Crochet large crochet amigurumi dolls description. Knitted crochet dolls with knitting patterns, photos and videos

Crocheting is a fun hobby. Many ladies while away the evenings picking up a hook and a ball of their favorite yarn. Today there are many techniques and ways of how to create beautiful things using a common tool. Someone prefers knitting needles, but it is crocheting that creates unforgettable patterns and openwork napkins. And with its help, you can connect cute animals and other colorful characters.

Who are amigurumi

At first, you can't say that this Japanese word means unusual creatures. Make them with your own hands. Amigurumi are especially good at making them simple enough. As a rule, animals are composed of circles and ovals.

It doesn't matter which character you want to link. It all depends on your imagination. You can create humans or animals with huge heads and bulging eyes. Monsters are popular among the youth of Japan. As a rule, these are heroes of famous cartoons. Fans are happy to knit the components of their idol and assemble them into a single structure. After all, it is not at all difficult to crochet amigurumi toys. The schemes, as we said, are very simple. Let's look at an example.

Knitting tools for little creatures

Before starting work, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials. After that, you can crochet the amigurumi. Schemes for beginners will be discussed in the article below. So, what do you need to purchase to create small knitted masterpieces:

  1. Yarn of any color, but of small thickness.
  2. The hook is selected depending on the yarn. The finished canvas should not have large holes between the posts. Otherwise it will look ugly.
  3. Sintepon for stuffing amigurumi.
  4. Decorative items: buttons, beads, rhinestones and beads.
  5. Means for tinting the product: blush, pencils or

Knitting technique

Each needlewoman will be able to crochet amigurumi. Schemes for such products are primitive and uncomplicated. First you need to wrap the selected yarn around your finger in two turns. We knit six columns into the ring, carefully tighten the ring. Knitting takes place in a circle. By adding new loops and removing old ones, the character's details are given the desired shape.

Only by experiment will you understand where it is worth making the addition, and where it is better not to change the shape.

Green monster: description

Now we will tell you how to crochet amigurumi dolls. We will not need any schemes for this monster, since the process is quite simple.

It is better to start knitting from the head, it is twice the size of the body. To do this, we collect a chain of air loops. Their number depends on the size of the future creature. In this case, a chain of five loops was typed. They are closed in a circle. Each row is knitted with double crochets. Do not forget to add loops so that the monster's head expands. To do this, you need to knit two in one loop. As soon as you reach the middle, then the workpiece should be reduced with each row. The reduction occurs due to what is being done which will have a common top. Thus, we move to the very edge. Having tied a knot, cut off the thread.

The body is knitted according to the same principle. Only the diameter of the workpiece will be smaller. As you can see, crochet amigurumi toys are very easy to create. In this case, the circuit is not even required. Next, we knit the legs and arms. The upper limbs are slightly thinner than the lower ones. Consider this when creating your character. Remember how many air loops you cast, otherwise one arm will be thicker than the other.

From black yarn, it is still necessary to knit the ears of our cosmic being. They can be connected using the rectangle method. Tie a square and sew the edges. The eyes shouldn't be a complication either. The main thing is to observe symmetry. It is better to decorate the character with beads or additional stitches of thread. Here's a cute crochet amigurumi. The schematics didn't even come in handy.

Now you know that crocheting amigurumi is a snap. You don't even need schematics for this process. The advantage is the fact that you can use the rest of the yarn from the main knitting. Now here are some helpful tips to make your creative process easier:

What are small toys for?

This question is logical. It is inconvenient to play with such toys, but they are ideal as souvenirs. It is always interesting to create crochet amigurumi toys. Patterns for heroes' clothing can be very different.

Most often, such cute animals become key chains or decorate a bag. Especially creative and courageous guys hook knitted creatures on clothes and hats. It is always nice to present such a person as a gift. Especially if you know about the preferences of the person being gifted. Perhaps he is crazy about some cartoon or computer game. Let a whole army of knitted monsters settle on his table.

Children love these characters too. They are happy to use them as brooches or pendants. The Christmas tree, decorated with such cozy "balls", also looks great. Amigurumi will fill any space and decorate flower pots. They can sit on windowsills, shelves, or sit on your finger.

