What is better during pregnancy. The special status of women. Method of using vitamin complexes for pregnant women

It is clear that after becoming pregnant, a woman tries to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, saturate her diet with vitamins and microelements. Each of us knows that pregnant women need positive emotions, attention, fresh air, walking, support and understanding, and so on. But relatives and girlfriends are beginning to actively bombard the future mother with various instructions: then don't do this, don't eat this. What are the prohibitions during pregnancy?

What can you do during pregnancy?

  • Clean water should be the main and main drink for a pregnant woman. You can also natural juices, fruit drinks, kvass (especially homemade).
  • Many pregnant women "breaks" on. A little you can, but it is better to choose non-alcoholic.
  • In the last trimester, you can afford a glass of good wine (but not champagne). True, we are all different, and dosages may vary accordingly. There is an opinion that if the expectant mother feels a slight intoxication, the baby is completely unconscious.
  • Hair can be cut, it will not do any harm to the unborn baby, and the mother's hair will not stop growing.
  • Of the drugs, only paracetamol (3 tablets 3 times a day for no more than 3 days) are harmless (for the entire period).
  • You can sleep on your back (if it is convenient for you).
  • There is no better physical fitness for expectant mothers than swimming and water aerobics.
  • You can use cosmetics. But face cream should not contain vitamin A (it is very harmful in large quantities), hydrocortisone (this is a steroid that, when used daily, is dangerous for a child), benzoyl peroxide. Regarding gel and body lotion, it is best to choose those specifically for pregnant women. They are safe and contain ingredients designed to minimize the chances of stretch marks and breast deformities.
  • Have sex if the pregnancy is normal. However, it will not be superfluous to specifically ask the doctor about this.

What is not allowed during pregnancy?

  • , alcohol and drugs - under an iron taboo! There are no safe doses of these poisons. So stay away from them. Also, avoid secondhand smoke.
  • Caffeine can cause miscarriage or underweight at birth. And green tea interferes with the absorption necessary for the normal development of the baby. Therefore, it is better to refuse them. But if you really want to - then you can sometimes a little.
  • It is not recommended to eat such foods: raw meat, unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses, hematogen, sushi, seafood. Fast food and harmful additives are also not for pregnant women. Try not to eat spicy, salty and fatty foods.
  • Carbonated drinks can cause active fermentation in the intestines, which provokes uterine contractions.
  • It is prohibited to wear synthetic underwear, especially thongs. Choose natural cotton panties and specialty maternity bras.
  • It is not advised to dye your hair and do a perm. During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman changes, this often affects the skin and hair, and chemical agents can further worsen their condition. But if you still decide to paint, then choose gentle paints.
  • Changing cat litter increases the likelihood of contracting toxoplasmosis. The result can be stunted growth of the baby, poorly developing brain, and damage to the eyes of the fetus.
  • Do not overheat. Therefore, saunas and baths will have to be abandoned.
  • Do not start repairs during this period - paints and toxins will disappear no earlier than in a year.
  • Insect sprays are not recommended. The toxins enter your bloodstream and from there to your baby.
  • The following medications are categorically contraindicated: Aminopterin, Methyltestosterone, Progestins, Quinine, Thalidomide, Trimetadine, Retinoids (isotretinoin, roancutane, etretinate, tigazone, acitretin).
  • You shouldn't get any vaccinations.
  • It is better to give up high heels now. First, it is dangerous: the risk of falling increases. Secondly, during this period, the center of gravity shifts, and the load on the spine increases. And the heels enhance it. Therefore, starting from the second half of pregnancy, the risk of all kinds of radiculitis and neuralgia increases, which, of course, is useless for expectant mothers.
  • You cannot raise your hands when the baby has already taken the correct position.
  • You cannot lie on your stomach and sit cross-legged.
  • They say that you can not show a newborn to anyone until he is 40 days old. They can jinx. In fact, doctors do not recommend bringing strangers into your baby's house for about a month. Your home has its own atmosphere and microflora, the guests who come have their own. The child should develop immunity to his environment, so do not gather crowds of people. But on the street, when the baby is asleep - please show him to anyone you want.

