work, sports activities and so on;
  • as a basis for the preparation of creams and ointments.

Instructions for use and doses

Medical Vaseline is used topically on certain areas of the skin. A small amount of the product is applied to the affected area and rubbed in with massage movements, however, care should be taken on sensitive and thin areas (lips, for example). Also, the drug is used for applications. Before applying Vaseline, the skin must be cleaned of impurities, and after use - thoroughly rinse your hands with warm water and hygiene products. Do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes or eyes, otherwise rinse the surface with plenty of water.

Side effects of Vaseline

In general, Vaseline is well tolerated by most people, however, occasionally local allergic reactions on the skin, such as itching, redness, discomfort, and hives, may occur.

Contraindications to the use of Vaseline

The only contraindication to Vaseline is individual hypersensitivity to this drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, Vaseline can be used, but it is not recommended to apply it to the nipples shortly before feeding.

Interaction of petroleum jelly with other medicines

Vaseline does not in any way affect the pharmacological properties of other drugs when used simultaneously.

The drug reduces the density of latex, so this factor should be taken into account when using latex condoms as contraception.

Storage conditions

Vaseline is stored in a dark place at a temperature of 8 to 15 degrees.

Boric petroleum jelly

Boric Vaseline differs from ordinary Vaseline in that it contains 5 percent boric acid. The drug is used to treat head lice.

The product should be applied to the scalp at a dosage of 10-25 g, taking into account the extent of lice spread, the length and thickness of the hair. The ointment must be soaked on the skin for half an hour, then thoroughly rinsed with running water and detergent. Then the hair must be dried and combed out with a comb.

Vaseline with boric acid is used externally, like the classic version of the product. In the presence of inflammation and damage to the scalp, the use of the product is not recommended. You should also avoid getting the drug in the eyes.

This type of Vaseline should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug is also contraindicated for children under the age of 1 year, for persons with impaired renal function and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The drug should be stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

All parents are advised to complete their infant care kit with petroleum jelly. It is used not only for daily hygiene procedures, but also helps in eliminating constipation, processing the mother's mammary glands during breastfeeding.

What is Vaseline Oil?

Vaseline oil, the so-called liquid paraffin, is an oily liquid, colorless and odorless, obtained after the distillation of the petroleum product. Possessing all the properties of ordinary petroleum jelly, it can be mixed with other oily liquids. The absence of harmful components of organic origin makes it safe for young children, rarely causing allergies. Medical vaseline oil is manufactured in accordance with the established GOST. It is used in many sectors of the national economy.

On its basis, a variety of cosmetic and medical preparations have been created: creams, ointments, gels. They practice both external and internal use of liquid paraffin, using its characteristic features:

  1. The ability to create the thinnest protective film after application to the skin (protects against various mechanical damage, microscopic injuries);
  2. Antiseptic properties, the ability to destroy pathogens;
  3. The presence of a laxative effect, the ability to increase the contractile function of the intestines.

The tool is used to treat not only adults, but also children. Pediatricians recommend its use when caring for babies. In some maternity hospitals, liquid paraffin is used from the first days of babies' lives. Its advantage is the absence of fragrances, which ensures the hypoallergenicity of the drug.

Use for newborns

In pediatric practice, the drug is often used to care for babies during:

  • removing (combing) (seborrheic dermatitis) covering the scalp;
  • prevention;
  • baby;
  • treatment;
  • moisturizing and accelerating the healing of irritations on the baby's skin;
  • hygienic treatment of skin folds and the baby's body;
  • lubricating the tip or tip of the enema.

Ingestion for constipation

When taken internally, the substance has a laxative effect. The laxative effect is due to the fact that the drug lubricates the intestinal walls, with constipation, it helps soften the feces, and enhances peristalsis. Children from one to 3 years old are given 2 teaspoons, from 4 to 7 years old - 2-3 teaspoons once a day. The laxative effect appears after 6 hours. Before using the drug inside, you need to consult a doctor. Long-term use can be addictive, impaired digestive processes.

Experts do not have a consensus on whether it is possible to take the substance internally for children under one year old. Supporters of liquid paraffin consider it permissible to give it to a baby half a teaspoon.

