Ectopic pregnancy pain in right side. Why do pregnant women experience abdominal pain. Self-treatment with improvised means or contacting a gynecologist

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but you know how unsettling it gets when pain or discomfort sets in. As a mom-to-be, you just can't ignore certain sensations, as this can lead to serious consequences. What to do if the right side hurts during pregnancy? First of all, don't panic. And then - to understand the causes of this condition and decide on treatment.

The main causes of pain

There may be several reasons why the right side hurts during pregnancy. The most common causes of pain include:

  • Appendicitis;

It is believed that in many women inflammation of the appendix occurs during pregnancy. If the pain in the abdomen does not subside and is accompanied by fever, urgently call an ambulance. It is categorically impossible to pull with this, and not only during pregnancy.

  • Ovarian cyst;

If you had such a disease even before pregnancy, then during pregnancy you will have to closely monitor your condition. Usually the cyst reacts sharply to the bearing of the baby. In this case, there is a false desire to go to the toilet. This is due to the fact that pain can radiate to the anus. The stomach itself hurts, and it is the right side, during the onset of unpleasant sensations it is tense.

  • Pancreatitis. During pregnancy, the right side of the lower abdomen can hurt even with an exacerbation of this disease. If you are faced with vomiting and loose stools, then most likely you have this particular problem. Vomiting can also be a companion of toxicosis. Read more about this in the article Vomiting during pregnancy >>>;
  • Some more organs are located in the abdomen, during problems with which the side hurts, these include the liver, kidneys, and part of the intestine. All this can react sharply to bearing a child, especially if you have noticed some problems with them before. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify what symptoms still occur when the side hurts.

Symptoms you are experiencing

The first thing you should do if you feel that your side hurts is to determine the nature of the sensations.

  1. Pain can be classified, so imagine what you associate discomfort with;
  2. Also try to be more specific about where the source of the pain is. This is due to the fact that each organ transmits signals to its own area. If you understand your body correctly, then the diagnosis can be made quickly and correctly. Therefore, conditionally divide the side into two parts: upper and lower. This will help to identify what exactly hurts.

What to do if it hurts in the upper abdomen

The following bodies are located in this area:

  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • upper part of the diaphragm;
  • part of the intestine.

Abdominal pain in the right side during pregnancy, localized in the upper part, may indicate problems with these organs.

If your pain is aching and has a constant character, then this may be due to diseases of the liver or intestines. In this case, you need to pay attention to the color of urine. If it is brownish, then there is a possibility that you have hepatitis. This is also indicated by a change in skin color. It will take on a reddish or yellowish tint.

Pregnancy in this case can proceed as usual, the signal is precisely the pain that occupied the side.

With a sharp pain that grabs and does not let go, you need to pay attention to the pancreas. It is the inflammation of this organ that manifests itself. If you have vomiting, you sweat profusely, then you need to pay attention to the removal of inflammation from the pancreas.

Pain in the lower abdomen. What are they talking about?

  1. In this area we have the bladder, kidneys, appendix. You have already read about the latter and understand that it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately;
  2. With pain that you can classify as pulling, you need to pay attention to the genitourinary system. If at the same time you began to go to the toilet more often, experiencing discomfort, then most likely you have cystitis;
  3. If the stomach hurts for a long time, while the sensations are sharp and difficult to endure, then two options are possible:
  • You have an inflammation of the appendix. Urgent removal required
  • You have experienced a ruptured cyst. This is accompanied by severe bleeding, fever. Probably, without surgical intervention, this is also indispensable. It is good that now even pregnancy is not a hindrance for operations.

What causes side pain during the 1st trimester

Unpleasant sensations can accompany you throughout your pregnancy. However, what causes pain in the right side in the early stages?

