Female sexual energy: the secrets of success in men. Successful men: features, character traits and style

By nature, we are all different and each of us has an individual taste and preferences, ranging from food addictions to members of the opposite sex. Although we are all different from each other, each nationality is united by one thing, for example, traditions, national dishes and beauty standards. We invite you to find out which type of men from 9 countries of the world is the most attractive to women.


To understand how popular Australian men are, just look at the ratings of the sexiest actors - the Australian Hemsworth brothers are always in the top ten. Relief muscles and cubes on the stomach are a must-have for those who spend most of their lives on the beach. Australian men do not disdain visiting cosmetologists and even plastic surgeons - rhinoplasty, facelift and ear correction are not uncommon on the Green Continent. The average height of an Australian is 175 cm.


In Korea, as well as China and Japan, pop culture sets the standard for male beauty, amazing and outrageous. Here, a man's cosmetic bag weighs no less than a woman's, and this does not raise unnecessary questions. Lip gloss, eyebrow gel and even BB cream are in active use by the average young Korean. Among other signs: neat hairstyles, reminiscent of a female pixie haircut, and, most importantly, no beard - thin Asians did not support this global trend. Plastic surgery is held in high esteem: eye augmentation, getting rid of the “third eyelid”, injections - the arsenal of male procedures is growing every year.


And although Bollywood in every possible way glorifies the image of a strong courageous male, the Indian man is literally obsessed with "jars" - 65% of all male cosmetics are sold here and in nearby regions. Whitening creams and hair care products are especially successful. In recent years, Indians have been experimenting not only with hair style, but also with hair color.


In our country, a handsome man is a strong man. In every sense of the word. Not only oblique fathom in the shoulders, but also a stable position in society. And also blond hair and eyes, big hands, confident gait - Russian women describe approximately this ideal of beauty. With cosmetics, everything is still difficult for our men: while fashionable barber shops open one after another in the capital, in the regions it is still indecent to moisturize your lips with a balm (at least in public). Not to mention matting powder or, say, facial peeling. What domestic men are willing to spend time and money on are shaving products, perfumes and oral care.


The reputation of the French as experienced seducers also affects their appearance - in general, they always look well-groomed and stylish. It's not just about hair and neat unshaven hair, the French are closely watching the little things: for example, they regularly go to brush their teeth, do manicures, use eye drops. As for clothing, a solid place in the wardrobe of the average French citizen is given to accessories: scarves, scarves, gloves, hats and glasses. Hence the feeling of thoughtfulness of the image.

Great Britain

If in Asian countries fair skin is elevated to a cult, then in England the opposite is true. The most popular procedure among men is the application of self-tanning. Foggy Albion has not bypassed the fashion for the main masculine "attribute" of our time - the beard. Although English women, according to polls, prefer men with “soft” faces: without a massive lower jaw, thin, clean-shaven, with medium-sized lips. David Beckham is perhaps the canonical example of English male beauty. By the way, tattoos are another "fad" of an Englishman. Every fifth inhabitant of the country has drawings on the body.


“The main thing is that the suit fits” - this is the real credo of Italians, passionate lovers of fashion, expensive fabrics and interesting prints. Italian men love and know how to take care of themselves without losing their masculinity and remaining attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. In Italian, there is even a special term “sprezzatura”, which can be roughly translated as the ability to pay attention to details, as if by chance, with irony, so that everyone has a feeling of unbearable lightness and carelessness.


Metrosexuals have been replaced by lambersexuals. From the English "lumbersexual" - so to speak, "sexy lumberjack". Lumbersexuals are powerful guys, with a pumped-up torso that does not leave a hint of androgyny, tattooed and - by all means! - bearded. The more generous, the better. Plus a plaid shirt, straight jeans and hoodies - this is how not only the Utah Rangers now look, but also the inhabitants of Manhattan.


The typical Brazilian is a mix of the most attractive features borrowed from different nations. Olive skin - the legacy of the Portuguese, bright eyes - the Germans. Light brown hair combined with tanned skin, “six-pack abs” as an obligatory part of the image (what else to shine on the beaches of Copacabana when you are wearing only shorts and a baseball cap?), Nose, ears and lips carefully adjusted by the surgeon. When you are in Rio de Janeiro, pay attention to how cool the local men look compared to the local women, who are strong friends with cellulite and overweight, but do not hesitate to wear crop tops and miniskirts. Brazilian guys are greedy for magnificent forms, and this is another indisputable plus in their tanned relief karma.

