External structure of the nail. The structure of a natural nail

Nails are dense corneous plates on the dorsum of the ends of the fingers and toes. They lie on the so-called nail bed. Their function is to protect the terminal phalanges of the fingers from mechanical damage.

The anterior edge of the nail plate is free, its posterior and lateral edges are surrounded by a skin fold and go deep into it. The upper part of the skin fold pushes onto the nail plate and is called the nail rollers, which play a protective role, preventing foreign bodies and bacteria from penetrating to the nail growth zone. The edge of the bead is dead cells. Drying and then flaking off, this edge gives rise to burrs.

Distinguish between the body and the root of the nail. The root of the nail is the back of the nail plate under the posterior nail fold. Only a small part of the nail root protrudes from under the nail roller in the form of a whitish crescent-shaped area (nail lune). The root of the nail lies at the back of the nail bed and is called the matrix. The matrix is ​​where the formation of the nail plate occurs; it is composed of epithelial cells. In the thorny layer of these cells, there are onychoblasts - the cells that form the nail, which turn into the stratum corneum of the nail.

Composition of nails - what are nails made of

The basis of the nail plate is keratin, a protein that is also present in the skin. Hair is also formed from it. The density of keratin in nails and hair is due to the presence of a significant amount of sulfur atoms in this protein. The bonds formed between the molecules strengthen the protein, making it solid. In many ways, the amount of sulfur, or rather cysteine, an amino acid that contains sulfur, is determined not only by its content in the body, but also by hereditary characteristics. For example, some people have a higher concentration of cysteine, which makes nails hard.

There are thin layers of fat and water between the keratin layers. It is these layers that give the nail plate elasticity and shine. The nail can absorb water while increasing its thickness. Therefore, in people who are in frequent contact with water, their nails become soft and thick.

In addition to sulfur, the nail contains other trace elements - calcium, chromium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Their presence makes the nail healthy. Nails grow more slowly than hair. On average, hand nails grow by 1 mm per week, and toenails - by 0.25 mm. The complete renewal of the nail plate takes about six months.

The nail bed has a good blood supply. Thanks to this, the nail receives a sufficient amount of "building material". The nail is formed due to the activity of the cells of the matrix. The cells here work hard to produce keratin. Moving towards the nail plate, the cells lose fluid and die. In this case, the densification of the rows of cells occurs. Hormonal shifts (adolescence, pre-menstruation, pregnancy, springtime) and activities that lead to nail grinding - typing, the habit of constantly biting nails, hand massage, etc., accelerate nail growth.

An excessively strict diet (low in fats, proteins, vitamins) and diseases accompanied by impaired blood circulation and metabolism slows down the growth of nails.

Nails are often indicators of painful processes occurring in our body. For example, longitudinal grooves indicate the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases (paranasal sinuses, teeth) or beginning rheumatism. Transverse grooves can indicate diseases of the internal organs (kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract). The formation of transverse grooves indicates that the body lacks zinc. Since zinc is found mainly in animal products, it is primarily vegetarians who suffer from zinc deficiencies. If the indentations and indentations give the nail the appearance of a thimble, this is a warning signal for psoriasis. Nails in the form of watch glasses very often indicate lung disease, bronchitis or cancer. Spoon-shaped nails indicate iron deficiency, which must be treated under medical supervision. The change in the color of the nails allows us to draw a preliminary conclusion about the development of the pathology of the internal organs. With insufficient blood circulation, the nails become bluish. Yellow colored nails indicate a diseased liver. Tuberous yellowish nails are in diabetes mellitus, as well as fungal infection.

In addition, nails have long had aesthetic value for our appearance. It is impossible to imagine any complete female image without beautiful, healthy, well-groomed and long nails. In addition, now, thanks to the modern design of nails, which includes, in addition to the usual patterns on the nails, nail art, piercings and extensions, nails can become an independent decoration.

And for this to be possible, nails must be prepared with daily maintenance and ongoing hygienic manicure, which mainly includes proper nail trimming and thorough cleaning of the anterior portions of the nail groove. With a competently performed procedure, the most favorable conditions for healthy growth of the nail are created, and there are no conditions for the growth of bacteria or ingrowth of the nail.

To trim the nail, use special tweezers or scissors. Circumcision is performed only with the tips of the instrument, and the shorter the individual steps of the cut, the easier the procedure. Ultimately, the trimmed surface should be a smooth, even line with no protruding edges.