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. It can be identified already in the early stages with the help of ultrasound. Often it is this phenomenon that is to blame for the fact that your side hurts. Read the current article: How to determine an ectopic pregnancy?;
  2. Digestive system. And in order for you to be sure that you eat right, study our course Nutrition during pregnancy >>>;
  3. At the beginning of pregnancy, there is a huge hormonal restructuring of the body. We can say that all organs are slightly shocked by the upcoming changes (It is during this period that the greatest changes occur in the body. Which ones, read in the article 1 trimester of pregnancy >>>). Past, chronic diseases can make themselves felt. Often pain causes pancreatitis or gastritis, which decide to remind of their existence;
  4. Toxicosis. If you are forced to often experience nausea, get rid of what you eat, then you may experience discomfort in the costal region. In a simple way, you may feel that your right side hurts. This shouldn't scare you. Read more about toxicosis in the article Nausea during pregnancy >>>

If the side hurts during the 2nd trimester

  • What happens to your body in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy? Your baby grows by stretching the walls of the uterus. Nearby organs feel discomfort from the fact that something is pressing on them. Therefore, problems arise that flow into the feeling that your side hurts;
  • One of the most common problems during this time is constipation. The uterus presses on the intestines, preventing the body from getting rid of feces. This, of course, is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. But you should not be afraid of this, it is absolutely normal. Pregnancy is often accompanied by constipation, this is a natural process, >>>;
  • A similar problem can occur with the genitourinary system. You run to the toilet more often, it always seems to you that it is time to visit the toilet again. All this may be accompanied by a feeling that your right side hurts, especially if the bladder is full. This is also a standard situation, familiar to everyone who has had a pregnancy, you should not worry about it.

If the side hurts during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

  1. During this period, your baby is already big. He can make some movements. The child then nudges you with his elbow in the side, then starts kicking. While doing this, you may feel that your stomach hurts. Is it normal? Absolutely! This is a natural process that accompanies pregnancy. Very soon you will meet your little miracle, be patient;
  2. Also at this time, there may be problems with the digestive system or pancreas. From pressure, they feel discomfort, which is reflected in pain. The uterus, which has grown, can disrupt blood circulation in a number of organs, which entails your discomfort, you understand that your side periodically seems to stretch.

What to do?

Surely, you are now worried about how to determine whether the pain you feel is natural. You have to listen to yourself, your feelings.

  • If the pains that you feel come rarely, are of a short duration, then most likely nothing terrible has happened, the pregnancy is going smoothly, your body is simply rebuilding. He has to change a lot, and then there are situations when the side hurts, there are unpleasant sensations. All this is normal;
  • You should be wary if the pain does not stop. If, in addition, they are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, high fever or fever, this is an alarm signal. Contact your doctor.

Important! Do not warm up, do not apply a heating pad to the source of pain!

It won't help if you don't know what exactly hurts you. And in some cases, this action will be harmful. Therefore, you should not take hot baths if your side hurts. And in general, warming up and pregnancy do not go well together.

Side pain prevention

  1. Set up nutrition. With irregular or improper food intake, your stomach and entire digestive system suffers. If earlier you could easily get by with fast food, now the body will react especially sharply to such a disgrace. How to eat properly is written in detail in the article Nutrition during pregnancy >>>;
  2. Rest. You have to give yourself the opportunity to relax;
  3. Get enough sleep. Don't forget quality sleep. After it, you will feel better;
  4. Be less nervous.

Seek medical attention if you experience anxiety symptoms and pain that does not go away for a long time. Be healthy!

Pregnancy is a special state of the female body, when changes occur at the physical and hormonal levels. Sometimes they are not very pleasant for the mother of the child, which is associated with the growth and development of the fetus. Such physical sensations as pulling pains or may indicate both the growth of the uterus and the displacement of organs, as well as conditions that require immediate medical attention. The abdomen contains many different organs. The reason for immediate medical attention is, first of all, severe, constant pain in the side, which can be caused by many reasons.

Pain in the right side: what you need to know?

The abdomen can be conditionally divided into four parts: upper right (right side from above), upper left (left side from above), lower right (right side from below) and lower left (left side from below). Depending on in which part of the abdomen the pain occurs, we can talk about certain diseases of the internal organs. Some women experience pain in the right side. It is important for every expectant mother to know what causes such pain.