Tiny amigurumi

There are also such craftsmen who are able to knit tiny heroes.

This is real talent. The smaller the amigurumi, the more interesting they look. Of course, knitting them is also quite difficult. But the result will delight everyone who can create tiny amigurumi with their own hands. Create and please others with talent.

The article will consider options for how a knitted doll is made. For a novice craftswoman, this is a good help. The process of creating a knitting man is described in detail here. Also, the needlewoman learns how crocheted knitted dolls are made. Schemes and descriptions of actions will slightly open the curtain in the workshop of the creators of wonderful unique gizmos.

And why are they needed, these knitted trinkets?

A knitted doll will be a wonderful gift for both a little girl and an adult. Making such a craft is not so difficult for those who know how to crochet or knit.

Today, such crafts are extremely fashionable. A miniature knitted doll will be appropriate instead of a keychain on a purse clasp. It looks creative for a toddler, a teenage girl, and an adult woman who adheres to a certain youth style.

Knitted dolls (you used knitting needles or crochet to create them - it doesn't matter) will become a wonderful souvenir decoration on a shelf or desk. Made by a dear person, the doll will remind of him, warm the soul.

Creative uses for knitted men

Small knitted dolls are often used as design details when creating original things, such as cup holders or teapot covers. With a crochet you can create both a naked baby doll and a funny Carlson with a propeller.

You can also make an interesting box. For this, a cardboard box is tied. This can be done in any convenient way. And knitted dolls are attached to the top of the lid.

You can even crochet or knit curtains in the nursery. The dolls will hang on the curtains, sway and create a unique charm and comfort in the room.

Sometimes craftsmen use this option: a knitted doll is not completely voluminous, but in half, and sewn onto the fabric. Thus, you can get an amazing panel that is hung on the wall. And some decorate their clothes like that. This is a new kind of applique, super modern and extremely creative. The thing is that it is impossible to find a second model that would completely copy the original!

Do-it-yourself puppet theater

Sometimes it makes sense not to make fully knitted dolls with knitting needles or crochet, but to make only the head, hands and a dress or jacket with sleeves. Then you can use this option to create parsley. The head and hands are stuffed with filler, and the clothes play the role of a glove. Children will be able not only to play "mothers and daughters" with each other, but also prepare a whole performance for the audience.

Knitted dolls

If a needlewoman loves to work with knitting needles, can cute knitted dolls come out of these tools? Schemes are what will help you in this case. These will be designs for the head, torso, arms and legs. It goes without saying that the limb parts must be made in two pieces. Usually, a simple front satin stitch is used to work on such a product. Although there are no established rules in this case.

Making a doll's head knitted

To knit this part, cast on 5 loops. At the end of each row, you will need to add one loop. When the product reaches the desired width, the increase is stopped. In the example shown in the diagram, this number is 16 loops.

Now you should knit in the usual way, alternating the purl rows and the front ones. In the diagram, this process is supposed to fit into 10 rows. Having reached the required height (this factor depends on what size the pupa's head will be), the master begins to decrease the loops, knitting at the end two in one until there are 5 of them left. Then the thread is cut off and each loop is no longer knitted, but "hung" on this end, pulling it completely at the moment of knitting. Pulling off the end of the thread, the needlewoman receives, as it were, a bag. The end of the thread is then tied.

The initial row also needs to be pulled together. Only this should be done only after the part is sewn on the sides and filled with filler.

The seam is made from the seamy side, then the part is turned inside out. The thread with which the seam was sewn is secured by making several small stitches in one place. This is done so that the seam does not contract later. Then, after stuffing the part, all the loops of the initial row are pushed onto the sewing needle and pulled together, securing the result.


They make a tummy for a toy using the same algorithm as the head. Only with the front satin stitch without adding and subtracting, you should knit several more rows than for the head, because the body should be oval, not round.

Handles and legs are indispensable details that knitted dolls possess. The diagrams and description of the limb manufacturing process are also quite simple.


Collect 5 loops, add one in each row. When 11 loops are obtained on the working knitting needle, knit without adding. The part must reach the required length, excluding the brushes.

