How much to plant a komarovsky girls. How do innocent devices lead to problems? The real state of affairs

Many moms are interested in the question: why girls are not recommended early to plant.

Pediatrician doctors have their own opinions on this matter, expressing an opinion on the possible negative consequences of the early planning of the child.

Part of the young mothers considers some medical conclusions no more than a myth, and others relate quite seriously.

Pediatrician doctors advise mothers to start to plant a girl on the ass since six months.

To this age, the muscles of the back and abdominal press will already be strengthened, and the crumb will be able to independently keep the back in a vertical position.

Yes, and the change in the viewing angle will cause interest in the baby, not fear.

However, the child must be held as the back muscles are still not strong enough.

In no case should not be placed by a girl with pillows (pre-settled) and leave it alone in such a position, since without supervision, the child may fall inside the pillows and suffocate the lack of oxygen.

How much to plant a girl without support?

It depends only on the individual features of the development of crumbs. Normal age is considered 7 months.

In 8 months, the girl, as a rule, begins to sit down, without any assistance.

But it is not necessary to worry and panicing those parents who have a daughter for more than 6-7 months, and she still does not make attempts to sit down.

Everything has its time. In any case, there is another 1-1.5 months in stock.

And if parents have some suspicions for the health of the child, you can always contact the doctor.

If the baby began to independently sit down before the recommended age (let's say, in 5 months), you do not need to be afraid and forcibly putting it on your back (as they advise the doctors of the old hardening) - Thus, you can only violate the natural development processes in the body of the child.

After all, everyone develops, taking into account individual biological characteristics and, consequently, the growth rate of each also has its own.

About how to cope with constipation at the one-month baby, read.

Why girls can not be squeezed and sit down: possible consequences

According to experts, the early creation of the girl on the ass may be very harmful for a number of reasons.

  1. There is a large load on the spine, which in the future can be pretty pouched by posture. But the matter is not even in aesthetics, but in the possible formation of such a heavy and dangerous disease, as scoliosis.
  2. If the girl began to sit down early, straightening of pelvic bones may occur. And the curvature of the pelvis, in turn, can block the generic paths during future childbirth when the girl herself wishes to become a mother. As a result, the process of birth of a child can be painful and heavy. Therefore, many moms so afraid of the early attempts of the crumbs to grape and explore the world around.
  3. In case of early planting, the uterus is possible. However, according to modern doctors, this statement is no more than a myth. And many moms support this opinion. The fact is that such pathology can be either congenital (due to the genetic failure), or be the result of inflammation of the small pelvis organs.

Shed and sit down - What is the difference?

It is possible to plant a girl in 5 months (for a few minutes), sit down only when the baby's body is ready for this.

The difference between these concepts is that while sitting down the girl on the ass, the weight of her body will put pressure on the unformed pelvis and the spine.

In the case of light semi-exclusion (neatly, supporting the back), the crumbs are not threatened with health.

How to help baby?

In order for the muscles of the press and backs, crumbling can help special exercises:

  1. Strengthen the muscles of the belly - The girl should gently lift the hands at an angle of 30 °. Do not allow the girl to come to the end. Mysh relaxes and backs can be training when the child lies on the stomach. To do this, you need to lift it for the handles so that the back is slightly rushed.
  2. Strengthen the back muscles - One hand must be put on the chest area, and the other - between the legs of the girl. The baby should be lifted in such a way that she leaves her legs with legs.
  3. Active crawling - If the girl likes to crawl, then it is necessary to encourage. After all, it is from the position on all fours, children learn to sit on their own. It is much more difficult to sit down from the position of Lözh.
  4. Water treatments - Do not forget about everyday water procedures and easy massage.

Pay attention to how the girl is sitting. The head should be slightly tilted forward, the neck and the top of the back are straight, the bottom of the back is bent.

Hands should be located ahead of the body and serve as a support. The joints of the hip part are bent and tilted forward, the legs are deployed out. This position of the body will contribute to the correct formation of the bends of the spine, muscles and ligaments.

