What to do if you fell in love and fell into dependence on a man. Listen to your inner voice. She, he and she

Love always comes unexpectedly. You saw a man and like lightning pierced. Now his appearance causes you stiffness and embarrassment, every day you count the minutes until the moment when you see him again. With bated breath, catch every word and look in your direction. You hope that he reciprocates, and you notice that he lingers his eyes on you a little longer. But, if in some cases a man himself tries to get close to the woman he likes, then in others, according to the most different reasons He is in no hurry to take the first step. And the longer this uncertainty lasts, the harder it becomes in your soul. Love is rarely selfless, any lover wants to be close to the one he loves. Therefore, in order not to torment yourself further, it is better to take some action and resolve this situation. What actions are best taken depends on each specific situation, but there is something in common in every love story.

First, try to understand if your lover reciprocates. It depends on what is best to do next. There are several options here: confess your love yourself, wait for him to do it, or fall out of love. Acceptance of each

these decisions depend on who became your lover, how he treats you, is married, has a girlfriend, or you see him for the first time and do not know anything about him. When a girl feels that she has fallen in love, along with this she is seized with anxiety. It is difficult enough to understand what a man is experiencing if he does not show any emotions. Usually, when a girl does not know what to do, it immediately becomes clear that this is not the love that captured two lovers, and they are absorbed in each other, but the one that can become unrequited, bringing only suffering. That is why do not take any steps, but wait and look carefully at who you are in love with. You can say about sympathy without words, so do not rush things.

  • To begin with, try to find out everything you can about the chosen one. Friends and mutual acquaintances can help with this. After learning as much as possible about his character and behavior, think again if he has any traits that annoy you, which you consider unacceptable, whether you can put up with them for a long time. Maybe. you have already felt that he is not so beautiful, and you are not ready to experience unpleasant moments for him.

  • If everything suits you, and you are even more convinced of how wonderful he is, start studying his habits, hobbies, what he likes or dislikes. This will help to avoid any mistakes in behavior that can push him away, and at the same time will provide an opportunity to find some common ground, for example, in the form of visiting one club of interests, cinema, restaurants.

  • Analyze what girls he likes, what attracts them. But even if he likes blondes or brunettes, the main thing in female beauty still remains a sense of style, moderate use of cosmetics and well-groomed hair, face and body. Examine your wardrobe, whether everything matches your type, fits and decorates. If not, get rid of these things and pick up a few, but those that are right for you. To find a style that emphasizes all the advantages, you can use the advice of stylists, which can be found in women's magazines. Pay Special attention on the condition of your nails and hands, men really do not like too long and overly painted nails. Therefore, it is better if the nails protrude only a few mm and are painted with a soft-colored varnish.

  • Be aware of the effect of smells on men. Choose perfumes with pleasant aroma, which will emphasize lightness and femininity, leaving behind a mysterious train. Fashion fragrances from famous brands will make almost any heart flutter.

  • If possible, become a member of his circle of friends. This will help to get to know him better and provide an opportunity to get to know you better. Maybe after a closer acquaintance, you won’t have to make any efforts to win him over. He himself will take the first step towards rapprochement, getting to know you closer.

  • You should not change yourself, adjusting to the one you love. You must remain yourself, only in this way you will preserve your own originality and beauty. Your task is simply to show how interesting, beautiful and unique you are, and everything else will be superfluous. But with all this, your beauty and manners should be modest and decent.

  • Learn to listen to what the interlocutor says and try to use this information to further interest him. He loves football - find out more about this sport, he is interested in books of a certain content - read a few new books. Learn to keep the conversation going.

If a man is married or in a relationship, it is best to stop loving him. Don't harm your psyche. Don't devote yourself entirely to love. busy man, especially if he himself does not show any signs of attention to you. Thus, you can save yourself from unnecessary humiliation and do not introduce an imbalance into your soul, which will not be so easy to get rid of later. For every woman there should be her only one, and if your lover is married, then wait until he breaks up with his wife or breaks up with the girl himself, without effort on your part. After all, they say correctly: you cannot build your happiness on someone else's misfortune.

But often everything is wrong, a man will not make a loved one suffer, which means you will always be in second place. Therefore, if you fell in love with a man who is in a relationship, the most best solution will stop loving him and get rid of this feeling until it brings trouble. Often such love arises from a lack of male attention, and not because this man is your prince.

Therefore, it is better to use the tips to fall out of love with a married man and meet your love. You will be amazed when you meet your prince how much better he is than a man who is busy. Direct your energy to seek true love Don't waste your energy on someone you don't need. After all, all the actions that you decide to take to win him will only bring disappointment and pain.

Sometimes it happens like this ... you suddenly realize that you have fallen in love with your best friend. It would seem that it is easy to confess your feelings to a person who is always there and whom you know better than others. But it does not always happen that a friend considers you as a bride, or vice versa, you are afraid that if the relationship does not work out, the friendship will be lost. If you want him to be around as a young man, then take advantage of other girls. You know him very well, all his habits and hobbies. But you need to make sure that he looks at you differently. Change your style of dress when you meet him. Dress now like you're going on a date, even though you are now. Arrange romantic dinner watch a movie about love. Maybe this will make him see you. beautiful girl or to confess the feelings that he hid, fearing to destroy your friendship. If you are embarrassed to immediately openly say that you fell in love with him, say that you fell in love with a good friend. Having learned about this, he will try to find out who he is, especially if he himself is not indifferent to you. And you will have a chance to explain to each other.

In order not to feel awkward, try not to show your feelings to others. Give attention to the man you like, but try not to go beyond certain limits, especially if you work together. If your falling in love ends unsuccessfully, this can provoke ridicule from colleagues whose attitude towards you, for some reason, is unfriendly, or nagging from the authorities if you make any mistakes while doing the work.