To establish what provoked pain in the side, you first need to determine its exact localization, frequency and nature (sharp, pulling, spasmodic). A description of the main symptoms of pain in the side and an examination by a doctor will help determine which of the organs needs to be treated.

Right side top

Pain localization

In this part of the abdomen are the liver, gallbladder, part of the intestine and the right side of the diaphragm. Accordingly, pain may occur due to liver disease, diseases of the stomach and duodenum, biliary tract, right kidney, pancreas. The causes of pain localized closer to the middle may be volvulus, appendicitis, diseases of the right kidney.

The nature and frequency of pain

Sharp and severe pain. May occur due to inflammation of the pancreas or cholelithiasis. Inflammation of the pancreas poses a threat to the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Severe pain in the side is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating. The pain itself can radiate to the back.

With severe pain, hospitalization of a pregnant woman is inevitable, since potent analgesics are contraindicated for such women. You can try to calm the pain if you lie on your right side and put a heating pad under your stomach. You can also interrupt the attack if you choose a comfortable sitting position when the fetus does not put pressure on the pancreas.

Aching and constant pain. It can occur due to diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines. A threat to the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus is inflammation of the liver (hepatitis). Additional symptoms that occur with hepatitis: yellowness of the whites of the eyes, skin of the face and palms. It can also turn dark brown due to the presence of blood in it. This disease is often diagnosed in women in the second trimester of pregnancy, which is associated with the activation of the virus due to the restructuring of the body.

Right side bottom

Pain localization

In this part of the abdomen are the ureter (which drains urine from the kidneys to the bladder), fallopian tubes, and appendix. The causes of pain in this segment may be diseases of the bladder, damage to the kidney or uterine appendages, appendicitis, inguinal hernia, (in the early lines).

The nature and frequency of pain

Cutting and constant pain. A threat to the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus may be appendicitis or cyst rupture. The symptoms of appendicitis are similar to the symptoms of a ruptured ovarian cyst: sharp pain and its specific location. As in the case of appendicitis, a ruptured cyst requires urgent hospitalization followed by surgery.

Dull and aching pain. As a rule, it occurs due to inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. In this case, it is recommended to make chamomile decoction and drink coltsfoot infusion (2 tablespoons before meals). If the pain symptoms have not disappeared, then during the next visit to the gynecologist, it is necessary to tell the doctor about them. The specialist may prescribe an additional medical examination, as a result of which it will be necessary to undergo a course of drug treatment.

Pregnant women sometimes experience dull and aching pain that lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. This may be a sign that the baby has rolled over in the stomach and kicked or hit the head in the liver. In this case, you should lie on your back and try to relax, and then take deep breaths, slightly holding the air in your lungs.

During pregnancy, the motor activity of internal organs decreases in the female body, changes occur in the circulatory system in the internal organs, immunity decreases, which can cause not only the emergence of new diseases, but also exacerbation of chronic ones. Therefore, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her well-being and, if pain occurs in her side, contact one of the specialists: an obstetrician-gynecologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon or infectious disease specialist.

Especially for Love is simple

Doctors conditionally divide the stomach into four zones: upper left and right and lower left and right sides. Consider the reasons why pregnant women may feel pain in the lower right abdominal segment.

In the lower right square of the abdomen are part of the intestine, appendix, ureter, the right side of the reproductive organs.

Pressure of the uterus on the organs, active movements of the fetus in the later stages

  • Symptoms: sharp stabbing pain.
  • What to do: to reduce the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs and thus reduce pain, the prenatal bandage will help.

Sometimes painful sensations occur when the body is in the wrong position and when the position changes, relief comes.

If the fetus is attached to the left wall of the uterus, then kicks and, accordingly, pain in the right side during pregnancy are inevitable.

Uterine tone

  • Symptoms. If a woman feels a feeling of heaviness, she pulls her right side during pregnancy or her lower abdomen, but otherwise she feels normal, then there is a high probability of uterine hypertonicity.
  • What to do. A folk remedy for reducing the tone of the uterus is taking a warm bath. Modern doctors advise pregnant women to use a shower for water procedures, but subject to certain rules, taking a bath will not harm the baby. You can not take a bath if the water has broken or if no one else is in the house. It is advisable to put special anti-slip mats on the bottom of the bath and on the floor near it. The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees, and the duration of the procedure - 15 minutes. It is better not to immerse the upper half of the body under water - this reduces the risk of increased pressure and overheating of the baby.