The main reason why the girl cannot be planted at an early age, is its physiological immaturity and possible negative consequences in the foreseeable future of the baby. To listen to these recommendations is worth it, because most of them are not invented from scratch, but tested by many years of medical practice.

Video on the topic

When the baby grown a little and became more active, moms dream that he would have learned to sit. Should I hurry events? According to experienced pediatricians, the newborn must be physiologically ready to sit down. Tell when you can sit down.

What Statistics says

Throughout the first year, the development of the baby is characterized by intensity. Achievements of this age are replaced by each other. Pediatrician doctors have developed schemes for the development of children, where the expected achievements of children are scheduled for months and weeks. The average statistics looks like this:

  • at 6 months, the baby is able to sit with support;
  • at 7 months - already without it;
  • at 8 months - independently sits down from the lying position or falls from the sedent.

But since each child is individual, everyone has its own way of development and its achievements. Therefore, minor deviations from indicators are also considered the norm. So, in most cases, children begin to sit on their own in 6 months of life. Well, if the baby begins to do this in 4 months or at 8 months, it also does not consider pathology.

This is what the doctor Komarovsky speaks about this:

What should precede sitting?

Is it possible to plant a child forcibly? In adults, the spine has natural bends. But babies are born with a direct vertebral pillar, their bends are formed later. Children's back muscles are not capable of maintaining the spine. So, the spine is vulnerable. Therefore, before a certain age you can not sit in the baby.

In 2-3 months, the baby begins to raise the head, lying on the tummy, thus begins to form the cervical bending of the spine. When the kid assigns independent attempts to sit down, a breasty spine is formed. Well, when a child learns to get up on legs and walk, the spine acquires the usual shape for us. Therefore, the correct posture will be formed by the baby only when all the steps will deceive independently.

If you prematurely start sitting, the load on the spine increases. The muscular frame does not work and does not support the vertebral pole. The consequences of adult illiterate actions can lead to disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Negative influence affects the state of internal organs and respiratory organs.

The muscles of the back are strengthened during the motor activity of the baby: keeping the head, turning, movements of the handles and legs. These seemingly minor actions contribute to strengthening the muscles of the back. And the strengthening of these muscles prepares the baby to sit down.

When you can start offsit down kid?

When can the baby be started to plant? About the seating time should not be said not to age infants, but its physical skills. Many mothers are interested, at what age you can sit down? If we talk about age, then on average kids sit in the interval from 4 to 8 months. The fact that the baby is ready to sit down, indicate the following indicators:

  • the child confidently holds his head and lifts it from a horizontal position;
  • a child flinches without problems with the side on the side, from the back on the stomach and vice versa;
  • the child, grabbing the fingers of the adult, is trying to give his body a vertical position.

If you observe your baby all these signs, it means that he will soon begin to sit on his own.

We draw your attention to the fact that even if the child began to attach to 6 months on their own, then in this position, he should be no more than 1 hour per day. Otherwise, there may be problems with posture and other systems of the body.

Spring boy and girls

There is a myth that if it is too early to start sitting on the girl, it will be formed to bend the uterus. This theory is not yet confirmed by specific evidence. If such a pattern and exists, then the bend of the uterus does not affect conception, tooling and the birth of the baby. However, it is desirable not to plant a girl earlier than 6-7 months.

As for the boys, there are no specific risks here.

Is it worth putting a baby in the pillow?

Some generations are familiar to the expression "plant in pillows". It was in this way that our grandmothers were taught to sit toddlers. Of course, this method is not correct, since we force such actions to be a rapid back of the kid to take a vertical position, contrary to physiology. A few minutes of such a violent seating can lead to the appearance of a scoliosis at school age at the kid. Correctly sit down when the kid himself begins to do it.

What else can not be done while the child sat on his own:

  • pillow
  • wearing a kid in "Kangarushkah" and "Babi Sistema";
  • give him to stand and be like in walkers;
  • allow jumping in jumpers, sit on a feeding chair;
  • hold in her hands in the sitting position;
  • when transporting in a stroller or car, use a sedentary position.

