Thanks to the first kindergarten teacher. Original gratitude to teachers for graduation in kindergarten - video clip. Texts of gratitude letters to the educator

Samples of beautiful, sincere texts for a letter of thanks addressed to a kindergarten teacher from parents. All names, surnames, names of organizations are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them (if you are going to use a sample). Recommendations for writing a letter can be found at the end of the page.

Texts will help you express gratitude in your own words (orally).

Option number 1

Dear Appolinaria Agafonovna!

With special warmth and cordiality, we express our sincere gratitude and respect for your pedagogical talent, for your care, affection and love for our children!

For an individual approach, attentiveness and respect for each child - a separate thank you. Every day we observe the results of your noble work, and we never tire of admiring how professionally you are able to determine the abilities of each child and develop them. A low bow to you for this and a huge parental gratitude.

Parents of pupils of the "Solnyshki" group

May 2019

Option number 2

We, the team of parents of pupils of the "Gnomiki" group of preschool educational institution No. 19, express our deep gratitude to our teacher Sidorenkova Anfisa Ibragimovna!

We would like to note the high professionalism, pedagogical skills, sensitivity to children, care and responsibility.

We express our admiration for the excellently organized educational process, in which all the needs and requirements of children are taken into account. Also, the organization of the environment causes admiration and respect, in which there are a lot of opportunities for developing communication skills, creative, physical, musical and mathematical abilities. Our children willingly and joyfully go to the garden every day, looking forward to meeting with the teacher, with whom it is interesting and easy to explore the world. It remains for us, parents, only with a light heart to transfer children into the sensitive hands of such a teacher, knowing that he is under reliable care.

Thank you very much and regards.

June 2019

Option number 3

Dear Camilla Filimonovna!

Please accept our deep, sincere gratitude for teaching our children to be friends and respect each other, to fantasize and create, to appreciate the beauty of the world around us, to be caring, kind and honest. Our children are proud of their successes, achievements and discoveries.

Every day we observe how, under your sensitive guidance, children learn their individual capabilities. In the group, we observe order and cleanliness, coziness and comfort - a perfectly organized space for development.

Thank you very much for the fact that you can safely leave your child for the whole day and do your work without worry. We appreciate it and understand how important your contribution to our peace is.

We also thank the management of preschool educational institution No. 28 for a perfectly matched team of professionals. Happiness and prosperity to you.

The team of parents of pupils

DOU No. 28 from the group "Beads"

Option number 4

From the bottom of our hearts, we express our heartfelt gratitude to the team of educators of the "Bunnies" group of kindergarten No. 37 for the excellent, effective and fruitful work in the upbringing, education and development of our children.

You have become the best helpers and an integral part of a happy childhood, and you have made kindergarten a native and beloved place.

We wish all the teaching staff and administration good health, patience, new successes and pleasure from the results of their work.

Sincerely, Parents.

July 2019

Option number 5

To the teacher of preschool educational institution No. 46 Mikhailova Tamara Albertovna!

Please accept our deep gratitude for your painstaking, hard and important work. For the part of your soul invested in our children. For your worries and experiences, sympathy and attention. For your always wonderful mood in the morning when you meet our children on the doorstep. We sincerely wish you happiness, prosperity, obedient children, and may all your kindness return to you multiplied many times over.

Parents of students in the group

"Umki", 2019 release

Option number 6

Dear Lilia Markovna!

The team of parents of graduates of kindergarten No. 73 of the "Elves" group sincerely thanks you for the fact that being in the garden under your sensitive mentoring made their childhood look like a fairy tale and this fairy tale will remain with them forever. For all these years revealing beauty to them and helping them find true friends. Thank you for your kindness and kindness.

Also, we express our deep gratitude to the whole team of good fairies from the "Elves" group. We, parents and children, will always remember you with warmth in our hearts and gratitude to fate for giving us a luxurious gift in the person of such a professional teaching team that helps us raise children.

We wish you to meet only kindness, love, understanding and joy on your way.

Sincerely, parents

graduates of the preschool educational institution of 2019

Option number 7

To the nanny of our group Filippova Zinaida Sidorovna!

Thank you, our dear nanny, for being so warm and cozy with you. For the kindness with which you surround children. For always helping with a smile, kindness and care. For your spiritual generosity and affection, which you, without regret, give to our children - a special thank you. For the fact that it is always easy and calm with you - our special gratitude.