Having made the choice to speak frankly with your lover, stop loving him if he is busy, or leave everything as it is, hoping that the man himself will take the first step, you make a serious decision. Whatever it is, the decision must be made consciously, be acceptable to you and not cause internal discomfort. Therefore, no matter how events develop further, do not forget that any experience carries invaluable knowledge that will be useful in later life. Love ennobles a person, makes him softer and softens the blows of fate. Whatever your love ends up with, it's better to try than to do nothing and regret it for the rest of your life.

True love ... Poems, poems and entire novels are dedicated to her. It brings joy, happiness. From sincere true love the sky becomes clearer and the sun brighter.

Is it true that everything is beautiful, everything is perfect? When love is mutual. What if I fell in love with a guy who loves another? How to act, how to live, how to survive and not go crazy?

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Photo gallery: What to do if I fell in love with a guy who loves another

How many girls asked themselves this question, but not all of them found an answer that would satisfy them.

Pragmatists and cynics most often say in such a situation: forget it. You will forget it here, if the other one constantly stands before your eyes, and thoughts are spinning in your head: why is she better, why is she so special, why the hell is this not me? And the worst thing is, in addition to everything else, you also know that she doesn’t love him. Yes, your special, extraordinary, the best, for her - just an empty place.

Anger, resentment, irritation, possibly hatred. The whole spectrum of feelings covers with a head. And you just don't know what to think and how to act. Of course, you can hate her, because it's her, yes, yes, it was she who spoiled and broke everything. Even if this third party is your love triangle and no one knows about your love or his. Anyway, it's all her fault. You can send her megatons of hatred, curse, wish all the worst of the worst. This makes it easier. For a while.

What if you can't hate her? What if, for example, she is your friend? If she loves him and cannot live without him? And if you, you yourself love her, appreciate her. What then? What to do? Tell her, putting your friendship to the test, or maybe keep silent, and when the truth is revealed, and she will definitely open, just lose a friend and live on with double pain in your soul.

And now you are already banging your head against the wall, crying, cursing the whole world and not seeing a solution to the question: what should I do if I fell in love with a guy who loves another?

What to do? First, move away from the wall. If you knock out your brains, then you definitely won’t find a solution, because there’s nothing to think about. Departed? Well done. Now drink something soothing and try to calm down. And it's better to sleep. With a fresh mind, it is easier to make the right decisions.

So, you're as fresh and rested as possible of course. Excellent. Now you can begin to understand the situation.

What to do if he loves another, and she loves him too. I mean, they are a couple. Here you have only two choices: let go or fight for the guy. Letting go, of course, is difficult, painful and unbearable, at first. But in this situation, it's the only the right decision. Even if you think otherwise and want to fight. Well, analyze for yourself: he loves her. LOVES. How are you going to eradicate this love? You can't play fair here. So, you are purposefully, and forgive me, vilely, you are going to destroy the relationship. In other words, you will hurt him. But when they love, they wish happiness. Not with you. Just happiness. So maybe it's not love at all. In addition, let's say you still make him fall out of love with another and be with you. You won’t be able to live in peace, because you will always know that if you were able to take him away from her, then another one of the same, infinitely in love, will be able to take him away from you. Can you name happy life when you constantly feel fear? Answer these questions and think again about the option to let go.

Scenario two: he loves her, she doesn't love him. Here everything looks much brighter and more promising. At first sight. Of course you can show that you a true friend that you understand him, is ready to help and support, that you can’t find anyone better than you. Over time, he will forget her and realize that you are perfect. Unfortunately, this is mostly the case in movies. AT real life, the percentage of such an outcome is negligible. Of course, you can still take a risk, but remember that it is quite possible that you will suffer, because we will not achieve the result that you so expect.

Because, most of the time, love doesn't go that fast. And if a person suffers because of an unrequited feeling, the one who at that moment offers him his love simply becomes a substitute, a way to forget, to cause jealousy. Even if your loved one sincerely tries to build a relationship, it is far from a fact that he will succeed. The fact is that with the help of you, he will forcibly eradicate feelings for another from himself. And violence causes irritation and hatred. And all this negativity, sooner or later, it will splash out in your direction. And then you will be a hundred times more sick. After all, you have already managed to give him your soul, and he turned out to be an ungrateful pig. And even worse, he will eventually forget past feelings and fall in love. But not you. And a completely outsider girl who does not even know about all his recent spiritual upheavals. I. in fact, there is nothing to blame him for. Because, in most cases, between one and the second love there should be a transition, a bridge that makes you move away from one edge and step on the other. You can stand on the bridge for a long time. But no one has lived there yet. It's a shame, annoying, but true.

And now let's think about the most painful and unpleasant scenario: me, my girlfriend and him. This is really the problem. The little man to whom you were always ready to tell everything makes you angry. You want to stop hating her. And you can't. After all, you are already in love! You want to tell everything, but you don't have the strength. In this case, probably, the relationship with a girlfriend can become a bigger problem. Think about whether you are ready to fight against her, in fact, ruin her life. If yes, then yes, and not a friend at all. And if not. Then you should tell her everything. I'm sure she already feels that something is wrong, suspects, but does not dare to speak out loud. And she worries. Therefore, it is best to talk honestly and decide what to do.

A real friend will understand, because you can’t command your heart. And if she condemns you, then this person is not worth the high title of "friend." You can take my word for it, after such a conversation it will become easier. Let not by much, but still easier. And even if you decide to move away for a while, she will know the reason, and not be lost in conjecture and worry. After all, no matter how much we love, no matter how worried, it often happens that guys come and go, but friendship remains forever.