It is important to note that with all this it is not forbidden to keep the baby in a half-way position. Currently, there are many models of car seats, swing and other devices in which the back is adjustable to a half-siding position that resembles the position of the embryo in the mother's womb.

How to help crumb sit down?

If the baby is not sitting at 7 months, it does not mean the presence of pathology. Before sitting down the baby, it is necessary to strengthen its back. The actions of parents should be directed not to giving the vertical position of the child's body, but to preparing the baby to sit down. This preparation concerns the muscles of the back, which should be strengthened and train. How to teach baby to sit on your own? Gymnastics and massage are remarkable methods for the development of a kid's muscle apparatus that will help you to teach him sit.

With the help of massage, you can improve muscle tone. It is advisable to entrust the massage to professionals, only they know how to massage the muscles. Well, if there is no such possibility, then at home mom can stroke the back, the tummy kid, as well as his handles and legs.

As for the gymnastics, it can be carried out at home and necessarily daily. Here is an exemplary set of exercises:

  1. Baby lies on the tummy. Mom lifts a crumb, holds one hand under the breast, and the other is under the legs. In such a position, the muscles of the back and buttocks are strained. To give them to relax, it is necessary to put the baby to its original position. And then repeat the exercise again.
  2. A child is lying on his back. Mom holds the crumb for his left hand, and then gently pulls her to the right leg. The baby turns out to be in a half-way position. The mother then gives the child a starting position. The same is done with your right hand. This is a wonderful exercise for training the side muscles of the back.

  1. Breasts lies on the back. Mom gives him the opportunity to grasp for his fingers. Then begins to raise the crumb, pulling his hand to himself. The back of the child broke away from the surface of the bed. It is necessary to hold the baby in this position for 15 seconds. Then, after a short rest, you need to repeat the exercise again.

If the baby is already ready to sit down, mom can help him, observing the following recommendations:

  • The first attempts of sitting should be limited to a few minutes.
  • A sharp transition from the vertical position to horizontal is unacceptable - sit down the infant slowly and carefully.
  • The first times the position in the "sitting" state should not be horizontal, but half a walk.
  • Do not start sitting on solid surfaces - chairs or sex.

However, it should be understood that if you help the child to sit down, it will be worse to develop physically. Much better if the kid himself will "train" his body and sits precisely when it is ready.

Alarm signs

Where is the limit when mom is worried and run to the doctor? Need to worry if:

  • at the age of 7 months, the kid itself does not turn over;
  • the child at 9 months does not sit down himself;
  • the child can not rely on one hand so that the other hand get the toy at 7-8 months;
  • at 7 months, Kroch is not gulit, does not mean;
  • the baby does not smile, does not look into the eyes of mom in 6 months.

In any dubious situations, you need to refer to a pediatrician or neuropathologist.

Let's summarize

As a rule, children begin to sit on their own age from 4 to 8 months. The ability to sit on their own to appear in the newborn in itself. In order to help the baby sit down, it is recommended to do exercises to strengthen your back muscles. But in no case you can not sit the crumb before the term when his back has not yet fastened. Therefore, if the baby still does not know how to sit, then you can not use kengulas, jumpers, walkers, children's chairs and other objects, the use of which implies the vertical position of the child.

In young parents, especially those whose family has a long-awaited firstborn, many questions arise. One of the most frequent: at what age is it necessary to plant a boy or a girl to not harm their health?

In an expert environment, there is also no consensus: some experts give clear recommendations, others respond that no need to rush the events. In our article we will try to understand who of them is right.

The opportunity to sit is a new stage in children's development and the most important step for each kid in the knowledge of the surrounding world. In a vertical position, he can now watch the mommy, look out the window, reach to toys.

When can I plant a child?

Babies begin to sit when they are ready for mastering this skill. First, they learn to keep the head, then turn off the tummy on the back, try to crawl, and finally, the same exciting moment occurs when the crumb is sitting on their own.

Many pediatricians call a certain age when a child can already be planted - this is six months. But recommendations of doctors, like any other standards, are sufficiently conditional.

The supervisory mother herself sees when her child makes the first attempts to sit down.