Neither yes - nor no

  • A visit to the solarium is not recommended. But many disagree with this. If you cover your tummy with a towel and adhere to the basic rules, there is nothing to fear.
  • If you are a lover of soy, you should not deny yourself the consumption of this product. But if you haven't tried these beans before, it's better not to risk it. And you need to choose natural soy. Although there is no evidence that genetically modified foods adversely affect our health.
  • Antiperspirant deodorants that contain aluminum salts are best avoided. But you can use perfumed alcohol deodorant.
  • It is better to refrain from any trips. Vibration-causing transport is a clockwork mechanism to hyperexcitability of the uterus and can provoke a miscarriage or. But if a woman feels great, then you can go on vacation. But it's better not in the period when the risk of miscarriage increases: 11-12, 26-27 and 31-32 weeks.
  • You can sit at the computer, but only for a short time. Abuse is dangerous from the earliest possible date - it increases the risk of a missed (frozen) pregnancy.
  • Exercise is beneficial, but it includes walking and special exercises for pregnant women. You should not lift a barbell, climb mountains, run marathons, or dive into the water.
  • Doctors do not recommend overusing food allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits). And in general, you need to be careful with such products, that is, if possible, exclude. But opponents of the prohibitions argue that you can eat whatever you want. After all, the body itself feels that it can. In addition, for the duration of breastfeeding, you will have to give up a lot, and you really want to eat up for the future!
  • It is advisable not to take any medications. But if there is such a need, consult your doctor and study this issue further.
  • If you do not drink pills, preferring to be treated with herbs, you need to carefully read the composition of the medicinal fees. Harmful for pregnant women: aloe, barberry, oregano, ergot, tansy, sowing - these herbs can increase the tone of the uterus. Wild strawberries and succession - can predispose a child to allergies. Seaweed, spinach, sorrel - if consumed excessively, can cause fetal development disorders. St. John's wort - increases blood pressure in a pregnant woman. Marsh calamus, blue cornflower, elecampane, juniper, celery - can disrupt kidney function. In addition, plants are poisonous: belladonna (belladonna), yellow egg capsule, glossy euphorbia, male fern, evading peony, common lilac, field horsetail, bird cherry. These plants are sometimes used for treatment in small doses, but this should not be done during pregnancy.
  • The same goes for aromatherapy. If you do not have allergies, you can safely use oils. Among the safe ones are petitgrain, rose, sandalwood and tea tree, neroli, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, lavender, lemon, orange, calendula, wheat germ, jojoba. On the advice of a specialist, you can use the oil of bergamot, chamomile, peppermint, incense. It is categorically impossible during pregnancy to oil of laurel, basil, nutmeg, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, thyme, sage, cloves, oregano, patchouli (in the last weeks), cedar, cypress, Chinese magnolia vine, rosemary, yarrow, fennel. They can have a toxic effect on a child and even provoke a miscarriage of oil of tansy, burdock, wormwood, oregano, and mint.
  • They say that ultrasound can be done no more than 3 times during pregnancy. Doctors themselves disagree on this question. Some say that modern ultrasound machines are almost completely safe for a baby, and you can be examined as often as you like. Others - whatever it may be, but irradiation is irradiation. Do not give up ultrasound if it really needs to be done. But going specifically to find out the gender of the child is perhaps not worth it.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

While waiting for a child, a woman's immunity decreases, so you often have to think about what can be taken by pregnant women with a cold. It is important for a mother-to-be to understand the basic rules of treatment. A rash step can have serious consequences.

For a runny nose Consult Gargle
Knock down the temperature Chamomile Application of a folk recipe
Chamomile Traditional medicine recipe Healthy tea
Cure for gargling in the treatment of colds

Many medications that are prescribed for sore throats and flu are prohibited for women in the position. Therefore, the question of what can and can not be drunk by pregnant women with a cold is especially relevant. Use only proven medicines that will not harm the fetus.