Difficulties with bowel movements

More than half of all expectant mothers have experienced such an unpleasant circumstance as constipation.

  • Symptoms. Hard stools, feeling of heaviness, intestinal fullness, flatulence. Pain in the abdomen, which often radiates to the right side. This condition can also harm pregnancy: attempts to defecate can provoke the onset of labor, a violation of the microflora causes various diseases of the genital organs, and feces that are not removed in a timely manner increase putrefactive processes in the intestines, due to which toxins enter the blood in large quantities.
  • What to do. From constipation, proper fractional nutrition and plenty of fluids help. In early pregnancy, it is recommended to eat little, but 4-6 times a day, consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day (including liquid meals). With the growth of the fetus and an increase in pressure on the internal organs of a woman, doctors advise dividing the daily amount of food into 5-7 meals. A month before giving birth, it is worth reducing fluid intake to 800 ml per day.
    It is important to consume a lot of fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables and exclude foods with a fixing effect from the diet: bakery products, pomegranates, persimmons, rice. In the absence of contraindications, light physical activity is necessary.

If the above does not give the desired result, then you can turn to laxatives. Most of the drugs that help to empty the bowels are contraindicated during pregnancy.

The optimal solution to the delicate problem of pregnant women will be Duphalac. It acts gently and does not adversely affect the developing baby.

Ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy

  • Symptoms. If a woman has pain in her right side at the stage of early pregnancy, then there is a possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. In this condition, the level of the hormone hCG in the blood is also reduced (hence the second strip in positive pregnancy tests is not clearly expressed), spotting from the vagina and even scanty menstruation are possible. Early toxicosis of pregnant women can also occur in women with ectopic pregnancy.

  • What to do. Ultrasound, preferably transvaginal, must be done as soon as possible with pain at the bottom of the right side, this procedure does not harm pregnancy for any period, but it allows you to exclude or confirm the fact of an ectopic pregnancy.

Ovarian cyst

  • Symptoms. If a cyst is found on ultrasound that does not cause discomfort to the patient, only regular monitoring is required. You need to seek medical help if during pregnancy the right side hurts below (if the cyst is on the right ovary), the left side is below (if the cyst is located on the left ovary) or the pain is felt in the pelvic area, with fever, nausea and vomiting. Frequent urination can also be caused by a greatly enlarged cyst.

  • What to do. In the event that the cyst is actively growing, as well as diagnosed twisting of the leg or rupture of the cyst, urgent surgical intervention is required. The pregnancy can be saved.

Renal colic

Renal colic occurs with stones in the kidneys and other parts of the urinary system, exacerbation of pyelonephritis.

  • Symptoms. The right side is very colitis during pregnancy with a disease located on the right side of the abdomen of the organs of the urinary system. Often the pain radiates to the groin and thigh. Some women take renal colic for the onset of labor. Nausea, vomiting, chills, fever are present. In the presence of stones in the ureter, blood often appears in the urine.
  • What to do. Remove the pain symptom with antispasmodics (for example, No-Shpa) and consult a doctor. Diseases of the urinary system during pregnancy are usually treated by following a special diet and taking medications that are safe for the fetus.

Intestinal obstruction (intestinal volvulus)

  • Symptoms. The main companions of intestinal obstruction are bloating, stool retention, dry tongue with white coating and pain. Often, pain in intestinal obstruction is felt in the stomach or navel, but can also radiate to the right side or lower abdomen. The nature of the pain is sharp, cramping. Possible false urge to urinate and empty the intestines, vomiting.
  • What to do. According to statistics, intestinal obstruction among pregnant women is extremely rare: one case in 50 thousand births. But the disease is dangerous and often requires surgical intervention. Therefore, if symptoms of intestinal volvulus are detected, it is better to seek medical help to clarify the diagnosis. If the fetus is premature, pregnancy after surgery can usually be prolonged.