Kid lying on his back, trying to lift his head to see the households. If you pull it for the handles, it immediately sits down.

This suggests that his muscular apparatus is well developed quite well and is already able to withstand such loads.

Is it worth "helping" to a child search? At this popular question, experts respond unequivocally: early landing will definitely be aware of serious difficulties with the spine when children go to school.

Pay attention to the following exemplary landmarks of the kid:

  • 6 months - He can sit with support;
  • 7 months - Sits with a straight back without mother assistance;
  • 7.5-8 months. - It is capable of sitting independently and lie down from the same position.

It happens that active kids sit on one and a half or two months earlier, calm, on the contrary, begin to sit on the ass later. This corresponds to the norm.

It should be worried if your child does not hold his head to half a year and does not raise on the handles. In this case, a pediatrician consultation is required.

How many months can you plant boys?

Among young dads and mothers there are an opinion that boys can be planted before the little princesses. But doctors advise to look not at the age of disembodies, but on the individual pace of development:

  1. If the future man from birth is slow, phlegmatic, does not like when he is turned over to the tummy, it means that it should not land it until half a year. Wait until the muscles and the spine are strengthened.
  2. Movable babies, which are actively "tumbling", thrust their heads, seeking to cover the whole room, you can sit down a little earlier - in five months.
  3. If slender boys are not bad to carry attitudes on their hands for five months, then the buds must sit later. A large body weight adversely affects a weak muscular system.
  4. The first weeks devote to the strengthening of the muscular frame. Take into service the baby swimming, the complex of daily gymnastics, after consulting the pediatrician.
  5. If you notice that the child is trying to grasp, stimulate his attempts. Put on my knees for a couple of seconds. A similar posture will help to fix the back, and the tailbone will not rely on the rigid surface.

By the way, the above-described tips can help in raising young beauties.

When can I plant a girl?

Moms who are interested in how much girls can be seeded, they should also look at the calendar, but for children. Rocky, healthy girl will sit down when "matures" her body. That's what else to remember:

  1. Normally developing crumb in six months can sit with parental help, in seven months can keep the back vertically, and at eight - sitting on almost any position. However, fluctuations in a month and a half also belong to the norm.
  2. Medical examinations show that the kids who early began to plant, the deformation of the pelvic bones was observed. This pathological change can lead to difficulties in adulthood, complicating childbirth.
  3. But a common point of view that binds early courts with the subsequent formation of the fester of the uterus, the doctors failed.
  4. If the four-month crumb is trying to sit, do not prevent. Make sure that she does not sit too much during the day.

When can a child plant in walkers?

A modern children's industry offers a large selection of additional devices for children who learn to sit, in particular, walkers.

Of course, such accessories greatly facilitate the lives of forever employed parents, but negatively affects children's health. If you firmly decided to use this product, check out the advice of specialists:

  1. It is possible to plant in walkers if children are already sitting (without mother support) and stand, sticking to the support. This is usually happening at a semi-annual age. Premature use of the device can lead to an excessive load on the spine and, accordingly, serious diseases in the future.
  2. It is impossible to leave the crumb into the walkers for a long time (no more than half an hour). Remember that on the number of minutes spent in this device depends on the further formation of the toddler's musculoskeletal system.
  3. To avoid problems with legs, be sure to adjust the walkers for the growth of the baby. The child must rely on the whole stop, and his legs slightly bent in her knees.

Of course, this is an exceptionally your decision - to apply this device or not, however, if you ask pediatricians when you should plant a baby in walkers, most will surely answer - never!

So, you should not force events and plant children (and girls, and boys) ahead of time. Much more efficiently perform daily training for improving the muscular system of the kid: turns, slopes, massage.

Properly conducted preparatory course will remove all questions about how many months you can plant a child. He will sit alone!

Other information on the topic

  • Nervous mental development of children of the first year of life (part 1)

  • Neriva-mental development of children of the first year of life (part 4)

  • We help your child overcome shyness

The first skills of the kid are touched and pleased the parents: he smiled, he turned, he sat down, and he crawled. However, the development of crumbs is not always on such a scenario - there are many children who begin to sit down in 4 months, and there are such karapuses that are not sitting on their own and in 8 months, but they are beautifully crawling.