I had such a situation, my girlfriend made friends with a boy that I liked. They started walking together and then we were like me, she and another friend were sitting on the bench and she tells me that she likes him and she knows that I like him too. I just told her, yes, I still can’t change my luck and left. Then I often watched how they walked and even kissed, and I just stood there and envied. I was not beautiful then, I realized that after all, beauty is not important, but no one loved me just because I was not beautiful.

My friend fell in love with a guy who was in prison not long ago for stealing... He is a friend of her brother. This guy with whom she fell in love also shows sympathy for her, but nothing shines for them, because he is a friend of his brother and his brother will simply kill her, but what could she even think about this, about a criminal .... She is all exhausted , constantly waiting for him at our school (he younger sister sometimes comes) thinks about him. He often hangs out at their entrance with friends, she spins there all the time .... She says that if he falls in love with some girl and everything is serious with them, then she will not bear it ...... How should she be ?? Help with advice, sorry girl .... ((

Help me please! What should I do? I am in the 5th grade, I fell in love with one boy, my girlfriend loves him too and they are already dating! I told him what I love! But he says not fate! This girl is leaving for Moscow soon, but will come on vacation or will come forever! Because she loves him too, I don't want to be friends with her. I was even sad one day (I tried to make him notice it). And the long-awaited happened, he wrote to me: What happened to you today? I wrote - I was sad. Well, there we talked about cleanliness. He used to love me and my girlfriend equally, but you see, I didn’t show any signs. What to do? Help! He knows about my feelings, but he doesn't love me! What should I do?

Here I am even worse. My friend has loved one boy since 4th grade (now we are in 7th grade). But in the 6th grade he found a girlfriend for himself (she is very beautiful, many go crazy over her), but she does not really love him, they constantly quarrel. And recently they put us together with him, and we fooled around, fought with textbooks, called names, argued, quarreled, hugged each other, etc. (well, you know). Once he even wrote on my hand "Beautiful loshara". And I realized that I love him. My friend did not speak. One day we were rehearsing at school and he was behind the curtain. I approached him, he looked at me, approached me close, close ... and .... we touched our noses! He turned his head to the right, almost touched his lips... AND HERE THE FUCKING TEACHER! HERE IS WHO ASKED IT! she leaned in, opened the curtain and said, "Get up quickly." The next day we were seated because we talked a lot. He didn’t bother me anymore, and didn’t pay attention to me. Before that, we corresponded in his VK, but then he closed his page from me. Here...

You know, in your situation, you need not show sadness, longing for a guy, you just need to be yourself. And I was outraged by what you write, he loved me and my girlfriend equally! How so? Is he a bastard? You can love once and one person! The fact that he took an interest in you does not mean that he liked you, and he will leave her for you !!! I have a girlfriend, and she has a boyfriend, I like him madly, but for him there is no better than his beloved!!! Maybe you're just lost in feelings?! Somewhere there is that person who will fall in love with you, and he will need you! And now it’s worth talking with a friend, and you can’t stop talking, because a guy can leave her, and you will remain a friend! It hurts you to look at their relationship, but imagine how painful it will be for her to look at you !! And to imagine that you were her friend could do that!! Understand yourself, but rather try to change something, maybe there is a person nearby who will be needed just for you!?*

You know, he's probably just scared! He is afraid of relationships! Or did not understand the feelings! After all, he still has a girlfriend, and after all, she loves him! Frequent quarrels not a sign of fading feelings! Before him, perhaps the choice was you or his girlfriend! But here you need to know the situation! Suddenly you misunderstood the situation behind the curtain! It was a momentary hobby, and everyone is sitting at their desks! Maybe he considers you a friend, but no more. From the beginning, try to find out if he has a relationship with his girlfriend, if not, then you need to take action, if there is a relationship, then back off! Find yourself another, but the situation that was may not be perceived by you correctly! Try not to think about it and switch, and there are many beautiful things in the world! He himself admits if necessary!

I love one boy very much. He lives in another city. I don't know what to do, I can't live without him. It's such a strange situation. Every summer I go to one city, he lives in the yard where my grandmother lives. At first I just fell in love, well, and then I think I went crazy when I left there. That's all academic year I only thought about him. Well, until next summer, there is quite a bit left. One month left, I don’t know if I will go there or not, and if I will see him. Here is my situation. I don't know, but I think I'm going crazy and I think he loves another girl. I so want him to fall in love with me as much as I love him. Yes, this is my first true love. Like this

I feel bad. I like my friend a lot. Last summer, I confessed to him. At first he was normal, and then stupidly ignored the whole year. Then removed from friends. I found out from a friend that he has a girlfriend. He confirmed. It seems to me that he is lying. Yesterday we met on the street. Our eyes just crossed paths. I started to smile, and today when we were at the garages, he went out to the balcony. I thought what to do when he goes out for a walk. It's heavy breathing...

It is not necessary to be beautiful or not, the main thing is what is in your soul! Here on the forum they describe such "friends" who either take the guys away, or they meet with those that you like. And you know, I'm one of them. I tried for a very long time to get love from my friend's boyfriend, but all in vain. You will probably judge me, but I really love him very much, and for a long time I persuaded my girlfriend to give him away, even tried to bewitch! Now they broke up, by the way thanks to me, but alas, we are not together! A friend was not offended, and does not know what I should listen to from her what a goat he is! After all, I just love him, you can’t order your heart, you can’t tell him that this is a friend’s boyfriend! We are called bitches, homeowners, but believe me, we are deeply tender in our souls, we just fell in love with him just like you! For half a year I have been trying to get him, but there is no attention, only insults! You know, I'll probably never love anyone more than this! Many people run after me, but they are either older or very broken! And I need him!

