Redeeming the bride - tests for real men. Questions to the groom on the bride price

Anna Lyubimova June 28, 2018

Any wedding is a whole complex of traditions and rituals that alternate sequentially and signify the union of a man and a woman, both on a spiritual and material level. The latter includes the ransom. This is a very ancient custom, which among our ancestors had a very definite meaning and was significant, and today it has turned into fun. Therefore, the wedding organizers prepare in advance questions for the groom to buy the bride, as well as tests for him. Without this, the newlywed is not supposed to go out to the groom.

What is Bride Ransom?

In ancient times, a daughter's departure from the parental home to her husband's family was extremely practical. Parents lost an additional "working unit", so they reasoned that for such a loss the groom was supposed to pay. This is the origin of the custom of the bride ransom, which is still preserved among some peoples.

The wedding ransom from our distant ancestors was expressed in any material values

They could give money for the bride either some real goods, household items. Furs, cattle, fabrics and so on were used as such a payment.

Over time, this rule grew into a tradition - often fun and optional. Now the groom was required not to pay for the chosen one with money or things, but to show dexterity or ingenuity. Therefore, bridesmaids and her relatives prepared the tasks for the groom for the ransom of the bride. All this was accompanied by laughter and jokes. Moreover, quite often such tasks looked rather tough and intricate.

Perhaps this was done in order to check the character of the chosen one, to force him to demonstrate, along with ingenuity, patience.

Today, many wedding planners are opposed to foreclosures. This tradition is called archaic and incomprehensible to modern young people. However, despite such criticism, custom still appears in most wedding scenarios. Therefore, the groom needs to be prepared for the fact that he will be asked tricky questions about the bride or come up with unexpected tests. Should you give up the ransom if it is still considered a natural stage on a vibrant wedding day?

Photo of the groom on the ransom of the bride

Questions for the groom on redemption

The ransom procedure begins at the bride's house. If she lives in a high-rise building, and even on one of the upper floors, then the fun expands to unimaginable limits. Indeed, according to the scenario, the newlywed must make his way to his chosen one, overcoming many obstacles. They are also arranged by bridesmaids. The witness and friends act as the groom's assistants. The task of the "defenders" is to ask cool questions to the groom at the bride's ransom, and for each correct answer, allow him to move forward. Here it all depends on the fantasy of the girlfriends and on the length of the path that the newlywed must take.

If a guy, with the help of friends, successfully copes with the next task, he can take the next step. If in response, an error crept in - pays a fine... When preparing a script, you need to think about what the groom should pay. Perhaps it will be coins, candy or some small souvenirs.

Meeting the groom at the bride price

What questions are asked to the groom during the ransom, it is up to the ransom organizers themselves. As a rule, there are a lot of such questions, because everyone wants to have fun as long as possible. Most often, the dialogue between the bridesmaids and the groom, one way or another, concerns the newlywed.

Here is an example list of tasks for the groom:

  1. Name the happy day of the first meeting with the chosen one.
  2. Name the hour at which the couple's first date was scheduled.
  3. What flowers does the bride prefer?
  4. Her favorite season of the year?
  5. What is the size of the bride's waist?
  6. What dish is she really disgusted with?
  7. What is the name of her favorite perfume?
  8. Name the words that the groom used to declare his love to the bride for the first time.
  9. How many girlfriends does the bride have?
  10. What cartoon did she most like to watch as a child?
  11. Her favorite alcoholic drink?
  12. What size shoes does the bride wear?
  13. What vacation is the most pleasant for her?
  14. With what marks did the bride graduate from school?
  15. What subject did she do best in school?
  16. What did her family call her as a child (home nickname)?
  17. Which country would she choose to live in?
  18. Does she have a cherished dream, and if so, which one?
  19. What are the three qualities she values ​​most in men?
  20. How many children does she want to have in marriage?