If you are sick, you should immediately postpone all work and call a doctor. You should not go to the clinic on your own, because there you can get infected even more. Let's see what can and should be used by pregnant women for colds.

Actions at temperature

You can bring down the temperature with linden tea.

  • Aspirin;
  • Analgin;
  • complex preparations.

Means such as Antigrippin, Fervex, Coldrex are contraindicated, since they contain preservatives and flavorings that can cause allergies.

Also, these medications often include the illicit caffeine, pheniramine maleate. Therefore, you should not even think about whether pregnant women can take teraflu for colds. No and no again. Also find out and.

Despite numerous positive reviews, refuse to take this drug, especially since the instructions indicate that the expectation of a child and the lactation period are a contraindication to taking it. It is best to immediately consult a doctor who will advise which pills pregnant women can take for colds.

Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen will not harm, but it is important to withstand the dosage. A maximum of one tablet per dose is allowed.

There is a lot of controversy about whether pregnant women can take paracetamol for colds. Despite the fact that this is an excellent antipyretic and pain reliever, it is allowed to be taken only in the second trimester of pregnancy.

If a very high temperature is accompanied by severe chills, you need to lie under a warm blanket and drink 1 tablet of no-shpa with 500 mg of paracetamol, and then immediately call a doctor. A cold compress can be used to reduce heat headaches. Soak a clean cloth in cool (but not cold) water, wring it out, and place it on your forehead. Turn the compress over as it warms up. You can use an ice pack, but be sure to wrap it in two layers of cloth.

If you have figured out exactly what medications you can use for pregnant colds, but still decide to exclude them, try rubbing with vinegar. They are harmless in any trimester, only vinegar should be taken no more than 5%.

You should not use vodka, because the alcohol will begin to evaporate and through the lungs will enter the bloodstream, and from there to the baby. Rubbing with vinegar should only be practiced when the hands and feet are hot at the temperature. Also try putting cold compresses under large arteries: elbows, popliteal arteries, abdomen, and chest.

With a cold, pregnant women should not use vasoconstrictor drops.

At temperature, tea with linden blossom is useful. The herb must be brewed in the same way as tea, or you can just insist in a thermos for about 15 minutes. The drink must be consumed cold. Hot linden tea opens pores, helps to reduce fever and sweat. It is worth knowing that raspberries can only be used after 36 weeks.

Ways to eliminate a cold

Expectant mothers need to know what medications in the form of drops can be taken by pregnant women with a runny nose during a cold. It is contraindicated to use vasoconstrictor nasal drops. These include.

  1. Oxymetazoline;
  2. Nazol;
  3. Tisite;
  4. Naphthisite.

While waiting for the child, these drops will quickly become addictive, so an overdose may occur. In addition, large doses of these drugs negatively affect the fetal heart, which begins to beat faster. Subsequently, this can result in heart disease in the child.

In the question of what safe medicines can pregnant women drink with an annoying cold, it is worth turning to traditional medicine.
Try rinsing your nose with salted water.

  1. To do this, you need to buy a special device for washing - Dolphin or Aquamaris.
  2. You can try to build the device yourself, for example, a small porcelain teapot will do.

For an optimal solution, you need to take no more than 2 g of salt per 200 ml of water. You will get a one percent solution. If you don't have a scale to measure 2 grams, just take half a teaspoon of the ingredient. The water temperature must be heated to at least 35 degrees. Washes are carried out about five times a day. Do not blow your nose hard after the procedure, otherwise the infection can get into the ear from the nose.

If you put in less salt, the opposite effect may occur:

  • fresh water will penetrate into the mucous membrane;
  • will increase nasal congestion, swelling.

A strong solution, on the contrary, has a drying effect. For a heavily clogged nose, when the nostril is not breathing at all and rinsing is impossible, you can use a spray with a high salt content. For example, two bags of Dolphin or Aqua-Maris-spront.

A strong solution will help open a new course by drawing water from the swollen mucous membrane. After that, you can rinse your nose in the same way as above. Flushing should not be used for nosebleeds and acute ear infections.