Be always happy, loved and healthy. Let all your dreams come true, and let the children come across only obedient and affectionate.

With love and respect,

a team of parents of pupils of the "Buttons" group

Option number 8

We express our parental gratitude to the team of teachers of the "Bantiki" group of preschool educational institution No. 55 for their help in raising our children: Petrova F.Kh., Ivanova Z. Zh., Sidorova Ya.Ch., Kharitonova P. E., Murzilkina U. Ts.

Every morning we visited the group without tears, with joy and pleasure, transferring the children to the care of excellent professionals. In the life of ours and our children, you have become wise mentors and good friends. You taught our children to write, read, draw, think, make friends and communicate fruitfully.

Thank you very much for your patience, sensitivity, responsibility, hard work and individual approach to each baby. For allowing each kid to develop at his own pace, in accordance with his abilities and in harmony with the environment - a separate gratitude to you. Professionalism and careful, detailed study of the educational program made the classes understandable and interesting, and the stay in the group - comfortable and joyful.

We wish you success and resounding victories both in your responsible, difficult work and outside it, as well as happiness, health, well-being and peace in your soul.

Option number 9

Dear Alena Timurovna!

We consider your participation in the development of our son one of the greatest successes in life and a happy gift of fate. We are very glad that you were the teacher of Zakhar Spiridonov.

It is very important that from the first years of life our children met with a respectful, wise and benevolent attitude towards themselves. We, as parents, highly appreciate and always notice your warmth, sensitive attitude towards children and feedback from us, parents.

Huge gratitude and low bow to you Alena Timurovna for cordiality, kindness, contact, humanity and a huge heart. Thank you for everything you do for our children. You are the best!


parents of the pupil Zakhar Spiridonov

October 2019

Option number 10

The team of parents and children of the preparatory group "Preschoolers" expresses sincere gratitude to the teachers of kindergarten No. 82 "Smart Kid" for their professionalism, dedication, responsible attitude to their work and pedagogical talent.

Today we say goodbye to you and sincerely thank, appreciate and remember everyone who helped raise and develop our children all these wonderful years: educators, nannies, cooks, doctors, technical and administrative staff.

We wish you happiness, good health, prosperity and success.


class of 2019: Smirnov Timofey, Kashirin Maxim, Goncharova Victoria, Zakharov Savely, Moiseev Timur, Pchelin Mark, Tsypkina Valeria

Option number 11

With warmth in our hearts and gratitude in our hearts, we bring sincere words of gratitude and respect to the teacher-teacher of the "Berry" group of the "Svet" preschool institution

Razumovsky Raisa Pamfilovna.

Such interested and enthusiastic, competent and experienced specialists can be wished to every kindergarten, and every parent dreams of such. We wish the administration to protect, respect and appreciate such personnel, it is these people who make the preschool institution what it should be.

Option number 12

Dear Valeria Valentinovna!

Please accept sincere words of gratitude and respect from the entire parent team for your competent approach to work, professionalism and wisdom. You know how to captivate children, engage in useful activities and teach the necessary skills. Each of the guys is provided with attention, affection and support. An atmosphere of mutual assistance, friendship and joy reigns in the children's team. You are able to fairly, wisely and skillfully resolve any conflict. Children come home with a lot of positive emotions and are happy to return to the group every day. With passion and interest, they discover the world and themselves, easily and freely share their impressions of the past day.

We wish you boundless happiness, joy, satisfaction with the results of your work and may your path be easy and the sky above your head cloudless.

Sincerely, the parents of the pupils of the "Leaflets" group

September 2019

Option number 13

We express our heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable contribution to the development, upbringing and wisely organized educational process in the Angels group of kindergarten No. 73.

Thank you for your professional skills, sympathetic heart and spiritual generosity.

We sincerely wish you well-being, peace to your home, light to the soul and ease of life. And also - strong and unshakable health to you and all your loved ones.

Option number 14

Dear and respected employees of our second home - kindergarten No. 10: educators, nannies and cooks, doctors, technical and managerial staff!