Parents of children who do not want to sit at the right time (according to generally accepted medical standards), try to help crumbs and teach them it yourself. Whether it is necessary to do this, tells Evgeny Komarovsky.


According to the existing medical standards, according to which pediatricians evaluate the development of kids, the majority of ducts begin at 6-7 months. However, these figures are so conditional, says Evgeny Komarovsky that they can not be taken into account. All children are different, they develop on their own individual scheme and everyone has their own standards.

A child who does not sit at 7 months, does not suffer from this.

But the parents suffer and complain about, who want a child in anything behind the development of neighboring children.

The wording itself "he must sit at a certain age" is incorrect. According to Komarovsky, none in the world of the child should not anything. He will sit, crawl and goes when his spine and back muscles will be ready to take such a load.

What to do parents?

First, visit the doctor. If something in the development of crumbs causes or confuses, it is the first thing they should do. The child needs to show an orthopedist, a children's surgeon and a neurologist. If these three specialists do not reveal any diseases of the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system and other alarming reasons, then nothing needs to do anymore.

Such a baby will surely sit down, says Evgeny Komarovsky, but only when the time comes.

And the process of this will happen by itself, without any participation on the part of Mom and Pope.

What can I do?

It is impossible to plant children too early, because the seat of the child, according to the doctor, is not useful at all.The later the baby will do it, the straight will be his back, smooth legs and handles, more correctly posture. Early sitting creates a strongest load on a weak and not ready for her spine, hence, then the grievances have numerous health problems arise.

The best thing that mom and dad kids can do is not to help him in the seat, standing and first steps.

Often, parents who made their baby for trying to sit down, immediately send the baby on the sofa, look with pillows and in a sitting position and rejoice that their child develops faster. It is more correct to develop not sitting, but crawling, because it is at the same time that the muscle process and the bone skeleton of the baby are strengthened and prepared for seats and walking.

Another error that modern parents often allow - Jumpers. A child who is still not able to sit, they are suspended in a vertical position so that he jumps. Adults seems to be so it strengthens the proprietary motor vehicle. In fact, early verticalization can be very dangerous for crumbs. Jumpers and walkers are not the most successful acquisitions, and they are better to remove away to the chulad.

How to train muscles

Evgeny Komarovsky advises kids from 5 months not to sit down, but lay out on the stomach to the floor, on an unbalanced bedspread or blanket. In a pair of meters from it, put bright toys, and in every possible way to stimulate the movement in a bloody or in any other way (on the stomach, with a support for one leg and hand, like you).

Excellent training of all the necessary muscles for seating- This is an evening strengthening massage, as well as bathing. Water procedures are able to work wonders. No one cancels the daily gymnastics, which it is advisable to start doing immediately by going from the maternity hospital.

Nevertheless, when the crumb will begin to sit, will definitely become clear which muscles are the weakest: if he sits with a round back, then we can talk about the weakness of the spine muscles and the muscles of the neck, if it falls back - weak press, and if you fall On the side - the side muscles need in support.

Carefully look at the child, take it "weaknesses" for armament and train.

How to keep the child vertically

A child who has not yet been sitting on his hands alone needs it right, because the vertical position, as mentioned above, can harm them. Evgeny Komarovsky advises be sure to maintain the baby with one hand under the ass, the other is tightly wrapped under the arms.

If at the same time the adult sits himself, and the crumble he "sits" on his knees, then it is important to adult to take a half-time position. This will reduce the load on the child's vertebrae.

Myths about the seat

  • It is believed that girls can not sit up to 6 months - It is fraught with the bend of the cervix and other pathologies on the line of women's health. This is not true, says Evgeny Komarovsky. And boys, and girls do not need to sit down to six months, and not only because girls are not so arranged there and may be damaged. Until half a year of children, it is impossible to plant in general. From the point of view of the formation of a strong spine there is no difference, the boy is or a girl.
  • The boy can be climbed on the hands already at 3-4 months. This is not true, says Komarovsky. Such an alignment is dangerous and scary, it increases the number of young people who, due to the diseases of the spine, are not only not suitable for the army, but also cannot lead a full-fledged active life. Especially dangerous such as sitting for boys of large, chubby - they have a load on the vertebral pillar increases at times.