After nail clipping, a thorough but careful cleaning of the nail groove and the skin under the free edge of the nail is performed. After cleaning, grind and polish the irregularities of the nail with a nail file or a diamond cutter for processing the nail. Then the nail and the pushed back cuticle can be polished with a small amount of cream and rubbed according to the old recipe with Cologne water: the nail will acquire a shiny appearance.

And in order not to complain about such phenomena as fragility and splitting of nails, a change in their color, you need to quit smoking, unbalanced diet and direct contact with synthetic detergents as soon as possible. Constantly use a protective agent, preferably containing natural wax - it is he who has a good water-repellent effect and at the same time does not take moisture from the nails themselves. In no case should you start your diseases, because they affect the condition of the nails, and achieve (if any) a complete cure for a fungal disease.

Who doesn't dream of beautiful and healthy, strong and even nails? Nails are adorned with women's hands, when the nails are well-groomed, they attract the attention of others. You can make your nails beautiful and healthy by yourself at home. Like all parts of our body, nails require proper attention. For nails to be beautiful and strong, you need to eat right and carry out strengthening procedures.

Proper nutrition comes first. The diet should include dishes with gelatin: jellies, jellies, soups, marmalade, etc. Useful milk, dairy products, yeast, soy products, whole grains, fish and seafood, as well as green vegetables, millet and avocados, tableted vitamin H (biotin). All this has a beneficial effect on the condition of the nails.

Nails protect fingers from injury and are a decoration for the hands (of course, if they are regularly looked after).

The average length of the nail plate is 15 mm. The average thickness of the nail plate on the hands is 0.5 mm, on the legs - 1 mm. Nails grow constantly, on average 0.1 mm per day, but the growth rate depends on many factors.

It is known that nails grow faster in children. Nails grow faster in the morning and afternoon; in summer - faster than in winter. The nails grow more slowly on the legs than on the hands. In 130 days, the nail grows from the hole to the free edge.

The nail consists of protein (keratin), a significant amount of calcium, which, however, does not affect the strength of the nail, and a small amount of water. There is a lipid film on the surface that protects the nail and gives it a polished, shiny appearance.

The color, flexibility and strength of the nail plate can be adversely affected by constant contact with water and detergents. Only proper and consistent care can keep your nails healthy.

The condition of the nails is an indicator of the condition of the whole organism. Milky white spots on the nails (leukonychia) can appear due to liver disease or injury to the nail plate. White spots are clumps of immature cells and voids between them. Delaminated, brittle nails may indicate improper care or hypovitaminosis, as well as metabolic disorders.

If it is necessary to slightly shorten the nails, it is better to file them with a file to prevent delamination.

The nails of a healthy person are smooth, shiny, pale pink in color, with a pronounced whitish hole at the base. At the same time, the nail plate is constantly renewed, growing by about one millimeter in a week.


With age, the nail plate thickens and becomes more brittle. It is part of the body's natural aging process. Fragility is also characteristic of women's nails. But within six months after giving birth, everything usually returns to normal.

It is acceptable if the nails break due to a lack of vitamins or turn yellow due to poor-quality varnish. Sometimes the nail plate may even turn black and fall off if the finger is pinched or hit.

In a healthy person, the nails on the hands are completely restored within 4–6 months, and on the legs - within 6–8 months.

But there are persistent pathologies that we often do not even pay attention to. But in vain. Some changes in the shape, color and texture of nails, as well as the skin around them, may indicate disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and the presence of a variety of, sometimes serious diseases.

What are the deviations


If a nail breaks just beyond the edge of a finger, it is likely that the body is deficient in A, E, and C, as well as iron and zinc. Sometimes fragility can be a consequence of thyroid disease and a harbinger of diabetes.


They are popularly considered a good omen, but in medicine this pathology is called leukonychia. Microscopic air bubbles form between the layers of the nail plate, which on the surface look like white dots and stripes.

Leukonychia is punctate (a couple of spots on several nails) and total (when the entire plate is affected). The reasons are varied: from injuries and unbalanced nutrition to exhaustion of the nervous system and heart failure.


In shape and color, the nails look as usual. But if you look closely, the nail plate is riddled with tiny indentations (as if pierced with a needle). Doctors even have such a term - thimble-like groove.

This is almost always a sign. Sometimes eczema or arthritis can manifest itself this way.