As you can see, many questions about the bride are tricky, so the groom will not be able to answer all of them. But on the same list sometimes questions are included about the mother-in-law. For example:

  1. With what words did the future mother-in-law first meet the groom?
  2. When is her birthday?
  3. Does she like to dance?
  4. With what will the mother-in-law serve pancakes to the future son-in-law?
  5. Does she believe in the horoscope?
  6. Does the mother-in-law read newspapers?
  7. What is the color of her eyes?
  8. What are the hobbies of the future father-in-law (fishing, summer cottage, etc.)?

Such wedding ransom riddles with answers need to be thought out in advance. They are drawn up together with the bride - after all, otherwise it will be impossible to check whether the groom is telling the truth or coming up with excuses.

The groom answers the guests' questions during the bride's ransom

Grooms, be ready for ransom!

In addition to funny and not very questions, wedding scenarios often contain funny tests for the groom. He can often be confused with a wet towel trick. A moistened towel is handed to the groom and offered to be tied as tightly as his feelings for the chosen one. When the knot, it turns out, is tightened conscientiously, it is proposed to untie it as quickly as domestic disputes will quickly disappear. It is clear that one second is tight tied wet knot on a towel not untie, so you will most likely need the help of friends.

Photo of the bride and groom on redemption

There are also separate tasks for the witness on the stairs. He may be asked to jump up a flight of stairs on one leg, or to bring a witness there. By the way, the witness in the old days called himself a friend and was a rather impressive figure at a wedding. He was the manager, performed the function of the main support of the groom. So the witness participates in the ransom ceremony on an equal basis with the groom. Often it is he who makes the ransom instead of the groom, who does not need to stuff the pockets of a wedding suit with every little thing.

Actually, arrange a ransom for the bride at your wedding or not - everyone's business. You can pay tribute to traditions, or you can come up with something of your own. Perhaps in the future, your ideas will also become traditional and popular among other newlyweds.

A wedding is a very responsible and important event for young spouses. Everything has to be perfect, from the bride's shoes to the invitation cards. But if the guests suddenly get bored, then all efforts will go down the drain. No matter what style the wedding is held, no matter how many attendees are planned, no matter what age categories are implied, the invitees should be fun and interesting. One of the entertainments suitable for any audience is questions about the newlyweds to the guests at the wedding. They can be set not only directly during your stay at the festive table in the banquet hall, but also during the entire celebration. For example, at a bride price, opposing parties may exchange tricky questions. Or, during a photo session, the toastmaster will entertain the invitees with amusing tasks. Spending time, so to speak, combining business with pleasure. Or you can start preparing for charades in advance. If you compose a cool matchmaking scenario on the part of the groom, include a heading with questions there, then continue the quiz at the bachelorette and bachelor parties, and finish everything directly at the event itself, you will get a kind of quest lasting several months, from engagement to wedding. The relatives of the young people can later come up with how to capture all these events and present an original wedding gift to the newlyweds from friends, for example, a photo collage, a multi-frame, a slideshow, a video (by the way, other options for gifts from friends can be viewed). The main thing is that an exciting and interesting game remains in memory for many years. And here, in fact, is the list of questions:

  1. Under what circumstances did the young people meet? This is an already well-worn assignment with a long beard. You can diversify it by inviting guests to break into pairs and try to fake a meeting day.
  2. How do they affectionately call each other? The question may sound trite, but the guests, giving out a wide variety of options, will amuse themselves.
  3. What are their best friends called?
  4. What does the bride cook for the groom for breakfast?
  5. How much is the groom's salary? That is, how much money does he bring home, and how much does he leave for the stash?
  6. And where, then, is he hiding this stash?
  7. Which of the young wakes up earlier?
  8. Who goes to bed later?
  9. How many children do you plan to have?
  10. What will be the name of the first child?
  11. And now a special question, try to guess it. What kind of phone is the brand that he gave her as a gift?
  12. And also tell me, but do not rush with an answer. Where did the young people meet? Where did you kiss for the first time? Where did he stroke her knee, maybe in an abandoned warehouse? Or in the park under a bush, or sat under the window?
  13. Now the question is about the main thing. Why is the groom so nice? What attracted the bride to sit next to him?
  14. Finally, tell me, but report the whole truth. How was the bride able to curb the eagle that arranged a holiday for all of us, honored everyone to be a guest?