To prevent a possible negative effect, most experts do not recommend its use as a laxative in newborns. Instead of ingestion, doctors advise making a baby. The tip of a pear with lukewarm boiled water, lubricated with vaseline oil, is gently inserted into the anus.

Crusts on the head

Often in babies, the scalp is covered with milky crusts and peels off. Dry scales rarely bother children, but they look unattractive. If they are accidentally peeled off, there is a risk of infection penetrating into the wound, so the crusts are combed out.

So that the baby does not feel discomfort, before proceeding with the removal of the scales, they must be softened. The warm preparation is gently rubbed over the scalp with a cotton swab and left for several hours. Remove soft crusts with a special children's comb. At the end of combing, do not leave the substance on the head to avoid clogging of the skin pores - wash it with baby shampoo.

Diaper rash, sweating

The thin, delicate skin of a newborn is prone to diaper rash, prickly heat. The most vulnerable are folds on the butt, neck, arms, legs in places of contact with diapers, diapers. Petroleum jelly for newborns has been successfully used to prevent skin irritations. Before applying the substance, the skin should be cleaned of impurities. After washing, all folds and problem areas on the baby's body should be thoroughly lubricated. Liquid paraffin will protect, soften the skin, prevent diaper rash.

When using the drug, it should be remembered that it creates a thin film that clogs the pores, does not allow the skin to breathe fully, and prevents the natural secretion of sweat.

In order to avoid the undesirable consequences of excessive use of liquid paraffin, small areas of the skin should be smeared, applying the substance in a thin layer. Take breaks using other means.

Traditional herbal baths with sage, celandine, succession effectively eliminate diaper rash in babies. A weak solution of potassium permanganate, an ordinary baby powder, helps well.

Cleansing the nose

A common problem in newborns is the accumulation of mucus inside the nasal passages. In a healthy baby, the accumulating mucus is liquid and flows out on its own. For various reasons, the mucus can become thick or dry out. Mom can help the baby to get rid of nasal congestion and dried crusts.

The best way to clear the nose is considered to be petroleum jelly for newborns with a cotton flag:

  1. Twist a small piece of sterile medical cotton with a thin, dense flagella. One end should be lubricated with oil.
  2. Carefully insert the lubricated end of the flagellum into the child's nose, twist it several times.
  3. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated using another cotton cord.
  4. So that the baby is not capricious, does not cover his face with his hands, mother's movements should be fast, confident, accurate.

Instead of a flagellum, you can clean your nose with a cotton pad rolled up in a bag. The narrow end of an impromptu bag is inserted into the nasal passage. Doctors advise not to abuse liquid paraffin, as it creates an airtight film on the mucous membrane. You can moisturize, clean the nose of a newborn with the help.

Oil for girls

Liquid paraffin is indispensable for the hygienic treatment of the genitals of newborn girls, the anatomical features of which require special attention. The remains of feces, urine can provoke redness, swelling, swelling, irritation of the labia. The proximity of the vagina and anus increases the likelihood of infection.

Girls should be washed with gentle movements from front to back to prevent feces from entering the vagina. The external genitals are gently dried using a soft tissue or cloth. Depending on the condition of the skin, after the bathing and drying procedure, the area around the genitals, the groin folds are smeared with vaseline oil or powdered with talcum powder.

Do I need to sterilize

Pediatricians recommend sterilizing any vegetable oils (olive, sunflower) used in nursing infants. Disinfection is necessary to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The antiseptic nature of liquid paraffin makes this procedure redundant. In order to disinfect the drug, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Pour a small amount into a glass jar (sterility is maintained for 24 hours).
  2. At the bottom of a deep saucepan, put a cotton cloth folded in several layers, put a jar of oil on it, pour water into the pan (it should not rise above the shoulders of the jar).
  3. After boiling water, reduce heat to low, let simmer for 10-20 minutes.
  4. It is important that it is not the oil that boils, but the liquid in the pan.