Give your child not only happy, but also safe childhood is the desire of all modern parents. But when it comes to, about readiness to sit girls, it is very difficult to decide what to be guided. His experience? Other people's advice? Recommendations of doctors? But not only other people's, but also their children grow quickly. Each week after birth is full of news, "skills" and undoubtedly questions: how many months can you plant girls? One of them may arise already in 4 months, and sometimes before. Let's try to figure out.

How many months can you plant?

To begin with, we will define whether it is not possible to plant a girl early? It has long been the opinion that the whole thing in the possible beating of the uterus, i.e., too early sitting on the girl in the future will lead to serious problems on the gynecological part.

But modern pediatrics considers these representations outdated, and the bend of the uterus is a consequence of a genetic predisposition or transferred inflammatory process. In fact, everything comes down to the readiness of the body to perceive new loads on the spine and the organs of the small pelvis.

Proper formation of the spine and the muscular corset of the baby - this task is equally relevant for girls, and for. Bearing in mind that the attempts of the girls sit down, begin to show in 4-5 months, and the formation of a sustainable skill to sit occurs in 6-9 months, doctors offer just attentive to look at their kid.

The most important indicator that approached the time to plant is the first attempts of the baby itself. If she actively waves with handles and legs, turns over, trying to rise or sit down, clinging to the mother's hands or the surrounding items - it means that the child is ready to master a new skill. Moreover, many adults think that planting girls like boys is priority, although it is possible that first the baby will actively crawl. Moreover, according to pediatricians, it is even correct and useful in terms of strengthening the spinal muscles.

How long can you put girls on the ass

Remember the physiology of the process, influence on the spine and the muscles of the back. It is necessary to get used to the new complex load, that is, split the process into temporary segments. Such segments can be 3-4 minutes and in sum per day to be no more than an hour.

It is necessary to limit carefully, it is impossible to simply plant 5-6 months on the ass, so you can slow the formation of physical skills and psychological development as a whole. It will be reasonable to distract the child - to show a new toy so that he turns over or crawl over her without stress.

Hanging position, early sitting, skill sit on the rapid legs - all this can very badly affect the health of the girl. Pay more attention to the baby gymnastics, at the same time not forgetting to develop a small motorcy and a child sensory.

  • Maternal hands. In the hands of Mom - this is the best solution how to teach the girl to sit down, according to Dr. Komarovsky. At first it may be a half-sided position, then you can hold the girl on the knees by locking the back of your housing so that the tailbone does not relieve hard - this can lead to deformation of the pelvic bones. Also forbidden half-life, holding a child on hand or thigh.
  • Cot. Another wise decision when you can plant girls is a cot, a playpen or just a cozy carpet. To limit the loads, it is desirable that the baby lay in the center, away from the side walls or sideboards, for which you can cling to and lift. But terrible sideboards may be ordinary pillows, which parents sometimes lack the seated child "for security".

Such fixation can excessively load the spine, because the baby cannot change the pose independently. Moreover, the child can slip under the pillows and even die under their weight.

Watch video on Dr. Komarovsky Channel

Features late development skills sit in girls

Attempting to learn how to sit on the pope is not a competition. On the contrary, there are reasonable reasons why different kids make this attempt at different ages:

  • premature, weakened or launched girls will be sitting later than their healthy peers;
  • babes, patients with rickets. For their rapid bones, there is a special threat of deformation. Therefore, if the question arises, how much can you start to plant such girls? The answer is unequivocal, only on the recommendation of the attending physician;
  • dense physique, also begin to sit at very late age. After all, great own weight is very loading the back.

If the girl is late (for example, by 7 months), with the development of skill sit, it may not sit down, and gymnastics, massage and swimming. All this is appointed by an orthopedic specialist or a neuropathologist, which will also prompt the main techniques of workouts.