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for:

  • Your cordiality, understanding and assistance in creating a solid foundation for the subsequent personal development of our children;
  • For a constant, tireless and significant contribution to the development of the young generation - our change, support and hope;
  • For the excellent feedback that we, parents, received whenever we needed it and never knew it was denied;
  • For holding on when it is difficult and when you are sick, when you are tired and when everything is tired ... it is not easy and we are grateful to you for your dedication, a wonderful example for all of us;
  • For giving us every day the opportunity to meet your friendly faces at the doors of the garden and constantly enjoy the generosity of your kind hearts, humanity and the light of your souls;
  • For tirelessly instilling useful skills in young researchers, discoverers and simply immensely curious, restless creatures;
  • For preparing and implementing touching holidays for us and our children over the years;
  • For the vigilant supervision of snotty noses, wet legs, frozen ears and skinned knees;

And most importantly, we thank you for diligently, day after day, you protect the most sacred thing in the life of every person - his childhood. And for helping this childhood to become a warm, fabulous and bright time in life, illuminating it with smiles and care, becoming the closest adults after your parents, keeping many children's secrets and remaining a warm corner in our hearts forever.

Option number 15

Dear and respected Ruslana Nikitichna!

Please accept our sincere gratitude for your active, skillful and productive participation in the upbringing of our daughter Appolinaria Timofeeva.

Thank you for helping us make the developmental process exciting, active and fruitful, thanks to which the child is ready for school, has acquired impressive social skills. For constantly listening to our wishes and tactfully helping to make reasonable decisions that are useful for our family. For the fact that not once during the entire period of our cooperation you did not show irritation and did not refuse good advice and support. Because you are a wonderful, efficient, smartest and most experienced specialist. And also for the huge work that is behind this experience.

We envy ourselves that we met such a talented mentor as you.

Thank you for choosing this field of activity to realize your great talent and outstanding abilities. Continue to be the same brilliant educator and wonderful person. We wish you endless pleasure from your occupation, high-profile success and a worthy reward for your work. Be happy.

  • In the cap (upper part of the sheet) it should be indicated that it is a thank you note.
  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page, however, the layout on the left margin is acceptable.
  • It is allowed to write a letter from parents not in such a strictly formal style as a letter from the administration (or on behalf of other organizations), therefore, emotional, warm and human expressions are acceptable.
  • The author is indicated under the main text (see in the samples), the line is laid out on the left edge.
  • The date should be the last entry on the page. It is permissible to write it both in full and abbreviate (indicate the month and year of writing or leave only the year).
  • If the above texts seem long to you, you can easily cut them down to 1-2 sentences by simply ignoring the text you don't need. The samples are written in such a way that by cutting them in half, the overall meaning will not be lost. However, remember, the letter will become drier, and in such a text (addressed to an assistant in raising a child), the main thing is to convey emotions and warmth than just observe a cold formality.

Words of gratitude to educators at graduation

At graduation in kindergarten, beautiful words are said to teachers as a sign of respect. And these words of gratitude that parents say really come from a pure heart. After all, educators have spent more time with children over the years than parents. And every educator has the right to consider himself the parent of every child. But sometimes it happens that the parents did not have time to prepare their solemn speech, or they got worried and did not write a word. That is why we have sketched for you an approximate text of thanksgiving words to educators. Read, change, adjust to your style and your teachers.

Dear educators! Thank you for being with our children all these years. Thank you for all these years helping us raise our children, teach them how to live and teach them how to live. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your work, which is not easy, but so necessary for millions of people. You make life easier for many, while sacrificing a lot in your life. We will never forget you, your efforts and your concern for our children. Thank you for everything, it's been so great with you all these years.

Dear and beloved teachers! We have spent so many years together that we can rightly be considered a big family. You taught and raised our children, helped us in everything and always. You, one might say, replaced us with them. Thank you very much for this! I hope we continue to keep in touch with you. You will be interested in the future fate of your pupils, and they will be interested in your life.
May everything go well in your life and everything turns out as well as possible. Live happily ever after and be proud of your students.

They say that if a student surpassed his teacher, it means that the teacher was good. We hope that our children will not make you ashamed of them and blush. That they will achieve a lot in this life, and will be able to live it so that you can say: it was we who were their kindergarten teachers! Thank you for everything you have done for us, our children. We will never forget this and will always remember you.

Today is a wonderful day - today is the day of graduation from the kindergarten of our children. And we thank our beloved educators for this, who have been there all this time. It was the educators who helped our children grow, gain life experience and become real people. Thank you for everything you have done and taught our children. We will never forget your efforts and your help.

Do you want more? Then what you need. For kindergarten staff. For nannies and educators, for a psychologist and everyone who helped raise your children. Beautiful and touching graduation poems will not leave anyone indifferent.