You know, I recently fell in love through the Internet. You may say that this is stupid, but this feeling is killing me. But we have a 15 year difference. We are both roleplayers and often roleplay together. In general, we did not even communicate, but recently, when his girlfriend left for the camp (she is 15, he is 28), he became lonely. It as though seduced me in role. I fell in love with him without a memory, but the problem is that he does not love me. I somehow live normally with this, but it seems that I am also turning into a homemaker. I know that this is not serious, but I so want to be needed by him. I'm sorry to take up your time, but I need advice. Very soon his girlfriend will return, and I will fade into the background. Now he said that only mine. He knows about my feelings and does not try to get rid of me, but rather help get rid of it, because he has become attached to me and he does not give a damn about my feelings. Your help is very much needed.

Quote: Just Me

I fell in love with a friend whom, I know from childhood, he and my brother were best friends. We still communicate, but he does not see me as a girl (what to do with such a character). He calmly talked about his ex, and in general about his acquaintances, how they came to his dacha, etc., showed pictures on the phone, and I'm sure that this is not in order to "cause my jealousy" (as I a hundred pounds would have been written in the comments) after all, I have known him all my life. He is a lover of jokes, and of course, and it was not without a joke addressed to me, well, how can I say jokes ... every day he teases me! I have been in love with him for 5 years now, when his friend told me that he likes another girl, it hurt me a lot, more painful than all his stories and pictures, I just don’t know what to do, because it seems that I’m already in love too much ...

You know, you most likely fell in love with the image. Yes, yes, exactly the image of your brother's friend. He definitely became a friend to you too, but here's the problem as you wrote yourself: he doesn't see you as a girl! And this is the most a big problem. But you didn't say anything about age. How old are you? to him? Maybe he's older than you and you just like him for it. After all, girls often like guys many times older than themselves. You also wrote that you love him for 5 years, what is the question in five years you have not met a guy who you would like? Or did no one like you? Maybe you're too immersed in your own fiction? After all, he trusted you, told you a lot, you can say he was friends with you! But often we do not see the boundaries between friendship and relationships. But it's in vain! You were counting on some kind of relationship, but in return you received only communication and friendship. That's why you're lost between reality and fiction. It's time for you to remember that you can love another, that your person is walking somewhere, who can become the most important person in your life. If you want, you just want to rise from this unrequited love, then first you need to change abruptly. Start to radically change your appearance, style of clothing, manners, and then you yourself will notice how you will no longer be interested in his life, you will notice that this is just a friend and nothing more. For now, just find yourself another hobby, do not wind yourself up with thoughts about his girlfriend. I understand that it is very difficult for you, but it is necessary for you!!! Therefore, let's slowly come to reality and write how old you and him are !!! Good luck...

Quote: I

I love him until I lose my pulse, and he looks at me, says that he will think and maybe we will be together, and on the same day he walks and hugs another. What does it mean?

No matter how rude it may sound, but maybe you are his backup option, it may also be that he feels sorry for you and with these words he is trying to somehow calm you down.

I love the guy, and he loves my girlfriend, but he likes me, he said this. We communicate with him, walk in the same company, when it's cold he gives me his jacket, sits next to me, looks at me, smiles. I don't know what to do, tell me please. I'm 16, he's 18, but he's modest.

Dilemma "Santa Barbara" in the entourage of the landfill.
My childhood friend started dating a guy. He introduced her to his friends (namely, the airsoft team), she quickly became friends with everyone, and then gradually began to fall in love with their commander. The guy turned into a jealous Moor and they parted. And then I met their commander ... And I fell in love not little by little, but immediately. He also showed me signs of attention. A friend stood in the position "I will not give up!" and I, having expressed my negative attitude to such dibile melodramas, washed off from the arena of action - well, fuck them, I need mine nerve cells more roads! I went crazy for a month or two, and then I (see below) was not up to it. The commander did not agree to be with her, because. this is not friendly of him towards her boyfriend.

A friend returned to her boyfriend, his jealousy attacks were gone and, in my opinion, they are happy. The commander got a new girl - alas and ah - not me. Although with such melodramas (I can’t stand them!) - perhaps this is fortunate. But I entered a technical university and drive frightened flocks of students (there are no female students at all). And with the commander, and with a friend, and with her boyfriend, I kept warm relationship. As a friend, the commander turned out to be where for me the best option than as a guy (that's just new girl jealous of me, which is a bit frustrating). Everyone is doing well, although some nostalgia sometimes covers ... But this is so - when there is nothing else to do.

P.S. If they figure it out and find out that I made this public, then I will be encrusted with bullets. Oh no no no! So it remains only to be glad that not a single self-respecting airsoft player will come here, and I can share such a story.

I fell in love with a guy. I recently moved to new school, it was scary at first. But then after 2 weeks I got used to it. I made friends with new classmates, everyone treats me well, well, except for individuals. Here, I’m sitting on a bench, joking with a classmate, as he passes into a friend. I'm in 7th grade, he's in 8th. I fell in love with him right away. A classmate, Katya, says that it was love at first sight and she pushed me to important step. Get to know this guy. How could it be! I took the liberty of approaching him to meet him. Honestly, I did not expect! We chatted, joked, he smiled sweetly at me. We soon got to know each other better. And he started walking me home. And here in again he accompanies me to the house, we stop. And he confesses his love to me! I'm shocked! I don't know what to answer him. I probably stood for 20 seconds, looked at him. And she said I like him too. Then we started dating. Everyone envied me because he a handsome boy, cheerful, the soul of the company. And so, I decided to introduce him to my girlfriend, who studied with me at old school. Once I promised my friend that I would introduce her to my boyfriend when I moved to a new school. And now this day has come. We met and I started introducing them. Everything went well. By evening we parted ways. After 2 days, my friend calls and asks me to meet. I come to a meeting and she tells me that she has fallen in love with my boyfriend. Then she began to ask me to give it to her. I didn't know what to say. I love my boyfriend and I don't want to give him away. Well, I don't want to lose my girlfriend either. I told my friend that I would think about it. I consulted with my boyfriend. He said that he simply would not see her and communicate with her. Then I consulted with my classmate. She offered me to talk to her friend about cleanliness. I do not even know. I do not want to break friendship, I am very afraid of losing my girlfriend! Help me please!