Hernias/protrusions in the lumbar spine

A colossal load is placed on a woman's spine while waiting for a baby. Therefore, often during pregnancy or childbirth, hernias or protrusions of the intervertebral discs, pinched nerves occur.

  • Symptoms. Acute pain in the lower back, aggravated by movement, coughing. Pain is not always localized in the coccyx area: pain can radiate to the hips, knees or even feet, to the left side, pain is often felt on the right side of the back. Pregnancy is a contraindication to the most informative studies of the spine MRI and CT. Computed tomography is not allowed due to X-rays. Safer magnetic resonance imaging in the first two trimesters is prohibited due to the possibility of heating amniotic fluid. In the third trimester, the procedure is carried out if there are good reasons for that.
  • What to do. Special simple exercises for stretching the spine will help reduce pain. The most popular among pregnant women is "kitty". The possibility of drug treatment, pain relief, type of delivery is negotiated with a neurologist.


Pain in the right side of the pregnancy abdomen can be caused by inflammation of the vermiform process of the appendix - an insidious and dangerous disease.

  • Symptoms. In acute forms of the disease, delay can cost a pregnant life: after a couple of days, appendicitis passes into the gangrenous stage, and that ends with a breakthrough, which provokes peritonitis. Contrary to popular belief, inflammation of the appendix is ​​not necessarily manifested exclusively by painful sensations in the right side. Often, pain is first felt in the navel and only after a while migrates to the right side. With an atypical location of the vermiform process, it can also hurt in the left side. Painful sensations with appendicitis are dull, constant, pain can be given anywhere: in the lower back, thigh, genitals, upper abdomen. The pain is aggravated by movement, coughing. Digestive disorders are rare, unlike nausea and vomiting, which often occur after the onset of pain. The temperature may not rise, it may exceed 39 degrees, but it usually stays within 37-38 degrees Celsius.
  • What to do. Contact a doctor. If an acute form of the disease is confirmed, surgery is required. Pregnancy can be saved.

Why does the right side hurt during pregnancy (upper segment)

Pain in the upper right abdomen can cause problems with:

  • liver (fatty hepatosis);
  • stomach (gastritis, ulcer);
  • duodenum (ulcer);
  • gallbladder (inflammatory processes, stones, bending of the biliary tract, excess bile, poor functioning of the bile-releasing sphincter).


It hurts in the right side during pregnancy quite often. In the vast majority of cases, this discomfort is associated with the pressure of the growing uterus on the internal organs, the activity of the baby, or digestive problems. However, this symptom can also be part of the clinical picture of very dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek medical help and determine the exact reason why the stomach hurts in the right side. Pregnancy timely prescribed treatment, with rare exceptions, does not harm.

During pregnancy, a woman constantly listens to what is happening in her body. Pain in the right side is an alarming sign that speaks not only of the growth of the embryo, but also of the exacerbation of various diseases. Many vital organs are located in the hypochondrium on the right side, and pain signals that pathological processes have begun - both acute and chronic. Part of the sensations is connected with the child growing inside the abdomen, which not only takes up a lot of space, but also gradually begins to behave more actively, turn and push.

Natural causes of pain in the right side during pregnancy

Women expect pleasant sensations from the waiting period for a baby, dream of a family and a pink ruddy baby, but pregnancy often brings many unpleasant discoveries. This is toxicosis in the 1st trimester, and swelling, aching lower back or increased nervousness. The growing burden on the body, which falls on a woman at this time, makes all hidden and sluggish processes appear. One of the manifestations is pain in the right hypochondrium.

Discomfort can be caused by the physiological characteristics of pregnancy. If everything is in order with health, then the pains are temporary and can pass by themselves. They are accompanied by an unstable emotional state, increased levels of stress.

Pain in the lower abdomen causes fear for the life of the baby developing in the womb, and this further worsens the condition of the pregnant woman. However, if there is no high body temperature and other signs of an acute course of the disease, these pains can be natural.