Key tags:

Thank you educators
For affection and love
For work and charm,
For many kind words.

For wiped noses
faded tears,
For fairy tales and walks,
Exercises and workouts.

Happy graduation today
Congratulations and cheers
And in the fall with a briefcase
Let's go to first class.

We wish you inspiration
And the strength to create.
We wish new children
Give your warmth.

The work of an educator is not easy -
You need a whole lot of skills:
Read books for kids
Draw and play
Collect a bag of different toys
And know the plots of many fairy tales.
Digging in the sand outside
Run around in a tag, don't be lazy,
Feed and caress everyone
Don't even think about getting tired.
All cases, of course, do not count.
You have a big heart.
Thank you for the days in the garden
For your kindness, kindness.
We wish you inspiration
Creative success, patience,
Deserved big salaries.
Thanks for Kindergarten!

Dear and respected educators, today your pupils, glorious and wonderful children, are leaving the kindergarten walls. Congratulations on finishing. Let the moments of parting be both joyful and sad, but still time does not stand still, it is time for the children to continue their journey and strive for something new, and new pupils are waiting for you, to whom you will give your care and love. Thank you for the wonderful upbringing of children, for the first and important knowledge, for interesting and vibrant hobbies. You helped children overcome fears and self-doubt, taught them to go all the way and achieve their goals. This is your merit, and you should be proud of it. We wish you many years of successful activity, wonderful children and great happiness every day.

native educators,
Our mothers are second
your chicks now
Go to first class.

We congratulate you on this
We appreciate it very much, respect.
Let your pupils
Can make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work
For kindness, warmth, care
We want to say from the bottom of our hearts
Wish you happiness in life!

Thank you for teaching our children
Always help them, you, like mothers, were in a hurry,
They fed, cherished all preschool children ...
Every parent is happy to see you!

We will be sad, without your care,
But, we wish you excellent work,
Happiness, health, success, good luck,
So that everything was so, and not otherwise!

We dedicate our recognition to you
For experience and wisdom, for your qualities,
After all, to make good people out of children -
Your profession, there is no more difficult in the world.

And we are grateful to those kind hands
They gave warmth to both children and us.
And the children grow, and they grow up,
After all, time flies, a string of days ...

Thank you again for using books
You taught the numbers, the letters of the kids
And gave them something that cannot be taken from books:
You left your light in their souls.

And in the fall, the kids will go to school,
But you will be thanked
For work and patience, for that comfort,
In which their childhood lives forever.

Our beloved teacher
Here is graduation.
All year round you were there
And they did not know about peace.

They spent time with us
We were taught to draw
Songs were sung and sculpted,
We were put to bed.

We loved you very much
For warmth and kindness
For care, tenderness, affection
And of course beauty.

You raised them like family
They were given care and affection.
Parents to you every moment
Thank you for them.

But the kids have grown up
We have already stepped into the school yard.
Let them remember forever:
You loved them very much.

And we wish you happiness,
Huge, bright, pure love,
Good health on the way
Support from family and friends.

Today is a holiday and fun
And in the eyes of tears.
Saying goodbye, probably
With favorite paths.

They will play in the flowerbeds
other kids,
Playgrounds will be occupied by children
Girls and boys.

Thank you educators
That you loved us so much.
Like second mothers
For us, you have always been.

Healed our scratches
broken knees,
They took pity on us.
On the stairs.

Boots and sandals
Rather put on
Today we are leaving
But don't forget us!

All our lives we will remember
What a fun joke.
Thank you educators.
You are like family to us!

Guys grew up from panties,
They are leaving kindergarten.
With sadness for girls and boys
Our teachers are watching.

We thank you for your concern
For attention, warmth,
Daily work with kids.
Your kids are very lucky!

We wish you strength and inspiration
Raise new generations.
May God give you health and patience
And plenty of opportunities to live long!

Dear educators!
Thank you for your work
Let dreams come true
Congratulations on graduation.

I wish you patience
And happy children's eyes,
Live in a great mood
And go ahead, laughing!

For a child graduating from kindergarten, graduation becomes the most exciting day. He sees and understands how his parents are worried, how the caregivers are worried, literally not finding a place for themselves. The kid knows: soon a completely different, new life awaits him - a school. He parted ways with friends who played with him all these years, with kind nannies, with a music director who always learns such kind, cheerful songs with him. Parents of future first-graders are also overwhelmed with emotions - they are preparing words of gratitude to the teacher . What is the best way to say “thank you” to a person who has been raising their child with such love and care for several years? You will learn about this from our examples of poetry and prose at graduation in kindergarten.