I love one boy. He studies in parallel class. At first we started chatting online: he and his 3 friends and me with my 3 girlfriends. Gradually, we all began to walk together. From that moment he immediately knew that I liked him (he was told by his friend, probably it was noticeable)!! Then I realized that I love him, but at that moment he liked a girl who was a year older than him. She had a boyfriend, so I knew that they would definitely not succeed. I was right, and after a few months they completely stopped talking. After all this, we finally began to communicate quite often, but then everything somehow suddenly stopped. Then I found out that he was in love with my best friend! And his best friend began to stick to me ... well, how to stick, he just talked to me in such a way that I immediately realized that he likes me ... he is very kind and sweet, but that's what disgusted me ... It seemed to me that if someone attacks us, then most likely I will defend him, and not he me, and therefore I simply did not imagine us together ... if I find out that someone I don’t like likes me, then it starts me to twist his presence, it becomes disgusting and uncomfortable for me ..)) So, I found out that my beloved boy offered to meet my best friend, but she refused him, because she does not love him .. It seems that you can calm down, but he loves her ... It was summer. I don’t know how it is now, but it still seems to me that he loves her, and recently I found out that he even painted her (also in the summer). I sit and cry, I don't know what to do. Why is everything so unfair? I love him, he loves another, and she loves another too, a love triangle...

Each representative of the fair sex is faced with the question of whether she really fell in love or is it an easy hobby. In this matter, it is worth carefully considering and weighing everything, so as not to do stupid things in the future.

Listen to the inner voice

  1. If a strange feeling arises at the sight of an object of adoration, you want to constantly see him and at the same time a certain fear instills in you, it is worth considering. From the first emotions, it already becomes clear that you have a strong sympathy for the guy.
  2. At such moments, usually comes the realization that love has come. You want to be closer to a man and get to know him more from all sides. If you work or study together, watch your behavior. You will obviously be attracted to the guy.
  3. If a conversation comes up in a circle of acquaintances about your object of adoration, you are most likely embarrassed. It is also important to understand that such dialogues give you pleasure, it is nice to talk about the person you feel sympathy for.
  4. Pay attention to your internal state. If the mention of his name makes you positive emotions and daydreaming, no doubt you have feelings. As a rule, when talking on such topics, girlfriends quickly guess what the matter is.
  5. You noticeably improve your mood, you long time you are in a state of euphoria, especially when you intersect with this person. It happens that you start to be jealous of the female environment, because of this it is difficult to concentrate.
  6. Often if the desired guy spends time with pretty girl, you start to get angry and worry in earnest. If you have experienced just such a burning feeling, there is no doubt that you are in love.
  7. In this case, the guy will be constantly present in your thoughts. Such a feeling will torment you to some extent, and prevent you from concentrating on work or study. However, it is important to understand that it is difficult to cope with nature.
  8. Need to be very strong man to try to push feelings into the background and deal with pressing issues. If you are really in love, pay attention to your appetite, as a rule, you will eat less.
  9. During strong feelings, the body experiences stress, the feeling of hunger fades into the background. Such a move can help you lose a couple of extra pounds. In other cases, do not forget about normal nutrition.
  10. During falling in love, problems with sleep begin. You can no longer sleep sweetly like a baby. It's all because of the excited state in the background desired boyfriend. Most likely, you will begin to show romantic mood even though it's tough.

Watch your own behavior

  1. You choose your outfits more often and more carefully, make sure that you look perfect. Nobody disputes that earlier behavior could be similar. However, with the onset of falling in love, self-care turns into a phobia. You constantly think about appearance.
  2. You began to conduct various cosmetic procedures face and body care. They began to eat less and carefully monitor the figure, nails and hair. Such manipulations are carried out in order to draw the attention of a man to you.
  3. You obsess over your lover and take more time to find out useful information about him. You begin to be interested in everything connected with it. Roughly speaking, you are compiling a dossier for yourself on a man. The more you immerse yourself in information, the more violently your emotions flare up.
  4. You can unobtrusively intersect with the chosen ones in the club or his favorite bar. This way you have more chances to interest a guy in addition to the work environment. You will do everything in your power to once again"accidentally" to see him.
  5. If everything is done correctly, close communication with a lover cannot be avoided. Remember that you should control yourself, otherwise things may not turn out the way you planned. In this case, mistakes can fail and you will not succeed in the future.
  6. When drawing attention, remember that you need to behave with dignity. Candid outfits and vulgar behavior is unacceptable. Be yourself, try to meet by chance. Conquer the guy with your sincerity and lightness. Be real.

And is it love

How to determine whether love has settled in you or a slight insanity that will soon pass? It is very difficult to understand such seemingly simple things. But let's try to do it together.

So love is:

… the desire to make a person happy. When a girl loves a guy, she tries to make sure that he always looks happy and feels at peace. True feelings are not subject to egoism. You do not annoy the young man, do not set him against his friends, do not interfere with the aim of subjugating or harming him. At the same time, fleeting love is just the opposite.