In women, while waiting for a child, the kidneys, which are under increased stress, often hurt. With tension, walking up the stairs, when the expectant mother stands a lot during the day at work or sits motionless at the office desk, she has a prick in her side, pulls in her stomach from below, her back aches (we recommend reading:). All these are inevitable manifestations of pregnancy. If the pain becomes unbearable, it is necessary to find out why it arose.

In the early stages

When toxicosis occurs in the 1st trimester, women are concerned not only with morning sickness, but also with vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain on the right, other discomfort, as well as drowsiness during the day and sleep disturbance at night. Gradually, the body adapts to its new state, and these warning signs may go away. In the early stages, many symptoms quickly disappear without outside intervention by normalizing the daily routine and reducing the load.

With the onset of pregnancy, hormonal changes in the female body begin. This explains the change in the functioning of many organs. The work of the digestive, central nervous, cardiovascular and urinary systems is complicated.

Because of this, previously hidden disorders or chronic conditions are exacerbated. Pregnant women often complain of manifestations of gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis.

An increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood negatively affects the tone of the organs of the digestive system. Smooth muscles relax in order to make room in the uterus for the fetal egg, but the process also affects other organs. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is complicated, bile stagnation occurs, causing sharp pains in the right hypochondrium.

In 2nd and 3rd trimesters

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the embryo is already formed, the fetal egg is attached to the wall of the uterus and surrounded by fetal membranes, and they require more and more free space to accommodate. In a later period, due to the active growth of the child and the enlargement of the uterus around him, the pelvic organs should shift, giving way to the unborn child. It is already formed enough to roll over in the womb, move and push. When walking, the expectant mother pulls and hurts in the lower abdominal cavity.

The uterus is growing, its dimensions are already so large that they begin to noticeably put pressure on the internal organs. Due to compression of the ureter, there are violations of the natural outflow of urine, and it accumulates in the pelvis of the right kidney, which causes pain on the side and from the back. One of the physiological manifestations of pregnancy is squeezing the small and large intestines, causing constipation. The bottom of the uterus stretches and presses on the diaphragm, displacing the stomach and pancreas, as well as the gallbladder. The work of all these organs is disturbed, there are characteristic pains in the right side under the ribs or on both sides.

At the end of pregnancy, the child is already so large that the woman sometimes feels pain in the lower abdomen, pulling and pressing sensations in the side or back due to the fact that the child changes position in the uterus and, pushing, hits the internal organs. It is necessary to avoid physical exertion, follow a healthy lifestyle, walk more.

Pathological causes, nature and localization of pain

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In addition to natural causes, pain in the right side can be explained by conditions unrelated to pregnancy. In women, in anticipation of a child, appendicitis often worsens. There is a sharp, cutting pain, which is localized in the epigastric region on the right below the ribs. Body temperature rises, nausea, vomiting begins.

Then the pain spreads wider, descends into the inguinal-iliac region. Patients try to curl up, it is difficult for them to straighten up. The process cannot be started, since inflammation of the appendix threatens to turn into peritonitis, significantly increasing the threat to the life of the pregnant woman. An ambulance needs to be called immediately.

Perhaps, before conception, the woman was not diagnosed with an existing ovarian cyst (we recommend reading:). The cause of the pain may be in it. With hormonal changes in the body, the size of the ovaries increases, internal organs press on them, and a dull, aching pain is felt. When it becomes acute and paroxysmal, a cyst rupture can be suspected. The patient feels a tense abdomen, when pressed, the pain is felt by impulses in the anus. Because of this, false urges to defecate begin.

Enlargement of the ovaries during pregnancy can lead to rupture of one of them. The danger lies not only in the possible loss of reproductive ability in the future, but also in severe bleeding, threatening a fatal outcome. When an ovary is injured, it first hurts in the side, then smears with blood, bleeding begins. The woman may lose consciousness. This situation is very dangerous, the help of doctors is needed.

To hurt on the right below in women after fertilization may be due to an ectopic pregnancy. Initially, there are minor discomfort, then they develop into painful attacks. A fertilized egg is attached not in the uterus, but outside it - in the fallopian tube, ovary, peritoneum. Its growth can lead to organ rupture. The pain becomes strong, sharp, interferes with movement, bleeding begins.