Playful wedding greetings, poems and riddles are an integral part of the wedding celebration. It is only important not to go too far and not to offend those present with a chopping rhyme. Sense of humor, it is different for everyone.

It has quite deep roots in the history of Russia. But already from the very beginning, in the days of Russia, the ransom of the bride was a real performance, show and performance, for which the bride and groom, their relatives and guests prepared in advance. We can say that this was one of the most important components of the entire wedding ceremony. And the ransom took place, already at that time, in the following (by the way, something similar to the modern) way.

So, the groom drove up to the village where the bride lived. On the way to the house, relatives and fellow villagers blocked the way for the groom and demanded from him various gifts and money - the so-called ransom. Sometimes they blocked the road with a log on which the bride's friends and relatives were sitting, inviting the groom to show his strength and ingenuity. They could, for example, ask the groom to cut a log to show how strong a husband he would be. After that, the groom moved on ... to meet new challenges!

New contests and fun, prepared by the bride's relatives and neighbors, were waiting for the groom near the bride's house. The groom and his "horde" also had to give the children a kind of ransom - sweets and candies. The bridegroom's relatives also asked the groom various riddles, sometimes with a trick, so that there was something to think about. The groom and his loved ones also had to not forget about the bridesmaids: they had to treat them with sweets or give small gifts.

Once in the house, the groom faced yet another difficult test: of the two girls sitting under an opaque headscarf, he had to find his bride. After the bride was guessed, the guests went to the festive table.

Today, many young people refuse to carry out the ransom ceremony, but in vain. It is he who helps guests and relatives to at least a little liberate and relax, and those who are not yet familiar with each other - to get to know each other. And jokes and jokes will help the bride and groom, at least a little, to relieve tension. In addition, guests will certainly want to experience all the delights of a traditional Russian wedding, which has always been famous for its fun: "Oh, this wedding, the wedding sang and danced ...".

The ransom can be organized independently, by the efforts of relatives, friends and neighbors, or you can involve a presenter or who will lead the whole holiday.

If you, nevertheless, decided to organize the ransom on your own, get ready for the fact that all this will fall on the shoulders of the bride's relatives: they will have to come up with funny contests and original questions for the groom and his relatives.

You can ask the groom questions, for example, already on the staircase. The answer to each question will mean moving the groom one step forward. At the same time, relatives and friends can help and prompt him in every possible way.

So, an example of the original questions for the groom:

  • Name 10 affectionate words in the first letter of your beloved bride's name ... And now for the second letter!
  • Come up with 15 variants of derivatives on behalf of your dear bride (Natasha, Natasha, Natusya, etc.).
  • What do you call a bride when you see her beautiful and smart? And when does she wash off the makeup? When will she scratch your car?
  • What are 10 reasons why you decided to get married? And now - 10 reasons why I decided to marry Natasha!
  • As we all know, marriage is a combination of the rights and responsibilities of the bride and groom. So tell us what rights and responsibilities you will have in your marriage. Don't rush, think well!
  • Give the names of your beloved girlfriends, but hurry up, there is no time to remember! (at least three bridesmaids must be named).
  • Dear groom, will you hide money from your wife? No? We do not believe! Think of it better than 10 places where you can hide a stash in the house. And you, bride, shake your mustache!
  • What's the softest thing a bride has? (the groom's correct answer is character).
  • Tell us groom, how will you please your bride?
  • On what day are you, our dear groom, which means the future son-in-law, will you wish your beloved mother-in-law a happy birthday?
  • Do you like to work, groom? And around the house? Tell us, what household chores will you do regularly?
  • The beautiful bride has a mole on her cheek. And which one, you must tell us!
  • Will you serve coffee to your wife and mother-in-law in bed in the morning?
  • Do you know your future wife well? If so, tell us her favorite song, color and dish? For the correct answer - three steps forward!
  • How does your future wife prefer to spend her free time? At a disco, in a restaurant or in the kitchen by the stove?

contests for redemption of the bride

Proposed tenders for buyback

"The bride's bouquet"

- Here are 3 bouquets we have.