Words of gratitude to the teacher at graduation in kindergarten in beautiful verses

As a rule, children and parents say words of gratitude to the teacher for graduation either before or after the matinee. Today on the net you can easily find wonderful poems dedicated to the diligence and patience of kindergarten employees. Perhaps one of the parents himself will want to be active and compose a poem about nannies, a music worker, educators?

Examples of poems for graduation in kindergarten - Words of gratitude to educators

Graduation in kindergarten is always the most exciting and anticipated event for children and parents. It is already difficult to call boys and girls babies - they have grown up, becoming almost schoolchildren. Of course, not a single such holiday is complete without words of gratitude to the educators - people who have become almost family to children. You can congratulate them with kind poems or even sing funny ditties about life in kindergarten groups.

How quickly the years have flown by.
We didn't have time to look back.
It's time for the kids to go to first grade.
Today is the last time
We brought the children to kindergarten.
Flowers, sweets brought ...
May, the long-awaited graduation!
Well, dear teacher,
The hour of parting is near,
And parents for you
Until the bell rang
There are a couple of warm lines.

You rush to work every morning,
To take care of the children, to give them the warmth of the soul,
And they only answer the same to you,
It's fun, it's nice! We will thank you!

Educators from God, thank you for your love,
What do you give the kids so openly and easily,
Let the crumbs obey you, and sometimes without further ado
You will be told all the secrets - what is sad and funny!

They spend their nerves and strength,
Tirelessly looking at both
How to live properly is taught,
Azam will teach the guys everything.

The educator will always endure everything,
After all, the heart is filled with love,
When he only looks into the eyes,
He worries again and again.

Thank you, dear friends,
For your, friends, warmth,
For your patience and tenderness,
You bring kindness to the world.

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at graduation in beautiful prose

For several years spent by children in kindergarten, they became friends with educators, who became not only real mentors to them, but also almost family people. Parents entrusted the most precious thing to educators - their sons and daughters. Yes, the work of a kindergarten employee is difficult - it is every minute attention to his pupils, a sincere interest in their development, preparation for school. The mothers and fathers of the children talk about all this in words of gratitude to the wonderful teachers at the graduation. Simple, sincere words spoken in prose are just a small opportunity to thank these people for their daily work.

Words of gratitude to the teacher at graduation in kindergarten - Examples in prose

Educators teach kids not only reading, drawing, modeling, music. They help them understand what real friendship is, how to live in a team, how to show respect and attention to comrades. Children grow up before their eyes. At graduation in kindergarten, parents, grandparents say words of gratitude to these people with a good heart. Often this is prose, coming from the depths of the soul.

Today an exciting day has come for us - our children have grown up and leave the hospitable walls of the kindergarten. In this solemn and somewhat sad hour, we want to say the most sincere words to the educators who tirelessly cared for our children. Thanks to you, we could work calmly every day, and the confidence that our sons and daughters were in safe hands gave us strength. Thank you for helping to fulfill parental duty: giving children warmth and affection, playing with them, instructing them, accustoming them to discipline. In kindergarten, our children acquired very important qualities - they learned to obey the elders, protect the younger ones, and be friends. We know that you, the educators, spared no effort and nerves, kept and protected each child as if they were your own. Low bow to you for your good and creative work!
We would also like to thank the assistant educators - nannies for the fact that, like the sun, they warmed the flowers of life - our girls and boys - with attention and care.
Everyone knows that a child's nutrition is the key to his health, so we sincerely thank the kindergarten cooks who prepared tasty and healthy food for our children.
We are very grateful to the music director. Thank you for developing creativity in every child, helping children to liberate themselves, and making their world of childhood even brighter.

Dear Kindergarten Workers! Today, on behalf of all parents, we want to thank you for the calmness with which we left our children here, for the joy with which our children went to kindergarten, for all the good things they learned here. Today we are a little sad because it is time to part. Today we and our children say goodbye to those who have taken care of them for five years.

You raised, taught, fed, put to bed and wiped away the tears of our kids. You were everything to them when we parents were at work, minding our own business.