Having found this or any other pathology of the nail in yourself, you should not self-medicate. The first thing to do is make an appointment with a therapist and / or dermatologist, get tested. Only a professional doctor and clinical research are able to give an exact answer, what is the cause of the pathology. Maybe this is some stage of psoriasis, or maybe just a malfunction in the thyroid gland or gastrointestinal tract.

Olga Aleinikova, nurse, master of manicure and pedicure


Lunulae or holes are a light crescent moon at the base of the nail. They should occupy about a third of it and be clearly visible.

Holes that are too large are used by athletes and people doing hard physical labor. Sometimes they can indicate malfunctions and blood vessels, low blood pressure.

Small lunulae, barely peeking out from under the cuticle, can be a sign of a lack of vitamin B12 and iron, as well as circulatory problems.


These are the so-called Bo lines. The pathology of the nail plate in the form of transverse lines up to one millimeter deep was first revealed by the French military surgeon Joseph Honore Simon Bo.

Bo lines are formed due to damage to the matrix of the nail plate. When she lacks nutrition, the chemical composition of the nail changes and its plate deforms. Most often this happens due to strict diets bordering on fasting.

Also, these injuries can be mechanical (when the nail was hit in the area of ​​the hole) or toxic in nature (due to potent drugs or chemotherapy). Sometimes Bo lines can appear against the background of cardiovascular diseases, fungal and other infections.


If for the elderly such a change in the relief of the nails can be considered the norm, then for people under 50, protruding vertical stripes most likely indicate a lack of B vitamins and trace elements (zinc, iron, magnesium).

It can also be a consequence of a pedicure: the cuticle was pushed too far and the root of the nail was damaged. But in these cases, only a few vertical stripes stand out.

If more than 25% of the nails are affected by them, the health of the internal organs should be checked. First of all, the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

If the pathology is not of an infectious nature, you know its cause and have already started treatment, then you can give the damaged nails an aesthetic appearance. Any good salon has spa treatments for nails. For example, Japanese manicure (P-Shine) or paraffin therapy can be done to nourish and moisturize. For smoothness - grinding and polishing the nail plate.


This is koilonychia, that is, the deformation of the nail plate, in which its center bends, and the edges are turned upwards. It does not cause discomfort, color and smoothness are preserved, but it looks ugly.

The easiest way to detect koilonychia is to drip water onto the nail. Did the drop roll freely? Everything is fine. Is the drop stuck in the groove? There is a reason to think.

Most often, concave nails are the result of a lack of iron in the body and endocrine disorders. Acquired causes of koilonychia also include injuries, contact with chemicals, and sudden changes in temperature.

In addition, spoon-shaped nails can occur due to gene mutations and are inherited.


Another name is the fingers of Hippocrates. This is a symptom in which the nail plates thicken and become like watch glasses. Moreover, if you look at the finger from the side, the angle between the posterior nail fold and the nail plate exceeds 180 °.


Drum sticks are always a sign of a serious illness. They can manifest themselves in diseases of the lungs (from tuberculosis to cancer), heart and blood vessels (heart defects, endocarditis and others), gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and others).

9. Detachment of the nail


In medicine, this is called onycholysis - a violation of the connection between the nail and the nail bed, when a void forms between them, and the nail plate changes color.

Trauma is the cause in 60% of cases. When struck, the vessels in the dermis are compressed, the nutrition of the nail is disrupted, its chemical composition and elasticity change. Another 30% is accounted for by fungal diseases and allergic reactions. The remaining 10% of onycholysis develops due to systemic somatic diseases.

When the nail plate begins to rise up, it no longer covers the nail bed that feeds it. This can lead to infection. If you have bumped or had any contact with chemicals and suddenly noticed that the nail began to flake off, you need to use antifungal and regenerating agents as soon as possible.

Olga Aleinikova, nurse, master of manicure and pedicure


This is the name of a syndrome in which half of the nail plate is white, and half, closer to the tip, is brownish.

The most likely cause is kidney failure, due to which the number of blood vessels under the nails increases and they show through the nail plate.

Also, "half" nails are found in people and those who have undergone chemotherapy.

A change in the color of the nail plate is a signal that it is time to take care of health.

If your nails are suddenly white, it is worth checking the digestive and cardiovascular systems and paying particular attention to the liver. A yellow tint also provokes liver diseases, as well as pathologies of the endocrine and lymphatic systems. Cyanosis indicates a lack of oxygen, low hemoglobin levels, or poor circulation.