Answer us now,

Which one will you take

And what will you give the bride as a gift?

The witness offers the groom 3 envelopes to choose from. Each envelope contains paper with the words "broom", "bath broom", "bouquet of flowers". The same bouquets are held in the hands of the bride's friend. The groom selects an envelope, opens it, reads it. If he chose a broom, the witness says:

- It can be seen a little blundered,

If they took a broom as a gift.

This bouquet is not good

You will have to pay.

"Introducing the groom"

The witness says:

- Come on, guests, tell us,

What is good about the groom, praise.

The witness invites the groom's friends to say at least 10 compliments to him and not to repeat them. Friends praise the groom.

2nd option:

The witness says:

- Let the witness take your time

Will list us the merits of the groom.

If he doesn't name

20 qualities ahead,

There will be a complete twist

From doorstep to gate.

The witness is presenting Chupa Chups sweets. You need to unfold them, put them in your mouth and talk like that.

"Guess the number"

- the age of the bride;

- the growth of the bride;

- the size of the bride's feet;

- the bride's birthday;

- mother-in-law's birthday;

- the bride's apartment number;

- House number;

- the size of the bride's clothes;

- wedding day.

"Steps - Promises"

- You go up the steps and promise

What are you going to do around the house.

On the steps of the stairs, chalked or laid out

from colored paper

abbreviation of 2 words. The groom climbs the steps, reads, guesses, promises:

"DR" - to raise children.

"ZP" - to bring salaries.

"SB" - to wash clothes.

"MV" - to take out the trash.

"PM" - to wash the floors.

"GK" - to cook and eat.

"VD" - to do everything.

"Words of love"

The witness says:

- And what is your fiancé?

Not pockmarked or crooked?

Is there a heroic strength?

How do you love your bride

Shout to us at a time.

And let the friends not stand

Let them shout with you in chorus.

The groom shouts loudly to the bride: "I love you!"

"The reason for marriage"

A paper chamomile with tear-off petals is attached to the wall. On the back of the petals are written the reasons why the groom is getting married:

- by calculation;

- for love;

- according to need;

- on the advice of friends;

- out of clean socks;

- it's cold to sleep alone;

- there is no one to feed;

- mom makes;

- age is running out.

The witness invites the groom to choose one of the petals, tear it off, read it and announce the reason why he is getting married. If the reason for the marriage does not suit the groom, he pays off and chooses another chamomile petal.

2nd option:

There are balloons hanging on the entrance wall. In each

inside the ball is a note indicating the reason why the groom decided to marry. The witness invites the groom to burst the chosen balloon, get the paper out of it and read the reason for the marriage. If the reason does not suit the groom, he pays off and chooses the next ball.

"Hit the target"

The game "Darts" is used for the competition. There is a poster on the wall - a target from the game "Darts". It contains the reasons why the groom decided to marry. In the center - "for love", and further in a circle for other reasons.

The witness presents the groom with darts from the game "Darts" and offers to throw the dart at the target and indicate the reason for the marriage. The groom aims at the center, throws a dart ifgoal - the reason for the marriage does not suit him, he buys the next attempt.

"Declaration of love"

The witness says:

- Love for all ages

And all nations, and if so,

Shout: "I love you ..."

In 5 different languages.

And if the diplomas are overseas

Didn't bother to know

I'll give you my friend a hint

In return, you must give money.

The witness invites the groom to make a declaration of love in 5 foreign languages. The groom says words of love, friends suggest. If they do not know, they buy out the sheets of paper written in a foreign language from the witness.declarations of love.