…unity. Even if everyone turns their backs on your boyfriend, you will stand next to him and fight an equal fight. And it doesn't matter who is the opponent. Simply put, true feelings will not succumb to gossip, intrigue, rumors, criticism and even justified accusations. As for temporary insanity, you will constantly scroll in your head: “Why do I need all these difficulties?”.

…one problem for two. Young woman, loving guy heart and soul, ready to share all his difficulties and make the problems her own. This is what distinguishes real feelings from false ones - the willingness to help and provide support. Temporary love such behavior is not typical.

…friendship. true love does not arise like this right away, people come to it later a certain period. For the emergence of feelings, recognition of each other as halves, it is necessary to go through the path of some kind of friendship. friendly relations with a touch of flirting will allow the couple to get to know each other better and take place as a whole. At the same time, falling in love arises out of nowhere, but can lead to Great love in future.

…one dream for two. What could be better than plans built with the wishes of both partners in mind? Is that their implementation! Love is dreams created by a guy and a girl. It's about shared dreams. If we talk about temporary insanity, selfishness operates in such relationships. Each of the partners wants to take the most delicious piece of the pie, regardless of the dreams of the other.

This is love: what to do next

After you understand that you have finally and irrevocably fallen in love, draw up a definite plan of action for yourself.

  1. Find out how you can more information about a young man. The main thing in this case is to find out whether the young man is free or not. In the first case, study it social pages find out about hobbies and friends. Perhaps you have mutual friends, ask them as if by chance.
  2. After that, try to attract the attention of the young man you like. Catch his eye, but not too often. Keep your eyes on the guy to let you know you're interested (don't overdo it).
  3. If possible, start a conversation with him based on the data received or use a plausible pretext (to throw him home, help with homework, etc.).
  4. AT without fail watch your appearance. Hide your flaws, but highlight your strengths. Do not overdo it with makeup, keep clothes, shoes and hair clean.
  5. If you are added to each other in "Friends", put a new avatar. Suitable photo in nature or in another beautiful place. Create an album of shots, eliminating the options on the background of the carpet or old furniture.
  6. Spend more time in public. Surround yourself with suitors, but you should not look vulgar. Try to make friends with the guy's buddies. It is important to get out of the gray mass!
  7. After you start a conversation with a young man, watch your speech. Ask a friend to yell at you if the situation gets out of hand and you blurt out too much.

If the test for your love is positive, there is no doubt that it is time to come up with a plan for further manipulations. So let's get started.

  1. Take care of topics for conversation so that there is no awkward pauses in the process of your communication with a guy. Suddenly you won't be able to concentrate while being with him. And pre-thought-out answers and questions will help in this.
  2. It is important to put yourself in order and create a certain image. If the guy hasn't noticed you yet, visit the hairdresser and manicure parlor, go shopping. In cases where you already know each other and have sympathy for each other, stick to your natural beauty.
  3. Dream! Dreams have a pleasant feature of coming true. It is not at all embarrassing to plan a joint romantic trip with the object of sympathy or in your thoughts to give birth to a couple of kids for him. The main thing is that your dreams should be supported by something (sympathy on his part).
  4. If in this situation you cannot take a sober look at things, ask a friend for help. Let her objectively assess the relationship between you and the young man. Listen to criticism and draw your own conclusions.

If you think about falling in love with a guy, you should carefully weigh everything. Think carefully about this. If you are overwhelmed with feelings at the sight of an adored man, try to control yourself. When meeting, communicate lightly, do not force the guy to meet. If he is interested in you, he should be the first to invite you on a date.

Video: 7 signs that you are in love

It seems to you that you can no longer live without one guy, thoughts about which haunt you? If you “managed” to fall in love, you need to figure out everything properly: how deep are the feelings, where to start, is it worth fighting or is it better to let go - we answered all these questions in today's article. You will also learn how to make a man fall in love with you and understand that the plan worked, what to do if nothing worked out and the guy does not reciprocate, how to let him go.

If a girl truly loves, she will accept a person with all the flaws. She will not care what his height, weight, hair color. When you fall in love, you pay more attention to your appearance. Another important point- if you can answer why you love a guy, this is no longer love. This feeling is inexplicable.

You will also want to please a person, make him happy, without demanding anything in return. Trembling in the knees and dizziness from the touch of a guy indicate love, but not about deep feelings. So that you certainly are not mistaken, we have prepared material on the topic: how to understand that you really fell in love. There you can .

Where to begin

The first thing to do is to find out how he treats you, whether there is reciprocity. This can be done through third parties (mutual friends). Although, a girl usually understands what a guy likes anyway. This can be seen in his look, gestures, attention to her. The site has a more detailed article about. It is about posture and behavior.

By the way, what do you know about him? Maybe he's not as good as you thought. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to find out more information about the object of adoration. Help with this social networks. You should also get rid of panic and pull yourself together.

Is it worth confessing feelings

You can talk about love only if you are absolutely sure that he is not indifferent to you. But the guy needs to be recognized competently. It should not be interview style when you sit opposite each other, look into his eyes and say "Misha, I really like you." No, do it more naturally. During a joint walk, suddenly gently say “It’s so easy for me (nice, cool)” or “I’m very glad that we know you.” For a guy, this will be a signal, and he will begin to reciprocate.

Another great hint of your feelings is embarrassment. If you don’t know how to blush, then at least just lower your eyes at especially quivering moments of communication with him.

Your excitement can also tell a guy a lot. Therefore, if you suddenly knock over a glass of embarrassment or start talking, this will also play into your hands.