Now they add loops not along the edge, but in the middle, knitting 3 from one loop 3. The scheme will be as follows: edge, 3 front, 3 loops are made from one, 3 front, again from one three, again 3 front and edge. The process of adding looks like this: knit a loop, make a yarn over and knit it again. It turns out 17 loops.

Then 4 rows are created in the usual way and proceed to decrease. To reduce the number of loops, one should be made from each pair of loops, the last, edge, can be disregarded. It turns out 9 loops. The process of decreasing must be repeated. Therefore, in the next row, one is knitted from each pair again, we simply knit the edge one. We already get 5 loops, which we "put" on the end of the cut thread in the way that was used for knitting the head.

Next, the sidewalls are sewn, the parts are stuffed, the initial row is "seated" and pulled together. So the pens are ready, however, without fingers. But if the craftswoman decides to make a large doll, then the brushes can be knitted according to the algorithm of gloves.


You can do these details with the same flesh-colored thread as the head, arms and torso. But some of them immediately have knitted dolls “dressed in tights”.

It is not difficult to knit these parts with diagrams. By the way, here the work is based on the same algorithm that was used in the manufacture of handles, but slightly changed in the number of loops. After all, the legs are a little thicker than the handles, everyone knows that. The mating pattern is as follows.

Collect 5 loops, increase to 15. Knit without changing the number of elements until the piece reaches the desired length, excluding the feet. Now the addition is done in the way described above for working on the hands. It happens like this: edge, 2 front loops, 3 of 1, 2 front, 3 of 1, 9 front, edge. It turns out 21 loops. Having knitted 3 rows, the master reduces the number of elements as it is done when working on handles. Actually, the algorithm of the last stage is repeated exactly: stitching, stuffing, contraction of the initial row.

But some craftswomen do not knit the legs at all. They make baby dolls in an envelope, slightly increasing the size of the body. This simple option is suitable for beginner needlewomen.

Assembling the product and making hair

Each piece is sewn to the body with a regular sewing needle. The face is embroidered or only buttons are fitted in place of the eyes. Hair is done separately. By the way, some craftswomen position their heads in such a way that the drawing goes across. That is, the nodes of the start and end rows are placed on the sides.

Usually, for this, yarn of the desired color is wound on cardboard. Above and below, paper is applied to the workpiece and sewn across on a typewriter. The paper and cardboard are removed, you get a hairstyle with a row in the middle. Having cut the edges of the "hair", the craftswoman sews the blank onto the head. Now you can braid or ponytails, loosen or curl using soap or hairspray.

If the doll was tied naked, you need to make clothes for her separately. Although some people sew dresses and camisoles for their pets from fabric, make jackboots from leather, felting hats from wool and do furrier's work, making fur coats, you can limit yourself to a knitted suit.

Crochet dolls

Such dolls can be with symbolic arms and legs, like those described above. Sometimes needlewomen knit fingers not only on the handles, but also on the legs. This requires a fairly high level of skill.

You can take a simpler path and make all the parts separately, fill them in and assemble the product, stitching it with a needle. And you can knit a solid thing, when one part is connected to another not with a seam, but crocheted.

They will help to make crocheted knitted dolls schemes and a description of the work process. You should start from the head. The knitting process itself is performed in a circular manner.

Crochet pattern for doll head (rows 1-5) with description

First, an air chain of 5 loops is knitted, which closes in a ring. Then the work is based on the use of a single crochet pattern.

2 row: an increase is made when 2 is tied from each loop. You should get 10 columns.

3 row: an increase is made on every second column. It turns out 15 elements.

4 row: add in every third column, they get 20.

5 row: add in every fifth column, getting 24 elements.

Diagram and description of the process of decreasing (rounding) the details of the head

13 row: 4 columns, decrease - this algorithm is repeated until the end of the row. There should be 20 columns.

14 row: 2 columns, decrease - the report is repeated. We get 15 columns.

15 row: 1 column, decrease until 10 elements are obtained.

At this moment, you need to stuff the part through the hole. Then another row is performed if the body is tied to the head.