Some venereal diseases are characterized by pain in the right side. This condition is easily distinguished by the accompanying pain, itching in the genital area, purulent discharge. STDs can cause fetal developmental disorders, miscarriage and its termination. Pain in the right hypochondrium occurs when:

  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis.

Diseases from the gastrointestinal tract are also accompanied by painful sensations. If there is a pathological process in the gallbladder, and the stones have blocked the passage of the bile secretion to the intestines, the process of digesting fats becomes impossible. It is these violations that cause pain in the right side.

With pancreatitis, in addition to nausea, vomiting and general malaise, there are severe pains in the hypochondrium above the waist. The patient sweats a lot, it is difficult for her to sit straight, it is more convenient to lean forward. Inflammation of the pancreas does not depend on the hormonal status or gestational age. It develops independently of these phenomena, but may worsen due to toxicosis and displacement of organs in the abdominal cavity.

How can I relieve pain on my own?

When a pregnant woman develops aching pain in her right side, it is important to ensure peace, lay her down and assess the condition and the need for emergency care. If you suspect problems with the pancreas or appendicitis, it is allowed to take No-shpu, but women in the position require a doctor's consultation. The patient can find a position in which the pain is felt less, and so wait for the doctors. When vomiting, you need to drink plenty of fluids to make up for the loss of fluid in the body. You can not apply heating pads and do alcohol warming compresses - this can adversely affect pregnancy.

If the pains are due to physiological causes, and not to a serious illness, rest and diet should relieve this symptom. In the future, it is necessary to adjust the diet, try to systematize defecation, for example, with the help of laxatives, and use means to eliminate flatulence. Walking in the fresh air, restful sleep, wearing a special bandage will help normalize the work of the digestive system. With swelling, you need to reduce fluid intake.

In what cases can not do without medical help?

When the pain in the right side is insignificant, a pregnant woman can review her daily routine and nutrition. If it intensifies, you should consult a doctor without waiting for the appointed time for a scheduled visit.

Acute pain is an alarming sign, it may indicate fast processes that threaten complications (for example, peritonitis), and aching or pulling can be the first sign of a pathological pregnancy. You need to call a doctor immediately if:

  • the pain is acute, paroxysmal in nature;
  • body temperature rises;
  • there is confusion, pre-fainting;
  • severe vomiting;
  • bleeding.

Carrying a child is no less difficult than giving birth to one. Within 9 months, the female body experiences a lot of uncomfortable, and even painful sensations. One of the frequent is the situation when the right side hurts during pregnancy.

2 points to remember:

  1. Pain is not necessarily related to the fetus, and this is what expectant mothers often worry about in the first place. In addition to the baby, other organs and tissues are located in the abdomen. The disease could be in the body long before pregnancy.
  2. As the baby grows, there is pressure on the internal organs of the mother. Thus, pain is not always a symptom of the disease. There is a possibility that the organ or tissue has become overly compressed.

Painful sensations in the side can be either a manifestation of a long-existing disease that did not manifest itself in a state of rest of the body, or acquired due to an increased load on the systems and physical pressure on the organs. Overloading can easily provoke a relapse or exacerbate symptoms.

The main causes of pain in the right side during pregnancy

Most often, pain in the right side occurs when walking. This is due to the peculiarity of the location of the internal organs of a woman in the abdomen. The growing uterus crowds them, squeezing and pressing against the walls, and against each other. When walking, the load on all systems increases and pressure on the organs increases, which causes pain. If the pain does not go away for a long time, there is a reason to worry.

First of all, you need to determine the type of pain. The pain is sharp and growing, sharp, stabbing, pulling, pulsating. The most dangerous is the combination of cutting with stabbing or cutting. The syndrome indicates acute inflammatory processes, purulent accumulations and other similar pathologies. In such cases, you should not hesitate and you should immediately go to the doctor.