Precautionary measures

In pharmacies, the drug is dispensed without a prescription and is cheap. The bottle is stored for 10 days after opening. Liquid paraffin cannot be used if there is an individual intolerance, at high temperatures, fever, intestinal bleeding and intestinal obstruction, inflammatory diseases of internal organs, pregnancy.

Misuse can cause unwanted side effects. Uncontrolled, excessively prolonged use of the drug can provoke disturbances in digestion processes, a decrease in intestinal motility. Interference with the absorption of vitamins provokes the development of hypovitaminosis. The use of an unrefined, low-quality drug leads to blockage of skin pores, skin irritation.


High-quality vaseline oil is harmless, beneficial for children and adults. It should be borne in mind that doctors recommend caution and moderation in its use. If you have any doubts about the advisability of using liquid paraffin in newborns, consult your doctor.

In 1859 English chemist Robert Chesbrough invented petroleum jelly. He discovered the amazing properties of the obtained substance - healing, softening and protecting the skin. He personally tested the new remedy on himself, lubricating burns and cracks on the skin with a mixture.

History of invention

Initially, Robert Chesbrough named the new product petroleum jelly. But this name did not attract buyers, so the inventor decided to use a combination of two words: German "wasser" - water and Greek "elaion" - olive oil.

In 1872, Cesbro received a patent for the production of the product, and on May 14, 1878, he patented Vaseline as a trademark.

The history of "Vaseline" is unique, because it is a rare case when the name of a trademark goes into general use as a common name for a product category.

Vaseline happens ...

Vaseline happens natural- it is obtained from hardwood paraffin resins, followed by cleaning and bleaching with special substances. Natural petrolatum, in comparison with artificial petroleum jelly, is more viscous, transparent, colorless, tasteless and odorless, has antimicrobial properties and attracts water. When applied to the skin, it is difficult to rinse off and leaves a sticky residue.

Artificial Vaseline is a combination of solid ceresin and paraffin with refined vaseline or perfume oil. Artificial petroleum jelly is obtained in the woodworking (technical petroleum jelly) or in the cosmetic (cosmetic petroleum jelly) industry. This petroleum jelly is not very viscous, cloudy white or yellowish, greasy, odorless and tasteless. Artificial petroleum jelly can be technical, medical and cosmetic.


Today, petroleum jelly is used in the electrical industry, to obtain greases, to protect metals from corrosion, as a laxative in medicine, and as a component of cosmetic creams in cosmetics.

Where and how can petroleum jelly be used at home?

For heels... It is believed that petroleum jelly does not moisturize the skin, but only creates a protective barrier that helps to retain moisture. But be that as it may, it is petroleum jelly that can be used to soften rough skin. Apply petroleum jelly overnight to rough skin on elbows, heels, knees, and in the morning they will be much softer.

For the smell... Vaseline is a great way to prolong the effect of perfume - before sprinkling perfume on your wrists and neck, first apply a little Vaseline to these areas. The thing is that petroleum jelly absorbs the smell and retains it, spreading it throughout the day.

For eyebrows... In order to give your eyebrows the correct and lasting shape, it is not necessary to use a special gel. Take a clean cosmetic brush, squeeze a drop of petroleum jelly onto it, comb your eyebrows, giving them the desired shape. When the petroleum jelly is dry, your eyebrows will not only be set in place for the whole day, but they will also start to shine. By the way, the same trick can be done with hair. Petroleum jelly will not weigh down your hair, but it will make it look smooth.


For face... Petroleum jelly can be used as a makeup remover. Take a cloth or paper napkin, saturate it with Vaseline and use it to remove makeup. Vaseline will remove even waterproof makeup.

For body... Petroleum jelly can be used to make a simple and inexpensive body exfoliation. Mix petroleum jelly with salt to make a salt scrub, or brown sugar to make a sugar scrub. This scrub will gently cleanse the skin.

For lips... Are your lips dry? Apply petroleum jelly to them at night - and in the morning they will be fresh and hydrated.

For treatment... Vaseline is used to lubricate injured areas with burns, cracks, drying of the nasal mucosa, psoriasis, and so on. Note that in this case - a thin layer and in small quantities.