It is also worth knowing whether it is possible for pregnant women to soar their feet in the water for a cold, since many use this method to cure a cough. The procedure is strictly prohibited, because not only the vessels of the mucous membrane of the throat and nose, but also other organs, including the uterus, can react to the high temperature of the water. When the procedure is carried out in the early stages, a miscarriage may occur, and at a later date, premature birth.

Treating a severe cough

Talk to a specialist about what exactly can be taken by pregnant girls with a cold, accompanied by a cough. You do not need to self-medicate, because the cough begins due to many diseases that can be very dangerous for the mother and the fetus. The doctor will determine the type of cough and prescribe the appropriate medication.

Consult your doctor about cold treatment

The following drugs will not harm:

  • Broncho-gran;
  • Stodal;
  • Pulsatilla;
  • Eucabal;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Marshmallow root (syrup).

When treating a cough, you should try to drink more warm liquid and keep your back, chest, legs, arms warm. Don't go barefoot or drink cold drinks. Try to breathe calmly, with restraint.

Doctors constantly talk about how pregnant women can be treated with a cold, and have nothing against the recipes of traditional medicine. Especially if honey is one of the ingredients. For the simplest recipe, you will need 2 teaspoons of fresh honey. It needs to be held in the mouth for a few minutes and then swallowed.

Lemon has a good effect.

  1. Cut half of the lemon into small cubes, add a couple of tablespoons of honey, mix.
  2. The remedy is taken three times a day for a teaspoon.
  3. It can be used to strengthen immunity, prevent ARVI.

It is useful to drink warm milk with a spoonful of honey and butter at night.

Sore throat relief

Sore throat is caused by bacteria and viral infections. Ask your doctor what medications can be taken for pregnant women who have a sore throat from a cold. Sprays containing alcohol are strictly prohibited: Stopangin, Yoks. Do not use propolis or calendula tincture for rinsing.

Gargling will relieve inflammation

A 0.1% Chlorhexidine solution is considered a safe remedy. It is a little bitter, but almost not absorbed into the mucous membrane, so it does not enter the bloodstream. Miramistin is useful - a colorless transparent solution. It is also not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not harm the baby. Many women in a position are interested in whether pregnant women can use ginger for colds, because it has beneficial properties.

Tea can be made from it. The result is a delicious and medicinal drink.

  1. 2 tbsp. 1 liter of ginger root should be finely grated, covered with a glass of boiling water, and then steamed for about ten minutes over low heat, covered with a lid.
  2. 2 tsp of honey is added to the resulting drink.
  3. Tea should be drunk in small sips before or after meals.

Brew a chemist's chamomile, which is perfect for gargling. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory, emollient effect, copes well with mild forms of pharyngitis.

Not everyone knows what drugs for a sore throat can be taken for a cold in pregnant women and they buy seemingly harmless throat lozenges. Although they are an effective medicine, women in a position are strictly prohibited.

Only Laripront and Lizobact, made on the basis of lysomycin, a natural enzyme, will not harm. These tablets must be sucked 4 times a day, 2 pieces each. They will help with both common pharyngitis and angina.

The magical nine months of waiting give a woman a generous gift in the form of positive emotions and boundless joy. But this is not a reason to forget about the essentials. It is very important to choose the right one. early pregnancy diet to ensure the full development of the baby and keep the expectant mother healthy.For the formation and growth of the embryo, nutrients, minerals and biologically active elements are needed. Naturally, he receives them through the blood vessels that connect the fetus to the mother's body. That is why it is important to timely replenish their deficit in order to maintain the strength and vitality of the two organisms.

This does not mean at all that a woman needs to increase the amount of food eaten by one and a half to two times. The main thing that foods in early pregnancy provided a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals.

Read in this article

Weight gain during pregnancy is considered a natural process. On average, in 9 months a woman gains from 10 to 15 kg. The norm is 11-12 kg. If the weight gained is below normal, gynecologists recommend taking a special complex of multivitamins for pregnant women.