Consider a number of diseases and abnormalities in which the right side hurts during pregnancy:

Ectopic pregnancy

Common cause. Physiologically, it is the right ovary that is the worker, and the left acts as a “spare”. That is why the pain is characteristic of the right side.

Following nature's call, the ovum attaches itself to the stopping place, which becomes the fallopian tube if the ovum has not reached its destination for any reason. Not intended for carrying a fetus, it cannot stretch and breaks when the embryo reaches a certain size. A woman experiences sharp pains in the lower abdomen for some time before a rupture, which is accompanied by bleeding.

In this situation, emergency hospitalization is necessary. Blood loss and trauma to the internal genital organs are fraught with death.


Appendicitis causes pain on the right side

Doctors distribute the abdominal area into 9 squares - 3 zones on the left, 3 zones on the right and 3 in the center. When experiencing stabbing or cutting pains in the lower abdomen, the first step is to exclude the inflammation of the appendix. The danger of appendicitis lies in the initial focus of pain, located in the central upper zone (epigastric), and after a while, the pain moves to the lower right zone, where the appendix is ​​​​located. Together with such accompanying symptoms as vomiting, high fever and chills, in the initial stage, it can be confused with poisoning, and it is highly undesirable to allow the condition to worsen.

Experiencing such sensations requires urgent medical intervention. The rupture of the appendix is ​​subject to severe and not always successful treatment, and the inflamed one is removed exclusively by surgery.

Stretching of the uterus

The uterus is a muscle. Any muscle is characterized by overload and stretching, which happens with the growth of the fetus. The pressure on the tissue provokes constant aching pain. When the mother is actively moving, or the baby himself is moving, the pain may intensify. In such cases, doctors recommend rest, and to relieve spasm - a warm shower or bath, if there is no threat of miscarriage.

Pinched ureter

Pain is provoked by an enlarged uterus with a fetus, which strongly presses on the internal organs. One example is the right ureter. As the fetus grows, the pain may increase. There are cases in which the discomfort will last for some time, and then pass when the child changes his position.

Ovarian cyst

The cyst occurs long before pregnancy and does not manifest itself for a long time. During pregnancy, the ovary enlarges and irritates the nerve receptors, due to which the cyst appears. As a result - aching dull pain in the pelvic area. When the cyst ruptures, the pain becomes acute and comes in fits.

The pain intensifies if you press on the abdomen and is given to the anus, causing false urge to go to the toilet.

You need to see a doctor. In each case, the doctor's appointments are individual - from painkillers and antispasmodics, to urgent surgical intervention.

Diseases of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity

Due to the enlarged uterus, the internal organs of a woman are "moved apart" to the sides. Thus, they, previously located in the center, are pressed to the sides and the pain associated with them manifests itself in an unusual place - under the ribs or from the back, confusing.

Consider the organs that turned out to be “pressed” to the right side:

  1. Liver. The most common liver disease is hepatitis. There are 4 varieties of the disease - A, B, C and toxic. The first three are transmitted mainly through sexual contact and blood. Toxic occurs when taking drugs and toxic drugs. In addition, liver disease is caused by alcohol, preeclampsia (late toxicosis of pregnant women) and heart failure. The latter provokes stagnation of blood in the lungs and liver, greatly stretching it.
  2. Kidneys. The cause of renal colic are stones in the ureter, inflammation and abscesses. Symptoms resemble an attack of appendicitis, but unlike it, pain can radiate to the back, lower back, or manifest itself in the lower abdomen. If the stone has left the ureter, very severe pain can come in waves.
  3. Gallbladder. The uterus "pulls" the organs apart, and therefore, the gallbladder is under the ribs, along with the liver, stomach and part of the intestine. Food is digested by bile, which is injected into the intestines by the gallbladder. The fatter the food, the more "solution" you need to use. The presence of a stone in the gallbladder will block the exit of actively secreted bile and contribute to its accumulation, which will lead to pain on the right upper side.

Pancreas. The most common disease is pancreatitis. Symptoms - severe pain, vomiting, nausea, increased sweating. Pain radiates in the direction of the back, in the supine position, and weakens in a sitting position with an inclination forward.