"Guess the number"

A paper chamomile with tear-off petals is attached to the wall. Numbers are written on each petal. The groom tears off each petal one at a time and guesses the cipher of the numbers:

- the age of the bride;

- the growth of the bride;

- the size of the bride's feet;

- the bride's birthday;

- mother-in-law's birthday;

- the bride's apartment number;

- House number;

- the size of the bride's clothes;

- the day of meeting the bride and groom;

- wedding day.


There is a poster on the wall showing the contour of the multi-colored silhouettes of 3 girls with different shapes

- a plump girl, athletic and curvy. The groom must guess the silhouette of his bride's figure and kiss him. If the groom is mistaken in his choice, the witness comments on the kiss of the image of another girl.

"Kiss of the Bride"

On the wall of the entrance, there is a poster on which the bride and her girlfriends left a mark from a kiss with lipstick of various colors. The witness proposes to the groomlook closely at the lip prints and guess your bride's lips.

"Portrait of the Bride"

The witness says to the groom:

- Draw a portrait of the bride, our hero,

- We will reward you with a star.

A large white sheet of paper is fixed to the wall of the entrance. The witness hands the groom a marker, blindfolds with a scarf and asks to draw a portrait of the bride. If the portrait is not similar enough to the original, the groom pays the price.

"A ladder of songs"

At the entrance in front of the stairs the witness says to the groom:

- This is a ladder of songs: for each ladder - a song.

Sing us louder than a song, let the witness help.

- Yes, and you do not stand around, sing loudly with them!

To begin with, about love, that the blood would boil in the veins!

The groom, together with his friends, must perform a love song.

- And now we will sing about the sea, so that all the sorrow would sink in it!

The groom, together with his friends, must sing a song about the sea.

- To make life without tears, sing to us about a bunch of roses!

The groom, together with his friends, must perform a song about roses.

- Well done, groom, you completed the task with honor,

Sing how you love your bride (what a bride you have)!

The groom should sing HOW he loves the bride, for example. "I love you to tears ..." or WHAT bride, for example. "Unusual, affectionate, gentle ...".

"Rings, rustles, hisses"

There are 3 empty glasses on the chair. The witness invites the groom to fill them:

- In one to rustle,

In the other to ring

And in the third, so that the stormy foam hiss.

The groom fills one glass with banknotes, the second with coins, and the third glass is poured with champagne.

"Love does not love"

There is a paper chamomile on the wall of the entrance, on the petals of which it is written “what the bride loves” or “what the bride does not love”. The witness says to the groom:

- So that there is no mistake,

Tell us on a camomile.

For every mistake

Put me a piece of paper.

Write on each petal: what the bride loves and what she doesn't love, and we will find out how you know your bride.

The groom picks up a marker and writes on each petal. If he doesn't know the answer, he pays.

"Knot of love"

The witness says to the groom:

- In proof of the power of love

Gather all your feelings into a knot -

Faith, hope, love and patience,

Delight, luck and luck.

Here's a diagram - a knot of love

Come on, collect.

In this knot, all your strength is.

Remember, this is the family.

There is a poster on the wall with a picture of the site diagram. The witness hands the groom a roll of rope and offers to tie a knot at speed. The groom is tying the knot, the bridesmaids are counting.

"Knot of love and problems"

The witness hands the groom a scarf or towel and says:

“You must tie the knot as tight as you love your bride.

The groom ties the knot as tight as possible. Then

the witness says to the groom:

“Now you must untie the knot as quickly as you can solve problems.

The groom unties the knot for speed .

"Taste of Family Life"

There are 3 cups of water on the chair with different tasting water - sweet, sour and salty. The witness invites the groom to choose one of the cups, drink water and determine what kind of family life he will have. The groom chooses, tries, if the taste of family life does not suit him, he pays off and chooses further.

"Sweet life"

There are 3 cups of water on the chair - clean, sweet and salty. The witness invites the groom to determine what kind of family life he will have. To do this, you need to choose a cup and drink some water. The groom chooses, drinks and if he does not frown, but smiles, then family life will be sweet.