Have you ever been surprised by the fact that some men are much more popular with women? And it's not because they look better, dress smarter or have more money. They are just confident. You don't need to be born Don Juan to have a lot of admirers around you. It is important to follow the seven simple rules that we present to your attention, and then the most impregnable beauties of the world will turn their favorable attention to you.

1. Make eye contact before you meet. Want to quickly understand whether your first step will have a continuation? (Easier to say, will they send you in the first second?). Look the girl you like in the eyes - if she did not turn away, but even better smiled back at you - you can safely go and get to know each other. If she avoids your gaze, then it’s better to look for another object for yourself - this lady is clearly not disposed to acquaintance. Take a look around and you will notice which women are "looking for" men, and which are focused solely on their companions. Learn to read in "body language" and you will achieve a lot.

4. Give her a compliment. Even if you think that someone has done it before you. Do not be afraid to approach the woman you like at the very beginning and tell her a compliment, thinking that a couple of losers have done the same experiment before you. Believe me, other guys think the same way as you, and as a result, a pretty girl continues to miss being alone. Take courage and come forward. Most likely, she will be grateful to you for an interesting conversation.

5. Don't use clichés. Otherwise, she will definitely decide that you are either like everyone else, or a very insecure person. Just be yourself, women like sincere men.

6. You should not meet in bars and nightclubs. In such places, a woman is used to male attention and you are more likely to get rejected. Maybe she just got pissed off by a pesky suitor? In addition, in nightclubs, ladies, as a rule, are ready for increased male attention and have learned to defend themselves from unwanted gentlemen. This fact may work against you. Therefore, it is better to get acquainted in other places, in a store for example.

7. An important point: understand when to leave. There is nothing worse than an obsessive man. Understanding "body language" is important not only in the first moments of acquaintance, but it will also help you understand when it is best to leave your interlocutor alone. Does her gaze wander around? Does she look tired? You ask her questions, and she answers absently or does not speak at all? So it's time to say goodbye. It is better to interrupt the conversation at the most interesting place, and she will definitely want to meet you again.

Follow these simple rules and remember that even the most successful fail sometimes. No need to dwell on them, learn from mistakes and boldly move forward! You failed to meet the girl you like - do not despair! Maybe she is just in a bad mood today, or she has already met the man of her dreams (or maybe she just has critical days?). Move forward and you will see - soon your notebook will swell with the number of new phone numbers! Happy hunting!

Natalia Sharygina especially for the Women's Club

And what is he, a successful man? Can you recognize him in a crowd? Probably, many women will say yes, you can. Here he comes, in a business suit and with a briefcase in his hand, his gaze radiates calm and confidence. However, everything is not so simple. Why beautiful appearance and good material wealth do not always mean "success" says the specialist of the clinic "Insight" doctor-psychologist-psychotherapist Tatyana Koroleva.

Strength, confidence, protection

Undoubtedly, for every woman, a successful man is associated primarily with strength, confidence, and protection. At the subconscious level, she chooses a partner for herself to create a family, good offspring. With a self-confident person, a woman will always be safe, and if he is strong and courageous, then she will give birth to full-fledged children from him. Therefore, many women are intuitively attracted to famous, successful men, with good material wealth - you can trust him, gain stability.

The reverse side of success

A successful man is always a revolutionary, and every woman unconsciously wants to obey him, go and make mistakes after him. These traditions are preserved in eastern countries: there a man is always right, but a woman has a subtle mind, intuition, and sensitivity. In our society, unfortunately, there are too many infantile men who do not know how to keep their word, to take responsibility. Despite external social success, good income, most of these men are infantile inside themselves. Achieving success, they cross a certain line, and together with the halo of fame, "star disease" they have a lot of connections, divorces, they cease to be responsible for children. Therefore, a woman is afraid to follow such a man, and she begins to strive for independence.

Big money - big temptations

An attribute of power, strength has always been prestige, celebrity, and for many women this is a signal that “I will have thoroughbred offspring, good genes, strength endurance”, “if a person has achieved this, then he is strong”, “he managed to break through in society , so it’s not scary to follow him.” However, very wealthy men are now a source of great concern for women. Most women choose men with a slightly above average income for serious relationships and starting a family. People with big money live by completely different principles, in an isolated world, too many restrictions are imposed on them. There are more temptations, there are their own laws, their own “toys”. How comfortable a low-class woman will be with such a man is a big question. As a rule, such men are happy when they find a woman from their social stratum who will not allow them to “wipe their feet on themselves”, endure humiliation because of money. There are, of course, exceptions when harmonious relationships in an unequal marriage persist for a long time. But a woman needs to do a lot of psychological work on herself, to be very strong so as not to feel hurt.