With increased weight, swelling occurs, breathing becomes difficult, and cardiac arrhythmias may appear. In this case, it is recommended to refrain from eating fatty, saturated foods for some time and limit yourself to vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and fiber.

If you are thinking about how to eat right in early pregnancy , remember a few important rules:

  • the nutrition of the pregnant woman should be balanced;
  • the choice is given in favor of healthy food (exclude semi-finished products and dishes with high cholesterol from the diet);
  • it is necessary to adhere to a constant diet (at least three times a day).

What can a pregnant woman eat and in what quantities

Trace elements requiring special attention

During pregnancy, the female body experiences an increased need for trace elements such as iron and calcium.

Iron is responsible for. If, when taking tests, the hemoglobin level in the woman's blood is below 100 g / l, then the mother and the unborn child are automatically diagnosed with anemia. The reasons for the development of anemia may be a lack of folic acid or vitamin B12. Well, the consequence of a lack of hemoglobin is often a delay in the growth and development of the fetus, as well as premature birth.

Calcium is directly involved in the formation of all hard tissues: bones, teeth, nail plate. To prevent the expectant mother's teeth from crumbling, it is recommended to eat dairy products enriched with this component every day.

Many women are interested in the question, what does the embryo eat in early pregnancy? Until a direct blood supply to the placenta with the mother's body is established, the fetus receives nutrients from glycogen that has accumulated on the inner walls of the uterus. It provides a complete and timely supply of amino acids - the main sources of vital energy.

Nutrition for toxicosis

Toxicosis is a common symptom that occurs in women in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is accompanied by such unpleasant reactions of the body as:

  • irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • dermatoses;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting (especially in the morning);
  • change in taste.

To reduce the manifestation of these symptoms to a minimum, you should choose the right nutrition for toxicosis in early pregnancy.

The activity of toxicosis will decrease if food is consumed not 3 times a day, but 6-7 small portions. In the morning (without getting out of bed) and in the evening before going to bed, you can eat a few croutons of white bread, pieces of dried fruit or a couple of nuts.

Vomiting is reduced by warm mint tea with the addition of a lemon wedge. It is strongly recommended to replace powdered juices with dyes with herbal infusions, mineral water without gases or fruits containing a large amount of liquid (watermelon, melon, grapes).

Heavy foods for the stomach of a pregnant woman should be replaced with steam. For example, instead of fried potatoes or pork chop, it is better to give preference to a steamed fish or chicken cutlet with boiled vegetables for a side dish.

Vomiting is accompanied by another unpleasant symptom - dehydration. Therefore, it is very important to replenish fluid reserves in a timely manner. A pregnant woman should drink about 2 liters of clean water per day. But overdoing it on this issue is dangerous, since excessive fluid intake will lead to edema.

What is useful to eat

Let's define the better to eat early in pregnancy ... To compose food groups, first, let's figure out the calorie content of food. In the first three months, the norm of calories per day for a pregnant woman is 1800 kcal. Of them:

  • About 50% should come from carbohydrates. They are found in whole grain pasta, potatoes, and cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, millet).
  • Only 30% of calories the body should get from fat. Moreover, this is not fatty meat or fish, but butter, dairy products,.
  • The remaining 20% ​​of calories belong to the protein group of foods: eggs, legumes, fish, poultry.

What does the diet of a pregnant woman look like for the day

During pregnancy, it is best to eat fresh food, steamed or over an open fire. A balanced menu for a pregnant woman for the day looks like this:

Recommended meals and appointment times Alternative
8 ocloc'k
Partially skimmed milk - 200 ml

2 pieces of biscuit

Coffee, with sugar (1 spoon)

Whole milk - 150 ml

Whole Yogurt - 1 Jar

Low fat yogurt - 2 jars

Tea - 1 cup

10 hours
Seasonal fruits - 150 g Orange juice - 1 glass

A piece of unsweetened biscuit

13 hours
Pasta (70 g dry) or rice with cheese (15 g), tomato and butter (1 tsp)

Lean meat (beef, veal, chicken, rabbit, liver) - 150 g

Bread - 1 slice

Fresh fruits - 100 g

Fruit drink - 1 glass

Stewed vegetables - 100 g with herbs (parsley, dill)