We appreciate your work, we will never forget you. Thank you for our grown children! Thank you for everything you have done for us!

Dear Anna Ivanovna!

We express our sincere gratitude to you for the professional approach to work, sensitive attitude towards children. Thank you for your attention, care, kindness and warmth. The educational process in the group is well organized, children are happy to go to kindergarten, they are happy to study and learn a lot of new things.

We sincerely thank you for creating a friendly and warm atmosphere in the group, thanks to which children consider the kindergarten their second home.

Thank you for teaching our children to be kind, open, honest and caring. Children grow up as full-fledged individuals, they know how to be friends, respect each other and adults.

We wish you to remain the same professional at work, success, happiness and health!


Parents of children of group No. 2 of kindergarten No. 124

Words of gratitude to the teacher from the children - Poems in kindergarten for graduation

Each of the kindergarten teachers became the kid and mentor, and teacher, and friend. These people played with them, taught children to read, write, drew with crayons on the pavement. Of course, children are a little sorry to part with people so dear to them. Some of the guys, future first-graders, cannot hold back their tears at graduation. After the matinee, the boys and girls express their gratitude to all the kindergarten workers - they read beautiful poems to them.

Examples of poems to a teacher in kindergarten - Words of gratitude for graduation

A few weeks before the matinee and graduation in kindergarten, children begin to learn beautiful poems and words of gratitude to teachers. They always do it sincerely and with soul - almost already first graders are grateful to the kindergarten for new friends, fun games, meeting interesting people invited to visit the kindergarten for holidays.

Once, many years ago
We first came to the kindergarten.
Oh, how many dolls, hares, bears...
And how many little kids!
They run around the group, shout,
They spit, they knock with spoons ...

And they all need to be taught:
Eat without a mother, drink without a mother,
Find a pot for everyone...
I was personally shocked

And the teacher is not afraid.
Alas, not everyone agrees.
Go to work in kindergarten
With children... For a small salary...

Here the manager is another matter,
Career, money, prestige...
Bought and sold and you can safely
Even to the Maldives, even to Paris ...

And what is a teacher's job?
All day among crazy children!
One spilled something on the floor,
Another shouts: "I am a barmaley!"
There in the bedroom they jump on the beds,
They call to wipe the ass,
They fought there, now they will cry ...
Plates will not be washed.

Well, our dear teacher,
tireless teacher,
Romantic, storyteller, dreamer...
There is a wonderful suggestion.

We heartily congratulate you
And on this glorious day and hour
We read so many poems to you
Don't forget about us.

Thank you very much educators
During this time golden
What they did with us.
It's a pity the days of preschool are over

Educator - what a word!
Light, goodness, warmth lurk in it.
Who will please the children with the game?
Who will scold them not evil at all?

Thanks to them, children grow up,
Knowing how to behave and live.
Educators! Kindly you are not in the world!
We want you to be happy!

Words of gratitude to the best kindergarten teacher for graduation from parents

If you want to thank the kindergarten teacher where your child was brought up beautifully, prepare your speech. You may want to write it down on a sheet, designed in the form of a letter, or even draw a large poster or wall newspaper. Very often, parents congratulate kindergarten workers with a concert, the program of which includes ditties, dances, funny skits and cool numbers. After the speech, mom and dad of the graduates say thanks to the teachers.

Examples of words of gratitude from parents to a kindergarten teacher at graduation

Preparing a surprise for kindergarten teachers for graduation, parents can unite and organize a concert. Let each of the numbers of this speech become a kind of gratitude. Some of the mothers will read spiritual poems, fathers with children can show acrobatic sketches, grandparents may want to perform a dance number.

Thank you educators
For care and work
Children love and appreciate
They are called very affectionately
We express gratitude
And we say thank you
We respect you very much
Let's repeat it a hundred times!

Our children are growing up fast
Sometimes you can't keep up with them
But you are always responsible for them,
Give them good advice.

We rent chickens in the morning,
Which give you trouble.
And in the evening we take the preschoolers away,
Who write and count.

And how do you manage to
To raise our children?
Thank you remains
And thank you!

Thank you for everything today
The teachers are expensive.
During this time, you have become for us,
The closest people, relatives.

We wish you a long life
May fate cover you with good.
Enjoy, live well
Will give you life with beauty and warmth!