President or bank officer?

In itself, the concept of success is very relative. It all depends on what bar we set for ourselves. For one, success means the position of president, for another - a small businessman, for a third - a bank employee. When a person achieves what he wanted, he feels like an absolutely normal, accomplished member of society. He is successful in his own eyes, and this “internal” success is “mirrored” into the social one: I have achieved what I aspired to, I look good, I feel good, and others perceive me the same way. You can reach great heights, but at the same time be dissatisfied with yourself (I wanted to become president, but became vice president), and this uncertainty will manifest itself in gait, in gestures, in speech.


You have probably met a man who has achieved very little, but exudes confidence. He may be a little wild, not very smart, but he is still very popular with women. He's small, fat and bald, but damn charming! On the other hand, you can meet a businessman with a bunch of complexes, unsure of his appearance and sexual attractiveness. When a person disappears from morning till night in the gyms, at any remark addressed to him, he becomes depressed, this is already a reason to turn to a psychologist. He is endlessly focused on new heights, conquers them endlessly, and still feels uncomfortable. By status, he is already quite high, but people are moving away from him. Why? Because those around you feel this constant tension, uncertainty. In principle, reaching new heights is, of course, good, it is a certain charge of positivism, cheerfulness, but if a person, reaching a goal, experiences depression, this is already a psychological problem. A person cannot live like a robot and not notice something beautiful around. If a man completely goes into careerism, it means that something is wrong inside him. Success should bring joy, it should not interfere with enjoying the outside world, being harmonious in the family. As a careerist, he usually thinks: now I will achieve this, and then I will get a wife. This is how all life goes.


Society gives us such guidelines: a man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. In modern society, if a man is over 30, then he should have a car, an apartment, a career, a family, a harmonious person nearby - then he may be successful. And if he didn’t really study, he didn’t earn money, he doesn’t have an apartment or a car, he can’t support his family, then, of course, he didn’t take place in the eyes of society. In other words, this is a loser - a person whom they do not want to equal, for whom they feel regret. It is unpleasant for a person who strives for something to be in the company of losers, because she pulls him back, behind her, and does not charge him with positive.

A woman loves not only with her ears

If we talk about appearance, we need to return to our subconscious again. Women instinctively choose men who are healthy, neat, shaved, with good skin, clean hair. All this at the subconscious level tells the woman that he is genetically healthy, normal, he will have good offspring. Therefore, it is not at all necessary for a man to have natural external data in order to be considered successful. For a woman, his neat, fresh appearance, confident look, and inner charm are often much more important.

Success Criteria

Summing up, we can name the main features that our society ascribes to a successful man. This is a person who, firstly, pays attention to his physical "I", keeps his body in order: a sick person cannot be successful. Secondly, he develops his mental “I”, intellectual abilities: a woman still loves with her ears, and a man who opened his mouth cannot connect two words, speaks in an “obscene” language, immediately repels. And, finally, he should think about his spiritual "I": the fair sex is always attracted by sensuality, emotionality.

There are no unsuccessful men

They say that there are no ugly women, there are women who do not know how to be beautiful, do not know how to present themselves. To some extent, this also applies to men. To be successful, it is not at all necessary to have the appearance of Alain Delon and the fortune of Boris Berezovsky. If you love yourself, know how to present yourself from the side of your mind, and manners, and conversation, and image, know how to support your word with deeds, then any woman will want to follow you.
Julia Hotanovskaya

By Denker, on September 16th, 2009

Here is one weary woman's version of the answer to this question:

Do you want to know why they don't give you? It's not about women. They don't give you because you are a goat. There are no other reasons.

Thought, of course, emotional and unsubstantiated. But for some reason it is felt that the lady is right. But is her verdict final? Maybe it makes sense for her interlocutor to undergo psychological training on?

Maybe, since failure follows failure, to spit on all attempts at dating and pursue a career?

Maybe you need to become famous and brutal - ride a motorcycle through the desert, live in the taiga, jump with a parachute, sing a song on TV?

Another option is to try to "become like everyone else" - a little beer after work, a little vodka on Friday. And maybe some woman will take him for "her own", take pity on him and seduce him herself.

But maybe there is a one hundred percent recipe for how to become successful and happy?

7 comments to Why are some men not successful with women?