The neck is knitted round (2-3 rows). Then you need to add to the shoulders, making an increase on every fifth column, and knit without changing the number of loops.

A membrane is made in the lower part of the body in the middle. It is best to do some body padding at this time. Then they knit first one leg, then the other. They should also be filled with padding polyester or cotton wool just before the end of knitting. The arms are attached to the upper torso.

If you plan to make all the parts separately with their subsequent stitching, then 2 more rows are performed.

16 row: decrease in each pair of columns. It turns out 5 such elements.

The process of decreasing the row occurs in this way: not two, as usual, are knitted, but three columns, which are connected together.

Such crocheted knitted dolls, the manufacturing schemes of which are only slightly different from those made in one piece without seams, have greater mobility.

The doll is every little girl's favorite toy. And many successful adult ladies collect dolls. Recently crocheted dolls have become very popular. Handmade diagrams and descriptions will make it very easy for you to make a beautiful and original toy. And most importantly - it will be in a single copy, so to speak, exclusive.

Let's make a gift for our daughter

Many novice needlewomen are interested in how to crochet a doll. In the global network there is a lot of information, diagrams and descriptions of work of varying degrees of complexity. But before you start knitting, learn how to make air loops, double crochet and crochet columns.

To decorate the doll, you will need various accessories:

  • wigs;
  • ribbons;
  • clothes;
  • buttons;
  • beads;
  • rhinestones.

The filler will give the doll volume. Most often, a synthetic winterizer is used to fill a doll. Holofiber is considered to be no less popular filler among needlewomen.

We will begin our creative journey by crocheting an amigurumi doll. Diagrams and descriptions will help you create a real masterpiece.

Required materials and tools:

  • yarn of various colors;
  • hook;
  • buttons;
  • glue;
  • needle;
  • filler;
  • artificial hair.

  • The work begins with knitting an amigurumi ring.
  • We knit six columns without crochets into each loop.
  • Next, we begin to make additions in each loop.
  • We make an increase until we have 42 air loops.
  • We knit four rows with single crochet columns. We do not make reductions and additions.
  • From the fifth row, we begin to reduce the loops by six pieces.
  • We continue to knit until we have 12 loops left.
  • Do you see our product is already taking on a rounded shape? Let's make two more decreases and knit two rows with single crochets. It turned out the head and neck of the doll.

  • Change the color of the yarn and knit the doll's body. We will immediately knit the dress.
  • Add one column from opposite sides.
  • We make six additions and knit two rows without changes.
  • Once again we will make six additions and also knit the next two rows without changes.
  • We repeat the rapport and make six more additions.
  • In the next row, we perform only two additions.
  • If you did everything correctly, then you have 32 loops.

  • We knit a circular row with columns without a crochet behind the back wall of the loop.

  • We continue to knit the product. We knit nine rows in columns without crochets, as well as without increases and decreases.
  • Now we need to fill in the doll's head, neck and torso with filler.
  • A wire frame can be used to keep the doll in shape.

  • We find a protruding row, which we tied behind the back wall.
  • We draw a thread into a loop and knit two rows in a circle. It turns out like this frill.

  • Let's make eight additions and continue to knit the dress to the length we need.
  • We will frame the hem of the dress with original lace. To do this, change the color of the yarn and make five air loops.
  • We knit one single crochet. We introduce the hook into the second loop. We skip the first one.

  • Now we need to tie the arms and legs of the doll.
  • We begin to knit the legs with light-colored yarn, and then introduce the thread that we used when knitting the dress.
  • We knit an amigurumi ring.
  • In the next row we make six additions.
  • We knit the next five rows without changes.
  • Change the color of the yarn and continue knitting eight more rows.
  • We close the product and knit the second part by analogy.

  • Now we knit the handles. Making an amigurumi ring.
  • We knit six columns without a crochet.
  • In the next row, we make two increments.
  • In the third row, we form a finger, which consists of five columns of crochets, we do not knit them.
  • If this is the first time you come across this, then perform a regular yarn, put the hook into a loop and stretch the thread without knitting.
  • We carry out similar actions four more times.
  • After that, we knit all these columns at the same time and continue knitting to the end with single crochet columns.
  • We knit nine more rows without decreasing or increasing.
  • In the last tenth row, we make three reductions and break the thread.