Fresh or frozen fish - 200 g (exclude eel, mackerel, fish in oil)

17 hours
Partially skimmed milk - 150 ml Whole milk - 170 ml

1 piece of unsweetened biscuit + tea

Low fat yogurt - 1 can

Orange juice - 1 glass

20 hours
Seasonal fruits - 150 g

Vegetable soup (no potatoes or beans)

Fish - 200 g

Orange juice - 1 glass

1 piece of unsweetened biscuit

Vegetable soup with potatoes or beans

Fresh grated cheese - 100 g

Boiled beef - 100 g

Lean meat (veal, chicken breast) - 150 g

Leading nutritional value products

Now we will talk about what is good to eat in early pregnancy ... There are some foods that have the highest levels of nutrients and micronutrients. It is them that are recommended to be eaten with vitamin deficiency and low hemoglobin levels.

Fig. This sweet oriental fruit is rich in fiber, which helps normalize the digestive system. In addition, in 100 gr. the product contains about 25% of the daily value of calcium. It can be eaten fresh or dried, or added to homemade cakes.

Artichokes. They are a valuable source of iron, fiber, and folic acid. Most often, soups and salads are prepared from artichokes. Very often this plant is used for cooking Italian dishes: pasta, pizza.

Pumpkin seeds. 100 g peeled seeds contain 5 gr. vegetable protein. They help to strengthen the muscles of the expectant mother and relieve stress on the back and abdomen. Also, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds contain magnesium, which normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.

Beekeeping products. Honey is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It can be safely used instead of sugar, added to fruit salads or desserts. 100 g contains 14 mg of calcium, 36 mg of potassium, 18 mg of phosphorus, 0.8 mg of iron, as well as B vitamins.

What is better to abstain from

So what shouldn't you eat in early pregnancy? What can negatively affect the development of the unborn baby and the mother's condition?

First of all, early pregnancy nutrition must be of high quality. Before eating, products must go through all sanitary standards for processing, including thermally. This is necessary so that bacteria, fungi and other harmful microorganisms could not interfere with the normal development of the child in the womb.

Raw fish and meat, including caviar and some Japanese food can cause helminthiasis that can affect the fetus.

  • Flour and sweet in large quantities will lead to rapid weight gain . In this regard, the diet should be adjusted already in the early stages of pregnancy, so that by 8-9 months a pregnant woman can easily move around without heaviness in the legs, fatigue and shortness of breath.
  • Smoked products (meat, sausage, fish), as well as canned food, contain substances that negatively affect liver cells. If these products are abused, a newborn baby develops "jaundice" (botulism).
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. ... Poisonous substances contained in alcohols can harm the health of the baby.

    When drawing up a daily menu, each woman independently chooses which products to use based on her own taste preferences. And, nevertheless, we advise you to heed our recommendations on how what to eat in early pregnancy ... Correct, healthy food, as well as a constant diet will help to spend all 9 months of waiting with great pleasure for mom and baby.

Unfortunately, almost every pregnant woman has to deal with it. After 9 months of pregnancy, it is almost impossible to avoid cold weather or dampness, as well as contact with an infected person, especially if there are already small children at home.

Due to hormonal changes and lowered immunity, the body of the expectant mother does not cope well with viruses. You should not treat ARVI lightly, any infection can harm the baby, so treatment should only take place under the supervision of a doctor.