Most often, a black stripe appears on the nail plate due to injury or malfunction. And for some peoples, this is completely a feature of the natural pigmentation of the skin.

But if you eat normally, did not hit anywhere, and blackening suddenly appeared on the nail, it is better to consult a doctor. This could be a symptom of melanoma, a malignant skin cancer.

How to maintain the beauty and health of your nails

Proper nutrition, healthy sleep and exercise should be the default. Check your nail plates regularly and take care of your hands.

  • Get a manicure and pedicure. Timely trim or file the free edge of the nails, process the cuticles.
  • Don't bite your nails.
  • Wear gloves when handling chemicals and when digging in the garden beds.
  • Take vitamins.
  • Apply a nourishing cream to your hands and nails regularly.
  • Don't wear tight shoes, stick your toes in crevices, and be careful with a hammer.

When going out to crowded places, use liquid gloves (this is such an emulsion). The risk of contracting infectious diseases through the hands is now very high.

If you see signs of ill health on the nail plates, use antifungal agents and regenerating drugs. If the pathology is persistent, be sure to get tested and see a doctor.

Navigating the article

The structure of the nail and its functions

The biological function of nails is protective.

Nails on fingers and toes, protect fingers from mechanical stress. Nails on the fingers, with their sufficient length, allow a person to manipulate smaller objects during any work.

Like the hair shaft, the nail plate of the nail is not living tissue... The nail plate has no nerve endings and blood vessels, and it does not have in its structure, means of delivering nutrients to the cells of the already formed (regrown) nail.

That is, our body is not able to change the already grown and formed nail. Our body can only affect the newly growing nails.

The nail consists of a partially visible nail plate and a nail root.

Nail plate

Nail plate- this is the visible outer part of the nail, consisting mainly of keratinized protein keratin, between the plates of which there are lipid layers and water molecules. On three sides, the nail plate goes into the skin, and on the side of the fingertips it has a free growing tip, which in everyday life we ​​call a nail. The nail plate consists of 100-150 layers of keratin, and has a thickness of 0.3 - 0.5 mm.

The nail plate consists of the following elements:

  • 62% keratin protein
  • 15-16 % water
  • 15-16% fat lipids that hold the keratin layers together
  • 5-6 % sulfur, which is responsible for the strength of the nail plate. With a lack of sulfur, the nails exfoliate.
  • trace elements: calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, magnesium, iron, barium, manganese, zinc

Nail root

Nail root- this is the back of the nail plate, which goes under the skin ( proximal cushion). The root of the nail lies on the back of the nail bed and is called - matrix.

Matrix- this is, by analogy with the structure of the hair, a kind of bulb. The visible nail plate begins to form and grows from the matrix. In the matrix, the cells of the future nail are formed from a kind of protein - keratin... New cells formed in the matrix push the dead cells forward, and as a result, the nail growing.

Lunula- this is the visible part of the matrix, which has the shape of a crescent and has a lighter color (almost white) than the main nail. This is actually a zone of transition, still living tissues of the nail plate into keratinized tissues.

Cuticle (eponychium)- This is a dense roller of skin cells that surrounds the nail plate at the base of the nail and fits snugly against it. The main function of this area of ​​the nail is to protect the matrix from the penetration of bacteria and foreign bodies.

Nail bed- This is the layer of connective tissue on which the nail plate is formed. It is densely covered with blood vessels, has many nerve endings and is attached to the nail plate through a thin layer of tissue - epithelial tissue of the bed.

Hyponychium- This is the lowest layer of the nail plate, in the form of an interlayer between the nail plate itself and the nail bed. The hyponychium is formed by a layer of the epidermis and consists of basal and spinous cells.

How does a nail grow?

Let's trace the life path of one nail cell from the stage of inception to the final formation in the nail plate.

New nail cells are formed at the root of the nail - in the matrix.

So in the process cell division in the matrix, two new cells are formed, called onychoblasts... The mother cell of the onychoblast, which has been dividing, remains in the matrix structure, and the identical cell formed from it is above it, in the second row. Then the process is repeated, and the onychoblast cell remaining in the matrix divides again, forming another row of identical cells. Etc.

The formed new row of cells pushes forward the row of cells formed earlier, and thus the cells move from the matrix towards the tip of the nail plate. The process of formation of new cells of onychoblasts occurs continuously, and due to this, the nail plate grows.