For kids... This is one of the tricks that young mothers can take note of. If, when washing, the child cries from getting shampoo in his eyes, lubricate his eyebrows with petroleum jelly. It is petroleum jelly that forms a protective visor, which will not allow shampoo to get into the eyes.

From scars... Vaseline will not save you from acne, but it will help eliminate their consequences - scars that form due to acne. It is necessary to treat the affected skin areas with petroleum jelly from the moment the scars appear, avoiding their coarsening.

By the way, petroleum jelly has practically no contraindications for use, very rarely an allergic reaction can occur in the form of a rash of a different nature at the site of application.

Young parents must have heard from grandmothers and mothers that there should be liquid paraffin in a children's first-aid kit. Is this remedy suitable for newborns or not? Mothers often turn to pediatricians with this question.

Doctors have different opinions on this matter. Most believe that the correct application of the mineral emulsion benefits the baby, but the line between positive effects and side effects is quite thin. Find out more information about vaseline oil, properties, action of the product.

General product information

The product is obtained by distilling oil until it is completely purified from harmful fractions and impurities. The vacuum distillation method allows you to obtain a mineral product that does not contain toxic components. Vaseline oil is often referred to as "liquid paraffin".

For external and internal use, a colorless oily liquid is used. The mineral product belongs to the category of "medical" compounds. A product with a lesser degree of cleaning is not suitable for treating the skin, for internal use, regardless of the patient's age.

Correct use of the product gives positive results. Knowledge of the properties and characteristics of the emulsion will help prevent side effects.

Indications for use

Vaseline oil is applied externally and internally:

  • for the treatment of delicate skin in newborns with irritation, dryness;
  • prevention, lubrication of folds in young children;
  • softening the epidermis, preventing irritation;
  • treatment of the skin against cracks, through which infection easily penetrates;
  • fighting in infants;
  • processing of the tip of a soft syringe when setting an enema in a newborn;
  • as an aid for hygiene measures;
  • softening in a newborn.


Medical vaseline oil should not be used in the following cases:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • infectious lesions of the abdominal cavity;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • fever;
  • increased sensitization of the body.

Note!"Liquid paraffin" envelops the walls of the stomach, intestines, prevents the absorption of toxins. At the same time, useful substances do not penetrate into the mucous membrane. With prolonged oral administration, hypovitaminosis develops, the child does not receive vitamins K, E, A.

On our website you can find useful information about the symptoms and treatment of diseases in infants. For example, read about diathesis; about jaundice -; find out about rickets on the page; we have an article about thrush in the oral cavity.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Mineral emulsion is controversial. On the one hand, a completely purified product is not absorbed by the intestinal walls, does not have a toxic effect on the body. On the other hand, "liquid paraffin" is derived from oil, which causes concern for many moms.

Several decades ago, mineral emulsion was in every first aid kit for a newborn. Now on the market for baby care products, there are many new, modern products with optimal characteristics. So is it worth using "liquid paraffin"?

Here are some common questions young moms ask pediatricians. Listen to the arguments "for" and "against", draw conclusions.

Question number 1. Is it possible to treat prickly heat in babies with "liquid paraffin"?

Answer. After application, the oily liquid covers the skin with a thin film that prevents moisture penetration. The skin does not breathe, sweat is poorly secreted in a natural way, the symptoms of prickly heat only intensify.

For the treatment of skin areas, use gels, creams with a delicate structure, for example, Bepanten, Zinc ointment. In case of severe irritation, Chlorophyllipt will help. Effective baby powder with antiseptic components: panthenol, anesthesin, zinc. Bathe your baby with the addition of a decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula, string, a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Question number 2. Can the tip of a rubber enema syringe be lubricated?

Answer. Liquid petrolatum is a suitable remedy to facilitate the insertion of a rubber bulb. Irritation, toxic effects on the anus, intestinal walls are not.

Question number 3. Is it allowed to treat the crusts on the head with "liquid paraffin"?

Answer. Yes, liquid petroleum jelly is a good way to quickly soften crusts. Pediatricians advise to moisten a cotton pad, gently wipe the treated areas. It is important to remove the remaining oil so that a thin film does not form on the skin.

Question number 4. Is vaseline oil suitable for treating the nasal passages of crumbs during morning hygiene procedures?