Sincere gratitude to the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten

Of course, every parent knows that his child did not always behave quietly and approximately in kindergarten. Some of the boys did not want to sleep at all at a quiet hour, breaking the silence with loud songs, others refused to eat porridge deliciously prepared by the chefs for breakfast. The work of an educator is hard work, constant attention given to pupils, restraint, goodwill. Educators are responsible for the lives of boys and girls, for their health and peace. In kindergarten, children often cry - then only the teacher can find words of comfort, caress the child. For this hard, noble work, parents sincerely thank all the teachers at the graduation.

Examples of poetry and prose for graduation in kindergarten - Words of sincere gratitude to the teacher

After many years, after graduating from kindergarten, school, college, the guys will always remember their teachers with warmth. They have always shown tenderness and concern for children. Their work is not a job, but a calling. Only a person with a pure, generous, kind heart can become a good educator. It is to such people that the words of sincere gratitude are dedicated by the parents who came to the graduation in kindergarten.

Thank you for your understanding,
Patience, care and attention.
You help the development of children,
So that they become both kinder and smarter!

We wish you health, long years,
We also wish you personal victories!
Here our children will grow up, then
We will definitely bring our grandchildren to you!

Thanks for the warmth and kindness
For raising our children,
For giving them love
What knowledge you gave them!

We wish you health and wellness,
So that you live in abundance and in love.
To always smile joyfully
So that you never feel sad at all!

Thanks to our dear and respected teachers for their patience and incredible work, for their sincere love for our children and kind attitude, for exciting leisure and fun walks, for interesting hobbies and excellent education. Be happy, dear ones, respected and successful.

When preparing words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher for graduation, parents will definitely remember all the good things that these sincere, caring people taught their children. They can speak after the matinee, thanking the kindergarten staff with prose, poetry or concert numbers. Albums with photos of pupils and flowers will be a wonderful gift for educators.

Every year, with the arrival of spring warmth, the time for graduations in kindergartens and schools begins. It is especially exciting to watch the kids, for whom this is the first "adult" celebration of the end of kindergarten - the girls in magnificent elegant dresses, and the boys are so funny and serious in their strict suits. After all, quite recently, these guys were touching little ones who crossed the threshold of the kindergarten for the first time, timidly holding on to their mother's hand. In just a few months, many of the little graduates will become first-graders at school, where a new interesting life awaits them. According to tradition, at the graduation party, the parents of the pupils say touching words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher - for affection and tenderness, warmth and care, sincere love and sincerity. In our selection you will find the most beautiful texts in verse and prose that you can prepare for graduation to express immense gratitude to the teachers from the children and their parents. Undoubtedly, such sincere and kind words will touch the most delicate heart strings and will be remembered by all those present for a long time.

Beautiful words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at graduation in verse

For most kids, kindergarten is the first "step" of socialization in society and the first experience of life in a team. Of course, sometimes such important changes are not given “painlessly” - far from mom and dad and the familiar home environment, even a sociable child can get confused. The task of the kindergarten teacher is to help the child adapt to new unfamiliar conditions, as well as to transfer skills for the further harmonious development of the personality. Therefore, for the next few years, the teacher becomes a real “second” mother for children - loving, caring, patient. So, at graduation in kindergarten, it has become a good tradition on behalf of children and parents to say words of gratitude to the teacher, nanny and other employees of the preschool institution. We bring to your attention the most beautiful poems that you can prepare for the kindergarten graduation party and dedicate them to educators - people who have become truly family and friends for the child.

Examples of beautiful words of gratitude for educators - poems for graduation in kindergarten:

Thanks for the warmth and kindness

For raising our children,

For giving them love

What knowledge did you give them!

We wish you health and wellness,

So that you live in abundance and in love,

So that you always smile

So that you never feel sad!

For the help they gave us

For the fact that you raised our children,

For skillfully dealing with them,

For being there for you!

For gentle hands, for your warmth,

Thank you teachers and family for everything!

Thank you educators

For affection and love

For work and charm,

For many kind words.

For wiped noses

faded tears,

For fairy tales and walks,

Exercises and workouts.

Happy graduation today

Congratulations and cheers

And in the fall with a briefcase

Let's go to first class.

We wish you inspiration

And the strength to create.

We wish new children

Give your warmth.