  • Fill the arms and legs with filler, sew the upper edge.
  • Sew the arms and legs to the doll's body with a needle.

  • We glue the eyes on the face. You can sew on ordinary buttons.
  • We decorate the doll with artificial hair.

The doll's dress can be decorated with an openwork collar, belt or buttons. Awaken your imagination and don't cage your creative ideas.

Information for professionals

How do dolls crochet for professionals with a job description? Experienced craftswomen can knit a doll in a matter of hours, with their eyes closed, with the help of a crochet and yarn. They are looking for sophisticated master classes so that the knitted product is a real masterpiece. If you also do not want to lower the set bar, you can knit such a doll.

Required tools and materials:

  • yarn of various colors;
  • hook;
  • scissors;
  • accessories for decoration.

A step-by-step description of the creative process:

  • The body of the doll will consist of a skeleton. This is a regular plastic bottle.
  • In any way, preferably in single crochet columns, we tie the bottle tightly to the very neck.

  • We take beige or white yarn and start knitting the doll's head and arms. It is advisable to immediately connect the body to the head.
  • We continue to knit the product with single crochet columns.
  • Immediately in the first row, we begin to make additions: we knit two from each loop.
  • In the second row, we knit two from every second loop.
  • In the third row, respectively, we knit double loops from the third.
  • Now we knit a couple of rows without decrements and increases.
  • We need to round off the doll's head, we continue to knit according to the same rapport, only the other way around.
  • We begin to decrease the loops: first in every third row, then in the second, etc.
  • Tighten the remaining 2-3 loops.
  • We tie our hands with columns without a crochet and attach them to the body.
  • First, fill the head and hands with padding polyester or holofiber.

  • We turn on imagination and knit clothes for our doll.

  • We dress the doll in knitted clothes.
  • The final touch is to design the face. You can sew on buttons as eyes, or completely embroider the face.

Japanese knitting of amigurumi toys is gaining more and more popularity. A distinctive feature of these products is the large size of the head in relation to the body and limbs. This gives additional charm and charm to toys. Crochet amigurumi doll patterns will help needlewomen create more than one soft cute friend for mood or as a gift to family and friends, and will also delight the kids.

Features of technology

A characteristic feature of the amigurumi knitting technique is the knitting density. This is achieved by replacing the hook diameter with a smaller one. For example, if a yarn manufacturer recommends using hook # 3, then hook # 2 is used to work with this material.

Knitting should be tight so that the filler with which the toy is stuffed does not show through.

The basis of the work is the so-called amigurumi ring. Thanks to it, the round parts of the toys have no holes. The neatness of the appearance of the product depends on how carefully the ring is made. There is nothing difficult here, but practice is necessary.

First, you need to wind the working thread around the index finger of your left hand a couple of times. This is done with the right hand, which contains the working thread. When the turns are wound, a spiral remains on the left index finger, which we carefully remove from the finger, forming a loop. Further, through this loop, the working thread is crocheted and pulled through the ring onto the hook. Then the hook is threaded through the loop again and a regular single crochet is made.

Usually 6 or 8 loops are knitted into the amigurumi ring. A few turns of the thread around the finger for the first loop just ensures the knit tightness.

Having knitted the columns, the ring must be tightened by pulling the thread over the tip. You will get a circle of six loops tied with a thread.

Toys are knitted not in a circle, as in most techniques, but in a spiral. This means that the rows of the product do not close, but smoothly pass from one to the other. Since the loops in the product are added and then decreased, it is necessary to count them very carefully, otherwise the toy will not work. To simplify this task, craftswomen use various markers in the form of special paper clips or threads of a different color. The main thing is that the basting should be easy to remove.

Knitted doll

After reading the description of the process, even a beginner can knit a wonderful toy. For work, you will need yarn of various colors, a hook, knitting markers, filler for soft toys, pieces of thread for hair or a washcloth, beads for the eyes, enthusiasm and a burning desire to get a pet.