How can you make a guy fall in love with you

Guys are different, each has its own character and preferences in women. But there is universal secrets temptations that hardly anyone can resist:

  1. Women's clothing. No jeans or oversized sweatshirts. Only dresses and blouses, maximum - trousers. Here are all the details on how to. You will learn what the length, color, decor of outfits should be, what should be thrown into the trash.
  2. Smile. This is the best women's jewelry. However, it should not be stretched.
  3. beautiful speech. No obscenities and slang that do not adorn the girl.
  4. "Random" Encounters. Study his route and catch the eye of the guy more often, taking into account the previous 3 points.

Fall in love with a guy will help our other article, which proposes step by step plan. You will learn what it takes, what to say, what not to do. At the end of the work, you need to make sure that everything worked out. Pay attention to . He is special. It says how much the guy looks into the eyes, about the duration of contact, the size of the pupil.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

How to forget a man if he does not reciprocate

If an impregnable fortress comes across, which cannot be taken either by a charming smile or deep neckline, do not be upset: it is not necessarily about you. It’s just that either he is used to being alone, or he is going through a breakup or is completely married. It makes no sense to seek such a guy, because even if he submits, then you will no longer be interested.

What to do? Switch to another object. There are probably other guys around you who are not averse to flirting with a cheerful pretty girl. And now, more than ever, you need male intercourse to feel feminine and desirable again.

It is important not to stay alone for a long time, to walk more on fresh air, go shopping with girls, talk heart to heart with mom.

Another good way- start pet: parrot, cat, hamster, dog. He will have to be looked after, and this will distract from sad thoughts.

This video gives tips on what to do if you love and he does not pay attention. Video blogger is against the fact that the girl herself sought the guy, listen:

We wish you good luck in conquering your object, everything must work out for you!

“Love will inadvertently descend…”, is sung in an old song. Indeed, she comes when you "do not expect her at all." No one can fall in love (as well as stop loving) by own will or according to plan: it always happens suddenly, like a lightning strike. Sometimes the feeling captures so much that the whole habitual life recedes into a secondary plane, and the person already thinks like this: “What should I do? I fell in love crazy!" It seems that love is something to rejoice, because it is considered a gift from God. This is not always the case, because sometimes it begins to bring not joy and happiness, but only torment and suffering. So what to do, if you fell in love "to death"?

lightning strike

This is how those who have experienced love often describe the moment of falling in love. Oddly enough, this suddenness is more characteristic of men. They are able to fall in love with a girl in one minute. It should be noted that their feelings pass faster than women.

It has been noticed that even a minor trifle can attract a guy in a girl: shoes with heels, a special haircut model, the color of lipstick or dress, look, gait. Men are very attentive to such details and it is on them that they, as a rule, “sink”. Here is such a phenomenon, and it is inherent in just the male part of the population. In other words, a guy who sees a girl in a miniskirt on the street may fall in love with her legs or her walk. At the same time, the strength of the feeling that has come can be so great that he will think: "That's it, I fell in love" to death "".

Pains of love

What to do macho, pierced by such a powerful feeling? Of course, to get acquainted, and if the girl does not mind, then develop and build relationships.

If a guy fell in love with a girl, then all the obstacles and obstacles are nothing to him. Men are creatures no less sensitive and vulnerable than women. Therefore, they perceive it so painfully when a girl ignores courtship or refuses at all. It's good when, but it doesn't happen very often. Therefore, the pangs of love have to be fully felt by those who do not receive reciprocity.

dangerous age

As a rule, such strong feelings experienced by people in young age. The love that they feel lives, as it were, on its own, because, due to the immaturity of their psyche, they still cannot fully control emotions with their minds. That's why youthful love sometimes so tragic and painful. No wonder it is at this age that children most often commit suicide due to

How to act to achieve reciprocity?

Imagine that a young man falls in love with a girl. What should he do to be able to be with her? Much depends on the girl herself. That is, whether she is free, whether she has a desire to build a relationship, how old she is, with whom she lives, whether she even knows this guy and is aware of his feelings. In fact, a lot depends on such moments in the future development of the novel.

After all, if it turns out that she is already dating someone or she simply does not like the new admirer, then what should the one who fell in love with her without memory do? It remains to be hoped that she will either part with her gentleman, or pay attention to another applicant. For this to happen, the latter will have to try.

It will be necessary to achieve the chosen one in every possible way, arrange surprises for her, invite her to those places where she likes to visit. You need to find out how she lives, what she likes to do, what kind of food she prefers, what films and music she watches and listens to. Girls are very fond of when guys are interested not only in their external data, but also in what is hidden behind them. This is how you have to act if you fell in love like a child.

Waiting for an answer

In the meantime, there is no reciprocity, the lover will have to go through all the “charms” of unrequited love. To make the waiting less painful, you just need to shift your focus of attention to another object. For example, you can find something to your liking, resume a hobby if it has been abandoned. Playing sports helps a lot, and any. They will not only benefit in terms of physical improvement of the body, but also give confidence and vigor. And these results will never hurt anyone.

Love should give birth only to the most better feelings and aspirations. No wonder they say that it makes a person better, kinder, softer, more tender, more sincere. To achieve a girl with whom you fell in love at first sight, sometimes you need to take non-standard steps. Women love such men very much: they immediately understand that everything is done for them, and who can resist beautiful deeds? Previously, knights fought to the death in duels, climbed into palace windows along smooth sheer walls, and went on military campaigns for the sake of beautiful ladies.

So, if you fell in love with a woman, so much so that you lost sleep and peace, the only comfort will be the opportunity to be with her. Whether it will work out or not depends solely on the enamored "Pierrot". Or rather, from his perseverance (within the limits of decency, of course), fantasy, courage and depth of feeling. Women love stubborn men and usually surrender "at the mercy of the winner."