Sincere words of gratitude in prose to a kindergarten teacher for a graduation party

The work of a kindergarten teacher is not easy and at the same time extremely important and necessary in society. Indeed, to work with children, it is not enough just to graduate from a pedagogical university or college with an appropriate diploma. Educator is more of a vocation and a state of mind than just a profession. So, a good teacher will be able to calm a crying baby so that mom can safely go to work, as well as conduct an interesting lesson or captivate little fidgets with a fun game. How to thank teachers at graduation? When compiling a thank-you speech for a graduation party, it would be appropriate to note the best qualities of a teacher - kindness, sensitivity, responsiveness, patience and great love for their little pupils. There are many sincere words of gratitude from parents and for nannies, the music director and other kindergarten workers who took care of the child from the bottom of their hearts and participated in his daily life. Our selection contains the most sincere words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers in prose - texts can be learned by heart or printed on a bright beautiful postcard.

Gratitude for the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten - prose in your own words:

Today is a wonderful day - today is the day of graduation from the kindergarten of our children. And we thank our beloved educators for this, who have been there all this time. It was the educators who helped our children grow, gain life experience and become real people. Thank you for everything you have done and taught our children. We will never forget your efforts and your help.

Dear our educators! At this solemn moment, there is so much to say, to thank many. But we are all so nervous and worried that we forget the words. We are grateful to you for your work, for your work. Although we cannot say something beautifully and choose the right words, we can tell you that the best words for you and for us will be the success of our children and your pupils! You have done everything and even more so that the lives of our children have developed well. So let's wait a bit and enjoy their success in life!

Dear educators! Today is a beautiful day - today is our children's graduation. We are sincerely happy about this event, because we have been waiting for it for many years. At this exciting and solemn moment, I want to thank you very much for your work. You did not just do your job, you did it with soul and desire. The best reward for all of us will be success in the lives of our children and your pupils. You gave a happy childhood to all our children, and now they will give you their achievements and success in life. We want to say again - thank you! You work so hard and hear so few words of gratitude.

Touching words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher for graduation from children, video

Children spend most of the day in kindergarten, so it is important for parents to be sure that their child is in “safe” hands. Indeed, during the kindergarten day, a rich program awaits the kids - morning exercises, drawing, needlework, educational games, singing, dancing. In addition, the teacher tries to instill in the children a sense of beauty, respect for nature, and also learn the skills of reading, writing and counting. In a word, in kindergarten, educators make a lot of efforts for the comprehensive development of children - undoubtedly, such an important work deserves appreciation and gratitude. Particularly touching are the words of gratitude from children who read poems to their beloved teachers at graduation, sing beautiful songs and even put on thematic skits. On the eve of this wonderful holiday, we have collected the best versions of thank you texts in verse - you can get some ideas from a video recording of a graduation party in kindergarten.

A selection of touching words of gratitude for a kindergarten teacher on graduation day - texts in verse:

Who taught us to eat with a spoon,

Cope with any fastener,

Who read poetry and fairy tales,

Plasticine gave and paint?!

THANKS to our first educators,

For taking care of the kids!

They taught to draw

And sculpt from plasticine,

Washed and fed

Not scolded for no reason

Protected our sleep like guards...

It was hard for them!

We say thank you together

To your educators!

Thanks to the educators

For affection and warmth.

We were next to you

And on a gloomy day light.

You took pity on us, loved us,

You raised us like flowers.

I'm sorry we can't have you

Take it with you to first class.

Words of gratitude in verse and prose to a kindergarten teacher at graduation from parents

Graduation party in kindergarten is a great opportunity for parents to show a sign of attention and respect for the teachers of their children. So, each educator will be pleased to hear sincere words of gratitude for the invaluable everyday support and care, the warmth of gentle hands, wonderful fairy tales and fun games. For educators at graduation, you can prepare festive performances with the participation of moms and dads - reading poetry and prose texts, original musical numbers. On such a wonderful spring day, the most beautiful and touching words of gratitude in verse and prose are heard - to you, dear educators!

The best examples of words of gratitude to teachers from parents - for graduation in kindergarten, poems and prose:

Dear educators! Thank you for being with our children all these years. Thank you for all these years helping us raise our children, teach them how to live and teach them how to live. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your work, which is not easy, but so necessary for millions of people. You make life easier for many, while sacrificing a lot in your life. We will never forget you, your efforts and your concern for our children. Thank you for everything, it's been so great with you all these years.

Educator is not a profession

Educator is a calling

Could it be more wonderful

When kids are drawn to you.

You trust children's hearts,

Clear eyes and funny grimaces,