    To begin with, it would be nice to decide what you mean by "failure" in women. This may be the option that you gave at the beginning (the version of one tired woman) - that is, when “they don’t give you” (that is, in general and totally), despite all your efforts. Or the option with the “search for a Martian” - a man likes a woman inaccessible to him, and the one that would not mind (or maybe the one that he has and is waiting for him at home) does not like. Or when you want all women's hearts to start beating at your appearance, and all women's knees to bend at your approach, and figurines ... Which of the failures do you mean? Different situations, different recipes. Although one hundred percent - still do not promise.

    If it's about me personally...
    Simple “girls from next door” never reacted to me - girl next door.

    Is that really a failure? If neighbors do not react to you, while, for example, employees (classmates, classmates) react, this means that you do not have the opportunity to demonstrate your strengths and your masculine charm to your neighbors, but you can and demonstrate to colleagues, fellow students, etc. Hence the conclusion - your charm is manifested in conversations, personal communication, and appearance is not your strongest side. Or maybe your neighbors are not interested in your strengths, they are not attractive to them. For example, for a lady who believes that the most attractive thing in a man is intellect, a physically strong, but simple or even stupid guy will not be of great interest. And vice versa, for a girl who is greedy for male physical strength, a frail intellectual will not be interesting. It would be great to have both (developed intelligence and physical strength), but then you can be unattractive to a woman who is thrilled by the ability of a man to earn money or command subordinates.
    There is always someone who does not respond to your attractive qualities. You can set yourself the goal of conquering this someone. To do this, you can develop other qualities that will be attractive to the chosen person. But for this you need to fall in love with this person. Otherwise, the game is not worth the candle.

    It seems to me that seemingly attractive qualities can seem vice versa - negative. The same intelligence to neighbors may seem redundant and harmful.

    Well, if you use it to demonstrate your superiority, then yes, it will definitely seem harmful.
    And if intelligence is the only quality that is available, then it can also be rejected and stigmatized (after all, it has supplanted all other male qualities). But the same applies to other qualities.

    Well, the same can happen with “too beautiful”, too ...
    Too much for potential applicants.
    For some, it's not enough. For some, it's too much.

    In order for someone to feel "too", it is not necessary to demonstrate superiority. You can even hide the excess - it still won't help. Even a set of other male qualities will not help.
    It seems so to me.

    You are wrong. If a person does not use his positive qualities to demonstrate his superiority over his viz-a-vee or over someone whom this viz-a-vee considers attractive (quite difficult to resist, especially in a situation where you yourself are not considered attractive), the concepts " too" does not occur. With the exception of such cases when visa-a-vee herself considers the presence of some quality in a man a reason for his superiority over her.

    Let us dwell, for example, on the definition of "too beautiful." A woman sees a handsome man. For her, beauty in a man is not a determining factor for the emergence of sympathy (for example, she needs intelligence first of all). And the mind of this particular man is average. Therefore, she does not find him attractive to herself. But she clearly sympathizes with an ugly intellectual in front of a handsome applicant. If in this situation the applicant demonstrates his physical superiority over the intellectual (and this is quite natural - after all, he wants to please, and physical beauty in this case is his advantage), then he may earn the disparaging title of "handsome", etc. Or explaining to the applicant why he is not attracted to him, the woman will try to punish him for demonstrating superiority by turning his advantage into his disadvantage: "You are too beautiful."

Long-term observations, and the study of the psychology of relations between the sexes, lead us to interesting conclusions on how to win a girl. It so happened that in the head of women, under the influence of genes, generally accepted norms and standards, some “programs” are laid down, including those regarding the choice of a man. As a result of studying this fact, there are two types of programs that manage relationships with men. Two programs are two types of men that women respond to. And they react automatically, without even realizing it. As a rule, these are men who know what a woman needs. There are also unsuccessful types of men, we will also consider them below.

The male lover and the male provider are the two main categories of successful types of men.

Lover is a short term path. As a rule, they very quickly receive sex from a woman.


Provider- This is a long-term path. To these men, women are located with the prospect of a serious relationship. In this case, sex, on the contrary, is delayed in order to check its suitability for this perspective.

These two main types of successful men are each divided into several subtypes.


Bad guy (dangerous) - Such guys demonstrate their rigidity and rebelliousness with all their appearance, which is expressed in the style of clothing, manner of communication and behavior in general.

They do not follow the rules, put tattoos on their bodies, smoke, drink and emphasize their "danger" in every possible way. Rock musicians, bikers, all kinds of bandits, etc. can be considered prominent representatives of this subtype.