New onychoblast cells, formed from the mother cells of the matrix, immediately after formation have a spherical shape and white color. The accumulation of these cells in the area of ​​the nail root gives white color lunule... As soon as cells are born, protein begins to be synthesized in them - keratin... And as the cells move from the matrix towards the tip of the nail, a number of changes occur in them, as a result of which the cell changes its shape, content and color. From a white spherical cell, it turns into a translucent cell, shaped like a gear. The bulges on the cell, which give it the shape of a gear, are called desmosomes.

Desmosomes- This is a type of intercellular contacts that provide a strong connection between cells. In the picture: 2 - desmosomes, 1 - keratin intermediate filaments (bonds)

As they grow older and move towards the tip of the nail, the cells are almost completely filled with the protein keratin and turn into dead (keratinized) cells of the nail plate, fastened together with a layer of special adipose tissue - lipids.

The process of nail growth in a person begins in the womb and does not stop throughout his life.

It takes about 8 months for a nail to grow back 2.5 centimeters. For comparison, hair grows 10 centimeters during the same time.

What is keratin and what is it formed from

Keratin is a type of protein that is synthesized in the human body. Keratin differs from other proteins in the structure of the framework, which gives it a special mechanical strength. Like other proteins, keratin is synthesized from amino acids.

Discoloration of nails due to disease

The change the appearance of the nail plate can signal functional disorders of various organs and processes in the human body.

Of course, you cannot diagnose yourself by the appearance of the nails, but the painful appearance of the nails can serve as a signal that you need to pay attention to your health.

The structure of the nail seems simple only at first glance. In fact, the anatomy of the nail is quite complex and includes various structural parts. In this material, the structure of the human nail is considered in detail and the most basic information is presented.

It is customary to call a nail a horn formation (or corneous plate), which is similar in structure to the outer layer of skin and hair, as well as to the claws and hooves of animals. It is located in the nail bed, from which it grows. The length of an adult's nail is approximately 1.5 cm, and the thickness is 0.75 mm (on the hands) and 1 mm (on the legs).

The nail consists of the root, which is located in the nail gap, the actual body of the nail and the free edge - the part that, growing, protrudes beyond the boundaries of the nail bed. The root is located under the skin and makes up about 30% of the total length of the nail. The nail bed contains a small number of blood vessels needed to nourish the nail and give it a healthy pink color. On the sides of the nail are folds of skin called the nail fold.

How and by what means does a person's nail grow?

If we consider in detail how the nail grows, it becomes clear how this process occurs in a person. The nail grows starting from the matrix, which is located under the skin, and therefore is not visible.

Its visible continuation on the surface of the nail plate is a white semicircular formation - lunula. The nail matrix contains keratinocytes, a type of skin cell that hardens to become even and flat. It is they who form the nail plate.

What are the parts of a person's nails?

Next, we consider what a person's nails are made of, what structural parts are present in the structure of the nail plate. The cuticle securely attaches the skin nail fold to the nail plate at the base of the nail and also holds the nail plate on the nail bed where the free edge of the nail is. It protects the nail bed and matrix from various infections.

1 - nail lunula (nail hole);

2 - free edge;

3 - nail plate;

4 - periungual skin (cuticle);

5 - matrix (nail root).

What the nail consists of in its structure: the reticular layer of the dermis has strong collagen ligaments that come into contact with the bony phalanx, forming a nail fixing apparatus. These ligaments can be strong or weak, and the shape of the nail depends on their tension: the stronger the collagen ligaments, the more noticeable the bend of the nail plate. And, on the contrary, with weak ligaments, the nails are usually flat, like a springboard.

In the invisible part of the nail, there is the papillary layer of the dermis, on which, in turn, the growth layer of the epithelium is located, the back layer of which forms the matrix of the nail plate. It contains at the genetic level the shape of the nail and all its other parameters: thickness, structure and growth rate. Despite the fact that they all have a genetic basis, these parameters can change under a certain influence of external and internal factors, both negative and positive. It is on this effect that the current cosmetology is based, aimed at strengthening nails.

You can see the structure of the nail in the photo, which illustrate all the described points:

The structure of nails on human hands - are there any differences?