"Swaddle the baby"

There is a doll and a diaper on the chair. The witness suggests checking the groom, whether he is ready for the appearance and upbringing of children. To do this, the groom must quickly and correctly swaddle the doll. The groom takes the doll in his hands, unfolds the diaper, puts the doll, swaddles, ties with a ribbon. The witness and friends are counting out loud. If the groom incorrectly swaddled the doll, it means that he is not ready enough to raise children, so he must pay.

"The most precious thing for the bride"

The witness puts a basin in front of the groom and asks to put in it what is very dear to the bride. The groom must himself stand in the basin with his feet, showing by this that he is the most precious thing for the bride.

"Name of the bride"

On the floor in the entrance or in the hallway of the apartment, the name of the bride is written in chalk or lined with multi-colored paper letters. The witness invites the groom to lay out the bride's name in bills or coins. The groom covers each letter of the bride's name with money so that there are no gaps. The witness helps him.

"Find the key"

There are balloons hanging on the entrance wall. One of them contains a note with the word "key". The witness invites the groom to find the key to the bride's apartment. To do this, he must choose a balloon, burst it and get a piece of paper with the word "key". If there is nothing in the ball, the selection continues. With the right choice, the witness

gives the groom the key to the bride's apartment.

"The key to the bride's apartment"

The witness hands the groom a cup with 3 keys frozen in ice and invites him to choose the key to the bride's apartment. To do this, the groom must melt the ice and get the keys out of it. He can use a lighter, or he can melt the ice with his hands to thaw the keys. The witness helps the groom. And then the groom chooses the key and opens the door to the bride's apartment for them.

2nd option:

There is a 3-liter jar of water on the chair. At the bottom of the bank lies the key to the bride's apartment. The witness invites the groom to get the key, provided that the water cannot be poured out of the can, it can only be drunk, and it is also impossible to climb into the can with your hand. The groom and his friends drink water from the can and take out the key. Also, the can can accidentally slip outfrom the hands, fall and break, the water will spill, and the key will be in the hands of the groom.


The groom is offered a choice of several closed shoe boxes. Each of them contains one piece of footwear - house slippers, a sneaker, a man's shoe and a bride's shoe. The witness tells the groom that the bride's wedding shoe has disappeared and she has nothing to wear to the registry office. The groom must find her shoe, or choose which shoe the bride will wear for the wedding. The groom chooses one of the offered boxes, opens it and takes out shoes. If the groom's shoes are not satisfied, he pays off and chooses further until he gets a wedding shoe. With a shoe in hand, the groom enters the bride's room.

"Strengthening the walls"

The groom enters the apartment. The witness holds a tray in her hands and says to the groom:

- So you have come to the bride.

You are almost together

Just to be a family

We need to strengthen the walls.

One sweet candy

Another - with clear coins,

The third crunchy pieces of paper

And the fourth is intoxicating drinks.

The groom takes out and hands the bridesmaids champagne and sweets, puts coins on the tray, crunches bills and then enters the bride's room. They are together.

"Ribbons - compliments"

On the door to the bride's room, multi-colored ribbons are fixed in zigzags. The witness tells the groom

- If you are careful with the tape,

It is not difficult to cope.

Tearing off the tape carelessly,

Talk to the bride gently.

With every sweet word

The heart beats harder and harder.

Well, groom, do not become limp,

Affectionately call the bride.

The groom removes the ribbons from the door, one at a time, and with each ribbon he says a compliment to the bride. The door is released from the barrier, and the groom enters the bride's room.

"The way to the heart of the bride"

In the doorway to the bride's room there is a canvas - a sheet or other white or translucent fabric, on which a large heart is drawn with a marker or scarlet paint. The witness invites the groom to cut this heart out of linen. She says:

- There is a barrier in front of you,

Behind the obstacle is the reward.

Take scissors in your hands

And depict the heart for us.

Remember through the heart

The path lies to your bride.

To do this, the groom must first buy scissors from the witness. The groom buys out the scissors, cuts the painted heart out of the fabric and enters the bride's room. Hearts in love unite.