The master class below will help you understand the intricacies of the work and connect just such a cute ballerina.

Knitting starts from the head, which goes into the torso. They are solid, knit in a spiral. The ballet tutu is not removable and is part of the body. At this point, there will be a change of yarn from flesh to pink.

We knit a head from beige yarn:

1 row: 6 sc in the amigurumi ring (we knit two air loops, then 6 sc in the first loop, we get a circle of 6 sc). 2nd row: 6 increments (12). 3rd row: * 1 sbn pr * 6 times (18). 4th row: * 2 sbn pr * 6 times (24). 5 row: * 3 sbn pr * 6 times (30). 6 row: * 4 sbn pr * 6 times (36). 7 row: * 5 sbn pr * 6 times (42). 8-15 rows: 42 sc in each row. 16 row: * 5 sbn kill * 6 times (36). 17 row: * 4 sbn kill * 6 times (30). 18 row: * 3 sbn kill * 6 times (24). 19 row: * 2 sbn kill * 6 times (18) - fill your head. 20 row: * 1 sbn kill * 6 times (12). 21 row: 12 increments (24). 22 row: * 3 sbn pr * 6 times (30). 23 row: 30 sbn. Change the yarn to pink.

24 row: we make a hem - we knit with a pink thread 30 sbn for the front walls of the loops of the previous row. 25 row: we knit with a pink thread for the back walls of the loops 23 rows 30 sbn. 26-30 rows: 30 sc in each row. 31 row (skirt begins): knit * 4 sbn pr * 6 times (36) behind the front walls of the loops of the previous row. 32 row: * 5 sbn pr * 6 times (42). 33 row: knit rapport * skip two loops, in the 3rd loop 7 double crochets, skip two loops, connecting column * 7 times. 34 row: we return to the body, to the 30th row, through the connecting posts on the skirt, we knit 30 sbn for the back walls of the loops of the 30th row. 35-36 rows: 30 sc in each row. 37 row: * 3 sbn kill * 6 times (24). 38 row: * 2 sbn kill * 6 times (18) - fill the body. 39 row: * sbn kill * 6 times (12). 40 row: 6 decreases, close knitting.

Next, knit the legs together with pointe shoes. The pink and nude thread will constantly alternate. This is done like this: when there is one single crochet left before the transition, we begin to knit this extreme column in the usual way - we grab the working thread on the hook and get there two threads of the same color. To perform a smooth color transition, yarn of a different color is picked up by the crochet (where there are now two working loops) and pulled into a loop with a new color through two working loops.

It is necessary to ensure that the constrictions of different colors inside the leg are not very compressed, since when filling the doll with filler, compression will appear and it will not be possible to fill the leg tightly.

We start knitting legs, which also knit in a circle. We start with pink yarn: 1 row: 6 sc in the amigurumi ring. 2nd row: 6 increments (12). 3 row: 12 sb. 4th row: pink thread: 1 sbn; bodily thread: 4 sbn; pink thread: 2 sc, raise, 1 sc, raise, 2 sc (total we get 14 sc in a row). 5 row: bodily thread: 6 sbn; pink thread: 7 sbn; bodily thread: 1 sbn (14). 6 row: bodily thread: 7 sbn; pink thread: 1 sbn, 2 decreases; body thread: 2 sbn (12). 7 row: bodily thread: 8 sc, 1 decrease, 2 sc (11). 8 row: bodily thread: 8 sbn, 1 decrease, 1 sbn (10) - cut the pink thread, fix it. Further we will knit only in flesh color. We stuff the foot, paying special attention to the heel. 9-14 rows: 10 sb, cut the thread, fasten, leave the tip for sewing, fill the leg to the end. We knit two parts.

We knit the handles: 1 row: 4 sc in the amigurumi ring (the amigurumi circle must be tried to “turn out” to knit the next row). 2nd row: 4 increments (8). 3-4 rows: 8 sc in each row. 5 row: * 2 sbn kill * 2 times (6) - fill your palm. 6-10 rows: 6 sbn, cut the thread and fasten, leaving the tip for sewing. We fill the handle. Do not forget that the doll has two handles.