Colds during pregnancy: causes and symptoms

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy:

  • ... During pregnancy, Paracetamol and preparations based on it are allowed. Paracetamol is included in various powders for both symptoms and. However, it is not recommended to get carried away with them during pregnancy; it is enough to take Paracetamol itself if the temperature is above 38 degrees. Be sure to inform the doctor about the presence of a temperature, some cases require hospitalization. Paracetamol is taken no more than 4 times a day. If the temperature continues to hold, see a doctor immediately. You can not take aspirin and drugs containing it, as it can provoke.
  • Rest and drink plenty of water. These seemingly outdated guidelines remain very effective for colds and fevers. The woman should rest and drink more, especially warm drinks. It is worth remembering that during pregnancy, the permissible fluid intake must not be exceeded due to the large load on the kidneys. If you drink a lot of water and warm tea, milk, limit the amount of other liquids you drink, such as juices, yoghurts, soups, etc. If swelling develops, see your doctor.
  • Don't overheat. In extreme heat, chills sometimes occur, a pregnant woman seeks to cover herself with a warm blanket and begins to dress warmer. This can provoke an even greater upturn. You need to drink more warm liquid, sweat profusely, but not overheat.
  • Rubdowns. Rubbing with vinegar during pregnancy can be done, but after consulting a doctor. In no case should you take hot baths or steam your legs, this can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

Runny nose during pregnancy

Useful video - Colds during pregnancy: treatment and prevention.

Rubella is especially dangerous during pregnancy. Its symptoms may resemble a common cold, but with the addition of a red rash, which can be easily attributed to allergies. Only an experienced physician can identify the symptoms of rubella. This infection can affect the fetus and cause developmental delays.

Colds in the second and third trimester are less dangerous than in the first, however, in the absence of treatment and monitoring, complications cannot always be avoided. For example, a viral infection can cause polyhydramnios, complications in the form of diseases of the genital organs, chronic diseases, as well as the addition of a bacterial infection.It is impossible to predict what a common cold will lead to during pregnancy, but you can significantly reduce the risk if you consult a doctor on time and follow all his recommendations.

It can be difficult to treat during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when almost all drugs are prohibited, so it is best to take care of your health in advance.

Preventive measures:

  1. If the pregnancy is planned, then you need to start strengthening the immune system even before conception. Doctors recommend to undergo an examination before pregnancy, drink vitamins, folic acid, temper, refrain from bad habits. All this contributes to the fact that during pregnancy a woman is much easier to tolerate such unpleasant phenomena as toxicosis, and is also less susceptible to viral diseases.
  2. Proper nutrition during pregnancy means a lot, not only for immunity, but also for the normal development of the child, as well as for the functioning of the digestive tract. If you eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables, eat fish, lean meat and avoid chemical additives, you can avoid a number of problems: fetal hypoxia, constipation and hemorrhoids, heartburn, colds and even severe toxicosis.
  3. The mom-to-be should dress for the weather. In the cold season, do not hesitate to dress warmer. In the wardrobe of the expectant mother, there may be leggings and pantyhose with fleece, warm hats and scarves. This will help avoid viral diseases and hospitalization.
  4. Don't forget about safety. The expectant mother must take care of herself, therefore it is necessary to reduce all contact with infected people. However, it is not always possible to determine that a person is infected the first time, so avoid kissing your girlfriends, do not try cosmetics in stores, especially lipstick, wash your hands after public transport, try to use public toilets as little as possible.

Despite the fact that the body deliberately lowers immunity to maintain pregnancy, it can be strengthened within reason. Drinking serious drugs to strengthen the immune system, as well as multivitamin complexes, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Doctors say alcohol consumption and pregnancy are incompatible things. Negative impact addiction occurs even with a slight intake of alcoholic beverages. It is not recommended to consume alcohol during the lactation period.

    Can pregnant women drink alcohol?

    The opinion of experts regarding the possibility of drinking alcohol during pregnancy vary greatly. Some argue that any amount of alcohol can cause irreparable harm to a child's health. Others believe that a small amount of wine or beer harmful effects will not.

    Every woman has the right to independently decide on this issue. But it is desirable to get rid of possible risks as much as possible. Baby's health is much more important than momentary weakness. Scientists have proven that pathology of fetal development cannot be avoided if you regularly drink 75 grams of alcoholic beverage. At a lower dosage, the risk of an unfavorable outcome is reduced, but not significantly.

    ON A NOTE! Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages leaves an imprint on the functioning of a woman's reproductive system. The quality of the eggs decreases, the number of which is not replenished over time.