Why do they attract women?

They not only attract them, but are the most successful in this business!

A woman likes danger, a storm of emotions and impressions that she experiences next to him.

She never knows what he is capable of, and in her eyes it looks like incredible courage, masculinity and strength.


There are very common cases when they apply their power directly to a woman, but for some reason they often still turn out to be forgiven and adored. Such a man almost always controls a woman and acts on her like a drug.

Adventurer (James Bond) - this type is constantly on the move. Like the previous type, they are fearless. Their life is filled with adventure and adrenaline. They are usually into dangerous sports such as skydiving, surfing, racing, etc. It's always interesting with them. They can make even an ordinary trip to a restaurant unusual. When telling a story, they always embellish. They exude optimism and wild energy. As a rule, they have more than one woman (it happens in all senses). They are not burdened with such a concept as fidelity, they often cheat on girls and wives, and they love fast-reaching women. Usually the women who are with him understand this very well, but they cannot object. They are generally very difficult to tame. Unlike the bad guy, they don't hit women.

Seducer (Don Juan)- this type of men does not need to read books and receive some information in order to seduce a woman. They naturally understand women very well and give them what they want. They know what to say, how to touch, how to behave in order to cause this or that reaction, they are cunning and insidious. Sometimes it seems that they themselves were women somewhere in a past life. They can do quite unusual things, which makes many women seem strange, and even a little homosexual. They are very fond of pleasing women, but having seduced a woman, they disappear. May return for another adventure, but long-term relationships are very unlikely


Poet- The psyche of women is arranged in such a way that they are attracted to complex personalities who need help and understanding. These personalities include creative, extraordinary guys. They have an unusual, complex inner world, they see everything differently. They can smell the color, and they can see the smell. The study of such nature is impressive and addictive. A man needs to be understood, and since women understand the self-expression of poets more than other men, a mutual attraction is created. For the most part, they are infantile, absent-minded, and never control a woman. Unfortunately, most poets are mentally deranged.


successful guy- a successful guy has a good job, high earnings, a beautiful car, a luxurious apartment, he buys expensive gifts for a woman and, in general, can give her stability and comfort. Such men are women looking for marriage. Usually they control women, because it is inherent in their character - you see, a mattress and a rag is unlikely - they could not achieve a good position in society. If you want to become a successful guy, then you must understand that the only desire that you will cause in a woman is the desire to lasso you, which means that you don’t need to rely on simple sex.

Dad- this type of men controls and takes care of his woman. Many high-ranking women really like this approach. There is a certain sexual energy in the ability to be subservient to a strong, powerful man. They hate henpecked people, and the process of influencing a man is a kind of game for them.

A regular guy- an ordinary guy has an ordinary girlfriend, with a long ordinary relationship. At first, his life can be interesting and eventful, and in relationships he will dominate, but with age everything becomes more boring and stable, because he does not have special ambitions, and the woman takes over in the relationship. This type is not bad and not very good - he is just ordinary. An ordinary guy can add a little Seductive and Adventurer to his image, and attract more interesting women.

henpecked- such a man is very malleable to manipulation, and is ideal for dominant women. He will always look into her mouth, do what she wants, and be afraid of her displeasure. Women love to have such a man in their boyfriends, even get married, but, as a rule, they are not happy in this marriage. If by nature you are henpecked, then you should add a little Pope and Adventurer to yourself.

Useful advice: First you need to decide what kind of relationship you want. Do you only want sex, or a long-term serious relationship? Will you be a lover or a provider? Keep in mind that it will be easier for you to switch from a lover to a provider than vice versa.

In addition to successful, there are still unsuccessful types of men. Such men, on the contrary, very poorly understand what women need, and as a result, they do a lot of things wrong, which pushes women away from themselves.

Types of unsuccessful men:

  • Hippie - he is unkempt, poorly dressed and uncut. Such a man is unlikely to cause a desire to be near a beautiful well-groomed woman.
  • "Nerd" - he is interested in science, computers, he is socially uneducated and not particularly attractive.
  • Village ignoramus, or "gopnik"
  • All sorts of aggressive guys, like skinheads
  • Insecure sticky
  • cowardly boy
  • sissy
  • Nerdy debater
  • Unattractive by choice.

Now remember the men you know and their women. Surely, those men who have beautiful and worthy women are successful types. From this we can conclude that what kind of woman will be yours depends only on you. Think it over and decide what you need to change in order to achieve the desired result. And start acting now!