One of the fun and interesting wedding ceremonies is the ransom of the bride. This wedding tradition dates back to ancient times, when the ransom was not entertainment, but a very important and serious ceremony. Today, this action has turned into a funny staged scene, where the groom must go through comic tests in order to get to his beloved. One of the most common contests is questions for the groom. The team of the wedding portal site will tell you what questions to ask for the bride price.

Questions to the groom about the bride's appearance

So that the ransom does not become boring and trivial, you can replace the questions for the groom with mini tasks, for example:

  1. Instead of asking the groom about the color of the bride's eyes, offer to choose an option from the proposed photos or draw them yourself.
  2. The groom can choose an insole that matches the size of the girl's feet.
  3. Ask to guess the bride's lip print among many others.
  4. Place several rings of different sizes in front of the groom and ask what kind of ring the bride can wear on her ring finger.
  5. Provide the groom with three different sized ribbons. He must answer which one is equal to the width of the waist of his beloved.
  6. Ask to guess the bride's handprint.

There can be many options for such tenders for redemption. Don't be afraid to fantasize.

Questions for the groom about future plans

Having decided to join his life with his beloved woman, a man should know everything about her, including her dreams and plans. To test this, one can ask the following questions to the groom at the bride price:

  1. Where does your beloved dream to visit?
  2. How many children does your future wife dream of? Does she want a daughter or a son?
  3. Where are you planning to build your family nest?
  4. What is the bride's priority: career or children?
  5. What will you call the bride's parents after the wedding?
  6. What did the bride dream about as a child?
  7. How does your beloved imagine her future family life?
  8. Who will be the head of your family?

Ransom questions about dates and numbers

Often on ransom, the groom is asked questions about numbers:

  1. The day of your acquaintance?
  2. Time for your first date?
  3. When was (bride's name) born?
  4. How many months did you meet before you decided to propose?
  5. What size shoes will you buy for your wife?
  6. How many girlfriends does your fiancee have?
  7. How many steps are there in the stairwell (how many windows are there in the house) of your beloved woman?
  8. How much time does your beloved spend in front of the mirror?
  9. When will you wish your father-in-law and mother-in-law a happy birthday?
  10. How tall is the bride in millimeters? advises: when choosing ransom tasks for the groom, try not to make them too simple or too difficult to guess with a little thought. If the groom can't find an answer, offer to pay the ransom. Try not to drag out contests.

Questions about the bride's preferences

Ransom questions about the bride's preferences can also be a good option:

  1. What bouquet of flowers will the bride like the most?
  2. What will your beloved choose: a romantic dinner in a restaurant or a barbecue in nature?
  3. What qualities does the bride appreciate in people, and what can she not tolerate?
  4. What kind of music does your chosen one prefer?
  5. How does the bride most often like to spend the weekend?
  6. Why does the bride love you?
  7. How does your sweetheart like to celebrate the holidays: with her family or at a noisy party?
  8. What perfume does your future wife prefer?
  9. Does the bride have a hobby? Which?

Original questions for bride price

If you decide to conduct a non-standard ransom of the bride, then the questions should be original. An example of funny and cool questions for the groom for ransom:

  1. Come up with one sweet word for each letter of the bride's name.
  2. Name 10 derivatives in the name of your beloved (Tanya, Tanyusha, Tanechka, etc.).
  3. How can you cheer up your soul mate if she suddenly becomes sad: give flowers, take for a walk, feed with sweets or another option?
  4. Tell us why you decided to marry our bride?
  5. What does the bride like more: cleaning the apartment or sunbathing on the beach?
  6. What will you drink with your father-in-law: coffee or vodka?
  7. What will you give your wife: flowers or potatoes?
  8. What will you need to bring your beloved to bed: tea, coffee or dumplings?

Funny questions for bride price is perhaps the best option. Since this is, first of all, a comic rite, which should pass easily and naturally. As questions, you can use comic children's riddles or simple logical questions. The main thing is not to overdo it and not torment the groom and guests for too long. In general, the ransom should take no more than half an hour, and 5-10 minutes should be given for each type of task.