    In the early stages

    The bond between the baby and the mother is established with the moment of embryo attachment into the uterus. In early pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is much higher than in any other period. In the first trimester the baby is not yet protected from external influences by the placenta. His vulnerability obliges a woman to be sensitive to her body.

    It is especially dangerous to take alcohol in the period from 7 to 12 weeks of the position. At that time the brain is formed... If this process is influenced, the child's ability to learn suffers. The work of the departments responsible for memory and speech apparatus functioning... The immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems also suffer.

    IMPORTANT! At the stage of planning pregnancy, a man should also stop drinking alcohol. This will increase the likelihood of successful conception and insure against the possibility of fetal freezing.

    At a later date

    For more later terms important life support systems for the child have already been formed. Some women believe that it is impossible to harm the baby with alcohol during this period. When ethanol enters the woman's body, it goes to the child. In an adult small doses of alcohol cause a state of slight intoxication. The baby at this moment may develop acute toxic poisoning.

    First of all, the gastrointestinal system, liver, kidneys and nervous system are affected. This promotes the development of serious chronic diseases in future. When alcohol enters the woman's body, the baby can develop hypoxia. This condition is life threatening.

    Often, these children do not have a sucking reflex. They have difficulty swallowing. As a result, the baby does not receive enough nutrients from food. This leads to weight loss and inhibition of general development.

    The drinking woman condemns her baby to become a "passive alcoholic". With repeated intake of ethyl alcohol into his body, addiction develops. As a result, the child is born moody and sickly. Regular drinking alcohol in the later stages are fraught with the following complications:

    • delivery ahead of schedule;
    • miscarriage;
    • developmental defects;
    • oppression of the defenses of the baby's body.

    REFERENCE! By no means in all cases is the negative effect of alcohol manifested immediately. Most often, problems appear during the period of the child's sexual development.

    What kind of alcohol can pregnant women take?

    It is believed that moderate consumption of certain alcoholic beverages during pregnancy will not harm the fetus. This claim is controversial. But some doctors do not prohibit taking low alcohol drinks... These include red wine, beer and champagne. It is believed that small doses allow a woman to relax, which has a beneficial effect on the gestation process.

    In the event that a woman has nervous tension, it is not necessary to solve the problem of drinking alcohol. There are alternative ways to restore the body's strength. Relaxing effect provides aromatherapy, breathing exercises, yoga, walking and practicing your favorite hobbies.

    Permissible dosage

    Scientists have established the dosages of alcohol permissible during pregnancy. Allowed to accept no more than 100 grams alcoholic beverages in Week. Drinks with a low alcohol content should be preferred.

    Despite the established boundaries of permissible norms, you need to understand that no one is immune from the consequences. In medicine, there have been cases of a sad outcome, even with an insignificant amount drunk alcohol.

    IMPORTANT! The complete elimination of ethanol from the body is carried out in 24 days. During this time, he manages to penetrate into the baby's body.

    Consequences of use

    Ethanol entering the body of a pregnant woman increases the likelihood of developing abnormalities in a child. This is confirmed by experiments carried out on chicken embryos. With regular exposure to alcohol the body of an unborn baby, its viability decreases. The main pathologies that have developed as a result of exposure to alcohol include:

    • heart defects;
    • visual impairment;
    • pathology of the structure of the face (cleft lip, underdevelopment of the jaw, narrow eyes);
    • dropsy;
    • critical underweight;
    • defective development of the spinal canal;
    • abnormalities in the work of the joints;
    • microcephaly;
    • abnormal structure of internal organs;
    • developmental delay.

    The likelihood of developing pathologies when using alcohol-containing products is 50%. Doctors consider this figure to be quite high. The elimination of ethanol from the baby's body occurs several times slower. At a time when the woman has already forgotten about the alcohol she has drunk, the child may be in the womb. unconscious.

    If the desire to drink is too strong, the expectant mother can deceive the body. Beer can replace kvass, you can drink soda instead of champagne, and pomegranate or grape juice will become an alternative to wine. Do not forget that momentary weakness can ruin life future child.