Answer. Despite the antiseptic, emollient properties, doctors do not recommend the composition for lubricating the nose. After applying the mineral emulsion, the mucous membrane is covered with a thin film, the outflow of mucus is disturbed, the surface does not breathe.

Treat the newborn's nose with saline. The hypoallergenic product perfectly cleans and moisturizes the nasal passages. Do not use any oils that create a greasy film.

Question number 5. Is it true that "liquid paraffin" heals wounds and cracks in the skin?

Answer. The product softens the epidermis, but to treat skin irritation, use formulations with a more delicate, light structure. Vaseline oil creates a film that does not allow air to pass through: after treatment, inflammation can intensify.

Advice! Herbal baths, lotions will help to relieve irritation, in case of severe inflammation - the application of therapeutic emulsions with antibacterial action. An oily liquid is not a suitable option for dealing with cracks or wounds.

External use

The previous section describes situations where "liquid paraffin" is suitable for treating the skin:

  • apply the composition to the crusts covering the head, the area behind the ears;
  • use a minimum amount of mineral emulsion: this way you will prevent the formation of a film on the treated areas;
  • in the absence of other formulations, use liquid paraffin for limited areas of the epidermis. A thin layer is required.

Keep petroleum jelly in your medicine cabinet to clean the syringe tip. Mineral emulsion will help if the baby cannot empty the intestines. For external use (application to the skin), use the composition as little as possible.

Vaseline oil for constipation in newborns


  • gently envelops, softens hardened feces;
  • does not irritate the intestinal wall;
  • the emulsion is chemically inert, does not interact with the intestinal mucosa;
  • oily liquid is not absorbed into the walls of the stomach, intestines;
  • the effect appears quickly enough.

Consult a pediatrician find out his opinion on "liquid paraffin" as a laxative. Has the doctor approved the use? Use mineral emulsion correctly.

On the page, read about the causes of dyslexia in children and about ways to correct pathology.

Instructions for using vaseline oil for constipation in babies:

  • for babies under 1 year old, measure ½ teaspoon of mineral emulsion;
  • Give your child a laxative 2 hours before or after a meal.
  • per day it is allowed to give the crumbs no more than 15 ml of the composition;
  • often do not use the mineral composition: the syndrome of "lazy bowel" develops, the activity of the digestive tract is disrupted;
  • the duration of treatment is no more than 5 days.

Note! After ingestion, the oil is not absorbed, it is excreted through the anus. The oily liquid contaminates the laundry: take this point into account, put on the right clothes for the baby.

Mineral emulsion cost

"Liquid paraffin" is an affordable, cheap product. The price of petroleum jelly is available to all segments of the population and is sold in any pharmacy.

There are bottles of different sizes on sale:

  • 25 ml - price from 22 rubles;
  • 40 ml - price from 30 rubles;
  • 50 ml - price from 42 rubles;
  • 100 ml - price from 47 to 55 rubles.

Take a note:

  • some pharmacies offer parents a useful product for caring for newborns - wipes for treating the skin. The material is impregnated with vaseline oil and chlorhexidine;
  • use soft wipes to treat irritated areas with pruritus. The combination of a mineral emulsion with an antiseptic solution provides a good anti-inflammatory effect;
  • The light structure of the healing liquid, which the napkins are impregnated with, prevents the appearance of a film that interferes with skin respiration and the release of sweat.

Additional Information

Store mineral emulsion correctly:

  • the optimal temperature in the room is not higher than +25 С;
  • choose a place without access to sunlight;
  • keep the mineral emulsion in an airtight container;
  • put the petroleum jelly out of the reach of babies. Children grow up quickly, before you have time to look around, the baby begins to crawl, explore the contents of drawers, cabinets;
  • keep an eye on the expiration date: you can not use an expired product. "Liquid paraffin" is suitable for use for 5 years.

Mineral emulsion has no preparations identical in structure and composition. A unique product, obtained by thorough oil purification, has characteristic properties and effects on the body. Always check with your pediatrician if you are in doubt about how to replace the "liquid paraffin".

Opinion of pediatricians and parents