Let's start the doll's hairstyle. A gulka is a sphere wrapped in a thread of the same color that it is tied with. Knits like a regular ball, but without both poles. When the poles are connected, you get a flattened oval, which after filling will take the shape of a donut: 1 row: 12 air loops are closed in a circle, then we knit in a circle. 2nd row: * 1 sbn pr * 6 times (18). 3 row: * 2 sbn pr * 6 times (24).

4th row: * 3 sbn pr * 6 times (30). Rows 5-8: 30 sc in each row. 9th row: * 3 sbn kill * 6 times (24). 10 row: * 2 sbn kill * 6 times (18). 11 row: * 1 sbn kill * 6 times (12), cut the thread, leaving the tip longer for sewing the “poles” of the ball. We sew several columns, fill the sewn section with padding polyester and repeat until the circle ends. Then we wrap the resulting ball with thread of the same color.

For a bundle, you can knit a bow, which will add beauty and elegance to the toy. 1 row: we close 20 air loops in a circle, then we knit in a circle. Rows 2-6: 20 sc in each row. We wrap the resulting cylinder in the middle and get a bow. We fix the thread. After that we make hair for the ballerina.

We take the threads of the same color from which the bunch was made, and cut them into 20 cm segments. Along the seam on the body at the junction of the beige and pink threads, we determine the front of the head. Where there is no seam - in front. In the 7th row, we fix the first “strand” of hair in the center of the front, pulling the prepared section over the center and securing it. So we have 9 strands. On the back of the head in the 16th row, we fix 7 strands.

In the same way, we fix the strands around the entire circumference of the head. In the front, it will be enough to do along a row of hair, and on the sides - several rows, so that after collecting the hair in a tail, bald patches do not appear. You can pre-estimate and outline the curls to make it easier to understand where to attach them. We leave the top of the head bald. After the hair is gathered into a bun, it will close.

After the hair is collected in a ponytail, its excess length must be cut and fastened on top of a bun.

We attach a bow to the hairstyle, we make pointe lacing.

At the final stage, we animate the doll, making it a face. For the eyes, you can use beads, having previously painted them brown or black. We embroider a mouth. The ballerina is ready!

Such a toy will be a wonderful gift not only for any little girl, but also for an adult who goes in for dancing.

Related videos

More details on the amigurumi technique and the secrets of craftsmanship can be found in the following videos:

Crocheting dolls is more than needlework. Someone's dolls evoke memories of a serene childhood, and someone collects them all their lives. The dolls are given names and are often treated like best friends. And what can we say about little girls, for them a new doll is the best gift! The crochet pattern of a small doll is simple, a novice craftswoman can easily cope with it if she carefully follows the instructions.

The amigurumi doll is simply adorable, if you wish, you can braid it or make the dress brighter. But even so, the doll with button eyes is just a cutie. A crochet pattern for the dress is also included in the description. We wish you pleasant hours of creativity and we are waiting for your dolls in the comments to the post!

Crochet pattern for crocheting amigurumi dolls

The knitted doll scheme is translated into Russian by Handcraft Studio, the author is unknown.

RLS = single crochet
CH = double crochet
Adding. = increase
By decreasing. = decrease
conn. Art. = connecting post
vp. = air loop


Row 2.6 increases (12)

Row 7. (5 PRS, 1 increase) x 6 times (42)
Row 8. (6 PRS, 1 increase) x 6 times (48)
Row 9-14. 48 sc
Row 15.17 RLS, 1 increase, 1 RLS, 1 increase, 9 RLS, 1 increase, 1 RLS, 1 increase, 16 RLS (52)
Row 16-18. 52 sc
Row 19.17 PRS, 1 decrease, 1 PRN, 1 decrease, 4 PRS, 1 decrease, 4 PRS, 1 decrease, 1 PRS, 1 decrease, 15 PRS (47)
Row 20.2 PRS, 1 decrease, 6 PRS, 1 decrease, 10 PRS, 1 decrease, 3 PRS, 1 decrease, 12 PRS, 1 decrease, 4 PRS (42)
Row 21. (5 PRS, 1 decrease) x 6 times (36)
Row 22. (4 PRS, 1 decrease) x 6 times (30)
Row 23. (3 PRS, 1 decrease) x 6 times (24)
Row 24. (2 PRS, 1 decrease) x 6 times (18)
Row 25. (1 PRS, 1 decrease) x 6 times (12) Close the last loop.