If we talk about the structure of the nails on the hands, it is impossible not to notice that the growth of the nail plate is directed not only in length, but also in thickness, although the second type of growth has a very low speed. The increase in the thickness of the nail largely depends on the length of the matrix, i.e. the longer the matrix, the thicker the nail. In this regard, it is necessary to protect the nails, and especially the matrix, from external negative influences and injuries. Are there any differences in the structure of the nails on the hands of a person so significant that one can uniquely differentiate them from toenails. Most likely not.

If a person at the genetic level has a short matrix, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to make his nails thicker and stronger. True, it also happens that naturally strong thick nails, for some reason, become thinner and weaker. In such cases, it is necessary to establish the cause of the thinning of the nails and restore the original length of the matrix.

The nail is a rather complex formation, and therefore cosmetologists should deal with the treatment of nails. At the same time, the treatment of such problems can take a rather long period of time, lasting from 9 months to 1 year.

The cells of the matrix are gradually converted into beta-keratin, a substance similar in structure to shingles. Over time, it becomes flatter, forming scales tightly adjacent to each other.

In addition, the nail has a porous and layered structure, which is why the processes of absorption and sweating occur in it. Our skin practically does not absorb water, but our nails absorb it. It is on the ability of the nail plate to absorb fluids that their treatment is based. In the process, the nails and the nail bed are covered with various medicinal varnishes, creams and ointments.

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Nails Is a part of our body that protects the delicate tips of our fingers and is an important part of the appearance of any person. Let's consider in more detail the structure of the nail, its constituent parts.

Interesting Facts:

1) Faster nail growth:

  1. girls than boys
  2. in summer than in autumn, spring or winter
  3. if you are right-handed, then on the right hand, otherwise vice versa

2) The nail plate is completely renewed in 5 months.

3) The thickness of the nail in normal healthy condition is 0.3 mm.

What is a nail matrix and substrate?

The structure of the nail is a seal of keratin horny tissue, which is quite flexible and durable. Epidermal cells are formed at the root together with various mineral salts - sulfur, selenium, calcium and potassium - to form a healthy new nail.

Nail matrix
- the part that is responsible for the production of new tissues of the nail plate is located at its base. It is from the matrix that growth begins. The following process takes place: new cells of the nail develop, which push the old ones forward with their pressure, which forms the nail plate. It is on these new cells that the future state of the new nail depends. The matrix is ​​nourished by many blood vessels, which with blood flow enrich it with all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of the nail. The matrix itself is very sensitive, therefore, as a result of any mechanical damage to it, normal growth may be disrupted.

Nail liner- the continuation of the matrix, which supports the plate and largely determines the color and health of the nail in general. This plate is connected to the substrate by small connecting cells. At the tip of the nail, the plate is, as it were, detached from the substrate, which makes it possible to form a free edge of various lengths.

Nail hole and plate!

Nail lune- the part that looks like a crescent and differs slightly in color from the nail plate itself in its pallor. The hole is especially well pronounced on the base of the thumb, and on the little finger, on the contrary, it is almost invisible.

Nail plate- this is the visible part, which is located between the well and the free edge of the nail and is a dead keratin layer. It consists of compressed cells that were previously produced in the matrix of the nail and is not sensitive to external stimuli, since it does not contain blood vessels or even nerve endings. It is usually pale in color, but can vary from white to bluish depending on the ambient temperature and other external factors. The plate consists of three layers, separated by a small amount of fat and water:

  1. outer, hardest;
  2. the inner one, which is supported by the substrate, is the softest;
  3. and average.

Free edge and cuticle of the nail.

Tip or free edge of the nail- This is the part of the nail plate that protrudes above the base of the finger. But how far and in what form is a matter of taste. This is the most vulnerable part of the nail that breaks easily.

- This is a skin rim bordering the nail plate, which performs a protective function for the hardened part. The cuticle is constantly renewed and requires maintenance. It hermetically seals the nail liner and matrix from air and water. The new cuticle is quite soft and can grow into the nail plate, which can easily lead to the fact that it becomes ugly, but most importantly, it can cause cuticle breaks and form barbs and even interfere with normal nail growth.

The health of nails is largely determined by their and. With a vegetative diet, the nails can be weakened due to a lack of animal fats and proteins. Not in the best way affects the health of nails and unbalanced diets aimed at losing weight. The recovery period after this can be quite long. Therefore, only timely intervention at the first signs of a change in the condition of the nails will help keep them healthy and beautiful.

Well figured out? Now you can rest and read themed laugh:

False nails are not visible on someone else's hands.

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