She, he and she

It is good when a strong love overtakes a lonely young man. This is natural, normal and fully fits into the concept of procreation. You can congratulate such a guy and say that he is lucky. Not everyone gets to experience

But there are other situations that are not so joyful, at least for one side. It is about when a man who is not alone falls in love with another woman. On the one hand, for him it is a joy, but on the other - a great torment.

After all, he understands that in this way he betrays both his “official” woman and his lady of the heart. Men, being in this position, are aware that they hurt all the participants in this

Of course, the one who was betrayed is the worst. They no longer love her, do not want her, her place in the heart of a man is occupied by a rival. Until then, no time dear woman tormented by uncertainty and betrayal, her loved one thinks: “What should I do? I fell in love, but I'm married!

Signs of falling in love

The dilemma is not easy. It affects the fate of several people. Unfortunately for some and fortunately for others, almost all married men for all the time of marriage at least once, but fall in love with women on the side. Some explain this by the loss of feelings for the faithful wife, others by the fact that they were simply “covered” at the sight of a beautiful, sexy girl. Interestingly, even 40-year-old men, wise by experience and life, are unable to resist this storm of emotions.

Scientists have long proved that love, especially bright, lightning-fast, is nothing but the result of our biochemical processes that occur in the brain. For this reason, a person is simply not able to control what is happening to him. He loses sleep, appetite, he is no longer interested in those things that have long been part of his life. So, work moves aside, a man abandons his hobby, does not pay attention to his wife. And only one thought pulsates in my head: “What should I do? I fell in love ... What if this is serious?

Leave or stay

In such a situation, giving advice is a thankless task. No one ever, firstly, listens to them, and secondly, if someone follows them, then he also blames the adviser for all the troubles that happened to him.

If we proceed purely from considerations of decency and elementary cleanliness, then unfree man who fell in love with another lady, or needs to go to her (if this serious feelings, of course), or to love her exclusively platonically. This may be the answer to the question: “What should I do? I fell in love, but I'm married!

Love without joy

Even if a man fell in love with a girl platonically, he continues to live with his wife. Is it fair to him? Somehow not so much. It turns out that a man should step on the throat of his own song because of the fear of destroying his family or because of moral principles. Sharing a bed, life with one, but thoughts to be with another? Nobody can last that long.

What to do if betrayal is unacceptable, and living in the old way becomes unbearable? There are few options, and you need to choose the most painless for all interested parties. You need to understand that at the behest of the mind, falling out of love like this right away will not work. Therefore, you just need to wait, so to speak, active phase this period. It will last several months, maybe even a year. Everything will end faster if you don’t see the one because of which the whole life almost collapsed.

That is, everything must be done so as not to meet this woman, not to visit the places of her “habitat”. If that communication needs to be reduced to zero, and even then, only on professional topics. Minimizing contact really helps a lot. But there is such a thing as thoughts. They arise in the head sometimes without demand, and it is difficult to get rid of them. When you once again want to think about this girl, you need to accustom yourself to immediately switch your thought process to another topic. Doing this from time to time, you can completely get rid of unwanted memories, images and other things that do not completely cope with love obsession.

This too will pass

At first it will seem that there is no strength to live without her, that you need to go to her, that she is the one and only, for which it is worth taking a risk, leaving everything old behind. However, these thoughts will soon cease to appear, as the nagging, oppressive feeling that has prevented me from living in peace in recent months will gradually pass.

Soon, very soon, biochemical processes will cease to wander in the brain, and all experiences, torments and sufferings will come to naught. This love can live forever, but falling in love - only from a year to 3 years. You just have to be patient, but don't waste your time either. Why waste it on meaningless experiences? It will be more productive to plunge headlong into some new business, focus on a career, you can go on a trip. By the way, long journeys - the best medicine from heartache.

Help from outside

There are also very difficult cases when a person is unable to cope with his obsession on his own. Someone goes for help to friends, and someone to a psychologist. Often these specialists hear in their offices the question: “Tell me, what should I do? I fell in love, but I can’t be with this girl yet.”

Patients with such a problem are not uncommon. And they all want one thing - to hear from a specialist some simple and actionable advice to help them cope with this difficult situation. Of course, to hope that this will be the case is simply ridiculous. A psychologist will undoubtedly help get rid of addiction (and strong love is dependence on another person), but this will take time, because it requires A complex approach. However, one must understand that in the end, no one but the person himself will be able to help him.

Love without memory. What to do with her?

We often hear in life and from on-screen heroes: "That's it, guys, I saw and fell in love with her forever." How do young people act in such cases? Who is more insolent and bolder - they immediately come up and get to know each other. Some do not dare to do this and pass or pass on. If they think about this girl for several days, they begin to look for her all over the city. The most desperate can post notices on poles with her signs: with a description of her appearance and the place where the meeting took place. Asks for help to find her, because he fell in love without a memory. And someone keeps this romantic memory and lives on.

If the acquaintance took place, then it is not a fact that it will necessarily move to some other, important stage. Moreover, at close fellowship a girl may not make the same impression that she had at the first meeting. And this is far from uncommon. Having fallen in love with some image, you can be very disappointed in what the girl really is. Therefore, of course, you need to communicate in order to understand whether this person is yours or not. After all, sometimes Beautiful face, eyes or legs do not at all guarantee that everything else will be just as beautiful (human qualities are meant).

Long live love!

Falling in love is necessary, they say, it is good for health, prolongs life and makes it more full, colorful and meaningful. The main thing is not to lose yourself in love, because in this format it turns the fate of a person into a nightmare. And this is no longer love, but dependence, which cannot bring joy and creation.

Falling in love at first sight does not guarantee love. In order not to miss your chance, you must definitely get to know the girl better. Or you can just go further: let this bright meeting remain in your memory forever.