Begin knitting with flesh-colored yarn
Row 1. Amigurumi ring and 6 PRS in a ring.
Row 2. 6 increments (12)
Row 3. (1 PRS, 1 increase) x 6 times (18)
Row 4. (2 PRS, 1 increase) x 6 times (24)
Row 5. (3 PRS, 1 increase) x 6 times (30)
Row 6. (4 PRS, 1 increase) x 6 times (36)
Row 7-9. 36 sc
Go for pink yarn.
Row 10.36 sc
Row 11. Knit by the back walls of the loops. 36 sc
Row 12. (10 PRS, 1 decrease) x 3 times (33)
Row 13.33 PRS
Row 14. (9 PRS, 1 decrease) x 3 times (30)
Row 15.30 PRS
Row 16. (8 PRS, 1 decrease) x 3 times (27)
Row 17.27 PRS
Row 18. (7 PRS, 1 decrease) x 3 times (24)
Row 19.24 PRS
Go for white yarn
Row 20. (2 PRS, 1 decrease) x 6 times (18)
Go for flesh yarn.
Row 21. Knit by the back walls of the loops. 18 PRS
Row 22-23. 18 PRS

Turn the body upside down and find the last loop of the 21st row.
Start knitting with white yarn. Knit by the front walls of the loops. Pull the yarn through the first loop, 2 ch. 2 CH in the same loop. (2 CH in the same loop) x 7 times, 2 RLS, (2 CH in the same loop) x 8 times, conn. Art. in the first CH.

Begin knitting with flesh-colored yarn
Row 1. Amigurumi ring and 6 PRS in a ring.
Row 2.6 increases (12)
Row 3-5. 12 sc
Row 6. (2 PRS, 1 decrease) x 3 times (9)
Row 7. (1 PRS, 1 decrease) x 3 times (6)
Row 8-10. 6 sc
Go for pink yarn
Row 11. (1 PRS, 1 increase) x 3 times (9)
Row 12-20. 9 sc
Row 21. Fold edges together and work on both sides with connecting posts. Close the last loop, leaving a long tail to sew on.

Start knitting with black yarn
Row 1.7 VP
Expand, start from the second loop, knit 2 RLS, 2 RLS, 2 CH, 5 CH in the same loop in one loop, continue knitting on the other side of the chain. 2 СН, 2 СБН, 1 increase, conn. Art. in the first loop (17)
Row 2.1 increase, 3 СБН, 3 СН, (3 СН in the same loop) x 3 times, 3 СН, 3 СБН, 1 increase, conn. Art. in the first loop (25)
Row 3. Knit by the back walls of the loops. 25 sc

Go for lilac yarn.
Row 4.25 sc
Row 5.7 PRS, 1 CH, (2 CH together) x 5 times, 1 CH, 6 PRS (20)

Go for flesh yarn.
Row 6. Knit by the back walls of the loops. 7 sc, 3 decreases, 7 sc (17)
Row 7.6 PRS, 3 decreases, 5 PRS (14)
Row 8.5 PRS, 2 decreases, 5 PRS (12)
Row 9.6 sc, 1 decrease, 4 sc (11)
Row 10.11 sc
Row 11.5 PRS, 1 decrease, 4 PRS (10)
Row 12-27. 10 sc
Row 28. Fold edges together and work on both sides with connecting posts. Close the last loop, leaving a long tail to sew on.
Sew the legs to the body.

Turn the body upside down and find the last loop of the 11th row.
Start knitting with pink yarn. Knit by the front walls of the loops. Pull the yarn through the first loop, 2 ch.
Row 1. Start knitting in the same loop. (2 CH, 1 increase) x 12 times (48)
Row 2-4. 48 CH
Row 5.48 reverse double crochets. Close the last loop.